
. JOURNAL If it isn't in the Journal .•. it's a rumor. ... 23rd Year, No. 1 John Adams High School, Cleveland, Ohio------September 21, 1945 Faculty Adds· Boys Claim Majority of Top· Offices Pre-Election 8NewTeachers Poll Predicts To Its RQster Senior Vote Mrs. Bolton, Miss Knirk 12A's Vote in Homeroom Retire After 22 Years Today on 13 Candidates "Get those apples shining, ll:r CAMJI. t .F. CAJtANNA Rebels," remarked the statis.­ A p·rc-election day canvass of the thirteen 12A candi­ tics editor. "There are eight dates to be voted on in home­ new teachers." Courtesy Chesshirc Higbee room period today showed one Reinforcing the social studies mavacek Arlan Laslo Vellella Pesta favorite, one unopposed candidate, department are three new teach­ In the face of a three to two majority of girls at Adams, • and two wide-open offi ces. ers. Miss Marjorie Aborn, from the boys are seven to one when it comes to leadership. Lydia Have You Seen Norma? A poll of seniors showed Joe South High, and C. F. Iammarino, What shape are you in to­ Hlavacek, 12B president and pres­ Zadnik,..12A, as co-editor of the Radio·Bulletin, provides the ident of the Student Council, to who traveled by way of Uncle only feminine touch as the fall semester begins. day? Why don't you go down to the girls' and find out? be the favorite, though his oppo­ Sam's Army and John Hay, will 'Left, Joe Hlavacek, 12A, rules as Student Coun­ nm The school-wide contest to nent, Walter Edwards, former teach history classes here. J . R. cil president, and Philip Arian 12B, also left, as the dlacover "Norma," t y pIc a I Miss Maurine R08Ch wiU be in­ Smeltz, from East Tech, will di­ male half of the Radio Bulletin. Smada Club Presi­ Adams girl, closes today at troduced at Town llall next vide his time between history , 3:10. dent, center, 12A Jack Laslo, heads the Central Thursday as senior social adviser classes here and script writing at All girls enrolled at John Committee, while right, Frank Vellella, llB, keeps replacing Miss Florence Stehn Adams and women teachers WBOE. the Adams Lunchroom Patrol at his command. who transfem.t to West Teclmlcal are ell&ible to enter this con­ Beqalrecl: ODe Automobile Extreme right, Social Center President Jim Pesta Rll'h SchooL and Honor Society President Ted Hamilton, 12A's, test. Pedacocue Miss Helen In the market for an automo­ Schlager stresses that thl.s co-edit the John Adams Journal. Jack Wise, 12B, Adams Bond King, is backed by a bile is Mrs. Zelda Spector, who contest Is sponsorecl by the who was attending football practice when the pic­ group of determined followers. will teach German at Glenville Girls Physical Education De­ tures were , leads the Corridor Patrol. Unopposed Eddy Novak, last se­ a. m., eat lunch, and then dash partment. mester's choi~e for vice-president, to Adams for afternoon instruc­ Girls Gym Captain Presi­ will resume his duties as the peo­ tion. The home economics deparl­ dent Polley reveals ple's choice. ment has added Miss Norma Nico­ Social. Center Finishes First that Norma's proportions wUl According to the survey, 12B laus to its roster. ddermlne the winner. Secretary Jean Verba will get Miss Irene Rabinovitz used hall A full leDI'f.b picture of stiff competition from Jeanette passes the last time she was here; Week of Noonday. Relaxation "We have no professional bouncers, and there's no admis­ "Nonna. Adams" wUl appear Gecsy, Social Center Committee now she's issuing them as a com­ lA next Friday's issue of the secretary. Dorothy Davy, com­ mercial and personal regimen sion fee," exclaimed 12A Jimmy Pesta, president of the Social JOUI'Ilal. mercial expert, and Augie Pas­ teacher. Biology classes will Center Committee, "lfo if you're looking for a good tinie come quinucci, J ournal Rabble writer, meet a newcomer also, Miss Alma to the Social Center." could split enough votes to throw Thomas from John Hay. Journal Earns 2 Honors As the Social Center finished its ~st week of operation the election any way. Served on Ftm Faculty today, Sponsor Miss Uva Jan­ From Quill and-Scroll Close voting is expected for Janney will be in the Social Cen­ International Honor Rating, After twenty-two years of ney reported that this semester's treasurer. Although Dorothy Jur­ ter during the fifth period, while highest award presented by the kiewicz is expected to carry a service, since the opening of the Social Center Committee is not building, Mrs. Emma Bolton and Miss Rabinovitz will cover the Quill and Scroll Critical Service, small per cent of 12B Treasurer Miss Louise Knirk have retired. only the largest but also the best sixth. was received by the John Adams Elsie Giammo's last semester's Mrs. Bolton has gone to sunny organized since the Center started "I've dusted off the roulette Journal this week on last se­ backing, with Sam Collura and California, while Miss Knirk will in 1942. table, and the bones are just wait­ mesters' issues. Andy Savchuk claiming the Hi-Y be contented with Cleveland The gleaming furniture and the ing to be picked up," advised llA For outstanding service in ad­ votes, Ted Hamilton or Bud Good­ weather. spotless venetian blinds can be Dale Wolgamuth, game room vancing war and peace aims, the man may carry the deciding votes Transfers this semester include credited to the combined efforts chairman. Journal also won the George H . in the closest balloting of the day. Miss Florence Stehn, to the home of the homemaking classes and Checker and chess champs are Gallup award. economics department of West the Social Center Committee. -issuing their annual challenge to "An outstanding record as a Tech, and I . S. Winner to the so­ A new addition to the faculty Principal E. E. Butterfield and medium of news opinion and en­ cial studies department of East end of the • Social Center Com­ Assistant Principal Dwight W. tertainment, a dynamic and di­ Lost, Lonesome Tech. mittee is Miss Irene Rabinovitz, Lott by way of Chairman Wol­ stinctive paper," was one of the home economics teacher. Miss gamuth. comments made by the judges. lOB's Woeful, ~dams to Give 6PEN HOUSE The Seasholes to Greet Friends But Hopeful • At Paul Revere School Tonight Nobody loves 'em! F1rst Program Correction, please-Miss Helen ·WBOE Ser·leS It will all be on the record. Names of teachers ... former his Ph. D. degree at Western Re­ Beeney, attendance head, prefers pupils ... evening school students ... P . T. A. members agd serve University, lOB's whom she never sees to the In upper classmen who file into her "What's new?" the oldest ques­ former class presidents will appear on the roster as Major office daily. tion in existence, will be answered and Mrs. Craig Seasholes play host to their John Adams Furthermore, dear flats, cheer by an informal round table of friends tonight from 7 to 10 at Paul Revere Elementary up! While bemoaning that quar­ four Adams pupils Wednesday on ter spent for swivel chair rent, Station WBOE. School. remember that Miss Maurine This s e r i e s, entitled What's It will be on the records, as the John Adams evening school, Rosch thinks you are better or­ New?, a city-wide broadcast, is Major Seasholes, recently honor­ and the Warner Road Community ganized than most lOB's and that available to Englistt classes on re­ ably discharged from the Army, center, who will act as hosts and you, too, will some day be eating quest. It will be presented every greets the community tonight be­ hostesses. first half. two weeks and plans to discuss fore taking over his duties as Prior to military service as exec­ The many sufferers of idol­ books, movies, and plays. newly appointed co-director of utive officer to the Third Battalion, worship in Miss Agnes Lee's Under the supervision of Miss Hiram House. 24th Infantry, he h ad been on the eighth period English class ad­ Clara Wochele, the first program Plans for tonight's open house faculty seventeen years. In fact, mitted having preference for boys will be produced by the Adams include representatives of all it was here that he met h is wife, in athletics-namely Andy Sav­ radio production class. . Other classes from 1926 through 1945, then Miss Alta Van Benschoten, chuk, Eddy Novak and Eddie Fer­ Cleveland high schools will pre­ who taught science at Adams ris. On the other hand, Miss Lee's sent the other seven programs. from 1925 to 1929. fifth period English class had a Virginia Polley, David Halperin, Mr .Munk' Takes On' Major Seasholes was graduated soft spot in their hearts for stu­ Janet Nocar, and Leonard Simon, from Columbia and Denison Uni­ dent government workers, Joe comprising the round-table board, As Plants 'Lay Off' versities and is now working for Records Indicate Hlavacek, Remo Maneri, and Jack have chosen to discuss three Despite threatening waves of Laslo. books, a movie, and a play. unemployment throughout the Females Dominate Remember that while you are Home to India by Santha Rau, country, the "HELP WANTED­ lOB's Meet Cheerleaders Given: Enrollment i i g u res, dreaming of m eeting your idols Muindian Familu by Hilda Wern­ NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY" Turning out for their second which show among other things there will be days. when others her, and He Brings G1'eat News by sign is still out at John Adams. show of colors, the cheerleaders, sixty-one more pupils than last will aspire meeting you. Accord­ Clemence Dane are the book An appeal for new operators to a functioning part of the John year; p aper ;~ encil. ing to the opinion of their class­ choices. The movie to be dis­ run the sixteen-millimeter class­ Adams Booster Club, will make To prove: That there are more mates, future school leaders will cussed Is Over 21 and the play is room movie projectors is being an appearance at the lOB foot­ girls at John Adams, and what be Alice Vild, Ruth Lontz and Shakespeare's The Tempest which issued by the v iSual Aids de­ ball rally to be held Wednesday, the ratio is. Earl Patrick. will be reviewed by J . Jones Hud­ partment. third and fourth periods. Proof: Today's total enrollment Larry Kobus, ex-president of son of the Chamber of Commerce. Both boys and girls