Date: 29/10/2013 DH-DD(2013)711 rev

Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers.

Meeting: 1179meeting (24-26 September2013) (DH)

Item reference: Communication from the authorities (additional information) (20/06/2013) (105 pages)

Communication from concerning the case of M.S.S. against Belgium and Greece (Application No. 30696/09).

Information made available under Rule 8.2.a of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements.


Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

Réunion : 1179réunion (24-26 septembre2013) (DH)

Référence du point : Communication des autorités(105 pages)

Communication de la Grèce relative à l’affaire M.S.S. contre Belgique et Grèce (requête30696/09) n° (anglais uniquement).

Informations mises à disposition en vertu de la8.2. Règlea des Règles du Comité des Ministres pour la surveillance de l’exécution des arrêts et des termes des règlements amiables. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece I distribué à la dem ande d e la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility ol the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee ol Ministers. I Les documents distribués à la demande d'un/e Représentant/e le sont sous ta seule responsabilité dudit/do ladite Représentant/e. sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique d u Comité d e s Ministres.


2 ü JUIN 2013

I SER I d e s

itrrrrtnsLHi ATiOH pgrmaniwtiî d e la grece AUl'ItrS OU CONSEIL Oli L'EUROPE

Strasbourg, le 20 juin 2013

no : I'. 6702/71/AS 553 Madame Geneviève Mitycr Chef du Service de l'exécution tics arrêts de la CEDH DGI, Conseil de I "Europe F- 67075, Strasbourg

Re ; Affaire MSS t. Belgique cl Grèce (no 31)696/09).

Chère Madame Mayer,

Comme c’ctait annoncé pendant la I I64ème Réunion CM-DH où l’affaire citée en litre a été examinée pour Ja dernière fois, veuillez bien trouver ci-joint en version anglais, le Plan d'Action National en minière d’Asile révisédes autorités grecques ( Ministère de l ’Ordre Public et de la Protection tin Citoyen ) dont les lignes directrices et les points essentiels je vous ai faits part pendant la Réunion.

J’ai aussi le plaisir de porter à votre connaissance que le Service t/’Asilc prévu par le Plan d*Action National du 2010 et la Loi 3097/2011, a commencé à opérer pleinement et examiner des demandes de protection internationale, lu 07.116,2013,

S "agissant de PAutorité des Recours prévue également par les normes ci-dcssus pour examiner des demandes de protection internationale en 2c,ne dégrée, ayant déjà engagé ic personnel nécessaire va commencer à opérer les jours suivants.

Le Centre de Premier Accueil à Athènes (central), a commencé à fonctionner le 15 mars 2013 et il sera pleinement opérationnel fin juin 2013, Deux encore Centres de Premier Accueil (l’un à l'île de Lcsbos cl un deuxième à Athènes) seront pleinement opérationnels d ’ici fin 2013.

Tous les trois Services sont actuellement en train de recruter du personnel additionnel afin de mieux s’acquitter de leurs fonctions. DH-DD(2013)711 ; distributed at the request of G reece/distribué à la demande delà Grèce, Documents distributed at the request ol a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. I Les docum ents distribués à la dem ande d'un/e Représentante le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentante, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Com ité d e s Ministres

Je vous saurai gré Madame de bien vouloir porter ces informations à la connaissance du Comité des Ministres.

Inutile d’ajouter que les autorités grecques continueront à faire part au Comité de tout nouvelle ou complément d’information conformément à la demande des délégués et la décision adoptés pendai/i la I I64ème Réunion CM-DI-I, dans les délais voulus.

Bien zà \jou,

O il ra njy-tPîffso po u lo u Contémèjc Juridique Représentation Permanente de la Grèce auprès du Conseil de l’Europe

21 Place Broglie, 67000 Strasbourg - tel. 00 33 388 328818 - fax 00 33 388 2312-16 DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


MINISTRY OF PUBLIC ORDER AND CITIZEN PROTECTION DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...... 3 CHAPTER î, FIRST RECEPTION...... 5 Summary ...... 5 Matrixi.i, Establishment of First Reception Service in Greece ...... 6 Matrixi.2, Reception in Greece pending establishment of First Reception Centres ...... 27 CHAPTER 2, ASYLUM IN GREECE...... 30 2.1. Implementation of Asylum procedure during Transitional Period ...... 30 2.2. Reform of Asylum Procedure ...... 31 Matrix 2.1., Implementation of Asylum Procedure during Transitional Period ...... 32 Matrix 2.2., Reform of the Asylum Procedure ...... 38 CHAPTER 3, RECEPTION OF ASYLUM SEEKERS, VULNERABLE GROUPS AND UNACCOPMANIED MINORS...... 47 (• Summary...... 47 Matrixs, Reception of Asylum Seekers, Vulnerable Groups and Unaccompanied Minors ...... 48 CHAPTER 4, PRE - REMOVAL CENTRES...... 53 Summary...... 53 Matrix4, Pre - Removal Centres ...... 55 CHAPTER 5, RETURNS - PROVISION OF SERVICES...... 65 Summary...... 65 Matrixß, Returns - Provision of Services ...... 66 CHAPTER 6, BORDER CONTROL...... 74 Summary...... 74 Matrixö, Border Control ...... 79 ANNEX I ,...... 98 ANNEX II, ...... 101 ANNEX II I,...... 102 Qj Appendix IV, Explanation Notes for the colum ns of the Action P la n ...... 104 DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



The implementation of the Greek Action Plan on Asylum and Migration Management, submitted to the Commission in August 2010, has been speeded up since August 2012. Based upon the experience of the current actions it has been revised. It reflects the current state of affairs and it includes concrete objectives and deliverables in order to ensure fast and significant progress. Thus, this revised Action Plan allows for a concrete picture as regards the degree of implementation and the actual needs of the National authorities.

The EU General Programme Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows (SOLID Funds) could cover a part of identified needs within the limits of available resources and the respective areas of eligibility. For the period of 2011-2013, Greece was allocated with the amount of M 98,6 € for the Return Fund, M 132,8 € for the External Borders Fund and M 19,95 € for the European Refugee Fund.

To be noted that the ERF allocation for 2013 is limited and amounts to M 3,2 €. The Greek allocations under the Return Fund and the External Borders Fund for 2013 are respectively M 35,3 € and M 44 €.

In addition, the possibility to cover some other needs could be explored within the Greek programmes under the EU Structural Funds. However, additional funding will be required from other sources.

The revised Action Plan is been drawn based on two important dimensions: the access to international protection and the establishment of an effective system of border management and returns.

The revised twofold Greek Action Plan on Asylum and Migration Management establishes a new First Reception Service, a new Asylum Service, a new Appeals Authority as well as an effective, humane oriented returns system based on IOM programmes on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration and on forced returns according to various Readmission Agreements with third countries.

Facing the immense challenge of a large flow of irregular migrants in the recent years, the Greek Government has proceeded with the reinforcement of Greece’s external borders, of Europe’s eastern external borders, strengthening the border, implementing electronic surveillance at the Evros border operational centres, completing the border fence and deploying patrol boats to strengthen river patrols. These actions have resulted in a more than 90% decrease of entries of irregular migrants.

The new First Reception Service complemented by the new Asylum Service will manage all irregular migrants who are intercepted on Greek soil. The first one will have the sole task of screening irregular migrants to identify their identity and nationality, to register them, to provide, if needed, medical and psychological support, to inform them on their obligations and rights, especially on their right to seek international protection, while the latter, being independent and operated by civil servants trained by specialists in the field with the cooperation of UNHCR and EASO, will have the sole task of granting asylum or subsidiary protection in a short period of time to all those who are actually eligible for such a status.

Meanwhile, the Greek Government has expedited the old appeals files - the so called backlog - by forming a special task force of 120 cadets who have updated the existing database and archived the non-active cases.

Special care is taken for vulnerable groups, such as unaccompanied minors, single-parent families and migrants with health issues. The Greek Government, in cooperation with IOM Greece will build a network of all key stakeholders that will assist in supporting the establishment of two new reception facilities that will provide care and services to irregular migrants who are especially vulnerable. Complementary to the above measures, reception conditions in the Evros region and the Aegean Islands have been improved, in line with the national, European and International legislation and recommendations. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


In another step forward in view of maximising the strategic planning in the implementation of the Greek Action Plan on Migration and Asylum, the relevant Greek authorities have submitted to the European Commission concrete proposals to enable the Member-States to better target their assistance and proceed rapidly on an exercise matching it with actual needs.

The Greek Government having committed itself to completing the establishment of a Common European Asylum System (CEAS), recalls that solidarity has been an essential component and a guiding principle of the CEAS from the outset, as well as constituting a core principle of EU law according to which Member States must share both advantages and burdens in an equal and lair manner.

December 2012 DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


CHAPTER i First Reception

Summary Over the last ten years Greece experienced a sharp rise of irregular migration. The first reception and asylum systems were congested by vast numbers of mixed migratory flows and asylum applications. The unprecedented numbers of irregular migrants entering Greece affected both the Greek society and the first reception and granting of international protection functioning.

As a response to this situation and based upon practices already applied in other E.U. countries, Greece legislated law No 3907/2011 establishing the First Reception Service for an effective and humane management of third-country nationals illegally entering the country, respecting their dignity, by subjecting them to first reception procedures.

The First Reception Service (FRS) is responsible,for the overall management of illegal border crossings of third country nationals entering the country or arrested on Greek soil. Following illegal entry, the task of FRS is to provide information to migrants, operate screening procedures in order to identify vulnerable groups and asylum seekers, offer medical care when needed and/or refer to hospitals, provide psychosocial support etc. V>; Among others, FRS is mainly aiming at:

■ Specially trained personnel (initial and on-going training has been planned). " Close cooperation with NGOs (which will be active within the centres, performing specific functions). ■ Informing migrants of their rights, especially regarding international protection. ■ Facilitating contact with NGOs, International Organisations, legal aid etc. " Close cooperation with the newly-established Asylum Service - asylum offices will be hosted in the FR Centres so that the procedures of examining requests for international protection start immediately after the request has been submitted. ■ Effective screening of vulnerable groups and referral to reception facilities. ■ Short stay of migrants that will not exceed 25 days in the Centres. ■ Quality control of services offered. A set of procedures will be implemented, intended to ensure that the offered services, such as information concerning rights, returns etc, facilitation of contact with NGOs and legal help, accommodation, food and medical services, adheres to a defined set of quality criteria and meets the requirements of the FRS and the relevant laws. * Application of “best practices” regarding installations and practices (SOPs, manuals etc). ■ Separation within the FR Centres of unaccompanied minors, vulnerable groups, asylum seekers etc. ■ Provision of psychological support to migrants. ( : ' " Facilitation of Voluntary Returns in cooperation with IOM and other stakeholders.

Furthermore FRS has developed contingency plans to address increased irregular arrivals in areas where there are no FR Centres. In particular FRS is planning Mobile Units to operate as rapid response teams to perform First Reception operations on the spot and improve First Reception Conditions mainly in the islands but in the mainland as well.

Complimentary to these on-going measures for the establishment of the FRS and the FRC, reception conditions in the Evros region and the Aegean Islands have been improved and will follow a continuous process of improvements, in line with the national, European and International legislation and recommendations (Matrix 1.2, Matrix 3).

The Action Plan on FRS has been revised, reflecting the current state of play and includes concrete objectives and deliverables in order to ensure fast and significant progress. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ------


Matrix 1.1 Fstahlishmeift of First Reception Service in Greece

NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTED TIME ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) Organisatio A) Legal texts Ongoing FRS in Cooperation Feb. 2013 Speedy adoption by No cost No support is needed n and Completion published in 1. An with Ministries competent by EC or MSs. Functioning of legislative Government amendment ministers (Ministry o f First framework Gazette of the of Public Order and Reception foreseen in Presidential Citizen Protection, Service Law decree is Ministry of Health, 3907/2011. being Ministry of 1. processed, Finance), speedy Presidential concerning vote by Decree for the Hellenic Parliament the organization and speedy Organisatio 1 structure of processing by- n and the FRS. Council of State and operation of 2. A decision Court of Audit the First by the (different Reception Minister of stakeholders apply. Service. Health is for different legal 2. General being documents - i.e. Operating processed, laws, presidential Regulations concerning decrees, ministerial of the First the medical decisions etc). Reception protocols and Centres. psychosocial All sub actions are 3. Common support in being registered in ministerial FRCs. delos.gov.gr in decision 011 3. A common order the Prime Conditions ministerial Minister's Office to and decision has be able to intercede Standards of been signed in time for the NGOs. concerning action to be 4- the completed. Ministerial establishmen Decision 011 tofFRCin medical and protocols publishing in and the Gov. psychosocial Gazette is support in pending. FRCs. 4-A 5- Common ministerial ministerial decision is decision on being DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ---


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN ACTION TIME ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and M Ss) setting processed material and concerning treasury the managemen establishmen t issues in t of first FRS. reception 6. Common mobile units. ministerial decision on creation of imprests (treasurer) in FRS. 7- Common ministerial decision to allow secondment s and - transfers of employees from local authorities to FRS.

Full staffing Out of 38 B) ■ Ministry of End of Secondments and 812.750,00 € National Budget No support is needed Recruitment according to posts: 10 Public Order May 2013 Transfers: Speedy (including salaries, (budget of FRS) by EC or MSs. of personnel organigram: seconded & Citizen procedures from insurance 1. Call for 38 public Protection in releasing ministry. contributions and interest for employees servants. 12 cooperation other benefits). secondment tobe secondments with releasing All sub actions are s of 29 recruited. pending. Call Ministries, being registered in positions for interest ■ Ministry of deIos.gov.gr in launched on for Finance. order the Prime June 2012. permanent Minister’s Office to 2. Call for transfers was be able to intercede interest for launched and in time for the permanent selection of action to be transfers of candidates is completed. 28 positions ongoing. ended on November 30. 3 A call for interest for 9 positions DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and M Ss) will be launched in the first months of 2013, as soon as the new organisation al chart is published in the Government Gazette.

O -All staff Ongoing. FRS in cooperation End of -Budgetary and EASO available National Budget EASO budget to be Technical (154) trained Training with EASO, Sep. 2013 fiscal latitude. budget for full (budget of FRS) available for full support to in EAC program has FRONTEX, -Good coordination coverage of EAC EASO coverage of training and training module: been drafted. UNHCR, NGOs of training schedule training for sjtaff. " EBF for staff (EAC of Central Internationa According to between FRS and Other Resources modules). FRS, FRC, I refugee law the number EASO. In the event Expenses for on the Mobile and human of personnel of some of the EAC spot training EASO to finance a Units rights law. coming to modules are not covered by National new module based (registration -Selected FRS their available on time, Budget (budget of onFRONTEX staff, FRCs’ and training will alternative training FRS):_4l8oo,oo € training on identificatio Mobile be scheduled. arrangements with identification n staff, Unit’s staff other actors claimed origin admin, staff; trained in (FRONTEX, evaluation FRCs' EAC UNHCR, Hellenic techniques. supervising, modules: Police) in . catering and interviewing cleaning vulnerable personnel), persons in particular (10), COI on the EAC (20), modules. interviewing children (10), Dublin Regulation (7 staff), -All registration and identificatio II staff (40) trained by FRONTEX/ DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. .-.,nir„|.- , ^ % v ^ ^


GOAL ACTION INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME NEEDS OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES ASSESSMENT (Provided by E C. Tieiiemc and MSs) Police in a workshop on registration and identificatio n-claimed origin evaluation techniques.

Participatio n in train- the- trainers sessions: interview techniques (2 staff), evidence assessment - (2 staff), interviewing vulnerable persons (2 staff), COI (2 staff), interviewing children (2 staff), Internationa 1 refugee law and human rights (2 staff).

Participatio n in seminars organized by FRS or in coordination with other actors (NGOs, UNHCR): first DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME NEEDS OBJECTIVE ACTION RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES ASSESSMENT (Provided by B.C. reception anu ivios ) sendee scope and vision (all staff), intercultural training (all staff), use of first reception database and web application (registration & identificatio n staff of FRC and - Mobile Units), working with interpreters (registration & identificatio n staff of FRCs and Mobile Units), health and safety (all staff). -90% successful completion rate of training sessions and seminars.

