
FTtlBAY jijNE K, W BT -'rilUIKMJBTEEN lEtt^nins li^roUi - ^ Avtnifs Dslly N«t Prem T h t W n t h t r For Ike Weak Bndtug rsMcast m 0. a WsstlMr rnmmm Among 81 divorcee, g w t e d in June 88. 1961 Hartford Superior Court yester­ Enters Navy Cheney Aw A. A b o u t T o w n day were; Frances M. Whitneck FarUy cloudy today, vranm rt of JCast Hartford from Ralph E. 10,163 ICr. Mid i t o T T ^ I t o n ^ of Whitneck of Manchester, Opens Year IDDBD iTTBACTION The Hobo Shirt-1951 Variety fe n tttn partly cloudy tm lght; partly MCnIrir of fho Aodlf IM Honry iCMot r*c«iUy rotonied able cruelty, plaintiff granted 810 Boreoa of Olrealstlou Woody and warm tomorrow. •rom « auccMiful M ilnu titp to a week alimony and $16 a week Manche$ter— A City o f Village Charm > m p Otlor on the First OonnecU- for support of one child; Eleanor Representatives of Vari* sut lake la l>ltUbur»h, N. H. The T. Holden of Manchester, from Wil­ qus Divifions of Plonl ncsl couple hrouKht home aeverel son A. Holden of'Glastonbury. In- VOL. LXX, NO. 230 (ClBMlfled Advwttaing am Pnge 19) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS ;ske trout, the largest of which tolerable cruelty, plaintiff granted Are Named srslghs seven pounds ,81 a year alimony and 812 a week ^for itipport of onr child; Doriii E. Bruno Dubaldo and Robert Kul- Kanehl of Manchester, from W il­ The officers of the Cheney Maowskl of this town are among liam E. Kanehl of Manchester, Brothers Athletic Aaaociatlon held , IS students who made the honor habitual intemperance, plaintiff their first meeting of the new *ea- ; t«n o f “the Hartford School of granted 8.10 a month for the sup­ son Wednesday. Activities (or Musie fo r the second semester. ac> port of one child. the coming year were discuased soidlng to an announcement by The different dlvlslona will be rep­ Ward Davenny. school director. LAkota Council. No. «1, Degree resented this year by the follow­ China Communist Reactions on Cease-Fire of Pocahontas, will hold a bam ing people: Yarn mill. Roland A special meeting of the mem­ partv for meintjcrs of the rmincil Farron, dye hou.se, iJirs. Martha bers o f the Second Congregations! ' and their friends tomorrow night McGuire; auxiliary department, church hM '»«*" called for tonight at nine o'clock at the home of George Ijimbert; broad goods at 8 o’clw k at the chiirch. Mra. Amelia Reale. 160 Charter weaving mill, Raymond Keating: 8V A Oak atreet. The committee in Pioneer Parachute Co., Mra. Anne charge, headed by Mrs. Pauline Burke; velvet null and dyeing and Paganl. has .secured an orchestra flniahing. Mra. Nina Armatrong: Motcliing Cep 8I.2S for dancing and will sene refresh- and main office. William Brennan Oiler by United Nations Not Encouraging HEARING-AID iiienls This IS sn snnual event Menihera were elected to the 1 which has proved to be very pop­ Bernard Katiulkl, *lr. nominating, finance, auditing, and BATTERIES ular in previous years. arbitration committeea. Tentative For All Heurlng-Aids Bernard Kasiilkl. Jr.. son of plana were made for an outing on The snnual outing of Hose and Mra. Katherine Kasijiki of 107 July 2.^. Information on the out­ DiAriiM Pearr Propnaal -Ereteady". “Mlnl-Ma*- Ladder Company No 1, S M.F.D . Oakland atreet. left Monday (or ing will he available at a later N o R e p ly ■‘MeepOTT*' will be held on Sunday. .Inly 22. at Gieat Lakes NaVal Training Cen­ 1 dale. the Villa Ixiiiisa. Bolton There I At the rioac of the meeting rake Thai Navy Rebels Kidnap Premier ter, lllinola. SHIP'” SHORE I will he aports during the morning I and coffee was served by Mrs ;«nd dinner will he served si 2 .lO Judy Kargl, president of the asso­ The Wa.shinglon L. O. L . No. Received p m ciation, and Mrs. Jean Richer. 117, will hold a special meeting Thof extro jomethirg tonight at R o'clock at Orange that mokai a dreti May Talk Peace The British-Amenesn riiih hail The Orange degree will he Loyal Forces STS Main St. Ic L 413S postponed its meeting arhfdulrd mere than ju>t Bulletins Hunt Airliner^ 49 From Reds presented and a district meeting You wanted a new H OBO - and here it isl With for Tiie.sdsv, .Tiilv tn Tuf“»dHV. CAIX another dress. will follow. All members are re­ the eosy cut, the two-way collar, the carefree look from the AP Wires Itjly 10 quested to he present. Charles W. Lathrop A gracious, teminine Fight Revolt 'l'cik\ii. .Inly 1. Smiday—(/F) -m double breotled you love. Done this year in big, bold, exclusive Mrs. Mildred P. Kossirk i."!. of FOB ASKS GAS TAX BOOST — The Unitod Nations invited Beginning Sunday. .Inly 1. the Map in clottic, block plaids, in deep pulsating Mexican colors. On Way to Den ver 46 Lenox street, was arrested about A t Bangkok Boston, June SO—iTPi—A two- lilt' ( 'oniniiinista to talk about eight o'clock this morning for s worship service at the Emanuel General Insurance done in Burlinglon'i Ever lovely, ever washable combed gingham — Lutheran church will be held at cent increase In the Sliissachu- a Korean arniistico Saturda.v, stop light violstion at the inter­ 56 BENTON ST.* TEL. ISSS Tom Tom shantung setts gasoline lax was vote6 a. m. (.Mountain suggested peace talks. OF HAVING THE SHAMPOO Force and Police will obey. Standard Timel It was one of was at R.500 feet, south of Our Fifth Anniversary 26, the Biimui of Lalmr Cheyenne and would land St Den­ Official riiine.se and i A telephoned press dispatch United's first flights after s 10- Available At Statistics reported yesterday. ver at 2:10 a. m. Korean Red radios in Peiping from Bangkok to Manila said loyal The Bureau’s over-all uholesale day strike ended yesterday, , Don Uhrich, farmer living seven Nothing was heard from the and Pyongyang made their forces appeared to be slowly over­ price Index was still 15.1 per plane after that. FINEST IN HEAT Prize Will Be Drawn $ 7 . 9 8 miles east of Liveland. sai


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 80, 1951 PAOi tegy prevented Trieste from fall­ Council Considers North Korea Asks Ex-General ing to "Vugoslovia, then tantamount . Bolton DANCE -Miller's H hII Ellington to hftving It fall to Russia. ToHantf TnrapIlM The grav-halred. 61-year-oId Disinterest of Vets w ill b s In. ch o rg s at ths summor LIGHT ROCK Jap Pact Bar U. S. DorlR Mohr fPltalla Mefleni Mifl OW Fash lo a m usle. School Bonds Li Two .States former 88 general smiled as he TrI. ManrbrAt^f 6545 < ABnouncement Is made of the Of Germans told of his order: DaiNiiiR The W eek marriage of Miss lormlne King The Veterans Council of Mnn- 'Thera tarlll be no m id-w eek serv­ Arizona Buffalo on Warpath "I In.structed German traojis on K v»ry Satnntav Night! Sell With Ease of Bnilngton and Robert George (('ontlnaed From Page One) Ritharff H. Roolb, former prin­ ice on Wednesday. Instead, mem­ 1 6 1 frooi P m * O h*> the easteni border to Trieste to cho.ster met at the Vefetrans 8:00 to ItffW P. M. « Schultx of 112 Prospect street. cipal of the local elementary Churche& bers and friends are reminded of at and fast, those on the west to Sorvico Center Wednesday eve­ Rockville, Rev. Gordon E Hohl, the frontiers of thisir state nhoiild Sees ^52 War the eperlal holiday meetings being A flnancinl newR letter /pub- yield. As a result New Zealand school, ha-s announced the estab - Mglwey* w o «**>• pastor of the First I.utheran not be threatened Jn the futtire by ning for their monthly meeting. AouUi Methodist Church 84. Jamee’s R. C. Church TRUE nun held at the Outlook Bible camp, SwibUli cut h y t v j ^ B e c - tanks rolled into Trieste and It be­ liahed by Tbe Klrnt National tiank church, officiating. the armed forces of aggressive i By Richard R. O'Malley liahment of the David Murdock The general discussion con­ Main Street and Hartford Road Rev. John F. Hannon. I*aster Ashford, Route 44. These serv­ tJon* W «**• biociteti came allied territory." of Roaton Indlratea that Man- Announcem ent ia made of the American imperialism, unlawfully A P New sfea llire* Memorial Fund through gifts of MUHN’tiOl Rev. Fred R. Edgar, Minister Rev. George P. Hughea ices will be held at 8:00 and 7:00 HAVORS MUMUri. Now an Ad ftlan cerned the stimulating of 'Veterans cheater (lid well In the anie laat marriage of Mrs. Grace Mae l,ti- baseci in the vicinity. Cologne, flerman^ ■ The four- BURNSIDE AV I nut Mlaa Kathryn O. Bryon, Rex. Edgar J. Farrell p. m. Tn Just one Kansas county— "American oai-upHtion aulhort- Wolff now bus a little advertis­ friends ol the family and school-i interest in eonummitv and veter­ caa of Pinney street. F.llington, to .star German general who onee ask­ ^ M n rilll t Mt*8 MAMCMUIft Director of Christian Education Satu rday. Opening of CTromwell week of the $900,000 Broact ^Street Pott*w»tonue-appnwimately 100 tiea are trying lb turn .lapan into ing office amid Uie rubble of Co­ niale.s of the loeal 11-year-old boy' ans affairs in .Manchester. The At your rfuotof* Edward Joseph !.,«Roche of Wind- ed the Allies to join with Germany Sunday Massce. 'Junior Girls’ Camp. Sc'hool Rnml.s iKHiie. The Honda brtdK** reportetl washed out their military arsenal and the . logne. The going is hard for a man who lost his life so tragically a ' various representatives were AIB CONDITIUNED Herbert A. Franco, aor. Rev. Forrest Musser, pastor of In a w ar against Ru.Hsia ttilnk.s ttie F o r ad ults: 7. 8. 9. 10, 11 with Durlq^ the month of July the aold at 1 HO per rent Intercat vClth la th* last IS days. chief military base of American ^ with seven children. He never was Minister of Music Union Congregational church, offi­ Soviet Union will attack the west month ago. Mrs. Thomas Bent­ agreed to the necessity of a pro­ two masses at 9 and 10. one In the pastor will be on vacation. If ai-Maahattaii. flood waters of aggression in the Far F.ast and to : formally accused of war crimes, ley, local and achool librarian, has gram presented through the “A TERRIFIC SHOW” a prcmhiin of 240 rtvlnrlnjj the BEVERAGES a ciated. in 19.">2 and is the only former German •main auditorium at 9 for adjilts anyone desires-, pastoral counsel­ aveniKe Inti'ieat to 1.77. Tlie thalKaMMS rlrer spread over • ' use the revived Japanese army as been named aan ; be liientifled as being piircbased Ju ly 11th. O larael " - Buck. ing by automobile. land froni IiiR po.st afl Gerniiin IMn*—VOL' MI ST SEE TH151 St. Bridget’s Church rice .Swenson. 60 Birchwoxxt road, NOTICE , for all time renounces war and the 1930'8. nays he belleveH Red through the David Murdock Me- ■Phe Disabled American Veter­ Communion Hymn. "For the rent Th»' Iclte r atato.a that work by boat. Mrs. Effie Kibbe of . Hartford military jjovernor of Italy to make troopH will roll tow ard the we.st in Rev. .lamee P. 'Tlninilns, Paator East Hartford. Hartford 8-3694. “durinc the piiat week tlii> niunici- I also renounces the cmidoyinerl of ! morial Fund. Kince David was al-i ans. Veteran.a of Foreign Wars. '*90 Year* Before Yoar Cyoa" Bread Which Thou Haat Hip-deep water flowed through and her .son George Kibbe. Sr . ac­ Rev. Hrnnialaw GadarnwakI and military force as s means of set­ 1952, and .*iome form er >;eneral.s I ways eager to read books oii |American Legion. Catholic War Arthar (todfre>—1:15 Broken Agape. piil miirki't haa ti'on uoMte-idv T i l l ': o f f i c f : o f other smaller towns. companied by Miss Alice Hyde of who fought Rii.sala ahare hie viey.’. R uoo with the idea that It may be used 1 Morning Worship at 10:00 o'clock. Sunday, June 30. highwBv.s and bridges m ay further Supper will be obscceil in the KI- the I'nited .States di l nfit pnssi ss St, Francis of .\sslsl Cfuircii In Srhnni RinMimr 1-in'l't le r a to purchase some item ol furhilurc Prelude “Lento" - Millet. 9:30 am.. Divine worship with Oimplicnte the movement of grain j liugtou CouKregntloual church on strategic bases In .l.ipan and 11 on- STARTS South WtmiMor, Route 802 '.’0-vear sp in .at OH oretMi .11 l.V I t TO Al'O. l.st Tardy (.IfmgresN ,1 Ol equipment for the school li- Proce.ssional hymn. "Holy. Holy Holy Coniniunion. f to elevators as the harvest pro- Suiiduy morning at lOil.t trnli .lapan's military potential It N ear Burnham ’s C om er 2 1 4 ix'r c) lit M l ( .1 1 There will be a choir irbcars.il at I brary when the need arises which H oly" - Dyke.s. I Organ Prelude. Fourth Concer­ ,rresse...______| would have been umilili' to uiun'i- Tom orrow Offertory anthem. "Fear Le Not, Rev. Falward J . IMiffy, l*astor Mi).t .$300 000 I’.nti' 7;H0 p. m. in the Kilingtoii C oiigic I could ;hen be identified with a STATE to. Allegro. Dupuis. lake the Inter/i'nlIon in Korea on Rev. FYaneis Kravetls, Chirale j Raees Deadline|I suitable plaque. O Israel' - Buck. Hymn, "When Morning Gilds Arizona BiilTaIn m ay get pushed around by defense effort. Vi'nr. at 2 '.. jM'r I't'ot The U. S. Fish and Wildlife ^ Rational church Thursday, July ft surh s liroad seale" I For the Sunday before In.lepend. j Communion hymn, "For the the Skies." Landes Domini. Service reports dom esticated E\i- As regards I'omnuinlst •’’hina. M aases at 7, 8. and 10 a. m. 11)11 j (CV>nUiiued from P age One) ■ ' enre Day, Rev. Arthur A. Wallace Bread W’hich Thou Haat Solo. Mrs. Catherine Johns. Bv .Initii's t'nrv ' XiiHsy <>)iisiimpt Up ropean geese and swans have lived It said: L aka. wilt gall on a six weeU.s' Broken"—Agape. C ontralto. \l' New sfoutures |70 or SO years. "The fTlinese people's RepublU' of Center Congregational ifmrch. /ion Lutheran rniise of Iceland. Briti.sli Isles and Slrawherry ^larl Bermon. "You Shall Be Free" — 1 Hymn, "There's s Wideness In ' M, Ihc.iii nc V ) . <, . is the chief factor In the k'ai Fast, I er*\’ and reached President 'Pruman hii.s chosen as his sermon. "Author t'oneordla Evangelical Lutheran tile Sciiiuliniivmii rouiiliies. .Iiilv I’liociux. An/ OiH' of tic- Rev. Fred R. Edgar. I I d' anlc m )rc ...... ’ i and without her participation no I for signature ahead of the dead- of l.ilierty" Servire.s will be held f'hurch God’.s M ercy." Wellesley. 3. Tliey plnli. also, to vl.sil I’m iis sliclics’t. tic t-|c-c) imff do lu-rils tn hne at 11a. ni. There will he no Service of Holy Communion. | Offertory. Largo from Double Pieiiie Sunday I c'"a v ct I t's, and a i c ii . ; I ' EikIs 1'oniorroH peace setllemenl can have eith- i Garden and Winter Streets before retiiriiiiig Moiidav, .Mr.s. tile mdiicn may so m t'c gununmi; l.'dcs I •■.I v.-ir I'l <•, 1 ..f,. ; 'Mie atof>-gap auiiuu ily will end i Church school session for the re­ Recessional hymn, "God of Our Rev. Erteh O. Brandt. Pastor Concerto. Bach Frill was giie.sl of liotior at a boii legal or effective force" up t'ncle llaiu's iialioird defc-nse i l')-|l. I'u- Au' li: '-..... Personal Notices ! whenever tliese l)dla are rom- mainder of the summer. Fathers"—National Hymn. | Barclay F. Wd. Organist and Sermon by tbe pastor. voyage party given liy Mrs. .lolin The nnmitil piriiii- plans of the ciTorl j i )r;i"'i I 'cl O 'o I'll 1 . jd 'o "' Sales totaling J1.M2 83 weie I pleted. j Worship services at TJnitixl Postlude, "Maestoso ". 4'hntnnaster Hymn. "Bread of the World, in Zion I.iitheraii i-luirrh, Coopt'r and | MarVeiigli at her lioiiie, ^ Mrrri recorded at the auction market ■RAW^ E i S Merry Broken." Rendez A. Dieii I Till- sliaggy lii.'.on. now loaim ng ; )),'■'»• .Sni I’lrd 't? s '■! O') ) i.. In Memoriam The Senate made .several Mclhodisl church will be held at The Week ! ---- Higli street. have been i tianged maCH Fiiriii. Giic.sls included Min , yesterday. A high of Jll ,10. a low Hymn, "Strengthen for .Service. | a lu'.ti .H null acre ra m e m soutii I lidmc II Ail' 8'Vu;ri o'in pi'uni . , t In k.Tlnf memory oi our doar m->the First Polio ( '.iise ; change m the House emergency 10:4.') a. m. tomorrow. Rev. J. R. Monday morning at 9:00 a. m. ! Siinilay, July 1. the Sixth Siin- llii.s year In on ler to im lnde and M aurice laMiiuird. M is. liv in g of J5 and an average of $8 61 was i Lord, the Hands," Arh Gott I'nd • casicin Anzoim, me iu;ld m tlu' I cIi.M’oIa' e. j Mr*. lUrRh Woodhou^r whn pArac, I measure intended to .slightly re­ Yeagers' sermon wjll be entitled. THE MEN.. THE BADGE.. .THE LEGD4D the Community "Vaealion Chiireh ! day after Trinity, acconiinoilate more In pa.sl yeai.s I.Kilir, Mrs Kdiia K im ingloii. Mrs. Come To received from 1.^3 crates. I Herr. middle of till’ state'a la-st inddary i 4.WA Tuly 1 3M4. duce .spending author.ty for num- "Religion, the .Spice of Life". . of Iho Lon* WoH Wotchdo^i school will hold Ita opening sea 9 a m., Wor.ship Sei-vice. I the pii'iiir lia.s been held on Satu r- L litber Buell. .Mrs l.iiV ergne W il­ Alwayt rrroombered A spokesman announced closing Reporird i'ocla\ Organ Postlude, "Grand Choeur training ground Tiic area is 111 ■ I Men. K arl W olff erou.y non-defense agem des find e x ­ Church school and adult study of the Leo* Star Stot« sions at South church amt Cen­ Prelude. "Priere A Notre I days for the Sunday schiail par- liams and M1.N.N Amy Bin iici ee, Son* and dauRhirr*. of the market at the end of to­ 1 Dialogue." Gigoret. niajoi pillion of iiuitonc h'l'l lie fears Red war In *5?. pand it for defense and foreign group sessions will be omitted for ter Congregational church. Dame." Boellman. I ticiilarly. and more recently the Mrs. Wiliiiim.N' bouse gucNt tiius I Mr«. ElixAbr*h Stour morrow's session. The mart has I I’lilon worship services will be week. M uaclm cii's 7.'>.I>IM)-u" c ii-.sci va- H^etcalfe I Mr*. Loulpr Saxon. I First polio suspect of the sea aid. th e sum m er. N ursery cla.s.ses, 7:4ft p m. Monday, regular Serm on. “ F'ullne.ss of Jo y ." i Vacation Bible .scliool. Tills year been operating for the past 21 luR propop.al Mis attem p t to create Solo, "Mv Soul Is Athirst for 11'cbi at this church during the Lieuteiiiinl Colonel and Mi.s ,liiv lion, when' li d li the An I'oi ce Frrd Woodhou** son was reported loitay in Man- held during morning worship hours monthly meeting of the OfBclal ' il will l>e held after Sunday .si liool BEA9H m n lES days and report a total sales a W estern a)lwuu*e for f{ar(fl«‘S8 of Card of Thanks i Olsen, son of Mr, and Mrs l>'slie church, will continue as u.'-'tial. 8:00 p. m. Friday, there will be prano I row. .Inly 1. I’HM C .11 t.S been 836.’) erstes of berr ies sold lie Saved I'. S. LUen 'government agencies during July Organ Offertory, “Chorale Pre­ dist Chiirrh for the month of Au­ 1 The couple will) lii.-;| year liouglil Till' post, 1ft miles (I'cm tile W» w4ih to thank all of our neigh- i 1 Olsen of 73 Alton street. -Mr. Yeager and a group of Sun­ a meeting of the Temperance com- The Sunday school bus will niaKi- or niodol we can in­ 'Die youth was stricken several But A \..s tl^e erase-lire order or until regular apiiropriatlons. in lude on "Behold a Rose Is Bloom­ gust and the first Sunday in Sep­ . tile former l.eHtci llulrliiiis farm. I Mexican liordcr. was di'rdecl to the ' bora, frlenda am.' relatives for the 1 day school hoys will make a pa­ hriittee in the Ladies parlor. leave at about 11. a fte r the close Arthur Drug Stores stall new iiln.ss without de­ Appreciated Effort Ijv Utillf that bmnt;lU about the which such authority has been cut tem ber. : more iccciitly knouii a.s i‘'i)\tull I 'l a t i ' a fte r W orld W ar II II is ■lacy acts of klndnesa and sympathy . days ago and was admitted to I.so- per collection in town on Monday ing," Boellman. of the morning service, wbicti be­ (jorinan capitvilation in Italy. Some l)nrk, are completed. I Farm, have .solil it lo Mi, ninl lu’ing ri'iictt\iitc'd l)v ttic twn serv- lay. ; ahown us 1« our recent bereavement \ Philadelphia - (NKAi For I lation HoKnltal In Hartford Peter afterniM)!!, rcsi'lent.s are remindcil. '■Postlude. "T o cca ta in C Minor,” gins at It) The boys and gil ls who .Vineiit'.'iM oflircrH iie d it liim u ilh ! M r s . .N 'o i niaii .Sc Im.ssicr ol New I ices, imicii to tile dchglii nf most hi Wa aapertally thank all those mho sent , winning the intercollegiale light­ Its being treated as a suspected If the Miutse rcfuse.s to accept The MYF will meet at the cluircli Talcottvtile CVmgregattonal Boellm an. Mary’s Episcopal Church rame on the bus, and as many the beautlfui floral tributes snd loan- . I Yorli. Mrs Sclms.slcc is a tcaciicr I sta le officials Iml not lo A il- weight ehampinnshlp, members I ease of Infantile paralysis. It was saved severnl lluuwand .M- the Senate amendment.^, a Senate- on T h illfciav at 7 p. m. and then (thurch The Week Church and I.octist Streets others as possllile needing trans­ ad the uaa of oars. | at Hunter College in tli;it city and 1 7ona's game and fish cominu sinn- of the Pennsylvania Uiii-pound hearned that the ease is that of a liod livr-v by H lioilem nj; the w ar House conterence must meet and go on In Memorial Field for their Rev. James A. Bull, Pastor 9-11:4S a m., Mon . Tues. . Rex. ,\lfred I- Williams. Rector portation, will bi‘ ncciimiiiodated. i crew were awarded major seven- "non-paralytic snspei led polio I hei p. .Schiisslcc plans lo opci.itc ' a) cfs. Ttiei' are cola .'riu'-l over LAND SURVEYING Mr, and Mrs. Michael Oddsnlder j adju.st difTerencPs. Then both the weekly ba.sehall game. Wilfred A. Kent, CKolr Director ' Thurs.. Frt.. Emanuel-Concordia i Rev. Jamea 8. Neill, Drivers of private ears leaving ' ^ I ( use.” WnlfT nl.so rlaim a that lus stra- poultry farm, (’oh)iu'l ZrHiiu*!, who uhnt to Imppon to tliuir '‘mIiow - and family. I inch varsity P's. House and Senate would have to The Bolton baseball club will John Williams, Organist I Vacation Bible School for alt i Rector Emeritus from the church are a.skeil to take H[)prove the coinproini.se before it to tDWAfil) SMAU. PfOdoclwm iterrni ^ ______I children, ag es 4-14. Opening wor- ; IS frcqilcn lly .sent to oilier si'i t ions I piece' " liiiffalo licrd. and j:7ft.ndd Edward L. Davis, Jr. play Hehron In that town on .Sun­ Rev. Rirhard B. Kalter. Assistant othera. Those attending are to goet to the White House. . day at 2'30 p. m. The team will Prelude-"Aua Metnes Herzens xhip at Emanuel fach clay^ Phone , bring their own liinrheons. Tbe of the couiiliy m comic, lion wdli , exp. ii leij on an oiildo..i Inboia- EORGP MONTGOMERY • GALE STORM liia work and lias Just now return- loiv Registered l4ind Surveyor pl.-iy at Memorial Field on the Oninde” Bach pa.stpr Brandt to enroll, or enroll .Sunday schiail staff will provide The 6th Sunday after Trinity. ed from Texas w licre llic couple 15 I’ riM'lor Itoiiil, ftlanehesler I'ourth of July when they meet for some refreshments for the I Mnffalo. once altuosi extinct. -■ i tFRBMF rnilRTL/lND-NO&H BEERY, Jf.-WILLI.«jyi BISHOP H y m n - "O E>ay of Rest arid Glad-1 a* <^e schoo^ i 8 s. m.. Holy Communion, cele­ have spent most of Uie year dui - pupils. ii"W thrive on many prnlecti'd Tel. 1019 .\ndovei. al.so at 2 30 p. ni. ness." ' ing which they owned the propei- brant. the curate. iTinges in the west Arizona lias Come To Wappilig tn "Lorna Doone" Reaponslva Reading. Zion Evangelical laitheran Church A program of recreation with ty, has found it mipnssdile lo cur­ to a. m.. Holy Communion, cele­ dhree herds, stfirteit friou a small Scripture: Matthew 18:21-38. Cooper and High Streets races, games, sports, baseball ry out Ills plans for tlic propertv. brant. the rector. Sermon by i group of 50 trall-hei'Icil li'lo the Anthem—"’The Spirit In Our ; Rev. I’aut G. Prokopy. Pastor games for yiumg and old, married Wouldn't you like to l.-iki' a ill- 11 Rev David Croekett will preach TODAY l. "ON THE RIVIERA" the curate. state in IttOO Tli'‘ Itua'lini'a Metcalfe Drive Safely Over The Fourth Hospital INoles Communion Meditation- "The’ Altss Marion A. Erdln, Organist and unmarried, has been planned. tie city rtiild into ymig home and Musical outline of this service. I unit. 3fto anlnial.'i slro iir is liy far at the Wapplng Conununity Forgiven Should Forgive" (Par­ The piriile will be held at Martin give bun, or licr, n Iwd weeks' vii- Processional Its la I gi’st I chiucli, Sunday, on the topic, "Tlie Today ...... 