Flora and Vegetation Communities of Selected Islands Off the Kimberley Coast of Western Australia

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Flora and Vegetation Communities of Selected Islands Off the Kimberley Coast of Western Australia

RECORDS OF THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM 81 205–244 (2014) DOI: 10.18195/issn.0313-122x.81.2014.205-244 SUPPLEMENT

Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western

M.N. Lyons1*, G.J. Keighery1, L.A. Gibson2 and T. Handasyde3

1 Department of Parks and Wildlife, Science and Conservation Division, Keiran McNamara Conservation Science Centre, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, 6983, Australia.

2 Department of Parks and Wildlife, Science and Conservation Division, PO Box 51, Wanneroo, Western Australia 6946, Australia.

3 Department of Parks and Wildlife, Science and Conservation Division, PO Box 942, Kununurra, Western Australia 6743, Australia. * Corresponding author: [email protected]

ABSTRACT – A systematic survey of fl ora and fl oristic communities was undertaken on 24 selected inshore islands off the (NK) coast between 2007 and 2010. One hundred and thirty seven 50 x 50 m quadrats were sampled for fl oristics and surface soils, and site attributes recorded. Quadrat sampling was supplemented by general collecting to further document the fl oristics of major substrates and habitats of each island. We recorded 1005 taxa from the surveyed islands, of which, 403 taxa were new records for the collective islands of the NK bioregion. Based on existing Western Australian Herbarium collections and current survey records, the fl ora recorded from the islands represents approximately 49 percent of the NK bioregion fl ora. A total of 57 taxa of conservation signifi cance were recorded from the surveyed islands. Few taxa appear to be restricted to islands. Very few weed were recorded, except from the islands with a modern history of settlement. Ten fl oristic groups were defi ned by the classifi cation of species presence/absence within quadrats. Broad geology coupled with climate and local edaphic parameters appeared to be the main factors infl uencing the vegetation patterns observed on the islands sampled. Among quadrats on the hard/ rocky substrates, there was a compositional gradation from the communities of the sandstone geologies to the more fertile volcanic/dolerite substrates, which was refl ected in the values of the soil parameters. In terms of the conservation signifi cance of the islands as a whole, the largest and wettest islands were shown to be particularly important as they supported the highest number of NK bioregion endemic plant species. Highest numbers of priority taxa also tended to occur on the largest islands. However, some of the drier islands had unique species assemblages with elements of arid/semi-arid zone fl ora that were not well represented on other islands. Future management of the islands requires strategies that minimize both the risk of exotic weed introductions, and inappropriate fi re that would threaten the persistence of fi re-sensitive vegetation.

KEYWORDS: botanical survey, endemism, fl oristic composition, island conservation, Northern Kimberley, vegetation patterns

INTRODUCTION ‘biodiversity hotspots’ (SEWPaC 2012). Existing and/or future threats to biodiversity is also The Northern Kimberley (NK) bioregion of considered in the identification of hotspots as, Western Australia (Thackway and Cresswell 1995) is widely regarded as one of the world’s given no threat mitigation, the potential impact few remaining tropical areas with largely intact on the biodiversity in such areas are likely to be ecosystems where native species and communities unusually high (Woinarski et al. 2006). In the are well represented, and the richness of locally NK bioregion, an increasing body of research endemic species is high (May and McKenzie has highlighted ongoing and emerging threats 2002; McKenzie et al. 2009). As such, this region to the region’s biodiversity posed by altered fi re is recognised as one of Australia’s 15 national regimes, invasive weeds, introduced predators 206 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde and grazing by feral (McKenzie et al. (Crawford 2001). As a consequence, agricultural 1991; McKenzie et al. 2009). The low-nutrient soils activity was limited to a very small number of the NK bioregion have historically discouraged of islands and this activity was not sustained pastoral activity in this area. However, localised (Crawford 2001). On the other hand, archaeological degradation of habitats such as rainforest and evidence and accounts from Aboriginal Traditional riverine vegetation, along with a landscape-scale Owners indicate that Aboriginal people made simplification of the savanna ecosystems that extensive use of the islands, and this included dominate the region is now evident (McKenzie et landscape-burning (Vigilante et al. 2013). However, al. 2009). Studies of fi re regimes at the landscape their movement to mainland settlements in the scale have shown large areas of the NK bioregion 1900s resulted in islands that were no longer are subject to large-scale, frequent and intense fi res, actively burnt (Vigilante et al. 2013). The infl uence often occurring in the late dry season (Fisher et al. of Aboriginal burning on the vegetation structure 2003; Vigilante and Bowman 2004; Vigilante et al. and composition of the Kimberley islands is little 2004). These contemporary fi re regimes are believed understood. Aboriginal occupation of the islands to be the cause of changes in the structure and ranged from permanent to seasonal or occasional fl oristic composition of woody savanna vegetation visits, which was dependent on island size, (Vigilante and Bowman 2004; Russell-Smith et al. resource availability and accessibility (Vigilante et 2012). McKenzie and Belbin (1991) documented al. 2013). Consequently, burning on islands would damage to rainforest patches in the Kimberley have varied considerably with differential effects from intense fi res coupled with damage by cattle. on the vegetation. Batianoff and Dillewaard (1997) The long-lived and widespread obligate seeder, similarly suggested that vegetation changes on columellaris, has declined across the region the Great Barrier Reef continental islands due to in response to changed fi re regimes (Graham 2002). Aboriginal burning were confi ned to larger islands Studies of shorter-lived obligate seeding species with fresh water and potentially smaller islands elsewhere in northern Australia, also suggest that with easy access. The movement of Aboriginal current fi re regimes may locally eliminate taxa people to the mainland, and consequent changed through the inability of species to reach maturity fi re frequency, is also likely to have resulted in and replenish soil banks between fi re events changes in vegetation patterns on the islands (Russell-Smith et al. 2002, 2012). (Bowman 1998; Woinarski et al. 2000). The NK bioregion remains the most weed-free Isolated from the mainland by rising sea levels region of the Kimberley, albeit with signifi cant up to 10,000 years ago (Nix and Kalma 1972), the emerging threats from the spread of currently Kimberley islands are believed to be microcosms localised infestations and taxa occurring in of the vegetation communities widespread on neighbouring bioregions (McKenzie et al. 2009). the adjacent NK mainland. Previous surveys and The spread of Grader Grass (Themeda quadrivalvis) botanical collections from the islands suggest that this is the case. The earliest botanical collections and the potential invasion of Gamba Grass from the Kimberley islands were made by botanist (Andropogon gayanus) represent signifi cant threats Alan Cunningham who accompanied Lieutenant to NK bioregion plant communities, and will King on three voyages visiting the Kimberley Coast further complicate fi re management as has been between 1819 and 1822 (Curry et al. 2002). It was observed in the tropical savannas of the Northern not until the turn of the 20th century that additional Territory (Rossiter-Rachor et al. 2008). Additionally, island collections were made by W.V. Fitzgerald a number of exotic taxa that smother native (Sunday Island – 1906; Fitzgerald 1919). The fi rst vegetation including Cryptostegia madagascariensis, published survey of the Kimberley islands focused Merremia species, Clitoria ternata and Ipomoea largely on fauna but included broad vegetation pes-tigridis may spread from currently isolated descriptions for 23 islands (Burbidge and McKenzie occurrences. Passifl ora foetida, a climber that also 1978). Field work was conducted in the dry seasons smothers vegetation, is already ubiquitous in of 1971–1973, and significant numbers of plant the region (Carwardine et al. 2011; CCWA 2010). collections were lodged at the Western Australian Furthermore, the rocky landscapes of the NK (WA) Herbarium (PERTH). Beard et al. (1984) give bioregion concentrate the impact of feral and short descriptions of the vegetation of the Osborn domestic cattle in the productive riparian zones. islands and Fenelon Island following a brief Here, vegetation trampling, selective removal of visit to these islands in the late 1970s. Rainforest palatable species and soil disturbance exacerbate patches were also surveyed for on eight the propensity for weed invasion (McKenzie et al. islands as part of a broader rainforest survey of 2009). the Northern Kimberley in 1987-1989 (Kenneally et In contrast to the Northern Kimberley mainland, al. 1991). Koolan Island off the Yampi Peninsula in the more than 2500 islands along this coastline the Kimberley was surveyed in detail during the have been less-altered by human-associated wet season of 1993 and a comprehensive species disturbances. Historically, the remoteness and list compiled from survey and WA Herbarium lack of permanent fresh water on the islands for collections yielded a species list of 282 taxa most of the year discouraged European settlement (Keighery et al. 1995). Additionally, a summary VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 207 of biodiversity publications and unpublished ventures (e.g. Kenneally et al. 1996), and a limited information by island, for those greater than 200 number of surveys undertaken for mining and hectares, and a number of smaller islands with petroleum development approvals. known biodiversity values, is provided by the Here, we add to this information base and further Conservation Commission of Western Australia address the question of islands as microcosms of (CCWA 2010). the NK mainland by examining patterns in fl oristic The largest existing botanical data source composition across 24 of the largest Kimberley for Kimberley islands is the specimen data for islands using systematic quadrat-based sampling. vouchers lodged at the WA Herbarium, which These quadrats will also be important quantitative includes approximately 3060 collections of vascular benchmarks for long-term monitoring of vegetation plants from 98 Kimberley islands. Few islands had composition, fi re and weeds. This botanical survey signifi cant numbers of collections, with only 18 forms part of an integrated biological survey having more than 50 herbarium records. A large carried out between 2007 and 2010, which included number of islands (58) had fewer than 10 records; sampling for mammals, reptiles, frogs, land snails a refl ection of the largely opportunistic nature of and – the Kimberley Island Biodiversity the survey effort for the islands of the Kimberley, Survey (KIBS). An overview of the background to and the diffi culty of accessing this remote area. the survey, rationale for island selection, design and Collections included vouchers from the previously logistics is provided by Gibson and McKenzie (2012). mentioned surveys and a number of unpublished surveys including the Northern Australia METHODS Quarantine Strategy (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service) surveys, Buccaneer Archipelago STUDY AREA Survey 1982 (Western Australian Department of Fisheries and Wildlife), Western Australian Twenty-four islands were sampled from Sunday Naturalist Club expeditions (e.g. Coate 2011), Island in the south-west to Adolphus Island in collections by botanists associated with ecotourism Cambridge Gulf in the east Kimberley (Figure 1).

FIGURE 1 Location of Kimberley islands surveyed along the north-west coast of Australia. Biogeographic regions are also shown. 208 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

On each island, sampling was centred on campsites the coding systems outlined in McDonald et al. positioned to enable access on foot to the maximum (1998). Rock abundance and size was summed to number of habitats present. Habitats were identifi ed give another measure of rockiness (rock total). based on geology and broad structural vegetation Broad surfi cial geology for each quadrat was noted types. Two campsites were required on larger based on field observations and confirmed by islands (Adolphus, Augustus, Bigge, Coronation, 1:250,000 geological maps (Geological Survey of Jungulu/Darcy, Middle Osborn and Sir Graham Western Australia 2010). Quadrat location, values Moore) to better access the environmental variation. of substrate attributes and geological codes are Islands were sampled in the dry season (winter) provided in Appendix 1. Additionally, soil samples and resampled in the subsequent wet season from the top 10 cm of the profi le were taken at 10 (summer) with approximately a third of the spaced points across each quadrat and combined islands being sampled each year between 2007 as a site sample (10 x 100 g). Particle size and soil and 2010. Two islands, Mary and Wargul Wargul chemical analyses were performed on the samples were sampled in the dry season of 2010, but not by the Chemistry Centre of Western Australia. resampled the following wet season. Parameters analysed included pH, electrical The geology of the islands resembles that of conductivity, organic carbon, phosphorous, the adjacent mainland, although even the largest nitrogen, potassium, , magnesium, sodium, islands generally, individually included only two and percent silt, clay and sand (Appendix 2). or three of the variety of Precambrian rock types Extensive plant collections were made outside present on the mainland (Burbidge and McKenzie formal quadrats in both the dry and wet seasons to 1978; Burbidge et al. 1991). General geological supplement species lists for each campsite/island. descriptions of the islands are given in Gibson Particular focus was placed on small scale habitats and McKenzie (2012). Briefly, sandstone and not encompassed by quadrats, for example, the volcanic strata structure the island landscapes. ephemeral species of ‘minor’ wetlands only evident The sandstone units tend to give rise to rugged, in the wet season. Habitats of particular interest dissected terrains, while the volcanics usually which were diffi cult to access due to distance or produce a more rounded and undulating rugged terrain were opportunistically sampled topography. Tertiary duricrusts occur as mesas using a helicopter (e.g. the sandstone plateau of and dissected tablelands on some islands, capping South West Osborn Island). volcanic or sandstone strata. Quaternary sediments occur in coastal areas. To provide a perspective on the fl ora of the NK bioregion islands, a list of the known fl ora of the The Kimberley experiences a tropical monsoon entire NK bioregion was compiled from collections climate with a pronounced dry season extending held in the WA Herbarium. To determine taxa from around April to October, and a wet season endemic to the NK bioregion, broader distributions from November to March when almost all rainfall were determined by querying Australia’s Virtual occurs. Cyclonic activity is also a feature of the Herbarium (AVH) (www.anbg.gov.au/avh/). climate, with an average of two cyclones crossing the northwest Australian coast each cyclone season (http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone/climatology/ DATA ANALYSIS wa.shtml). Average annual rainfall ranges from 1500 mm in the northwest to 800 mm in the PATTERNS IN SPECIES COMPOSITION southeast, and average temperatures range from a daily maximum of 33oC in January to a night time The program PATN (v3.12) (Belbin 1995) was minimum of 15oC in July (http://www.bom.gov.au). used to classify quadrats according to similarities in their species composition, based on presence/ FIELD SAMPLING absence data, using the Bray–Curtis measure of dissimilarity, followed by the flexible UPGMA At least one 50 x 50 metre quadrat was established (unweighted pair-group mean average) clustering within each distinct habitat type, with rectangular algorithm and beta value set to -0.1 (Belbin 1995; transects of the same area (2500 m2) used to Sneath and Sokal 1973). To simplify interpretation sample linear habitats such as , of the data matrix, singleton taxa (i.e. species and riparian zones. Quadrats were marked with recorded from only one quadrat) were excluded aluminium plates on steel pegs or glued to rocks, from the analysis. The 2STAGE routine in PRIMER and each corner was demarcated with a hand 6 (Clarke and Gorley 2006) was used to compare held GPS. Within each quadrat, all vascular plants the full and reduced (minus singletons) association were recorded and voucher specimens collected. matrices using Spearman rank correlation. A Attributes of the substrate – abundance of coarse 99.8% correlation was found between the two fragment and size (i.e. rock), and rock outcrop (or datasets, showing that the singletons added little bedrock) were recorded for each quadrat using information to the classification. The resulting VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 209 association matrix was ordinated using non- distance based on the geographical coordinates of metric multi-dimensional scaling (nMDS) in two the quadrats. The signifi cance of the relationship dimensions (minimum stress of 0.005 and 100 between species similarity and geographic distance restarts) in PRIMER and displayed as a scatter plot was examined using a Monte-Carlo procedure with with clusters defi ned. One quadrat placed in the 999 permutations. mangroves (LONG3) contained only fi ve species Species classifi cation (based on quadrat presence/ (Avicennia marina, Bruguiera exaristata, Ceriops tagal, absence) was performed using the two-step Rhizophora stylosa and Sonneratia alba), and as an algorithm in PATN (Belbin 1980), with clustering extreme outlier, this quadrat was removed from following the method employed for quadrats as analyses. above. The quadrat and species classifications Indicator species characterising each cluster of were combined to generate a sorted two-way table quadrats identified in the above analysis were to help interpret the quadrat groups (Electronic determined following Dufrêne and Legendre Appendix 1). (1997) using the ‘indicspecies’ package (De Cáceres and Legendre 2009) in the R statistical computing RICHNESS OF NORTHERN KIMBERLEY language (R Development Core Team 2009). BIOREGION ENDEMICS The statistical significance of each species as an indicator of a group was tested using 999 The richness of plant species endemic to the permutations. NK bioregion, tallied from KIBS records for each To explore the relationship between island, was related to a set of island attributes, and compositional similarity and quadrat attributes, also to sampling effort (i.e. the number of quadrats the BEST/BIOENV procedure in PRIMER, where sampled on each island) (Appendix 3). Attributes the distances in the association matrix are rank- selected included island area, closest distance to order matched with the Euclidean distances among the mainland, average annual rainfall, maximum each of the site attributes using Spearman’s rank elevation of an island and the extent of rock correlation, was used. This procedure calculates outcrop on each island (referred to as ‘boulder’). the Spearman’s rank correlation coeffi cient (rho) Island size was defi ned as the area of land mass using every possible combination of the predictor (ha) that was unlikely to be inundated (i.e. tidal variables until it finds the combination whose mudfl ats and mangroves were excluded), and was Euclidean distance matrix yields the highest value determined from digitized 1:100,000 topographic of rho (Geffen et al. 2004). Two climate attributes maps. Maximum elevation (m) was also extracted were selected to include in the BEST analysis; from the 1:100,000 topographic maps. Distance to average annual rainfall and maximum temperature the mainland (km) was estimated using Google of the warmest period. Both variables were Earth™ imagery. ‘Boulder’ was determined as: 0 derived using the BIOCLIM module of ANUCLIM = fl at; 1 = rounded, soil-mantled hill slopes and (Houlder et al. 2000). For pairs of variables that plateaux, narrow scree; 2 = shallow joints, wide were highly intercorrelated (P >0.9) a single ledges, moderate scree; and 3 = massive scree, deep variable was retained. In this case, exchangeable joints and scarp country. potassium was retained in preference to total The association between species richness and all potassium (P = 0.91). Rock total was correlated with possible subsets of the six attributes was modelled both abundance and size, but was retained (as it using a generalized linear model (GLM), assuming was derived from summing both). Soil chemical a Poisson distribution. Island size and distance attributes with highly skewed distributions to the mainland was log-transformed prior to were log-transformed and the fi nal variable set analysis. There was no evidence of over dispersion was normalized prior to analysis. Quadrats in in the global model (i.e. c-hat <1). All models were mangroves, being species poor and compositionally included in a fi nal candidate set for averaging to distinct from the terrestrial quadrats, predictably estimate parameters based on the second-order formed an outlier group (ANOSIM routine in Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) (Burnham PRIMER: r = 0.619, P <0.001) and were removed and Anderson 2002). AICc weights were calculated prior to the BEST analysis. Two additional outliers and used to weight model coefficients. The (quadrats HID6 and WARW4), and two quadrats relative importance of covariates was examined by with no corresponding soil attributes (LACH4 summing the AICc weights for each covariate across and WUL5) were also removed prior to the BEST all models in which it occurred (w+; Burnham and analysis. Anderson 2002). Data analyses were run in the R The degree of spatial structure (or distance decay) statistical computing language (R Development in species composition was examined using the Core Team 2009) and the ‘MuMIn’ contributed Mantel test using the PASSaGE software package package. The performance of the averaged-model (Rosenberg and Anderson 2011). A Euclidian was evaluated by regressing the fitted values distance matrix was calculated for geographical against observed species richness values. 210 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

