The Libradtran Software Package for Radiative Transfer Calculations (Version 2.0.1)
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Manuscript prepared for Geosci. Model Dev. with version 5.0 of the LATEX class copernicus.cls. Date: 12 April 2016 The libRadtran software package for radiative transfer calculations (Version 2.0.1) Claudia Emde1, Robert Buras-Schnell5, Arve Kylling2, Bernhard Mayer1, Josef Gasteiger1, Ulrich Hamann4, Jonas Kylling2,3, Bettina Richter1, Christian Pause1, Timothy Dowling6, and Luca Bugliaro7 1Meteorological Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Theresienstr. 37, D-80333 Munich, Germany 2NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway 3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway 4MeteoSwiss, Radar, Satellite and Nowcasting Division, Via ai Monti 146, Locarno, Switzerland 5Schnell Algorithms, Am Erdapfelgarten¨ 1, 82205 Gilching, Germany 6Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Louisville, KY 40292 USA 7Institut fur¨ Physik der Atmosphare,¨ Deutsches Zentrum fur¨ Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Wessling, Germany Correspondence to: Claudia Emde ([email protected]) Abstract. libRadtran is a widely used software package for 25 1 Introduction radiative transfer calculations. It allows to compute (polar- ized) radiances, irradiances, and actinic fluxes in the so- Radiative transfer modeling is essential for remote sensing lar and thermal spectral regions. libRadtran has been used of planetary atmospheres, but also for many other fields in 5 for various applications, including remote sensing of clouds, atmospheric physics: e.g., atmospheric chemistry which is aerosols and trace gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, climate largely influenced by photochemical reactions, calculation of studies, e.g., for the calculation of radiative forcing due to 30 radiative forcing in climate models, and radiatively driven different atmospheric components, for UV-forcasting, the dynamics in numerical weather prediction models. calculation of photolysis frequencies, and for remote sens- The libRadtran software package is a versatile toolbox 10 ing of other planets in our solar system. The package has which has been used for various applications related to at- been described in Mayer and Kylling (2005). Since then sev- mospheric radiation, a list of publications that have used the eral new features have been included, for example polar- 35 package can be found on the website http://www.libradtran. ization, Raman scattering, a new molecular gas absorption org, currently it includes more than 400 entries. Applications parameterization, and several new cloud and aerosol scat- include the following topics (the given references are taken 15 tering parameterizations. Furthermore a graphical user in- as examples out of the list of publications): terface is now available which greatly simplifies the usage of the model, especially for new users. This paper gives an – Analysis of UV-radiation measurements, from which overview of libRadtran version 2.0.1 with focus on new fea- 40 parameters like e.g. ozone concentrations, aerosol opti- tures. Applications including these new features are provided cal thickness, UV-index are derived. Since the libRad- tran package originally was a radiative transfer code for 20 as examples of use. A complete description of libRadtran and all its input options is given in the user manual included in the UV spectral range (the main executable is still called the libRadtran software package, which is freely available at uvspec), the model is well established in this research 45 area and frequently used (e.g. Seckmeyer et al., 2008; Kreuter et al., 2014). – Cloud and aerosol remote sensing using measure- ments in solar and thermal spectral regions. The devel- oped retrieval methods are for ground-based, satellite 2 C. Emde et al.: The libRadtran software package 50 and air-borne instruments which measure (polarized) ra- Since the publication of the first libRadtran reference pa- diances (e.g. Painemal and Zuidema, 2011; Bugliaro per (Mayer and Kylling, 2005) the model has been further et al., 2011; Zinner et al., 2010; Alexandrov et al., developed. It includes numerous new features which will be 2012). the focus of this paper. 