Vt;Brnnf,QT1IV G USAF' Air University N3 -5I the BUST Library Serls Unit Acq Branch Y
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8[ï f,unts Vt;BRnnf,QT1IV G USAF' Air University N3 -5i THE BUST Library Serls Unit Acq Branch Y. ioQN AND RADIO (01-600) 6O -5 ?81 7057 Maxwell Air Force Base APR6i Montgomery Ala NEWSPAPER JULY 17, 1961 There's a bull market for tv network cast -oTTS Ivy o,r.. .,,....,_..,.. ,,..e made for each other in syndication field 27 to the tune of $15 million 28 FCC makes its promise vs. performance Radio -tv station profits show little change in policy clear in KORD decision 46 1960 financial compilation 66 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 A NEW BREED of HEROES IN... ZIV -UA's sensational Tew series CREATED BY starring LARRY PENNELL IVAN TORS with KEN CURTIS TV'S MASTER OF THE UNUSUAL! ALREADY BOUGHT BY: WKRG -TV Mobile KABC -TV Los Angeles WLOFTV Orlando WSB -TV Atlanta WTVH -TV Peoria WDSU -TV New Orleans KTVK -TV Phoenix KPIX -TV San Francisco KCSJTV Pblo. -Colo. Spgs. WTOP -TV Washington, D.C. WGAN -TV Portland, Me. WWJ -TV Detroit KOLO -TV Reno WAFB -TV Baton Rouge KXTVTV Sacramento KERO -TV Bakersfield KSL -TV Salt Lake City WTMJ -TV Milwaukee KGHLTV Billings KIRO -TV Seattle WVEC -TV Norfolk WSOC-TV Charlotte, N.C. WNEP -TV Scrtn.- Wilkes Ba. WATE -TV Knoxville WCSC -TV Charleston. S.C. WRGB -TV Schntdy.- Albany WFGA -TV Jacksonville WTVN -TV Columbus, Ohio KXLY -TV Spokane WKJG -TV Ft. Wayne WTVMTV Columbus, Ga. WCTV -TV Tallahassee WTVP -TV Decatur, Ill. lln/trdal/db KVAL -TV Eugene WTVTTV Tampa WTVW -TV Evansville. Ind. KJEO -TV Fresno KOB -TV Albuquerque WTOK -TV Meridian, Miss. WINK -TV Ft. Myers KSWS -TV Roswell, N.M. WIS -TV Columbia, S. C. WLBT -TV Jackson WLOS -TV Ashvle.- Grnvle.- Sptnbrg. KROC -TV Rochester, Minn. KLFY -TV Lafayette KHSL Chico.Redding KGNC -TV Amarillo KLASTV Las Vegas KTVB Boise KMID -TV Midland, Tex. WCPO -TV Cincinnati KOIN -TV Portland, Ore. KRBC -TV Abilene KLZ-TV Denver WCYB -TV Brstl. -Jhsn. Cty: Kgspt. KSYD -TV Wichita Falls WTVJTV Miami WLWD Dayton KVOS -TV Bellingham KMTV -TV Omaha WLW -I Indianapolis WTAE -TV Pittsburgh KFMB -TV San Diego WKYT Lexington and many more THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF MUZAK CORPORATION TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN ANNOUNCING THE 1960 WINNER OF THE ANNUAL GOLDEN EAR 'G . t"?id1cwh, In recognition of his outstanding achievements, Mr. Emerson A. Alburty of Memphis, Ten- nessee, is awarded the Muzak Golden Ear Award for 1960. Currently Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Memphis Sales Executive Club; and Vice President of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Alburty has willingly given his time and counsel to the man- agement of his city's affairs. During the year, he served on a Trade Commission represent- ing the Chamber of Commerce visiting Europe. He was actively engaged as Director of Civic Research Committee, Salvation Army, and the American Cancer Society. He also served as Vice President of Memphis Goodwill Industries. A tireless fund raiser, Mr. Alburty, as Chairman of the Shelby County United Neighbors Campaign, was responsible for raising over $1,600,000 -the largest sum in the campaign's history. Mr. Alburty has ably represented Muzak since 1946. .c JUDGES: RALPH T. REED, Chairman of the Executive Committee of American Express Co. JACK WRATHER, Chairman of the Board of Muzak Corporation CHARLES COWLEY, President of Muzak Corporation THE GOLDEN EAR AWARD is an annual award established by MUZAK Corporation to honor the franchiser whose achievements in National, State or Community affairs mark him as the outstanding citizen of the year in the MUZAK family.... In making this award, MUZAK Corporation seeks to encourage and honor individual excel- lence, pre-eminence and leadership in church, fraternal or social work; phi- lanthropy, government, business, or other meritorious human endeavor. MUZAK CORPORATION . -ln International Subsidiary of the Walther Corporation 229 PARK AVENUE SOUTH, NEW YORK 3, N.Y. MUZAK -Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. BUILDING WITH HOUSTON / KTRK-TVital __. .... -_-_ .,---- --,.... -, $_fra- - oral a'. -M iv,-4111 darlirfrelli"IllrlitiVAL1 vow ..... 4 -.,,,r, MI ma NM, - - - - -. 11171,1110 , le al 6, _______---vh 407 viiV.2: ":-.17,-Vg.i:iiit.-2011-BEIPAVA WW1: a II in 1, II 9=41 L.; 1111 IMEME ;AI --aincolagm Ir. E.-. I 1.17 voirs..41. ft. =0". 7 -- .