LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE 9-23-69 9-23-69 o 5 at 0930 5 "I at 0306 o 6 at 2130 5 2 at 1536 ttOURGlJ.\SS

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All The News That F~tq We Prlnt No 8509 [VO~ 9, KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Monday September 22 1969 Sources Say Nixon to Order Catholics Dismantle Barricades In Londonderry's Ca,holic Area Supersonic Transport Plane LONDONDERRY (UPI) -- Rpsldents of WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Nlxon personally wlll announce hlS declslon to- Londonderry's Roman Catholic Bogside morrow whether to go ahead wlth development of the controverslal SST Sources Dlstrict began dismantling barricades predlcted he would glve it a go-ahead today There were no incidents "I antlclpate that the Presldent wlll approve the request for funds whlch wlll Today police issued three summonses be sufflclent to lnitiate constructlon of the f1rst prototype SST," sald Henry The summonses were agalnst M1SS Devlin M Jackson (Oem -Wash ) when she took part in the Cathollc bat­ The Boelng Co , headquartered 1n Jackson's home state, has the contract for tles wlth police in the Bogside area No the 1,800 mph plane other details of them were announced Jackson and Rep Thomas A Pelly, A police spokesman said they had not (Rep -Wash ), wlll be on hand when Rally Staged in Chicago been able to serve the summonses be­ Nixon makes hlS announcement at 9 am cause Miss Devlin is reportedly travel­ EDT tomorrow lng ln Europe Most objectlons to build the plane Demanding Negro Jobs Armed troops guarded the Clty court­ center on the blg sonic boom lt would house where a three-man tribunal began create and its healthy prlce-tag CHICAGO (UPI) -- About 2,500 perSClTIs hearlngs today into the causes of the Constructl0n of two prototypes of the staged a two-hour rally ln the Clvic rlots ln Northern Ireland durlng July 300-passenger plane would cost an estl- Center Plaza today as part of a "Black and August ln whlch nlne persons were mated $1 4 bl11l0n Monday" demonstratlon demandlng 1I'0re kllled The government has put up about $65 constructlon Jobs for Negroes IMLAY PIRATF?--No, a U S Advlser Justlce Leslle Scarman, a Brltlsh ml1110n so far for the SST If the A slmllar demonstratlon took place ln sportlng a black headband and necklace Hlgh Court Judge, opened the lnqulry project is to stay allve, Nlxon will Plttsburgh where students halted work on of grenades as he wades through hlgh wlth a pledge that the trlbunal wlll have to ask Congress for about $25 a constructlon project at Carnegle- Mel­ grass on patrol near Carnbodlan border dlsregard 'polltlcal bellefs or pas- ml1110n thlS year However, he could lon Unlverslty, but one planned for Al­ of South VIet Narn slons " postpone actual constructl0n of the bany, NY ,falled to materlallze as loc­ "ghtl"ng Erupts The flrst wltness to testlfy was Col plane and seek Just enough research mo­ al leaders sald they had no tlme to or­ New FI Wlll1am Todd, Commandlng Offlcer of ney to keep the project alive ganlze a rally lley, the Prlnce of Wales Infantry Battallon If Nixon decides to build two proto­ The Chlcago demonstratlon was the lar­ In Que Son Va whlch was the flrst to be deployed in types, the government share of the $1 4 gest ln a series of actlons by the Coal­ Area South of Da Nang Londonderry after Cathollc rloters got bililon would be about $945 ml11~on itlon for Vnlted Communlty Action, a out n,f control of local pollce Boelng would klck ln about $271 mllLlon collectl0n of black groups seeklng more SAIGON (lIPI) -- Nely flght Ing erupted He descrlbed the rlOt scenes of Aug and the natl0n's alrlines about $60 Jobs ln constructlon The Coalltlon today In the battle-worn Oue Son Valley 14 and 15 ln whlch pollce used tear gas mililon So far alrlines have ,ordered closed down about 20 constructlon pro­ and surroundlng area south of Da Nang for the flrst tIme agalnst rloters ln 122 planes Jects ln Chlcago during the summer where the Communlsts launched assaults the Unlted Klngdom Nlxon could possibly order a go-ahead The demands sparked actlon today by tha t dmmed three II S hell copters and I for only a slngle prototype thus cut­ President Nlxon and the Executlve Coun­ caused 31 Amerlcan casualtles ting flnanclng to reduce the governMent cll of the BUlldlng and Construction Mliltary spokesmen said the three UHI ~ risk Trades Department of the AFL-CIO Army Hellcopters forced down by Commun-I Earlier thlS year, the Admlnistrat~on Nlxon announced the establlshment of 1st flre were ferrYlng troops of the was reported considerlng an alternate a Constructlon Industry Collectlve Bar­ 196th lIght Infantry Brlgade Into the means of flnanclng, poss~bly sell~ng gaining COIDmlSS10n headed by Labor Sec­ foothlils of the lO-mlle-long valley government guaranteed securlt~es on the retary George P Schultz He sald the Just south of Da Nang, a northern coa­ open market to pr~vate lnvestors Commlsslon 1<>111 see' to ease "strlfe and stal clly northeast of Salgon Crit~cs of the plane argue that money tensions" ln the lndustry Com~un]st troops dtt (~.~ soldlers for the plane could be better spent on The AFL-CIO Constructlon Department aboard the alrcraft, who called ln ar­ cur~ng the nation's soclal llls Re­ refused as "slmpllstlc" proposals to set tl11ery and hellcopter runshlp support gardlng the sonic boom complalnt, back­ up quotas for hlring Negroes The Pres­ In a three-hour battle, the Amerlcans ers clalm the plane wlll be used only ident of the group, L J Haggerty, ac­ suffered one dead and nlne wounded on over-ocean flights Backers also cused "black agltators" of harasslng un­ The Que Son Valley, slte of the Hlep clalm the plane is needed to malntaln lon laborers ln several cltles Buc Paclflcatl0n Houslng Vll1age, which V S superiorlty in commerclal aVl­ houses 4,000 refugees from the war, was ation Two English Professors the scene of bitter flghtlng about a The Soviet Vnlon flew a supersonlc month ago ln WhlCh more than 80 Amerl­ alrllner last year The British-French Find Cache of Works cans and 1,100 North Vletnamese were Concorde flew thlS year Both planes kllled .., are smaller versions of the V S SST UNIVERSITY PARK, PA (UPI) -- Two Penn Mllitary spokesmen sald Communlsts ~~ but are expected to be in use by com- State Vniverslty English professors have shot down two other hellcopters ln the ' ~ merlcial alrllnes ln 1972 uncovered a cache of hitherto unpubllsh­ vlcln~ty of Da Nang yesterday, woundlng DISMANTLING OF THE ed and unknown works by the late Nobel­ four men House Members Start prlze-wlnnlng author Ernest Hemlngway, includlng an incomplete novel on Nick Cam paign to Dump Adams, hlS best-known short-story char­ tSecond Battle of Chicago' Unfolds acter Some Major Legislation PhIlip Young, an expert on Hemlngway WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Key House mem- and a research professor at Penn State With Defendants Planning Protest bers started a drlve today to dump a and Dr Charles W Mann, Chlef of Spec­ CHICAGO (UPI) -- "The Second Battle of Chlcago" -- the trlal of elght men few major bIlls, IncludIng several on ial collectlons at Penn State Library, who have been charged as activlsts to lnclte rlots at the 1968 Democratlc PreSIdent Nlxon's priorlty list, and made the find while pouring over 20,000 Natlonal Conventlon -- began to unfold today in an atmosphere crackling with wlnd up the 1969 session by Thanksgiv- pages of manuscript in a New York bank protest plans, securlty precautlons and legal maneuverlng lng But the Senate sent word thlS was vault durlng the past year Thelr ef­ Flve of the defendants, at a news conference, detalled elaborate demonstra- out of the question forts will be catalogued ln a l3-page tl0n plans for the trlal, WhlCh beglns Wednesday "It looks to me like we'll be in ses- blbllography to be publlshed next month Top law enforcement offiCIals huddled in the Federal BUllding to dlSCUSS sec­ S10n all year," sald Senate Democratic l-y the Penn State Unlverslty and wlll ,------, urlty precautlons for the trlal Leader Mike Mansfield include three novels, 19 short stories, One of the defendants' attorneys, who A Soclal Securlty boost, voting 33 poems and 11 works of non-fictlon charged his phone had been tapped and rIghts, coal