National Resource Centers (NRCs) and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships (FLAS) Programs FY2000-FY2002 (August 15, 2000 - August 14, 2003) The general purpose of the NRC and FLAS programs is to train specialists in modern foreign language and area or international studies. National Resource Center grants are awarded to institutions of higher education for the purpose of establishing, strengthening, and operating undergraduate or comprehensive (containing undergraduate, graduate and professional components) centers focusing on language and area or international studies. Institutions receiving FLAS Fellowship allocations award fellowships to graduate students to support the acquisition of foreign language competence and area or international expertise. The next competition for NRC and FLAS funding will be held in the fall of 2002. Grantees are listed in alphabetical order by institution, with consortial partners following the official grantee, or "lead" institution. Africa [11 NRCs / 11 FLAS-Recipient Institutions] Boston University, African Studies Center Partners (if any): 270 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215- Phone 617-353-3673 Fax: 617-353-4975 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: DIRECTOR OUTREACH COORDINATOR FLAS COORDINATOR Grants FLAS James Mc Cann Barbara Brown Michelle Uter Brooks NRC? 617-353-7308 6173537308 617-353-7303 617-353-3673
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Indiana University, African Studies Program Partners (if any): Woodburn Hall 221, Bloomington, IN 47405 Phone 812-855-6825