Rules Primer

These are not all the rules, but an attempt to aid managers, coaches, players, parents, fans in a better understanding of the basic rules and a greater appreciation of the game.

This is not a substitute for the rules. It is strongly recommended that you obtain and read the rule book.

The rules book is broken down into basic sections covering:

General information Regulations Objectives of the game Definitions Game preliminaries Starting, stopping and ending a game Putting the ball in play, , The batter The runner The The An index for quick reference for a particular circumstance tournament rules

We encourage having the rule book with you during games so that as a situation arises or occurs, you can look up the rule quickly.

Dominick Boncore © 2003

1 BALL- A legal which is outside the AND is not struck at by the batter.

STRIKE- A legal pitch which meets any of these conditions-

a) Is in the strike zone and not struck at by the batter. (Ball is alive).

b) Is struck at by the batter and missed. (Ball is alive).

c) Is foul by the batter with less than two strikes. (Ball is dead).

d) Is bunted foul by the batter. (Ball is dead).

e) Touches the batter as the batter swings at it. (Ball is dead).

f) Touches the batter in Hight in the strike zone. (Ball is dead).

g) Becomes a . (Ball is alive).

h) When a batter refuses to enter batter's box at the umpires direction, the umpire shall direct the pitcher to pitch the ball, each such pitch shall be called a strike. (Ball is alive).

i) Touches the runner in the strike zone, when that runner is attempting to steal home base. (Ball is dead).

Note 1) Junior, Senior & Big leagues only.

FAIR TERRITORY- That playing territory within and extending horizontally and vertically from home plate down the tirst and third base lines to the outfield fence and foul poles.

Note 1) Home plate, the bases, the foul lines and foul poles are in fair territory.

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2 - is a that meets any of these conditions) SETTLES in fair territory before passing first or third base.

b) Is ON or OVER fair territory, when bounding past first or third base toward the outfield.

c) Touches first, second or third base.

d FIRST falls in fair territory on or beyond first and third base.

e) Touches a runner or umpire in fair territory before touching a fielder.

Note 1) See .

f) While in FLIGHT leaves the playing field in fair territory.

Note 1) A batted ground ball fielded in front of first or third base OR a batted fly ball/line drive shall be adjudged according to the relative position of the BALL and the FOUL LINE and NOT whether the fielder was in fair or foul territory.

CATCH- Player has demonstrated secure possession, complete control of the ball in the players' hand or glove and voluntary release of the ball.

Note 1) It is a if ball is caught when INITIALLY rebounding off a defensive player/s

NO CATCH- Ball drops as result of collision or falling, if ball touches ground, fence or caught when rebounding off an umpire or offensive player.

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3 TRAPPED BALLS - are NOT catches until player has demonstrated complete control of the ball in the players' hand or glove.

Note 1) Offensive players can leave their bases the instant a fly ball/line drive touches the defensive player or glove.

FOUL TIP- A batted ball that goes SHARP and DIRECT from the bat to the hand or glove and is legally caught. It is not a catch if it is a rebound unless the ball has first touched the catchers hand or glove.

Note 1) A foul tip is AL WA YS a strike and a live ball.

INFIELD FLY- A FAIR fly ball which can be caught with ORDINARY effort by an infielder when first and second, or first, second and third are occupied with less than two . (Ball is alive).

Note 1) Line drives and bunts are NOT infield flies.

IN FLIGHT- A batted, thrown, or pitched ball which has not yet touched the ground or other object other than a fielder.

BATTERS LEGAL POSlTiON- shall be with both feet within the batter's box.

Note 1) The lines forming the batter's box are part of the batter's box.

BATTER HIT BY A PlTCH- is entitled to first base ONLY if-

a) The batter was NOT attempting to hit the ball, the ball was OUTSIDE the strike zone AND the batter has made AN ATTEMPT to avoid being hit by the pitch. (Ball is dead).

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a) The batted fair or foul fly ball, other than a foul tip is legally caught by a fielder. (Ball is alive).

b) A third strike is legally caught by the .