RESULTS coastal region. However, a paucity of survey effort on the mainland Kimberley means that currently A total of 1005 taxa, from 119 families were understood species distributions may alter with recorded from the KIBS islands (Electronic further survey work. Appendix 2 and 4). The families best represented were (133 taxa, ca. 13% of fl ora), SIGNIFICANT CONSERVATION TAXA (108, 11%), Cyperaceae (93, 9%) and (63, 6%). A total of 403 genera were recorded, with Fifty seven taxa listed as Priority Flora by the Cyperus (36 taxa), Fimbristylis (33), (30) and Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) due to Tephrosia (15) the most speciose. About one quarter their conservation signifi cance (http://fl orabase. of all taxa (230 species) were recorded from only dpaw.wa.gov.au/conservationtaxa) were recorded one KIBS quadrat (Electronic Appendix 3). Tallying from the surveyed islands (Table 1). An additional these singletons for each island showed highest nine priority taxa not recorded during the current numbers on the relatively large islands of Augustus survey are known from previous collections held (31), Sir Graham Moore (29), Coronation (25) and in the WA Herbarium (Table 1). Only two islands, Bigge (23). Lachlan and Wulalam, have no recorded priority taxa. Thirty three (approx. 51%) of the listed taxa Based on specimen records at the WA Herbarium, have not been previously recorded from NK the currently known fl ora of the NK bioregion, bioregion islands. A number of Priority Flora including islands, consists of 1975 taxa (133 of occurred on several islands. Parsonsia kimberleyensis these are weeds) (Electronic Appendix 2). Prior to was recorded from thickets and creeklines the KIBS, 834 taxa were known from the islands. on fi ve islands, being previously only known from During the KIBS, 403 taxa were recorded that were the northern tip of the Dampier Peninsula in dune not previously known to occur on these islands. swale vine thickets. Gossypium pilosum, previously Combining records from the KIBS and existing only known from the mainland in the broader herbarium data, 1237 taxa are now known from Mitchell Plateau area, occurred on five islands NK bioregion islands (Electronic Appendix 2). The associated with basalt and laterite soils. Solanum island fl ora represents 49% of the known fl ora of cataphractum was recorded from four islands the NK bioregion; a conservative estimate as taxa consistent with a relatively narrow distribution were amalgamated at the species level to compare centred on islands and the adjacent mainland in the KIBS data with existing herbarium records. the central NK. In the context of the mainland Examining these combined records revealed a very NK bioregion, the Mitchell Plateau, Prince Regent small group of taxa that have only been recorded River and the vicinity of Kalumburu are better in Western Australia (WA) from islands in the NK known botanically, and a group of Priority Flora bioregion (including some of the KIBS islands). For has previously been identifi ed in collections from example, Commicarpus chinensis subsp. chinensis these areas. Many of these taxa were also recorded recorded from Cassini and Corneille islands is from the islands during the KIBS. These included also known from in the Indian Cyperus sulcinux, Fimbristylis sp. E Kimberley Flora Ocean and much of coastal South . Sida pusilla, (C.R. Dunlop 5403), Phyllanthus sp. D Kimberley recorded from Browse and Leseur islands, grows on Flora (C.R. Dunlop 5302), Bossiaea sp. Princess May coralline sand and occurs on islands of the northern Range (M.D. Barrett & R.L. Barrett MDB 1326), Indian and western Pacifi c Oceans and northern Eriocaulon sp. E Kimberley Flora (A.S. George Australia. Muellerargia timorensis occurs in scattered 12635), Boronia fi licifolia and Olearia arguta var. lanata (Table 1). localities across northern Australia and in rainforest and . Salacia chinensis grows Despite having extensive distributions outside in monsoon vine thickets and rainforests typically Western Australia, a number of taxa recorded on close to the sea, and is only known in WA from the islands are deemed of conservation signifi cance South West Osborn Island. Its distribution extends due to the limited number of records within the through northern Australia, Asia and the South state’s jurisdiction. In the Kimberley, such species West Pacifi c. acutangulum has a similar are often associated with rainforest and vine thickets, and have distributions that extend across distribution and is only recorded in WA from tropical northern Australia. calycantha, Berthier and the Maret islands. known to occur as a western outlier on the Mitchell Currently, there are also numerous species that Plateau (also recorded from NT, Qld and New occur in the NK bioregion, that are not known to Guinea), was recorded from Augustus Island. The occur in close proximity to the coast (i.e. within 20- ferns Lygodium flexuosum (recorded from South 30 km), including on islands. For instance, at least West Osborn and Wargul Wargul islands) and 26 of 84 Acacia taxa that occur in the NK bioregion Actinostachys digitata (Un-named Island) have have this distribution pattern. Eight of the 14 distributions across tropical northern Australia, Eucalyptus taxa not recorded on the islands in the with the latter more scattered and extending into NK bioregion have also not been recorded in the and . Croton arnhemicus,


Wargul Wargul Wargul

ections ections Uwins +


South West Osborn West South +

Sunday Storr

nt of Parks and Wildlife’s Wildlife’s and nt of Parks ++

St Andrew St Sir Graham Moore Graham Sir

++ +

NW Molema NW

Middle Osborn Middle



Kingfi sher Kingfi




Coronation + ++ ++

Byam Martin Byam Boongaree



Augustus +++ ++ + ++++

++ Adolphus ++ ++ + + cance collected from islands during the Kimberley Island Biodiversity Survey (+). Additional records from previous island coll records from previous Additional Island Biodiversity Survey (+). cance collected from islands during the Kimberley orabase.dec.wa.gov.au/ (accessed on 9 January 2012). No priority taxa were recorded from Lachlan or Wulalam. or No priority taxarecorded from Lachlan were (accessed on 9 January 2012). orabase.dec.wa.gov.au/ sp. C Kimberley Flora (P.G. Wilson s.n. 12/5/72) Wilson sp. C Kimberley Flora (P.G. + + + sp. D Kimberley Flora (C.R. Dunlop 5302) + + sp. E Kimberley Flora (C.R. Dunlop 5403)sp. I Kimberley Flora (R.J. Hnatiuk 112) + + + + + + + + Taxa of conservation signifi Taxa (Western Australian Herbarium) are also shown (++). Priority status follows Smith (2010) with updates sourced from the Departme Smith (2010) follows (++). Priority status Herbarium) are also shown Australian (Western http://fl FloraBase exus sp. Mt House (E.M. Bennett 1877) + + sp. Bigge Island (A.A. Mitchell 3436) + Marsdenia glandulifera Parsonsia kimberleyensis Pentalepis Phyllanthus Priority 1 Acacia Actinoschoenus triphysa Croton arnhemicus Croton Cyperus sulcinux calycantha Diospyros rigidiuscula Eragrostis Eriachne burkittii Eucalyptus kenneallyi Fimbristylis pachyptera Fimbristylis Fimbristylis Fimbristylis subaristata Goodenia byrnesii nesopelydum Heliotropium refl TABLE 1 TABLE

212 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

Wargul Wargul Wargul Uwins


Un-named + +

South West Osborn West South + ++ Sunday



St Andrew St +

Sir Graham Moore Graham Sir

NW Molema NW

Middle Osborn Middle +

Mary +


Kingfi sher Kingfi




Coronation +

Byam Martin Byam Boongaree


Bigge + ++ +

Augustus ++++ +++++ + Adolphus + + (K.F. Kenneally 10021)(K.F. ++

sp. D Kimberley Flora (K.F. Kenneally 4789) sp. D Kimberley Flora (K.F. + sp. A Kimberley Flora (K.F. Kenneally 8887) Kimberley Flora (K.F. A sp. sp. E Kimberley Flora (A.S. George 12635) sp. E Kimberley Flora (A.S. George sp. Bachsten Creek (R.L. Barrett & M.D. Barrett RLB 3824) & M.D. Barrett (R.L. Barrett sp. Bachsten Creek + accidus sp. Boomerang Bay licifolia sp. Princess May Range (M.D. Barrett & R.L. Barrett MDB 1326) & R.L. Barrett sp. Princess May Range (M.D. Barrett + Brachychiton incanus Brachychiton tridentatus aridus Croton Cupaniopsis anacardioides Eriocaulon Gossypium pilosum Ricinocarpos marginatus Trianthema Priority 3 Acacia kenneallyi Actinoschoenus Aponogeton kimberleyensis Bossiaea Cyperus fl Polycarpaea Ptilotus crispus salignus Sauropus Scleria levis Solanum Sphaeranthus africanus Priority 2 Actinostachys digitata Alysicarpus suffructosus fi Boronia


Wargul Wargul Wargul



South West Osborn West South ++ Sunday


Storr + ++

St Andrew St

Sir Graham Moore Graham Sir +

NW Molema NW ++

Middle Osborn Middle + ++ +



Kingfi sher Kingfi

Katers Hidden



Coronation ++ ++

Byam Martin Byam


Bigge +

++ + ++

Augustus + + + ++++ +++ ++ + + + +

++ + Adolphus ++ + . lavandulacea subsp sp. A Kimberley Flora (B.J. Carter 599) A sp. sp. Berthier Dunes (R.L. Barrett RLB 5753)sp. Berthier Dunes (R.L. Barrett + + + exuosum sp. Mertens Falls (K.F. Kenneally 7887) sp. Mertens Falls (K.F. sp. Dampier Peninsular (K.F. Kenneally 5946) sp. Dampier Peninsular (K.F. l 61514421032211310194429595 Decaschistia byrnesii Eragrostis spartinoides Eragrostis Eriachne Gardenia gardneri Glycine lactovirens Goodenia purpurascens Helicteres Hibbertia echiifolia Ipomoea trichosperma fl Lygodium lanata var. Olearia arguta Phragmites karka Phyllanthus aridus Polymeria distigma Solanum cataphractum Solanum leopoldense Spermacoce perizostera acutispicula Triodia Whiteochloa capillipes Priority 4 Brachychiton xanthophyllus Haemodorum gracile Tota 214 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

