March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 1

Rocket Review Serving Mid-Michigan

Mar. - Apr. Published by Chapter - Club of America 2008

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Our Blue ‘52 By Max and Jo Hineman

President’s Message 2 ar life started or maybe I, just had to Editor’s Notes 2 I did get a few tickets. C out for our ’52 have it, so we struck a deal Membership 3 Olds 98 in Norfolk, Virginia, with me trading in what is There was a time when I shipped out, and Jo Ads from 1952 5 with a lady whom I’ve never now a rare ’50 98 met. I had just started on two-door Olds. When I drove back to Lansing, dur- Olds Parting 6 active duty tour in the was able to get a 96 hour ing which the ’52 devel- oped a power window Chuck Mitchell 7 Navy, stationed at the Na- pass, this new ride made vel base on an attack trans- many fast trips back to problem. This car has the 7 Fidel’s Olds port. While driving to and Michigan. No speed limit in hydraulic type power win- Secretary’s Report 8-9 from the navel base one those days, so running 75 dow. Jo’s brother, who is a day, I passed a Nash deal- to 85 MPH, all day long, mechanic, showed her how OCA Nationals 10 ership and there sat a usually 10-1/2 hours wasn’t to make them work by Classifieds 11 beautiful ’52 Olds 98. We, out of the norm. However, tapping on the pump with a hammer; this action made the windows go up. Her nephews loved to play with the windows. After I was dis- charged in late 1958, we moved back to Lansing. I started my auto career at Story Olds on South Capi- tol Avenue. We drove the ’52 until about 1963 or 1964. Around 1964, I was able to purchase several pieces of 1952 sheet metal and chrome for a good

Continued page 4 | see 1952 98

Left - Max and his restored 1952 March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 2

2008 R.E. Olds Chapter Greetings from Your President Board of Directors

President Vicki May (616) 891-8713 Snow-bound in [email protected]

Vice-President Harry Emmons Caledonia! 517-485-5998 no e-mail ICE - Very Important Information Secretary Ed Shand A recent article from the Toronto Star, "the ICE idea", 517-655-4739 [email protected] is catching on and it is very simple, yet important method of contact for you or a loved one in case of an Treasurer Dave Violetta emergency . 517- 669-9246 [email protected] As cell phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to

Membership Coordinator do is program the number of a contact person or persons and store the name as Joe Pohl "ICE". The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when they went 517-323-2342 [email protected] to the scenes of accidents there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which numbers to call. He therefore thought it would be a good OCA Representative vacancy idea if there was a nationally recognized name to file "next of kin" under. [email protected] Following a disaster in London, The East Anglian Ambulance Service has launched a national "In Case of Emergency (ICE)" campaign. The idea is that you store the Newsletter Editor Webmaster word "ICE" in your mobile phone address book. and with it enter the number of Wayne Mason the person you would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency ". In an (517) 669-8051 [email protected] emergency situation. Emergency Services personnel and hospital staff would then be able to quickly find the contact information under "lCE.” Please pass this Past President Ken Nicholas information on to friends and family. It won't take too long before everybody will (517) 663-2397 know about this. It really could save your life. or put a loved one's mind at rest. [email protected] For more than one contact name, simply enter ICE1. ICE2. ICE3. By-Laws Coordinator Troy Collins Vicki (517) 646-0879 [email protected]

Board members are elected for a one Notes from the Editor year period of time at the Annual Banquet Meeting. Officers assume Reminder - Please that you won’t be one of the mem- their office beginning January 1st of bers who gets dropped from our the subsequent year in which they are check your address elected. label to see if your mailing list because of delinquent dues are about to expire. If you have dues. General Club meetings are held on an “RN08” after your name, the 1st Tuesday of the month at vari- ous locations, but usually at the R.E. your dues are due by June 1, All R.E. Olds Chapter memberships expire on June 1 Olds Museum in Lansing. Contact 2008. In order to save addi- of the year indicated on your address label. In Vicki May at the number shown above tional cost to the Chapter, no example below, membership expires in 2008. for more information. No additional notification is sent. additional dues reminders are Oldsmobile Homecoming Car Show sent out. committee meetings are held periodi- It may seem early to start re- cally through out the year. Please minding you of your dues due date, contact Don Cooper at: [email protected] for but every year there are members more information. who forget to renew their member- ship. So, mark your calendar now so March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 3 R.E. Olds Chapter Membership Application New ______Renewal ______Application Date ____/_____/_____ Welcome New Members OCA Number ______Birthday - Month ______Day ______We welcome the following Name ______new members who joined our Street ______Chapter in January 2008: Jeff & City ______State ______Zip Code ______- ______Darlene Farber of Grand Blanc, Home Phone (_____) _____ - ______Work Phone (______) _____ - ______MI. E-Mail address ______We look forward to seeing Spouse Name ______Birthday - Month ______Day ______you at one of our upcoming List of all owned: Chapter events or monthly ______meetings. ______

