uF feolil, t'^iluci; iinil ^o|iiiti* C J O I . N ^ S A N D M J i D A L S ,

The Property of OOLONEL M. I, COHEN", of Baltimore,

7 V > U K S ( > T . i > . I T A l / C T I O S

BV .AIkssks. 15AN(IS, .AIERWIN CO.,

().")(; UkoadwaV, Xi;\v YoiiK,

^rONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, TIIUllSDAY AM) FRIDAY, The 25tli, 27tli, 2Stli Jiiid 2{)(li OCTOBER, 1875.

Commencing at 3 o'clock, P. M.

i'iitaioijaeil hj/ EDWAliD COdAX.

Ory tlie Auctioneers; John "\V. IIaskltink, lii'25 Chestnut Street,.and

Ki.ink, 12 South Kightli street, Philadelphia: IF. G. Sampson, corner of Fulton Street and Broadway, New York ; (u* by Ki>wahi> C(Hi\s. 40S State- Street, Brooklyn, X. Y.



I N D X .

1-Kil! A N C i i i N ' r C o i n s . l i I f ) ! )

R R A T A .

Lot 160. For "Denver" read " Daliloiiega" Mint. " 207. Fpr "Denver" read " Dalilonega " Mint. " 209. This is also Dahlonega Mint. " 200. This is Charlotte, K C. Mint. " 234. 1849. This is a Gold . " 1449. For "Nickel" read "Silver."

' / P 3 < / < — ■ € ■

F o h h i g n C o i n s , S i l v e r a n d G o l d , - - - - 7 4 t o 8 2 ■ ' S i l v e r a n d G o l d , 8 8 t o 9 4

( . t o i - u , A m e r i c a n , ------1 0 t o 1 4 C a l i f o r n i a , G e o r g i a , t V c , - - - - 8 7 t o 8 8

M i S O K L I . A j N K ( ) U S C o i N t - , ------2 4

! M i - ; d a i . s , A m e r i c a n , ------: ) ( ! t o 4 0 " F o r e i g n , ------4 0

English, 4]

T a t t k u n P j i c c k s , ------1 ! ) t o 2 : !

P a t t i < ; k n F i k c i o s , ------. ' j O t o ( > : ! S i L V K i i C o i n s , A m e r i c a n , ------2 . " ) t o ; i ( )

Wasiiino'J'on Pikcks, (34 to «; I N D K X

- ♦ « » - —

. V M I J I C N T C I ) I N > ! , - - • - • ( ) t o i )

A S S A Y ^ y i i i U A i . s , . . - - (i:',


C O P P H R , F o r e i g n . - - - -

- 4 ; i t o 4 . " > E n g l i s l i , - - - ■

" E x t r a B r i t i s l i . t t c - . , - (iS

- S 2 t o 8 G C e n t s a n d H a l f C e n t s ,

C o l o n i a l P i i ; c k s , - - - - !)4 to 0!)

(-OI.N C'asios, !)!»

( ' a t a i . o g u e s , - - - - -

En(4Lisi[ Coins, Silver and Gold, - 4 ( > t o o . " )

" " " f r o m .Vnna to Victoria, (>9 to i'4

Fuhncii Coins, Silver and CtoIcI, - 1 4 t o l i l

F o k k i g n C o l n s , S i l v e r a n d G o l d , 74 to

" S i l v e r a n d G o l d , - 8 8 t o ! ) 4

( . 4 o i , d , A m e r i c a n , - - - - to to 14 " Califoi'Dia, Georgia, &c , - 8 7 t o 8 8

M i s c k l l a x k o u s C o i n s , - 24

I N I k d a l s , A i n e i - i c a n , - - - -

' ' F o r e i g n , - - - - 40

E n g l i s h , - - - - 41 I ' A T T K I t N P i K C K S , - - - - 1 ! ) t o 2 ; !

P A T T 1 0 1 ! N P i k c i c s , - - - - - , " ) 0 t o ( i : !

SiLVKit Coins, American, 2.") to :J()

WaSIIINOTON PlKCKS, . t i 4 t o u ; ll I I I I I I _Ll I 12 11111! I! 111 IG 20 24 28 32 3r. 4 0 ^•1- 4B ik tti 111 i n PTTti 11 I I ' : Ppt




All Fine. 1 1008 Henri IIII. Double Tournois. Very good /£> 2 1779 Louis XVI. Rev. " Priinciae," &c. Flue J~ 3 Louis XVIII. Brass Medal, head to left. Rev. Inscription 1832 ^ ^ 4 10, 5, 2, 1 Centimes, &c. Napoleon IlL Very line 10 pieces /C 5 10, 5, 3, 1 Centimes, &c. Napoleon III. Set perfectly uncircu lated ^ 6 2 10 Cent and 1 3 Cent, &c. Westphalia pieces. All different 4 pieces / J- 7 5 Kopeck 1831 and 1833. Remarkably fine 3 pieces J 8 R u s s i a n C o i n s . A l l d i f f e r e u t . V e r y g o o d C p i e c e s ^ 9 "Royaume de Belgique, 1833." "Gand" in the centre. Rev. "Monnaie Fictive," 35 and 5 Centimes. 1 Centime " V i l v o r d e . " V e r y fi n e 3 p i e c e s -2-c? 10 Same. Ob. " Vilvorde " in the centre. Rev. as above. 5 and 1 Centimes have " Alost" in centre. Very fine. 3 pieces 11 Royaume De Belgique. 5 and 1 Centimes, St. Bernard in centre 3 pieces J-' 12 10, 5, 3, 1 Centimes. "Beiges" ordinary pieces. Set, uncircu lated 4 pieces

J 13 Pfenninge. 30 pieces, an interesting lot of 4, 3, 3,1 pfenninge pieces. Very line. Some uncirculated 14 3 Pfenninge. 183, letter 8 tmderneath the last figure ol the date seems to have been omitted. Nearly proof c/ 15 Kreutzers. 30, 15, 3. With heads. Barely fair 13 pieces

/■/ 10 Krcutzers. 1, M, K- Fine lot. Some uncirculated. 18 pieces 17 Wurtemberg pieces. 1, Centimes. Fine. 3 pieces 18 Hellers 4, 3, 1. All diflerent. Very fine 6 pieces 6 KOKKKJN COri'EU.

1828 Brazilian 80 Keis. Unusually line crLr-20 1858 Africa, Portiigueza IMacuta. Uncircuialed 31 Brazilian and Portuguese. Various. All gooil 0 pieces

*/ 32 Venetian pieces, ij, 3, 1 Centimes. All good 0 pieces

// J-33 F e r d i n a n d I a n d I I . 8 a n d 2 T o r n e s i . P o o r a n d G o o d 2 picces

'/ 34 Netlierland and Danish pieces. Good 5 picces />/'35 10, o, 2, 1, Lepta piecrs. 1833. Uncirculated and scarcc O-a 30 3 Polish pieces. 2 very fine. 1 fair // 27 1849 2 Baiocchi. Uncirculated

38 B r e m e n . 2 3 i ^ S c l n v a r e n . Ve r y g o o t l

/ , p o 3 9 1833 American Colonization Society, Liljeria. One Ct ni. Fair 30 1847 Liberia Two Cent piece. Very scarce. Fair /J' 31 1847 Liberia One Cent. Poor - 3 3 C h i l i U n C e n t a v o s , 3 ^ C e n t a v o s , S u e . F a i r 7 p i e c e s 33 Tw o C e n t a v o s i n N i c k e l a n d O n e C e n t n v o i n C o p p e r. Ve r y good


SILVER. ^/Z. 34 A Daric Figure hurling a Javelin. Good and scarce

TETRADRACHMS, &C. 35 Aegina. Ob. Tortoise. Rev. Indented Square. Very good j~ j~o 30 Alexander. Ob. Head with Lion's Skin. Rev. Jupiter Seated. Ve r y g o o d ^ 3 7 A l e x a n d e r . O b . H e a d w i t h L i o n ' s S k i n . R e v . d i f f e r e n t . F a i r 38 Alexander. Another Variety. Ob. Fair. Rev. rubbed Alexander. Another Variety. Rev. AY under the scut of Jupiter. Barely fair 64.0 Alexander. A Drachm. Very good J'£> 41 Alexander. A Drachm. Barely fair O 43 Alexander. A Broad Tetradrachm. Ditlcrent from any of the above. Fine Jo 43 Alexander, Small Copper. Rev. Club and Quiver. Very Good ANCIENT COINS. 7

44 Athens. Head of Minerva, liuhhed. Rev. an Owl. Fine yo 45 A t h e n s . H e a d o f M i n e r v a . D i f f e r e n t . U n e v e n l y s t r u c k . Otherwise good /.J-46 Athens. Head of Minerva. Dilfereat. Very good J', 2.J- 47 Lysiinachus. Ob. Portrait. Rev. Minerva holding a Victory. Fine 48 Lysimachus. Another. Very base pS- 49 Lysimachus. A small copper. Minerva holding a Victory. Fine and scarce S^O 50 Lokron of the Locrians. Corinth type. Fair and scarce JPJ- 51 Philip. Ob. Head of Jupiter. Rev. Horseman. Fair but pierced

The following ten coins are in Potin—All fair.

iTO 01 Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Poppea his wife. Scarce / 62 Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Poppea, his wife. A variety. Scarce 63 Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Poppea, liis wife. A variety. Scarce 8 ANCIENT COINS.

y S' G4 Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Popiicii, his wife. A variety. Slight. Scarce i/'o 05 Head of Neio. Rev. Africa. Scarce '/ GG Head of Nero. Rev. Africa. A variety. Scarce

A-o 07 Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Tiberius. Scarce /,/2- G8 Head of Nero. Rev. Eagle. Slruclv in Alexandria. Scarce GO Head of Nero. Rev. Eagle. Struck in Ale.xandria. Varietj'. Scarce /,/Z 70 Head of Nero. Head to left Africa. Scarce

COPPER. Jo 71 Ptolemy. Large Brass. Rev. Double Eagle. Barely fair -2. 72 Ptolemy. Large Brass. Rev. Eagle. Poor / 73 Ptolemy. Second Brass. Rev. Eagle ; expanded wing. Fair / <5" 74 Ptolemy. Second Brass. Rev. Eagles. Diflerent. Fair and

poor ^ 75 Ptolemy. Second Brass. Rev. a variety. Barely fair 76 Ptolemy. Third Brass. Rev. Double Eagle. Poor and scarce J . J 7 7 R h o d e s . H e a d c r o w n e d . R e v. a R o s e , & c . Ve r y f a i r. Scarce <>■ 78 Rhodes. Very small. Rev. a Rose, &c. Very good. Scarce

GOLD. ///. cru Alexander. Helm,ed Head of Minerva. Rev. Victory holding a Trident, &c., a iStote?-. Pierced. Otherwise fair. Rare y 80 Philip II. Another/Stofc;-. Head of Apollo. Rev. a Charioteer in a biga, underneath Philippoi. Fair and scarce ^.-'^'^81 Myrina (Q's) A Sacrificing. Rev. Victory in a Qaudriga, a State?'. Only fair, but rare

ROMAN COINS. cno 82 ^s, weighing 9i oz avoir. Head of Janus. Rev. Prow of a vessel. Dark green patination. Very fine and rare J J~o 83 A fourth of the ^s, or 3 ounces, having three globules on it to denote its weight. Very good and rare So 84 A Second Brass. Ob. Head of Trajan. Rev. a figure re clining pouring water, possibly representing the Nile. Fair KOilAN COINS. 9*

J O 8") A First Brass Coin or Medal of Antoninus Pius. Head to right. Kev. Venus, nude. Barely fair, but scarce J J' 8G Second and Thiid Brass Coins. Obverses of both Antoninus and possibly Faustina. Reverses difTerent. Greek Legends. P o o r a n d l a i r . S c a r c e / /O S7 Julian, ibe Apostate. Head to right. Rev. The Bull Apis standing; " Securitas Reipub." Second Brass. Fine and scarce 88 IMarcus Agrippa and Augustus. R(!v. a Crocodile, &c. Good impression. Second Brass

SILVER DENARII. 89 Marc Anthony. Ob. Head to right. Rev. Head of Octavius • C«sar Imp. HI. Vir. R. P- C. Pierced. Otherwise good and rare Marcus Aurelius. Rev. Minerva standing. Veiy good y ^ 91 Head of Rome. Consular Coin. Rev. Quadriga. Fair y^y92 Faustina. Rev. Hilaritas. Good; and another Coin rather poor ; £"93A First Brass Coin ith Head on both sides, and eight very small Coins, all different and interestmg 94 Eleven Third Brass Coins. All diflferent and good P 95 Thirteen Third Brass Coins. Fair and poor

GOLD- //^^96 Augustus® A Caesar. fine Aureus. Head Very to right. little circulated. Kev. Bull buttingVery rare IMP.X. 97 Antoninus Pius. Head to right. Rev. Cos. IIII. Abundance, standing. Another Aureus. Very flue and laie 98 Valentinianus. Head to right. Rev. " Victoria Augg.' Two figures seated. Fair and rare 99 Honorius. Head to right. " Victoria Auggg." A figure holding / ' a Victory and apparently trampling on a figure. Very fine and rare j~oo 100 Leo. Head fronting, but features erased. Rev. Vlctoiy standing. Only fair, but scarce j-j-^ 101 .Tustinianus. Head fronting, Victoria Auggg, &c. Fine and scarce (^00 102 Byzantine Coin. Ob. Heracleus and Son. Rev. Double Cross, &c. Very flue and scarce •10 AMEKICAN (jorj).



nnr, Perfectly uncirculated. Rare in tliis condition / C r - V 1 0 4 1790 Small Eagle. Sliglilly rubbed in the Held, otlierwise very fine. Scarce //.cTO 105 1707 Large Eagle. ;Much rubbed in the lield. Scarce / 6_ver 1707. Extremely fine and equally rare /S.^o 108 1790 Uncirculated. Scarce in thiH condition 1800 109 Uncirculated. Scarce

/S-io 110 1801 Uncirculated. Scarce

/:2. (^o 111 1808 Uncirculated. Scarce / S r v 1 1 2 1804 Obver.se scratched. Only fair

HALF EAGLES. /C00 1V6 1795 Small Eagle. fine and scarce 114 1795 Large Eagle. Same condition. E.^tremely rare /Jl J'o 115 1790 Small Eagle. Fine and very scarcc yo.S'O 110 1797 Struck over 1795. Large Eagle. Fine condition, Verij scarce

117 1797 Small Eagle ; 10 stars. S o m e w h a t w o r n . Ve r y s c a r c e Pav 118 1797 Small Eagle ; 15 stars. R a t h e r b e t t e r. E q u a l l y s c a r c e f so 119 1'5'98 Large date. Very fine ^ 130 1798 Small date. Very good 121 1799 Very good ^j'o 122 1800 Very fine " 123 1802 Struck over 1801. Very flue and scarce 6otp 124 1803 Struck over 1802. Finer and scarce 125 1804 Very fine 130 1805 Very fine 1806 Large stars. Very good „ 128 1800 Small stars. Fine 129 1807 Head of 1800. Very fine •YJ'o 130 1807 Head of 1808. Very good ^ 131 1808 Very good AMEKICAN GOLU. 11

133 1809 Not quite so good /133 1810 Fine All but uiicirculated. f 134 1811 Fine .y^'ilated. Proof surface 153 1833 Uncirculated. Proof surface „. r 154 1834 Large head. Old Standard. Unciiculated. face. Rare 155 1834 Small head. New standard. Uncirculated // 1.5G 1835 Good " 1 5 7 1 8 8 6 G o o d

/-- 158 1837 Better impression " 1 5 9 1 8 3 8 V e r y g o o d f ^7 0 KiO 1839 Dens^Miut. Very line 161 1840 Very good 163 1841 Fhie impression " 1 6 3 1 8 4 3 F a i r i m p r e s s i o n /y' 164 1843 Fine impression 165 1844 Fine impression 12 AMERICAN C;OLl). ./"/j'lGO 1845 Very line impression 107 1846 Fine impression 108 1847 Fine impression 109 1848 Fine impression j-^o 170 184!) Fine impression 171 1850 Fine impression 172 1851 Very good impression J'/j" l'J'3 1852 Fine impression j',^o 1853 Fine impression 175 1854 Fine impression " 170 1855 Fine impression " 177 1850 Fine impression 178 1857 Fine impression e/7uS 179 1858 Fine impression 180 1859 Fine proof impression

QUARTER EAGLES. 181 1796 Without stars. Very line nnd very scarce / 183 1790 With stars. Proof. Very rare o ;^33 Uncirculated. Extremely rare. Crackcd die 184 1798 Slightly damaged. Poor and rare J7<5' 185 1802 Uncirculated J J ^ J - 1 8 6 1 8 0 4 G o o d J a a 187 1805 Very good 188 1800 Uncirculated and scarcc mi 1807 Very fine 190 1808 Very fine o 191 1821 Very good. Scarcc J J-J' 192 1824 Almost proof 3p o 193 1825 About as good 194 1826 Fine ^ ^ 195 1827 Very fine J o-z) 196 1829 Fine proof 197 1830 Uncirculated 198 1831 Uncirculated 44199 1832 Fine proof AMEKICAN GOLD. 13

200 1833 Uncirculated ^ 201 1834 Large head. Old st'uulard. Almost proof. Rare <^^^ 202 1834 Small head. ISTew standard. Uncirculated J ifo 208 1835 Good impression 3,o~o 204 1836 Good impression 206 1838^Good impression 207 1839 Dettacei' Mint. Fine and scarce ^ ^ 2 0 8 1 8 4 0 G o o d i m p r e s s i o n J/rz/ 209 1841'But little circulated ^ 210 1842 But little circulated 211 1843 Fine impression

T H R E E D O L L A R S . J J'o 228 1854 Uncirculateil 1855 Uncirculated 3_/^o 230 1856 Uncirculated 231 1857 Uncirculated 232 1858 Uncirculated 233 1859 Fine proof 1840 Uncirculatc'd, Very scarce 14 AMERICAN (iOM).

DOLLARS. 3^5 1850 Uncirculateit /3 o 330 1851 Uncirculated 237 1852 Uncirculated

/.S-o 338 1853 Uncirculated

" 339 1854 Small date. Uncirculated 340 1854 Large date. Fine proof. 341 1855 Fine proof 343 1850 Fine proof 343 1857 Fine proof

o 244 1858 Uncirculated 245 1858 Uncirculated 340 185!) Fine proof 347 1860 Eeautiful proof sot

' ■ 248 1861 Beautiful proof set 249 1802 Beautiful proof set jU 6. OCT 350 1863 Beautiful proof set ^ J - S O 2 5 1 1804 Beautiful proof set 352 1805 Beautiful proof set 353 1800 Beautiful proof set

/X 354 1807 Beautiful proof set 355 1808 Beautiful proof set

// 356 1809 Beautiful proof set 357 1870 Beautiful proof set 00 1871 Beautiful proof set 359 1872 Beautiful proof set 360 1873 Beautiful proof set 261 1874 Beautiful proof set 202 1875 Beautiful proof set

FRENCH COINS. /jrro 263 Gold Ecu d'Or of Louis VI. The King, seated in his chair of State. In fine condition and very rare \f 0 o 264 Gold Royal d'Or. Charles (uncertain which). The King standing. But little circulated and scarce < r o o 265 Gold Cheval d'Or of France. Very fine and scarce



J'o 266 1596 Testoon, Henri^ IIII. Very fine and scarce / / o 267 1643 M C r o w n , L o u i s X L I I . Head rubbed ; otherwise good. Scarce

268 1643 C r o w n , L o u i s X I I I F i n e a n d s c a r c e

269 1641 Gold Double Louis d'Or, Louis XIII. Somewhat circu lated. Punched on both sides. Scarce

370 1644 , Louis XIV. Very fine. But little circulated

/ J a 271 1653 C r o w n , L o u i s X I V . Head much rubbed. Barely fair

272 1691 C r o w n , L o u i s X I V. Head rubbed; otherwise very (air 273 1696 C r o w n , L o u i s X I V . Badly pierced and very poor 274 1711 C r o w n , L o u i s X I V. Barely fair 275 1691 C r o w n , L o u i s X I V. Very fair and scarce 276 1647 1^ Crown, Louis XIV. Uncirculated. Very scarce 277 1675 C r o w n , L o u i s X I V. Variety. Head much rubbed ; otherwise fair

(S'/f 278 1643 G o l d L o u i s d ' O r, L o u i s X I V. Head rubbed; otherwise fair

279 1691 Gold Louis d'Or, Louis XIV. Very fine 280 1718 Crown, Louis XV. Young head to right. A l i t t l e r u b b e d . Rev. very line

281 1727 C r o w n , L o u i s X V. Head to left. Very poor

/ / X 282 1728 Crown, Louis XV. F a i r a n d s c a r c e

283 1745 C r o w n , L o u i s X V. Very beautiful impression. Scarce

2 284 1772 C r o w n , L o u i s X V . Fine impression. Scarce

/ / X 285 1747 % Crown, Louis XV. A good deal rubbed

286 1720 Crown, Louis XV. Head to right. Much rubbed. Scarce

/ / o 287 1720 3^ Crown, Louis XV. Head to right. Beautiful uncircu- lated impression

So288 1723 Crown, Louis XV. Very good / t J - 289 1772 C r o w n , L o u i s X V. H e a d t o l e f t , Perfectly uucircu- l a t e d . Ve r y r a r e

/■f" 290 1727 1-16 Crown, Louis XV. Head to left. Very poor

291 1774 Gold Louis d'Or, Louii XV. Fine and scarce j,ro 292 1726 Gold Louis d'Or, Louis XV. Not quite so fine. Scarce 293 1775 Crown, Louis XVI. Head a good deal rubbed aiul pierced

% 16 fkexch coins.

