August 2019 - 1 - Volume 39, Issue 8

Pastoral Letter Dear Friends, This month I wanted to reflect on everyone completing key stages in education across all levels. As I write to you all we are in the last days of the school year; the year is flying by and folk are rapidly charging towards a crescendo of activity before taking a summer holiday. Many will be setting off on holiday to near and far destinations, taking the opportunity to slow the pace back down, taking time to relax and be with our family and loved ones. Every year, the last couple of months for a great many of us, are very demanding and very defining for peoples’ lives. So many will have been sitting all sorts of exams including SATS, GCSEs, ‘A’ levels and university exams. Years of work can come down to those moments and for those sitting them and those supporting them, it can feel very overwhelming, followed by profound relief when they are all over. And many will be preparing for starting school after the summer, or moving upwards to secondary school, colleges or university, or starting apprenticeships. And at the other end, some are about to become the next doctors, nurses, engineers’ apprentices and a great many other professions after these final exams. This week as I prepare to go to summer school, I reflect on those completing another year in education. They all achieve so much through the support and love from you all, which is why the summer break is all so important. As we continue to enjoy those long, warm days, may you take that opportunity to find rest and comfort in each other. To experience each other’s kindness and love and in allowing you all a chance also for some stillness and calm. Life is incredibly busy in this modern world and we need time just to be the people God wants us to be. Take time to just be, to give thanks and share in each other’s love. We all need times for personal reflection, rest and comfort. If we are still for moments with our loved ones over this summer, I believe we can hear and gain that comfort and support through God’s love for each and every one of us. I wish you all wonderful summer break and rest well in the comfort of each other and God’s love. Every blessing, Peter. Peter Heffron – Ordinand.

The Installation and Induction of our new Rector We are all delighted to announce that Canon Rev’d Richard Stainer’s Induction and Installation service will take place on Monday 9 September at 7.30 p m in St Mary’s Church, Stoke Bruerne. This is a very important and lovely service and everybody is welcome to come along. More details next month.

Streetchurch It was another busy day at Streetchurch on Sunday 21 July with a very good turnout of clients. The sad thing for the clients is that there is not a holiday season - just more of the same except for those who manage to move on. All were so appreciative of the sandwiches, lovely cakes, biscuits, crisps and great selection of fruit provided by our supporters in the Benefice who give so generously. The soup went down well as it ever does come summer or winter, together with lots of tea, coffee and squashes. We took with us what we could manage to fit in the car in the way of clothes and I have more to take next week. My thanks to the willing team of Roger, Andrea, Maureen and Linda who were all tired after the heat of the kitchen at the end of the session but pleased with a job so well done and appreciated. We are next on duty on Sunday, 6 October 2019. Doris

Service Schedule for August 2019

Sunday 4 August Sunday 18 August 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Shutlanger 8.00 a m: Morning Prayer, BCP, Blisworth 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, Milton Malsor 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, Milton Malsor 11.00 a m: Morning Worship, Blisworth 11.00 a m: Morning Worship, Grafton Regis Sunday 11 August 11.00 a m: Morning Worship, Blisworth 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, Stoke Bruerne Sunday 25 August 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Milton Malsor 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Alderton 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW (Canal Festival) 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Milton Malsor 4.00 p m: Songs of Praise, outside if fine, 4.00 p m 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Blisworth

Every Wednesday: 9.30 a m, Prayer group, Blisworth. Morning prayer at Milton resumes on 14 August.

Useful Telephone Numbers for the United Benefice of Blisworth and Stoke Bruerne with Grafton Regis, Alderton and Milton Malsor Churchwardens of Blisworth: Mrs Fiona McKenzie, tel 01604 859541 and Mrs Angela Cheesebrough, tel 01604 858059 Churchwardens of Stoke Bruerne: Mrs Christine Frost, tel 01604-862561 and Mr Lee Arnfield, tel 01604 864553 Churchwardens of Grafton Regis: Mrs Jean Glanville, tel 01908 543463 and Lord Charles Fitzroy, tel 01908 542908 Churchwarden of Alderton: Mrs Amanda Selvey, tel 01327 811380. Churchwardens of Milton Malsor: Mrs Jane Treharne, tel 01604 858323 and Mrs Sue Bell, tel 01327 351043

August 2019 - 2 - Volume 39, Issue 8

The Julian Group for Silent Prayer The Julian Group for Silent Prayer – making space for God. The group meets on the second Monday of the month (12 August) from 5.00 p m to 6.00 pm, usually at 2 Road, Blisworth. You are welcome to join us to ‘taste and see’ or on a regular basis. Contact Sue Cutts or Hilary Spurrier for more information.


