Offices Hours
TUESDAY, MARCH 11, IM i V iUmtclrrBter i^i^raUt iDMbrNMPkms! Tlia Mw. K«HMlh StMM, aa- The muaic comnvUbee of Trln- About SO atudenta of Mrs. Kar ' ■ocO«r>a pM tor Oanter Ooncre- Ky Covenant Church will meet en W. P e a il and Mrs. LoUbi Donations Made The WeaUter ffm Town ot SAVE STAMPS! SAVE MONEY! M enlifi. 1669 |Mtkw^ Camirah, will dioeuas tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the home Roolas^ei at ttts Wemer Plano, lUPtllt Oburdi Ftor, wtadly ead i "M chote and Aiwcandra” at a of Mrs. Patterson Chaffin, 104 Organ and Vocal Studio will By lions did) eoM OiHwgli Tiranifiy. Leer io- <«*dl mMft to Book Samtaar temowruw at 10 Pine Knot) Dr., Wappliig. give the fin t in a oertoB at mid- SIGN UP NOW! rn TavIhBvm- Harold Parks, president of the 1 5 ,4 7 6 night In teoM . High trauonrow ajn. at tlia otauMh. Tfie event season rscitals Sunday at 8 Manchester Lions Club, pre in Me. ia open to the public. The Greater Hartford Branch pjm. In the chapel at South Unit sented checks recently to the 8imneheUer—^4 CUy o f Filh if* Charm ed Methodtot Chuich. The event For Boland Oil W nRy Covenant Church Di- of Transatlantic Bridea and Luts Junior Museum, the Man- The Adult Study Claaa of Parents Aasodation will meet is open to parents, (rtends end VOL. LXXXVm , NO. 187 (THIRTT-SIX PAOBS—fW O BtCTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WffMMhDiiT, MARCH 11, I f f ! UMMU and C talitlan aduasatlon ch ester Scholarship Founda ComiNiBy’t Adfwltotog a m 'rm f iS ) PRICE TEN CENTM South United Methodiat Church tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.
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