are wanted. The cheerleaders, headed by of 2148 indicates 1299 girls com­ the Moses Cleveland Student The What's New? series will be An operator can earri from one Don Musil and Joe Rubin, will pared to 849 boys. Present lOB Council, likes Adams except that rotated each Wednesday with an­ to five points per semester toward make a personal appeal for all figures reveal 266 boys and 371 he can not find the fifth floor other new series, American Llt­ an Honor Key, depending upon lOB's to get behind the school girls. swimming pool and the basement en&tuf'e: Backgf'ounds. Both series the number of periods he serves. and its team by joining the This shows that the ratio is ap­ geometry room. "But," grins he, M9..e~red by the department All students interested should Booster Club, which meets proximately one and one-half "I 'keep smiling'-just waiting for Of"ttiV=~eland Public Schools. see D. E. Schiely in room 135. Wednesdays in room 127. girls to every boy. my chance." Page Two1------T HE J 0 H N A 0 AM S J 0 URN A L------September 21, 1945 John Adams Journal JOHN ADAMS HIGH SCHOOL 3817 Eaet 118th St., Cleveland 6, Ohio Principal E. E . Butterfield UP 'N · Assistant Principals Miss Lillian Nlebes, Dwight W. Lott Facult·y Advise r-Miss V e rda Evans MEMBER DAMS I'ACF:MAKER, '44, National Scholastic Press Association. B:r TED HAMILTON MEDALIST '45, Columbia Scholastic Press Association. International Honor Rating '45, Quill and Scroll Critical Service. They say that curiosity killed a The John Adams Journal, edited and pub­ lished w eekly by the journalism classes at cat. .. . Well, after peeking through John Adams, has 100 JJer cent circulation. The subscription price Is 30 cents a semester. keyholes, nosing around corners, and EDITORIAL BOARD making everyone elSe's business my Co-ManaglniJ J;;dtt.ors: Ted Hamilton, Jim Pesta. own ... I have a feeling that I won't Page Editors: Morton Eletr, Christine Fears, Augle Pasquluuccl, Sam Stein, Carl Terrano. last long. Therefore I, Walter Winchell Sports Editors: Norman Chmura, Bob Cub­ bedgc. Pegler Hamilt9n, do declare my last will Copy Editors: Evelyn Peterson, Norma and testament. Sossl. Circulation Manager ...... Pat Cullen Military E ditor ...... Yolnnda Costanzo KEYNOTES Artists ...... Boyd Israe l sen, Dick Slnorackl Public Relations J~dltor ...... Lou Gallaher To Mr. D. E. Schiely and Betty Varga, Adve rtising Manager ...... J... orna Beres Librarian...... Dolly Nylry 11B, I bequeath a box of flea powder for their prize show dogs.... To Elaine Burch, REPORTERS Selma Aptecar , Susan Arvay, Philip Arlan, lOB, a bottle of red shoe polish for her \VIlson Bennett, Camille Caranna, Joe Cava­ lie r, \ VIIIIs Dlcome, Albert Jay, Vera Jir sa, "crimson .clodhoppers." . .. A frame for Emil Krejci, Dorothy Kuntz, Seymour Levine, Remo Maner!, Herbert M1ller, Kenneth Miss Sue Smith's new M. A. dep-ee. • • • Mines Sol Norman, Peter P lata mone, Bob For Grover Shellko, lOB, an Eal'le Seout Rlck c ~d. Estelle Sarbln, Dick Stack, Elaine Vane k , AI 'Willinger. award.• f . An endowment of one cent to the Rebelaires to help them swing into their new season. They really look promis­ Smell It ... It's Fall ing this year. The smell of burning leav~ JUST IN JEST cheering crowds at the football Who's the Sucker Now? For Principal E. E. Butterfield, a trophy games ... deeper and deeper into for the squirrels he "bagged" on a hunting the grasp of the Bd. of Ed.... brisk trip last weekend. . . • Bestowed to lOB's winds mussing latest hair-dos. Lyda Fossa, and Lillian Zlonik, a pair of For thrills, Rlde the A Christmas package for that galoshes. What were these girls doing chills, a nd Kinsman Ave. working in the rain in their bare feet last spills ... ITHE RABBLE I street car brother still overseas . . . no more week? vegetables fresh from the victory .__------By Augie J. Pasquinucci, Esq.------' garden . . . witches, goblins 'n Hal­ BITS 0' NEWS loween . . . Kommandos don their To Virginia Stipek, llB, a senior life Printer's comment-"No, not that name! Take it away!" guard at summer camp, an old bathing Ah, here I am back in school. This summer I worked and traveled around woolies for their daily play period. cap. . . . A word of praise~ ~oes to Bob wilh the city's well-known businessman-Sam the junk man. Baseball fans get their last look till Burlln, 128, who was discovered by Maes­ I'm not saying that I wanted to go back to school, but for three days tro Lott, working at Lake Chatacqua in next season ... return of Bob Hope Commando Butterfield's raiders attacked my house, sent over five suicide and other radio favorites .. . calen­ the Playhouse Theater group•• •• A cita­ tion also to the Social Center Committee planes, and dropped atomic bombs. I surrendered unconditionally on dar says only seventy-nine more which has done such a swell job getting Sept. 10 at 8 a. m. shopping days left till Christmas ... started. They're doing a booming business. I'm in the band this year. Bossman a ration book ... a ration book from the the season for bright sweaters and Wesler comments, " I quit. I'm going on Revolutionary War. I've heard stories of many an eager beave,r the road with Spike Jones.'' I have just I'm still in commando gym. Coach flashy plaids . .. the time for harvest Falling into the clutches of spring f ever, Lanning's comment--"No, not him! I'll go and thanksgiving. been fitted for a uniform. We have the But all these tales sound pretty tall best of uniforms in the band. We just on WM first." Trying to get my medical Last dip in the ole swimmin' hole When I'm sent spinning with·fever of fall. received six new ones ... from the Sal­ discharge I rushed up to the coach, slapped ... return of shirts and ties, sweat­ FLASH: WHAT IS THE NEW MASCOT vation Army Goodwill store on Scoville him on the back, gave him my hand and ers and skirts . .. hay rides, wiener BEING DONATED TO THE TEAM BY Avenue. I'm not saying those uniforms said, "How do I look?" He gave me back THE JOURNAL STAFF? are old, but in one of the pockets I found my hand and said, "You look like a war roasts, and clambakes ... hunting, atrocity.'' fishing, and camping beckon. The coach said, "Augle, I expected to Student Council Leaders see you rippling with muscles." "My SALIENT SENIORS muscles ripple, coach," I answered. "Just Youth Views the Peace • Prefer Food, Music, Kids! walt till the wind blows." After my first It came with the speed of a sum­ "Ginny" "Curly" workout there were so many wrinkles and mer storm and whirled the breath President of Gi rls G:vm CaJ>Ialns: Student F irst VIce· President Student Counc il; 12B kinks In my body that AI Berardi could Counc il Secre tary; Central Committee; VIce-P r eside nt: Corridor P a trol Secretary: have played "Tlco Tico" and used me for• out of a forgotten generation. It National Honor Society: S ervice C lub. Baseb all and Bas k e t ball L e tter m a n ; Nation al his accordion. Honor Socie ty. brought the rainbow with its fabu­ "Activities, oh how I love them!" con­ I was down at the VJ-Il>ay parade. "My pet peeve? Oh, that! He's just my lous pot of gold into view with a fesses Virginia Polley, super dynamo sports The parade was quite a thing. First came cell mate who clutters up the locker with the Marines; after the Marines came the suddenness that was fierce. It left lover. Since working as a camp counselor pictures and letters from girls. Ah yes, the' bobby soxers and the zoot suit­ Waves; after the Waves came my Uncle this summer, she has discovered that she Pasquinucci!" Bill, and after Uncle Bill came the police. ers bewildered and more than a lit­ also loves children. Eddy Novak professes a great love for This semester I'm runnln~ for class sec­ tle afraid. Picnics, parties, and pickles proclaim all Hungarian dishes, especially Italian retary. I had plenty of experience since spaghetti, as well as people with neatly­ What did it bring, this new found "Ginny's" pet pastimes, but she also likes I once was the secretary for a lady robot. combed hair. She was fond of me and I was fond of her. peace? How did it find the youth of studies. "You don't get the connection? That's Then one day she got fresh with me and August 1945? Questions bubbled A college course is preparing this senior odd, neither do I," beamed "Curly" in typi­ I slapped her face and broke three finrers and burst. Will it last,· this new for future life at Denison College. cal Novak manner. in my hand. I'm runnlnr against three peace? \Viii I be drafted anyway? "Joe" girls. • . . May the best man win. I always wanted to be a secretary, so I What is it like to live··in a world Studen t Cou ncil P r es ident; 12B Preside nt; ,DATA fOR DATEBOOKS Football and Baseball L etterman: National Saturday, !ileptember 22 could tell somebody to wait a minute. I've of peace?' Much of the younger gen­ West Tech-Adams Football Game had plenty of experien't!e as a secretary. Honor Society; Central Committee M ember. West 'l'ec h Fle ld-2 p, m. eration is too young to remember. Admisslon- 35 c ents I used to write the minutes for the parole Jpe lllavacek is Adams' number one To them life is incomplete without Frlduy. !ilentt-n>b.. r 2R board at Sing Sing. · man-about-school. Versatility seems to be Next J ournal Ted (Bankroll) Hamilton is r unning for rationing and war films and head­ his middle name, for his likes range from treasurer. He used to handle a lot of lines of destruction. They are hard­ "tickling the ivories" to fighting for the Capsule Book Re.view money, until one day he rot careless and ened to doing without, and the full pigskin. UP FRONT by Bill Mauldin, favorite put a kangaroo on a nickel instead of a closet and full gas tank are foreign Giving up varsity football for music and digest of "The Benevolent and Protective buffalo. If we are elected, we will shine things. leading the Student Council was Joe's · Brotherhood of Them What Has Been Shot every senior's shoes in the 12A class. Some are indifferent. "The war's hardest decision to date. At," presents the lot of the infantry Remember our campaign slogan-a ga­ over, so what?" So what. Brothers Plans for the future find J oe squinting through the characters of Willie and Joe. rage in every pot and a chicken in every are still overseas .and steaks are still through a sextant at Annapolis. The text is witty and wise. car. on the hoof. War stamps are still being saved, and tin cans are still being squashed and collected. The air smells the same, and the old neighborhood looks the same. What, then, is this peace? It is fear in one heart, and a bounding joy in another. It is gratitude in one face, and resignation in the other. Webster defines it as a state of tran­ quility or calm, but to Adams stu­ dents and others like them, it is a lot of bewildering things peppered with fear, a lot of satisfying things, and a tentative gift of hope. September 21, 1945~------T HE J 0 H N AD AM 8 J 0 URN A L.