MONDAY GROUP We are a group who have sadly lost someone we loved deeply, and if you also have suffered the same sadness, we would welcome you to join us. We meet in Milton Malsor church on the first Monday of each month from 2.00 p m to 3.30 p m, but not in August. We have refreshments, chat and an occasional speaker. If you come along you will not find us a miserable group, but a friendly, welcoming group. Geoffrey Goswell, tel 01604701572.


St Mary the Virgin Church Our next coffee morning at Stoke Bruerne Church will be on Saturday 10 August from 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon. We hope you will join us. You are assured of a warm welcome!

Race For Life 22 June saw Betty Richardson complete her 10k Race for Life for the 14th time. This year, the course was entirely within Abington Park, and also this year was the first time men were invited to take part. Betty completed the course in just under two hours, supported by her grandchildren, Edward, Hannah and Victoria, along with Hanna's partner, Simon, and his father. So far, Betty has raised about £500 with some sponsorship still to come in. As everybody crossed the finish line they were encouraged to ring the 'celebration bell'. Once again many thanks to all the sponsors who have supported Betty. Betty recently received an invitation from the World Cancer Research Fund to attended a reception in recognition for her support for cancer research over the last 20 years. Both Betty and Terry went to the Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick on Thursday 4 July, along with a small group of selected supporters. We were treated to lunch and a series of short talks on different aspects of prevention, with the emphasis on diet and life-style, along with details of work in progress on current research.

Cricket Pavilion

Thanks to everybody who came and supported us on our 50th celebration on 30 June 2019 at Stoke Bruerne Cricket Club pavilion; it was great to see past, present and future families. The draw for the raffle was made and all prizes are posted on the pavilion notice board and I am pleased to say we were able to give away the £1,000 first prize and over 20 other donated prizes. The money raised from this raffle will be put to a future project for the club as we are always looking to upgrade our facilities.

‘All Stars’ cricket training for children between 5 and 8years of age is held on a Friday night at the cricket ground from 6.00 p m to 7.00 p m so if any parents who would like to get their children into an outdoor activity please register on the ECB website for All Stars cricket. We started this 3 years ago and in the first year we had 7 children sign on and now we have 37! The fish and chip van turns up at around 6.30 p m to 7.00 p m so you can feed them as well and have a drink from the bar. Ian Stimson, Chairman, Spencer Bruerne Cricket Club

Christmas Card Following on from the success of the wall hanging which has recently been installed in Stoke Bruerne Church, it was decided to have the image printed and made into Christmas cards. The cards will be A5 with the wording inside "Best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year" and on the back of the card "Stitched and crafted to commemorate 800 yrs, Funded by the David Blagrove Trust, Sold in aid of St. Mary the Virgin, Stoke Bruere". The cards with envelopes will be sold in packs of 10 for £5 and will be available at the forthcoming coffee morning from 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon on Saturday 10 August and at the morning service the following day. Further details from Aly Grace, tel 01604 863758 or Jackie Evans, tel 01604 862473. 100% of the profit will go to the church for much needed funds. Please do come along and support the coffee morning and purchase your Christmas cards. Thank you. Jackie Evans

Stoke Bruerne Parish Council Speed Indicator Device (SID) The SID was installed early July and is encouraging motorists to slow down when they enter the village from the Shutlanger direction. We wait to see what the data tells us regarding speed/volume of traffic. Noticeboard on the Green Our suppliers have provided a noticeboard which does not comply with the specifications of our order. They will arrange for this error to be rectified over the coming weeks. We are very sorry that the current noticeboard does not allow access for public notices and ask for your patience until a correct noticeboard is in position.