D) - FRS Temporary FRS, Ministry of End of Budgetary and Establishment Ensuring central office National Budget Refurbishment costs use of Public Order and Mar. 2013 fiscal latitude. Costs: adequate fully premises of (Budget of FRS) (depending on the Citizen Protection, Availability of - 57-000 € EBF infra­ operational. the Hellenic condition of the ICT Directorate of I funding from covering all costs structure - - 39 fully I Police - free | Hellenic Police, | office space to be other sources I per working post rented) DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) building and equipped of charge. Ministry of and successful for 36 technical workstations The premises Finance, State Real application of employees, 2 equipment. , one per already used Estate Agency funds Heads of member of are not (KYD). therefrom. Departments and staff and the enough for 39 Speed of 1 Director Director. employees. tendering - 120.000 € for procedures. teleconferencing equipment Ongoing In the event of - 6 .0 0 0 € efforts to delays either in security secure securing funding or equipment adequate in tendering Total Cost: office space procedures, the full 1 8 3 .0 0 0 c for FRS. operation of the FRS will have to be Running costs: delayed. (In case - 11.000 € that the already stationery existing and secured - 18.000 € for office space cannot utilities be used any longer - 15.000 € ' by the FRS) cleaning services, - 2 0 .0 0 0 € for software updates - 150.000 € for renting premises, in case that FRS will be in immediate need of working space and no building has been secured of low or zero cost. Total Cost: 214.000 € including rents (if office space is rented - estimate)

Creation of At least 20 Ongoing. FRS Feb. 2013 Adequate interest No cost No support is an NGO and interpreters Registry has by NGOs or/and needed by EC or interpreters registered in been interpreters. MSs. Registry at Interpreters established In order to cover the the Central Registry. (October needs there will be First At least 5 2012), NGOs weekly Reception NGOs and announcements in DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ______^ ^ ^ , ,11 j„ .un, mil , T „.t.. ^ ^ , , jr&f, r ut,, i ï î ii


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C and MSs) Service. registered in interpreters the press for the NGO have been interpreters registry Registry. invited to and face to face apply for meetings with inclusion in NGOs’ CEOs to the Registry. provoke their interest to participate in our registry.

Establishing Identificatio 8 premises Ongoing: FRS in cooperation 2014 Local authorities do Travel costs for the National Budget nt and n of identified 2 locations with Hellenic Police not present personnel of the EBF Functioning locations have been Headquarters. obstacles. To sendees looking for o f First and identified, overcome probable suitable places Reception premises to where for the issues, throughout the Centr es and build / run 8 one building communicate with country. m obile First is ongoing local community units Reception and for the about mutual Architectural and* Centres. other one expectations.prior environmental suitability has to any decisions studies. been verified taken. and contract (Approximate cost for the for each FRC: transfer of 4 .0 0 0 c for travel the property costs and 4 5 .0 0 0 c has been for studies. signed. For 2 Total Cost: more FRCs For Travels, the location 3 2 .0 0 0 € has been For studies, decided 3 6 0 .0 0 0 € ) based on migration flows and currently FRS is looking for suitable premises. For other 4 FRCs location is to be decided within the first months of 2013.

Constmctio Delivery of Construction Hellenic Police End of " Speedy Estimated EBF DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. --- — ------— ------w ------— ......


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) n ofthe an works have Headquartersfuntil Jan.2013 procedures by Construction Cost First operational begun. mid March 20x3) ministries for 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € Reception Centre by Tenders are issuing all Centre in the running for necessary Fylakio constmction transportatio common company n of housing ministerial units. decisions and Some permits where housing units applicable have already (Ministry of been Environment - transported Energy and to location. Climate Change, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Finance). All procedures will be registered as actions in deIos.gov.gr in order the Prime Minister’s Office to be able to intercede in time for the action to be completed. ■ No delays in construction by the construction company. Apply heavy penalties in cases of delays. ■ No obstacles by the local communities / authorities (e.g. legal action ! against construction, physical action, riots etc). Apply communication methods with DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

«tih. .Ä liHnf If _i|Br . A ^ ^ - -■ A. . .4 + ^ ^ ^ ...... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '■ ■ Jim * * mM» «Jo&ai


NEEDS GOAL ! INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST OBJEcrrvE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME RESOURCES (Provided by E C. and MSs) local community about mutual expectations prior to any action taken.

First 29 recruits In FRS 111 cooperation End of Staffing costs per National Budget Ensure financing of Reception appointed preparation. with Supreme Feb. 2013 Speedy procedures year are (FRS budget) will NGOs for Centre in Application Council for Civil from Supreme 5 1 4 .900,00 € for cover the amount outsourcing medical, FylaMo, Outsourcing to the Council Personnel Selection Council for Civil a total number of of 240.750,00c psychosocial and recruitment contracts for Civil Other Ministries Personnel Selection 29 employees (including information services of personnel signed with Personnel NGOs and approval from (salaries, insurance salaries, insurance through EBF for NGOs. Selection has the Ministry of contribution, other contributions and 274.150,00c been sent. Finance. benefits) other benefits for (salaries, insurance Expected a In case the 14 civil servants) contributions and decision by recruitment of new other benefits for 15 the Minister civil servants does employees of Finance for not precede FRS in outsourced - rough the allocation cooperation with estimate). of the ministries will apply personnel the measure of and the transfers and Council’s secondments of announceme employees for 14 ut for 29 out of 29 personnel positions will in order to perform go public. duties relevant to the exercise of public authority. The rest 15 position out of 29 will be outsourced in Cooperation with NGOs.

First Services In Hellenic Police End of Financing has been Estimated Cost EEA Grants Ensure financing Reception contracts preparation. Headquarters (until Mar.2013 secured. Otherwise For 2013: (Approval Centre in signed. mid March 2013) look for other 2.700.000.00 € pending) Fylakio, Requirement sources of funding (April - December) services (technical (EBF, National (security, standards) Budget). For 2014: food etc.) have been 3.368.000.00 e decided and 1 forwarded to I ...... the Hellenic DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. Aima



First 35 work­ In Hellenic Police End of Financing has been Estimated Cost EBF X-ray machine to Reception stations are preparation. Headquarters (until March secured. Otherwise 451.000,oo€ assist on age Centre in delivered mid March 2013) 2013 look for other assessment medical Fylaldo, Requirement sources of funding. exams (where inffastructur s (technical applicable) e (PCs, standards) furniture have been etc.) decided and forwarded to the Hellenic Police Headquarters in order to proceed for public procurement.

First Supplies In Hellenic Police End of Financing has been Estim ated Cost EBF Reception contracts preparation. Headquarters (until March secured. Otherwise (per year) Centre in signed. mid March 2013) 2013 look for other 7 3 1 .000,00 € Fylakio Requirement sources of funding. supplies1 etc s (technical standards) have been decided and forwarded to the Hellenic Police Headquarters in order to proceed for public procurement.

Construc-tio Official The FRS in cooperation June 2013 Local authorities do Estimated EBF n of the First delivery of architectural with Hellenic Police not present

1 Clarification: with the terra supplies' implies. Laboratories medical equipment, stationary, printing paper, toners/ink etc, hygiene material - medicines, cleaning supplies, personal protection items (i.e. masks etc), personal hygiene items, towels - linen - mattresses, supplies for building, transportation and other equipment maintenance, clothing, recreation, paints - wood, fuel. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

... : ____


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) Reception the Centre design has Headquarters obstacles. To 4.000.000,00 € Centre in by the been overcome probable Karoti, construction completed. issues, Evros company. In communicate with preparation local community of the about mutual transfer of expectations prior the legal to any decisions status of the taken. property to the Ministry of Public Order & Citizen Protection.

First 29 recruits In FRS in cooperation June 2013 For new recruits Staffing costs per National Budget Ensure financing of Reception appointed preparation. with Supreme Speedy procedures year are , (FRS budget) will NGOs for Centre in Application Council for Civil from Supreme 5 1 4 .900,00 € cover the amount outsourcing medical, Karoti, Outsourcing to the Council Personnel Selection Council for Civil for total number of of 240.750,oo€ psychosocial and recruitment contracts for Civil Other Ministries Personnel Selection 29 employees (including information services of personnel signed with Personnel NGOs and approval from (salaries, insurance salaries, insurance through EBF for NGOs. Selection has the Ministry of contribution, other contributions and 274.150,00c been sent. Finance. benefits). other benefits for (salaries, insurance Pending a In case the 14 civil servants). contributions and common recruitment of new- other benefits for 15 ministerial civil servants does employees decision for not proceed, FRS in outsourced - rough the cooperation with estimate) '■ establishmen ministries will apply tofthe the measure of Centre and transfers and the allocation secondments of of the employees for 14 personnel out of 29 personnel and the in order to perform Council’s duties relevant to announceme the exercise of ntfor 29 public authority. positions will The rest 15 position go public. out of 29 will be outsourced in Cooperation with NGOs.

First Services Pending FRS June 2013 Lack of financing Estimated Cost No resources to In search of funding DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. . \ ^ || n o ur r ir „ „ ^ |n , . ^ _# î i l â i e g a . ,j


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME ASSUMPTIONS (Provided by E C. and MSs) Reception contracts may postpone (per year) run the Centre amount Centre, in signed. functioning of the 3 .3 6 8 .0 0 0 .0 0 € in 2013. 2 .8 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 € to Karoti, Centre beyond June cover Centre’s services 2013. In search of For 2013, Karoti running costs for (security, funding resources. FRC services costs 2013 and food, etc.) are estimated to 3.368.000.00 € 2.800.000.00 € for following years (June - December). (per year).

First 35 work­ Pending FRS June 2013 Lack of financing No resources. In case that the EBF Reception stations are may postpone 451.000,oo€ Possible does not fund the Centre in delivered purchase of FRCs funding from action, costs need to Karoti, infrastructure EBF - approval be covered by other infrastructur equipment and as is necessary. resources. Flexibility e (PCs. such cause delay in of National Budget is furniture the beginning of its extremely limited. etc.) operation beyond No possibility of June 2013. covering this cost. Financing of action Cost to be covered by is eligible to be other resources: covered by EBF AP 451.000,oo€ 2012. X-ray machine to assist on age assessment medical exams (where applicable)

First Supplies Pending FRS June 2013 Lack of financing Estim ated Cost No resources. In case that the EBF Reception contracts may postpone (per year) Possible does not fund the Centre in signed. functioning of the 731.000,00 € funding from action costs need to Karoti, Centre beyond June EBF - approval be covered by other supplies etc 2013. Financing of is necessary. resources. Flexibility (see action is eligible to of National Budget is Footnote l) be covered by EBF extremely limited. AP 2012. No possibility of covering this cost. Cost to be covered by other resources : 731.000,00 €

Constructio Official Two possible FRS in cooperation End of Local authorities do Estimated EBF n of the First delivery of locations with Hellenic Police Sep.2013 not present Reception the Centre have been Headquarters obstacles. To 5.000.000,oo€ Centre in by the identified for overcome probable Mytilene construction the issues, DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. _ _ y ^ ^ ^ ^ ...... _ . . r .t...... __


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PIAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) (Lesvos) company. construction communicate with of the centre. local community However only about mutual one location expectations.prior has been to any decisions secured so taken. far. Efforts from the Ministry are in progress in order to secure the second area which is considered as more beneficiary.

O DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. _ .... ^ | m ^ , , ... . _ . . . , |VT|| ^ frf- ...______


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) First 29 recruits Pending FRS in cooperation Aug.2013 For new recruits Staffing costs per National Budget Ensure financing of Reception appointed with Supreme Speedy procedures year are (FRS budget) will NGOs for Centre in Council for Civil from Supreme 51 4 .9 0 0 ,0 0 € for cover the amount outsourcing medical, M ytilene Outsourcing Personnel Selection Council for Civil total number of 29 of 240.750,Oo€ psychosocial and (Lesvos), contracts Personnel Selection employees (including information services recruitment signed with FRS in cooperation and approval from (salaries, insurance salaries, insurance through EBF for of personnel NGOs. with ministries for the Ministry of contribution, other contributions and 274.150, oo € transfers and Finance. benefits) other benefits for (salaries, insurance secondments of In case the 14 civil servants) contributions and employees. recruitment of new other benefits for 15 civil servants does employees FRS in cooperation not precede FRS in outsourced - rough with NGOs - cooperation with estimate) outsourcing ministries will apply the measure of transfers and secondments of employees for 14 out of 29 personnel in order to perform duties relevant to the exercise of public authority. The rest 15 position out of 29 will be outsourced in Cooperation with NGOs.

First Services Pending FRS Aug. 2013 Lack of financing No resources to In search of funding Reception contracts may postpone (per year) run the Centre amount Centre in signed. functioning of the 3.875.700,00 € for 2013. 2.000.000,00 € M ytilene Centre beyond No flexibility' o f for 2013 and (Lesvos), August 2013. In For 2013, Lesvos N ational Budget 3.875.700,00c services search of funding FRC services costs to cover the (per year), to cover (security, resources. are calculated to costs for 2013. Centre’s running food, etc.) 2.000.000,00 € costs for the (August - following years. December).

First 35 work­ Pending FRS Department of Aug. 2013 Lack of financing Estimated Cost No resources. Flexibility of Reception stations are Human Resources may postpone 518.650,00 c Possible National Budget is Centre in delivered & Administrative purchase of FR funding from very limited; as such M ytilene Support Centre’s EBF, approval at this stage (Lesvos), infrastructure is necessary. possibility of infrastructur equipment and as covering the cost is DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) e (PCs. such delay of its eliminated. Cost to furniture functioning beyond be covered by other etc.) schedule. Financing resources, of action is eligible 518.650,00c. to be covered by EBFAP2012.

First Supplies Pending FRS Department of Aug.2013 Lack of financing Estimated Cost P ossible In case that EBF will Reception contracts Human Resources may delay (per year) funding from not fund the action, Centre in signed. & Administrative functioning of FRC 8 4 0 .6 5 0 ,0 0 € EBF, approval costs need to be M ytilene Support in Lesvos beyond is necessary. covered by other (Lesvos), schedule. Financing resources. Flexibility supplies etc of action is eligible of National Budget is (see to be covered by very limited; as such Footnote l) EBF AP2012. at this stage possibility of covering the cost is eliminated. Cost to be covered by- other resources, 840.650,00 €

Constructio Official I11 search for FRS in cooperation Oct. 2013 Local authorities do Estimated EBF n of tlie First deliver}7 of a location. with Hellenic Police not present Construction Cost Reception tlie Centre Headquarters obstacles. To 5.000.000,oo€ Centre in by the overcome probable Attica construction issues, Region for company. communicate with registering local community and about mutual screening all expectations prior apprehende to any decisions d irregular taken. migrants living illegally within Greece.

First 29 recruits Pending FRS in cooperation Oct. 2013 Staffing costs per National Budget Ensure financing of Reception appointed with Supreme Speedy procedures year are (FRS budget) will NGOs for Centre in Council for Civil from Council for 5 1 4 .900,00 € for cover the amount outsourcing medical, Attica Outsourcing Personnel Selection Civil Personnel a total number of of 240.750,00c psychosocial and Region, contracts Selection and 29 personnel (including information services recruitment signed with FRS in cooperation approval from the (salaries, insurance salaries, insurance through EBF for DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ^ ^ < |tj ^ w ^ ......


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) of personnel NGOs. with ministries for Ministry of Finance. contribution, other contributions and 274.150,00 € transfers and In case the benefits) other benefits for (salaries, insurance secondments of recruitment of new 14 civil servants) contributions and employees. civil servants does other benefits for 15 not precede FRS in employees FRS in cooperation cooperation with outsourced - rough with NGOs - ministries will apply estimate) outsourcing the measure of transfers and secondments of employees for 14 out of 29 personnel in order to perform duties relevant to the exercise of public authority. The rest 15 position out of 29 will be outsourced in Cooperation with NGOs.

First All contracts Pending FRS Oct. 2013 Lack of financing Estimated Cost No resources to In search of funding Reception for services may postpone (per year) run th e centre amount Centre in signed functioning beyond 3 .8 7 5.7 0 0 , 0 0 e for 2013. 1.25 4 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € for Attica schedule. In search No flexibility o f 2013 and Region, of funding For 2013, Attiki the National 3.875*700,00 € services resources. FRC services costs Budget to cover (per year), to cover (security, are calculated to the costs for Centre’s running food, etc.) 1.254.000,00 e 2013. costs for following (October - years. December)

First 35 work­ Pending FRS Department of Oct. 2013 Lack of financing Estim ated Cost No resources. Flexibility of Reception stations are Human Resources may postpone 518.650,00 € Possible National Budget is Centre in delivered & Administrative purchase of FR funding from very limited; as such Attica Support Centre’s EBF, approval at this stage Region, infrastructure is necessary. possibility of infrastructur equipment and as covering the cost is e (PCs, such delay of its eliminated. Cost to furniture functioning beyond be covered by other etc.) schedule. Financing resources, of action is eligible 518.650,00c. to be covered by EBF AP2013. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. _ ^ ^ ..... -i||ri| ^ ^ ^ .r . _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ r im ^


NEEDS STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT GOAL ACTION INDICATO ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) First Supplies Pending FRS Department of Oct. 2013 Lack of financing Estim ated Cost No resources. In case that EBF will Reception contracts Human Resources may delay (per year) Possible not fund the action, Centre in signed. & Administrative functioning of FR.C 840.650,00 € funding from costs need to be Attica Support in Attild beyond EBF, approval covered by other Region, schedule. Financing is necessary. resources. Flexibility supplies etc of action is eligible of National Budget is (see to be covered by very limited; as such Footnote l) EBF AP2013. at this stage possibility of covering the cost is eliminated. Cost to be. covered by other resources, 840.650,00 €

Mobile The Pending FRS Apr.2013 In time signature of No cost Units, Ministerial the Common establishme Decision Ministerial Decision nt establishing (Ministry of Public the Mobile Order and Citizen Unit Protection and published in Ministry of Government Finance), otherwise Gazette. establishment of Mobile Units will be delayed. Efforts will be made by the Ministry in order to avoid delay in the procedure.

