The Fossil Record of Insect Extinction^ Newapproadies And

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The Fossil Record of Insect Extinction^ Newapproadies And í&'Ií;'^ Early Cretaceous; and the end-Cretaceous (Creta- ceous-Paleocene; K-P). There also is an analogous record of insect origination that is characterized by major, above-background events. Four methods are used to detect insect extinction in the fossil record. The taxic approach is widely used, whereby the temporal durations of fossil taxa are tallied for each geologic unit of interest and analyzed in a manner analogous to demogra- phy used in ecology. By contrast, the phylogenetic approach uses clades as the basic units of interest. A recent approach uses proxy data such as quan- tification of plant-insect associations across major boundaries in lieu of an insect body-fossil record. Last, the clustering of times of origin from modern coevolved plant-insect associations provides data for likely interruptions from major paleoenvironmental perturbations. Pluralism, emphasizing multiple ap- proaches to determine the ecological dynamics of The Fossil Record insects during an extinction, is the best strategy to evaluate insect demise or survival in the fossil record. Key words: extinction, origination, biodiversity, of Insect Extinction^ fossil insects The origination and extinction of species are among the truths of the biological world. These two processes, occurring in tandem NewApproadies or sequentially, and often causally linked, define the biological trajectory of life. This history, in the ma- rine and continental (land plus freshwater) realms, is characterized by continual turnover of species and Futaie that contributes to background extinction. Normal species turnover is punctuated by occasional bouts of catastrophic wipe-out, known as mass extinction IHiections (Raup 1991). Extinction affects all forms of life, particularly when a mass extinction event claims as many as 96% of all species•an estimate established from longevity data for marine taxa at the Permian-Tri- assic (P-T) boundary 251 million years (m.y.) ago PST! (Raup 1979a). The immensity of this extirpation can be extrapolated to continental species such as Conrad C. Labandeira insects, given the fundamentally different taxo- nomic compositions of Late Permian and Triassic insect faunas (Labandeira and Sepkoski 1993, Jarzembowski and Ross 1996). For insects, the P-T extinction was the most ABSTRACT: The fossil record of insect extinction profound event in the history of the clade and at the family level is characterized by two basic separates two major evolutionary faunas at higher modes: background extinction, which represents taxonomic levels (Jarzembowski and Ross 1996, an ambient level of taxa extirpation, and mass Zherikhin 2002; Fig. 1). Although there is tempo- extinctions, which are occasional severe events in ral overlap of some lineages, the Paleozoic insect which taxa are eliminated significantly above back- fauna, dominant from the Early Devonian to Late ground levels. The most significant mass extinction, Permian, consists of basal clades of apterygotes, at the end-Permian (Permian-Triassic; P-T), divides paleopterans, orthopteroids, and hemipteroids. the history of insects into two major evolutionary The post-Paleozoic modern insect fauna, dominant faunas: an earlier Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna from Early Triassic to the Holocene, comprises of apterygotes, paleopterans, and basal clades of more derived clades of odonates, orthopteroids, orthopteroids and hemipteroids; and a subsequent and hemipteroids, but especially the broad spec- Modern Evolutionary Fauna of more derived clades trum of holometabolous insects that currently ac- of orthopteroids and hemipteroids and especially count for the vast majority of extant insect species holometabolous insects. In addition to the P-T event, (Kristensen 1999; Fig. 1). four other extinctions are documented by multiple Nevertheless, there is constant adjustment of types of data: Late Pennsylvanian, Late Jurassic, later the position of insect clades across the boundary; 14 American Entomologist • Spring 2005 for example, the discovery of a probable paleodic- (1) -56% of all extant species are insects (May et tyopteran, in Upper Triassic strata, representing a al. 1995), (2) that insect species on average persist clade formerly confined entirely to the Paleozoic for about 10 m.y. based on studies of late Cenozoic (Bechly 1997, Nel et al. 1999a; Fig. 2), or alterna- and Holocene insects (Coope 1990) and the older tively, recognition of taxa that have the opposite fossil record (Labandeira and Sepkoski 1993), and effect, such as a representative of the nominally (3) a conservative estimate of 3 million species post-Permian odonatopteran clade Panodonata oc- currently exist (Benton 2001), then it is likely that curring in the Permian (Nel et al. 1999b). One way minimally 10% or somewhat more of all plant of assessing the importance of this extinction is that and animal species to ever have lived are insects major clades of the Middle and Late Triassic insect (May et al. 1995) and that they have dominated faunas are more similar to those of today, 230 m.y. the continental fossil record from the late Paleozoic later, than to those of the later Permian, only a few to the Holocene. This preponderance of insect spe- tens of millions of years earlier (Fig. 1). cies in continental deposits for the past 330 m.y. is In addition to this "mother of all extinctions" evidenced by their numerical abundance, as well (Erwin 1993), other more modest extinctions as diversity in deposits as diverse as lake-deposited also exceed background levels. Two other extinc- shales and