Hartford Paper on Men's Organlaatlona

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Hartford Paper on Men's Organlaatlona :'M‘r f I / 8ATDSDAT. AUGOR 10k 1*M Dafly CirealBtim TIm W sbUm t iKanrI|^rBt?r lEnftting Ijgyato MaottnfMIr. ISM Feraenat at V.M. ^ -t raw tha lucky attaadanca prim num- 8,909 bar aa tha wtnair’a aama ta given Engaged to Local Man Obtain Wheels A bout Tow n Heard Along Main Street aach idght. « M im theetei^A CHy o f Vlttnge Charm With tha paity primaries In r For Derbyiste H r Mid Itak Uwla W. 8iolt«ii> MancheMar but a I'aw weeks away Call 5141 And on Some of Mancho$Uf^§ Side Streett,^Tdo candidatea for town oSIcea will he ^ F O R — PRICK THREE CENTS hmg, «* IW **»*» m Pbia 181 MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) sprouting almoat avary day from Appeal Brings Response VOL. LXV, N a t u tMbarg^ old homo to M atae^or We have received aeveraJ c*||*ff*et the bell aUrtedP It'a getUng now untU dCad-ltoa, Monday, Aug­ • taftint"** of two . weeko. tlw y to the paat from mothem who live late. ust 26. Already soma have en­ So All 30 Entrants M ia tbo trip MitomobUo. tered contaata for nominations. In varloua parta of Mancheater aai^ Them la a daSnita tmnd among Will Get Them CITY CAB Between Them and Promised Land L i^ Bfockade ■ Ona of the leading HarUord pa­ tog that they have not received World War n men to get Into pol- f^agtoanalrM aro reminded at aatiafaction from the police to re­ pers carriad a two column story on Itlca. They tael thay have a real with the Soap Box Derby Idea SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS Officer Denounces Ruling on Procedure the Iff"*** naetlng to tie held at Tony LaxMii, former New York gard to complaln|a concerning and Just right to have a voice in the lotUloB Home on Monday night apeedera who endanger the llvea Yankee second baaeman who died galiltog In popularity Uirougbout OPEN ALL NIGHT at eliht oCcIock. Town Treaeuiw of a heart atUck earUer to the local govemmaat. of their children. We know of two or three of ths sUte and countnr ths abund­ O a em H. Waddell and Tax Col- week to CaUfornla. A picture waa ance of wheels for racers sxpaetsd looter Banniol Nelaon will apeak. Thla week however we have had used with the story and although theee eervlee men who are plan­ Army Legal Setup; brought to our attention k group thla year turned out to ha a shpit- Worid War IX ▼eterana are ^ the naina underneath waa that of ning to run for the Board of Se­ age Instead. For aevetal iMSt Ghallenged by Reds; Of mothem who live on Mather lectmen. H m Sret veteran^of the pefiellr urged to attend elnee the Tony lAsaeri, a fan familiar with weeks the local Rotary Club has t 3 a i ^ be at oooelderable Inter­ atreet. 'Ihey have complained to Twillgtit League players could recent fracas to bo elected to the the police that trucka and cam go- been campaigning for baby car­ oat to them. ____ aaaUy Identify the picture as that Selectmea waa Jack Gordon. The riage wheels to order that nona of WE CAN QCnCKLY ARBANGB A Long Waits in Jail tog up and down ’ Mather atreet of Garry "Tud" Flood of New Brit­ •econd waa 'Raymond B. Hage- have been traveling at exceaalve dorn. Jac]c Gordon la a candidate the SO boys who have entered this LOW COST FINANCE PLAN Paul RvBallaieper. at 70 Tanner apeeda. They contend that the ain. thla yaar for Rapublican Registrar year’s classic might bs left behind gtieet, la at the Mancheater Memo­ Flood pitched In the local league due to rolling stock. THROUGH THE BANK Debate Sought Now atreet la eapcclally deacrVlng of tha the paat two aeaanna with tha of Votafa. ^ Rajr Hagedorn ,1a a rial hoapital where he waa taken attention of the police becauae It la cmndidata again for the Boanl of Appeals were made through the AND AGENT Smuggled Appeal Re­ following an attack^of oevere paina Men^i^ub and PA’a. Usually when eolumna of *nie Herald, aad over Primary Test to Ida cheat X-raya hare been tak­ tha route by which moat of tha ralatakea In thla newspaper are Selectman. PLAN north end children reach their fav­ Not only are. the World War II the Radio Baxsar program of SAVE sults in Diselosure Byrnes Takes Ovar ai en and other teata made to deter orite awlmmlng hole, Ralter*a nade, telephone calls an.d letters men getting set to Uke over w n c a week ago Thursday whan awsmp The Herald editorial office. Mark Holmes, president of tbo Ro­ 13 Amorican Soldiers mine the cauae. Pond. The police infomved the thtoge