X f 294 1785 Crown, Louis XYI Rov. a Bull underneath the wreath. Beautiful impression. Scarce / 2. <5 395 1793 Crown, Louis XVI. Rev. " Regno cle la loi." Planchet scratched; otherwise verj' line ^290 1793 Crown, Louis XVI. More worn and scratched / 2 9 7 1 7 9 1 C r o w n , L o u i s X V I . F a i r c o n d i t i o n / / J 298 1792 Crown, Louis XVI. Rev. •'Regne de la loi." Ver^'' fine. Uncirculated 399 1792 Crown, Louis XVI. More worn 300 1791 Crown, Louis XVI. Not quite uncirculated SS 301 1792 Crown, Louis XVI. ^Vlore circulated J/-£r 302 1785 Crown, Louis XVI. Rev. " Sit Nomen," »fcc. Perfectly uncirculated. Very scarce cSo 303 1780 % Crown, Louis XVI. Good condition /J~ 304 1791 15 Sols, Louis XVI. Fair condition 305 1779 1-10 Crown, Louis XVI. Beautiful uncirculated piece 30G 1789 1-10 Crown, Louis XVI. Much circulated / a307 1782 Oold Double Louis d'Or, Louis XVI. Very fine and

scarce 308 1792 Oold Louis d'Or, Louis XVI. Rev. " Regne de la loi." Very fine and scarce 309 1780 Oold Louis d'Or, Louis XVI. Kev. Crown over two Shields. Very fine and scarce 2-Xo 310 1793 Republic of France. 0 Livres. Rev. " Regne de la loi." Very fine and scarce 2^ 311 Republic of France. 5 Francs, 11 year. Rev. " Union et Force." Very good and scarce / y-y 312 Republic of France. 5 Francs, 5, 7 and 9 years. Poor but

scarce / 313 Republic of France. 5 Francs, 9 year. " Gaule Subalpine." F a i r a n d s c a r c e / 314 Republic of France. 5 Francs, 10 year. " Gaule Subalpine." R a t h e r b e t t e r 2 315 1810 Obv. " lies De France et Bonaparte " an Eagle Crowned. Rev. Inscription erased, Eagle somewhat rubbed. Be lieved very scarce ^ / O 316 Bonaparte First Consul, an XI. Fair condition. Scarce / O o 817 Bonaparte First Consul, an 12. Fair condition. Scarce FKENCH COINS. 17

/ % r 3 1 8 Napoleon Emperor. Republic of France, an 13. Rather bet ter. Scarce 1811 Napoleon Emperor. Empire, 5 Francs. Bettor and //^ 319 scarce

Joe 320 1813 Napoleon Emperor. 5 Francs. Fine, Scarce / 3 3 1 1813 Napoleon Emperor. 5 Francs. Not quite so good. Scarce yj' 322 1812 Napoleon Emperor. 2 Francs. Very good Uo B23 1809 Napoleon Emperor. 2 Francs More rubbed j r - 3 2 4 1809 Napoleon Emperor. 1 Franc. Very good J-O 325 Napoleon Emperor. Republic t>f France, an 14. 1 Franc. Re markably fine J . r 3 2 6 1808 Napoleon Emperor Republic of France. Demi Jranc. Very fine 327 Napoleon Emperor. Republic of France, an 13. Denn Franc. Very fine J.S' 328 1813 Napoleon Emperor. Empire, Demi Franc. Fan- lO 329 Bonaparte Pr Consul, an 12. M Franc. Uncirculated J'oo 330 Gold 20 Francs, an 12. Bonaparte Premier Consul. Very fine and scarce

331 Gold 20 Francs, an 12. Bonaparte Premier Consul. Very fine and scarce Uncirculated S'So 332 1813 Gold 20 Francs. Napoleon Emperor. Much worn 333 1811 Gold 20 Francs. Napoleon Emperor. / yj- 334 1817 5 Francs, Louis XVIII. Uncirculated Uncirculated / 3 3 5 1822 5 Francs, Louis XVIII. Uncirculated /So 330 1823 5 Francs, Louis XVIII. Uncirculated yr 337 1817 2 Francs, Louis XVIII. Uncirculated (he 338 1817 1 Franc, Louis XVIII. Fine 2 pieces /<^ 339 1817 yi Franc, Louis XVIII. 2 pieces / f - 3 4 0 1822-'24 Franc, Louis XVIII. Fine 341 1815 Gold 20 Francs, Louis XVIII. Fair and scarce

342 1825 Charles X. 5 Francs. Uncirculated. Scarce / c c 3 4 8 1 8 2 5 C h a r l e s X . 2 Francs. Not quite so fine

344 1829 Charles X. 1 F r a n c , A b o u t t h e s a m e / r 3 4 5 1 8 2 7 C h a r l e s X . Franc. About the same 4 pieces /f 346 1830 Charles X. 3^ Franc. All fine 18 FRENCH COINS.

/ J ' o 3 4 7 1 8 : 5 0 L o u i s P l i i l l i p p e I . o F r a n c s . U n c i i c n l a t e d jy ,348 Louis Pliillippe L A set of uncirculated pieces. Scarce G pieces £> 349 1835 GoUl 40 Francs, Louis Pliillippe I. Beautiful uncircu lated piece /V350 1835 6'oW 20 Francs, Louis Phillippe I. Uncirculated / 351 1848 Republique Francaise 5 Francs. Rev. " Liljcrte, Egalite Fraternite." Uncirculated and scarce ' ' / /J 352 1849 Republique Francaise. 5 Francs. Rev. " Libertc, Egalite F r a t e r n i t e . " U n c i r c u l a t e d a n d s c a r c e ' ° ' S O 353 1848 r/oW 20 Francs. "Liberie, Egalite," <.tc. Uncircul'itert and rare 354 1850 5 Francs. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated //X 355 1850 5 Francs. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated 35G 1851 5 Francs. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated 357 1850 3 Francs. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated 358 1850 1 Franc. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated J 359 1850 50 Cent. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated. 2 pieces /6 300 1850 20 Cent. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated. 3 pieces J'^oa 301 1851 20 Francs. Head of Liberty to right Fine 362 1851 G-WfZ 10 Francs. Head of Liberty to right. Very fine ^ iTo 363 1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 5 Francs. Uncirculated Very scarce, being first issue / S'O 364 1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. Not quite so fine / ■io 365 1856 Napoleon HI Emperor. 5 Francs. Very good So 360 1801 Napoleon III Emperor. 5 Francs, 2 Fr. 1 Fr. 50c and 2 0 c . U n c i r c u l a t e d . R a r e a s a s e t Jo 367 1861 Napoleon ni Emperor. 2 Fr. 1 Fr. Uncirculated. 2 pieces 368 1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 1 Franc. Fine proof. Ex ceedingly rare 369 1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 1 Franc. Uncirculated. Ex ceedingly rare J_j' 370 1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 10 Cent. Uncirculated. Ex ceedingly rare ^ 2^ a 6 371 1859 Oold 100 Francs. Napoleon III. Uncirculated. Very scarce 1/ 373 1859 Oold 20 Francs. Napoleon III. Uncirculated. Very scarce KRENCIT COINS. 19 2 J :J73 1802 Gold 20 Fraucs. Napoleon III. Variety. Uucirculated. Very scarce 374 1858 Gold 10 Fraucs. Napoleon III. Uncirculated. Very

scarce X ^ 375 18G2 Gold 10 Fraucs. Napoleon III. Proof. Very scarce /370 1857 '58 Gold 5 Francs. Napoleon III. Uncirculated. Very scarce 2 pieces / 1 8 6 3 5 F r a n c s . N a p o l e o n I I I . P r o o f . Ve r y s c a r c e

PATTERN PIECES. All fine unless otherwise described, XS o 378 1702 Disme. " Liberty, Parent of Science,"&c. Cracked die. Copper. Very fine. E.xtremely rare 2ooa 879 1792 Disme. "Liberty, Parent of Science," &c. Bate emml. Silver. Very fine and extremely rare //J'oo 380 1792 Obverse same as above. Eev. "One Cent" in wreatli. " United States of America." Silver Centre Piece. Very fine. Extremely rare. Slightly corroded on the reverse 381 1792 Halt Disme. Silver. Good and scarce 382 1792 Trial Piece for Cent. Eagle on Rock. Uncirculated 6'o 383 1792 Trial Piece for Cent. Rev. blaulc /2 <2!^ 384 1794 Half Dime. Copper. Trial piece. Exceedingly rare. Fair /ops 385 1795 Half Dime. Copper. Trial piece. Exceedingly rare. Fair J'o 386 1799 Eagle. Copper. Battered. Poor / o^J^o 387 1804 Dollar. Electrotype. Idler's. Extremely liue /

^ X 395 1830 Gold Dollar. Liberty Cap. CtoIcI alloyed with Silver. Proof / / Z- 39G 183C Gold Dollar. Liberty Caj). Copper. Proof /CO 397 183G Two Cent Piece. Nickel, plain edge. Thin planchet. Rare / / 398 1830 Two Cent Piece. Nickel, plain edge. Thick planchet ^ ^ 399 1830 Two Cent Piece. Nickel, milled edge. Another metal / ^' o 400 1830 Two Cent Piece. Copper. Thick planchet. Proof / X-f 401 1830 Two Cent Piece. Copper. Thin planchet. Proof / o a 402 1830 First Steam Coinage, February 22. Copper. Fair / 4 0 3 1 8 3 0 F i r s t S t e a m C o i n a g e , F e b r u a r y 2 2 . D r a s s . F i n e / o 404 183G First Steam Coinage, February 22. Gilt. Fair / ao 405 1830 First Steam Coinage, March 23. Copper. Tlun planchet. Fine / ^ '> 400 1830 First Steam Coinage, March 23. Copper. Thick planchet. Proof 407 1830 First Steam Coinage, March 23. Bronzed /fa 408 1830 First Steam Coinage, IMarcli 23. Copper. Cracked die. Fine 409 1837 Feuchtwanger One Cent Piece 410 1837 Feuchtwanger Three Cent Piece. Arms of New York 2-/ 411 1837 Feuchtwanger Three Cent Piece. Eagle on rock. Re markably fine. Very scarce J'O 412 Feuchtwanger. No date. One Cent on both sides

The following eight Half Dollars of. 1838 are extremely rare.

413 1838 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Flying Eagle. Perfect o-O die. Proof. Smeared 414 1838 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Flying Eagle. Cracked die. Beautiful proof 415 1838 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Flying Eagle. Cracked die. Beautiful proof y o o 410 1838 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Spread Eagle to right. Four arrows and olive branch in its talons. Beautiful proof 417 1838 Half Dollar. Liberty seated. Rev. Flying Eagle, with /:^so out wreath and arrows. Beautiful proof. Brought, in the McCoy Sale, 859 P A'lTEliN 1 'I KCES. 21

/oo 418 1838 Half Dollar. Liberty seated. Rev. Spread Eagle to right, holding in the right talon an olive branch, and in the left, four arrows. Beautiful proof. Snowden, in his manual, calls this piece unique tS^yS'o 419 1838 Half Dollar. Libert}' seated. Rev. Spread Eagle, shield / ' o n b r e a s t , l i e a d t o l e f t , h o l d i n g i n i t s t a l o n s a n o l i v e branch and three arrows. Underneath the Eagle, 50 Cents. Equally rare with preceding. Beautiful proof / O j'c 420 1838 Half Dollar. Liberiy seated. Rev. Flying Eagle, holding in its talons six arrows and au olive branch. Underneath, Half Dollar. This variety has never before been offered at auction. Only two or tnree are known to exist, rarer than either of the preceding. Beautiful proof

421 1830 Flying Eagle Dollar. Beautiful proof. Very rare / 6 422 1839 Half Dollar. Head surrounded by thirteen stars. Rev. Eagle, with shield. Dies by Gobrecht. Beautiful proof. E x t r e m e l y r a r e 2 oo 423 1843 Five Dollar Gold Piece in Copper. Fair 424 1844 Quarter. Copper. Very poor; but scarce 2 S'o 425 1849 Engraved Dollar. Hole in the centre. GM. Fine ♦ / '7'^^ without 42G 1849 inscription. Three Cent Silver. Piece. Ob. Extremely sanae as rare. Half Dime. Proof Ill S-oa 1849 Three Cent Piece. Ob. same. Rev. figure 3-, without in- . scription. Silver. Extremely rare. Proof 428 Ob. in. Rev. 3; no inscription. Very fine. Nickel 429 1850 Three Cent Piece. Silver. Proof. Rare / ^ f 430 1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Copper, alloyed with Silver / CO 431 1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Copper, alloyed with Silver. Different / ^2^ 433 1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Copper, alloyed with Silver. Different / 433 1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Com position ^j^434 1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Nickel / J'o 435 1850 Ring Cent, Not pierced. Rev. One tenth Silver. Copper, alloyed with Silver. Rare 430 1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. Ob. s imc. Rev. blank. Copper, 7^ alloyed with Silver. Different. Rare 22 I'ATTKKN UIJOUKS.

4:37 1850 King Cent. Not pierced Ob. same. Kev. blank. Copper / j - o 4 3 8 1850 Ring Cent. Not pierccil. Kev. One Cent in wreatli. Nickel / ^ o 4 3 0 1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. One-tentli Silver. Kev. United States of America. Copper / J / ' 4 4 0 1850 R i n g C e n t . P i e r c e d . O n e - t e n t l i S i l v e r R e v. U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a . N i c k e l /So 441 1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. One-teiitb Silver. Rev. United States of America. Nickel /So 443 1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. One-tentb Silver. Rev. United States of Anaeriea. Copper i - i - S 4 4 a 1851 Dollar in Copper. Fine proof. Very rare / 4 4 4 1851 One Cent Piece. Nickel. E.vceedingly rare 453 1853 Ring Dollar. U. S. A. Rev. Dollar. (sold. Scarce /^y454 1853 Ring Dollar. U. S. A. Rev. Dollar. (Jopper. Scarce yj- 455 1853 Ring Dollar. U S . A . Rev. Wreath. Silver. Scarce / o o 4 5 0 1853 Ring Dollar. U. S. A. Rev. Wreath. Nickel. Scarce ys 457 1853 Cent. Thick plancliet. Nickel. Scarce ^ S-o 458 1853 Cent. Thin planchet. Nickel. Scarce J-O 459 1853 Cent. No date. One Cent. Ob. Blank 6 r 4 0 0 1854 Cent. Plain head. Copper. Proof yr 461 1854 Cent. Plain head. Copper. Proof 402 1854 Cent. Flying Eggle. CDpper. Very scarce ^ Xr 463 1854 Half Dime, S t r u c k i n N i c k e l . Thick planchet. Very rare

/ 4 0 4 1855 Cent. Flying Kagle. Copper / o c 4 6 5 1855 Cent. Flying Eagle. Copper. DilEerent alhjy

/ X-j- 466 1855 Cent. Flying Eagle. Copper. L e s s N i c k e l 23 PATTERN PIECES.

Scarce / o o 4 6 7 1855 Cent. Flying Eagle. Pure ISTicU'^l- / C O 4 6 8 1855 Cent. Flying Eagle. Copperanc) NloMj c f t f - 4 G 9 ]855 Cent. Flying Eagle. Copper and Nic^e yi 470 1856 Half Cent in Nickel. V e r y r a r e 471 1856 Cent. Nickel. Proof. Scarce

473 1850 Cent. Nickel. Very fine. Scarce

473 1850 Cent. Nickel and Copper. Very I'ai'c Very rare 474 1856 Cent. Copper. Thick planchet. Proof- Very rare X 4 7 5 1856 Cent. Copper. Thin planchet. Proof- Very rare 2. X-^ 476 1856 Cent. Oak wreath and shield. Nickel- Very rare 477 1850 Cent. Oak wreath and shield. Copper-

/ % ^^478 1850 Cent. No date. Copper. Very rare

^■^^"479 1857 Cent. Nickel Size. Copper.

480 1857 Cent. Rev. One Cent in wreath. Nickel Cent. Nickel Without / < C / ^ 4 8 1 1857 Quarter Dollar. Rev. United State.s of America. Eagle. Copper. Scarce Copper. ^ 4 8 2 1857 H e a d . R e v . U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a . ' Scarce Copper J, c/-2> 483 1857 Ob. same. Rev. 3}^ Dollars. 1860 in wreath. 484 1858 Half Dollar. Rev. is the reverse of Paquet ,jq,,s 1859. Silver. Very rare. But few known m collections iS'o 485 1858 Q u a r t e r D o l l a r i n b r a s s ^ a o 4 8 6 1858 Set of the Pattern cents. 13 varieties. Pioofs / pj' 487 1858 Large Eagle. Broad planchet. Oak wreath and 1858 Indian head. No date. Broad planchet. Oak wiea i ^^^'488 and shield. This and the above, very rare Laurel wreath 1858 Indian head. No date. Broad planchet. /.pr 489 pioof. '/ 490 1858 Indian head. Laurel Wreath. Copper. Proof. Oak wreath and shield. Copper, /So 491 1858 Small Eagle. Rare Prf>of. Rare 493 1858 Small Eagle. Tobacco Wreath. Copper

End of First Night's Sale. S E C O N D N I G H T ' S S A L E .

M I S C E L L A N E O U S C O I N S — S i l v e r a n d C o p p e r .

SILVER. 3o i7

scarce cfo 499 Penny of Charles 1,1025 to 1049. Crowned Rose on both sides. F a i r a n d s c a r c e / ^ 5 0 0 T h r e e s m a l l R u s s i a n a n d f o u r o t h e r C o i n s 7 p i e c e s yj 501 Six Silver Coins. Mexico, &c. Silver value, GOc. G pieces V {7

S'O 510 A Silver Medal. German Inscription. Very fine Size 14 / crL> oil Copy of wliat is called a Shekel in "White Metal Size 22 / //o 512 Copy of a genuine Shekel given to Col. Cohen in Jerusalem / a-o 513 1814 A Silver Dollar of Ferdinand VII, taken from a wreck 514 Anotlier Dollar taken at the same time, but encrusted and the piece itself cannot be recognized ifo 515 A curious Spanish piece. About 2 Carnicas. Very good A Coin with tlie head of Moses to left. Rev. Inscription in Hebrew. Presented to the owner in Jerusalem


DOLLARS. ^^ remarkably fine impression of this rare date, being all but uncirculated on obverse and reverse, and as line, if oc^ not liner, than tlie one sold in Mr. Sanfords Sale ; and e x t r e m e l y r a r e i n t h i s c o n d i t i o n / / / j \ 1795 Flowing Hair. About as fine an impression as I have ^^.(3- /tA^- e v e r s e e n i J J- 519 1795 Fillet head. Remarkably fine. SUgM friction on the j c h e e k a n d v e r y s c a r c e ( yj-cro 520 1796 Large date. Perfectly uncirculated and rare 1796 Small date. Very fine. Trifling marks of circulation 532 1797 6 Stars facing. Unusually fine impression of this t3''pe ^ CO, 533 1797 7 Stars facing. Head rubbed 534 1798 Large Eagle. Uncirculated 535 1798 Small Eagle. 15 stars. Unusually fine for tliis rare type 536 1798 Small Eagle. 13 stars. Still finer. Equally rare 537 1799 6 Stars facing. Uncirculated J, crv 528 1799 6 Stars facing. Variety. Very beautiful impression ^ ^ 529 1799 5 Stars facing. Unusually good for this rare type ^ 530 1800 Fair condition. Stars a little damaged 531 1801 Remarkably fine impression. Barely circulated. Scarce DiiS 1803 Struck over 1801. Uncirculated. Very strong nnpression. / S c a r c e J- 533 1803 Showing slight marks of circulation. Rare 'YJ^ 534 1803 Unusually fine impression. Barely circulated 20 AMERICAN SILVER.

(.xtremely rare Dollar was procured from Kichinoml, Virginia, where it was known to Colonel Cohen to exist Ijefore it came into his possession. It ''has been more circulated than either of the two previ- ouslysold at Aiictioi,, and has every appearance of hav ing been struck in the year of its date, and is guaranteed to be original / o v/~o r>'iC, 1840 JicaiUifid proof, and ver^' rare "'■7-^ 037 1840 A little circulated 5^58 1841 Very fine imjiression. Scarce ^1843 Proof polish, and tine 'j40 1842 Nearly uncirculated y.^o 1843 Fine. A little nicked 542 1844 Very fine Impression y543 1845 Beautiful/>/wy/and very rare

1845 A little (;irculated and scarce 545 1840 Very beautiful impression /^■f 546 1847 Nearly proof. Unusually fine 547 1848 Unusually fine for this date / 3548 1849 Beautiful and very rare / 5 4 9 1 8 4 9 N o t m u c h c i r c u l a t e d -2- p o 550 1850 Proof polish. Hlight nicks in the field .-3^ 551 1850 Fine. More nicked do^oo 552 1851 Beautiful and very desirable 553 1852 Beautiful and very desirable 554 1853 Beautiful and very desirable 555 1853 Very fine. Slightly nicked. Scarce / ^ o - o 5 5 0 1 8 5 4 B e a u t i f u l Ve r y r a r e 5 5 7 1 8 5 4 B a r e l y c i r c u l a t e d . S c a r c e 558 1855 Not quite so good, but equally scarce y-3.>^0 559 1850 Beautiful Very rare 5G0 1850 Veri/fine. Barely circulated 501 1859 Fine; but nicked 503 1800 Fine ; but nicked 503 1801 Uncirculated 504 1803 Uncirculated

.565 1863 Uncirculated AMEKIUAN SILVER.

oGG 18G4 Uncirciilatcd " 5 6 7 1 8 6 5 U n c i r c u l a t e d

/J'o 568 1866 Uncirculated 569 1867 Uncirculated J J'O 570 1808 Uncirculated. Proof polish //yo a71 18G9 Uncirculated. Proof polish / J'O 572 1870 Uncirculated. Proof polish '5''3 1871 Uncirculated. Proof polish / ^1. 1873 Uncirculated. Proof polish / 3 575 1873 Uncirciilatcd. A little nicked y 576 1873 Uncirculated. Proof polish. Trade Dollar 577 1874 Uncirculated. Proof polish


The f'Mowihcj J[(df and ^uarkr Dollars arc altwjetlier the fined I liaec, crcr offered at auction.

crz, 578 1794 Unusually fine impression. Very scavca. Being barely circulated / > -^.oTiSJ- 579 1795 Unusually fine and scarce iu this condition .Z-O, o-??-I'^OG The stars il ittened ; otherwise better than usually found J.,? 581 1797 Not much circulated. One of the best impressions I ever ./yzr- recollecfc to have seen, and very rare 583 1801 Tlie finest impression I have seen for years. Exceedingly -/}7r- r a r e i n t h i s c o n d i t i o n 583 1803 Much better than usu'illy found and very rare. A slight scratch in the Held J^So 584 1803 Very fine. Barely circulated //tS~o 585 1805 Struck over 1804. Cracked die. Fair impression for date

J'^J'586 1805 Very fine. Barely circulated 387 180G Not much circulated ^ 5 8 8 1 8 0 6 P o i n t e d 6 . U n u s i L u l l i j fi n e JL2.S 589 1807 Uncirculated 590 1807 Head of 1808. Same condition /.yj 591 1808 Uncirculated / 5 9 ^ U n c i r c u l a t c d 593 1810 Uncirculated 28 AMKKIUAN rtlLVKK.

/ n s M 1 8 1 1 U n c i r c u l a t e d / /iz, o\)~i 1812 Uncirculated .j'JO 1813 Uncirculated J^S-o 007 1814 Uncirculated ^p-o r)98 1810 Uncirculated. I'lvtrciadij rare iu this coiulition Ji o!)9 1817 Uncirculated /3o 'jCO 1818 Uncirculated / z/o 'iOl 1819 Uncirculated J_So '502 1820 Uncirculated yo GOo 1821 Uncirculated /,J'o G04 1822 Uncirculated ^'05 1823 Uncirculated yo GOO 1824 Uncirculated G07 1825 Uncirculated // 008 1820 Uncirculated / j L i To 0 0 9 1 8 2 7 F i n e / / / w / . Ve r y r a r e y^3o 010 1827 Uncirculated / yo 611 1828 Uncirculated P Oo G12 1829 Y'mo. proof. Rare 013 1829 Variety. Uncirculated ^j- 014 1830 Uncirculated 015 1831 Uncirculated

/.o~D 010 1832 Uncirculated " 0 1 7 1 8 3 3 U n c i r c u l a t e d 018 1834 Large date. Uncirculated / J'o Ol'J 1834 Small date. Almost proof / 6 2 0 1 8 3 5 U n c i r c u l a t e d / o o £> 021 1836 Beautiful proof. Very scarce y^ 022 1836 Gobrecht head. Beautiful proof. Extremely rare in this condition

/,/2. 023 1837 Uncirculated y.J~£' 624 1838 BeautifulExtremely rare / 6 2 5 1 8 3 8 U n c i r c u l a t e d /,/J. 626 1839 Uncirculated P 627 1839 Liberty seated. Beautiful proof. Very rare yc? 628 1840 Uncirculated


<$7 629 1841 1. Slightly nicked //7630 1842 Uncirculated // 631 1842 Uncirculated

1843 /.sy 633 1844 / ^ ( T Z / 634 1845 lint. Nicked in the field


638 1848

/./Z 639 1849 Blur on planchet '640 1849 rliut. Unusually fine

641 1850 ne

/ c r - z , 642 1850 lint. Uncirculated and rare

643 1851 i l i n t . U n c i r c u l a t e d . Ve r y r a r e

1851 JLLTO 644 Verjf rare 645 1852 Very rare

/ o o o 646 1853 647 1853 N e w O r l e a n s M i n t

Ji t> o 649' 1855 Very rare 650 1855 nt. Uncirculated 7^ 11. Not quite as line . (s! O 651 1856 icked / c ^ o 652 1857 1858 IS Mint. Very good pj--653 I S M i n t . G o o d 7^ 654 1859 yj- 655 1860 fa 656 1861 7^ 657 1862 1863

059 1864

/ o o 660 1805 7^661 1806 662 1807 7^ 663 1868 7^ 604 1869 30 AMEKICAN SILVKK.

f i O 0 6 5 1 8 7 0 U n c i r c u l a t e d OOG 1871 Uncirculated / o - ' o G G 7 1 8 7 2 U n c i r c u l a t e d yo 008 1873 A little circulated y/j- 009 1874 Uncirculated <^o 070 1875 Uncirculated QUARTER DOLLARS, of llKi finest impressions ever ollered at auction. E.xtreniely rare in this condition ^/ro 073 1804 Kemarkably fine for this rare date, and although a little circulated, is about the second or third best I have known to be offered at auction, and very rare in this condition y.d a (J73 jg(j5 ^ impression. Vcri/ rare in this condition y. tr-o 074 1800 Fine as preceding. Equally rare /.


G9C 1838 Liberty seated. Uncirculated /. 697 1839 Uncirculated /.2-^ 098 1840 Uncirculated " 0 9 9 1841 Uncirculated

1843 Beautiful -proof. Very rare 701 1843 Uncirculated /./2 703 1844 Uncirculated /.ZJ' 703 1845 Pi'oof polisli, but a trifle nicked /./2 704 1846 Uncirculated 3,oo 705 1847 Beautiful proof and very rare / ^ J' 70G 1848 Uncirculated i?<3 707 1849 Uncirculated /./2, 708 1850 1 U n c i r c u l a t e d /, i S 709 1851 Uncirculated //2 710 1853 Uncirculated jj-nw 1853 With Arrows. Uncirculated 2 1 J- 713 1858 Without Arrows. A little circulated. Extremely rare g.oo 713 1854 Beautiful proof. Very rare / 7 1 4 1855 Uncirculated ^r7 0o 715 1856 Beautiful proof. Ve r y r a r e <^2- 716 1859 Uncirculated *

717 1860 Uncirculated

718 1861 Uncirculated J-o 719 18G3 Uncirculated // 730 1863 Uncirculated • / . 7 3 1 1864 Uncirculated go 733 1865 Uncirculated / ^ J' 733 1866 Uncirculated 6o 734 1867 Uncirculated <^o 735 1868 Uncirculated / crv 730 1869 Uncirculated 737 1870 Uncirculated 1871 Uncirculated yj-l'iQ 9o 739 1873 Uncirculated 730 1874 Uncirculated

eo 731 1875 Uncirculated


DIMES. 732 1790 Unusually fine. A slight scratch on the neck, and very desirable in tliis condition 3.J-J' 1707 10 Stars. Good for date. Scarce /.^742 1809 Unusually fine impression. Very rare '^4:3 1811 Unusually fine. But not quite uncirculated AA C//y 744 1814 Uncirculated. Very scarce ^ oo 745 1820 Very fine uncirculated impression 746 1821 Large date. Good o 747 1821 Small date. Fine / o o 748 1822 Unusually good for this rare date Sy 749 1823 Very good - 7 5 0 1 8 2 4 G o o d f o r d a t e J o ^ 751 1825 Beautit'ul proof. Very ra^re / ^ <7 752 1827 Fine proof. Very rare y jy 753 1828 Large date. Fair 754 1828 Small date. Good 755 1820 Uncirculated and scarce / oo 750 1830 Fine ]}roof and scarce 7 5 7 1 8 3 1 F i n e r a n d s c a r c e 758 1832 Uncirculated

762 1836 Uncirculated 9o 768 1887 Head of Liberty. Not quite uncirculated 764 1837 Liberty seated. Beauiiful proof. Scarce AMERICAN SILVER.

J'a 7G5 1838 Without Stars. Better than usually found vT 7G6 1848 With Stars. Uncirculated (^2, 7G7 1839 Uncirculated / o-o 7G8 1840 Uncirculated. Almost proof yiT 7G9 1841 Uncirculated. Almost proof <^,2- 770 1842 Uncirculated yj-~ 771 1843 Uncirculated / Cn^ 773 1844 Not quite so fine 1^2. 773 1845 Uncirculated 774 184G Beautiful and ®e?7/rare 775 1847 Very good 7 7 0 1 8 4 8 B e a u t i f u l V e r y r a r e /Oo 777 1849 Nearly uncirculated 778 1850 Very fine /, 779 1851 Uncirculated j"J' 780 1853 Uncirculated 6 2- 781 1853 Without arrows. Uncirculated J" 788 1853 With arrows. Uncirculated J~o 783 1854 Uncirculated 784 1855 Uncirculated 785 1856 Large date. Very good 786 1856 Sm ill date. Proof. Very rare J^0 787 1858 Uncirculated /cT 788 1859 Very good J^o 789 I860 Uncirculated / o-z> 790 I860 Very good. San Francisco Mint. Rare 791 1861 Veiy good 793 1863 Very good 793 1863 Very good. Exceedingly scarce ^ J- 794 1864 Very good 795 1805 Very good // 790 1866 Very good 797 1867 Uncirculated 798 1868 Uncirculated ./ 799 1809 Uncirculated /S 800 1870 Uncirculated 34: AMERICAN SILVER.

801 1871 Uncirculated '/ 803 1873 Uncirculated

'/ 803 1873 Uncirculated

>VcJ~804 1874 Uncirculated " 8 0 o 1 8 7 . ' ) U n c i r c u l a t e d


^ o 8 0 6 1 7 9 4 Ve r y fi n e . A l m o s t u n c i r c u l a t e d . S c a r c e P o 807 1795 Nearly uncirculated and desirable 808 179G Vei-y fine for date and scarce ^809 1797 15 Stars. Very good. Scarce '^.-2-0 810 1797 IG Stars. Not quite equal to preceding 811 1800 Very fine for date 813 1801 Good for date and very scarce . Oo 813 1803 liareet of the half dimes. Date remarkably clear. Stars on right hand side very good. Head rubbed. Reverse poor. Mattered. Extremely rare 1803 Beautiful uncirculated impression. Very rare in this condition 815 1805 Very fine for date, and rare " 816 1839 'Fine 2'>roof, and rare J~a 817 1830 Uncirculated J o 8 1 8 1 8 8 1 U n c i r c u l a t e d " 8 1 9 1 8 3 3 U n c i r c u l a t e d

//. o 830 1833 Uncirculated jlJ' 831 1834 Uncirculated Jo 833 1835 Uncirculated 833 1836 Uncirculated po 834 1837 Head of Liberty. Very fine Jo 835 1837 Liberty seated. Uncirculated. No stars J- J' 836 1838 With Stars. Uncirculated / c/a 837 1838 Without Stars. Better than usually found 838 1839 Uncirculated

^ J' 839 1840 Uncirculated 830 1841 Uncirculated

/ y 8 3 1 1 8 4 3 U n c i r c u l a t e d AMKUIGAN SILVER. 35

T H R E E C E N T P I E C E S . ay / ((2^/^860 b ^ ^ A perfect i j e a u set t i fof u lThree s e tCent , a Pieces, n d v efrom r y 1851 d e s two i r a varieties, b l e 33 picces oo 861 1854 Beautiful proof, and very rare / a 863 1855 Beautiful proof. Remarkably rare ^ 863 1856 Beautiful prool. Very rare 30 AMERICAJS; SILVER.


/ 6 , ^ ^ SOSO) l 1857 Buiuitiful set. Very rare 0 pieces '/ 805 1858 Beauliful set. Very rare 0 i^ieces y,^cj 806 1850 Beautiful set 7 pieces 807 1800 Beautiful set 7 pieces /./ So 808 1801 Beautiful .set 7 pieces // cjO 809 1803 Beautiful set 7 pieces 3 J O 870 1803 Beautiful set 7 pieces 871 1804 Beautiful set 0 pieces j-,oa 873 1805 Beautiful set 9 pieces j-j_S 873 1806 Beautitul set 10 pieces 874 1807 Beautiful fet 10 pieces

875 1808 Beautiful set 10 pieces j-So 870 1800 Beautiful set 10 pieccs a o 8 7 7 1870 Beautiful set 10 pieccs / 2- 878 1871 Beautiful set 10 pieces ^ J/ 879 1873 Beautiful set 10 pieces / o . o o 8 8 0 1873 Includes both JJollara. Very rare 11 pieces U,oo 881 1874 Beautiful set 7 pieces /^.oa 883 1875 Beautiful set 7 pieces

AMERICAN MEDALS. A l l fi n e u n l e s s u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e d e s c r i b e d .

SI/.K / 6 .oo 883 John A.dams. 1797. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 33 884 John Adams. Trial piece. Head pierced. No inscription. White Metal 33

885 T h o m a s J e f f e r s o n . 1 8 0 1 . Presiiiential Medal. Bronzed 64

/ , J ~ o 8 8 0 T h o m a s J e f f e r s o n . 1 8 0 1 . Presidential Medal. Bronzed 40

/ / ^ 8 8 7 T h o m a s J e f f e r s o n . 1 8 0 1 . Presidential Medal. Silver. Two Shells. Very i-are 34 /. cTo 888 James Madison. 1809. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 40 y 3^ 889 James Madison. 1809. Presidential Medal. SiUer; ijierced. P o o r . V e r y r a r e 3 2 /.cTo 800 James Monroe. 1817. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 40 891 James Monroe. 1817. Presidential Medal. Silver; pierced. V e r y g o o d a n d v e r y r a r e 3 2 AlIERIOAN :MKDALS. 37

SIZS ^7 O O 893 Joliii Qaincy Adams. 1835. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 40

893 Jolm Quiucy Adams. 1835. Presidential Medal. Silver; p i e r c e d . P o o r . V e r y r a r e 4 0

'/ 894 Andrew Jackson. 1839. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 40

'/ 895 Martin Van Buren. 1837. Presidential Medal. Proof. Bronzed 40

890 Martin Van Buren. 1837. Presidential Medal. Silver; p i e r c e d . P o o r . V e r y r a r e 4 0

/,J~ (S' 897 John T3ier. 1841. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 40 John Tyler. 1841. Presidential Medal. /Stor; pierced and y.xJ' 898 n i c k e d . V e r y r a r e 4 0 jL^iS-O 899 J a m e s K . P o l k . 1 8 4 5 . P r e s i d e n t i a l j M e d a l . B r o n z e d 4 8 / . d ~ 0 900 James K. Polk. 1S45. Rev. March IV, 1845. Bronzed 40

// 901 Zachary Taylor. 1849. Presidentiid JMedal. Bronsed 40

// 903 Millard Fillmore. 1850. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 40 j-.yr 903 Fianklin Pierce. 1853. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 48 904 J a m e s B u c h a n a n . 1 8 5 7 . P r e s i d e n t i a l M e d a l . B r o n z e d 4 8

905 A b r a h a m L i n c o l n . 1 8 6 3 . P r e s i d e n t i a l M e d a l . B r o n z e d 4 8

J - L T O 906 Andrew Johnson. 1865. Presidential Medal. Bronzed 48.

907 Andrew Johnson. " Born," &c. Rev. " With Courage and F i d e l i t y , " & c . B r o n z e d 4 8 Medal of Charles Carroll. Head to left. " To Charles Car roll of Carrolton." Rev. " Upon Entering his 90th Year, Sep. XX, MDCCCXXVI." Silver. Beautiful p r o o f . E x c e e d i n g l y r a r e 3 3 if~oo 'J09 Medal presented by the City of Now York to Regiment of N e w Yo r k Vo l u n t e e r s i n M e x i c o . S i l v e r. P r o o f . V e r y r a r e . B j ^ W r i g h t 3 3 k S O O 9 1 0 S a m e a s a b o v e . C o p p e r 3 3 911 South Carolina to the Palmetto Regiment, Palmetto Tree, &c. Rev. Battle Scene, Vera Cruz, Contreras, &c. Engraved Patrick Stanley, Sen. Silver. Very rare 31 913 Same as above. Copper. Bronzed, not engraved. Very / ' r a r e 3 1 913 John Egar Howard Medal. Silver. Proof. Very rare 39 / J . S 9 1 4 S a m e a s a b o v e . B r o n z e d . P r o o f 3 9 915 William Washington Medal Bronzed. Proof 39 38 AMERICAN MEDALS.

SIZE 3o yi(i Benjamin Franklin. " Nalus, B(jston," &o. Kuv. " Eripuit Ga2lo,"&c. Bronzed 29 ' / 9 1 7 S a m e a s a b o v e B r o n z e d . 2 9 918 Ob. same. Rev. Lightning striking a Temple. Bronzed 29 M o 9 1 9 K i t t a n n i n g D e s t r o y e d b y C o l . A r m s t r o n g . B r o n z e d 2 9 y ,2_ J' 920 Head of George II to left. Rev. " Let us look to the Jlost H i g h , " & c . 1 7 5 7 . T h i c k p l a n c h e t . B r o n z e d 2 9 " 9 2 1 S a m e a s a b o v e . T i i i n p l a n c h e t . B r o n z e d 2 9 J 6 ' o 9 2 2 P e a c e M e d a l o r " L i b u r t a s A m e r i c a n a " \ . J u i l 1 7 7 0 . B r o n z e d . V e r y fi n e . . S c a r c e ; } 0 / a

.yS 924 Medal supposedCalled by to some refer the tu tlie Jernagan Division Cistern of the Jledal. Carolinas. Hilver. V e r y l i n e 2 4 ^ o o 9 2 . ' 5 " L i b c r t a s A m e r i c a n a " P e a c e M e d a l , w i t h t h e r e v e r s e " Communi Consensu." Very fine condition for this piece. Wliite metal. Scarce 29 / ^ e Constitution," & c . C o p p e r 2 1 ^o 939 David Hosack, M. D. Bronzeil 21 930 V For Gallantry and Humanity, Dec. 1840 " Rev. The T r e a s u r y D e p a r t m e n t , & c . B r o n z e d 2 1 931 William Pitt. Head to left. Rev. " The Man Who," &c. Copper. Fine 20 Tlui following 42 Meclnln, all in perfect condition, refer to different btUtlcH : Horatio Gates. 1777. Bronzed 30 John Paul Jones. 1779. Bronzed 36 John Paul Jones. 1779. Bronzed 30 Daniel Morgan. 1781. Bronzed 36 / C ^ < 3 ( 5 T h o m a s T r u x t o n . 1 8 0 0 . B r o n z e d 3 0 ■ I s i a c H u l l . 1 8 1 3 . B r o n z e d 4 0 J a m e s J o n e s . 1 8 1 2 . B r o n z e d 4 0 A:MERICAN INIEDALS. 39

SIZE f939 Stephen Decatui-. 1812. Brouzed 40 9 4 0 W i l l i a m B a i n b r i c l g e . 1 8 1 2 . B r o n z e d 4 0 941 Jacob Lawrence. 1813. Bronzed 40 c2. (tzj / 04043 George Croglian. 1813. Copper. Proof 40 \__043 W. Buitows. 1813. Bronzed 40 JL JLJ' 944 Maj. Gen. W. H. Harrison. 1813. Bronzed 40 9 4 5 O l i v e r H . P e r r y . 1 8 1 3 . B r o n z e d 4 0 JL. o o 946 Oliver H. Perry. VarietJ^ 1813. Bronzed 38 /d'o 947 Oliver H. Perry. Variety. 1813. Presented by the Govern ment of Pennsylvania 38 " 9 4 8 E d w a r d R . M c C a l l . 1 8 1 3 . B r o n z e d 4 0 J - 2 - ^ 9 4 0 J e s s i e D . E l l i o t t . 1 8 1 3 . B r o n z e d 4 0 / J~o 950 Lonis Warrington. 1814. Bronzed. Beautiful proof- 40 V 9 5 1 J o h n s t o n B l a k e l e y . 1 8 1 4 . B r o n z e d 4 0 /■/ 952 Major General Winlield Scott. 1814. Brouzed 40 953 Major General Edmund P. Gaines. 1814. Bronzed 40 / J'o' 954 Rob. Henley Eagle. 1814. Brouzed. Beautiful proof 40 '/ 955 Step. Cassin, Ticonderoga. 1814. Bronzed 40 j _ j _ S 9 5 6 T h o . M a c d o n o u g h . 1 8 1 4 . B r o n z e d 4 0 957 Major General Alexander Macomb. 1814. Bronzed 40 / J-o 958 Major General Peter B. Porter. 1814. Bronzed 40 959 Major GeueralJacob Brown. 1814. Bronzed 40 / j-o 960 Major General Eleazer W. Ripley. 1814. Bronzed 40 Jl. J~o 9G1 Major General James Miller. 1814. Bronzed 40 / 'J-o Major General Andrew Jackson. 1815. New Orleans. Bronzed 40 9 5 8 C h a r l e s S t e w a r t . 1 8 1 5 . B r o u z e d 4 0 9 6 4 C a p t . J a m e s B i d d l e . 1 8 1 5 . B r o n z e d 4 0 0 6 5 G o v e n o r I s a a c S h e l b y. 1 8 1 8 . B r o n z e d 4 0 0 6 6 S o m e r s M e d n l . 1 8 4 6 . B r o n z e d 3 6 ^ X-i" 067 Winfleld Scott. 1847; WrigliPa ]\Iedal, presented by Com monwealth of Virginia, Extrenuly beautiful proof. Brouzed 56 jL

SIZE ^ o 971 Major General Zachary Taylor. By Wrifjld. Congress, 1848. Bronzed 5f, A 7 ^ 973 Major General Zachary Taylor. By Wright. Congress, 1848. / Bronzed 50 073 i V n o t h e r k n o w n a s t h e P e l i c a n M e d a l f r o m t l i e S t a t e o l ' L o u i s - i a n a . W r i y h f . B r o n z e d . V ( l y r a r e 4 8 074 Commotlore M. C. Perry. Boston Modal by Mitchell. Bronzed 42 y.7J' 975 I n g r a h a m M e d a l . C o n g r e s s , 1 8 5 3 . B r o n z e d 0 4 V 970 S h i p w r e c k M e d a l . B r o n z e d 4 2 7^ 977 C r i g h t o n , L o w a n d S t o u f F e r M e d a l . B r o n z e d 4 8 078 J a m e s B u c h a n a n . D r. F r e d e r i c k R o s e ! M e d a l . B r o n z e d 4 8 079 J a m e s B u c h a n a n . J a p a n e s e E m b a s . s y. B r o n z e d 4 8

(T-O 080 ]\Iajor Gen. Wni. II. Harrison. Head to right. Rev. Reso lution of Congress. Battle of the Tliames, &c. Silver. Pierced, somewhat rubbed. Scarce 20 981 Head of Jackson to left. Rev. Inaugurated, &c. Gold. Proof 13 ^ C 082 S a m e a s a b o v e . S i l a e r . P r o o f 1 2 983 Head of Lalayette to right. Gold. Rev. Head of Lafayette p/c/o to right. Silver. Oblong. Very line and rare H J-c^ 984 j S T o r t h P o i n t a n d F o r t M c H e n r y . C o p p e r 2 0 085 S a m e a s a b o v e . W h i t e M e t a l 2 0

J'O 980 J o h n B u l l a n d B r o t h e r J o n a t h a n . C o p p e r 2 0



o o 987 1778 Charles III. of Spain. Head to right in Armor. " De la Patria y Protector de las Ciencias." Rev. Con nected with the Academy. Weiglit in Silver $4,43 37 988 1790 Charles IV and Louisa of Sixain. Rev. Statue of Charles IV. on Horseback. Very line. Weight $4.30. Rare 30 989 1791 Charles IV. of Spain. Proclamation Medal. Very fine and scarce. Weight $2.15. Rev. Shield. Fine 30 y/?o 990 1790 Charles IV. of Spain. Proclamation Medal. Reverse Martial figure with Shield, &c. Weight $1.45. Mne. Pierced 28 FOREIGN MKDALS. 41

SIZE o o Ofll 1789 Siniiliir Obverse Proclamation jSIedixl. Vera Cruz, &c. Weight $1.15. Fine and scarce 35 J 3o !)93 "In proelomatione Caroli IV.," &c. Same head. Rev. H a n d s o m e B r o a d S l i i e l d c r o w n e d . " Z a c a t e c i n a j u r b i s , " & c . $ 1 . 1 0 . G o o d . P i e r c e d 2 5 J'o 993 1790 Carlos IV. Another proclamation Medal. Rev. " La • ciudad. De. San. Luis. Potosi." $1.30. Fine and

scarce > J~o 994 " Frudericus D. G. Rex Prus. Pius. Felix. Aug. P. P. Head to right, over which is " Majonmi hand unquam indignus avorum." Rev. " Maneat genus immortale tuorum." Weight $1.35. Fair and scarce 37 y oo 995 German Medal. German Inscription on both sides. On Ob. " Auf schweis und dels tolgt ehr unt preis." Rev. " Du eitle IVeud bringt angst und leid." Fair 33 990 A Box Made of two of Augustus of Saxony 1574 and 1581. Fine. Weight $3.95 37 (_/ <3-^ 997 Fine Copper Medal of Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society. Very fine / oO 998 Copper Medal of Napoleon Bonaparte. Head to right. Rev. His different battles. A little worn 32 /yJ' e 999 n t r Another, y i n t o also M ohead s c o to w .right. A Rev. b e a Commemorating u t i f u l m e d n his l 3 0 / /o 1000 A medal "connected Baumanns with hohle a beyMine. Rubeland, In a wreath 1839." of A lloweis. curious melal, perfectly black, but has a very clear ring 40

ENGLISH MEDALS. ^oo 1001 An oblong gill Medal of Charles I and Henrietta Maria bis w i f e . I n f a i r c o n d i t i o n S i z e 3 4 x 1 8 1003 Largo Medal of George III, head to right. Rev. City Arms Struck for India. Pierced, otherwise very good. V e r y r a r e . S i l v e r • ' ' 0 1003 Victory oFtho Nile, Aug. 1, 1798. Ob. Britainia holding a Shield on which is a portrait of Nc-lson. Inscription. " Europes Hope and Britains Glory." Rev. The Fleet of Ships. A very rare Medal. Silver and s c a r c e . V e r y g o o d 3 0 42 KNGLISII MKDALS.

3 J " 1004 zed proof Inauguration i\Iedal of Gcorgo IIII. Very '""' Ijcautifnl. Copper. Scarce 02 0 1005 ge nil. Struck on his visit to Irelaiul. Proof in white metal 1000 Mediilct of George IV. Rev. Born, Crowned, liied « & c . V e r y l i n e ' 1007 lier iVIedalet George IV. Rev. Born 1703, died 1830 Very fine. Wliitc iMetal

u~o 1008 lation Medal of William IV and (iueen Adelaide C o p p e r b r o n z e d . V e r y fi n e o j

End of Second Nigrlit's Sale.

\ T H I R D N I G H T ' S S A L E .

