September 2019 - 1 - Volume 39, Issue 9

Pastoral Letter Dear All, I come to you all with a theme of ‘thanks’ having come back from summer holiday, where Sarah and I experienced the delights of the east coast of Yorkshire and a little of the moors. It was a first for us. Between Robin Hood’s bay, Whitby and many other places, we had a wonderful time. We also visited Rievaulx Abbey, which you can see in the picture. This is a truly special place to visit. Tucked in a tranquil valley of the North York Moors, you completely understand why the Cistercian monks built it there. The peace and tranquillity really lets you be who you are - to just ‘be’ in God’s presence. I also love these little cheeky chappies, who at one point would have adorned part of the building! We walk into September hopefully refreshed from the summer and with a great deal to be excited about and thankful for. On 9 September, we welcome Canon Richard Stainer as our new Rector for the Benefice. The service is at St Mary the Virgin Church, Stoke Bruerne at 7.30 p m. We would love to see as many of you as possible come to welcome Richard and his family and to give thanks for his ministry. Please pray for him as he prepares for that ministry. It is a full and rewarding ministry including leadership, teaching and pastoral care; of being a servant and shepherd amongst us all and in fostering the gifts of all God’s people. These are just a few of the aspects a priest is called to be and I know he would delight in sharing with anyone much more about his work as a priest. But Richard cannot and doesn’t do it all himself. God calls many to service in His church, fulfilling many roles. The last 6 months has been testament to exactly that. Your churches and communities have come together, continuing to do great things, moving forwards, in caring for each other and in serving others. My thanks go to all who have done so much over this period; it is greatly appreciated by so many and by Richard. My last ‘thanks’ - I always find the summer a period of relaxation and reflection. Moving forwards there is so much to be thankful for, but can I also encourage us all to place the focus on everyone else. So often nowadays, we’re asked “Are you well?” and will reply “I’m well”. Give thanks for everything we have and move forwards placing the focus on others. Try consciously replying with “I’m well if you are”. You will be surprised where it takes you and others! Every blessing, Peter, Ordinand.

Service Schedule for September 2019 Sunday 1 September Sunday 15 September 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, Milton Malsor (Rev’d Sylvia Coles) 8.00 a m: Holy Communion, BCP, Blisworth 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Shutlanger 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Milton Malsor (Rev’d Canon 11.00 a m: Morning Worship, Blisworth Richard Stainer) Sunday 8 September 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, Grafton Regis (Harvest Festival) 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, Stoke Bruerne 11.00 a m: Morning Worship, Blisworth (Harvest Festival, Peter 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Milton Malsor (Rev’d Malcolm Deacon) Heffron) 11.00 a m, Holy Communion, Blisworth Sunday 22 September 9.30 a m: Morning Worship (Harvest Festival – Rev’d Malcolm Deacon) 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, Alderton (Harvest Festival) 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Blisworth Sunday 29 September United Benefice service, Grafton Regis, 10.30 a m

Every Wednesday: 9.30 a m, Morning Prayer, Blisworth and Milton Malsor Useful Telephone Numbers for the United Benefice of Blisworth and Stoke Bruerne with Grafton Regis, Alderton and Milton Malsor Churchwardens of Blisworth: Mrs Fiona McKenzie, tel 01604 859541 and Mrs Angela Cheesebrough, tel 01604 858059 Churchwardens of Stoke Bruerne: Mrs Christine Frost, tel 01604-862561 and Mr Lee Arnfield, tel 01604 864553 Churchwardens of Grafton Regis: Mrs Jean Glanville, tel 01908 543463 and Lord Charles Fitzroy, tel 01908 Churchwarden of Alderton: Mrs Amanda Selvey, tel 01327 811380. Churchwardens of Milton Malsor: Mrs Jane Treharne, tel 01604 858323 and Mrs Sue Bell, tel 01327 351043


Monday Group We are a group who have sadly lost someone we loved deeply, and if you also have suffered the same sadness, we would welcome you to join us. We meet in Milton Malsor church on the first Monday of each month from 2.00 p m to 3.30 p m. We have refreshments, chat and an occasional speaker. If you come along you will not find us a miserable group, but a friendly, welcoming group. Geoffrey Goswell, tel 01604701572.

September 2019 - 2 - Volume 39, Issue 9


Could you Deliver GRASS around Part of Stoke Bruerne? Diane Whitby has been delivering GRASS around the Wentworth Way area of GRASS for the last 25 years or so and now feels that it is time for her to step down from this task. She will deliver this September issue but is there anybody who could take over from her? Could you please contact her or Alison Jones so that arrangements can be made for distribution? Diane’s number is 01604 863719, and Alison’s is 01604 863598 or email [email protected]. It is not an onerous task and is only once a month. We would be very grateful. In the meantime, thanks must be extended to Diane Whitby, who has done a sterling job over the years.