o<^IUeally. They are taking Mlaa LaeOto B. Skwr MONEY In Wisconsin O’Neal Against Byrnes Hit Chairman of Paace mothem who complained that they Several months ago a story waa over to some of the local aervlce tary Club; Harvey Alcoek, wto' •'ner of last year’s Town Cham­ And Qvilians Held Loaded with more than 4.000 Jewish refugees, these ships He at anchor In Haifa hariwr with the Palea- A daughter waa bom Auguat 4 had aome 800 atreata In town to carried to a Hartford paper on men's organlaatlona. They feel Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Starr of ON AUTO FINANCING ftoe shore and the promised land just a view on the hprison aa the British authorities refused to let Conference; Says He at the Richardaon Houaa of ^ Manchester's Joe McCluskey -and pionship. and two partldpanta in In Russian patrol and that they could not af­ that the service men of World War 33 Spring street, TbompaonvUle, the 1945 event waa InterViewsd INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE! Without Charges lor Senate Race the refugees land.— (NKA telephoto). Putting Curbs Boaton Lytog-In hoapital to H r a picture waa uaed. 'IIm Identity I don’t see their points of view Will Recogniafi Only ford to five their particular atten­ By Floyd Richards and Margarot and Mm. Andrew Peteraen of tion to any one atreet. ^ at the picture waa nevar learned Bufflclently well to provide the club announce the angagaraent at their 8 5 .1 MAIN ST. TEL. 5810 As Much as 2 Months Yugoslavia to An­ Miami, Fla., formerly .of Manchee- and McCluskey never did look like facilities thsy desire. So strong daughter, Lucille Rita, to Lester Thomas of the Bssasr. Press Talk On receiving that reply the mo'/i- Aa a result of the appeals arc LaFoUette Takes PoUti* On Food Again ter. arC decided to take the matter In­ the picture ua^. to numbera snd backed by many W. McIntosh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frankfurt, Ciermsny, Aug. swer Italian Plea It proves that big papers make World War I men who agree with boy entered to the 1946 Derby who Ttvo More Ships with Refugees to thair own handa. They have Lester H. Meintoah of 217 Sum­ is short of wheels wtU be able to 12.—<ff)— Cspt. Earl Carroll ly Famous Name and I Mr. and Mra. 8. J. Houaton of as many If not mom mistakes than them they are going to see that Toss Dipatch Says Par­ For Softened Terms; Valloy atream. N. Y.. former real- decided that they will take the It so.«aIled small town dallies.. mit atreet. secure a set, with axles, so as to of Sim Bruno, (Talif., de­ Farm Bureau Federa­ cenae numbera of every car and things are done their way. 20-Year Record Into denta of Mancheater will be In It la a good thing to see the Mlaa Starr is employed to the complete hls racer before the Srst is Conference' Should To Invite Four Nations truck going up Mather atreet at Inspection which takes plaos at nounced the U. S. Army’s le­ A t Anchor Outside Haifa Harbor tion Head Sees *Con- town until Sunday. They are atay- The management of the Depot young b)cK>d livening up these or­ personnel office of tha Bigelow- BaUotting Tomorrow { Ing at the home of Mm. John Houa- too great a a p ^ . They win turn the Wilson Warehouse at the gal system today after re­ Go Ahead Even if the numbem and the nature of their Square Grill Is conducting a con- ganisations and It will be a good Sanford Carpet Company, Thomp- CRAFTSMAN fusion and Black Paris, Aug. 12.—</P)->-G6c- tca of 7S School atreet Sunday thing to get some youftg Wood Into North End Friday afternoon, Aug­ ceiving s smuggled appeal complaint Into the State Depart teM at the preaent time, Inviting ust 23. Waahlngton, Aug. 12—VP)—8«n-1 UN Meeting Postponed retary of State Byrnes took they will laave dhth Mr. and Mra. townspeople to send In a' name for the town olBcea. sonvilte. The hrldegroom-elect for help which resulted in the, Markets’ as Result Jamaa Reardon and daughter of ment of Motor Vchiclea. They atate Calls, came not only from Man­ over today as chairman of that they hope they wlll get re- the night club which they are go­ Is employed by the Ferrety A Olen- disclosure that 18 American *****‘^„. *‘ *_ ^ Benton atreet to «>end a week at chester but as far away as Hhiat AUTO BOOT SHOP Mldiers and civUians had take. w. poi'Uc-ny famo™ Expect Britain I Truman W ill Washlngton, Aug. 12—(P)— Moscow, . Aug, 12—(F)— The the Peace conference, and the aulta to that way.
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