y \ ■ ■ ■ r ■ MONDAY, APRIL S, IMi ^jtattrbratnr £ontitio Hri Average D*R^^hrenI*tioB '>,. ' , ■ ■' 'y ■ :-. ■ ' ■ \ Tht Weatkar For Mm Month m t M a n ^ 1948 Fofbrurt m t D. Wauthar M ; ^ a Inland F, Apaldlng, 'Jr., son of noon No. 3 went tp >the. top of Brookdeld street a i^ No.' 8 Mr. and Mrs. t-land Spalding of M a t ^ h e s t e ^ Noted Teacher Marine Train I Fires Keep Up Birch street for a fire that' was out at 7:10 last night to 18 Qnt >ntX B8 Oetard' stre e t's^ recently en- rning towards the woods and at road. Ths last firs of tba 8 ,1 0 5 Romawhaf eatdeo toulght; ilhnia- IISM In the A rm j^lr Forcef hae O^te Book I :'15 No. 2 had a call for grass at^8;35 whan No. 8 was aallw Menoibnr of tha Audit leWag^ ">ii t~|'‘ TS me Ur. and Mw. Robart B. Oalvart Thursday, April 8 ' , ^ monthly, meeting at thq''"T" on of over the week-end, all In grass X mt 7« Phe^^^oad, graduatad Sat- Meeting of Airplane Spottere. Friday evening aith the j^rpsldent. or woods. Starting Saturday after­ ’ s ® N o t io i vatay' from tba Aircraft AmiBunt- Ih e wlillni^^yVoricera Group of State Trade school at 8. 3 -,r-T ^ S*d. Ba the South M euK^st church will Entertainment ,, for Inductee!, Miss Anna McAdams, conducting noon at 2:03 No. 2 was called to meet tomorrow a(tetnoon at the Middle turnpike,' west, and E>sex _ aaalgned to the 40Sd Masbnic Temple k t 8. ik t business meeting. church paflore at^:30> All mem* Banliuet, Disabled American street to extinguish a fire that was •quadroo, Selfrldga -Field, bera are urged to make a special The principal part of the pnK^ threatening residences there... 'At Veterans at Hotel Sheridan. gram was arranged In token of a h d ^ ^ N o v ^ w effort to attend this s^ion; Friday, April t 3:25 the same company went tO',43 / / appreciation of the club's honorary Princeton street for a grass fire. n ia Profaialonal Women’a alub Victory Garden lecture by Prof. At the i^lncoln BCh tonight A. E. Wilkinaon, High School hall member, Mrs. Margaret Prander- This Is on the nmrth side of the arm meat at Center Church ilouae from 7 to 0 volunteer war turnpike, biit the water le from the ^ DAY^ ONLYl^ aauoixcw avaninc. The guest again Issiie coupons iline a t 8 .' gast McLean of Hollywood, Calif., Manchester owned Vater company X. I ■Baakar arm be Raymond Cooper, for trucks. Saturday.C April -18 teacher, writer, dramatic eoach, and le included la the South Man­ Sewing Items, Htiimfe Items, Stationer^xUems and |ark|Ay Says Chance ta ^8 Big Transports \ Local tin can collection. who la deputy air raid warden of and actress, whose birthday will E. Machto chester fire District. Odds Fapor tha local avUlan Defense Coun­ Saturday, April 17 That endbd the fires on Satur­ Novelties. Rb Here Rarly for Best SeWtiobt Swatbin Rdos

a&AMUH£STER EVENING Hi|kALp,,MAN( 1.00NN, TUESDAY/APRIL 6,i94S / HANCI^STEB EVENING BER/ILO, MAKCKESTSIt, 00NN„ TUESDAY, |^ItIL «, 1943 PAGE ~Z- killed and 118'''Uijiu«d, the Roc$a Yank FliersvDown communique said, out it clalified re New Gains iw in Iddc, Essay E n g a g ^ W e d l2 of the/Taldenr were shot down, G r a d u a t e s WTHT— 1220 A 31 Enemy Ffanes; and^ aaid the Axis bombed Bone In Kuban Delta WOBO— 1280 Today’s Radio^^> harbbr in Algeria. .1 \ ,./■ Plan to Open Delight Qub (A 'British communique fi i ■ Esmten War £Um ' - ’ / _ 18 Transports Malte disclosed, that the raids (Coattnued. Page One) Porto Empedocle . yesterday tod nN -W TIC— Baekatege Wlf«{«.8:00-^WT1C — Johnny Pradsnte; ■7^ sequence .of es suffered ^on the 2 P a r k w ^ Prepared Paper (Oonttnued tram P *g « One) Trapani last night were from ^ a t O P^W illing to Approv^ 7DRC—N*w »; Afternoon Mel»- "WDRC — Light* Out; W TH T — fortress base in, the .Medi^ra-.^ day befoi Ues; WNBC—au b Matlno*. Slngln’ Sam; WNBC — Bari . nctivlty of (Conttauad from Page One) Auction of Butterfs Man ; !■ Read Before Mel the planes when they hit the wa­ nean^ Railway aidingsi a / ^ w er’ l5— WTIC — Stella Dallaq; Godwin, New*. ter, the American pilots said, in­ station and factories, wera at­ rtanc)/Only,” it said, V n BC—DancelaniJ. 8:15—WTHT — WCTU;^WNBC— t^ro Football/Shy iwli^S to Jben of Qiam inaA petence„/inaterlal neglect of duty C o n t e n d dicated they were laden with gas-, tacked, the communique said from the remaining liionf ) —W TIC — Loren so Jonea; ' Lum and Abner. • “ (The German high ^^mmand, A(m misconduct. 7DRO—Ad Liner. - • 8:80—W TIC — Horace Heidt'Heidt’* oUne or oil for Rolnmel’sv tanks Hartford, April 8.— (ff>—Che A n sxtrsnMlr w*U wriCten paper claiming 18 Allied pmnea were connectlon/alth the ;/^epoi Cpk, who was exonerated, tea- -WTIC — Young Wldder,. Treaatire Chest; WDRC — Ida a|)d Air Force. No troopsXwere ^tifiM.before the claims committee a arasioal eum nt^eventa waa seen aboard the transports, the shot down in the SMditer^nean operations, th* Berlin ter Bowles, state OPA d^rectoJ JolBon, Montv Wooley: 'WNBC—, And Tribute raearad and r a a d ^ Mrs. Marion icently that the case cost , him At Drafting area yesterday, said'"an import;/ radio Nbroaefeast a XTYans-Ocean said today that a proposal of -W TIC—When a Girl Mar- Duirye. . at Old meeting of the pilots .said. aliqut $ 7 ^ . . In addition to the 18 transports, ant .mountain pos^on was dispatchKasaerting r a t German lia ; WDRC—New*: Ad Xiher; | 8:4 ^ W T O T —^ t ^ li*'tiharalnade Mosieal Club at Cenr' nwhile, the S<^nate received state milk administratton for the. fighters disposed of six dive- quered .ln dur oym offensive positions 1(1 this area atronfi' CHT __ Turntabiev Terrace; | 8:55—IVDIWJ—Oecl^'JBfroWn, New*. Isr Aurch iresterday a^in< a favbrable report on a bill al­ during toe butterfat price basis 9:00— WTIG—^ tU e of the Sexes bOmbers and seven opposing terprise" In soumern Tunfsl ly consolli Lay den Believes Loop T w ilig h t ' Amons the highlirhta of the (“Large ^rts of the Owman lowing Xnembers of the armed Connecticut milk "in. all probah WDRC — (iebrge Burn* and To Willis' Champs French CMcmpy V Ilfii-WTIC'—Portia Faces Life; I WnM mention of the article app^ar- fighters. forces a property exemption of ity will bo fully approved by esdity Capt. Darrell G. Welch of Mid­ (The Morocco radio, ^enrd in Army whlchXduring the at^m n _ _ tick Tracy. \ Grade Allen; W Tln* --. Gabriel C^n Operate Under ' lar JM the April issue at th e^ad > London, said/ French fe»ves with and rarly vrinter were stationed $1,000. OPA." WNBC—Fameu* Jury Br’*yOigest concerning a elUie for land, Tex., who shot down three -W riC -J U st Plain '.B ill;! 'Phe seco ig of- the the BrltisH/ First ^ Am y in the in the Caucaausv had ‘ .been with­ Among blflB apprOyed by the ' A t toe same time, Mr/ Bowie mRC-^War CommenU^y^MU- j Trial*. ' Present Setup; Many; fright and dealing Wth the of the transports said: House and sensyto the Senate was said that OPA .. wal studying Twilight league scheduled Season’s CUmax to Be '•We kfiw the planes flying in a north ha^Occupied/a village 19 drawn to th e 're ^ n of the Kuban Interlude; W THT —High- 9.15—W THT Brigadier General ety of Timid 8 o n ^ artists ? permitting toe sale o f horse plan for permitting a slight r^ u Players in 3A Class.; for the fert Si Rec, Wed- League Aveix^gea huge 'V'form ation about M feet miles of Mateur in their at- bridgehead so thaX^rm an troops 011 Patrol; WNBC--Jack Arm- Relnarta. 7 O’clock. Held at OsanO^S Cot­ T Who pay a small sum tw the privl- meat for human eon$uihpU Loo)> All Wim that war wiamers enjoyed music -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cordera of the fighters fought so Idw that . \ to Enrign George B. Leary of to^ ed wltoui a week. W THT — John B. Hughes; long before the opeklag Maguire X"...... 58 106.1' their flaps sometimes skimmed ls<^-ent to, work on Ax)« defense the Caucasus. The d|kpatch House wltbout a hitch today )uv -Yankee Itew*; WNBC .—Ter- of Cffllege |>teyers, but it waa «•/ at their w o r h ^ d produced more 191 Eldiidge street announce the Navy ^Supply Corps Reserve, who “Reduction of - toe butterfa WNBC — Raymond Oram which has teatanvaly Kuhney ...... 02^ . 100.2 when ^imrkmg ^ the rhythm of engagement of their daughter, the water, but he got back unln; a i^ sX while fighter-bombers es- ed 30 Ruaelana we^e killed, waa sent to thX Senate. ■ \ and toe mratee. , pectod to m ra the same late thi* keen set for May 10. '' The Wednesday Night Y Bowl ^rted'hy fighters-started numer'^ than 250 captured'' and 13 tanks resides at 30 Laurel atreet, Man- content," according to Mr. Bowie Swing. MorlartyvBrottiere, '^muaie. The deatlruf the famous Miss Marjorie Elisabeth Cordera, Jured. The bin, principal piece'Ofxjlq-'' ^cbester. Is' one of toe 800 young |8—W H O —IWad to Victory; 10:30—W THT — Concert Hour; time , and -be dropped to Thursda^ Inlg loop will wind up its affairs tOy ous fires among enemy vehicle destroyed in the latest action, afid uor legislation proposed this ra * 't change toe baeie fo /1 Ave^rage tusaiah /pianist composer, to Seaman Second Clam Howard Lieut E. 8. E. NAvbury of Officers who'graduated on April valuh of toe milk." r—Sport*\Mu*ical Ckwne- W I^C — Grade P3eld*’ Victory V : ;A. mol W' evening at Oaano’a ersfleld, Calif., who got two concentrat'it>ns. predicted new Russian -attempt' Sion, provides that 10 days’ notice closing ssstton. ' '/ ' Kroll ...... 109.1 Ssrgi Rachmaninoff, ^'was noted. L. . Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.^643, from the Navy Supply InieXpresent 4 per cent stand Enwres; ,/WNBC Sportoi, Show. * ■■ '-story of the oEave and kim and one transport plam ExpectSxMUed Drive So«W to" break . the German strong' in writing must be givriiNpermlt- As oqmers and SoaebSS opened Frazier ...... ,08.1 n Bolton, President Mark Holmes of 28 Woodbridge Coira School at 'Harvard Univer- in Connecticut, he explained, lew*. 1Q:30—W TIC — Red Skelton and Newcomb . . . . . -07.9 ' Australian sopraney Mias both engines cut out and hii (The Axis expected the. renewed point.) . , Tees when summoned before the -W TIC — S t r i ^ Spor Sports: their three-day jiarleV^ with Com­ Mac^k Assures ^ win award the prteto sm8 street. < Allied drive to come soon. Tfie slty/x^As result of hU successful higher tofin that in moat stat Company; WDRC—Dance Time; Seebes ...... 106.5 Lawrence, noted fbr her Mias Cordera la employed by the dropped to within 20 te et/ ti the This Kuban country Itself offerb. liquor control commission and 5RC—Frazier ■—Ne* Freddie Martjn’a Or- missioner 'gamer LaydeAtoe theme of the league wUI pay Berlin radio said Gen. Sir Bernaid completion of tbe /rigid four All toe other New England stat WNBC t- was one. of confidence-'togardiiig R. LaChappelle 105.9 etatlon of Wagnerian rejes, Aetna Life Insurance company. water, But as he rem^ed the many natural obstacles to speedy that the notice muat state "to months’ 'course, Enaigfi Le'tury is SO-rJobannes S 'X—Jlew* chestra. hom^e 'to Dpn WiUiq'' and hia was Stricken at the h'eii cockpit cover, preparii^to jump, L. Montgomery's Eighth Army ar­ progress, including. salty marshes particular” what the charges use a 3.7' per cent basis, and Ns toe 1948 season. H ow era the Robertil That H. LqChappelle 106 Seaman Holmes has completed tillery had begun \ laying down fio, longer^a “Probationary” offi­ yfirk city, one of 3.6 per cenL*- anunetitatoh 10:45—W NBC—New*. L. Fafrand .. / < ... 18 104.8 championship team *vbo bavt now ^r career with paralysis, b( >hlB boot training at Newport and one ^ 'his engines cam^to life and ahd swainps. * The measure also provides to^t -W TIC— LoweU Tltoina*. msgnates were j)iBt sk^tical "test shots” on the advanced posi­ cer. He hhs received hts ./Gen­ Reductiob Is Approved 11:00—WTIC — News; WDRC — Simmoin •//•. •. • 1.3 103.2 copped tb4 bun^ihg for two ' overeoms her hsmdicap and la he re-entered the .fight, subse­ T h e Kuban river Is wide and at the. qualifications for perm^ees ommentator; ' 'WDRC— \^hn News; Sports Roimdup; News; efiough that they wanted to de­ UK At present stationed in Ports- tions of the German-Italian defenise eral Setyice” ^mmlsslon and will State Milk Administrator D. All|s£)aniiy V. F arra^ ...... 8 100.6 straight yeara. / ^appearing in Metropolitan and con- m c s ^ Va.______' y :______quently landing at ^/friendly air­ this time of year overflows its apply also to persons employed to Kennedy; .W n BC— WTHT—Yankee News; WNBC lay the draft of Last yOar’s coUSg;* eart »le s . The new autobiograi * zone along the Wadi el Akarit, 26 be aesi^ed tb oqty at an Import­ Hammerberg announced earlie aeniora until It waa proved to them While toe rivalry between thq field. banks, flooding or washing away, draw and prepare alcctooUd drinks ant shore activity tack. \ \ —Unde Sant-Speak*. written by MacKihley Helm miles north of Gabes. \ many roads. but not to other employes such aa that be' had approved the redu tbe league ^#ouId have sufficient Average varioua teams'^ conducted on a Connecttcut FU ^ Bags Two General Montgomery tmened -Fred Waring in Pleaaura 1:16—W TIC — Dance MnUc; strictly AmerieSn basis there were '"Angel Nlo" which is ths stoi . Second Lieut. George Bancroft The best highway Is the RC — Harry James: WTHT WDRC— Joseph Ssigettl. priority on stalwart males right Look Just t|ie Same. the doughy ( ?) rmilltli reading for club members. Mrs. Second eu t Eldted E. Loder ot Kuban delta also is knOwn as the ble to hold liquor permits. hundred pounds, on toe grounf now. However moat of toe clubs Sheldon . 101.8 \MSLagan concluded her talk with nearer the front,’ "indicating that siding with her husband’s parfihte. -The World’s Moat Honored Violikist end Concert Oreheatra; A Chapman’s team, triedrwa hatflnera te'^ WlchiU, ot one MesMr- Taman peninsula. TTie town clos­ Concurring with the Senate on that it would bring Connectlcu — Alfred WaUensteln'* planned to .put in Jieir bids Any­ ■ ■ V .''" Bohadik . 