MPAC Enumeration Update

Bev Disney, Enumeration Lead Brad Baker, Enumeration Lead Syd Howes, Elections Information Specialist

Webinars with Municipalities and Electing School Boards Week of May 14 - 18, 2018

© MPAC Agenda

• Enumeration Update – MPAC’s Role – Enumeration/Election Milestones – 2018 Approach • • Communications • Partnerships • overview • 2018 Product Overview and Canvassing – Delivery timing – New for 2018 - Format and/or Content changes – File Format Options for Voters’ List Revisions – Canvassing for product requirements • Beyond the Election – Voters’ List Revisions (receipt and processing) – Final Reporting of end-to-end Results • Questions

© MPAC 2 2018 Enumeration Update

© MPAC 3 MPAC’s Role

• MPAC has the legislative responsibility of conducting an Enumeration and producing the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) as per Municipal Elections Act, 1996, for each municipal/DSSAB election and by-election – The PLE is used by each municipality to create their final Voters’ List

• MPAC maintains a ‘Names Database’ through: 1. Regular updates applied to the property assessment database: • Land Titles/Land Registry changes • Mailing Address changes • School Support changes • New roll/unit updates 2. Third party sources: • National Register of Electors (NROE) data maintained by – (includes data provided by Elections to Elections Canada) • Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS)/Service Ontario 3. Enumeration activities © MPAC 4 2018 Enumeration/Election Milestones

March 12 Launch of

2018 Election

Jun – Nov Dec 31 Mar 31 Jul/Aug Sept Oct 18 Nov 18 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018

Ward/Poll Deadline for Deadline Produce and Produce Voters’ List review/ changes Council to for ward poll deliver electoral and deliver Revisions approve ward changes products i.e., Exceptions due within changes Preliminary List Files 30 days of Electors (PLE)

© MPAC 5 2018 Enumeration Approach

© MPAC 6 Launch of

• On March2018 12, Enumeration 2018 MPAC launched Approach, a self-service online platform for Ontarians to confirm or update their information in MPAC’s Names Database – Eligible electors can also update their information, add a name to an address, or change their school support – allows Ontarians to take an active role in maintaining accurate and up-to-date electoral lists

© MPAC 7 – Results to Date

• Since March 12 2018 launch: Stats as of end of April 2014: – Total Searches: 63,000+ Searches: 30,149 – Total Additions: 5,000+ Adds: 1,535 Updates: 3,038 – Total Revisions: 6,300+ Note: site launched Mar 31, however was piloted from Jan onward in pilot areas.

• Municipalities are actively promoting the site and weekly metrics are being posted to Municipal Connect, by municipality

© MPAC 8 Communications

• A communications strategy has been deployed to raise awareness of the platform including: – the delivery of toolkits which were provided to municipalities, DSSABs, School Boards, Ministries and various municipal associations with information/materials to assist in driving users to – Inclusion of mail insert in MPAC notices and distribution of insert at time of property inspection May - Aug. – A social media campaign has commenced with ads targeting millennials/first time voters, professionals, retirees and renters across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram – 4 Webinars hosted for all Municipalities, District Social Services Administration Boards and electing School Boards week of May 14 – 18 » Product Canvassing, Delivery timing and Format and/or Content changes; Information re Submission of Voters’ List Revisions; – All enumeration-related enquiries – [email protected]

© MPAC 9 Partnerships

• MPAC has re-established an Elections Working Group made up of municipal, association and elections representatives to share insights, ideas and discuss enumeration best practices

• Working in collaboration with Elections Ontario and Elections Canada to ensure timely receipt of National Register of Electors (NROE) extracts, for inclusion in 2018 election products provided by MPAC

• MPAC, Elections Canada and Elections Ontario are engaged in promoting each other’s online elector services to ensure that electors have the information and website links required to update information for elections at all levels

© MPAC 10 Enhancements

• MPAC has made the following enhancements to – Expanded name matching capabilities to support users providing shortened versions of names (i.e. ‘Bill’ entered and name matched if ‘William’ recorded in Names Database) – Include a field for users with a single name – Include additional gender options of ‘other’ and ‘decline’ – Present field for those users adding their name to provide mailing address – Provide the number of potential electors and messaging for user to contact MPAC’s Customer Contact Centre to confirm/update information if the number is either too high/too low

© MPAC 11 – Home Page

• Home page includes: – General information about the site – A video to explain how to use – MPAC’s legislative responsibility to collect information – MPAC’s commitment to protecting privacy while meeting its statutory obligations – A declaration statement to certify that the information being provided is true and accurate

© MPAC 12 – Search

© MPAC 13 – Confirm/Change School Support

© MPAC 14 – Add me to the Preliminary List of Electors

© MPAC 15 – Add me to the Preliminary List of Electors

© MPAC 16 – Add me to the Preliminary List of Electors

© MPAC 17 – Elector Confirmation

© MPAC 18 2018 Product Overview and Canvassing

© MPAC 19 Products Schedule – July 31st or August 21st

Product Purpose Date Preliminary List of Provided to all Municipalities, District Social Services July 31, 2018 Electors Administration Boards & School Boards conducting or August 21, 2018 elections, used by Municipal Clerks to create the final Voters' List *As per Bill 212, MPAC and the Municipal Clerk may agree on a date other than July 31, but not later than August 31 July 31, 2018 is default if no date selected Voter Notification Used to produce vote-at-cards and vote-by-mail File (VNF) election kits, and populate voter list management applications, vote-by Internet, and vote-by-mail systems

Voter Notification Contains a list of properties where no electors were File – No Electors found (VNF-NE) Provides a property ‘placeholder’ to receive clerk’s revisions (new names) Ontario Used for planning purposes Population Report Required for certain legislative purposes (Referenced in (OPR) Police Services Act, and Health Protection & Promotion Act – O.Reg. 489/97)

© MPAC 20 Product Overview

• Preliminary List of Electors (PLE.pdf) replicates traditional paper PLE and contains potential electors for municipal and school board elections based on information collected by MPAC. Eligibility based on a person’s status on Voting Day

• Voter Notification File (VNF.xml and VNF.xlsx) contains the same information as Preliminary List of Electors (PLE.pdf) plus additional related elector and property data

• Voter Notification File-No Electors (VNF-NE.xml and VNF-NE.xlsx)contains all residential units (RU), farm residential units (FRU) and recreational/ seasonal dwelling units (RDU)/ households where no potential elector was found (no occupant names, personal attributes nor mailing addresses included - also includes ‘vacant’ units)

• Ontario Population Report (OPR.pdf) contains resident population counts used for planning and legislative purposes.

© MPAC 21 New for 2018 – Product Format and/or Content Changes

• Summary of changes for Voter Notification File (VNF) and Exceptions Voter Notification File (EVNF): – may contain blank gender field for electors who identify as ‘other’ / ‘decline’ – may contain single elector name – where this occurs, single name will be provided in elector ‘last_name’ and ‘person_name_line’ columns – additional ‘updated date’ field for each elector record • Names added or updated through either the create date or the update date, whichever is later; • Elector records sourced from NROE: the last move date, the latest date for an addition or update OR the date received; • For all other elector records, the date of the most current data capture from MPAC’s IPS database will be provided. NOTE: this date could be a change to an elector record(s) OR a change to property-specific data. – Late May – MPAC will provide a spec sheet and sample product layout for the 2018 VNF and EVNF products • It is recommended that Clerks forward this info to their IT departments and 3rd party service providers • Ontario Population Report (OPR): – Counts for those names where gender has been identified as ‘other’ / © MPAC ‘decline’ will be dispersed throughout the report totals based on age. 22 Product Overview