------Pag'e Three Rebels Behind the Guns: Livaich Serves Country Twice· Rebels ·finish " Shapely legs, as well as big clodhQppers, appeared in a Summer Labor They Fought · • • And Died national health pamphlet just off the press, thanks to Nick . \ * * Livaich, Jan. '45. BT YO LEE 008TANZO 'Shekels' left Behind From Dec. 7, 1941, to Sept. 2, 1945, they fought and they As 'Three R's' Roll Again died. They, 4358 Adams servicemen, were flung to the four corners of the earth. Of that number, 145 remain on the bat­ BT WILSON BENNETT tlegrounds where they fought. "Our 'dogs' gave out with Some, like Lieutenants Irving Stein, '37, and Bernard a sad beat, but the mail had Miller, '38, were buddies . . . to go through." That's how fought side by side in the same Lowe Cut Rate it went for 12B James Bohan and plane as navigator and bom­ Drug Co. llA's Bob Senkfor and Herb bardier... ,· Buddies in school, Sodas, Sundaes, Nick had the joQ of sketching, among' other things, legs, Miller. buddies in war, and buddies in and the ways of walking in , D. C. His was the So with summer toil at an end, death. They died the same day, Prescriptions dream job. Not only did he get the~·------­ John Adams pupils trek back May 1, in a crash over Guam. Corner 130th and Bucke:re chance to "case" the finer points from three months of lucrative Capt. Albert L. Schlegel, '38, of curvacious gams, but he got $10 13 Clubs Start work-lucrative in education and Greater Cleveland's .leading fighter a day while doing it. that crinkly green stufT. ace, veteran of 251 operational It was dangerous work, too. Sparks flew for Frank Suran, hours and credited with 17 planes QUALITY Season Drive 12B, as he donned his mask for a Especially when his emotions got Setting their sights on fall, destroyed, was reported missing the better of his artistic approach, welding job. in action over France as of A).l­ Body and Top and he let out a long, low, wolf thirteen clubs plan to bom­ Anthony Oddo, lOB, armed with gust 28, 1944, and is now pre­ call. This invariably resulted in bard 2148 Rebels in various a hot soldering iron, worked as sumed dead. REPAIR a tinsmith. "It was hot stufT, but an icy stare for the former Jour­ activities. Below are listed the names 9f nal managing editor. Five of these clubs are listed school is better," admonished Anthony. the John Adams boys whose A-1 Mechanics Not withstanding, Nick com­ below. The remainder will ap­ deaths have been reported since Holding down the truck driving pleted his job and survived this pear in next week's Journal. last June. ordeal to become a member of BOWLING CLUB girls, with department were llB Sheldon • Uncle Sam's Army, and is now their minds back in the gutter, Goldstein and 12B Bob Sluka. KILLED IN ACTION 6501 Carnegie HE 4936 stationed in North Carolina. will r eturn t~ the alleys Wednes­ "There's money in trucks," quipped PFC. HARRY A. ARPAJIAN His w ork has been used to day. Bob as was p r;oved by Charles Italy . . . .. Dec. 16, 1944 Berkey, 12B, who rode the C. T . S. illustt ate a booklet More Fir e­ THE BOY~ GYM CAPTAINS PFC. ROBERT G. ONDREY power for H eal th Education CLUB re-appears after three se­ money trucks. Italy ...... April 16 written by Dr Arthur H Stein­ mesters of hibernation. A. P. "Hustler" Sol Norman held PFC. HENRY S. GOLEBIEWSKI HLAVACEK'S haus, Chief, Uniterl States Office "Pop" Owens plans to raise the down three jobs at once. Com­ Belgium...... J an. 7 of Health Education and Physical membership from nine t6 fifteen. ment: "Tough." PVT. WILLIAM G. SENIOR MARKET "Keeping tabs on Uncle Sam's Fitness. Meetings are held Monday. Belgium ...... June 25 THE FORUM CLUB will carry tanks, jeeps, and guns was our GUNNER'S MATE HENRY Corner of East 114th St. on inter-school debates in its ef­ job," trio-ed 12B's Pat Horsfall, NOVAK and Miles Ave. 56 Adams Students fort to out-argue all opposition. Adlynn Gebauer, and Ruth Imerie, P acific ...... May L. S. Bloomfield heads the who worked for Army Ordnance LT. BENJAMIN R. JABLONSKI Why Accept Less Pay Tardy Penalty Wednesd~ meetings. in the Terminal Tower. China ...... May 5 When We Have the Best? THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB, Typifying many a John Adams PFC. JOSEPH H. TRACHT During First Week known for its social activities, has girl, Elaine Burch, lOB, made the Ley(e ...... Mar ch 8 · Dl 1288 had its progr am planned since its cash register bounce as a store PFC. NOLAN G. WALLS Miss Helen Beeney, man­ Wednesday meeting. clerk. Mindanao ...... May 31 ager of absences and absen­ GERMAN CLUB members will Melvin Shotzbarger, 12B, braved MACHINIST'S MATE MICHAEL tees, reports that in the first attempt to beat "Herr" E. K . the seas as a sailor on the Great CYMBAL John Adams Rings week of school fifty-six Adams Dawson at gutteral pronunciations Lakes. "Shotz" had to admit it Okinawa ...... April 12 by students preferred bringing up the each Monday. was great to make home to port. PFC. VINCENT J . MURP HY JR. JOSTEN'S rear to arr iving in class before Okinawa ...... May 18 Mnnufneture rH o f Ame ric a '• the last peals of the bell had Journal Staii·------RADARMAN HAROLD S. ftne11t c ln•• rln1r• faded away. NEUGER Choice of stones stilt available "First offenders are merely Moves to New ,Headquarters Okinawa ...... May 5 Order now-Don't delay asked to autograph a card we KILLED IN ACCIDENT keep for that purpose," she re­ JOSTEN'S vealed. "After a third offense ------In Rooms 210-12 PVT. J OSEPH A. BOVA By REMO MA N E RI France ...... Aug. 19 623 Union Commerce Bulldlnl' these car ds are mailed home; a East 9th St. & Euclid Ave. RADIOMAN GEO. A. P ATTON fourth ~arrants a phone call of Paying no attention to the housing shortage or the Land Open dally 10 n. m. to lh:JO p . m. explanation from the parents. Title and Abstract Co. strike, the John Adams Journal staft' Twinsburg, 0 . . . . . J uly However, every late arrival is re­ moved into its new quarters in rooms 210 and 212. corded on the pupil's permanent With a practically new editorial board and a streamlined MILES AVE. RADIO SERVICE r ecord card for fu tu re prospective staff, the Journal started its eleventh year under the guidance APPLIANCE REPAIR employers to contemplate." of Miss Verda Evans, faculty ad- • We are taking orders lor new Emerson Radios When a persistent latecomer ar­ viser. living wages is the job of Lorna r ives tardy for the fifth time, the Beres, advertising manager. Dl 8333 12705 Miles Ave. culprit finds himself, if a boy, in "Get you r programs here! Get Dully 8 1:10 to ~ . ao •ru.. ,.. - T itu r• , till 9 your programs! Can't tell the edi­ Librarian Dolly Nyiry will han­ E. E. Butterfield's office, and if a dle and fi le the some 300 ex­ girl, in conference with Miss Lil­ torial board from the desks with­ out a pr ogram," called Augie changes received each week by lian Niebes. Sixth offenders are the Journal. assigned a detention period. (Rabble) Pacquinucci, second Shaker Riding Club "After that," Miss Beeney page co-editor, trying to fill h is r aised her eyebrows speculatively, piggy bank at the expense of cub Journal Sends Out SOS, reporters. "well! " Sunday Armed with blue pencils and· Wants Latest Addresses Sept. 23, 1945 John Adams Rings questioning looks, Ted Hamilton Latest addresses of servicemen­ RODEO and J im Pesta, managing editors, grads are wanted by the Journal Large Selection of sit at each end of the r oom and Stones and St.ylee P ublic Relations Depar tment. AT CRANWOOD RACETRACK direct copy in before the dead­ Last year, 780 papers were Harris Jewelry Co. line. mailed to servicemen each week. 1 mile west of Emery Road on Miles "I'm a military editor "without 711 Schofield Bldg. VE-Day plus VJ -Day turned a war," admitted Yolanda Cos­ many of these servicemen into tanzo, as she star ted postwar re­ civilians. Others have been trans­ conversion of t he Rebels Behind ferred. Haday's the Guns column. FULL LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES Although tracers are being sent First page "okayers" Carl Ter­ Sweet Shoppe out, co-operation of the faculty rano and Mor ton Eleff p ractice and student body in turning in So!lLP~ saying, "Where's your copy?" be­ We Make Our new addresses will speed up fore a full length mirror each mailing. Across from School Own Ice Cream night while Ch ris Fears, second page co-editor, practices deadline We Cater to psychology on last minute writers. Parties, Weddings and "They're ganging up on me ," Socials cried diminu tive Sam Stein, sole "Where Photography Is third page· editor, as Bob Cub­ 11909 Miles Ave. DI 9536 hedge and Norm Chmura, sports editors, attempted to put some an Art" extra ads on third page. For Better Fruits Public Relations Editor Lou and Gallaher tried keeping everyone happy by consoling Copy Desk Vegetables Editors Evelyn Peterson and Stop at Norma Sossi, who help writers get by-lines, but never see their own COLON IUS names in 6-point, bold-face type. Putting t})e JournaJ in the FRUIT MARKET hands of every Rebel student at A. S. Colonius, Prop. the beginning of homeroom per iod each Friday is the job of Circula­ 4th Floor Higbee Building 11330 MUes Ave. tion Manager Pat Cullen, and see­ ing to it that the printer gets his '

Page Four------~------THE JO.HN ADAMS JOURNAL------September 21, 1945 Rebels ·Meet: Carpenters in Opener -R-eb_e_I_G_r-id-d-er-s--M--:-a-k_e_M--:--on_e_y~, 6 Retur~ing Lettermen Battle . Keep in Shape for Football For Starting Positions Tomorrow Rebel gridders had two ideas in mind this summer-earn- B7 aoa RJCKBRD ing money and get~ing in shape for the oncoming season. With co-Captains Ed Ferris and Andy Savchuk back for their third year, the Rebel eleven Backfield Lettermen Irv Millstein and Ed Ferris acquired gets its first test of the '45 season as it meets West Tech in the traditional grid opener new muscles by lifting 150-pound kegs of paint and steel in- tomorrow at 2 o'clock on the Carpenters' field. gots, respectively. helped these boys in tomorrow's Although the starting line-up was not available at press time, Coach C. F. Glasser dis- Ike Bowles, halfback candidate, game at West Tech. closed that there should be six returning letterQlen in the line--up at the kickoff. Jack Wise, admitted to a "soft" job with the ------~· veteran end, may be out because Sealy Mattress Company. of a leg injury. Turning to the outdoors for Of the other five returning let- their jobs were Andy Savchuk, termen, Ed Chapel earned his quarterback, and Eddy Novak, block "A" playing end last year. halfback. Andy served as a tree Robert Lea is the remaining threat surgeon and Eddy as Garfield ten- of the twin guard combination, nis court keeper. which was broken up when Rich- Pat Santoli, halfback, prepared ard enlisted in the Navy. packages for servicemen overseas, Irv Millstein, who might prove which was "very good for the troublesome to Rebel opposition, muscles." holds position in the backfield Jack Wise, returning end, along with Ferris and Savchuk. strengthened his vocal cords, if Other contenders who have nothing else, by umpiring soft- been fighting for positions in the ball games at Garfield Park and first string line-up are Charles Guard Marv Bowan got his exer- Burkey, Marvin Bowan, Dave cise while working on a May Co. Dvorak, Walter Edwards, Al delivery truck. Hodus, Vincent LiBassi, George Working on the railroad was Morell, Edward Novak, Richard Bob Lea, steller guard, while Ricci, Eugene Rudolph, Patsy "Lefty" Hodus, out for an end po- Santoli, Herbert Scibbe, Joe Stru- sition, developed back muscles by nak, Carl Terrano, and Nick working at Chandler Shoe Com- Verlinger. pany. CO-CAPTAINS ED FERRIS· lay out by Boyd Ierae lse n, p hotos by Dick Stack ..------.., Veteran Uneman Ed. Chapel AND ANDY SAVCIIUJt plcturecl Try took it easy, favoring a broken In action aa they prepare to lead hanCJ. BACK TO 'NORM~A1 Sebastian Barbers Rebel football fans are invited the Maroon and Gold eleven 87 NORII OHIIUR.A to see how much the summer has throa•b the '45 pid seUoD. With more than forty Rebel gridders "rarin to go," Rebel At Coaches Glasser and KneS'al still "aren't talking" concerning I Took Girls' Gym, Adams' chances in Senate competition. 130th and Buekeye CONFESSION Or Did It Take Me? Sideline rumor has it that r.======il • the past three years' record, B:r PHIL ARIAN Charles W. Tho•as I squeezed my summer accumulation of avoirdupois into which was one victory and a girl's gym suit, tied a bright red ribbon on my light brown two defeats for J. A. against (Asst. John A. Thomas) curls, pranced out to the gym floor and became an ex-com­ West Tech, may be brought to a balance in tomorrow's fray. Licensed mando girls' gym member. Although t h e PRINTING Yesterday I was a commando; today I was a curl-commando. startidg line-up Funeral Director ENGRAVING I had made up my mind that will not be offi.­ STEREOTYPING commando gym could not make give me the figure I had always cial until thct gun • me a perfect human specimen. longed for and do it in such an sounds tomorrow INVALID CARS 1200 West Third Street Due to the unnecessary calisthen­ easy way, too. at the Carpen­ Main 7300 Cleveland, 0. ;cs, back-breaking exercises, and We lined up and after a few ters• field, I can DI2515 12512 Miles Ave. in general hard, sweaty work, I brisk exercises, it started. Girls take a pretty had concluded that commando of all sizes, one after the other, good guess from gym was not for me. reached for the high rings, locker-room gos- ORBAN'S FLOWERS Earl's Sanitary I was certain that the muscle­ grasped them firmly, and swung Norm Chmura sip as to who Barber Shop making, invigorating spirit of themselves in the air. They will be in at the Producers and Retailers girls' gym would fit me perfectly jumped off, turned cartwheels, kickoff. 3806 East 116th Street even though my gym suit did not. grabbed the rings again, did a The backfield wU1 undoubtedly 11520 Buekeye RA 1500 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Hah! Girls' gym would surely handstand u p s i d e - d o w n, and see three-year Letterman Andy chinned on the parallel bars, and Savchuk sWI calllq slpalS at Vjrginia's Model Shop then went through the push-up quarterback, Ed Ferrt. at faUback 11503 Buckeye Bel. routine. position. and lrv MUlstetlt and The Photoshop YOUR CAR Better Service for It Model Airplanes, Boats With my feet moving mechani­ Patsy Santoll at rl&'ht and left 3977 East 131st St. cally, my eyes bloodshot, I finally half, respecUvely. More Service From It Jokers' Novelties WA 2282 heard the wonderful call, "Dis­ Although I'm not trying to cam­ Greetlq Cards missed," and staggered to the exit. paign for the Cleveland Transit, I Your For Better think it would be a swell idea if Camera HeQdquarters Lubrication-Tire-Battery EAST BOULEVARD Popcorn Balls all you Rebel rooters would take For Parties and Socials a West side car and show up at Supplies, Accesories Car Cleaning Service DRUG Fred's Popcorn Stand the game tomorrow. U13 On&arlo, next to Richman's Remember the Day We Fill Prescriptions PR 9657 With Shaker Canzol Service Comple t e L ine of Masa•l11e• East 153rd and Kinsman Rd. 11202 Union Ave. LO 9789 and Comle• Rebel Roster Snapshots If you have difficulty in telling "who's who and why" during footl;>all games, we hope that this Complete Line of B & B AUTO. GLASS line-up will help you. No. ot J e r s eys Posi- Na.m e Mar oon Gold tlon Al's Radio and Electric Shop F erris ...... 60 10 F. Cleveland's Largest Glass Dealers Edwards .. .. . 61 11 H . 3884 East 131st St. W A 6271 Mandelftno . .. 48 13 E. More ll ...... 64 14 H. Spotlight Specialists Stru r. a. k ...... 56 15 C. Cloonan .... . 53 16 H . GeBa u e r ... . . 47 17 G. Mon.-Fri. 8-6 :30 Hod u s •• . . ... - 18 E. Bec k e r • . . . . . 39 19 G. Sat. 8-4 Novak ...... 20 20 H . Yuj e v lch . . . .. 2 1 21 E . Mills te in . . . . 22 22 H . 7120 Carnegie Ave. EN 2790 Sclbbe • ...... 23 23 G . Gr e the r ...... 24 24 T . R ud o l p h .. .• . 25 25 G. Russo ...... 26 28 G. Savchuk .. . . . 27 27 Q .. Service Station Operators Wille ...... 28 28 El C hll11 e l ...... 29 29 E . PART-TIME HOURLY RATE R icci ...... 31 31 T . SPEAR & JENSEN L ea • • . . . . •• •. 38 32 G. Students (male) 16 years or older B u rke y . . . . • . 33 33 C. Merc u r io . .. . . 34 34 F . Good chance to help pay your way through school San t.oll ...... 35 35 H . J u d s o n • • •. . . . 36 36 G . You will be paid in full while attending training school SHELL SERVICE D vorak . . • . • • 37 37 T. F ina m ore .. . . 40 40 Q. East 131 St., Corner Rexwood Ave. T e r ran o ...... 41 41 T. See Mr. Hilton for full information Vlk ...... 42 42 T . L l B a s al ...... 43 43 G. Garfield Hts., Ohio MI 9847 Vt ouc hnlck . . 49 H T . Employ~ent Office, 3083 Broadway Bowan ...... 45 46 G. Weekdays 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Tires-Tubes- Recapping Wearing of Maroon or Gold uni­ Saturdays 8 a. m. till noon fonns is determined by the color Lubrication - Accessories - Batteries of the uniforms of the opposing Standard Oil Co. "OHIO" team. JOHN ADAMS JOURNA·L If it isn't in the Journal ..• i?$ a rumor. 23rd Year; No. 2------John Adams High School, Cleveland, Ohio------,---September 28, 1945 Dog Wins Flea Powder Journal Poll Betty Varga, liB, wants the '45 War Chest ·Physical Education Department flea powder Editor Ted Ham­ Prove·s School ilton promised her in last To Open Drive Names2for'NormaAdams'Title week's Up'n Adams column. Two streamlined misses, Lorene Kortanek, 12A, and Dolores Favors .Draft Topsy, her black cocker spaniel, won a fourth place October 12 Grabowski, 1 tB, h.ave filJed out their forms correctly and arc Conscript 18-Year-Oids ribbon for obedience last Sat­ By W .ILSON BENNETT hereby awarded twin titles of the "Misses Norma Adams." Pupil .Opinion Demands urday at the Lorain Coliseum. Co-Chairman Bob Boettner Miss Helen Schlager, physical education teacher, whose "Of course," Betty reminisced, and Mary Jane Smirt will department sponsored the contest, stresses the fact that the Draft 18-year- old high "I took Topsy to a dog show sound "the opening gun" of winners are not the average of school graduates into · the in Indiana where she didn't all the girls at Adams, but con­ armed services for occupa­ win anything-she was too the 1945 War Chest campaign at a form to scaled-down measure­ tional purposes now. excited after her trip." schdol-wide rally, Friday, October ments of the Norma of Plain That's how the majority an­ Planning a ribbon-studded 12, the second period. Dealer and Cleveland Health Mu­ future for Topsy, Betty is go­ seum fame. swered a Journal reporter who "With a goal of 50 cents from asked, "Should boys 18 years old ing to enter her in the obedi­ These measurements were nec­ ...... every Adams student, we should .... ( be drafted into the armed services ence contest to be held at essarily scaled-down because the -· for occupational services, and if Gray's Armory, October 28. put it over," commented Bob. Plain Dealer's figures were for so, for how long a term?" "And if Topsy wins a prize Mary Jane added that since women 18 years and older. The Out of forty pupils questioned at that dog show," grinned John Adams always has met the Plain Dealer contest, open to all in this Journal Opinion poll, twen­ Betty, "Ted will have to do­ War Chest goal with plenty to Ohio women, ended last Sunday ty-six replied that 18-year-olds nate