ENGLISH COPPER COINS. y Jly lOO'J Carolus A Carolo, Penny. Head to left. Rev. Br.tauuia seated. " Quatuor Maria Vindico." Very fine and very

rare / J'S' 1010 1665 Fiirlhin^. Same us above. Perfectly uncirculated. Very rare / oo 1011 1673 Carolus A Carolo, Half Penny. Uncirculated. Ked c o l o r. Ve r y r a r e /./ 2- 1012 1673 Carolus A Carolo, FartUiug. Uncirculated. Red color. Very rare 1013 1084 Carolus A Carolo, Farthing in lead. Copper plug in the centre, date and inscription on the edge. Un circulated and rare J-o 1014 1683 Ciirolus II, Irish Hiilf Penny. Fair condition and scarcc 1015 1683 Carolus II, Irish Halfpenny. Variety. Fair condition and scarce J J- lOlG 1688 James II, Irish Half Penny. Fair for the period and scarce 1017 1693 James II, Irish Half Penny. Different head. Figure seated. Very fine and scarce. Totally different from any I have ever seen Jo 1018 James II, Irish Farthings. Fair and rare 2 pieces / /2- 1019 James 11, St. Patrick's Farthing. An unusually fine impress ion. Everything legible. Scarce 1020 James II, Gun Money. Crown, XXX., XII., VI. Very good and scarce J~o 1031 James II, Guu Money. Another set not quite so fine C 1022 James II, Gun Money. (3) XXX., XII., VI. Very fair, 4 pieces / o~o William and Mary, Half Penny. Very flue and scarcc 1

•i-i ENGLISH COITER COINS. 1024 101J4 William and Mary, Half Penny. Dilleicnl. Very gooJ and scarce 1025 1092 William and Alary, Irish Half I'enny. Very good. Very

scarce 1020 1C02 William and Mary, Farthing. Very beautifnl condition. Very rare / 1027 1600 William and Mary, Pewter Farthing with copper plug in the centre, date and inscription on the edge. Fine and

rare 1028 William HI, Half Penny and Two Farthings. Fair and scarce 3 pieces 102U Ob. William IH. liev. Mary II. Pattern Half Penny. Good condition. Scnrcc y.0 Z. 10:J0 Head of Mary II. Rev. Ro.se on a brancii. tiilwr Pattern Fai thing. Very good and rare 1031 Same in Copper. Good for period. Scarce yJ O 1032 1722 George I, Half Penny. Almost proof. Very scarce <^>o 1033 1717 George I,Halt Penny. Smaller size. Uncirculated. Vi'ry

rare '''' 1034 1717 George I, Farthing. Uncirculated, red color. Very

scarce 1035 1710 George I, Farthing. Uncirculated. Very scarce 1030 1732 George I, Weed Half Penny. Barely circulated. Very scarce ^1037 1723 George I, Wood Half Penny. Uncirculated. Bright red / c o l o r . S c a r c c i n t h i s c o n d i t i o n 1038 1724 George I, Wood Half Penny. Uncirculated. Not quite so bright. Rare ^1030 1722 George I, Wood Half Penny. Harp to left^of figure. Un circulated. Extremely scarce in this condition ^^ 1040 1723 and 1724 G( orge I, Wood Fartliiiigs. Very fine and very good 2 pieces O 1041 1729 George II, Half Penny. Almost proof. Rare " 1042 1749 George II, Half Penny. Almost uncirculated. ReO color, smeared / 1043 1736 George II, Irish Half Penn}'. Bronze Proof. Rare 10-14 17G0 George II, Voce Poptili. Very good, for this piece ^^ 1045 1733 Geoi-ge II, Farthing. Nearly uncirculated J- 1046 1754 George II, Farthing. Uncirculated

jLi E N G L I S H C O P J ' K K C O I N S . 45

/J~1047 1744 iiiul 17G0 George II, Irish Fartliings. Very liue 3 pieces /2 1048 1707 George III, Two Pennj' Piece. Unusuallj'^ fine impression cX 3y 1040 1797 George III, Pemiy^. Uncirculated. Rare ^ ;tori050 1707 George III, Half Penny. Copper. Proof. Rare 10.il 1707 George III, Half Penny. Engrailed edge. Bronzed Proof. Rare /./2 1053 1707 George III, Farthing. Bronze. Proof. Rare / oc 1053 1708 George III, D. G. Re.K. Rev. "Britannia 1 Farthing" Britannia seated. Gilt. Beautiful proof lTo 1054 1700 George III, Half Penny. Uncirculated / 3^ 1055 1804 George III. Bank of England Dollar. Copper. Very fine Jo 105G 1806 George III, Penny, Half Penny, and Farthing. Proofs. R a r e a s a s e t 3 P i e c e s Jo 1057 1807 George III, Penny. Uncirculated 1058 1836 George IV, Penny, Half Penny, Farthing, and Half Far thing. Rare as a set. Uncirculated 4 pieces '/ 1059 1831 William IV, Penny, Half Penny, and Farthing. Beautiful b r o n z e p r o o f s 3 p i e c e s 1060 1853 Victoria, Penny, Half Pennj'-, Farthing and Half Farthing. P r o o f s 4 p i e c e s ao 1061 I860 Victoria Pattern Penny. Ob. Victoria Queen 1860. H e a d i n a c i r c l e t o l e f t . R e v. B r i t a n n i a s e a t e d . " G r e a t Britain One Penny" also in a circle. Uncirculated. Veiy scarce

ENGLISH COINS. 1070 Penny of Cuthred. Year 88:!. King of Nortliumberlaud- S t n i c k f o r Yo r k . O b . " C u t l i K e . \ C r o s s w i t h o n e l i m b r c c r o s s e d . R e v. E B I A I I C E I ; c r o s s w i t l i t w o Ijoints in two angles. Fine anil very scarce. Descrip- lioii taken from Barllielemy, jManucI de Numismatique ])late 534 ' O'C 1071 Penny of William I. lOOG to 1087 Rev Pa.\ in angles. Fair impression 1072 Pennies of Henry III. 1210 to 1272. Short and long cross. One fine 3 pieces Jo 1073 Pennies (believed) of Edward I. 1273 to 1307. Four varieties. 4 pieces J S' 1074 Groat and lliilf Groat, Edward 111. 1327 to 1377. Both clipped 3 pieces /iToa 1075 Guld. Beautiful uncirculated Noble ol same King. Seldom found in this condition and very rare. The Kino- slanding on a .ship ^ 1070 Half Noble. Same obverse. C in the centre of reverse for Calais. Uncirculated. Rare kJ~OO 1077 Gold Quarler Noble. Shield with Royal Arms. In equally fine condition. Rare (nj 1078 Gold Nol)le of Richard II. 1377 to 1390. Without tlag. A rare type. In beautiful condition and very rare /AO 1079 Groat of Henry IV, V or VI. 1399 to 1401 Very fair d'So Noble, of probably Henry V. King standing in a ship Willi a sword In his right hand and amulet under his right elbow. In remarkably fine condition and very rare J" 1081 Gold. Another Noble. Similar obverse ; probably Henry V. With flag at the stern of the ship. In beautiful condi tion. Rare ////>'' 1082 Noble of Henry VI. Similar obverse. In uncirculated condition and very rare ^ O o 1083 Gold Half Noble of Henry VI. Similar design. Uncircu lated and rare ly 1084 Gold Quarter Noble of Henry VI. Similar design. Uncircu lated and rare J?/ J08o Two Groats of Ed waj-d IV. 14G1 to 1483. Varieties. Fair ENGLISH COINS. 47

/ /• g d~UFull blown 1080 Rial, rose Edward at the IV. side 14G1 of the to 1483. ship. E.Kceediugly uncirculated. r a r e i n t h i s c o n d i t i o n J~Oo 1087 Gold Rial. Same design, but a little worn U-oo 1088 (toM Half Rial. Same design. Fine condition. Scarce ^ oo 1089 Oold Angel. In very fine condition. Scarce J^ OO lO'J^ Angel of Richard HI. 1483 to 1485. Rev. H on one side of the cross and a Rose on the other. In remarka bly fine condition and very rare 6o 1091 Half Groat of Henry VII. 1485 to 1509. In fair con dition nj- 1093 Shilling Full Face of Henry VIII. 1509 to 1547. One-fourth ' b r o k e n o f f . V e r y p o o r , b u t e q u a l l y r a r e ^ J1093 Groat. In fine condition and scarce

1094 Two Groats. Good and fair - J' 10^-> King seated. A Penny, barely fair and scarce; and Farthing, fine and rare

T h e f o l l o w i n g C o i n s o f H e n r y V I I I , a r e a l l G o l d .

a 1090 Oold Double Sovereign, lleilry VIII. 1509 to 1547. The King seated in a chair of .state, a Portcullis at his feet. In rcitiufJcdhly fine preservation. Very rare. Size 37 /l/ifo 1097 Gdld, Sovereign. Ob. Similar to the above, but a rose at the feet of the King. In very good condition for the period and rare O o 1 0 9 8 H a l l S o v e r e i g n . S i m i l a r i n d e s i g n t o a b o v e . I n fi n e condition for the period and scarce J (S'a 1099 Gold. Another. Different Mi'it Mark. Very fair condition 1100 Gold. Anotlier, Different Mint Mark. Much Avorn / a J ' o G o l d K n g Q \ . j M i n t M a r k . P o r t c u l l i s . F c r. y fi n e a n d r a r e j-^o 1102 Gold. Another. M. M. Different. Tdj'.y fine and rare J oo 1103 Gold. A.nother. M. M. Fleur de Lis. Poor ^ oo 1104 Half Angel. M. M. A Pheon. Very fair and scarce 1105 (xold. Quarter Angel. M. ]\I. Fleur de Li.'!. Very fine and scarcc

1 1 0 0 G o l d C r o w n . T h e A r m s C r o w n e d . F i n e a n d r a r e J o o 1107 Half Crown. The Arms Crowned. Fine and rare jLoo 3108 Gold. Another. M. i\I. Pierced and fair only


EDWARD VI., 1547-1553.

MARY, 1653-1558. / /nj U10« Groat Maria D. G. Crowned head to left. Rev. "Veritas temporis filia." Fine and scarce lllG/.» Similar one and variety, with the name of Philip on it. Barely fair (Ti, 1117 Gold Double Ryal. The Queen on her throne. Ob. Maria ^ D. G. Ang. Fra. z Hib. Rcgina M.D.L.III. In re markably fine condition. Snelling in describing this very piece, says ; " Being coined before her marriage, and is the first time we meet with the date of the year on the Gold Money." Extremely rare Size 27 / X/-0 0 1118 Gold Angel. Ob. Maria D. G.,&c. Angel of the ordinajy type. Pierced, otherwise in very fine condition and rare

ELIZABETH, 1558-1603. 1119 Crown. Bust in profile to lelt, holding sceptre. Very slightly rubbed on the face, otherwise barely circulated, and one of the best I have ever seen offered. Very rare ^3 oo 1120 Crown. Another not quite equal to preceding. Very scarce / o 1121 Half Crown. Head to left. Very fine for the period and rarer than the preceding /./2^ 1122 Shilling. Mint Maik. Star. Very fine for the period / cf<> 1123 Shilling. Mint Mark, Star. Not quite so good yJO 1124 Shilling. Mint Mark. A bell. Poor ENGLISH COINS. 49

if J" 1125 1562 Sixpence. Mint mark, *. A rose behind the bust. Very beautiful impression

The following Portcullis Money is well worth the attention of Collectors.

^y /td■ US') c u lPortcullis a t e d . Crown. E x t r e Unusually m e l y r afine r e condition; being barely cir- J-(TO 1140 Portcullis Half Crown. Equally fine. Extremely rare J~o 1141 Portcullis Shilling. Equally line. Extremely rare ' //. (TO 1143 Portcullis Sixpence. Equally fine Extremely rare J 1143 Portcullis E[alf Penny. Equally fine. Extremely rare ,5^ 1144 GM Double Sovereign. The queen, in her regalia, on a throne, &c. At her feet. Portcullis. Bemai-kabbj fine c o n d i t i o n . V e r y r a r e S i z e 3 7 /O c/o 1145 G'c'M Half Sovereign. Hammered Money. Large bust and ornamented dress. Perfectly uncirculated. Very rare ^<5-^114.0 Half Sovereign. Different liead. Fine and scarce. oo 1147 Angel. Remarkably fine condition and very scarce Vi?,? 1148 Another. Different type. Much worn 1149 Half Angel. Fc/'y fine condition. Very rare 50 ENGI.ISH COINS.

^/ S'o 1150 Gold Quarter Angel. Very fine condition. Vei-y rare y j o o 11 0 1 H a l f C r o w n . H e a d t o l e f t . Ve r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n . Very scarce

J A M E S I . 1 6 0 3 - 1 6 2 3 . ^ 1152 Crown. King on horseback; rose and crown on the housing. Rev. " Quffi deus," &c. Very fine for the period. Veri/

rare 1153 Crown. Slightly difierent variety. Shield frowned. Not quite so fine. Rare 1154 Crown. Good deal more worn. Rare \i o o 1155 Half Crown. Similar design. Sliield without crown. Fine for period and scarce -2. J 1150 Half Crown. Nearly as fine. Scarce ^ Oo 1157 Half Crown. Varietj'. Ob. Much rubbed. Rev. Very good. Scarce 1158 Shilling. Large head looking right. XII. behind the bust. Very fine for period. Scarce 1150 Shilling. Heads different from preceding. Poor. 3 pieces / £> o 1160 1024 Si.xpence. VI behind the bust. Very fine impression for the period 1161 1003 and 1621 Sixpence, Poor, and very fair for the period j'a 1102 Twopence. Ob. Rose crowned. Rev. Thistle flower crowned. Very fine uncirculated impression, and scarce //^1103 Twopence. Not so good V a.S' 1164 Twopence, Penny, Half Penny. Pair. 3 pieces /^. 1165 Gold, Rose Rial, The king on his throne, with crown and sceptre, and orb. Robe open, discovering the left leg, &c. Very beautiful impression. Very rare J.J~0 1100 Gold Sovereign. Head to right with long sword and globe A good deal rubbed, but scarce 1107 Twenty Shilling Piece. Large head to left. XX behind the bu5t. Almost uncirculated, and very scarce l/O 1108 Gold. Another. Worn; but rare as preceding 1109 Gold Half Unit, or Ten Shilling Piece, Head to left. X be hind the head. Fair condition. Scarce JXJ' 1170 Gold. Another Ten Shilling Piece. Head to Without the X. Not quite as good as preceding ENGLISH COINS. 51

1171 frWfZ Half Crown. Ob. " Rosfi Siue Spina." Bust to right. Very fair; but pieiccd 600 1172 Gold of James VI, of Scotland. Ob. Scotcb shield, crowned. Rev. sword and sceptrc crossed under crown. Thistle tlower on each side. " Salus Populi Suprema Lex. Very good and very scarce. Size of an angel

C H A R L E S I . 1 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 9 . JJL S'O 1173 1642 Pound Piece. A small figure of the king 011 horseback; plume just behind the head; armor and artillery beneath the horses feet. Rev. XX under plume; in two straight lines, ''Relig. Prot. Leg. Ang. Liber Par." In very good condition for the period, and very rare / 4 00 1174 1042 Half Pound, or Ten Shilling Piece. Small figure of the king on horseback ; no plume, and less artillery, ifcc. Rev. Plume over X, and plume on each side. In other respects, same as preceding. Equally rare, and in better condition 1175 1042 Five Shilling Piece. King on horseback, with plume back of his head. Rev. with the exception of the figure 5, same as the preceding. Very fine condition. Ex t r e m e l y r a r e J' C'O J176 1(543 Another. Ob. same. Rev. same. Much worn 1177 1044 Half Crown. King on horseback, plume much further behind the king. Rev. Three plumes and " Relig. Prot. Le. An. Li. Pa." Very fine condition for period. Very


J ti'O 1178 1043 Shilling. Head to left. XII behind the head. Rev. similar to preceding. Pine condition. Scarce S'a 1179 One Penny. Figure 1 behind the bust. llev. similar to above. Very good condition and rare The foregoing all have the reverses in straight lines. J 00 1180 Crown. No date. King on horseback as usual. Reverse a good deal worn. Scarce 1181 1645 Crown. Much better conditiou and scarce J- 1182 Half Crown. A very beautiful piece of the period. King on h o r s e b a c k . " E b o r " u n d e r n e a t h t h e h o r s e . R e v . Crowned Shield, " Christo, Auspice Regno." Very rare type ^00 1183 Half Crown, known as the Briot Half Crown. M. M. Little B under anchor. Fair condition. Very scarce 52 KNtrt,ISU UOINS.

^ 1184 Half Crown. Willi ornaments on the horse's head and on the housings. Soniewlifit rubbed ; I)ut scsvrcc and fair for tlic pei'iod

/ J - o 118.5 Half Crown. King on horseback. Ornamented housings. 31. jr. Portcullis. Better than preceding. Scarce 1180 J fair Crown. Different position ol the King. M. M. Crown. Barely fair. Scarce /.-s~o 1187 Ifalf Crown. King on horseback, liev. " Qiuu Deus, ' etc. Very good for the period and scarce 1188 Half Crown. Damaged. Fair 1189 Shilling. Bust tf> right. Xll behind the bust. M. M. Thistle. Beautiful condition. Very scarce /,/ 2- 1190 Shilling. Similar but larger head. Equally fine. Very scarce y 1191 Shilling. DifTerent henil. In fine condition and scarce J o 1192 Shilling. DilTerent and smaller head. Fair ^ J 1193 Sixpence. VI behind the bust. M. M. Rose. Fine and rare 1194 Another. Not quite as fine 1195 Another. Smaller head. VI behind the bust. M. M. Rose. 7- Very beautiful impression. Desirable 3 o 1190 Twoi)ence and Penny. The latter very fine. 3 pieces 1197 Hibernia Farthings in Copper. Fine and scarce. 3 pieces o J o 1198 Two smaller pieces. Rose crowned. Very good and scarce 1199 Siege Ormond Crown. C. R. under large crown. Rev. S. over V. Fair condition for piece, and rare s-o 1200 Siege Piece, XII. D over the XII. Much rubbed 1201 Siege Piece, VI. D over VI. Unusually good and scarce ^ ^ o o 1202 Siege Piece, VI. D over VI. More rubbed ^co1203 Siege Piece, IHI. D over the IIII. Much rubbed. 1304 Siege Piece. Pontefract Shilling, 1018. Octagonal piece, /l/i OO Ob. Castle with streamer. Rev. " Dum Spiro Spero. " C. R. under the crown. Fair condition for the piece. Very rare 1205 1045 Newark Shilling. " Obs Newarke, 104.5." Rev. C. R. on either side, and XII under a large crown. Sie*ge piece. Very fine and scarce Ja.aa 1206 164:2 Gold Three Pound Piece. Ob. Head to left. King crowned and in armor, with sword in right hand, olive branch in left. Feather behind the head. Rev Relig. Prot." &c. Very fine condition and exceedingly rare HX(rLISH COINS. 53

a O c 1207 1644 Gold Tweiil}- Shilling Piece. Ob. Bust XX buhiud. / ■ Eev. " Relig. Prof." &c. Remarkably line and very rare ^^6 1208 1644 CrVrf Unit, or XX Shilling Piece. Ob. Bust to right. Picked beard. Large stiff rntl' behind XX. Rev. Royal Sliield of Arms. Fine and scarce. ^ oo 1209 1644 Gold. Another. DiflFerent type, not quite as fine. Scarce. 1210 Gold Ten Shilling Piece. Remarkably tine condition. Very


J J ~ o 1 2 1 1 G o l d . A n o t h e r . N o t a s l i n e . S c a r c e

?. oo 1212 Gold Five Shilling Piece. Poor. Battered and pierced. Scarce

COMMONWEALTH, 1649-1656. y ^_o-v 12i;{ 1652 Crown. One of the liuest specimens I have ever met with. Desirable. Very rare p o 1214 1651 Half Crown. Very good match for preceding / O o 1215 1651 Shilling. Very fair impression. A little battered. Scarce 1216 1652 Shilling. Fair. Scarce / / 1 2 1 7 1 0 5 4 S i . v p e n c e . G o o d f o r t h e t i m e . Ve r y s c a r c e Twopence and Penny. Very fair condition. Scarce

/ ( T - O 1210 Half Penny. Ob, Shield with St. G-eorge's Cross. Rev. Shield with Irish Harp. Fine condition. Very rare /./- 1220 1651 Shilling. Another type. Very line condition. Very rare

/. 1221 1652 Sixpence. Another type. Very line condition. Very rare. The only pair I have ever seen of this variety /Poo 1222 1656 Gold XX Shilling Piece. Same legend as silver coin. Fi n e c o n d i ti o n . Ve r y r a r e 1223 1654 Gold X Shilling Piece. Equally fine and rare

1224 1650

OLIVER, CROMWELL, 1655-1660.

1225 1658 Crown. Venj beautiful impression. Very rare in tL condition y. 1226 1658 H a l f C r o w n . I f a n v t h i u u - r a t h e r b e t t e r . E n u a l l v r a i ' G 54 KNGLIriH (JOINS.

X J ' 1 3 3 7 1 0 5 a S l u l l i n g . E q u a l l y t i n e a n d r a r e . 1 t h i n k l l i u l i n u s t s e t I have yet seen ^9 o a 1328 GoUl Twenty Shilling Piece. Bust to left. Rev. same as silver coins. Beautiful condition. KxcfciHiiyhj rare in gold

C H A R L E S I I . 1 6 6 0 - 1 6 8 5 .

1239 1602 Crown. Head to right. Hose under the bust. Rev. The C crossed in the angles. Remarkably line. Scarce 1230 10()7 Crown. Variety. Same reverse. Good. Scarce j-o 1231 1071 Crown. Variety. Good. Scarce 1232 1C77 Half Crown. Good for period. Scratchcd o 1233 1679 Half Crown. BeautiAil impression for the periotl. Very

rare 1 2 3 4 H a l f C r o w n . N o d a t e . H e a d t o l e f t . X X X b e h i n d t h e b u s t . Rare type. In good condition for the period Sy 1235 1603 Shilling. Very fine impression. Scarce 1330 1070 Shilling. Fair, but scarce 1237 1073 Sixpence. Clipped. Fair and very scai'ce '/ 1338 4d, 3d, 2d, and Id. Old type. Very line '/ 3o 1239 3d, 2d, Id. Old type and Twopence of different type. 4 pieces „ I, 1240 4d, 3d, 2d, Id. New type. Very fine / J~0 1241 1682 Crown of Scotland. Barely fixir, but rare /oo 1342 1676 Shilling of Scotland. Very fine and rare ^oo 1243 1648 Siege Piece. Pontefract Shilling. Ob. " Hanc Deus dedit." Rev. Castle, P. C. over the Castle. Post Mortem, &c. Fine condition. Very scarce 1244 (Jokl XX Shilling Piece. Head to left. Very fine and rare

/y./ /> u n 6 d 1245 e r t h 1664 e b u Gold s t . BTwo e a uGuinea t i f u l cPiece. o n d i t iHead o n . Veto right. r y r aElephant r e 1246 1679 Gold Guinea. Very fine condition. Rare ^oo 1246* 1676 Gold Half Guinea. Beautiful condition. Very rare

J A M E S I I . 1 6 8 5 - 1 6 8 8 . 1247 1687 Crown. Remarkably fine. Head to left. Very rare in ^ t h i s c o n d i t i o n ^ O o 1 2 4 8 1 6 8 7 C r o w n . F a i r a n d s c a r c e J 1249 1687 Half Crown. Very fine and scarce kn(;lish coins. 55

A- (Ja 1350 4cl, 3cl, 3cl, Id. Good condUion. Maunday Monej' ^ O o ^251 1688 Crown of SrotUmd. Very beautiful uncirculated piece. Vevj/ rare 1253 1088 Gold Guinea. Elephant and Castle under bust. Very 2J-0 beautiful condition. Vev)/ rare ifOO 1253 1680 Half Guinea. As fine and equally rare

W I L L I A M A N D M A R Y . 1 6 8 8 - 1 6 9 5 . J-1254 1691 Crown. Very little circulated. Eare in this condition Ji o 1255 1093 Crown. Barely fair / Jlj 1250 1089 Half Crown. Very fine and scarce •ij- 1257 1089 Half Crown. Not as good £ ^ ^ 1258 1689 Half Crowns, About the same pieces Jd~6 Crown. Cross W's in the angles. Fair and scarce / jLuT 1200 1093 Shilling. Very fine and rare S^'O 1^®^ Sixpence. Uncirculated and rare 1363 1693 Si-xpence. Very nearly as fine, ^ J- 1363 1693 Sixpence, Very nearly as fine, i ^ 1304 1305 4d, 1094 3d, Gold 3d, Two Id. Guinea Very fine Piece. condition Elephant and Castle under the ^ ^ b u s t . U n c i r c u h x t e d a n d v e r y s c a r c e 1306 1091 Guinea, Ob, Same. Nearly as fine. Scarce ^oo 1207 1001 Guinea, Very line and scarce W I L L I A M I I I , 1 6 9 5 - 1 7 0 2 . 1368 1090 Crown, Very fine. Strong impression. Nearly un circulated / o o 1209 1090 Half Crown. Not (juite as fine ^ J.

