Illinois State University ISU ReD: Research and eData School of Music Programs Music 2-15-2007 Guest Artist:Mike Block, Cello & Composer & Faculty Artist:Katherine Lewis, Viola Mike Block Cello/Composer Illinois State University Katherine Lewis Viola Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Block, Mike Cello/Composer and Lewis, Katherine Viola, "Guest Artist:Mike Block, Cello & Composer & Faculty Artist:Katherine Lewis, Viola" (2007). School of Music Programs. 3089. This Concert Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at ISU ReD: Research and eData. It has been accepted for inclusion in School of Music Programs by an authorized administrator of ISU ReD: Research and eData. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. l lllinois State (jniversit_y College offine Arts ' School of Music I I I Guest Artist I Mike !)lock, Cello tf,, Composer _ & I f acult~ Artist I Katherine Lewis, \l,'ola I I I I Centerforthe FerformingArts ' I Februa~ I 5, 2007 Thursda_y E.vening 8:00p.m. I This is the eight_y-eighth program of the 2006-2007 season. Frogram I I About the Artists .... flease t um o tt cell phones a nd p agers Fo r the dura tion o f the concert. Tha nk You. Mike Block is currently performing his own music for cello and voice at clubs I . I around NYC, with frequent guests that are slowly coalescing into a sweet band! Duo in E-flat Major, WoO 32 ("Duett mit zwei obligaten Augenglassern") Mike is also a regular performer with Yo-Yo Ma as second cellist in his Silk Road (with Two Eyeglasses obbligato) Ludwig van Beethoven Ensemble, with which he has perfonned in Carnegie Hall, Japan, Tanglewood, San Allegro (1770-1827) I I Diego, Chicago, and the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles.