.JOHN ADAMS JOURNAL If it isn't in the Journal .•. it's a rumor. ... 23rd Year, No. 1 John Adams High School, Cleveland, Ohio--------------September 21, 1945 Faculty Adds· Boys Claim Majority of Top· Offices Pre-Election 8NewTeachers Poll Predicts To Its RQster Senior Vote Mrs. Bolton, Miss Knirk 12A's Vote in Homeroom Retire After 22 Years Today on 13 Candidates "Get those apples shining, ll:r CAMJI. t .F. CAJtANNA Rebels," remarked the statis.­ A p·rc-election day canvass of the thirteen 12A candi­ tics editor. "There are eight dates to be voted on in home­ new teachers." Courtesy Chesshirc Higbee room period today showed one Reinforcing the social studies mavacek Arlan Laslo Vellella Pesta Hamilton favorite, one unopposed candidate, department are three new teach­ In the face of a three to two majority of girls at Adams, • and two wide-open offi ces. ers. Miss Marjorie Aborn, from the boys are seven to one when it comes to leadership. Lydia Have You Seen Norma? A poll of seniors showed Joe South High, and C. F. Iammarino, What shape are you in to­ Hlavacek, 12B president and pres­ Zadnik,..12A, as co-editor of the Radio·Bulletin, provides the ident of the Student Council, to who traveled by way of Uncle only feminine touch as the fall semester begins. day? Why don't you go down to the girls' and find out? be the favorite, though his oppo­ Sam's Army and John Hay, will 'Left, Joe Hlavacek, 12A, rules as Student Coun­ nm The school-wide contest to nent, Walter Edwards, former teach history classes here. J . R. cil president, and Philip Arian 12B, also left, as the dlacover "Norma," t y pIc a I Miss Maurine R08Ch wiU be in­ Smeltz, from East Tech, will di­ male half of the Radio Bulletin. Smada Club Presi­ Adams girl, closes today at troduced at Town llall next vide his time between history , 3:10. dent, center, 12A Jack Laslo, heads the Central Thursday as senior social adviser classes here and script writing at All girls enrolled at John Committee, while right, Frank Vellella, llB, keeps replacing Miss Florence Stehn Adams and women teachers WBOE. the Adams Lunchroom Patrol at his command. who transfem.t to West Teclmlcal are ell&ible to enter this con­ Beqalrecl: ODe Automobile Extreme right, Social Center President Jim Pesta Rll'h SchooL and Honor Society President Ted Hamilton, 12A's, test. Pedacocue Miss Helen In the market for an automo­ Schlager stresses that thl.s co-edit the John Adams Journal. Jack Wise, 12B, Adams Bond King, is backed by a bile is Mrs. Zelda Spector, who contest Is sponsorecl by the who was attending football practice when the pic­ group of determined followers. will teach German at Glenville Girls Physical Education De­ tures were taken, leads the Corridor Patrol. Unopposed Eddy Novak, last se­ a. m., eat lunch, and then dash partment. mester's choi~e for vice-president, to Adams for afternoon instruc­ Girls Gym Captain Presi­ will resume his duties as the peo­ tion. The home economics deparl­ dent VIrginia Polley reveals ple's choice. ment has added Miss Norma Nico­ Social. Center Finishes First that Norma's proportions wUl According to the survey, 12B laus to its roster. ddermlne the winner. Secretary Jean Verba will get Miss Irene Rabinovitz used hall A full leDI'f.b picture of stiff competition from Jeanette passes the last time she was here; Week of Noonday. Relaxation "We have no professional bouncers, and there's no admis­ "Nonna. Adams" wUl appear Gecsy, Social Center Committee now she's issuing them as a com­ lA next Friday's issue of the secretary. Dorothy Davy, com­ mercial and personal regimen sion fee," exclaimed 12A Jimmy Pesta, president of the Social JOUI'Ilal. mercial expert, and Augie Pas­ teacher. Biology classes will Center Committee, "lfo if you're looking for a good tinie come quinucci, J ournal Rabble writer, meet a newcomer also, Miss Alma to the Social Center." could split enough votes to throw Thomas from John Hay. Journal Earns 2 Honors As the Social Center finished its ~st week of operation the election any way. Served on Ftm Faculty today, Sponsor Miss Uva Jan­ From Quill and-Scroll Close voting is expected for Janney will be in the Social Cen­ International Honor Rating, After twenty-two years of ney reported that this semester's treasurer. Although Dorothy Jur­ ter during the fifth period, while highest award presented by the kiewicz is expected to carry a service, since the opening of the Social Center Committee is not building, Mrs. Emma Bolton and Miss Rabinovitz will cover the Quill and Scroll Critical Service, small per cent of 12B Treasurer Miss Louise Knirk have retired. only the largest but also the best sixth. was received by the John Adams Elsie Giammo's last semester's Mrs. Bolton has gone to sunny organized since the Center started "I've dusted off the roulette Journal this week on last se­ backing, with Sam Collura and California, while Miss Knirk will in 1942. table, and the bones are just wait­ mesters' issues. Andy Savchuk claiming the Hi-Y be contented with Cleveland The gleaming furniture and the ing to be picked up," advised llA For outstanding service in ad­ votes, Ted Hamilton or Bud Good­ weather. spotless venetian blinds can be Dale Wolgamuth, game room vancing war and peace aims, the man may carry the deciding votes Transfers this semester include credited to the combined efforts chairman. Journal also won the George H . in the closest balloting of the day. Miss Florence Stehn, to the home of the homemaking classes and Checker and chess champs are Gallup award. economics department of West the Social Center Committee. -issuing their annual challenge to "An outstanding record as a Tech, and I . S. Winner to the so­ A new addition to the faculty Principal E. E. Butterfield and medium of news opinion and en­ cial studies department of East end of the • Social Center Com­ Assistant Principal Dwight W. tertainment, a dynamic and di­ Lost, Lonesome Tech. mittee is Miss Irene Rabinovitz, Lott by way of Chairman Wol­ stinctive paper," was one of the home economics teacher. Miss gamuth. comments made by the judges. lOB's Woeful, ~dams to Give 6PEN HOUSE The Seasholes to Greet Friends But Hopeful • At Paul Revere School Tonight Nobody loves 'em! F1rst Program Correction, please-Miss Helen ·WBOE Ser·leS It will all be on the record. Names of teachers ... former his Ph. D. degree at Western Re­ Beeney, attendance head, prefers pupils ... evening school students ... P . T. A. members agd serve University, lOB's whom she never sees to the In upper classmen who file into her "What's new?" the oldest ques­ former class presidents will appear on the roster as Major office daily. tion in existence, will be answered and Mrs. Craig Seasholes play host to their John Adams Furthermore, dear flats, cheer by an informal round table of friends tonight from 7 to 10 at Paul Revere Elementary up! While bemoaning that quar­ four Adams pupils Wednesday on ter spent for swivel chair rent, Station WBOE. School. remember that Miss Maurine This s e r i e s, entitled What's It will be on the records, as the John Adams evening school, Rosch thinks you are better or­ New?, a city-wide broadcast, is Major Seasholes, recently honor­ and the Warner Road Community ganized than most lOB's and that available to Englistt classes on re­ ably discharged from the Army, center, who will act as hosts and you, too, will some day be eating quest. It will be presented every greets the community tonight be­ hostesses. first half. two weeks and plans to discuss fore taking over his duties as Prior to military service as exec­ The many sufferers of idol­ books, movies, and plays. newly appointed co-director of utive officer to the Third Battalion, worship in Miss Agnes Lee's Under the supervision of Miss Hiram House. 24th Infantry, he h ad been on the eighth period English class ad­ Clara Wochele, the first program Plans for tonight's open house faculty seventeen years. In fact, mitted having preference for boys will be produced by the Adams include representatives of all it was here that he met h is wife, in athletics-namely Andy Sav­ radio production class. Other classes from 1926 through 1945, then Miss Alta Van Benschoten, chuk, Eddy Novak and Eddie Fer­ Cleveland high schools will pre­ who taught science at Adams ris. On the other hand, Miss Lee's sent the other seven programs. from 1925 to 1929. fifth period English class had a Virginia Polley, David Halperin, Mr .Munk' Takes On' Major Seasholes was graduated soft spot in their hearts for stu­ Janet Nocar, and Leonard Simon, from Columbia and Denison Uni­ dent government workers, Joe comprising the round-table board, As Plants 'Lay Off' versities and is now working for Records Indicate Hlavacek, Remo Maneri, and Jack have chosen to discuss three Despite threatening waves of Laslo. books, a movie, and a play. unemployment throughout the Females Dominate Remember that while you are Home to India by Santha Rau, country, the "HELP WANTED­ lOB's Meet Cheerleaders Given: Enrollment i i g u res, dreaming of m eeting your idols Muindian Familu by Hilda Wern­ NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY" Turning out for their second which show among other things there will be days. when others her, and He Brings G1'eat News by sign is still out at John Adams.
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