August 2019 - 3 - Volume 39, Issue 8

Over and Under the Hill, 5.00 p m Saturday 31 August 2019 Another opportunity to see inside Blisworth canal tunnel – the longest, self- navigable, broad canal tunnel in the – aboard 'Charlie' during which you will be treated to a comprehensive talk, looking at the construction and history of the tunnel. On your return journey, you will be walked back over the top of Blisworth Hill by experienced and knowledgeable guides; exploring the interesting historical features of the and the . The total duration is approximately 2 hours. You are advised to wear stout footwear and suitable clothing. The walk distance is approximately 2 ½ miles and some areas are uneven and therefore not suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs. Over and Under the Hill commences at 5.00 p m on Saturday 31 August. The cost is £6.00 per adult and £4.00 per child. Advanced booking is required as spaces are limited. This event is being organised in conjunction with the Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership and .

Teddy Bear’s Picnic at The Canal Museum If you go down to the Canal Museum at Stoke Bruerne on Wednesday 7 August, you'll be in for a big surprise. There will be face painting, biscuit decorating, a chance to make your own bear bunting to take away and, of course, the opportunity to dine alfresco with your favourite bear on the grass outside the museum for a Teddy Bear's Picnic. There will be a tasty selection of food for a picnic on sale. 11.00 a m to 3.00 p m. Free admission for children; adults: £4.74, concessions: £3.90.

You Can Crafts, Saturday 11 August 10.30 a m A free event will introducing you to the world of crochet and bookbinding at The Canal Museum. All equipment and materials supplied, and no experience needed. Book/free - Canal Museum 01604 862229

Your Story, Saturday 31 August 10.30 a m Come along and discover 'your story' at Stoke Bruerne's Canal Museum. Learn about your family's history. Help with where to look for information about what business your family ancestors were in or what they were renowned for. Book/free - Canal Museum 01604 862229.


Shutlanger Parish Council We met on Thursday 11 July for our regular two monthly meeting, and said goodbye to Councillor Julia Lindsay as our chair, after several years successfully leading our work. Councillor Laura Olsson has taken up the chair and Councillor Ruth Young takes over from Laura as vice chair. We are looking for another member of our community to join us as a councillor. If you are interested please contact John Scott, our clerk, on 07738 760618 or [email protected].

Sandra Barnes, our district councillor, joined us for the meeting and gave her usual informative briefing. Big changes are underway in our local government with the formation of the unitary authority between Daventry, South and Borough. One of the many practical effects of this will be on the supply of land for house building. has a very good 'land bank' sufficient to meet over 11 years' demand whereas Northampton Borough is well under its 5 year requirement. As the borough is so big relative to the other areas, the new unitary authority will also be well under its 5 year requirement. This will increase pressure on the unitary authority to allow building in and around the villages, which South Northamptonshire does not currently face. Councillor Barnes advised Shutlanger to put a village design statement in place, which would set out what we can, and can't accept in developments within our parish. The parish council will be looking to build on our existing village plan towards this design statement. We're delighted that one of our community is interested in helping to set up a Good Neighbours scheme for the village. This scheme aims to help our residents with needs that the formal support services don't reach. If we are to make it work, and give our residents this help, we will need several volunteers so please contact John as above to allow us to do this.

Another way of supporting our residents is to allow access to convenient bus services. We expect shortly to join Stoke Bruerne Parish Council in funding Ability Community Transport to run a bus service through Shutlanger to allow people to get to shops and the town centre at times more suited to them. More details to follow. In early August we will have a police recognised mobile speed camera allocated to us for six weeks, shared with Stoke Bruerne. Please help us make good use of this highly effective deterrent, which also gives us convincing information on speeding in our village to pass onto relevant authorities. The latest data from early July from our vehicle activated sign at the Stoke Bruerne entrance shows that speeding is as much a problem as ever and it is a problem the village has to act on if it wants change. The training in how to use the camera is at the Caroline Chisholm School in Northampton on 27 July, at 9.30 a m to 12.15 p m. Even if you've been trained before you do need to attend this training in order to be part of the Speedwatch team. Please let John know if you can join us on 27 July.