89 able of the Unmerciful Servant) The Sixth Sunday after park in East Hartford where there ralion" More than l.ft families . . . for iflass table-tops, Ju lv 1 "God of Our Fathers" "it will be Inipossit'Ie In move Value of the Little Things." at tjie A'lm.'ttr*! yestmlay: Barry Communion Hymn—"Here O Lord are recreational fneilitiea of vari­ did ttiat last year and many of either clear or mirrored. T rinity. Sequence— ous kinds. Any ehildren planning them," Thomas L Kiuit'-'ll. game 10 a ni ser vice. ' Gowlr.s. 7*2 Hutlnon : Philip I See TTiee Face To Face.” Sunday school. "They Cast Tiielr Nets In them kept their little guest long- 9 :0 0 a. m. to go in swimming must he at- and fisli itirei lor. ssM "We They are safeguards for WiUiain. 2'’. K.ssex street; Ro/jer T h e Sacram en t o f Holy- Com ­ 9:30 a. m. Adult Bible class. G_____ alilee” ! er, one even iavilin g tiini liiu k for On SEIBERLING Safety Tires! florace C. Vibert, former Town FUN TONIGHT AT THE tended by their parents. have no plar e lo put that many fine furniture plus added Schuetz, nrjrt Oakiaiid street; Rich­ munion. 10:00 a m. Nur.sery in the par- . offertorv - Christ mii.s. More tlian I ft are Imd- Court Judge, was again contlrm»d The ehildren will be taken home liuffah) " ard Jai'kson, Talrottville; Mrs. AIR-CONDITIONED Hymn ".Savior. Again To Thy ish hoiiae during ohiireh worship. ^ -n„f| so Loved the , 1\" needeil .so if you i-ari, aiul uill. beauty. for that post, Tuesday by Cmver- between 3:30 and 4, or earlier. A (ItliiT tliitigs an- at slake loo. Pearl ('iiffin, M2 Midtlle Turnpike, Dear Name W’e Raise." |I i0:0010:0.0 a. m. Divine worship. I World"W orld " ...... Stain er I tak e a cliild .Mrs. lyoiiis S o n in lu, I nor Lodge. eordu 1 welcome to attend is ex­ The Aiiz.ona game amt M.sli (|e- east: Mrs Omiher, .32 Ln- P ostlude— "S in e N om ine” ...... Text: Matth. .'>:20-26. Tbcme: Icommunion Hymn ; chairman of the committe<' m Under direction of First .Select- tended to all members and friends parlnu'iit lias plante't many • len stre e t; Mis.s M arjorie B rou n ...... "Christ's E.stimate. and Require-] -My God. Thy Table Now I chnrga of placing Herald-Trllmiie • man Richard Jonea the town crew of the Sunday school and congre­ forms nf animal life in Itie Uua- METCALFE Ku);er8 plac e. ’The W eek inent of Righteousness." i', Rpresd" I Fresh Air Fund children for two l.s busy oiling all town highways gation. clinca mniintains. A lu i'l nf an ­ Admitted tiuiay: Mrs. Sophie Sunday— | 11:00 a. m. Sunday School »noxter I-renrh. 33 Pnlo of nrwspnp^ra on Wimlemere .street. Saturday^— Friday. 7:30 p. m Adult |usual, ward have as their guests this nounced th at Ml.ss Cora Welil), Kel.sey I’oint with Mrs Hill .s OF YOUR LIFE in Amorl(“rt wan rare brforo the incitliei. Mr.s. Bri.stol when they r 7 :1 5 p. m.. CTiolr rehearsal In membership group will meet. | week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thome home demonstration agent for ToU onrly 1H.30r. CHURCH SCHOOL return Mariaji will go to Canton OAK GRILL — Manchester's Hnest Night Club the church. diristlan Science Society of Arcadia. California. The x’lsit land County; Saul Silveralein, is the first In 21 years for the two prominent business man from with her grandmother to visit n'l- The First Congregational Masonic Temple A Pleii.sanI anil Worthwhile Suninior F,x|x>rience For .ati),'e.s Iff CONDITIONED women who met and bei ame good ftl^nciiesti'r. who has a an miner f i Emanuel Lutheran (Yiurrh Church of Vernon Children, Airo.k 4-14 M l. and Mr.s. Uo.t'd Heveni r and I Sunday .service. 11:00 a. m. friends while cabin mnte.s on a home on Columbia Lake; ami Har­ Rew. Cari E . Olson, P asto r Vernon Center liner taking them to Europe in family of fieming street are on an EASTWOOD George B. Higgins, Pastor ' Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. ry Chalmers, manager of the Wil- auto tour of (Tiicago. Detroit and Okumeie W. Helsing, Organist Wednesday evening meeting, 1930 wlien the two attended the limantic branch of the .Southern . Bihle Study—llandfrnft—Wor.')hip—Play othe’- places of interest. .Ash (lartlncr llnrhara Hale and ftioimiaster 8:00 p. m. The public is cordially Worlil-Wicle Chri.stlsn Enilenvor New England Telephone Company, Sunday, July 1. Morning service , Conference held in Br'rlin. Ger­ Robert Rirhard Greene SUN. and MON. will be Judges. ’ 1 liTPI n V D T l‘MT K M Itchiim CENTER Sunday. July 1. Sixth Sunday man v, that year. They parted on M rs. I,U"Sky nl.so said iioya xvill I jlll.Y '2-1.3.9 lo 11:4.7 A. M. ‘‘I.ornn men'I^'orthe l!ord>‘‘sup7er w-Tn'^ i for the dock at New York when they M.jMaBMnMBIW U ‘•Mv 2 -DAYS ONLY-2 After Trinity. obserx-ed and there will be a rerep- i subject of the Lesson-Sermon for dress as clowns and soil halloona (Monday thru Friday, July 4 Kxcludod) Ruth Millett Forbidden Doone" 9:00 a, m., Divine Worship and arrived back in this country. along the line of march, adding to Sunday achool. Since then, during the years of the festivities. (.'lown costumes } Past" < lo roiori h'rshTn Tommunton°Mera^ I Text is from Habak- their marriage, they have corre- MOTORS Prelude. Keeping Hubby In Apron S:15-fi:?0-9:35 4:50-0:10 • 2 OUTSTANDING HITS * t^n" On'the BTaklng of Bread." i 2-I'- "„rt'h^ "ion- are needed and any who have one ; ji t * 1 ' Solo—"Come Ye Blessed" ..Scott spondeil regiiiarly. Mrs. Thorne Is to loan are requested lo call either j Main Sfreef Will Be Rough on Marriage Jtlondav. July 2- Sessions of the . ^ th fnv2r in the" East to attend the Girls' Hazel Anderson nual Vernon Vacation Church , " J I^ rd , as the waters cover of these two women or Willnir Next To The I’ost Office "Share the home-making re- S t a r t s S u n d a y Offertorj-. Friendly Conference at Connecti­ (TIRE CARE) Hchool will bopin a t the T alcottv ille t F letch er. .sponHibllitie*" seema to be the "Ketlles Back On The Farm” COutoNT BE BIGGER! Sermon: "The Other Cheek. " cut College for Women. The cou­ Emanuel Lutheran The Recreation Council, which new theme eong of the women's Conpropational church from 9 to i Selections from the Bible in- ple have their young son. David, I also "Along The Great Divide” Poatlude. sponsors the ex'ent. has been nio.st i u m agazines. IT 11:30. The school in open to chil- elude the following; Howbeit w ith them . THE FINEST A tbouiand otSe* of roguig* Following the service, there will (iron from 3 year^ up and will run | when he, the Spirit of truth, la pleased from a rail: from Amlover ! In articles and even advertise­ be a picnic at Goodwin Park, Mrs. Clair L. Robinson, wife of ments. the new look In the home roaring river where you had to be for two weeka (excepting Inde-i g3iide you Into all the first .selectman, is a patient at Orange, neighboring friends, who ’ Church Hartford, for ehildren of the truth: for he shall not speak of IN USED OARS seenrs to portray Papa wearing the a gUm among men to oun ivet pendenee Dayi. Windham Community Memorial have asked to enter a float In the Church school, their parents and himself; but whatsoever he ahall parade. . Spon.sored By apron, at least part of the time. Tuesday. July 3- Choir rehearsal hospital where she is convalescing PROGRAM E . M . L O E W S other members and friends of the hear, that shall he speak: and he Open Until 9 Eveninjis It's all supposed to be very gay at 7 p in. in the sanetuary. from surgery perfomied Tue.sday. Arthur Loiighrey had as his Kmaiiiif’I mid roncoi'dia liUtheran Churches HARTFORD congregation. will shew .x’ou things to come.” and modem Papa baby-sitting .Thursday, July 5 - Church Coun­ A. R. Sharpe, local architect, . is house guests for a few days. Wil­ Rank Financing I Joh n 1 6 rl3 i. while Mams has her evening out D R I V E - I N The Week cil meets at 8 p.m. In the parson­ also a patient at the same hospi­ liam Sneider and Stewart Bezner A CORDIAL WKLCOMK TO ALL CHILDREN w.dth the girls. Papa taking the M onday— „ age. Note: this has been postponed Correlative passages from the tal. He was operated on Wednes­ friends from New York. | 1949 Oldsmobile 88 4> dirty clothes to the walt-whlle-tt- 9:00 a. m.. Opening session of due tn the holiday Wedne.sday. Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ day and Is reported to be doing washes laundry. Papa pushing a the vacation Church .school. Saturday. July 7 -- Annual ence and Health with Key to the well. Chiirrh of the .N'azarene | door Futuramic. Rodio baby carriage. Papa In arpoiv cook­ ® ™ W T E 6 :3 0 p. m.. Boy Scouts. Chiirehi School picnic at Sweet­ Scrip tu res.” by M ary B a k er Edd.v, Mr. and Mrs. William 8. Burn­ ' 466 Main Street * Olid Heater, White ing for the guests. Papa drying 8:00 p. m., Board of Trustees. heart lake in Stafford Springs. Include the following tp. 55i: "Tlje ham of North Windham hax'e pur­ Jam ea R. B ,.| | , Paalor Cipn Save You Moiw^ 1 * '■ Randolph Nrott W ednesday— lime for the reappearing of the di­ dishes. And .so on and on. chased the old Clarke .or Fitch Walls. Rroderlrk Craviford vine healing is throughout all, I'v e even noticed In some pic­ Luther League hike and break­ place, on "Hebron road. Just west Sunday. July I The Saixailon Army time; and whosoever layeth hisj tures lately that Mama stts proud­ fast. Those attending will leave of Columbia Center, from Mrs, 9:30 a. m."; Bible da.xs. • , 1949 -Plymourii Club “When the from the church at 5:30 a. m. 661 Main Street earthly all on the altar of divine Helen Clarke Tipper. The house, 10:45 a. m.. Morning worship. , ly by In a nlfty-looklng outfit Major and Mrs. B. C. Joneo Coupe. Radio and while Papa, in arpon, shows off at Science, drinketh of Christ’s cup which has been owned by three 6:.30 p. ni , Young I’eople's ,So- " In Congress Daltons Officers In Charge now. and is endued with the spirit the kitchen range. generations of Mrs. Ripper's fam- ciely meoting. Heater. and Reduce Hdt-Wediher Bolton Congregational Cfiurrh and power of Christian healing. In | ,iy^ has tieon unoccupied much of Aren't we overdoing this domes­ Rode” Rev, .Arthur A. Wallace. .Minister 7:30 p. m , Evening service. Sunday. July 1 the words of St. John: 'He shall tlie time for a gooV-. I leave the rest strictly up to the was disturbing seme sleeping chil­ CLEAN USED CARS 1950 Chevrolet Styleline I feminine members of the family? j Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, Pastor and Songster picnic at Bolton. 10:30 a. m.. Breaking of the dren at eight o'clock, they would, Get More Miles From Present Tires — Plan Now For New Tires I Domesticate the male animal Rev. Dorothy Wells Pease, I Bread. in the future, blow it at seven *44 A N D UP DeLuxe 2-door. Radio •ftlinlster of Education 12:15 p. m.. Sunday School, o'clock' eacli Wednesday. too much and we're bound to end Cox'enant Congregational and Heater. White 7 :00 p. m.. Gospel m eeting. There are to be no fireworks I up with less feminine women and URA ELLIO n .Andrexv .A. W atson, Church I permitted on Columbia's CJommu- W alls. I less he-man men. jT A Sltrlmi ProtfuclMT'^ l''e Minister of Music 43 Spruce Street The Week ‘ HIGHEST (All rights reserved, NE.A Service, nity beach. A notlcis to that effect Pfeientitie^ Rev. Cart M. Helgerson, pastor I Tuesday, 7:15 p. m.. P ray er In c.) has been posted and anyone diij- 1948 Buick 4-door. Ra­ Jjn c a A i IHERCURY Sunday, July 1, 9:15 a. m. Paul Paige, Organist m eeting. STARTS TUESDAY EVENING ------Prelude—"Meditation" ...... Shaw Friday, 7:48 p. m., Bible study. obeylng the nile will be barred PRICES PAID dio and Heater. Twa-Mtnnts Kelnaman from the area. Hymn. Sunday, July U JEFF CHANDLER "SMUGGLERS" The Growing Homenjakers 4-H 1949 Plymouth 4-d^. Sermon by Rev. Reuben E. Gil­ 10:00 a. m„ Morning worship New York—yp>—Sep Palin, vet­ 8t. John’. Pollali Natloiuil Club, with their leaders, Mrs. John EVELYN KEYES in ISLAND" more of Bostdh, Mass. service. Arthur Swenson will Rodio and Heater. \ eran horseman, baa driven more Cragin and Mrs. Hyland Tasker, CENTER MOTORS Anthem—"Lord, For Thy Tender bring a message concerning the Oattioltc Churoh . MORIARTY two minute mites than any other PLUS . . . Ann Blyth, Mark Stevans in "KATIE DID IT* went to Gillette's Castle for an all- Main Street— Next To Tba BROTHERS M ercies S a k e ” ...... F a rra n t Galway Street work of the Gideons. In the ab­ reinsman, A'alin la credit^ With day picnic ’Tuesday. The group 1947 Mercury Club Offertory— “Canxona" ■ . ,y ...... sence of our organist, Paul Paige, Rev. StepbMi 8. Stryjewnkl Post Office 64 such performances. Twenty-four •Rn d s t i , I t "TO K YO had a delightful time, the children Coupe. R^io and Ilf CINTfl SlJIlil UANCHISIifl ...... W olitenholm e who has been accepted as a coim- Open Rvening. Until V miPHONI SllS of these rides' were with Grey­ TODAY SEALED CARGO ploa FILE >lt” Hymn. were especially Intrigued witli the .selor for tlie entile summer at Sunday. July 1; varliMis gadgets in tile castle. Ranh Financing Heater. hound, the world's champion trot- Postlude "Sing Unto God” , ------, Camp-of-tl;,e-Woods, the assistant 8:30. Mass. -Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frid, of, 9 2 3 MAIN ST. P H O N E 417i; (JudM Maccabeus) ...... Handel i organist, Mrs. Kenneth Nelson, 10:30, High mtM. West Hartford knd Columbia V i. L

'■ t. 1 ‘ 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, JUNE 80. 1051 PAGE P IV E MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1951 ------# ------PAOS Wellesway Forma, guesta of Ur. dren In the rural area of the town noon at five o'clock. Alderman WHAT — 616 UConn Summer and Mrs. Fred Way. Rockville between the ages of three and thir­ Harry F. K.rtel Is in charge of ar­ Itusband over the weekend where, WTIC - I960 Ernest Dingwell, who la em­ teen are eligible to enroll. rangements. they will reside In Blackatone, Va. ployed at J. W. Hale's store in Miss Margaret Wallace of tlie Today^s Radio WFHA—108.7 1‘nUMite Hearing South Coventpy Services at the First Congrega­ WDRC — 1880 %7 Manchester, is having hia annual Connecticut Council of Churches, WTIIT — 1280 Events Listed Judge Thotnas K. Rady will hold tional church In ekmth Coventry WONS — 1416 Bnatoni Standard Time vacation. Churches Start will be director and will be assisted a hearing at the Ellington Dls- ■In. FaaflM kitfla beginning Sunday and for the Mr. and Mra. Oren Thompoon hy the following tearheri- Nur­ IMcl Probate office in the Memo­ sery, Mm. Chester llau; kindergar­ * Dolly O n M trr l - f t summer will begin at 9:30 a.m. have moved into their new home rial Imildlng, Rockville, on Mon­ Mailing MANCHESTER DIRECTORY 1:00— 5:0j>— Extrusive Program Is ten. Mrs. Richard Jackson; first The Qreen-Chobot Post, Ameri­ on Gilead atreet. Summer Slates day. July 2, nt 10 a m, ii|>«n Mie can Legion, has.erected fireworks W D R C - Nawi WON8- -Bobby Benson. The Teen-Agera held their reg­ and second grades. Mrs, .lohii Stev­ M/V PEMAQUID Roland A.‘ JohMon of Old Tum- Marine in Review. application of Mra Dorolliy Giir.- stands at George Hawkes vege­ WCCC—Mu«lc. r ' WTHT Planiietl for Entertain- ular meeting at the home of Floyd enson; third and fomlh grades, ■tte Road. Co\tntry, haa ac- WKNB News; Baseball Re­ n\an, ndmlnisl ratrlx of the eMlntc From New London ,_.lli6 6 A m table stand on the Plains road and W TH T—News Kogil on Gilead street. Sunday Mrs. Maurice Fllding, and fifth and of her liUHliaml. llu' late Arthur K. From Block Island _ _ _ Sl4S F. M>‘ of questquest MMatinee. ment During July Over Fifty Feel of Iron Mptad tiM poaiUoo principal of on the site of James Ferrigno's W TIC—New*. evening. During the evening the sixth grades, Mrs. Gerald Newell. Guzman, for an order to eompro- fDayUght Saving Tlmnl W H A Y —Saturday Mattne*. WDRC—Old—Old Rec(Record Shop. Ra*iegton High School In Con- new proposed barber shop on Main young people presented a gift to Feiiee Knoekeil Over Children not already registered are inlse a certain cliilin agalnat Mrs FARES (Ooml lot day ol InaM aalF> street In South Coventry. There OF BUSINESS SERVICES WKNB—Nrwa; Parade of HIta. W TIC—Conditions in Korea Storrn. Conn., June 30 An ex­ asked to contact Rev. George H. Aoctleut. The achool la attended Mr. and Mrs. Oren Thompson. A Mary Cnzinnn Mrs. Guzman la WEEKDAY! will be no American Legion stand i WONS—News. 5:15— tensive recreation and entertain­ soft bn II game was enjoyed. Re­ At Danielk Mill Here Higgins of Vernon Center or Rev. ■* apiwdmately 160 atudenta. Mr. W T IO -T h e Fourth in France. aecvlng u life sentence at the Ni- S2.00 on* w ay S2.S0 I . T* at Haddad's on South atreet as 1:15— ment pnigram has been organized freshments of Bitz crackers, co attended by post representatives, WONS—Challenge of the Yukon University of Connecticut, it Is an­ barber shop at 14 West street, El­ teacher of phyalca for 6 years at work, of which he is the local Fine Printing things ncce.snary to make up a WONS—"Navy .Show W TH T—Vacationtime. day evening. July 8, at 7 o'clock fect In RockvUie churches on Sun­ Kiiml lilimry Program Spociel R. T. Ifeenanny CnIaOa committee members. Den Motiiers Halt head. He reported about $100 good printing job. Why no* con­ The HAZEL BISHOP I6TIC —National Farm and nounced by Max H. Andrews, coor­ a t' the home of Charles Warner. lington on July 2. While a decision Mondays (oxcopt hoUdaya) W.96 Windham High school where for W TIC—Big City Serenade day. July 1. TTie flrit of the nil. Rural Vernon Sehool asao- and about .50 Cub Scouts The lo­ spent In this work. sult with Mr, Schieldge fo." your Home Hour dinator of stl^rnt BCtlvItles. The Missea Nancy Scrqpton and of the Supreme Court of Errors, triCUl ftieoti frssi Hew teodeo t fJk the oast two yean he has also 5:45— union services In which the Meth­ clalloii, in roopernflon witli the cal post is sponsoring the Cub Of the 13 Hebron graduates next printing job? Louise Owen are in charge of the announced Tueaday, forbids him to frssi tla( of 1951, the following were honor An Excitingly New l.ipstick That Stays On YOU Mrs. Carrie Burnham of Amston will be held at 11 a. ni. in the Bap­ permit him to do so provided tlic at Mtddlebuiy College in V ernio.nt, Pack 57. replacing William H. W(XXI- New.a. Muaical Score­ WDRC Land's Best Bsnds tion and dance, and will continue acho(d children In Ihe rural area SOUND STEAMSHIP LINES. INC students: Bernadette Mary Ber­ Today more titan ever it is nec­ and William Seyms of Colchester tist church, with the Rev, Carl W. shop Is over a mile from his for­ and his Master's Degree from the Kenvon. Delegates elected Mon­ Wonderful s u m m e r weather Texas Treasure Available ,\t The board. Evening during July with a lecture by John during July nnd Aiigiml 'nil.s will Cential Whnil, Naw Loadeo. Coml. makes everyone long to take mo­ nals. Lillian Goldman, Charles essary to get tlje most for every were recent callers at the home Saunders, pastor of the Methodist mer place of biisintyis on Market V O Be. ISI7 T«l Haw Undoo ZMM Unlvenity of Connecticut in 1950. day to attend the Department con­ WONS Music. 6 :00— Carlson, bestseller author on July street os It the case with Ihe West be held at the VeriKui Dep.d tor trips to enjoy the lovely days Edgar I,*rcomb, Arlene Inex of CTisrles Fish. church, as the preacher. He attended New York University vention in Bridpcporl July 27. 28, dollar spent, to gel full value for (lalls Tourists W THT -Vincent Lopez WDRC—Ngws. 18, and Earle Spicer, baritone sing­ street lo«-atlon. arliool each Tbursday al 2 p ni. at their best anil wliether your Zaglln, l>ils Ilene Woodward. Hebron Orange. P. of H., will The service at the Flrat Lu­ for one vear majoring in Meteorol­ and 29 include ( ’ommandei W il­ every penny paid out and that is W KNB -Bawhall Matinee W TH T—Mualc at Si:, er of ballsds on July 25. Tmsh Collect Inn starling on July 5 and conllnuiug ogy and' served for four and one- de.stinallon is the shore, lake or The annual Congregational Sun­ W H AY News. A special event on July 11 Is a hold onl.v one meeting during the theran church will be held ilurtng fur eight week» I'lie libiary will liam Cniieaux of Williinantic Ed­ what you do get when you hav numth of Jnlv. This meeting will The monthly collection of tin half years with the U. S. Air Coi p ward S. Frunr, and Eugene Ityrli- ' mouniains you cun be sure of a day school pirnlc will be held this i FI Pa.so, Tex.—U-t The El Paso W TIC Juke Box .Ilnglcs. WONS News. Joint recital by Walter K thrke. July and August at 10:30 a. ni. HUiiply lii)((ks wlil( li w ill lie cii- printing done at William II. be held on Tuesday evening, July cans and other rubbish, usually from lPon winch tbe clilldrcn will make best printing and full value for : . — al a later date. church in Mancheater. preaching was awarded a fellowship at liiuon Pender, all of South Coventry. I t.s nothing more worrisome than i vide their own lunches, which may The chamber, well aware of the W H AY- vs 6 16 faculty, violist. having trash cans on the street reports Prizes will be given for O aefsU aat your car develop motor your money at Mr Schleldgt s. WONS Sports. The summer program also will The Woman's Club will hold during July in the alisenee of the College in Schenectady, N. Y „ Commander Cadeaiix appointed having , be partaken of in any way pre- pulling power of stories of hidden Yankees over the holiday. the grealesl niiioliet of books Bring H In for m given by the General Electric Com- | I 1 olllll mile.s fnaii home. II i.a I That is what evoiyom has always WTIC Bob Steele. inclinle cln.sses in archery, bridge, their nnmini picnic on Thursday, pastor. Rev. Gordon E Hohl. the following eommitlee to work ferred. separately or in groups. i wealHi, haa revived the legend BILL'S TIRE 2:00— Women of the rend Miss Natalie 11 Id,- i lul- panv to chemistry and physics j on the July 6 .sellrack parly in lb.- ' ■ sllv Hung to he towed for a . picnic fashion. I leceived when work is done hero given much credence in the Soulh- W HAY Supper Serenade golf, tennis, square dancing, swim­ July 12. al the home of Mrs. W al­ Th# TalcoUvIlle Congregational The Women of the Moose wilt (Iren’s lilirarlnn. will la> In eha^a W rxY' Insurance Girls Disc ter Wright, on Jones street. A teachen In the Northeastern , I,, gion rooms Eugene Hy lil.nt', ( oiisid' 1 :ihle d .-.tance and there 1- [j- ,ji,ould prove rainy j Tiuil Is Hie answer to Ihe sucecss- I west The legend i.s that agents of o WTHT News. ming and hor.(»cbnck riding A soft church will hold its service at 10 install officers at 7 o'clock tonight of the story hour States. Mr. Johnson will move soon ! ■Torkev WDRC Price of Peace ball league will be organized pot-lurk luncheon will be served j a. m. Other churches will meet cliairnian. Mr Franz Mr * a- no doubt about tills spoiling Bin | picnic will be postponed to I ful biismesa conducted for many I’ loii ho Villa, the Mexican bandit WDRC-'-Alias Jane Doe at the Moose Home on Klin street, to Washington, with his wife and r e p a i r s h o p WK.NB New World .Singers among I be students and golf and al noon After lunch the women ' at the regular hour, or have been deaux. Mr .Miller and l.oiils Strul- plans you and Ihe family later in the week. years hy Mr. .Si ircid.ge for lie has , and revolutionary, hurled a king's ' WONS -TYiinn on Disc with a pot-lurk supper following Good Time Is Right two sons Darid and Don. tennis tournaments are planned will lake a drive to I>,lianon and I oil their Slimmer achedulea during let The Auxiliary to the po.-=t will i Mr and Mrs Richard .Vf Grant always believed in giving gi od i ran.som in gold nnd jewels In the \Vm H (Ireen I’rnp. W THT Music 6:30— the meeting. To date 67S appolntmente have i he lu cl'.arge of the set-tinck I'ail^ for students and faculty. Trips will vi.sil Historical placea there I I lie immth o( June. • SAVES MOTOR WEAR •Naturally you i1 aninilaiinol |ireveiit|nevent , o'oserving their fifth wedding .service and m.vkiiig .sure that Hie I Frnnltlin mountains near here. WTHT Harry Wismer (Tty Offlrliila to Pleiile New York ( NKA I i;o,.d been made for the Cheat X-ray 1 here Friday at 8 p ni h'lt you I .111 In- i ('nliimhiii Htrvries WO.N'.S be made by the golfers to several Fi'nee KniM-kexl I>own • SAVES OAS all car dlffK' u’ k'.' annlversni'v this week. They V rv fine.st woik i.s done at h:s I All Hie men who buried Ihe trea- W f'cc News. .Musicsl Score­ Dizzv Dean Show Rockville city official.a with Time, I Inrness Ibuse (,f llu' V.