
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018, pp. 1592–1602, Article ID: IJCIET_09_11_155 Available online at http://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJCIET?Volume=9&Issue=11 ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

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A.V. Senchik and Y.S. Guretskaya, FGBOU VO Far-Eastern State Agrarian University, Blagoveshchenskб Russia

*M.A. Bormotov and A.V. Ryabchenko Management on protection, control and regulation of use of objects of fauna and their habitat of the Amur region, Blagoveshchensk, Russia *Corresponding author

Igota Hiromasa Rakuno Gakuen University, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan *coressponding author

ABSTRACT The article is devoted to the sex and age gradation of wild ungulate populations in the Amur Region and the Republic of Buryatia. It is shown that each of ungulates has its own characteristics of changing the composition during the year. has a large offspring, but a high percentage of the deaths of the young, resulting in large number of young deer’s deaths. The main cause of death is susceptibility to climatic conditions during first month of life and the influence of predators. It has been established that the ratio of males to females in adult roe deer is relatively constant and changes mainly as a result of human exposure through selective shooting, and to a small extent from the natural characteristics of male’s roe deer (mating duels, upholding individual sites). The red deer, like the elk, has 1-2 calf litter, but the main reason for the death of the young in the first months is the influence of predators, especially the bear. The ratio of males to females in a deer population varies within 1: 1.3, and hereafter/later it changes cause of hunting grounds, and the higher it is, the greater number of males being shot.

http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1592 [email protected] The Age And Sex Gradation Of Population (Capreolus Pugargus Pall), The Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus Xantropygus) And The Elk (Alces Alces Cameloides) In The Amur Region And The Republic Of Buryatia

Keywords: Siberian roe deer, red deer, red deer, elk, population. Cite this Article: A.V. Senchik, Y.S. Guretskaya, M.A. Bormotov, A.V. Ryabchenko and Igota Hiromasa, The Age And Sex Gradation Of Population Siberian Roe Deer (Capreolus Pugargus Pall), The Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus Xantropygus) And The Elk (Alces Alces Cameloides) In The Amur Region And The Republic Of Buryatia, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(11), 2018, pp. 1592–1602. http://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJCIET?Volume=9&Issue=11

1. INTRODUCTION It is impossible to imagine big cities without public transport system. The main role of public rational use of hunting resources is the basis of modern hunting management. The study of wild ungulates has environmental, economic and social value. The solution of such problems as wild ’s number preservation and its accruement, conducting high-quality protective, reproduction and biotechnical activities. The authors aim to establish the age and sex composition of ungulates, as well as factors that have a direct impact on its formation. However, studying the modern hunting economy, we conclude that at present it is based on obtaining material benefits. Having studied the activities of hunting farms in the Amur Region and the Republic of Buryatia, we concluded that hunting activities are minimal, and in farms that have very large areas (in most cases it’s promhozes and their followers, still preserved from the USSR times) are completely absent. Due to anthropogenic and technogenic factors, the efficiency and productivity of hunting lands decrease every year. This is facilitate, firstly, by forest felling, resulting in “real” forest vanishing, secondly by forest fires, which annually cover up to 50-60% of afforested land. An important factor is poaching, which, in combination with the above, does not improve the condition of ungulates populations. At the same time, the food resources abundance that grows in sufficient amount on the territory of the studied regions, allows to multiply the livestock of . But in winter, the harsh climatic conditions create great difficulties for animals, especially those who are living (inhabit) in the territories of the northern regions. It is necessary to take measures to reduce the burned areas, and even this will allow such species as elk stop the population regression, and together with environmental and biotechnical measures to preserve and increase the optimal number of animals. The authors conducted a study of the age and sex structure of the wild ungulates populations (elk, red deer, roe) in Eastern and the Amur region. The sex ratio was established, as well as the ratio of young animals to adults. The causes of changes in the age and gender species structures are identified, and the impact of anthropogenic factors and predators on the number of wild ungulates in two regions of the Russian Federation is assessed. Studies of mineral dressing in the ungulates life have been conducted.