mudstones, ironstone concretions, Me- tions are an event during the Late Pennsylvanian, sozoic lithographic limestones, amber, and more probably reflecting the demise of Euramerican recent hotspring, asphaltum, and glacial deposits coal swamp taxa at the end of the Middle Penn- (Labandeira 1999). sylvanian (Labandeira and Phillips 2002), and A very rough estimate for described and known the Cretaceous-Paleocene (K-P) event, which was fossil insect species is 25,000. This evidently is a responsible for the extinction of host-specialist very small proportion of the species that once ex- herbivores at least for North America (Labandeira isted and represents »0.5% of known, extant insect et al. 2002a, 2002b), and probably elsewhere. Both diversity, (also see Carpenter 1992). Nevertheless, of these events were determined principally by taxic the fossil insect record is better than once thought; and ecological studies, although other types of data and it considerably exceeds that of the only other suggest significant extinction as well. In general, comparable major terrestrial animal group•the these and other extinctions represent detectible vertebrates•in terms of taxonomic representation decreases on a general trend of an exponential (Labandeira and Sepkoski 1993) and also provides increase in insect family-level diversity since the documentation for patterns of trophic and mouth- Late Paleozoic. part evolution (Labandeira 1997). Extinction is a taxon-based phenomenon that occurs within an ecological context of associa- Diversity, Origination, and Extinction in the tions with other organisms. The presence of food Fossii Insect Record webs involving insects extends to the earliest con- To evaluate insect extinction in the fossil record, tinental ecosystems, which have been dominated two other metrics need to be considered: total macroscopically by vascular plants, arthropods diversity and origination (Figs. 3 and 4b). Origina- (overwhelmingly insects, but also myriapods and tion is a tally of the numbers of first appearances arachnids), and tetrapods. Together with other of taxa of interest in the fossil insect record for continental taxa, life on land currently constitutes a particular time unit; essentially it is the inverse =85% of aU global species (May 1994). of extinction, which is a tally of their disappear- When considering the fossil record, however, ances. Total diversity is a count of all known insect a similar proportion of species are marine (Raup families occurring at a particular time; it provides 1976), suggesting a severe bias against continental the secular trend of increase or decrease of taxa organisms (Raup 1976). Nevertheless, given that during geologic time. Fig. 1. Family level diversity for some Paleozoic orders, reported in Labandeira and Sepkoski (1993) as the upper panel in their ro ro ro 0) ro Fig. 2. Abbreviations: (U UJ <u Pz, Paleozoic; Mz, ri (0 m o Q. o o P Mesozoic; Cz, Cenozoic. Ta Q. 3 Q- >. (1) F O o (Ö o Q. Note end-Permian o> c F 1-1 a> O tu m >N mass extinction at the r F <o O) P nj Q. 1- LU Q O û. CL Ü Paleozoic-Mesozoic era boundary. Some orders with distinctive Paleozoic M clades are indicated by a l '*~f lighter shade of blue. American Entomologist • Volume 51, Number 1 15 .-•î^ Fig. 2. Insect fossils from the Late Triassic Molteno Formation (Birds River site of the Karoo Basin, South Africa) whose lineages mostly originated after the end-Permian mass extinction (a to g). Illustrated are a, Litophlebia optata Riek (Ephemeroptera: Litophlebiidae); b, Triassoneura andersoni Riek (Odonata: uncertain family); c, Protorthophlebia capensis (Riek) (Mecoptera: Orthophlebiidae); d, Moltenia rie/c; Schlüter (Hymenoptera: Xyelidae?); e, Coleóptera, probably assignable to the Ademosynidae; f, Tennentsia protuberans Riek (Hemiptera: Dysmorphoptilidae); and g, Mesases magna Riek ("Paratrichoptera:" Mesosetidae), most likely affiliated with an antliophoran stem group. Below the P-T extinction divider are examples of Paleozoic
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    CY501-C10[357-406).qxd 2/15/05 11:22 AM Page 357 quark11 27B:CY501:Chapters:Chapter-10: There is a story, perhaps apocryphal, of the distinguished British biologist, J. B. S. Haldane, who found himself in the company of theologians. On being asked what one could conclude as to the nature of The CColeopteraoleoptera and andCreator from a study of His 10 Creation, Haldane is said to have Strepsiptera answered, “An inordinate Strepsiptera fondness for beetles.” –G. E. Hutchinson, 1959 Familiar as garden grubs, tree borers, and flour beetles affords further mechanical protection to the beetle, while among many other pests, Coleoptera have also been a source the pro-pterothoracic joint allows flexibility. of inspiration to centuries of collectors enamored with their •Heavily sclerotized abdominal sternites and less sclero- diversity (Figures 10.1, 10.2, 10.63), and for good reason. tized tergites, which are related to the dorsal protection Coleoptera comprises 350,000 named species, which is the provided by the elytra. In groups where the elytra have largest order of organisms and 40% of all insects. One in every been shortened, like Staphylinidae, the abdominal ter- four kinds of animal is a beetle. gites are heavily sclerotized. The diversity of Coleoptera is probably related to a suite of •Ocelli lost (rarely redeveloped, and never as all three at features that adapt the adults for dwelling in concealed, tight once), and cerci absent. spaces, while yet retaining the ability to fly. These include the following defining adult features of the order: All these features are related to the cryptic lifestyle of bee- tles.
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