mlne safety, housing, an- Young, in an lntervlew today, sald, TODAY'S NEWS mall read qurlng trial preparatlons, pe­ tl-poverty and the rest of the year's however, that "perhaps the most lnter­ titioned a request that the V S Dist­ money bliis were llsted as belng among estlng flnd" was a letter tg Hemlngway rict Court Judge hearing the case dlS­ the remalnlng targets for House actIon from the late F Scott Fltz~erald WhlCh AT A GLANCE quallfy hlmself before adJournment caused Hemlngway to rewrlte the flrst Abbie Hoffman, 32, a long-tlme member Of the PresIdent's three newly lu;ted two chapters of "T'le Sun Also RIses" of the Youth International Party and one "must" bllis for the rest of the year-- "Fitzgerald saw the galleys of the NORTHERN IRELAND -- Treal begens of the defendants, sald 'there would be a draft lottery, an antlcrlme package and Hemlngway novel before lt was Dubllshed~ to f"nd baSeS for pcots candlellght "service" for 5,000 in Lin­ postal reform--only the postal reform Young sald "I coln Park on the nlght before the trial had much hope "In the letter FltZgerald glves Hem- CHICAGO -- Demonstpat~ons expected followed by a march to the Federal Paul Albert, House Democratlc Leader, Ingway hell for some of the stuff he had BuildIng sald, "The leadershlp is under pressure wrltten ln hlS orl.glnal openlng " SAIGON -- Feght~ng ~ncreas~ng once Hoffman, who termed the trlal "The from members to get out of here and go Young saId the letter was found tucked agaen Maen battle area ~s Que Son Second Battle of Chlcago," sald the case back home to do some fence-mendlng All away among seven schoolboy notebooks ln Valley would be fought by" all legal means our commlttee chaIrmen say they can be WhlCh Hemlngway had wrltten an early aval1able" and by "all the protests we ready to leave by Thanksglvlng, al- draft of the novel One notebook con­ BLACK MONDAY -- Spec~al demonstra­ can get ln the streets " though that doesn't mean, of course, talned Hemlngway's orlglnal tltle for t~ons tak~ng place ~n Ch~cago to The elght, who call themselves "The that we wlll " the book, "Flesta," by whlch lt lS stlll ga~n mope construct~on work for Consplracy," were lndlcted under the '68 He noted that many bliis for the cur- entltled In England Negroes CiVl1 RIghts Act on charges of enterlng rent 12 months have been sent to the Young, author of "Ernest Hemlngway" ln an interstate conspiracy to inclte a WhIte House, that the annual forelgn 1952 and "Ernest Hemlngway, A Reconslo­ SST -- N"xon to make announcement rlot ald blll stl11 must be passed, that eratlon," ln 1967, obtalned permIss10n tomoppow pegard~ng furthe~ work Representatives of the FBI, Chicago the Senate stlll must conslder the to study the manuscripts from Hemlngway Pollce, U S Marshall's Office and the Presldent's nomlnatl0n of Judge Clement way's wlfe, Mary, whom he had become ac- U S Attorney's Offlce met with Chlef F Haynesworth to the Supreme Court qualnted wlth dur~ng hlS studles HOUSE -- MQ,]oP bdls may be dI'op­ U S Dlstrict Court Judge Wliliam J Albert saId a survey of House Com- He sald the papers had been stored ln, ped as Reppesentat~ves hope to Campbell to discuss security arrange­ mlttee Chalrman lndlcated there would among other places, the back room of a close sess~on by Thanksg~v"ng ments An AmerIcan Civil Llberties VD­ be no actlon thIS year on general farm bar ln Florlda and a Cuban bank vault ion lawyer said he understood demOnstra­ prlce support leglslatlon, or on postal untll they were collected by Mrs Hem­ DISCOVERY -- TuJo Penn State Pr Scout Hut, 7 pm Champion Teaching for U. of H. tella, Love Song Medley Twelfth Street Debra Bogardus Sandra Hlrst Electronlc Data Processlng for BUSlness (BAS 351, 3 Rag, Always and Always, Let's Fall In Melanle Bogardus Karen Jones credjts, $60) is an lntroduction to computer programmlng Love, The Poor People of Parls, You Go Jane Caskey Sue MacNabb with emphasls on buslness appllcatl0ns The course In­ To My Head, Carnlval of Venlce, Lullaby Clalre Castelll Beckey Nolan cludes programmlng In machlne language, and actual prac­ de Espana, What's New Cynthla Chapman Robln Olney tlce In solving problems on a computer uSlng a problem­ DEAR HEART - Andy Wlillams - 8 03 pm Karen Fellhoelter Carol Reed orlented language such as Fortran or Cobel Red Roses for a Blue Lady, It Had to Be Melanle Gar Sandy Trlgg Instructlng the class lS You, I Can't Stop Lovlng You, Tl1l, I'm Emmltt Champl0n He re­ A~l Smlles, Who Can I Turn To, You're JUNIOR TROOP #8 celved hlS AA, BS In Mathe­ Nobody 'tll Somebody Love You, Emlly, Leadeps Lou~se Vtepstpa, Mtm~ Schu)apz matlcs and MS In Computer Almost There. My Carousel, Evervbody Tuesday, Scout Hut, 3 30 pm SClence from New Mexlco Loves Somebody, Dear Heart Lauren Buck Audrey Jones State U An employee of RCA ONE STORMY NIGHT -- The MyStlc Moods Llnda Chapman • FranClne v ~ SerVlce Company, Mr Champ- Orchestra - 8 35 pm -- A Dream, M1nstrel Julla Clapp Llsa RaTfl()~ 10n has been on the ls1and Boy, Sayonara, One Stormy Nlght, In Your Donna Clark Elalre Rf'pd Slnce September, 1968 Arms, Flre Island. A]a Toro, Hot Bagel, Chrlstlna Coyle Krls Electronlc Data Processlng Local Frelght, Autumn Leaves Kathy Duffy GayD for Business classes wlll HERB ALPERT & TIJUANA BRASS - 9 10 pm Jolene Gallndo Debble Slme; meet Monday evenlngs from Twenty-four selectlons Pamela Funk Gall onyael 5 45 - 8 15 commenclng Oct MANHATTAN TOWER - Starrlng Elll0tt Lew­ Wendy Hahn Ma " 6 In Room 101 of the Kwa]a­ is as Stephen, Beverly Mahr as Julle Carol Ice Shprrv 'l'-"omley + lein Jr -Sr Hlgh School wlth Bll1 Lee, Shlrley Mltchell and Ralph Elleen Jollcoeur Marla-r Vecchla Registratl0n for Univer­ Brewster Slngers Produced by Gordon Slty of Hawall, Kwa]aleln Jenklns 10 11 pm JUNIOR TROOP # Center, Fall Semester Leadeps Conn~e Hegeman, P(Zen Scoutar­ courses will be held at the ALL TUIES LISTED ARE APPROXIMATE ~s TuesdmJ, 480-B, 3 30 p~ , I Kwa]aleln Jr -Sr Hlgh School Dlnner WUS1C from 6 30 - 7 30 pm Deborah Benton Kaley Huff 1 Sept 25 from 4 - 6 pm and Cathleen Boyd Tracy Karner from 7 - 9 pm and on Sept Susan Cataldo Jennlfer Kruger Emmett Champlon 26 from 7 - 10 pm Thursday, Septembep 25th at 12 30 pm Donna Clark Wendy "lac Kay Mr Neal Joseph, Program Speclallst, Dlvlsl0n of Contlnulng Ivey Hall Theatep ~s the t~me and place Susan Cosgrove Betty Paged Education, U of H , wlll be on the lsland at thlS tlme to Learn about your hosp~tal and the unus­ Susan Dolan ~arette Naplwoc~L conduct reglstratl0n and provlde counseillng serVlce ual l~v~ng cond~t~ons found on and apound Ellzabeth Garreau Anna Parks For the convenlence of ROl-Namur men, Mr Joseph wl1l oup ~sland Parents ape espec~ally urged Nlna Goldschmldt Caprlce Petry hold a reglstration and counseillng seSS10n on ROl Sept to attend to learn of hazapds wh~ch ex~st Loulse Gouvela Debra Sayles 25 II 30 am - 1 pm on land as well as ~n the ocean and on Laura GUdZlkowskl Jeanette Telles For f~rther information call DorlS Wcliln at 82760 the pee! Chddpen accorrrpan~ed by papents Audrey Guhn Susan Vetter are welCOMe Beth Wllklnson Girl Scouting Off To Big Start Firemen's Ball Soon MORE LISTINGS TOMORROW Howdy Pod'ner' How about taklng a one­ nlght trlp to Reno wlth the KwaJaleln Flre Box Rent Due Department~??? Yep plan now for a nlght Quarterly rental charges on boxes of gamblln', eatln' and Just plaln OLD must be pald In advance and are due on WEST FUN Dlg out your old blue Jeans or or before Tuesday, September 30th Box your fancy duds and we'll all meet at Reno rent wlndow wll1 accept quarterly (Oct (Reno at the MZ Country Club, that 15') 1 - Dec 31) payments now through Tues , The 1969 Flremen's Ball wlll be a "Nlght Sept 30 at Harold's Club" on Saturday, October 11, If rental charges are not pald by fran 8 pm to mldnlght Speclal gambllng date due, box lS requlred to be closed dough wlll be provlded to all tlcket hold- 10 days thereafter and all mall placed ers Cowboy dlnner served dlrect from In General Dellvery the old chuck wagon Tlckets are $5 00 Indlvldual notlces wll1 not be placed slngle and $7 50 per couple Get your ln boxes If you have any questlons tlcket now from any flreman concernlng the status of your payments, you may call at the Box Rental Wlndow for lnformatl0n Please dlsregard thlS nOtlCe lf your payment has already