-.ir Mobile Unit when it vt'lts Coven- ' Karen I . . and Hazel .Mao l.ittle siire a minimum (I mntnr trniitile I shop. He t.ike.s pride in turning ' ^'U'c " c ie supposed to have been U. S. and Eisk Tires WDRC Sports. ronntry clubs in f'onnccticiit and Over .50 feet of iron fence, in- their wives and children, will hold were mairied in Middle Haddam. A\VNINt;S. El,ACS board In 19^9, has won 41 of .’S', start i. try from July 16-20. All these ap­ are spemllng a few ilay.-* at the by luivmg yoni ir ( lie. ked regii- out a good Job and In.- genial man- I 'lled nnd Villa was killed before WKNB Stars Re\iew the Fler- Ma.ssai hnselt.s (siK it lii8 (‘(‘ti(‘i(l<‘ iliidmg posts, was knocked over their annual plcnlr al the picnic tlrdsrtgd Your ('.Doling System U ae pointments are by residents of June 29. 1948. snd have lived In Repairs Service (Yiinpiftr Atvning S.TVlce WDRC Hormel Giria A movie schedule has been set In the very esrly morning Friday out of the iiudu'v only hoic.i- of their grandmother Mrs. Inrly nnd pliuming to have It in- ner and effort to please his cus- . *'•’ recovered the treasure, ords grounds at Henry park this after­ twice. vital to the operation of your South Coventry No rctunis tiiive i H-'brnn on the former William Accessories Wiili-rprmil f'nnviia Covora W THT (Canadian Rhapsodies up featuring 16-mm. versions of nt tha L>nnlels Mill on East Main Michael G I.nnderk and uncle spc( led before stnrHrig a long trip ( 'bamth’ i lain place, Hebron cen­ tomers make this a favorite jdace "How much of this story is W TIC What's tbe Score (iood— So Far car as the Hrakes or Motor. been made by canvassers working George l>andeck in Soulh ('haplin. Many Mam hester people think 8:00— Hollywood products, snd siiidents street. 3'he watchman reported In North Coventry. Those 4 k can- ' ter. Mr. Grant Is one of He­ in which to do bu.siness. jtiiie " the chamber a.sks In a 1811 Spruce Street Manchester Awning and 6:3.6— that one of the lie.st place.a to have news release. WDRC- Music will make weekly trips to vaiion.s linilmg everything In order when P rrtm rr ■ Purging U the vassere who have not yet i-oni- bron's representatives in Hie leg- -Mr .Schieldgee also caiTies all ' widely-distributed WCCC Good FN’rning summer theaters In the slate, in- Hieir ear servo i-d is at Gibsoifs "Nil oni' t-.nows. But it would be I’hnne 2 0659 (Canvas Products Co. W TH T—Pan American Union <3iar I.sike. Calif i/U, .Sum­ be made his regular round at 1 a. newest approved method of pleted their work throughout the irl.alure, and Is also adjutant of kinds of office aupplio.s and many Phone 'J-Mmil, ISO ilartlord Kd. WTIC— iJiurel Mii.slc Camp Mu.aic rliiding tho.,e at Canton, Norwieli m . but on his next round an hour Garage, 18.5 M:iin .street C'ertnm- the .•Vmevir.in lyegion, Jones-Keefe a lot 111 fun on your vacation to mer residents of ihl.s rc.sirt town, cleansing the Radiator and town hope to do so before the end business firms pun base Hicir iu- Chonis ... 8 J.6— and Somers. later, he discovered Ihe damage. I\larlhor— WON.S--A1 Heifer, SporU did not report or Inveatigate it. who wishes a change made in a closed for the summer, havin,g the Iiniversity campus on .Inly 1.3. ciillure entnmol(>gl.sta sprayed the Mr and Mrs Knyal GnfT nt F.aat not drive over to Gibson's Garage paper pop.daily known as onion W rrx? News: Musical Score­ WHA6' .Symphony Hall. area with TDI', Inst year 33,e Tile damage was ni>parently scheduled appointment may call Hampton railed on friends here held inonfhly .sessions at the local Taluollville Fnday evening. can.scd liy one or more pcdc.sirlans, .and have your ear checked and put skill" for making carbon copies, CORSETS BUY ALL YOUR board W THT It's "Your Business question now is whether a few between 10 am and noon snd recent ly town hall. Their last session ' WDRC Tropical Trip. -Mince lliere were no marks on into shn|io? You will save money was a pirnlc aff.alr at the home and countless other items u.sed I W THT -Bob C7ie.ster s Orrh survivors have multiplied to again from 1-4 p.m. This office " iM be The Board "f Edin atlon held Its and worry by doing Hus. John Williams will be the or­ Doefor's prcicriphons W n C - U. S. Army Bands. [ W KNB—Fiavorile Story elUier wall or Mldewnlk Indicating open from that time on and until of one of their members. J. Rob­ regiilarlv in art office. If there is become a major annoyance. monthly business meeting on Have you had the wheels on the ganist nt the Talcottville Congre­ MEATS AT WONS —Bands for Bonds W TIC-Uvlng 1951 Ihe preson'e of an anloiiiolnlc. the Mobile Unit completes its ert Schuyler. They spent the something special you require that carefully followed Scientists report that TDE is a Tile loj'.s of H.Acial I'iclicis (■■■ op Hank Gowdy’s Stand Tuesday evening. gational church through the sec­ G ile a d work on July 20. Appointment car checked recently"’ It i.s amar.- time pitching horseshoes. and is not in stock Mr. Schieldge will 3:4.6— ' 7:80— poison which has proven success­ Xt the Grange meeting Thiirs- mg how easily they do get out of ond w eek of October. Mr. Williams THE L T. WOOD WPRC -l^mera nub t WDRC— Vaughn Monroe a(||oinmg fence were also knocked cards will be returned to residents roasting hamhiirgers at an open endeavor to obtain it for you upon BY APPOiNTMfNT ful against gnats so far. The Call- NEXT TO HANK GOWDY'S GARAGE—BOLTON day the following program was alignment and even a alight is lepiacing Mrs. Abom who is va­ off. The Iron poat.s are bolted to indicating definite date and time llro. They liad a short business request. The next time you are in ■ 4:0rt— j WONS—Comedy of Errori. A birthday party was held at fornin Department of Fish and piesonted b.v the Leeturei. Mrs. amount can cause you to lose cationing at her summer home in I W K N B —Crystal Ballroom the Wellesway Farms on Sunday the wail, but had been loosened for visiting the Mobile Unit when meeting and wound up playing the shop with some printing Ji b MARY F. MePARTLAND LOCKER PLANT WCCC—Musical Scoreboard Game noted no harmful effects to Gladys Danraiise: Opening song, many good imle.s of riihher on the Now Hamiishire. Mr. Williams is : W TH T-Space Patrol. for John L. Way of West -Hart­ sufficiently so that when part of the appointment office opens. cards. whv not see for yourself how con­ WDRC—Garden Club. fish In the Inke.a treated. T3ie ento­ the fence started to go, the weight A FINE ASSORTMENT OF "Onward Marching. " by all mem- tire.s. By the time you ran notice a graduate of Trinity College and 628 EAST CENTER 8T. W TIC Roy Shields and Co ford, who will be 91 years old on mologists sav TDK holds great Plans are to have this work done Carolyn Coolldge. daughter of venient It Is to purchase office ; h:is music for a hobby. While at and MEAT HOUSE W TH T—Horse Races. c.irrled the whole section with It. CLARKE ) ber.s, this was followed by a read­ uneven wear on your tires you will PHONE 7684 WTIC - Musical Portraits 8 :00— July 1st. Those present were promise ns the postlile solution to systematicallv a week In advance Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coolldge. will .supplies here? Many .Manche.ster Trim ly College, classmates and 51 Bissell St. Tel. 8424 I Itepairi were .started Immediately. of appointments For example on ing. "The Origin .of Father s Day," have sarnflred a goodly amount WONS Sport.a Parade WDRC Gene Autry. Mrs. Way, Mrs. Elizabeth Sted- the gnat problem, which can rum NIGHT DISPLAYS AND NOISEMAKERS by Mrs Agnes Korngiebel; next of the tires to Hus eondiHnn. The spend the month of July with her firms have found It convenient and I the Profe.ssor of Music taught him Vaentlon School July 9 the card.s for the .hilv 18 grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hor­ 4:15— W TIC .— Musical Merry Go man and daughter. Miss Betsy. an otherwise popular resort. MOTORS 1 was an essay on "ktun," hy Mrs. Bear alignment machine will check economical to make Scliieldg.’ s l the mechanics of the organ. Mr. The churrhea in Rural Vernon, appointments will be sent out ace Coolidge. in Petersham. WDRC Mu.sir Round John L, Way, 2nd. of West iiart- UROAD STREET Isabel Rossman, folldwed by a this acciir.ately and save yon mon­ Print Shop their headquarters for Williams now attends the Y'ale ford, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stedman inriudmg the Vernon Center Con­ FLASH CRACKERS AND SALUTES The Coventry Board of Educa­ Mass. Her parents motored W TH T—News. I W TH T—Dancing Party. piano solo by Mrs Betty Wright. ey. Drive In at the Gibson Garage business supplies as well as for Graduate School and has received SERVICE CIBSON’S of Bristol, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred gregational. Vernon MetlUHlIst and Telephone 2-l2t)I2 tion has Invited area hoards of there with her. and then went on ■WTIC—Summer for Orchestra I W ONS—Twenty Questions Gravel Di"p(*rs Next was a skit entitled, "Father and ask to have this done. printing. his Ma.sters Degree in Latin and [ Way of Gilead The Wellesway Talcottville churrhes, are sponsor­ education to a meeting July 9 at to attend the graduation exer- Greek. He will receive his Ph D. To asalst when too bav« ma, W TH T— American Jazz I W H A Y'—Salute to Reservists Improves His Memory." with For those who hat e experienced No matter what type or kind CaARAGE Homestead is the birthplace of ing a Vaeation Church ncliool the George Hersey Robertson in three year.s. He is also the tmablae we have I Wrerkera WONS - Juke Box I W CCC- Music Hall, Henry Rossman, Mrs. Agnes Rob­ trouble with the carburetor. Mr ( Ises at Northeastern Itniverslty. I B. H Dlbann. Prop. Mr. Way, where he spent hi.s DifI Up Skelc'loii which will meet Mondays through School to discuss future high of printing you require you will and 8 Servtor rmrka at vnai 4:45— i W KNB News; Records erts. Miss Rebecca Buell and Mr. Gibson Is an expert In this lino. Boston, where Mr. Coolidge’s reciiucnt of the Marlin Kellogg ! younger days and attended the lo­ F'ridays from July 2 through July school problems. There will be a brother Horace, was a member of And Schieldge's capable of han­ $1,1100 Fellowship. aerrtre and tor rnai onnveo- WDRC Jimmy Dorsey Show. 1.3 in the Talcottville church. Ses­ repreaentatlve from the State De­ and Mrs. William Bollomley tak­ Save gas and enjoy .smooth starl­ dling the job. Newly aiipointed lenre. Hpeclallzhit In 8;.60— cal school. He is very active; en­ Missoula, Mont. i/Pl Discov­ the graduating class. Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Nelson and W DRC-Hopalong Caissidy. sions will start at 0 a. m. and i ' ...c partment of Education who will ing part. This was followed hy a ing withont stalling or fltatding by program chairmen will find Mr, HF.AK joys good health and is keenly in­ ery of what may prove to be a having the earbiirelur adjusted at The Women's Guild of St. their two daughters. Georgia and STAITON OPEN DAY Legal Notices WONS—Braves vs New York at 11:30, with no session on July speak to the group The next game, "Card In the Hat. " Mrs. Schieldge a wonderful help In Barbara, are vacationing at Rex- Wheel Ahrnmeiri terested in the farm and all the complete mastodon skeleton has Dancause presented prizes to the Gibson's Garage today. Peter's Episcopal church will Giants. activities connected with the com­ Fourth the time being made up the meeting of the local board will he hold no mora sessions through the printlng programs for the fall He j ham Bearh. Mass, A N D N IO H l AT A COURT o r PROBATT h»M been announced by Montana State following Saturday morning. Chil­ Monday evening Instead of the oldest father. Paul Roberta; the WT1C-Mb.gniflcent Montague munity of Gilead. summer, to reopen next fall. knows how many of the cl ibs like Lieut. Donald Freeman has been Brake and •t MAni“hf9t^r m-Uhin and for th** University sclcntl.sls They credit­ For The Ride Of \bur previously planned Tuesdav eve­ youngest father, William Willse; WHAY Pledge Show. Mr. and Mra. Arnold C Foote The Rev. George M. Milne, pas­ the programs set up. the kmd of | transfeneil from Fort Devens, Oarb'iretor District of Manchpgtpr on th# 37th ed Ray and (lin t Kallestad, who ning. the fathers having the most chil­ d%y of June. A.D.. 1951. 9:00— and daughter. Miss Helen, of Am­ tor of Hebron and Gilead Congre­ booklets, the paper desired by Mass., to Camp Kilmer, N. J. COOK’S operate the Kallestad Sand and Registrations are now being ac­ dren, John Fuller and Roy Petten- lle h rQ ii Servtoal Prencint. JOITN 1 WAI/LBTT. ■WDRC—GangbuBters. herst. Mass., were Sunday callers Gravel Co., with uncovering the glll The program closed with a gational churches, is in charge of SERVICE STATION Judr« W n C —Your Hit Parade ! at the home of Mrs. Alice E. cepted for dancing classes to be the securing of vacation homes Eotste of Pheb# C. CAPiier, late of huge prehistoric relative of the song, "When You and I Were Manrheater Qreee Phnne 6801 ISShlainSU Phone 5012 i Foote. elephant. conducted by Miss June K Jaye The death of C. Earl Park 8.5 for New York Fresh Air Children. BCanchester. In aadd Dlatrlct. deccaaed. 9:30— at the Nathan Hale Communltv Young, Maggie." It was announced , „auve and former resident of On motion of H#len C«rrler% of eald W TIC — Dennis Day. [ Little Johnny Foote and sister, Dr. Kenneth P. McLaiughlin and that Orange Sunday will be held | Hebron which . Those willing to help out in this Manchester, executrli. I Betsy Foote, have returned to Dr. Fred S. Honkala of the uni­ q iq Center. Further tnformhtlon re’- WDRC— Broadway's My Best lile...Get pc C icrurred at Middle- . project are asked to communicate ' We Pay ORDKJtED. That aix months from their home after visiting their gardlng the claoaes to begin July Jul.v 15 and the annual "Mystery sex ho.spitni Middletown, .Sattir- with him. W HAY--Record Review versity geology department said Ride " will be held on Jtdy 19. the 27th day of June A.D.. 1951, be and I grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John L IG H f 6 may be obtained from Miss Jaye dav •lune '2,’:rd. was noted with re- I A All Makes of 10 :00— the animal, which roamed the area , ...... supper was served Wednesday DON WILLIS the same are limited anc‘ allowed for Odell, in Rye, New York, somewhere between 25,000 and Manchester SISO, or her mother A 4-11 tour wa.' niade last greu oy his toriner acquaintances j evening at the Hebron Consolldat- the creditors within which to brinx In WDRC— Songs for Sale Mrs. Peter Jaye, Coventry 7-7027. Wednesday and Friday by a com­ HIGHEST their claims ajiralnst said estate, and W TIC—Judy Canova. Mrs. Chester d'Autremont and ,60,000 years ago. possibly stood ROCK and friends here. He was orn ed school by the hot lunch com- SEWING children, Cecily and Chester, of shout 16 feet high. One tusk mea­ Mrs. Raymond Batea, the form- mittee of Grange memtiers who herc ‘n 1666, the son of Mr. and mttfee, at a meeting of the Farm- the Mid executrix Is directed to jlve W TH T Sat Nile Dancing . er Beulah Aaptnwall, was a guest are: Mias Edna Pellengill, Mr. GARAGE public notice to the creditors to bring Belmont, Mass., are visiting at the sures at least 5 feet long. inlG Mrs ( harles I ark of the Jones prs' Field Day committee. A MACHINES In their claims within said time by Party. during a surprise bridal shower and Mra. William Willse. .Mr and | street section of Hebron, and lived number of equipment dealers were 10:80— Wednesday night nt the home of PRICES 18 Main St. Phone 2-45-31 publlshinir a ropy of this order In true fruit flavors Mrs. Samuel Dancauae and .Mrs | here until the death of his mother. also present, and plans were made Expertly Repaired some newspaper having a circulation WTIC - Grand Old Opry Mist Janet Audette In Manches­ William Zerver and the local 4-H | when he went to Middletown to in said prithatc district, rndthln ten ter. About 15 friends end relatlve.s for the eonilng big event, the sec­ For Specializing In 11 :00— leaders. Mr. and Mrs Peter (Yaw- : h'’e with his sl.cter, .Mrs Giles ond annual Connecticut Farmers’ days from the date of this order, and News on all stations from South Coventry luid Man- fonl, Mrs. Fred Isleih and Edward Taylor, by whom he is survived. Instruments loaned to return make to this court of the notice Af your ddofsri j cheater attended. ' 'Miss Audette Field Dav. at Horton Brothers' Rags, Scrap Matal and ^ren. 11:15— AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Isleib, and the projects of 28 Dark was pflrsidcnt of the Farm. July 18. BRAKE SERVICE Singer WONS—Music. used yellow and green as color 4-H members wore checked. i Jones Street Cemetery Assocla- other salvagaabk ma­ beginners on our trial JOHN J. W A L L E T T . Judge. o REDUCED RATES SINCE 1920 ■chemes for streamers from the ! *^,.4 ^4.1 - ___ j s . • Cards have been Is.aued stating WDRC—Jack Zaiman o URADINU FREE WORK Janet fYnwford wont AT A COURT OF) PROB.^TK h»l(t ceiling to a table and also from to the 4-H i 1, '° " ‘ up iX," sr"* tt"' ' thatTeggstratl on for swimming terials. Front End Alignment Sewing Center W TIC Silver Jubilee 0 POWER ROLLER USED (il)AKANTEED demonstration day meetingY’Hng for 1 " 'r " f " ' f ' rlasses will hr plan. St Manrbeeler ' wltl^ln. and fer the lN otio(‘ the celling in front of the fireplace MuereBTing oM buryir.p prouiuj. rlasses will be held again Mon­ 832 Main St. Tel. 8883 District of Maneheater* on the 2Sth 11:25— o FREE ESTIMATES CAM. Hartford County youngsters in day. Ju]v 2nd at the Irg.gion Home WDRC— Public .^ierv-ice Pro- forming a shower over’ and around j Hr Hprnt nuiny of Ih.k summers General Repair Work Manchester dav of .Tune. A.D.. la.'il. oTIME PAYMENTS MANfTIESTF.R Town Advertiselhent a choir attached to presents In i Blivimtield recently and will re­ as'’the town h.ill will not be nvail- Call or Wrlia Present. JOHN J WALLSTT. gram. o SA6fE 10% FOR CASH 7691 peat the demonstration "tips for here, until he sold the old home Notice la hereby given that In which the recent bride opened her , to Mr and Mr.^. Harrv Drum­ nble. Parents are asked to Modern School Judge. 11:80— S A V E W ITH young sewers" at the Hartford estate of Annie Gindblad, late of accordance with the provlalona of presents. Mrs. Bates will Join her mond. AmonR relatives leh la Mrs. please register their children If W TIC -Music County 4-H Fair In August nnd iSS Visit Jones Fuml- Manchester. In sai(t District, (.(eceased. Chapter 5. Section 4, of the Town Clarence J. Fojril of Hilead. they have not already been regis­ OSTRINSKY WONS -Music again in .Seplemher at a st.ate Of Music tnre and Floor Cov­ On aiellon of Simon Cohen of Rock- Charter, the Board of Directors Mr. and Mrs Stephen Mosny tered and Intend to he in the pro­ rllle. Cr.nn.. executor. FrequpiK Modulation DeMAIO BROTHERS demonstration at Plorrs. Dealer In Waste Materiala . T. P. Holloran of the Town of Manchester will had their stm Jnhii aiul family as gram this year. A parent must 182 BI8SELL ST. TEL. 5879 ering Stare for ORDERRD: That six monthn from WDRC— FM 98.7 MC. Call Now— We Personally Supervise All Work 87.5 Main St.— Tel. 2-3414 FUNERAL HOME hold a public hearing on the tenta­ So Nice viiiit«)ia for two weeks rerently. acrompanv each child to sign the ' l-arge Aaanrttnent the Jgth day o f June A.D.. 1951, he W FH A— 108.7 MC. tive Budget of the said Town of John, who is well known here, permission slip. The Rev. H. R. and the aame are limited and allowed at Pine Floor Cov­ for the ( editors within which to bring 6:00—Showtime. Manchester, for the fiscal year waa on vacation from hi.'8 studies Keen is chairman. Ideally located— convenient 6:30—Sereno Gammell; Sunbeam Doily ering. Call Ob for In their claims against said estate, and beginning August 15. 1951, and at Southern Teehnual Institute, a and away from the busy the aald executor Is direct^ to give Weather. ending August 14. 1952, as pub- brnnrh of r.eorpla Tech, at ('ham- Estimate. thoroughfare. Distinctive public notice t., the crciHlitn to bring 6:45—Concert Hour. llahcd by the General Manager in pl*'o. (Jn He has been an honor in their clnlnm within said time allow, W n C — F3I on the air I p. m.- Service. Modern Facilities, e.d by puhll.shlng a copy o f this order the Majichesler Kvenlng Herald sltident there since be^:inmn>; his E llin g to n 11:25 p. m. THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB on July 3, 1951. Cfiurse. He if. married and haB JONES’ T. P. HOLLORAN In some newspaper having a circula­ EXTRA COMFORT! EXTRA VALUE! tion In said probate district, w-lthln ten WDRC— on the iilr I p. m.- Said hearing will be held in the t^^n dnu^hter.'- Funeral Director II :25 p. m. The number of defense stainps FURNITURE STORE days from the Cate of this order, and hearing room of the Municipal Just one ride will convince youl De Soto gives you a new, higher- Hebron town hall ha.« been rent- Dan Barker. Prop. return make to this court of the notice Same as WDRC, Building on Tuesday, July 10. 1, ed Vnr't for the he'| Mimmer to the .society! and bonds that were sold in iri-tbe JOHN J. C R A 1T Y . Jr. schyols of Ellington included El­ given. WTIC—FM on the air .6:2.6 a. nt.- De Soto’s amazing, new Oriflow powered engine . . . Big 12-inch I ((.iinecHcut (Yaftsmen It $6 Oak SI., Manchester, Ct. Licensed Embalmer .lOIIN .1. VVALLBTT. Jut-'ge. 1951, at eight o'clock in the after­ IS , lington Center in charge of Mrs. i 1 a. m. noon, at which any elector or tax­ lund. istood Hiiil tcindi, r;iH of v.ar- Phone 2-1041 Shock Absorbers—combined with brakes . . . Waterproof ignition for I,ottle Finance and Mrs. Jean 1 175 Center St. Phone 3060 A T A COURT O F URORATT; held Same as WTIC. payer may have an opportunity to I lolls kind.s will be on exhibition Teleodslon I Ihere and for sale. Denunistml ions Arens. Tlie Longvle^iv school was | at Manchester wlthip and for the be heard. other famous De Soto ride and com­ quick, sure starts . . . Featherlight in charge of Mrs. Eleanor Brace ' District of Manchester, on the 28th WNHO—TV Dated at Manchester, Connertl- I in rraft work will also he featured. dav of June. A.D.. 1991. steering . . . Greater visibility . . . Flans partly detailed are to open .and tile Crystal Lake school was j P. M. cut, this 30th 4»y nt June, 1951. fort-contributing features—give you in charge of Miss Christine Bergh. ] MANCHESTER’S Preeent lOHN J. WALLETT, the shop dally from 11 a.m. to 6 •ludg, 1:00—Mr. Wizard. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT F’or and by order of the Board of a "boulevard” ride on roughest roads. More extra-value features per dollarl p III . and on .Siimljiys, in the af- The previous amount published j finest repair service on F,s‘ ates of Carline Carinl and Helen 1:2.6—Dodgers vs. Philadelphia Directors of the Town of Man­ jtfiiioon.- It IS Iii^icrslocid that use was correi t hut it was an , foyre Carlni of Manchester In said 4:00—Ai-med Forces Show. STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP chester (’((nnecticul. not to include the two latter j district, minors of the liall locally will I p cut out A Imh o1 ilM tto eii mOem Washers, T o a s te rs . 4:30 - Bum.i and Allen. 20 REGULAR GAMES— 3 SPECIALS John H. Lappen schools and the collectors. pmmplljr In I? tuualli* Upon application of Ida K. Carinl, as 5:00—Gabby Ha.ves Show Becretary while tbe coiiipauv is installed C4»Hi*epatl9# Isatallm^ata •! guardian, praying for authority to sell I there As the old hall has been Wapping, Hillstown, Hebron and ! Johnson Paint Co. Irons, Sewing Ma­ 5:30— News. Manchester Granges neighbored ! tIO.ttO 90rh. certain real estate particularly describ­ ; used a great deal for all sorts of 699 MAIN STKKKT MANCHKSTKR ed In said applli-atlon on file. It la 5:4.6—On the Line. with Ellington Grange Wednesday . Vman* tU U MMl |affaiis for many years this Is re- chines, Vacs, etc. o r d e r e d Thill the foregoing ap- 8:00 -Better Homes Show I garded as quite a'k«s. The school night at their regular meeting j ptieation he hear 1 and determined at 6:30—Lone Ranger. . HUilitoriuiq is of riairso avall.ihle. ' held in the Town Hall. Stephen | ) -tm moM the T'nibate office In Mancheslcr In 7:00 —Sam ^venson Show. i but It is md so centrally located Potwine of East Windsor, publici- | 7 CO said Dislriil. on the 12th day of July. 7:.30—Alan Young Show. ForThelHWOf ABC A.D. 19.11, al II o'clock In the forenoon, anil Is Ion laig,' tnr moderate size tv editor of the Stale Grange, | BUIf aids 8:00—Summer Theater. gave a short Interesting talk in me O ta eattmata. ROUTI « - MANCHISTil TIIIPHONI 3-424S nufaMna: It's colorful, Interesting, of fairinattng deslgna, glfte, dec­ 180 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER Dependable QaaHty — Sendee i Expert Dry intermatlFe. Smart, easy to make good work In beautification of It he orations^ and special feature.^., .. I school grouO(Js by ulanUng flow- fraalw; dacorgdinf tipa; fin pst- Plus 4 gift patterns and diiee- WH.I.IAM H. SUHIKI.DGE K, tenw printed (<^r you. el's and ahrabs. • The Rev. H. R. t „(>■ tlons. 26 ceinls. , [.Keen reported help given to aev- 13.6 Spnire Street Tel. S8flH Cleaning Senrice y*-- UANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, JUNE SO, 1051 MANCHESTER BV EN ll^ BERALU, MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, JUNE 50, 1951 PA G E ssvm'