PATTERNS. C<>7iliiLUUtioii and i-ouHuxion of the Itirr/eHt colhctinH of Pattern I'irccn

3 1 - 2 7 0 1859 Twenty Dolliir Gold Piece, Head of Liberty Struck in coppcr 1280 185!» Twenty Dollar Gold Piece, Liberty seated. Struck in copper ^ 1 2 8 1 1859 20 Dollars. Liberty seated. Struck in copper. I^ronf 1283 1859 Half Dollar. Liberty seated. Paquet die. Silver 1283 1859 Half Dollar. Liberty seated. Paqnet die. Copper / _J-o 1284 1859 3^ Dollar. Hciul of Liberty. Silver

fa 1285 1859 Dollai-. Head of Liberty. Copper / /5-1286 1859 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty Silver <^o 1287 1859 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Copper /./i.1288 1859 50 Cents. Head of Liberty, Silver / ^ 1 2 8 ! ) 1859 50 Cents, Head of Liberty. Copper 1859 Half Dollar. • Ob. Liberty seated. Rev. Half Dollar. Silver

1859 Half Dollar. O I ) . L i b e r t y s e a t e d . l i e v. H a l f D o l l a r. Copper 1859 Half Dollar. Ob. same. Kev. Dollar. Silver 1859 Plalf Dollar. Ob. Same. Rev. Dollar. Copper 1859 Half Dollar. Ob. Same. Rev. 50 Cents. Silver 1859 Half Dollar. Ob. Same. Rev. 50 Cents. Copper The six preceding half dollars were purchased by myself for Col. Cohen at sale of May 7th, and is the only set I have ever met with. E.\tremely rare.—E. C.

1290 1859 Half Dollar. Silver. Head of Liberty. The Rev. i.s the pj-o reverse of the first regular issue. Very rare pattern. I h a v e n e v e r m e t w i t h i t b e f o r e . ^ a ip 1297 1859 Half Dollar. Ob. Head of Liberty. Rev. is the reverse o f t h e P a q u e t H a l f D o l l a r. M u l e p i e c e . Ve r y r a r e . Silver

1298 1859 Half Dollar. Ob, Head of Liberty, Rev, is the reverse o f t h e P a q u e t H a l f D o l l a r, M u l e p i e c e . Ve r y r a r e . Copper 1299 1859 Half Dollar. Ob. Head of Liberty. Rev. Liberty seated of the Paquet die. Still rarer than preceding. Silver


/ 1800 1859 Reverse of the Paquet Half Dollar, Copper ,r 1301 1859 Gold Dollar. Struck iu copper. Scarce /, 1302 1859 Cent. Laurel wreath. Nickel. Proof. Scarce / / 2- 1803 1859 Cent. Oak wreath and shield ; broad shield. Nickel /oa 1304 1850 Cent. Oak wreath and shield ; narrow sliiekl. Nickel. Scarce /,/2- 1305 1859 Cent. Oak wreath ; without shield. Nickel. Scarce / a O' 1300 1859 Cent. Laurel wreath. Copper 1859 Dime. Reverse of 1860. Silver. Froof. Rare jc/a-o 1308 I860 Half Dime. Same reverse. JIate to the above. Prooj JL'?/■ 1309 Rev. I860 Eagle Five with Dollar Scroll Gold Piece. " E. Ob. Phiribus French headUnuni." of Liberty. QoW Proof. One of the rarest patterns and most elecant de sign 1310 1860 Five Dollar Gold Piece. Copper. Proof J. <9^ 1311 1860 Five Dollar Gold Piece. Bronzed. Thick planchet J ys- VAVi, 1861 Five Dollar Gold Piece. Copper. Thick planchet J-1861 Quarter Dollar. Struck in Copper. Verj'rare d, o o 1314 Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. The Reverse ou this piece, although similar in design to that of the regular issue, is larger iu every respect and was withdrawn in conse- (luence of the extreme narrow milling, which would cause much loss by abrasion, and all but two were re- melted—thk one and one in the possession of Mr. W. J. Jenks of Philadelphia. E.xtremely rare

1315 1861 Half Dollar. Rev. "God our Trust," in field over Eagle. SiUer. Proof. Very rare

.A 1316 1861 Half Dollar. Rev. " God our Trust." Copper. Proof

1317 1861 Half Dollar. Rev. " God our Trust," in scroll, mrer. ^ ^ if Proof. Very rare

/ 1318 1861 Half Dollar. Rev. " God our Trust," in scroll. Copper. Proof 1861 Ten Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in field. Cop J 1319 per. Proof

1330 1861 Ten Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in field. Bronzed

1331 1861 Teu Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in scroll. Cop per. Proof

/oo1333 1861 Ten Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in scroll. Bronzed

1333 1863 Half Dollar. " God our Trust," in field. BiUer. Proof 58 i^ArrjiKNs.

1-524 18(!d Half Dollar. " God our Trust," infield. Copper. Proof /^S'a 1325 1802 Half Dollar. " God our Trust," in scroll. /

/.7-^ i:i27 1803 Teu Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in tieUl. Copper. Proof i;528 1802 Ten Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in field. Bronzed /ya 1"20 1802 Ten Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in scroll. Copper. Proof 1330 1802 Ten Dollar Piece, " God our Trust," in scroll. Jironzed 1331 1802 Cent. Struck in Copper 1332 1803 Postal Currency. 23^2 Grains Standai'd Silver / / 1333 1803 Postal Currency'. Grains Silver % Copper go 1334 1803 Postal Currency. 20 Grains Tin and 3 per cent Copper / cf a 1335 1803 Postal Currencj'. 28 Grains Aluminum and 3 percent Silver 1330 1803 Postal Currency. 28 Grains Block Tin 1337 1803 Postal Currency. 8 Grains Aluminum ^ 1338 1803 Postal Currency. 11 Grains Aluminum / y^ 1330 1803 'J'en Dollar Piece. "God our Trust," in field. Gold. ^ I ' l r t r e i n e l y r a r e i n t h i s m e t a l J CO 1340 1803 Ten Dollar Piece. ''God our Trust," in tield. Copper. Proof --^.^^ 1341 1803 Ten Dollai'Piece. •'God our Trust," in field. Bronzed / 1342 1803 Ten Dollar Piece. "God our Trust," in scroll. Gohl. K.vtrcmclji rare in this metal J./xy 1343 18(>3 Ten Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in scroll. Copi^er. Proof ^ 1344 1803 Ten Dollar Piece. " God our Trust," in scroll. Bronzed / 9o 1345 1803 Half Dollar. "God our Trust," in field. Silrer. Proof /./^ 1340 1803 Half Dollar. " God our Trust," in lield. Copper. Proof 1347 1803 Half Dollar. " God our Trust," in field. Bronzed /^^1348 1863 Half Dollar. " God our Trust," in scroll. Silver. Proof ^ o 1340 1803 Half Dollai-. " God our Trust," in scroll. Copper. Proof (T'S 1350 1803 Half Dollar. " God our Trust," in scroll. Bronzed j'o 1351 1803 Three Cent Piece. Large 3 in wreath. Size of the old copper Cent. Copper. Proof. Very scarce PAITERNS. 59

/ 3p 1352 1863 Two Cent Piece. Head of Wasliiugton. " God aud our Country." Copper. Proof j-o 1353 1803 Two' Cent Piece. Sliield. " God our Trust." Copper. Proof 6 o 1354 1803 Two Cent Piece. Head of Wasliington. •' Gnd aud our Country." Xickel. Proof. Ver}' rare 1 3 5 5 1 8 G 3 T w o C e n t P i e c e . S h i e l d . G o d o u r T r u s t . " N i c k d . Proof. Very rare 1350 1803 Cent. Tliick planchet. Copper. Proof J'o 1357 1863 Cent. Thin plancliet. Copper. Proof // 1358 1863 Cent. Tliiu phincliet. Bronze. Proof 1359 18(53 Cent. Milled edge. Nickel. Proof J o o 1300 1863 Silver Dollar struck in copper. I'ruof ^j^^lOOl 1864 Half Dollar. Kegular issue. Struck in aluminum. E.v ceedingly rare. Proof foe lij02 1864 (Quarter Dollai', 3 light arrows in left talon. Quarter dollar underneath the Eagle. Silrer. Very rare ^ 1303 1864 Two Cent Piece. " In God we Trust." Nickel. Prool /j_J' 1304 1864 Dime. Struck in nickel. Proof. Scarce / o' c/ 1365 1864 Cent. Ob. Indian head. Rev. is the obverse of the 1858 Large Eagle Cent. Nickel. Proof. Very rare j~a 1306 1864 Cent. Thick planchet. Nickel. Proot y 1367 1864 Cent, Thin planchet. Nickel. Proof 1308 1864 Cent. Thick planchet. Copper. Proof jij.j' 1369 1865 Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. Copper, Proof J 1370 1865 Ten Dollar Gold Piece. Copper. Proof u'j.j' 1371 1805 Five Dollar Gold Piece. Copper. Proof d j_ J' 1373 1865 Dollar. With present reverse.' Silcer. Beautitul proot. Very rare

/yj^ ' 1373 p r o 1865 o f . Half V e Dollar. r y With r a r e present reverse. Silver. Beautiful J'Jly 13~'l 1865 Quarter Dollar. With present reverse. Silver. Beauti ful proof. Very rare J. J-o 1375 1805 Silver Dollar. With present reverse. Copper. Beauti ful proof. Very rare 13^® Dollar. With present reverse. Copper. Beautiful proof. Very rare ()0 I'A ITKKNs;.

—2 1377 18(Jo Quarter JJulliir. With present reverse. Copper. BeaiT- tifiil proof. V

1387 1 8 0 0 T h r e e D o l l a r P i e c e . N i c k e l . P r o o f . S c a r c e . R a r e ' U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a , " 1388 1800 Head of Washington, R e v . 5 c e n t s i n w r e a t h . " In God we Trust." Copper. Proof Rare

138!J I 8 ( i 0 S a m e a s a b o v e . N i c k e l . Pj'oof. Rare " I n G o d w e T r u s t . R e v . ^ J . J - 1 3 0 0 1800 Head of Washington. " U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a . " 5 i n b r o a d w r e a t h . Copper. Proof. Rare 1301 1 8 0 0 S a m e a s a b o v e . N i c k e l . P r o o f R a r e 13!)2 1800 Same as above. Thin plancliet. Nickel. Proof. Rare 1393 1800 Obverse same. ]{cv. Larger 5 in lighter wreath. Copper, Proof ^ < 3 l ; j < ) 4 1 8 0 0 S a m e a s a b o v e . B r o n z e . P r o o f R a r e 1395 1 8 0 0 O b v e r s e s a m e a s a b o v e . 5 s u r r o u n d e d b y s t a r s a n d stripes. Nickel. Proof Rare J . y ' ^ " 1 3 9 0 1800 Larger head of Washington. " God and our Country." Rev. 5 in light wreath. " United States," &c. Nickel. Proof Rare 1397 1 8 0 0 S h i e l d . " I n G o d w e T r u s t . " R e v . 5 i n w r e a t h . " U n i t e d S t a t e s , " & c . C o p p e r. P r o o f . R a r e yj-'f 1398 1 8 0 0 O b v e r s e s a m e . R e v. " U n i t e d S t a t e s , " & c . Large 5 surroiinded by stars. Underneath is Cents. Copper, Proof

1399 1 8 0 0 v S a m e a s a b o v e . N i c k e l . P r o o f . R a r e PA'rrKRXs. 61

/!?<^ I'lOO 186G Obverse same. Rev. Same legend, but 5 surrouudetl by / stars and stripes. Copper. Uncirculated / J. J'1401 1860 Shield. Divided date. Rev. " United States," &e. o in a wreath. Copper. Proof. Rare ^ c? 1402 186() Same as above. Nickel. Proof. Rare ^ ^^' 1403 1800 Obverse same. Rev. Small 5 in heavy wreath. Copper. / P r o o f . ^ R a r e a o 1404 1800 Obverse same. Rev. Large 5. Stars and Stripes. Copper. Proof. Rare /_J-'^140S 1800 Two Cent Piece. Nick-l. Very rare. Uncirculated X a a 1400 1807 Dime. Thin planchet. Proof. Rare a ^ 1407 1807 Longacre's head of Liberty. " United States of America." Rev. V over a shield. "In God we Trust." Copper. Proof 1807 Same as above. Aluminum. Proof. Rare 7 ^ 1409 1867 Obverse same. Rev. Small V in a heavy wreath. Nickel. / ' P r o o f . V e r y r a r e ^7c'' 1410 1807 Shield. " In God we Trust" Rev. " United States," &c. ' 5 surrounded by stars and stripes. Cents underneath. Copper. Pi-oof ^ 1411 1807 Same as above. Nickel. Proof y j-o 1413 1867 Head of Liberty. ''United States," &c. Rev. "In God we Trust." 5 Cents in wreath, word Cents curved. Copper. Proof 1413 1867 Same as above. Nickel. Proof J. o a 1414 1867 Obverse same. Rev. Word Cents in a straight liue. Copper. Proof y a-^Ulij 1807 Same as above. Nickel. Proof ,/~<3 a 1416 1808 Ten Dollar Gold Piece. Struck in aluminum. Exceed ingly rare. Proof o o 1417 1808 Three Dollar Gold Piece. Aluminum, Proof. Very rare o" 1418 1808 One Dollar. Aluminum. Proof. Very rare ✓ _^

Proof J-a 14;J0 1808 Half Dime. Plain edge. Thick plauchet. Nickel. This piece was cut in half at the Mint, in an attempt to destroy al! the pieces struck in Nickel 2 pieces ^ 14S1 1808 Half Dime. Plain edge. Copper. Proof, Pare yXJ' 1432 1808 Three (.'ent Piece. Ob. "United States," &c. Ill in laurel wreath. Thick planchet. Nickel. Proof ^ 14;ia 1808 Three Ceut Piece. Ob. " United Stales," A:c. Thin

planchet. Nickel. Prof)f " 1434 1808 Same as above. Copper, l^ioof ^,>^'^^1433 1808 Same as above. 3 in tobacco wreath. Nickel. Proof ^^^ 1436 18G8 Cent, in nluiiUnum, Proof. Very rare 1437 1808 Head of Liberty, United States, c^c. Rev. 1 in laurel wreath. Copper. Fine ^-^""1438 1808 Same as above. Nickel. Proof / J~a 1439 1808 Obverse same. Rev. 1 in tobacco wreath. Nickel. Proof 1440 1808 Head of Liberty, Same iis the Old Cent of 1857. Rev. Ten Cents in a wreath. United States of America. Exceedingly rare. Nickel ^ S e t o f S t a n d a r d S i l v e r P i e c e s . 5 0 , 2 3 a n d 1 0 C e n t s . l u three varieties, making 0 pieces. Milled edge. Silver. Proofs. Very I'are Same as above. Copper. Plain edyc. Very few sets struck in this metal This is the only one ever offered a t a u c t i o n . E x c e e d i n g l y r a r e 9 p i e c e s J448 1809 Set of 5, 3 and 1 Cent Pieces. Nickel. Proofs PA'rrKKNS. 68

1444 18G9 Hall' Dime. Uncirculated 1445 18T0 Set of Standard Silver Pieces. Similar to'1869. Milled e d g e . V e r y s c a r c e . . s W j y / - 9 p i e c e s C' ey 144G 1873 A set of the Ti-.ide Dollars of this year, struck as sug gestions; containing si.K beautiful itroof specimens, all different and exceedingly' rare

ASSAY MEDALS. / J'a 1447 1800 "Mint of the United State-, Philadelphia." lu the"'"' centre, the French Head of Liberty. Eev. "Annual Assay, 1800," in wreath. Copper. Bronzed 24 1448 1801 Same obverse and rever.se; but date 1801. Copper. Bronzed 24 M oc 1449 1807 Same obverse and reverse. Date 1807. In-t^iekei-. 24 ,Jfa 1450 1808 Peace destroying the implements of War. Rev. "An nual Assay, 1808." Larger wreath. Copper. Proof 24 J - 1 4 5 1 1 8 6 8 A u o t h o r . C o p p e r . B r o n z e d 2 4 < - 1 4 5 2 1 8 6 8 A n o t h e r . I n r t h n i n n u m . V e r j - r a r e 2 4 J 145:^ 1800 Another. Iwaluminnm. Same wreath connected by a .scroll, on which is "Let us have peace." Very I'aro 24 J 1454 1809 " Liberty " sealed on a rock. Nickel. Proof. Rare 24 ji 1455 1869 Another. In coppcr. Proof 24 X J~a 1450 1869 Another. In dhmiuDim. Proof, V.ely rare 24 J a o 1457 1809 Same obverse. The figure surrounded by 13 stars. A l s o i n a l u m i n u m ; a n d v e r y s c a r c e 2 4 ^ o o 1458 1870 Science, with the chemical appliances for assaying. Rev. another different wreath. Copper. Bronzed 24 1459 1870 Another. In aluminum. Proof. Very rare 24 J ao 1400 1871 ''ArcJnmcilcx;''' the first assayer. Proof. In nickel. Rare 24 1401 1871 Another, In copper. Proof 34 1463 1871 Another. In copper. Bronzed. Proof 34 1403 1«72 Science, with the chemical appliances for assaying. Rev. open wreath. Silver. Proof. Very rai-e 34 J-1404 1873 Archimedes; the first "Assayer." Rev. "Wreath of evergreen on tomb inscribed "Eekfeklt." Silver. P r o o f . V e r y r a r e 2 4 64 I'A'ITKIINS.

1405 1874 Same obverse. Rev. similar wreatli, with tomb in scribed " I. Torrey ob. Mar. 10,'7:5." Silver. Proof. V e r y r a r e 0 4 a a 1400 1875 Same obverse. Rev. larger wreath than auj' of the f)thers. Copper. Bronzed 24 ^ a 1407 Block of Ivory with the copy of the obverse ol the supposed iinique Half Dollar of 1838, made hj' the Saxtoii Machine, U. S. Mint 1468 Square piece of brass with the reverse of the tobacco wreath adopted in 13,57 Z 140!) Circular brass piece. Obverse Figure of Liberty seated. Without date. Rev. Copy of the reg\ilar issue of the Quarter Dollar ^ curious Nickel Cent of 1803. It appears as if the Obverse of the Cent had been pressed out and made much larger, and the Obverse had been struck on it, and which lonned it into the shape of a cup ^ a 1471 Pianchet of Gold for a Three Dollar Piece ^ 1472 Pianchet of Nickel for a 5 Cent Piece «/'~1473 a Pianchet of Nickel about the size of a 3 Cent Silver Piece, with the figure 1 stamped on it, s>ip]iosed to be a stiggestion for a Cent ^ 1474 Pianchet of Nickel with III stamped on it, as tirst suggested for the 8 Cent Piece / C 1475 Plain pianchet of Copper, Halt Dime Size ^ 1476 Piece of Silver, Dime Size, been rolled, and on the Obverse is seen, in a given light, a female figure feeding an Eagle. Nothing apparent on the reverse

WASHINGTON PIECES. J ^ 1477 1783 Georgius triumpho. Fine impression y J. ^ 1478 1783 Another. Not quite as good 1479 1783 Washington and Independence. Rev. Liberty seated. / United States." Re-sti'ike. Beautiful impression y 1480 1783 Washington and Independence. Original. Fine condi- tion 1481 1783 Washington and Independence. Rev. "Unity States." Better than usually found WASHINt+TON PIECES. 65

^J^ 1482 1788 Washington and Inclepenclence. Not quite so good cf 1483 1783 Washington and Independence. 5 impressions. Only fair ^ ^ 1484 Double Headed Cent. Very good

3 /. (TV 1485 178(j Ob. "Non VI Virtute Vici." Head to left. Rev. "Neo Eboracensis." Liberty seated. An unusually fine im pression of this extremely rare piece. Known as tl»e New York Washington Cent 1480 1791 Large Eagle Cent. Beautiful impression / J-a 1487 1791 Small Eagle Cent Very fine Barely circulated. Scarce ■ EagleJ 1/iss 1792 with Ob. scroll. Head " to Unum lefl. AVashingtou E, Pluribus." President. 13 starsRev. Spread o%'er ^ ^

1703 Liverpool Half Penn}'. About us good as usual o ^40(i Ooorgt! Washington. Head to left Kev. Liberty :md Security. On the edge "An Asylum," &o. Uncirculated and v e r y s c a r c e i n f h i . s c o n d i t i o n 1407 1705 Liiberty and Security. Head to right. Very good and

scarce o o 1408 1705 Washington Grate (,"ent. Very good / <7 o 1400 George Washington, Esq. Known as the Westwood Medal. Very much nicke(L Copper l-)00 1707 8ansom Medal. Boantiful proof in ttllrer. Scarce in t h i s m e t a l 1707 Another in coi)i)er. beautiful uncirculated condition ^>o 1.502 G. Washington, O. G. A. U. S. Head to left. Rev. 1783. An Ji/agle with an Olive Branch in its mouth, flying over a globe on which i.s inscribed " United States." Silrer. ^ \ cr3' fine condition. E.xtrcmel}' rare 1508 George Washington. Ob. 14 Dec. 1700 /E 68. Rev. "Lute Picsident," &c. Gilt. Very [)oor. Scarce J-J. J 1504 ''He i,s in glory, the woild in tcans." Rev. Urn. Stlrcv. Fair, but pioi-ced 1.505 "George Washington." Head to right. Rev. " Time in creases liis Fame." A beautiful proof impression in Hobl, the only one I have ever seen. Extremely rnre y ^ 1500 Same as above. Hilvev. Proof ^-^ 1507 Same as above. Copper. Proof 1508 Oath of Allegiance Medal. aUver. Proof ^^ 1500 Same as above. Copper. Proof " 1510 Same as above. Copper. Bronzed 1511 Bust of Washington to right. Rev. "Born and Died," in wreath. Proof Same as above. Bileer. Proof Same as above. Bronzed Obverse same. Rev. Head of Jackson to left. Gold. Proof Same as above, m.ve.v. Proof Head to riglit. Memorial of Washington Cabinet, mmr. Proof Same as above. Bronzed Success to the United States. Brass. Very good WASHINGTON VIECES. 07

/J" 1519 Same us above. Smaller. Brass. Very good 1530 Same as above. Copper. Vei;;>' good and very searce / J'O 1531 Ob. George Washington. Rev. Mnrtlia Washington. Silm\ Pi-oof Size 14 / 1 5 2 3 H e a d t o l e f t . K e v . B a l t i m o r e M o i u i m e u t . S i l c e r . P r o o f ! Size 14 ^j-'1533 Head to right. Rev. Grand Central Fah". Capper. Fine Size 13 1534 Idler's copy of the 1793 Washington Gent. Copper. Proof 1535 Washington before Boston. Lovett's die. Copper. Bronzed ey^ 1536 F o r tHead M c Hto eright. u i y. George S i l c e Washington. r. P i o o f Rev. North Point and

WASHING-TON MEDALS. Head to left. " George Washington." Rev. " Declaration.of Independence, July 4, 177G." Representation of the signing of the Declaration. Dies by AVright. Beautiful uticirculated condition. One of the rarest IMedals of the A m e r i c a n s e r i e s S i z e 5 0 /Poo 1538 Declaration of Independence, July 4, 177U. Representation of the Signing. Rev. Discovery of North America. Dis covery of Florida. First settlement in Virginia, &c. Very line and extremely rare Medal. Not a Washington Medal, but appropriate here Size 56 yZ' " 1529 Medal known as the Eccleston Medal. Very beautiful condi tion. Rarely found as fine. Scarce A. J'O 1530 Washington before Boston Medal. Thick phmcliet, Uncir culated / J'O 1531 Sfune as above. Tliin planchet. Uncirculated >7^.^1533 AVashington Cabinet Medal. Silrsr. Proof Very scarce in this Metal / o o 1533 Same as above. Bronze / XJ' 153^ Wasliington " Born Virginia.'' Known as the Manly Medal. Very fine impression. Scarce ^ 1535 Another. Pierced. Much worn. Probably Trial Piece 1536 George Washington. Rev. Baltimore Monunients.