been Brownies made Rental cost of Post Offlce boxes lS as BRmiNIE TROOP #6 follows Leadeps - Judy Kesslep and Betty SIZE 1 (Small) $2 25 quarterly $6 75 Ycunash~ta Mondad, Scout Hut, *Remalning three quarters through 6-30-70 ;3 pm SIZE 2 (Med1um) $3 00 quarterly $9 00 Catherlne Cottrlll Jayne LeBlanc Remainlng three quarters through 6-30-70 Mellssa Dodds Barbara Morency SIZE 3 (Large) $4 50 quarterly $13 50 Darla Gan Kathy Peterson Remalnlng three quarters through 6-30-70 GIRLS OF ALL SIZES AND AGES have reglstered for Glrl Sharon Garreau Karen Rountree Scoutlng durlng the school year of 69 - 70 *Payment of remalnlng three quarters Kathleen Horan Jean Wlilcox through June 30, 1970, wl1l conveniently If you haven't registered and would 11ke to, there are Wendy Irlon Jlll Wooley stl11 some openlngs Contact Elalne Jones, Scoutlng Coord­ avold bliling notices, separate payments, Lyn Johnson Lorl Yamashlta lnator, at 82483 recelpts, and long lines at the Box Rent­ Deborah Kessler Vanessa Yamashlta Troop asslgnments will be llsted ln today's and tomorrow's al Wlndow REFUNDS ARE MADE FOR UNUSED HourGlass QUARTERS ~Onday, September 22, 1969 HOURGLASS Mexican Jetliner Crashes Into Lakebed MeXICO CIty (UPI)--Flremen used axes today to retrIeve bodIes trapped In the wreck­ age of a MexIcan AIrlInes JetlIner that crashed Into a swampy lakebed last nIght on a flIght from ChIcago wIth 118 persons aboard AIrlIne offIcIals estImated at least 25 persons dead and saId as many as three more bodIes were stIll In the wreckage Passen­ gers of the Illfated transport Included 60 AmerIcan members of a travel club It was the worst aIr dIsaster In the hIstOry of MexIco CIty aIrport The dead and In­ Jured were taken to fIve dIfferent hospItals In the capItal makIng an accurate check of Cost of Living Continued casu~ltles dIffIcult To Increase in August One hospItal alone, the AmerIcan-BrItIsh InstItutIon, saId It had 53 InJured there But at Slower Pace The dIstrIct attorney's offIce saId at least 80 persons aboard the aIrcraft were Injured WashIngton (UPI)--T~p cost of lIVIng The aIrlIner, a BoeIng 707, pancaked Into contInued to clImb dUrll' 11gUSt, but at the lakebed 15 yards short of the runway and a slIghtly slower pace, ttJe government SplIt Into three pIeces VISIbIlIty at reported today the tIme of the crash was four mIles wIth a The Labor Department saId the consumer raIny cloud ceIlIng at 1,000 feet prIce Index rose four-tenths of 1 per The control tower at the aIrport saId the cent In August, agaInst fIve-tenths In plane had asked for and been gIven permIs­ July and sIx-tenths In June It was the SIon to land "EverythIng at that tIme was smallest Increase SInce a three-tenths normal as far as we were concerned," saId an rIse In May offICIal The August Increase sent the Index up A passenger, Lorean Charton, 20, of ChI­ to 128 7 ThIS meant goods and serVIces cago, begInnIng hIS honeymoon saId the plane WhICh cost $10 In the 1957-59 base pe­ " some moderate turbulence as It was rIod cost $12 87 In August ThIS was landIng" He saId the pIlot had asked the an Increase of 5 6 per cent over August passengers to fasten theIr seatbelts and of 1968 then gunned the engInes The JetlIner's Arnold Chase, aSSIstant commIssIoner of CHECKING IN -Brltam" I rI'lcess Margaret ch its \\ l h~ the Bureau of Labor StatIstICS, saId the headmaster W G Wllhamson as her son V'<'COllT't L rley nose thrust upward but the tall banged Into 7 arrives at Ashdown School In Fore<,t Ro\\ h".,:;l "d three-month-old slowdown In the cost-of- the ground and broke off, he saId where he Will be a bo (CIl/,II/ it} (>,) The MeXIcan CIVIl AeronautIcs Bureau began lIVIng rIse dId not necessarIly represent an ImmedIate InvestIgatIon of the crash a trend "All we know IS that there was no fIre," one "It's qUIte pOSSIble we may have some 'Phantom Train' of Long island offICIal saId smaller Increases In the comIng months, The III passengers and seven crew members but we also mIght have some larger ones," To Resume Schedule Tomorrow scrambled through openIngs In theIr fuselage Chase saId and then made theIr way through hlp-deep The report saId food prIces were up New York (UPI)--The "Phantom TralP" of water to escape the pOSSIbIlIty of another sIx-tenths of 1 per cent In August, pa­ the Long Island RaIl Road WIll run dg"Ln explosIon But the plane never caught fIre ced by a 2 per cent Increase In the prIce tomorrow U S offICIals saId 60 of the passengers of eggs brought on by reduced supplIes The MetropolItan TransportatIon Autl-:torl­ were members of Club InternatIonal, a vaca­ Homeowners costs - mortgage rates, ty, MTA, WhICh operates the natIon's lar­ tIon agency They saId 23 were from ChIcago taxes, fuel and power rates and repaIrs - gest commuter lIne, promIsed today that and the balance from varIOUS CItIes In the clImbed nIne-tenths of 1 per cent, whIle the 7 55 am from Babylon, Long Islanc to mIdwest Of these, fIve were known dead the cost of consumer serVIces In general Brooklyn would be back In servIce for the and four mISSIng rose seven-tenths of 1 per cent fIrst tIme SInce June 12 Bob PItt, of WashIngton, DC, preSIdent Chase also saId there was a four-tenths The 7 55 was one of more than a dozen of Club Internatlonale, flew to MeXICO CIty of 1 per cent Increase In the cost of traIns a day the raIlroad cancelled durIng to InvestIgate the crash rental hOUSIng - the largest one-month the summer because of repaIr problems gaIn SInce July, 1956 "W1th the resumptIon of the operatlon Week nd Racial Violence Meat prIces Increased two-tenths of of thIS traIn, WhICh skeptICS saId would 1 per cent mostly because beef prIces never run agaIn, the LIRR WIll be opera­ Iniures 17 Policemen declIned for the fIrst tIme In eIght tIng every traIn In ItS schedule," MTA (UPI)--Weekend raCIal VIolence InJured ~onths FrUIts and vegetables were also ChaIrman WIllIam J Ronan declared 17 polIcemen and was the apparent cause of down 1 2 per cent And for stIll skeptIcal newsmen, the a $250,000 fIre WhICh destroyed a CItrus Chase saId transportatIon costs were raIlroad reserved the rear car of the 6 55 packIng house at RIversIde, CalIf A dusk­ off one-tenth of 1 per cent, reflectIng am traIn from PennsylvanIa StatIon to Baby­ to-dawn curfew was Imposed on MullIns, S C , the seasonal declIne as the 1970 auto­ lon, arrIVIng Just In tIme to take the 7 55 after rock-throWIng and other VIolence mobIle models begIn to come out New back to New York - provldl~g everythIng In Forrest CIty, Ark, a raCIally mIxed car prIces dropped sIx-tenths of 1 per goes accordIng to schedule group of 1,500 persons met yesterday In an cent and used cars were down 1 3 per cent At the heIght of the Long Island's troub­ attempt to lessen raCIal tenSIons WhIch have MedIcal care costs Increased WIth an les, Gov Nelson A Rockefeller Intervened forced clOSIng of the schools The schools Increase In the prIce of dally hospItal and promIsed ItS 90,000 dally rIders that were to reopen today The RIversIde trouble care charges ThIS was the largest In­ It would not only be the bIggest but the began Saturday nIght when two offIcers went crease In the medIcal care category In best commuter lIne In the country by Octo­ to a dance hall to break up a fIght They the past fIve months ber 7th trIed to arrest one youth but others freed hIm ReInforcements were called and 60 polIcemen responded About 300 youths Residents Flee as Florida River Swells stoned polIce, who fIred warnIng shots Grass fIres were set and snIpers shot at Tallahassee, Fla (UPI)--Dozens of reSIdents fled theIr homes today as the Ochlock­ polIce nee RIver swelled over ItS banks after a 16-lnch deluge that wrecked roads and homes The outbreak subSIded about 2-3 am yes­ and WIped out crops OffICIals estImated road and crop damage at $1 mIllIon Gov terday An hour later, the FIndlay CItrus Claude KIrk was asked to declare a portIon of the FlorIda Panhandle a dIsaster area Co packIng house was destroyed by a The rIch lIttle tobacco town of QUIncy was cut off from the outSIde world, ItS power $250,000 fIre WhICh also damaged two raIl­ and telephone lInes down and ItS streets and roads under water road boxcars and two apartment houses U S HIghway 90, the maIn artery across The 7,000 reSIdents of MullIns were the sparsely settled area of small towns