ploit. But if we were the French Old K orew i dcUon honorably. And Bike License Britain Cautious South Korea ibmrliratrr th« fact that thia country doM not authorities, the world would never Puerto Rico Staging DOUBLE S & H GREEN She ^8 Only Girl in Frante Loyal Forces dar« lead toward peace bacauae a find out. WVd put the babies on Iran on Oil Grab Terms Eofitiiid Iferalb poltUcal minority Inaiati upon the first boat for America, and Report Slated STAMPS WITH ALL CASH W e j i d i n g s With Beth at Her Fingers Fight Revolt mora war—that la the fact which we'd tow the father alonfr behind -.. — . I 1 . «JS^ ‘^5SSn!SS!■«c. Bloodless Revolution (Cantlniied from Page One) le^xTB Ruaala Ita well exploited it. If they're biff enough for the (Coattaued from Page One) U J>w*U itrM t, Direolors .\l»o to (.011- By lUmetle Hargroxe HaaeMaMr. chanca to lay first hand on ih.- British Channel, the Atlantic SALES SATURDAY, JUNE 30 any legal effect If It conflicfa wilti A t Bangkok tbomjlb m io in o N . ziana amployed at tba Abadan Simpson-Moran '' Hayden-Robertn hi* budget in Janinry About would be Just about the proper Kider House of Com­ Mollcr-Hcwitt the rational sovereignity o r terri­ l i « • ollva branch. reCnertaa will be tem p o ra rily Miss Gertrude Ann Moran, N B A KtalT Onrreepondent Oetebtf 1. V'* irtthdrawn~''lf the diaputa forces torial Integrity of the Repiiblle of done of salt water for him. fort .Monday Evening AND SUNDAY, JULY 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrk. Martin P *rl* - iN E A l For .T2-ye*r-old rr«B n «« OM) a closing of the refineries. Korea. (' .laKpirhne Cogurt, there is noth Pddce And The Sp«culatora Moran of 92 Walnut street. East * fMlatiMl No Cotiiprotnlae t4nea These five points were adopted big lo equal the sati.f.ii I ion /if Jured. Amsrloans wars unharmod eosdeyi • » « Biit»r#c •; ih* Chief of Police Herman O. Fodt aWct Conn., •• We have bewailed, almost too Haitford, bccaiiie the bride of today by an emergem y i ablnel producingpeal of I'ell- M;|.- at l??t report?, but m bit o f thoin Mossodei^h aent a leller to session at the temporary restdeiu-e often, the surface character o f the ScliPiKicl will re|K)rl to the Board SAM ond TOM'S President Truman earlier thia William Alfred Simpson, *on of Goguet haa her salisiai tion. ton were pinned In thslr horrM. of Director! Monday night on the of Prc.aidenl Syngman Rhee becaiiae *he * France a only wom­ were no gnU-AmsricAfi tfoiDOB* r o id c w p n o N BATB8 j raactlon of American business in- weak blaming the British for tha Mr. and Mrs, Alfred J. Simpson 1 Connecticut feajnbility of a blcycle-licenaing deadlock. Neither Mossadegh's A fte r the cabinet session. Prime an carrillon-rlnger Strattons. Oaa tsar br Mad^...... P*-®®.I S.ool tereats to the prospect of "peace. of 72 School street, at nine o'clock Minister John M. Chang explained SERVICE STATION letter nor today's Brillah note this morning at St. Rose's church Every other Sunday alie eliinhs The Bangkok Embogsy roport ayateni for Manchcatcr. the five points lo the legislature by Asll ...... » ' ™| But here we |fO again The finan- 41.5 MAIN STREET showed any sign that either waa in Burnside. Fattier Munich of 81. 38.5 atefis np the belttown of ??td the Navy was defsnd{R|f a Tlip aiigRcstion tliat local bi­ Foreign Minister Pypii Yung Yankee prepared to compromise. Rose's chunh celeliiBlnd the mip- Salute Odile, one of Hie most signal station half a mils from tha wlSa»*^rcarri»V ^ " »'! cial headlines of the pn.M few cycle.! lie licensed \\ na rai.aod by Till said the eondltioiis will be sent n. s Kmhn??y. Arm y and Pollca The situation now appears lo be llal high nins.« The church whs modern etiiirche* In Fans II wa.s Mleered. One Tetr .. have really been sonictliinf; Director T .1. I'rockctt. and after to Gen. Matthew B. RIdgway. to Kv A. U O. that the British technicians, near­ decorated with palms, delphiniums were moving up on it with thro# n brief disciiaalon the-matter waa ; the United Natloni commiasion completed In 194,5. and i* one of UBUBCH OS to ponder. ly 8,000 strong, will atay In Aba­ and ferns. tank?, three tslf-propslltd ffuns, referred to Chief Schendel. ! for unification and rehabilitation two In the city with * canllon T IU iSt CIATBD PRtSb The follounng samples are from dan as long as storage facilltlea Given in m arriage by her fath­ mortars and machlliefuns. O f nit the firf-«^.s'ire groupn which Crockett aald that a licenaing o f Korea, and to diplomatic mla- Seated at her simple keyboard The Assoelstsa Press is esclutlttiy are available to hanflta the refin­ er, the bride was attired in a Urges Oanss F i f the financial pages of the New ayateni v.oiild provide a method of alona In countries with troops sta­ with only an unturned wooden sBtltlta to tts use ol repuBliesftoi of rnmc, n.n ununl, into the IBM Orn- BUY ery output an>’where from a Hush pink satin gown, fashioned •* aU J»e*e dlspalchee credited to u or fonti-ol and regulation. Young and ' tioned In Korea box foi a leat, .la, qiielitie ilognct I'UttiUonggram In his broadcast York Times: crnl As.srnihly, it unn oignTiizcd week to a month. with an inset panel lU Chantilly lot otberalee credited m this osrrr (areleas iiike ridera would then be sets hei bronze bells rnignig Sin urged the rebel? end the old gov* •'Wheat Prices Mil Isyv. I-01 This gives a little more time lace from the waist forming a *ad alec the loeel news pubMshea ^rr^ labor which mc't ilh mo.*it iiminiml IS oblivious to all discnmlort •. *a rriinient to get together and esass All rt*hts cl republteetioa ol spee'sl peraiiaile Thera has been talk here that per­ over satin, and waist yoke of net | HIOHWAV SAriTV COMMISaiOh I Heavy Long IJquidation and Poor ^ hand, with nrtirprine nugar candy. he aaid. I MEMORIALS 8011th Covnilry There ar* 20 bell*, weighing While there have been nimorg It. wna Riihjccted. on the other, to haps President Truman may try over satin outlined with pearls. of s possible (>>mmunist coup In Full serrlre ,-beni of IS. B A Sees ' Kxport Trade Cause Prop. " Itema of new hiiaine.aa to be Her rap waa outlined with seed : close to three Ion*, and she has to a tMnly veiled. nom#'what amateur- j to get the two countries to reach Thailand there was nothing to tn- •■Peace Bid Hring.s .Slump m ronaidered by the dirreto-a include pearl flower* and her fingertip Mru. Pauline I.Ittle pound on her keyboard with bolb '*PuWUi.e.» icepresentstlres Jtis inh plot agMinsl its own l^’aflership. OF PROVEN ' at least a temporary settlement. duatr ?o far that the Reds hsd the erei'lnni iif a hoiiae of comfort. lengU. veil was of pleated cloche. Coventry 7-0'2St lists Fai b session lasts alioiil 4.5 Jultur Msthews .apeosl Ageiir^j • S '* Slinks Soviet Overtilies for s The nm|irisc sng.'ir randy wan 1 ■Phe note arcuaed Iran of "serl- a MhiuI 111 It The «'oiip might have Tore Chiea«o. letro-1 sod B.-stm The mattei, which was placed on .She carried a prayer book with sn minute*, and lo protect bn band.' tlie pa.ssagc of the ^enl‘^ an hour | oua Interference In normal work­ .?piung from sit old rivalry be* Korean Cesse-Kire Result m Tw.i the agenda at the reqiieal of Dl- . orchid and alreamers of stephan- I she wear* half-ginvrs wliiili she mu ininm wage Inw. Thi.n wan a ings'' of the company's operations Mr*. Robert W»m*grl. lO-preal- S tvLrrn the Army and Navy. UBUBO.R au n n b v r f T v o r , Drastic Selling W sves ' rector Walter yfahoney. haa been otia. Mrs. Philip L. Hayden , cut* out of any old pair ahe finds and rrl tivclv ineamnglenn thing, in no and aaid until the world court at Mrs. Charlea E. MoUer, Jr. dent of th* Parenl-'l'eacher* A*- A < enoor-delayed dispatch from CIRC0LAT1U.V8______diacuajed aeveml time.a in the past SUPERIORITY 1 Serving as maid of honor was-a •Rumors o ' Pesre Disturb far an itn actna) proviaions were 4 Li The Hague hands down a decision aoelatioii, with Mrs F.rnest .1. ' lying around. Bangkok by AP Correspondent The Herslc Printing Company Ire . Ind no action waa taken. Ml*s Marv Moran, sister of the The altar of St. Mary’a Eplaro- Staples ' I o? I ornfd Hilt it v as a nymbcil of (m the dispute Britain conalders Miss Barbara E. Hewitt, daugh­ StarUel *nd Mra Ann Van I'eiisen Alex Mm I>onald for the first time assumes .0 hnsncisl responsib'l t> for Al.sci under new biiaineaa la the the oil producta extracted from bride, and lirideamaids were Mrs pal ehiiii'h was adorned with while will attend Ibe all-da\ anninier ‘ 1 nf\rr ffcl titnl r; the onil nf — \\ hrii u iiK lit ItUlron Nor|»« K 'll tail? nf the kidnaping. typogrvpiiicsi error, eppesr’ng 'o ,<1- • r,f‘i u \»n *' in thi l nigUMwetl ’ Mm l'•.lla'd '♦jiut Pihulflonggram rertlsemrnts son >thei res niiiiut I < III) ( H rIcM .H I.)! 1 hr mniiirs maiking the turning over nlU'. likes to rclu.‘'»' Hut the I.oilge I Theae itema were plaeed on the bridegroom, was best man, and wedding o f Miaa Helms Kath)rrii Saturday. June #0 But aa the heaiinga in The eon o f Mr. and M.ra. Charles E. College Committees appointed by apacr, forget the pinpru Ua of the pm po.?r 'if handing tugrihn nf Anu'MilUi Hredger Manhattan I'fRcc Proposiil a(! ninistration has more .senae than AP Newafeatiiren agenda at Director Melvin Hath­ meaning; they have beauty that will endure. I ushers were Donald Dowd and Ed­ ilemnnds for electricity And many Netherlands opened, ^u rt Presi­ Roberta, daughter o f Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Wanagel. 10-presi-| rvrtav worM ami the n etrx'ily l dUUMtlHll •ommn > nil 11 ?\ rlrt«« W to tl'r Thai giuerninent ar#* two reasons for re* m »«il Rrpuhl.f an ndmlni.slrat inn.'-. aw ay'! request. Moller of 85 Waddell road, last ward Slbek. .San .luan. Puerto H,. 'The 2- I..dm Aim r.can goveimnents send Albert R Roheila of 30 Bank tl*'nt« follow McimIh'I .ship. M t}4 liUN ‘-Mt r1 \ u hi> I) t ,i in?lir'( H Till l’i«'Uii«M had lu"t lompleted srrin.s to luii'W hctlrr t»ian lo d^- (fitting Done In Our Own Shop From The dent Jules Basdevant announced All the bridal attendants wore to earn ? living grittin g Mit h hf'rtdliiu'^ Kiifit Uicii lt» -Study the i.Mlnnd's new rdii- evening at St. Mary'a Epiacopal .ItiHcith Katoiv thRnninn. w rnjirid I l.lr-4 fnt ^ I. 5 ' I. ' (it I'll’t • :iM <• spi'crb ou the dredg- The Openinjt For Russia \i t«' .Ivrlf tf> nrv n ‘_:id nitcinnt to (kMHiiMi proph* on thi‘5 I* S !.■;h ?lie i^ nii lution since HM2. MniidaiKl hu.sinessnien who have plnN^ttmiuI ami rtjMipnu'nl. ^ — I? liiMt4tii colhutltig a iHipu ner '.V licit a hravilv armed N avy for peace in Korea still seems noun prolilf'm itu the buMiic.ss iPi- Attorney General, Sir Frank Sos- the double ring ceremony John chid and that of M iia Kincnian m dell Hayden of Stamford Rev AI- I men expenem ed and laler.trd mn?i- propaganda lo the effr, I tlial Wall It a « ailed "operation bootstrap.“ built plants flay training Puerto Knv'xi .? Stnikrl, Uol liiiu h, I lar hohh> ? pat I ol ?hn\L rd up healthy. Quite obviously. Wash­ t< reals it in auj posed to represent. Manchester /Aemorial Co. Uee, told the court Britain's re­ Cockerham. church organist, play­ champagne color. The honor at­ fred U Williams, rector of the •Mi s clan, she’s been st hrll-nnging Street is an instigator of wara The ohjei live us to aolve twin head- Pucans 1s a problem. A t first there Helps Veterans quest for an interim injimction Is Mrs Uaymoml M Kowlrr, rhaii-^ A Artorilin^: to ? in rn t ?ui II scf'inn to tnl(f thi* .Mcn.sdjle politi-, ed "Because " tendant carried a liouquet of Talis­ church, performed the two o'l lock Man-ly a veai Taken Up Rl\er ington has found aeeeptable Mos­ ' a- he.*> ov«'rpojnilat ion and umur.- S is much absenteeism and a rehn - H. AIMKTTI. Prop. "Indeed of the greatest urgency,” mnti. iMihlinlv Rm1 puMn alloi^R, v«'V hulttin lolIrtluiLl UMH Iriinrti .‘Second there la a liasii trulti m i.,l wow tliat it i.s il'UIrr Iti run' The bride given in marriage by man roses ami the lindesmaids. ceremony, and John. I'ocUerham. Hefore Mcll? m iupHil her Mile Si me? of Na\ v men with suh- cow's belief that the first thing ploymcnT. Tlu' i. land. luo by llh lam e t«» vvorlv full m heduh.s Hut M??» Kunivlh S I<\i'!i Mr*» ( ’ U (hr tliiiil nut.‘.( pnpi'ljit hnhh\ m hiio h'Uc^ui.? Hiiil ilfle? touk up them witli nhirli we Amemuns ♦J ong with .somrfli ng tliat is ((»m- .N'civ’ York 'Jr The 'telerart.' H ARRISON SI KFFT—M AN(TlFSTFR Tehran waa quiet after a noisy her father, wore a while pique yellow roses, all wearing a spray church organist played the organ (7oguel Mail Loinposed ni.i.su She to be done should be a negutiatioii miles, has onlv half un m re of farm plant man.agers see imtirovemenl U illlr, pjn^;TRm. Mt and Mix. llie I nilrd Slulr.^' I hr nihri I .5 t) ptoutmim altiun the Royal landing ii g anyway than to waste its en- a mobile telephone, now makea it' OPP. FAST CFiMETERY PHONF 5207 or 7787 (Communist - led demonstration drean with a while nylon picture | of matching flowers in their lialr. and accompanied the soloist. June has ptodiued inaxM’.? a nd carried a bouquet of white 1 Foxglove, delphinium and bridal Parks, who sang ' Ave M arla" and pella. ■ a symphony for the nigan sooner 01 later Our unfortunate opposition which would be purely tries. And births increase the popu- Lahgnage diflieultiea are at a who could not otherwlae make or •fforts to bring about a peaceful wreath were the decoratlona used "Because, ' Mm JaiDfR Marlin Th^ Uieinr for aboard with several Na\y men and dera in the held. It haa aent Gen- , 'latu*n r>'».000 a year At thin rate minimum because P'nghsh is a in\ist gardenias tha new year will he "W orking and another work In musu and <4— man.\ different kind? problem is indeed tlint our pres­ t raditional I receive calla, to keep in touch with • settlement of the future of the bll- at Schaub's reataurant m East Given In marriage by her father, surrounded tlie Premier. era! Rldgu-ay detailed InalnKtions [the population would douhle by Mra. Robert Burnham, alster of verse. "The Ro?try, for • lioir or­ of foreflt lrrr? are there In thr t |ii'.\ f»vet. !in\U'.g adfipt*'i1 thinj in island .flchools, Mamlanders the fo lk ! back home. | llon-dollar corporation. Windsor, where a receplion for 1.50 the bride had as maid of honor With The Sihodl Mr and M th IL all hajipcned so (pilrkly that ent )iiospeiit\' IS based on v.'at and 198U the bride, waa the matron of gan and harp IsHlriv ?|irhr? A ! I nitrd 'Hljilra* for hia own procedure on tins M'l; ilih* poll thf' I.otlgr adinuii.'f* | iiru.sh off the nationalists who were The new der'ice. which reaem- i About 10,000 persons had gath- guests was held from 12 o'clock to her sister. Miss Alice C Rolirrls Stnnli \' l*BpBm»s «i* ‘ t «t-vit e- a hundinl nf I'nlu r am) .Army offi- , "W e nui^l look t-- imlu'drie.s to honor She wore a blaek and white ten pic» e? for t hr < i.i: ' S 1 w |Mi I Diunl «'l -\ l: . ifi? nnde ni> atteinjii to lesist, basis, and he has promptly .-.--uei: , ' epai at .on for wai. and tliat. a- lia ’ .op r,\pf. ltd lU lr ami rxtia\- hkuncfl for a recent attack aimed blc; a leaeart with a telephone on iered in Parliament Square shout- ,5 While receiving her guesU. of New 5'ork t'lly . Miss .lanct M pr«’.s"i«l'‘nl>i Mis Vanl»4’usua i* i*- give our pr«ip[e .loh>. to raise our dreaa with white hat, and al.«o car­ the vri?ati!e mi?’» im? ? 1?m |*ti'tT «'lltmr ,sa\s llirir ji I U pirtiMrJ^ I'lhuLstingi.:! mil went alnng wilh- 'our economy opeiat'S. real pern •' ag.iJd iliviili from U. It formetl at Pre.sident Truman They are a top. waa developed by the New "Death to Truman" and Mrs .Moran was attired in an aqua Roberts, sister of the hnde. and 1 Fonl'.nK ?'‘‘ i*'lHrv Mi? iFitnaM (*. an Invitation to truce talk.-- riiat standard of living." says (.hiv. Taun ried gardenia*. li?hed aeveral slim \o!.inr? of I I h*;. niiL a pi lie?: lie ua? taken to a the wistlid lalculutinn that. Iinv-. liny minority, it la said. York Telephone Co., for uae In ■"Death to Grady." Henry F. Grady crepe and lace gown with tan ac- Mr* Jacqueline M Stratton of Smith, t Ol reapoiulmK ari i etaiv. constitutes progress, whicli may would eventually bring us a re­ Murio7. Marin. Also ' l>ivpr.sifiod Dr. Orlando Peter Orfltelll. Inum h uhi'h \antshed up the tng thus \iilunteered something for But the Ik S. law that forbids velerana' hoapitala. The machine, is American Ambassador to Iran. cessonea and a yellow spilt carna­ Bank street, were hridesmsids : William E- Mi’ArUun. tiea?urer, poetry. vival of difficulties we do not have farming and Improved farming Puerto Rico to refine her own sugar brother in law of the bridegroom) ilia o f'hvw river or may not be fruitful within a labor, hav ing demon.'’ traled that , firat tried out in 1945. waa stan­ tion ooraage. Mrs. Simpson wore David Galligan of 14 Delnionl ! A flop WR? hoi n \V«'ilnr.4nlHy to — Where are the roughrat ?e«ui metliods are part of the solution." Valetta, Malta, June 80 -(>P)-- One e\ntc4l Navv man fired two to fare now. itn heart had shifted its location, causes .some discontent President dardized in 1949. was beat man. an a-shea of roses crepe and lace street was heal man, and ushers ' Mr ami Mra. Thoma? .1 Mm an N ovl though. ?hc .? coi.ifnlrat In tli«' t\«irld to In* ftMind** matter of houra. repending upon A government development rom- The British Frigate Wlldgoose ’«hnt«. hut nnne ua.? Injuied. The To say tl’.at we could notalnk ii 'oidd t.ov\ prof to lake nr-' Murnoz sees this law as the only When a bed-ridden patient Following the cercmoiiy a din­ gown with navy accessories and a were George p Malh y of 84.5 UaK»*\iu\\ T rr iH '1- ni \SimlhHiu iiiK <*n thr t anlMm \lrca«l\ liu A A ( tin* ♦•'Ipi ot I hr .\n(jii> (u how well Russia’* friends m the on- 1 pitny and hank start nnd eni'ournge real argument the Red.s have for sailed today to join other British L’oimnunits Mrnmnnl Hu.Hpital < ’ent im-nl )nu u | lu' lhn ilL VI dptniiml? >.*cic lint ninle^lrrl. g.uu/i'd lahor to i*s hcMitn ns > wanta to make or receive a call, ner was held at the Olii Town Hall while spill carnation corsage. East Muldle 'I'lirnpike ami Allre.l iHMir ha? Hpirn'l *h'"u;;n N«iMli tlicM' proldems of peace is to Sell sort. Hud.nlly. It (.logn izcd that ] nev. indu.str<-s Ami a big hotel has island propaganda, warships in the Persian Gulf. 'l‘h»* bahy wo\^hoi\ 7 !F>? 10 oz at lantic ami liHiuin ()>rans inert field arc aetually fnllowlnv R'ls- the telecart ia moved by a hoapital Inn. Ea*t Hartford. L.atcr the When leaving on * motor trip J. Klein of 109 Cooper Hill street. ern Krnncr and Helgi m " i< i • oiirsciies .shoit. To asy tlinl. in tlvcre vvxH (»ne little pn>blem re-j built lo encourage tourists, i Moacoso haa blueprinted a $30,- It was learned that the cruisers H'ing Kong .tune 30 /!*; In- sia's diplomatic lead attendant to hia bedaide and con­ bridal couple left for an extended south the bride will wear an off- The bride's floor-length gown | birth the inatrument i.? im>rc frr(| ir ii mainlng before such...... blisn..... could _ _ be_ } One big success has ® 000,000 program of economic ex- ■uryalus and Gambia are ready Rev Harold E Pai.vmo. pofl- 1|— Won ( V>himlm? aiihalniillally f«*rmrd source.? in Hong Kong do any case, we could not stand some nected by a long cord to the near- motor trip through New England. whita shantung suit with navy ac­ of white nylon marquisette over | nnd popular than in the rr?t of 80, for the moment at an> rate, realized. That una the relatively | textile plart aold to a pri-j panaion for the next 10 yeara and | eat telephone outlet Inatalled In to ^ n the Mauritius off the oil tor at thr Fir?t <’onjjregational re\^ arded for hU dlocNixerv of not believe Thai'a present trou­ loss of war prosperity in return Mra. Moller wa.a graduated from cessories. and an orchid corsage. satin with French lace Insert* waa I I the country. we are aUll living in the hope that minor matter of the identity ol the I vale firm which haa aiiice built M „ iio z tiopea that ''operation hoot- the wall. The portable phone ia port of Abadan If the need should (’liiinli. will ii'^r OR Ml? ?rrmon A iim tIo ii? bles are Cnmmimlst-inspired. Manchester High school In the A fte r July 15 Mr. and Mr*. Sinip- fashioned with long tapering j I From Ka?1er h* Whdsun ?hr for an end of sacrifice of life and estahUahed leadera of organized la- ' another plant The government strap" may wipe mil unemployment equipped to hold an Incoming call arise. toT>n at tin- 9 dO a m inrw Imiiri A .No Me« 1USC he failed In The tfouble-niaker? could have the aggression which should neve- class of 1948, and is now employed aon will reside at 66 School afreet, aloevea coming to a diamond point, 1 travel? from chuiih tn i" blood, is to do us an injualire, a-s hor in ('mine.'ll iif. It U'li.s feared . built a elay proilucla jilant, a pulp , by lilfiO. I until the patient ia readv to re- ?t*rvu • s Sunday A (Tiain 1? No Mn-I gold 111) hi? en.Miing vo\HgrM, Red itiLi lung hut the majority have begun will be ended, and as a clerk-typist at Pratt and Manchester. edged with Frem h lace, buttons j I ?el her hell? Ringing; 'm > a nation of human beings I'liesc they niiglil not inatiiirtivcly geai | mill nnd paper mill, a glas.s factory. ' ceive it. A graduate of East Hartford SlroMKvr Than It.? Wrnkr?t Link ’ the SpHiiuh ruh’iH liiined their opmioiL heir IS again.?! that sur* that, as a further dividend, a ■Whitney Aircraft. Mr. Moller. also down the back and a ^lll skirl i ■and feast-day? N o'A ?l;r ha? ini>e themaetvea to the Idiea of a era of * cement plant. Some are in the; LtHi^kVALlEVI High school, Mrs. Simpson ia tm - Rev. Reginald A Memfield, bill K.'I on him the < roud.? foiguL powerful diacouragement to fu­ things. nevrrUieless. the glib fi­ a graduate of Mancheater High w'ith a chapel tram. Her fingertip I ambition? She want? to r.iu the lum Impovni.shed. he ended up liocal Thai aourrea. including sweet partneraliip between the Re- | fed. But private Interests recently | ployed aa a stenographer at Fh-att pa?tor of the Second ('on|;a- nancial headline! do seem to say. publlran part V and organized labor took them over And the cement Open Forum school in the clsae of 1948. I* now illusion French lace trimmed veil, I 58 hell? that comprler the ’aigc?t In debtor'? prl?on Me die .? with dollat speaks so loudly, some mu Singapore O.K. ANTHRACITE graduated from the Howell Che­ white cainations with baby's St Mool will Mr at 11 H in. I'hrio ment, one inconsequential but In bp done, then, Haa to rerog- government li.st.s theae asseta: ; was indeed n surpriae to me and plnv the carihon? thiMc In —Ol what kind of uihhI ua? I'rriuier I*ihul?onggram *)a< k In Doctor Highway Surface ney Technical school in HM3. breath and an orchid center. are no Sunday SiMonl rlafl?ri for ought to .see that the American nlre new lalmr leadera and Ig­ 1 I.abm- reserves -between 80,- to read in Saturday s Herald, in I preparation for the trip ?he ? "(N il Ironahli'M" coiistrticteil ? pow er relatively exasperating fly. It la Singapore — OPi— H KItahara. served in the Arm y from 1943 to th« aummer. The C*hn.?tian En­ heart gets a headline too nore the old, build lip new lead­ 000 and 140.000 unemployed: 150,-j the reprint of the e.asay submitted 1946 in the European theater The attendants woi# identical ' practicing hsr Kngllih A Acuurduig to Joshua Hum- If these suppoaition? are wrong the fact that thla chance of peace the first Japanese civilian to enter Program Held U p deavor Society will meet Sunday and ('oinmumstH are behind tht ers who were Instinctir ely I 000 to 175.000 partly employed. by me in the Development Corn- where he w e* awarded a silver gown*, of floor length net over phrevs. the designer of the ship, seems to have come on -Russian Singapore since the end of the at 6 p. rn. to clean the auditorium revolt It will mean the Reds hava friendly lo I be Republican ^ 2. No 7.5-cenl8-ati-liour wage . mi.saion's contest, that I rerom- LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Says star for gallantry and graduated taffeta, made off the shoulder the VI S S 1'on.nUtutioii was made at the T'hnrcli (Vmimunity Hnu?e initiative, that it was a statesman Windowleaa— .