2. LITERATURE REVIEW Ungulates species diversity study (L.P. Sabbaneev (1988), S.A. Buturlin (1934)), summary materials by N.V. Turkin, K. Ya. Saturin (1902), A.A. Silantieva (1897) laid the groundwork for the study of in Russia. The subsequent invaluable contribution of VG Geptner, V.I. Tsalkin, A.A. Nasimovich, A.G. Bannikov (Geptner and Tsalkin, 1947; Geptner et al., 1961), KK Flerov (1952), served as the basis for future research. And now the collected, summarized and updated material by modern authors (S.P. Kucherenko, A.A. Danilkin (Kucherenko 1980; 1981; 1982; Danilkin et al. 1995; Danilkin 1999; 2009) and others)

http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1593 [email protected] A.V. Senchik, Y.S. Guretskaya, M.A. Bormotov, A.V. Ryabchenko and Igota Hiromasa allows us to go further and study previously unexplored aspects of animal life, as well as having a large sample to conduct a deep analysis of certain phenomena. Roe deer occupies most of the Amur area, avoiding only the most mountainous regions of the Selemdzhi and Zeya river basins, as well as the foothills of the Stanovoi Range. In the late XIX - early XX century there were hundreds of thousands roe deer population in the Amur Region (Kucherenko 1982). Until 1984, there were no roe deer hunting restrictions, that’s why were shot a lot of animals (Sandakova et al. 2015). According to our data (Sandakova et al. 2017), which in many respects corresponding to the data of KA Morozov (1975) over the past three decades, roe deer prey exceeds the established limits by 5-6 times. According to the data available in the literature, the average litter of roe deer is 1.98 (from 1 to 3 deer). At the same time, there are fewer males among newborns. By the fall the young stock is about 35-40%, and by the spring - about 25%. The spring livestock from the autumn abundance is reduced by 1/3, and with intensive hunting - 1/2 (Kucherenko 1982). According to the data of Yu.A. Darman (1986), the sex ratio of roe deer on the territory of the Khingan Reserve per one male is 1.2-1.3 females. According to Danilkin (Danilkin et al. 1995), out of counted 7108 individuals of roe deer, 27.4% were males, 35.6% females, 37% leverets. These data (per male to 1.3 females) are quite consistent with the data of Yu.A. Darman. It is also worth noting that according to A. Danilkin’s data in the Amur region during the observations from 1987 to 1994, the proportion of calves ranged from 34.7% to 40.6%, females older than a year from 31.4% to 38 3%, adult males from 17.4% to 18.8%, one-year-old males - from 7.6% to 11.4%. At this ratio, the adult males and females ranged from 1: 1.12 to 1: 1.41, and in general the population was 1: 1.27 (Danilkin 1999). The red deer (red deer) inhabits a significant part of the region, excluding the territory of the Zeya-Bureya plain, as well as the over-wetted low-snow plains of such rivers as Burma, Tom, Argi, etc., which are unsuitable for him. And if we take into account the barley of a part of the womiscus (15–20%), then 1.06 calf (Kucherenko 1982b). On average, about 94 calves are born from one hundred females (here embryonic mortality of 10% is also taken into account), which in spring constitute 43% of the number of the livestock. But given the high mortality of calves, only half of them will survive to fall. In the winter period, the percentage of adult bulls in the deer population is 24–26%, adult females — about 45%, last year’s — 6– 8%, and juveniles –– 22–24% (Kucherenko 1981). The ratio of males to females in the deer population on the territory of Arkharinsky district is 1: 1.85 (Darman 1990), while he notes that the population of red deer was as follows: out of 124 recorded animals, adult males were 34-40%, adult females - 26- 35% last year - 5-13%, leverets - 20-26%. At the same time, Yu.A. Darman also notes that the share of leverets by the spring is halved. The elk inhabits practically the same territory of the region as red deer. However, from the adjacent territory outside the Zeya-Bureya plain, he was driven out by man. According to S.P. Kucherenko, in the summertime, of the 68 adult elk cow he encountered, there were 14 without calves, 29 with one calf, and 25 with two, that is, there were 1.16 calves per adult female. But by the winter season out of 85 adult elk cows encountered without calves, there were 34, with one calf — 42, with two — 9, that is, 0.71 calves fell on an adult elk cow (Kucherenko 1982). It is worth noting that the fecundity index according to Kucherenko is much higher than the fecundity indicators cited by LG Kaplanov since the middle of the XX century, where the number of leverets reached 8.3%, and yearlings - 6.2% (Kaplanov 1948). For the southern part of the region, the ratio of males to females was 1: 1.28, while the proportion of adult individuals was 72%, last year, 9.3%, and juveniles 18.7% (Darman 1990).