Note 1) Does not have to be legally caught by the catcher for little league 12 yrs or younger. (Ball is alive).

c) A third strike is not caught by the catcher when first base is occupied with less than two out. (Ball is alive).

Note 1) Junior, Senior & Big league only.

d) After an un-caught third strike with first base unoccupied OR first base occupied with two out the batter or first base is tagged before the batter touches first base. (Ball is alive).

Note 1) Junior, Senior & Big league only.

e) Bunting foul on a third strike. (Ball is dead).

f) An infield fly is declared. (Ball is alive).

g) With two strikes, the batter is hit by a legal pitch while attempting to hit the pitch. (Ball is dead).

h) The batted fair ball touches the batter before touching a fielder. (Ball is dead).

i) With a runner on third, two out, and two strikes on the batter, the runner attempts to steal home on a legal pitch, which touches the runner in the batter's strike zone. (Strike three, third out, no scores), (With less than two out, strike three, run scores) (Ball is dead in both cases).

Note 1) Junior, Senior & Big league only.

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BATTER IS OUT WHEN- (continued)

j) After hitting or bunting a fair ball, the BAT hits the ball a second time in fair territory. (Ball is dead).

Note 1) The batter is not out, if the bat is dropped and the BALL rolls against the bat in fair territory and, in the umpire's judgement, there was no intention to interfere with the course of the balI. (Ball is alive).

k) After hitting or bunting a , the batter INTENTIONALLY deflects the ball in any manner while running to first base. (Ball is dead).

I) After hitting a fair ground or settled ball, the batter or first base is tagged before the batter touches first base. (Ball is alive).

m) Hitting a legal pitch with one or both feet on the ground ENTIRELY outside the batters' box. (Ball is dead).

n) Interfering with the catcher's fielding or throwing by stepping out of the batter's box or making any other movement that hinders the catcher making the play. (Ball is dead)

Note 1 ) Batter is not out if any runner attempting to advance is put out. (Ball is alive).

2 )Batter is not out if runner trying to score is called out for the batter's interference.

3) Batter is not out if when striking at, and missing the ball, the swing carries the bat all the way around and in the umpire's judgement, UNINTENTIONALLY hits the catcher or the ball in back of the batter before the catcher has securely held the ball. (Ball is dead).

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6 BATTER IS OUT WHEN- (continued)

o) In running the last half of the distance from home plate to first base, while the ball is being fielded to first base, the batter runs inside or outside the three foot runners' lane, and in the umpire's judgement, INTERFERES with the fielder taking the throw. (Ball is dead).

Note 1) The lines forming the runners' lane are part of the lane.

2) The batter may run outside or inside the three foot runners' lane to avoid a fielder attempting to field a batted ball.

p) In the umpire's judgement, the batter lNTENTIONALLY interferes with a fair batted ball or a fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball, with the obvious intent to break up a play. (Ball is dead).

Note 1) The runner closest to home plate shall also be called out, regardless of where the might have been possible.

q) A preceding runner, in the umpire's judgement lNTENTIONALLY interferes with a fielder who is attempting to catch a thrown ball or to throw a ball in an attempt to complete a play. (Ball is dead).

Note 1) This rule applies to breaking up a double play, rather than trying to reach a base.

r) An infielder INTENTIONALLY drops a fair fly ball or line drive, with a force situation at any base before two are out. (Ball is dead).

Note 1) If the infielder permits the ball to drop UNTOUCHED to the ground, the batter is NOT out, except when the Infield Fly rule applies. (Ball is alive).

s) Stepping from one batter's box to the other while the pitcher is in position ready to pitch. (Ball is alive).

t) Using or attempting to use a bat that in the umpire's judgement, has been altered or tampered with, in such a way as to improve the distance factor or cause an unusual reaction on the baseball. (Ball is dead).

u) He fails to bat in his proper turn, another batter COMPLETES a time in his place, and a proper appeal is made. (Ball is dead).