\ny In Maine • aiise. and cashier those evlst- r minimum. (But i.aland offlcial.a inonded curtailing the constnic- war. said he found no antl-Japa- with a matching stole and a long iif ) 4’d iucr;ih t iii m nt .s <0 «-at make a building all u iiidowa a u t h o i i z i d oi$iiiauToii$ from (Wdicer )iaa been gradually aaid. He added that some work de­ Eagleville will Me at the ii?ual About Town trntion wii.', quietly nnd voyly will- .silieduies i. However, for the sake of the rec- KItahara said he walked about breath, and the bridesmaids car­ I I Board of 'IYu.?tee? of the (V uiium tl nuiuhrrn 4if 1 «h i iliul 1 ree.s gluU I power which preauniahly began N ow we have, in a new textile riatng. Thia does not necessarily layed by weather conditions in the I lug to Hubatitiite for them had a 6. Tax exemptions. Many Indu.s- I ord and the reputation of the Stnj^apore freely and no one tried Tatro-Racine ried yellow gladioli and bahv'a hour o f 8 30 a. ni I cut State HoaplUl of Middletown ^ along tlie seashore . and when nut? T .Sgl" I’eler J. Shei'lock, aon of that tragedy? maan that cancer Is really In- previous weeks will be undertak­ ’ The ('Y O of SI Mary'a i r » H i the AlMuit K KalMri I affiliated \xill meut urda**v»> 4" «’a u ;t nd )ieu u a.'.bed a.shm $• am ■ I lurf uilh llic Tw elfth A ir of another trend, and the ron- tending included the Indian and year* of life and since fewer peo-i pended entirely and resumed ol labor, nllhou^h, quit*' [nisHihlv, de«*lared in HMT few years " their ward, Doris Tatro. to Roger atcly following the cerenionv, with I’ottaKc a! Lakr WanmiinMau^. rung ai tViVi'iilrv (Jraiig*’ hall uith the nut? ijik f inni < *ni oil I it 11 res l'5 'r'I- III B.-ihn Germany. Ht* atateamen. Actually, the Ruaaian 1 Australian trade commlssioneri. 501-315 CENTER .STREET pie nowjidaya are killed off during I Monday, July 9. Ira.at I'ould hardly he more ex- the .seed f'. Marian, aiul daughter are move waa perhaps primarily a re­ ■ treme. The new $3,000,000 faetor.v ' been plant oil Cl edit a.s oftlcialfl boast that KH) I I.A)inse C Tasliir. i TELEPHONE 5135 yoiith by Infectibllla, more are llv - 1 .loseph Racine of 47 Roseland red and white roses and fern* accompany the ffroup ' Mrs W'alter 8 . Haven 1? m charge also in A MB, North .Vmertia. with turn In Berlin. S.Sgt. Michssl 56 Henrv street, Manrhe.stf^r, j lug to the years when cancer la • MisB Virginia Nye. dauffhter of j sponse to various hints given by { in Maine will have no windows at ' I'siially. however, the ques­ new plants havu been set up ainre street, Springfield. Ma*i •Mr* Roberts received her guests I of arrangements South America ami Afrua. S. Rubacha, aon of Mr. and Mrs. UM7 These plants make such moat likely to strike. The wedding will take place on while wearing a street length Mr. nnd Mra. W illiam Nye of The Pomona Ijoclurer? Confer various American leadera over the jail. Its designers reason that. tion Is whether or not m pres­ I Max Rubacha of 64 Nortit street, tliiiiK-s R-s acids. basehall.K, hlankets, FkUtor's N ote: " A t lea.st for a i What la cancer? Our bodies are Andover beige shag linen dress with match­ Slonehou?e Road, Smith Coven­ em'e u’aa lu'M Hartford on , — When waa the first lltlne past few weeks, beginning with sure tcroiip Is Koliift to take N trait bava any praMawi wMi yaw Iw H ag pMnl M m kalp July 21 la al.ao atalloneci In Berlin, wher# I with or without windows, the plant | over an atlmlnlNtration. This hobby pins, ('uiuhes. iMulhinp. I’uu^h few day.'i ■ was the reading: of the made up of tiny cells of *ligh,tly ing cape silk printed lop and aasti try. u a.? inniTicd Saturday Monday. 'Hie I.,e(diirrrfl met lo lilt' ^Lorld's h*'U\> uelghi title uo* he la H aiipply technician. General Rldgway'a remark, soonj^.j,, ,pq„ire modern lighting And i time, vnrlahly, the question mudlctne, cord tuimlhagfl, t hum-| pnze winning essay a.s a copy o f, THE FINEST different appearance under the Tax Collei tor Rachel Stanley ' Dried Beef Sperfal Mandwirh to match She wore brown arrea- morning; to Edmiiml ('onnier. ?<»n plan u'ir pr Main atrert will be held st the Ihe 38Ui parallel would conaUtuU ,i^ „a , are really superfluous, (\lHoiifl f'ostiime I mone.H and zippVi s, ’ ironically emphasizing her view of others brary on Wednesday. .July 18 from 2 teiispooiis grated onion I white accessories and a cor.sng* of dauKhti’i of Mr. ami Mra. Ijeo F Kepuhliran (Till* i? pl.tnmng a Q—-W ilii wliirh atJit<' do >011 oa- liunic of Mra. Davis' slater, Mrs. 'I’remblay of Stonehou?r Hoad. a victory for the United Nations. to the cost of ' Teodoro Mo.sro.so, ,Ir , Plierto I community’s plight by .stating ; When everyUiing is going all 3 p. m. to 5 p. III. and on Friday. 1 6 slices bread. I rosebuds, I family oiitmg for Snlunlay Juls' soeixite lhi« word ‘TOeM'ret"? Hichard N'lca.' ol 47 Edgerton Johnny Applc.soe.l first began Rico's economic development ad-. I tnat a halt even for a few day« , Soak beef in hot water lor one I Wheit" leaving on a South ('ovenlry. waa given a nna- Then one of the rea.aona f, r the heating and the cost of niainten- right these cells live with each July 27 from 7:30 to 9 p. m. to I motor trip 14 from 2 to 7 p. m at Valley A Utah, so called hy tlic Mor­ street, tomorrow from t lo 5 and would be something worth having. through th* northern cellaneoua shower Tuesday eve­ hia curious custom of pl.anting ap-1 miiiiati-ntor. hopes the new plants USED CARS other in harmony and when one receive tax payments. minute. Drain. In a bowl combine , ...... —• ..... i^ewN ew r.ng-Eng. I Kails Farm, Bolton road, home of mon founders. . fnim 7 to 10. ' removal of Gener^ MacArUiur ,„e,udlng the cost of ws.h- pie .seed.s about 1801. in Ohio. His will employ at least 15.000 when, beef, cream cheese, pickle and '■’’ d states and Canada the bride ning nt St. -Mary'a CTiurch Hall on I gets worn out it is replaced by a Sixteen members of the Church I Colonel and Mr? Charle? B became the fact that he jumped ! repairing. dress was as eurlous as his oecii- they reach full capacity He sees Gold Blug onion. Spread mixture on bread, wore a white garbardine suit with School 5?lre«t. About 35 attended j 1940 Dodq* 4-Door. Ro- new one. In cancer, something Council attended a meeting In the I Beach. The program will include 4 — U hy I* Uie eiquretrUui statue Miaa Lxtrralne Sylvls McKee, patlon for he wore a coffee sack . another 1.5.000 Indirectly employed Logansport, Ind.—(/4b After a cover with another slice of bread i na\-y blue and white acces.aories the party given by relative? and ' awiinmlng for both ( hildren an«! the gun on a proposed United Na- ^hi. makes the new textile goea wrong with this orderly' ar­ church social room on Thursday at of General .lackaon, ex.x'Uted by ' daughter of Mr* M argaret McKee for a cloak and on hia brad he In new service indiislries shopping trip here, William A. dio and Hootor. 8 p. m. The Council plans to meet and toa.st on bolti .aides under the , and an orchid txiraage. A fte r July friend?. Miaa Tremblay received adult?, boating, pony n«le?, hniNC Clark Mill*, nnleuorthy? of till Oak afreet, and John L,. Uons poacc proposal—l»aulnir to i , * ** ,, rangement and growth of cells and „ I r a plant up in Msin#- nrws of an un- wore the part in which he cooked (lovernment trade schools have Berryman, Walton, Ind . got city on the 29th of each month. broiler. (Makes 3 snndwichesi . 1 the bridal couple will be at home many UReful and hrautiful gift?. .?hoe pitching and game? for chll- A It was tlie fii*l equeHtnan i .Spencer. Jr., son o f Mr. and Mrs. Uw* C-ommunisis ommunisls nonox. Mass of them _ljre more likely to grow ; , ■^'1' I'ocpa for three years end la . reported by Re\. Mernfield to he proposition, with the statement 1948 Pontiac 4-Door Hy- By Dou(I m Lstrsen t his height stayed the same wild—cancer—than others. This; The Recreation ground* being of preparatiim on Him work and' ita own need for an expansion of KEA Staff Corrmpondent wa.*n t anywhere clone to the mim- ! that the United States would ac­ dromotic. Radio and is why cancer is more likely to .... V,.. .V,.. __ Collsg? In Pullman. Wash- that name, prepared by tlie ’Tollmid Coni- I bought that 11 would nevef be *c- Attending the Samuel J Mills its operation-', it eanye fan to (a. - muni. But by that lime he had cept a cease fire at the ,'i8th par.'H- start in certain organs than- in Fort'Bragg, N. C. — (NEAi ington .Sumiiicr *''.*.111)11* nl ('.nvcntiy iminlty Building Aasociation me (epled Rcnoualy ovci hi.* o'A ii sig- ( onlerciu e at the Hotclilu.'s school with the d iffin ill ^TntWem oi t r - - Hootor. had experience in getting around lel. When Donald V. Mateer first got Day Si hold ticgiii .Monda> and uill now being used For the InsI italui c Hus week ai'c. Hie following ren- others. •Yrmy limitalioii.s He made it I wh<'t,Jii'r to locate this plnm—ni?' Although Uioro aie some differ-) continue through July 28 several week* after the place- resentatives from the young peo­ But. although all tins -xas evi­ into the 82nd Airborne Division The .Htiff training that followed i panaion in New England oi m tlie 1950 Chbvfolot 2-Door. ences between m»n and women in •Mrs. Virginia Snow fourth dis­ meiit of sanitary fscililles and the It— Is the hydrsnge* pUnI nat- ple's societies at the Center Con­ they called him "Shorty" and a wa.s a breeze for the Mighty Mite. Aniei'icaiis Spend dence enough that American this respect, the stomach region is trict American begion president arrival of children's slide and unUly blue In color? gregational church: Ann Alvortl, South. ' Ita final decision, which t Radio oi^ Hootor. couple of other names he didn't There were only a couple of in­ diplomacy waa trying to head ride with smootK one of the most Important places was the initialing officer with sand pile made possible by the A 'The normal color of the Barbara Field. Donald McComb company officials admitted was like. conveniences. He had to ask the generosity of the Mother * ehib of flower is pink hut by the influence toward peace in Korea— and ap­ for the start of a cancer. For thla Plenty in Italy Mrs. Uorinne Pender, fourth dis­ and Wallace Pettinglll. difficult to reach, was a perma­ 1947 Moreury Club Cpo. That waa natural, however. He man next to him lo hang his rip If VIII 1(1118 agents in the soil, s iir ll comfort reason stomacli symptoms should trict sergcant-st-arii^ assisting I Tolland, the pre-schonl children parently evidence enough to make was four feet nine Inches tall and cord on the statu line aliove his •Monday have been gathering with some of a s a lu m or iron, they become Harry Cowles, Jr , of 26 Linden' nent one that the company would Radio and Hootor. not be neglected but prompt and I during spi'dsl servo Moscow consider the time ripe for weighed 90 pounds. IJe eaaily quali­ head before jumps And because of . Rome A’l—The average United I evening at the Legion Rooms, . Hie mothers in attendance for a changed to blue street, waa the runnerup in the always maintain operations in thorough studies should be made fies aa the smalleat man In Am er­ hia weight he floats dow n rather | tourist who vtalted Italy In I Soi^h Coventry. Hie initiating play neriod nn Tuesday mornings ' junior boys’ division Tn the 73rd grabbing headlines itself—it all to catch cancer of the stomach New England. BIGGER VARIETY THAN EVER ica's armed force*. slowly, always landing a few min- i Holy Year. 1950, spent $336 here team was comprised of Mrs. Elsie j Tlie Mother * club picnic with, the tfQ— How long have spoons been i anniversary Eastern Archery As- also avoided and mlaaed any tjlear during the early curable stage. Now they call him Mighty Mite utes after the rest <>f the men. exclusive of travel costs from and .Shepaum. preaident of the Auxilla children was held at the grounds uaed? soclntion tournament held at and unmistakable pronouncement HARTFORD ROAD Vulnerable Spots Exploiting The Cradle SEAT COVERS Mateer of the 82nd, with great But he has made six jumps so far | liack to America, ry lo Hie James J Shea Post in on June 26. A T h e spoon is one of the old- I .Springfield College yesterday, The Intc.stinea below the stom­ o f American -purpose. American FINEST BRANDS respect in their voices. And when and— as tho boys say " h e tia.sn't The Italian offii e of American VVillimaiilic. .Mrs .Marguerite Some of Hie young people iiii- e.st inipleiiicnts .Siioons have been ^ Yoa name the make and model of your ach arc alm o st equally Impor­ found in F.gyplinn tnmhs of 4.000^“ ~—— J policy never took the issue ot This .year's publicity exploits' USED CARS you get reaped in the 82nd, you failed lo rcai h the ground yet " , loiiriata announced that 122,000 Bonibardii I . luesident ol Hie (lei Mr. Barii.-ird's lea'lersliip and ta n t* Sim - many cancer* start years ago. ; tion of human beings against the BOOTH CONDUCTED BY -T1) n A R T F O R O R O AD ' earn It. .Moosiip M i n i , .Mrs Eileen ' .lacobs, help have started laying out a peace in Korea and claimed it for ear and we’ve got the latest styles along thia passageway. In women Fully rigged in a combat out- , -Americans came to Italy during II Five times the recruiting officer i fit, Mateer himself ia 38 pounds "rkey were pari of the 300,000 Uni- secretary of the Willinianlic unit; soflbull diamond A jungle gym itself. ■ Bntlah Channel threatens to be TF.I.EPIIONE 2-4l«S the breasts and womb or uterua has been erected by Mr. Jsbilan- Q—7- ed and sre to be made available I The quartermaster boy* found and bucket variety He doean' of all cancers ■(The Fourth District American shortly. Any further develop­ had ordered begun. ! Britain was shocked enough, at COMPANY NO. 3 even the amallcet uniform*at* >~hsd(-nati intend to make the Army s ca­ Audit Report FREE , It is easy to get too frightened ion meeting will he Sunday at ment of the grounds will depend Well, we are not really con- hia proposition, to deny him the to be cut down tc fit Mateer^le e ritX ^ reer; he wants to try business ' Tagged Flounder ' Leg on tl^ volunteer help available for over the possibilitlea of cancer but East Woodstock. The anusl elec­ Notice is hereby given that the smallest Arm y shoe, aise( flve.'nt next. some^of the necessary remaining cemed over thi* possibility that privilege of Ita hospitality— and $ 1 2 - 5 0 this should be avoided. It's a tion of officers will lake, place. OPEN NOW audit report of the hooka of ac­ tasks. It is felt that with Hie Looking For 2 Aeros of Hood Building t.aiMl! pMRlo will feai too good about the British arc not easily moved INSTALUTION ju*t about right. Since he'.i been at Fort Bragg. I Sydney - '4>i—A year ago offi­ Rii hard C. Snow of the loi al post counts and financial rscerda of good Idea to know where we stand, opening of awininilng facili.tu.* nl V* The 82nd got Mateer, along with Mateer will assure you the 82nd cer* of the Government'* Scien­ has been nominated as district R u i^ . What really concerns ua is to such action. But our pubheity the Eighth School and Utilities however, and all the columns this Crandall's pond directly across High elevation snd good tocstloo. Has large bM « wUeh «otlM Our special— 50 Sets— not Installed, Ji8.95. Front seat a batch o f draftees, for basic tra in -; ia the best division in the Army. |tific «nd Research Organization histonaii .Mrs Virginia Snow of the question of why American seeking American thinks ks can THROUGH JULY 4«i District of Manchcatcr from June week, therefore, will be devoted from the park more fai ililies be lused for gentleman farming (nr possible home). I-oeaitedjwltk« only. Sedans, Coaches, Club Coupes. Iny. Some ot thr 82nd'a glamor The .50.‘)th is th<; licst regiment In (aught a shark in St. Helens B;u. the lo( al unit has been ciidoracd In '2U iiiilra of Hartford. Bale price g4.>500 with $1,000 to OLSOO foreign policy lets ths wolf steal 1. 1949, to M ay 31, 1951 is now on to di.scuasing a few of the things Tasmania, pul a tag on it, ami would po.'.iilily be needl'd One ! outwit the British by having hfs rubbed off on him. and at Hie end that uiittit he'll fight any man ' a.* Fourth Dfsliict Ani'encaii Lc- itoHii payment. Terms on balaiicJy CO file in the office of the Town we know and don't know about of the two picnic beiu lies In pro- iU own legitimate sheep's cloth­ children start their swim from n NOON toll P. M. CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED of bs.sic Mateer was the first to who says the 1st battalion isn't Ifl, was to i gion president. District presidents GOOD ONE-HALF ACRE LOTR^wIthlii 10 mllM. of B m h t l * , Clerk and Is open for public in­ this disease. get information about the growth ceia of eonstniction by Mr. Thoni- The answer to that quaaUon volfinteer for the rugged airborne ; the best. B Company i* tops in arc elected at the annual Ameri­ High elevation, near achool and bus line. Sale pg$M' $$M ■■$ ing. France. They won’t have to swim spection. and movement of the shark if it Car*** been placed at the park. and parachute training for which the battalion. He's dead gure the can Legion Convention. Thla year uith down puynent of $180 nnd op. ■tut •••n a to ba that the Wash­ more than a f«w miles, we sup­ Thla legal notice la given in H«ylett At H««d were seen again. Help win bs n ^ e d In th* finish­ compliance with Section 64F of the 82nd U farooua. 2n;uo .stHiioil m Lrafjnr Alumni i;anic bo!\$‘Crn tlu' poaiMona held by the P»'moi’rntir offieea are now closed. Snliirdnys .lapnn ami South Korea rontlniird] wish a meeting to discuss an ho officially made by the Board Jiistire Dept. Did Not leally pot mad over Murtny's n> The .\ssovial('d I’rc.iw Cliinox Beal BrowniV' *X>pt a 1P51-M budget totaling Zion I.utheran rhurch. Cooper and the m>w dcfiin t S>fthall IAm IikIiI Ihink miuI Hiowm aikI HeHUpro will incumbenta, .ludpr rainy two surviving rhailrr menibera of during the summer, and the pro. hroadca.sting the Supreme U. N. ' armistice providing for the les.sa- of Directors Monday night, the Into.al disoIo.suiT. Paul the ITtt 4ni 'rli’tn l.eagur $8,120,429, an Inrreaee of $37S P39 High streets, will hold its closing (Jrvk anf| Deputy JudK*' .^^h” M - ,St. JoHcpli'N .^oriely. posed ordinance would provide the j Commander'a Invitation to _>he hostilities and all acts of Repiihlican director.s had a.sked .Approve NLA.V Ban nthictic director. l.rt« Wrltsr) other things they ha,ve done. in'.ntldN meeting been moved bddget neesiona et Monday e meet- .'ihip posts, "which bv the commis­ Joseph .!., I>'0 A. anm T'ue.Mhiy mghi » Tue.siiav Willi llio tntialc to this lag at the Municipal Building. sion of the Governor are riphtfully n, ol RoikviUr, five daughters, town clerk's hours are set by onll- j the Dani.ih hospital ship .lullandia that such a me-ting is desired I Kiccidl'.s name had previously television controversy and tin minds of the legality of our posi­ Mr and Mrs .tames Hutton of Yovh \iniek the finr pl’iiminc July P* The sr-'ion wdl hr Iv-M I'iMl)',ei pennanl wall*? The Eh"., ours, ' Ihrv will retire, but with* Mrs. Finnk F’eterson of Toppeni'h. naneenance an>l a public hearing la re- ^ f,fl|Pr,r of Woman, shell-« prepared to narpe my rep- h en submitted to the board hy battle of words jrvts tougher. tion. We have been ndviseii hy 'a 31-mtll tAx rate dn an e.xU- 116 Well.a strict, held open house fullhjit ,v lor the Silk G-ty Am-*- at the I hihhou.**e m N‘>it)i »*«>v fojt "winvinK our rlpfbts to the \Va.sh., Miss Hel-'n M. Groiis. Mis.s ipnred to make the change I shall-red Communist port on Ko- resenlativc I'lrect'ir Walter Mahoney. hut 'Phe dispute remains stalled at ('ompetent counsel. avRilithle to us ii'-lx I-H I'i 'M^an hna been hitting. ntated Grand List of j yesterday on the occasion of their laat fall, ha.a » 42h hatting ’naik rill I \ offices ■’ Ann M. <;rnus, .Mrs. Forrest Hull ttnder iinflnlsherf business Mon­ I rea's east coast. "j wouM also at that time siig- they decided to take no action at midfield, however, w’th neither in many locations, that our posi* I l.i.'-.'-n. ialciv «(ll ralee $2..V>".9df) according to , fiftieth wedding anniversarv Manv day, the directors will consider an In the Lee .SoUhall ly'nj;ne the Preaer^ft and Mrs \9illiani K .Bides, all of The .liillandia transferred h e r, g^at a date at which he rouUI that time. Democratic directors side gaming advantage nor giving tion IS not only morally right hut the general manager s message, friends and relatives c.alled to ren- opinion from Town Counsel .lohn aixth best mark In (he eimiit 1 ('t'Jith W.’illv l•■ollms .5nie)i(;in I X n.'-t -1.; 1 tlie I’.riiDka hraestol'' The tenor of a meeting held Yes­ Rorkville 19 grand'hildren; two patients to the American hospital ' meet with your representative. L. ore Mahoney. Katherine Bourn ground. cfirrect from a legal point of view. •jpch will be auffinenl to pay the I grstiilate thern. P. LaBelle concerning the I,enox j I.egji*?) .Imiim - will ti.i\el tc Fast I ■> " 11,; 11 .11. a 'i'..-:;mc.e lead. They' terday by Governor lyOfjj^e nn<\ his great grnndrhd'li en. and one si.k- ship Mai'en, scriihheil out potential 1 propose that sue|i , meeting roiiM and Melvin Hathaway. Penn 8 athletic directin'. Franny ooat of operation This repre.'ents j street culvert. a report from Jaikie Vittnei has laken o\ n I Hartford Mumlav afteiunMn lo? ;tn I'.i'l'i 1(1 n" iir'iny XTu'ii cam*' nppnintee.s from throughout the j (pf Mrs. Frank Wsgiier, o( Fork- conference rooms, and awaited take plare nhe,ard n Danish hos- Kiecolt ha.s already been sp- Murray, yesterday launched the a.four-miII increase over the prei-- Building Inspeelrir rtavid Cham­ t he ■ pti'' t^hl 11 Old 1 ■. t e \( e ; i t s ui.por t lilt ; Lugioii l.e.igue h.ivrhall ' IMIM.ii'l ;|i .state waa ' to pre.srn'e the dlg'mty word to sail from the South Ko­ pltnl ,^hip In Wonsan harbor. polnted prisbatlon officer and new offensive against the plan of ent rate of ,;7 The new fisi al year bers on rerpiestcd ehangea In oil the N'n I ehm ker m the Ret S -n- ; iiif I * ** 1.1 pla \ f’t s will ir.i'' .1 * i'.i' It .1 .1" itj;.' i.i.sa .Sunday t.