You must be a member of the Oldsmobile Club of America to join this Chapter. Chapter dues are $10.00 a year or 3 years for $25.00. Happy Birthday Send application and make check payable to: R.E. OLDS CHAPTER OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA P.O. BOX 80101 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48908-0101 R.E. Olds Chapter is a regional chapter of the Oldsmobile Club of America, based in the Mid-Michigan area. The Chapter received its charter in 1984, and has served Olds enthusiasts in the area since then. A bi-monthly publication, ROCKET REVIEW is sent to members and offers a variety of member stories, technical information and a classified ad section. As a member of the chapter you are invited to join the group at various car show around the state and enjoy family oriented car club activities. March th How to Join the Oldsmobile Club of America Birthdays - Doris Harsant - 4 , th Visit the Oldsmobile Club of America’s web site: for an Tom Remington - 5 , Ed Shand - application form, dues schedule and other club information and benefits. 7th, Troy Collins - 8th, Sharon Brehm - 10th, Brian Ford & Phyllis Shorman - 14th, Peter Ford 15th, RE Olds Chapter Dues th Dues are $10 for 1 year or $25 for three years, renewable each June for all Margaret Hilliard - 20 , Joyce Ford members and payable to R.E. Olds Chapter. Mail to: RE Olds Chapter - 24th, Arleen Zimmerman - 27th, , OCA, %Joe Pohl, P.O. Box 80101, Lansing, MI 48908-0101. A renewal form is not necessary. Your address label contains the year in which you Judy Welch -no date listed. need to renew your membership. For example, if the “RN” code after your name is “RN07”, then your dues are renewable and due in June 2007. No additional renewal reminder will be sent to you. April Birthdays - Rita Violetta - 2nd, Ron Severance - 11th, Mary th 2008 OCA NATIONAL’S DATE CHANGE Andrzejewski - 12 , Doug Badgley st th Upcoming Chapter Meetings 21 , Ruth Calkins - 26 . The 2008 OCA National meet will Club Meetings for 2008 are be held in Detroit from July 30th If we don’t list your birthday, send usually scheduled for the first thru August 3rd, which is one yours/spouses birthday information Tuesday of the month at the R.E. week earlier than originally adver- (month and day only) to Olds Transportation Museum at 7 tised. Visit the Motor City Rocket’s [email protected] . In the PM . Scheduled meeting dates for web site, subject line put R.E. OLDS. Or snail th this year are: March 4 , April mail to: st th rd 1 , May 6 , June 3 . 08oldsnats.htm , for more informa- Wayne Mason tion. 2713 W. Clark Rd. Lansing, MI 48906 March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 4 1952 98 |Cont. from page 1 Help Wanted! price that were about to be sent ave you always wanted to become more active in our Chapter but didn’t back to the factory. At the time, I H know what to do or where to start? Boy, do we have opportunities for you! thought it would be nice to restore If you think of our Chapter members as being part of a team, then think about our ’52 as it needed some TLC, al- this- Teams share the burden and divide the grief. Teamwork divides the task though I still only had 60,000 miles on it. Well, those good intentions and doubles the success. With those thoughts in mind, we are trying to lighten were put on hold as the family ex- the load of some of our Chapter officers by spreading their work load. Hence, we panded, and my brother-in-law and I are looking for volunteers to head up each of the following tasks: were involved in drag racing. Part A. Chapter golf shirt order coordinator, (vendor located in Dewitt) time racing and raising a family were not a good mix, so that ended B. Chapter meeting programs coordinator. around 1968. Now, it was time again to think about the ’52 project. I did C. Be a phone tree caller to remind members of meetings. partially disassemble the car in 1965, Here is your chance to become more involved. and it just sat idle. Sometime in the Please contact Judy Badgley at 645-7438 if interested. early ‘70’s, I was welding a small patch on the left quarter panel, and behold, Murphy’s Law prevailed. I didn’t remove the rear seat or other However, it trim, and the next thing I knew, it would be until was on fire! Luckily, the fire only 2003 before I ruined some trim, and the seat began my res- springs collapsed from the heat. That toration efforts put everything on hold for several again. If it was more years. In the early ‘80’s, luck to be com- came back on my side. Out behind pleted, now an auto service garage in Okemos sat was the time. an identical 1952 Olds 98, like ours, Max’s 98 on display at the 50th Anniversary Autorama Con- and just waiting for someone who Little did I queror’s Show at the Lansing Center. needed a parts car. It was the exact know at the time twin of our car, right down to the how important it was to take pic- goes to our Chapter member Bob color. Checking old records, I found tures and record lots of notes during Reeve. At the car’s first OCA show out this car had been purchased new the disassembly. “Oh heck,” I in 2007, it earned a respectable 968 by Howard Sober’s brother, Bill. thought, “I’ll remember.” Also, trying points out of 1,000. I was pleased to Some of us “seniors” can remember to find all the parts I bought was in- receive a first-place award; not bad Howard Sober [new car] Haul-away teresting. Some items I had three considering it was not a frame-off transporters. After purchasing the and four duplicates. The most dis- restoration. This past fall, our ’52 car, I stripped what I needed from turbing was finding NOS chrome was honored to be selected for the Sober car, and scrapped the rest. that had to be re-plated – we all showing in the 50th Anniversary know how Autorama Conqueror’s Show at the costly that is Lansing Center. The show was by nowadays. One invitation only, and included quite an of my lucky assembly of street rods, stock cars, finds was the and motorcycles. Some of the vehi- original cloth cles on display had also participated and real in the original Autorama in Lansing leather for the fifty years ago. interior. Now, it’s time for David V. to The ’52 is now get his ’52 finished so we can cruise finished and together. For now, our ’52 is resting credit for the in its Omni Bag for the winter. See paint work you next spring.