WIndow-deep In water shortly after theIr ordered off the streets yesterday after and vegetable flelds, was closed on both owners had fled WIndows were smashed and a warehouse des­ SIdes of QUIncy and the state patrol sald Late crops were heaVIly damaged In Gulf troyed by fIre A patrolman was hIt WIth a number of secondary roads also were un­ County, all but 300 acres of an 8,000-acre a bottle In the outbreak Saturday nIght der water soybean crop were washed away In flood South CarolIna state polIce helped quell PublIC schools were closed In three waters the dIsturbance countIes, Leon, LIberty and Gadsden, and Gov Claude KIrk flew over the area late At least fIfteen Negroes were arrested many small brIdges were washed away yesterday after the depreSSIon came ashore PolIce In Atlanta lobbed a dozen tear The deluge fell from a tropIcal depres- between ValparaISO and Panama CIty gas cannlsters Into the crowd of hIpPIes SIon that raked the Panhandle WIth hIgh The depreSSIon contInued northward across and loaded at least four wagons WIth youths WInds, torrentIal raIns and at least one the narrow Panhandle, dumpIng heavy raIns Other hIppIes screamed "pIgS" at the polIce tornado In southern GeorgIa and Alabama ReSIdents and "free our brothers" as the wagons left A small tornado whIrled through Carra­ along the GeorgIa-FlorIda border where more Mayor Ivan Allen arrIved two hours later belle, destrOYIng a traIler and damagIng than 12 Inches of raIn fell saId the flood and was told by hIppIe leaders that polIce 40 homes Mayor N 0 Cook estImated was the worst SInce 1956 damage at $225,000 used clubs even on youths who dId not re­ FAMOUS FIRST FACTS -- September 22, 1789 "It was lIke a gIant nand," saId A S SISt PolIce denIed the charges The Post OffIce Department of the UnIted Bragdon, who was lYIng on a couch In The Forrest CIty meetIng of 1,500 per­ States was temporarIly establIshed by act hIS traIler when the tornado struck "It sons, called a "communIty serVIce for good­ of Sept 22, 1789, WhICh also created the just pIcked U$ up and turned us over " WIll," was held In the football stadIum In offIce of Postmaster General The act of Bragdon, hIS WIfe and daughter were res­ the town of 15,000 Feb 20, 1792 was the fIrst to prOVIde In cued but the traIler was destroyed School offICIals closed all 14 schools detaIl for the Post Office Department and The Ochlocknee RIver surged over ItS Wednesday after raCIal tenSIon at some the postal servIce generally school'l banks and authorItIes saId cabIns were Page 4 Monday, September 22, 1969 Pr F tball R suits Fast Pitch Davis Cup C nfusi n The 50th season of NatIonal Football League warfare The DaVIS Cup matches In Cleveland got under way yesterday And ln one of the blg games, ended In a moment of confuslon--but WIth the Los Angeles Rams trlpped the Baltlmore Colts, the Results a U S V1CtOry Leadlng player Arthur defendlng champs, 27-20 Roman Gabrlel threw three touch­ Ashe was leadIng 4-0 In the fourth set down passes to lead the way Johnny Unltas had two pay­ In yesterday's fast pltch season of a match wlth Romanla's Ion Tlrlac off pltches for the losers openers The Sandbaggers scored a 20-6 when the Romanlan suddenly walked off The Atlanta Falcons Jarred the San Franclsco 4gers, trlumph over Wenoca ln SIX lnnlngs at the court The confuSlon was ended when 24-12, as Bob Berry threw two touchdown passes to Jlm Dally FIeld FIve Sandbagger teammates lt was explalned the RomanIans and Amerl­ Mltchell each had two hItS whIle Gable homered cans had agreed earller to qUlt at 6 45 The Washlngton Redsklns gave thelr new coach, Vlnce for Wenoca pm so the RomanIans could catch a plane Lombardl, a V1CtOry ln hIS debut by downlng the New Or­ Olympla notched a 34-8 rout over to Washlngton They are to be receIved leans Salnts, 26-20, wlth Sonny Jurgensen throwlng HawaII 50 In fIve lnnlngs HIllman today by Presldent Nlxon ln the Capltal three touchdown passes struck out eIght batters whIle pltch­ Ashe's 6-3, 8-6, 3-6, 4-0 VICtOry over The New York Glants also gave theIr newly named coach, lng a three-hltter for the WInners Tlrlac wrapped up a successful Amerlcan Alex Webster, a surprlse by nlpplng the Mlnnesota Vlklngs, Alna had two doubles, homered tWlce defense of the Davls Cup over Romanla 24-23, wIth Fran Tarkenton throwlng two touchdown aerlals and drove In nIne runs for OlympIa * * * * * * to Don Herrmann ln the last flve mlnutes ROI Namur took a ~~x-Innlng, 12-2, The Dallas Cowboys topped the St LOU1S Cardlnals, declslon from Have Faltn ROl scored 24-3, wlth rookles Roger Staubach and Calvln Hlll lead­ SlX of thelr runs In tre fIrst lnnlng Ing the way Staubach threw one touchdown pass and Bo pItched a three-hltter to pace scored once whlle Hlll--a halfback--threw a touchdown the VIkIngs to a 6-3 V1CtOry over Palm pass to Lance Rentzel Terrace Tokunaga and BIlly each added The Cleveland Browns defeated the Phlladelphla Eagles, two-run homers 27-20, marrlng Pete Retzlaff's debut as coach Ron At Brandon FIeld HIgh School edged Johnson scored two touchdowns and galned 118 yards to the Eagles, 2-0, whIle scorIng the WIn­ lead the Browns' attack nIng runs In the fInal lnnlng The The Green Bay Packers met the ChlCagO Bears for the Eagles out-hIt HIgh School, 5-3 101st tIme In theIr anclent rIvalry and posted a 17-0 Coconut Grove squeaked by Southern VIctory Travls WIllIams and JIm Grabowskl scored Cross 5-4 on a SIngle by Norlo that touchdowns drove In the WInnIng run In the elghth The Plttsburgh Steelers beat the Detrolt Llons, 16-13, lnnlng Tabu allowed Southern Cross SIX on Warren Bankston's touchdown wlth three mInutes to ~ltS and struck out seven batters WhIle play Atarl contrlbuted two ~ltS In the AmerIcan League The Super Bowl champlons, the Moore pltched a slx-hltter as Kentron TRIUMPHS were the runners-up ~n the New York Jets, were handed a 21-19 setback by the Denver coasted to an 11-3 trIumph over the 7M9, KwaJale~n Summer Jogg~ng League Broncos Second-strlng quarterback Pete Llske led the Weco Mets Four Kentron teammates had L to R, Lee Anderberg, Ma~on GM,mhlood, two hlts apIece way by scorlng two touchdown passes, wIth Floyd Llttle Jerry Corbett, Byron Wh~te M~ss&ng also scorlng on a plunge Thls Week's Schedule from p&cture, Mary Anne Perham RookIe Greg Cook threw three touchdown passes and ran Tuesday, Sept 23 for a fourth score to glve the Clnclnnatl Bengals a Dally FIeld SPORTS PATROL 34-20 VIctOry over the favored San DIego Chargers 5 15 Ebeye Islanders vs Bocky Rooters MarlO Andrettl capped hIS most suc­ The Kansas Clty Chlefs rlpped the Boston Patrlots, (YamashIta & Talbert) cessful year In raCIng by WInnIng the 31-0, wIth Lennle Dawson throwlng two touchdown aerlals Brandon Fleld U S drIVIng tItle for the thIrd tIme and MIke Garrett scorlng tW1Ce 5 15 Sandbaggers vs n~dg & Grounds Andrettl's easy VICtOry yesterday In a And the Houston Ollers cllpped the Buffalo Bllls, 17-3, (Cllff & Neale) 300-mlle race for USAC cars In Trenton, on touchdowns by AlVIn Reed and Hoyle Granger Wednesday, Sept 24 New Jersey, clInched hIS tItle He Maior League Round-up Dally FIeld drove a Turbo charged Ford The $19,000 5 15 Weco Mets vs Eagles fIrst prIze boosted hIS 1969 earnIngs The torrld race ln the Natlonal League West eased up (AntonIO & Laborte) past the $251,000 mark a blt as two of the contenders are startlng to lose con­ Brandon FIeld * * * SIderable ground San Franclsco kept ltS one-half game 5 15 Palm Terrace vs Southern Cross The NatIonal Hockey League Boston margIn over Atlanta WIth a 4-3 VlctOry over the Los An­ (Lauten & Warren) BrUIns WIll start the season WIt geles Dodgers The loss put the Dodgers three and one­ Thursday, Sept 25 flrey defenseman Ted Green Groen ~s half games back of the front-runnlng Glants Dally FIeld InJured In an exhIbItIon game stl~f Hank Aaron blasted hlS 43rd homer to lead the Atlanta 5 15 ROI Namur vs Fasreang battle WIth Wayne Makl of "he St Lou~s Braves to an 8-2 Wln over San Dlego (Mlerk & CorSI) Blues and underwent surgerj Gary Nolan pltched a four-hltter and slammed a two-run Brandon FIeld fractured skull A spokesman ~ trlple to pace Clnclnnatl to a 4-1 V1CtOry over Houston 5 15 Ebeye Islanders vs Sandbaggers General HospItal pronounced Grcen'r The Reds trall San FranCISCO by four full games (Chff & Angel) condItIon as