* of the courts." Rottner said, and a Funeral services will be held rean pint of Pusnn W 'Mfan «: on tbo norli'east J ronrt the National I ’ollegmte Athletic burner regulations, and will take nffi<''r, two positions lor- b;ill l,ra>;ue. \'ittnrr h*>a:*ts a si\ i t he I ( g 1* ■'I 11> *n,e al l .I’t I* It P 'I'lu i itarta August I.' i Maori Eloolofl ho I'niiii" 1'IIS < iiargi d off aa ons .similar course of ai tIon will prol)- Mon'lay morning at 8 JO si the "W c would go at a moment s m con^t. about Ro miles north of P ai*- ' merl' held hy Keating. Asaorintif'n iNUAAi to control \5eale> r.ilmw 11 ir will he pla \ e-l at ,G.. Rob Andre>\a pThe per capita cost of municipal final a. tion on a proposal to a(r|,^^,^.. Commodore Kal Ham- ’ :ind "lie won and lo,*» re* orj in "f 11'"^,' tiiirys But >'"11 couldn’t ably he followed In other cities White Funeral Home an'l at 9 nllrl 38. An Allied force landed live football TV for 1951. He made I Field Moiidav Might the Lig'di ■orvliMnn thr h^nrlns; room merirk league play to rlnte II " I "ll " '1", tv 11 'll lliree tn ' operation during the coming year ^ throiijfhout f'onnecticut o'rlnrk at .Bl .loseph a rhurch there last fnll in the drive to the i public a letter di.srloHing that the j finqu.ii t* I s Tw vin h ’Nit , Iwill tia\el tf* 'I’homp^otivdle hihI SI * n* Ir r B> *l» ,'\ id h r '• * Bov (Jovoriior Tb.c dim tors will disru.s.s •I’.' '".iiiii.. I.n.si n'Kht'a Will be J89.13 as against The governor’s appointments, Burial will he in ,BI. Bernard s In Tokyo « liijfb T’. N. officer Yalu river hound,ary of Manchuria, j I I V | i Justice iTparlment d< nietl it had ^ I-'orti’. Juno Wc.slcN M Pnhn- | \\\W le»\r till' Legi'i Hoiiie 11 f t h* Tv ihg nt I .cH 'o ,r 1 1 1 , tuiM 11.ill n t'lwn coiinscrs nilinc concern- I MHilman I'at .MiM'nne i«» a hap fpr the current year which will N‘ disputed by the reriirterv . 'nulKincfi: T'nileil Nati'ins i-vositlnns[>0: extciu! i ' ^ * X i l f l l t M II x»x I. ever approved, formally or in- | cr of Mam irstr’ (’ni*n waR iv- ' .i 4 lot k \V dnesd.n I'l.utUi ol 'f I 'ani'' I 1. I 1’''<• I '' r\ " ir g .' .I'f.'p' ' Iv- rtiiMle., a.)uuded mg the return of n Suml.'iv snle of i I'V inuier these thns t*'t ho ii'.P.u Expreewa .Alarm IVinocrats and be finally 'tecnlcd The luneral h"ue will he open Folks oupbt tfi calm , down ' from points along Parallel 38, jn formally, the Nf'AA ban. * 1 onUy appninte*) atliletir C'lnaiil- .lwl\, l Pe iMcals w ill me* t .Snu’-- V lu ,1 he h'n I.-'l a i ■! Uil !io I nil h.pior petition New business to ^ Lithlrrn )' (•n\ers Hie home t\) lln’ltonl Nadtinnl 1 r ‘ Waddell alep expresaes alarm at Third M anrholrr Ro|»* in the x^tate Supreme (V>urt ot for the eonvemenee of friends In* Western K^*re.a. to ridgelines .sorre NGAA officials rallied quickly 1 tant at Nriirnhrr;; Air Ba.'ut' t; ( K 'vl. • . I'a-'.ii- ,j r.'i; luo i\.ini f,)i a club be risnsidered Includes the p-dlcc ^ will hsppen for hours, at II onerv Appeal " 1 ’1 V Bii,.R|."!' • t ’hiefs tuanagei T ihvis .lachsuii the Increaae In governmental costa KVrnrs are effective .Inly 1 night from 7 to 10 and tomorrow 20 to 25 miles north of the old last night in .su]>pnrl of thetr pro- I was annmini'rd hy I2tii Air For* r a 1)1 Sm'Hhu’ V leads the leiEUi' agii:n*t th'- llau.pf'iii B0I 1 • )• 1. 1 '1 1', sii.t.e li'.io But by ret»entativc to ^ in and administrative department.s ^ S* lur t 'll b*-!'“r,*’*'1a ly 2 Pat also delnerr’l the nmtl t<> oaying, T have made every at- Attorney Rottner also stated from 4 to 10 . ! political boundary in central and other gum''* p .."iic-r''*.. and is the (>iil\ team tu toppU' tlie I'I > i: i. .».■ # ll' • ). ilii>|)in,X hie "! til. ,1 lasl alX, placed on the agenda at the re- Jact. I athlflic offwiala • H >h Brady nml 'ronimy MoMne.'* that he Is planning to meet wit^ Troop* Hopeifiil ea.ntem Korea. Lake Success — t7T Flo\^-ery Tom Hamilton of PiU.sburgh. j Nattoiml P.ilinrr 15 a form»'r Maiv hea­ loieN I'hr Iunk\ .oUtlU'.lV. 1* V I tile li'idjjerx lit I lie park clixe in. teimpt to reduce the coal aa indi­ Nnlmop State Honor nuest of Director T. J OocketU 1 , . i fonui'i' orrupant.'^ nf tlie (le i' l-ii' a I.llt'f i1 iM Judge Gryk in an eff<$rt to reach John \\. Pratt Troopa abrng the relatively quiet ! A cease-fire agreement that Oriental phrasing is not uncommon chairman of the NCA.\ s television r>i In l-lphla 3. Hi-'-klv n : iiniu leapiie pit« hrr if lliei dot ru;ht lluiiiHelve* over cated In the curtailment of de­ flii'-aiT’' St. Loins i-.-i le i ,-i ., ter Hiph trmk sl:u known hasehnll hou*r m Man- f IP Dr ..'UP 1 a settlement on Monday morning's 1 haltlofront woro hopeful hut ikop- called for withdrav'al of both 111 petitions to the I ’nited Nations committee, counlei-eil with a de- ■ L.tlle League hasrh.all fa?*ii tile wre'i-rr'l llieir l.ail actually partmental recommendations, but Manchester ran hoa.st Its third Jolin \V, Pratt. 61, of 'M Harriet to pt'rniit cLtch iia.M. 1 < lie«;trt \': l.'ji 1 r' ' with the reduction of the value of procedure an/l K V 11, will he III ilanqi r in the July 4th Governor of Nutmeg Boys State "rhaois f«r confu.sion " The Demo­ nf Mrs Lillian McIntosh of 10 Ilohlout Japniu'se I Biggest bBttI* artion wa.s an the II. N. Allies would yield near. most flowery recently arnveri from “There is no question in our otlfp) uraiiD's J '.’*tp* i,('l Johnny licdh nd. J«i is Shea, Her- 1' tl»’.. a f.ih'-n K eiu'.ea wilJi the Giants qie dollar, and the increAxed popu­ Dr Va\ Znglin trictl h i i.an 1 ni i.-ii. In Connecticut today following the crats will meet today to deetde . , , , I r I othar Irmonstratlnn of AlliPd ar Iv 2,00*1 square miles nf North nn » lerk In civil service, minds of the legality of our poal- Aiheriran Yoliiijjj Ball me Alen^anv and.Dnk Da\. F'mr Iiulit's First M ' . 1 W.uU ,N"* lation, plus the demand! for addi­ Newman street, died yesterdav. fishing ve»lrrdii\ ehdtrepoilfd h 1- ' 1 u! r *, 1 “ Tlie I uniieru|) i.iliints, rained out eleetlon of .Tohn Marrt as govern­ on a course of netinn. Korean territory jailcri in the French Gamernons. It . tion. Fran Murray Is again try­ New York 2 B I ' team' will he aiilected for league tional municipal aervirea. the in­ Born in Fngland, he was a vet­ 1 0 1 *8 I f i v e l ! p i t i l l - r y might, nndar tha glarr of Raine pi-»*tpAT'Frl * fair amount of luek. L, ■1 ■ i' . s • .*,/>• 1 "f a ii.qhl dtiinr * ' Bo.xlon. pick­ or. Elections took place yester- Two years ago, when the posi­ k 000.000 randlepower searchlights. The Russian* suggested such a woa adfire.iserj to T’. N. Assiatarit ing to n.iiddy up the water and pinv 'I'he Yankee farm tram wdl creased coat la inevitable eran of World War 1 In the Cana­ rinlffil-Iplila '.-11 2 h i ' 1 .tC ed ..j' a hnil Knnie wlieii the Phils dav at the T'niversily of f'onnerti- tions were reverscf) «nd .ludge withdrawal In the heart nf that Secretary-General Victor Hon and subvert the will of Ih*' community Plaver Killod tx' Kno’.vn a*i the Knu Us. ft’r <‘ht Koiiiul (1iaiii|>s • 1 i Igf ■ The gen rat manager notes that dian army. Besides his daughter, The hlaxing lights caught about I 'I* X I' ■) t Ii' !r It 1 Top fi\e lijiUeis III llir Tui 1 1 ' liU" 'led "(T tile Brooks l>chlnd riit. Mncrl Is the son of Mr. and Ravmond R lV»wers headed the he h'nves his wife. Mrs Margaret | Guam. June 30 Fdghteen koo (.Oiinese preparing to attack hard-won territory Is the P.erls' was headed "Last Cry for Help. ’ of collegi'S in order to accomplish Ot'-.i? ' 1*1 S?. 'L' *1 dinal lai n team the Le»1 Bud* \ " a 1., • ' • ' departmental requests of $3.24*1.- iMi.^ehall Leagii' al. inti- 1 h I B"l' K' ■ ' livi'-liii pitching. Mrs .lames M.ncrl of 83 Congrcs.s Mvumhent Republic.m Town T’ourt tireening Pratt and one grandson, ,Japanese s'ldiers nf World War H northeast nf Kiimhwa on the cen­ erstwhile "Iron Triangle" a net­ "O powerful Secretary and G.inr- the dcsir'-s of on - institiltir'n'ri m- I rtlrriintifiMul 1- the Dodget fmm ( hih a* thr 1, • 1 ' M4 were trimmed $126,919 to $3,- The giouj) im hule.H pax e-.M'lUv Caplurc ( liriicx Softiiall t • f 1 • I .'ll.I.'"' .\!iii..ix<’i Kddte Sawyer street. slate, an ngreemeni wa.s apparent­ David Rnyre McIntosh. I surrendered today to a D. S Navy tral front. D N. batteries cut work of roads and 'lefen.se po,si- 1'1'is Saviour and Mediator of Op­ tere.sla ' ■( ■ I ■ . S| r.UKn''l 1 I t;ili First Basi-man Is Ih'imiV'ris. and the L e j .St*\ tarm ll0,425. He lauds the department­ nufTBli'i 4 '‘atau a t i V" Dick Fnle\', 'aio (RA.'.si, Ha mil- V. w "I li.X'l the I ,Kh! III. a when he read First Manchester hoy to be ly reached between him and Ju«lge The fiinornl will he held Monday' tug nt Anatshan island in the the Reds to pieces. tlona from whirh the two lll-fate'l pressed Wretches, here at your feet The NCAA la-sl Jan. 12 voted t ram a« the Thnmpei K<-»rhmpr 11 Bi.Itlinc-r* f S l n i o k O v e r l l i r H e a r t u>na Bi.bbv Kmghi, .4711, c;hff l.«’aj'iir lloiKtr* illi »• . , 'k r.i. h'f ? al heads "for their cooperation and named Governor was Alfred Rog- Gryk V^'hen the Democratic ap afternoon at 1 30 at the funerol'i Marianas, convinced after seven t'omrrjurlat spring offensives were is a distressed unfortunate who. 161 to 7 to limit TV of college lie ri"l a. I t" aoine of his too'* The war went on as usual for 0:,h *' h<* . „ ,,, Kccncv l 474i iBA'si, Hav D::in • ; ► •' 1- . .It h ' ^ o r t in making this reduction era in 1947. Raymond Flaherty | pnmtees presented their eommis- launched. being in need of urgent help, ap­ football in order to check the ef­ .Inntm '<'enter Lunt h ' Mdi . 1, ■ It'* ■ oo I'.Bi cot I'hl s For tlie first parlors nf Dirkinson-.Streeter com- ’ years that Japan lost that fight, the Navy and Air Force. U. N. Standing* III Pre-(saine Drill nark. .441 ilhdgeai. and J '■ ic ( o r Second' IMaci’ possible." Waddell estimates that was the second youth from thl.a sions from *former Governor pany, 30ri State street, Springfield. | The hold-outs, who had waited planes made 200 sorties .Saturday peals to you as the last resort with fect on altendani e and gate re­ La*1prn an *'• l*i( Is thr Knl .S «\ t(* sAee|> 'tone 1 to e M i\ 12 tile !99() total Tripp. 44 1 I Airmen I. Id ev Hir. the reduction represenU a town to be elected to the high post BnwlpR. the Re[niblicanB steppetl ------j ^inre ds^^■n for the Navy to come morning Ihrough overcast skies. the sweet hope of being heard” ceipt.* throughout the country I- r ■; 'iP.L thr trial 1 w** gamr'* of thr sfiiu. I *1 lU M;-’ ui n'.U'itl I hiiioi''' ate o|i to tlte ..’lOO mark, ( );;ilen, Utah. June r;u P L.< li- Dunmii k me third -lu-i; savings of nearly two mills "This | Rnys State, (]o\K~n pen and how the al­ .‘v }i«p.)rctaiiy ’ 71 and 'Tnpp, anond KaclveiR. Big Name Slars numerous conferences with de- i Howell Cheney Technical school, rights to the postN mass for the repose nf the soul of tug I'S .S . t.'oropa neared the vang. The fields have been bombed Warrantee Deeds the anti-tru.*l law.* and signed eon- \V)lk»’.*- Barrs i~- voung player in hia fir.el year of and I ? ei o? d 'l lic Aux il. tie! let ovially lb ed aa a pinch pnrtmental heads, extending over j He is the first student to represent iTahn FrfW'^Nlent leged plot against him developed tracl.s with the American Broad­ Mrs Dorothv Uenn rrp*>?t^ that ’inure? LarHehm* i.ouici, cam lliroiif;li with a the late Mr.s Edith Sleiirpa will be beach. They flew a surrender in 700 strikes within the last ^ Margaret P.cns'in to Raymond Blnph Jimlnij . i'l! 4S4 s or;.ranized haeehall. wna killed by Bc.sl hiUing nilfl' l.l m llir fSi, ary amt Mir a period of several weeks, inspec- 1 the school In the winner's eircle. The Repuhlirana now claim that The m.an ai'fu.'.efl his enemies of casting Company to televise its Klmira N ■ . the I iH)|'( i at i'»n f.om Little fnr ■O'. **nd ['!’•' e said at St. Bridget's rhiirrli Mon­ Hag «-sek ' T- Qul.xh and Rosalind T Quish, n I7''. teagiic i.s tiint of tlic Sill, 1 M < '«-mfian V t b d D(‘f<‘aled ill l*(k\ II i)!!' li,» (lit,I extra lia.'ie hit of tion of propo.aed projects co­ Rogers and Flaherty were stiid- their action two yeara ago estab­ The IS with ashes nf dead com­ propertv at Cambridge and Ox- | u.smg a form of hypnotism on oth- eight home game.s 'AHii’ :. Va. i • ’ ’ . a thrown hall ni::ht l.r.igue moUieis ha.s I'pen won*!er- wot h a 'i’l l f c. < *' d day morning, .Inly 2 at eight Warships roundc.! out their first Ace.s Pat R4)|'1uc is lutlmg loo lilt' veiir to « .11 llio game m th# enl.a nt Manchester High when lished a precedent for Manchester ford streets, ' ers "to destroy me on niv n-.i-n Repercussion.* followed quit kly. \\ ,i:;;i:i;«p*'rt 41 K.’ Tlie 1'win I’‘n!l5. Malm, entiher. lul llu 8 srifDin m >*peii.titig M.e Taking th*- had ii 'he '^lirt *if ordination of departments and o'rloik rades .strapfied hi their hacks. year of action on the Korean Fred Booth 3ho, and (George Kep­ iii.;i I'.'iii.ii’i'i o'* hit plo.x D«) eleetod. and that the Democrats should re- Gfvirge C. Le.s.sner to William i land." The control promised to tn- i**n'es;>;on booth at Miiuoiial t h»* sen"oi' th*' Indw' t,' ' 1 f’le t*-)* 1 ).iU ..*nt l‘a .lune .3u postponing of desired capital im- Iinved a formal farewell lo their roasts Friday night. In 12 months I The NCAA declared I’enn a nielli- Br..,kl r i.21 hil on the ihe.si. drnpp*'d fatalh ler .379. W 1 1. I H luo-ron liomci in tha One of these capital ■ The Nnlionnilsl rsrly swept all hiupitsh their jvisitions until the K. Doocey. property at 183 Irving ve.sttgate. I'leM Mt.v. Keim and Mi." L is I m.g t h: "Ughniit t h. 1 * iiii'd I *'d Ml w . * an HR •. 1" if • a 'mek island home, and stepped gingeily thry have fired 2 500,000 rounds, j her "not in good standing." Four | y, rk ;n . b. 1 4 ■ .- injurexl ou the inlifld of flood- fifth v.cte J.. ' 'OoilKli to offtMt matter is decided hy the Supreme I>ow*l are co-nianagerii oi the bv I'cMih ^llke N uio’owsUi Ri.'l w a ’• I o 1 un a m l mad or • torrovemenls°w"as''I $7n wn"rd!h- : but one office in the elrcllnn Mac ahoar'l the lug. Favorite target has been Wonsan, street...... of Penn's grid opponents Cornell, | .hi l,,.n;s . , »1 IS , ’ - loio r run* li\ .Iii< kic Kohitisnn and I'ii.iH 1. lpl.:a liphted John AKlei k Park aa ta:i» B« M tlunuing ('atcher .^een ir* booth. ______plavcTs "i|ih «" Billv I’lev BllK Iniif nameiil . . . V**u r» a*l Court Socialists Plan They will be taken tn Guam and .siigpestrd truce port. Alexander M. Wat.snn and Pris- Princeton. Dartmouth and Colum­ Xf. .-/i ■ • lu.ke fiir'ier lerv Pallra was the If the Democrats steptdown and cilia W Watson to Jay Zeanier, | K M l L fO *J[8 I'll!* t'i? ''*2 I awn)ted the start of a Pioneer Tvyilight League action this M a- Lagam. T>*i \ rrml Sunday ii.oining I .ni I.r .1 . 1U ') )\ out Connecticut during one week Leighton E Fox and Caroline .And ISo Lieen.se ' the 19-veai-old nsikie apparently brothers, i.a a former minor lengiir look hlo’ H demut*' n.ie-d t** t:i\.', Mar.grum r.ntP'\ I... b iih'l fh u ago atroitp.led total $2..968.320. while Income of July 1. in apite of the fart that . 1 aboard the tiih showed the men Pyongyang radio made no mention So .Murray wrot. 11. Giaham rL the Hartford inilroad staUon ;*ilr . Tlvn of the summer vacation sea.snn I R. Fox to .James J. Seiler and Isa­ .died instantly in what w a.a t he • performer. the S'Crmil tf.und ah** I »emHi *’t pUv mg . IlirooKli nine iiiiiinj;# for a 0-6 tie from other sources will be $992.- . the Repuhllrans will have aer\’ed (Contlnoed (rnm Page One) 0 ere In excellent physical condi- of It. instead, the radio broadcast Monson, as.si.-tanl attorney gen­ *i7'2 for a trip lo New Ymlv for the the h)g payoff Model government Is featured at bel S. Seiler, two pieces of pro­ ' '('hiss C Leagiic'P fust fnt.iliiy ...... 3'he Blcueei Laia'hiile, last \ ()il ...... «l*»w n In I'l a Kanie i-allc-t t'j let the CTUba . 105. He xeconimend.B that $369,178 | in the positions. If the Democrat^ 1 ion. the usual war communique, eral, and aaked whether the ^ ^ rk 21 ♦>4») 5'anUe€-Ro(l So.\ liasehull game. the conferences. perty on Wnodhndge street. Greencastlc. Pa. —'T' A come­ 27 .‘•r-1 4 ' .HInee It W HS organized in 19*39 ' Afternoon showers w a.shed out '■ejii s (hampious, we?e hamlh ip «*vcnl f*>i the pr<-> . hampioiislilp iiitili n liui for Cincinnati. Bc- Of next year's municipal expend!- . don't give up their posts and the meet today In Frankfurt's Pon- "Operation Removal " also end­ ■NCAA plan had Justice Depart- | 'The train will leHvr Union Station Former Chief Justice William That was at 8 p. m. f5 a m. Release of .Xttachinent ly l.'i-vcar-old high .school sopho- TO ..■i.'ih ' i, Uonwav, a rccular catcher and scheduled activitv on ll!*' ped baiilv lf*wa’*l the titter put And «ft*i the lu.-'t din's " the.' [I’.ni'd the full nine tures be charged to capital ac- | court finds for the Republicans gres.s hall to implement a Paris ed two years of duty by LI. Cnulr, In Hartford at H t)2 a m *1, s t Maltbie of Granby will swear in KSTi just 12 hours after the Al­ more. Ina Rcuhard keep.s 490 nient approval. Miiriay rolea.'-ed I i).tr,..i ,.1 . 1 1" ' the league's lending home run h it-1 front last night. The Silk i.iat* b. ■ '• ’ 11 "U fin-i Stu id nml ,1 •, ' 1 1 1 . 1" not a "n.ispendcd counts and $2,791,247 to operation the latter group will collect the I'oali.sl ronferi nce derision made | Attachment nf premises of Ken­ ( f th*’ 111 '-t |•<•U1I>I ' h*'?! th*'iT fo e Governor Macrl tonight before the James Johnson of Birnungham. lied Supreme Commander extend­ dogs at home and gel.s away with- .Mori.son'.s reply yesterday in wliii h | \\ .i-lo'iBt :;2 17'.. Icr. w ajh hit hy thr ball wlulr play- i t'lty-Hamilton ha.st'ball game dl ;indng a aingle dog tag. th‘- U. S. nflieial diseicsed the I'liiU i. pi ing in an untaniilmr first base po- be played at a later dat*‘ 'fhe Kee game al 8;05 p. in. d s t- Fiah them Howo'Ve:' a ■^mt.ibh reo];ii e. .»Ui< ? s cfli " oit to.ln\ bui 1‘ ••? The budget message sugge.sts | The remainder 4->f the Republi­ and revive the international | O'Connor in favor of 4’i .292 |. r.1,1 n: a l.vli'i 'late A.x In all Through the efforts of Edsnn .Northern Marianas. Tomorrow from Washington ' The sei;;atyled dog fancier s Justice D' partment had Insliliiled ' ' Gsition during pre-game wnriruip Softball League g.ime between .Mnl'"iie>' l.s general chflirmsn of ment luis beet; ai(|Uirefl an*l Ib.c iiei- nthi Vi* 'ihe/./.i sliU m Uic?f that the wceklv $8 re i"iuii:i.e . d" lot" the offn iBl roC‘ resent Manchester at Bovs .‘-tate. Hedges of Oilcago. aa new dustrict no conditions of any kind. Nor Wendell Herbert Chenev and ' gla.ss. wood and other materials. gave no hint whether—or if—a | s; r»cuse 2^ .fiOfi • The I,ynn. Ma.«»a.. teen ager peat la"1 vear's pcrf(»nranee in nurl;-''no Tlegioc M^lea a",*i .(a-U employees. The general manager . take over are Attorney John T Belgiah ' delegate Paiil-Henri i ,,i,. I'l'e |■lll*ll rfih-Cinomnatl adnmu.xtrator aa Ihc Department I „ mention bv name either the EHrahelh Brown Tea.sdale both of they come in almost every size, ruling would be made on the ‘ BufrsM Til :.A.. i‘> ’ looked up at a pop fly al the .same again t ,M*M\ 'if l.,ciiU'ii!. the ( (inilng !*'Uiiil I (hi (h n end ( >oi ge Bo' ■ ’ a notes that on Feb 17, 1949. the I O’Connor, prosecutor. Attorney .Spank, one of Europe's leading : of the Interior replaces the Navy K " I.* " V. .^2! . IP. ,,.11.1" ud.i portioned tiernuse of t'hine.se field commander. Gen. Manchester, to he married luly 7 breed, shape and pose. Ina .start- legality of the plan time Man.igcj- Don iJerpi Trower Only If) (Qualifiers I Hi The ."c* ■ ml roiniil i" "l*»ed i**I* Sf) \.*u womic? V hat linpi**ne.l an.j voters approved a $1 ,689,000 ap- David \V, Keith, assistant proae- .Uii’rialists sni'l the new interna- j in trust territory. Biltire 4 ' (Tv i ■'. e pi mm:- Beng Tehhuai. or the North Ko- at Second Congregational rhurch »d her collection In 1938, 9'uriay al.so mad''•fiiihlie a h't , rifled the bull from second to com- Ull th*’ 1 Itll hoi*’ l''uigH| 'G«ld H .1 i.r t on .lul\ ‘Mb p.) II irg I’l-im ett \\ ll \ I lit \ a r *• proviriatlon for the Bowers and cutor; Aldo Pagnni. clerk of tional "will prove a powerful in- ] I’ll' v nil pliiy-'l in llie .\ineiicnn ter Mori.son wrot' Joseph L. | I piete a juni'tice double play. 'I’he bug liiiided oil Siiead'a ball, 'aicl nml ti)-' Indie \’l 'I'lie \n"W**r*i ■Verplanck school.s. and that pro­ court: and Janies Duffy, proba­ .Mtriiiiient in unifying Europe ( M t a •» 42 117 10 Of (►! Smw iv<* m ih the Cuunfio While .‘'^ox pro- Court Cases Rau.*;, jr.. counsel for the NCAA. Spr:i 47 • ■ t. ball alrui'k him on the chest jua; tiuit the Weal \irgiman 'bent Stjmdinga . I’lh- tit •'t <|'K I on \n *•«"> I'hoet' ceeds from the bond sale were tion officer. agnin.sl ('omimini.sm. " In this letter Mori.'on told Rauli: j Today’* . ,’ .1. l-:ees aMer he giaduitcd from high ^boiigh th Inurnrv "f talrnl vl The original budget for the cur- rules of the road In Town Court stalenienLs in the press a.s lo de- lodged .ati oliuuil pioiesi when I .’.si M . I*’" IH H I ill\ lit t Ic gu> , lo.C.s j over or the Lodge appointees le­ ples of democratic .Socinll.sni" \.i III •" r . scl'dol hist yc;u. (*oh\\ay was sent , teaihei.s ha.'« foiii d.iy.H lo ;;o. partinenlal aiq'roval ol the plan Miey hit th*' IMh hole all even. I )' #• and 1‘ ll ^b • t ll I 'X • Ui 111 . w lio » am*? llop.iifi to .siri I ll tlieir iidvant- rent year was $2 ,604,18 0 . hut the | this morning hy Judge We.sley C. gally take ov#»r Tlie problem u'hiidi \\'ill be placed before thv ■ • H i?i)«'* *eli»*ttu!.''i Brattleboro, Vt .Ti - Growing by making an api'ropnute puhlie National t.) 'Twill FalL from the Kansas there’,s n Imrch itrmind Oakmonl He I.'itcr witlidieW’ bus b*ef, at Vdv. f . . I ' (•ngiiuiUv tioin ('hi iKui.’.l I*' m uge 111 a foii-ganie set with 1t># cum of $137,306 w'a.s added liiiriiig Gryk arises because the Cleneral Assem- a.s.semhlv tomorrow. statement at the eai'iie.st pijssihlc N*‘\e Y -rk al Bost*l Snea-I Br.-nd Go...is 3 . Stolland. rimy rArMc gimd goljfiM Bi'fiAiiica ivliUe the Yaiikc nnd Red the course of - the year bringing Edward ,M Carter 28, of East 1 hly In 1949 and again this sosaion up around Albert E. Halladay, 89, I liDtis Hi.x 12 hiimr runs so far! . . . Morgan Phillips, secretary-gen­ moment j cer i4-li or Hearn ((i-.'o v* Spaliii ' ^* 3 Q. whipped him with birdie on the Sernml Hound Ki'hediile I their and Keggir played Home Sox t-'nr at each other’* throata, the amended budget total tn $2.- Hartford. ua§ fink'd $36 for reck- failed to aet the terms of judge.«i. IS the farm--in miniature he fMill.’kUelphia al Br'X^klyn — Chur li I thus .-.ca.soii topped the Ctali-Maho- , "n onr of tclay's eral of the British Lalior party knew aa a boy. NCAA Prcsulcnl Hugh C. Wil- | t!in*l extra hole. It wrr much Juh 9 Independent" Ihoncei ;ood golf wlieii lie wn* ah i\**i*l- tl.e Wild# Sox aent 18 batter* to 741,486. ICNs dnvdng | In some Connecticut municipali­ iS-3) V* Sehiml* (I-.I1 Montana cimiit liole matches Department Figure* and probable hea1' general govenimcnt, $11,198; P'lh- answer lo hargea of apeed- of the I'k'mocrats exactly when the Twin Fails Uow- iimmiig Hie allow a* PGA : „..ven-hiltrr lo make hi* rtoOf** luirtiea agree ' he carves out In authentic detail gram We hail only noted that our | Ameriraa « between tho8« two Goliaths of lary, in tlie first round but lost in ^ 11c welfare. $194,067; public ing. I .'4i hui.? at (Jilrnpo—Starr o>3' ?s I boys were to have taken the field Phillips and a Japanese delegate the equipment which farmers have legal counsel had informed the . golf, Sam Snead of White Siilphiir July 16. Independent* Aiixilia- I the second. He won two matches . p.aarhl kept New T b r* works, $971,347; protection. $209 - Kmil F Jr . 