Science Research Reporter, 5(2): 153-176, (Oct. - 2015) © RUT Printer and Publisher Online, Open Access Available at ISSN: 2249-2321 (Print); ISSN: 2249-7846 (Online) Research Article Genus Acacia P. Miller s. l. (Fabaceae) In Maharashtra (India): Diversity and Ecological Status Garad K. U. 1*, R. D. Gore2, S. P. Gaikwad3 1 Taxa Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Shankarrao Mohite Mahavidyalaya, Akluj, Solapur- 413 101 (MS), India. 23 Life Science Research Laboratory, Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur- 413 006 (MS), India. *
[email protected] Article Info Abstract Received: 03-09-2015, Present taxonomic revision on the genus Acacia P. Miller is provided based on Revised: 26-09-2015, critical field studies, and examination of specimens deposited in various herbaria Accepted: 30-09-2015 such as Botanical Survey of India, Pune (BSI); Blatter Herbarium, Mumbai (BLAT); and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Herbarium, Keywords: Aurangabad (BAMUA); Walchand College Herbarium, Solapur (WCAS. The Acacia, Ecology, Maharashtra, genus Acacia P. Miller comes under 34 species and 5 subspecies in Maharashtra. Phylogeny, Revision, A. concurrens Pedly, is newly recorded from Maharashtra. This revision provides Socioeconomic. an artificial key to species, updated nomenclature, citations, detailed morphological descriptions, notes on identity, present ecological status, and socioeconomic relevance within political boundaries of Maharashtra state (India). INTRODUCTION mid-19th century, following a series of paper