Canal Partnership Our Adoption Group is very busy at present keeping on top of the continuous growth of grass, hedges and brambles within our area. Whenever conditions permit we have been painting lock beams and furniture; we have been fortunate to have had some corporate groups coming to give their help, which enabled the footbridge at Lower Locks to be given a much needed face lift recently. We hope you have been enjoying the flower tubs and planting around the museum and are grateful to kind residents who keep them watered. Longer term, we are working up plans and sourcing funding to enable the far end of the Woodland Walk to be improved. We were much saddened during August to receive the news of the passing of Sam Samuells, one of the Adoption Group’s original volunteers and a resident continually supportive of all the Partnership does. We will remember Sam with much affection and gratitude and extend all our sympathies to Lynda and family. The Canal Partnership is continuing to have discussions and input into the plans which the Canal River Trust is making to improve the visitor experience for those who come to Stoke Bruerne. We were pleased to see the start of these when the toilet facilities were upgraded in the spring and the old pond dipping signs down at the Lock 17 side ponds were renewed. We look forward to future improvements. We are delighted that the Over and Under the Hill boat trip/walk planned for 30 August has already been a sell-out success and are sure it will be an enjoyable evening for all concerned. Many thanks to Stoke Bruerne Boat Company for organising this event and to our voluntary walk leaders on the day. On 30 October, in half term week, we will again be organising another Big Draw event on the Green. The theme this year is ‘Drawn to Life’ which should give plenty of scope in this colourful, busy setting. Don’t forget – everyone is invited, whatever their age or ability and it is entirely free! Helen Westlake, Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership

St Mary the Virgin Parish Church

Coffee Morning The church held its summer coffee morning on Saturday 10 August. Despite the rather miserable day outside, there was a warm and friendly atmosphere inside. Some of our regular visitors were unable to attend on this occasion, but we were delighted to welcome newcomers who have moved into the villages of Stoke Bruerne and Shutlanger and hope they will come again. One late comer received a spontaneous round of applause when she arrived! It was Reverend Sue Cooper, who found time in her busy schedule, to come and see us. It was lovely to catch up with her. Also there were the ladies who created the commemorative wall hanging for the church. They had produced beautiful Christmas cards, depicting the design, to sell and raise funds for the church. These proved to be extremely popular. We are very grateful to the ladies involved. Many thanks also, to all the kind and generous people who provided cakes, who gave up their time to help and who supported the event. Our next coffee morning is on Saturday 9 November from 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon. We are hoping that “ReChoired” will be performing favourite war time songs on that occasion, as our Remembrance Sunday service is the following day.

The Church and the Community It is worth mentioning that as someone was leaving the church they commented that the church coffee mornings aren’t just about raising money. They offer an opportunity for the community to come together, for people to meet and chat and make new friends. Someone else added it was the only time they got to catch up with people they hadn’t seen for a while, even though they live in the same village! This is exactly what we were hoping to achieve! We have a few other events planned which we hope the community will get involved in.

Village at War Weekend The church will be open over the weekend of 7 and 8 September during The Village at War event. It is the venue for the 1940s fashion show on both days

September 2019 - 3 - Volume 39, Issue 9

The Institution of The Reverend Canon Richard Stainer St Mary the Virgin Church is the venue for the inauguration of the new Rector to the Grand Union Benefice. This will take place on Monday 9 September at 7.30 p m. The churches in the Benefice look forward to welcoming Richard and his wife, Monique.

Musical Evening On 20 September, Audio Vendor will be back in the church to present another evening of ‘high quality, original music’. The church doors open at 6.30 p m. The performance starts at 7.00 p m. Barbecue food will be available before the show and drinks will be provided, throughout the evening, by The Boat Inn. Tickets can be purchased online through PayPal or at The Boat Inn. It promises to be a very entertaining event!

Stoke Bruerne's 12th Village at War Weekend Dust off your gas masks, dig out those ration books and prepare to be transported back in time. Stoke Bruerne's 12th Village at War weekend is all set to have you dancing and singing along to all those 40s songs. This year there are no less than eight entertainers, old faces as well as new, and an army of re-enactors to entertain you and the troops.