2? of South i I n . again."! tlie Ogden Reds 894; health, $14,369; recreation \ will intPHliH’o re.*.olution» Monday used. Justice Deparlmeni of our plans." . y^g-Stobb. ovj. Spring.^. W Va,.,and lithe Lloyd ry ! in 1947 before going out. On three | ^ Chicago'* neck by dl*- re bug " rhubarb yesterday to Today a Year .8ro Bob Math­ oth; I guy out of Miehlgan, is a ,ij.,„h-lnnlng doubi*. aebt service, $221,7.94; retirement WiUiam of WilhmanM ( Jioi<*e on Liirhs pulled hy two steers yoked togeth- l| gram, said the letter exchange 1 i'''" July 2.3, Auxiliary Pioneer I in avy-aliouUlered gent wlio liad ‘“*.a e ------..._w i . i questions of European political j Uie team in Ogden ii^ay. aaiclJ^^^V io the scrap, won the crowm ias captured the national decath­ It waa Raschi » 12lh win. high la fund. $36,150; refunds and claims, ‘ forfeited a $3 bond when he fail er; a model of a long-dlsu.sed milk would have "no effect " on the I ^ Parachute I enough endurance to win two ex- and econoniir oooperalion ' Trower and hia players were “all lo 1942 and 1949, and waa runner- the . .$7,500; other civil divlatona. $48, fd to sppear and answer lo charges wagon: a little dumpwagon that lon championship for the third July 24, Broad Good* Inda- ti B-liole matches yesterday. He (OanUnued from Page One) j I>oirgateii will come from Brit­ 1 * Intrrnr'IwsI I broken up” !1938 and 1940. I Ted Williams' single In Ul* 500; public work* reaeD’e. $79,- of a corner parking violation ain. the United States, b'rance. preceded the modem manure- "We ve had no optplon from the .Sprtnxfleld at Toronto. ! In Pocatello. League Pre.sident I Mangnim. 1940 National Open "tralght year, entablijihing a world peDdenlH I used to be a fine amateur golfer Dye Finishing fourth gave Boston’s Maury Mc­ *00: and contingency. $10.0'0. Robert Fisk. 41. of 27 Silas i extension It give.* the President Italy, Belgium, Holland. Luxem- spreader; grindstone, wheelbar­ J h( k P. Haliii.cll said he learned [ cId i t P. I* the year’.-* leailing mon- | record of 8.942 points, ! July 2ft ; bcloi'c he wa* shot up badly diir- row. pitchfork, bucksaw, shovels, ' Aiixilmry. Dermott an earl' leail but th# Waddell recommends a public rf»ad. was given a 30-day .su.spend- none of )he new powers be asked liourg, We.st Germany. Austria. of the tragedy with .bineere le- cv winner and hi* putter i* *niok- pive Year* Ago The I'nited i mg the wai. He * playing in hia Velvet. Yank* lied ll in the fifth on Hank liaarlng on the tentative budget 1 ed sentence ip the County jail. and takes ai.'a>' .some he now has. Norway. Sweden. Denmark Fin- rakes, a buggy. gfcl. ing July 30, ImlrpcmlcntH fit xl I’tiA < liaiiipionHlilp . . . He * never been too close state* si'.cpt the .North America F'lnnerr l^niier'e double and Gil McDoil* tD be held on Tuesday. July 19, at pieced on probation for one v. ar The Iluiise, sho.Mng .-troiig signs ., lun*;. Iceland. Switzerland, India. And in .New York Dity, General ; in the r>/~* PGA A and #».;«tlii* ___ may_ be \-j_hi* ' _Davi* . Cup _ *rone finals- 4 from- Mexico ! „ Julv •"31. BroH'l GooJ h j BolcHta'.’ He a 33 and ha* been pro * p.m., in the Municipal hiitldm^ I or'lcre.1 to leav, his home. He of ignonng most of Mr T rum ans' Lipan. Canada, Uruguay and Is­ STOCK CAR RACES Manager George Weiaa of the Van- I .vear. Pararhiitr at Danville, 111., for six years. Be- gald * single The budget will be pullshed in e charged with intoxication He Aiiguat 1. Dye A Finiahing In- tore that lie waa a kid around the Philadelphia. Jiiat escaped from r»-quest. plans to begin debating rael. Hunt Airliner. 19 keae desiTibcd the news as “trag Yenterday’s iS-hole daahf.H #x- 3>n Years Ago The Brooklyn I HALF SHLE TRACK dep-ndent*. I’nlnia Cela rourae nt Tamj'*, Fla, the I'llar two week* ago. moved H e r a ld on Tuesday. “ > : has appeared in court on several: its oMTi meosure Thiir.silny The Saar. Spain, Argentina and. ' , acted a heavv toll Only 16 of ' n„decr.* defeated tlie Philadelpliia Aiigu.*t 6. Auxiliary Velvet elu'ir his lather was greeiialteeper within a half game of sixth-plat:* Town (-barter u • ' previous occasions A .Senate-Ho’.ise conference com- i ’ommum.st-dominaiod ea.«;tern Ku- Radtke Mtid the strapping six- the 64 qiialtfier* *iirvlved, and i Dhlllies to fie the St. Loin* <’ardi- flijal budget shall he adopted »»> » i - .-r w On Vi'av to Denver STAFFORD SPRINCS SPEEDWAY AiiriihI 7 Dvr ft Fini-ihing , and hi* uncle pro for many ycare Wii.sliingion by pumping the Senftr ?h^e directors not less than tiv.-, \\alla'.e A I arhng 11 ( f 8 iiitlee tinallv will take oier Ih'- rnj'ean nations arc represented by foot-three. 190 pound rookie had amongamong the the victim* victim* were were the the de- de- , , nal* for the . lead. BENEFIT CAMP COCRANT FI ND Broad (iood* * A.1 an amateur he won the Fkindn lor.-i ill iwilli entli, of a twilight * v a prior to the beginning of the ; Church .street was fined p.ar- ,f.\o measuie.-- ami iron oiil the obKcrvers. been aubject to fainting apells re cently. An examining physician ; nf"poftsmo” t'lu \^'”"two^ nV^'^the ' Twenty te a r* Ago- Helen Jar Augint 8 I'h'Uieer Parai hute I .State title. Hla be,at pro win wa;' iiiglil duubleheader, 3-2 and 11-5. flscal v e v on August 19. | ed on probation for a year and re- differences. (Omllnued from Page Ore) oba of the United State* advanceJ SATURDAY NITE-8:1S P. M. attributed the caiisr to poor eating thn*e ro-medalistH. four former Velvet I tlie 199(1 Peoria Open wit’i tli-Oii Bub 1/Cimm. a *ick man with a T ■______I ,-eived a suspended three months’ The Hou.se bill, as now propos­ I to the aemi-final round in the Wo­ habitH and Bugge^ted that Conway 'Die firal named team i* tlie ' over a par 72 eourae . . Hnti|''ii to. tliaihe, piU'heil Cleveland to • j Jail sentence^ for indecent expos- ed, would be less restrictive than ' Smith and C. Raymond. iNo home DICK EAOA\—AL KING— HCLLT BUNN winners and nix ex-finnlint* men'* .'oingle* Dlvialon of tlie Inronie Tax Fraud see le«.H prtion. For this iTason. the lioiiie train and *hall lie irspon- ha* a haliit ot shooting m tln' P'l.i (■1 c'lRe tier lietroit with' a ai5c- I lire the Ren.ate'.. but Mouse members I towns availtble. I TO.M F E N L E Y —4'L.%TE 4’OLLINS— .IIMMY’ LITTLE Nine of tlie 48 niatrhes went Wiiiihlrdon tfliinls clinmpionahipi. Sec Jacob ATalik \outh had not played regularly in (*xtra holes, five tlie full mute, a aihle for pieking up and r' luriiiiig III oiiml K1 J'liao . . .cifimeiiodv said hit’.er I.<.1;1"I1 nt:9 ■e.».'.ed tooth Marg'it 1, tlriggs 2k .-.t Bnlion plan f'^ bonibaid it with .imend- ] Dunlap said there wa.< a possl- itoserved Seal*—$1.80 (tax Incl.)— Gen. Adiii,—$l..V) (tax incl.) recent games. .lozen t»i the 17lh green, and 1'» tile equi[>iiienl lo Hie Kiiiploviii' nt Me ronie* from Texu.-i. wiiei. was :anced and parked earlier in was fined $3 f"i operating a m'ltoi menls bv the d'^ix.ui Lists 51r,\doo K ill I bilitv that the plane might have. Clillclrcn—60c (tax Incl.)—F R E E P.ARKING (onwav wa.s bom March 14. jo the Iftth, As du.sk fell it Neox' Csaile Handicap DIf.ee. thcic'.a no water, nnd laud, al the day nut he became sick to his Replaced in LN vehicle wilhoiit prop, r li'-en-ce Rjwire Tire, ■ made an emergeiiey landing some- Roervutions ITiiins S'2.8, iStaffonI Springs, Conn. I i* here hetw een Cheyenne and Den- 19.32 at xSwampscoU. Ma4S8. The , looked like a “B ” tournament. Tile winner of tin* loiind vcill ;(>ai!moiit, where tlierc boa hi en .".tomiich ami had to call lime in ► I .Mrs. .Mary Gabriel of Hartfor'l Meanwhile the Juggling of ex ((-kiotlnoeid (ro-n Page One) j ver. Three hour* after the plane 5ankee.s signed hini following his ; g^ven of the 16 Hurvivora having Wilmington, Del.. June 30 J ’' ' play tlie winner of the first round i nothing else. the sixth wiUi the ba.scs loadtd. received a siispencfed Judgment for isting federal, controls continued dded New Castle | rn a bent-mit-of-tbree *erie*. 1 (Continued from Page One) I was sehcduled to arrive In Denver graduation from St. .Mary a Htgli , lajt name* starting with that let-I Tlie $50,^l,Wjf>-*d(i Want Some More? He walked Charlie Keller to forcp improper parking As first-half 1991 ended, the Na­ Negro, an employe In the control­ .school in Lynn. .Maas. Hand'eap, 'nchegt race in the bu­ All postponed gaiiiea uill be I;'pw more "unknowns for you United atm had hopes that the (•“f In the only Tiger run when h# %ea»e-fire in Korea. He used a Milton E Rand,man of Bnaton tional Production authnnly: ler:*- office. Ti e Snead-MnneTiim victor ; locy Lclaware Paik. brings to-1 played after August 8. iie'n iarlle Baaeler, handsome 29- ' plane had landed. returned. That waa hi* only roug# %ane when he nvrnrned to the dele­ forfeited a $3 bond whon he failed 1 Annoiincci it prohablv mil As.si.stant X'. S Attorney Moses face* * fight. Still in the nin- Kethe'' » dozen of the co u n try *, year-old from Baltimore who was , gation house on Park avenue and! to appear and an.swer to rhsigcs restore the spare tire to new au- I., Keve dos' Cihcd .Mrs. Serge as ning are sncIi luminaries as Jim [ glamour flllle* nnd mares today in , Tlie racing ntripa at Hialeah a dlsnp|)ointment wdicn he tried 'tP"’ tnniobiles bv ( Jlivfs Increase he was not his usual Jovial self _ ot a parking violation S'-ptemher or .soon- '' heading the alleged acheme which ; Ferrier. the Auatralian-born 1947- a tough mile and one-quarter test. I Park and Sunshine Park have been the golf tour a couple of time* ...... ^ ____er -hut only because there will he said Involved filing of fake In- If Malik is recalled while he i s ' George R. Davies. 63, of k.ast AIoii^reFs Yelp I I I‘’I’' " ’!’ - Ghezai. th% handsome The race is one of the 'world’s ' *own with aoy henna to help re- I He’a a long hitter but usually you telme on'varatlon"'thi> summer.. It I Hartford, forfeited a bo^d of $9 he 399.009 fewer cars maniifac-j epme tax returns and cashing re *-'^ *• '• '1941 winner: Johnnv Bull*, form- richest for the distaff side. jx-itallze the soil. ace some aevens on his card. Or fwiU be because of his physical con- when he failed *tb appear and lured In the next quarter than In j fun dilcherks issiissued on the basis of er airline pilot; Ellaworth Vines, there’* Dick Shoemaker, who j Spoils Schedule j the Brings Freedom •dition and not because of any dis- answer to charges of a stop sign the last ^ tu m s. , Stop And Sock ex-national tennis king; and knocked over (Tlaude Harmon and 2 Cut h>' another five per cent K(lvi'mU c told XI. S. Commssloner The Scranton miners had a laatisfaction m the Kremlin with violation. V I , u ij J 1 .... I voung Jack Burke, the com Lawson Little ycat'rday . Monday. July * V the nu.mbcr of Iver cans for brew­ his acts" in the X'. N.. these Three Hart/'rd youths, Michael Edward \V. McDonald that Mrs. Ironville, Pa. --- iJ’i - Freedom I weak hold on second place in the ^rom Houston. Tex. that's quite a feat . . , Dick la a British-American va. Silk City, ers. t'i save tin Seventy per Serge rlalmed to he a mere of the AT THE " Aources said He expects to sail E. Coleman. 17. Ivan W. Brown. means a lot today to "Sass.” a two- I Eastern League today and the ' other* in the "Sweet 16" a 25 Tivi League Players former Pittsburgh dustrict pro, ‘ cent of pre-Korea usage now will former treasury secretary. July 6 on a vacation of two 16, and Donald E. Guint, 18, were year-old mongrel dog. "Sass” stir- ] Hartford Chiefs had a stronger j Jackson Bradley of Chicago. Reg familiar with the hilly teriain . . . * (Center Congo* vs. South Metho­ I he permitted The can supply Is Kove charged that Mrs .Serge ol'onths. fined $10 each for discharging fire­ vived 31 days Imprisonment In a gr.p on first place. 0'* Myles of East Lansing. Mich.: lie won the (n-atate PGA title dist, 6:1.9 Robertson. ’ ! not limited for most food pro'1- processed fictiliouB tax returns j works from a motor vehicle. nlne-lnrh roadside drainage pipe. ! A r-m-i, i,., Al_____1.. ' Waiter Burkemo of Franklin. Over .300; Foley Tops three tiinea and when he tried for Parts Curtains va. Silk (Jlty« Malik apparently has carried . I nets and that refund checks were Out Moscow's order to the letter. Hs'd probably be.there yet If a ' Aifi In* the iifh inni B b b \ .y," Midi.: Dick Shoemaker and Gene the big one at Pot Hand, Ore , in 6:15 Charter Oak. J ^ c h s r e e d with ^ ''9d tomorrow , industrial Amer- i mailed t'> the homes of iinauspect- LAUREL PARK ; ski In the ilth inning gave the Bank vs. Brown and Beaupr#, pas.serby hadn't finall.v heard his ' Kune*, both of Cleveland: Jack He became known through the Miners a 3-2 victory over the 1946, lie llckcil Sam H\id and Vn.ited States last August when em C e^ rem eT w as Pleased under” 7 -ar.lm e system j ■JiK.fnDids. Then Dther Jacoba or weak yelps and dug him oiit. i Harden of El Paso, Tex : .M Twenly-lhiee player! in Ihe Following Is a li.st of the 300 6 15 C h a rter Oak, of rationing scarce metal steel, j Rmythwirk would call at the Schcnectad}’ Blue Jays last night. Ghrzzi before he went out. he atsrmled operation of the Se­ a $1,000 bond and had his case "Sass" waa tn bad condition but I Broscli of Gaeden CItv. I.,. I Twilight Baseball League >r better swatters. Tuesday, July $ copper and aluminum to essen- ! triend's home, Kove said, explain ] The win enabled Scranton to slip I.#st Words curity Cottncil by a month-long at­ continued until July 18. he recovered quickly on a diet of I George Bolests of Danville. Til . 'have appeared in at least T)ve Cerds va Dodger*. 6:16— Me­ tial producers hy direct allocs- | l''«t the check was mailed in error, GOLF RANGE in ahead of Schenectady by three Player, Team G AB H Pet naylon Heafnti (after (fiiick warmed raw eggs and milk six morial. tack OB the United States and the CTharges of breach of peace and Charles Bassler of Catons-I »«•« batting .300 or better, R 24 12 . 900 , ilerb-'fl missed a short putt on the lions under the Controlled Mate- ' retrieve, endorse and cash them. times dally, as ordered by his vet- | percentage points. D. Foley. BA ’a Army v*. St Bridget’a, 6:16— war in Korea. against John Di'irandi and James ville. Md ' l'9P o4an Is third lacker Dick Fo- a , , 18th to *cnd the match into extra rials Plan iCMPi, acrlaimefl hv j ■ — crinarlan. Now he's har4i to a nor- ; In the only other game played, Robertson If he is replaced, there are sev­ Brennan were nolled. A charge Tiist group make un the dark l«y of Ihe Britlsh-Americans He Knight. Props ----- liolf*. "I may not win it, but I m some businessmen an'l denounced I mal dog's life once again. OPEN DAILY Hartford swamped "Yhe Willlama- Thursday. July 6 eral possibilities to he considered of theft against John Fox wss al­ horse contingent but Hsrper wss has an even .900 mark on 12 base Keeney, BA's ...... R 19 9 '474 ' g^jre living on borrowed time for by others will supercede the pri-1 ||aiullrv lo Talk port Tigers. 11-I.T he Chiefs are the most ehnnv-hued of the dark- blla in 24 official at bats in eight Dunuack, Ridges Tanka v* Red Sox, 6:16—Me- Tliese include the following so nolled. ority system whleh. offleisis sav two and a half games In front of 9 34 19 .441 a while." . . . He finally loal on the A charge of a.ssault against Paul hor.s«s In the last veer’s event and games Tripp, Ainrien .... Oeorgl M. Zarubin, ambassador has- hegiin tn break down herauae 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M. the pack 10 34 15 .441 I 22nd . . . Herbert (itarting hla ”'s t . Jama* v*. No. MethotfUR, to tendon, who has attended U. N. J. Klein waa suspended. Claim Reds Not , won in a walk. Hamilton * Bobby Kmght la pongralr. Prop* .. 7 20 8 .400 j second extra-hole match of the of shortages. To Kiwanis Club At Hartford, th* Chiefs tied In- Routed from the running ves- next with 10 binglea in 21 at bata i Aces . 6 :18 — Robertaon. aaaalons. Two Mejiden men, Alfred 8a- NOTE NEW nOCTtS 8 2.9 10 .400|dayi: “Thi* is the fourth time to- Garden Grove vt. A rm y' t M to Schoolboy Row* In the first ■ terdav were former champion* '9 *ix game* for a .476 average. Williams Props .. . Alexei Pavlov, ambassador to wlckl and keglnald T. Righton. R 13 9 .385 (lay I've gone down this blank- Navy, 6:15 -Charter Oak. Going Into India two inningB and acored five runs. | Harpee. Boh Hnmiiton of E van s-1 (-'liff Keeney of the BA s. Inst Kepler, Ace* ..... Parla and another expert on U. N. Jr., had charges of breaking and Fruncia P. Handley, chairman LESSONS GIVEN BY PROFESSIONAL V R 29 11 .379 , blank fairway." Burkemo took Friday. July « Rowe bad little help in the first | ville. In. il944): Henry Picard of . week's leader, skidded lo 474, ! Booth, Aces ..... affalra. entering nolled In court. Prosecu­ Norway Navv of the Muncheater Planning'-com­ 8 29 9 .360 hole, p. and W. vs. B ast Hampton, • Ai • frame when the Tigers kicked in neveland (19391, Dennv Shute of ' at'll a very remarkable figure | SatagaJ. Airmen .. Alexander E. Gogomolov, Soviet tor Philip Bayer pointed out to mission, will be the guest speaker New Delhi—(Afi—There has been 11 .34 12 .393 three of Uielr seven errora. Akron (19.36-371 and Gene Sara- Silk City’* hard-hitting Aces piecan, Ai es ...... — • Deputy Foreign Minister who was the court that the men had been at Monda.v's weekly dlnner-meet- no Communist Infiltration into In­ RICHARD HOPKINS ! 1 8 29 in ..348 Friday's Stars Zlona V*. Boeond OrngOA Cliiejl Dropped In the second, however, Harry i sen of Germantown, N. T. il»2'2- boast aeven players among the i Lewis, Aces I n ' Paris aa ambassador and whr* Involved in several other breaking ting of the Manchester Klwanls dia from acrar$e oV-Secu^y Council affairs. day session. ftm m anller a$ain*t the Nar.is, weekly attendance prize, addcA a^uad ik U l iwetoeU 11"'o losses. 1 tn hi* second-rounder , Hampton B ^ b e r a on*. ' Klein, Ace* .. ... 7 20 6 .300 i victory i 1 1 \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATI^RDAY, JUNE 30. 19M PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTETt, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE SO, 1951 ------' ■".( ■'* ' * fjmrmK SIDE GI.ANUK8 BY GAI.HKAITH CARNIVAL OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS BY DICK TURNER SI BuainMs Property for Sale 7U Suburban for Sale 75 A r ts is bDss Psr Mato 4 •cboM ScrvkM Biu1b€m Opportanitica 52 Sitnatloiu Wantcil— HooMhoM Goods rw v)o«e > Male S9 VERNON — Beautiful ala-room INTBQCSrmP 4 On« « 4 15A O ltoC ERT STORE in neighboring LAST TEAR STYLES, 8 ROOMS MANCHESTER--OuUklrU, grill, Sense and Nonsense ISOT CCTVItOUrr two-door houae. .Oil heat, two-car garage, IN WA4«T 1 vlllag*. Only atora w lth ln ^ ra a SLIGHTLY SCRATCHED dine and dance. Full liquor. 50 x i»j, CeI ■bdan. Radio, heater and new FUAT riN IB H . HoUand artadow TWO TOUNO men. 21, wrllllng near parkway and new achool. Qaiafied m ltM Completely modem. Excel- FURNITU RE 70 ft. Uullding. h yetrs old. Ssde THEM/ THEV tires. Beautiful dark green fin­ ahadea mada to aseaaura. All and able to.do anything for real Five minutes to Manchester. Rea­ A little siTfear-coatlng helped this J. J. McDermott was the first leff^pportunlty for man and AND APPLIANCES or lease, "'erms. Suburban Realty ish. Very clean and la excellent' metal Venetian bllnda at a new money. Beat offer accepted. $.50 sonably priced. Barbara VVoods, firm. U. 8 .-born golfer to win the It. 8 . , wife, or two partners. Reason­ to $100 reward. Write Box W. 8 ROOMS FU RNITURE with Co.. Realtors, 49 Perkins street. AdrcrtiscmenU condition. Priced below celling, low price. Keya mad* while you Agent. 3702. We Ilk* the (Tiock Full O' Nut* Open when he captured the 1911 ; ably priced. T. J. Crockett* Brok­ Herald. "Philco' Refrigerator Call 8215 crown In a playoff. J- | a a rk e Motor Sales, Broad atreet. wait. Marloara 3 ROOMS FURNITURE With (food chain. New York) announce­ er. Phone office 8«16, or rekidence CLARBinSD AOVT. Phono S-S013. Open evenings. "Weatlnghouse" Refrigerator, ment on raising the price of a cup WINDOWS Waahed. W* can now 3751. Wantrd— Keat Bslale 77 of coffee from 6c to lOc. Francis Oulmet of Boston was ’ DEPT. HOUB8: give you quick aervlce. Call 2- Oncis— Kinffi— P e t* 41 "Bengal" Combination Range Farms and Land for Sale 71 19*7 CHEVROLETT Fordor sedan. Low Friendly Terms. We will hold the first amateur to win the U 8 l i l t A. M. •• 4:45 P. M. 4123. CONSIDERING SELl.ING "A s the price of coffee kept Excellent • condition, c le a n ■ PEDIGREED German Shepherd any articles until wanted reg.ird- 100 ACRES 130 clear). Federal Open In a triple playoff in 1913 He ] Help Wanted— Female .55 YOUR PROPERTYT climbing we kept diluting the cof­ throughout. Local one owner car. puppies for sale. Inquire 11 Essex Icss of time. style house, 7 rooms, 2 baths, oil fee. U got down to where w* were did It when he was 20. Without obligation to you, we •Priced to aell. Douglas Motors. Iluildinx— C'onlracttnK 14 WAITRE.SS FOR night work. Ap­ atreet. or call 2-2540. SHOWN B5' APPOINTMENT heat, barn, garage, outbuildings, serving a watery cup of coffee. As 883 Main. ONLY DAY OR JJVPNING good condition, river frontage ndll appraise or make you a cash Kent Miller's Elkrldge set an ply In person. Center Restaur­ offer for prorierty. See u* before the price of cream kept climbing yAtj.AW Tyii DIUVINO School. CARPENTRY. Experience In con­ ant. ANNOUNCING the opening of and pond, tar road, asking $17.- we kept adding more milk to the American record last year when he CLEAN, 1989 Oldamobtle 4-door. FOR APPOINTMENT 500, Many other dairy and poultry you seU. won Delaware Park's Indian River I jfuchMtor'a oldMt. A A .A . typo struction of small homes, ga­ Kelly's New Aquarium. All kinds PHONE HARTFORD 6-0.3.58 MR, cream. It got down to where we Very reasonable. Must be seen. G ENERAL Office worker. Must farm.*, 6 to 300 acres. $4,000 and Phone 6273 Steeplechase Handicap for the 4im1 control*. Hundrod* ot ootl*- rages, dormers, alterations and of fish, plants and supplies. Come ALD PRT— A9TE R 7 P. M. 46-4690 were serving straight milk In our ''.I' Gall 88S6 after 8 p. m. be good typist. A capable and up, terms arranged. Welles BRAE-BURN r e a l t y fifth time. ft*d atudonU, BO wBltlaf. Day jobbing. Luck and Peterson. In and meet fTiarlie Brown. Im­ coffee. Chistomers were complain­ j OLD KED Tlr. Barr., ?06 North Agency, Coventry. Tel. 7-6872. and oTonlng oppolntmenU. 2- WE W IL L ALLOW you more for Tel. Mancheatcr 4026. willing worker has flne chance ported directly from South SELLING YOUR property? ing. 'They had a right to. When ‘S' for advancement with good pay America. Kelly's Tropical Aquar­ Main street, buys and sell* good mu now order a cup of coffee Orestes Mlnoan. new iddition to I 33W. your car toward* a new Hudson Whether it be a lot, house or the , live* In I I,.' if- Hornet Pacemaker or Commodore and a permanent position. 5 day ium. 17 Maple street. used furnltur. and antiques, business In town or country, you from us you will get a full-bodied Flortata—Naraerlea 15 Frank Denette Phone 3-3376. Housea for Sale 72 •up of coffee with straight, pur* Matanza, Cuba. IS 1 SO BUILDINa, conUin* two- 9 or 8 Immediate delivery Call week and many other advantages will get prompt and personal ' 12 * 10 rooni*. Con b« uaod aa which I shall be glad to discuss '■ream." If you have to raise the for a demonstration. McClure SPECIAL SALE — lomatoea, 8 Articlra for Sale 45 aervlce by calling Ellsworth MIL price of your products, why not do Terry Sawchuck, goalkeeper of aummcr cottage. Muat be mov­ Auto Co. 2-9442. varieties, peppers, 8 varieties, in an Intem’iew Tel. 8-2I8I. Mr. WASHINGTON STREET ten, agent. Phone 6930. the Detroit Red Wing* who was ed. Phone 2-M42. Mcaure Auto Gunther, Noble A Westbrook It in a light way? cabbage, Bruskse' sprouts, kohl ROYAL AND Smlth-4Jorona port For bathinettes, eriba, high voted the outstanding HMiklr of the 878 Main atreet.