Mobile 14 recruits Pending FRS in cooperation Apr.2013 For new recruits Staffing costs per National Budget Secure financing by Units, appointed (7 with Supreme Speedy procedures year are (FRS budget) will Commission, EBF recruitment per mobile Council for Civil from Supreme 260.000,00 € for cover the amount 1 2 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € (rest of personnel unit) Personnel Selection Council for Civil a total number of of 140.000,00 € 6 employees Personnel Selection 14 employees (for 8 employees outsourced - rough Outsourcing FRS in cooperation and approval from (salaries, insurance including salaries, estimate). contracts with ministries for the Ministry of contribution, other insurance signed with transfers and Finance. benefits) contributions and NGOs. secondments of In case the other benefits) employees. recruitment of new civil servants does not precede FRS in cooperation with ministries will apply the measure of

e # DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. - e # GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT

NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTED TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) transfers and secondments of employees for 8 personnel in order to perform duties relevant to the exercise of public authority. The rest 6 positions will be outsourced in Cooperation with NGOs.

All ministerial decisions for the recruitment or the transfers will be registered in delos.gov.gr in - order the Prime Ministers Office to be able to intercede in time for the action to be completed.

Mobile Services Pending FRS 2013 Estim ated Cost Very limited In case that EBF will Units, contracts (per year) resources from not fund the action, services signed. 236.000,00 € the National costs need to be (travels) Budget (up to covered by other 3 6 .0 0 0 c resources. Cost to be m axim um ) covered by other Possible resources funding from 200.000,00 €. EBF, approval is necessary.

Mobile Equipment Pending FRS Apr. 2013 Financing has been EBF Units, to be secured 153*500,00 € infrastructur delivered e and operate properly (2 Vans, laptops, portable printers, DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

...... t, ■Okjhi - u r - , j&iœkts&àsxi. -



14 work­ stations are delivered either within Central FRS or in premises secured by FRS within Attica Region.

Mobile At least one Pending FRS Apr. 2013 Financing has been Estimated Cost EBF Units. contract secured (per year) supplies signed with 177.500,00 € supplier for supplies to be delivered.

Establishme Restructurin Delivery of In Ministry of Public Feb.2013 Estimated EBF nt and g Sam os the Centre preparation. Order & Citizen Construction Cost Operation old for Protection, 500.000,00 € of D etention operation. Phase A of Screening Centre into construction Hellenic Police Centres in a Screening has been Headquarters / the Aegean Centre completed. Finance Division, Islands Additional Technical Division works need to and Aliens’ be Division. implemented in order to ensure dignified living conditions.

Operation of - Operation After Ministry of Public Apr.2013 Sufficient funding E stim ated Cost EBF Sam os of the completion of Order & Citizen available. In case (periodical Screening Screening all phases of Protection, action will not be operation)

# DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


NEEDS GOAL INDIGATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) Centre Centre. the eligible from EBF, 450.000,00 € - Provision construction Hellenic Police operation of the of activities, the Headquarters / screening centre accommo centre will Finance Division will have to be dation cover and Aliens’ postponed until and first periodical Division, securing of funding aid to needs in resources. irregular accommodati First Reception migrants on and Service. Operation of the arriving at screening centre in Samos in Samos or that will arise order to provide the wider in Samos and periodical screening area. On the wider services when the spot area. The migration flows registerin activities of from the sea g and screening will borders tend to screening be increase depends on by the implemented the establishment of FRS by a mobile the relevant Mobile Mobile unit send by Units from FRS. Unit. the First Establishment of at Reception least one FRS Service in the Mobile Unit is area to necessary for the provide the performance of the necessary screening activities services. in the centre. Flexibility in the operation of the centre and low cost are the main goals of the project, since migration flows from the islands are varying periodically.

Restructurai Delivery of In Ministry of Public Feb.2013 Estimated EBF g Chios old the Centre preparation. Order & Citizen Construction Cost Detention for Protection, 300.000,00 € Centre into operation. Phase A of a Screening construction Hellenic Police Centre has been Headquarters / DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. _ _ ' * • ^ pitlf ' ' *. iia t


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTIN TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY G ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) completed. Finance Division, Additional Technical Division works need to and Aliens’ be Division. implemented in order to ensure dignified living conditions.

Operation of - Operation Operation Ministry of Public Mar.2013 Sufficient funding Estimated Cost EBF Chios of the similar to Order & Citizen available. In case (periodical Screening Screening Samos Protection, action will not be operation) Centre Centre. Screening eligible from EBF, 150.000,00 € - Provision Centre. Hellenic Police operation of the of Headquarters / screening centre accommo Finance Division will have to be dation and Aliens’ postponed until and first Division, securing of funding aid to resources. irregular First Reception migrants Service. Operation of the arriving at centre in Chios in Chios or order to provide the wider periodical screening area. On services when the spot migration flows registerin from the sea g and borders tend to screening increase depends on by the the establishment of FRS the relevant Mobile Mobile Units from FRS. Unit. Establishment of at least one FRS Mobile Unit is necessary for the performance of the screening activities in the centre.

Matrix 1.2 DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. V, ï ‘ ' % àdu" - A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


Strengthen! Provide Basic Planning to - Ministry of January 13 - Close coordination 1.376.305,71 € EBFCA ng first information information start Public Order and - June 14 between actors. reception in a on rights between Citizen - First Reception response to systematic and January Protection (18 Centres are new arrivals manner to obligations, 2013- - First Reception months) operational until the pending new arrivals voluntary February Service action’s completion. establishme at 5 returns, etc. 2013 - UNHCR nt o f First locations provided - IOM Reception ( - (orally and Centres. (Alexandrou through poli, Samos, information Lesvos, leaflets). Chios), and potentially No of other instances of locations, advice. where arrivals may No of occur, referrals. facilitate the identificatio n of persons with special needs (excluding medical needs) and liaison for follow-up.

Ensure the Establishme Planning to METAction January 13 - Close coordination 1.193 279,30 € EBF CA provision of nt and start - June 14 between actors, interpretatio availability between including Police n services in of teams of January (18 Directorates. 5 locations qualified 2013- months) (Orestiada, interpreters, February Alexandroup through 2013 oli, Samos, physical Lesvos, presence or Chios) as teleconferen well as in ce, as other islands required. to facilitate No of DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


communicat interpreters ion between trained and authorities qualified. and new arrivals No. of hours during of administrât! interpretatio ve n services procedures. used.

Languages and dialects covered.

Non Food Emergency Planning to - UNHCR January 13 Close coordination 138.000,00 € EBF CA Items stock for start - First Reception - June 14 between actors. (sleeping NFIs between Service bags, established. January (18 hygiene kits) 2013- months) able to cover Number of February up to 6,000 NFIs 2013 new arrivals procured on and stored immediate needs and Number of provision in NFIs emergency distributed. situations.

Strengthen! Non Food Emergency Planning to First Reception 2013-2014 4 6 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € EBF ng first Items stock for start Service reception (sleeping NFIs January response to bags, established. 2013 new arrivals hygiene kits, in isolated medicines) Number of parts o f able to cover NFIs Greece far immediate procured irom FRCs. needs and and stored provision in emergency Number of situations of NFIs new arrivals. distributed.

Provision of Number of Planning to First Reception 2013-2014 2 .1 0 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € EBF Food food start Service portions January procured 2013

Number of food DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


portions distributed

Number of food portions consumed

Providing of Number of Planning to First Reception 2013-2014 9 0 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € EBF accommodât people start Service ion accommodât January ed. 2013

Number of days stayed in accommodât ion facilities. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


CHAPTER 2 Asylum in Greece

Sum m ary 2.1. Implementation of Asylum procedure during the Transitional Period

The implementation of the asylum procedure during the transitional period, that is, until the new Asylum Service and Appeals Authority begin their operation, is set out in Presidential Decree 114/2010 of 22 November 2010. This Presidential Decree introduced procedural guarantees for the asylum seekers, which are foreseen in the EU Asylum Acquis. The Hellenic Police, through its competent Services, is responsible for the examination in 1st instance and the 10 independent Appeal Committees are responsible for the examination, in fact and in law, of the appeals submitted. The Hellenic Police will finalize the examination of all applications submitted to it by the end of the transitional period, and until the entire backlog of first and second instance is cleared. . In support of the implementation of the “Greek Action Plan on Migration Management and Asylum” various activities, which are foreseen in the Presidential Decree, are carried out by the Hellenic Police in close cooperation with UNHCR and EASO. During 2013, the Hellenic Police will develop new activities or continue those already undertaken and enhance the existing cooperation with the above mentioned key partners, as well as with EU MSs.

More specifically, these activities consist of the following: (1) Ensure effective access to the asylum procedure by: (A) Updating of the existing information material for asylum applicants. Updated information for Urns will also be included. (B) Continue using trained / qualified interpreters for the asylum procedure in 1st instance.

(2) Improve the quality of the asylum procedure by: (A) Continuing the training seminars of the personnel responsible for the examination procedure (ist instance). (B) Continuing the training seminars of the personnel responsible for the examination procedure (2nd instance).

(3) Improve the management of the backlog cases by: (A) Enhancing the reduction of the overall backlog cases (appeals) through an administrative procedure. (B) Establishing an overall management procedure for the pending appeal cases. (C) Finalizing the examination of the active pending appeal cases.

It must be noted that during a period of 18 to 24 months after the end of the transitional period, the Hellenic Police and the relevant Appeal Committees will continue to examine asylum cases until their backlog is dealt with, hence resources will be required for interpretation and other services.

A thorough description of these goal objectives and actions are presented in the Table 2.1 below. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


2.2. Reform of the Asylum System

The new Asylum Service and the new Appeals Authority intensified their efforts, throughout 2012, to achieve their basic aims, namely the full staffing of the two services, the housing and equipping of five regional asylum centres (i.e. in Athens, Thessaloniki, , Orestiada and on the island of Rhodes), and the securing of interpretation services, limited legal aid for asylum seekers at second instance, as well as technical equipment and other necessary services. Given the current economic climate and fiscal constraints in Greece, achieving these aims has been an uphill struggle.

However, a number of developments in the last quarter of 2012 have facilitated the process and have given renewed confidence that the two new services will be fully operational in the first half of 2013. Chief among these developments has been the recent commitment to assign to the Asylum Service and the Appeals Authority 145 newly appointed civil servants from the register of candidates. This important decision, which will, to a large extent, address the still considerable staffing gaps of the two new services, is the strongest confirmation to date of Greece’s indication to the complete reform and rationalization of its asylum system.

A second important development has been the securing of a building (free of rent) for the eventual housing of the Athens Regional Asylum Office (by far the largest one of the projected five), the central offices of the Asylum Service, and the Appeals Authority offices and Committees. The building will need extensive refurbishment; meanwhile, interim premises will be rented.

Given the high degree of specialization that staff carrying out refugee status determination need, a rigorous training programme has been developed with EASO and is being carried out since April 2011. Its aim is to create a corps of Greek-speaking trainers (primarily staff of the new services) who will roll out the training programme to newly joining colleagues. UNHCR liaison officers working with the Central Service assist with the development of by-laws, standard operating procedures, work programmes, registration IT systems and programme management and offer on-the-job training to new Asylum Service staff. It is envisaged that for the first few years certain functions will be outsourced to NGOs, such as interpretation, the provision of free legal assistance, referral to free medical examination of victims of torture, and limited psycho-social support to asylum seekers, as well as Asylum Service staff to avoid burnout.

As will be seen below in Table 2.2, the new Asylum Service and the new Appeals Authority are in need of significant funds from the European Commission and the EU Member States for securing and building up their infrastructure, their technical equipment, their interpretation services and free legal assistance. The funding of these elements is absolutely crucial to begin operating and for the smooth functioning of the two new services. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


Matrix 2.1

NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E.C. and MSs) Ensure A) Provision Number of Information Ministry of Public End of Lack of Editor’s Fee (Greek - Other sources Funding up to effective and persons Leaflet in 15 Order and Citizen March interpretation in Language): 1.500,00 46.500,00 € access to disseminatio receiving the languages Protection 2013 more languages will € the asylum n of leaflet. (Greek force the Greek Printing Costs Assistance by MSs procedure. information language UNHCR Authorities to seek (50.000 copies): regarding the material in included) assistance by MSs 35000.00 € translation of this various has been regarding the Translation Costs Leaflet in additional languages to issued translation of this (10 additional languages of origin. inform all (50.000 Leaflet. languages): TCNs on copies). 10.000,00 € their right to Costs Unavailability of Total cost: asylum and covered by national funding. 46.500.00 € the followed UNHCR. process. Planning to update the Information Leaflet regarding its content and the available languages. Planning to include information material for UMs seeking asylum.

B) Continue Number of Currently Ministry of Public End of Available 3 8 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € . ERF is covering Additional funding working additional NGO Order and Citizen June 2013 interpreters. the period from to cover the amount with interpreters MetACTION Protection 01-07-2012 until of 3 8 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € interpreters trained and has a In case of an 30-04-2013 with for the appointment ofNGO qualified. contract UNHCR insufficient number the amount of of interpreters until MetACTION with of qualified 299.318,37 €. the end of June 2013, until the end Number of UNHCR and MetACTION interpreters is since part of the of the interpretatio run a available, a backlog - Other sources. funding from ERF transitional n instances / program of cases to be covers the period period (by interpreters which is interviewed will be until 30-04-2013. physical involved / funded by created, and presence, languages ERF (until processing time will inc.1. 1 covered. 30-04- be longer.

' **** T...... _j DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. • • GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


C) Number of Refurbishme Ministry of Public End of Sufficient funding Total needs in IT - Other sources Funding up to Improve the asylum nt of the Order and Citizen March available. equipment: 37.659,00 € operation of applications establishme Protection 2013. 10.850.00 e the Asylum registered. nts for the Total needs in Office Offices in Asylum UNHCR equipment: Pre- Reduce the Offices. 7.040.00 € Removal delays Total needs in Centres within the Coverage of Consumables :19.76g (Amygdaleza asylum basic needs. ,0 0 € , Xanthi, procedure. Total cost: Paranesti, 3 7 6 5 9 .0 0 € Komotini) Reduce the by providing number of IT/Office successful equipment. appeals.

Im provem e A) Number of Ongoing. Ministry of Public End of Sufficient funding Indicating finance - Other sources Funding up to n i o f the Additional trained Order and Citizen March available. needs for a 5-day 92.937,00 € for quality o f training of Police 12 Seminars Protection 2013 RSD training with (6) additional the asylum Police Officers / have taken 30 participants / 7 Seminars in 2013. procedure personnel Number of place until UNHCR participants during the that are training November travelling. transitional responsible days. 2012. (1) Without period for the simultaneous asylum Decrease the The interpretation: A procedure rate of financial total of 11.000 € -> on ist decision needs for 366.66.00 € per instance for annulments these person. 2013. by the Seminars (2) With Administrati were simultaneous ve Courts. covered by interpretation for 3 UNHCR. days only: An Increase of additional 2.340,00 the € (interpreters) + recognition 1.310.00 € rate on 1st (equipment) + 839, instance. 50 € (VAT) has to be added to the above total. Subtotal: 15.489,50 € . DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



B) Number of Ongoing. Ministry of Public End of Sufficient funding Breakdown of The EASO / Additional Financing Additional trained Order and Citizen March available. training costs UNHCR Project needs up to training of Appeal 7 Seminars Protection 2013 (material, catering covers the 8 .0 0 0 , 0 0 € for a 5- the Committees have taken and venue) based on financial needs of day RSD training personnel Members. place until EASO actual costs for ag- this action with with 30 participants that are November day RSD training the amount of (For one 5-day RSD responsible Number of 2012. UNHCR with 30 participants. 6 .4 4 0 , 0 0 €. training seminar). for the training (1) Without asylum days. Train the simultaneous If additional procedure members of interpretation: A Seminars are on 2nd Decrease the the total of 9.950,00 €. needed, the overall instance for rate of additional / (2) With financing needs 2013. decision existing 10 simultaneous, increase accordingly. annulments Appeal interpretation for 3 by the Committees. days only: An Administrât! additional 2.340,00 ve Courts. € (interpreters) + 1.310,00 € Increase of (equipment) + 839, the 50 € (VAT) has to be recognition added to the above rate on 2ad total. instance. Total cost: 14-439,50 €

M anagemen A) Enhance Number and The Ministry Ministry of Public In 23/24- The Coordinator Breakdown of costs The EASO / No support is t o f Ba cklog the type of IT of Public Order and Citizen 11-2012 appointed by the for the UNHCR Project needed by EC or reduction of and Office Order and Protection the Minister of Public establishment of the covers the MSs. the overall equipment Citizen training Order and Citizen Registration Centre: financial needs of backlog of provided. Protection EASO Seminar Protection has IT/Office this action with appeals by has took place assumed and equipment: the amount of 40% (i.e. Number of appointed UNHCR with the continues to carry 51.682.00 € 79-957,00 € approximate Police (as of 10 participât! out the assigned Training of the ly 20.000 Cadets September on of the tasks to strengthen Police Cadets: cases). supported 2012) a Police the administrative 28.275.00 € and trained. Coordinator, Cadets. appeals instance as Total cost: working pro planned. 79-957,00 €. Number of bono, who By 30-11- files will 2012 Police Cadets reviewed coordinate 39-374 continue to be and the entire files were available for as long

’jwuM Lm pu' ' " DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. • e GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT

NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) registered project of electron! ca as it is required to per working updating n y carry out tasks day. case files registered. related to updating and 3.325 of physical and Electronic archiving interruptio electronic files on registration inactive n appeal cases. of the cases. administra overall of Additionally, five the pending a team of decisions case files in 120 Police were appeals Cadets has issued. • stage. been 2.520 appointed to cases were Appeal carry out the either Committees task archived examine updating of or sent to 20% more approximate the ACs. cases per ly 55.000 20.896 week. case files, cases are - both considered physical and as active electronic for the files on ACs to appeal cases. examine in substance.