101.6 m a n t^ of the coming Red Cross a British attack agauist Rommel’s Mr. and Mrs. Waldron Pratt, -44'7- into line with otoer New Eng Jualc:, WNBC — ,M«>. Machines ByJ^d Feder stop tbe mechiknics. (Oonttnued from p ae) sebmitt d etolklmed, "we gave est to the strait itself is the Cos­ another liquor ’' biH. the house Sinfontettot WNBC ''t;;-/ Ray way aa aa investment for the poet Bryan . Concert on April 20 at the positions will now hpt be very long Main street, for the duration, enV states and would help them' me I Victory: WilmiMtOn, Del., Aprij, 6—(^f)— A ' glance at toe avefW tm / end K kihool hall and sponsored by th^m concentrated Hell 1 In coming.” sack village of Taman, a town of adopted a measure allowing Con­ tertained as week-end guests her -W TIC — Governor Baldwin; Heatoertte’a Orchestra. war daya. Games. Average three string totals attestict to*/Clos*-'i son, testifying on a pro; ever 4,000 in an area \whlcb waa the tqcreaMd production costy. ORC — American Melody 11 ;48—WNB<^ — Ray Heathetion’s Layden aaid there were enough It is Rbtorto EStalella’a loudaat Skoog ....68'^ 115.8 Club. Already (A later Berlin broadcast aald necticut wholesalers to Import father. George Sumner, ot North Approval of tbe O P A 'is nesa of the race this/ year. T t e set up ann officeofflc« of civilian su'... I Yeel ebnscienee-atelcken," said scans at ancient flfihiing. liquor directly from abroad, a Jonr; W TH T — Confidentially Orchestra S-A players available somewhere mpafi that in eight years in bass- F. Vlttner' 110.8 sale of tickets an unusual number of planessu- Adams. Mass., and her husband, sai^befocp th® reduction, highlight was thq apiMlel mOtehie separate from the War Productii. ^ Seephd ^ e u t Edward D. Shaw, Shores Easily Navigable right heretofore denied. fours; WNBC — Pop Stuff, 12:00—^WTK3-^*w»; Boy Shield’s in. the country" to allow each club ’s R e c o ^ Fish ...;6 i ior,4 I turned over to the rived yesterday at Gibraltar anoHt Gordon Pratt, '‘seaman . second ball, he always bae been with cluba Mathewson between toe Y l«^/and the West board, told the Seitate Banking r,/o(/Bo8troy, La., with a wry The shores ot 'Taman peninsula for May t Iqr Mr. Hammerberg -W TIC — Cloee-tip* ' Our Orchestra; WDRC — Nette; Sign its minimum of men .for 1943. He .,..67 108.7 Chapter drive. repeated unconfirmed reports thaV* Unfavorable R^iort Filed class of toe United States Coast at deep in toe second division. And Burr Sid* circuit. Each/leegu* IqM a committee that “ no dual preduc I made four passes and only easily navigable, if the Ger­ can become effective. titing Front: W THT — Off; WNBC—Slsm Off. said that even undte an accelqrkt- ___ 67 104.5 i*S Program about 25,000 American and British The Judiciary’ committee filed Guard. He was recently transfer­ llson win over the othto and, the Sjpirit tton programs—military as aepar' two alrplanaa." mains have any wateiuraft. They The ^tan, according to. hts of Columbus. 12:55—W T IC - N ed srieCtlve aerriOe achedptC not Conle Mack has promised him that ---- 3 103.6 The Tuogram was in troops passed through the fortress an unfavorable report on a bill red from Newport, R I., to his Bowies, w'ould add about $500,0 Greatest of sportaa ate from civilian—can be effective convoy." consisting coulo'UM boats or rafts to switch this record will be maintained, Stands As. 99.3 d ig r ff c M a ^ rle Nelson port last week en route to North creating a commiseion to "study present station at Groton, Conn. \ all players would necosrarily be -L. Wo ...;''^9 and both., l e a g ^ i rorthy ly carried out.” merchant vessels, anuiil frelght- defenslvbounlta by water rather to toe ,(lkliy farmera’ incoml taken by falL^ Cfiiapma ___ 4 \ 96.6 contributloR ty the ( the aMI Mrs. Eva 'dad. Beginning Africa.) tbe' constitution of toe probate without fa ls ie the consumer now that he has moved in with the By Hany Oraysoa Congress' economy drive strucl . era, large barges and submarines BtreagUiea Foatttona than to dejirad entirely (m dllllcult O oihj^y-N o. 3 of the Seuhi X H e auggqSted there probably time waa turned In by Matty In W, Virth«> ....1 4 ^ 96i2 Red Oroe* xm h m piano r'^mpropriata to courts...for the purpose of sub­ of milk. Phil(kdelpbia Athletics. B7EA l ^ r i s Editor the 1905 , when he thaXentenxn-waaan.x Palms" by home wi^i disclosure that e i and destroyers, was attacked .16 As General Montgomery’s men overland tranqmrtatlon. \ Manchester Fire department was rive Information were many relattraly young form­ / Ohagnot* House Appropriations commi, ' miles north of. Cape Bon by Mitch­ South of la ytm the Germans mitting recommendations for thr Producer prides are comput The venerable Mr. Mc^Ulicuddy Christopher Mathewson was UiMce shut out toe Philadelphia Oabriel e d fie a a d VArdi’a "AnvU ohaped their next advance, the improvement of the probate court called at 1:35 this afternoon to er college atars, married and / > Games Aywaittog acUqp - ■ / The league roster also . ahows iOake you feqK right at horns." Big Six waa th* number of New 1908. against the Cfiiicago Chibs Kuniaki .,> ...... 9 107,4 Nevih, presented two _ Treasury Secretary/Mo^enthau In tojlliant sunshine Allied Air The American artillery fought met every charge with a couh fat content other than '-3.7. pe| Please will call on .Wen* idcaSting, the Garry Moor? several farinera anQlthni hy th eJ M w - congress more a b ^ t the adminis­ they have given the large force of X T h e House pfisaed a long list of adjustment of \four cente \ i« | Willkie to make a:'return ap|^ Roberto, one of to* Chibaha who final game Kayan 8 m o j^ ta n Club, was sung to Ario scale yesterday,and carried ouf and knocked out IS German trucka automobiles froso up and'll was atitilting on NBC foe A b b ^ aim by fall. Lou Brock and Lar- Madden / ...... -----33 109.8 tra, Mraer'^asM haW: a t a fortn h y Mr*. Elsie Oustafaon, ao^ tration's progtamto s^bilixe post- more than LdOD'sortiSs. and six guna in that area. .Germans during the offensive in ifidal. biUa todludtog measures pro- point. , noe as a gUeat 'Xpert w: Costello, is to bexcontipued In- managed^to escape from the Wash­ of. the when tyar currwibTes^ muposal which vitlUig.for hiennialelectlonB in the necessary to secure help Trom Cralg of the Green Bay Pack- non ia certainly the Big Six \of Fred Shodgrasa- made hia famous N. Barton ...... -,.36 102,7 prabbt MM. Ruth Bowlt>y, measo In the other , air operations yes­ pommel still managed to keep this sector. * f war-bond broadcast Xext deflntiely. Jim Lee Howell of the New ington Senators ahd now ia the iblted Ms sale itett a tsisl. hk Mya M a f a ^ r in winning t o ^ s jSfsLyme and Cnlcbester. garages to start them. As a re­ nltchers.” Ha bras, aad the nattiq ^ u ff. And his duels with Three- Gleason ...... 55 102.5 •opratoo, and Mrs. Alice Shaw, eon. terday 17 more enemy aircraft opeh the ' 48-mile gap. between In almost a week the attacking ay night in Hartford Conii. Giants. Sammy'Baugh of the A's/rogular left-fielder, it also s As the Dodfsrr'.anransfi Hte the war. B ^ r e ah^' extraordinary AmOng otoer toeasures sult several W’ho ,/work out' b f, .serve* to indicate Just where the ■tuck. Klngcred ,Brown of fhe Cuba cop- BlancMeld ...... ,.11 ^ tralto, with their director, Iba. were destroyed—bringing the day’s Montgomery’s and n tto n ’g col­ Germans have loet several thous­ Sunset Rebekahs Je first was on the quix -Tuning Tonight: NBC3—7 Rep. Washington Redskiiu, and Frank Matty bad an';, imperturbable toadline, April 1. Mesasr Is * closed session o^iha Senate For- and men an(l well over 100 tanks, adopted wera\bllla providing'for: town and nsa tluiir cars to drive 9, 1940. previous to his se- . Emanuel Ct^er on “OWI Telia toe At'nletlcs fit into the American tnbuted glorirtua chapters to WalrOth ^...... » 98-5f Margaret Daley, at the piano. 'The total of 48.. . umns. but the Americans. were to work,''were iate this morning, Ivy ofNlhe (toicago Cardinal* fall It’s M s^ e unshakable air X in toe box. Dsaoen WBUaas suite Included "Alba,” "Gondo- .eign Rel^ons, Banktog and Cur­ R. A. K. Wellington twin-engta-., inching UteJr way into positions ahd numerous German plknes have Increaeee B b q^U e Salary IS Republican preaidhn- Truth’’ ;. A'G innv Simms show; baseball history. - . Oiamhers rency, w d PpatTWa* Economy and which, la conriiaered unusual on Yo Aid R ^ Cros^ under this clSSaiflcation. . . X t o ^ t toat Th**"* ^ • conte'nptyou* look in \ Qamea Aver erithustassiX Ueri," "Canzone- Amoroso” and ed bombers attacked Trapani in better to support the British been^^owned In the.Srea. An increase to .me^^salary of the .lldato- 8:30 Horace Heidt; 9 Battle of aa T ioney in the bank to bet that despised Matty had /strong ecruplea Plannjng contwttes, the secretary ^pjtt 5. \Hqrtfon broadcast is on SexOs; 9:30 Fibber McGe?) 10 The rutra meeting tonight is ex­ Mr. McGllllcuMy’a ethletee wlU against pitching on Sunday, and Pohnski ...... 60 f. "Bwma'Notte.” western Sicily and the railway at Eighth Army When It begins roll- Rockville police court'etork to $400 pected to kroduce further chqfiges toe opposlUob in q big, Uidblent Miaa Paail Oieeecka, of Bolton, yest^day ou^ined a plan to tie Sfax in eastern Tunisia, a large mg. 'a. Sunset qebekah Lodge at it Jf of the Second war bond -Bcfli. Hope; 10:30 Red Skelton in get just about'as far as uauel. never pitched on the Sabbeth. Kelsh ...... \ ,..,..1 7 I. to gold, establish ArdUery SheUa Nazi from $200 a year. aimed at'speeding up thik game sort of way. z pnpQ e f Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sol> number of Fortresses smashed at Farther north tha situation was The Atoury group of toe South meeting last, night in .Odd Fello studio adrtiiaaion tickets to .'New York. They’s been training here for Christy Methewson was’ more t ; Cham bera 'x . . . . 64 108 international stabOisatioh. fund A retirement system tor em­ and Bimplifynw the coarti^s' task It rather annoyed Maity to /than an idpK He waa an ideal. 107 daao of New Toth; appeared nwtt strategic enemy airfields in both unchanged at Faid ahd at Fort- ployes of the city of Bristol othfir Methodist W .S . C. S.., of which hall, voted to salt peanuts and ael| to purchMers of bonds. It tVltt'' CBS—8 Lights Out drama; 8:30 two weeks now ahd except that Chapin ...... - 3 periiapw$5.000;000;o00 and by Center ofRezUtance' Mrs. Bertha Do)i’d is leaden will the program’s foui-th . out-of­ of keeping limited s q i ^ s . on the think that a batter auapected that 103.1 on the program. Mies Gieaecke, a^ Sicily and Tunisia and four-en­ douk, dispatches from 'the south­ thi^ policemen, firemen and them for the benefit of the cur Jolson and Woolley: 9 Burns and they’re not eaUng quite so many he could hit him safely, and gen- Armstrong .,,. . 38 ehanning picture with har mutual 'a g^ m e n t put in^ end' to ern front said. London, Aprtt 8— UP) — A ""big have a nunmage Sale. Thursday, in rent Red Cross War fund. This : call. Previousiy vM te .vtere Allen; / 9:30 Paul Lukas in Sus­ field. The gathering also will check Dunhup ...... ' 99.7 competitive currency wars be^weeh gined Liberators from .desert bases teachers for whom a pension sys-' the leegue’a fln^cial report, lUct mignona you'd recognise them ■i^Slly he waq right. Thd batter / curls tied With a dainty blue (A French copimunique report­ center of German resistance” in to e game room of toetourch, be- in addition to toe sum of five dol| Ide to Boetoh. and' Philadelphia pense; 10 Jaxs Laboratory; ll);30 In a minute as the same old out­ Qiwtea ...... 98.8 nations./ behind Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont­ the Kuban valley has been shelled cem already exists. scanned' yesterday by the executive oOuIdn’t. boo. matching her soft bl gomery’s Eighth Army pelted Na­ ed patrol and artillery action Wast ^ n in g at nine o'clock m toe'fore­ lars voted at the last meeting. >Nc laid bond salesr-zuid to Washing- Congress Speaks; 11:30 F^miere, fit. That *s, they!re the same from), Race Tracks Coleman ' ...... 95.1 T Make FuU Detella Public by Soviet actillery ahd more tohn Authorization of the Stontogton noon. Mrs: Samuel Strain IsvPhair- tor the Red C t i^ drive. Invitation to Music. committee.' and will hear policy Bedauae the incomparable right; 98.7 sang, w ^ amuraaoe and i^gnlty, ples again at dusk after the big of Pichon, in central Tunisia). Fire district to impose a tax bn ble Grand Miss Grace Hatch sp the vlciypolDt of how/ to iffth hander spent practically hla en­ A. (Jhqmbera .... In the north, British and Gou- fiO (Serman firing poeitlonsx de­ man, Mrs. William McKlnfii^s“ >f ^BLUXI:15 Men.NMachlne* Vic­ recommendatUme offered by this *tord .Bonga at r by Totoy he was to discuss it fur­ assault by nearly 100 Flying land. Ita taxing powera had been pointed Mrs. Marion Straughan friends—and wind up in. last nlAca. tire career with him. it was to be Bfg Ste A' : OogUg and ‘Dahity ther'.with the House Foreign Af- mier patrols were operating be­ stroyed, the' Russians shl^''today chestnut street and Mrs:' Rachel, take charge of toe peanut projec V. Kaltenborn, commep-j tory; 7AQ Joe Rincs Pop Stuff: I group. .