http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1594 [email protected] The Age And Sex Gradation Of Population Siberian Roe Deer (Capreolus Pugargus Pall), The Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus Xantropygus) And The Elk (Alces Alces Cameloides) In The Amur Region And The Republic Of Buryatia

According to Dvoryadkin (1975), of the 414 elk encountered, 48.3% were males, 51.7% were females, and the ratio was 1: 1.07. Approximately the same data is given by Tavrovsky (Tavrovsky et al. 1971) for Yakutia, the ratio of males to females according to which is 1: 1.02.

3. RESEARCH METHODS Hoofed animals are one of the most valuable objects of hunting in Russia. Studying the composition of their populations in different seasons of the year is an important aspect of their ecology. The gender and age structure of the population is an important indicator that makes it possible to consider information on the “favorableness” of the food supply, the climatic conditions of the year, as well as the anthropogenic impact and influence of predators. During 7 years, we were investigating the age and sex composition of populations in two regions of Russia. Studies were conducted in all seasons of the year. We have laid routes for most of the Amur and Eastern Siberia, suitable for ungulates. The routes were carried out using motor transport and on foot, in winter, on skis and a snowmobile. The length of hiking routes was 5 - 15 km. As a result, we and the workers of hunting farms covered more than 8,000 kilometres, and more than 6,000 winter record cards were also analyzed annually. Cards were chosen from each district and almost all hunting users of the Amur Region and the Republic of Buryatia. More than 15,000 photos collected and analyzed. The research results allow hunting farms improve the system of biotechnical and reproductive activities, with the aim of increasing the number of ungulates, as well as improving the quality of land. Produced a collection of materials on survey data and questionnaires. More than 1800 hunters were interviewed. For 7 years, we annually performed a 100% analysis of all permits for elk, deer and roe deer returned by hunters from the administration of hunting farms in the Amur Region and the Republic of Buryatia. To determine the effect of mineral supplementation on the composition of the wild ungulates populations in the hunting farms of the Republic of Buryatia and the Amur Region, artificial sodic soil were laid. Attendance and time spent on mineral dressing were determined using the installed photofixation cameras. The obtained data allowed us to determine the age and sex composition of animal groups, periods of molting and calving for specific areas of land. In order to study the gender and age structure and activity of migration, together with hunting users and state structures for animal world protection, the accounts of the migrating roe deer on the Nora River in the Amur Region are involved. As a result, the most valuable material on the sex and age population of roe deer in the Amur Region was obtained.

4. RESEARCH RESULTS The sex and age composition of wild ungulate populations may change throughout the year. Under favourable conditions, the minimum press of poaching and predation by age and sex composition can remain at a relatively stable level for a long time. With aging, the ratio of females to males changes in favour of females. If, after calving, the share of one-year-olds is 45-50%, then in the future, this figure significantly decreases. These data are confirmed by visual observations and materials of prey species. This is primarily due to the fact that under adverse conditions, the absence of a good forage base, the presence of predators leads to a high mortality of the young. In addition, by the end of August, adult males begin to force out one-year-old males to the neighboring territory. In

