LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE 9-23-69 9-23-69 o 5 at 0930 5 "I at 0306 o 6 at 2130 5 2 at 1536 ttOURGlJ.\SS ..... " '~;... ' ... ~~'" ..... t-< All The News That F~tq We Prlnt No 8509 [VO~ 9, KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Monday September 22 1969 Sources Say Nixon to Order Catholics Dismantle Barricades In Londonderry's Ca,holic Area Supersonic Transport Plane LONDONDERRY (UPI) -- Rpsldents of WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Nlxon personally wlll announce hlS declslon to- Londonderry's Roman Catholic Bogside morrow whether to go ahead wlth development of the controverslal SST Sources Dlstrict began dismantling barricades predlcted he would glve it a go-ahead today There were no incidents "I antlclpate that the Presldent wlll approve the request for funds whlch wlll Today police issued three summonses be sufflclent to lnitiate constructlon of the f1rst prototype SST," sald Henry The summonses were agalnst M1SS Devlin M Jackson (Oem -Wash ) when she took part in the Cathollc bat­ The Boelng Co , headquartered 1n Jackson's home state, has the contract for tles wlth police in the Bogside area No the 1,800 mph plane other details of them were announced Jackson and Rep Thomas A Pelly, A police spokesman said they had not (Rep -Wash ), wlll be on hand when Rally Staged in Chicago been able to serve the summonses be­ Nixon makes hlS announcement at 9 am cause Miss Devlin is reportedly travel­ EDT tomorrow lng ln Europe Most objectlons to build the plane Demanding Negro Jobs Armed troops guarded the Clty court­ center on the blg sonic boom lt would house where a three-man tribunal began create and its healthy prlce-tag CHICAGO (UPI) -- About 2,500 perSClTIs hearlngs today into the causes of the Constructl0n of two prototypes of the staged a two-hour rally ln the Clvic rlots ln Northern Ireland durlng July 300-passenger plane would cost an estl- Center Plaza today as part of a "Black and August ln whlch nlne persons were mated $1 4 bl11l0n Monday" demonstratlon demandlng 1I'0re kllled The government has put up about $65 constructlon Jobs for Negroes IMLAY PIRATF?--No, a U S Advlser Justlce Leslle Scarman, a Brltlsh ml1110n so far for the SST If the A slmllar demonstratlon took place ln sportlng a black headband and necklace Hlgh Court Judge, opened the lnqulry project is to stay allve, Nlxon will Plttsburgh where students halted work on of grenades as he wades through hlgh wlth a pledge that the trlbunal wlll have to ask Congress for about $25 a constructlon project at Carnegle- Mel­ grass on patrol near Carnbodlan border dlsregard 'polltlcal bellefs or pas- ml1110n thlS year However, he could lon Unlverslty, but one planned for Al­ of South VIet Narn slons " postpone actual constructl0n of the bany, NY ,falled to materlallze as loc­ "ghtl"ng Erupts The flrst wltness to testlfy was Col plane and seek Just enough research mo­ al leaders sald they had no tlme to or­ New FI Wlll1am Todd, Commandlng Offlcer of ney to keep the project alive ganlze a rally lley, the Prlnce of Wales Infantry Battallon If Nixon decides to build two proto­ The Chlcago demonstratlon was the lar­ In Que Son Va whlch was the flrst to be deployed in types, the government share of the $1 4 gest ln a series of actlons by the Coal­ Area South of Da Nang Londonderry after Cathollc rloters got bililon would be about $945 ml11~on itlon for Vnlted Communlty Action, a out n,f control of local pollce Boelng would klck ln about $271 mllLlon collectl0n of black groups seeklng more SAIGON (lIPI) -- Nely flght Ing erupted He descrlbed the rlOt scenes of Aug and the natl0n's alrlines about $60 Jobs ln constructlon The Coalltlon today In the battle-worn Oue Son Valley 14 and 15 ln whlch pollce used tear gas mililon So far alrlines have ,ordered closed down about 20 constructlon pro­ and surroundlng area south of Da Nang for the flrst tIme agalnst rloters ln 122 planes Jects ln Chlcago during the summer where the Communlsts launched assaults the Unlted Klngdom Nlxon could possibly order a go-ahead The demands sparked actlon today by tha t dmmed three II S hell copters and I for only a slngle prototype thus cut­ President Nlxon and the Executlve Coun­ caused 31 Amerlcan casualtles ting flnanclng to reduce the governMent cll of the BUlldlng and Construction Mliltary spokesmen said the three UHI ~ risk Trades Department of the AFL-CIO Army Hellcopters forced down by Commun-I Earlier thlS year, the Admlnistrat~on Nlxon announced the establlshment of 1st flre were ferrYlng troops of the was reported considerlng an alternate a Constructlon Industry Collectlve Bar­ 196th lIght Infantry Brlgade Into the means of flnanclng, poss~bly sell~ng gaining COIDmlSS10n headed by Labor Sec­ foothlils of the lO-mlle-long valley government guaranteed securlt~es on the retary George P Schultz He sald the Just south of Da Nang, a northern coa­ open market to pr~vate lnvestors Commlsslon 1<>111 see' to ease "strlfe and stal clly northeast of Salgon Crit~cs of the plane argue that money tensions" ln the lndustry Com~un]st troops dtt (~.