faIr Ferguson Jenklns plcked up hlS 21st Wln as the ChIcago * * * * * * Cubs kept thelr fadlng Eastern Dlvlslon hopes allve wlth * * * Hockey's New York Ranger r ~Igned a 4-3 WIn over St LOU1S MEN'S VOLLEY BALL theIr fIrst AmerIcan-born player In The New York Mets moved closer to the Eastern Dlvlslon Roadrunners over SpeCIal SerVIces nIne years -- defenseman DIC1, ParadIse tItle WIth 5-3 and 6-1 VIctorIes over Plttsburgh Jerry 13-9 0-11 12-10 of St Paul, MInnesota Pa~adlse was Koosman stopped the Plrates on SIX hlts In the opener and 50th State B over Palm Terrace B a top collegIate player at the UnIver­ Don Cardwell pIcked up hIS lOth career Wln ln the nlght­ 15-3 4-15 15-1 SIty of MInnesota and last season cap * * * * * played for the Johnstown Jets Rookle Marv Staehle hlt hlS flrst maJor league * * * to pace Montreal to a 7-6 VICtOry over the Phlladelphla The champIon Boston Celtlcs of the PhI Illes NatIonal Basketball ASSOCIatIon open The MInnesota Twlns lost theIr chance to Wln the AmerI­ theIr pre-season schedule Wednesday can League West by lOSIng a 4-3 deClSlon to the Seattle nIght agaInst Atlanta at ColumbIa, PIlots John Kennedy hlt hlS fourth homer of the year South Carollna Coach Tommy HeInsohn to break a 3-3 tIe In the nInth expects to have at least two rookIes MIke KIlkenny pltched a three-hltter as the Detrolt on thIS year's squad One pOSSIbIlIty TIgers coasted to a 9-0 w~n over the Boston Red Sox IS Steve KuberskI HeInsohn says Ku­ Catcher Dave Duncan drove In flve runs to pace the Oak­ berskI lS agIle enough to play elthel land Athletlcs to a 12-2 WIn over the Callfornla Angels guard 0" Ct Iter Plnch-hltter Vern Fuller sIngled home Ken Harrelson from thlrd WIth two out ln the nlnth lnnlng to glve the * * * FIve UD1 ~J les In IllInOIS and Cleveland Indlans a 4-3 V1CtOry over the WashIngton Sena­ IndIana anno~ ~Ld formatIon of a new tors lntercolleglate athletIC conference Ed Herrmann slugged a three-run homer to hlghllght an The schools are ~outhern IllInOIS, eIght-run thIrd Innlng as the ChICagO Whlte Sox coasted Northern IllInOIS, IllInOIS State, to a 10-2 WIn over Kansas Clty won hlS 99th COMETS 1969 KWQJale~n Jogg~ng Cham- IndIana State and Ball State maJor league game p~ons L to R, Kathleen Westfall, C Yesterday's Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE * * * L Dav~s, R~ta F~gue~a, Rola Baker, The NatIonal Football League's lead- San FranC1SCO Glants 4 Los Angeles Dodgers 3 Rocky Hart Th~s team out-po~nted s~x lng rusher -- Leroy Kelly -- was In­ Atlanta Braves 8 San DIego Padres 2 other teams ~n the recently concluded Jured In Sunday's league opener The Clnclnnatl Reds 4 Houston Astros 1 Summer Jogg~ng League Cleveland Browns say It may take a ChICagO Cubs 4 St LOU1S Cardlnals 3 week or longer to get Kelly back In Montreal Expos 7 Phlladelphla Phlllles 6 Little League shape New York Mets 5 Plttsburgh Plrates 3 All practIces are at 4 45 pm * * * New York Mets 6 Plttsburgh Plrates 1 Tuesday, Sept 23 The New York Mets can reduce thelr AMERICAN LEAGUE Llttle League Team #4 - Dodgers pennant-clInchIng number to three by Seattle Pllots 4 Mlnnesota TwIns 3 Wednesday, Sept 24 beatIng St LOUIS In the Natlonal 10 Kansas CIty Royals 2 LIttle League Team #1 - Cubs League East Oakland AthletIcs 12 Callfornla Angels 2 SF #1 Team #2 - Mets * * * Cleveland Indlans 4 Washlngton Senators 3 SF #2 Team #7 - Atlanta A curtaIled maJor league schedule DetrOIt Tlgers 9 Boston Red Sox o Thursday, Sept 25 for today Includes four games In the Barry Still Fighting ABA LIttle League Team #6 - GIants NatIonal League and three In the FrIday, Sept 26 AmerIcan R1Ck Barry was among the mlsslng when the Natlonal Bas­ LIttle League Team #2 - Mets * * * ketball Assoclatlon San FranCISCO Warrlors opened thelr SF #1 Team #5 - New York practIce camp SF #2 Team #3 - WhIte Sox Strikes and Spares Barry and hIS attorneys are due In court thlS week to The LIttle League season WIll start on Weco-Meck League flght an lnJunctlon sought by the Amerlcan Basketball Sunday, Sept 28 WIth a doubleheader Speas 559 w/2l2 Merkel 551 w/2l2 Assoclatlon Wasnlngton Capltols If approved, thlS would at the LIttle League FIeld Rosenow 545 Hale 536 w/200 bar Barry from plaYIng for San FranCISCO The Capltols, 3 pm Cubs vs Mets McCabe 535 RayfIeld 531 formerly the Oakland Oaks clalm they have Barry under an 5 pm WhIte Sox vs Dodgers Hale -- 83 pIns over average lron-clad contract * * * * * * * * * * * * ~M~D=n~d~a1y~,~S~e~p~t~e~m~b~e~r~2~2~~1~9~6~9~ __:- ____~ ______--~~~ijiiiiiii~iI"lIlIiiiiiiiiiiiii:::~------~------:--~---=~-:~-----~-~_J loday's Wall Stre t Roundup Investor's Guide NEW YORK (UPI)--The stock market moved BY SAM SHULSKY up today but the relatively slack tradlng Q - With Dow Jones averages falling and on the Yom Kippur holiday and some un­ mortgage interest rates so high where does favorable bUSlneSS news prevented a sub­ one invest wisely? Would it be best to stantlal galn buy a home now or wait for a drop in There was a dearth of developments to mortgage rates? I'm 26, married, with one support the market child, earning about $12,500, with adequate Paul McCracken, chalrman of Presldent life insurance and no debts N1XOn'S Councll of Economic Advlsors, warn­ A - You're setting yourself a lot of ed that lndustry appeared to begln the unnecessary problems It seems to me grlp of another profit squeeze and that that lf a young man with a young family consumer optlmlsm appears to be dimlnish­ wants to buy a home, he ought to buy it lng Houses are not llkely to cost any less At the same tlme it was dlsclosed that over the years Mortgage rates may de­ consumer prlces rose at an annual rate of cllne, although Just when I don't know almost 5 percent ln August If you do buy now, try to protect your­ Even though thlS was less than that of self wlth a mortgage prepayment clause the July rlse, lt was dlscouraglng to Just 1n case money rates come down those hOplng for an early end of lnfla­ After you've acquired a home, lf you tlOn have some money left over monthly for 1n­ Advances outnumbered decllneS by the vestment, then turn to soll.d growth stocks close There were some excellent galnS LIKE OLD TIMES ON THE MOON It IS as astronauts (from under the "montly l.nvestment plan" or to sprlnkled throught the llSt left) Edwin Aldrin MIchael CollinS and Nell Armstrong take a growth type mutual fund The UPI marketwlde lndlcator rose 0 28 d close look at a rock they brought back from the Moon­ I've never been able to welgh home vs percent to 105 33 on dIsplay at the Smlthsoman InstitutIOn In Washmgton securitl.es ownershl.p One 1S a whole new The Dow Jones average of 30 lndustrlal Alitalia Official Predicts way of ll.fe, the other lS merely money blue ChlPS rose 1 38 to 831 77 Dow Jones * * * * * * * * * * * * ralls were down 0 24 and the utliltles Other Airlines to Cut Fares Q - Four years ago I bought 100 shares were up 0 12 of a company at 22 It 1S now 42 and due Because of the Jewlsh holiday, tradlng ROME (UPI)--A dlrector of the state­ to SpIlt, 2-for-l, next month Assumlng volume on the Blg Board was only 9 28 controlled alrllne, Alltalla, predlcted that the qplit stock sells at 21 and mlillon shares compared wlth 12 27 mll­ today other al.rllneS flYlng Atlantlc that I sell the orlglnal 100 share cert1f- llon on Frlday routes would follow Alltalla's example 1cate, what would my long-term gain be for On the Amerlcan Stock Exchange, tradlng ln cuttlng round-trlp, tourlst-class tax purposes? was narrow wlth the Amex Index up 5 cents fares by as much as 27 percent A - If you paid 22 originally for the to $26 82 wlth 417 advances and 398 de­ Other European alrllnes took a cautlous stock and 1t 1S SpIlt 2-for-l, your cines, among the 1,022 lssues traded, Vlew of such a move, however, pendlng a origl.nal cost becomes 11 If you sell leavlng 207 unchanged meetlng of the 104~member Internatlonal 100 shares at 21 -- any 100 shares (there Volume was 3,066,395 shares agalnst Alr Transport Assoclatlon, lATA, Oct 1 lS no orlgl.na1 or "new" stock, they are 4,217,008 shares Frlday ln Genva to dlSCUSS new routes all the same shares) -- your long-term Marcello Malnettl, Alltalla's asslst­ caolta] gal.n 1S 10 pOlnts per share, or WASHINGTON (UPI)--The Justlce Department ant general dlrector for trafflc and $1,000 on the 100 shares