http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1595 [email protected] A.V. Senchik, Y.S. Guretskaya, M.A. Bormotov, A.V. Ryabchenko and Igota Hiromasa unfamiliar terrain ungulates become more vulnerable and first of all become easy prey for the wolf. The decrease in the number of males is influenced by the fact that during the rut period the males become aggressive and one of them may be killed during fights. Also during this period, males become less careful and attentive, which allows predators to hunt them. On the territory of all hunting farms of the Amur Region and the Republic of Buryatia, hunting users create and maintain sodic soils in working condition. Their total number in the farm depends on the forest cover of the territory, the background species that live on the farm and the financial capacity. On average, in the Amur region for the last seven years, from 2500 to 2700 solontsov hunters operated, and in the Republic of Buryatia - from 600 to 1000 (table number 1).

Table 1. The number of active places of mineral feeding in hunting farms

Region 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Amur region 2514 2493 2532 2516 2612 2655 2702 Republic of Buryatia 599 736 655 743 1098 554 747 We carried out both visual observations and with the help of animals photographic recording cameras when visiting hoofed equipped mineral feeding places. Using the example of a solonetz located in the Orlovka river basin of the Mazanovsky district of the Amur region, we monitored t red deer attendance for three years. We selected this particular salt- water as a model because in this area, in addition to one of the authors of the work, no one could influence on the red deer population, and the area around the solid soil is under “constant” observation in order to study the behavior of the red deer in different periods of the year. The photo fixation camera was installed annually from March to August; it worked on movement with a re-triggering period of 5 minutes. As a result, we have 2485 photo locations of red deer. All the obtained material was carefully processed to identify each individual of the deer in particular morphological characteristics, after that we made the following gender and age red deer population structure visiting this feeding place (Table 2).

Table 2. Composition of a group of red deer visiting a model mineral feeding site

Last year, Adult females, individuals Adult individuals TimeVisits males,individuals with young without young

individuals individuals 2014 5 2 5 2 2015 4 - 6 - 2016 4 2 3 2 After analyzing the results of observations, it should be noted that within three years the total attendance was not changed to much. The growth of young stock in a given area is accompanied by natural selection of hunting and predators. However, in this area live, on average, 4-5 males and 5-7 females (Fig. 1). Males are smaller than females, and the sex ratio is approximately 1: 1.3. This ratio is quite consistent with the data presented by Yu.M.Dunishenko (1975) and Yu.A. Darman (1990) for the territory of Arkharinsky district of the Amur region.

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Figure 1. Simultaneous visit to the place of mineral feeding with 6 specimens of red deer (Photo by M.А. Bormotov, 10/22/2014)

After analyzing the extraction of the ungulates examined on the territory of the Amur region for the last 6 years (2012-2017), we obtained the following results: during the studied years, the production amounted to: roe - only 14913 individuals, of which males - 9452 (63.3%) (Fig. 2), and females - 5461 (36.7%); red deer - a total of 1946 individuals, of which males - 1357 (69.7%), and females - 589 (30.3%); elk - a total of 2188 individuals, of which males - 1530 (69.9%), and females - 658 (30.1%) (table. 3).

Table 3. Data on the hunting of wild ungulates for the period 2012-2017. On the territory of the Amur region

Hunted deer up to 1 year older than 1 year Species total including including total Total males females males females Capreólus pygárgus 14913 5841 3546 2295 9072 5906 3156 Cervus elaphus 1946 271 158 113 1675 1199 476 Alces alces 2188 328 227 101 1860 1303 557 Analysis of deer, red deer, elk hunting on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia for 2012-2017 showed the following results: rob deer - a total of 8966 individuals, of which males - 6627 (73.9%), females - 2339 (26.1%); red deer - 2780 individuals, of which males -

http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1597 [email protected] A.V. Senchik, Y.S. Guretskaya, M.A. Bormotov, A.V. Ryabchenko and Igota Hiromasa

2166 (77.9%), females - 614 (22.1%); Elk –1003 individuals, of which males - 807 (80.5%), females - 196 (19.5%) (table. 4).