Eud of Tliird Night's Sale. F O U R T H N I G H T ' S S A L E ,

EXTRA BRITISH AND OTHER COPPERS, &c. o l,5;j7 Clinilcs 11 Pattuni Half Penny. Carolus a Carolo. Rev. -Miicli rubbed -^'-'^1538 1072 diaries II Fartbiii 1540 1094 William and Mary Half Penny. Barely fair O loll 1094 William and Afarj'Farthing. Fine and scarce J^O 1543 1094 Duplicate Farthing. About the same -y 154;j 1720 and 1723 Geo. I Half Penny and Farthing. Fine • / o-o 1544 1723 Geo. I \Vo(kI Halfpenny. Beautiful impression. Scai'ce ^ oo 1545 1722 Geo. I Wood Halfpenny. Rev. Harp to the left. Very little circulated, and rare in this condition <^-*^ 1540 1723 Wood Farthing. Fine and scarce 1547 1753 Geoi'ge II Half Penny. Very fine Jo 1548 1800 George III Farthing. Fine XJ 1549 1841 Victoria Half Penny and 1845 East India Cent. Fine / 1553 1834 L. S. Cent struck on a thin plaucliet /./Z- 1354 1730 Ob. Plead of George II to right. "Give us Peace." Rev. Britannia seated. " Pitt for ever." Fine and very

scarce 1355 1800 " No submission to the North." Rev. "The wealth of t h e S o u t h . " U n c i r e u l a t c d 2- 1550 1859 Canada One Cent. Red and uncirculated 1557 A Jetton of Brunswick and Lunenburg. "DeoDuce." Figure with Cornucopia. Copper. Very good K X T K A U i a T I S H A N D O T J I E K C O P l ' E K S , i t C . G9

J" liloS Great Central Fair Philadelphia. Ob. Head oF Washinglon. C o p p e r S i z e 1 2 J—O 1559 Copies in brass ot 1803 Gold Half and Quarter Eagle 15G0 A small brass Jetton of Alfred the Great. Ob. " A1 Magnus." Verj' scarce .7 1561 Curious French Piece with large Fleur de Lis on it. Copper 1503 Eleven Pieces of Bentonian and Hard Times Money. Fine. Different ^ O 1563 1864 Dos Gentavos of Peru. Fine proof. aSTickel / 1564 1864 Un Centavo of Peru. Proof. Copper

ANNA, 1702-1714. 1565 1703 Vigo Crown, Half Crown, Shilling, Sixpence. Uncir culated. Very rare as a set and particularly with Vigo under the bust 1566 1707 Crown. Very fine condition. Scarce J X J' 1567 1713 Crown. Varietj-. Feathers and Roses in the angles. Not quite as good. Scarce / ZJ' 1568 1714 Half Crown. Rev. Same as preceding. Fine and scarce / /Z 1569 1708 Halt Crown. Not quite as good ^^ 1570 1708 and 1709 Half Crown. Reverses different. Fair 2 pieaes 1571 1706 Shilling. Beautiful impression. Scarce 1572 1709 Shilling. Nearly as fine 1573 1717 Sixpence. Not as good ^ J- 1574 Mauuday Money. 4d, 3d, 2d, Id. Very fine Jo 15'5'5 Maunday Money. 4d, 3d, 2d, Id. Very fine / < : / o o 1576 1709 Gold Two Guinea Piece. Beautiful condition. Exceed ingly rare 1577 1714 Gold Guinea. Nearly as fine. Rare J-1578 1713 G'oZfZ Half Guinea. A little more worn

T h e f o l l o w i n g P a t t e r n F a r t h i n g s a r e a l l v e r y r a r e a n d v e r y d i f fi c u l t t o o b t a i n i n t h i s c o n d i t i o n .

J J~o 157iJ 1713 Anna Dei Gratia. Rev. Britannia seated. Copper 1580 Same in Silver. Broad rim. Beautiful proof. Extremely rare (/"J'c Obverse same. Rev. Britannia seated under a Portal. Date in Exergue. Exceedingly race type 70 l i X T l i A H K I T I . S J l A N D O T I I E K C O l ' l ' K l i S , . t C . / ^ 1582 1713 Anna Augusta. Rev. Britannia in a Cliiii iot. " Pax Missii Per Orbem." 1713 in Exergue. Broad rim, also ex tremely rare 1583 Same in iiilrcr. Beautiful proof. Extremely rare 1584 1714 Anna Dei Gratia. Rev. Britannia seateil -V 1585 Same as above. J.iarge plancliel. Very rare if oo 158G Anna Reginn. Rev. Same as preceding. Remarkably rare

G E O R G E I . 1 7 1 4 — 1 7 2 7 1587 1720 Crown. Rev. Roses and Plume. Very line and scarcc 1588 1715 Half Crown. Ratlier liner, same type and scarcc 1589 1720 Half Crown. Poor 1500 1720 Shilling. Roses and Plume. Very fine J JT 1591 1720 and '23 Two Shillings. Diirerent reverses. Fair and good ^•^ 1592 1717 Sixpence. Roses and Plumes. Very good 1593 Maunday Money. 4d, 3d, 2d, Id. Good " 1594 Maunday Money. 4d, 3d, 2d, Id. Good ^ .o-c; 1505 172G Gold Guinea. Very good and scarce y 159G 1719 Gold Half Guinea. Good and scarce / lo97 1718 Gold Quarter Guinea. Very fine and sc iree

G E O R G E I I . 1 7 2 7 - 1 7 6 0 J 1598 1741 Crown. Rev. Roses in the angles. Beautiful impression. Very scarce ^y---lo99 1743 Crown. Not as line as above 1600 1746 Crown. Lima under bust. Rev. Plain in the angles. ^ 1601^ Head 1732 rubbed,Half Crown. otherwise Rev. Roses good. and Plume.Scarce Uncirculated 1602 1746 Half Crown. Lima under the bust. Uncirculated 7^1603 1745 Half Crown. . Lima under the bust. Head rubbed. Barely fair J 1604 1745 Shilling. Very fine. Almost proof 1605 1758 Shilling. Neurly uncirculated Sa 1606 1746 Sixpence and 1758. Both uncirculated O 1607 iVLaunday Money. 4d, 3d, 2d, Id. Very good EXTRA BRITISH AND OTHER COPPERS, A-C. 71

P T.G08 1739 Gohl Two Guiiiea Piece. Very fine aucl very scarce 1609 175G Guinea. Head rubbed. Good 3 o o I G I O 1 7 5 9 H a l f G u i n e a . G o o d a n d s c a r c e

G E O R G E I I I . 1 7 6 0 - 1 8 2 0 .

1611 1819 PistruccI Crown. Beautiful proof polish. Scarce J J- tT 1612 1819 Pistrucci Grown. About same condition. Scarce f , 1 6 1 3 N o d a t e . M u d i e ' s P r o o f P a t t e r n C r o w n . L a u r e a t e d b u s t . Rev. Pour Sliiekls of Arms. Very rare (f 1614 1817 Half Crown. Very fine 7'f 1615 1817 Half Crown. Not quite as fine ^ J— 1616 1817 Half Crown. Difterent reverse. Smaller letters. Very fine J~J" 1617 1787 Shilling. Uncirculated and very fine (J o 1618 1787 Shilling. Not quite as fine 1619 1787 Sixpence. Pine 1620 1816 Shilling. Different type. Uncirculated J o 1621 1816 and 1817 Sixpence. Both fine 1622 Maunday Money. 4d, 3d, 3d, Id, Uncirculated XJ' 1623 Maunday Money. 4d, 3d, 2d, Id. Another type. Fine / / a 1624 1790 Proof Pattern Sixpence. Ob. G. R. Crowned. Rev. Britannia seated. Very rare i^_^

scarce 1791 Spade Half Guinea. Only fair. Very scarce oo 1G38 1813 Gold Guinea. DilTerenl type. Very fine 1G39 1814 r,W Hall Guinea. Same. Almost proof 1040 18)8 (iohl Sovereign. Uncirculated a 1041 1817 (iold Half Sovereign. Very good yS.'^o 1042 1801 Gold Half Guinea. Uncirculated 1043 1798 Quarter Guinea. Damaged by inscription. Other wise good 1044 1702 Wf/ 7 Shilling Piece. Battered. Poor

P a t t e r n s s t r u c k f o r S c o t l a n d . 1045 1799 "Shilling, Georgius G, P. S. S. C. D. 1799." Struck as ^ Prince of Wales. Rev. " Senes Callus (Seneschal) Regni SrMiay In proof condition and very rare 1040 1799 Copper Half Penny same design as above. Perfectly uncirculated and very rare

G E O R G E I V . 1 8 2 0 — 1 8 3 0 . -^."^^ 1047 1821 Pistrucci Crown. Beautiful proof. Very scarce J.oo 1048 1821 Pistrucci Crown. Uncirculated 1049 1826 Half Crown. Rev. Garnished shield with scroll, &c., beneath, by Wyou. Beautiful proof 1050 1825 Half Crown. Not much circulated /1051 1823 Half Crown. Ordinary Reverse. Uncirculated / J-c 1052 1820 Another. Obverse same. Rev. Crowned Shield. Rose Under the Crown. Thistle and Shamrock on either side. Uncirculated and scarce 1053 1820 Pistrucci Shilling. Uncirculated 1054 1824 and '20 Another and the ordinary type. Both flne c? o 1055 1820 Pistrucci Sixpence. Very flne 3 J" 1050 1825 Sixpence. Ordinary type. Good j-j- 1057 Maunday Money. 4d, 3d, 2d, Id. Proof /J- 1058 1822 Colonial Money. Shilling and Sixpence. Good 1^20 Gold Guinea Piece. Very beautiful proof and very


1G60 1820 Two Guinea Piece. Same design as above. Beau tiful proof. Equally rare <^,^^^1061 1825 Guinea. Same design. Uncirculated 1002 1830 Gold Half Guinea. Same design. Beautiful proof J, S 7 1003 1821 Half Guinea. Another type. Proof 1 0 0 4 1 8 2 3 T w o P o u n d P i e c e . P r o o f . V e r y r a r e 1005 1822 G

W I L L I A M I V , 1 8 3 0 - 1 8 3 7 . / IQQQ 1834 Crown, rtv.y beautiful proof. Known by all collectors to be exceedingly rare ^^^ 1007 1831 Half Crown. Beautiful proof Eare 1008 1831 Shilling. Beautiful proof Rare 7

/y.J~o/ Q u If''^ e e n A d e l a i d Medal. e . B e Ob. a u t i William f u l p r the o o f Fourth. S i z e Rev. 2 1

VICTORIA, 1837. J" J' 1075 1839 Crown. Beautiful proof and very rare / J-o 1070 1853 Half Crown. Beautiful proof and very rare / 6/ cf 1077 1845 Half Crown. Uncirculated and very rare 1078 1853 Shilling. Beautiful proof and very rare J p 1 0 7 9 1 8 3 9 S h i l l i n g s . V e r y fi n e 3 p i e c e s J J' 1080 1833 Sixpence. Beautiful proof Rare „ 1 0 8 1 1 8 3 9 S i x p e n c e . U n c i r c u l a t e d Sixpence. Uncirculated 3 pieces 1083 Maunday Money. 4d, 3d, 3d, IJ^d, Id. 3 varieties of 4d. A l l p r o o f B e x c e p t I J ^ d 0 p i e c e s 1084 1839 Another set. 4d, 3d, 3d, Id. Uncirculated 1085 1851 Another set. 4d, 8d, 2d, Id. Uncirculated /J' 1080 Another set. 4d, 3d, 3d, Id. Various dates. Uncirculated ^ ^ 1687 1847 Gothic Crown. Beautiful proof. Very rare ^ yj- 1088 1843 Gothic Crown. Very beautiful proof Lettering ou the '/ edge. Much rarer than preceding 74 EXTRA BKITISU AND OTHER COIM'ERS, .tO.

J'O 1089 1853 Florin. Beautiful proof. I^are j-J- 1C90 1853 Florin. Beautiful proof. Rare j-o ICni 1853 Florin. Not quite uncirculated yo 1602 1849 Florin. Without D. G. Proof. Very rare 1 C 9 3 1 8 4 9 F l o r i n . W i t h o u t D . G . Ve r y fi n e 1094 18G3 East India Rupee. Very good Jo 1C95 1870 Canada. 50, 25, 10, 5 Cent Pieces. i870. Uncirculated ^J~1G9G 1870 Canada. Another set. Quite as good 1097 1858 Canada. 20, 10, 5 Cents. 1858. Beautiful proof 1098 1858 Canada. 20, 10, 5, 5 Cents. 1858. Uncirculated -1 piece s y/y cr o 1099 1848 Complete set of the 9 Pattern Florins. Tliree with Golliic iiead, with different reverses ; three with head Chaplet of Laurels, different reverses ; three with head simply a plain baud, difierent reverses. The obverse of all is Vic toria Regina, 1848. These are so rare that their exis. tence is known to but few collectors. Beautiful proofs. A m o s t d e s i r a b l e s e t 1700 1848 One duplicate, Gothic head. Rev. One Florin. Beauti- ' ' f u l p r o o f . V e r y r a r e ct o 1701 1839 fTnlclYvie, Sovereign Piece. By Wyon. Rev. Victoria with Sceptre, guarding the British Lion. A beautiful proof. Exceedingly rare 61702 1853 Gold Guinea. Beautiful proof ,3 jSr o 1703 1853 G-VW Half Guinea. Beauiiful proof ^ oo 1704 1802 Oold. Mohur Victoria with Gothic head. Rev. One Mohur India. Good. Very rare 1705 1850 6roM Australian Sovereign. Somewhat nibbed. Scarce ^ y 1700 1801 Australian Half Sovereign. Very fine. Scarce

foreig-n coins.

SILVER AND GOLD. ^^J^1707 1575 of Fred. Wm. and John of Saxony. Very fair for the period. Rev. Arms Crowned ^ (r 1708 1091 73 Thaler, Fred. Ill of Braudenburg. Very good / 1709 1834 Thaler 10th of line Mark. Anton V of Saxony. Beautiful proof. Scarce ^y^l710 1827 ot Thaler, Anton V. Uncirculated I<01tEIGN COINS. 76

S~0 1711 1830 of Tliak'i-, Anton V. Vruof. Scarce Jo 1713 1830 1-G of Thaler, Anton V. Uiicirculatetl /yi, 1713 1838 and 1833 1-34 and 3-13 of Tlinler, Auton V. Uucircu- lated 3 pieces /So 1714 1840 Thaler, Fred. Aug. of Saxony. Very good Jo 1715 1827 1-G Thaler, Fred. Aug. of Saxony. Uncirculated ^ o o 171G IGGl Gold Ducat of the three , George, Louis and Christian. Very nearly uncirculated. Very rare / 1717 1833 10 Thaler, Anton V of Saxony. Beautiful 1718 1833 5 Thaler, Auton V of Saxony. Proof JL J~o 1719 1834 Gold 3^^ Thaler, Anton V of Saxony. Proof

B R U N S W I C K A N D L U N E N B U R G .

/ 1730 1G41 Aug. Duke of Bruns. and Lun. Hartz Mountain Figure. % Thaler. Fair for the period. Scarce 1731 1705 Thaler, Anthony Ulric. Rev. Hartz Mountaiu Figure. / V e r y fi n e . S c a r c e X 1733 1765 Thaler, Chas , Duke of Brun. and Lun. Head to right. Very fine ijiy 1733 171G 13 Marien of Georg. Lud. Good J* 1734 1854 Double Thaler, Willliam, Duke of Br. and L. Very fine <3 1735 1683 34 Marien Groschen, Rud. Augustus. Fair for date 1736 1788 10 Gute Groschen, Chas. Wm. Ferdinand. Perfectly uncirculated. Rare SX- 1737 1801 8 Gute Groschen Chas. Wni. Ferdinand. Perfectly uncirculated. Rare ^ ^ 1738 1787 and 1839 6th and 13th Thaler. Chas. "Wm. Ferdinand. V e r y fi n e 2 p i e c e s

/ yj" 1739c 1834 i r c u l a16 t e dGute . Grosch,R a r e Willm. IV, England, Perfectly un- /.X'f 1730 1834 34 Marien Grosh, Willm. IV, England. Perfectly un circulated. Rare / tS-d 1731 1747 Gold 10 Thaler, Chas., Duke of Brun. Pierced. Fair and scarce 1733 1763 Gold 5 Thaler, Chas., Duke of Brun. Fair / n Z ' 6 1 8 3 4 G ' y Z f ? 1 0 T h a l e r, W i l l i a m I V. P r o o f . S c a r c e X 3^ 1734 1833 Gold Thaler, William IV. Proot. Scarce 7H KOKEIGN COINS.

Jl J-o 17:^5 1S33 r,V/WIV. Very Thiiler, fine and William scarce IV. Variety. Head of Wm. 17;j(i 18lo ''rW'/ 5 Thaler, Ctco. III. England. Uncirculated. Scarce

PATTERNS. Half Crown of George HIT of England. Head to left. Strnck a.s Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg and also as Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall. In almost proof condition. Ver^'rare 1738 170!) Sixpence, same as above. Proof and rare 1 ' ' 3 9 H a l f P e n n y, s a m e a s a b o v e . P r o o f . C o p p e r y o 1740 1799 Fartliing, same as above. Proof. Copper 1741 1621 Thaler of Leopold, Duke of Tyrol. Barely fair J, 1743 1000 Thaler, Leopold of Bremen. Very e.Kcellent condition and scarce 1743 1060 34 Grote, Leopold of Bremen. Very fine t/V 1744 ICOO and '73 12 and 0 Grote, Leopold of Bremen. Fair / <5-t5 1745 1753 3^^ Thaler, Francis I of Brenien. Very fine and scarce /a 1740 12, C, and 3 Grote, &c., of Bremen. Fair condition 3 pieces o 1747 1830 25 Centimes, of Geneva. Fine y J" 1748 1740 Gold Ducat, Francis I of Bremen. Uncirculated and / s c a r c e 1 7 4 9 1 8 4 8 2 0 F r a n c s o f G e n e v a . Ve r y fi n e Po 1750 1833 5 Zlot, Alexander I of Poland. Very fine 1751 1830 3 Zlot, Alexander I of Poland. Very good J J- l752 1833 1 Zlot, Alexander I of Poland. Fine 17ob 1881 2 Zlot. Variety. Very good J J- 1754 1050 John Casimir of Poland. Fair only, but scarce y J-- 1755 1735 and 1835 13th of Thaler and 10 Groszj'. Polish Pieces, Good. Scarce ij~2. o 1750 1819 Gold 50 Zlot, Alexander I. Uncirculated. Very rare (^o 1757 1824 25 Zlot, Alexander I. Uncirculated. Very rare 1758 1735 Thaler, Charles VI of Hamburg. Broad Thaler. Very fine condition. Scarce i^'^ 1759 1793 33 Schilling, Francis II, Hamburg. Very good. Scarce J'J" 1760 1739 16 Schilling, Joseph II, Hamburg. Good. Scarce J.S' 1701 1797 8 Schilling, Francis II, Hamburg. Uncirculated. Scarce -y 1702 1797 4 Schilling, Francis II, Hamburg. Fine. Scarce FOREIGN COINS. 77 2- J 1703 1808 (hdd Double Ducat, Hamburg. Veiy line. Very scarce 3,^2. ^''54 1834 froW Ducat, Hamburg. Proof. Very scarce ^ Crowu of Basil. View of City in obverse. Very fine and rare ^ 1833 Francis I, Emperor of Austria. Crowu. F/vof. Scarce ill this condition ■/, 1767 1838 Francis I, Emperor of Austria. Half Crowu. Proof 1708 1833 Francis I, Emperor of Austria. 20 Kreulzer. Proof ^ 0 1769 1833 Frauds I, Emperor of Austria. 10 Kreutzer. Proof (J~0 Francis I, Emperor of Austria. 5 Kreutzer. Proof 1771 1833 Francis I, Emperor of Austria. 3 Kreutzer. Proof J— 17 <3 1834 and 1833 Francis I of Austria. and Lira. Good i/J" 1790 Half Thaler, Joseph II, Hungary and Bohemia. Poor 1789 and 1797 Quarter , Hungary, &c. Only fair. 1 scratched /J^ 1775 1833 30 Kreutzer, Francis II. Good 1776 1853 30 Kreutzer, Francis Joseph. Uncirculated 1777 1833 Qold Ducat, Francis I of Austria. Pwof and rare / J-'^ 1778 1790 10th of Fine Mark of Franckfurt. Uncirculated and I'are Jjo 1779 1773 lhaler of Franckfurt. View of the city on the Obverse. Most beautiful impression I have ever seen 1780 1859 Half Thaler, Rothschild's Mistress. Uncirculated. Scarce ji J~o 1781 179G Gold Ducat. View of the city of Frankfort. Poor. Scarce d 1733 1784 Rix Thaler, Fred, of . Very good j"Lr"1783 1765 Half Thaler, Fred, of Prussia. Very good ^ J—1784 1764 14 Thaler, Fred, of Prussia. Very good 1785 1771.1-13 Thaler, Fred, of Prussia. Very good 1786 1793 Half Thaler, Fred. Wm. Very good 1787 1815 Rix Thaler, Fred. William III. Very good /y- 1788 1809 Thaler, Fred. William III. Very good J-1789 1818 Thaler, Fred. William III. Head to left. Very good 1790 1833 Thaler, XIV. Eine Feine Mark, Fred. William HI. Head to right. Proof. Scarce 1791 1834 Same Obverse. Rev. Crowned Shield, Also proof Rare /J 1793 lb35 1-6 Thaler, Fred, Wm, III, Uncirculated 78 KORIiIGN COINS.