Max’s 98 on display at the 50th Anniversary Autorama Con- queror’s Show at the Lansing Center. March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 5

Ads from 1952 March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 6

worked. So when the starter motor a phone booth. went out the day before I left for Olds Parting college, I parked it behind a The front upper and lower control arms had to be modified to with Willis and Troy neighborhood gas station, which soon went out of business, and I never saw accept the new air bags that replace the car or shifter again. What to do, the conventional heavy front springs. what to do! The Fiestas normal ride height has the frame 6 inches off the ground. To the rescue comes my buddy The air bags have to be set so they Ross Lombardi from Ross Racing hold the frame at that distance from Engines in Niles, Ohio. He had the the ground with less than the ell the Super Bowl shifter I was looking for in his back maximum 100# of air pressure. We just ended and it’s room of parts. It had been collecting want to be able to raise or lower the timeW to move on to article writing. To dust for 30 plus years. After some body 3 inches and not blow the bags. use an old cliché, we have suffered: good old horse-trading, I had my floor Front spindles are painted and bolted A. technical difficulties, B. the shifter. in place, and backing plates ready for computer error, C. a brain fart, D. all brake shoes and hardware. Now, on of the above. It’s time to bring you Now I had to find the rubber to the front rear axle. up to date on Willis’s wagon project. bushings that hold the front sway bar Lots of things have been going on, so in place, which were used only on the With new brackets welded on to air ride suspension cars. Olds built mount the next set of air bags, this here’s Willis to bring you up to date. less that 18,000 of them in 1958. looked like we had done it before. It always pays to stop at the They shouldn’t be that hard to find; Well, it ain’t going to be that easy. little out-of-the-way auto parts shops 18,000 cars, times 2 per car, minus The axle swings in an arc as the that you run across. Such was the 49 years equals - wheels go over a bump or in a hole. case when I stopped at a place called The air bag must be set so that in Motor Machine in Hartford, LAST TIME SEEN, NEVER! the middle of the axle travel, the top bracket is parallel with the bottom Michigan. Well folks, remember the last one. This keeps the bag from trying Keith, the owner, had called me time I wrote and you read, I was to lean over to one side instead of to let me know he had finally trying to find some rubber bushings moving straight up and down. With rounded up the last of the 371 Olds for the front sway bar. As it turns out some luck and S.W.A.G.’s (scientific, motor parts that he had been looking the same last-time-seen-never wild, ass, guesses), we finally got the for since April of 2006. Well, since bushing was also used on the 1963 center set of air bags mounted. Now Troy needed to pick up a fender in Corvette. And they are still available on to the backing plates. Whaooo. Lawrence, just down the pike - a - at Corvette prices. Anyway they are Not so fast. The rear axle uses a piece, that sounded like a road trip to ordered. The next step was to sand gasket between the axle tube and the blast every nut, bolt, bracket, and me. backing plate before the plate can be gizmo that was part of the front and bolted on. They have to be ordered I don’t know if R.E. was put into rear suspensions. This was no easy from Fusick since nobody carries some cryogenics lab