\et;mlly. it’s a brand' new teens. ^ Start Agaiii el." by Fortteasea Sunday. in their ncion comrounlci^ as her limited to property alone, v'' / expected that . John McCraw; NOvello. Mrs. Daley her Ae- falto Coinage, Weights and Meas- tween Sedjenane and Mateur, gate­ McCormick at Center street, co- Following, tbe husinesa sessia r who has -Just peqsed his 8;.30 Duffj/s. and Leo Durocher; Mitohella scattered boinbs on corded hen by the S ^ e t ndlo An increase in toe salarytof toe chairmen. A t two .o’clock In the ity-flrat radio anniversary, 9 Famous Jui^ Trials; 10:30 Show ' The one big loss- to toe armed would call Batty the . greatest Skoog ... iree, and Banking and Currency nearly lOQ enemy fighters, multi­ way to Bizerte, 18 miles farttier “penny auction was held under L'orcea wSa that of Phil Marchildon, pitcher who ever liv^ . PolinskI . the well nchimittees^ and then make pub­ northeast The British First Army monitor. , . / assistont prosecuto'r of Stamford afternoon, Thursdr.y, toe group ibrated in part by announcing oi Yesterday and. Today. Two moVemenU engined bombers and transports to $2K250.from $1,$50 a year. * direction,of Mrs. Beatrice ...Ma the fancy flinger /'who won 17 But Connie Mapk. iiaying the Jahiaica Opeiis ■ Eastern Cargo .. known piano sonato "The Pathe- lic full details of the plan which urtillery also shelled German in­ The center was not' identified to will have a brief bu:3ineB8 meet-, ning, and toe proceedfi .turned ov creation of q permanently en- MBS—8 Singing'Mam; 8:30 Pass , Detroit Sure on one airfield in Sicily-and six Authorization. for. toe city of In Review; ,9;3r This Js Our En- i ^ameS last year- /a record that is same thing is toe finest compli­ O’Bright tique," by Beethoven were well Already has been submitted to the fantry and. transport columns 35 the war bulletin but three dayaago ing. to toe Miscellmieoua fund. Scholarship at Harvard Season on. Thu^Uay enemy fighters were shot down in the ..^HiansxUscIosed that their Norralk 't o ' issue $110,000 in sty "to suppon annually a emy; 10'.45 Jewish. Arm'>'. Day pro-1 orarttically out of/thla world with a. ment ever paid a ball player. H. Barton ***•*• rayed by Mrs. / Daisy Canada./ 34 nauopa invited to send repre- battle. 'X miles southwest of Tunis,,in the Tomorrow evrifiiig District Dep /fill} like the A ’* Mack la as much an American Twarnite ...... 67 seiftativea here to tackle the prob; MedJez-el-Bsb sector. tr o c ^ W «i«A t to* eastern gate of bohds to buUd an addition to toe Center Church Men’s Club will « mar' interested in training gram: Sen. Tunn'ell. y -Qf Cup Title With Rich Purs«^. Tbra ladude<^the "Adagio” and Over half of about 100 planes on uty President Emms D As a. reault./'Connie's pitching Leaguer aa UCGraw waa a Na­ . > Team Ave^lrai tha "Rondo" ^vemanta. lem. . X • ' The massive de'^ruction wrought Novorearatt, the Black sea Naval Broad River school. This meas­ meet tomorrow night at 7:45 in, leu for news reporting or news another Sicilian field'were smoth­ her staff will installLiiatcuj theuw oniGVioflneenit lysis in the press or on the air." What to Expect Weduesd .staff .this summer will be reor- tional Leaguar^ and had some- fair / Gamea Average WeU Pleaaed A plan desired ot break down by the Allied air fleet on Naples, base nmv held by the Germane and ure had not been/sterred for ac­ the parish house. William L. Har^ Miriam Rebekahah lodge.lodgcu They New 1'oi-k, April Race ered in bombs frohi F'tying Itort- tion, but- was adopted under aus- tenbom was graduated from MBS 4 ;^nd NBC 6:45 p.m.-'- ranized around two holdover to middling pitchers down Don WilUa ...... 860 100 The famAiar. "Nocturne in / E- interhational cartola and thiu open Syracuse," Carloforte, and. Salerno toe mranlgbt communique told of ris, Jr., Hartford County F a m make toe trip by bb«iL ^ / ed Wings Confident track folk and the betting gentry, up world trade was proposed to^ resses, and pilots of these planes had the dual purpoae of, reducing' t-to-hand fighting to the pension of rules. \ . Agent, will speqk on "The prob­ in 1909 . . . Labor for ens' Forum on "What Kinck of a knuckle bailers, Roger Wolff and through toe/^years — from Wad­ Bryant A Chapman 358 , 107.1 by Chopin, was iftay- claimed the ’ destruc'tlon \ of 30 — '—r ----- r tory, weekly Series' tn which World Do We Want?” W B^11:30 Lumen Hai‘rls.'’ who won 23 be dell, Bendei/ Plank and Coombs who had planned to spend most of Motor Sales ...... 332 107.1/ Blora. Chase. vioUni^ day by Representative. Dewey (R , the German and Italiah rpotentihl- smpy battlefields as the Red Jitney Aettoa'^Pbetpohed lems of Farmers in Hartford O f Ending Serieg in •I during a meeting of Morgen- planes on another field. \Tbree ities of sending more menjind sup­ rmy pushed deeper into t o s '^ r - A brM,^ quiet eesalon of toe County." He arill also diranss toe A. F. of U and toe C. I. O. a.m. Snow Village; l;3 0 ^ m . Bev- tiyeen 'em. Another returning to Robert ;/Moaes Grove. The Old the week trying -to .parlay eight Moriartys ...... 334 10fi;5 lied by Mrs. EleamW Ben- enemy planes■ ite-' -were shot dowh Not<^ Man also saw a lot of a few t ^ u with the House Foreign A f­ in plies to their Tunisian Army, m man flortified sons. Senate saw actlmi M tponed bn^ planting care of nraen a All .to, will observe it' first an- eily Mahr 8ongs;i-8 \J. S. Navy Boston Tlito Wieek. elhower. Ruas Christopher, showed ration points into /a two-pound CSiagnots - ...... >318 wee followed ^ the tottle. - \ ‘ [ersary pn NBC Stoiday after- Band. CBS—1:45 The Goldberga; omc promise last year although others, including Walter Johnson. Chamber* \ ...... 888 of MacDoweU’e pUlte for fairs, Banking and Coinage com- reckoned aa about 200,000 New German fittempta to drive a jitney bill which would permit Center ehurcl* men ara'Uivibed and ' >/ — \ . steak, can turn to'eii attmtloi^ mittvea. ^ In addition four Tunisian, ilr- and of smashing retreat fs drivers bf private autotopblles to uiged to attond. •’Ig e committee Admitted yes^e*riay; Arthur Guest speaker 1* to be Wil- 5:15 Mra.'H. V. Milligan on "What vinning only four. Beat of the No Pitcher Had Hia gtuff entitled "‘From Sell ihecea” wedgea into toe. Riisrian posiUons Boston, April 8 Detroit’s , "With Johnson, It yvaa brute T ro p ^ WInnere The niinoir' member said the car­ flelds of the enemy were put ubder fo: Rommel's forces. carry for hire not more than five Ui'cludes C. K. Bn nham, Robert lofski, Marlborough; Mrs. " Oreen . . . A'gaih' this year V omen Demand of the Post-War jth'ers are J'ease Flores, a 24-year- back to the horse* ^ at once'. Mrs. Mertha Mertln./whose in­ a bluket of bombs. on the northern Donete river, just- bigh-flying Red Wings yvere soar-' force," explains . Mack. "With High Average, Skoog ' tels’ control of, production jeould be southeast of KharkqV and around passengers'twice dally. \ . Alexander, Luclfi? Foeter, Martin Taylor, Hartford; Mrs. "itmelii Huaing df CBS ia to have the World” : 6:15 Mary Small aongs. ild Mexican up from Los Angeles Bay Meadows, off ' again-o'n (Bryant A CMspma^ ....11A8 terpretation of "To the Bea,” ^‘AJD. wtohcll gunners wijo scored vic­ oration' of Clem McCarthy, l Mathewson, it waa knosvledge broken by Amerlcto pledging gold Isyum,. on the approacbea to Vo- Senator Stanley p. Meath \ toe Alvord, Jdhfi .f^glas, Andrew Flute, 162 Stoool street; RudoIp| H U— 11 a.m. Breakfast at Sar- ing for Boston today, deterinlned -.'itli a screwball and other "Cute” again plant at San Mateo, Calif., High Three String, E«'toniier 1820." and "NautUua” ^leaeed her to an international bmik and ottier tories over Sicily were Sergeants Li^ratorzStH Jte Johnson. Rockville; Lawrence Ja talking broadcaster of hprse di’s; 1:45 p.mi U. S. Marine band: 'tuflf. and Orle Arntzen. a fugitive and Judgment, perfect control and received permission late yester­ Mstenere. / roehilevgrad. have been bglked by majority floor lairiier to)d n a ^ FeFergqson, Hmny Maidment Fred to do what the Bruins did to them (Motor Sales) .417 countries contributing equivalents Alvin L^igfard e f Cheater, Fa., ^Imsteqd, ftebert ItusaoU, Rotend via. 148 112 Maple atreet; tor the network’s deaci 4:30 George Hicks from Elngland rum the St. Louis Cardinals’ chain form. It was a pleasure to watch day to open. a /26-day aesaloh and Two vocal eoIOB'w^ beautifully A t Naples at Dusk Russian artillery and by ‘nfantry men after a caucus e f Senate of the Kentucky Derby MBS— 12:30 Navy School of Mu- ■two • years ago, win the Siqnley him pitch 'When he waqn't pitch­ High Single, H. Bqrton of critical materials Elvin A. Dhvfs of Tacoma. Wash., publicans, that some objeettons'™ ’’adswoito.‘ Bfw ir Whltham. Ro- Edith Blair. 69 Brookfield rang wh6 won seven pqt of eight the officlaila aq(ic they would start ..189 aung by Mrs. Ruth medd, soprano. Scott T. Bowdfin.ef R|ce, Tex., and Cafrii, April 8—(8 (--Liberator eountar-attaclb, tos noon wiar but- no indicrtlon whqh Lou 'fiic; 3:15 Shady Valley Folka; 6:l'5 Cup. emblematic of the .^orkj^a ing against you." (Chagnots) ...... "Such, a bank could control the letin said. bad been raised to tfie meaeurfi, freshmenta aiid a serial time wtU Ag Plang Giant ' Khcsnaitayk and duightw, Tfi Fraiikie Zak The kid has drawh early praise ' by (Jonnle - Brown iuid. Joe sporta’ only ext«idc> holiday Ih trophy. .duet with an explanation of the can^supix>rt for a compromise rs- munique aald. qua today. by airplanes, tried to wedge li)to it Illegal to take racesons by cut­ Fischer, a pair oT forwards eSUed Also -according to the league 'ciprocal trade agreement meaaure North School street; Henry r from Frisch. , more than two decades 'With-' a symphonic form and the themes In these operations and dtuing The wrar bulletin said that Ninth our defease. Flghten at "X ” unit, ting trees or using./fitre, smudge, B r a Hartford. up from their 1Indianapolis Ameri rules, a bowler could quality f| likely to take the fire Out of* a A ir Force Liberators also teamad ■ ' • ■ •■ ■ / Oeaty’e Lou H it^ hastily staged Navy Relief pro­ developed. Their seeo^ number sweeps over'the fighting zone the by a eounter-blow, . threw back toe or ampke; and r e a r in g deputy X Cargo Plai|e isch Impressed With can Isqgue farm team, and the re­ only one individual trophy. forthcoming Houke debate over ex­ up with R A. F. aircraft at dusk Hitlerites. As a nsult thla en­ gram on toe final three daps of was .the gay waltp/ "Roses of Allies shot fiowm 48 enemy planes ot coronen to post a $3,000 bond. Detennlned..to Protect -Baby Pittsburgh's t>ennantX..hope8 turn ra defenseman A l«* Motter, last week.. B/Maszoli hit a high single of Spring" by Strauss.^ tending the President's authority yesterday to attack the harbor of gagement;, we destroyed two ene­ Approved and sent to toe ihortstop Up from a took a nose dive. when ehortqtop who has been out with injurie* to a day of furious activity, while Palermo, Sicily. (Oonttansd fram Faga Chm) Now, with Bay Meadows' open­ 175, but in view of the above did M rs Ruth Bowlby, the president to. negotiate foreign trade facts. my tanka ahd killed more than 100 House was a bill under which cer­ Amarillo, Tex.-4P)— Folks Huck Geary elected to contiiiue' With at least two more games losing 12 of their owm, the an­ Hits Followed By Lwga Fifes ing today* -there won't be' any not qualify. ’ j ef the elub pmsldea at a short First gitoted in 1934, the author-, nouncement concluded, officers sad men." tain appUcanto for .Uquor permits home are determined toe linor league Berth; hia work in a defenae plant aiid to go, Sid Abel, toe Detroit for­ ity expires June 12, and the House "Bits ebaerved on quays w en rapacity is cubed. This, is toa prin- scheduled ' interruptions until No­ \ H. Barton tied thrhlgh three business meeUhg before the musi- (A Csiro* coinmunique said T w o <^raan planes w en woiUd not be requlntd to adver­ MMe In toe Kaiser plana, he aaid. baby of a Michigan couple,' the army called Pitcher Ken ward aad captain, appears" assured Waye and Means committee ex­ followed by large flna and at lasat lits B all Hard.^ of'Setting a new National Hockey vember at least. rtrtng with 417. /. \ • cai portion of the program. She Naples wms raided at dtuik Stmday brought/down to fl^ tlfig farther tise notices in . newspapers. Ha added that tbe ship as tenta- comers to Amarillo, will be pr HeintMtmah. Geary waa expect­ By Hugh FuDerten, *>man. And W. L> White’s story in Y . League C^bamps 1942-43— pects to act soon on a renewal pro­ on. explosion,” the communique up the river and Soviet artiUery ed to add much atrength ,to the League playoff' scoring record. He Reader’s Digest about Lieut. Col. Jamaica ushers in the eastern annouitoed a dress "'rehearsal on by bombers from thS Desert A ir sgld. Among bills reported favorably tlvsly planned would Im built of .tected. 'to date, the* parents New York, April 8—(Ay-Week’a program Thursday with th>. 26,000 Don Winia Oarage. , posal. .. smashed German batteries snd was one establishing a three-man By Dillon Oraham infleld.'^^ Now Frisch ha* had to re­ new has at totol o t poiats, only Frank K urt* former Olymple div­ Sunday afternoon,-April.18, at 2:30 Force which rekindled flames left All ef the attacking aircraft re­ light metals, chiefly magnesium. ported, they’ve received tores gif^ worst gag: The Bilrmlagbam Bar­ Experiments. Handicap, expected The officers for -the past seaqon at the High School hall for the Red Republicans generally hava op­ by. a lOO-Fying Fortress assault transports and broke up n Ger­ Public welfare Commission in toe of mOsquito netting. "Some |AP Fenturea Sports Editor ° shuffle hie-infield plana and haa one less than the record, set by ing cldimpion. posed the whole program, contend­ turned, it added. Of toe total weight, 55 per cent come up with 'an experiment, Boeton’s Bill Ckiwley two seasons to be a duel betwee n Allen Simona' were a* follows; Croea Benefit Concert. from the Northwmstem African man Infantry company. It was de- town ofStamford. Would be useful load. This would tn Michigan think Texas is a pU (uncle, tod., .