1793 1833 1 Silver Groscbcn, Fred. Win. 111. Uiicirculatetl ./ 1794 1834 I Silver Grosclien, Fred. Will. III. Uneirculuted 2 pieces 179.5 1833 3^ Silver Gro.schen, Fred. Win. III. Uncirculated ^pieces o 1 7 9 G 1 8 3 1 ^ Vr fl O T h a l e r, F r e d . W i n . H I . P r o o f . S c a r c e ^ o 1797 1834 GolO .5 Thaler, Fred. Win. 111. I'roof. Scarce ^ <7 1798 1833 ''rVW 33^ Thaler, Fred. Wni. III. I'voof. Scarce y J~o 1831 (Jrown Tlialer, Williain, King of Wurltemburg". Proof, rare /./Z- 1800 1824 3 Gulden, William, King of Wurltemburg. Very line 1801 1825 1 Gulden, William, King ol Wurltemburg. Very fine 3o 1803 1818 20 , William, King of Wurltemburg. Uncircu lated / V 1803 1818 10 Kreu/.er, William, King ot Wurltemburg. Uncircu lated 1804 1833 C Kreuzer, William, King of AVurtlemburg. Uucirculated J" 1805 1834 3 Kreuzer, William, King of Wurltemburg. Uncircu lated 2- 180(5 1834 1 Kreuzer, Williain, King of Wurltemburg. Uncircu lated 2 pieces //><:> 1807 1859 Ein Vereinsthaler, William, King of Wurltemburg. Very line /o 1808 1823 and '37 35, 10, 5 Centimes, William, King of Wurltem burg. Uncirculated (^o 1809 1825 CrVf? 10 Gulden, William, King of Wurttemburg. Fine. Proof 1810 1835 Gold 5 Gulden, William, King of Wurltemburg. Fine. Not uncirculated //. 1811 1834 Crown Thaler, Leopold of Baden. Perfectly uncircu lated. Rare o 1813 1830 Half Thaler, Leopold ot Baden, Perfectly uncirculated ^1813 1834 6 Kreuzer, Leoptjld of Baden. Perfectly uncirculated 2 pieces J~ 1814 1833 3 Kreuzer, Leopold of Baden. Perfectly uncirculated 3 pieces / ,<^ o 1815 1825 2 Gulden, Lewis of Baden. A littlecirculated ^•^1816 1831 Half Thaler, Lewis of Baden. Uncirculated J o 1817 1809 30 Kreuzer, Lewis of Baden. Uncirculated 1818 1830 10 Kreuzer, Lewis of Baden. Uncirculated J'^OREIGN COINS. 79 ^ <^0 1819 1834 Pxold Ducat, Leopold of Baden. Proof. Scarce 1820 1810 10 Gilder, Lewis of Baden. Proof. Scarce ^ 1821 1828 frWf? o Gilder, Lewis of Baden. Proof Scarce X/ J~~o 1822 1830 GoUJ 5 Thaler, Lewis of Baden. Proof Scarce / yj~ 1823 1834 Crown Thaler, Lewis II of Hessen. Pro/f. Scarce 1834 1808 120 Fine Mark, Lewis II of Ilessen. Perfectli'uncirculated / 1825 1830 6 Kreuzer, Lewis II of Hessen. Proof y 1826 1833 C, 3, 1 Kreuzei, Lewis II of Hessen. Uncirculated 1827 1833 3, 1 Kreuzer, Lewis II of Hessen. Uncirculated ^1828 1834 Thaler, Wm. 2d, Kurf, &c., of Hessen. XIV. of line Mark. Uncirculated 1829 1823 Thaler, Wni. 2d, Kurf, iic,., of Hessen. Uncirculated p 1830 1828 1-6 Thaler, Wm. 2d, Kurf, &c., of Hessen. Varieties. Fine 2 pieces y 1831 1834 1-6 Thaler, Wm. 2d, Kurf, etc., of Hessen. Uncirculated J " 1 8 3 2 1 7 8 1 2 H e s s e n A l b u s . F i n e cJo 1833 1819 Thaler, Wm. 1st, Kurf, &c., Hesseu. Fine condition /Z- 1834 1706 and 1707 and 'g Rix Thaler. Fair condition. Scarce ^ <^J^18'So 1826 Gold 10 Gulden, Lewis of Hessen. Finepjwf 1836 1834 Gold 5 Thaler, Wm. 2d of Hessen. Vine proof / 1837 1838 Crown, Lewis I of Bayern. Proof ^ 1838 1833 Medal Crown, Lewis I of Bayern. Commemorating the Treaty between Prussia, Hessen, Sa.xony, &c. Fine liroof. Rare 1839 Two 6, One 3, and Two 1 Kreutzer Pieces. All uncirculated 7 5 pieces 1840 1860 Maximilian II of Ba3'ern, Vereinstlialer. Uncirculated ^ 1 8 4 1 1833 Gold Ducat, Lewis 1 of Bayern, Proof 1842 1832 Crown Thaler of William, Duke of Nassau. Uncircu lated. Scarce 6 and 3 Kreuzer of Nassau. Uncirculated. 2 pieces 7 1848 1834 1844 1828 Thaler, Fred. Francis V, Duke of Mecklenberg-. Very fair /O 1845 1830 1-12 Thaler, Fred. Francis V, Duke of Mecklenberg. Good 1846 1798 Republic of Bern. Swiss Dollar. Very fair ji, / 2- 1847 1823 Republic of Bern. Swiss Dollar. Very tine 80 KOKEIGN OOIISrS.

1848 1813 Canton of Zuric. 40 Batzen. Very fine 1849 1814 Canton of Luzerne. 4 Francs. Very fine

condition 1858 1833 Greek Drachma. Otho. Uncirculated

lated /J 1865 1821 1-6 Thaler, Hanover. Fine 1866 1-12 of Thaler and 3 Marien Groschen of Hanover. Both fine a c o 1867 1833 Gold 10 Thaler, Wm. 4th of Hanover. Beautiful un circulated piece ^ 1868 1859 5 Lira, Victor Emanuel II. Uncirculated. Scarce ^ 1869 1859 Gold 20 Lira, Victor Emanuel II. Uncirculated. Very scarce j-c 1870 1818 Thaler, Hieronymus Napoleon of Westphalia. Fine. Scarce // 1871 1787 % Specie Dollar, Christian VII of Denmark, &c. Barely fair o 1872 1802 Rix Thalei-, Christian VII of Denmark, &c. Much b e t t e r c o n d i t i o n /yX 1873 1828 Rix Dollar, Species, Ferdinand VI of Denmark, &c. Nearly uncirculated

/ y 1874 o f D1818 e n m and a r k1819 , & 16 c . and G o 8 o Reichsbauk d c o n d i t iSchilling, o n Ferdinand VI K0E15IGN COINS. 81

^ 1875 1843 and 1846 24 and 12 Skilling and 1-lG Rsp. of Oscar Norges. 3 pieces. Goo 1870 1830 Gold 2 Fr. d'Or, Frederick Gth of Denmark. Uncircu lated. Scarce M 1 F r e d e r i c k G t h o f D e n m a r k . U n c i r c u lated. Scarce 1 8 7 8 1 7 0 0 1 3 M a r k , F r e d e r i c k 5 t h o f D e n m a r k . U n c i r c u l a t e d . '/ Verj' fine. Scarce


^ 1 8 7 9 1 8 1 5 8 R e a l s o f D e l a P l a t a . U n c i r c u l a t e d . R a r e i n t h i s condition / 1880 1818 Un Peso of Chili. Uncirculated. Rare as preceding 1881 1834 2 Reals of Chili. Barely fair ^ o S" 1882 1859 Qold 2 Peso of Chili. Very good and scarce / 1883 1829 Dollar of Bolivia, Head of Bolivar to right. Nearly un circulated / 1884 18G1 New Dollar of Bolivia, Head of Bolivar to left. Per fectly uncirculated. Scarce ^ po 1885 1801 New Dollar of Bolivia, Head of Bolivar to left. Per fectly uncirculated. Scarce 1880 1855 Half Dollar of Bolivia, Head of Bolivar to left. Good ^ c o n d i t i o n o 1887 1830 Half Dollar of Bolivia, Head of Bolivar to right. Fair Jo 1888 1830 2 Reals of Bolivia, Head of Bolivar to right. Very fair Ji o 1889 Two M Real pieces. Heads to right and left. Good and scarcc ^ J-

'(^o 1900 1859 50 Cents, Peru. Uncirculated J " 1 9 0 1 1 8 G 4 . 5 t i e S o l , P e r u . U n c i r c u l a t e d / (^ 1902 18C4 and 1805 10 and 5 Cent pieces, Peru. Uncirculated 1903 1855 Jg and 1-10 Peso, Costa-Rica. Perfectly uncirculated. Scarce ^ o o 1 9 0 4 1 8 5 1 ( i o l d } g D o u b l o o n , C o s t a - R i c i i . Ve r y l i n e / J ' S i e r r a L e o n e H a l f D o l l a r . F a i r a n d . s c a r c e


CENTS. 3900 1793 Wreath, Barely fair. Scarce 1907 1793 Wreath. Variety. Very poor / g' J'O 1908 1793 Wreath. Remarkably line. .sY/r/Afesi; marks of circulation. Very desirable J''o oc 1909 1793 Ring Cent. America. Extremely beautiful. Uncir culated impression, dots after Liberty and the date. Rare type J'Xf 1910 1793 Ring Cent. (Ameri.) Head rubbed. Rev. Very good, for this type. Scarce X/ J-o 1911 1793 Ring Cent. (Ameri.) Variety. Not quite as good. Rev. Corroded // 1912 1793 Liberty Cap. All legible. Black color. Poor / 0/?G 1913 1794 An extremely beautiful impression. Slightest possible friction on the hair. Very desirable c- o 1914 1795 Thin die. Perfectly uncirculated. One Cent high up in t h e w r e a t h . Ve r y d e s i r a b l e / 1 9 1 5 1 7 9 0 L i b e r t y C a p . U n u s u a l l y fi n e i m p r e . s s i o n , o f t h i s r a r e type. Barely circulated. Very scarce y 3 O 1910 1796 Fillet head. Cracked die. Perfectly uncirculated and rare / o o 1917 1797 Perfectly uncirculated. Scarce ^ 1918 1798 Barely circulated. Fine and scarce 1919 1798 Variety. Equally good and scarce 1930 1799 good impression, for date. Very rare ^ 2 J' 1921 1800 Better than usually found. A trifle circulated J-J-O 1932 1801 Barely circulated. Very rare in this condition J yj- 1923 1802 Barely circulated. Very rare in this condition


(T'd 1024 1303 Barely circulated. Very strong impression. Very rare i n t h i s c o n d i t i o n / /^ Cro 1035 1804 Broken die. Fine impression. Barely circulated / 1026 1804 Perfect die. Very good and rare / O-b Unusually line impression. Scarce in this condition O'yj' 1028 1800 Barely circulated. Extremely rare in this condition. ' / D a r k o l i v e c o l o r y J~d 1020 1807 Barely circulated impression. Light olive color. Very r a r e i n t h i s c o n d i t i o n Joc 1030 1808 Unusually good for this date. Very scarce J j-o 1031 1800 Unusually good for this date. Very scarce / / a 1033 1810 Very good. Somewhat circulated 1 0 3 3 1 8 11 F i n e f o r t h i s d a t e . E a r e j-yj- 1034 1812 Fine uncirculated impression j a 1813 Very line impression yjy' ^ 1936^ 1037 1814 1816 Very Broken flue. die. Been Uncirculated plugged ^ j~ 1038 1817 Uncirculated 1930 1817 Variety. Uncirculated // 1940 1817 Broken die. Uncirculated ^ J-1941 1817 Fine. Corroded / i>-z> 1942 1818 Uncirculated / j-a 1943 1819 Uncirculated. Extremely fine / ^ ^ 1944 1830 Bright red. Uncircnlated. Cracked die 1945 1830 Olive color. Perfectly uncirculated /J'oa 1^^® Unusually fine impression. Barely circulated. Very rare / 1947 1832 Unusually tine impression. Red color

1956 1830 A trifle circulated, but very tine 3 J ~ o 1957 1831 Uncirculated. Unusually fine impression

1958 1833 F i n e f o r t h i s d a t e

/_ Cr-U 1959 1833 Uncirculated 1900 1834 Small date. Uncirculated

X- 1901 1835 Uncirculated. Bright red. Exceedingly scarce j Ji7 1963 1830 Uncirculated. Bright red. Exceedingly scarce -2, a 1963 1837 Uncirculated. Bright red. Exceedingly scarce 3 o a 1964 1838 Beautiful impression, almost proof. Exceedingly scarce j-y2- 1905 1839 Booby Head. Beautiful impression. Bright red color. Extremely scarce Jyj- 1900 1840 Large date. Beautiful impression. Bright red color. Extremely scarce JZJ- 1967 1841 Date tarnished. Beautiful impression. Bright red color. Extremely scarce 1!)08 1843 Large date. Uncirculated. Olive color

1909 1843 Date to left. Uncirculated. Red color /_pS- 1970 1844 Uncirculated. Red color. Ve r y s c a r c e 1971 1845 Uncirculated. Red color. Very scarce 1846 Uncirculated. Red color. Ve r y s c a r c e 1978 1847 Uncirculated. Red color. Very scarce /j^^o 1974 1848 Fine 2'>roof. Very rare J/Z- 19'^5 1849 Uncirculated. Red color. Very scarce J/Lc. 1976 1850 Uncirculated. Red color. Very scarce 1977 1851 Uncirculated. Red color. Very scarce J-o 1978 1853 Uncirculated. Red color. Very scarce Z o 1979 1858 Uncirculated. Red color. Very scarce tj~~ o ^ 1980 1854 Fine jiroof. Very rare 1981 1855 Fine proof. Very rare yj-^ 1982 1856 Fine proof. Very rare 1983 1857 Fine proof . Very rare

>2- 1984 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1801, 1804 Nickel Cents. Uncirculated

HALF CENTS. J^Jroo 1985 1798 Beautiful uncirculated impression. Olive color. Very rare 1986 1794 Equally fine, and very rare in this condition 1987 1795 Thick planchet. Fair for date. Scarce AMERICAN COPPER. 85

3 S'O 1988 1795 Thin plimchet. Uncirculated. Very pretty impression J7>-J^1989 1790 Struck from what is known as tbe Edwards die. Fine, but a little circulated. 12 struck

O t n > 1 9 9 0 1797 Uncirculated impression. Desirable / o a 1 9 9 1 1800 Nearly uncirculated. . Very scarce ' S'O 19931993 1803 Good as usually found. Scarce 1803 Very excellent impression /<3 1994 1804 Very line 1995 1805 Nearly as fine. Scarce 1990 1800 Fine Jo 1997 1807 F a i r f o r d a t e . S c a r c e 1998 1808 Poor. Scarce / ^ 1 9 9 9 1809 Very good 2000 1810 Uncirculated, lied color. E.xtremely rare in this cou- dition

2001 1811 Good for date

2003 1811 Not quite as good

2003 1825 Uncirculated

^ o 2004 18^0 Uncirculated 1828 12 Stars. Uncirculated. Jl oo 2005 Light olive color. Scarce 13 Stars. Uncirculated. 4o 2006 1838 Bright red. Scarce 2007 1829 Very flne 2008 1831 Fine proof. Extremely rare. Original 2 CO 1833 Fine proof Rare. Original ;L oa 2009 1833 Fine proof. Rare. Original /J-o 2010 2011 1833 Fine proof. Rare. Original 1834 Fine proof. Rare. Original X/i- 2012 1835 Fine iprvof. Rare. Original s;iro 2013 3014 1830 Fine proof. Extremely rare. Original

2015 1840 Fine proof. Extremely fare. Original

2010 1841 Fine proof. Extremely rare. Original

2017 1843 Fine proof. // E.xtreniely rare. Original

2018 1844 Fine -jyroof. Extremely rare. Original

2019 1845 Fine 2)roof. Extremely rare. Original ez-r 2020 1840 Fin-e 2mjof. Extremely rare. Original ^ c, O 2021 1847 Fine proof. Extremely rare. Original 86 AIIEKICAN COl'l'EK.

2022 184« Fitui pronf. Extremely rare. Original / ^ ^ 2023 1849 Small date. Fine proof. Extremely rare.

/ o a 2024 1850 Fi7ic jjroof. Origi n al J-i" 2035 1851 Uncirculated 2020 1852 Fine-proof. Extremely rare. Original // 2027 1852 Fine J!roof. Extremely rare. Original J-^ 2028 1853 Fine /J/203!) 1854 Fine proof. Rare. Original / y z 2030 1855 Fine proof Kare, Original J-cy 2031 1856 Very good 2032 1857 Uncirculated

f/ 2033 1837 Half Cent's worth of pure Copper. Fine 2034 1842 Electrotype. Fine

Eud of Foux'tli Nij?lit's Sale. F I F T H N I G H T ' S S A L E .

CALIFORNIA SOLD. ///^ oa 2035 1850 Ten Dollar Piece. Alau on Horseback Lassooing. Rev. Eagle. " Baldwin & Co., San Francisco." Uncirculaled. Very rare /aa 2030 1849 " N. G. and N. San Francisco, full weight of Half Eagle." Rev. Eagle. "California Gold without alloy." Un- circulated. Scarce 2- 2037 1853 Octagon Dollar. Uncirculated 2038 1854 Octagon Dollar. Uncirculated y^A-o 2039 1860 Octagon Dollar. Uncirculatcd 2040 1853 Round Half Dollar. Uncirculated // X 2041 1856 Octagon Half Dollar. Uncirculated 2043 1856 Octagon Half Dollar. Uncirculated ^7 2043 1856 Round Half Dollar. Uncirculated 2044 1858 Octagon Half Dollar. Rev. Flying Eagle. Uncirculated. Very rare ^^" 2045 1859 Octagon Half Dollar. Uncirculated / ^ ^ 2046 1859 Round Half Dollar. Uncirculated 2047 18G4 Round Half Dollar. Uncirculated 2048 1870 Octagon Half Dollar. Uncirculated

US' 2049 1854, 1859 and 1870 Octagon Quarters. Uncirculated 3 pieces J-r 2050 1856, 1859 and 1864 Round Quarters. Uncirculated 3 pieccs Jq 2051 Round Quarter. No date. Uncirculated

CAROLINA GOLD. j-Q 2052 " North Carolina Gold 5 Dollars, 20 Carats, ikc." Rev. " C, Beclitler, Assayer, Rutherford County." Uncirculated. Vei'y rare 2053 "North Carolina Gold 2,50." Rev. " C. Beclitler, lVtc., R u t h e r f o r d . " F i n e a n d r a r e 88 CAKr)LINA GOLD.

3054 1834 " Carolina Gold, August 1, 1834." Rev. C. Bechtler, at Rutherford. 5 Dollars. Fine and scarce kJ p c 3055 Carolina Gold. " Beclitler, 3.50." Very fine " N Carolina Gold Dollar Orw." Rev. C. Bechtler, &c. 28 c. / J ' c ? 3056 Uncirculated // 3057 "N Carolina Gold Dollar One..'' Rev. C. Bechtler, &c., 80c. Uncirculated 3058 Carolina One Dollar. C. Bechtler, &c., 38 c. Fair /./O 3059 A. Bechtler, Carolina Gold. One Dollar. Fine 3 pieces

/f 3060 Beclitler Carolina Gold. One Dollar. Battered

g-eorgia gold. 6- ^ 20G1 Geoi'gia Gold. 128 G. 23 Carats. Rev. C. Bechtler, 5 Dollars, at Rutherford. Uncirculated. Very rare ^i /2- 2062 Georgia Gold. 128 G. 23 Carats, $2.50. Fine and rare

3063 I860 Pilie's Peak Gold. Five D. Uncirculated. Rare ^,>iJ^ 3064 1860 Pike's Peak Gold. 3i^ D. Uncirculated. Rare ^ j'o 2065 1849 Mormon Five Dollar Gold Piece. Considerably worn. Scarce 2066 1849 Mormon Two Dollar and A Half Piece. Poor. Ex tremely rare

f o r e i g n C O I N S - S i l v e r a n d G o l d .

SPANISH. 1659 Brabant Dollar of Philip IIII. Very poor and very

rare 2068 1734 Half Dollar of Philip V. Pierced. Otherwise fair /, /3009 1798 Pillar Dollar, Ferd. VI. ■ Fine for period (oO 3070 1769 Pillar Ilalf Dollar, Carolus III. Fair condition 2071 1794 Pillar Dollar, Carolus III. Head rubbed. Otherwise very fine for the period FOREIGN COINS. 89

2072 Half Dollars, Carolus III and 4tli. All different. Much worn 7 pieces J * o 2 0 7 3 Q u a r t e r s . A l l d i f f e r e n t . P o o r 1 1 p i e c e s / 3 2 0 7 4 S h i l l i n g s . A l l d i f f e r e n t . P o o r 7 p i e c e s 2075 Sixpences. All different. Poor and good 8 pieces 2070 1718 Double Pistareen, Philip V. Very good for date 3 0 7 7 P l s t a r e e n s . P i e r c e d . G o o d a n d f a i r 2 p i e c e s ^ J' 2078 1821 10 Reals, Ferd. 7th. Head in circle. Rather poor /3 2079 1818 Shilling, Perd, 7th. Poor 2080 1850 Dollar, Isabel II. Very good. 20 Reales /J.J' 2081 1850 Pillar Dollar, Isabel II. Very good. 20 Reales yja 2082 18C0 Pillar Dollar, Isabel II. Very fine. 20 Reales 2083 1854 Pillar Half Dollar, Isabel 11. Very fine, 10 Renles XJ- 2084 1857 and '59 4 Reals, Isabel II. Very fine j-o 2085 1856 4 Reals, Isabel II. Fair. Variety /o 2086 1859 2 Reals, Isabel II. Very fine 2087 Cobb Dollar and Half Dollar. Very good for period ^ 2 0 8 8 C o b b M o n e y . M u c h w o r n 4 p i e c e s X 2089 Caracas Piece. Good condition, but pierced A- /J 2090 Caracas Money and Cut Money. Poor 8 pieces

/ 2 , 0 2091 1798 Dollar, Ford. 6th. Stamped on both sides with G. R. Curious. In good condition ^ 3' 7^ 2092Shilling 1806 English Dollar, Carolus token, IV. the On centre which has has been been struck cut a out.Five Fine and cuvions / J'o 2093 1809 8 Reals, Joseph Napoleon. Very fine and scarcc /2O94 1742 1-16 Doubloon, Philip V. Good 2095 1749 Oold 1-16 Doubloon, Ferd, VI. Good /y O <^^2096 1778 and '86 Gold 1-16 Doubloon, Carolus HI. Good 2 pieces 2097 1786 (?<^?(M-16 Doubloon, Carolus III. Perfectly uncirculated. Rare ^J'2'2098 1822 Mexican Dollar. " August Dei Prov." Iturbide, First Emperor of Mexico. Very fair and rare J J" 2100 1822 Mexican }£ Dollar. Rather poor. Rare / / 2101 1822, 1823 Mexican 5 Cent Pieces. Good. Rare 2 pieces ji J.S' 2102 1859 Mexican Dollar. Uncirculated impression 90 FOREIGN COINS.