End of December 2012.

B) Overall Number of The appeals Ministry of Public 20.896 The Coordinator No support is managemen appeal cases backlog is Order and Citizen cases are appointed by the needed by EC or t of the “interrupted further Protection considered Minister of Public MSs. pending ” and reduced as active Order and Citizen appeal case removed following EASO for the Protection has files. from the list the ACs to assumed and of pending administrât! UNHCR examine continues to cany appeal cases. ve clearance in out the assigned procedure substance, tasks to strengthen By 30-11- by way of after the the administrative 2012 39-374 “Interruptio administra appeals instance as files were n” decisions. five planned. electronical! clearance y registered. The result of procedure Police Cadets 3-325 the (until 30- continue to be DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


NEEDS INOICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT GOAL ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE ACTION RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) interruption electronic 11- 2012). available for as long administrât! registration End of as it is required to ve decisions resulted to a 2013 carry out tasks were issued. number of related to updating 2.520 cases approx. of physical and were either 22.000 electronic files on archived or active appeal appeal cases. sent to the cases. ACs.

C) Full Number of 10 Appeal Ministry of Public 20.896 Identification of the Breakdown of costs The EASO/ Additional clearance of IT/Office Committees Order and Citizen cases are premises to host all for the operational UNHCR Project Financing needs the equipment. (6 Special Protection considered the ACs. If not, effectiveness of 30 covers the up to remaining and 4 as active identification of the Appeal Committees: financial needs of 2 .8 5 8.0 6 8 . 3 0 c pending / Number of Regular) are Other Ministries or for the premises to host the IT/Office this action with active ACs currently Public Sector Actors ACs to maximum of ACs equipment for the amount of appeals by supported. examining examine and Secretariats. existing ACs: 2 1 7.5 3 1 , 7 0 € for supporting the overall UNHCR in 1 6 .3 0 0 . 0 0 Ç. IT/Office the List of appeal cases. substance, Unavailability of IT/Office equipment, establishme vefurbishme National Committee after the national funding. equipment for 20 refurbishment, nt and nt works Planning to for Human Rights administra additional ACs: Training / functioning realized. establish 20 [N.C.H.R.] tive Funding constraints 1 3 2.3 0 0 . 0 0 €. Qualification costs of 10 new additional clearance delay the Training / for new committees Number of Appeal EASO procedure establishment of the Qualification costs interpreters, and to increase interpretatio Committees. (until 30- 20 additional for new interpreters: interpretation the rate of 11 instances / 11-2012). Appeals 2 4.0 0 0 . 0 0 €. needs for the backlog interpreters Committees. Refurbishment existing ACs for 3 reduction. involved / End of works of the months. languages 2013 Lack of civil servants premises for the covered. to be appointed as existing / additional chairs of the 10 ACs: 9 5.0 0 0 , 0 0 €, Number of Additional Appeal Remuneration of 30 pending Committees. A Appeals Committees appeal cases relevant amendment members: 36 examined / of legislation has members X 12 RSD taken place in order months X 2.250,00 decisions to expand the Civil € per month (figure issued. Servant’s Pool. If includes gross needed, another one monthly salary plus Decrease the will take place. any other social rate of security costs and decision Lack of available pro-rata bonuses per annulments interpreters to cover month). Subtotal: by the the needs of the 9 7 2.0 0 0 . 0 0 €. Administrât! additional Appeal Remuneration of 30 ve Courts. Committees. Appeal Committees DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. • • GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT

NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) alternate members: 18 members X 12 months X 2.250,00 € per month (figure includes gross monthly salary plus any other social security costs and pro-rata bonuses per month). Subtotal: 486.000.00 €. Interpretation services for 30 Appeal Committees: €. Rental of premises for all Appeal Committees (existing ones and * 20 additional): 350.000.00 €.

Total cost: 3 075 600,00 €. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. 4 i- ..J, -W,s ». ______


Matrix 2.2

NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTEE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) Establish­ A )-Full -Full staffing -Out of 292 Ministry of Public End of -Speedy procedures Staff: salaries -Staff expenses to Cost of three m ent o f a staffing of according to posts: 45 Order and Citizen Mar.2013. of ministries for (€7,000,000), be covered by AS alternates in AA ! fully AS and AA, Organigram, (seconded Protection appointments, including employer's budget. Committees: operational in i.e. and secondments and insurance - Staff overtime to 3 additional Asylum accordance employees permanently Ministry of permanent transfers contributions and process additional alternates X €2,250 Service (AS) with by category transferred Administrative of civil servants to other benefits. cases to be X 12 months = € and Appeals Organigram. (university, civil Reform and AS and AA. In the covered by EEA 8 1,0 0 0 . Authority - Appoint­ secondary, servants) Electronic event of delays, the - Overtime of staff: Grants (AA) in ment of technical serving in Governance full operation of the i92.ooo€ order to members of education), AS and AA, AS and AA will have -For the fees of the ensure a AA by transfers of Ministry of Finance to be delayed. AA Committees: 19 committee fair and Committees department, 100 Releasing ministries -Publication of ; -19 committees X 3 members and for 6 efficient and by central or additional ministerial decision members X € 2,250 alternates (total asylum alternates. regional civil Supreme Council for with membership of X 12 months -= cost of procedure asylum servants Civil Personnel AA Committees and €i ,539, ooo €1,701,000) for 12 (according offices. pending, Selection alternates. -9 alternates X months, funding to -Appoint­ appointment €2,250 X 12 months has been granted Regulations ment of of 145 new UNHCR and = €2 4 3,0 0 0 . under ERF CA and members of civil National 2012 to UNHCR Directives all AA servants Commission for for o f the Committees from Human Rights implementation by Common and register of (selection and the AS. European alternates. candidate indication of Asylum civil members of AA Svstem- servants Committees and CEAS). (Supreme alternates) Council for Civil Personnel Selection) pending. Of these, 77 will be case , workers and 1 69 registration , staff. -Members of AA Committees 5 and j 1 alternates in

e # DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. , , , _ ...... • • GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT

NEEDS INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT GOAL ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and M Ss) the process of being selected and nominated by UNHCR and National Commission for Human Rights.

B) - Support bv -4 of 5 AS, AA, EASO, Milestones -Budgetary and * Note: Costs of VET -Budget of AS Quality assurance Technical UNHCR as UNHCR UNHCR fiscal latitude. on EAC will be -EASO budget support and on the support to regards liaison -Beg. -Good coordination covered by EASO - For technical job training will be and technical officers Mar. 201.3: of training schedule (travel of staff to support, funding carried out by Vocational knowhow (5 providing conclusion between AS/AA and Malta, development has been granted UNHCR provided Education Liaison technical ofMoU EASO. In the event of modules) under ERF CA funding is secured and Training officers) and support between of some of the EAC 2012 to UNHCR for the total of = of AS and on thejob since early AS and modules not being - AS budget: , for 12 months. € 4 0 5 ,0 0 0 AA staff training and 2012. UNHCR available on time, 3 0 , o o o € for VET + (registration quality for the alternative training 25,oooC for internal staff, AS assurance -Ongoing provision arrangements with travel of AS and AA case (10 liaison training in of quality UNHCR in Athens. staff. workers, AA officers) cooperation assurance secretariat, with EASO support -Costs for ^ members of - All case and and on the AA workers UNHCR, job assurance Committees, (120) including on training support and on admin, trained in 5 thejob for case th e iob training: staff), in EAC training for workers. 10 Associate Asylum particular on modules: case workers Officers (AAOs), the EAC inclusion, by UNHCR. -As of 1 locally recruited (5 modules. interview April Athens, 2 techniques. -Ongoing 2013: Thessaloniki, 1 COI, technical opera­ Orestiada, 1 evidence support by- tional Alexandroupoli, 1 assessment, UNHCR agreement Rhodes) for 12 drafting/dec through 4 of with EASO months (Gross ision 5 planned (training €1,900 X 10X12 making. Associate compo­ months) plus social -Sufficient Asylum nent). costs, equipment = number of Officers € 405,000. trainers (6- (Central 10) on the Asylum, UNHCR above Service) Technical mentioned g a e g o rt: ...... DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

GREEK ACTION PIAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT NEEDS .ASSESSMENT INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES (Provided by E C. GOAL ACTION FRAME OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR and MSs) 5 Associate Asylum modules. Officers (Central -Selected Asylum Service) = case workers €196.980 (15-20) trained in the following EAC modules: interviewing vulnerable persons, Dublin Regulation, interviewing children, exclusion. -All staff (registration /administrât ive/casewor kers) trained in Internationa I Refugee Law and Human Rights Law and the Asylum procedure.

Participatio II in other seminars: Asylum Service scope and vision (all staff), case study analysis (all

workers), Dublin PAonLitioi)ivc^uiauvii . I.... • • DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) (all case workers, registration and COI staff), intercultural training (all staff), use of asylum database and web application (all staff), working with interpreters (registration staff and case workers), / health and safety issues (all staff), nationality evaluation techniques (all registration staff and case workers). - 90% successful completion rate of training sessions and seminars.

C) Ensuring -AS and AA -Ongoing AS, AA, Ministry of Milestones -Budgetary and Rents: for AS, AA - Rents will be Remaining adequate central office negotiations Public Order and fiscal latitude. and the Regional covered by EEA Start-up costs: infra­ operational. regarding Citizen Protection, -31 Jan. -Availability of Asylum Office of Grants (408.000c 49.000e structure - - 5 opera­ securing ICT Directorate of 2013: funding from other Attiki - pending Running costs: buildings tional AS premises for Greek Police, identifica­ sources and 400.ooo€/year. For approval) and AS 839.360e and regional AS and AA Ministry of Finance, tion of successful Thessaloniki budget (17.000C). refurbishment costs: technical offices central office I State Real Estate buildings application for funds 25.ooo€/year 4.515.ooo€ =

""S3WIK- -, DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. a , ■ ... - ^ ... jmx ,


NEEDS GOAL INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) equipment. (Athens, and Athens Agency (KYD). to rent therefrom. - Office 5 .4 0 3 3 6 0 € Thes/niki, Regional temporaril - Speed of tendering Start-up costs equipment Alex/poli, Asylum y- procedures. 67Q.000C: 100.000 €, Orestiada, Office free Office equipment teleconferencing Rhodes). o f rent. -31 In the event of 100.000 €, equipment March: delays either in teleconferencing 100.000 €, -6 agree­ - Premises (rent-free) securing funding or equipment 120.000 furniture 240.000 ments for of Rhodes pennanen in tendering €, furniture 240.000 €, heating ensuring Regional t premises procedures, the €, heating equipment security (l Asylum vacated operation of the AS equipment 150.000 150.000 €, central AS Office have and and AA will have to €, security security office, 5 been transferre be delayed. equipment 30.000 equipment 10.000 regional AS secured. d to the €, purchase of 3 cars €, purchase of 3 offices). -Ongoing Asylum (Athens, Orestiada, cars (Athens, efforts to Service. Alexandroupoli) Orestiada, - 1 fully secure 39.000 € Alexandroupoli) equipped buildings for -31 Jan. 30.000 € workstation Thes/niki, 2013: Running costs ' per member Alex/poli establislim 2 .0 4 4 .0 6 0 €: (Total: € 630,000) of staff. and ent of (2013 only - will be covered by Orestiada financial excluding staff) budget of AS. Regional arrange­ Stationery Asylum ments for ioo.ooo€, cleaning - Stationery Offices. bilateral services 395.090c, 100.000 €, -Ongoing funding. security services cleaning services .. efforts to 798.000 e, 50.000 €, security secure transcript services 350.000 adequate equipment i2.ooo€, € ,, Purchase of office space Purchase of PCs PCs 180.000 €, for the iSo.oooC, software software updates Central updates 20.000 €, 20.000 €, travel Service, the travel and related and related AA and the expenses 100.000 €, expenses 70.000 Athens asylum seekers ID €, asylum seekers Regional cards 23.370 €, ID cards 24.700 €, Office on a 170.000 €, cleaning utilities 170.000 temporary and sanitary €, cleaning and basis. material 10.000 €, sanitary material -Ongoing fuel for heating 10.000 € ,, fuel for | ■ planning for 90.000 €, fuel for 3 heating 90.000 €, the cars (100 EUR*52 fuel for 3 cars (100 procuremen weeks*3) 15.600c, EUR*52 weeks*s) t of all fees for service and 10.000 C, fees for necessary road tax (3*500 service and road technical EUR for service + tax (3*500 EUR equipment. 3*200 EUR for tax) for service +

# DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

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§ a a DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

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o DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. a * ______- — ...... — - - - # e GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT

NEEDS INDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT GOAL ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and MSs) Unit of AS. Mar. 2013: -Docu­ 5 staff mentation have Unit of AS completed has EAC presently training. one staff member.

F) - Booklet of -Text of AS, AA, UNHCR. Milestone -Availability ofEEA -Information Printing and No support is needed Provision information information funding and material for AS translation costs of by EC or MSs and dissemi­ with text booklet has Beg. Feb. successful (€58,000 per year, information nation of translated in been 2013: application for funds including printing material as well as information 19 languages prepared, in testing of therefrom. and translation cost for the materials in and printed cooperation telephone - Speed of tendering costs) telephone helpline various in 70,000 with helpline. procedures. -Telephone line (€127.339) have languages to copies. UNHCR. providing free been included in migrants -Operational -Planning information the application to wishing to (14 out of 24 for the (€69,339 per year).' EEA apply for hours) help­ setting up of refugee line centre a free Calculations are status. with 10 telephone included in Annex separate help-line for II. lines, and migrants with an and asylum average seekers. daily use of 42 calls per line (i.e. 420 calls per day for the whole centre).

G) Referral to Planning for AS, AA, NGOs. Milestone -Availability ofEEA - Medical An application for No support is needed Provision of medical limited funding and examination for funding for these by EC or MSs medical and physical social Spring successful victims of torture ( expenses psycho­ examination services 2013: application for funds 131.469,00 €) (€ 170.709) has social of alleged based in the agreement therefrom. been submitted to support to torture Athens concluded - In the event of -Social workers EEA asylum victims Regional with NGO. unavailability- of (€ 36,000 per year). seekers and Asylum funds, social services -Psychologist AS staff. Psychosocial Office to for AS will not be (€3,240 per year), support to assist available in situ, (see Annex III). asylum asylum alleged victims of seekers 1 seekers, as torture will not be ______DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. rWr ... r[ f .r.,f . . |t ^ |V ^ ^ *. rinn, •«.- , ^ . (


NEEDS GOAL ÏNDICATO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASSESSMENT ACTION ASSUMPTIONS TOTAL COST RESOURCES OBJECTIVE RS PLAY ACTOR FRAME (Provided by E C. and M Ss) well as for- referred to 2 visits to limited specialises psychologist psycho­ diagnostic care, per member logical while support for of staff per support for staff will need to be year. AS case undertaken workers to privately. avoid burnout.

H) By-laws in -Presidential AS, AA, Ministry of End of Speedy adoption by No cost No support is needed Completion force Decree on Public Order and Jan. 2013 competent ministers by EC or MSs of legal (adopted new asylum Citizen Protection, and processing by framework and procedure in Council of State. Council of State (by-laws). published) adoption process. - Statute of AS and AA ' being drafted. - Standard Operating Procedures being drafted.

Presidential Decree transposing the recast Qualificatio n Directive in early stages of adoption

46 ï • • ■A- 'V. V " T ■'! DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


Reception of Asylum Seekers, Vulnerable Groups & Unaccompanied Minors


The reception of Asylum Seekers, Unaccompanied Minors and Vulnerable Groups is an integral part of the system to manage mixed migration flows.

|Groups of migrants that_cross the borders illegally may include special categories, i.e. unaccompanied minors, asylum seekers, vulnerable groups (victims of torture, victims of trafficking etc) who are entitled to protection and support.

So far, the Reception System has fallen under the responsibility of different Ministries, namely the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity at first and, as of late, the Ministry of Labor. The Government has now decided that, the competence of Reception will be transferred to the MOPD&CP and in particular the First Reception Service.

Thus, all issues related to the management of irregular migration and asylum will be under the same roof, resulting in more efficiency, based on the same standards and procedures throughout.