We have had several water supply failures over recent months necessitating digging up Twitch Hill and Main Road. Anglian Water is aware of the problems caused by very old pipes coming up Main Road from the south. We also get supply from Tiffield reservoir; however when one side of the supply goes down it takes time to get it all back in balance after any repair. Anglian Water is considering renewing the pipes along Main Road as a long term fix.

Finally we should see three dog waste bins being put into place around the village in the next few weeks. If you're a dog walker, please use them, or any of the other bins, to keep our pavements nice for all users. Shutlanger Parish Council

August 2019 - 4 - Volume 39, Issue 8


St. Mary’s Application for a Heritage Lottery Fund Grant The PCC started this grant application 18 months ago, it has been a long process completing all the stages required by HLF and the application to the DAC for a faculty to enable the works to be carried out, however the grant has now been approved and we can start planning when the repairs to the church will start. There are plans in the church showing all the planned works in more detail; however the stages are; replacement of the tower roofing, refurbishment of the tower interior with a new bell ringing floor and vestry area. There will also be a replacement of the south porch roofing and improvements to the ground level exterior drainage. A smaller grant is for the refurbishment of the Heritage display in the church to give a more professional look. When the work starts it will take 16 weeks to complete all the stages, by this time the bats will have gone into hibernation and should not cause a problem when work is required in their roosting areas. We have also received grants from All Churches Trust and the National Historic Churches Trust. Jean Glanville


From Fiona McKenzie The Canal Festival takes place on 10 and 11 August. We hope that it will again be the huge success that it has been in past years. The church will be serving teas, as usual. There will also be a gift table for toiletries, jewellery etc. (not bric-a-brac). We would be grateful to receive donations for this, and also cakes. On the Sunday, there will be one service of Communion at 9.30 a m, to accommodate the opening time of the festival. At 4.00 p m, as the festival draws to a close, there will be “songs of praise” outside if it is fine, or inside if not. We were so sorry to hear that Jane Percival suffered a stroke, and is standing down from her commitments to organisations throughout the village. Here at St. John’s, we owe her a huge debt of gratitude for all she has done over so many years. She has been in charge of various aspects of our finances, but it is her flower arrangements that have delighted us all. Jane on a ladder with a bucket of flowers decorating the porch arch was a sight to behold! However, produce from her allotment is still on sale in the Stoke Road table, and she is looking after her hens, and coming to village events. We still pray, as we have done, that she will continue to improve in health and strength. Her positive attitude in this time of difficulty is an example to be admired. Thank you, Jane. We now have a date for the installation and induction of Rev’d Canon Richard Stainer as our Rector. This will be at Stoke Bruerne on 9 September at 7.30 p m. We are fortunate to have had a short interregnum, and look forward to welcoming Richard. In recent weeks we have welcomed a number of priests (mostly retired) to take our services, and it has been interesting to hear different styles of preaching. Fiona

Blisworth Canal Festival 10 and 11 August The festival will have the usual bric-a-brac stall to raise funds for Festival 2020. This year we have been offered a ‘collection point’ for any bric-a-brac donations at 4 Stoke Road, preferably on Sunday mornings up until the festival. To arrange a drop-off time or if you have any questions please contact Linda on 01604 858600 or leave a message. John Smith