It all happens over the weekend of 7 and 8 September when Winston Churchill, Field Marshall Montgomery and Bomber Harris will be kept busy inspecting the troops and delivering rousing speeches. As well as tea dances at the village hall and vintage fashion parades at the church, the school will be transformed into a ‘nippy’ tea room, and fields around the village centre will be filled with black markets, memorabilia, military and vintage vehicles and displays. On the Friday night, for those arriving early, Lola Lamour will be at The Navigation pub, and on Saturday evening, for those staying on site, there will be a swing dance at the village hall and music by duo Bread & Dripping at The Boat Inn.

This year’s event has a completely new focus with a new organising committee led by Kathryn Dodington and comprising village groups and villagers as well as members of the Friends. For the first time, the local branch of the Inland Waterways Association will be holding a mini-boat rally over the same weekend at Stoke Bruerne so their members can help with the running of the event. We are very grateful for their support. Local scouts will also be helping out for the first time. For more information including a downloadable programme, please visit

GRAFTON REGIS It just doesn’t seem possible that it is time for the lunches in Grafton to start again for the autumn/winter. The first one of these will be on Thursday 19 September at 12.30 p m in the village hall. Please let Jean know if you will be coming along. Further dates can be found on the calendar on the back page.

BLISWORTH World Vision Thank you to everyone who attended or contributed to the World Vision garden party in late July. The weather was glorious and about 60 people enjoyed the sun, garden and food. The first arrived after morning service at Blisworth and the last came later in the afternoon after choir. £700 was raised to support children and families in Stepanavan. The funds are enabling the community to establish centres to support young families providing areas for play and for young mothers to meet. This is crucial as many children there grow up in homes without toys so need to learn how to play. Look out for the next event in December. Hilary Spurrier Ride and Stride Once again it is time for the yearly Historic Churches Trust sponsored cycle ride this year on Saturday, 14 September between 10.00 a m and 6.00 p m. I have been doing this ride for over 30 years now along with other people and I have always enjoyed the support and generosity of church friends and family alike. Please feel free to have a go riding or even walking. I have left sponsor forms with lists of participating churches in Blisworth Church if you fancy a really enjoyable day raising money for Church funds. Should you wish to sponsor me or pick up a sponsor form do ring me on 07519 554116. Andy Newbery.

Blisworth Canal Festival The church was well attended during the Canal Festival, which was opened by a rousing peel from our bell ringers, as people came in to enjoy the home made cakes and cups of tea. Some came in just to sit and rest or to enjoy a chat. The gift stall and books were popular, as were the family history and presentations by the Heritage Society. No charge was made for the provision of tea and cakes, but donations were requested and totalled £938 by the close of the weekend. The Songs of Praise at the end of the festival was held inside the church but was well attended and people sang heartily as they chose their favourite hymns.

September 2019 - 4 - Volume 39, Issue 9

Handbell Ringers Handbell ringing is still continuing in St John's, Blisworth weekly throughout August. New members, with or without experience, are always welcome. Ring Jenny for details on 01604 858111.

General News We look forward to welcoming Canon Reverend Richard Stainer and his wife, Monique, to the Benefice in early September. Service schedules will remain as at present, at least for the time being, as we all get to know each other. The PCC meeting arranged for Monday 23 September has been postponed giving Richard time to call a meeting, probably in October, when we can discuss upcoming arrangements – Christmas etc. Provisionally, we have booked the Christmas coffee morning and bazaar for Saturday 23 November. Following Richard’s installation on Monday 9 September, his first service here will be BCP Communion at 8.00 a m on 15 September. On that same day, 15th, we will celebrate Harvest with a bring and share lunch. As usual you are asked to bring your own plates and cutlery. Peter Heffron will lead that service, as Richard is elsewhere at 11.00 a m. Hopefully people who have been to the 8.00 a m service will return later, either for the service and lunch, or just lunch. Richard’s first 11.00 a m service in Blisworth is the following Sunday, 22nd, and that service will include a baptism. Just a reminder of the monthly coffee morning at Pat and Mason’s, 7 Pond Bank, on the last Friday of each month. This is open to all, and promises refreshments and chat, together with cakes, preserves etc. to buy. Fiona McKenzie