~ soldlers for the plane could be better spent on The AFL-CIO Constructlon Department aboard the alrcraft, who called ln ar­ cur~ng the nation's soclal llls Re­ refused as "slmpllstlc" proposals to set tl11ery and hellcopter runshlp support gardlng the sonic boom complalnt, back­ up quotas for hlring Negroes The Pres­ In a three-hour battle, the Amerlcans ers clalm the plane wlll be used only ident of the group, L J Haggerty, ac­ suffered one dead and nlne wounded on over-ocean flights Backers also cused "black agltators" of harasslng un­ The Que Son Valley, slte of the Hlep clalm the plane is needed to malntaln lon laborers ln several cltles Buc Paclflcatl0n Houslng Vll1age, which V S superiorlty in commerclal aVl­ houses 4,000 refugees from the war, was ation Two English Professors the scene of bitter flghtlng about a The Soviet Vnlon flew a supersonlc month ago ln WhlCh more than 80 Amerl­ alrllner last year The British-French Find Cache of Works cans and 1,100 North Vletnamese were Concorde flew thlS year Both planes kllled .., are smaller versions of the V S SST UNIVERSITY PARK, PA (UPI) -- Two Penn Mllitary spokesmen sald Communlsts ~~ but are expected to be in use by com- State Vniverslty English professors have shot down two other hellcopters ln the ' ~ merlcial alrllnes ln 1972 uncovered a cache of hitherto unpubllsh­ vlcln~ty of Da Nang yesterday, woundlng DISMANTLING OF THE ed and unknown works by the late Nobel­ four men House Members Start prlze-wlnnlng author Ernest Hemlngway, includlng an incomplete novel on Nick Cam paign to Dump Adams, hlS best-known short-story char­ tSecond Battle of Chicago' Unfolds acter Some Major Legislation PhIlip Young, an expert on Hemlngway WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Key House mem- and a research professor at Penn State With Defendants Planning Protest bers started a drlve today to dump a and Dr Charles W Mann, Chlef of Spec­ CHICAGO (UPI) -- "The Second Battle of Chlcago" -- the trlal of elght men few major bIlls, IncludIng several on ial collectlons at Penn State Library, who have been charged as activlsts to lnclte rlots at the 1968 Democratlc PreSIdent Nlxon's priorlty list, and made the find while pouring over 20,000 Natlonal Conventlon -- began to unfold today in an atmosphere crackling with wlnd up the 1969 session by Thanksgiv- pages of manuscript in a New York bank protest plans, securlty precautlons and legal maneuverlng lng But the Senate sent word thlS was vault durlng the past year Thelr ef­ Flve of the defendants, at a news conference, detalled elaborate demonstra- out of the question forts will be catalogued ln a l3-page tl0n plans for the trlal, WhlCh beglns Wednesday "It looks to me like we'll be in ses- blbllography to be publlshed next month Top law enforcement offiCIals huddled in the Federal BUllding to dlSCUSS sec­ S10n all year," sald Senate Democratic l-y the Penn State Unlverslty and wlll ,---------------------------------------, urlty precautlons for the trlal Leader Mike Mansfield include three novels, 19 short stories, One of the defendants' attorneys, who A Soclal Securlty boost, voting 33 poems and 11 works of non-fictlon charged his phone had been tapped and rIghts, coal mlne safety, housing, an- Young, in an lntervlew today, sald, TODAY'S NEWS mall read qurlng trial preparatlons, pe­ tl-poverty and the rest of the year's however, that "perhaps the most lnter­ titioned a request that the V S Dist­ money bliis were llsted as belng among estlng flnd" was a letter tg Hemlngway rict Court Judge hearing the case dlS­ the remalnlng targets for House actIon from the late F Scott Fltz~erald WhlCh AT A GLANCE quallfy hlmself before adJournment caused Hemlngway to rewrlte the flrst Abbie Hoffman, 32, a long-tlme member Of the PresIdent's three newly lu;ted two chapters of "T'le Sun Also RIses" of the Youth International Party and one "must" bllis for the rest of the year-- "Fitzgerald saw the galleys of the NORTHERN IRELAND -- Treal begens of the defendants, sald 'there would be a draft lottery, an antlcrlme package and Hemlngway novel before lt was Dubllshed~ to f"nd baSeS for pcots candlellght "service" for 5,000 in Lin­ postal reform--only the postal reform Young sald "I coln Park on the nlght before the trial had much hope "In the letter FltZgerald glves Hem- CHICAGO -- Demonstpat~ons expected followed by a march to the Federal Paul Albert, House Democratlc Leader, Ingway hell for some of the stuff he had BuildIng sald, "The leadershlp is under pressure wrltten ln hlS orl.glnal openlng " SAIGON -- Feght~ng ~ncreas~ng once
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