Church Cleaning Rota August Jayne Skippen and Marie Knight Churchyard Rota 23 July – 5 August David & Jacqui Vaughan 6 – 19 August Ruth & Anthony Barry 20 August – 2 September Graham Welch (PCC arranged) Church service: 25 August A Note from our Churchwarden It has been a busy, but productive, few months in terms of tackling some of the longstanding items on the ‘Fabric Wish List’ at St. Margaret’s. First of all, I’m sure no-one will have failed to notice the newly built/repaired walls on both sides of the churchyard. Michael Skeats and his team have done a superb job and we are very pleased with the result. It was thanks to a bequest from the late Margaret Knight that we were finally able to undertake the rebuilding of the wall on the field side, and given that there was plenty of stone left over, it seemed too good an opportunity to miss not to do the repairs to the Church Lane wall. The additional money required for this came from the church fabric fund. I’m sure Margaret would have been delighted to see the new wall and pleased that the money was put to such good use. Secondly, the church windows have been repaired. There were minor repairs needed to several of them and a new panel had to be made for one of the windows on the north wall. The work was undertaken by Dave Bryant of Wellingborough and the money to pay for it came from the church fabric fund. Finally, I am pleased to be able to report that after several years’ worth of discussions and consultations with the Diocesan Advisory Committee and other organisations, including English Heritage, the Church Buildings Council and the Victorian Society, we have been given the go ahead to apply for a faculty (the Church’s equivalent of planning permission) to install a toilet and servery in church and remove the pews and pew platforms at the rear of the building. Providing there are no objections, the permission should arrive in the next few weeks. On the downside, the tenders for the work are more expensive than we, or the architect had anticipated and although we have the money from the village charity, which has been set aside for this work, we will need to apply for grant funding in order to cover the costs. If we are successful, it is likely that the work will take place next spring. If not, then we will have to wait until we have raised enough through fundraising. Watch this space... On a personal note, my thanks go to Roger Gavan for agreeing to join the PCC to oversee repairs and routine maintenance of the building. He has organised working parties to tackle jobs in the churchyard, repaired the chest in church and fixed the porch lantern. I am extremely grateful to him. Amanda Selvey

Macmillan Coffee Morning Liz and Pete Smallwood and Kathy Lamb will be hosting the Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on Friday 27 September from 10.00 a m to 1.00 p m at The Homestead, Spring Lane, Alderton. Please come along and support us raise money and have another amazing morning to have a chat with friends along with some wonderful cakes, bring your friends. Go on have a slice!

For Sale Assorted rabbit hutches and small bird (bantam) houses – second hand but in very good condition. They have been used in a barn, and hence kept dry. Various sizes and useage. Monies accrued will be donated to cancer charities. Please call at Glebe Farm, Alderton in the mornings or telephone 01327 811547 in the evening. Trevor Woodger

August 2019 - 5 - Volume 39, Issue 8


The Open Gardens event on 30 June was an outstanding success. The weather was perfect for the occasion and some 150 visitors enjoyed the variety of gardens which were open, as well as the displays of village life and refreshments provided in the church. £980 was raised for Holy Cross Church. Thanks to the 9 home–owners who willingly opened their gardens, to the folk who provided and served the refreshments and to village organisations which contributed the 21 displays in the church. Especial thanks to Steff Deacon whose hard work made this display of the village’s vibrant life possible. It was a good time of bringing people together.

Holy Cross Church After a long wait we have builders moving in to repair the south aisle roof which had its lead stripped months ago. Unfortunately, heavy rain during mid-June managed to penetrate the tarpaulins and some water damage resulted. Work starts on 22 July and we would ask folk to keep a vigilant eye out for out-of-hours vehicles whilst workmen have tools, materials and scaffolding about. The good news is that with all planning approvals received, the roof will be permanently covered in terne-coated stainless steel and not lead. As 37 churches a month nationally are losing their roofing-lead this is a scourge we have to combat. At Holy Cross we will have no lead left to pinch!!

Blisworth Community Choir The choir is presenting a concert at Kislingbury Church on Saturday 21 September. It is always good to see familiar faces at these lovely talented concerts.

Northamptonshire Local History Day - the Churches of Northamptonshire This will take place on Saturday 14 September from 10.00 a m to 4.00 p m at the village hall, Milton Malsor, NN7 3AS. There will be two illustrated talks, a special Powerpoint presentation and a tour of Holy Cross Church in the afternoon. Please bring your own lunch - tea/coffee etc will be provided. The cost is £15. There are a few places still left - contact: 01604 858363 or [email protected]. Proceeds for Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust and Holy Cross Church.

Milton & Collingtree WI News. For our September meeting we welcome back Glenys Sandham for an evening of ‘Simply wet felting, past and present’ with participation. Thank you to villagers and friends who joined our outing to Kew on 15 June. We all had a great day and were so lucky with the traffic and weather.