• Process for 2018 Voters’ List Revisions 1. DataFix Voter View subscribers: • Voters’ List revisions entered into Voter View will be extracted for auto-upload to MPAC’s Names Database

2. Other/No Election Management Software Applications: • MPAC will provide .xlsx file format at time of PLE/VNF product delivery for capturing revisions • File format will facilitate auto-uploading to MPAC’s Names Database

• MPAC will not accept EL15 forms for processing

• Voters’ List Revisions to be provided as per 1 of the 2 options indicated above

© MPAC 23 Products/Events Schedule – September Exceptions Files

Product Purpose Date Elector Contains elector names added, deleted, changed since September 7, 2018 Differences Found production of the PLE Report (EDFR)

Exceptions Voter Contains elector names added, deleted, changed since Notification File production of the VNF (EVNF)

Exceptions VNF – Contains a revised list of properties where no electors No Electors were found (EVNFNE) Provides a property ‘placeholder’ to receive clerk’s revisions (new names)

Election Day October 22, 2018 Voters’ List Deadline for submission of Voters’ List Revisions to November 22, 2018 Revisions MPAC *Standardized/MPAC compliant file format for revisions submissions will be provided at time of July/Aug PLE delivery

© MPAC 24 Product Overview

• Elector Differences Found Report (EDFR.pdf) similar to the PLE and contains only the PLE records where there has been a name deletion, addition or ‘change’ since the initial PLE (i.e. school support)

• Exceptions Voter Notification File (EVNF.xml and EVNF.xlsx) contains same data fields as VNF but includes only records that changed since PLE & VNF were produced. Each record marked ‘Add’, ‘Delete’ or ‘Change’

• Exceptions Voter Notification File – No Electors (EVNF-NE.xml and EVNF-NE.xlsx) contains the same data fields as the VNF-NE and includes changes to RU, FRU and RDU households where no potential elector was found (no occupant names or personal attributes included – also includes ‘vacant’ units)

© MPAC 25 Canvassing for Product Requirements

Schedule A

NOTE: All 2018 post-enumeration products will be provided electronically via the Sightline Portal in Municipal Connect™.

Please complete the following re-direct messaging details. NOTE: re-direct messaging serves to re-direct users to their respective municipal office, website, etc., beyond the extract to produce either the July-Aug PLE/VNF or September Exceptions Files (timing of which is to be specified below). re-direct messaging details Municipality or DSSAB: Mailing Address: Contact Name: Telephone: E-mail: Web Address (URL): Please complete the following to indicate the re-direct messaging (to Municipality or DSSAB) preferred. Select one of Options “A”, “B” or “C”. If “C”, please provide preferred, alternate re-direct messaging. NOTE: You may choose to continue collection of data through and receive any additional elector confirmations/changes in the September Exceptions Files. Please indicate your timing preference below to discontinue

© MPAC 26 Canvassing for Product Requirements

© MPAC 27 Canvassing for Product Requirements

Canvassing will be conducted as follows: • For Municipalities and those electing school boards that subscribe to Municipal Connect – via Sightline Portal

• For DSSABs and those electing school boards that do not subscribe to Municipal Connect – via email

© MPAC 28 Beyond the Election

© MPAC 29 Beyond the Election – Voters’ List Revisions

On/by Nov. 22, Extensive Analysis Municipal Clerk to discern key compiles/prepares learnings, overall MPAC Processing and forwards accuracy and Voters’ List results specific to revisions to MPAC each municipality

© MPAC 30 Voters’ List Revisions – 2014 Key Learnings

© MPAC 31 Final Reporting of end-to-end Results

• Once all Voters’ List Revisions have been received and processed: – MPAC will begin analysis to determine overall accuracy of the 2018 PLE – Reporting provincial results at AMCTO AGM/Conference in June 2019 – Reporting municipal/DSSAB/school board specific results thereafter (June-July 2019)

© MPAC 32 Questions?

© MPAC 33