TABLE 2 Introduced taxa recorded from the surveyed Kimberley islands. 1 Indicates cultivated taxa occurring on Sunday Island, but not apparently naturalised there. 2 Jungulu Island record is either bipinnata or B. pilosa (exact identifi cation unknown). *Jungulu is also known as Darcy. Adolphus Augustus Bigge Boongaree Byam Martin Coronation Jungulu* Hidden Katers sher Kingfi Lachlan Long Mary Middle Osborn NW Molema Sir Graham Moore St Andrew Storr Sunday Osborn South West Un-named Uwins Wargul Wargul Wulalam Pupalia micrantha +++ Calotropis procera + Catharanthus roseus1 + obtusa1 + Aracaceae Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta + Bidens bipinnata + + Bidens pilosa2 +++ ++ + trinervia + Sphagneticola trilobata + Tridax procumbens + Cucurbitaceae Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis +++ + Cyperaceae Cyperus polystachyos + Euphorbia hirta + Fabaceae Albizzia lebbeck1 + Alysicarpus ovalifolius ++ Clitoria ternatea + Leucaena leucocephala + Macroptilium atropurpureum + Parkinsonia aculeata + Stylosanthes hamata + Lamiaceae Hyptis suaveolens + Malvaceae Hibiscus sabdariffa + pyramidata ++ Sida subcordata + azedarach1 + Musaceae Musa acuminata + Passifl oraceae Passifl ora foetida var. hispida ++++++++++++++++++++++++ VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 215 Adolphus Augustus Bigge Boongaree Byam Martin Coronation Jungulu* Hidden Katers sher Kingfi Lachlan Long Mary Middle Osborn NW Molema Sir Graham Moore St Andrew Storr Sunday Osborn South West Un-named Uwins Wargul Wargul Wulalam Poaceae Cenchrus ciliaris + Cenchrus echinatus + Chloris barbata + Cynodon dactylon + ciliaris s.l. + + + + Echinochloa colona + Portulacaeae Portulaca oleracea + Cardiospermum halicacabum + angulata ++ Verbenaceae Phyla nodifl ora var. nodifl ora ++ Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris ++

Total 9123232113321216332211143

recorded from Augustus and Adolphus islands, Herbarium). In part, this refl ects the current state has a northern Australian distribution that of taxonomic knowledge for many plant groups includes vine thickets but also drier woodlands across the Kimberley with the result that some and riparian zones. Ailanthus triphysa was recorded of these collections may represent novel taxa. from vine thickets on Coronation Island. It has Current taxonomic studies within the an Australian distribution that extends from Triodia (Poaceae) confi rm two taxa collected during Cape York to northern with a the survey are reliably new (M. Barrett pers. previously recorded highly disjunct population com.). These include Triodia sp. Hidden Island (T. in the Kimberley (Prince Regent River). Marsd enia Handasyde TH 6109) which was recorded from each glandulifera (previously recorded from Boongaree of the four rugged, dissected, boulder sandstone Island) has a scattered largely coastal distribution areas surveyed on Hidden Island, and Triodia sp. across northern Australian to northern New Un-named Island (M.N. Lyons 5693) which was South Wales. Sphaeranthus africanus, previously recorded from cliff faces on the northern tip of Un- only recorded in WA from Wyndham, was named Island. This taxon is also reported to occur recorded from nearby Adolphus Island. Its on the adjacent mainland (M. Barrett pers. com.). distribution includes coastal areas of tropical , Asia, Malesia and northern Australia. A new and therefore unclassifi ed record for Western WEEDS Australia was also found on Adolphus Island, Alien taxa represented 3.8% (38 taxa) of the fl ora Allopterigeron fi lifolius. This species has previously (Table 2). The dominant alien families, Fabaceae been well collected in the and (7 taxa), Poaceae (6), Asteraceae (5) and Malvaceae . (3) refl ect their dominance of the total Kimberley island fl ora, with the exception of Asteraceae. PUTATIVE NEW TAXA Passifl ora foetida var. hispidula was ubiquitous on A number of collections made during the survey the islands surveyed, being particularly abundant could not be reliably placed within formally along drainage lines, vine thicket margins and described or recognised phrase-named taxa (WA beach swale thickets. Bidens pilosa and B. bipinnata 216 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde were collectively recorded from eight islands, Cambridge Gulf. A number of these taxa are likely typically near beaches, although on Storr Island, to have been transported to the island by major B. pilosa occurred well inland at the margin of a fl oods (e.g. Parkinsonia aculeata). dense vine thicket on steep scree. Hyptis suaveolens, a major weed of the mainland NK bioregion, was RICHNESS OF NK BIOREGION ENDEMICS ON ISLANDS only recorded from Sir Graham Moore Island, near the site of a World War II military radar base and Richness of plant species endemic to the NK an earlier (1920s) agricultural venture (Crawford bioregion recorded on individual islands during 2001). Hibiscus sabdariffa (Rosella) was also only the KIBS ranged from 0–22. Highest numbers recorded on Sir Graham Moore from the margin of occurred on Bigge, South West Osborn and a swamp in the vicinity of the previous Augustus islands (Appendices 3 and 4). In terms habitations. This species is grown for human of explaining variation in richness of NK bioregion consumption and is likely to have been a deliberate endemics across all of the islands sampled in introduction. the KIBS, the averaged-model performed well (Adjusted R-square = 0.62, P <<0.01). A positive Twenty-two alien taxa were recorded from association between endemic species richness and Sunday Island, both from a mission settlement both average annual rainfall and island area were (operational between 1889 and 1957), and in the strongly supported (Table 3). There was moderate vicinity of a more recent outstation near the south- to weak support for the association of species western tip of the island. They include the only richness and the remaining variables, which was KIBS records of Cenchrus ciliaris, C. echinatus and also refl ected by the relatively high standard errors Chloris barbata. Populations of Musa acuminata observed (Table 3). (Banana) and Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta (cultivated form) were recorded from the valley fl oor and drainage lines at the mission site and QUADRAT CLASSIFICATION have naturalized since its closure. Plantings of The 137 quadrats were classifi ed into 10 groups Albizia lebbeck, ( based on their floristic composition (Figure 2). Periwinkle), (Cape Lilac) and Signifi cant indicator species and their frequency of Plumeria obtusa (Evergreen Frangipani) have occurrence within each group are shown in Table persisted variously at the outstation and mission 4. Environmental parameters characterising each site, but not apparently spread. group are shown in Table 5 and the frequency of Nine alien species were recorded from Adolphus geological surfaces sampled within each group in Island at the mouth of the Ord River in the Table 6.

TABLE 3 Model-averaged coeffi cients and unconditional standard errors for each variable for species richness of endemic plant species on the Kimberley islands (KIBS) sampled. Sum of weights for models containing each

coeffi cient w+ are also shown.

Key: rain – average annual rainfall (mm); area – area of island (ha); boulder – extent of rocky substrate; quadrats – number of quadrats sampled; distance – distance from mainland (km); elevation – maximum elevation (m).

Variable Coeffi cient Standard Error w+ Intercept -5.431 1.048 rain 0.004 0.001 1.00 log(area) 0.829 0.255 0.95 boulder 0.190 0.193 0.28 quadrats 0.015 0.071 0.22 log(distance) -0.099 0.161 0.21 elevation 0.000 0.002 0.18 VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 217

FIGURE 2 Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling ordination showing association among quadrats based on presence or absence of plant species on the Kimberley islands sampled. The 10 fl oristic groups are indicated. See Appendix 1 for a description of the quadrat codes.


This group was exclusively composed of the This group comprised 15 quadrats (from 11 nine quadrats from Adolphus Island, an island islands) located on beaches and associated dunes geographically distant from all of the other islands on quaternary surfaces with alkaline soils (pH 7.9 ± sampled, being located on the eastern boundary of 1.8) and low rockiness. Quadrats included primary dunes, more consolidated beach dunes and sandy the NK bioregion. On average, the quadrats within fl ats with greater species richness. A small number this group had the lowest estimated mean annual of quadrats (e.g. KING02) were located on beach rainfall and highest maximum temperature, and storm ridges characterised by rock and coralline this is refl ected by the absence of higher rainfall rubble. Beaches sampled across the full geographic taxa, and a number of taxa not recorded elsewhere range of the survey classifi ed together in this group. on NK bioregion islands (e.g. Brachychiton incanus, Significant indicator species included Allopterigeron fi lifolius and Sphaeranthus africanus). longifolius, Cleome viscosa, Cyperus bulbosus and This sandstone island has a relatively subdued Boerhavia dominii. topography compared to the other sandstone islands sampled. It is fringed in sections by GROUP 3 large areas of alluvial saline fl ats which account This group comprised four quadrats (from three for the low mean surface rockiness values and islands) which were the most species poor on relatively high Electrical Conductivity (EC) of its average (8.5 ± 4.4 taxa per quadrat) and probably soils. Signifi cant indicator species for this group explains why they were grouped together. Three included Whiteochloa capillipes, Eragrostis cumingii, of these quadrats occurred on volcanic surfaces. Zornia prostrata, Melochia corchorifolia and Aristida Significant indicator species included Drypetes hygrometrica. deplanchei and Lygodium fl exuosum. 218 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

GROUP 4 This relatively species-rich group (29.3 ± 12.9 taxa per quadrat) also had the highest estimated mean Group 4 consisted of 23 quadrats (from eight annual rainfall (1101 ± 83 mm). Signifi cant indicator islands) with the highest average species richness species included Acacia adenogonia,Triodia aff. of all quadrat groups (46.9 ± 12.1 taxa per quadrat). bitextura (T. Handasyde TH 6152) and Gompholobium This group occurred on sandstone (Warton, King subulatum. Leopold and Pentecost) surfaces (and a single quadrat on alluvium below a sandstone escarpment on Un-named Island). The group was characterised GROUP 8 by high soil acidity, surface rock abundance and This group consisted of nine quadrats (from size. Quadrats included mixed woodlands and fi ve islands) of Acacia shrublands and Eucalyptus deciduous vine thickets on landforms associated woodlands over dense Triodia hummock with rugged sandstone terrain, including dissected grasslands. Average species richness was the lowest massive sandstone blocks, valley slopes and deep of the sandstone dominated quadrat groups (18.5 gullies. Significant indicator species included ± 7.2 taxa per quadrat). Quadrats were very rocky Glycosmis macrophylla, Brachychiton viridifl orus and with the highest combined mean exposed bedrock Denhamia obscura. and total surface rock abundance/size score of all the groups and were characterised by shallow GROUP 5 pockets of coarse sandy soils associated with rock pavements. Quadrats from Bigge and Katers islands This group comprised 30 quadrats (from 12 dominated the group. Signifi cant indicator species islands) largely occurring on fi ne textured soils (31% silt and clay combined) with relatively included the rock specialists Solanum petraeum, high Organic Carbon, total Phosphorus, and Terminalia hadleyana, Gardenia pyriformis and exchangeable Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium. Monodia stipoides. More than half the quadrats occurred on Carson Volcanics and Hart Dolerite surfaces. Ten quadrats GROUP 9 represented well developed deciduous vine This group comprised 14 quadrats (from five thickets and rainforest patches with remaining islands) of Acacia shrublands over Triodia hummock quadrats including mixed woodlands with grasslands on the most acidic soils of the sandstone various dominants over Themeda, Cenchrus and dominated groups. All quadrats occurred on the Sorghum grasslands. Signifi cant indicator species sandstone surfaces of fi ve islands in the southern included Corymbia greeniana, Capparis quinifl ora and part of the study area (Hidden, Lachlan, Long, Glycosmis trifoliata. Group 5 shared many ubiquitous NW Molema and Sunday Island), all within the rainforest elements with Group 4. Buccaneer Archipelago (except NW Molema). The average annual rainfall for this quadrat group was GROUP 6 among the lowest (830 ± 42 mm). The signifi cant This group of 12 quadrats (from seven islands) indicator species of this group, such as Grevillea was located in depressions and creeklines on a wickhamii, Acacia hippuroides and Acacia gracillima, variety of geological units with low rockiness have southern Kimberley distributions extending and little bedrock exposure. The small number of into the drier subregion (Thackway wetlands sampled during the survey (e.g. SGM05) and Cresswell 1995). Templetonia hookeri, another is included in this group, as were quadrats situated signifi cant indicator species detected in almost all in well-developed riparian areas such as the the quadrats of this group, extends into drier areas permanent pools of Augustus Island. The three of the Kimberley with an outlier in the drier sandy seasonally wet dune swale quadrats sampled to the south. on Mary Island all classified with this group. Alluvial communities such as Melaleuca viridifl ora GROUP 10 woodlands and Pandanus spiralis patches were a feature of this group. Signifi cant indicator species This relatively species-poor group (11.8 ± 3.2 taxa included Mnesithea rottboellioides, Pandanus spiralis, per quadrat) contained eight quadrats Germainia truncatiglumis and Calandrinia quadrivalvis. (from eight islands) and their landward fringes. Predictably the dominant overstorey mangrove taxa Rhizophora stylosa, Bruguiera exaristata, Ceriops GROUP 7 tagal, Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba, Camptostemon This group comprised 12 quadrats (from six schultzii and Osbornia octodonta were signifi cant islands) of Acacia shrublands over Triodia bynoei or indicator species for this group. The soils of this T. aff. bitextura (T. Handasyde TH 6152) hummock group of mangrove quadrats were characterised by grasslands. Quadrats occurred on sandstones with high mean pH and the highest mean EC of all the high rock abundance and shallow sandy soils. groups. VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 219

TABLE 4 Frequency of occurrence of indicator species and their indicator values (IndVal) within each of the 10 fl oristic groups (Grp) on sampled Kimberley islands. Only signifi cant taxa are shown (*P <0.01, **P <0.01, ***P <0.001). Number of quadrats sampled (No. quadrats) within each of the fl oristic groups is also shown.