Milton Malsor Brownies Milton Malsor Brownies invite girls aged 7 to 10 to join us in September. We meet on Monday evenings from 6.00 p m to 7.30 p m in the village hall. Brownies is about getting together regularly to work on badges, learn new skills, play games and see friends. It’s about trying adventurous activities and going along to special events, day trips, sleepovers and holidays. Girls in Brownies have incredible experiences together, make brilliant friends and discover the world around them. Every time they meet up, groups of Brownies learn new skills and take on challenges as they work out what they want to be and do in the future. For more information contact Chris Ladd (Brown Owl), tel 01604 707910 [email protected] or go to (select Brownies and register your daughter).

An Evening of Classical Music and Songs From the Shows in Aid of the Alzheimer’s Society This will take place on Saturday 28 September 2019 at 7.30 p m at Holy Cross Church, Milton Malsor. Tickets £10 each to include light refreshments and a glass of wine. Contact David, tel 07815 022184 or Peter, tel 07764 852285.

Mums and Tots This takes place every Friday morning through term time at Milton Malsor Village Hall from 9.30 a m until 11.30 a m. All mums and tots welcome.

GENERAL NEWS The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare The Arches Theatre, Clifton Reynes, MK46 5DT August 22, 23 and 24 all at 7.30 p m

Bring a seat and a picnic and enjoy an evening of Shakespeare comedy in the open air as the sun sets. troupe etc theatre company will present this controversial yet hilarious love story with a 1930s backdrop. Well-heeled and well-respected Madam Baptista is keen for her daughters to wed wisely and well. The younger, demure Bianca, has no shortage of suitors but her older sister, Kate, rebuffs all advances and most men are now frightened of her barbs. Enter Petruchio, a fellow misfit who recognises in Kate a kindred spirit and sets out to win her over. A Shakespeare tale often features cross-dressing, deception and role swaps and The Taming of the Shrew is no exception. Come along and see how it all turns out. Tickets are £15 and can be booked via

Notes from a Local Farmer Further to last month’s ponderings, we have unexpectedly made 40 acres of hay because the grass has grown so quickly and we had a surplus; it was made in dry weather so is of very good quality. Modern kit can mow 10 acres in an hour and bail the same amount, compared to 15 years ago when 10 acres took 8 hours and baling about 4 hours. However, it has the adverse effect of bringing the price of hay down to straw levels. We have weaned the lambs as of 18 July, spraying them for flies, worming them and foot bathing them, so all the jobs are done at once prior to harvest. Winter barley will be the first to combine, hopefully around 22 July, followed by wheat and barley around 10 August. Crops look full of promise, so here’s hoping for a dry harvest; as I sit here writing this on 19 July, the rain is pouring down! I went to the Royal Norfolk Show in Norwich in July. It was a wonderful agricultural show and I do recommend a visit. I will ‘speak’ to you next month. Robert Davy

August 2019 - 6 - Volume 39, Issue 8

Paulerspury Village Hall Paulerspury village hall offers Alderton residents the same preferential hire rates as Paulerspury residents. The village hall runs a 501 lottery to help raise funds and we would love Alderton residents to join in. It costs just £1 per ticket, the draw takes place on the first Wednesday of each month, and is promoted by John Barnes, phone 01327 811 672 – please contact it you would like to help us to raise funds. The first prize is £100, the second prize is £30, and the third prize is £20. The remainder of the prizes depend on amount sold but are either £10 or £5. After taking expenses, half the proceeds go to the village hall and half to the prizes.

We would welcome a representative from Alderton to our committee; if you feel able to represent Alderton, please contact the secretary, Eileen Boothman: [email protected].

Fitness classes in Paulerspury Yoga Summer Session: Tuesday 10.00 a m to 11.30 a m. 4 weeks cost just £20. Starts 30 July and ends 20 August. As Pre-school is not in operation we will be in the main hall, so there is plenty of space for anyone wanting to join us. Please contact Sue on 01327 811 596.

