y \ ■ ■ ■ r ■ MONDAY, APRIL S, IMi ^jtattrbratnr £ontitio Hri Average D*R^^hrenI*tioB '>,. ' , ■ ■' 'y ■ :-. ■ ' ■ \ Tht Weatkar For Mm Month m t M a n ^ 1948 Fofbrurt m t D. Wauthar M ; ^ a Inland F, Apaldlng, 'Jr., son of noon No. 3 went tp >the. top of Brookdeld street a i^ No.' 8 Mr. and Mrs. t-land Spalding of M a t ^ h e s t e ^ Noted Teacher Marine Train I Fires Keep Up Birch street for a fire that' was out at 7:10 last night to 18 Qnt >ntX B8 Oetard' stre e t's^ recently en- rning towards the woods and at road. Ths last firs of tba 8 ,1 0 5 Romawhaf eatdeo toulght; ilhnia- IISM In the A rm j^lr Forcef hae O^te Book I :'15 No. 2 had a call for grass at^8;35 whan No. 8 was aallw Menoibnr of tha Audit leWag^<wln«. d M Eeeslar .Field, Biloxi, Study Subje< rt 94sHayn4s atreot. At 3:10 No. tobods a t tho eomor of Bureau m t CdreuluttoUa »*»!. On Week'Ehd was again eaUod, this time to Schhol streoto. Mtsa,N^ aviation c^et basic Today ^anchetter-^A City of ViUage Charm •ftinooa at traJnlngSjfe gfadu*^ *" June April 5, 8, 7—ElxhIblUon of pot­ T" from Manchester fll0» aihool and tery of Liea Halpem, Dutch artist, Expression Clubyin De« South End Department ntered the University of.^ Oom.^ , * (TEN PAGES) / / V PRICE THREE CEN fs' ■om i^’^tirMt imrittU Im- Mary Cheney Library. iI^X1CN0.159 (ChMalbsd Adverttslag aq rkg* 8k ' MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1943 pMtaMt ImmIm m mattan b* Icut,-' Tomorrow bate on. Mrs. ^ f^ aret Answers Five Alarms; Mlad and wotk wffl ba ^ Second Anniversary Celebration P. McLcftn.. aba MamorialiboapItaL Mra Bert Manchester Coon and Fox Exchange Club at^Motel Sheridan. Little Damage. Get R w dy For More Fun. win aaalat tha hoataaa. 11 meet tonight at eight Wedneeday) April g o'clock 'In the elubrooms Of the H Meeting Automotive Bureau of The Lillian Gertrude Grant'Ei^ The South Manchester depart­ How. to Shrink an Air Force ^ I»fc. IWbart B. Oalyert, J r , ton Washlnmm Social club for , its C. of C. at Villa Loviisa. ,, , ptession Club held ''.Ita, regular ment had five fires, to take care monthly meeting. -• • r'lni ~'i> ">ii t~|'‘ TS me Ur. and Mw. Robart B. Oalvart Thursday, April 8 ' , ^ monthly, meeting at thq''"T" on of over the week-end, all In grass X mt 7« Phe^^^oad, graduatad Sat- Meeting of Airplane Spottere. Friday evening aith the j^rpsldent. or woods. Starting Saturday after­ ’ s ® N o t io i vatay' from tba Aircraft AmiBunt- Ih e wlillni^^yVoricera Group of State Trade school at 8. 3 -,r-T ^ S*d. Ba the South M euK^st church will Entertainment ,, for Inductee!, Miss Anna McAdams, conducting noon at 2:03 No. 2 was called to meet tomorrow a(tetnoon at the Middle turnpike,' west, and E>sex _ aaalgned to the 40Sd Masbnic Temple k t 8. ik t business meeting. church paflore at^:30> All mem* Banliuet, Disabled American street to extinguish a fire that was •quadroo, Selfrldga -Field, bera are urged to make a special The principal part of the pnK^ threatening residences there... 'At Veterans at Hotel Sheridan. gram was arranged In token of a h d ^ ^ N o v ^ w effort to attend this s^ion; Friday, April t 3:25 the same company went tO',43 / / appreciation of the club's honorary Princeton street for a grass fire. n ia Profaialonal Women’a alub Victory Garden lecture by Prof. At the i^lncoln BCh tonight A. E. Wilkinaon, High School hall member, Mrs. Margaret Prander- This Is on the nmrth side of the arm meat at Center Church ilouae from 7 to 0 volunteer war turnpike, biit the water le from the ^ DAY^ ONLYl^ aauoixcw avaninc. The guest again Issiie coupons iline a t 8 .' gast McLean of Hollywood, Calif., Manchester owned Vater company X. I ■Baakar arm be Raymond Cooper, for trucks. Saturday.C April -18 teacher, writer, dramatic eoach, and le included la the South Man­ Sewing Items, Htiimfe Items, Stationer^xUems and |ark|Ay Says Chance ta ^8 Big Transports \ Local tin can collection. who la deputy air raid warden of and actress, whose birthday will E. Machto chester fire District. Odds Fapor tha local avUlan Defense Coun­ Saturday, April 17 That endbd the fires on Satur­ Novelties. Rb Here Rarly for Best SeWtiobt Swatbin Rdos<Welt cil, and regional deputy chief air Tall Cedars Ceremonial at Ma­ fall this year on Easter Sunday. • ■'X sonic Temple. Irvipg E. Mih(hle. 18, of 9 Hil­ day, but at 12:45 yesterday aftsr- ion *Lhdk* Fifirly lald warden for this district. FoK Changes IMle Mine Grant gave a sjietch of her Pocket Com|bs Carpet Tacks Axis in Any Enemy Destroyer Is lowing his Ulk on air raid ^ o - Tueeday, April 28 life and then read ^..lengthy letter liard street, Manchester, iS' wear­ rood’ ; $mith Chgrges Bombs Rainjed^ Italians Foil taotlon and precautions he will Benefit concert for Red Ckbea by from Mrs, McLepir-to the members ing the forest green uniform of Rat Tail Combs v^ Envelopes \ Blown Up and Sev­ glYt a demonstratlrwi of the opera­ mlnade Club at High School especially for Hils meeting, which the United. Statea Marine Corpq, „j!:ials Show Dia- For Meeting Ook Street Hair Wavers Landing Try eral Other Ships Hit tion of the ClvUlan Defense con­ m en tlo n ed ^t Mias Grant's re­ sa ha undergoes advanded train­ Writing Papei' On Japadese \^^zi Shifts trol center. Members of the club Friday, AprU 8* quest, so<M of the many celebri­ ipect tc^ CtfmmiUee. Mlh Whist Of Soroptlmtst ing. 2 ^ attended Manchester Wave Nets .Needle 'nibeaders And Set Ablaze in are urged to arrive promptly ties vriib are or have been her High School and worked a* * Shoe R^ai'r Shop Chief Observer Sets Club, nlc Temple, puptia \ British Admiral Says^^ Attack on Sea Cbn- eight o'clock. ^turday, May 1 truri/driver prior to bis siulst- IS Oak Street Sewing Thread ''' RicRae^ I WfliAington, April 5.— (IT) Suj^y lines u f Civilians Gathering of Spotters Lsdies' TairCodara ^-^ost of her pupils srs studying moilt inths Marine Corps. ' j-Effom of farm-minded Ways €otd Means WiU The second In, the series of for the stage, screen or radio and Carpet Thread BiasTape voy at Beginning' of For Thursday. Lebanoh, ic haU; achie's.brother, Allen, Is serv-' loatotbxo over-ride Preai- Bcying recitals bjt piano puplU of May 8 Include Tony Belwart who played ng in the army coast artillery. NOW OPEN Mending Cotton Ration Book H^tde Be Found^When Time BritiHi and American Frevk^ Transfer of 100 Battle, One of Great- r> Fred Werner wUl be given In Uie Concert by Beethoven Qlee Club opposite Helen Hayes In “Cani^ Ash Trays at Roofii^lt’i veto of thu Comes to ' Attack, ’ FWaratton room of Center c h ^ The iq^clal meeting of airplane at Emanuel Luueran oHurch. In the Wind," and who prepared \Ftfr Business.Aga^^ Thimbles > ^ - lead biiKwill be beaten, Forces Exhibit In? American and Brit­ est in Tunisian Area. gunday afternoon, April ii spotters has been changed to Friday^^ime 4 hie entire role Under Mrs.^/Mc­ value of the seeing-eye dog. Mlm SherbetK . - ■ — ■ -Xir- a t 1:18. Children between the Tape Measures V kjority I^ e r Barkley Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the High school gpmroatiOB. Lean's direction; also B rei^ Mar­ M. Madeline Stnith reviewed Mar­ Under Nei^ Management BoitTion Dishes ______ London, April 8—<8>)—Adrohal ^ creased Aerial Supe­ ish Citizens from A 1/1 i'e d Headquarters in agas of l l and 14 will present shall and’ Anne Baxter, who play­ cia Davenpbr^book, ‘The Valley Id today, abd W » related from memory a program of about State Trade achool auditorium. ed In ‘The Pled Plper^rMri. Mo- of Decision.'^' EXPERT WORK AT Shoe Laces Cbmic Books ^elo^ment Chbii , n Sm, ith, j'®**' WlUlnm James, chief ^N aval riority Over Burma. France to Germany. N orth^frka, April 6.—(/P)— Informatlan, said todaydice tti dUTfttloiL Chief Observer Elmer A. Weden Lean coached-the epure cast in The mornbers again had ah op­ REASONABLE PRICES Pearl Buttons Screwdrivers ‘ S. C.), charged two high Thirty-one enemy planes, 18 stated today. It was impoesible to Sepd Checks southern dialect in "Whistling in portunity to listen to more poetry ration ofllctais'x with are loaded heavily” in ftlvor of the New Delhi, April ^ ( P ) —British Bern,' Switzerland. April 6.—(A^ of^them big Junkers' trans­ Oeneral Welfare Center NO. 41, Dixie," which necessitated her be­ recordings Including: ‘The Lark,” Coat Buttons Birthday Candles disrespect to U» Senate Axis in any AUied a t t ^ p t to Und and American Air Forces, exhibit­ Srm meet tomorrow evening at 8 hold tha gathering the previous —Italians armed with machine- ports believed bearing gaso­ ing On the set a^wy day or night by Llsette Woodward Reese, “Song Bandage Strips Large Candh» Iculturo comiuittoa. As on the continent Burope, but ha ing Increased aerial superiority o'clock a t the East Side Rac. A night because of oonfilcting aoUvl- for six weeks/ said ways and iHeana. would be guns opposed Nazi orders in a for­ line and supplies to Marshal For Dog Tax the Chattahoochee," by Sidney a ta neared a xb®w*>UB over Burma, /continued yeater^y fuH attendance la requested.
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