RECORDS OF THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM 81 205–244 (2014) DOI: 10.18195/issn.0313-122x.81.2014.205-244 SUPPLEMENT Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia M.N. Lyons1*, G.J. Keighery1, L.A. Gibson2 and T. Handasyde3 1 Department of Parks and Wildlife, Science and Conservation Division, Keiran McNamara Conservation Science Centre, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Western Australia 6983, Australia. 2 Department of Parks and Wildlife, Science and Conservation Division, PO Box 51, Wanneroo, Western Australia 6946, Australia. 3 Department of Parks and Wildlife, Science and Conservation Division, PO Box 942, Kununurra, Western Australia 6743, Australia. * Corresponding author:
[email protected] ABSTRACT – A systematic survey of fl ora and fl oristic communities was undertaken on 24 selected inshore islands off the Northern Kimberley (NK) coast between 2007 and 2010. One hundred and thirty seven 50 x 50 m quadrats were sampled for fl oristics and surface soils, and site attributes recorded. Quadrat sampling was supplemented by general collecting to further document the fl oristics of major substrates and habitats of each island. We recorded 1005 taxa from the surveyed islands, of which, 403 taxa were new records for the collective islands of the NK bioregion. Based on existing Western Australian Herbarium collections and current survey records, the fl ora recorded from the islands represents approximately 49 percent of the NK bioregion fl ora. A total of 57 taxa of conservation signifi cance were recorded from the surveyed islands. Few taxa appear to be restricted to islands.