In light of these developments, the First Reception Service has developed an Action Plan that has taken account of all necessary steps so that the transfer of responsibility from the Ministry of Labor to the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection is done smoothly, maintaining the good practices and experiences and becoming more efficient and more tailor-made to suit the specific needs.

In particular, the Revised Action Plan includes: • The effective inclusion of the competent directorate of the Ministry of Labor as a new department of the FRS. | ■ The continuation of the_management and operation of existing Reception Centres so that there are no gaps in the process. ■ The drafting of SOPs for such centres which are tailor-made to the needs of each centre depending on the “target-group”. • Development of a system of referrals and management that follows the existing needs and is in accordance with the actual numbers of people in need of Reception Services. • Increase of capacity to accommodate a sufficient number of beneficiaries.

Special attention will be given to: • Training of personnel. ■ Maintaining good practices already applied. ■ Smooth incorporation of the existing directorate of Social Solidarity in FRS. ■ Harmonization of SOPs and practices within FRS so that First Reception and Reception divisions ^ • are compatible. " ■ Introducing more efficient ways of starting up and operating Reception Centres (i.e. outsourcing). • Close cooperation with major stakeholders such as IOM, EEA, UNHCR etc. " Cooperation with NGOs for the running of the Centres, as well as other actors. ■ Building up capacity. • Quality control. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. _ _


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Ensure Transfer of Legal framework In ■ Ministry of Feb. 2013 Administrative costs National Budget effective responsibili published in preparation Public Order related to the EBF inclusion of ty for Government and Citizen transfer the running Gazette. Protection, (installation costs) Directorate RCs. ■ Ministry of l-SOOC per job o f Social Labor & position x 14 Solidarity Welfare employees= from 2 1 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € Ministry of Labor as a Plan and Published In FRS April 2013 Necessary No cost D epartm ent create a amendment of preparation preparations made in FRS new Presidential according to existing organizatio Decree with new plan. nal set-up organizational FRS to recruit set-up. competent staff and staff from the National Centre for Social Solidarity (NCSS) to be transferred.

Create a Total budget in Pending FRS May 2013 Necessary No cost budget place. preparations made covering all according to existing activities in plan. the combined organizatio n including budget for reception centres.

M anagemen Revise Contracts with Pending FRS June 2013 Costs for external Searching for 8 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € t o f existing contracts common (will be legal support in funding Reception with standards in implement contract resources. centres providers place and ed in all management and Possibly National to ensure implemented. contracts budgeting, Budget. common from 8 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € standards 2014) and set an average DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. -V .. - -« - , r , I n, mm



cost per place, as there are many different actors who run reception centres and they all have their own standards. The purpose is to implement common standards < to all for quality assurance and cost compare.

Revise the Revised referral The current FRS July 2013 Estimated cost for Searching for 1 6 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € referral system approved web based external IT support funding mechanism by FRS. referral in order to analyze resources. (system) system has the existing system been and upgrade it transferred according to the FRS to EKKA needs, 1 6 .0 0 0 ,0 0 from the €. National Youth Institute and is under examination from IDIKA for its functionality DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



Put in Minimum SOPs Pending FRS Revised EASO-FRS AST011 operation approved by EASO SOPs and implementing minimum FRS. UNHCR approved minimum SOPs based standards Decision taken IOM by on the UNHCR of and published NGOs June 2013 proposal operations by FRS Director in to implement Outcome: manual. Reception SOPs in Centres Reception (based on Centres. the SOPs prepared by UNHCR arid further developed and streamlined by the FRS ) - and implement in all centres, including training.

Develop a Management Pending FRS Sep. 2013 EASO-FRS AST in manageme system in place EASO setting up a nt system in Central FRS. management system with EASO-FRS AST in regular setting up a reporting monitoring/ auditing requiremen mechanism ts and monitoring Outcome: 2 manuals /auditing Trained Pending FRS Nov. 2013 Own resources set-up. personnel of Central FRS in implementing the management system.

Establishme Identificati At least 20 Pending FRS 2014 Local authorities do ivt and on of premises The not present functioning locations identified. identificatio obstacles. To o f new and n of overcome probable Reception j premises to locations issues communicate %: e e DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



Centres build / run will start with local 30 RCs from the community about moment mutual expectations FRS takes prior to any over decisions taken. responsibilit y for running RCs.

Reception Delivery of the An FRS End of Running costs per EEA grants (a Centres RCs, contracts agreement EEA 2013 year: total o f (RCs) for with providers has been IOM 1.330.000,00 € 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 € asylum of services and signed NGOs per centre (for a 3-year seekers supplies, all between period) vulnerable posts are filled IOM & EEA groups with with competent minimum and trained capacity of personnel to 200 places. cover the services of the RC.

10 new Delivery of the Pending FRS End of Local authorities do Estimated costs for No means have Ensure funding by Reception RCs, contracts This action other actors: 2013 not present establishment/ been secured E.C., RF for Centres with providers will start NGOs; private obstacles. To construction: 16.310.000,00 € (RC) for of services and from the companies, etc overcome probable € asylum supplies, all moment issues communicate seekers posts are filled FRS takes with local vulnerable with competent over community about Running costs per groups with and trained responsibilit mutual expectations year: a total personnel to >'for prior to any 9 .3 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 € capacity of cover the running RCs decisions taken 700 places, services of the constructiu RC. n/establish ment, infrastructu re, personnel, services, supplies. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

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10 new Deliver}' of the Pending FRS End of Local authorities do Estimated costs for No means have Ensure funding hv Reception RCs, contracts Other actors: 2014 not present establishment/ been secured E.C., RF for Centres with providers NGOs; private obstacles. To construction: 16.310.000,00 € (RC) for of services and companies, etc overcome probable € asylum supplies, all issues communicate seekers posts are filled with local vulnerable with competent community about Running costs per groups with and trained mutual expectations year: capacity of personnel to prior to any 9 .3 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 € 700 places, cover the decisions taken. constructio services of the n/establish RC. ment, infrastructu re, personnel, services, supplies. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


Pre - removal Centres (Directive 2008/115/EC)


The Ministry’s policy concerning the detention of irregular migrants is based strictly on the EU legislation. The pre-removal centres, operating under the responsibility of the Hellenic Police, constitute the specialized facilities for the detention of the irregular migrants who are subject to the return procedures under the provisions of the Return Directive 2008/.115/EC Besides police officers, staffing of the pre­ removal centres includes doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, interpreters/ translators and private security personnel.

Until September 2012, only one pre-removal centre was functioning at Amygdaleza of capacity of (210) places. Nevertheless, Amygdaleza along with some other facilities could not cover immediate needs. Thus, this Ministry adopted a programme for the fast establishment of pre-removal centres, along four tiers,

A. Increase the capacity of the existing pre-removal centre at Amygdaleza Attikis, from (210) to (2000) places. - B. Transform the Hellenic Police Academy ex-student residencies at Komotini and Xanthi, into pre- removal centres. C. Use of ex-military camps with accommodation facilities that could be renovated, expanded (if necessary) and transformed into pre-removal centres of significant capacity (Corinth, Paranesti, West Macedonia). D. Use of ex-military camps for the establishment of new pre-removal facilities in Karoti of Orestiada- Evros, in Mytilene of Lesvos and in Ritsona of Evia (close to Attika).

Following the aforementioned programme, the Ministry established, within 2012, (5) pre-removal centres, thus increasing the capacity from (210) places to (4000) by the end of 2012. Along with the establishment of adequate pre - removal facilities, special care has been given to the continuous improvement of the quality of the facilities of the pre-removal and detention centres defined by the Directive 2008/115/EC. The facilities will be monitored by the responsible technical division on a regular basis. Additional to those measures, old and non appropriate facilities will be gradually closing down-Venna pre-removal centre has already closed down since 15 December 2012 (Matrix 4).

According to the statistics of the last three (3) years related to the number of irregular migrants arrested at the external borders or in the mainland, it is estimated that 30%,that is almost 93.000, who do not fall under the process of return or applying for international protection are residing illegally in Greece holding a pending deportation decision. Until recently, immigrants arrested at the borders were detained for a short period of time and then, due to the limited, compared to the migration flows, capacity of the existing detention facilities, were released with orders (mostly unenforceable) to leave the country within 30 days. The Ministry decided to increase the capacity of the pre-removal facilities for illegal immigrants under the status of repatriation in order to achieve a significant increase of the returns and send a strong signal to third - country nationals willing to illegally enter Greece and thus European territory. This decision underlines the Government’s determination to implement an effective plan and warn all immigrants who do not fall under the status of international protection that they will be arrested, detained and returned to the countries of origin. In the case of an application for international protection, this application (1st and 2nd instance) will be examined in a maximum period of 2 months and if rejected, the illegal immigrant will be returned to his country of origin. In order to respond to the need for an effective management and humane treatment of all illegal immigrants holding a pending return’s decision, the Ministry is planning to establish additional pre - removal facilities of a total capacity of 10.000 places until the first semester of 2014. The locations of the new pre-removal facilities have already been identified; the construction costs as well as costs for the improvement of the living conditions of the detainees are covered by the European Return Fund. This action, covering only a 10% of the total number of immigrants subject to returns, will result to the significant reduction of the number of illegal immigrants who reside illegally in Greece or in other European Union countries.

This new integrated migration management system in Greece has as general rule the modernization of the asylum system, the protection of vulnerable migrants, the strengthening of border control along with the pre-removal centres and the increase of returns of immigrants illegally residing in the country DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


Despite the intensive efforts, over the last few months, to build a modern system to manage migration in Greece, challenges still exist. Mainly, Greece is working on effective methods, such as fast track screening, in order to diminish the abuse of the existing asylum system. Illegal immigrants tend to apply for asylum as soon as they are detained in order to prolong a return decision. Economic immigrants as soon as they are detained and transferred to a pre-removal detention centre apply to be recognized as refugees and thus be released and extend their residence in the country waiting for their application to be examined. It must be noted though that the deportation decision of an asylum seeker applicant is not being cancelled but only temporarily suspended until the final examination of the asylum application.

In December 2012 and in the area of Attiki, with the largest concentration of irregular migrants, the following phenomena were observed: At a total number of 2.730 illegal immigrants/detainees a number of 1.693 applied for asylum, i.e. 62%. From those asylum seekers: 35,5% have declared as country of origin Pakistan (from 809 immigrants, 602 asylum seekers, i.e. 74 %), 34,8% have declared as country of origin Bangladesh (from 717 immigrants, 589 asylum seekers, i.e. 82%), 7,6% have declared as country of origin Afghanistan (from 273 immigrants, 129 asylum seekers, i.e. 47%) and 22% from other countries.

Based on the above results one can easily assume that there is an abuse of the asylum procedure. Upon observation of the existing internal situation in the above mentioned countries, one would expect a higher number of asylum applicants from Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, State of Palestine or Syria.

This Ministry has set up a programme to prevent an abuse of the asylum procedure until the Asylum Service and Appeals Authority become operational during the first semester of 2013. This programme is te e d j 3n_D.rimifizingj£udL£as£S^^ bv transferring committeeS-tû-Üie pre-removal centres in order to examine these cases. In addition, cases of applications proceeding to the 2nd instance will be examined bv the committees established to deal with the “backlog” described in Chanter 2 (Section 2.1. Management of Backlog. Action Cl. The new efficient and fair asylum system will have the appropriate mechanisms in order to distinguish refugees and vulnerable migrants from economic I immigrants whose purpose is either to stay in Greece or to relocate to other countries of the European Union.

Greece has set the terms for establishing an organized, systematic and fair migration management system but in order to proceed and achieve its goal needs support from the European Union in total and from every MS separately.

In the following table an analytical plan regarding locations of pre-removal centres, maximum capacities to be reached in each of them, construction and running costs as well as needs/problems for funding the project, are analytically demonstrated. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ^ ^ ... |r -'f1ïTnT^ |. 1 n ------1T| - - r - - ! ...... _ rr ,ïï .. ^ ___ e # GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT

Matrix4 Pre - removal Centres (Directive 2008/iis/ECI


Im provem e Improveinen Provision of Approval of Ministry of Public Summer Speed tender Estimated European nt o f t of quality Technical Order & Citizen 2013 procedures Return Fund conditions detention detention Specification Protection, 600.000,00 € AP2011 in Petrou conditions facilities to sis in Ralli in Petrou potential progress and Hellenic Police Ralli for the returnees in will be Headquarters / detainees order to finalized by Finance Division, who are ensure mid of Technical Division under the humane and December and Aliens’ Division. return dignified 2012. procedure. living Contract conditions Notice, until the tender preparation submission of travel and contract documents award by and the end of execution of January the Return 2013. Decision/Re Signature of moval Order Contract they hold. and commencem eut of Works by mid February 2013. Estimated project duration is (4) four months.

Establishme A) Establishme Ongoing Ministry of Public End of Estimated European nt o f Pre­ Pre-removal 11t of pre­ construction Order & Citizen Dec.2012 Return Fund rem oval Detention removal activities in Protection, 3.000.000,00 € AP2011 Detention Centre in detention order to Centres in Amygdalez centre of reach Hellenic Police Central a, capacity of maximum Headquarters / Greece construction (2 0 0 0 ) capacity of Finance Division, places. (2000) Technical Division places by and Aliens’ Division. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ._ ■ ■ _ ...

i ; : •



Humane end of living Dec.2012. conditions.

B) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public In Budget availability Estim ated E uropean Costs to be covered Operation of the pre­ Centre is in Order & Citizen operation to fund the R unning Cost (per Return Fund by other European Pre-removal removal operation Protection, since operation of the pre­ year) for AP2012 sources, Detention detention Sep.2012 removal detention Amygdaleza pre- 8.057.600,00 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police centre in removal centre in Amygdalez Headquarters / Amygdaleza, in full full operation, a Finance Division, capacity. (€439.90 per person Technical Division per month X 12 and Aliens’ Division. Proper functioning months X 2000 of the pre-removal persons) = centre is directly 10.557.600,00 € related to the flow in the returns process of the detainees. (costs coveretj by ~ Speedy procedures Return Fund for in the organization eligible expenses) of returns and fast 2.500.000,00 € issuing of travel documents by the responsible Consular Authorities are essential requirements for the successful operation of the centre.

C) Establishme Pre-removal Ministry of Defense, October Estimated European Pre-removal nt of pre- detention 2013 Construction Cost R eturn Fund Detention removal centre in Ministry of Public 2 .1 0 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € AP2012 Centre in detention Corinth, Order & Citizen, Corinth, centre of established Protection renovation capacity of in an ex­ activities (2 0 0 0 ) camp. Hellenic Police places. Renovation Headquarters / activities are Finance Division, Humane in progress Technical Division living in order to and Aliens’ Division. conditions. accommodât e (1000) returnees. Additional construction

e e DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. . .7 . . - . - , . ------e e GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


activities will be implemente d during 2013 in order to increase capacity of the centre to (2 0 0 0 ) places.

D) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public In Budget availability E stim ated European Costs to be covered Operation of the pre- Centre is in Order & Citizen operation to fund the R unning Cost (per Return Fund by other European Pre-removal removal operation Protection, since operation of the pre­ year) for Corinth AP2012 sources, Detention detention Sep.2012 removal detention pre-removal centre 8 .0 5 7 .6 0 0 ,0 0 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police centre in Corinth, in in full operation, Corinth Headquarters / full capacity. (€439,90 per person Finance Division per month X i£ and Aliens’ Division. Proper functioning months X 2000 of the pre-removal persons) = centre is directly 10.557.600,00 € related to the flow in the returns process Estim ated Budget of the detainees. (costs covered by Speedy procedures Return Fund for in the organization eligible expenses) of returns and fast 2.500.000,00 € issuing of travel documents by the - responsible Consular Authorities are essential requirements for a successful operation of the centre.

E) Establishme Under Ministry of Defense, End of Estimated E uropean Pre-removal nt of pre- preparation. Feb.2014 R eturn Fund Detention removal Location of Ministry of Public 4.650.000,00 € A P2013 Centre in detention the centre Order & Citizen Ritsona, centre of has been Protection, construction capacity identified (8 o o ) but not yet Hellenic Police places. secured. Headquarters / Pre-studies Finance Division, DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ^ i r r - - __



in progress. Technical Division and Aliens’ Division.

F) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public Centre will Budget availability Estim ated No available Costs to be covered Operation of the pre­ Centre is not Order & Citizen be in to fund the Running Cost (per resources by other European Pre-removal removal functioning. Protection, operation operation of the pre­ year) for Ritsona sources, Detention detention by removal detention pre-removal centre 4.223.040,00 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police Dec.2013 centre in Corinth, in in full operation, R itsona Headquarters / full capacity. (€439,90 per person Finance Division per month X 12 and Aliens’ Division. months X 800 persons) = 4.223.040,00 €

Establishme A) Establishme Under Ministry of Defense, End of Estimated European nt o f Pre­ Pre-removal nt of pre- preparation. Feb. 2014 Construction Cost R eturn Fund rem oval Detention removal Studies in Ministry of Public 4 .6 5 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 c AP2012 Detention Centre in detention progress. Order & Citizen Centres in Karoti, centre of Protection, Central- construction capacity Fast (6 0 0 ) Hellenic Police M acedonia places. Headquarters / Finance Division, Technical Division and Aliens’ Division.

B) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public Centre will Budget availability E stim ated - European Costs to be covered Operation of the pre- Centre is not Order & Citizen be in to fund the Running Cost (per Return Fund by other European Pre-removal removal functioning. Protection, operation operation of the pre­ year) for Karoti pre­ AP2012 sources, Detention detention by removal detention removal centre in 3.283.260,00 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police Sep.2013 centre, in full full operation, Karoti Headquarters / capacity. (€528,23 per person Finance Division per month X 12 and Aliens’ Division. months X 600 persons) = 3.803.260,00 €

Estimated Budget (costs covered by Return Fund for eligible expenses) 5 2 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 €

C) Establishme In order to Ministry of Public Mid Estimated European Pre-removal nt of pre­ establish the Order & Citizen Nov.2013 Return Fund Detention removal pre-removal Protection, 1 .1 8 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € AP2012 DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. . . ------• # GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


Centre in detention centre some Hellenic Police Komotini. centre of construction Headquarters / renovation capacity of activities Finance Division, activities (6 0 0 ) implemente Technical Division places. din a and Aliens’ section of Division Humane the Police living Academy in conditions. Komotini. Additional construction activities will be implemente d during the first semester of 2013 in order to improve living conditions.

D) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public In Budget availability Estimated European Costs to be covered Operation of the pre­ Centre is in Order & Citizen operation to fund the Running Cost (per Return Fund by other European Pre-removal removal operation. Protection, since operation of the pre­ year) for Komotini AP2012 sources, Detention detention Sep.2012 removal detention pre-removal centre 3.063.260,00 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police centre, jn full in full operation, K omotini Headquarters / capacity. (€528,23 per person Finance Division Proper functioning per month X 12 and Aliens' Division of the pre-removal months X 600 centre is directly persons) = related to the flow in 3 .8 0 3 .2 6 0 ,0 0 € the returns process of the detainees. Estimated Budget Speedy procedures (costs covered by in the organization Return Fund for of returns and fast eligible expenses) issuing of travel 740.000,00 € documents by the responsible Consular Authorities are essential requirements for a successful operation of the centre. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



E) Establishme In order to Ministry of Public Mid Estimated European Pre-removal nt of pre­ establish the Order & Citizen Nov.2013 Construction Cost Return Fund Detention removal pre-removal Protection, 1.010.000,00 € AP2012 Centre in detention centre some Xanthi, centre of construction Hellenic Police renovation capacity of activities Headquarters / activities (5 0 0 ) implemente Finance Division, places. din a Technical Division section of and Aliens’ Division Humane the Police living Academy in conditions. Xanthi. Additional construction activities will be implemente d during the first semester of 2013 in order to improve living conditions.

F) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public In Budget availability Estim ated - European Costs to be covered Operation of the pre­ Centre is in Order & Citizen operation to fund the Running Cost (per Return Fund by other European Pre-removal removal operation. Protection, since operation of the pre- year) for Xanthi pre­ AP2012 sources, Detention detention Sep.2012 removal detention removal centre in 2.552.000,00 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police centre, in full full operation, Xanthi Headquarters / capacity. (€570,33 per person Finance Division per month X 12 and Aliens’ Division Proper functioning months X 500 of the pre-removal persons) = centre is directly 3 .4 2 2 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € related to the flow in the returns process Estimated Budeet of the detainees. (costs covered by Speedy procedures Return Fund for in the organization eligible expenses) of returns and fast 870.000,00 € issuing of travel documents by the responsible Consular Authorities DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ^ __^



are essential requirements for a successful operation of the centre.

G) Establishme Paranesti Ministry of Defense, End of Estimated European Pre-removal nt of pre­ pre-removal Jan.2014 Construction Cost Return Fund Detention removal centre is Ministry of Public 5.860.000,00 € AP2012 Centre in detention established Order & Citizen Paranesti, centre of in an ex­ Protection, renovation capacity of camp. activities (1200) Renovation Hellenic Police places. activities Headquarters / taken place Finance Division, Humane and Technical Division living currently and Aliens’ Division conditions. centre is operating with half its max. capacity. Additional construction activities will be implemente d during 2013 in order to increase capacity of the centre to (1200) places.

F) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public In Budget availability Estim ated European Costs to be covered Operation of the pre­ Centre is in Order & Citizen operation to fund the R unning Cost (per Return Fund by other European Pre-removal removal operation Protection, since operation of the pre- year) for Paranesti AP2012 sources, Detention detention Oct.2012 removal detention pre-removal centre 5-335-2 5 0 ,0 0 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police centre in, in full in full operation, Paranesti Headquarters / capacity. (€474,67 per person Finance Division Proper functioning per month X 12 and Aliens’ Division of the pre-removal months X 1200 centre is directly persons) = related to the flow in 6.835.250,00 € ...... the returns process DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



of the detainees. Speedy procedures (costs covered by in the organization Return Fund for of returns and fast eligible expenses) issuing of travel 1.500.000,00 € documents by the responsible i Consular Authorities : are essential requirements for a successful operation of the centre. Establishme A) Establishme Ministry's Ministry of Defense, Spring of No funding is Estimated - European ut o f Pre- Pre-removal nt of pre­ Technical 2014 available at the Return Fund rem oval Detention removal experts have Ministry of Public moment for project 10.000.000,00 € Detention Centre in detention visited Order & Citizen implementation, as Centres in W est centre of various Protection, such action need to V est M acedonia capacity of locations in be included in the M acedonia REGION, (2 0 0 0 ) West Hellenic Police AP2013 (Return construction places. Macedonia Headquarters / Fund). in order to Finance Division, Humane establish a Technical Division living pre-removal and Aliens’ Division conditions. centre that will cover future needs.. Efforts from the Ministry are in progress in order to secure the area.

B) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public Summer Budget availability E stim ated No available Costs to be covered Operation of the pre­ centre is not Order & Citizen of 2014 to fund the Running Cost (per resources by other European Pre-removal removal functioning. Protection. operation of the pre­ year) for pre- sources, Detention detention removal detention removal centre in 11.400.000,00 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police centre in Corinth, in full operation, W est Headquarters / full capacity. (€475 per person M acedonia Finance Division per month X 12 REGION and Aliens’ Division months X 2000 persons) = 11.400.000,00 € . _ ......

! DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. f, ^ ______. ■. - -ne...... e e GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


Establishme A) Establishme Two possible Ministry of Defense, End of Estimated European nt o f Pre- Pre- nt of pre­ locations Feb. 2014 Return Fund rem oval Removal removal have been Ministry of Public 5 .7 0 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € A P2013 D etention Detention detention identified Order & Citizen Centres in Centre in centre of for the Protection, Eastern M ytilene capacity of construction Aegean (Lesvos), (6 0 0 ) of the Hellenic Police construction places. centre. Headquarters / However Finance Division, only one Technical Division location has and Aliens’ Division been secured so far. Efforts from the Ministry are in progress in order to secure the second area which is considered as more beneficiary.

B) Operation of Pre-removal Ministry of Public Centre will Budget availability Estim ated No available Costs to be covered Operation of the pre- centre is not Order & Citizen be in to fund the Running Cost (per resources. by other European Pre-removal removal functioning Protection, operation operation of the pre- year) for Mytilene sources, Detention detention by- removal detention pre-removal centre 3.420.000,00 € Centre in centre. Hellenic Police Sep. 2013 centre, in full in full operation, M ytilene Headquarters / capacity. (€ 4 7 5 per person (Lesvos) Finance Division per month X 12 and Aliens’ Division months X 600 persons) = 3.420.000,00 € Closure o f A) Closure of Venna pre- Ministry of Public Complet pre-removal Closure of the pre- removal Order & Citizen ed D etention Detention removal detention Protection, 6th Centres Centre in detention centre is December Venna Centre in closed down Hellenic Police 2012 Venna. and Headquarters / detainees Finance Division, were Technical Division transferred and Aliens’ Division to other pre­ removal DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. __ ...... t. .1...... flrr„„r ,



centres having more appropriate living conditions. Initial planning was to close it down by end of March 2013.

B) Closure of Elliniko pre- Ministry of Public By Mar. Closure of (2) pre­ removal Order & Citizen 2013 (2) removal detention Protection, Detention detention centres will Centres in Centres in close down Hellenic Police Elliniko Elliniko. and Headquarters j detainees Finance Division, / will be Technical Division transferred and Aliens’ Division accordingly to other pre­ removal centres having humane and appropriate living conditions. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


■CHAPTERS Returns — Provision of Services


Improving the performance of returning illegal immigrants to their country of origin is an adding value and a key point for Greece in order to deal with its migration problems. For this purpose the Ministry is working towards two main directions.

Firstly, it supports and co-finances (European Return Fund) voluntary repatriation programmes with reintegration measures and forced returns when voluntary return is no longer possible (e.g. cases of immigrants holding a return decision and refuse to return voluntarily). Furthermore, as part of the implementation of the European Return Fund’s financial programme, it recruits interpreters/translators, psychologists and social workers for supporting immigrants under the return process and especially vulnerable returnees (e.g. persons who are ill or disabled, unaccompanied minors, the elderly etc).

Additionally to the programmes for returning illegal immigrants who do not fulfill or no longer fulfill the conditions for entry and/or stay in the country, Readmission Agreements play an important factor to improve the performance of returns. These can be applied with countries with large number of illegal immigrants such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco, Algeria and Iraq. According to Decision No. 575/2007/EC establishing the European Return Fund for the period 2008 to 2013 as part of the General Programme ‘Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows’, “the Council Conclusions on the priorities for the successful development of a common re-admission policy of 2 November 2004 emphasise that Community re-admission agreements make an important contribution to an effective joint migration management and play a valuable role in the fight against illegal immigration. They are an important element in the framework of the dialogue and cooperation between the European Union and the countries of origin, former residence and transit of illegal immigrants”.

The Ministry is currently supporting a major IOM Greece Voluntary Repatriation Programme launched in August 2012 that aims at assisting up to 7.000 immigrants having registered an interest in returning to their respective countries of origin.

In addition, IOM Greece has 2 additional active AVRR projects which include a) UKBA funded programme that will soon commence and aims at assisting 145 migrants and b) an EEA funded programme that is currently operational and aims to assist 710 immigrants. To date, IOM Greece has registered more than 11,000 immigrants having an interest in returning to their respective countries of origin. On average, the mission is registering over 70 immigrants per day mainly from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco and Iraq. Bearing in mind the overwhelming number of immigrants wishing to return, IOM Greece will return an additional 3.000 third-country nationals by June 30, 2013 thus increasing the original number from 7.000 immigrants to 10.000 immigrants.

Finally, regarding Readmission Agreements in Community or National (bilateral) level Greece seeks for assistance from the European Union in order to effectively apply this measure.

An analytical plan is described in the Table 5 below regarding the implementation of the various return programmes, the provision of services to returnees (i.e. psycho-social support, legal aid, interpretation sendees etc) as well as the re-organization of the Department of Deportations (Attica Directorate of Aliens) and the Returns Coordination Office in Athens (Returns Workshop, 15-16 October 2012, Athens). DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.




Provision o f A) - Employm Recruitment Ministry of End of June In case of delays Estimated Cost European Services Employment ent of (73) Program for Public Order & 2013 with the inter- 1.067.000,00 € Return Fund of interprété translators Citizen ministerial A P 2011 interpreters r and and Protection decision, the and translator interpreters Responsible translator to s. is ongoing. Ministry of Authority may improve Preparatory Interior- consider an information Employm procedures Ministiy of Jul.2013 - alternative 1.067.000,00 € European provided to ent of in order to Administrative June 2014 procedure of Return Fund potential (60) recruit a Reform and e- implementation by AP 2012 returnees inteiprete team of Govemment activating the rs and interpreters awarding body translator and Hellenic Police method. s. translators Headquarters / to provide Finance services to Division, Aliens potential Division and returnees as Civil Personnel soon as Division present contract expires.

B) Employm - Recruitment Ministry of End of June In case of delays Estimated Cost European Provision of ent of Program for Public Order & 2013 with the inter- 4 .2 6 6 .6 7 0 ,0 0 € Return Fund psychosocial (too) psychologist Citizen ministerial A P 2011 support to psycholog s and social Protection decision, the potential ists and workers is Responsible returnees by (6o) ongoing. Ministry of Authority may employing social Preparatory Interior- consider an social workers. procedures Ministiy of Jul.2013 - alternative 1.777.780,00 € European workers/psv in order to Administrative June 2014 procedure of Return Fund chologists Employm recruit a Reform and e- implementation by AP 2012 ent of team of Govemment activating the (50) psychologist awarding body psycholog s and social Hellenic Police method. ists and workers to Headquarters / (50) provide Finance social services to Division, Aliens workers. potential Division and returnees as Civil Personnel soon as Division

e # DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. — — z,------— ^ »...... — e # GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


present contract expires.

C) Memorandum Action in Ministry of End of June - Speed of signing European Employment of progress. Several Public Order & 2013 the 2.133-334,00 € Return Fund of legal Understandin meetings have Citizen Memorandum A P 2011 advisors g signed with been Protection of (lawyers) for Bar implemented Understanding provision of Associations with Bar Bar Associations Jul.2013 ~ (MoU) with Bar 1.000.000,00 € European legal Associations June 2014 Associations Return Fund support to aiming to sign - Tight Time AP 2012 potential Memorandum of schedule returnees Understandings in order to start implementation ; of the action.

Increase A) 9 0 0 Current Ministry of End of June Estimated Cpst European capacity of Implement« returnees Returns Foreign Affairs 2013 10.585.453.00 € Return Fund Returns tion of with hired program is AP 2011 enforced aircrafts ongoing. Hellenic Police returns or and Subsequent Headquarters / around returns Finance facilitation - of voluntary 5 .0 0 0 program Division, Aliens Jul.2013 - 8.119.817.00 € European departure by individual that is Division and June 2014 Return Fund the Hellenic returns. implemente Civil Personnel AP 2012 Police for dby Division third- 1.300 Hellenic country returnees Police will nationals with hired be funded who do not aircrafts by AP2012 or no longer and and will be fulfill the around activated conditions 6 .0 0 0 when for entry individual current and stay. returns. program has no available budget.

B) Minimum Current Internationa] End of June - Speed issue of Estimated Cost European For the Implement« number of Voluntary Organization of 2013 travel 10.000.000,00 Return Fund implementation of tion of returns to be Returns Migration documents by € AP 2011 3-000 additional assisted implemented program is (IOM) Consular For the returns by IOM voluntary by the ongoing. Offices that implementation of estimated cost is

.. returns program is Efforts are examine 3.000 additional 3.612.000, 00 €. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. , . ^ ' .a. ' ' " , _ .. . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^



including 7 0 0 0 . in progress specific returns by IOM reintegrate Minimum in order to number of estimated cost is n measures number of increase the cases per 3.612.000, 00 returns to be number of week. €. implemented voluntary - Registration by the returns of migrant s program is implemente in IOM 7 0 0 0 . d by the voluntary progr am to return 10.000. program. In order to implement Jul.2013 - European 3 0 0 0 June 2014 € Return Fund additional AP 2012 returns, extra funding is necessary estimated to 3.612.000 Cor alternatively decrease the cost of reintegratio n measures included in the current program.

Subsequent voluntary returns program will start when contract I expires and no available budget exists.

C) - Number of In preparation NGOs or Mar.2013 - Estimated Cost European Provision of Mobile International . June 2014 1.500.000,00 € Return Fund medical aid Medical Organizations AP 2012 in Units and

# DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. e # GRÊEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


repatriation Teams of centres experts to during the be process of deployed. return - Number of training seminars organized.

D) 9 4 0 police Ongoing Ministry of End of June Estimated Cost European Trainings of officers will trainings of the Public Order 2013 295.000.00 € Return Fund the Hellenic be benefited Hellenic Police and Citizens AP 2011 Police by personnel Protection personnel implementatio starting from n of program Oct.2012. Hellenic Police and trained in Headquarters/R different esponsible modules Divisions. concerning returns. N0V.2013 - 295.000.00 € European New training June 2014 Return Fund 94 0 police program will be AP 2012 officers will organized when be benefited present trainings by will be implementatio completed. n of program and trained in different modules concerning returns.