Indicator species Grp IndVal Floristic groups 12345678910 (No. quadrats) (9) (15) (4) (23) (30) (12) (12) (10) (14) (9)

Whiteochloa capillipes 1 0.88*** 7000000000

Eragrostis cumingii 1 0.73*** 7300020000

Zornia prostrata 1 0.67*** 4000000000

Melochia corchorifolia 1 0.67*** 4000000000

Aristida hygrometrica 1 0.67*** 4000000000

Adansonia gregorii 1 0.66*** 6102102000

Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. pachyphyllus 1 0.63** 5102200000

Acacia holosericea 1 0.61*** 4002000000

Setaria apiculata 1 0.59** 5004011000

Gomphrena fl accida 1 0.59** 4001001000

Desmodium pycnotrichum 1 0.58*** 3000000000

Croton arnhemicus 1 0.58*** 3000000000

Crosslandia setifolia 1 0.58*** 3000000000

Bidens bipinnata/pilosa 1 0.58*** 5400300000

Cucumis melo 1 0.55** 4000120000

Acacia lamprocarpa 1 0.55** 4000300100

Ipomoea polymorpha 1 0.54** 3001000000

Xerochloa imberbis 1 0.50** 3000000001

Triodia aff. aeria (T. Handasyde TH 6150) 1 0.47** 2000000000

Tecticornia halocnemoides subsp. tenuis 1 0.47** 2000000000

Brachychiton incanus 1 0.47** 2000000000

Physalis angulata 1 0.47* 2000000000

Perotis rara 1 0.47* 2000000000

Mitrasacme hispida 1 0.47* 2000000000

Melaleuca alsophila 1 0.47* 2000000000

Fimbristylis punctata 1 0.47* 2000000000

Cyperus nervulosus 1 0.47* 2000000000

Calotropis procera 1 0.47* 2000000000

Tephrosia laxa var. angustata 1 0.46* 3200200000

Owenia vernicosa 1 0.46* 3002000100 220 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

Indicator species Grp IndVal Floristic groups 12345678910 (No. quadrats) (9) (15) (4) (23) (30) (12) (12) (10) (14) (9)

Hibiscus meraukensis 1 0.43* 2001000000

Cleome viscosa 2 0.73*** 1 14 00110051

Cyperus bulbosus 2 0.60*** 0700200010

Boerhavia dominii 2 0.50* 0500100010

Spinifex longifolius 2 0.47* 0600110101

Indigofera linifolia 2 0.46* 0400200000

Chamaecrista absus var. absus 2 0.46* 0401100000

Scaevola taccada 2 0.45** 0300000000

Indigofera colutea 2 0.44* 0400100010

Notoleptopus decaisnei var. decaisnei 2 0.41* 0300100000

Indigastrum parvifl orum 2 0.41* 0300100000

Drypetes deplanchei 3 0.56** 0220500000

Lygodium fl exuosum 3 0.47* 0010100000

Gomphrena canescens 3 0.46* 0011000000

Brachychiton xanthophyllus 3 0.44* 0010200000

Galactia tenuifl ora 3 0.41* 0012100000

Glycosmis macrophylla 4 0.54** 0008200000

Brachychiton viridifl orus 4 0.54** 0108000000

Denhamia obscura 4 0.52** 0008100010

Corymbia disjuncta 4 0.47* 0005000000

Xanthostemon paradoxus 4 0.42* 0004000000

Corymbia greeniana 5 0.58** 00001201000

Capparis quinifl ora 5 0.58** 00001000000

Glycosmis trifoliata 5 0.57*** 00011100000

Grewia retusifolia 5 0.45* 0000600000

Melochia umbellata 5 0.41* 0000500000

Mnesithea rottboellioides 6 0.59*** 0001150000

Germainia truncatiglumis 6 0.58** 0000040000

Calandrinia quadrivalvis 6 0.58** 0000040000

Pandanus spiralis 6 0.57*** 0003481220

Fuirena ciliaris 6 0.53** 0003050010

Cyperus conicus 6 0.53** 0201150000

Eragrostis potamophila 6 0.46* 0002040100 VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 221

Indicator species Grp IndVal Floristic groups 12345678910 (No. quadrats) (9) (15) (4) (23) (30) (12) (12) (10) (14) (9)

Xyris complanata 6 0.43* 0002030000

Triodia aff. bitextura (T. Handasyde TH 6152) 7 0.54** 0204206000

Acacia adenogonia 7 0.54** 0001004000

Gompholobium subulatum 7 0.51** 0002004000

Trachymene didiscoides 7 0.46* 0003004010

Solanum petraeum 8 0.63** 0000000400

Terminalia hadleyana 8 0.57** 0002000400

Gardenia pyriformis subsp. keartlandii 8 0.55** 0000000200

Monodia stipoides 8 0.45* 0000000200

Gardenia pyriformis subsp. pyriformis 8 0.45* 0000000300

Templetonia hookeri 9 0.79*** 00052020130

Grevillea wickhamii 9 0.66** 0000000060

Cassytha candida 9 0.60** 0000000050

Acacia hippuroides 9 0.60** 0000000050

Acacia deltoidea subsp. deltoidea 9 0.60** 0001010280

Cassytha aurea 9 0.54** 0000000040

Olax aphylla 9 0.46** 0000000030

Acacia gracillima 9 0.46** 0000000030

Indigofera haplophylla 9 0.39* 0000010030

Rhizophora stylosa 10 1.00*** 0000000009

Bruguiera exaristata 10 0.94*** 0000000008

Ceriops tagal 10 0.88*** 0000000007

Avicennia marina 10 0.83*** 1000000007

Aegiceras corniculatum 10 0.82*** 0000000006

Sonneratia alba 10 0.75*** 0000000005

Xylocarpus granatum/moluccensis 10 0.59** 0001001004

Osbornia octodonta 10 0.58** 0000000003

Fimbristylis cymosa 10 0.56** 0300110105

Sesuvium portulacastrum 10 0.53** 0100000003

Pemphis acidula 10 0.47** 0000000002

Lumnitzera racemosa 10 0.47** 0100000103

Camptostemon schultzii 10 0.47** 0000000002

Amyema mackayensis 10 0.47** 0000000002 222 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde ble C); Rock abundance – C); Rock o (cmol/kg); Sand – percent (cmol/kg); sis in brackets). sis in brackets). st quarter ( ne gravely to 7 – large boulders); ne gravely ned from the quadrats on sampled Kimberley islands. Also shown Also shown islands. ned from the quadrats on sampled Kimberley Floristic Group oristic groups defi (1:5); EC – Electrical Conductivity (mS/m) (1:5); orgC – Organic Carbon (%); totP – total Phosphorus (mg/kg); exCa – exchangea exCa (1:5); EC – Electrical Conductivity (mg/kg); (mS/m) (1:5); orgC – Organic Carbon (%); totP total Phosphorus 2 12345678910 Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE is the mean species richness (Richness) and number of quadrats (No. quadrats) included in each group (number for the BEST analy the BEST group (number for and number of quadrats (No. quadrats) included in each (Richness) is the mean species richness Mean values ± standard error (SE) of the environmental parameters for the 10 fl the 10 ± standard (SE) of the environmental parameters for Mean values error coarse fragment abundance (0 – no coarse fragments to 6 – very abundant); Rock size – maximum size of coarse fragments (1 – fi – maximum size size coarse fragment abundance (0 – no fragments to 6 very abundant); Rock to 5 – rockland). exposed – (0 no bedrock Bedrock abundance and size; total – sum of rock Rock Calcium (cmol/kg); exMg – exchangeable Magnesium (cmol/kg); exNa – exchangeable Sodium (cmol/kg); exK – exchangeable Potassium Potassium – exchangeable exK Sodium (cmol/kg); – exchangeable exNa Magnesium (cmol/kg); – exchangeable exMg Calcium (cmol/kg); of the warme – maximum temperature (mm); mxTwmP annual rainfall – average Rain – percent clay.; sand; Silt – percent silt; Clay

pHEC*orgC*totP*exCa* 6.3exMg* 134.8exNa* 1.0 0.4 262.4exK* 33.7 76.2 0.4 7.9Sand 2.6 87.0 15.6 0.8 1.5Silt 1.8 13.3 1.8 362.4Clay 0.2 216.3 0.6 2.1 10.2 7.5 2.6Rain 474.0 0.2 0.3 2.6 3.1 0.9 32.1 1.3mxTwmP 2.6 92.7 0.1 0.5 196.2Rock abundance 1.0 2.3 1.5 5.3 4.6 207.5 9.6 4.5Rock size 1.8 0.1 0.9 13.9 2.8 502.8 1.8 3.7 1.1 90.0Rock total 37.6 6.5 2.8 241.5 827 18.1 2.7 0.2 0.3 2.2 14.6 0.8 3.0Bedrock 154.3 0.0 6.8 3.0 17.1 4.7 0 87.5 0.4Richness 69.2 0.4 0.3 2.0 5.3 3.4 1.2 34.5 0.8 42.0 148.9 3.8No. quadrats 2.1 7.3 23.8 1.1 0.4 0.0 3.0 0.7 1020 78.5 7.4 3.2 1.7 0.9 6.4 89.5 5.7 11.3 1.1 13.8 114 3.7 223.4 0.1 0.0 0.9 34.2 9 17.0 3.3 1.6 4.0 25.9 4.8 1.3 5.6 94.1 11.2 1.3 992 1.7 0.5 2.5 13.0 0.1 0.4 1.7 7.2 17.8 1.4 3.7 177.1 5.0 69.0 5.6 2.6 54 2.6 5.4 0.0 229.6 34.5 4.0 42.3 0.5 0.7 5.0 22.6 18.6 1.3 2.4 2.8 0.5 274.0 2.5 8.7 0.7 1053 2.5 0.0 4.9 11.0 85.1 184.8 1.7 0.4 0.6 3.5 15(14) 0.4 3.2 15.3 103 6.2 1.8 8.5 15.3 5.9 34.8 15.7 2.7 5.8 3.6 0.1 1.1 10.1 5.1 1057 1.9 0.8 1.7 88.3 1.0 0.5 9.9 4.4 9.1 2.5 483.8 5.8 84 1.4 4(3) 0.1 0.1 1.4 5.3 1.1 0.7 178.6 5.2 2.6 34.5 9.2 46.9 2.9 1.8 5.5 1.4 1086 0.1 0.1 4.4 90.2 0.4 2.1 1.0 1.1 12.1 2.1 9.9 8.1 88 1.8 5.3 2.1 3.8 0.1 0.2 1.9 33.9 34.5 2.1 0.7 7.8 23 3.8 6.5 3.0 1.6 1101 3.0 4.1 9.8 88.7 0.5 0.1 0.4 2.2 1.2 0.9 0.8 83 4.1 3.6 3.6 2.1 8.7 4.3 1.4 27.3 34.8 0.1 0.1 2.5 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.5 1059 4.3 0.3 9.8 86.3 0.3 1.7 3.7 0.1 0.1 30 3.9 72 5.4 1.1 2.3 9.8 8.0 0.9 29.3 33.5 6.0 2.2 0.1 3.2 1.6 2.1 830 5.3 12.9 0.3 2.4 2.0 6.7 3.6 0.7 2.4 4.4 42 18.5 3.0 34.3 8.1 1.9 12 5.1 1.9 0.5 7.2 3.0 0.7 979 8.6 5.0 3.3 4.0 1.5 27.1 3.7 143 5.8 7.4 2.5 8.7 0.8 2.5 12 4.2 3.3 11.8 1.3 3.2 2.8 2.0 0.7 1.5 0.8 10(9) 0.6 14 8 CaCl Codes: pH – in 0.01M TABLE 5 TABLE *Log-transformation applied prior to analysis *Log-transformation VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 223

FLORISTIC COMPOSITION AND QUADRAT ATTRIBUTES aquatics found elsewhere in the NK bioregion. Additionally, taxa more typically associated with The BEST procedure indicated that a combination extensive gently undulating or fl at sandy plains on of six variables [pH, log(totP), log(exMg), the NK mainland are rare or absent on the islands log(exNa), clay content and mxTwmP] provided (e.g. Eucalyptus tetrodonta). the highest rank correlation with the quadrat There are several elements of the Kimberley fl ora dissimilarity matrix (Spearman’s rho = 0.38, P which are largely absent from the NK bioregion, <0.01). The included soil variables reflect the and which do not form part of the Kimberley compositional differences between the major islands flora. These are ‘dry country’ eastern geological surfaces of the quadrats. High pH, elements, desert and sand dune species. Many taxa associated with the Quaternary sands of the which reach their western limits in distribution islands’ beaches (see Group 2 above), correlates at the Ord River do not or only marginally extend with the major compositional division between into the NK bioregion. Since there are few islands these sites and the vegetation of the rocky surfaces east of Kalumburu, and these are mainly small of the islands. The soils of all other fl oristic groups and atypical of the major geological surfaces, such were acidic. The remaining soil variables refl ect species have rarely been recorded on Kimberley the compositional ‘separation/gradation’ from islands. This is unlikely to change, even with more the plant communities of the sandstone geologies knowledge of this poorly surveyed area. (Pentecost, Warton and King Leopold) to the more fertile Hart Dolerite and Carson Volcanics (Table The biogeographic patterning of the Kimberley 5). This interpretation is supported by a posthoc mainland and adjacent islands as described ANOSIM test in PRIMER comparing the fl oristic by Beard (1990) with subsequent amendments composition of the major geological units (r = 0.35) summarized by IBRA7 (http://www.environment. [the few Laterite (Tp) quadrats were excluded]. The gov.au/parks/nrs/science/pubs/bioregions.pdf) inclusion of maximum temperature of the warmest places the surveyed islands within the NK period (mxTwmP) was likely to be driven by the bioregion (Figure 1). For the majority of the quadrat compositional differences between the Adolphus groups we have defined, their distributions Island quadrats in the hotter north-eastern span a signifi cant proportion of the study area, extremity of the study area and the remainder of but some groups were confi ned to islands at the the islands. Similarity of the plant species between southern and eastern extremities. This suggests quadrats also decreased signifi cantly with with increased turnover in fl oristic composition at the geographical distance (Mantel r = -0.222, P <0.01). margins of the study area corresponding with the boundary of the bioregion. In the south, Hidden, DISCUSSION Lachlan, Long, NW Molema and Sunday islands contained fl oristic elements with distributions that The results support the notion of islands as extend into the adjacent and microcosms of the adjacent mainland, with at Dampierland, whereas in the east, Adolphus Island least 49% of the plant species of the NK bioregion is more representative of elements of the fl ora of the now known on the islands. The completeness bioregion. of the island lists is limited by the number of quadrats that could be sampled, and while RICHNESS OF NK BIOREGION ISLAND ENDEMICS opportunistic sampling (particularly during the wet season) supplemented these lists, undetected There are currently only six plant species species are highly likely. While further botanical endemic to the islands in the NK bioregion – exploration of the islands will increase their known Eucalyptus kenneallyi from Storr Island, Polycarpaea fl ora, the absence of some mainland habitats on sp.A Kimberley Flora (K.F. Kenneally 8887) islands means they are unlikely to capture some from St Patrick Island (not sampled in the KIBS), components of the NK bioregion fl ora. For example, Solanum sp. Boomerang Bay (K.F. Kenneally 10021) wetlands on the islands are typically small and from Bigge Island, Triodia sp. Hidden Island (T. occur as fl ooded dune swales and drainage lines Handasyde TH 6109), Tribulopis sp. Koolan Island occluded by beach dunes. Creeks are mainly (K.F. Kenneally 8278) (not sampled in the KIBS) seasonal with few permanent pools. Therefore and Triumfetta sp. Adolphus Island (K.F. Kenneally taxa related to larger wetlands, lakes, alluvial 11898). This paucity of putative island endemics is fl oodplains and riparian zones are largely absent probably explained by the relatively short time the from the islands (e.g. Sesbania erubescens, S. formosa islands have been separated from the mainland, and S. simpliciuscula). There are no records of any of as well as the close proximity of the islands to the Myriophyllum species, Vallisneria species or Najas the mainland (majority less than 4 km). For many species, and few and Eriocaulon species species, gene fl ow between the islands and the which are all or largely submerged or emergent mainland is likely, particularly for species which 224 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

TABLE 6 Frequency of geological surfaces sampled within each of the 10 fl oristic groups on sampled Kimberley islands.