/.3 / 3103 1803 Mexican llnlf Dollar. Beautiful impression. Almo.st proof. Rare 2104 1803 Mexican Quarter Dollar. Beautiful impression. Almost proof. Rare ^ J - 2 1 0 5 1850 Mexican Quarter. Almost as fine. Rare

2100 1824 and 1842 Mexican Quarters. Eagles to left and right. Ve r y g o o d . R a r e ^7 2107 1850 Mexican Dime. Uncirculated 2108 1831 Mexican Half Dime. Uncirculated

J.'TO 2109 1800 Maximilian Dollar. By far the finest impi-e.ssiou I Ikivi' e v e r s e e n

2110 1 8 0 0 M a x i m i l i a n H a l f D o l l a r . F i n e r t h a n u s u a l ^^2111 18C4 Maximilian 10 Cent Piece. Perfectly uncirculated 2112 1804 Maximilian 10 Cent Piece. Perfectly uncirculated

JO2113 1804 Maximilian 5 Cent Piece. Fine •2114 1800 GoM Maximilian 20 Pesos. United States Mint "Weight 21 Dwt, I7I4; Grs. Fine proof. Very rare in this con dition 2115 1817 000 Reis, John of Portugal and Brazil. Uncirculated and scarce

2110 1821 !)00 Reis, John 0th, Portugal and Brazil. Very good condition

J'O 2117 1820 320 Reis, John 0th, Portugal and Brazil. Good ^j^2118 1827 000 Reis, Peter 1st of Brazil. Beautiful uncirculated piece 2119 1863 2000 Reis, Peter 2d of Brazil. Uncirculated 2120 1857 1000 Reis, Peter 2d of Brazil. Uncirculated

Jo2121 1800 500 Reis, Peter 2d of Brazil. Uncirculated 1855 and 1800 200 Reis, Peter 2d of Brazil. Uncirculated /yo 2122 2 pieces SJ"2123 1720 Gold 400 Reis, John 5th, Portugal and Brazil. Fair

2124 1880 Dollar, Wm., King of the Netherlands. Barely circulated. Rare

2125 1832 1 Gulden, Wm., King of the Netherlands. Barely circula ted. Rare

2120 1820 3^ Gulden, Wm., King of the Netherlands. Barely circulated. Rare I ' - O R E I G X C O I X S . 91

/ yj " 2127 N e d 1830 e r l a nY2. c l s cGulden, l i I n d i eWm., . " " HKing a l v eof Gthe u l dNethevlimils. e n " i n w r e Kev. a t h . Fine and .scarce 3128 1824 Gold 10 Gulden, Wm., King of Netherlands. Very tine io 2120 1827 Gold o Gulden, Wni., King of Netherlands. Very fine / 2130 1032 Crown of Belgium. .Much worn. Very scarce J gy 3131 1683, 1730 Half and Quarter Crown of Belgium. Much circu lated. Scarce / <^0 3133 1850 5 Francs, Leopold of Bel gium Fine 2^ 3133 1834 5 Francs, Leopold of Belgium, Fine proof J-J~ 2134 1834 2 Francs, Leopold of Belgium. Fine proof 3135 1834 1 Fianc, Leopold of Belgium. Uncirculated. Proof polish 2 o 3130 1834 Yi Franc, Leopold of Belgium. Uncirculated. Proof polisli /J' 3137 1834 Franc, Leopold of Belgium. Uncirculated. Proof polish 2 pieces J <)-<:> 2138 1703 7 Gilder Piece, of Holland. Fine and rare 3139 1831 Gold Ducat, Belgium. Very tine ^ 3140 1833 Gold Ducat, Belgium. Very fine / / ^ 2141 1809 5 Lire, Napoleon of Italy. Head rubbed. Otherwise fair /_3o 2143 1811 5 Lire, Napoleon of Italy. Rather better / 3143 1808 120 Grani, Joseph Napoleon of Sicily. Very good con dition jl,c> 3144 4 Keals, Joseph Napoleon of Sicily. All poor 4 pieces 3145 1850 1 Paul of Leopold II of Sicily. Very line

So 3154 1858 5 Baiocchi, Pius IX. Perfectly uncirculated / ^ 3155 1850 and '53 20, 10, 5 Baiocclii, Pius IX. Various dates. Very fine 3 pieces y 3150 1842 5 Baiocclii, Gregory XVI. Poor 2157 Medal of St. Peter. Head. Rev. Innoc. XI, P. M. Very good 3. 2158 185G Gold 2.50 Sciuli, Pius IX. Perfectly uncirculated /.yj 2159 1858 frCi?(n Scudi, Pius IX. Perfectly uncirculated 2160 1853 Gold 1 Scudi, Pins IX. Perfectly uncirculated ^ 2161 1838 Very beautiful proof set of Russian Silver Coins, consist ing of 134:, 1, y,, Roubles, and 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 Copecs, in all nine pieces. The only perfect set I believe ever offered, and this set was procured by Colonel , Cohen, when in liussia, in the year 1833 ^^"2162 1857 35 Kopecs. Fine proof ^ 2163 1856 Two 20 Knpecs. Uncirculated " 2164 1832 15 Kopecs. Fine proof Z/^J'o 2165 1833 (toW 5 Roubles. Beautiful proof. Scarce 1 8 5 9 G o l d s R o u b l e s . U n c i r c u l a t e d ^ 3 1 6 7 1 8 3 4 3 R o u b l e s . P r o o f / i p 2 1 6 8 1 7 7 9 G o l d , A b o u t o n e d o l l a r o f K a t h e r i n e I I . F i n e The following set is in Phdinuni. f ^ J'c 2169 1833 12 Rouble.s. Brilliant proof. Execcdinylij rare J- c 2170 1833 6 Roubles. Brilliant proof. Excccdiugly rare J ^ ^ 3171 1833 3 Roubles. Brilliant proof. Mvceedingly rare y 3172 1832 15 Kopecs. Barely proof. Very rare

JAPANESE. 2173 Gold Cobang. Very scarce J. Sy 2174 Gold Cobang. Small size, pierced / 3 1 7 5 G o l d I t z e b u e . S c a r c e J a 2176 Gold Parts of Itzebue. 3 sizes. Alloyed j_ 2177 Silver Double Itzebue. Fine and very scarce 2 1 7 8 S i l v e r T w o I t z e b u e s . U n c i r c u l a t e d ^ ^ 2179 Silver Two more; a little circulated J^ 2180 Silver Three Quarter Itzebues. Fine 3 pieces 2181 Silver Quarter Dollar of the new coinage. Uncirculated J- 2182 Two brass Coins with square holes. Tempo's FOKKION COINS. 93

/ l Siam Money. Silver. Sibat, Songbat, Tical or Bat Song Sa- lung, Salung, Fung Sung Pie, Pie 8 pieces /oJ^ 31!)3 Siam Money. Sibat, Tical or Bat, 3 Fung 4 pieces 6 •!>~a 3193 (toM II4 Ducat, Louis IV of , Emperor of , 1314 to 1837. Ob. " Ludovicus Dei Gra. Romanorum Imp." The Emperor in Armor, &c. Very good condi tion for the period Tlic following information, kindly fiu-nished by a friend, may be interesting to collectors—he says that Cappfr and Koehler call this coin ''very rare." Tliieme names it " Klinkbeurt," and Erbstein a " Chaise d'Or or Gouden Schild.'^ It is supposed that this is the Hrst coin on which the Double Eagle appeared, and in this the Emperor is resting his left hand on a triangular shield bearing a two-headed Eagle, U- a-o 3194 tr'oA; Agnes Dei d'Or of Nuremburg. Ob. the Lamb with a Flag on a Cross. Fine and very scarce ^ O-o 3185 Gold Square Ducat of Nuremburg. A Lamb bearing a Flag with the word " Pax " on it. Very flne and scarce ^J- 3190 1848 Gold Hungarian Magyar Ducat. In beautiful con dition, and very interesting from its connection with Kossuth j> 3197 1800 Gold. A piece of Louis Napoleon of Holland. Value about $3 in Gold. Very good and scarce

^0 3108 Gold. Theauction. smallest On the Gold Obverse Coin I itbelieve has two ever keys offered crossed at and Rev. Liberty Cap between a double headed Eagle. A curious little coin, everything quite distinct. Scarce

3 ) 9 0 G o l d . A n o t h e r s i m i l a r . S c a r c e 1)4 FOKKKrN COIiNS.

7 7 / 0 f o U o i r h i f j o t ' c » t t j f p o H ( ' d f o h t - .

2200 (void Coin. Ob. Urest. Shield supported ty a Lion on one side and a Dragon on llie other, over the shield a plume of feadiers. On tlx? Shield a Lion resting with the Sun behind. Kev. An inscription in the language of the connti-y. Its weight is about $:) in gold. Proof and v e r y s c a r c e / j - o 2201 Scla'r. Another, e.xcepting tlie .Metal and its thickness, pre cisely the same 2202 Silcur. A dupliciiti! of the preceding 220:i Copp(:;r. A Lion resting, the Sun beliind. No reverse. Very line

TURKISH COINS. / 2204 (hdd Aljeautikd Coin (size 17). Perfectly uncirculatcd. Value ji. in Gold §2.25. Very rare /,/c? 2205 (Jold. Another just half the size, aud e(iually line and rare 920G (told. Two (Quarters. Plqually fine and rare

a-r- 2207 Gold. Another, (Quarter. Similar, but been circulated 2208 (rold. Two smaller pieces, beautiful, and two still s:::aller. Value in (jold $1

2200 Gold,. Five small pieces. Value in gold $1 2210 Gold. Another variety. Value in .yivW §2. Fine 2311 Silver, A beautiful set of line pieces from 40 Piastres down to ij. Rarely found in such flue condition

/J- 2212 Silver,. Three pieces. Equally flne, but quite a different type. Say 20, 10 and ;J Piastres. It-tre and as desirable as pre- ociding


OO N". E. Sliilliiig. Original but battered, as usual. Very fair for the piece. Very rare ^ 2214 N. E. Sixpence. Believed original. INIore battered, but very

jare 221.J 1652 Pine Tree Sliillijig. Very flue condition. Karc J~<5' 22l() 1652 Pine Tree Shilling. Variety. Pierced in the ccnlre. Otherwise good ^ ^ 32J7 1652 Another, Variety. Obverse rubbed. Rev, Fair COLONIAr, PIKCES. 95

J-J, J" 2218 1052 Another. Variety. Answers to No. 14 in Crosby. Yer^- fine. Rare ^ 2319 1053 Another. Variety. Smaller type. Very good j!_ X J' 2220 1652 Aiiotlier. Same tjqie, but rubbed. Rather poor ^ ^ J' 2221 1C52 Pine Tree Sixpence. Very fine J J, 2222 1052 Aiiothcr. Rather larger plancliet. Very good 2223 1052 Anothei-. Very good X 3 y 2224 1052 Another. ]\Iore rubbed. Barely fair ^ _2-J' 2225 1052 Pine Tree Threepence. A little rubbed. Otherwise verj- good ^ ^ J' 3220 1053 Anotlier. Smaller jjlanchet. Very fine 3237 1053 Another. Smaller type. Uncirculated. Exceedingly scarce J" 3238 1003 Oak Tree Twopence. Fine. Rare 3330 1003 Another. Very good. Rare ^yj- 3330 1052 Oak Tree Shilling. Very fine and scarce ^^c/'3231 1052 Anotlier. Very similar. Very good ^ So 3333 1053 Another. Same type. Not quite equal to preceding ^ 0233 1053 Another. Different type. Fine and rare 3234 1052 Oak Tree Sixpence. Vi'vil fine and scarce J 3y 2235 1052 Another. Very fair and scarce J, ao 3330 1053 Oak Tree Threepence. Very good y ^ " 7 A n o t h e r . V e r y p o o r / t/2? 3338 1653 Another. Very poor 2239 1052 Oak Tree Twopence. Barely fair, a little broken fy 2340 1052 Another. Pierced and very poor S a 2241 Lord Baltimore or iMaryland Shilling. A fine and very nearly uncirculated specimen. Veinj rare ^ ^ 2343 Lord Baltimore Sixpence. Companion to the above. All but uncirculated Exceedingly raic in this condilion

/ London Elephant. Very poor /o.^c 3249 Rosa Americana Penny. Without date and without crown. Uncirculated. Extremely rare in tliis condition ^ 2250 Rosa Americana Penny. Struck in Lead. Trial piece. E.x- ceedingly rare 2251 1722 Rosa Americana Halfpenny. Very poor ^''^3 Rosa Amei icana Farthing. Barelj'^ fair. Very scarce .y22o.:5 1723 Rosa Americana Penny. With Crown. Almost uncircu lated. Very scarce ^ 2254 1723 Rosa AmericanF, Half Penny. Very good and scarce 1523 Rosa Americana Farthing. Good and scarce 225« 1787 "Value me as you please." Rev. "I cut my way thJ'ougli." An axe in the centre. Very poor. Equally rare 2257 1737 Obv Same. Very poor. Rev. "I am pure Copper." Three hammers. Very poor and and rare 3258 I/GO Pitt Token. No Stamps. Uncirculated. Very rare in t h i s c o n d i t i o n 3368" 17C7 Colonies Francoises R. F. Very good for the piece ^j~ 2359 1767 Colonies Francoises without R. F. Pierced, otherwise good ^ ^ 2260 1723 Colonies Francoises. Very good (i a o 3361 1773 Virginia Half Penny. Large planchet. Bronze lyroof. Very rare <5^? 3262 1773 Virginia Half Penny. Large planchet. Copper. Un circulated / 2363 1773 Virginia Half Penny. Small planchet. Copper. Un circulated ^2364 1773 Virginia Half Penny. Large planchet. Copper. Un circulated / 2365 1773 Virginia Half Penny. Small planchet. Copper. Un circulated ^ 2266 James II, Tin piece. . Perfectly uncirculated. Very scarce 3267 1776 Continental Curency. Uncirculated. White Metal. Very rare COLONIAL I'lECES. 97

22G8 177(1 Continental Currency. This lias E.G. Fecit. A ver}^ rare type. W. M. Uncirculated ^ J~

o 2209 1785 Auctori Coiinec. Head to right. 3 varieties. Fine 'f 2.'500 1 787 Auctori Coiinec. Head to left. 2 varieties. Veiy good ^ yJ' 2801 1787 Auctori Plul)is. Rev. " Index et Lit)er." Veryfmea'id v e r y s c a r c e ^ oo 3802 1787 Anotlier. Tlie sanu; condition and very scarce ^ J'o 2808 178fi Nova Ca3S irea. Very beautiful impression and scarce 2304 1786 Nova Oivsarea. Variely. Good o 3305 1787 Nova OiKsarea. Large planclict. A in Nova very small. B a r e l y c i r c i d a t e d 3306 1787 Nova Ca-sarea.' Large plancliet. 3 varieties. Very goo J " 3307 1787 Nova C.Tsarca. Smaller planchet. 3 pieces Very good 2308 1787 Nova CiPsarea. Smaller [)lanc!iet. Variety. Very good ^ 3 8 0 0 1 7 8 8 N o v a G u - s a r e a . H e a d t o l e f t . B a r e l y f a i r. B . x ' t r e m e l y ' r a r e

J J~c/ 3310 1788 Nova C;L>sarca. Head to left. Not (juit(! as good. Ex tremely lare 3311 1787 George Clinton. Head to right. "Excelsior," Arms State of New York. Fair condition. Extremely rare /g'^ 3812 1787 " E.xcelsior," Arms State of New York. Rev. Eagle, E Pluribus Unum. Very good and rcrij rare. Known as t h e E x c e l s i o r C e n t 1787 Immunis Columbia. Very fair condition. Scarce 3310 Kentucky Cent. Lettered edge. Thick planchet. Uncircu lated. Very scarce 2 3 3 0 A n o t h e r. I ' l i i n p l a n c h e t . U n c i r c u l a t e d . Ve r y s c a r c e ^ 1 7 9 6 F r a n c o A m e r i c a n a C o l o n l a . H U v e r. P r o o f . R a r e ^ Z 3333 1796 Another. Die cracked. Sllcei. Proof. Rare / / c 3328 1796 Another. Perfect die. Copper. Proof. Rare / A j-j-^ 3334 Set of Wyatt's Money. N. E. Shilling and Sixpence, Pine ■d ' Tree Shilling, Sixpence, Threepence, Twopence and P e n n y 7 p i e c e s (COLONIAL PIKOES. !J9

•yj~ 2335 Auctori Couiiec. Head to ri^ht, " El Lib. Iiulc.'' liare. / O n l y f a i l l e 2 B 2 G - A u c t o r i G o n u e c . F a i r t o g o o d 3 0 p i e c e s 2 3 2 7 N o v a C u e s a r e a . P o o r t o g o o d 8 p i e c e s / c / : 2 3 2 8 L o t o f P o o r C o l o n i a l s I G p i e c e s ^ 1 - 2 3 2 9 N o v a E b o r a c . P o o r 3 p i e c e s / ^ J —

T H R E E B E A U T I F U L C O I N C A S E S .

^_^_^^' incites 2330 Solid deep. Rosewood 24 drawers, Cabinet, 253^ one iuclies very liigli, deep, 211^ inches all linedwide, with velvet ani.1 stripped. Inside measure of the drawers 18 Ij; 11 ^ double doors, I3ramah's patent locks, brass handles on the sides. In perfect condition and very ex- [)ensive CP o 2331 Solid Rosewood Cabinet, 2OI4 inches high, 13 inches wide, llj^ inches deep. 10 drawers, lined with velvet and stripjied. Inside measure 11 x !). Bramah locks. Is in same condition 00 3332 Solid Rosewood Cabinet, 21 inches high, I3J2 inches wide, 12 inches deep. 21 drawers, lined with velvet and stripped. 10''C x !». Bramah lock. In same condition

BOOKS. J'So 3333 Tlie Coinage of the British Empire. By Henry Noel Humphreys. Illustrated by Fac-siniiles of the Coins of each period. 4to, cloth, gilt Lond. 1854 2334 An Historical Account of American Coinage. By John II. Hickcox. Illustrated. 4to, paper. Out of print and very scarce Albany, 1858 J tS' o 2335 The WashingLon and National Medals. Bj^ J. R. Snowden. Illustrated. 4to, cloth Phila. 1861 2330 Eckfcldt and DuBois. Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. Scarce Phila. 1842 ysa 233^ DicUeson, M. W. Tlie American Numismatic Manual. Illustrated. 4to, cloth Phila. 1800 2338 Prime, W. C. Coins, Medals and Seals, Ancient and Modern. - S m a l l 4 t o N . Y . 1 8 6 1 HOOKS.

JL .y J Si'M Suelling-, T. Gokl Coin and Coinage of Engliind, tVom Heiuy / III, to tlie Present Time. Illustrated. 4to, half sheep Lond. 17G3 3:j40 Siieiling, T. Silver Coins, from the Norman Conquest to the Present Time. Illustrated. 4to, half sheep Lond. 17G3 / . < 5 i S i U t e r l e e ' s P r e s i d e n t i a l S e r i e s . 8 v o , j i a p i - r N . Y. 1 8 0 3 2343 Jones, G. F. The Coin f!oll(!Ctor's ^lanual. 4to, paper Phila. 1860 2343 The Earl^' Coins of America, and the Laws Governing their Issue. Comprising also Descriptions of the AVasliington Pieces, the Anglo-American Tokens, many pieces of Unknown Origin of the 17t1i and 18th Centuries, and the First Patterns of the United States Mint. Profusely Illustrated by S. S. Crosby. 4to, paper. 11 Nos. (JonqMe Bost. 1873 ^-'^ 2344 Imlay and Bickuell's Coins of the World. Illustrated. 4to, p a p e r P h i l a . 1 8 3 9 3345 Bushnell's Account of the First Three Business Tokens of N e w Y o r k . P a p e r N . Y . 1 8 5 9 2340 Cogan's Table of Coins not issued by the U. S. Mint. 8vo, p a p e r N . Y . 1 8 7 1 / o o a y 4 7 L i n c o l n ' s B o o k C a t a l o g u e L o u d . 1 8 6 1 3348 William Chaffer's Catalogue. Scarce Lond. 1855


2349 1858 Nov. J. E. Cogan, Pluladelphla. Priced / < s > 2 3 5 0 1859 Feb. 38. H. Bogert, New York. Priced " 3 3 5 1 1859 Dec, 18, 19. J. N. T. Levick, Philadelphia. Priced ^ J ' 3 3 5 3 Tlie same. Large paper. Scarce /3353 1860 May 21, 33. E. Cogan, Philadelphia. Priced 3354 1860 Oct. 18, 19. E. Cogan, Pliiladelphia. Printed priced Supplement 335o 1860 Dec. 13, 14. Bangs, Merwin & Co., New York. Priced 1863 March 35, 36. E. Cogan, Philadelphia / 3357 1863 J. K. Ciirtis's Priced Catalogue 3358 1863 Sept. 33, 33. G. F. Seavey, New York. Priced \^3359 1803 Oct. 30, 31, 33, 33, 34. Woodward, New York. Priced CATAr.OftUES. 101

2300 1804 17, ttc. J. F. jMcCoy. Priced and iiiinied. Bound in lialf morocco 2301 1804 June 21, 22. G. F. Seavey, New York. Priced and named 1804 Ocl. 18, &c. W. E. "Woodward. New York. Pi'iced and named 1805 March 13, &c. Dr. Chilton, New Y^ork. Priced ISO", April, 27, 28, 29. J. N. T. Levick, 2sew York. Priced 180/5 June 20. E. Cogan, New York. Priced and named 1805 Oct. 10, &c. F. S. Edwards, New York. Priced and /O S'. named 1805 Dec. 19, &c. AV. E. Woodward, New Y'ork. Priced 1807 ^Alarch 18. Birch & Son, Philadelphia. Priced and named /f 2300 1807 June 5, 0, 7. L. Brechmin, Philadelphia. Priced 2370 1807 Oct. 28, &c. J. J. Mickley, New York. Priced and named JaO 2371 1S00 June 23, 24. M. iSIacKenzie, New Y'ork. Illustrated. Priced and named. Bound in half morocco 2372 1800 Sept. 37, 28. E. Cogau, New Y''ork. Priced and named 3373 1809 Oct. 18, 10. J. C. Randall, Philadelphia. Priced and mimed A 2374 1870 ^lay 25, 20, 27. Allan Silver Cabinet, New York. Illus trated 2375 1870 June 17. Mason & Co., New Y'ork. Priced and named 1871 Feb. 27, &c. Ex. Gov. Packer, New York. Priced ,£>.,^-2377 1871 Dec. 5, 0, 7. Chas. Clay, New York. Illustrated. Priced and named 2378 Priced and named Catalogue of the Cuff Cabinet of Coins and Aledals. Sold in Loudon, June 20, 1854, and following days. 8vo, half morocco ^370 1850 4 Catalogues. Some partly priced I 2380 1800 8 Catalogues. Some partly priced / 2381 1801 5 Catalogue.?. Some partly priced I 2382 1802 0 Catalogues. Some partly jyriced /J.-J. 2383 1803 10 Catalogues. Some partly priced J~ 3384 1804 3 Catalogues. Some partly priceil ^ 3385 1805 8 Catalogues. Some partly priced 2o8(5 ISOf) 0 Ciitiilogucs. Some piirtlj' priced '/ 2387 18()7 G Catiilogues. SoniR piirtly priced 2:i88 1808 2 Catalogues. Some partly priced 7 238!) 180!) 14 Catalogues. Some partly priced 23!)0 1870 11 Catalogues. Some partly priced j^2391 1871 14 Catalogues. Some partly priced 2392 1872 7 Catalogues. Some partly priced 23!)3 1873 12 Catalogues. Some partly priced 2394 1875 4 Catalogues. Some partly priced /; 2395 Mason's Monthly Coin and Stamp Collector's Magazine. Com plete. 7 vols ^ 2390 25 Various Catalogues. Some partly priced ^ 2397 25 Various Catalogues. Some partly priced J 2398 20 Various Catiilogui's. Some (lartly priced / 2399 Satirical Catalogue of 10 lots of Coins—"The property of (,ointoem Strong, Esq." Very few issued, and really

v e r y r a r t ;

J a o 2400 Magnifying 01as<, with haiidh'

E R R A T A .

ot 160. For "Denver" read " Dahlouega" Mint. ' 2 0 7 . F o r " D e n v e r " r e a d " D a l i l o n e g a " Mint. ' 2 0 9 . This is also Dahlonega Mint. ' 2 0 6 . This is Charlotte, N. C. Mint. ' 2 3 4 . 1 8 4 9 . T h i s i s a G o l d D o l l a r. ' 1 4 4 9 . F o r " N i c k e l " r e a d " S i l v e r . "