100 One of the major extensions is the implementation of po- – Volcanic ash studies including remote sensing of ash larization in the radiative transfer solver MYSTIC (Emde 55 mass concentrations (e.g. Gasteiger et al., 2011; Kylling et al., 2010), which is important because an increasing num- et al., 2015) and visibility of ash particles from the pi- ber of polarimetric observations have been performed during lot’s perspective (e.g. Weinzierl et al., 2012). the last years and are planned for the future, from ground, 105 satellite, and aircraft. These observations include more in- – Remote sensing of surface properties; a model like formation about optical and microphysical properties of at- libRadtran is particularly important to develop atmo- mospheric particles than total radiances alone (Kokhanovsky 60 spheric correction methods (e.g. Drusch et al., 2012; et al., 2010; Mishchenko et al., 2007). Another important Schulmann et al., 2015). reason for considering polarization is that in the short-wave – Trace gas remote sensing, libRadtran can be used as 110 spectral region (below about 500 nm) the neglection of polar- ization can lead to large errors: more than 10% for a molecu- forward model for retrievals of O3, NO2 and BrO from DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) lar atmosphere and up to 5% for an atmosphere with aerosol 65 measurements (e.g. Theys et al., 2007; Emde et al., (Mishchenko et al., 1994; Kotchenova et al., 2006). 2011). Moreover libRadtran now includes a solver to calculate 115 rotational Raman scattering (Kylling et al., 2011) which im- – Calculation of actinic fluxes in order to quantify pho- proves the accuracy of trace gas retrievals. Further the Raman tolysis rates for atmospheric chemistry (e.g. Suminska-´ scattering signal can be used to estimate cloud top pressure Ebersoldt et al., 2012). from satellite measurements and aerosol properties from sur- face and satellite observations. 70 – Determination of solar direct irradiance and global ir- 120 Numerous state-of-the-art parameterizations for aerosol radiance distributions in order to optimize locations of and ice cloud optical properties have been included (see solar energy platforms (e.g. Lohmann et al., 2006) and Secs. 5 and 6). These new parameterizations provide more calculation of circumsolar irradiance (Reinhardt et al., accurate radiance calculations. In particular for polarized ra- 2014). diative transfer, which requires not only a scattering phase 125 function but the full scattering matrix, new data on optical 75 – Simulation of satellite radiances to be used for data properties were required. In order to improve the accuracy assimilation in numerical weather prediction models for highly peaked phase functions – which are typical for ice (Kostka et al., 2014). clouds – an improved intensity correction method has been – Validation of radiation schemes included in climate developed and included into the DISORT solver (Buras et al., models (Forster et al., 2011), calculation of radiative 130 2011), and new variance reduction methods have been devel- 80 forcing of clouds and contrail cirrus (Forster et al., oped for the Monte Carlo solver MYSTIC (Buras and Mayer, 2012), impacts of aviation on climate (e.g. Lee et al., 2011). libRadtran has also been rewritten to allow simula- 2010) tions with an arbitrary number of cloud and aerosol types – which can e.g. be used to take into account detailed particle – Simulation of heating rates in three-dimensional atmo- 135 size distributions (number densities for discretized size bins) spheres to develop fast radiation parameterizations for that can be different in each layer. In earlier versions it was 85 Large Eddy Simulation (LES) models (Klinger and only possible to take into account parameterized size distri- Mayer, 2014). butions such as gamma or log-normal distributions. A new gas absorption parameterization for the solar and – total eclipse Simulation of solar radiation during a 140 thermal spectral ranges has been developed (Gasteiger et al., (Emde and Mayer, 2007). 2014). It is available in different spectral resolutions and can be applied for the simulation of radiances and irradiances. – Rotational Raman scattering, which explains the It is particularly useful for efficient simulations of radiances 90 filling-in of Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum measured by satellite instruments (see Sec. 4.1). (Kylling et al., 2011). 145 The DISORT radiative transfer solver has been translated – Estimation of background radiation affecting lidar from FORTRAN77 to the C programming language. All vari- measurements (e.g. Ehret et al., 2008) ables were transferred from single to double precision. These changes improved the numerical stability of the code and re- – Remote sensing of planetary atmospheres (e.g. Ran- duced computational time significantly (for details see Buras 95 nou et al., 2010) 150 et al., 2011). C. Emde et al.: The libRadtran software package 3 The paper is organized as follows: Sec. 2 provides an 175 tration profiles, ...) needs to be provided as input to the overview of the uvspec radiative transfer model which is model. the core of the libRadtran package. Sec. 3 gives a short de- scription of the radiative transfer solvers included in uvspec. 2. The user may select between various parameteriza- 155 Sec. 4 provides a summary of how molecules