--vorAr" _47744 z 7 BROADCASTING, July 17, 1961 At the touch of a button, a modern washer -dryer washes, rinses, and dries clothes in a single operation, in less than one hour. Compare this efficient method with the old hand -operated American roller washing machine of 1865. THE BETTMANN ARCHIVE Public service in step with the times NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BROADCASTERS \% Through the years, machines have been re- SEAL iF designed and improved to render more efficient I service to users. Similarly, WGAL -TV, alert OF GOOD to its responsibilities, has kept pace with the ICE times in order to fulfill the current needs TELEVISION CODE I of the many communities it serves. Television is seen and heard in every type of American home. These homes include children and adults of all ages, embrace all races and all varieties of religious faith, and reach the of every educational background. It is the responsibility of television to bear Lancaster, Pa. NBC and CBS constantly in mind that the audience is primarily a STEINMAN STATION home audience, and consequently . that television's Clair McCollough, Pres. relationship to the viewers is that between`guest and host. Representative: The MEEKER COMPANY, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, July 17, 1961 Censorship victory Shortly to be announced by White CLOSED CIRCUIT' of OCDM to House will be transfer Top staff member without requisite "phony wires" to network threatening of Defense but minus Department station experience but popular with boycott of sponsors' products if show censorship organization which standby board is Vincent T. Wasilewski, vice were to go on air. into being in event of would come president of government relations. emergency. Censorship, in- national Consideration of these names, how- Minute meetings will move to new Office of stead, ever, does not preclude possible selec- Planning, soon to be cre- NAB's fall conferences this year Emergency tion of broadcaster from outside. ated under White House aegis. Action may be cut to one -day affairs, with morning, luncheon and afternoon ses- is significant victory for mass commu- Clyne to Uncle Sam? nications media which opposed mili- sions only. In past, conference sched- tary control. C. Terence Clyne, who resigned last ule has run over two days. Same cities week as vice chairman of McCann - originally scheduled will be sites -St. Voice of Democracy scuttled Erickson and top executive in tv and Louis, Dallas, Salt Lake City, San Top command of NAB has decided radio, may enter government service. Francisco, Jacksonville, Boston, Pitts- to dump annual Voice of Democracy He was in Washington last week in burgh and Minneapolis. But new dates contest in which millions of high school consultation with State Dept. execu- may be set. tives in connection with quest for ex- students have participated in its dozen In search of proof years. Veterans of Foreign Wars, co- ecutive manpower to beef up foreign sponsor of past three contests, was aid and international cooperation. FCC Chairman Minow has top lawyers in general counsel's office notified late last week that NAB would Over the hill bow out. Some NAB members, who working under forced draft to prepare had already begun to make local plans Proposal to assess license fees and legal support for his theory that his for VOD competition, got word of franchise taxes by FCC to defray its notions of regulation don't conflict NAB's defection from local VFW $ l3 million -plus overhead came before with First Amendment or censorship representatives. Third co- sponsor, FCC again last week and was prompt- prohibitions in Communications Act. Electronic Industries Assn., was will- ly talked down. FCC Chairman He wants this legal work -up for major ing to go along with NAB in scrapping Minow, who espouses proposal that speech he's to deliver at Northwestern VOD. would extract $6 million from broad- U. conference on mass media Aug. 3- casters, will instead explore congres- 4 (see story page 58). Cox for Craven in '63? sional sentiment through Chairmen Compensation plan Able, tough Kenneth Cox, FCC's Warren G. Magnuson (D-Wash.) and new Broadcast Bureau chief, may not Oren Harris (D-Ark.) of Senate and FCC apparently still isn't satisfied be shooting for next year's Democratic House committees on commerce. Since with CBS -TV's new station compen- vacancy on FCC but rather may await Mr. Harris already has said he's op- sation plan, which pays higher rates retirement of Commissioner T. A. M. posed to FCC moving on its own, for program clearances above 60 per- Craven on June 30, 1963. Term of project can be presumed dead at least cent level and which has been branded John S. Cross, Arkansas Democrat, until fall. by Rep. Emanuel Celler (D -N.Y.) as move to get around recent cutback. expires next year and it had been open Big push on 20s secret that Mr. Cox had been "prom- in option time (BROADCASTING, June ised" it. But Commissioner Cross, On theory that 20- second prime - 19). FCC group headed by Broadcast strongly supported by Rep. Oren Har- time tv announcements will be hot as Bureau Chief Ken Cox and Econo- ris (D- Ark.), among others, is avowed ever (though more numerous, as re- mist Hy Goldin conferred with CBS - candidate to succeed himself and sult of expansion of break -time to 40 TV officials on it in New York 10 would be hard to displace.