^ r il 8 — The ons are trying out a .pitcher named ing it was Used to break down An mriier R A. F. eommuniqua claiwL . switching Frank Ouatine from agp. Cart Liadombe, another De­ Blue. Swords and W. B, Boeing's President and Secretary’. S. R. Air Force a few Itaurs aariier. on toe Naples attack aald direet appro:praxlmate 48 tons. ofaiteakes, horse fllea-duid ay's heed for teen-aged 'boys John Orphal and Henry (Age-Her­ TodayM Odast Stair Slide Rule. Kennedy*: Trenaurer, H. Burr. tariffs protecting American busi­ Other heavy bombers from . the Rusflaa Stormovlk bomben ions,’’ toe mother-to-be expli second to short and Pete Cosca- troit atoiidout, le running only two ald). Vance relates that a fan saw Lewis Burton,-New York Jour- hits w en observed cq at ISsist tiKo KopJ»P«» said the great' craft just about sUminaied toe rart from short to second. It may, pOinU behind G ^ le y 'r mark. . Keeneiand'a tranaplanted spring Publicity. W. Lailey. Receives Training ness. However, G. O. P. leaders desert smashed at Palermo to w en active on the bogged-down Could-be expected to carry 68,000 him warming up the other day and nM-American: "Ex-Ranger Nell have expressed opinion that this in the harbors, Smolensk front, raldin:; German crop of wet-bShind-the-ears or may not, woric, but Pete waq, Despity their lack of success In meeting gets under way a Church­ Sicily, acortog bite near military told of an attaek-cn PiU^nno pounds of cargo 4,000 milea. A Legal NoticM asked, toe boy’s name. . . . "He’s (jblvine, now starring Wjth the jOt- ill Downs Saturday with tbe ia no time to o p p ^ continuation defense line aestroylhg guns and Obituary m k les at .the; major" league o.-iginally a aecond baseman and their two starta on Detroi. ice, the te'wa Oommandoa, is the most pop­ As a Paramarine buildings, the announcement said heavy b(>mben during toe similar aiied plane of conventional Guatlne .tras. a shortstop until h* Bnfin* strength"nsn -by the return, Orphal.” r*pU«>a Manager Johnny $2,500 Phoenix Handicap as the of the foreign -trade program. ' (Besides the air offensive to ammunition, and anuiahlng the design, he added, could carry 42,- AT A COURT. OF PROBATE HBU lining camps this ye* , Riddle.". - . "That'o what you ular player, in that city since the Last N ight ’« Fights Dfafted by Representative Dirk- tof Apiril 4-5 and said bombs enemy’s rail facilities at one point, at Manchester, within and for thi came to the Pirates. of defenseman Jack Crawford, chief attraction and Narrmgansett, smash Mandial Ekwin qommeTs 000 pounda think." aaid the fan, “but he look­ old N. H. L. days and recently with more than-600 thoroughbreds I ______sen (R,. IlL), the compromiaa waa . near military buildings in toe -Ruaalans aaid. district of Manchester, oa tbs *tf Lit here at toe Pittsburgh Pi­ Zak probably will be retailned havO high hopes of aquaring the New River, N. C., April 8— Ac­ air transport lines, the Admirality. the city Area. Kaiser commented that "radical­ ■day of April. A. p.. 1*41. s’ camp there’a one who may ed mighty good to m *" . • • Five showed hia appreciation with a SifVady on the grounds, opens tbe cepted for training as Raramsrine, said to require that notice be giv­ New Weman Hera Named Present yVH-LlAM ■. HTDE. Bi aa a utility taiflelder—ha’s 4F In aeries befo.’O tihelr hom*' town sup­ Bv The Associated Press to London announced that Ugbt^ (Renters nported *'to London D e a t h s ly,new ptincipleji, giving new econ­ |toe baby of 1948’s smalt bundi day* after Ben Jonea left the main 184-foot goal. . : . TO hockey fans same day with the $2,500 Spring ' Philadelphia—Bob Memtgomery. Pvt. Charles E. Hill, 47 Edwards en before concluding agreements, A new women h en waa named ludc*. • / the draft, uid Frisch can count on porters. "Ihe Bruins are dejected, Naval forces, prowling along tb fit rescue wotken stiU w en bur- omies of production and operation*' Trust Estate u-w'-of Richard roungsters. howevef, by the casualties of Sun­ diviaion of the Calumet Farm rac-. that's the four-minute mUe, a 600- Handicap. 137, Philadelphia, knocked out atreet, Msinchester, Oomj., is un­ to give affected buriiiesa and in­ oy toe Ruaalans, fidic cited Nina having him all season. James Cul foot homer and Lana Turner’s Tunisian coast' Wednesday* night, r t / ^ g into the ruins in Naples Fredcirtek W. Tooag would be incorporated tn toe plane. Cheney, Jr., late of Manchester te Is Frank Zak, a Polish boy day N ii^ t’e bruising 4-2 Setback, ing string at Hot Springs, a Unila- Roman Alvarez, IM 112. New York | dergoing A rigorous course of Bi- dustry time to request modiflsa- bad scored a success - against last night and said Pnm ier ‘/dus- Smetantoa, a sniper, for killing IS Details were not disclosed. said district, deceased. 19 from Passaic, N. J. linane from Albany ia q nice ville sporta beribe asked him when sweater all roUed into one. tlonA Dirksen said he believed It Germans in the 'last few days to Frederick . W. Young, of 48 Bls- Upon appllcatton of Ruth .ChsD looking prospect but be may pa .during .wMch OoWe irankl* Bripi- BtrucUon at the Parachute Train- sea convoy, sinklag one supply solini’s government had ordered a *k is » shortstop a n ' |ils flair the' horaee would reach CJiurchlU Providence, R. I.—Kelly Jessup. tog School o t the Marina TraixUng met most of his colleagues’ objee- tos Kuban flghttog. aell street, died last night qf^^ *■ Seaur and Hartford National Ban' army-bound. Elbie Fletcher at s*k auffered a bruised chest, cen­ Page Mr. Murphy: ship and probably sinking another hasty masa exedtu o t Nmpell- lonQl lUneaa He bad been q raai- Lefsl Nottecs 78 and Trust Company. Trustses, pi flelding soon caught tbe Sharp ter Murphy Chamberlain a shoul­ Downs. - . . "Pretty soon, 1 hope," Sei rice'Dept. 140, Springfield, Mass., outpoint-1 Cmter here. tionR. out at a beavUy-guarded thrae tans.)- ' •Tha m idni^t communique aald Ina for authority to sell tke . first and Bob Elliot at third round The Fort Bberidan. lU., WAAC dent of this town for the pqst 28 of PUot Frankie Frisch. Tbe out toe inflelo. der injury an winger Yank Boyd aald Ben. "You know I’jm kinds «i. Jordan, | of populo^ty • • so* tkara technique e i hidivldUa] branches of government in the teck by ground troofis had been aging to get to over toe city’s de­ Pr***nt WILLIAM a HTDE, B*q.. ORDERED:—That ths forsqolS aids and thin, weighing was married that night to Pfc. fenses and dropping bombs but Mr. Young leaves besides hla Judg*. > application Ji* hoard aad detsrmln Big Year Seen ahortly after their arrival but Art 188, Kansas City (1). claimed for aamesiw tramiag. Men. ara aliglble for the forecast by - Chairman Byrd (D., repulaed, but the Algiers radio in nd 160. An(l, as on* fellow Roes of tbe Brulne, notified hia One-MlanI* Sporta Page Earie Smlto. The girls all wanted By The Associated Press Baltimore- Jo- Baksi, 201. K-ulp- Paraohute School only after com- Dies in Winsted causing little darage. wife, Mrs. Nora C Yotmg, two Estate of Wlltsm Poiilda, Sr., lets *a lat the Probata Offles la Man Wallingford, A;pril 6--Lefty Go-' Va.) of a Joint Ekxmomy eommit- a broadcsst heard in London aald of Maachsiter, In said Dlatriet, d*> Chester in said District, on tha Ittl rked, meaning it as a oom- home office that he would rest ■The tip la. out to' watch Ohio to att^d ne wedding. . . Lieut. moot, P*.. outpointed Lou Brook* styltaq ki sraol spslM hliHng an phassa of recruit traih- tee of a atop to Jdgbten congres- United States troops continued to The Rqssians aaSOTted that 42 fiaughtera, Norine and Lucllla. qnd e«ai*d. nent,-Stok Is a hunjiy-looklng For Gircuses Roy "One rtaV?J.. Ncary,. fonner m e* for many years the '’clown four stejielilldren, Bflas Ruth Shea, day of April. A. O.. 1*41. at S o'eiocf hla players until tomorrow’s game Stats in football next faU. Our In­ 184 112, \\ilmihgtbn. DeL (10).’ felf gad must paaa the aanie phjmi- aional contiol over the expendi- advahea sHgbtly m at o f El Guetar Raymond U Caratendy, a form­ of toe -saemy^s/bombera were ' Ths Executor hcviaa eshibltsd (w. L) in tbs forsnoen, aqd th* player. That’s the kind who Xavier footbaU and basketball prince of the New 'York Yankees Mrs. Jadaky of tfils town, his administration account with said tlm * formant points out that Poul V. Scranton, Pa.—-Sonny Horne,,] a d eaouBlnattoa which ia given to turea of Federal (sorporationa ■' and toe <3erman-oontiaIIed Paris er law partner at Judge William brought down by anti-alreraft fire U m notica ba .qivsn to alt psrsoaq ia hustlers, who haven’t player, has baen killed In action tn but now with the Boston Brave* 158, Nllee. Ohio, outpointed Neil and by Soviet pwaes,.snd that toe Daniel F. Shea at East Hartford sstat* to this Court (or ailewqnes,' tsrastsd In aald salats'ef th* \ Brown has all the schoolboy talent A D A M ^ J * * K am i ■ ne-FUght iasn.They anist Byrd said pubOc bearings would radio aaid these American forces J. Shea, died at West. Itelm Beach, It I# . ' - ■ Chicago, April 8- It’a going India. Re aamed tha nieknqme by is happy. Miller, 152, Wllkee-Barre, P * | — * " at laast aix Jumps from to Russiaa plane loss waS seven. and Paul of tbe U. 8.' Marines. He dency of said application and th Selloce neally Sails in the state wrapped up for fall probe 31 govemiftent corporations were being ccastantly reinforced. Fla., yesterday. He Vaa a griulu- ORDERED:—That ths l*th day time and place and b* hoard rsla <)nleli* Starter to tw a Mg yekr for tha dreuaee, deUvery , aad even though be has aprinttag 65 yairda to acor* oh Ohio Gomes filled -the bases in the 10 ara conaider- Guerrillas operating out at also leqvqa two nieces tai Rockville. of April. A.'D„ 1*41'et • o'clock (w. by publlsluna a qopy of this or ( » which Comptroller G e n e ^ Lind- (The Paris broadcast said the ate of Holy, cross <3oUsge and the franh played on the Passaic New York-Veteran coaches to use 17-year-old kid* theyTl be Wealeyaa tbe first time he wa* camp game yesterday but- Mana­ Washington —‘ A1 Hart, 205,1 jCon^tvodL ^4** Leningrad raided an enemy-camp, Mr. Young was a memDcr of the t.) forenoon ct tbs Probat* Offles lii some nswspai— lapar pS '’2kvlnk Hi a-.olrei ierican Legion baseball team, Irving J. Polack, veteran circus ger Casey Stengel kept him on the say Warren reported were opent- Americana "aeem to be prepartog Boston Unlverrity Law s(toooI. He In said Hsnchsiitsr. bs"'and ~ tbs IstloD tn said dlstrlot, qt least fi' abowman, prediotad today. agree that Kenny Sailors, the for­ playing against other 17-year-oVl* given tha beU ia a varsity gams, Washmgton, outpointed Wallace | ing "outside the control of Con- blew up a rail Une and a repair Knlgkta of the Maccabeea In Ttty, on the high school nine. He mound- and the southpaw flinger Croea 190, N e w i^ N. J. (10). fqr a major operattoa." wraa.a form er' instructor at the setn* Is essiansd for a heerinr bn days bsfor* ths day e f said hsarln •rhe hot dog might be mlaaltty ward who led Wyoming to the . . . That firai between the Oiatelet and Ooaddi Oam Oowa probably iBepig greaa” and without auditing checks shop, kineo 8(> Gennans, and cap­ Y tho .ellowsacs of .said ednlnlstra- to appear If thay see esass at aal| to leave achool after three worked hla way out of tha situa­ Newark. N. J.—Charley E agle*] Catholic Unlverrity of America at tured guns and ammunition, it was- Hla funeral will: be held Thurs­ tton sccount with, said eptxt* aad because of rationing, but toerall national championrtilp, la one- of of (Columbia Boxing Oonjmtaalon win bet yon ttat Roy scored by ^ General AacountlBg office. (Tha Italiuia admitted that time aid place and be heard r«li and bring in some money to against tha Jfps hefor* ha died. tion vrlthout permitting a scora. 177 112, Waterbury, Conn., out­ Washingtoa, D. C. said. day morning at 8:20 from tha TJI*. said' Court directs' th* Baseutor to tiva thereto, aad 'make return t| atlU ba planty ot ifink lamonada tha best basketball players they and Promoter Mike UWne will b# —» m "oonaidaraMa daauga" reaulted After Imving Manchester in ;ivc publle nottes to all persoas la- this court, and by malllns tn support hi mother. So ha . . . Shortly before he was sworn "For year*", chirped Gome* pointed BUly Grant, 169, Orang* j kaac WK F HbUoran Funsral Hoqm, 178 (3en< and peaauta tor tha fans under the have ever seen. Ironed out In a week or two—now For It’B Wool Mea PledfA from tha ralm an Patenae and 1929 he moved .to Wtostod where fsrestsd tbsrsin to appear aad w* rexistarad Isttar, on or before Am I srod pro ball twe yean ago In as an aviation cadet Artl* Dor- “ that hOppened to .me with the N. J. (10). i«aaRfert a r M l^ r y Police- Lonely Isle tw qtrset, and S.e’ifiock from S t heard thsrson Jw pvbtiahina a copy 7. 1*4>. a copy of this order to Tii big tops, he aaid. that tha hockey season la over and Holyoke. Maaa —Tommy Jeera* I Trapani, and said the dlatriete of he wrss at one tjme connected v^tb b the cu ts D Tarboro elub of rell. crack TyUtr, Tex, welter­ Yankees but they never allowed win gat a $a«»- Jamas’a churdi. latarmant wlQ be of this order Id some nswsaapsr Hartford-ConnscUcut Trust Cos Coastal Plain leagus in North Potato ballevea American dr- Broekijm Mevia tbere’s no more ice to argqo abouL 140. Springfield Mas*. J m o O ^ I . olf toe Calondo Wool Manala, am r Trapani to Sicily, the court to that town, and aetive haviag a ctrcttiqtlon ia said. Dis­ oany, Ouardlan o f th* ' sstatss - weight attaaM tha funeral of me to discover if I could get out ' Mr. and Mra. frttata'MwteMMt ialud is Fbu- in 'S t Jamas’s eamatery.- Lina. cuaea this year w in enjoy the Mg> . . > Racommended roadln#. Frank out Vinca DeirOtto. 18^. N*w| Prowere’ Aasnciatiaa ars. tarast- and Porto Binpadocla on the in the DesBaeratta ya ity. H * trict, at Iscst flvs daps bsfoM ths Douglas T. Chsnsy and Richard Orpham’s "Tho New York Ton- Uaut John Bby Pettaway, who of It. . TTiey always tent for Mur­ /an Biem- la, t o s H a * . ' It has eaa at dar of aald hsaring and rstura Chsnsy, minors, at Hartford, ~ ben toe leagSs folded. Pitta- geat attendance in thdr history. Bear Mountain, N. Y.—Metro- m M AD f ing- 10. per cent of their gross tn- south coast of Sicily also wen survived by hia ^ e . a son a Uoldwyn-Mayer le (liming "Whla- kecs."—The einb’s history from died b l' a plane crash. Artie, who phy." York (2). „ _ , guard unit at the lonie fjom 1,500,000 sheep in War- the Ughqst clffis in Britain and, H ie Bretmer Pass thrmigh the make to this Court. nsctleut. I offared him . a job with Polack Brothers drcua plana to John Murphy of tbe Yankee*, New York-." George Gochan. 