1 Revision 2 2 Alumino-oxy-rossmanite from pegmatites in Variscan metamorphic rocks from Eibenstein 3 an der Thaya, Lower Austria, Austria: a new tourmaline that represents the most Al-rich 4 end-member composition 5 1 2 3,4 4 6 ANDREAS ERTL , JOHN M. HUGHES , STEFAN PROWATKE , THOMAS LUDWIG , 1 4 1 5,1 7 CHRISTIAN L. LENGAUER , HANS-PETER MEYER , GERALD GIESTER , UWE KOLITSCH , AND 6 8 ALBERT PRAYER 9 10 1 Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie, Geozentrum, Universität Wien, Althanstrasse 14, 11 1090 Wien, Austria 12 2 Department of Geology, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, U.S.A. 13 3 D. Swarovski KG, Swarovskistrasse 30, 6112 Wattens, Austria 14 4 Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234–236, 69120 15 Heidelberg, Germany 16 5 Mineralogisch-Petrographische Abt., Naturhistorisches Museum, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, 17 Austria 18 6 Sportplatzgasse 8, 3754 Irnfritz, Austria 19 20 21 corresponding author:
[email protected] 1 22 ABSTRACT 23 Alumino-oxy-rossmanite, ideally 3Al6(Si5AlO18)(BO3)3(OH)3O, is here described as a new 24 member of the tourmaline supergroup. It is an early-magmatic Al-rich oxy-tourmaline from a 25 small pegmatitic body embedded in amphibolite and biotite-rich paragneiss. This new pink 26 tourmaline was found in a Moldanubian pegmatite (of the Drosendorf Unit) that occurs in a large 27 quarry near the village of Eibenstein an der Thaya, Waidhofen an der Thaya district, Lower 28 Austria, Austria. The empirical formula of the holotype was determined on the basis of electron- 29 microprobe analysis (EMPA), secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), spectroscopical 30 methods (optical absorption and infrared spectroscopy), and crystal-structure refinement (SREF) X Y 3+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 4+ Z 31 as (0.53Na0.46Ca0.01) (Al2.37Mn 0.21Li0.160.14Mn 0.07Fe 0.03Fe 0.01Ti 0.01) Al6 V W 32 (Si5.37Al0.41B0.22O18)(BO3)3 [(OH)2.77O0.23] [O0.80(OH)0.15F0.05].