Church Cleaning Rota September Liz S & Sarah M Churchyard Rota 20 August – 2 September Graham W (PCC arranged) 3-16 September Pete & Liz Smallwood 17-30 September Brooks family Alderton Art Festival The annual art festival will take place this year on 31 August and 1 September, to raise much-needed money for St Margaret’s Church, Alderton. We have plans to install a toilet and servery in the church and now have permission, but quotes for the work have come in at a much higher figure than had been anticipated. Once this work has been done, it will make the church more amenable for village events, which will benefit everybody. The art festival is a lovely event and everybody is welcome. If anybody could lend a hand, then please let one of the committee know; we will be short-staffed this year so any offer of help would be very much appreciated, both in the setting up of the event (erecting tents, emptying the nissen hut, setting up stalls, manning the various village stalls and church and the eventual break-down of the event, including packing up the remainder of the treasures in the white elephant tent ready for collection by the Air Ambulance on Monday morning). In the meantime, any donations for the white elephant stall would be much appreciated (no jumble, please) – you can leave them at Moorend or, once the tents are up, in the white elephant marquee. Similarly, any donations for the home produce stall can be left, again, at Moorend. The weekend is hard work but tremendous fun. We usually order fish and chips on the evening before the festival and get together in the churchyard to eat so this starts the weekend off with a bang. There will be lots of lovely craft stalls as well as the usual village stalls – beer tent, tea tent, all-day barbecue, white elephant etc, as well as the art, which will be hanging in the church, and a grand draw with a first prize of a painting. Doreen will be taking care of the flower arrangements this year on her own so if anybody would like to give her a hand, this would be appreciated. We look forward to seeing you. Art Festival Committee

Macmillan Coffee Morning Simon and Kathy Lamb, along with Liz and Pete Smallwood, will be hosting the Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on Friday 27 September from 10.00 a m to 1.00 p m at The Homestead, Spring Lane, Alderton. Please come along and support us to raise money and have another amazing morning to have a chat with friends along with some wonderful cakes, bring your friends. Go on have a slice! Barclays have kindly offered matched funding for this event so that is great news. Liz Smallwood


Proms, Prosecco and Pastries It was wonderful to see Holy Cross Church so full of a very enthusiastic audience on 26 July. My thanks go to Blisworth Community choir, led by the musical director, Helen Thorman, who made all this possible. Visitors from the Duston and Northampton branches of The Royal British Legion came and supported us, so each branch will receive £600. A good evening was had by all. Thanks again for all the help given to make this event such an enjoyable success. Jane Trehane September 2019 - 5 - Volume 39, Issue 9

Mums and Tots This takes place every Friday morning through term time at Milton Malsor Village Hall from 9.30 a m until 11.30 a m. All mums and tots welcome.


Volunteer Drivers Needed TADD is a long-established local charity operating a door to door community transport service for people in our parish and across the SNC area. The service enables the elderly and disabled to attend medically related appointments and services, is affordable and helps retain independence in the absence of suitable public transport and avoid reliance on family, friends and neighbours. This year, TADD has been actively appealing for more volunteer drivers and, whilst this has met with some success, more are still needed to enable them to meet demand and to enable them to extend the service to more users. There are many people who rely on TADD in our parish, so if you have a little spare time and are a driver please consider volunteering to help your neighbours. You never know when you might need to use the service yourself! Drivers need to have access to a car, be available on a fairly regular basis and must complete a DBS check. Mileage is reimbursed at the HMRC rate, insurance premiums are not affected and journeys are allocated weekly by mutual agreement. To learn more about volunteering for TADD visit or email [email protected].

The David Blagrove Trust Annual Garden Party 21 September 2019 The trust would like to invite all GRASS readers and local villagers to enjoy a lovely, hopefully sunny, Sunday afternoon at this year’s annual garden party at Hoperidge Cottage in Stoke Bruerne. There's a welcome drink, live music, a quality buffet, boat trips (weather permitting) and even a licensed bar. All this for a £20 ticket per person, the proceeds from which will be used to continue the good work of the trust in supporting local village community initiatives. Contact Colin on 07833046103 or see Alan and Grete for tickets.

Fitness Classes in Paulerspury Village Hall Monday pilates classes: re-start 9 September: 10.45 a m–11.45 a m, 11.55 a m–12.55 p m, 6.00 p m–7.00 p m & 7.00 p m – 8.00 p m. Wednesday pilates classes: re-start 4 September: 10.45 a m–11.45 a m. Contact: Lisa 07729 608 960 for more information. Tuesday yoga classes: re-start 10 September: 10:00 a m – 11.30 a m (sorry currently no vacancies) but why not come to: Saturday morning yoga session: 2 November 10.00 a m – 12.30 p m in the village hall - £10? Profit to be donated to the village hall funds. Contact Sue on 01327 811 596 or [email protected].

Theatre Group Please see: click the link new shows. Contact Sue, via the web site or phone, 01327 811596 to reserve seats.

