4 Hoopa-Yurok Indian Reservation
4 I HOOPA-YUROK INDIAN RESERVATIONS. HRG. 100—949 HEARING BEFORE THE SELECT COM~MITTEEON INDIAN AFFAIRS uNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDREDTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION TO PARTITION CERTAIN RESERVATION LANDS BETWEEN THE HOOPA VALLEY TRIBE AND THE YUROK INDIANS, TO CLARIFY THE USE OF TRIBAL TIMBER PROCEEDS SEPTEMBER 14, 1988~ WASHINGTON, DC S U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1989 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 SELECT COMMI~~EEON INDIAN AFFAIRS DANIEL K. INOUYE, Hawaii, Chairman DANIEL J. EVANS, Washington, Vice Chairman JOHN MELCHER, Montana FRANK H. MURKOWSKI, Alaska DENNIS DECONCINI, Arizona JOHN MCCAIN, Arizona QUENTIN N. BURDICK, North Dakota THOMAS A. DASCHLE, South Dakota AI~NR. PARKER, Staff Director PATRICIA M. Zzu~,Chief Counsel JOE MENTOR, Jr., Minority Counsel (II) rn CONTENTS Page S. 2723, text of 3 Statements: I - Abbott, Charles, Yurok Indian 54 Bosco, Hon. Douglas H., U.S. Congressman from California 29 Colegrove, Wilfred K., chairman, Hoopa Valley Tribal Business Council .... 60 Haberman, Dorothy, Kiamath River Yurok Indian, Hoopa Valley Reser- vation 40 Inouye, Hon. Daniel K., U.S. Senator from Hawaii, chairman, Select Committee on Indian Affairs I James, Jimmie 58 Jones, Sam, Hoopa Valley Reservation 43 Lyall, Roanne, Klamath River Yurok Indian, Hoopa Valley Reservation.... 37 McCoy, Robert, Yurok Indian 53 Parker, Rodney R., Deputy Associate Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice 31 Risling, Dale, council member, Hoopa Valley Tribal Business Council 64 Short, Jessie, Yurok Indian 46 Sundberg, Lisa, Yurok Indian 47 Supahan, Terry, business manager, Karuk Tribe, California 69 Swimmer, Ross, Assistant Secretary, Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior 33 Theiroif, Richard, attorney for the Puzz plaintiffs 72 APPENDIX Prepared statements: Abbott, Charles 141 Bosco, Hon.
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