to be task. If any of you decide to sand them locally. Order goes in early on resurrected, but if he was and blast your suspension, plan on Monday for rush delivery on Tuesday. wanted to come back and build replacing all the ball joints or flushing It is now Wednesday and I am Oldsmobiles again, I have the engine all the sand out with Brake Kleen. writing and not wrenching. No Then the joints must be repacking parts thanks to Keith. gaskets. with fresh grease. The project wagon has been on Willis the back burner while I tried to find a The air ride suspension used four “last time seen, NEVER” floor shifter times as much ¼ in. copper line to Well, now that the technical for the synchromesh fill the air bags, as the steel lines computer brain fart error has been that bolts to the front engine. Hurst used for the brake lines. This meant taken care of, we will resume with didn’t make a floor shifter for the a lot of little tiny brackets that hold our normal broadcast in the next 50’s selector transmission. I knew the lines in place. I thought about exciting chapter of Olds Parting with that somebody made a shifter, polishing all of the old copper lines Troy and Willis. because I had one in my 1956 Olds and making them real pretty. Well, 98 2dr. with the J-2 engine. I was so that turned out to be a pretty bad Till Later, busy driving all over town that I never idea. Did you ever try polishing a 49 took the time to work on that car year old ¼ in copper line with 00 Happy Oldsing and learn what was in it and how it grade steel wool? I would rather polish an elephant’s nails while in March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 7 Friends We Miss Charles W. Mitchell this year. That same year, Chuck merly, Benjamin Kenneth Mitchell, "Chuck" of Lansing, Michigan Age learned the Homecoming commit- Charles David Mitchell, and Karen 73, he is at peace, going home tee was looking for someone to Ann Mitchell; sister, Barbara January 14, 2008. Born July 12, collect door prizes for the annual Horner; close friend, Nathan Ed- 1934 in Brethren, MI. Chuck show. Chuck volunteered to do ward Eustace, and many other served with the U.S. Navy for 8 that job, too. Chuck collected friends. Cards can be sent to his years during the Korean conflict. door prizes until last year when family at home, 218 Dunlap St., He retired January 2000 from his health wouldn’t allow. He at- Lansing, MI 48910. as machine re- tended Board meetings, our pairman after 33 years of service. monthly meetings, and the Home- Services were held on He was a longtime member of R.E. coming meetings without missing Wednesday, January 23, in the Tif- Olds Chapter, and enjoyed making very many. He was an enthusiastic, fany Funeral Home, 3232 W. Saginaw, with Pastor William Hag- jewelry. hard working member, and most of all a friend. We will miss him; gard of Mt. Hope United Method- Chuck attended his first an- ist Church and Rev. Robert we have lost a good person. nual banquet in 2000 as a guest DeWeese officiating. Interment with his son Bob, who was a mem- He was preceded in death was in Evergreen Cemetery. Con- ber. Chuck became a member that by his parents, Ruby A. & Benjamin tribution may be made Capital night, and at the time of the elec- Mitchell. Surviving are his wife of Area Humane Society or the tion of officers, it was announced 52 years, Carol Mitchell; his two Mother Teresa House In memory we were in need of an OCA rep- sons, Kenneth B. (Jane) Mitchell, of Chuck. resentative. Chuck volunteered. and Robert W. (Lise) Mitchell; his He remained in that position until 4 grandchildren, Lisa (Brian) Ham-