News from The Old Mail For events and happenings in the nearby villages: Cosgrove, and Yardley Gobion, see the newsletter, The Old Mail, is available online at various websites:;;

How to Contact the Police 999 – for a crime or incident in progress 101 – you will be asked with which police station you would like to be connected 03000 111 222 – direct dial Email for Towcester: [email protected] Your local officers are as follows: Alderton: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Grafton Regis: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Stoke Bruerne: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Blisworth: PCSO 7012 Tara Cooksammy Shutlanger: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Milton Malsor: PCSO 7012 Tara Cooksammy For more local SCT information, visit the local policing pages

SNIPPETS: You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.

Lost time is never found again.

A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.

September 2019 - 6 - Volume 39, Issue 9

September 2019 - 7 - Volume 39, Issue 9

September 2019 - 8 - Volume 39, Issue 9

September 2019 - 9 - Volume 39, Issue 9

United Benefice Calendar for 2019/20 All groups and organisations within the community are warmly invited to include events here. August 31 Alderton Art Festival, 10.30 a m to 5.00 p m 31 Your story – Stoke Bruerne Canal Museum, 10.30 a m September 1 Alderton art festival, 10.30 a m to 4.00 p m 1 Coffee morning, Milton Malsor 7/8 Village at War weekend, Stoke Bruerne 9 Installation of our new Rector, Canon Rev’d Richard Stainer, Stoke Bruerne church, 7.30 p m 11 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Village Hall 12 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – animal rescue 13 Murder mystery evening, Grafton Regis, 7.00 p m 14 Ride and Stride event, 10.00 a m to 6.00 p m 14 1,000 years of history in 100 minutes, Grafton Regis 14 Northamptonshire local history day, Holy Cross Church, Milton Malsor, 10.00 a m to 4.00 p m 19 Grafton lunch club, 12.30 p m, Grafton Regis village hall 19 Heartbeats meeting, stress management, 7.00 p m – 8.30 p m 20 Musical event, Stoke Bruerne Church, 7.00 p m 21 David Blagrove Trust summer garden party, Hoperidge Cottage, Stoke Bruerne, 3.00 p m 21 Blisworth Community Choir concert at Kislingbury church 21/22 Roses & Castles painting course, Canal Museum 24 Book Club, the Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m 24 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 27 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 27 Macmillan coffee morning, The Homestead, Spring Lane, Alderton, 10.00 a m to 1.00 p m 28 Canal museum event – your story – family history book/free 28 Quiz night, Shutlanger village hall, 7.00 p m 28 An evening of classical music and songs from the shows, Holy Cross church, Milton Malsor, 7.30 p m 30 Big Draw, Stoke Bruerne October 5-13 SNA ART trail 5 Coffee morning, Milton Malsor in aid of MacMillan 6 Streetchurch team on duty 9 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 10 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – AGM 17 Grafton lunch club, 12.30 p m, Grafton Regis village hall 17 Towcester Heartbeats meeting – let’s get moving, 7.00 p m – 8.00 p m 25 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 29 Book Club, the Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m 30 Big draw event, Stoke Bruerne November 2 Coffee morning, Milton Malsor 9 Coffee morning – St Mary’s Church, Stoke Bruerne, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 12 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 13 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 14 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – passionate about pasta 16/17 Canal museum event - Floating market 21 Grafton lunch club, 12.30 p m, Grafton Regis village hall 23 Christmas coffee morning and bazaar, Blisworth, to be confirmed. 26 Book Club, the Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m 29 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon December 7 Coffee morning, Milton Malsor 12 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – Christmas party 17 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 19 Grafton lunch club, 12.30 p m, Grafton Regis village hall January 16 Grafton lunch club, 12.30 p m, Grafton Regis village hall February 20 Grafton lunch club, 12.30 p m, Grafton Regis village hall March 19 Grafton lunch club, 12.30 p m, Grafton Regis village hall April 16 Grafton lunch club, 12.30 p m, Grafton Regis village hall Community choir: Come along and join the community choir who are meeting every Thursday night from 7.30 p m till 9.00 p m in Blisworth church. All are welcome to swell the ranks, and subscriptions are only £2 per person. THE CLOSING DATE FOR THE NEXT EDITION OF GRASS is 15 September thanks to Jackie Grundon for proof reading If you can get any copy to us earlier than that it would be very much appreciated Please send any copy to: Linda Dards, Moorend, Spring Lane, Alderton NN12 7LW tel 01327 811265, e-mail: [email protected]. Could you please include your name & phone number with entries in case we have any problems. If you would like to add photographs or drawings to your text these are welcome and can be supplied via email or as photos, and returned after scanning. Contributions by email are most welcome, we can accept most formats; please request a response from us on receipt – so you are sure that we have your submission. Word (any version) is preferred.

September 2019 - 10 - Volume 39, Issue 9