169, | "Where Til nided and (pdly damaged. daughter. Burial will be ia Sprtog- owing to toe strong winds, no WILLIAM S. HTDE WILUAU 8. HTDB.'I H o ^ n , N. T., farm team Pl*y (O.ti-ee^a from coral... to coast_____ tUng in Brooklyn,*’ staring Red the time Joseph W , Gordon w had fought PetUwqy three times .Boids.' ' Alps betwaon Germany and Italy •JMgS, I waa Gomez’ personel Pelief hurtef Akron. Ohio, atopp^ Johnny Mor- M . Bpesons tflaU. Maaa. ^ san «U1 f w v flB Un W U 4 , Jude*. Shrina or-1 Skelton, 9t tbe &uoinyiKDodgete' president to the tlma Jooeptf U aa an asmteur. aald: *T hope I get ia IM » a « 8 a mOa abova naa lasal. u -A e -t* . itejiaty *"**'^*’ *** hintrcroy a doasn Ante ilaaaa far Bby.’ I tha past two season* rl* 161 214. Yealwr* N. T. (2). •■/ ■ X I:. lOorden was (aad ia) aaeoai I 'SAS-V' jfer^^*-'- .i£?£r,'. ('■ s ■'^'‘r^^ \ ■<■ xT '"• ^ ■ ■ ■■/,'*' . . , aiANCHEBTEB EVENING HKitAlD, CX)NNh TyESPAY. APRIL / ' . ’V. ■ / t : Jcs. A committee mot, deUherated. IBANU^fcSlIER EVENTNO B E R ^D , MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 194S and befoga the old. Woman died,. B ^ G H t •• ' ■/ STORY .Conferred upon her Um “HoffccaiT .'Z ----- ' \ T , — ...... v" '1'J , ' .1*,:'; Seiisie^nd Nonsenise Dagroo of Mrs.” . ^ Junior—Dad. wtaat’a ' a subatf- tute? / 1 ^ I- ...— "— ,4* . i II FsyZMra. Dashawsy’i husbbnd rathago^ aulMtitute, my boy. Sonrtsa Or Sunset ”laat Tlrtd dls- didn’t leave her very muck when Is anyttUaff that ootte asore t h u COPVaiSHT. loss. A friend Ot ours had to get .up and idi ttoguished In Waah- he died, did he? tho original artlda. / W JOHKC. FLEMIMO&\piS EBY NSA ssavics. INC. I early ona morning to catch . a neaa of togton lU back to yRay—No, but ho left'her often S i U I ,1 I . nil I train. ISie sun was Just coming up, of lost the wall •’sn o v ^ when ha was alive. tha escitemant wa haro SAU A Citu's Wants Classified Fbr\bur Benefit I and reaching forth iU coTor^ eivth. havtog a woman nuliad into |Tbe Story: AlUasli Topping. is- tlpn..\H e tried to wound caauaL fingers Into the fieecy clouds. The No one wUl biame a hoiardar-* $ vsterma’s haU in a rural com­ Bty glrL is off to Ouatotnala, to •tWas Quiche Indian?” sky was like a giant roas window or war sgrtogs bonds. Buy ’ato munity. / her fhtber's chicle plintatlon. large eyes fixed on him to the heavens. A glorious day was now!' V"'; . Woman-1 want a yoteran right board -ship etae meete Barry All promised. It fissbed into our Aatotnobiles for Sale . 4 llihery—Dressmaking 19 Help Wanted—Female 35 Gl^den—^ i m —Pairy Wanted—To Buy 4% W anted with' thoul itful Innocence. "I ba­ awayl L o it and H, Lost and Pound t ddlag.' atoring engineer,, aleo lieve that the tribe,” she sgid friend’s mind that America must working A .father hasn't neceasariljr tone Attendant—Which kind, OvU, XNTED-^DRBSSMAIONG and WANTED—WOMEN between / , Pmocto 60 WANTED TO Buy Upright'"pl%no Id for GoatenaUa. U la Harrl- choose between sunrise and sun- toward thl i|ork mad Just because ho has ten Spanlah. V. F. W. or Lsgion? Initial# Lo s t —CAR KKV, n e a r center FOR SALE—1939 Dodge sedan, WANTED—SMALL house or slowly. -JULVER radio and beater. Price $395. Call /plain sewing, alaoI repair work, and 60 for corridor duty at M ^- FW SALJB^RO FAST pure In good condition, amall apart­ by quiet diatured, employe 'Eorryki fisarias, la angered ”I’d like to taUi to h(nL’* Barry it. mankind. Idren. Woman—I don’t ears what kind, JBl K. •entlmenUu tiuh^'. lU W. Schendel, 218 Maid reasonable ^icea.iceg. T'"dO North cheater. Memorial Hospital, nil ment size piefetred. W Painting / . 7 Moving—Tracking-— rokn as housekeeper, live m oy 'go garden tractor, 2 -1-2 to 3 hp. tor 5 p.' m. AOisoa m determined to thefe last. October.” \ freedom arid buUd a new world qb With looks n’lHttsMcet or A. & P. Phone.6810. , . / ' home liightA Call after S p . m. Call 7702. . >* le, Alabama, was the proud husband thi Storage 20 H ousehold G oods 51 the ideals of peace knd abundance, She answei lotberSqf five children and a Steward—NU; , (Jarraan/s only outlying pos­ M aln/M M t Tel. 4629. VALVES REFACED ai)«t carbon at 94 Spruce street -or telephone- ”I don’t care. WASHING Ma c h in e s b o u g ^ .So Barry Joined the to the not for ouraslvea aloM this tfos, staunch stmporter of her church. Irate Woman applng)—^How session is Heligoland., a amaU cleaned $11.95. Chevrohet, Dodge, rHK AUSTIN A. CHAitBBUto Ol>. 7340. ■ /!“ ■./ Farms and Land for 71m Biiso’ but for the whole wosi^ Tlwu^ reck plateau, a quarter of a mils Automobilea for Rale 4 local and umg dlatamco movmg. FORCED TO BRBIAK UP and sold, also repaired. 78 High small tender going from boat When fiaaUybht lay on her dOath do'vou know T 1 even teU you RATiONlNO bookscs iNo. Chrysler 6, pidsmome 6, Pack­ BRAND Ne w h o m e ' Sale X X’XNaptor n the way may be daik impOri- Freahtfuy. Cto waU-toOwnTay- squart to arta, situated to the UuueBBAABJ 63 Rotijra toga aystam, fumituro EXPERIENCED OPERATOR^ on stmet, Telephone 2-0295. ■ to tbe island. bed, church mambera felt caUed his riam!'. If returned t f o r d ard 6, Plymouth,/ Pontiac 6. Furniture must be sold'’for the ant thtog to do la to I loving chltriat)—$ m t kind jff fi ffoctor North Sea, $1 mllea from ' the "Only one cup of coffee, f«Ua— , CHEVHOLET. Plymouth, gtorage, Dtsu 6260. power sewing rnachmes./kteady FARM OF 35 a c r e s , near tov I The fog deepened into a lashing Allison p ^ e d a beguUtog upon to shew rome spocial recog Steward—You dldn hurch st^ t. Dodge 1936 to 1942 brakes relln- •Phone 5191. B tu ^ e r’s, 80 bak- UNPAID BALANCE ^ 7 :: orm before the night was ouL, She complained loudly of the in the 'right direction, -ward are you anyway, a vaurtoarian? *1716 tooment the phone mainland. don’t you Itoow theta’s k wat work, KOod pay. Apply it Tober good road, high location, 8 acf piyohUtrlst—NoV exacUy, but nition-of her'many^ years of aerv- on?” er, $9.95. .Best Comax lining. 'lan4;. street., / ‘^ ' —$259.50— Rooms Without Board/ 59 M the freighter plowed a slow, heat but led. a pplril the sunrise/ A Baseball Mfg. Go. /B2tn straet, tillable, balance woodland, If Astertca falls new, then I .ffo treat Jaekgkaes—come up, ’Phone 5191 now. Leave your cm R e p a irilif 23 Manchester. he of our cuatomers, a young room bouse, 2 car garage, lar led course southward along through tbe colorful, cob- \ In the evening and we will de­ :oupIe, had this fine modem furni­ FOR RENT—VERY DESt ks'ooast ed streets for the old la- lU az^risnee the sunset of thl somkUma \ Garages—Serdce— u m In quiet nelghborli coop. Price $5,000. Terma. 4 robi R E D R Y D E R E n d I I L in a BY FREDHARMANl liver it the nt^t day. Bniniwr’s, MOWERS SHARP^ED, repair­ HOUSEKREptm /W a NTIED ture ohly 9 weeks. Everything la I It was tots aftemocm of the fol- dlan, sbmehOw managing to point H a v e G a s h iy,ep Storage ' ■ 10 ed, shear grinding; key fitting, Mr Center sti«et ’E^L Cottapr In the country, llghtf 80 Oakland street. \ young r m i ^ w )^ child, five day practically npw. Includes; bath, half care of land, built] ng day before .they ran out 'of out a tfaoh^d native ctutoma and LENTY ftSJD I duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. week, home hlM ts. Call 2-0676 FOUR ROOMS ha storm, and the wallowing of. reUcs enrobte. She had a magic ~ r u K N ? BUI YOU’USOK'Ori ^ o r S in g l o R t^ overhauled. T -althwalte, 52 Pearl years. Price $3,200. Jfimea KILL U3U.' 1940 CHEVROLEiT SEDAN, 1941 FOR REin'—GARAGE. Inquire ranalating of Living Room wlUi'all FOR RENT—ROOM next to bath, nle, 62 Hamlin atreet Tel. 7$37 pe small boat settled to a rhyth- way of dispetolng the swa.rma WHERE COrtEfROM^ Plymouth coach, $748, 1940 Pack­ 10 Orchard street or Phone 8250. street WANTEDXWgltfAN for house­ acceaaoriea; Bedroom with all ac- on bus Une. Telyphene 4531. ilc roll. The oun dropped over native children hath a few pennl rMSYEATSOfWHEffl ard sedan, $695, 1939 Chevrolet work, 9 to oncL-or ^ce cesaoriea; Den outfit Complete, and rim of the sea leaving a flam-^ and coaxing passage by armed KNOFLA NEW oonvektiblb . ru p s; oat- week. Gill 41^7 or apply lj3Q CUn- FOR RENT—JiARGE furnished \ Tel. 6440 coach, 1938 Ford coach, $225, Kitchen outfit complete. You even Hopaea for Sale |g afterglow. For the first time fUArdfl. S7( ^Brunners, 80 Oakland street. Tel. Motorieydes—Bicycles 11 lultfid roplACod in ourtatng, all ton street. get dishes and silverware. It’a a front ^m .yO n bus .Une, also one II five passengers appearsd to the But the . old Indian eoiild not be Si91. kinds ot Isather work. Chas. Lak- bargain for aome lucky buyer. A smaller rqqm. Tel. 6120. IN MANCHESTER, 12 ROO)$ d | sU dining room for dinner. found. Even Birry was satlsfled X l-'OR SALE—HARLEY 80 Deluxe Ing, 90 (Hanibrtogg street. Tele- year to pay if you like. pisx, near school and[ bus, all (Barry Fielding came first. He by the time they .abandoned the ~ r phono 4740. ' i - F O R /R ^ T —TlVO FURNISHED proVements, hot water hegi, la a bom sailor, and rough search. In the dusky, muilC-fllled 1941 PClsmAC 2sdoor sedan. ,1941 equipment. Price $450. Call 7928. . Help y^anted--;;^le ,35 ' A-L-B-E-R-T-S rooms/tor light houaekeeptog, In- 43 Allyn S t Hartford lo t Price $6500. giSOO < ether only sharpened bis seaap-' totsriof of AlUson’s favorite cafe. A RTH U R A. Chevrol^.^ door s#dan, 1940 Ply­ WANTED TO TUNE, repair and qiiqXAt 364 (Pajker street^ or mouth iedan, 1989 Ptymoith regulate your piano or plAybr MAN TO^ WORK AROUND gar­ James Reanla, 6jt Hamlin at Jte. The captain introduced the Around their table they raised FOR SALE —DBnrROIT.; JeweU \- Tel. 7667. sedan. l938^^1dsmoblle sedan. Basinesa Services Offered IS plana ToL Mancbaater 50SZ den and tpke cace qf lawn, 2 or men coming to next. Two wine glasses to AlUson’i prowess CTI.A 1988 Plym outh\ Cole \ Motors— .3 days/week. CqU evenings 6811.. gas to perfect condition. FURNlISHED ROOM X Joint owners of d, rubber as g u |^ . 4164. \ ■. X WANTED —PLOWING to do. FURNITURE, ANTIQy|l AND Insulated dv^n. TeL 2-0234. gle bebeds, ..2 ladtea prefer lantarioh to BrazlL The third an Mlichief tingled her laughter. For Telephone 7928. modern, ropaMog and nflnlahing, w a n t e d —6 P a in t e r s imme- 2-0135. |dsrly Ughtoouse keeper. Barry ”No, let’s drink to dear old Itchy ■ . X / A ■■>■... expert wor':inanSblp.‘236 School dlatMy. Apply Barnes Forde, 94 VTNDOW s h a d e s — Venetma iv e o f Cfeffw lid them he was a mining engl- Sums,” sha cried, "and the blood Sprpee atrept or call 7340. .blinds. Owing to our very low sr. oath o t Chlcbicastenango. They SURANCE jirtreot Tel. 2-0961. ', overhead, gat our sMclal ,Iow- R ^ng—Siding 17-A Boarden Wanted 69>A O f P ^ S a i l I’Tm afraid Miss Topping won’t lured the Hon from his lair," w a n t e d t o w o r k prices on high gra^ w Axk Your Nel«hb»rl LAWNMOWER KXPEStTS since In it,” the captain said as he Barry glanced around at the \ ROOFING AND BIDING OUR lyon Joeing and Flnlablng shadea and Venetian - * ' R(X>M a Nd m e a l s for gUla only \ REAL ESTATE 1924. Power or, hand mowdrs, all the way to the table. “She’s sudden roar a t tai^ter from the ih h !!! ED G A R MAI n o Main St. Pbniie 6440 MANCHESTER ~ Waahlngton'^ apedaRy. Highest quality ma- types aharpepbd, repaired, over­ lant yWagea 62c to 75c per plea furnished. 'Japitol/ ytltddw at reasonable rates; OtotraL on having a bad time.” three otjier men. He realiz/sd sud­ ^BgO T S A N D H E R b u d d i e s street. 7-Room Single. .Flre- teHala. Workmanship guaranteed. hauled. A lr/I^ led engines serv­ lour. Second shift We train you. Shade Oo., 241 North bus Une, laundry prt^eges. CiiU WaUa Wi Waah/v April •.-( I Barry smiled. ’.’Flue,” he said, denly he had been duped into plaoe. Oarafe . . .f7,000. Iso carpentry. A. A. Dion, Inc. iced. Saw*^ filed, aet, repaired 'ApplX in person to Mr. Kelley, Phone 8819. Open evejnn* / 3898 or ^4 Arch.atroet (jP)—Fl've of nl men. she’ll get off at Santiago then coming. , Autumn street Phone 4860. Scissors and grass shears, Ame^can Dyeing Corp., cohier since a Walla WaBa A^my tid go back—which la jsxactly AUiaoh’s laughter roae. "Serves COVENTRY— of East Main and Grove streets, FOR SALE —BR0WN rodhalr at she should do.” ’ knlves.Xes etc., sharpened. Capl-; ' Davenport, fabric to excellent Wanted—Room»—Board 62 base bomber craabed^sln 'ceot you jfght, you recluse.! -I sneaked g StaigUr Htmaea —^$14,006. aad tol Gyuidlng Oo., 88 Main. Tale-/ Rockville, Conn. , / / Idaho Tuesday night woea local “You,'think so, Mr. Fielding?' tote your cabin during dinner last F. W.' WOOLWORT^ CO. •6,0(kK condition, first >$S0 takes i t Tel. I Hve men turned sharply to^ phopo 7958. •602. WANTED^BY DEFENSE work- last n lA t and reported well, night and took soma Ijalt .from 4 offers permanent diuploY- (Two) S-Famlly Hoaaea, $2,600. WANTED—BOY TO work In gas mother, board, and room, ; for 5 Harry JB. Gilmore, cob i t ^ daor., at the sound of the your old books.” and $8,00#. -r. station. Vans Service Statlon,427 officer of the base, repotted. IminUc voice. ^ Barry controlled ’ Ms irritation mciit, experienced or inex^ Help Wanted—Femnic 35 FOR SALEXOOMBINATIQN gas year old child.- near . Pioneer Cottages . . . . .$1JOO. to $4,000. FOARENt Hartford Road. Apply in, person. and oil range, white eiiamd, in Parachute. - Ckill 7013. He said the five toleptao (AUli/bn Topping was posed dra/ over the loss of the afterndon and eeiienced. Ndirled women z atlodUy to the doorway, her cele- Easily renovated to yeaf ’ronnd WANTED—l a d y grocery clerk. good condition, also man’s bicycle. from the Middle Forte ranger rojoyed tba exotic food and' danc- WANTED MAN FOR EsUbltahed Uon atop a peak 50 mllea. west zted figure to sequin evening i ^ . But he remained ominously fiw fall or pni Hme work see. Mahleu Grocery,. 