C1Vll Rlghts chlef says the Nlxon Admlnls­ sales, told a news conference the alr­ One-half that $1,000, or ~500, should tratlon's P011Cy toward enforclng school llne'planned to stand by ltS proposed be added to your taxable l.ncome unless you desegregatlon laws wlll be "speak softly, rate reductlons at the lATA conference are 1n a tax bracket above 50i, ln Wh1Ch but carry a blg stlck " and would also propose new fares for case you pay a maXlmum tax of 25% on the In a memorandum released today by the flrst-class pa~seLgers He sald the alr­ entlre $1,000 ga1n department, Asst Atty Gen Jerrls Leon­ llne was aLtemptlng to force a general * * * * * * * * * * * * ard made known hlS blg stlck P011Cy to conslderctlon of fares and not trylng to Mr Shulsky welcomes wr1tten questlons, hlS staff on hlS C1Vll Rlghts dlvlslon who launch a prlce war but he w1ll be able to prov1de answers last month complalned that the Admlnlstra­ "We '"ire ready to recontract fares only through the column For lnvestment tlon was backlng away from enforclng school sat1sfactory to all wlthln the lATA," llSts, please lnclude a self-addressed, desegregatlon laws he sald stamped envelope Wrlte to Sam Shulsky, Al1talla announced last Fr1day lt Kl.ng Features Synd1cate, 235 East 45th St FAMOUS FIRST FACTS -- On Sept 22, 1890, planned to reduce from $409 to $229 1tS New York, N Y 10017 the flrst buslness school opened ln Wash­ round trlp, tourlst class fares between lngton, D C Rome and New York * * * * * * * * * * * * HourGlass Stocks Addressograph NA Internat'l Harv 26 7/8 + 1/8 Std Brand 46 1/4 + 3/8 Alcan Alum 27 + 5/8 Internat'l Paper NA Std Oll of Call.f 58 + 1/4 Al11ed Chem 26 1/2 NC Internat'l T &: T 53 1/2 + 1/2 Std Ol.l of Ind NA Amencan Photo 11 1/8 NC Jones & Laugh11n 22 1/8 + 1/8 Std 011 of NJ 68 7/8 - 1/4 Amencan N Gas 33 1/4 + 3/8 Kal.ser Al 34 5/8 + 5/8 Stokely 28 1/4 - 1/4 Amencan T & T 50 1/4 1/8 Ll.gget &: My 33 3/4 - 1/2 Stude Worth 30 1/8 - 3/8 Ampex 46 7/8 + 1/4 Ll.tton 46 3/4 + 7/8 Swl.:f't 26 3/4 + 1/8 Anaconda 27 3/4 - 3/8 Lockheed NA Teledyne NA Armco 28 1/4 + 1/4 Lone Star 23 1/2 + 1/8 Tenneco 24 + 3/8 Armour 47 1/2 1/8 Magnavox 44 5/8 - 1/4 Texaco 31 1/4 + 1/8 Bendl.x 41 3/8 - 1/4 McDonnel-Douglas 26 + 1/8 Texas Inst 131 + 1 Bethlehem Steel 30 1/8 1/8 McGraw Hl.ll 26 1/2 + 3/8 Thl.okol 13 1/4 - 1/4 Boel.ng 33 3/4 1/4 MGM 39 1/4 1/8 Trans World 30 1/4 - 3/4 Borg Warner NA MMM 114 3/4 + 2 3/4 20th Century Fox 21 3/8 - 3/8 Burroughs 166 1/8 + 4 1/4 Ml.ssl.on Corp 92 1/2 1 1/2 Unl. ted Al.rc 42 7/8 - 1 Chrysler 39 - 3/8 Mobll 011 55 7/8 + 1/4 Unl.on Carblde 42 - 1/2 Coca Cola 73 1/2 3 1/2 Monsanto 39 3/4 - 3/8 Un1ted Frul.t 49 1/4 + 1/4 Solgate 45 3/4 1/4 Marcor 49 3/8 1/8 Unl.royal 21 - 3/8 Com Sat NA Motorola 148 + 1 1/2 US Gypsum 75 1/2 + 1 Con Edl.son 25 7/8 - 1/4 Nat'l Bl.SCUl t 49 5/8 + 1/4 Control Data NA Nat'l Cash Reg1ster 148 3/4 + 1 3/4 Upjohn 44 7/8 + 1/4 Cornl.ng Co 297 + 7 Northwest A1r 32 3/4 + 1/4 US Steel 37 7/8 + 1/8 Deere 37 5/8 - 5/8 011n Math NA Western Unl.on 49 3/8 + 1 1/8 Dow Chem1cal 67 1/4 J/8 Otl.S El 45 5/8 West l.nghous e 56 3/4 - 1/4 DuPont 120 1/2 NC Pac G & El 33 1/2 - 3/8 Xerox NA Eastern Alr 18 7/8 - 1/2 Pac T & T 19 3/4 NC Zenl.th 45 1/2 + 2 1/2 Eastman Kodak 79 1/4 1/8 Pan Amerl.can 15 1/2 - 1/8 Falrchlld Camera 80 1/2 2 1/4 Penn NY Cent 39 - 3/8 DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES Flrestone NA Peps1co 50 + 1 3/4 STOCKS CLOSE CHANGE Ford 45 1/8 3/8 P111sbury 48 - 1/2 30 Industnals 831 77 Up 1 38 General DynamlCS 25 3/4 + 1/4 Polaro1d 137 3/4 + 1 1/4 20 Ralls 200 11 Off 0 24 Genera.l Electrl.c 84 7/8 + 7/8 Procter & Gamble 98 1/2 + 2 15 Utllltles 112 86 Off 0 06 General Food 74 3/4 - 1/4 RCA 40 7/8 + 1/2 65 Stocks 280 25 Up 0 12 General Instru 37 1/2 + 7/8 Raytheon 37 5/8 + 1 1/8 General Motors 75 5/8 + 1/4 Rexall NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE INDEXES Gen T &: E 34 5/8 NC Schenley 24 1/2 + 1/2 CLOSE CHANGE Gen T &: R 18 1/4 + 1/8 Scott Paper 29 3/4 + 3/4 Industrlals 56 02 Up ° 29 Goodrlch 33 1/2 1/2 Sears 69 5/8 - 3/8 Transportat10n 43 48 Off 0 08 Goody€ar 29 + 3/8 Shell 011 55 3/8 + 3 1/8 Ubllty 39 87 Up ° or Grum Al.rc 26 7/8 + 1/8 Slnger Co 72 + 3/4 F1nance 69 84 Up 0 34 Hllton 61 1/2 + 3 Southern Pac 36 3/8 - 1/4 All Stock Index 53 07 Up 0 23 Honeywell NA Sperry Rand 44 1/4 - 1/4 IBM 358 1/2 + 7 1/2 Square D 21 3/8 - 3/8 t 92

MOON ROCK IN SMITHSONIAN-Blotched bv 'peclal hght mg used to Illummate the exhibIt Mocn ,clentlSt'i Dr Ell gene Shoemaker (left) of the Cuhforma Insl1tutc of Tech nology and Dr Wilham Kemmerer of the M'lnned Space craft Center Houston Tex look at a 2 pound sIze lunal' rock sample at the Smlthson13n InstItutIOn In Washmgton Gray m color the rock of Igneou, breCCia type was formed by heat hundreds of mIllIOns of year, dgO ICROSSWORD - By Eugene Shefferl

HORIZONTAL 52 Cartrng 4 John rn 21 Famous Joe Corrolo hops aboard one of hiS carousel crea 1 ChIlds vehlcle RUSSIa ChIC dehght 53 Necessary Game re 23 Pays lures thiS One a beleweled galloping giraffe 5 4 Greenland to hfe sembhng attentIOn for hiS umsteenth million merry go round ride EskImo 54 Harem room bagatelle 24 Ovum French By STEVE LIBBY 7 Durable 55 6 Itahan 25 Scotttsh whIte flbel season vlOhnmaker arctIc Cf'lltl'rfl Pres" As·..,oc!((lIOJl Corrr~[JoJldent 12 Klngof 56 Wearawa\ 7 Resorts explorer WARWICK R I -HIS name IS Joe C" 1'1'010 he IS 92 ye'lrs old Judah 57 Operated S Electl'lfled 26 Blunder he operates three merry go rounds-t\\ a m Rhode Island and one 13 VIgor 58 The law particle 28 Beseech lfi Connectlcut~ and he s Just about the most youthful man for 14 EqUlhbl'lum thmg 9 Thus (L) 30 Meadow hIS yearc:; you ve ever o;;;een 15 S,lent VERTICAL 10 A tree 31 Large The WhIte House lfi Washmgton was occupIed by BenJamm 16 MountaIn PastImes 11 Famous clstern H"rnson when Joe started m the merry go round bu'me~s back catastrophe 20rdmary general 32 Girl s name m 1890 at the age of 13 That was back m "" I 'lcu,e NY half a 18 OtolOgist s 3 Blbhcal 17 Mother of 33 MIlltary Castor offIcer "arid away from Ius native Italy and a nletL 200 mtles from hIS concern plam IT S THE FISH YOU RE TO LOOK AT It IS 'l 44 pound 8 ounce 19 Observes (abbr) present home here m War"lck '-,llIP(..c' bl""~ the blg-gt..,t c'1L1ght off Ne\\bul}port Ma~s In 20 Weaver s Answer to Saturday s pUZ71e 36 She loved StIll spry Joe has two carou,els m hIS home town one vlttually reed NarCISSus 1 dCl Ide \11' SU''ln.J LOiselle 22 Chlemont N H pose, m the back} ard of hIS comfol table Narragansett Bay home whIch 22 Cover EP IC P AC T. FAR 37 Maple Leaf \\lth hCl ..,Lllf cltch Her b'11t \\'15 '1 SE''1 \\ornl he share'; \, Ith hIS daughter Allee 67 Hl'i clasSIC I'; a 52 foot 23 ThIS place RA RE A SE A. AVE country mel r} go round m \V'lrwlck s Goddard Pal k He brought the 27 Broad sash AL AN R IN o. CON 40 Revere merry go Iound With hIm from I 29 Sour ale SE NT T AT .C ENT 42 VaCIllate Syracuse 61 yea IS ago It "auld cost at lea,t $60000 31 Indlstmct _I RE E WE 43 Angry , • , * I to duplIcate my blg merry go 34 Agog FR AM ED RE ND••• ER 44 SpIrIts of \'.HAT 1 m most proud of ) rOlind today "ays the kmg of 35 ReqUIte Al DE • T E L A the dead CONTRACT BRIDGE 45 Father he sav'i h" 'ihock of "hlte hUll" the carouoels They don t make 37 Elevator TO OT ED• S LI NKV cage • 46 Dash blo\\ In III the motIon of hIS I them a'i at tlstlcalh dn} more • E LI TI AG Becker 38 Sharp taste 48 Ferr ~ ~ By B Jay ••PA IR .L IE RA 11045 carous~1 IS th'lt e\ en eDlrJal Thev re nearly all machme made 39 Chrnese tea • sheep AL L. TA RA AD IT (rop R.cord Hold.r In Ma.I.,.' IndiVidual Champlon.hlp Play) " h'lnd can ed That s ~ lo,t art of plasllc or alummum he "ao s 41 AdlP 49 Def~Le dlsappro\ mgly 45 GUstened RO E. AT OM DA ME 50 Okiaholll,l which South ruffs as East dis the,e da}, Year, ago all the NS - south dealer Some years ago Joe sold yet 47 Constel RE X. PE EM IT Indlun cards a diamond Declarer hot,es \,ere \\0orlen made In North South vulnerable another carousel to a mlllJOnalre lalton 'i1 Spread cashes the ace of spades both German \ "tnel -nost of the old gras NORTH who 'hIpped the nde to the I' 48 HIgh strung defenders folloWing low but (raft-men 'U e long smce dead land of Antigua m the C'lrlb • J985 SInce he Is not yet ready for Then too thet e are 20000 col be'ln Sea HIS chief