Geology codes: Pkp – Pentecost Sandstone [Buckland Point Member (Pkb); Yampi Member (Pkpy)]; Pkc – Carson Volcanics; Pke – Elgee Siltstone; Pdh – Hart Dolerite; Pkl – King Leopold Sandstone; Pkw – Warton Sandstone; Qa – Alluvium; Qc – Quaternary colluviums; Qs – Quaternary sand; Tp – Tertiary pisolite (laterite)

Floristic group

Geology 12345678910 Pkp 4 6 Pkb 2 Pkpy 3 1 Pkc 3 13 1 Pke 2 Pdh 3212 Pkl 1 231358 Pkw 11436 2 Qa 1 2 1 Qc 53 17 Qs1114321 Tp 3 No. quadrats 9 15 4 23 30 12 12 10 14 8

easily disperse. The richness of plant species however the number of quadrats sampled on an endemic to the Northern Kimberley at the island- island explained relatively little of the variation level was strongly associated with average annual in endemic richness compared to island area. rainfall and island area, with larger and higher Woinarski et al. (2000) also found that the best rainfall islands tending to support more regional predictor of overall plant species richness on endemics. The high rainfall zone of the north- selected Northern Territory (NT) islands was west Kimberley in general is known to support island area. Likewise, Heatwole (1991) reported a high number of endemic species (McKenzie that species richness of plants increased with et al. 2009). Woinarski et al. (2006) similarly island area on the Great Barrier Reef islands off demonstrated that rainfall was a strong predictor the Queensland coast. Authors of both papers of endemic plant species richness in the Northern suggested that greater niche space due to increased Territory, with a positive correlation between habitat heterogeneity on the larger islands best plant richness and rainfall. Rainfall is likely to explains this relationship. This is also likely to be determine the soil moisture and productivity in the case for the Kimberley islands, although the an area (Bowman et al. 2010). Many of the high lack of vegetation association mapping for the rainfall Kimberley islands sampled during the KIBS Kimberley islands makes the link between island are also topographically complex, with rugged, area, habitat heterogeneity and species richness deeply dissected boulder country a major feature diffi cult to quantify. of their landscapes. These rugged landscapes The infl uence of distance to the mainland on have probably acted as historically stable refugia, regional endemic richness of islands was poorly protecting species from fi re and harsh climates, supported. This again is probably due to the close and thereby promoting the persistence of relictual proximity of the islands to the mainland, and endemic taxa during the periodic isolation of the capacity of many plant species to disperse islands from the mainland, particularly those over these short distances to the islands. Along species with poor dispersal capacity. with wind and /bat-aided dispersal, strong The greater sampling effort on the larger islands currents and freshwater plumes extending from may have confounded the relationship between river systems along the Kimberley coast are likely endemic richness and island area to some degree, to enhance from the mainland to the VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 225 islands, particularly during the summer monsoon texture parameters measured. Soils derived from season. Woinarski et al. (2000) also report that the dolerite and volcanic surfaces tended to be island isolation variables explained very little of more nutrient-rich than those derived from the the variation in plant species richness on the NT sandstones, and with three times the silt and clay islands they sampled. Similarly, Heatwole (1991) content on average. The volcanic derived surfaces found that distance to the mainland only accounted largely support mixed woodlands with various for a small proportion of the variability in richness dominants over Themeda, Cenchrus and Sorghum of plant species on the Great Barrier Reef islands. grasslands. Taxa of deciduous vine thickets and Heatwole (1991) also suggests that ease of dispersal rainforest patches were also well represented on is likely to explain the lack of importance of these surfaces with most of the quadrats within this isolation. group occurring on the high-rainfall islands (>1000 mm per year) of the survey region. Notable on the islands was the ubiquity of the rainforest fl oristic PATTERNS IN VEGETATION COMPOSITION elements across many of the quadrat groups. This Abiotic factors such as soil moisture and fertility is likely to have arisen as a result of the low fi re have been shown to be primary infl uences on the frequency on the islands coupled with their rugged vegetation composition of northern Australia, with topography providing protection from fire and different geological substrates supporting distinct moisture retention. vegetation communities (Vigilante and Bowman Most of the variation in composition between 2004). The density of sampling during the current the sandstone dominated communities could be study does not permit a detailed examination of explained in terms of their geographic location vegetation patterning across the islands, but does (hence differences in responses of species to climate confi rm the dominant role of geology coupled with attributes such as rainfall and temperature) and climatic attributes in driving major patterning local edaphic factors such as degree of rockiness along the extent of the NK coast. (hence fire protection and moisture retention). A broad pattern in vegetation composition based Soil parameters were similar between these on the island quadrats emerged. The vegetation of sandstone communities, being relatively nutrient- the mangrove quadrats was clearly distinct from poor. Similarly, Bowman et al. (1990) reported the other nine defi ned groups. However, as the that the sandstone vegetation on the mainland KIBS was not focused on mangrove habitats, the Plateau was related to topography, small number of quadrats sampled within this rockiness, degree of fi re protection and moisture vegetation community did not allow for a fi ner- availability. As noted above, the quadrats from scale examination of the variation within this Adolphus Island, an island located well to the east group. Similarly, the quadrats on the Quaternary of the other islands surveyed formed a discrete sands of the beaches, sand fl ats and associated fl oristic group. Primarily it included taxa found dunes formed a discreet group which, like the in the drier, warmer environments of mainland mangrove quadrats, was characterised by alkaline east Kimberley. Likewise, the quadrat-group soils and low rockiness, but distinct from the acidic situated on the southern-most islands capture soils of the remaining groups. A further group elements of the adjacent lower rainfall bioregions contained quadrats on a variety of geological such as Dampierland and Central Kimberley. The surfaces, but these were mainly located in alluvial remaining sandstone dominated groups were areas including a small number of wetlands and largely located on islands that receive greater than well-developed riparian areas supporting Melaleuca 1000 mm annual rainfall on average, and like the woodlands and Pandanus spiralis stands. Degree of volcanic surfaces above, contained many rainforest inundation and associated soil moisture are likely elements. Degree of rockiness appeared to play a factors influencing the vegetation composition role in separating these sandstone groups with rock specialists more prevalent on the extremely rocky within this group. surfaces that support skeletal soils (e.g. Group 8). The quadrats of all of the other seven classifi ed groups were dominated by hard/rocky substrates. CONSERVATION IMPLICATIONS Among these, there was a compositional separation between the plant communities of the sandstone The largest and wettest islands are particularly geologies (Pentecost, Warton and King Leopold), important for conservation as they supported the the most dominant substrate on most of the islands highest number of NK bioregion endemic plant sampled, and those occurring on Hart Dolerite species. Highest numbers of priority species also and Carson Volcanic substrates. This pattern has tended to occur on the largest islands (Pearson also been documented on the adjacent mainland pairwise correlation = 0.75; e.g. Augustus, Bigge, (Hnatiuk and Kenneally 1981). The compositional Coronation and Middle Osborn). However, despite separation was refl ected in the soil chemistry and the regional endemic flora of the drier islands 226 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde being less species rich, some of these islands had fi re becoming more of a feature in these island unique species assemblages with elements of arid/ landscapes. An increase in unmanaged fire is semi-arid zone fl ora that were not well represented likely to pose a threat to fi re-sensitive vegetation on other islands (e.g. Group 1 – Adolphus Island; on the islands, such as monsoonal vine thickets Group 9 – Hidden, Lachlan, Long, NW Molema and rainforest patches, and obligate seeder species and Sunday islands). In terms of representing such as Callitris columellaris (Beard et al. 1984; the diversity of plant communities on the NK Vigilante and Bowman 2004; Russell-Smith et bioregion islands, the compositional separation of al. 2012). Many of the highly vagile rainforest/ the communities on sandstone geologies from those vine thicket taxa were widely distributed on occurring on both the dolerite and volcanic surfaces the islands which also suggest infrequent fi res. highlights the importance of protecting a suite Callitris columellaris occurred as both extensive of islands that capture this geological diversity. stands (e.g. Un-named and NW Molema islands) Additionally, those islands that have a combination and in rocky areas that afforded fi re protection of both sandstone and volcanic/dolerite substrates (e.g. Augustus and St Andrew islands). Vine are more likely to support a higher number of thickets and rainforest patches on volcanic-derived species due to compositional turnover. The distinct substrates are particularly vulnerable to fi re as the plant communities on the Quaternary deposits dominant vegetation surrounding these patches is (i.e. beaches/dunes and mangroves) add to this often highly fi re-prone due to a dense understory diversity. of perennial grasses (Vigilante and Bowman The low number of weed species detected on 2004). Under increased fi re frequency, persistence the sampled islands reflects their near-pristine of fi re-sensitive vegetation on islands is likely to condition and highlights the importance of be dependent on topographical refuges that can quarantine measures to prevent any future offer protection. The deeply dissected boulder incursions, particularly as human activity along the country of the sandstone islands is more likely to Kimberley coastline is rapidly increasing. No more offer this protection. Fire management on islands than three weed species were detected on most is a complex issue that requires a case by case islands. However, the 22 weed species recorded assessment of island size, fi re history, fuel loads on Sunday Island, the only island we sampled and seasonal infl uences (including cyclones), along with a history of prolonged European settlement, with a consideration of traditional burning by reiterates the importance of biosecurity measures Aboriginal people. Clearly, future fi re management to prevent human-aided introductions onto the on the islands needs to be carefully considered so islands. Likewise, Keighery et al. (1995) detected 43 that fi re-sensitive vegetation and associated fauna weed species on Koolan Island, another Kimberley is not lost. The development of a fi re management island with a long history of settlement associated plan is a crucial fi rst step towards achieving this with mining and exploration. Surveys on the Tiwi goal. Islands of Northern Australia revealed that only 10 weed species had become naturalised in native ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS habitat, however, 95 weed species had colonized We particularly thank Tony Start who assisted disturbed habitat around settlements (Fensham and with the fi eld sampling and Margaret Collins for Cowie 1998). Natural colonization of weed species assistance with the plant identifications. Kelly originating from the mainland is more diffi cult Shepherd, Bruce Maslin, Rob Davis, Kevin Thiele, to control. For example, Adolphus Island at the Karen Wilson, Matt Barrett, Russell Barrett, Jo mouth of the Ord River in the Cambridge Gulf had Palmer, Ian Cowie, Phil Short, Helmut Tolkein, a notable nine weed species, probably as a result David Symon, Bill (W.R) Barker, Andrew Mitchell, of fl ood events dispersing propogules from the Tony Start, Allen Lowrie, Bryan Simon, Ailsa nearby mainland. The ubiquitous weed Passifl ora Holland, David Halford, Ray Cranfi eld and Ian foetida, which was detected on all the islands KIBS Brooker provided much appreciated assistance sampled, is believed to be dispersed by birds with the plant identifi cations. We thank colleagues (CCWA 2010) and is extremely diffi cult to control. from the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW), The potential negative impact of weed species on Western Australian Museum, Australian Museum, island fl ora and fauna makes it vital that the need Kimberley and Biota Environmental for vigilance is conveyed to all who propose to visit Sciences, the participating Traditional Owners, the islands and that regular surveillance of the Aboriginal Rangers and base camp volunteers who islands for weeds occurs. contributed to the successful implementation of While fi re on the islands in recent years appears the fi eld work. We thank the crew of MV Kimberley to have been infrequent (Vigilante et al. 2013), Escape, MV Odyssey and pilots from Heliwork and and mainly due to lightning strike, increasing Broome Helicopters for transporting teams safely. human activity in the area is likely to lead to We are grateful to the DPaW Kimberley Regional VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 227