Table 4. Data on the hunting of wild ungulates for the period 2012-2017. In the Republic of Buryatia

Hunted deer up to 1 year older than 1 year Species total including including total Total males females males females Capreólus pygárgus 8966 3015 2170 845 5951 4457 1494 Cervus elaphus 2780 477 315 162 2310 1851 452 Alces alces 1003 150 113 37 853 694 159

Figure 2. Redeemed permission for the extraction of roe deer. (Photo by A.V. Ryabchenko, 2018)

This situation prevails not only in most of the regions of the Russian Federation, but also in the states neighboring the Russian Federation. So in Belarus, depending on farm, the males prey ranges from 59.5% to 87% (Dunin & Kozlo 1992). And this again confirms that shooting is one of the most powerful factors that inpact on the sexual proportion of animals. It is worth noting such a big difference between the level of hunting services in Belarus (Dronina 2018) and in the Amur Region and the Republic of Buryatia. If in the Republic of Belarus shooting is carried out only under the control of rangers (with the appropriate

http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1598 [email protected] The Age And Sex Gradation Of Population Siberian Roe Deer (Capreolus Pugargus Pall), The Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus Xantropygus) And The Elk (Alces Alces Cameloides) In The Amur Region And The Republic Of Buryatia document execution by an authorized person), then in the Siberian and Far Eastern areas hunting is still carried out without the hunting managers “supervision” and, in most cases, for one season the hunters get 5 - 7 individuals of roe deer (Morozov 1975; Senchik et al. 2017). In practice, only 3-5% of permitions for the ungulate species prey are promptly closed and returned by hunters to the authorized farms. The remaining permitions are closed during10 days of the hunting and are returned after the end of the season. Annually we and specialists of the Amur Region Wildlife Management Department of the Amur Region on the Maltsev Lug model migration site monitor and count the number of migrating roes taking into account gender and age. The time of observation depends on the specific climatic conditions of the year, but usually within the period from September 10 to October 10 (Table 5).

Table 5. Sex and age composition of migratory roe deer in the Amur region

Males older than Females older Individuals up to The ratio of Year Total registered a year than a year a year males to females 1986 630 146 202 282 1:1,38 1987 708 184 253 271 1:1,38 1988 308 69 118 121 1:1,71 1989 1163 326 365 472 1:1,12 1990 1129 326 398 405 1:1,22 1991 992 261 357 374 1:1,37 1992 1130 314 419 397 1:1,33 1993 1004 275 376 353 1:1,37 1994 734 211 268 255 1:1,27 1995 469 130 188 151 1:1,45 1996 680 169 248 263 1:1,47 1997 456 114 181 161 1:1,59 2001 339 72 129 138 1:1,79 2002 229 37 97 95 1:2,62 2003 861 190 325 346 1:1,71 2004 222 68 75 79 1:1,10 2005 754 181 273 300 1:1,51 2006 655 154 236 265 1:1,53 2009 1006 256 342 408 1:1,34 2010 915 276 298 341 1:1,08 2011 576 115 174 287 1:1,51 2012 923 235 365 323 1:1,55 2013 749 257 285 207 1:1,11 2014 663 210 228 225 1:1,09 2015 402 118 196 88 1:1,66 2017 290 71 140 79 1:1,97 Всего 17987 4765 6536 6686 1:1,37 As a result of the analysis of the data given in Table 4, it can be concluded that during 26 years, with a sufficiently large samples of 17,987 individuals (Fig. 3), the ratio of males to

http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1599 [email protected] A.V. Senchik, Y.S. Guretskaya, M.A. Bormotov, A.V. Ryabchenko and Igota Hiromasa females was 1: 1.37. In addition, it is noting that according to common data (Darman 1986; Danilkin et al. 1995; Danilkin 1999), roe deer brings from 1 to 3 calves, while for the Amur region in 77% of cases 2 calves are born (Darman 1986). But by the autumn migration period, according to the presented material, there are 1.02 calves per female, which is mainly due to environmental conditions in the first months of growth, leading to high mortality of the young, as well as the influence of predators.