re\\ ard he .762 the crucial trump decIsion, he at ld glcl" ,tones 'lnd dwmonds sa ys IS JIISt knOWIng that hIS temporarily shifts his attention lInbedded m my ammab Joe +H merry go round IS bnngmg so ",AK93 elsewhere to learn more about and hJS "Ife hand set the ,tone, much enjoyment to young,telS WEST EAST the opponents distributIOn mal ethan 60 ) edt s ,go \\ ho had never seen or heal d of .4 • Q73 He leads a club to the kmg E\ el) d'l\ from latl? May un .AK10953 .84 a diamond to the klng a club tli Lab::>! Dd) Joe IS at Goddard a nlerl'Y go round before +Q75 + 109632 to the ace followed by a dla P lrk from noon till mId e' enmg ",Q 10 2 ",J65 mond to the ace When he now operatmg hl'i bIg merry go I NO\V m hIS 79th year of mer SOUTH ruffs a diamond m dummy and lound He ,elh ticket, collects I ry go round operatIOn and as a • A K 1062 leads the Jack of spades East thern stlap' tot'i on the horsle, man \\ho ,hould know Joe IS .QJ followmg low declarer comes +AK8 face to face With the deCision and keep' lip ,teady "tream I voluble on the contmumg popu ",874 of whether to fmesse of cheer ful pattel I lIke to tell i larlty of the car'ou'iel dS an South stili does not know the kId, how mc e the~ are he anHl,ement park nde There The blddmg "here the queen IS located but ,mlies It c'llms them do\\ n If I has n2Vel' been an) thmg m the t.ast tlte} ha, e 'In} f"'11 of ndll1g ! history of tlte busmess hc Pass pecuharly enough he can guar antee ten tricks by takmg a A' far a' the older gIrl, go I p:lmts out S:l popular m 'lppeal t fmesse ilirt a little 'lnd tell them to I 'lS the merry go lound and Opening Jead~ king of hears In the actual hand the fmesse sta, prett,\ there ne, er \\ III be One of decial er 'i most fre succeeds and South wmds up Joe thinks tillS I, because the qU~'lt problems " v. hether to making the contract lOSing two AS OF'TFl\I' as not Joe IS In I carousel" the fIrst ride young fmesse or pla~ COl the drop hearts and a club but the out the centet opelatmg hlS huge I sters ever go on and as they when he IS ml'islng foul' to the come would have been exactly nde Runnmg thiS merry go I gro\\ up they recapture some queen of a SlIlt There IS ordl the same had the fmesse lost rOllnd IS m} life "ays Joe I of th<'lr happy chzldhood mem nanly ;uch a slIght mathemal1 to the queen woulcln t think of glvmg It up OIles b} ndmg It agam WIth cal advantage In favor of pIa} In that case West _ whose It keeps me voung I their chIldren and theIr child 1-::7'"'+-+--t--f-- mg for the drop that almost orlgmal distrIbutIOn must have JoP" other carousel m Rhode II en s chIldren anv clue v. hlch Indlcate~ other consisted of two spades SIX bland " operated bo hiS "Id Durmg hIS 79 year career m ~-...- ....- ...- ...-- '\lse should persuade declarer hearts three diamonds and two o\\ed daughter Ju"t a fe\\ mm the busmess Call'olo has also CRl PTOQUPS to Herefmess ISe anmstead excellent example clubs-would be force d t 0 re ute, \\alk from therr cottage on I operated roller coasters Ferns of declarer s proper approach to turn a heart permlttmg South the ba} It s much smaller and wheel, and shoot the chutes As JSAHSO JCI JHOB JSHI CT ATJ the nla In a case where he to dIscard hiS club loser as he Ie", Impasmg than the one at I for hIS carousels Joe fIgures he WABBWO can see ~hat the fate of the hand ruffed the return In dummy G:lddard Park But the horses I has had upward of 15 mlillon depends on hov. he handles the In other words South may on It are al,o hand carved he inders on hiS several merry go Saturday ~ CryptoqUlp - S C H 0 0 L PSYCHOLOGIST" trumps \ lose the battle for the queen If says He wouldn t ha ve them rounds--about tWIce the popu SOMETIMES GET TOO SMALL PA Y , West cashes theK AM hearts he takes the fmesse but he ISan\ other \\'1\ ! latlOn of New York city and contmues "Ith the ten sure to Win the war

COMMERCIAL SHIP CRACKS NORTHWEST PASSAGE The huge to Alaska At the Ilght a crewman "atches the path bemg RAPCON AT WORK - Radar operator'i of the 1877th Comm Sq bOIl of the 1002 foot t'lnkel S S \hnhlttm ctu,he, cut through the Icepack Her destmatlOn was Pomt Barrow Bien Hoa AS ha' e the Job of recO\ ermg aIrcraft folIo" m~ all' on Alaska sOIl nch northern coast The voyage could lead stnkes o,er the Repubhc of VIetnam Th .. radar approach control tht oug-h the At CtlC Ice pack I left I 1S the, essel become, the (RAPCON) unrt also pro'ldes alI "eather and nJ!(ht recOHn fll,t comltwlcld ,hlp to negottate the North\\€st P'lS'iage to de\elopment of huge depOSIts of all and other mmerals • Mondav. September 22, 1969 HOURGLASS Pave 7 RatIo's They'll Do It Every TIme ® LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE


MAY BE PRESIDENT - Gen Orlando GeIsel (above) ft 64 year old Brazilian army general may succeed aJlmg PresIdent Arthur da Costa e SIlva accordmg to reports m RIO de JaneIro Costa e SIlva ,uffered a ,troke

00' ,t '..'<1 4A,,; BEEN PRACTICING c0ELL ..LiE IE JUS' ABOUT LIKE ,\ >It' COUI-lTDOiUNS PA60 GOT TriE BALL INFLA ED PATTERNS REO-OOGGIN6 t{)U -- ---ll f KNOuJ THAT SORT OF THING a -- -r---( n /lV3d 8 dWlllHS L /l3N3dO NVJ 9 30HS3S1l0H ~ u NMV~ l )D3N l-UMOG 1l0ZV1l Ol GNVH 6 t ~~' S!lOSSIJS L N3)DIHJ P' V1l3WVJ C-SSOJJV S1l3MSNV s BIG GEORGE!


"Awrlght, Herman, feed me a hot one and I'll show the guys there's nothmg to fear when buntIng" TEe




8 :i 7 2 8 6 7 3 II 6 , 8 L C M A A" 0 B 0 W H E G V 1 3 5 6 2 8 3 5 7 3 8 6 N E A "R H J E A N E L I E 6 II 7 3 8 4 6 2 7 5 8 3 8 L G Y T N A P 0 T E S H P THE flOL.oGNA INsnruTe:; 3 8 5 6 3 7 6 2 3 II 8 !OoHOlJL-D AWARD ME: W I N" I F I I U D" B T S R so/<\e;o ~r OF MSDAL 7 5 6 8 3 7 5 8 6 1 2 3 D L W" E H E E S T T G H 8 6 2 3 II 2 1 6 3 5 7 8 w. y 0 A E E E" I U A A D R 0 , 2 5 3 6 7 3 5 6 1 3 8 N E" E L L N T D K" L S H U az HERE IS a pleasant little game that will g,ve you d message every day It IS a numerical puzzle deSIgned to spell out o your tortune Count the letters In your first name If the num ber ot letters IS 6 or more subtract" If the number 's less than 6 add 3 The result 18 your key number Start at the upper left hand corner of the rectangle and check everyone of your key numbers left to right Then read the message the letters under the checked f'gures give you .. HOURGLASS Monday, Sep tember 22, _l 'Jb9~_ ~ I-RP~a]g~e~8~ ______~::~~~~------~~~~~=--~~=-::~~~------'R"~~~~~~O~~--~ · PUBLISHED ll) GLOBAL A~SOCIATES AT THE PROTESTANT WOMEN CIRCLES ange peratlon DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER, Anna Dederer Clrcle Wlll meet at FOR SALE CLASSIFIED KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL 15- Ellnor Scull's home, 227-A, Sept 23 A Range Operation is scheduled for Boy's 20" Strlngray, $8, 26" woman's LANDS CONTRACT DAAG-43-67-0001 at 9 am Allce Buck will be telling tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept 23 blcycle, $8, man's 26" blcycle, $8 The HourGlass lS publlshed dally, about her translatlon of the Blble "Take Cover" requirements for this Call 84532 Monday through Saturday Keta LokboJ Clrcle Wlll meet at Helen operation will apply on Roi-Namur, En­ Materlal for publlcatlon on the Matson's home, 222-B, Sept 23, at 9 nubirr and Meck Islands New, never used, 72 cu ft , J-valve AROUND TOWN page must be submltted ln am to see slldes of the trip to Rong In connection with this operation SCUBA tank wlth three plus years of wrltlng to the HourGlass 72 hours Rong hazard areas will exist in the ocean hydro, $50 Call 82373 prlor to deslred publlCatlOn date Charlotte [vans Clrcle Wlll meet Sept wlth a 200 nautlcal mile radius of Materlal for the AD and SPORTS pages at Edna Hammel's home, 460-A Rev KwaJaleln and in the KwaJaleln Atoll must be subml tted ln wrl tlng to the Buck IOlll show slldes of Kusale tian's Huffy Blcycle, 27" frame, 10 on the lslands and in the lagoon be­ HourGlass Offlce 24 hours before de- Florence Sasser Clrcle Wlll meet at tween a line JOlning and including speeds, 3 1/2 years old, slightly KwaJ slred publlcatlon dates Betty Yamashlta's home, 444-B, at 7 30 Roi-Namur and Yabbenohr Islands and a condltlon, $20 Call 81304 from 0730 Telephone notlces and ads vlll not pm Irene Schlenker wlll be teillng to 1630 and 82358 after, or see at Ilne Joinlng and including BlgeJ and be accepted All copy and photographs of her escape as a teenager wlth her