183 Spruce milk routes. Apply to peraoh at CalLafa t Yl 21 Durant street. A ^' F U R N I ^ E D evenitoi. Chains, Ida., after working thr sliOKnietted a g a l ^ the flara-' qmet when AUlaon taught the oth­ wdeomed. SResiromen foD Cottages For Rent — Seasonal. street. Bayer’s Milk. 68 Eaton atreet, sky. she cama slowly forward, NEAR AIRCRAFT. .4rm y Day NotiM days' to get the telephone to ers several Quiche words'ahe bad or.pnrt time. If fon are in* ’■ ’’■re' ' '— Hartford, Conm FOB SALE— SINGLE J 0 n ‘AU der, kr \telicate Ups forming a provo- gleaned from the book, and they 4v^smiltog pdut. She bad piled Reasonable Down Payments ROOMSx bed- and spring, $12.00j/<^rbe- They reported that the efitil shouted them back and forth ^wlth -**lt*$ • new plan of salesmqfiship—he sticlto his head in exf^nrloaced. we will train WANTED! tween 7 and 9 toni$toW' 709^ a i n By N ation Today Craw bad bailed out of the pU jiFhoney colored ha^r to careless hilarious gusto, until surrounding On Above UsUnga. / Help Wanted— the door when il i^ ds. instead of his j'ool !**______jroo. Apply F. W. Wool.’ Saltable for Slagle and 2-Famlly Hpuses. A x the same time beadquartel rla atop her smaU b^ad. There tables of natives looked'ov!r with Light Ronaekeeping Cos tome ra with ^ rash, Male or Female '37 ------that one of daik citples under her violet llitereat. ,wortli Q i. Manchester. FOR SAIjB—UNI^- v a t ^liTEIRSAL v R a i ' Washington, April 6,—(JP>—To­ lies and ttoy veins showed"at her Allison leaned acroaa the table List, with this agency. WANT75D—TRUCK DRIVER for planes was missing. BY GALBRAITH J. S. BISSELL TELEPHONE 5332 trie roaater. b'roUer and baker, day is Army day. Imples un3cr the chalky pallor .of suddenly and slid her smaU flamS' SIDE GLANCES' X ' Cross Street Sooth Coventry \O E O flO e L. ORAZlAOlO laundry route. Also one woiian practically new, Reasonable, Tele­ skin. \ ' r I Ihitate apd Ihsnnkiioe Twenty-six years ago this aft- ripped fingers into Barry’s hand. BY t . *5, Hi T A WUHmaotic 174AW 1 or girl. Manchester Laund^, 72 phone 2-1067. '! [The four passengers and the “Npte me to the morning. Hand- \L L E Y O O P He Never Learns 109 sty Street TeL $278 Miple atreet / ernobn, in the White Houae . on M eeting Today fptato ieap^Ve a man to puU a somK* she begged, "but love me 3 , PIECE LIVING room set $25, Pennsylvania avenue, President Jr for her. WILL!.' OH.Ja»T\MY5WK, 'NOPE...TM GONNA, *1: WANTED—MALE A I^: Female bedroom set /$20. walnut Vic­ tonlghbs.’ ; , I f f5' >A96UI^. MISTER DOC, HAVe ' OOWMIO \ ALLEY.. GO GIVS SOME/''* WUson signed a cong/reasional n M ay End Strikj I Barry said 'Mvercly. ”You Barry le^ed up the delicate HS GOT POWIRRJL GUV NAM8 D ( 50 ME 1 KN6W help for inside work. Good hours, torian aecreta^ $35, marble top bouldn’t have come down to- MAO AN’ , BECN./i TH’ «TOK»/YOO«E good-pay. New Sya^m Laundry, elution deciaiing war againat length of ^ wl)lte arm to her \WWrHi ■ff'MgA/(yOlNG'C------AOOlP HiTLSR l JOB IT.' NOW tables and cqmode, walnut buffet - II .. fg h t” \ hemt-shaped ns$ with its tremb- GONNA WQCK in TM’ WORKG TVS a a r \ HarHaon atreet ,/ and cherry tkble. 76 Bigelow S t Germany. ELF A SEEN ; JOB TO » TO< F O ^ S A L E / ______^ Without ceremony, and aur- Boston, April 6—OP)—Six hb ]She slumped into his chair and lout pqutihg mouth, its straight DO.' A s te s e t PART-T|Mr \ dred members of the Seafo need up at him w ith . a slow ARMS 7 - BEDDING SPECIALS—4 drawer founded only by members of hls^ alende^ose, its wide violet eyes. If yovVq looking for o permo- ,- Two-Family Room |n*^ Busi­ family, the President's act meant Workers union will decliJ Je. "I was t afrald,”\ she said ProbablyXhe thought dispassion­ 3Sh Adams S t, Buckland \, OR Dogis— B ii -P e te 41 maple and/walnut chests, $12.95; in a mass meeting today wbeth| ih’lto, “that—heartless people nhnt totting job or o port-timo {oh X n g Zone, 160-162t Center boudoir ebairsr reg. $12.95, now —to the words of the tirnes—that ately,/'the loy'Uest face be hM the United States had. ’’accepted to end a four-day strike Uiat try to Influence the captain ever 'seen onA women. > ’ ■< * to hdip along, tho family bodgot ^treet. Comer locatjbn. Six PEDIGREE!^ POINTERS. EIGHT $9.95; Inherspring mattress, full prevented 23 fishing vemn\a I t put'me off at'Santiago.” months old, nicely marked, liver and sto|tle size, $27.95; 3 pc: Germany’s challenge to war and unloading . 1,250,006 popnds of (To Be'/Gontlnoed) '■% ^ Just Opened fpf tho duration, thon you’ro rooms to . each rentNvith formally abandoned its place as 1*1116 Idughter rose fast and gal FULL-TIME! bath, no .heat.' Two^r and white. Males $50,- females Nathan / Hale bed room suite, and 2,850 gallons pf' scallops Dt, d irk e d a g ^ s t Barry. He Nicely Famished Btorae fnl tho porton wo wont to tool $35. 54 Hudson atreet. Tel. 7900.. $59.95; / 3 pc. walnut room the greatest neutral- of a world to fish pier. ganm . One rent now vd>'. arms.’!. / krugged roth luff^. ' For Bnsiness People. suit, $54.M; pUlows, curled- John Donegan,' agent for (’The ahiima yours.” he said. cant.^/ Down payment JACK FROST KENNELs — chicken featberS, pr.. $2.59; bou­ In the years that fmiowed,.the union, said laH 'night the meetlil Apply Employ iMifl Office reeders of highr class cockers grim date became Army dsiy- Itay on It MU ddofhsday if -rou D eH doos H om e Cooked WORK 3LOOO. doir I()mpa^ and shade. $2.29; cot­ would consider proposals present! Ke. I should/have had byiter cm champion stock, at reaaon- ton felt mattress, full and single day aet aside in peacetime to call at a confeimce of union, mana';l M eals. Ws T. GRANT C O M F A N Y \ a l^ prices 26 Gardner street.^ attention to the nation's lan'l than to m^riae a -w o ^ ji.” • 0 0 9 0 s a l a r y Three-FamllyKTrqtler St. size, '/reg. $14.95, now $12.95. ment and/'State Board of ConcU!| \ MS Montgomery Wai/d A Co. . fighting forces and equipment. tion rept^entatlves last niglf ^ B o s P asaes D o d iv . dEXffERIiNCE ^ 5 Main street Good investiQvnt. Central ju.«it aa Navy, day in October bon The nature of the proposals w The next morptog the iky wia location. . iD^wn payment ora the sqk fighters. not announced. pid, with atoall ]>uff olouds, and V Adjtdninf Pratt A Whitiiey N O T n e c e s s a r y sapphire water ifaot with sun- ^ MERRILL BLOSSEK 51,500. \ Machinery and Tools 52 Striking Saturday, the Seafo FR^RLES AND HlS FRIENDS The Campaign Started Workers halted the unloading :ht ■ - / P la n t J . Have'i^sh Bu>er' AlUsqn was at hfeakfast. The NEW CLECTRAC FARM crawl­ filling vessels and the processl Phone Manchester 2-0172 TwQ-Fsmily. lO^iOh Suitcase Fartiier isitowVaf Illness,/was gone from d itto s* 'OOMPOUN^^ > T F o r 2 F^iily House er tractors. 100 percent traction. and packaging of fish at the pi! ton" Stl’eet—Comer Immediate Sale. Call face. She was in white'silk ARB HANDS Tlrea' have come and gone mit lorts and sltot, with' brilliant 'THEY S A ^ ’WEY'O ARE Tieo ty. I ^ e rooms to earb^ rent. CTIetraca are' original. Investigate Now V anishing .UNLESS ARTHUR A. KNOFI.A and her yellow gold hair LIST ME AlLOVnt. Fireplace in lower rent. the Cletrac today. Dublin Tractor V: Deaths Last Nlgh\ to hir shoulders. She was , WITH S IG N S i ' I THEY $76 5tain S t TeL 6440 V I DEMAND PObICfr 1 oesTRoy / Mandienter Stehm heat. Twq-car Aih- Company, WiUimantic. julalte ii the day, with, a fire / Moun- age. Down payment SLOOQ. Hays, Kaa., April 6—(iPj’i-Gonev$$v Brookline, Mpitf.—Thomas anlschiri to her violet ey» . new, war-consaou* t e . ■'PROPeaav , Evening Herald . to Joto the tong-vanished frontlera-»rs-/ ’T firi flne now,” she boasted. tern book, tells ' ./ man la that modern piairie piploy McCabe, 54, d if ^ o r o t athlettl -OGMOU OnasUled . Advertiaementn ^ Single Huuse,/4 3 Scarbor­ at - Holy Cross collet since 19| e privacy of my cahln for Can make a basi^ dr BODILY . Fun at Home neer—the suitcase farmer. .. and prominent to school and le Ip^t 48 hours I've been singing kuury/ Count six a*er««* words to • un«. ough Road -r seven rooms With him into extinction hay/ with five changes, -A Initials, nnmbors and abbreviations Painters lege sports for 30 yeariyas a pla| lues—I mean about the war Tile bath. / Fireplace and fled the mltllon-dollar corporation er, writer and official. ly losing every centavo but a your copy today; ' oaeh nonnt as a word and ooraponDd . \ find that sprang up along his traU—rto ward* as two words Mlnlmnn eost steam heat—large lot. Re­ New York—Mrs Janet iCls plantation—and now the hlANC^CSTER; 9NN. la price of tbreo llnaa stricted residential neigh­ farm whole sections and counties Roper, 70, aaspctatod wit It’s aU off my mind for Uae rates per day tor traneleat borhood. Now vacant. Down Paperhangers r rather than acres, and whose ip6n?. men’s welfare work for 53 / V ' ] ada agers razed set* after set of farm founder of the Missing Seame rubber tp4n and the Ught- r Tf» me. V k'WT. ¥ -4 Moetlro Mere# IT. law pajrmcnt S2.000. buildings to reduce taxea on their Panem J^partmeai Caeb Cbaray w a n :|t d bureau, anJ since 1915 ha keeper were enchanted and 106 .Seyedb Avenue “Please pay m ^the reni now. Mrfi\Wi|mdl—iny son has 4 Coaeecntive Uaye ...1 > otei V,pta vast land holdings, er of the Seamen’s Church [^Ittle (ffrald o t her. To Barry’e Ne^YurL-N. Y, a .date witli'^your dauditeriditer tonightlonignt^affd iiqeitt hie al- 8 Coneeeotive -Uaye ..I * otelll oi« P ^ e r Street, near Center .Apply In P^rmn. Liquidation pf one of the last ot tuto of New York, describe<^ rise she refused toalt homage. t Day ...... Ill etellt eta the giants is nearing completion, world’s largest shore bfims to w a n o e r V All ordere tor irregnlsr ineertit^ - 74HX ropmi. Furnace heat. JW t caU me AL*y zhe ' aald. “T B^BOYC will be obarged ai tba oee time pale. reporta Job M; Schpeter, Haya merchant mariners. ih ia dead. Im . not even •7" W ASH T U B S t Single car gamge. Center Wm. Dicksoi manager fo^ recelvera of the White Sulphur Springs, W. Special raiae- tot Iona term Ovary Chewing Guik.Jungle— roON^RVlLLE li^LKS BY T A IN E FOX day ad.variieina given upon peuueet. THIS MtW SSMSATIOIIAl of Town. Down payment Wheat Farming Company. A fi­ —MaJ. Robert A. Kilduffe. 58.1 it a chide lahorer.” ANY ■urTHe 1 Ada Ordered cancelled Mtora tba nal settlepient of affairs of the member of the Ashford Gene BfiBM FILLED or Bitb day will be ohat^ged obiy 31,000. Son That’s i^culoua,” B any tor tba actual number pt tlmaa the 98 Hamlio^treet •4-4* one-time $2,000,000 corporation hospital staff end nation itedly. \ m w A t rBOATS ad appeared etaarglng' or- r. te will mean the return of 65,000 prominent in med'eal circles, She turned oiKhim with^moCk- // i S k i WE. aaroad but not alowancr ut >'undt O IL PA IN T / 141 West Center acrei ,of land to ton west Kansas was a native of Philadelphia. ean be made on elxytime ede -^100000 roonsB, stmm heat, fire­ Ught o t combat. ”Tkat iheUna;, atier tba flftb day ' COVERS MOST ANV INTERIOR SURFM E IN counties to individual farms, -be Pomona, Calif. •- - Dr. Lut to bosslnaae ia apt to get Nc "till torbidr't display llnee not place. Heated garage. Down said; and all but 20,000 acres al­ Sherman Roes, 78, former head U trouble. Mr. Fielding.” sold. . X O N E C O A T AND IS SO INEXPENSIVE TO USE payment 31.000. ready is to the hands of 60 small- the Drake university (Iow| ”Tbuche,” Barry grtoned yA he Tbs Usrald'Wlll not be raaponsible WANTED—MEN AND BOYS farmeii buyers. biology dsDariment. tor tnore than one incorrect Ipaer- to tobacco wareboUac; experl- rted tap his cablt/ Iton ot fAy edverttsemenl- ordered Now is the time to secure She looked after him..yi4tartled. tor qiora then uoe tlma enee not ficeeeearyi Good pay. The tbadverienl omieaton ot in- yoor bnlMIng lot’for fntare here are' you going eorrpet publication of advertising use, wt 'hnye them in nO WETSTONE ’TOBACXX) COBP. Brides Roses for Linens I have three hooka to dlgeat a lU be reo'lfled only by oanoallatlon Etoi oad Fowwt S t. Maocheafar ore we get to Pt$mo Barrioa."; Ftbe pharae mad,s for tba serVtee sections of town and will sefi told her. His masculme pride endered AI’ advertiecmeuta must eoutorm on monthly payment plan satisfied by her visible dis- 'tp style, cuuy .and typography with VAUn MICK fflAffTM WOOG tikUMlMT VAU. / CMSMT MTAA wHh small down p a r e n t. ipointment. regglallona antorced by the publish- IMMA' KOCR T ON PART TIME ARE RELEASING m o r a l e iG t h a t p i S w n Mfe TAKING His PLACE CAPTAli •FIRST above an a eonveoisuea to adver- • NO OtJECnONABU PAINT ODOR t of his absorption dfiring meals E.XPERIENCB3 WE'LL HAVE ALL JpKK'E.'iUErd SOL) TO tiesra. but the CAdU RATfSS wlU be it he noted with vague amuse- ON YHE FERRSBOAt TDbAV. acceutsd as PUI4. PATMbNT II t h ' sl o g a n s an’ EWiW N ia Al4 OU> €EA CHANTEY/ PUT UP vs)rru/--»BOT paid at the buslneee oSioe 00 er M- DELIVERY ROUTE t the constantly soaring stock morale worn out . ) VJ0»»O/GOVs1D iOH«: . IF ^DO FIND SOU HAVE fore the eaveotb day following the Allison’s popularity - 'with the KFORE WE NEEDv MOVErARUery arsl Insertion 6f each ad. otherwiae MANCHtlSTER LUMBER & lUEL GO. ^ Edword J. Holl lar passengers. By tbe third day 6CT UNIFORM 90DU6TN TO tba CHaRilB RATE will be oolleet A D D R E SS BOX D* MUSCLE Of^TWCLDpNT1 •d. No reapnnslhllttjr for sm ra li 1009 MbIb S tra e t was tha darling of passengers 04 OM» U M 0>3 tM fi BO K TT telephoned, ede will be essumad and Evecett T. MAiaaoy, M gt. / • M i crew alike, wUch fact he hi­ ^ r r K iM lx s U K » c o A w c o l l a p s e .' S bli'LLL. tbeii accuracy eannoi be gueran- CENTER STREET PRONE $148 Telephone 6117 • 5118 Cara of The Herald ded to hla tetter to Ula, though ■CXIST— K E ft- o A & r tf/ BE NO MORE WU6LWIMBe Ued added an honest and comfort- HEPt&THAN A L h ^. account of hla own doistered N o n c e / He did not mention, of r Mlt'liEY FINN Oat Lika a Ughtl LANK LEONARD irse, too rising. plqu$ he could Bored with bousworkf Try this in Allison ovar his tovutoer- gay tuUp-pocketod anron and sea Ilty to her charms, ^TURN . MAX! GIVE If your frowns d o n 't change to t lunch that day the talk was AROUNOi smiles. 5119 of Santiago...''Allison had been Pattern No. 8351 U to sizes 14, re often. She.-Was in a pale "lo'IcKT 1$, 18, 20; 4Qt 42 44 and 46. Size cotton frock as cool aa frost m 1% takW 8 i|4 yarda S5-tocb mate­ By BIrz. Anae Cabot toe brilliance of toe tropic sun- Embroider them this month for Rosea Oeaigna (Pattern No, 5111 e. She was fuU of eager da- ria-. 7 yard! ric-raq. - amounts of materials specif!^ .W at this attractive pattern, send r o t o r June wedding gifts! Roses to ption of places and spots they full bloom, entwined vrith small send 10 cents to cofn,. yoiir nail ''t see . ... the' Bacardi factory 15 cento, phu 1 cent to r poatage, and address and tbe pattern niiij to ootoz. with your name, addreaz, bright flowers and green vines . Ran Juan Hill . . . the little msks this lovely cross-stitch de­ ber to Anne Cabot. The Mrm > -ch with the broken bell. . . . pattern number and size to The ter Herald, 15$ Seventh %ve"i| Bvimtog Herzld, Today’s Patterii sign a pattern of lasting beaptyr ■i there w as-aii .d d 'Indldn to d E m r is j Service, 106' 7th Avenue, New Pattern includes two transfers for New York City. Enclose I ctJ asket shop to too market'place poetaga for each pattern oixi<’" ■) told toe moot wonderful sto- HIM York, N. Y. piUowedaea, two for nwtehing BEMCN Bowing ssriouslyT Then you’ll guest towels and an extra eroza- The new Sprina Anne < air t He belonged to aoraa strange want, a t once, our new scAing stiteb bow for a top sheeL Use bum la ready for mailing. Con. and whan ha wfm 1$ ha took V guide and pattern b o ^ Fashion. zhades of pink for the roses, 82 pagea of spring and sumrori kind ^ a blood' oath. BBBa eMfft MeesoM i AWFUL 6