E) Increase Department of Ministry of Phase A Lack of financing Under European FRONTEX to assist Re­ staffing of the Repatriation at Public Order & June 2012 preparation2 Return Fund for evaluation of organization teams the Attica Citizen AP 2011 - 2012 “National Pool” of of transferring Directorate of Protection Ph aseB screeners. Repatriation immigrants to Aliens (Petrou February Department their Consular Ralli) manages a Hellenic Police 2014 (Attica Authorities for huge number of Headquarters / | Directorate recognition return cases in Finance

- Budget for this action is under preparation and will be finalized and provided after implementation of the relevant ‘case studies' to other Repatriation Departments of MS during phase A. Budgeting depends mainly on the form of the organization of the department that will be decided and as such the number of employees necessary to enhance its efficiency. Once number of employees, their educational profile and method to recruit them is finalized, a proper office space shall be prepared as well as purchase of the necessary equipment and supplies. All above sub actions need to be budgeted and the relevant estimate will be given after performing the relevant ‘case studies’ described above. 6 g

"«w iw ■w yp-icw jiii't . , w*» » ___ DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



of Aliens) and issuance and out of Attica Division, Aliens and the of travel due to, a) Division, Returns documents. Overall Technical Coordinate Improve placement of Division and n Office cooperation of Diplomatic Police the Hellenic Missions in Personnel Police with Athens, and b) Division Consular International Services of Airport of third Athens. During countries such 2011 managed as Afganistan, 5.208 return Pakistan, cases and from Bangladesh Jan.-Sept. 5.642 with the return cases. largest Counts up to 74 number of police staff (27 illegal are the escort immigrants team). holding a Reorganization decision of of the return. Department in general is Increase essential and number of will be Returns implemented Decision into 2 phases, issued. that is, Phase A Implementation of Case Studies to other Repatriation Departments of MS, establishment of a Regulation for Returns, re­ organization studies according to feedback received from best practices from other MS and DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. - • • GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


visits/bilateral meetings that will be performed.

P hase B Increase of Department’s staff especially teams cooperating with Consular Authorities, renovation of office space and purchase of necessary supplies and equipment (i.e. offices, pcs, printers, IT etc).

F) Workshop Organization of Hellenic Police 14* Estimated Cost European Preparation results and a Workshop with Headquarters / Dec. 2012 20.000,00 € Return Fund for the Study Visits the participation Aliens Division (Workshop) AP 2011 introduction results, to be of of return used for the representatives National Mar.2013 - monitoring implementatio from the Ombudsman June 2013 system n of a returns Hellenic (Study monitoring Pol ice/ Aliens Visits, system in Division, the Training Greece. Responsible Program) Authority (Return Fund), the National Ombudsman and their counterparts from Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria. Germany and Spain.

Study Visits will DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. 4 A :------



be organized to EU Member States by a working group in order to discuss best practices, exchange knowledge and experience in the field of monitoring of returns. Also it is expected that after the study visit a training program will be designed for return monitors.

G) Workshop Action is in Hellenic Police Workshop, Estimated Cost European Improvemen results will be continuation of Headquarters / Study Visits 50.000,00 € Return Fund t of incorporated the Returns Aliens Division AP 2012 cooperation into re­ Workshop Jul.13 - Jan. on return organization organized in 13 with of repatriation Athens 15-16 authorities department October 2012 of the (Attica and aims to partner Directorate of improve third Aliens) and cooperation on countries the Returns returns with and with Coordination authorities from other Office, third countries Member (e-g. States. Improvement Afghanistan, of the Pakistan, and cooperation Bangladesh). with Consular !, Authorities, In total, 15 with the view bilateral of issuing the meetings/missio travel ns maybe documents implemented requested for with experts potential from the returnees on Hellenic DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ------



time. Police/Aliens Division and Enforcement authorities from of third countries Readmission such as, Agreements Afghanistan, with Pakistan, countries, Bangladesh, which present Iraq. Morocco, large outflow and Tunisia. In of illegal case of sufficient immigrants. budget additional third countries will be included in the list. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


CHAPTER 6 Border Control


I. Introduction During the meeting of the SCH-EVAL Working Group on 15-07-2010, the Reports of the Evaluation Committees had been presented, regarding the external land, sea and air Greek borders. Based on the conclusions of the Groups of Experts and the large number of recommendations that had been included to the conclusions, the establishment of an aggregated National Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendations was considered to be necessary.

Responding to this need, Greece established and presented to the SCH-EVAL Working Group on 12-10- 2010 a National Action Plan under the code name « Greece-Schengen ». This Plan was approved and became officially a document of the Council of E.U .3

According to decisions made, monitoring and right implementation of this Action Plan belongs to the SCH-EVAL Working Group, through Periodic (every 3 months) Progress Reports by the Hellenic Representation and visits of experts on peer-to-peer level.

Regarding with the time of completion of the implementation of the National Action Plan, December 31, 2013 was settled as final date.

II. Objectives The National Action Plan "Greece - Schengen" as approved by the foresaid Working Group, aims to launch and implement targeted measures and actions in order to implement four basic targets closely connected with the model of Integrated Management of the external borders of E.U .4 More specifically, these four targets concern:

Enforcement of the institutional framework in order to guarantee the necessary level of National Coordination of Operational Cooperation,

Controls at the border crossing points according to the Schengen Borders Code,

More effective management of staff and review of training system and,

Improvement of infrastructure and more effective use of technical means for external borders surveillance.

3 Document 15779/2010 SCHEVAL COMIX 717 (Restraint) tt)ç 08-11-2010 « Council Conclusions (4/5-12-2006) regarding the integrated management of the borders (2768 Summit of the Council 'Justice and Home Affairs’ in Brussels). DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


III. State of Play The National Action Plan “Greece-Schengen”, now included into the Revised Action Plan, involves measures regarding to -apart from the external borders- reception, repatriation of migrants who illegally entered or stay in Greece and for those in need of international protection. Actions taken from the “Greece ~ Schengen” Action plan regarding migration issues emerged by the need of a more effective monitoring of the total national effort, since the surveillance of the external borders is closely connected with reception, repatriation and asylum issues.

It should be clarified that the inclusion of the National Action Plan “Greece-Schengen’’ does not mean the abolition of the preconditions on the monitoring and implementation of the Plan, since the time of its completion has been already decided in the framework of SCH-EVAL Working Group.

In the updated National Action Plan “Greece-Schengen”, certain information is provided regarding the progress made so far on the fields, based on the settled targets.

Indicatively, l. Enhancement of Institutional framework

a. The Ministry of Citizen Protection is the national body responsible for coordinating cooperation between the national competent authorities that share responsibility for S managing the external borders and illegal immigration. The Ministry has also been assigned responsibility for coordinating cooperation to create First Reception Centres and for the New Asylum Service.

b. By Decision of the Minister of Citizen Protection, a high-ranking senior officer of either the HP or the HCG is appointed as the Head of the National Coordination Centre (NCC). The current NCC-Head is the Hellenic Coast Guard (HCG) Chief of Staff.

c. Personnel from the Hellenic Police, Hellenic Coast Guard, Customs Authority, HAF, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Networks are seconded to the National Coordination Centre for a 3-year term, subject to Joint Ministerial Decisions.

d. Premises: Piraeus - HCG Headquarters (2nd floor - 500 m2). Both the study of the layout- configuration and the EUROSUR-node connection completed. The tender for procurement of the equipment is under preparation.

e. The Hellenic Police National Operational Centre, for the coordination of operational cooperation in the land borders, is established and operates since September 2011.

f. Regional & Local Operational Centres was established and was fully operational since June of 2012.


REGIONAL LOCAL . OPERATIONAL CENTER OPERATIONAL CENTER OF NE A VY5SA POUCE DIRECTORATE DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


g. Ail integrated structure for the collection, analysis and dissemination of intelligence is already established and consisted by:

■ Criminal Intelligence Analysis Centre - Police Headquarters A th en s, ■ Criminal Intelligence Analysis Unit of Athens - Attica Criminal Intelligence Directorate, ■ Criminal Intelligence Analysis Unit of Thessaloniki -Thessaloniki Criminal Intelligence Directorate, ■ Twelve (12) Criminal Intelligence Analysis Offices with regional jurisdiction.

2. Management of personnel - Reform of Training

a. A National Pool of Greek Borger guards was decided in accordance with European Border Guard Teams (EBGT) standards.

b. National legislation was amended foreseeing voluntary deployment of police officers in Border Patrol Units and services in Evros Region and islands of East Aegean in order to confront illegal immigration.

c. Hellenic Police forces deployed in Evros Region are enhanced every month with 40 additional police officers coming from other BPUs.

d. In order to face the high pressure police forces in Evros Region are enhanced with 1881 additional officers, since August of 2012.

e. Pools have been established for:

■ Screening of illegal migrants, detection of vulnerable groups and persons who need international protection ■ Debriefing of illegal migrants in order to gather and utilize intelligence aiming to dismantling facilitation networks. ■ Organization of return flights and escorting of deportees * Foreign language speakers to conduct debriefing activities in Turkish and Arabic.

f. The FRONTEX Common Core Curricula has been integrated on the basic training of the national training curricula

g. The annual curricula of the periodical training has been completely reformed, mainly focusing on the establishment of and expertise of a trainers core.

3. Controls in Compliance with the Schengen a. Adoption of an amendment of article 88 par. 3 of Aliens Law foreseen sanctions against carries which transport passengers with false documents.

b. Civil Aviation Authority has already established new web applications which assist local aviation authorities to evaluate, analyze and monitor the sanction mechanism.

c. Hellenic Police has also established a national electronic application to monitor the proposals submitted to the local Civil Aviation Authorities as well as the frequency of violations.

d. A Memorandum of Understanding for the cooperation of the HP with Customs Authorities based on the recommendation made by the Schengen evaluation committee is under examination.

e. Hellenic Police has established a new application for monitoring of performing of regular controls to vehicles crossing the authorized border crossing points. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


4. Improvement of Facilities - Infrastructure

a. Improvement and reconstruction of pre - removal centres in the Evros area, that is most affected by migration flows during the recent years.

b. New premises to host Feres BPU (including detention facility for 87 detainees) delivered since June 2012.

c. Repair - renovation - reform of the Detention Centres of BPU Soufli (32 detainees), BPU (Fylakio Evros) (378 detainees) and BPU Tvchero (76 Detainees) was completed in May 2012.

d. Construction and operation of a Pre - removal Centre in Amygdaleza of Attica.

e. New pre - removal centres operate in Xanthi, Komotini and Paranesti-Drama (region of General Police Directorate of Eastèrn Macedonia and ).

f. Restructuring of old Samos and Chios detention centres into Screening Centres operating periodically according to needs arise at the Eastern Aegean Islands.

g. Creation of a National mechanism for the management of irregular migrants detained by the Hellenic Police.

h. An automatic surveillance system of the land borders has been recently established including,

■ Construction of a 10,3 km diversion fence. ■ Purchase of 44 police patrol dogs in order to be allocated at the borders area, mainly in the Evros region. ■ Purchase of three (3) vehicles, equipped with radars, thermo vision cameras, e.t.c and two (2) vehicles with X-RAY system. ■ Supply of (269) vehicles of various types and categories (jeep, transportation vans, e.t.c.). ■ Twenty five (25) patrol boats have been transferred to Evros for strengthening patrols in the Evros river,

i. A new General Search Engine application (1/2) has been established.

j. Access to ifado and 124/7.

k. New Greek N.SIS II System profile has been created. The technical checks regarding compatibility of the NSIS II with the central system in Strasburg have been successful and the application is expected to be operational by the 1st quarter of 2013.

1, New MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) Network for Police purpose all over Hellas territory. The new upgraded network cover more than 700 police services via high speed connection lines (from 2 Mbps - 4 Mbps).

m. Automatic Plate Number Recognition (APNR) (ongoing).

n. Purchase of vehicle PCs with access to Police Applications (ongoing).

0. The Advanced Passenger Information System is in pilot phase in order to determine the technical specifications of the actual operational system (ongoing).

p. At Border Control Points have been distributed : 200 UVL lamps, 800 magnifying glasses, 180 digital cameras. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


q. Five (5) new Eurodac stations have been established and operate since 26th of May at police services of Alexandroupolis and Orestiada Police Directorates. Adding to these 5 stations the 2 previously in place, all needs of BPLTs in Evros region, Fylakio detention centre and Poros first reception service are covered.

r. Ongoing efforts for the purchase of additional 14 Eurodac stations for the Greek islands at the Eastern Aegean Sea and Crete as well.

f t

f t DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ------s e GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT

Matrixô BorderCjintrol


Reinforce the 1.1. Re-examination Guarantee The Ministry of Ministry of Public End of structural of the existing uniform policy on Public Order and Order and Citizen 2013 framework institutional externa] border Citizen Protection Protection [Coordination framework for management too, is the National -Control of possible as well as Authority the r ational expansion of situational responsible for system of jurisdiction of awareness at the coordination management the “Migration political level. and cooperation for borders Policy of all the and (legal and Supervision” competent illegal) Ministerial Authorities immigration - Committee and involved in the Creation of a in the field of field of illegal single Integrated migration (national) Border management in ' coordination Management. Greece. The centre] Ministry has also the responsibility for the establishment of First Reception and Asylum Services as well as First Reception Centres at the Borders where deemed necessary by studying the migration flows, that is either at the Evros area or the Eastern Aegean islands.

1.2. Specification of Situational Ongoing Ministry of Public End of - EBP, Operational the framework awareness on In June 2011, the Order and Citizen 2013 - Nation Costs for the of the political and study was Protection, al National Ministerial strategic level, delivered Budget Coordination 1 Committee’s Establishment of regarding Ministry of Centre could be j work and National Policy, planning and Mercantile Marine, covered by 1 support Monitoring of the operation of a additional DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

s è ü i . tlll lV| - „ _|r _ ^ f 3 , -y ftfTfnj -rtT. m m n ir i n r u n



mechanism in right National System Ministry of Finance funding from the mapping out implementation of for Border (Customs’ EBF. of the border National Policy Surveillance as Authorities) management and evaluation of well as the policy. the results Technical National Coordinator 1.3. Establishment Specifications for (High Rank Officer - Point 1.3. of a National the National Hellenic Coast In the 2013 AP Coordination Coordination Guard) budget of EBF has Centre (E.E.K. - Centre. been foreseen an N.C.C). Pursuant to amount of 4 1.4. Operation of a National m illion € , for the common Legislation (Law purchase of operational No. 4058/2012, equipment for the centre inside art.27) there is a operation of the the E.2 .K. - provision for the National N.C.C. establishment of Coordination a National Centre. Coordination Centre for Border Surveillance and Control, which is under the auspicious of the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection. In the same regulation there was a provision for its operation in the premises of the Hellenic Coast Guard HQs.

The duties of the National Coordinator are held by H.C.G. Commodore, Nicolaos Patrinopoulos. 1.5. Establishment Systematic Progress National Coordinator C omplet No costs of a mechanism monitoring of monitoring of the (High Rank Officer - ed for supervision progress in National Action Hellenic Coast of the implementing the Plan “Greece - Guard) implementation National Action Schengen" is of the existing Plan implemented as Hellenic Police e DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. .



National Action follows, HQs/Aliens’ Division Plan by Ensure regular i $t By creating a competent updates for the National Hellenic Coast Guard Authorities. Council of the EU Coordination Progress reports and the European Mechanism, Customs’ Authorities shall be Commission 2nd By organizing submitted to bimonthly “SCHEVAL" meetings with the Working Group. competent authorities responsible for the supervision and evaluation of the National Action Plan “Greece - Schengen”, 3 rd By organizing on the spot visits and meetings with competent authorities for the supervision of the implementation progress in the field of infrastructure projects.

1.6. Establishment l. Situational Point 1.6. Hellenic Police End of Ongoing Point 1.6, - EBF, of a mechanism awareness, An Operational HQs/Aliens’ Division 2013 The Operational - Nation for supervision 2. Ensure high Centre at the Centre that is al of the work of standards for Hellenic Police functioning at the Budget the regional and the HQs/Aliens Aliens Division of local authorities implementatio Division the HPHQ, has in the field of n of controls, responsible for been financed border control, 3 Dealing with the coordination under EBF 2009 according to the problems. of the operational Annual terms and activities at the Programme, with prerequisites of Greek land total budget legislation Borders has 7 4 .0 0 0 , 0 0 e. (national and already been community) established and is Respectively, the and more operational since Regional specific 9/2011. Operational guidelines Centres of DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r - r ^ i ^ ^ ^ ______



which refer to For the Orestiada and the integrated Alexandroupolis implementation operation of the have been financed of national Centre, two under 2010 EBF policy at tactic additional AP, with total cost and operational Regional 15 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € . level, via Operational unpredicted C entres are The local investigations. functioning Operational Centre 1.7. Analysis - under the Police of N. , has Evaluation of Directorates of been established the existing Alexandroupol for the surveillance, structure and i and Orestiada. with the use of the way of In addition two thermal cameras operation of local combine with competent operational "clever” software, authorities in centres are of the external land external border functioning, one borders part management. at N. Vyssa, between N. Vyssa- Orestiada and (EBF the other at the Specific Actions Alexandroupol 2009 total budget i Airport. of the project All four centres 1.598.900, 0 0 €). - functioning at the Evros Borders are Point 1.7. responsible for No costs the coordination and management of the land and aerial means.

EointJU? Analysis and evaluation of the existing structure has already completed.