Fidel's Olds By Terry Pinkney

1959, when Fidel Castro and his partner , In Che Guevara, overthrew the Batista's Gov- ernment in Cuba, many Batista officials and followers fled the country leaving behind their homes, cars and most possessions. All of the confiscated cars were rounded up and given to the revolutionary officials. The Batista gov- By 1963, Cuba's supply of AC and Champion plugs, ernment was said to have prefered Olds over Ford and Goodyear tires, Willard batteries, and wearable parts Chevy. They had equipped their police with only such as brake shoes, fuel pumps, radiator caps, and ther- Oldsmobile vehicles. mostats were drying up due to the US embargo which is still in effect today. It is not uncommon to find a Russian Che picked out a nearly new 1960 Chevy Belair with 8 cylinders and a powerglide auto transmission. It carb on an old GM car from the 70's thru today. was emerald green with a white top. Fidel picked out a What will happen to the 60,000 or so US made 1959 Olds 98 with a standard V-8 and trans- cars now in Cuda after Castro dies? It is estimated that mission. It was a 4 door . It was a lighter green than there are many hidden away in good to like new condi- Che's Chevy. Che's Chevy is now in a museum in Havana tion. Most are too battered and/or modified with foriegn but the fate of the Olds used by Castro is unknown. or home-made parts to be of much value to collectors so Oldsmobile cars were shipped to Cuba from 1904 most will end up in the scap heap. until the 1960 model year. The last shipment of 1960 We have always seen pictures of Fidel Castro Olds left Detroit ( Lansing built) in late 1959 for Cuba. wearing his green fatiques. Since he picked out a green As we know from history, the US Marines invaded the Olds, do you think that green is his favorite color? Do "Bay of Pigs" in April of 1960. Fidel was reported to have you think Fidel's Olds will ever show up or do you think driven his '59 Olds 98 to the "Bay of Pigs" invasion site. it was fitted with pontoons and driven to Florida years ago? March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 8

seconded the motion. The membership 1. Troy presented the nominations for carried the motion. the officers elected at the November meeting. There were no additional Special Events Budget: nominations from the membership at Secretary’s the meeting and there was a show of Secretaries Report: hands as the voting mechanism. The minutes of the general session Report 2. Judy Bagley will present a slide show meeting for November 10, 2007 were th presented to the membership and opened of the 50 Anniversary Mackinac for discussion. Harry Emmons motioned Bridge event. to accept the minutes as read. Mike Ross 3. The mutual building is having an open seconded the motion. The membership house on February 8th and is approved the motion. requesting cars for the event. See Newsletter Report: Judy if you are interested in R.E. Olds Chapter General attending. Session Meeting The next newsletter will go out in a week or so. If you have any stories please send Motion to Adjourn: Dedcember 4, 2007 them to Wayne for the next issue. Mike A motion to adjourn the meeting was President, Vicki May called the meeting to Ross thanked Wayne for sending it email made by Harry Emmons and supported by order at 7:03 PM. to him. Troy Collins. The motion was carried. There were 26 present at the meeting. Membership Chairman Report: Wayne Jacobs has been a member for a year and is attending his first meeting Joe was unable to attend and there was no Respectfully submitted: Ed. Shand, tonight. Wayne has an ‘84 Olds and is report. Secretary. from Lansing. 1. New Applications: Presidents Report: 2. Member retention letters/calls There were no expenditures approved at Vicki welcomed the members and guests 3. Social Events/outings this meeting. for attending and thanked all for attending. We all introduced ourselves. Vicki May OCA Chapter Representative thanked those involved with the setting up Report: Everything is inline with OCA R.E. Olds Chapter Annual of the November annual meeting and requirements and we are compliance. Meeting & Banquet banquet. January 8, 2008 Compliance Report: Board Meeting Items: Board approved Secretary, Ed Shand called the meeting to the 2008 R.E. Olds Chapter budget and it Member Retention letters/calls order at 7:00 PM due to the absence of will be brought forth to the membership Old Business: both the President and Vice President. later on in this meeting. 1. Homecoming: Judy Badgley There were 17 present at the meeting. Vice Presidents Report: presented the final draft of the t- shirt. The next meeting is January 9th. Presidents Report: Harry Emmons stated that the R.E. Olds They are nearing completion of the Ed welcomed the members and thanked Museum elected the new officers for flyer. New for this year and by Pre- all for attending. Those attending intro- 2008. There is a need for 5 million dollars Order only, Sweat shirts, lady shirts duced themselves and provided a highlight for a new building. There are a few sites etc will be available. Doug Badgley under consideration. They are moving from the Holiday Season. showed the 2008 gift which is an along to secure a new building for the Board Meeting Items: There was no umbrella. museum. Board Meeting prior to this month Gen- 2. Dave Violetta updated the eral Session Meeting and thus no items to Treasurers Report: membership on the archive file. He bring forth to the membership. 1. Dave Violetta Reported: The balance received some past newsletters and on hand as of 10/31/07 was $19,457.14. has some additional ones coming. Vice Presidents Report: Revenues for the month were $748.00. 3. There was no additional report on There was no Vice President’s report Expenses for the month were $391.74. The balance on hand as of 11/30/2007 was the historical documents. Treasurers Report: $19,813.40. Jim Brehm moved to accept 4. July 30, 2008 through August 3, 2008 1. Dave Violetta reported: The balance the treasurers’ report as read. Willis is the Nationals on hand as of 12/01/07 was Dennis seconded the motion. The 5. We received a thank you letter from $19,813.40. Revenues for the month membership approved the motion. the Beekman Center for the were $250.00. Expenses for the month were $3,531.26. The balance 2. Operating Budget: The 2008 Chapter Chapters donation. budget was presented to the membership on hand as of 12/31/07 was and reflected a forecast of $2168 in the 6. Ashley Jones advised that the $16,532.14. Jim Harsant moved to red. Including the anticipated insurance runs out in 8 days for the accept the treasurers’ report as read. Homecoming revenue there is an $800.00 trailer. Judy Badgley seconded the motion. profit. Mike Ross motioned to accept the New Business: proposed budget and Jim Harsant See Minutes | page 9 March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 9

