March 23-26, 2011 in San Luis Obispo
29th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference Holding the Line on Species Decline March 23-26, 2011 in San Luis Obispo 2011 Conference Co-sponsors Alnus Ecological, Balance Hydrologics, Inc., California Department of Fish and Game, California Department of Water Resources, Cachuma Conservation Release Board, Cal Trout – North Coast, California Conservation Corps, CalTrans, Cardno Entrix, Casitas Municipal Water District, cbec, inc., Central Coast Salmon Enhancement, City of San Luis Obispo, City of Santa Barbara – Creeks Project, CONTECH, Fred Euphrat, McBain and Trush, Michael Love and Associates, Morro Bay National Estuary Program, NOAA Fisheries, Northern California Council of Federation of Fly-Fishers, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Pacifi c Coast Fish, Wildlife and Wetlands Restoration Association, Pacifi c States Marine Fisheries Commission, Pacifi c Watershed Associates, Pacifi c Gas & Electric Company, Philip Williams and Associates, Inc., Prunuske Chatham, Inc., Restoration Design Group, San Lorenzo Valley Water District, Solano County Water Agency, Sonoma County Water Agency, Stillwater Sciences, The Bay Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Trees Foundation, Trout Unlimited, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – CA/NV Fisheries, Winzler and Kelly Restoring Salmonids—Holding the Line on Species Decline SRF is pleased to be returning to San Luis Obispo for the 29th annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. Since last holding the conference in SLO in 2003, we’ve been to Davis, Fortuna, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa, Lodi, Santa Cruz, and Redding. At each location, we focus on the issues in the local watersheds while including topics of wide ranging interest among the fi sheries restoration community. Each locale gives us an opportunity to consider a theme appropriate for the state of salmon fi sheries and the location of the conference.
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