______LOOKING FOR A good used car. rabl, snapdragons, marigolds, Mfg. Co., East Hartford. able and stendaiXi typowriters W A N T E D -to u r property to sell National Hockey League, has the chairs, bunk beds, doll carriages, Well built older home of six Little Mary was being told 850 to $3,000? Guaranteed easy calendulas, vinca rosea roaea, All makes of adding machines Reliable ouyers walling with distinction of being picked the out­ SAVE! Up to 4 cent* per gal. on G IRL W ANTED - Steady work, rooms, situated on well shaded uliout praycre. They were explain­ term*, top trade* Open evenings. larkspur, single dwarf petunias, sold or rented. Repair* on ai strollers, also complete selection lot. Fireplace, two car garage, con­ cash. Finances arranged. W* standing rookie In every pro league 8unoco-Hl-teet gaaollne, 17.9c days Good pay. Apply Femdale, ')ll ed to her as being like telegrams McClure Auto Company, 873 all colors, red flrechlef dwarf pe­ makea. Marlow'*. new home fumlahlnga and TV. venient to schools and buses. Oc­ need 4-.5-6-V room singles and 2- in which he played. per gal. Free tire plan available. 1095 Main. C.-50 to God. "Is that why we send them Main atreet. tunias, all JOc dozen. Geraniums, cupancy Jtily 1. famiiy huuses Howard R. Hast­ Ask about It, Automatic car See at night." asked the child, *'to 4 Inch pots, 2.5c each. Ageratum, RICH FARM top soil, $10 per ings Phono 2-1107. THE BkS HAUL Yankee ahortatop Phil Rlzziifo wash 99c McOure's SerVlce Sta­ NEED EXTRA INCOME? gel the cheaper rate? " vinca vine, coleus. Burnside Ave­ truck load. Delivered within three CHAMBERS WAREHOUSE handled 14 chance* three short of tion. 373 Main street. 1988 PLYMOUTH Sedan. $160. mile limit. Also gravel and aand ARTHUR A. KNOFLA FOR A SURE Sale with proven the league record In a game with nue Greenhouse, 379 Burnside SALES Realtor ' LM>iVf; MOI’SF MA.IOR HOOIM.Ki Phone 2-23.30 Experienced typist needed for for sale. Call 7195 between 9 and methods and quick, courteous, ef­ O' with Forem an-How Is It that you Washlnton on April 29 l e a r n t o drivf safely In dual Avenue, Eaat Hartford. Tel. 8- 875 Main St.—Eat. 1921 5. AT THE GREEN ficient service call, Ed Krasenlcs, larry only one plank and all the -----^ controlled car. PaUent, courteou* 1940 DODGE four-door sedan. .3091. 2 or 8 days each week In growing Phone Office 5440 Suburban Realty Co., Realtors, tiSAD.'WHV MOST 6 MADO\M6 FALU^ MV * 1 0 0 ? U M ' ^ )ihei men carry two? Terry Sawchuck. goalie with the Instructors. L^saon* dally In- Good condition. Reasonable. naurance agency. STAMP COLLECTORS, Korea, Open 9:30 to 6 Evenlnga 5938 and 2-4278 UPON ME, A MAN VSIMO IMOJLON'T^ WHAT AM I SAVING ? TOMATO Plants, peppers, celery, 49 Perkins street Phone 8215. Worker They’re Juet too lazy Detroit Red Wing* in the National cludln- Sundays. MAncheater Phone 2-4083 Russia. United States, world­ Home Listing.* Wanted HACM A MOUSE f — THAT •SOONEK OR LATER, Hockey Ix'ague. om c \va* offered cabbage, egg plant, astera, zin­ Evenings 7:30 to 8 .30 to make two trips like I do. Driving Academy. Phone 2-1110. Write Box X Herald wide stamps. Mixtures, albums, LISTINGS WA.NTED, There are DRAUrEO SHECArON SEEMED A S THE HOARDER WHO a tryout with the Rt I..0111* ('ardl- nia, anapdragon.s. petunia, mari­ supplies. Campresa, 5 South Main BOLTON—6 room single, o:l heat, specialists I, all lines of business. CTPA|6WTF0(?VJACD a s a s u m - HID THAT MOMEY IM nala. Terry playa a lot of haechall COM >M) •* ■«» M«V)CI IW t M »ie » » Mf OM gold. salvia, etc. At Odermann'a. A tall cowboy wearing a 10- ROTO TILLER for hire for lawne, 1936 PONTIAC Club coupe. a.sk- W ANTED Help for fountain 2-car garage, artesian well. I'.,; Why not employ one It you intend d i a l — V 6T HE AMD HlS j In the off season. met tWt *Y T M Mc. u t »«t street, comer Charter Oak. THE HORN IS GOING gallon hat was sauntering around garden* etc. Charles King. Phone Ing $50. Phone 7762. 504 Parker street work, days. Good pay. Phone 2- ■STAIR TREADS: (116l aosorted acres land, immediate occupancy. to sell? Contact Alice Clampet PfKpSe. <50CKS IDEA AND MV TO DE6 CEMD O N a large department store The “ Better tell your mother you tpent that dollar you iaid you Pet! You’re tem- . )6144. ______8120. BOLTON — Building atone and 9x24 inch black stair treads; plain S. A. Beechler, agent. Manches­ Agency, 843 Mam street. Phone it|(X> HA'Je VJHl-ZZED AW AY. ME WITH A Count Turf, winner of the 1951 “ Dyeing your hair has changed you, 1938 DODGE four-door sedan. KOT'R DAY .Spei ial sale on an­ .-taletgirl asked him If she might lott! The truth filwayt paye— and the alwayt findt out. flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. bla. k, heavy weight or double ter 6969. 2-4.543 or 2-088O I Kentucky Derby, ran part of the ptttuouB,p ta tu o u a . vibrant — I Good condition $16.5 Phone 2- nual flowering plants. 10 dozen W ANTED - Waitress Only one I be of a.*slirtance. n Phone 2-0617. Stanley Patnode. duty. 3.5c each (44 1 assorted 9x18 7/^im • \ WILD race at (^urchtll Down* with a Pemonato 397.5 after 5 p m $1 .MoConville Greenhouse. .302 with experience need apply inch black or brown stair treads. MANCHESTER — Four room LI.ST WITH an active concern for j Cowboy -No. ma'am. T reckon loose hind shoe. Womlbrldge Open evenings un­ •Miller'a Restaurant. 10 East PA IR BRASS table lamps In ex­ 1 not. I aliVl never seen *0 many BUGS BUNNY jjX R Y —Please come home. T have 1939 CTIEVROLET two-door with 30c each. All offered "a.s is". home In very good condition. reliable courteous service. Free FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER til 8.30. All dav Sunday. Center. things I could do without. I . pitching for had an A B C.-0-M*Uc washing 1947 motor Inquire .37 Cook cellent condition, $10, Phone 8940 Watkin.s Brothers, Inc., 935 Main New oil furnace Near bus. Made­ appraisal arriving al satisfactory 1 after 6:.30. street. Manchester, Conn. line Smith. Realtor. 2-1642 or selling price to you. The Allen I the New York Giant*, won three wow ABOUT MC PB- ^ GOMfi machine installed by Watkins street WANTED—Trained attendant or 4679. Realty Co. Phone Manchester In a forfeited baseball game, the 1 gamea in the 1905 — TAKING A PlCTUN LlBHTec % 'y Brothers and their man will dem­ Kooflnff— Siding 16 R .V for convale.scent home. The A FEW Used storm sash and full I all by ahutouti. OF YOU WITH GUV>NO«' onstrate Its operation tomorrow 5105. ' final score la 9-0. Henalocks, 60 Pro.spect atreet. length screens, sizes 24 x 39 to $30 J'AKE.S White Ande.s gas HEBRON- 6-room houae with 10 YOUR Aolo Acreaaorles— WE SPECIALIZE In rooflng and WANTED Ride from Hayloft siding. Highest quality materlaJa. RoclDliHe. Call Rockville 5-3867. .36 X 51. Perfect conilition. Phone range. G '*ale 4 ■SALESLADIE.S Wanted, Part T. J. Crockett. Agent. Phones London Many Ameru au tour­ neck h u r r y u p , GIYUVEGTeR, piPNnr ing roofs of all kinds. Also new gray background. Phone 7858. 8 Smooth and time. .Salaiw. Call 2-4697. W ANTED— Good used furniture 5416. Re.*idence 3751. ists are running into a language 13 Director VBR HOLPIN' u p BALCH “BETTER BUY” roof*. Gutter work. Chimneys 14 Mementoes unaspirated TH' P iC T U R B .' STERLING Silver 6 place set­ Any quantity. We offer you high, TUUNKKVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX I Begonal 46 Pseudonym ot Trailem for Sale 6A cleaned, repaired '26 years' ex­ e x c e l l e n t 3 bedroom home. 4 barrier they never e.xpecled to en­ 15 Craft 9 Chemical 26 WOMEN TO sew our ready cut est prices. Woodshed Phone 2- 27 Window fUss Cherlee Laimb USED CARS perience hree estimate*. Call tings. In Courtship pattern. year.* old nice lot. Not in devel- counter in England. 16 Finch suffix "Rap-A-Roiind " at home. Eaay 31.54, 29 "Emerald 47 C anves sheltei ilowiey. Manchester .5,361. Originally $146 Never used. nt. combination screens and And it isn't merely pronuncia­ *S p u n k y *’ E d w a r d s , P ih a n c ia i- G e n iu s 18 Pedal digit 10 Perch HOME-MADE utility trailer, also profitable HoIlywood“'lCffg. Co Isle” 48 EntreaU $100. Phone 8676. . Will be vacant this week 19 Thus 11 Tax 1961 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan 1949 Ford wheel. Phone 2-0693. Dept. 628, Hollywood 46, Calif. W ANTED — .Shalow well pump f tions like "bawlh" and ' lu- SO Paving 20 Stutter 12 River in 30 Nuisance with or without motor. Phone ' 39 Gather substance Heating— Plumbing An American newspaperman in 22 Transpose Belgium 1949 Pontiac Streamliner Se­ Roats and Accessories 46 6627. 3 40 Uncommon 52 Fish part Molorcyclea— Ricyclea 11 Help Wanted— Male <36 1 , mdon stopped al the comer (ab.) 17 Ream (ab ) dan-Coupe PLUMBING and heating, special­ 42 Encourage 64 Symbol for FOR BOATS, motors, tackle, ma­ aded lot on bins line, j one evening to collect the news- 23 Hebrew letter J® . izing In repairs, remodeling, cop­ 43 Unclothed ■elenlum i B05"S 26" bicycle. Practically W ANTED —Auto mechanic. Good rine hardware and paints. Mc­ Rooms Without Hoard .59 Green. ( Vacant) ! papers - a clure normally atlcnd- 24 Electrical unit 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan per water ; Iplng. new construc­ 23 Separated 44 Arctic gulf 56 CThineae unit new Rca.«»onahl(' r"#!! 8940 after hours, good working conditions. Intosh Boat Co.. .North end Pur­ ___, -i payment $3,.’>00. ed to by his wile. Itul she was 26 Bridge tion. Estimates given. Time pay­ 25 Stocked 45 H ervest of weight 1947 Pontiac Convertible 6:30, Benefits, Apply Service Manager, nell parking loL Chns-tTraft, LARGE ROOM, hot water, private Duplex 7-7 rooms, steam heal 2- I licdded with 'flu, 28 Pace ments arranged Edward Johnson BalcJi Pontiac, 155 Center atreet. home, .suitable for two glmtlemen. Coupe Phone 6979 or 5044. Mercury, Champion, Scott-At­ car garage, $15,000. Down pay-j "Where s the Missus. Gov? " 31 Vehicle Call 7865 after 4. "Not 32 Minute skin i r r “ 1 5” lA II rf 1935 INDIAN three wheel serv- ROUTE SALESM AN for local water, Mastercraft trailers. Phone ment $5,000. Elat 5-5 rooms, asked the ne.isvendor. r r i opening ‘Quito a family you hava, ladyl AvykI' Mora upfttira,' 1947 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan toe motorcycle, $.50 Phone 6,361. EF9TC1ENT Plumbing and beat­ laundry work. Salary commission 2-3102. Open from '6:30 a. m. to 8 LARGE Room. Gentleman, Con­ steam heat. 2 car garage, $15.- i queer, I ope. " 1 S3 Against li ri t o o , h u h r ing Plugged drains machine bnsis Blue Cross and life insur- p. m tinuous hot water. Central. Park­ 000 Down payment $5,000. One ' Uc wasn t being floor vacant. For appointment I merely solitit of the U S. very attractive proposition. Bo­ ture for rent. Maxwell B. Hutch­ Lots for Sale 73 pence (Sever cents)' is sometimes HE’S GOINS INToTN KNOWS EVERYBOPY WILL A and Canada. Call 5187. Hart­ inson, Andover, Phone Coventry Hayloft in Coventry. Phone Cov­ called a "tanner. " ONE OF HIS ttOODi'J LAUGH AT HIM NOW, IF ANTIQUES KeOmaned. Repairing land Motors, 369 Center .street. entry 7-6983 OiT Hartford 46-9567 1951 Dodge Sedan done on any furniture Tlemann. ford 6-1423. -6730. LARGE . LOTS, 1 acre and up. Of a somewhat special charac­ HE STARTS m AGAIN. 1950 Ford Convertible, 189 South Main street Phone LUBRICATION MAN RELATIVES of boys at West- Priced from $25U to $500; for ter is the rhyming slang of Lon­ 1950 Chevrolet Sport Coupe C.ALL PH IL for moving, light PICK YOUR own strawberries, don's Cockney.s. This takes a com­ 5643 hampton Air Base. Long Island summer or year round homes, 1949 Chevrolet Sedan truckling, sand, gravel and loam for taking care of lubrication of containers furnished. Good varie­ high elevation on black road. The monplace word and changes it in­ bottling room equipment. Some will enjoy themselves six miles 6 ^- - 1948 Chevrolet Tudor REPAIRING BY S uart K Wol­ delivery. Good work. Call 2-3774 ties for canning and freezing. 25c Allen Realty Co., Realtors. Phone to something that rhymes with the 1948 Chevrolet Sedan mechanical experience desirable. away at Bayside House, Hamp- cott on washing machines, vac­ anytime, t ^-9248 after 5. per quart A Flai.o & Sons, Birch Manchester 5105 original word. 1947 Pontiac Sedan Coupe uum-cleaners. .otora. small ap- Service station experience helpful. Mountain Road. Bolton, or call ‘ ton Bays, Long Island. $40 week Thus, a motor car betomes a ly including meals. $30 weekly in 1946 Pontlaq Siff Sedan Coupe pllahces Welding and cutting. *RepainnK 25 Permanent full time position with Manchester 2-1406. BOLTON—“Two large lots, nice "jam car." A ca.sh till is a June. Folder. John Burke, owner, 1946 Oldsmoblle Six Club Coupe Motor replacements A-1 Repair well established Arm. view high elevation Phone 2- "Jack-and-jUl.” And the simple REPAIR and traue on aewlng ma­ 6 --O rMi’yttdOtYy, me V * mt pmJ 1946 ChecTolet Convertible Sales 180 Main Phone 8597 Phone Hampton Bays 347. farewell "goodbye" becomes—by chines and motors House Ap­ Apply Housenold Goods 51 2366. Nice Selection 1937 to 1942 COVENTRY—Lake front cottage some delicious switch — "cherry DOORS OPENED key. fitted, pliances Pendulum and electric B oors I IHHK5 WASH TUBBS The Reward BY LESLIE TURNER COCA-COLA BOTTLING WE BUY Jid sell good used tunit- pie.” Who? EtY EDGAR MARTIN Best Term.*—Best Trades copied vacuiiL* cleaner*, irons, clocks, k X. Dion, 2 Ridgewood. 451 Main Street. East Hartford private beach, three bedrooms Resort Property for Sale 74 ture, combination ranges, gas living room, 'electric kitchen, bath S'ywi,-.*rtpr 'f l a r '• - .2 guns, etc repaired, shears, 7779. Phone Hartford 8-2167 G EE, THAT'S MIREWOU w iar b u t . COLE MOTORS— 4164 ranges and neater* Jones Furni­ room, hot and cold running water DOUBLE LOT on waterfront, Cov­ GK.ctnvbSt. xuio W V IISW. l b knives, mowers, etc. put In con­ A f t e r twelve minutes that cuwch THE b i g g e s t NOUVE eCEM DOING ALL . M045TV* AViFVy - SiMO MV YO RVGVW WOVi V.w 1947 PONTIAC Convertible. Ex­ dition for coming needs. Bralth- MATTKE88. Tout old mattreaaes YOUNG MAN. par( time, three ture Store, 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041. well furnished. Call Coventry 7 entry Lake. ‘Call 8480 after 5 p. (rO PQM'E FUTURE.. MI5 EYES ARE BRIGHT THRILL OV MV THE WORK AND GETTING sterUlzed and remade like new So They Say- A PVftU GO PUNCIS- cellent condition. Must sacrifice. walte. 52 Pearl street nights and Sunday, with driver's 6877. ' m. A$ HE TAKES BOWS WITH KIT, TO THE UPE. UNCLE K ir NONE OF THE REWARD, Call Jones Furniture and Fluor license for general drug store SOFA, Chesterfield style. Rose ROLL O F APPLAUSE AROUND THE $IG T0P„ I WON'T E V E R KID. ir'lL BE DIFFERENT Phone 2-90.’>7 between 5 and 7 brocade. Maple drop leaf table. p. m. LANDSCAPING and grading Oovertng, ,56 Oak. Tel. 3-1041. work. Apply 459 Hartford Road. COVENTRY LAKE—Several ANDOVER, LAKEl— 5 rooms, oil COMPLAIN A$OUT FR04AN0W0NI Bulldozer toi hire. .No Job. too Phone 6900. tractive cottages for rent steam heat, screened porch, practicing again! W AN TE D — Reliable .man for in-] week, month and season Welles large lot. full cellar. Many de­ We're tired of h.sving our intel­ 1941 CHEVROLET deluxe coupe. large or small Macn Brothers. EIGHT /*IECE dining room set. ligence insulted. Most movies are Good condition Heater, defroster, Bondn—Storki side work Steady job. good pay. Agency, Coventry. Tel. 7-6872 sirable featlire.1. Priced to sell. .5305 or 4523. Good condition. Alsp a bureau. made by guy.s who think their excellent tires. Phone 5958. 31 MorlgHgeH SI New Sy.stem Laundry. Harrison R. O. Denton. 6724. Call’ 7658, or 411 Main street. audience is a hunch of idiots an'l Carol drive. FLOOR PROBLE.L8 aolved with street. fXJLUMBlA LA K E — Two lake WANTED 1st Mortgage of $6,- front cottages. One suitable for 3 SEVERAL IJ4KEFRONT cottages Illiterates. linoleum, ai.phal) tile counter 5 CU FT. Frigidaire. Ideal for 1950 PONTIAC convertible, blue 000 at 69^ on 7 room sin_gle lo­ ROTTE MAN for established or 4 people for 1 week beginning $5,500 and up; others $1,600 and — 5Iark Hendrix, theater mana- Expert wor. .lanahlp, free esti­ apartlpent or cottage. Excellent Hydramatic, radio, heater, full cated about 8 miles from Hart- route. Benefits. Excellent work­ July 7th. One suitable for 5 or up. Welle.* Agency, Coventry. K<'f- mate*. Open evenlnga. Jones Fur­ condition. $125. Phone 2-0431. equipment. Less than 2,000 mile*. niture. Oak street. Phone 2-1041 foid. One owner will at part con ing conditions. Apply in person 6 people for one week beginning Tel. 7-6872, Phone 8840, or 18 Jordt atreet, aideralion for the mortgage paint, Manchester Coat, Apron, Towel CREAM AND Green oil heating Julv 28. Alice Clampet Agency I am answering the call of God, decarate and Improve the prop­ Supply. 73 Summit atreet. Who I have loved, trusted and LJNOLEUM Remnants 50c square atove. In good conditlcm. Price 2-4M3 - 2-0880. » Suburban for Sale 75 yard. Asphalt tile, wall covering. erly. Value of property after Im- served throughout my entire life. Ui botea ATTRACTIVE 6-Rooms with terprlalng couple. Owner muat Situations Wanted— 3347. Reward. ' — Erie Thoraeq, rnteirtalacr. and tom clothing, hoalery runs, JUST ARRIVED, Ariato-Bilt un- separate apartment (income 18tt Rordor, 1988 sell due to lllnesi. Madeline Mala 3 » handbafa rapaured, alpper ra- Smith. Realtor. 2-1642 or 4679 palntcd 4 and 5 drawer chests $660 per year), new 1941, excel­ 1100 down. placanent, umbrallaa rtpalred CARPFNTBR and mason wishes and dresser bases, bookcases of lent location. Several other 2 to 'The Korean W'ar crisis brought 8m Deuflaa fo r bargains al- laan'a ahlrt oollars reversed and ! FOR SALE Concession stand at woik. all kinds. Call .lames Man- maily s72e.«. diop leaf tables and 5 bediiiom houses $4900 and up new littention to gcnycl.', the wajsa Daoglaa M otors, 818 Main. Reail HeraM replaced. Marlow's U tU * Mending Robertsor, Park. Beat offer takes dell, Rockville 5-7283 after 7 p. chairs. The Wo'od.shed, 11 Mam Welles Agency, Coventry. Tel. American desert plant.'d.hat pro­ 0 t*8 8 8. a • jj^ aii ^ Bhopk it. OaU 3-M l* or 3-9010. street. 7-6872. duces natural rubber. iij. / r j,'i ’ SATURDAY, JIDTl SO, 1S61 B ' f a o b t w e l v b i^atutrPBt^r lEoftting 1|?raUi • . ■ . .i' .•U d In local and national affaira folks who admire Ma guIU do the warden has already started a W H A r s THK REAI. P U O B something about It. checkup. through her dally rea^ng of th. 90th Birthday Herald and the New York Times. ON yoim HOUSE r A b o u t . T o w n It aeema that the Bt. Pete aea Dog owners who have failed to Ifyard Along Main Street gulls have always been dependent secure IlCeneei for their doge and Mrs. Gosle. haa always consider­ Ton’ll Bad ear oompoOent I ■' / ' upon the shrimp fleets that once who are found guilty of harbor­ Of Mrs. Gpslee ed It a privilege and a duty to irmteer* qnalinod to TIM A C«ur C0B*rHt^«“i And on Some of Manchester*$ Side SfrecM, Too quartered at the Sunshine City ing an unlicensed dog will be ar­ regUiter her vot. at .lections ao m 3help you. ifeureh wUl b«it outing, Telephone 2-4168 la a national association of adver­ stamp of approval or outrighUy for the 1951 year. was kicked around for .several tising agencies, radio, magazine refused approval of certain publi­ weeks, and before It dieil it had COLLECTION OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. All dogs six months and over ■k -k -tr and newspaper publishers whose cations. must be licensed according to law. secured a tentative and unpopu­ SOUTHWEST SECTION . one Interest la to get accurate fig­ Town Clerk Sam Turktngton has lar fin some quartersi resting 1(1 Manchester folks who are fre­ place right alongside our own (ML HBATINO ures on circulation. It costs The turned over to Warden Fracchia Herald In the neighborhood of quent visitors in St. Petersburg, the list of the 800 1950 dog own- Herald building on Bla.sell .«treet. MONDAY, JULY 2 EQUIPMENT $500 a year to belong to this asso- Florida, recall the large seagulls era who did not renew licenses and A. Non. riatlon that makes periodical that flock around the municipal checks every six months lo obtain pier, dropping every so often to Help (he Hospital — Help Local Industry By Continuing BfltiiiiBtes On Request theae accurate figures. That will pick up something edible from the To Save Paper. The Need Has Not Diminished! I CALL explain a Uttle ateut how much a sea water. They will be surprised guarantee on circulation this pub­ to learn that the gulla are grad MIST lication can guarantee ually reducing in number. They M Just pick through the booklet' will eventually disappear unless Fireworks M “AL” ROGERS ) M Do You K now— OLD BOLTON ROAD M LOTS AND LOTS OF BREAD FIRST RIGHT OFF ROUTE 6 M You too can save money by getting your PAST SHADY GLEN glasses at Union Optical Co. M for Sunday Try Service at Union Optical is the best in HOT RYE town. All work done at Union Optical Co. is PUMPERNICKEL guaranteed. O range H all B ingo Come in and have Mr. Cliristensen adjust You Gan Dspand On IpMEMADE WHITE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT your glasses free of charge. Closed All Day Wednesdays During June, July, August DILLDN’S WHOLE WHEAT Penny Bingo 7:15 to 7:45— Regular Bingo at 7=45 GUARANTEED RET YOUR PICNIC ROLLS HOT-GET 'EM SUNDAY! ORANGE HALL U nion O ptical C o. USED CARS 641 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER TEL. 2-3128 r^T T lfT ilT iT IT !! DOUGHNUTS '50 Ford Tudor Deluxe. h a n d b u n s Heater. Parade Of Values '49 Mercury Conv. Club (kjks6'mA'i^>66i'^um 39c doi. Cpe. Radio & Heater. Occupancy In $0 day*— 6 room dwelling within 12 mile* of llartfoM. Cellar under part of property. New alr-condttloning '49 Ford Tudor Cus. DeL. 100 Brand New Prize oil burner and electric hot water heater. New 3 piece bathroom Radio and Heater. THE LARGEST VARIETY OF HOME MADE act and septic tank and wafer pump. Some Interior decorating Winning Cakes. Come needed. Sale price 88,450 with down payment of $1,500 to S'J.OOO. It’s an Ideal Time '49 Ford Tudor Deluxe. CAKES and PASTRIES IN NEW ENGLAND In and Look ’Em Over! Term* on balance. Radio and Heater. Manchester Green Area—8 room (8 bedroom) dwelling with *49 Ford Fordor Custom fKirch. Oil burner, 2-car garage. Down payment $3,500 to $4,000. Deluxe. Radio, Heat­ ■Terms on balance. 60 day occupancy. Big Assortment Of To Test IDEAL er. Overdrive. 5 Room Dwelling— (2 unfinished up) lights and water. Also 1-3 room dwelling with lights and water. 4 a4‘re* of land. Needs '49 Ford Club Coupe. HDMEMADE PIES Improvements and decorating. Sale price $5,500 with $1,500 down. I Radio and Heater. A chance to make a good home at reasonable cost. Overdrive. 4-Lb. Dry cleaning needs are heavy'during the hot '46 Mercury Convertible. THE ALLEN REALTY CO., RBaltOM BANANA CREAM summer months. Family laundry takes a lot Radio, Heater. 180 CENTER STTIEET—TeL 3105 or t-0488 After Office Hour* 46 Chevrolet Fordor Se­ out of mother. Isn’t it a good time to turn “STILL A FAVORITE" dan. Radio, Hootor. BLUEBERRY both jobs over to IDEAL? Don’t forget— '42 Ford Tudor. Hootor. FRESH APPLE we’re easy to find . . . near the Armory on STRAWBERRY-RHUBARB Main Street. TRUCKS CHERRY. ETC. '47 Ford IV 2 Ton Stoho Body. • OPEN SUNDAY 7 A. M. TO 10 P. M. FIREWORKS '47 Chevrolet Deluxe COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 1 0 % Panel Delivery. FRESH STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES Cash and Carry Green Stamp* '50 Ford Stoke Pickup. MANCHESTER OUR 12th YEAR IN BUSINESS II TENT STAND NORTH SIDE OP ROAD BAKING COMPANY TOP OF NIGGER HILL— BOLTON fe jC a u n e te s re rs DILLON eanerd 21 KERRV STREET a Sales and Senriea TELEPHO n I 2-4214 CDWLES BROS^ and STEVENSDN 319 Moin Stmet S I 3 8 Manchester h o t b r e a d a n d r o l l s e v e r y D A Y ! 3 1 4 nN W I-M * STREET r

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