Figure 3. Migrating Siberian roe deer, Amur region (Photo by M.A. Bormotov, 09/29/2015)

5. FINDINGS 1. The ratio of males to females in the roe deer population is 1: 1.37 and varies slightly over the years. The main reason for the fluctuations is the survival of male calves in the first months of life, as well as the impact of anthropogenic factors and predators on them. 2. The ratio of males to females in the deer and elk population is 1: 1.3 and also, like the roe deer, has slight fluctuations. Anthropogenic impact in the form of predominant shooting of males (70-80%) and large predator pressure, especially after birth, have the greatest importance on the formation of the age and sex structure of populations. 3. Conducting enhanced measures to protect the animal world with the implementation by hunting users of mainly fixed types of hunting with the farm huntsman will minimize the aspect of human influence. Conducting high-quality biotechnical measures in accordance with hunting materials, as well as actively regulating the number of predators, including the popularization of hunting wolves and bears, will significantly reduce the young animals death and, accordingly, increase the number of wild ungulates populations in Eastern Siberia and the Amur region.

6. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS The authors of this work conducted a study of the age and sex structure of populations of wild ungulates (elk, red deer, roe) in Eastern Siberia and the Amur region. The sex ratio was established, as well as the ratio of young animals to adults. The causes of changes in the age and gender structures of species are identified, and the impact of anthropogenic factors and

http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1600 [email protected] The Age And Sex Gradation Of Population Siberian Roe Deer (Capreolus Pugargus Pall), The Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus Xantropygus) And The Elk (Alces Alces Cameloides) In The Amur Region And The Republic Of Buryatia predators on the number of wild ungulates in two regions of the Russian Federation is assessed. Studies of mineral dressing in the life of ungulates have been made. According to the authors' own research, a literature review and their comparison with the materials of early studies using the example of A. A. Danilkin, it was found that in the Amur Region the proportion of calves ranges from 34.7% to 40.6%, females are older years from 31.4% to 38.3%, adult males from 17.4% to 18.8%, one-year-old males from 7.6% to 11.4%. At the same time, the ratio of adult males and females varies by year in the ratio from 1: 1.12 to 1: 1.41, and in general the population has 1: 1.27. The main reason for the fluctuations is the survival of male calves in the first months of life, as well as the impact of anthropogenic factors and predators on them. These data must be taken into account by hunters during hunting in assigned territories and taking into account the possibility of controlling the shooting of young and adult females without leverets, as well as carrying out selective shooting of males with visible signs of gender and age distortion of the species. The ratio of males to females in the population of red deer is 1: 1.85, while it was noted that the population of red deer was as follows: out of 124 recorded animals of adult males, 34-40%, adult females - 26-35%, last year - 5 -13%, leverets - 20-26%. At the same time, earlier studies by Yu.A. Darman also noted that the share of leverets by the spring is halved. It is important for hunters to take into account that the complex of biotechnical measures in accordance with professionally prepared materials of on-farm hunting management, as well as a set of measures aimed at regulating the number of main predators will significantly reduce the death of young animals and, accordingly, increase the number of populations of wild ungulates in the regions studied. According to Dvoryadkin in the Lower Amur Region, of the 414 encountered elk, 48.3% were males, 51.7% were females, respectively, and the ratio was 1: 1.07. Approximately the same data is given by Tavrovsky for Yakutia, the ratio of males to females according to which is 1: 1.02. The decrease in the number of males is influenced by the fact that during the rut period the males become aggressive and one of them may be killed during fights. Also during this period, males become less careful and attentive, which allows predators to hunt them. The sex and age composition of elk cow, as other major species of wild ungulates, may change throughout the year, depending on the duration of favorable conditions, minimizing the press of poaching and the influence of predators. With aging, the ratio of females to males changes in favor of females. If, after calving, the share of one-year-olds is 45-50%, then in the future, this figure significantly decreases.

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http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 1601 [email protected] A.V. Senchik, Y.S. Guretskaya, M.A. Bormotov, A.V. Ryabchenko and Igota Hiromasa

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