Front pages 6/7/98 8:17 PM Page 1 BUGIS SETTLERS IN EAST KALIMANTANÕS KUTAI NATIONAL PARK THEIR PAST AND PRESENT AND SOME POSSIBILITIES FOR THEIR FUTURE Andrew P. Vayda and Ahmad Sahur CIFOR CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY RESEARCH CIFOR Special Publication Front pages 6/7/98 8:17 PM Page 2 © 1996 Center for International Forestry Research Published by Center for International Forestry Research mailing address: P.O. Box 6596 JKPWB, Jakarta 10065, Indonesia tel.: +62-251-622622 fax: +62-251-622100 e-mail:
[email protected] WWW: with support from UNDP/UNESCO/Government of Indonesia Project INS/93/004 on Management Support to Kutai National Park Jl. M.H. Thamrin 14 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia ISBN 979-8764-12-9 Front pages 6/7/98 8:17 PM Page 3 CONTENTS Preface v Introduction 1 Some Teluk Pandan Findings Amenability to Relocation 7 The Pull of Industry and the Pull of the Forest 8 Compensation for Land 11 Patrons and Clients 15 Willingness to Move in Return only for Compensation 18 Effects of Compensation Expectations on Buying and Using Land 24 Comparisons Selimpus 27 Sangkimah 33 Bugis Settlers Relocated to Km 24 40 Bugis Settlers Relocated from Bukit Soeharto 43 Concluding Remarks 49 References Cited 52 Front pages 6/7/98 8:17 PM Page 5 PREFACE This report presents detailed results of human ecology-anthropological research in a very specific place, with a specific ethnic group, and deals with a context which a particular national government sees as a specific ÒproblemÓ. This would seem to make it an unlikely candi- date for publication by CIFOR, an institution mandated and dedicated to research which is of widespread public benefit.