Manager Daryl Moncrieff and West Kimberley Y. (2010). Biogeography of monsoon District Manager Alan Byrne and their staff in the tropics. Journal of Biogeography 37: 201–216. Kununurra and Broome Districts for their support Carwardine, J., O’Connor, T., Legge, S., Mackey, B., and assistance during the project. DPaW staff based Possingham, H. and Martin, T. (2011). Priority threat at the Mitchell River National Park (particularly management to protect Kimberley wildlife. CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Brisbane. Lindsay Baker and John Hayward) provided valuable logistical support. The project was possible CCWA (2010). Status performance assessment: Biodiversity conservation on Western Australian Islands. Phase through a research agreement with the Kimberley II – Kimberley Islands. Unpublished report to the Land Council for the Balanggarra, Bardi-Jawi, Conservation Commission of Western Australia. The Wanjina-Wunggurr Dambimangari, Mayala and Government of Western Australia: Perth. 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MANUSCRIPT RECEIVED AUGUST 2013; ACCEPTED NOVEMBER 2013. VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 229 sed to sed to Floristic Group size of coarse of coarse size b :250,000 geological series stern Australia. Geolcode a Bedrock a Rock total a ed in the cluster analysis. Geological codes were sourced from the Yampi (SE/51-3), (SE/51-3), Yampi sourced from the Geological codes were ed in the cluster analysis. veyed during the Kimberley Island Biological Survey, including the quadrat code and geological Island Biological Survey, during the Kimberley veyed E) Rock abundancea Rock size O oristic group identifi S) Longitude ( O ne gravely to 7 large boulders); Rock total – sum of rock abundance and size; Bedrock – amount of bedrock (0 – no bedrock expo (0 – no bedrock – amount of bedrock Bedrock abundance and size; total – sum of rock to 7 large boulders); Rock ne gravely ADOL1_2ADOL1_3 -15.1097ADOL1_5 -15.1042 -15.1060 128.1552ADOL2_7 128.1552ADOL2_8 -15.0771 128.1582 5ADOL2_9 -15.0764 0ADOL2_10 -15.0794 128.1431 0 -15.0817 128.1408AUG1_2 128.1401 6AUG1_3 128.1406 5 6 -15.3506AUG1_4 0 0 -15.3553AUG1_5 0 0 -15.3543 124.5280 -15.3530AUG2_6 124.5313 11 6AUG2_7 124.5251 1 0 6 -15.3875AUG2_8 124.5265 3 0 0 -15.3931 3 0 -15.3881BIG1_2 124.5961 1 3 12 124.5920 0 11 124.5929 5 5 -14.5872 0 0 1 5 0 Pkp 6 4 125.1873 4 Qc 5 3 Qc 6 5 0 1 8 6 0 Pkp 7 3 1 Pkp 6 6 1 Qc 0 Pkp 1 4 11 7 1 1 4 1 12 Pkw 1 1 Pkw 5 Pkw 12 0 Pkw 6 4 7 Pkw 7 5 Pkw 6 Pkw 7 Pkl 7 4 8 2 ADOL2_6 -15.0835 128.1409 02 AUG2_5 0 -15.3908 124.5947 0 5 0 6 Qc 11 1 3 Pkw 6 Geology codes: Pkl – King Leopold sandstone; Pdh – Hart dolerite; Pkw – Warton sandstone; sandstone; Warton sandstone; Pdh – Hart dolerite; Pkw Geology codes: Pkl – King Leopold Substrate codes: Rock abundance – coarse fragment abundance (0 – no coarse fragments to 6 very abundant); Rock size – maximum size abundance – coarse fragment (0 no fragments to 6 very abundant); Rock Substrate codes: Rock 5 – rockland) (McDonald et al. 1990). 5 – rockland) fragments (1 – fi Location and substrate attributes of plant quadrats on each island sur of plant quadrats on each and substrate attributes Location code (Geolcode) assigned to each quadrat, and the fl code (Geolcode) assigned to each and Londonderry (SD/52-5) 1 and Camden Sound (SD/51-15,16), Regent Prince Cambridge Gulf (SD/52-14), Montague Sound (SD/51-12), map sheets published by the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics in conjunction with the Geological Survey of We in conjunction with the Geological Survey of Geology and Geophysics the Bureau of Mineral Resources, map sheets published by Pkp – Pentecost sandstone [Yampi Member (Pkpy), Buckland Point Member (Pkb)]; Member (Pkb)]; Point Buckland Member (Pkpy), sandstone [Yampi Pkp – Pentecost pisolite; Qc – Quaternary colluviums; Tertiary Tp – – Elgee siltstone; Pkc Carson volcanics; Pke Qs – QuaternaryAlluvium. sand; Qa – IslandAdolphus Site 1 Quadrat Code Latitude ( ADOL1_1 -15.1069 128.1585Augustus 0 1 AUG1_1 0 -15.3531 124.5285Bigge 0 6 1 0 BIG1_1 7 -14.5900 Qc 125.1839 13 1 5 4 6 Pkw 4 11 4 Pdh 5 APPENDIX 1 a b 230 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde Floristic Group b Geolcode a Bedrock a Rock total a E) Rock abundancea Rock size O S) Longitude ( O BIG1_3BIG1_4 -14.5911BIG2_2 -14.5884BIG2_3 125.1860BIG2_4 -14.5843 125.1851 -14.5853 4BOO3 -14.5803 125.1012 6BOO4 125.1034BOO5 125.0975 0 -15.0711 6 -15.0747BYM2 4 2 -15.0756 125.1864BYM3 5 125.1794BYM4 -15.3844 125.1783 4 0 -15.3855 3COR1_2 6 7 -15.3874 124.3620 3COR1_3 11 6 124.3615COR1_4 -14.9728 124.3627 5COR1_5 -14.9744 0 2 6COR1_6 -14.9702 124.9179 5 13 4 3 -14.9705 124.9190 0 10 1COR2_2 -14.9765 124.9216 0COR2_3 124.9240 4 0 Pkl 10 5COR2_4 -15.0304 124.9141 5 4 Pdh 6 5 -15.0285 5 2 4 5DAR1_2 -15.0292 124.9543 4 PklDAR1_3 8 124.9517 0 Pkl 0 6 10DAR1_4 -15.2906 124.9539 5 4 Pkl 0 7DAR1_5 -15.2897 3 5 0 9 -15.2915 6 124.4009 3 3 Pkw 8 -15.2908 124.4029 0 6 3 8 Pdh 124.3978 6 8 0 Pdh 124.4001 6 9 6 5 0 6 5 1 Pkw 0 5 0 10 1 Pkw 7 0 Pkw 4 6 11 4 0 6 4 Qs 2 4 6 4 Pkc 4 0 Pkl 0 12 Pkc 2 Pkc 12 1 5 12 0 7 Pkc 0 6 3 Qs 5 1 Qs 1 5 Pkw 0 10 Pkw 5 Pkw 4 Qa 7 4 6 2 BIG2_1 -14.5841 125.1019 0 0 02 COR2_1 0 -15.0285 124.9527 Pdh 32 8 DAR2_5 -15.2612 7 124.4422 5 10 3 3 Pkc 8 5 0 Pkw 7 Boongaree 1Byam Martin BOO1 1 -15.0724 BYM1Coronation 125.1834 1 -15.3873 2 COR1_1 124.3633 -14.9724 5 2 124.9180Jungulu* 0 5 4 1 DAR1_1 0 10 0 -15.2907 124.3994 5 Pdh 0 0 Qc 6 0 10 0 Qs 0 2 0 Qs 2 Island Site Quadrat Code Latitude ( VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 231 Floristic Group b Geolcode a Bedrock a Rock total a E) Rock abundancea Rock size O S) Longitude ( O KING02KING03KING04 -16.0904KING05 -16.0897 -16.0919 124.0941LACH2 -16.0904 124.0923LACH3 124.0930 4LACH4 124.0919 -16.6249 1 -16.6228 3LONG2 -16.6238 1 123.4706LONG3 123.4711 -16.5582 4 123.4718 6MARY2 -16.5596 4 1MARY3 123.3548 6 0MARY4 -13.9905 123.3553 4 -13.9927 8 5MOB02 -13.9923 126.3987 5 0 7MOB03 126.3983 9 1 126.4017 -14.3096 5 0 0 0 -14.3100 0 0 0 126.0271 1 13 0 126.0225 0 2 1 0 0 Qs 0 4 Qc 5 0 6 Pkp 0 0 2 Pkp 2 0 2 Pkl 0 0 4 0 5 7 Pkl 4 0 0 Qc 9 0 0 Qc 9 0 11 Qc 10 0 Qs 9 0 Qs 10 5 Qc 6 Qc 6 Pkc 10 10 5 DAR2_6DAR2_8 -15.2594HID2 -15.2616HID3 124.4444HID4 124.4437 -16.2212HID5 4 -16.2241HID6 5 -16.2204 123.4473 -16.2222 123.4501KAT2 -16.2218 123.4500 4KAT3 123.4506 5KAT4 6 -14.4478 123.4489 4 6 -14.4484 3 -14.4510 125.5190 0 125.5196 6 10 125.5193 4 7 11 0 6 5 3 0 10 0 3 12 6 10 0 6 Pkw 5 7 0 Pkw 4 5 10 5 Qa 0 5 4 Pkl 12 1 Pkl 0 Pkl 9 0 Qs 9 5 9 Pdh 9 Qs 8 Pkl 8 5 8 sher 1 KING01 -16.0919 124.0909 3 5 8 2 Pkp 4 Lachlan 1Long LACH1Mary -16.6230 1 123.4703 LONG1 1Middle Osborn 0 1 -16.5578 MARY1 123.3546 MOB01 -13.9915 2 -14.3102 0 126.3980 126.0288 0 0 4 6 0 0 8 7 Pkl 0 0 11 9 0 Pkl 3 Qs 5 Pkc 6 3 Hidden 1 HID1Katers -16.2226 1Kingfi 123.4527 KAT1 0 -14.4488 125.5179 0 4 0 6 0 10 Pkl 0 9 Pdh 5 Island Site Quadrat Code Latitude ( 232 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde Floristic Group b Geolcode a Bedrock a Rock total a E) Rock abundancea Rock size O S) Longitude ( O SGM02SGM03SGM04 -13.8698SGM05 -13.8724 -13.8750 126.5138SGME02 -13.8715 126.5155SGME03 126.5139 0 -13.8994SGME04 126.5142 2 -13.8987SGME05 0 -13.8946SGME06 126.5958 1 -13.8976SGME07 126.5995 -13.8954SGME08 126.6014 4 0 -13.8988 126.5975 5 2 -13.8979STAND2 126.6018 5 0STAND3 126.5960 1 5 -15.3577STAND4 126.5995 5 0 -15.3576 0 4 4 -15.3582 124.9968STO02 3 2 0 124.9969STO03 5 6 124.9978STO04 4 2 0 -15.9499 6 8 2 2 -15.9486 5 7 0 0 -15.9491 124.5598 10 2 1 124.5601 Qs 3 124.5614 5 Tp 5 0 7 6 Qa 6 3 0 3 Qs 3 6 5 2 0 5 Qc 9 3 6 Tp 5 Pkl 12 0 5 6 11 3 Qs 3 10 Pkl 5 0 Qs 7 10 5 Tp 12 0 5 7 6 Pkc 8 Pkc 0 5 Pkw 0 5 5 5 Pkl 5 Pkl Pkl 4 5 5 MOB04MOB07 -14.3102MOB08 -14.3051 126.0288NWMOL2 -14.3039NWMOL3 125.9934 0 -16.2506NWMOL4 125.9939 -16.2513 3 -16.2547 123.8230 3 123.8222 123.8244 5 0 5 4 3 3 0 5 5 6 5 6 0 10 10 0 9 0 Qs 3 4 Pkc Pkc 5 2 Pkw Pkw 5 Pke 5 9 9 9 1 SGM01 -13.86962 126.5128 SGME01 0 -13.8970 126.5977 0 1 0 1 0 2 Qs 0 2 Qs 3 2 MOB06 -14.3058 125.9929 3 3 6 0 Pkc 5 St Andrew 1Storr STAND1 -15.3578 1Sunday 124.9959 STO01 0 1 -15.9493 SUND1 124.5605 -16.4287 0 2 123.1787 0 0 4 0 0 6 Qc 0 0 2 0 Pkl Qs 4 2 NW Molema 1 NWMOL1Sir Graham Moore -16.2524 123.8246 4 4 8 0 Pke 9 Island Site Quadrat Code Latitude ( VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 233 Floristic Group b Geolcode a Bedrock a Rock total a E) Rock abundancea Rock size O S) Longitude ( O SWO02SWO03SWO04 -14.3744 -14.3757UNN02 -14.3744 125.9372UNN03 125.9369UNN04 -15.9101 125.9383 5UNN05 -15.9118 5UNN06 -15.9104 124.4628 5UNN07 -15.9109 124.4621 -15.9083 124.4617 5UW2 -15.9073 124.4615 5 6UW3 124.4674 0 5UW4 124.4656 1 5 -15.2570 4 -15.2590WARW2 5 7 11 -15.2586WARW3 124.8010 7 10 -13.9360WARW4 124.8000 0 10 -13.9383 124.8003 4 2 -13.9394WUL2 126.1742 4 5 12 4WUL4 126.1737 5 5 12 3WUL5 126.1735 0 0 0 -16.3734WUL6 4 Pkc 3 -16.3702WUL7 6 5 6 Pkw 8 -16.3709 124.2300 5 4 Pkc 8 -16.3707 124.2287 6 0 -16.3731 5 124.2309 4 0 Pkp 0 5 124.2301 5 10 5 Pkp 3 5 124.2314 6 8 3 0 Qc 1 11 4 Qa 5 0 4 Pkb 3 3 9 Pkb 5 2 10 9 4 4 4 4 7 Pkw 0 7 5 7 5 Pkw 10 Pkw 2 10 4 Qs 5 Pkc 4 0 10 4 Pkc 5 0 2 5 0 Pkpy 0 3 Pkpy Pkl 4 Qc 8 Pkpy 2 2 4 SUND2SUND3 -16.4283 -16.4270 123.1780 123.1764 0 5 0 2 0 7 0 3 Qc Pkl 10 9 1 SWO01 -14.3736 125.9371 0 0 0 0 Qs 2 Un-named 1 UNN01 -15.9112Uwins 124.4618 1 1 WargulWargul 1 UW1 WARW1Wulalam -15.2576 2 -13.9370 124.7991 1 126.1756 0 WUL1 3 6 -16.3707 2 124.2280 0 7 5 Pkp 0 13 4 5 0 5 10 Qs Pkc 0 2 3 Pkpy 4 South West South West Osborn Island Site Quadrat Code Latitude ( 234 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde <1.0 were treated as 0.001 for for treated as 0.001 were <1.0 e annual rainfall (mm); mxTwmP – (mm); mxTwmP e annual rainfall en (%); totP – total Phosphorus (mg/ en (%); totP – total Phosphorus C). o (1:100); exCa – exchangeable Calcium (cmol/kg); exMg – exchangeable Magnesium (cmol/kg); exNa – exchangeable Sodium – exchangeable exNa Magnesium (cmol/kg); – exchangeable exMg Calcium (cmol/kg); – exchangeable exCa (1:100); 3 BIG1_2BIG1_3 6.1BIG1_4 5.0 3.0 7.5BIG2_2 1.0 2.66 8.0 0.216 2.20 4.7 0.146 0.99 150.0 319 0.066 180 4.86 90 304 0.265 34 6.10 110 291 1.28 1.88 8.95 140 0.35 0.04 5.33 1.32 0.00 0.17 0.44 2.53 0.06 90.0 0.18 3.91 93.5 4.5 76.0 0.34 3.5 5.5 87.0 8.0 3.0 1103 16.0 7.0 1103 1103 6.0 34.6 1103 34.6 34.6 34.6 AUG1_2AUG1_3 5.5AUG1_4 5.9AUG1_5 1.0 5.6 1.0 1.13 5.3AUG2_6 1.0 0.070 0.98AUG2_7 1.0 0.040 1.16 5.5 63AUG2_8 0.050 1.46 6.4 63 1.0 0.090 22 5.4 72 3.0 1.41 20 1.12 84 2.0 0.070 1.21 20 1.36 0.72 0.090 2.25 19 1.06 68 0.61 0.03 0.140 180 0.27 0.73 0.02 0.04 62 190 0.30 110 0.02 0.05 95.0 1.68 2.83 0.05 89 0.05 93.0 0.48 2.0 2.46 0.04 2.48 93.0 2.5 0.02 0.10 91.5 3.0 1.03 3.5 0.05 4.5 1170 0.18 0.02 4.0 94.0 3.5 1170 82.5 0.09 4.5 1170 34.2 3.0 90.0 7.5 1170 34.2 3.0 10.0 4.0 34.2 1170 1170 34.2 6.0 1170 34.2 34.2 34.2 ADOL1_2ADOL1_3 6.5ADOL1_5 6.0 3.3 7.0ADOL2_7 6.5 0.90ADOL2_8 3.1 0.065 0.88 6.0ADOL2_9 0.062 0.47 6.5 86 3.1 0.042 5.5 57 2.0 1.30 650.0 78 63 0.084 100 1.40 0.57 5.50 0.093 0.67 97 0.036 86 0.61 0.36 1.60 89 0.04 54 94 0.15 0.48 0.12 79 220 1.50 0.17 0.04 93.0 3.00 1.90 1.10 94.0 