Mrs. Robert F. Brannlck who la The ■' North Methodist ‘ ..church leaving Saturday to Join her hus­ achoql' board will have a meeting ^ \TwoAti^caI Boys in the 'Marines GiirlB to Sponsor ^ 8 , : Abbiit.Town this/evening at 7:45. Anyone Ip- r nC Hw adn band, Pfc. Robert F. Brannlck, In •ft. 4 Syracuse, N. T., was given a tertoted will be welcome to atteo'd. ' Sokliers’ Dance a< nekMtar oim ve, P. «t H. will well party fast night at the o / VUUtge Charm tMqanow evening at eight blein Hotel, Hartford, by a groi / Chief Roy GrlarWold ofAhe Man- 'V t the .Maeotiie llemple fo r of 38 of her office associates and ■ ister Fire department reported ' Tbe Pioneer Girls social. club A (SIXTEEN PAGES)^ X p r i c B .^ E B E CENT'S toueinaai aeeaion, fol- frlehda Mrs. Brannlck was the one fire In toe last 24^purs. will sponsor toe dance at toe Advevtialag aaTVligo 14) fCHESTElClEQN?f,V®®^^®®^^'’^» APRIL T, U .X/ /whft* the ntaetli« wlU be former Miss Uoyola F. Galllnh, was a bad bmah and grass American Legion home tomorrow |)L.XXlL,NO.160 oyer n i the Iw^nxer, Mre. daughter of' xOfflcer and Mre., fire At the end of TurpbuU r ^ / ■ Second Air Fores Feb. 24. \ from a Russian ■ vessel which ran aground high hilla NWhldi tual cash ' visa >331,206v or $403 10 governor, told newsmen Cxpeoto ImM War ^ . TtwUaK unite, fliutog toelr com- casus, was reported by the Rus­ '^ednedday mornfaif. 2 Lhmmore Drive. Delta Chapter, No. 51, Royal \ T Bturgba wokld be required to dom inated'^ new defenses Arch Masons, will hold its annual more than toe quota. This, how­ He sold hs expected a long war- munlcatlona threatened, had re­ sians today os the^lrag Soviet-Ger­ |)pr meat department ever, does not include pledges of a t C A ' V E Y ' S , up hlB nbw duUee sooner t o u In which Germany, “ aUn very tired to new positions in the Kyau man battlefront experienced bet­ toe W odl ^ 1 Akorit, 20 Francia 8. Plach, aonAf Mr. and meeting and election, of officers at -jcted, and toe' appointment of north of G n^, the British oftota yon the finest Grade Mrs. Pisch, of 464 Hartford the Masonic Temple a t'7:30 to­ 3676 yet to be turned over In c'hsh. strong, though crippled,” would Apondu''area, toreeXmUes north­ ter weatoer. X The grand total, pledges and cash, «rt*"g odmlnlatrator woe M- west of' toe Mayu pehUi^o. .thMc strong through , ^'meat.' ’ - road, bos been promoted to the morrow nighty The present offi­ have to be beaten before the Unit­ In toe Kuban deiu, where toe lent German counter-attafcki aft- \ amounts to 331,879.01. . FIPfiEST OF FOODS AT BEST PR IC fel ; bechuae toe newly crb*tcd War 'fitain Unteoable Aiqaa Onl; Red Army hid been aalfl unofficial­ rank of private first class, at on cers h ( ^ tof a large attendance ed Natimie could, turn,, their full er a breakthrough behind a heavy We^ffer yo#^ / \ Elsewhere in today's perald ncll woe now pressed with attenUon to the Pacific front The Japanese, It addl ly to be fighting in the auburba df olrplons training school la Ne- of toe memtwrship. SPECIAL LUNCHEON EVERY DAYI X ly organisational problemo. .. ordllery barrage\^snd an Allied ■ Pot Roahto / . Agaoho. will be found letters of apprecia­ His enthuslaam brought General take full advantage of Novorossiak, the Black sea port, aold tion from Dr Eugene Davis, execu­ LIQU ORS YOtfR TASTE! Ickey, a Republloan, boa been iNp Extfd Yankee Cash Needed tlon. “The enemy has mimtted dispatches sold thk Russians kept heaidquarters communique at. Jdee^'a Mothers Circle win to they captured. 3,000 prlsonbra. meet tomorrow evening with Mrs. tive chairman of toe local branch ate police oonunloeloaer since (Oontfamed en Page Four) considerable Mr and landJ tpi forces Ip their offensive and drove dog- and James Blair, general chair­ TRY OUR REGULAR MENU! being appointed then by in toe effort to regain befqre the jedly Into toe Germahf against mostly Italians. \ \ >, A C. R.^Fqley of 40 Scarborough (Prime Mlnlstek Winston RoatL ./■ man of toe committee. There are ^R ecentlSr the . oommU- Most Far-Reaching Pro- onset of toe rains toe groUpd be strong resistance. reappointed for onoth- Gold Curt bofe lost since mld-December\ but The_____ fighting____ _ there extended over Churchm told the Hoiiae .of Com­ IN U AL I foipr*y«^ term. National Unil Currency Plan posdt for Expansion bss no for succeeded only Irt ^ I acres of"glue^lke mud and aWpUen mons in\Londoi»_ thnt^ British T Dn^pped. Aa Deputy ization PI Treas occupying areas which are unten- thS Russians Mid armor had^..reached opeh country p Of World Trade Ad able In any eveht during the mOp- k^elr troops plunged on nevertok, yesterday after taking au\ the key governbr oloo disclosed to- ury Calls /o ^ o BU- 'poaltiona in the Wadi SStx Akorit lAGE ' that Guy B>Holt, former aUte ^8 Seen ISI^ soon,” It said. ' \ Kiqss, falling upon the Nasi flanks EXPERT SEWING MACHINE Drive Sjadrted tfse. vanced by Big Power •The statement salff the Japanese I ^ some areas and In others sur- She, and that Rommel wte re­ and for ymrs prominent lion Alreqdy treating northwaid ^with .l|I®nt- r toe Democratic pkrW, had been could be expected to continue their lunding the foe SALI X repairs 7 pressure. Aeking further successes gomery In ’‘ hot piirsuT A, aa Sturges' deputy In the On Ww Lpa^lls By George Cullen Reserve. Loadon, April T.—(ff)— , No Newe of Novorooolsk (Six thousand AxiaXjorteoneiw - GlFca By Cimmske-up. ‘ before toe monsoon rains, due In a There was virtually no news of siN G X s » W h i t e — n e w h o b ie — a l l Washington, April 7 Great Britain proposed the few weeks, restrict operaUons. had been captu-ed, he m Temple B^th ^oh>m \i At, toe governor aaid, nsd not most far-reaching world Novorosaisk, however, the last big week yoB may W e Am an “fired,’’ hut had “not be«kln- Preliminary American The famlUv Japanese infiltra­ objective the Germans hold in. the an artillery preparation, aarlto red atampa Equipped s p e c i a l : ta toe neW orgonloatloi 1 i banking and currency plan tion tactics, similar to toe maneu­ northern Caucasus area. The Naais guns, a concentration about 100?MdiHSte to that which d^ ed toe El .tor. Meat and Checm V To Bepolr t-up“ toat followed the ci And British Proposals ifthe expansiop of world ver whisk Mveral weeks ago are striving with all toelr power ( Formerly DiamondAshoe .Any Msichlne Limited \ . ■ AjBa ., L abor LegiBla^ltra to partiqipata in caused the BriUsh to reUre West to hold this Naval base, for It Is mein battle te Egypt loot Octo-^ the aerica, if you Gnantity the War eoun^ and toa merg- .OSt^Fai^Reaching to (trade thus far adyanc^ Koladan river, were acr “"tote) ^ with It ef the old state De- Cim tnists W Uh war gold aurrency i one of the best porta along the ber.) •: Bat Bae ^ cm all la«t We Con any major power,, w i ^ pubh- go,„pn,rtied dOrlng the. last weak- Laanoli Heavy New Attacha TH U RspAY, APRIL 8 orgSaiaatloo. Annual, tiofl program evolved by the ie y e S tability. whole Black sea. Ob WaibMBdayB wB Electrify cation today of a White Pa-|,„A the British aaid. Sharpener fighting flared on the The Americans, attackto|r 46 StarUiiv At 9 A. M; Yonr f \ ■xcludedytoom toe new \ HiraBe Appeal, g xreafiury. The program, atlon, ao4 toe governor,.^ p e r by Lord Keynes, econo­ “ To meet this .outflanking move­ Donets river from south of Izyum miles to the west In on effprt to atdera for dsttFaT ap \ For AU^y. . TEEDX Old Machine 7 wu haa Forts aod'x Ruth Dodouiiap of H orU i^ w. _/ L™- which been/Submitted to Claude A. Jogger mist and advisor "to the exchequer. ment, necessary readjustments on north poet Chuguev. link hands with Gen. Sir ^ m on l lB iitO B .m . Can tor ' Washlngtbq, April 7-(F>-Dia ngtionS f<)r disaussion, AeaoolatbS, Prees Flnaaolal Editor have been modem our positions on ______X \ Woolen Pie^aXooi^ SnppUen J had beep^ active In som e/M ^ Going considerably farther In The Germane’ newest attecks L. Montgomery’!, warrloiw and ole*, Estimate . I)^en m ooiunrti’a w o ^ pdfect'VI sension over fkr r«n« for. a 35,090,600,000 stabiuso- New April T. — Prelim- the Kayu ;penlneula,’’ thq^ war bul- ,outh of Izyum against a Soviet tb threaten Rommel’s rete. launch­ / KO POINTS Nfe^DED \ And Many OtbeiSUei far \ In Yonr some directions than the U. 8. for PtediBiat Fiaall ^ Ui Makes o ( i lation contrasted xy V^to toe tlon fund tp ifhich Secretary Mor- lnary\Amen»M> and British pro- Treasury’s proposal for a curren­ letlh sold. ' bridgehead * * ------were announced------to ed heavy new attacka: M ^ H. Forstot, Chaimdn. \ Home gentbau m v S toe United States The British drive at Donbaik have cost them more than 500 ASPAIU6US...... IL SBC ^MMshlnen . X , ___ _ Another'. ... White HoiiM launch o f-a com - pooala for a ^ H d currency stabUi- cy sUbUization program an­ They tried desperately to dis­ M ^ J. Sandals, Co-Qmir< iTlw *(ontn)y«rrtkl/ineaaurs fte paign , of^ national toe would contributed, about 32,000,- nounced by Secretory* of toe had been directed lit the port of dead and one of their front lines. lodge entrenched German forces fVidh Splaadi \ 000,000 or 40 per cent. Other ns- zation hm Tj'TVTnn 28 DELMONT ST. "— * women Mn Into another country’s greatest war drive tlms would oc^tribute proportion­ the British plan nevertheless an­ The British poelUon east of Russians sold, the Army forces did positions and strong line* of teo- n L>n r 1A I.1 ljU n ™ L* 4894 - 5675 today as\R^.. Her-' ------ately umlsr a specified formula. to achieve world\ economic stabil­ nounces similar , objectives, and Buthedaung remalno. unchanged, liot give way to surprise attacks chlne-gim nests planted in theX Grooi Beans We Have a (wmplete st' Grade 2 and 3 tires While toe Senate* farm ity. • A strove to delay a test on Gpbld Sknpiy Switch Fond both are advanced os a basis for the Japanese having dom forced but held together andX shifted rocks of Djebel Kreroun nine mileo Paranipa . COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE on hand. Also New Tubes. We would be\yery pleased The pre-war world,'- with Ita to dig to at Taungmaw. IVwas de- gtrength qulcigy to the sect aectora un- mom tfc2T (O s a t ld ^ ea g a % sa) vetoed Bankhead hUl and a ‘ ie Treasury now holds a diecueeion. east of El Guetar. Carrotfi .. 1,000,000 domestic stahUisa- aeViea of turbulent Mlftb\of funds clared. ' X der greatest preMure. |t Toasters Mixers N yacanms Orills, Etc. to Qttote yoa a price and give yoB't.ire serWea. \ \ repi«nentattvs protested sgolnat between' nations, uptettihg cur­ Intematibnal Cteoring. Volon Latest reporte sold they hod ad­ Sweet Potatoes Factory Trained Experts. Genuine lArts. Estimates Given. measure to forbid toe imionlxatlon fund which has been In op- 'Lord Keynes calls his proposed Severe Coaualtiea lofScled (The German mgh comtoand, in vanced after preyloue foUurea m e t o l ^ tn r for nine -'years. Should rencies and bankmg systems, is Eweet, Jniey, ScediBsa of foremen, Prcsldapt Robsevelt likened by some economists tb the mechanism an. international clear­ Dtepetchdi from toe front said M iik sold toe first 333 bemd of the cam-1 toe int^rpatlonal agency be esUh- T « r'5? r « ’"sr.jr4; GRAPEFRUIT.. .S for 35c \ ■ ' /'■ period in xthe United SUtM before ing union, from which counrtiea they hod Inflicted severe -oie xWlated Press. that the Amerieon tonka went Retreading J A Speiimlty polgn to help finance toe country’s Uahed, It Is belieyed the Treasury in temporal- need of funds tb ti- Ues on toe Japanese operating to forwiMI about flvteell^toe of a UOTTAGE CHEESE ______" Met Flasihes! the ^ establishment of the\Fcderol German "Offensive enter- fighters, and prortalmed tola as its could simply switch this fund to Reserve system. . nahee International trade would, toe Mayu peninsula, te. Ik* a mlle^aterday and that the in­ Jar 18c Ponnd 26c Factory m.ethod^^— Bo waiting. Bring ydim car in | (ljaa Bnltetlns of tha (F) W IN)’ Stogui: . ' toe new 'world\pool, thus provld- borrow,.