a case of flea powder." spare, " we can do it again." with a Cleveland girl acclaimed should be drafted, twelve said Student Council President J oe the winner. "no," and two took the middle Hlavacek emphasized that the ac­ A life-size statue of Norma, the Miss Average of 15,000 women road. tual collection of funds begins 12A's Re-elect during homeroom period on Fri­ selected a t random, may be Faculty Favors Conserlption day, Oct. 12, and closes Wednes­ viewed at the Cleveland Health The faculty voted two to one, day, Oct. 17, at 3:10 p. m. Museum located at 88th and Eu­ also, with two answering "yes" to Joe Hlavacek L. S. Bloomfield, heading the clid A venue. the question, one of the opinion Joe Hlavacek, who ran as fa­ faculty committee wing of the Miss Schlager plans, if it is pos­ that boys should not be drafted, vorite in the Journal pre-election school-wide drive, pointed out sible, to select a composite John and two saying, "Yes, but ..." poll, was chosen by the 12A's to that besides supporting 100 peace­ Adams girl after computing the Laura Kvapil, lOA, thought that head his class as president for time and war-created agencies, measurements of all girls enrolled the boys overseas deserved a long­ a second semes­ the War Chest will need an addi­ in gym classes here. needed rest and surely military ter. tional boost to help smooth the training would hurt no one. Besides run­ I uncertain period until full pro­ A striking and interesting view­ ning unopposed duction is attained. Rebels to Reveal point was suggested by 12B Stan­ for an 80-yard Not to be forgotten are the eight ley Rothenfeld and Teachers A. B. touchdown in million men and women still in Views on Ross Act Richardson and D. E. Schiely, the West Tech­ uniform who still depend on the "Why," said they, "should boys Adams game, USO and other organizations scat­ In Journal Canvass who have aspirations of college Eddy Novak tered throughout the world. "These Gone with the war after De­ and a career be drafted? Since appeared unop­ organizations are still functioning cember 15 will be the Ross Act there is no physical danger in the posed on the and still need help," Chairman Left, Dolores Grabowski; rtrht, which relaxed peacetime restric­ armed services any more, let those ballot tore­ Bloomfield emphasized. Lorene Kortanek. tions on the working hours of who have no specific future plans sume his duties women and minors. be drafted, but permit college men as class vice- Originally scheduled to termi­ to pursue their careers." Hiavaeek . . ~)resident. nate Sept. 15, the act, as a war­ Lenph of Servlee Debated As predicted, New Students From 9 States· time measure, permitted girls Unable to understand why vol­ balloting for treasurer and secre­ over 16 to work ten hours a day unteers wouldn't be sufficient for tary was close, causing a final Crowd Adams Halls This Fall and fifty hours a week. an occupational force, Edmund election to be held on Monday for Cleveland's cosmopolitan high school became even more This act placed no limitations Rothschild, llB, voted "no" on the the two offices. cosmopolitan as it enrolled pupils from nine different states on boys 16 or over except to re­ question. Augie Pasquinucci will supple­ this term. quire a work permit that specified The number of years for a ment his Rabble writing in the Richard Cotispoti hails from Los Angeles, California, and is and limited the type of work to be draftee to be in the Army proved Journal with class minutes, as he very enthusiastic about our football team. "In California only d one. It was extended to Dec. 15 to be another controversial issue. takes over his new duties as secre­ by Governor Lausche when em­ colleges had teams," explained ~------­ tary. ployers protested its ending. Mary J ane Evans, liB, thought Richard. "I'm certainly looking man of his economics class, Mi­ Keeping treasurer's reports in The bill was continually fought one year would solve the problem, forward to our beating renowned chael feels that officers should not order will be Elsie Giammo, who by the Consumer's League of Ohio but lOB Paul Sciria thought two Cathedral Latin." be necessary in Honor Study which favored return to the years should be the length of continues as class treasurer for a "Coming from a two-room Halls. "In Greenville," he ex­ peacetime regulations. service. second term. school, this building naturally plained, "we really were on our seems immense," commented Ala­ own h onor. We didn't need a ny­ "The eight-hour day and forty­ five-hour week was much better bama-born Marie Berry, lOB. one to take care of u s." for both the mental a nd physical Barbaric Females Invade Adams; "But the thing I like best," she Helen Sugyama, lOA, was born health of minors," emphasized confided, "is the fact that here in California, but moved to Utah Miss Elizabeth Magee, secretary Negro and white children go to when the war broke out. Now Handlers Cautious of the League. "The lure of school together." residing in Cleveland, she likes it OJ' SELMA APTECAR • 'big money' has already taken too Another newcomer from Dixie­ very much. "The wonderful thing Barbara is constantly scampering across her lettuce salad, many students out of school." iand is Bernard Shackalford, lOB, is," she mused, "that although Students w ill be polled in the continually upsetting her oatmeal, frequently spilling water. who claims Georgia as his home I am the only Oriental here, ev­ halls today on these questions ~ Barbara has no manners at all. state. The only thing h e could eryone makes me feel at home. 1. How will this limitation of "Laura is the nervous type," asserted Jerry. "She has a bad say about Adams was "Super," Adams is ·a truly democratic working hours affect your but, as an afterthought, he added, school." habit of biting her tail." part-time job? Jerry is donating the rats to "I love outdoor gym." The other out-of-state students Incompatible Betty and Vicki 2. Are you willing to give up the biology department. E. F. The only person to criticize are Jesse Hall, from West Vir­ are always squealing at each oth­ your "big money" for the Bopp, science department head, Adams is Michael Gould, 12B, ginia; Harold Pruitt, from Michi­ er, whether it's about which one sake of coming generations? has more Ralston or which gets plans to u se them for experi­ who feels that students here are gan; Andrew Klema, from Penn­ the first drink of water. "One of mental purposes for food studies not as friendly as in Greenville, sylvania, and Milton Luther, from their arguments ended with Vicki in biology I classes. Miss. Already elected vice-chair- Maryland. Tea Room Service in the water container," reported Marches in Sunshine or in Mud; Opens for Faculty is the quiet type. Some Je~~~ley ADAMS BAND Although the old problem of students attribute it to bashful- • Boys Predominate in 65-Piece Band sugar rationing still worries the ness, while others maintain, It may be hot or it may be cold, but under all kinds of "Rabble" Pasquinucci, 12A, re­ menu pla nrte rs, the Adams Tea "She's just plain stupid." marked, "I seem to be growing Room will open its '45 season Rita simply refuses to take her weather conditions "The Band Plays On" and that means out of my britches. Looks like Tuesday. di-calcium vitamin pills. 7:30 every morning as well as bandstand appearances at I'll have to transfer to Glenville Twenty-four members of the "Oh, rats!" muttered llB Jerry ga mes. to get ne:w pants." Tea Room class will serve six­ Schindler, their keeper. "But I Don Kellon, 12B, who plays in the Adams Marching Band, Ed Minchak, 12A, the only tuba teen members of the Adams fac­ really love 'em," he added . doesn't like the cold weather "be- <0::•------­ player in the band, needs some ulty four days a week during the According to their k eeper, each of experience. cause," h e says, "it takes too long company. Rebels with large wind­ fifth period. of the four hooded r ats, which to thaw out the slide on my trom­ Boys seem to b e more interest­ pipes are advised that tubas are Miss Ma bel Skove, supervisor, h ave black faces with white bod­ bone," while liB's Elaine Saltz­ ed in music than girls because waiting in room 340. reports that four " veteran" Tea ies, and each o! the two white man and Florence Neidetz d on't out of sixty-five members, the The beat of the tom-tom is fur­ Room girls have returned for an­ rats is a distinct personality. mind the weather because their ba nd has only thirty-three and nished by 12A Don Gorrell, bass other semester of "domestic du­ French horns keep their fingers one-third per cent girls. It had drummer, while marching in a ties." They are 12A Ann Man­ '43 Grad Draws for CTS too busy to get cold. only thirteen members when the new formation drummed up by cuso and 12B's Rosella Barnes, Latest artistic work of Rose Ma­ The worst feature of the band band was started in 1927. Clyde Thomas, 12A. Mildred Svoboda, and J osephine rie Evans, '43, former Journal is the traditional tardiness of Uniforms, which were new Shirley Gordon, lOB, cannot see Vigliotta. stat\. artist, appears in a recent . members, reported Director Amos fourteen years ago, are still be­ why people would want to get up The remaining twenty are get­ Cleveland Transit System pub­ G. Wesler. "Some of them will ing worn. They are either get­ at 7:30 a. m. but Wade Marcus, ting their first Tea Room experi­ lication outlining their plans for be late for their own funeral," he ting smaller or the members are lOB, settled it all by declaring, ence with faculty members as . IJof.lltt!!fization of the system. has decide