Minutes - continued from page 8 28th Street Cruise There was no further discussion New Business: regarding the treasurer’s report. The Hello fellow R.E. Olds Club mem- 1. Chuck Mitchell, our OCA Chapter membership approved the motion. Representative has submitted his bers: 2. Operating Budget: Dave provided a resignation from the Board effective The 28th Street Metro yearend financial report for the mem- January 1, 2008 due to medical rea- Cruise in Grand Rapids, Michi- bership. sons. The Board has accepted his gan is Friday, August 22nd and Sat- rd 3. Special Events Budget: Dave also resignation. urday, August 23 , 2008. Again we provided Homecoming budget, in- 2. Jim Harsant stated that Chuck wel- are invited by John Leese, the come and expense report. comes calls and visits from club mem- owner of Harvey to park bers at his dealership. On Saturday, we Secretaries Report: 3. Dave Violetta read a letter he re- plan to arrive at the dealership The minutes of the general session meet- ceived from the Rainbow Homes in between 9:00 am and 10:30 am. ing for December 2007 were presented to Holt describing a fundraiser dinner. the membership and opened for discus- I’ve talked with Mr. Leese and sion. Mike Ross motioned to accept the Contact Dave for additional details. he is willing to let us bring friends minutes as read. Troy Collins seconded 4. Troy Collins had some postcard pic- with Classic Cars, but they must the motion. The membership approved tures of the plant that were for sale. be GM automobiles. the motion. 5. Ashley Jones has some 2008 calen- Newsletter Report: There was no re- He also wants a count of cars dars for sale for $2.00 each. port by the Monday before the event, 6. Mike Ross announced the 28th Street so he has a handle on the parking Membership Chairman Report: Car show in Grand Rapids. The date space needed for our cars. So, I 1. New Applications: Dave Violetta for the show is August 23rd. need anyone who plans on go- reported that there were two new ing to contact me. members enrolled during the past Motion to Adjourn: month. 1. Jeff Taft, 2. Allen Wilcox. A motion to adjourn the meeting was Thank you. made by Mike Ross and supported by Judy 2. Member retention letters/calls: Judy Badgley. The motion was carried. Mike Ross Badgley stated that there were actu- ally five new members pending. Ph. 517-676-5630 There is also a need for additional Respectfully submitted: Ed. Shand, Secre- callers to follow-up with new poten- tary. tial members. Bruce Powelson vol- For more info, check the Metro There were no expenditures approved at unteered to assist. Cruise web site at: this meeting. OCA Chapter Representative Re- port: Compliance Report: There was no report Old Business: COMING JUNE 14, 2008 1. Homecoming: Don Cooper reported that there was a Homecoming Meet- TO THE ing scheduled for Wednesday January 9th at his house. OLDSMOBILE HOMECOMING 2. Next month the 2008 Homecoming registration mailing will be completed CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET during the General Session Meeting in February. 3. One activity at the 2008 Homecom- ing show will be a “The Price is Right” grocery guess contest. 4. The 2008 OCA Nationals Registra- LINDA VAUGHN tion form appeared in the JWO Janu- ary Issue. MISS HURST GOLDEN SHIFTER 5. Dave is collecting original newsletter documents for the archive file. He has received many from various members. March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 10

