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·rilE UNCONQUERED "DY THE PEOPLE SOUL ASSERTS AN PHOBLACHT THE PEOPLE MUST ITSELF" DE FREED" - · La[,,· -Con t/Olly THE REPUBLIC ===== ORGAN OF IRISH REPUBLICAN OPINION ===== VOL. l. N0 ,2 NOVEMBER 1965 PREPARE FOR TOMORROW: ORGAN~ZE! EDUCATE! ARM~ ,AN unavoidable feature of a IN EFfECT, fellow republicans, publication such as this, is that we asked ourselves: What damn at the outset it appears to lay good is there in having a 32 county more str~ss on the deficiencies of Republic if our people are still a.x.isting R~publican organizations, forced to emigrate; if the mass of than on the course of action neces our rural population continues to ·s a r y t o s e t t h in g s r i g h t . •Ath i 1 e struc1gle in uneconomic holdings, the paper seems to be foreveT while foreign landlords and qentle harping on the in~bility of ~he men Farmers retain control-of the Republican Movement tci ~ur~Ue a best of our land, and continue to r~volutionary path, it does not exPand their land ~ possessions; if always follow' immediately withthe the control of our natural res necessary antidote. ourcesi mBagre though-they ~re,be retained by foreiqn · speculators WE are very conscious of these and a minority o f the national trends, but ~ot the life of us we bourgeoisie,to be manipulated for do not know how they can be avoid - their own personal benefit;if our . ed. As time ptooresses the situa industrial development continues tion will right-itself automatic to be ma nipulated by alien and ally; but it would, · perhaps, be native capitalists, whose motiv ~n advant~ge t~ ex~lain now why ation is Personal profits and not this is so, so that our readers community benefits; and, if . our may undet~t~hd our motives, and proletariat continues to be faced thereby retain our overall work in with the prospects of occupational ~roper perspecfive. insecurity and periodic unemplcy men t because cap-it a l is m deems t h is IT is ·first necessary to ex a necessary weapon in its arsenal plain ou r own position . Over t o cont rol the workers . f~e past fi~e or six years the Peopl~ reipcinsible for the ~ubli - WE Found the social, political ·cition of AN ~HOSLACHT were grad and econom-ic policies of Sinn Fein ually awakened to the realization to be avowedly bourgeois in cont that the Reputil ican organizations, ent. Consequently, it was plain and for that matter, all other enough that should Sinn Fein ever groups which claimed revolutionar v get its much desired 32 county aspirations, were incapable o~ parliament, things wo~l~ inevit realizing an Irish Republic that abl y remain very much the same as would totally destroy the system they are at present. And, since of political, social and economic the I.R.A . is bound hand and Foot exploitation which continues to to Sinn Fein policies, it was sap the energies and wealth of our ob v i o-u s t hat i f 5 inn r e in was ban people. In a wor ] , although L~e krupt in the social an d politi appreciated the possibility ofthe cal sense, the I. R.A. was equally Republican Movement establishiMg, bankrupt in the military sense; by some · means or othe r, and at by association the reaction oft.he s9me time or other, a 32 county former automatically applied it R~publ ic, we honestly concluded selF to the latter. that such a state would in essence differ _ very little from that pres- WE then had a look at the ently functioning in the Free State. proq rammes of the Communist party (or-should we say Communist patt THE inevitable _ questions then i~s , since they recognize partit _arose: What earthlv advantaoes ion ), and examined their record could a 32 county state offer ·to as a whole. On the surface their the mass of the people, if thev policies offered much that was were t6 exist under _ the Tricolou~ desirable. However, it appeared as they did under the Union t o u s that it was of little use Jack 7 tould the ~ufferinqs, sac pr~posing what could, and should, rifices and privatibns demanded be do ne, when it was stipulated fr-om