0.15 0.65 2.40 4.5 0.11 95.0 3.0 0.03 0.95 0.13 2.5 3.0 3.0 0.12 0.30 94.0 827 93.5 2.0 827 94.0 4.0 827 4.0 2.5 37.6 2.0 37.6 2.5 3.5 827 37.6 827 827 37.6 37.6 37.6 ADOL2_10 6.5 2.3 0.58 0.047 70 66 1.20 0.45 0.05 0.09 95.5 3.0 1.5 827 37.6 2 AUG2_5 5.8 2.0 1.15 0.0802 97 BIG2_1 75 0.78 5.8 1.80 1.0 0.05 0.92 0.11 0.060 92.5 74 3.0 34 4.5 1.40 1170 0.54 0.02 34.2 0.07 93.5 3.5 3.0 1103 34.6 2 ADOL2_6 6.0 2.7 1.00 0.069 83 100 2.40 0.86 0.07 0.15 94.5 5.0 0.0 827 37.6 (cmol/kg); exK – exchangeable Potassium (cmol/kg); Sand – percent sand; Silt – percent silt; Clay – percent clay; Rain – averag Rain – percent clay; Sand – percent sand; Silt silt; Clay (cmol/kg); Potassium – exchangeable exK (cmol/kg); ( period of the year of the warmest maximum temperature multivariate analyses. For details on soil chemical analytical methods see Meissner et al. (2009). details on soil chemical For analyses. multivariate in 0.5M NaHCO totK – Potassium kg); Soil chemical and climate data for samples collected within each plant quadrat on sampled Kimberley islands. Reported values of values islands. Reported plant quadrat on sampled Kimberley and climate datasamples collected within each for Soil chemical Bigge 1 BIG1_1 6.8 9.0 3.98 0.282 464 170 11.24 2.45 0.06 0.31 46.0 27.5 26.5 1103 34.6 Augustus 1 AUG1_1 6.0 2.0 2.62 0.180 310 78 4.52 2.46 0.05 0.14 88.0 5.0 7.0 1170 34.2 IslandAdolphus Site Quadrat 1 Code pH ADOL1_1 EC 6.5 540.0 orgC totN 1.50 0.130 totP totK 98 exCa 320 exMg exNa 5.70 exK 7.00 Sand 0.50 Silt 0.53 Clay 80.5 Rain 11.5 mxTwmP 8.0 827 37.6 APPENDIX 2 CaCl2 (1:5); EC – Electrical Conductivity (mS/m) (1:5); orgC – Organic Carbon (%); totN total Nitrog Codes: pH – in 0.01M VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 235 HID2 4.0 1.0 0.84 0.051 50 0.01 0.57 0.24 0.04 0.05 94.0 2.5 3.5 839 33.2 BOO3BOO4 6.6BOO5 6.6 6.0 6.3 4.0 2.92 13.0 0.197 1.30 1.11 0.102 305 0.081 190 200 202 10.56 82 110 2.65 4.83 2.92 0.07 1.09 0.73 0.43 0.08 0.45 83.5 0.15 0.20 8.0 86.0 83.0 8.5 5.5 6.5 1138 8.5 10.5 1138 1138 35.3 35.3 35.3 BYM2BYM3 5.4BYM4 6.4 2.0 6.6 3.0 1.43 4.0 0.100 2.42 0.160 1.91 100 0.120 210 37 200 130 1.59 140 5.61 0.61 6.22 2.51 0.05 1.98 0.08 0.07 0.10 0.22 93.0 0.27 87.5 3.0 87.5 6.5 4.0 6.0 6.0 1144 6.5 1144 1144 33.6 33.6 33.6 BIG2_3BIG2_4 4.6 8.4 2.0 14.0 3.47 0.80 0.229 0.085 284 274 89 32 1.68 3.10 0.73 0.56 0.05 0.20 0.16 0.05 89.5 92.5 4.5 3.5 6.0 4.0 1103 1103 34.6 34.6 COR1_2COR1_3 9.0COR1_4 6.9COR1_5 5.0 5.4 14.0COR1_6 0.52 6.2 3.40 1.0 0.030 6.8 0.240COR2_2 2.0 1.13 260COR2_3 5.0 0.080 350 0.83 7.2COR2_4 0.060 13 1.85 8.5 230 310 19.0 0.150 1.84 840.0 17.86 8.5 120 5.78 30 260 0.15 1.20 5.50 0.490 9.0 23 0.50 0.100 0.00 180 1200 0.24 1.69 4.94 0.25 11.16 530 0.03 0.56 0.150 460 11.37 0.03 4.79 16.04 96.5 890 56.0 490 0.22 0.07 0.10 3.87 3.57 19.5 0.05 1.5 60 82.5 0.25 0.05 8.37 24.5 42.5 2.0 6.51 66.0 4.5 1.11 1141 4.06 20.5 1141 0.67 14.5 13.0 47.5 1.59 37.0 0.04 1141 19.5 34.8 36.0 66.5 1141 34.8 0.15 1141 16.5 13.0 94.5 34.8 1141 20.5 34.8 34.8 2.5 1141 34.8 3.0 34.8 1141 34.8 DAR1_2DAR1_3 6.2DAR1_4 5.7DAR1_5 2.0 6.1 2.0 2.55 6.0DAR2_6 2.0 0.140 1.96 13.0DAR2_8 0.090 1.21 6.9 160 4.12 0.090 5.8 59 0.220 120 7.0 100 3.0 6.29 160 4.21 71 0.370 89 3.31 3.46 180 3.31 0.200 3.32 340 0.05 1.95 0.82 140 0.93 0.17 230 2.70 0.02 15.47 0.03 89.0 96 1.31 0.07 4.91 0.09 6.22 0.24 7.0 95.5 0.09 94.0 2.92 84.5 4.0 2.5 0.36 3.0 0.05 1148 8.0 2.0 88.5 0.14 3.0 1148 7.5 7.0 91.0 1148 33.9 1148 4.5 4.5 33.9 33.9 1148 33.9 4.5 1148 33.9 33.9 2 COR2_1 6.6 6.0 3.75 0.290 7302 190 17.87 DAR2_5 2.39 6.1 0.10 3.0 0.43 1.70 44.0 0.100 29.0 150 27.0 110 1141 3.16 2.14 34.8 0.09 0.18 88.0 4.5 7.5 1148 33.9 Boongaree 1Byam Martin BOO1 1Coronation 6.2 4.0 BYM1 1.45 7.0 1 0.104 480.0 149 1.44 COR1_1 0.090 60 9.4 190 4.62 4.0 320 2.00 0.24Jungulu* 2.34 0.11 0.010 6.75 0.14 270 2.57 85.5 0.51 1 9 4.5 93.5 0.80 10.0 DAR1_1 1138 3.0 0.11 9.1 0.03Hidden 3.5 35.3 0.02 1144 5.0 98.0 0.42 0.030 33.6 1.0 1 180 1.0 1141 52 HID1 1.96 34.8 0.21 4.3 0.96 2.0 0.06 1.03 97.0 0.052 1.0 52 2.0 2 1148 0.41 0.34 33.9 0.10 0.03 95.0 1.5 3.5 839 33.2 Island Site Quadrat Code pH EC orgC totN totP totK exCa exMg exNa exK Sand Silt Clay Rain mxTwmP 236 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde HID3HID4 5.5HID5 4.6HID6 0.0 5.1 1.0 0.62 8.1 1.0 0.038 1.45 5.0 0.076 0.60 49 0.033 0.36 72 0.01 0.030 45 0.01 1.80 140 0.01 2.46 0.39 1.12 0.56 6 0.02 0.42 0.01 1.80 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.19 94.5 0.03 93.5 0.01 3.0 95.5 0.02 3.0 2.5 97.5 2.5 3.5 839 1.0 2.0 839 839 1.5 33.2 33.2 839 33.2 33.2 KAT2KAT3 7.2KAT4 7.4 6.0 4.8 10.0 2.18 3.36 1.0 0.158 0.293 1.18 320 0.090 901 100 134 130 5.88 8.66 33 1.97 2.55 0.25 0.08 0.01 0.11 0.20 0.28 0.01 82.5 82.5 0.05 7.5 8.5 91.0 10.0 9.0 1069 3.0 1069 6.0 1069 35 35 35 MOB07MOB08 6.8 6.7 8.0 27.0 4.20 3.54 0.291 0.256 498 422 630 440 15.01 14.54 7.63 6.99 0.24 0.79 1.59 1.02 40.5 29.5 27.0 26.5 32.5 44.0 1051 1051 34.5 34.5 MOB02MOB03 7.4MOB04 590.0 7.4 8.7 2.06 31.0 0.104 2.72 7.0 0.234 296 0.99 0.086 341 950 3.51 520 410 13.43 7.56 33 5.29 8.42 3.70 0.64 1.24 0.35 0.50 81.0 0.04 67.0 8.0 0.05 13.5 11.0 94.5 19.5 1051 2.0 1051 3.5 34.5 34.5 1051 34.5 LACH2LACH3 4.3 5.6 2.0 8.0 1.53 0.082 2.86 0.176 89 160 3 6 1.06 6.22 0.27 2.38 0.02 0.29 0.04 0.14 91.0 90.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 787 787 33.9 33.9 LONG2LONG3 6.5 8.4 18.0 300.0 8.97 0.60 0.593 0.047 480 140 23 15.56 5 3.40 1.42 0.15 3.21 0.34 1.15 85.5 0.44 89.5 6.5 3.5 8.0 7.0 768 768 34 34 MARY2MARY3 8.6MARY4 6.3 7.0 8.6 2.0 0.45 470.0 0.041 0.70 0.75 0.049 110 0.052 74 120 29 260 3.00 18 1.80 0.10 2.50 3.80 0.01 0.35 1.40 0.08 0.02 0.37 96.0 0.04 93.5 96.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 5.0 2.5 968 968 968 34.5 34.5 34.5 KING02KING03 4.1KING04 4.8KING05 2.0 4.3 70.0 1.76 4.7 1.56 3.0 0.103 0.097 3.0 1.47 79 0.094 240 0.74 0.059 1 72 50 220 2.06 1.19 1 0.74 2.36 4 2.02 0.04 1.69 0.50 0.91 0.09 0.26 1.14 0.04 89.5 73.5 0.13 0.08 15.0 0.05 5.0 85.5 11.5 88.5 5.5 10.0 943 4.5 943 4.5 7.0 943 34 943 34 34 34 2 MOB06 7.9 100.0 3.94 0.296 551 520 17.41 7.11 3.45 1.06 49.5 23.5 27.0 1051 34.5 sher 1 KING01 8.5 6.0 0.17 0.016 220 7 1.04 0.15 0.03 0.00 98.0 1.0 1.0 943 34 LachlanLong 1Mary LACH1 1 7.5 7.0Middle Osborn LONG1 0.78 1 0.056 7.6 1 17.0 270 MARY1 3.69 8.8 MOB01 12 0.373 2.09 5.0 6.7 720 0.09 0.25 9.0 20 0.033 0.01 4.42 10.23 0.01 280 0.308 2.11 97.5 437 0.07 8 1.0 400 0.12 1.20 13.71 1.5 90.5 0.06 4.99 787 0.01 4.0 0.20 0.01 5.5 0.87 33.9 97.5 768 57.5 1.0 21.5 1.5 21.0 34 1051 968 34.5 34.5 KatersKingfi 1 KAT1 7.3 4.0 1.94 0.180 606 110 6.38 1.20 0.01 0.20 50.0 22.5 27.5 1069 35 Island Site Quadrat Code pH EC orgC totN totP totK exCa exMg exNa exK Sand Silt Clay Rain mxTwmP VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 237 STO02STO03 3.9STO04 5.2 2.0 4.4 4.0 1.21 34.0 0.077 2.28 2.25 0.203 210 0.168 300 200 4 6 0.18 7 4.92 0.05 1.53 1.68 0.01 1.13 0.04 0.02 0.70 0.10 91.0 0.14 87.5 2.5 86.0 5.0 6.5 4.5 7.5 1007 9.5 1007 1007 35.4 35.4 35.4 SGM02SGM03 8.9SGM04 6.4SGM05 6.0 5.5 3.0 0.45 7.0 10.0 0.043 1.57 2.03 5.0 0.079 760 0.132 1.54 177 0.104 12 120 47 2.07 201 57 3.98 0.14 0.79 86 1.77 0.03 1.34 6.05 0.06 0.02 0.60 1.45 0.12 94.5 0.14 0.04 88.0 2.0 76.5 0.20 4.0 91.0 3.5 9.0 8.0 979 14.5 3.5 979 979 5.5 34.4 979 34.4 34.4 34.4 SWO02 7.3 12.0 5.12 0.417 860 360 13.22 2.14 0.08 0.76 62.0 19.0 19.0 1041 34.8 SUND2SUND3 8.2 450.0 7.2 1.47 17.0 0.106 2.62 0.246 570 860 23 2.41 41 6.05 7.20 4.15 0.64 0.70 0.07 80.0 0.15 81.5 7.5 12.5 8.5 10.0 778 778 33.2 33.2 SGME02SGME03 7.9SGME04 480.0 6.3SGME05 4.9 1.17 11.0SGME06 8.2 0.047 3.43SGME07 4.0 5.3 10.0 0.189 263SGME08 2.04 9.1 1.99 4.0 0.122 613 320 130.0 6.3 0.186 1.28 4.02 120 0.49 14.0 88 0.070 755 0.036 4.50 7.79 8.75 37 185 0.567 67 296 2.75 3.41 1.02 9.66 0.51 40 650 0.29 140 0.61 0.55 93.5 0.63 0.27 0.98 230 0.12 19.53 2.11 0.32 80.0 1.92 2.5 0.06 8.50 0.39 0.14 10.0 1.16 4.0 94.0 0.46 91.0 0.09 10.0 0.25 979 3.5 0.59 87.5 93.0 979 4.0 64.5 2.5 3.5 2.5 5.0 34.4 19.5 34.4 979 9.0 979 4.5 16.0 979 979 979 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 STAND2STAND3 6.8STAND4 7.3 10.0 6.2 14.0 5.66 0.430 6.12 8.0 0.440 610 4.37 0.270 640 320 23.91 490 230 19.98 4.77 150 19.76 12.36 0.14 0.34 3.51 0.72 0.42 0.10 47.5 68.0 0.39 37.0 17.5 61.0 15.5 14.5 22.0 1127 1127 17.0 1127 35.7 35.7 35.7 NWMOL2NWMOL3 4.8NWMOL4 4.6 3.0 4.0 3.0 2.37 3.0 0.124 2.40 0.123 1.63 86 0.110 70 130 1 1 4.13 3 5.40 1.50 0.65 1.34 0.06 0.29 0.04 0.17 0.03 0.09 64.5 0.08 92.0 27.5 80.0 3.5 8.0 9.0 4.5 881 11.0 881 881 33.4 33.4 33.4 2 SGME01 9.0 6.0 0.43 0.033 495 12 2.18 0.27 0.03 0.02 96.5 1.0 2.5 979 34.4 IslandNW Molema Site 1 Quadrat CodeSir Graham Moore NWMOL1 pH 1 4.7 EC 3.0 orgC SGM01 2.16 totN 9.1 0.094 totP 6.0 67 totK 0.36 exCa exMg 0.031 1 exNa 392 4.27 exK 1.17 Sand 20 0.04 1.56 Silt 0.12 0.20 Clay 87.0 Rain 0.01 mxTwmP 7.0 0.03 98.0 6.0 0.0 881 2.0 33.4 979 34.4 St Andrew 1Storr STAND1 6.0Sunday 330.0 1 0.92 0.060 South West 250Osborn STO01 1 730 4.9 1.65 SUND1 2.0 5.14 2.17 1 8.1 2.92 0.114 0.85 6.0 180 SWO01 85.5 0.37 0.037 9.1 4 8.0 850 4.18 5.0 6.5 1.74 0.28 57 1127 0.024 0.05 1.73 282 0.11 0.15 35.7 86.5 0.03 10 0.01 6.5 1.17 96.5 0.11 7.0 0.02 1007 1.5 0.01 2.0 35.4 97.5 778 0.5 33.2 2.0 1041 34.8 238 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde UW2UW3 5.6UW4 5.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 0.82 2.0 0.060 1.23 0.060 1.22 130 0.070 44 39 62 1.14 58 60 0.50 1.89 0.95 0.03 0.49 0.34 0.06 0.02 0.06 92.5 0.06 0.08 96.0 3.5 94.0 2.5 4.0 3.5 1155 1.5 2.5 1155 1155 34.8 34.8 34.8 WUL2WUL4 5.5WUL6 4.4 4.0 6.0 2.0 2.30 13.0 0.160 3.07 2.34 0.184 150 0.145 130 230 4 3 4.88 16 3.01 11.29 1.47 1.02 2.70 0.03 0.04 0.70 0.19 0.11 0.30 83.0 86.0 45.0 8.5 26.0 6.5 8.5 29.0 7.5 901 901 901 35.3 35.3 35.3 SWO03SWO04 6.4 6.7 3.0 6.0 1.85 0.137 2.08 0.174 304 345 120 190 3.85 5.28 2.66 2.96 0.06 0.07 0.25 0.41 78.0 82.5 11.5 10.0 10.5 1041 7.5 1041 34.8 34.8 UNN02UNN03 4.4UNN04 3.9UNN05 2.0 6.2UNN06 2.0 3.89 260.0 5.1UNN07 0.268 2.24 5.4 0.91 2.0 0.148 1100 5.2 0.062 3.0 1.73 230 140 2.0 0.118 83 1.08 2.15 0.091 0.50 9 110 1.56 0.043 3 300 0.43 0.09 1.16 3 190 0.18 0.19 3 3.02 4.02 0.02 3 84.5 2.44 1.17 0.90 0.06 0.92 0.58 0.27 0.02 6.0 91.0 0.33 0.14 93.0 0.06 9.5 2.5 0.04 0.17 93.5 1000 2.0 0.09 82.5 6.5 3.0 5.0 84.0 1000 10.5 35.2 1000 3.5 11.0 7.0 1000 35.2 5.0 1000 35.2 1000 35.2 35.2 35.2 WARW2WARW3 9.0WARW4 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.0 0.45 4.0 0.050 1.71 0.153 0.78 410 0.065 570 21 650 200 2.10 9.20 82 0.25 3.30 3.00 0.01 0.19 1.10 0.05 0.45 0.06 97.5 61.5 0.18 0.5 15.5 83.0 2.0 23.0 8.0 946 946 9.0 946 33.7 33.7 33.7 Un-named 1 UNN01Uwins 3.7 2.0 1.22 WargulWargul 0.078 1 64 1 2 UW1Wulalam WARW1 0.29 8.8 6.7 0.12 6.0 25.0 0.03 0.67 1 4.32 0.02 0.060 0.270 95.0 350 490 WUL1 2.0 190 23 5.1 3.0 13.00 2.94 2.0 1000 5.70 0.21 2.06 0.62 0.04 0.132 35.2 0.45 0.04 WUL7 150 53.5 96.5 5.3 19.0 3 1.5 27.5 3.0 3.88 2.0 1.91 946 1.46 1155 0.139 0.04 160 33.7 0.17 34.8 80.5 4 10.0 4.50 9.5 0.92 0.03 901 0.14 79.5 35.3 11.0 9.5 901 35.3 Island Site Quadrat Code pH EC orgC totN totP totK exCa exMg exNa exK Sand Silt Clay Rain mxTwmP VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 239

