Yom Kippur in Shul 5781 Please note that if you will be attending a late Kol Nidre service, that no tallit is worn. We will begin davening in Shul on Yom Kippur morning with Ha-Melekh. You are encouraged to recite Birchot haShachar through the end of Pesukei deZimra at home. We will omit most piyyutim in our tefilot. If we are reciting a piyyut, it will be noted below. Please note that we will not be distributing kibbudim this year. One of the rabbis, gabbaim or officers will handle opening and closing the ark at each minyan. During Musaf, we will only bow once at Aleinu, and not during the rest of the Avodah. Also, Kohanim will leave to wash their own hands prior to Birkat Kohanim, Leviim will remain in Shul. During Birkat Kohanim there will be no singing. General Reminders: - Masks must be worn at all times in the building, covering both your nose and mouth - You must sit in your assigned seating; - To adhere to social distancing rules, please do not walk around in the Shul; - Unfortunately, except for the Chazzan, we will not be singing as a community; - Please do not stand or daven in the aisles; - So that we can start punctually and to minimize crowding at the entrance, please make every effort to arrive on time. - Please remember to bring your own Machzor to shul. If you would like to borrow a Machzor from The Jewish Center prior to Rosh Hashanah, please use this form. https://www.jewishcenter.org/form/Machzor%20Loan%20Program If you have any questions or concerns, or if we can be of assistance to you in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to us, Rabbi Yosie Levine at
[email protected] or Rabbi Elie Buechler at
[email protected].