MEMO Ell PACEMAKJo~R. ' H , Nallonal Sc holasllc Press Association . MfilDALJ8'1' '4G, Columbia ScholaRllc Preas AIISOCiatl on. Internatio nal H o no r Rating '45, Quill and Sc roll 'Critical Se rvice. 'l'he John Adam11 Journal, edited and pub­ They didn't want to be caught un­ lished weekly by the journa llsm c la11ses at aware. They didn't think it right to John Adams, has 100 pa r cent circulation. '!'he subijcrlpllon price IH 30 cents a semester. be separated in this world or ... the EDITOIUAL BOAUD next. Co-Managing Edlt.ors: T ed Hamilto n, J im l'csta. The announcement of the ~oming Page Editors: Morton Eletr, Christine Fears, doomsday caught 12B's Lois Dringus and Auglo Pasqulnuccl, Sam Ste in, Carl 'l'errano. Sports Editors: Norman Chmura, B o b Cub­ Gloria Purcer holding the ends of a string be dge. Copy Bdllors: gve lyu Pet erson, Norma stretched across Miss Elizabeth Tilly's third Sossl. period English class, so that when the in­ Circulation Manager ...... Pat Culle n Military Editor ...... Yolanda Costanzo evitable end came they wouldn't be sep­ Artists ...... Boyd Jsruelsen, Dick Slnorac kl P ubllc R e latio ns Editor ...... Lou Gallaher arated . Adverllslng Ma nager ...... L orna B e res f,lbrarla n ...... Dolly Nylry "IT'S A TOUGH LIFE" T. A. Balogh's homeroom belnc enter­ Don't Draft College Men tained by lOB's who attempt to sl.na'. • • • F. N. Burrouchs' bo~ coin&' one better AI is eighteen. He has just grad­ and making the lOB's also wash the black­ uated from high school and plans to boards •.. and W. T. Reynolds' homeroom go to some eastern college to study shal'lng 125 with J. D. Brumbaugh's boys medicine. But he has just received a and being entertained by the sln«tnc of call from the Army saying he is the latter •.. and get thJs, 12A Nick Ver­ wanted to participate in the occupo­ linger sportln&' PINK gym shorts. Oh! come on, Nick. The war's over. tion of Germany or Japan. It's rumored that lOB Rita Walzor's foot According to the Journal opm10n fell asleep while she was being called on Slow down, pal. Cive the poor foot soldier a break! poll, most people would uphold the in Mr. Burroughs' sixth period algebra I Army policy. These people are of class. Are you sure it was your foot, Rita? the opinion that boys automatically We're not takln&' math this year. New Journal Co-Editors reaching the age of eighteen should FOOTNOTES ON THE ELITE SALIENT SENIORS • Prefer Guinea Pigs, Magic Sam Testa, 12B, spending two weeks on be drafted into the armed services Honor Society President; Journal Co .. Edl­ and he can "cut a pretty good rug" when the campus of Ohio State University, En­ for a period of one to three years for tor; Social Center Comml~tee. no one is looking. joying all the pleasures of campus life occupational purposes. While pacing up and dpwn the floor, Ted Ted is looking forward to taking a pre­ and to top it all, no studies. . . . Celia But these persons fail to see that admits that the cause of his anxiety is med course at Western Reserve University. Green, llB, vacationing in Canada. . . . Athelia. "She h as pneumonia," he laments. J ournal Co-Editor ; S ocial Center Commit­ Al and thousands like him would be The North woodsY. M. C. A. Hi-Y camp Athelia, he explains, is one of the cross in Canada offering refuge to Jim Hughes, t ee Prf'Bide nt; Smadll Club Treasure r; Stu­ halted for a time in training for their bred laboratory guinea pigs that Ted h as d••nt Council; Booster Club ; National Honor life careers. Since proper and thor­ lOA, and D.on "Peaches" Sheridan, Bob been raising for the past two years. Society. ough training is so important to any "Nose" Sourek, and Dick "Shutter-bug" A fiend for monopoly, Spanish onions, Receiving his first billing on a birth cer­ nation, training should not be de­ Stack, 12B's among others. and horses, Journal Editor Ted Hamilton tificate eighteen years ago, James Pesta, J. J. (Three men in a boat and the horse has never been caught with his blonde Journal co-editor, has copied the style of layed or shortened. fell in) Kovats trout fishing on a lake in The Army states that probably hair combed or without a pencil behind his a well-known commercial product in at­ Michigan. This time it was J . J . who was ear. taining his second billing as Atsep the volunteers and a small number of in the boat. Of Scotch-Irish stock, he hails from ' the Great. Natures and Pesta; Serutan and draftees would be sufficient for an TILTING OUR TOPPERS same part of Missouri as President Tru­ Atsep. international police force. Why not The Student Council turning its ma­ man. Ted also sheepishly admits that he Jim spent his summer dividing his time draft the men who have no college chinery loose on a campaign against cut­ is a virtuoso on the bass fiddle and violin, between a job in the drafting room at aspirations and allow those who ting and tardiness.... Third period study AN OPEN LE'rl'ER TO THE National Malleable and Castings Co. and choose careers to attend college? At halls initiating a new system of checking LUNCHROOM PATROL putting on magic shows for playgrounds attendance under the supervision of Cen­ and private parties, besides spending his the same time, the colleges could Dear ALP, tral Committee Checker Remo Maneri, mornings in summer school. offer a part-time military program to With the openiq of the new semester, 12B. . . . Art classes paif\ting children's students. we have noticed a chan&'e In the condiUons Favoring electricity to drafting, Jim pictures for hospitals and orphanages. would like to attend Case School of Applied It must be remembered that the which exist In the lunchroom. A chan&'e LAST-MINUTE FLASHES Science to become an e ngineer. security of future peace will depend for the better. J . B. Elliot and the altos of the Choral We now have an organized milk line A trip to Europe would fulfill h is trav­ not only on soldiers, but also on doc­ Club dubbing Eddy Novak "Norman," and lunch line; there are lunchroom patrol eling ambitions and, though of P olish tors, dentists, lawyers, writers, companion of "Norlnfl." . . . Latin Clubbers members in each aisle and at the doors extract, he h as no ideas on the Polish teachers. planning a picnic for Monday, at Forest leadinc In and out of the lunch room. situation. Draft men into the army to pre­ Hills, under the direction of Betty Lou Perhaps it's too soon to be handing out His liking for things concise and to the vent future wars, but permit college P atrick, 12B, and Sponsor Miss Virginia orchids, but here they are. The Rebels are point may be attributed to his philosophical applicants to go ahead with theit· Markham ... and "Itchy," the mascot be­ behind you. Keep them there. outlook on life obtained when he spent six months in a plaster cast con·ecting careers to build future peace. ing donated by the Journal Staff and spon­ Sincerely yours, sored by the Smada Club, plannJng to make The Editors a curvature of the spine. its debut SOON!!! What '61' Can Do Bang. You're Although mathematici::ms report Letters to the Editor I'm Washington; n cYc r going to that this year's Adams pop\llation I'm Delaw are ... I I c ross me again. has been increased by only sixty-one, Double Exposure TH£ RA881£ the c1·owds seen about these halls of L------By Augie J. Pasquinucci, Esq.------' wisdom seem to indicate an inva­ Homicide-Commando Gym sion. Dear Editor: This week I started my postwar plans by running for "Norma," the city's I 'm just an innocent bystander but I'd healthiest girl. I was the only boy that ran and for three days I've been in Crowds to the right, crowds to the like to let out a little dirt about Arian, the left, a ll around, people, people, peo- Newburgh tied in a straight jacket under observation. reporter with the "light brown curls." My uncle has bought himself a radar set and put it on the corner. It's ple, p ~o pl e . · I witnessed his performance in the girls quite a gadget, too. It whistles, howls, tells what direction they're going, ;rhese sixty-one must all be taking gym which he wrote about last week and physics, solid geometry, speech, and just between you and tha t little red hair a nd if they're blonde or brunette. My The team is having some trouble. The whole family is postwar cr azy. My father chemistry. ribbon, Phil was so scared h e cra wled into other day we were practicing and I swal­ the gym, hid in a corn er, and then stag­ wrecked three cars with his rocket ship on lowed our ·only football. (Choke, cough.) These sixty-one have lunch both the way to the office. Gra ndfather bought gered weakly out. Now the team uses me for practices. fifth and sixth periods and always Yours truly, himself a robot for a two-handed game of Dear Verda Evans poker. seem to be the first ones in the cafe­ Mary J ane Smirt. I'm running out of characters for my teria line. Dear Editor: Tonight for supper we're having dehy­ comic strip. Could I use Pasqulnuool for drated chicken wlth dehydrated potatoes These sixty-one traveling in the Is the Journal trying to commit mur­ my next creation? a nd gravy and dehydrated dessert. I think halls as an impenetrable wall impede der ? Who is this h omicidal ma niac who Chest er Gould, author of Dick Tracy. signs his name Israelsen? Does he have an mom's still serving the water straight. My dear Mr. Gould, the progress of all serious-minded CLASSIFIED AD. Fortunes and tea individuals on the way to their aversion to lOB's? Is he trying to murder No. I'm running out of characters, too. the flats? leaves read by Madame Pasqulnucavitz, Verda Evans. classes. Look at the second page of last Friday's 15168 Kinsman Avenue. Let us read your Again, these sixty-one force the issue and pity the lOB who is about to have palm, gaze into your future, and reach Cleveland Transit System to rede­ both hands and his head amputated by into your pocket. Korn Befl sandwiches ala OAT A rOR DATEBOOKS Pasquinucavttz, whUe you walt. Brln&' your Saturday, Sept.. mber 29 ploy at least one streetcar. the second floor. Cath edral Latin-Adams F ootball Oame I think the Journal should pe required family. 