OCA Nationals Help Needed

The Motor City Rockets Chapter are in need of volunteer workers for their upcoming Oldsmobile Club of America National Meet which the Chapter is hosting this year in Dearborn, Michigan between Wednesday, July 30th, and Sunday, August 3rd. Help is needed on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday for hosts/guides on each of the planned bus trips. On Wednesday, hosts are needed on bus tours to the GM Proving Grounds in Milford, and to the RE Olds Museum in Lansing. On Thursday, hosts are needed for bus trips to the GM Heritage Center in Sterling Heights, and to Frankenmuth, and to the Greektown Casino. On Friday, hosts are needed for bus trips to the Lunch at Ford FaIrlane Manor and to The Henry Ford Museum later in the day. On Saturday, hosts are needed for trips to the Milan Dragway, and to the MGM Grand Casino. All bus trips will originate at the Hyatt Hotel In Dearborn, and return there on completion of the trip. Further opportunities to help are also available. Two person teams with two hour shifts are needed to man the Tour Desk in the Hyatt hotel lobby. If you are able to help out, please contact Gregory Carriere at [email protected] Help is also needed with judging of the various classes of Oldsmobiles in the show on Friday. If you can help with the judging, please contact Jerry Garfield at [email protected].

R.E. Olds Chapter Polo Shirt Order Form White shirt ($18) ______Maroon shirt ($20) ______Quality Polo shirt (white or maroon) with Chapter logo, approx. 3” high, Add $2 for 2X______embroidered on top left chest. Add $3 for 3X______Jerzees brand, 2-button, 50/50 poly cotton with stain resistant finish offered at Chapter cost in men’s sizes below. See a photo of this shirt on Add shipping ______our Chapter Web site, Click on the “Chapters ($5 per order) Merchandise” link, then “Chapter polo shirts.”

Please send order form along Name:______with check or money order to: Address:______R.E. Olds Chapter Attn: Judy Badgley City: ______State: ______Zip______I will pick up from Judy. 304 S. Clippert St. Circle size(s): S M L XL 2X 3X Or Lansing, MI 48912-4606 Please mail Please make checks payable shirt to me. to: R.E. Olds Chapter March - April 2008 Rocket Review Page 11 Classified Ads Classified ads must be received by the editor on or before the first Tuesday of publication month’s (February, April, June, August, October, December) Cost of ad is “0” for members and $6.00 for non-members. Photos welcome. Ads will be run once unless you call the Editor and request that it be run again!

For Sale: 1983-1987 Hurst Olds/442 dual snorkel air cleaner with chrome plated lid. Was used on 1986 Custom Cruiser until 1991.Good condition with a very tiny amount of rust on the lid. $200 OBO. Contact Jerry Gar- field [email protected] or evenings until 9:30 at 586-739-1954.

Do You Have a Chapter Namebadge?

Vendor Registration forms are available from Wayne Mason. Send an email with your request to [email protected].

R.E. Olds Name Badge Order Form Please send order form along with check or money order to: Name:______Magnetic Ron Severance attachment is 2233 Hampden Dr. standard. Address:______Lansing, MI 48911-1636 If you want City: ______State: ______Zip______pin attachment Print Name(s) below exactly how you want check box it to appear on your name badge. below. No. badges ordered _____ x $5.00 = ______1.______Add shipping ______2.______($1.50 per order)

3.______Total ______

I will pick up badge at monthly meeting. Or, Please mail badges to me. Please make checks payable to: R.E. Olds Chapter

March - April 2008 R.E.Rocket OLDS Review CHAPTER Page 12 OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA P.O. BOX 80101 LANSING, MI 48908-0101

Rocket Review March - April 2008

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