Paulerspury Make/Bake/Grow Show Next year will be the 125th anniversary of the show. This year it will take place on 10 August. If anybody is interested in taking part, and would like a schedule, please contact Andy Bartlett, Show Secretary at [email protected]. If you would just like to go along to the show and admire other people’s handiwork and perhaps purchase an item or two, you would be very welcome. Andy Bartlett

News from The Old Mail For events and happenings in the nearby villages: Cosgrove, and Yardley Gobion, see the newsletter, The Old Mail, is available online at various websites:;;

How to Contact the Police 999 – for a crime or incident in progress 101 – you will be asked with which police station you would like to be connected 03000 111 222 – direct dial Email for Towcester: [email protected] Your local officers are as follows: Alderton: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Grafton Regis: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Stoke Bruerne: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Blisworth: PCSO 7012 Tara Cooksammy Shutlanger: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Milton Malsor: PCSO 7012 Tara Cooksammy For more local SCT information, visit the local policing pages

August 2019 - 7 - Volume 39, Issue 8

August 2019 - 8 - Volume 39, Issue 8


Don’t talk unless you can improve the silence.

To broaden horizons, take a different view.

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present, are certain to miss the future.

Friends are the sunshine of life.

August 2019 - 9 - Volume 39, Issue 8

United Benefice Calendar for 2018/19 All groups and organisations within the community are warmly invited to include events here.

August 7 Canal museum – teddy bears’ picnic 8 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – surprise trip 10 Coffee morning – St Mary’s Church, Stoke Bruerne, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 10 Paulerspury make/bake/grow show, Paulerspury village hall, 2.00 p m 10/11 Blisworth canal festival 11 Canal museum event – You can – Crafts 10.30 a m 13 Milton Malsor Historical Society outing to Delapre Abbey 13 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 15 Heatrbeats Tai Chi session, 7.00 p m – 8.30 p m 24/25 Canal museum pirate weekend 27 Book Club, the Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m 30 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 31 Canal museum event – family history – book/free, 10.30 a m 31 Alderton Art festival, 10.30 a m to 5.00 p m 31 Up and over the hill event, Stoke Bruerne, 5.00 p m 31 Your story – Stoke Bruerne Canal Museum, 10.30 a m September 1 Alderton art festival, 10.30 a m to 4.00 p m 7/8 Village at War weekend 11 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Village Hall 12 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – animal rescue 13 Murder mystery evening, Grafton Regis, 7.00 p m 14 1,000 years of history in 100 minutes, Grafton Regis 14 Northamptonshire local history day, Holy Cross Church, Milton Malsor, 10.00 a m to 4.00 p m 19 Heartbeats meeting, stress management, 7.00 p m – 8.30 p m 21 Blisworth Community Choir concert at Kislingbury church 21/22 Roses & Castles painting course, Canal Museum 24 Book Club, the Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m 24 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 27 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 27 Macmillan coffee morning, The Homestead, Spring Lane, Alderton, 10.00 a m to 1.00 p m 28 Canal museum event – your story – family history book/free 28 An evening of classical music and songs from the shows, Holy Cross church, Milton Malsor, 7.30 p m 30 Big Draw, Stoke Bruerne October 5-13 SNA ART trail 6 Streetchurch team on duty 9 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 10 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – AGM 25 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 29 Book Club, the Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m November 9 Coffee morning – St Mary’s Church, Stoke Bruerne, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 12 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 13 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 14 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – passionate about pasta 16/17 Canal museum event - Floating market 26 Book Club, the Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m 29 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon December 12 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – Christmas party 17 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m Community choir: Come along and join the community choir who are meeting every Thursday night from 7.30 p m till 9.00 p m in Blisworth church. All are welcome to swell the ranks, and subscriptions are only £2 per person.

THE CLOSING DATE FOR THE NEXT EDITION OF GRASS is 16 August thanks to Jackie Grundon for proof reading If you can get any copy to us earlier than that it would be very much appreciated Please send any copy to: Linda Dards, Moorend, Spring Lane, Alderton NN12 7LW tel 01327 811265, e-mail: [email protected]. Could you please include your name & phone number with entries in case we have any problems. If you would like to add photographs or drawings to your text these are welcome and can be supplied via email or as photos, and returned after scanning. Contributions by email are most welcome, we can accept most formats; please request a response from us on receipt – so you are sure that we have your submission. Word (any version) is preferred.

August 2019 - 10 - Volume 39, Issue 8