'l'ho mas F.dlson Fleld-2 p. m. But most important of all, sixty­ Admlsslo n-36 cents to pay all h ospital bills and this Ghoul I was at the football game last week, one boys and girls were smart Snturd.ny, October 0 Israelsen should be required to clean up but the coach said he wanted to save me enough to get back in school to pre­ B en ed ictine-Adams F ootba ll Game the blood. for next week. H e r e-2 p , m . pare to enter the world of tomorrow Yours sincerely, It was quite a game. There was some Admlsslon-35 cen ts with sound educational backgrounds, trouble before the kickoff-a gopher stole Friday, October 12 A Horrified Reader Community Fund P r ogram as high school graduates. (Richard Boers) the ball and ran 20 yards for a touchdown. Nex t .Journal September 28, 1945------THE JOHN ADAMS JOURNAL------Page Three Rebels Behind the Guns: Radios, Hat~School • Does your hat need spar­ Munk ~Schiely Maintenance Crew kle? Does your car sound dif­ 4 · Rendezvous 1n Stalag Luft I ferent lately? Won't your ra­ BJ' YOLEE COSTANZO Performs Repair Job. Wonders dio play anymore? . . . "Tell BJ' ESTELLE 8ARBIN You're glaring and staring and hitting out blind; ya what I'm gonna do." You're muddy and bloody, but you never mind . • .. John Adams E v e n i n g With thirty pairs of smiling eyes appraising their handi­ But when you look' at death and you're fenced in by barbed School opens October 9, with work, Irv Brifman, 12A, and Ladd Linhart, 128, bravely hung brand new courses in millin­ starched white curtains in a cooking class. wire, you do mind. ery, radio theory and repair, Lieuts. George Lesko, '42, and .t\nthony Savoca, '42, S/Sgts. This is a typical job of D. E. Schiely's masculine housewives English for Practical Uses, ... jack-of-aU-trades . . or as they are formally called, the Albert ·G. Harris '42, and Charles LaMarca, '41, are but four of and homemaking. maintenance crew. the many who knew how bitter barbed wire could be. They And to top it all, John "One of our biggest jobs this shades in classrooms. Comment­ were in Prison Camp Stalag Luft • Adams teachers will be in charge of the courses. E. J. semester," stated Richard Hemey­ ed Rick, "It was a shady job I, Barth, Germany. Cl b M b•1• and we had our ups and downs." Bombardier Tony Savoca and U S 0 I IZe1 Horrocks will, if you're a er, 12B, "was the transfer of prospective grease-monkey, Journal Room headquarters from "We appeared regultlrly on Tail Gunner Al Harris were home stage," boasted John Moor man, last week. Both were unassum- Seek Members guide you in taking the room 202 to 212." "knocks" out of cars, while 12B, "to repair the curtains." ing, but they had a story to tell. R. C. (Radio Connoisseur) Mr. Schiely and P . E. Munk, Flexing his muscles, Martin Savoca, bearer of the Presi- In Fa II Dr•·ve Industrial Arts head, disregarded Schwager, 12A, claimed he is dential Citation, the Air Medal Runkle will give you a few their fellow teachers' doubts and eligible for a mover's job. . It and two Oak Leaf Clusters, was shocks in. the business of ra­ Names of five of the dio repairs. renovated the mimeograph ma­ comes from hauling showcases on a B-17, his fifteenth mission, school's thirteen clubs were chine. from first to third floors. when the bail-out signal was giv­ So drop in, Tuesday or printed in the last week's Thursday between 6:30 p. m. Rick Mihaleje, 12A, and Mike "My poor dishpan hands,'' en March 6, 1944. Fighter planes Journal. and 9:30 p. m. and Dwight Likek, 12B, were among the hus­ moaned Kurt Becker, 12B, as he shot at him part of the way down. Bulletins for the remaining W. Lott, evening school prin­ kies who adjusted the movie disinfected the sink in the work­ Twice Tony was caught tryiDg eight are listed below. cipal, will see what he can do room while "Commander" Schiely to escape. Each eflort rewarded THE GIRLS GYM CAPTAINS to sign you up for classes. looked on with a nod of approval. him with twenty-six days of soli­ CLUB, gathering its forty-five 'Best Films, Fast,' Flagbearers Charles Freidman, tary confinement. While there, members together on Monday, 12A, and James Walls, 12B, had ~e received no mall: the Germans starts the season with much en­ · Believe It or Not: Noon Movie Goal the honored job of installing the burned It before him. thusiasm. First try-outs for new Five thrills a week for John American Flag in the classrooms A1 Harris, former varsity half­ captains will be held Monday. Betty Sees Van ... Adams moviegoers, with a climax throughout the school. back, bailed out of a B-24, 4500 THE GIRLS SERVICE CLUB, And Isn't 'AIIected' each Friday, is the goal of P. E. feet over Yugoslavia. Shot at all living up to tradition, has a Big Munk, noon movies supervisor. John Adams the way down, he was picked up Sister Party on the list of its There he was, Van John­ Adhering to the Cleveland an hour and a half later. Tuesday meetings. son, "in the flesh," and llA Cinema Club's recommendations Fruit and Vegetable AI, who lost sixty pounds, had THE LATHj CLUB, promising Betty Caspio wasn't affected in scheduling films, Mr. Munk Market little to say about treatment. "We to bring Caesar and Nero out of in the least. explained that no films can be were left mostly alone, with no history to present them to poten­ "Honestly, although I was sur­ shown in school until they have 3792 East 116th Street food," be said. Not Infrequently tial members, plans to meet on prised to see Van err-r, I mean been circulated among the neigh­ did dead horses, cats, and raw Monday. Mr. Johnson, I didn't feel any borhood theaters, because schools potatoes head the day's menu. POSTER CLUB members hold added sensation," confessed Betty, are not allowed to compete with Expecting a discharge, Harris is meetings in the poster-painting who visited Hollywood this sum­ business establishments. QUALITY the wearer of the Presidential classes. It's new ideas for posters mer. The schedule of fi lms for the Citation, Purple Heart, and two and new students for members "Of course after traveling four next three weeks is as follows: Body and Top Oak Leaf Clusters, and six bat­ that are uppermost in the minds days by car, and suffering through Oct. 1-5 Tall in the Saddle tle stars. of these students. desert heat of 104 degrees, I did Oct. 8-12 Sensations of 1945 REPAIR Oct. 15-19 The Hairy Ape When LaMarca's camp was RAILROAD CLUB, tracking the deserve to see a few stars includ­ Other films to be shown this chanced, rough treatment was In school for prospective engineers, ing Mr. Johnson," she continued. A-1 Mechanics semester include Let's Face It; store for him. He's home with has Wednesday meetings. Hollywood stars are just normal Laura; Hail the Conquering H ero; bayonet scars received when un­ RIDING CLUB equestriennes people who really don't mind The Woman in the Window; • abie to march. will approach the mounts at the those who stare at them, according Shaker Riding Academy each to Betty who admits she is one Abroad With Two Yanks, and The 6501 Carnegie HE 4936 Lieutenant Lesko was liberated Princess and the Pirate. • along with the rest, but hasn't Thursday. who stares. reported here as yet. SMADA CLUB, boys service or­ "Walter Pidgeon caught me Stalag Luft I was liberated May ganization, is off to a flying start, ogling at him," admitted Betty, ORBAN'S FLOWERS 1, 1945, by tlle Russjans, "Tova­ as members, meeting on Wednes­ "and all he did was smile and BEN'S BIKES rich," the boys called them. A day, plan projects for the future. continue strolling down Holly­ Producers and Retailers ... month later the Americans were SPANISH CLUB, continuing its wood Boulevard." Giant Reduction Sale on their way home. "gay fiesta" policy, is looking for­ Betty also revealed that she 11520 Buckeye RA 1500 ward to the presentation of a Co­ saw Judy Garland at the famous Repairs, Parts, Sherwin-Williams Paints lumbus Day program. No date for Grauman's Chinese Theater and Al Accessories meetings has been set. Jolson at the Hollywood Bowl. Joe's M.odel Shop and V amishes WE BUY, SELL BIKES Complete Line of H.& H. HARDWARE Service Desk------Flying Models B. Kaufman, Prop. Motors, H-0 Gauge Kits Corner East 116th and Corlett 14715 Kinsman LO 6605 3994 East 131 St. SK 2942 •• Fi//s Requests From Passes ------ToSl-GaugeHose 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Smart Students Attend By Sl!~ l'JUOUU LEVINE Women teachers, please note! If you're looking for 51- Youth for Christ gauge hose, your worries are over! J ust drop in at the John B&B Auto Every Saturday, 7:30 p. m. Adams service center and your order will be filled. We Deal in Slng•plratlon • •• Q,ull: Conte8t There was once a case of a teacher with ripped hose which NattonaiiJ' Known Speakt'r8 was solved by the Service Desk in . Libbey Owens Ford Safety Glass All Seats Free "We Aim to Please" is the ~-v•------ing is better than working on CLEVELAND'S LARGEST GLASS DEALERS Public Auditorium Ballroom motto of the Service Desk, but Ser vice Desk, because anything 12B Eleanor Pompili, chairman, can happen here." thinks it is very hard to please Spotlight Specialists all of the people all of the time. Popcorn Balls Students give the desk its busi­ For Parties and Socials Mon.-Fri. 8-6 :30 Charles W. Thomas est moments on Fridays, the Fred's Popcorn Stand Sat. 8-4 H13 Ontario, next to Richman's {Asst. John A. Thomas) eighth and ninth periods, when, PR 9657 according to llB Frank Vellella Coan (tlet .. Lin<' of lllagazlne • 7120 Carnegie EN 2790 nnd Com h~• Licensed and 12A J ean Verba, respective Funeral Director chairmen, everyone comes rush­ Virginia's Model Shop ing in yelling for streetcar passes . 