the people in a liberation that the attainment of these obj struqgle be justified, IJJhen all ectives was to be restricted to a they got in return was an illusion process of "peaceful transition." of freedom, and the ~ompLlsory teac~ing of Irish? · f\IOW, you know, we knouJ, and 2. everybody with a g rain of co~mon lies not in that the Irish people sense knows that: l ) Ireland is were, or are, priest - ridden; but, not going to be freed by talking; in the fact that t~ev themselves 2) THAT THE aOURCEC ISIE, who are Moscow - ridden. it is quite presently monopolize Irish affairE, obvious that such a g roup can are not going to relinquish their hardly be considered an a dmirable position of privileqe on request . source through which Irish freedom This implies that the bouroeoisie should be p~rsued. · would v o l u n tar i l y proceed f o. .-}; i q'::. u i d a t e t h em s e l v e s a s a ~..P o l i Li'·c a ~ LVt;'f · cJi: .• ived' then at the force inthe interests offiumanily'. ' ih~sca~abl~ ~dDncl~sion that it Perhaps stranger tilTn g s have hap was necessary to return to the pened,but the likes of this has . be_d~roc_k of our · rev.d.lutionary tra never· bi::cu :rre-d; nor is. it l~iq:Jly ditions and ·from there advance by to i~ the future. formulating new revolutionary pol icies ' and a new movement to i~~l THE discrepancy between the ement them . This appears the only programme ~F the Communist party pragmat i c approa c h to solvin~ the and the 'lleans by which they advocate present d i lemma, - and, of g real-t r its implementation ·represented,i:o importance,for e~su r ino tha~ whe n our ~dint of via~; too o rea t a a Republic is aoain esfablished -~ contradi~tion to make an9 sense. as it will b~ -- - that it will inc Their positiOn appears similar to orporate all the necessa r y elements the ?~n who suggested marc hing of freedom and national sov.ere i gnty. North to Fight the English , ard who t~en took his t r oops to King HAVING accepted this ~s the bridge Station to board the train only realistic course open to rev for Cork . And this, of c.ourse, olutiona r y minded Irishmen, the brings · td _the fore yet another decision . was then made to l aunch fac~or which ~liminates the Comm AN PHOBLACHT. Our aim~ are to unist Pi3rfy as a medium of real i. propaqate the great need fur ~ zing Iri~h -~ spirations. n e wly . C.on s t i t ut e d r e v o 1 u t ion a r y · effort . Howeve r, by so doi ng , THE p~~seht anti- revolutionar y we are also faced wi th the very att i t u_de' of Commu:1ists real need of illustrating the rea ema n_ates exclusively from their ctionar y essence of t~e p r §~~n t ly su~je2t~o~ to the Communist Pa~ty functioning .Republican Mov~ment; of the. s ·ov-iet Un ion. Since the because this has' first tobe ei-im - .. t w8 ~ q e·s:- the I r ish C . P . has p r os inated in the operational sense tituted ·· itself to the interests of before it is p r aclical to set in the C. P . S.U. It has taken its mot-ion a new r evolu.t i ona r y offens orders,its programmes,its changes ive a g a ins t the c o 1 on ia '! s t r u c ·tu re. in ~ cp u rse from that source in the pasJ, ~n:d it cui1L . co~tinue . to do THE surviving rem nants of the sci i~ t~e future . Yeiterday , Republican ~o0ement must be dest Ir.ish Co~~ u nists backed the idea royed and its remaining influence of r~-v ohj lion; today the.y s;:~y within acti v ist circles nul l ified th~t Irel~nd can - secure its free before it is secure to proceed dom · v.~a "Parliamentary means." with the task of a new revolutiona r y A U o f t h i s i s i n ·-' t u n e w i t il c h a n g e s policy: this i s the key to the in the foreign policies of Russia . ·. tenor of our a r ticles. We must In a wotd, Irish Communists hav _e· clear the decks internally before m_ade no 1 attempt to adapt the we can strike with success exter principles of socialism to th e nally; .this is the re~son why I~ish situatioh . Instead, by AN PHOBLACHT places such heavy t h e i r 5 u b s er v i·e.n c. e t o t h e C . P . 5 . U. st r es .s at .