APPENDIX 3 Richness of plant species endemic to the Northern Kimberley bioregion recorded on sampled Kimberley islands (KIBS and other records) and the values of the island environmental attributes used in the analysis of species richness.

Key: Richness – plant endemic species richness, Boulder – extent of rock scree (0 = fl at; 1 = rounded, soil-mantled hill slopes and plateaux, narrow scree; 2 = shallow joints, wide ledges, moderate scree; 3 = massive scree, deep joints and scarp country), Elevation – maximum elevation (m), Rainfall – average annual rainfall (mm), Distance – distance to the mainland (km), Area – area of island (ha), Quadrats – number of quadrats sampled.

Island Richness Boulder Elevation Rainfall Distance Area Quadrats

Adolphus 1 2 244 827 1.96 4134 8

Augustus 14 3 181 1170 1.79 18,929 9

Bigge 22 3 138 1103 2.97 17,108 8

Boongaree 9 3 235 1138 0.14 4164 4

Byam Martin 4 3 69 1144 13.28 816 3

Coronation 8 2 153 1141 6.07 3791 9

Jungulu 7 3 95 1148 18.91 4803 8

Hidden 2 3 127 839 1.48 1871 5

Katers 6 3 101 1069 1.4 1713 4

Kingfi sher 1 1 82 943 15.47 300 5

Lachlan 1 2 93 787 0.17 1150 3

Long 0 2 65 768 9.36 1125 2

Mary 2 0 11 968 0.68 847 3

Middle Osborn 8 2 240 1051 2.34 2378 6

NW Molema 1 2 154 881 1.06 592 4

Sir Graham Moore 7 1 61 979 2.84 2812 12

St Andrew 5 2 284 1127 2.23 1465 3

Storr 6 3 165 1007 0.26 1883 4

Sunday 0 2 59 778 8.06 1186 2

South West Osborn 15 3 134 1041 3.07 1340 4

Un-named 2 2 83 1000 0.69 897 6

Uwins 10 3 134 1155 0.23 3219 4

Wargul Wargul 4 1 87 946 0.25 626 3

Wulalam 0 1 77 901 0.86 415 6 240 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

APPENDIX 4 Plant species endemic to the Northern Kimberley bioregion and recorded on the sampled Kimberley islands.

Island Family Genus Adolphus Malvaceae Triumfetta sp. Adolphus Island (K.F. Kenneally 11898) Augustus Amaranthaceae Ptilotus decalvatus Aponogetonaceae Aponogeton kimberleyensis Cyperaceae Actinoschoenus sp. C Kimberley Flora (P.G. Wilson s.n. 12/5/72) Droseraceae caduca Fabaceae Plagiocarpus dispermus Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Loranthaceae Amyema pyriformis Malvaceae Gossypium costulatum Malvaceae Gossypium pilosum Malvaceae Decaschistia occidentalis Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea ondinea Rubiaceae Gardenia gardneri Solanaceae Solanum cataphractum Solanaceae Solanum heteropodium Bigge Annonaceae Polyalthia australis Cleomaceae Cleome sp. Bonaparte Archipelago (A.A. Mitchell 4774) Cleomaceae Cleome arenitensis Cyperaceae Actinoschoenus sp. D Kimberley Flora (K.F. Kenneally 4789) Cyperaceae Fimbristylis sp. E Kimberley Flora (C.R. Dunlop 5403) Euphorbiaceae Ricinocarpos marginatus Fabaceae Acacia gardneri Fabaceae Acacia kenneallyi Fabaceae Acacia sp. Bigge Island (A.A. Mitchell 3436) Fabaceae Bossiaea sp. Princess May Range (M.D. Barrett & R.L. Barrett MDB 1326) Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Loranthaceae Amyema pyriformis Lagerstroemia archeriana var. divaricatifl ora Malvaceae leptocarpus Malvaceae Triumfetta bradshawii Malvaceae Decaschistia byrnesii subsp. lavandulacea Malvaceae Corchorus puberulus Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea ondinea Poaceae Monodia stipoides Solanaceae Solanum cataphractum Solanaceae Solanum sp. Boomerang Bay (K.F. Kenneally 10021) Stylidiaceae Stylidium perizostera Boongaree Annonaceae Miliusa sp. Monsoon (K.F. Kenneally 10193 & B.P.M. Hyland) Cyperaceae Fimbristylis sp. E Kimberley Flora (C.R. Dunlop 5403) Fabaceae Plagiocarpus dispermus Lythraceae Lagerstroemia archeriana var. divaricatifl ora Portulacaceae Portulaca cyclophylla Rubiaceae Spermacoce oxytheca VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 241

Island Family Genus Sapindaceae Lepisanthes rubiginosa Solanaceae Solanum cataphractum Solanaceae Solanum heteropodium Byam Martin Amaranthaceae Ptilotus decalvatus Fabaceae Acacia kenneallyi Rubiaceae Spermacoce hippocrepica Solanaceae Solanum heteropodium Coronation Annonaceae Polyalthia australis Cyperaceae Fimbristylis sp. F Kimberley Flora (A.S. George 13789) Fabaceae Acacia dissimilis Malvaceae Gossypium costulatum Malvaceae Hibiscus peralbus Polygalaceae Polygala sp. A Kimberley Flora (K.F. Kenneally 7752) Rubiaceae Spermacoce sp. Berthier Dunes (R.L. Barrett RLB 5753) Solanaceae Solanum cataphractum Jungulu Cycadaceae Cycas basaltica Cyperaceae Actinoschoenus sp. B Kimberley Flora (G.J. Keighery 2649) Fabaceae Plagiocarpus dispermus Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Malvaceae Decaschistia occidentalis Solanaceae Solanum cataphractum Solanaceae Solanum heteropodium Hidden Cyperaceae Actinoschoenus sp. B Kimberley Flora (G.J. Keighery 2649) Malvaceae Corchorus leptocarpus Katers Annonaceae Polyalthia australis Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Loranthaceae Amyema pyriformis Malvaceae Corchorus leptocarpus Malvaceae Corchorus puberulus Poaceae Monodia stipoides Kingfi sher Haemodoraceae Haemodorum sp. A Kimberley Flora (K.F. Kenneally 8639) Lachlan Fabaceae Acacia sp. Trent River (K.F. Kenneally 11701) Mary Amaranthaceae Ptilotus crispus Rubiaceae Spermacoce sp. Berthier Dunes (R.L. Barrett RLB 5753) Middle Osborn Amaranthaceae Ptilotus decalvatus Convolvulaceae Ipomoea trichosperma Cyperaceae Fimbristylis sp. E Kimberley Flora (C.R. Dunlop 5403) Fabaceae Glycine lactovirens Malvaceae Corchorus leptocarpus Malvaceae Gossypium pilosum Malvaceae Hibiscus peralbus Portulacaceae Portulaca clavigera NW Molema Malvaceae Helicteres sp. Mertens Falls (K.F. Kenneally 7887) Sir Graham Moore Fabaceae Jacksonia argentea Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Goodeniaceae Scaevola sp. Sir Graham Moore Island (P.G. Wilson 11204) Malvaceae Gossypium costulatum Malvaceae Decaschistia byrnesii subsp. lavandulacea 242 M.N. Lyons, G.J. Keighery, L.A. Gibson and T. Handasyde

Island Family Genus Malvaceae Gossypium exiguum Rubiaceae Spermacoce sp. Berthier Dunes (R.L. Barrett RLB 5753) St Andrew Cyperaceae Actinoschoenus sp. C Kimberley Flora (P.G. Wilson s.n. 12/5/72) Fabaceae Plagiocarpus dispermus Malvaceae Gossypium pilosum Malvaceae Helicteres sp. Mertens Falls (K.F. Kenneally 7887) Portulacaceae Portulaca clavigera Storr Annonaceae Polyalthia australis Cyperaceae Actinoschoenus sp. B Kimberley Flora (G.J. Keighery 2649) Droseraceae Drosera caduca Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Eucalyptus kenneallyi Solanaceae Solanum heteropodium South West Osborn Annonaceae Miliusa sp. Monsoon Forest (K.F. Kenneally 10193 & B.P.M. Hyland) Convolvulaceae Ipomoea trichosperma Cyperaceae Fimbristylis sp. E Kimberley Flora (C.R. Dunlop 5403) Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon sp. E Kimberley Flora (A.S. George 12635) Fabaceae Acacia dissimilis Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Lentibulariaceae Utricularia georgei Loganiaceae Mitrasacme kenneallyi Lythraceae Lagerstroemia archeriana var. divaricatifl ora Malvaceae Corchorus leptocarpus Malvaceae Hibiscus peralbus Malvaceae Hibiscus kenneallyi Meliaceae Dysoxylum latifolium Phyllanthaceae Sauropus salignus Rubiaceae Spermacoce oxytheca Un-named Cyperaceae Actinoschoenus sp. B Kimberley Flora (G.J. Keighery 2649) Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Uwins Aponogetonaceae Aponogeton kimberleyensis Cyperaceae Actinoschoenus sp. C Kimberley Flora (P.G. Wilson s.n. 12/5/72) Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon sp. E Kimberley Flora (A.S. George 12635) Fabaceae Plagiocarpus dispermus Goodeniaceae Goodenia arachnoidea Malvaceae Gossypium costulatum Malvaceae Gossypium pilosum Malvaceae Hibiscus refl exus Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea ondinea Solanaceae Solanum cataphractum Wargul Wargul Boraginaceae Heliotropium nesopelydum Cyperaceae Fimbristylis sp. E Kimberley Flora (C.R. Dunlop 5403) Malvaceae Gossypium pilosum Portulacaceae Portulaca clavigera VEGETATION OF KIMBERLEY ISLANDS 243

Electronic Appendix 1 Quadrat by plant species data matrix, reordered according to their quadrat and species classifi cations, recorded from the 24 sampled Kimberley islands. The ten fl oristic (quadrat) groups are indicated, as well as the analysis code assigned to each taxon. See Appendix 1 for quadrat code descriptions. Taxa recorded from one quadrat are excluded (see Electronic Appendix 3).

Electronic Appendix 2 List of taxa recorded from the Northern Kimberley bioregion, and their Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW, formerly Department of Environment and Conservation) conservation priority codes based on vouchers at the Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH). Species recorded during the current Kimberley Island Biodiversity Survey (KIBS) on the 24 islands sampled are shown, as are previous island records held in the Western Australian Herbarium (Islands). Analysis codes are those used as taxon identifi ers for multivariate analyses. Where specimens could not be determined to existing subspecifi c taxa, and more than one occurs within the broader study area, the specifi c level taxon is also listed. Some taxa were analysed at the specifi c level where subspecifi c determination was not possible.* indicates an exotic species.

Electronic Appendix 3 List of plant taxa recorded from one quadrat only on the 24 sampled Kimberley islands. See Appendix 1 for quadrat code descriptions.

Electronic Appendix 4 List of taxa recorded outside formal quadrats during the Kimberley Island Biodiversity Survey from the 24 sampled islands.

See CD inside the back cover, or visit: http://www.museum.wa.gov.au/research/records-supplements/attachments

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