11503 Buckeye Rd. • " I dream streetcar passes in my INVALID CARS sleep after a day of this," blurted Model Airplanes, Boats Jean. Jokers' Novelties DI 2515 12512 Miles Ave. Greeting Cards Corrine Kaplan, 12B, is the for­ ~ tunate chairman ,because nothing Service Station Operators Shaker Riding ever goes on around there the PART-TIME HOURLY RATE fourth period, and Corrine can HLAVACEK'S· Students (male) 16 years or older Academy take her daily rest at this time MARKET Good chance to help pay your way through school Good Horses-Special instead of d oing muscle work. You will be paid in full while attending training school Attention to Beginners First and second period chair­ Corner of East 114th St. Private Bridle Paths- men, Marilyn McFerren, 12B, and See Mr. Hilton for full information Hay Rides and Miles Ave. 12A Lorene Kortanek, concluded Employment Office, 3083 Broadway Private ,Instructions that students are getting to be VVhy Accept Less Weekdays 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Thomas E. McCarthy more interested in school because VVhen VVe Have the Best? Saturdays 8 a. m. till noon of the rise in pencil sales every 4210 Warrensville morning. DI 1288 Standard Oil Co. "OHIO" Center Road Alice Romak, 12A, said, "Noth- Page Four ------THE J 0 H N AD AM~ J o·u RNA L------September 28, 1945 Murder Pocked in Pigskin The O~ ld Crad Returns Some call it clash ball, some Rebels Whip West Tech 18-0, slash ball, and others flash ... And Believe Me, He's Grumbling! ball. But regardless of the Meet Latin Lions Tomorrow misnomers, it all refers to a DJ' ~OHM CHMURA Nothing but the rise of another Nick Barille of Charity concoction of Coach Colin Game fame will save the Revel eleven tomorrow from a crush­ After seizing an 18-0 victory over West Tech in a non-Sen­ Lanning. ate game last Saturday, the Rebels meet the Latin Lions at ing defeat at the heads of the Latin Lions. When discussing the rules, t A far cry from the team of yore, this year's eleven no longer or lack of same, for this com­ seems to have that indefinable something . . . that unbeatable bination of football and mur­ der, Coach Lanning replied to school backing . .. that "l-ean- ~------­ take-care-of-it" confidence in Bartlle, Pal&'ut, DemeWr, SUwtn­ Commando Dave Levine, "No, themselves that gives them the ski, and Kolesar become merely there isn't any penalty for ac­ feeling that they can . lick any llvtnr lerenda? Why shouldn't. cidentally tackling an oppo­ team, anywhere, anytime, includ- there rise from thJa year's squad nent, but there also isn't any such Rebel Immortals? ing Latin. penalty for getting a knee on I still ~ay, "A Rebel shouldn't the bridge of your nose when IT SE~S A PITY THAT THE be beaten, can't be beaten, and UNIFORMS OF THE CHAM­ this mishap occurs." won't be beaten. As an old Adams The rules are almost paral­ THESE UNEMEN will help to proteet the Rebel pal apbull La.Un PIONSHIP '37 AND '39 TEAMS tomorrow. They are, left to n.ht, John Ujevlch, Bill Gre&ber, Mantn SHOULD BOW TO DEFEAT ON grad, I want the chance to say lel to those of football with once more with pride, "I AM A Bowan. Joe S&runak, Bob Lea, Vln.ee LIBassl, and Jack Wise. THE BACKS OF THE PRESENT the exception of incompleted REBEL . .. AND PROUD OF IT." SQUAD. passes. Anytime the ball Thomas Edison field tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the first Senate I HOPE I'LL STILL BE ABLE Captain Ed Ferris, you will be touches the ground the oppo­ game of the season. TO SAY THIS AFTER TOMOR­ weariDI' the No. 10· Jersey of dy­ nent takes possession of the Slated as the underdog, Adams will be out to cage the Lions ROW'S GAME! ball- namic and wiry A.n«elo Barille, who for the past two years have who scored tbe wl.nnlDc touch­ been city champions. With a line­ to the end zone. In the same down In the Acl&mB-Latln pme of weight average of about 180 quarter, Halfback Irv Milstein '37 and sent WI on to the Qlarity Promising F~eshman Gridders pounds, Cathedral Latin is tout­ snagged a buck pass in the end Game. captain Andy Savchuk, ed as a contender for city cham­ zone from Savchuk to bring the will you make AU-Scholastic Uke Make Regulars Knuckle Down pionship again this year. score to 12-0. Joe Palpt, whose No. 27 you are B7 HERB MJLLER The Lions' fullback, Chuck About a minute before the g\19 wearlnc? With footbaU closing its third week at John Adams, fresh­ Scarvelli, and halfback, "Fritzy" sounded ending the half, Eddy Carl Terrano, will your last Pahl, will probably be the main Novak, substitute right half, men gridsters already are putting uppercJass rival~ on their game be the Charity Game as swept around left end from the toes. twin threat to the Rebel end zone. was Bob Demeter's, '39 team, Mentored by Coach Herb Eisele, Rebel 20-yard stripe to sprint 80 whose No. 41 blazes from your Standouts among neighborhood junior high graduates are the purple and gold has six re­ yards for the final tally. back? Joe Strunak, will you fill AI "Lefty" Hodous and Dave Dvorak of Moses Cleaveland, turning lettermen in its flrst string your center position as capably as Tom Cloonan of Nathan Hale, ~------­ squad. Rally Peps Up lOB's did All-Scholastic Tackle Gene and Myron "Bud" Judson from Savchuks and Ferrises leave. Sliwinski, whose No. 15 you dis­ Alexander Hamilton. Judson, guard, overcame a Althourh tomorrow's rune with An all male football chorus, the play? AI Hodous, will No. 18 flash Hodous, an athlete deluxe, is slight head injury received dur­ cathedral Latin wtU be played at Adams band, Rebel cheerleaders, across the gridiron as did that of making it tough for starters Jack ing practice and shows promise. Tbomaa Edt.on, located at 7bt and Coach C. F . Glasser's football poll all were combined for the Bob Kolesar, All-Scholastic at Wise and John Ujevich at end. Missing from the Rebel football and BOUI'h Avenue, It Is an Adams lOB's into a football rally pre­ Adams, All-American at Michi­ His ambitions do not end there. scene this season will be Jimmy home came. Tbe~fore, Rebel gan? "Lefty" is shooting at a goal of Monachino, whom many will re­ rooters Will be le&ted In the ce­ sented Wednesday the third and And to the rest of the team nine letters. His past record member as last year's outstanding ment bleacllers. fourth periods. from subs to first strlnrers, you boasts a tryout with Bartunek's freshman back. Jim moved to Coach Glasser's poll revealed are wearin&' the anlforms of men class A baseball team and being Los Angeles with his family and Last Saturday's West Tech fray that their football knowledge was who never knew that such a Utlnr captain on his junior high basket­ has enrolled in Dorsey High, not only evened up the past four none too good, but the cheerlead­ as a. defeatist existed. ball team. where he hopes to continue his years' record, but opened the eyes ers and the band helped them to But already some people, both Dvorak, lOA, played center football career. of the Rebel student body to find prove that their school spirit was team members and supposed stu­ field on the Rebel nine and is out that this season's eleven is up to par. making swift progress at left outstanding in blocking and, with dent supporters, are whipped be­ Co-Captains A n d y Savchbk, fore the first whistle blows. Teams tackle. Dave, who stands 6 feet, teamwork and spirit, can go 2 inches, is a skilled kicker and places. 12A, and Eddy Ferris, 12B, were such as those of '37 and '39 were Scoring all eighteen tallies in also introduced. fighters; they didn't play to hold lacks only experience before he takes his place on the first squad. the second period, the Rebel of­ the score down to a respectable BY DOLL" NVJRY Also a lOA is Tom Cloonan, fensive proved too strong for the Acme Radio Se"ice 61-0 as did last year's. They "Fellas" and "Gals" halfback, who played basketball highly-touted West Tech team. Repairs on All, Makes of • played to win. on Adams' junior varsity team. How about headin' for the Jack Wise, veteran left end, RADIOS AND PHONOGRAPH Have the teams of my day been Tom is being groomed to fill the girls gym every Tuesday scored the first tally on a 15-yard COMBINATIONS fol'&'ottenT WUI players such as gap that will be left when the night for a fast game of ping-pong pass from Quarterback Andy Sav­ Pick-up and DeliveTtl W A. 5328 1~ Buekqe ~ or badminton? chuk ~ and a 15-yard zig-zag run John Adams Rings "Gals Only" by Thursday night the tenth period JOSTEN'S Where is open for baseball, basketball, Mauufaehlrera of A.mertea'• · and other seasonal games under aueat elaaa rtasa the heading of intramurals spon­ Koberna's Carage Choice of stones still available Photography sored by Miss Helen Schlager. Order now-Don't delay Sidelights- What's the IIWeet odor comln&' JOSTEN'S l·s from the driB •ym locker room? Dodge Plymouth Service • 823 Union Commerce Bulldlnr Vlr&inla Kneaal, 12A, accounted East 9th St. 8& Euclid Ave. for It by expla.ininr that the bot­ Open dall7 10 a. m. to ll180 p . m. An Art tom of a talcnm powder box fell 10810 Union Ml 1515 out, and she swept the remains under a locker. • Seventy-two girls reported for the first meeting of the Girls Bowling Club. Sponsor Helen CHESSHIRE­ Beeney commented, "Can we find COME ON REBELS, JOIN PRINTING enough alleys to take care of us?" ENGRAVING HIGBEE Sights Around the Gym Girls Gym Captains playing THE BOOSTER CLUB! STEREOTYPING tennis during any and every spare Higbee Bldg. AL & NAN AUGIE PASQUINUCCI 1200 West Third Street moment. When will Adams have 4th Floor a tennis team? c/o Nate's Place c/o Scovill A venue Main '7300 Cleveland, 0. Attention All lOB, lOA, and liB BOB & JILL GERALDINE SAMOLY Girls c/o U.S. N. Nathan Hale H. R. 11'7 MILES AVE. RADIO SERVICE First trial period for Girls Gym DOLLY & LORNA JILL&AL Captains will berln Monday. All c/o Locker Blvd. c/o The Blue Streak APPLIANCE REPAIR girls who are Interested should AL-SCHULTZ-BARTEK We are taking orders lor new Emerson Radios report to the rlrls rym tenth ATSEP-THE-GREAT c/o Jim's period. Be prepared for anythlnr. Houdlnle's Ma&ic Bouse Dl 8333 12'705 Miles Ave. ' "I will always remember the JERRY MYATT AND Oall7 81SO to lh:lO Tue..-Tioura. till • MINES & MILLER torture," sighs Florence Kocina,' ANTHONY ODDO c/o Hawk's Hash Bouse c/o C. P.'s 2nd 8oor llA. "My back still aches." These FULL LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES grunts and groans were the result!; THERESA DIFRANCO E. L. GRAY & JEANIE of the Motor Efficiency Test, which Blue Eyed Wonder c/o BandJes Heaven consisted of the broad jump, agil­ . $JJJJLd'~ Ity run, foot balance, trunk flex­ ROMEO & REESE JOE DLOUHY c/o Lee's Lonesome Chicks c/o ~er 3003 Across from School ion, and chinning, in progress this week. LUCKY & FLO SEYMOUR LEVINE c/o W. D. Y. C. c/o Irvlnr's Fruit Market Earl's Sanitary COLLEY'S SODA BAR ''TEX" JAY ITCHY Barber Shop c/o Cranwood Rodeo C/O Journal After the Football Game FRED AND FRANK EDITH & JEANIE 3806 East 116th Street Stop in and Try Our Hamburger Specialty c/o C. L. c/o Tbe Globe 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. 11401 Milea. Ml 9878