1.8. Establishment 1. Harmonisation Ongoing National Coordinator End of Significant No costs of a National of working (High Rank Officer - 2013 factor in the Strategic Plan methods, Hellenic Coast implementatio for Integrated 2. Avoid Guard) 11 of the action Border duplication, is progress Management. 3- Improve the regarding 1.9. Establishment effectiveness of establishment of Operational controls, and i DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



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O DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. _ ...... _.|r 1 |Mn r. . . [T|<1 ,f|||| i r V i i | n - ,r r - ) -tiHi ali unir -, r - ______



electronic will also include systems have proposals for the been established technical and functioning specifications for efficient needed for the surveillance of procurement the external land procedures. borders at the Furthermore, in the Evros region (i.e. 2013 AP has been thermal foreseen an amount cameras). Studies of 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 , 0 0 for the extension € for the purchase of the electronic of the appropriate surveillance equipment system (i.e. according to the thermal cameras) evaluation results and development of the feasibility of other ,study for the Evros electronic region. systems across Evros borders are in progress. Installation of electronic systems (i.e. thermal cameras, radar etc) will strengthen borders and will reduce the deployment of human resources (i.e. police officers) at the area of Evros and thus relevant costs. Also, in order to prevent migrants to enter the country illegally, construction of a “Technical fence” along Evros land borders and river is almost completed. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


NEEDS ASSUMPTIO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME TOTAL COST ASSESSMENT NS GOAL ACTION INDICATORS PLAY ACTOR FRAME OBJECTIVE Moreover, screening and registration systems of the illegal immigrants arrested at the Evros region has been established (EURODAC). Finally, communication network has improved to provide high speed in the transmission of information.

Risk Analysis Establishment and functioning the following, a) Centre for the Collection and analysis of Operational Information, in strategic level b) Fourteen (14] egional departments and offices for collection and analysis of the operational information, in regional level (across Greece), c) Efforts are ongoing for the establishment of two (2) additional operational centres at the Police Directorates of DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ^ r|T |.„ — —


NEEDS ASSUMPTIO RESOUR STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME TOTAL COST ASSESSMENT NS CES GOAL ACTION INDICATORS PLAY ACTOR FRAME O L J E crrv E Alexandroupoli and Orestiada and d) establishment of mobile units to address trafficking networks at national and regional level is under consideration (Mobile Investigation Teams).

Dissemination of information and analysis outcomes Having completed a set of actions like establishment of the Operational Centres, installation of modern systems for border surveillance, creation of an operational structure for the processing, evaluation and analysis of the information collected and reinforcement/up date of the informatics lines, a satisfactory level of dissemination of analysis outcomes has been achieved DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


NEEDS ASSUMFTIO RESOUR STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME TOTAL COST ASSESSMENT NS CES GOAL ACTION INDICATORS PLAY ACTOR FRAME OBJECTIVE that concerns, a) human resources management (daily trading of operational information gathered in various levels), b) training of personnel based on job post, c) monitoring of passenger flows at the border crossing points across Greece, d) efficiency of Border Control Points (T.E.0 .) regarding prevention actions and arrests, e) effective management of the technical means available at the surveillance services, f) analysis, evaluation and reporting of the operational information for addressing migrants trafficking networks, g) management of illegal immigrants arrested to be repatriated and e) set up of strategic analysis and DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ' ...... — — imimillmn-'iiii —— -__ —- ......



1 threats assessment.

Developm e 2.1. Assessment of Awareness of Com pleted Hellenic Police --- nt o f the human resources HQs/Aliens’ facilities for organizational needs at all levels Division. th e structure and of organisation deploym ent the human (central, regional o f hum an resources and tactical) resources available in for border and order to cover management on reorganized operational the basis of the oil o f needs. 4-tier model training provided for in the (com m on to Integrated Border the staff of Management th e strategy. co- 2.2. Preparation of a Point 2.2. Completed Hellenic Police End of - /All the training EBF, FRONTEX responsible plan to enhance Setting up of a The legislation HQs/Aliens’ 2013 courses, covered b y Nations Trainers bodies human "pool" of that entitles fast Division, EBF Annual 1 Budget Training for setting up resources in specialised staff. re-deployment of Programs 2008- Issues related "pools ' o f accordance to Border Guards Hellenic Police 2010, concern the with the control experienced point 2.1. under their HQs/Training incorporation of the of the external instructors, 2.3. Development of request either at Division. common training borders. by region) a program for Point g.3. the Evros region standard for the providing Ensuring or the Eastern Hellenic Police HQs/ H ellenic Police continuing conditions of Aegean Islands. Police Personnel person nel and the training courses uniformity in Division. linguistic training, in various levels training and Establishment of with total budget (i.e. basic creating an National Border approximately 2.8 training. environment of Teams of Rapid m illion €. periodic mutual support. Intervention training, post- Setting up of a (NRABIT) has Common trainings training abroad) "pool" of core been announced of the Hellenic 2.4. Establishment trainers at by the Chief of Police and the of an evaluation operational and/or Hellenic Police. Hellenic Coast mechanism and tactical level. ; Staffing of the Guard personnel regular reviews Point 2.4, Teams is involved in border of training Application of progressing. control, has been programs updated training implemented under 2.5. Provision of programmes. A new updated the AP2009-2010 technical version of Border of total cost, equipment and Guards basic 630.000, 00 €. necessary training and post- infrastructure training has been Training courses of for the practical Point 2.s. announced by the HCG personnel training Provision of Chief of Hellenic have been

- 7rt’’v* 1 DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. ^ ^ y, rj r-[ rr-tir — ------______-______.. . S # GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


courses. theoretical and Police. implemented under practical training. Furthermore EBF Annual specific Programs 2008- guidelines were 2010, concerning provided for the 2nd Generation of mandator}’ post­ SCHENGEN training of the Information System existing (SIS II) and SIS- personnel of SIRENE as well as B.C.P.s and matters of external B.P.U.s. border management, of Regarding total cost periodic training 3 0 0 .0 0 0 ,0 0 € . activities, a new program providing specialization to Border Guards has been established. Its structure consists of special training programs for: a) B.C.P.S personnel, b) B.C.U.s personnel, c) Security and Migration Services and covers subjects for Integrated Border Management (i.e. border controls, border surveillance, identification of forged travel documents, screening, international protection, repatriation and human rights)...... DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou tique du Comité des Ministres. y ■' M.--~ ' ; iT -irf i *- —


NEEDS ASSUMPTIO STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME TOTAL COST ASSESSMENT NS GOAL ACTION INDICATORS PLAY ACTOR FRAME OBJECTIVE Training subjects for B.C.P. experts covers VIS and SIS operation. Furthermore specific language training (in English, Turkish Albanian and Arabic) will be offered and the establishment of a trainers’ core on debriefing screening and operational analysis has been decided. These actions are organized for the Hellenic Police and the Hellenic Coast Guard personnel

Along with the reform of the Border Guard training system efforts are made in order to create an evaluation mechanism of the system In addition, an electronic platform (e- leaming platform) ensures the collection of the evaluation reports from the Regional Authorities for distance training courses, aiming to support the e # DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. _____ ^ ^ — -- — - „„m.,— # # GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


Review of the Hellenic Police basic training program is ongoing.

Common training activities with FRONTEX are organized. - According to recent legislation, training in Schengen issues has been included to all Hellenic Coast Guard - Schools as an oral course that is taught in theoretical and practical level.

Hellenic Police supported by FRONTEX Training Unit, has trained (2) Police Officers as screening and debriefing experts. End of Difficulties in No costs Point 3 .L Signature of a Ministry of Public Review o f 3.1. Intervention - 2013 discussions Amendments Removal of Memorandum of Order and Citizens the Understanding Protection between legislation of the National obstacles to the competent Legislation in performance of with the Customs’ on Services is in Ministry of Finance Ministries. In im plem enta order to controls at border J progress for the 1 the event of tio n o f facilitate crossing points. 91 DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. . _ .,..r „ .. _ ,^ iiiit ...... T .., . > ^ , ...^ .r


GOAL STATE OF IMPLEMENTING TIME ASS UM FI’IO RESOUK NEEDS ACTION INDICATORS TOTAL COST OBJECTIVE PLAY ACTOR FRAME NS CES ASSESSMENT i border application of Clarification of cooperation non common checks in the Schengen roles and between the interministeri accordance acquis. competences on Authorities at the al decision with the the basis of the border crossing Memorandum provisions Schengen Borders points. of o f the Code and national Understandin Schengen 3.2. Design of the legislation g will not be Borders appropriate Point 3.2. Civil Aviation signed. Code (SBC) Legal Clarification of Authority has Framework. roles and established a competences at specific operational level application for and provision of , monitoring, permanent evaluation and cooperation for analysis of the the purpose of regional services, controls at the on the sanctions border crossing imposed to the - points. air carriers, under article 88 Law No. 3386/2005. This application enables the combination of reports for the fines of each air- carrier on a year basis, in order to take correct measures and increase fines.

Improveme 4.1. Establishment of Covering needs in Enhancement of Hellenic Police End of Lack of - EBF, nts to the a five year terms of technical infrastructures at HQs/Aliens’ 2013 available - RF, infrastructu investment measures and the border Division, financial - Nationa re for project infrastructure at crossing points Finance Division, sources 1 border regarding, a) border crossing (Passport Control Technical Division, Budget. control and infrastructure, b) points. Authorities) of Informatics Division, surveillance first - line and Kipi Evrou, Criminal second - line Athens Laboratories technical means International for border Airport, Port of controls at the Pireaus while The purchase of high various border efforts are in conformity portable sections and progress for equipment to detect drafting of a list equivalent and check if travel DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. . " ! . < f -r ...... - -u ... - __ _ «Prf i' -



of priorities at improvements at documents are forged the land, sea and Thessaloniki false / genuine to be air borders. International used at the border Airport and the crossing points Port of Lesvos. Schengen evaluation committees performed visits to the a.m. locations during the 1st Semester of 2010 in order to check for progress of activities/improv ements. The procedure of purchasing equipment for VISA issuance and the performance of relevant checks at the border crossing points, according to VIS regulation, are close to completion. High conformity equipment to detect and check forged documents in 2nd line controls, provided to the passport control authorities having high passenger flow. Personnel working at the Passport Control Authorities has access, through Hellenic Police DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. , , . ^ r. . ||r t rf||- | f ____



network (Police on- Line), to information like samples of forged and genuine documents, best practices of other European countries etc, for effective performance of checks/controls.

4.2. Investments in Upgrading of In the domain Hellenic Police End of Lack of Estimated Costs EBF, the Evros region. border of Surveillance HQs/Aliens’ 2013 available Cost for RF, surveillance Installation and Division, financial “fence” Nationa capacity in the functioning of Finance Division, (study+constr 1 region and integrated Technical Division, uction) Budget. improvement of surveillance Informatics Division. 4 0 M obile conditions in system (24/7) infrared detention centres. along Greek - therm al Turkish land cam eras have borders. been already Construction of a purchased 12km '‘technical under EBF fence” along the 2009 and 2011 length of Greek- Annual Turldsh land Programs. borders. An amount of Establishment of 475.000,00 € (4) four regional has been and local foreseen for the operational purchase of 8 centres at the patrol boats to Evros region. be allocated in Provision of Orestiada, additional Alexadroupolis number of mobile and Fiorina out infrared cameras. of EBF 2011AP. Provision of Under EBF 2011 additional AP has been number of boats forecasted (25) in order to 1 5 0.000 € for strengthen the upgrade of surveillance of the BCP* Evros river. infrastructure in Organization of Kipoi and DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.



1st reception Kastanies. points for Under 2011 AP performing has been screening and covered the debriefing of expenditure for illegal the deployment immigrants of 1.881 Police arrested at the Officers in Evros region Evros region (Poms, Fylakio). with total Construction of budget 16 buildings (Feres) m illion €. and renovation of Also, for the existing ones in same reason has order to improve been foreseen detention an amount of 8 conditions of m illion € for illegal the extension of immigrants the deployment detained for a until June 2013. period before Under EBF 2011 transferred to a Specific Actions pre-removal has been centre or an approved the accommodation purchase and facility. installation of Studies for a new stable thermal building at cameras (in Dydimoteicho are pillars), slowly combined with progressing the "clever” where the local identification B.C.U. will be software as established. extension of the surveillance Systematic system which registration of has been illegal already installed immigrants in the land arrested borders. (reception of Construction of biometric data, Police Station EURODAC and B.P.U. at registration, Ferres, photo shoot, Alexadroupoli nationality 1.926.000,00 identification, € (AP2010) DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

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debriefing and » Construction of provision of first Police Stations aid). and B.P.U.s at Konitsa & Strengthening the Delvinaki physical presence Ioannina and of police forces at purchase of the area of Evros equipment, by taking 2.828.000.00 appropriate € (AP2008- operational 2010) measures. • Renovation activities at Studies for B.P.U. further and development of N.Vyssa the existing operational automated centre, surveillance 70.000.00 € system (thermal (AP2010) cameras) located » Renovation at the Greek - activities at Turkish land Soufli, Tychero, borders between Alexandroupoli and and Kyprinos Kastanies, are in B.P.U.s, progress. 4 4 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 € Additional (AP2010) studies are in progress for Ongoing installation of a • Construction radar and GIS o f Police system at the Station and region of Evros. B.P.U. at Didimoteicho Purchase of 2.550.000.006 patrol dogs to • Purchase o f improve persons’ Patrol Dogs detection is In the EBF 2012 slowly AP hasbeen progressing due included action to various for the purchase constraints. of 44 police patrol dogs with total budget 160.000.00 € 96

a # DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

^ n 1 -n - . . ^ ^ Ä ...... * - f c , - . r i . 0» JI *vjùwa«aâM*s e e GREEK ACTION PLAN ON ASYLUM AND MIGRATION MANAGEMENT


in order to be allocated at the borders area, mainly in Evros region.

.sa, s* j*. £. - .».’’y* DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. - _ : 6, —


1 Each post will have an interpreter (thirteen interpreters). The posts are divided per day as follows (approximately): three posts for Punjabi and Urdu, three for Georgian and Russian, three for English / French, two for Arabic, two for Farsi / Dari and one for Bengali.

2 Working assumptions: f > One interview will take place per day per case worker on average at first instance > The number of registrations per post is 6 > The duration of the interview is 2 hours and > The interview posts are: Athens 79, Thessaloniki 14, Orestiadai4, Alexandroupoli 10, Rodos 3, Appeals Authority: 22. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.

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a n 1 g DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. _ ...„


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Stationery 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € Cleaning services 395.090,00 € 395.090,00 € 395.090,00 € 395.090,00 € Security services 798.000,00 € 798.000,00 € 798.000,00 € 798.000,00 € Transcript equipment 12.000,00 € 12.000,00 € 12.000,00 € 12.000,00 € Purchase of PCs 180.000,00 € Software updates 20.000,00 € 20.000,00 € 20.000,00 € 20.000,00 € Travel and related expenses 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € Asylum seekers ID cards 23.370,00 c 23.370,00 € 23.370,00 € 23.370,00 € Utilities 170.000,00 € 170.000,00 € 170.000,00 € 170.000,00 € Cleaning and sanitary material 10.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 10.000,00 € Fuel for heating 90.000,00 € 90.000,00 € 90.000,00 € 90.000,00 € Fuel for 3 cars (100 EUR*52 weeks* 3) 15.600,00 € 15.600,00 € 15.600,00 € 15.600,00 € Fees for service and road tax (3*500 EUR for service + 3*200 EUR for tax) 2.100,00 € 2.100,00 € 2.100,00 € IT service 10.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 10 000,00 € maintenance 117.900,00 € 117.900,00 € 117.900,00 c 117.900,00 € ; i i M E S d e " DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. . -


OTHER Op e r a t i c »^EXPENSES FORIm m m m m

1 Three (3) Psychologists for the support of staff conducting refugee status determination* 3.240,00 3.240,00 3.240,00 3.240,00

Three (3) social workers offering counselling/information to asylum seekers** 36.000,00 36.000,00 36.000,00 36.000,00

Medical examination for victims of torture i3i.469.OOC 131.469, oo€ 131469,00 e 131469.00 e tiM i / ‘ -i'" ■ -I'M: ^ 1X70.709 ,OO e * Psychological support for the staff conducting refugee status determination will cost, on average, go,oo€ per month. **The average salary of the social worker, according to the relevant Collective Bargaining Agreement is i.ooo,oo€ per m onth. f DH-DD(2013)711 : distributed at the request of Greece / distribué à la demande de la Grèce. Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. / Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres.


Annex IV

Goal/Objective includes the overall goal that the actions are intended to achieve.

A ctions include all the activities to be implemented in order to achieve the overall goal set in the first column; they may be divided into sub-actions if needed. Every action is linked with at least an indicator of success. Once an activity is accomplished it will be moved to the “State of Play” column. Every action is mirrored by a deadline in the “timeframe” column.

Indicators measure the success in reaching the single actions’ goals (not eventual sub actions) as well as the overall objective. They are the quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement.

State of play includes all actions that have been already undertaken to achieve the goal. Once an action in the “action” column is implemented it should be moved to the “state of play column”.

Im p lem en tin g acto rs include the actors that are involved in the implementation of the action.

T im efram e is the deadline for the implementation of the action.

Assumptions indicate the pre-conditions on which the action is based as well as a risk management strategy if the pre-conditions are not met anymore.

Total costs indicate the costs in order to implement the action.

Resources are the funding sources of the action (i.e. National Budget, European Return Fund (EBF) etc).

N eed s A ssessm en t indicate costs that are not yet secured.