-And In which-''countrlM; area, and south of Indte, and that pries’’ In the centml Donets re­ fantry continued Jl» .dogged push “They give toslr Uvei. We rendiing the United StMes’ ante with Colled Stsbllleario" Fund gion "reached theVplanned goal FOR THE DOG... in the morning-—ready in the afternoon. , x The reserve jsystem operates oa 'Odth a/favorable btoonce of pay­ toe fighting continues. through the hUle. T h irty ItoUana \WorfcMa B trilte' ouf m oney." / I out the neceMlty of extra flnpnc- a batik for toe commercial banka ments 'vould accumulate creMta. '. Yesterday morning, the \com- nothwitbetanding. tehacloua enemy were taken prisoner. i In addition to dof bones, ■X No certificate required for retreading yonr own I, AprU 1<—PotoB . COVERAGE «me-tekeN>te sttmr Jobs to the tions He writeh; / Po]jicy-Making Of AB Kinds ^ CCR^^AIN AND MIDDLE iT^. TEL. 6161 at a redatMbn hi pay. tlon of the White House staff, but ternational bank^ but os a stabUl- “Nd\ depositor te a local bahk Coast Towns man A ir Force was opM U ng in 22e box \5 boAes $1.00 • • '• th)h Is like a great many other Buff^ States zation fund, which could be termi­ conaiderbale strength up and down FIRE - CASUALTY - LIFE 1 ' 1 ■ ' i4 'll iirf suffaratoecause the balances which \ Ctab Atotenttow American Jmueea ihroughout toe nated wheliviio longer useful. he leav-M Idle, are employed to fl- the Donets, but wae losing heavl Goiihcil Urgef country. Most of us liave got While onl/undetailed reports of / ■' .. ■ . . . ■ ' A pril 2„-(F )—Bontett ntmea to e buslneaa df soimeona Nazi Targets ly under attacks by Russian fight­ CLARKE msURANO: some member of toe. family in toe J^se Prohiem the Britlah plan ore as yet avail­ alee. er planes and anU-alrcr^ft bat­ ------. , Bated as mnwr s< the fighting forces of ' toe United AGENCY ____ Grove night dub, who, able, It appears,'however, to go Hope te Offaet Praasiiia teries. L . Regional Group for^ kto brother Jaineo,^^ 4a«ob States. And we back home ,oi« y. . / « more extensively Into the lOng- Red Star. Army organ, said the 829 Main SU Phone 3666 trying to do our bit, too. We/isub-' range subject of a world stabilizing “Just as tm developmeUt na­ Hit - And • Run Fighter- Germans tried again to t*he a cific Area Als^^ la on trial nr mon­ scribe.” / [CoHviiicing Reds No tional banking; ayatems served, to N/ te eonneetton with tho mechanism. The text of the Amer­ B om bs Cau84^. Casual­ John H. Pye, vetetma /N e g r o Burrier Across Europe ican proposal, wbUe dwelling prt- offset a dehationlst pressure (Oonttnued on Page Fodr). Proposed in Report. FULL PROTECTION Nov. M -whleh took the Which would hate prevented other­ of 496 peroono^ teotUed te- ties in Dawn MINIMUM PREMIUM 8 8 (OMttaned en Poga Tm ) yAfter War DifficulL (Oontthned on Png« Bight) wise the develppteeht of modem W ^hington April TMF)-C>rM- tlwt tho owner of an adjton- industry, so by enenteng toe some TTiis The Biggest property toid betokod np a principle Into t o / Internktlonal London, April 1— iJPf— Go: tlon o f a pbUcy-nteking Unjted r to ^ «tob whteh ted ont to By Wade y/onmt * ’frea^my Balance. blt-ond-run flghter-bOmbora DeGaulle Deisy Former Chdef o f the Bimeow field we may hope' to uffM^ rii* h ations council, w«h a subsldiapy' • abnttlng lot. Barnet Wilsi Ury contractlonlst preaoure which tacked two towns on to# Bi regional council / tor the Pacific ^4 I I o ^ Q s the first M the tIuM daisnd- Child Slain; Bureau of Tho Associated Preaa Washington. April 7-HF)—The southeaet coast shortly Washington, April 7.— (JV—Cw*' position bf the Treasury April 5: might otherwise oveitehelm te so­ area, was propMed in, a report o f' to telte the stand. Bo do- cial disorder and diaappolntittente dawn today, causing tome Meets Favor Ye^ Ever, In The Hbtory UKAtED/ON BENTON, BRANFORD AND I^RKII hto: aoqnid tten o f thn vtoclng Russia there will be no Receipts, 3123,783,570.16; ex­ ualtiee and damaging a munber of the Institute Of Paclflc Relatlcma, X Youl effort to build a barrier of anti- penditures, 3311.287.960.20; net made public'today. , , , . G, E. W I^IS & SON, INC • . / • \'/ S T R E ^ IN MANCHESTER Grova properiy^ond nn- (Oontlnned an Pag* Fonr) , buslneM establishments,' rheap k o p ^ bHinbum iBiwr F. n.' A. Ittspeetlon wUI soon be I of ton 'MwiMl, Soviet sUtes across Europe after balance. 33.388.444,112.39. Six planes participated to toe Ghtirtrhill in ,Full Ac­ Reporting on the instituto a imn- ' LumbcR of All Kinds , for oeeupnney. A down pn'yttent now win penult the buyer Ltteriwr Herbert F. I toe war woe'"viewed in diplonmtic raid on one town, where a motion ference at Mont Tremblant Qu^ Of Home Gardoiing ■hooao tb# iMIpaper and Mtoet Us or her own color ochento. . ~ obont the voifoos alterations. P a rtly N u ^ B ddy o f circles here today os one of the picture theater and a newspaper cord ^ ith Request by bee. last December, W. L. Holland, thorniest problems oonfroating research secretary, said “protests • office were among the buildings ere beginning to be heard against Mason Supplies— ;Paint— ’HarSWare Thoiuanda of people have accepted the ehalleage ; i » Check• * Orlma * Wave ' Four O ld G irl post-war planners, q wrocked. One of toe planes woe Gcneriid' Eisenbower. T ' t^oMidar theae ouUtandin^ advantdge$ That toelw wlH be no effqrt to Universal Wear Uniform an exceaslve Anglo-Aih^^ of helpinc to prodficc food for the nation and dur alties Nil Lot Locaited In One ot- | | Cboioo ot 3 Pinna. , IoMh April 1—H3V ~F n c - I B u ried in Basement* reported shot down. . . dominance in the cdnduct of' tna 8 ie entire Lynn pelh erect such a barrier woe emptao- Two enemy raiders participated London. ALpril 7—<*) -- by .prodneine at home td relievq the pressure on com­ Mnneheotor’a F ln A Besl- |7| ’ F.'H. A Flnnmtd. alzed by Assistant Secretory of Minister (teurchlll Mid te tke war*** \dentinl Seetinna. t |8| City Gas.Servleo. r eeaeeea 40 report tori in the other attack, which was Entitled "War and Peace In the fieaight In nn oCort te ebac ;/ Bunetinl State Adolf A. Berte. Jr.. In a Being Sought for Army sold to have caused little damage House of Commons today he was COAL COKE OIL mercial producthm, • $te«m UcaL |8|, Near Bos ayatens. broadcast test Sunday when he Pacific." the report was prepared FInmhIng. (16J Near ChnrcMea m Bdwnrt n. Onllohanl -Pltteborgh, April T—(JV- and no cdsualtiee. in fuU accord with Gen. Dwigkt D. for distribution at an inatitot* Feiee XlenL Mkhnel Dmigh- SGld! The o iM U lts followed n raid- Elsenhower to the tetter’s request luncheon at which Undersecreta^ 2 Main St. T d . 5 1 2 5 and 6 lUnntaa Wa “Today toe Idea of a biiflor Seat^. April 7—(AV-ThSt well-'t layers that the soldter will to Gen. (tearlee DeGaulle to delay IS) Itovk Lnrgo Booms Avkll- Prom Caster at ertar quoted n 11-yenrwM underneath this coverall will be free night to Britain. , .. of State Sumner Wellea waa to I o ( .— _ , ■ - heehok- state te as dead aa a dodo.’’ tailored exterior of United States Na Major Allied Air Activity hla proposed trip to North Africa, Get Thp Tools, Seeds and nhle n * Beeond Floor. chMter. V RoUc o f Old Em soldiers may have to give way to a determined by local weather con­ thn3 IS '^ I ' In tho Forp or toe Mcond - w . . - night - In j r a------.row, The Fighting French leader de- '^ ‘Coupled often with pleas f « Buffer sUtea, Berle sold, ore a new type' of olT-cUmate garment, ditions.’’ ______A__A NOTE: Stenm heat, bmm pinmhtag and ghs aervlee m Ml ringgoS n eelinr of hio infonr*y«nr- The wSde vorlonca In the cll- toere woa no major AlHed^aerlal igy«d his trip for conferences with increased Chinese porUclpaUw to eoaotmetlon ora now oat tor the dqcntloa. Their pre».| old nrighher glri whom he hod relic of toe Old era of secret diplo­ designed for utUlly.rather toomtor activity over* Y.-- Ihe ■ continent,^o.44M,.,.a6 I—Gen. Henri f^loometel Glraud. hiczH high f^AmmlE-toi^ b Fertilizers You Need Here thOMotn h o n n .a dreM review. rbatea In which the nation’s fig h t-' the higher war councils w re aaeo In theaa honaeo gtvea them nxtra ontathbdlhl M tiho hoitevoS Ik eoddlediM t b ^ . DnnpMrty macy. though toe Air Mtoletry an­ eioner to French North and West were suggestions Io/*ke A»tete Hie worda were widely Inter­ Moj. Gen. Edmund B. Gregory, Ing men Are serving to "one of the Africa, nt Elsenhower’s requast, nMtVNw“enoo< anid'Bort Ferry hnod TnertM most acute problems confronting nounced tost It A. F. planee had hshmeq- of an ««*«Wve *xecut^ Don’t fdrgvt • spiAVdiv 'naecssary insecticides tO' «* (^ter an OW Print) Wtnaam, blonde nnd enrly- preted oe meaning the United the Army’s quartermaster general, told mtoee to enewy waters. Tvro Gen. Chertee Catroux. lloteon of­ annoM o( the ertm dieclosed- in on interview here that ua” ' • council at least of the ■ tergM British add American protect your garden crop against bugs of all'kinds. ALL ONE PRICE DOWN PAYMENT nio too aark ot nlghL bnirod. Into the oellnr with n Statea would not Inilet on post­ planes were reported miaamg in ficer between DeGaulle and Giww, United Nations," the report MM* IBa tamp Urttn* was a port o f tlib ently Aiaartona aoMe. It war restoration of Batonla, Latvia hie department has In mind the New wearing Woolens Is already In North Africa, and De- penny “to bny enn^. with For exampte. "AH 'toe American these operations. ^ a kunp Ughtm — a century am — wbn received the Bteyer and Lithuonhi (the BolUc states creation of a piece of clothing that Tha Allied aerial offensive Gaulle had been expected to follow "**"in*a11 theer criticisms there wM first building and loan home loon In the Wmteni Hamlsphern. absorb by Russia lii 1940), or will do toe trick from Greenlgnd’s soldiers te North Africa ore now War R elief Nowhoryport, Mnoa„ April 1— wearing woolenwooicn umiuriu-,uniforms, butuui. lt’< aimluat the—- Continent- - — -- . yesterday *..* :,,,.1 early tola week. a growing reallzaUon that not w ly FOR BEST RESULTS WITH YOUR POLXTRY Hnoe loans have kept pace with the tinMa. 'Our modem PitLoburgh, April 7.—(F)— The restonmou to Poland of eastern Icy mountains to—well, to the 1 ' Difficult te Devote Time the prosecution'' of the war but, hoiue Iona is streamlined to fit your wlslien. Tour appUeattou b ~ pooeiMUty thot n insalae beach of Waikiki on s' moderately going to begin to get pretty hot tapering ^ after 72 hours of ^ e ’ 5 9 5 0 ’ 0 5 0 , m partly nude body of four-yeof-old areas occupied by Russia to 1939. ___63.4m iUeMvt*K Mtwi I mAAt fuHoue oiialaiiahta of the It wae gensNlly bellev.ed the ac­ even more, the better preporaUon And All Farm Animals.. .Keep On Feeding 4ngge4 to SMth MI LydM 8. over there thie Anonth and we’ra inbet fuxloua onslaughts acted on promptly. Tliere’s on red tope* You pay for ypur homo, ‘ ^ ^ A N b C F ThersM WiUlaUa, blonde nnd Ih some quortere, however, hie blustery day.' " tive military situation, with as you’d pay rent. If.you plan to buy a home or have an old to MprtMei tedny by going to have to coU these In with­ war, was limited to attacks by R for peace and MOON’S FEEDS etoetivo Elehorfi GtlEIn, curly-hnlred. wna found early to­ omuronce woa criticised As too In. his totarvlew with a Poet-In- A. F. fighters and fighter-bomb­ American and British Armlw to struction would be badly handi­ fanhlonod mortgage,, you’ll find It Intereoting to, leam how eon^ narrdw to cover toe whole range teDigenoer reporter, he- "remarked in a few days end tofue cotton pursuit of Axis Marshal veulent hoylag a home con he. MONTHLY Prlnclpnl, lutereat, leM ^ tho teveottgntton day burled la toe bOMment of a uniforms In their place.’’ ers on roUwaye, airdromes and capped unless the preset Inaamaeo and Taxes home two doors from her own. of Russia’s post-war security re­ that “te designing such garments power , atations In France and Bel* Rommel'a forcea In T/"****' ,k“ association of .the United kt the kUUag ot tho frikU. T^yaor- you have to discard all conven­ Then there will be a mammoth made It difficult ^or to# Allied BUY A BOND EVERY PAY DAY! PAYMENT Inelnded. tt Indjr who BvA wUh “She woe criminally attacked quirements. This view woe to translated Intc a^ functkmteR fiect^ on toe editorial page of tional kteoa about unlformo, ouch dry ctooning job and re-teoua of sommander-ta-chh»te. devote time policy-making' organ. ’ ___ ite n n i n Seek o f thlBhMO and murdered,” ■Mirted POUce the woolens to other troone. It Air Mtolstiy. meanwhna. The Dolly Worker, which fm- aa too tndlttoiua righVflttteg ■mwwmnad that ' roeonnolMOaM to poUUcal dtecuMlons. Can Be Seen By Appointment Only only eoMpnl oMi OtjMln tiout Michael Dougherty. would be somewhat too murii of (teurchill's sUtement, Issued Pnpoae^ By aOaeee Eav^r At tho pooolMllty of %oh- ' The child dlMppeorod yesterday Une, In an ortirie occuolng Berlfl ODaL pbotographe taken after ^ Dr. ao-Ke Alfred Sz^totoM line. In a nortldle accusing Berle Oettea Fhbrto Orter Garment a Job, eveii fmr a (Juartormoster from hle^Snctel reetdince at No. 8 td not been MtMrSed, b«l oftenmoon white ploying In the Oorpo, to try to get a ^ola mighty R. A. F. raid on Bertin. ebtesM omboeeador t>_Wof Ton^iht at 8 O'Clock itioet wttlr hpr toroe-yoor-old of advocating the opening of “What tve have In mind.” he ex­ 110 Downing otreet. mid: LARSEN’S mn fSSS |te« Arm y’s nutta back from toa oteoa- U u t S L ohMNd that 80 terga f ^ “With regard to the statement inn. proposed the executlva C/KYF/iLc/Le^ t e t oeoond front, la the Bnlkono. Ia< plained, “to n ootten tabrte that to Williar:! F. Jolmsoii righr* en n brother, Tony, oad.M ey t penoer, •r’a and onto the mme bneka. tnrtoa ion . b io^ of laoued by the French NaUonal ^ o f the United fteod of weotem Europe, with toe both wteS-reetetant and yratar-m- eotod busteSM offices, and at least the United BUILDING W LOAN ASSOCIATION INC o f 4. * peOent to bo iined. ns toe outer (Note to censor: Any etmlterlty committee on Monday teat about elude ORANGE HALL FEED SERVICE BUILDER — REAL ESTATE - Daugherty *eald Eori Ferry, 16, Idea of using American troopa to of weather obaervatlona hereto to] wny repair ehope of toe Tepnptehrt erect “ hoetUe, Fascist sU tes led i^arment for all soldiers In all .lati­ •**n**neeeeaanoaaaaaa«aanneaeaeaes« 2o€ 38 DEPOT SQUARE TELEPHONE 5406 ------OnOANUtO APRIL IB9I ------BROAD ST. PHONE 7426 7 A. M. TO 7 F. MJ to the In -whose, hom'e the body was actual weather conditions te pure-J SOae^ ^ might tudes. f . ly '