Gea Islands All personnel other than 477-B Wlll be aVlalable Oct 1st become the property of the HourGlass famlly from East Germany to West Ger- those aSSigned to duty or Ilvlng on Republlcatlon of materlal contalned many Fa) lnformatlon call Slllrley ROl-Namur, Ennublrr and Meck Islands Brocade type prlnted unholstery fabrlc, hereln lS not authorlzed vlthout the Johnson at 82648 and all craft must remaln out of the autumn colors, 1 1/2 yds -- 55" wlde, approval of the Commandlng Offlcer, above hazard areas between the hours $6, Sears best Chlld's sewlng machlne, Kwajaleln Mlsslle Range used very Ilttle, $10 Call 82813 of 0830 and 2030 tomorrow, Sept 23 If you have not recelved your copy I)fFICIAL BULLETIN In connectlon wlth thlS operatlon of the HourGlass by 6 15 pm please DAiL DUTY OFFICER PHONE scheduled for tomorrow there wlll be New Mamlya Press Standard C-23 camera call 83539 between 6 15 and 6 45 pm 22Sept69 CW4 Keellng 82896 a requlrement on KwaJalein for one 30 If lnterested call 82674 and a copy wlll be dellvered to you 23Sept6~ MAJ Johnson 82208 mlnute period of marlne dlesel englne, 24Sept69 ll<\J Welnberg 82178 ISLAND WIDE vehlcle and gasollne eng­ Seven-foot artlflcal Chrlstmas tree, EDITOR Larry CorSI 25Sept69 CPT Flsher 84533 lne drlven equlpment sllence Thls children's foldlng table and 4 chalrs, 26Sept69 l1T Rhoades 82433 means that durlng the perlod of SIlence blackboard, chlldren's wooden table, STAFF Glnger Storme 27Sept69 l1T Rhoades 82433 all marlne dlesel englnes, all vehlcle foldlng alumlnum lawn chalrs, assorted Marcla Chr1vIa 28Sept69 CPT Flsher 84533 englnes and all gasollne englnes drlv­ blkes, baskets, tlres, tubes, chlldren's Rudy Bald,nn 29Sept69 LTC Coyle 82882 lng elther portable or statlonary equlp­ bUlldlng blocks, glass flshlng floats, Lucy Bloedel Duty hours of 11 30 - 12 30 Monday ment must be shut off Earllest for kltchen step stool Call 82614 FEATURE through FrIday, phone 81419 for Duty perIod of sllence lS expected to be WRITER Bob Ph1lllps Offlcer 1230 vlANTED Duty Off1cLr 1 KwaJale1n Mlsslle The start of the perlod wlll be an­ Lady's 3-wheel blke ln good condltlon CIRCULATION Range Commandlng Off1cer's representa­ nounced by the lsland Slren system, the James McCowen or repalrable condltlon Call 83725 MANAGER tlve durlng other thaD normal duty slgnal wlll be two 30 second blasts hours wlth a 30 second pause between blasts Puppy -- around 3 months or younger At the sound of thlS Slgnal all marlne Call 83725 Barga1n Bazadr 1S open every Wednesday morn1ng from 9 30- dlesel englne operators, all vehlcle operators and all gasollne englne [I] 11 30 am If you have any­ LOST /8 thlng to glve away (from clothes drlven equlpment operators w1lI lm­ GLOBAL ASSOCIATES and shoes to dlshes and curlers), med1atcly stop thelr englnes The One plerced t;pe earrlng - pearl - great won't veu ,lc,se call Vlrginla Ed­ regular "All Clear" Slren slgnal of one 20 second blast wlll be used to sentl~ental value Lost between Depend­ Preparat10n of JOlnt Message Form monds 2t S4~ll or Karen Favre at ents Pool - beach or Beach Snack Bar 82322 ThesL ladles wlil plck up announce the end of the sllence per­ (DD Form 173) lod If round please call 82529 after 1630 To lnsure that all messages are pro­ whatever "ou can donate on Wednesday Advance notlce of the sllence wlll perly authentlcated, it lS necessary afternoons be broadcast over AFRS AFRS wlll also Black & ~hlte kltten, approxlmately to lnltlal the second and succeed1ng seven months old Anyone who knows the announce the lmposltlon and Ilftlng of pages of all messages t~at are pre­ the perlod of sllenee whereabouts of thlS kltten, that was sented to the KMR Communlcatlons Center Buy Bonds lost ln the vlclnlty of the ~waJaleln Dog Pound, please contact Offlcer Hughes or THE COMMUNITY BAND WILL meet tonlght Sergeant Capelle at the Central Pollce at 7 30 pm ln the Flne Arts Bldg Statlon at 82119 or 82120 Ebeye Exchange Remlnder ThlS week the ladles from Ebeye wlll show us Navy blue wlndbreaker Jacket wlth hood how they care for thelr halr Need (nylon) Reward Call Lorl Krlewald at we say more to entlce you? Meet at the 82647 Marlna (brlng ldentlflcatlon so you can get your boardlng pass) at 1 45 We'll ANNOUNCEMENTS take the 2 pm water taxl and return to KwaJaleIn by 5 pm Wednesday after­ Beglnnlng thlS week, the ROl supply noons are "Ebeye Exchange" afternoons boat WhlCh normally loads on Frlday and thlS week should be a partlcularly and departs KwaJaleln Saturday, wlli be lnterestlng one loaded on Thursday to depart KwaJaleln 0800 Frlday arrlvlng ROl 1500 The Shame on you' lf you're throwing boat wlil depart ROl 0800 Saturday toys and games ln the dumpster There's and arrlve KwaJaleln 1500 Saturday an elementary school on the lsland of MeJurlrok where the chlldren have only EMON LODGE #179 F&AM will hold a one volleyball for recreat10n Pack speclal meetlng on Tuesday, Sept 23, those puzzles, games, balls, bats, at 7 30 pm All Masons are cordlally etc , that your klds have lost lnterest lnvlted ln wlth a label statlng "For Mejurirok ' Then call Vlrglnla Edmonds, 84631, and The Toastmlstress "Children's Program" on Wednesday afternoon, as a part of Workshop wlll be held tonlght, Sept 22, the regular Bargaln Bazaar plckup, at 8 pm ln the Taro Room of the Yokwe she wlll V1Slt your quarters for your Yuk Brlng any costume ideas and contrlbutlon Just leave the package materlals by the front door lf you won't be home ThlS wlll save Vlrglnla the few thou­ YY Dupllcate Bridge Winners Sept 14 sand steps lnvolved ln a return trlp 1 Dave ColI ins 20 100 RIFLES Colo 0·/ Dele," 2 Joe Folz September 26 marks the end of the 3 Cla1re & Ed Hebel flrst gradlng period at the George 4 Barbara Bauer & Harry Standen MOVIES TONIGHT Seltz Elementary School The report N-S Sept 19 to parents wlll take the form of Par­ 1 Bob Cordell & June Vento ent-Teacher conferences The confer­ 2 Armand Sanders & Jlm Morency ences are to take place on Sept 26 3 Kay Brydges & Bern1e Conroy Chlldren do not attend school on that 4 Cla1re & Ed Hebel date E-W Teachers are now sendlng home In­ vltatlons and arrangIng the tImes of 1 Cralg Roblnson & Joe Windes Ivey Hall Trade Winds 2 Dom1nlc Onorl & Anton Wadlelgh each lndlvldual conference Some con­ 3 Joy Ledbetter & Lou Johnson "100 RIFLES" "MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" ferences wlll be held prlor to Sept 4 Bess Baylon & lola Moore Western Color Adventure Drama Color-WS 26 ln the evenlng or Just after school Team of four Oct 5 & 19 at 7 pm Jim Brown, Raquel Welch Theodore BIkel, Ted Eccles whlle others may not be held untll the Sunday nlght Saturday following or even durlng the 6 30 & 8 30 AT 8 ATC next week If the suggested tlme lS Any boy 14 or older is invlted to a not satlsfactory, parents are requested meetlng September 23rd at 7 30 pm to to call 83601 after 3 pm and arrange introduce the new Explorer Program Richardson Ocean View a more satlsfactory tlme wlth thelr Short presentatlons on thlS year's teacher actlvlties WIll be made, among these "SUBMARINE X-I" "THE UNFORGIVEN" It 1S hoped that the fathers wlll be are radlo controlled models, woodwork­ War Drama Color Western Color-WS able to adjust thelr schedules ln ing lncludlng aquarlum bUlldlng, elec­ James Caan Burt Lancaster, Audery order that they may attend wlth thelr tron1C experlmentlng, camplng and back­ Hepburn Wlves country stomplng plus socIal act1vltles 7 30 ATC 7 30 & 12 30 AT tours and guest speakers Meet In Rm If you have a drlnklng problem con­ 18 of the George Seltz School tact AlcohollCS Anonymous, Box 874, APO San Francisco 96555 Dr Widner, a speclallst ln dlagnosls Yokwe Yuk Meek Island and treatment of dlsorders of the feet, THE ISLAND NURSERY will take the will be on lsland beglnnlng September "THE BIG BOUNCE" "THE MAIN ATTRACTION" chlldren to Coral Sands Beach for an 27 (Saturday) and wlll remaln through Drama Color-W~ Drama Color outing (no sWlmmlng), Thursday The Wednesday, October 1st Anyone deslr­ Ryan O'Neal, Leigh-Taylor Young Pat Boone, Nancy Kwan bus wlll leave the nursery at 8 30 am lng an appolntment WIth Dr WeIdner, AT and wlll return at 11 am The nursery please call the hospItal at 82160 or 7 & 9 A 8 (Tomorrow night) wlll remaln open for the convenience 83476 of chlldren unable to go to the beach