Dominick Boncore © 2003 7 RUNNER IS OUT WHEN-

a) Running more than three feet away tI'om a direct line between bases to avoid being tagged unless the action is to avoid a tielder fielding a batted ball. (Ball is alive).

b) After legally acquiring a base and believing there is no further play, or that he has been called out, leaves the baseline, heading for the bench or his position, progressing a reasonable distance indicating by his actions ( in the umpire's judgement) an abandonment of the bases. (Ball is alive).

Note 1) When a batter becomes a runner on a third strike not caught, believing he is out, and starts for his position or bench, may advance to first base at any time BEFORE he enters the bench, First base or the batter / runner must be tagged before he touches first base. (Junior, Senior & Big league only).

c) With the ball in play, when advancing to or returning to a base, fails to touch each base in order before the runner or the missed base is tagged.

d) Being tagged, when the ball is alive, while being off the base.

Note I) A batter runner cam10t be called out for overrunning or over sliding first base, if he returns to the base immediately.

e) Failing to retouch his base after a fair or foul lly ball / line drive is legally caught before he or his base is tagged by a fielder upon a proper appeal.

Note I) Runners need not retouch / re-tag after a foul tip.

f) Failing to reach the next base before a fielder tags him or the base, after he has been forced to ad vance by reason of the batter becoming a runner.

g) Passing a preceding runner before such runner is out.

h) After legally acquiring a base, runs the bases in reverse order for the purpose of confusing the defense or making a mockery of the game.

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8 RUNNER IS OUT WHEN- (continued)

i) Failing to return immediately to first base after overrunning or over sliding that base. If the runner attempts to run to second base, he is out when tagged while off the base.

Note I) If, after overrunning or over sliding first base, the runner starts toward the bench, or toward his position, and fails to return to tirst base at once, the runner is out upon a proper appeal when he or the base is tagged.

j) In running or sliding for home base, fails to touch home base and makes no attempt to return to the base, when a fielder holds the ball in his hand while touching home base, and appeals to the umpire for the decision.

Note 1) This applies only when the runner is on his way to the bench and the catcher would have to chase the runner. 2) This does not apply where the runner has missed home base, and immediately makes an effort to touch home base before being tagged.

k) Being touched by a fair ball in fair telTitory BEFORE the ball has touched or passed an infielder. (Ball is dead)

Note 1) Runner is out, when touched by an infield fly, while off his base.

2) Runner is not out, when touch by an infield fly, while on his base.

3) When two runners are touched by the same fair ball, only the first runner touched is out.

l) Hindering a fielder attempting to make a play on a batted ball. (Ball is dead).

Note 1) A runner in contact with a legally occupied base when hindering a fielder shall not be called out, unless in the umpire's judgement, such hindrance was INTENTIONAL.

m) INTENTIONALLY interfering with a thrown ball. (Ball is dead).

n) Attempting to score on a play in which the batter interferes with the play at home base before two are out.

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9 RUNNER IS OUT WHEN- (continued)

o) After just being put out, hinders, or impedes any play being made on a runner.

Note 1) Continuing to advance after being put out, shall not by that act be considered as confusing, hindering or impeding the fielders.

p) Sliding head first while advancing to a base.

Note I) Little league 12 years old and younger only.

q) Any member or members of the offensive team stand or gather around any base to which the runner is advancing to confuse, hinder or add to the difficulty of the fielder making the play.

r) In the umpire's judgement, the base couch by touching or holding the runner, physically assists the runner in returning to or leaving the base.

s) With a runner on third base, the base coach leaves the couch's box and acts in any manner to draw a throw from a fielder.

t) Any coach or member of the offensive team fails to vacate any space needed by a fielder, who is attempting to field a batted or thrown ball. (Ball is dead).

Note 1) Batter/Runner on whom the play was being made is out.

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a) By the PlTCHER. (One base award). See notes 1 & 3.

b) FIRST play by an INFIELDER. (Two base award) See notes I & 4.

c) SECOND play by an INFIELDER. (Two base award) See note 2.

d) First play by an OUTFIELDER. (Two base award) See note 2.

Note 1) In a & b awards are from base in possession at time play started. (Play started with the pitch)

2) In c & d awards are from base in possession at time of THROW.

3) If a or is subsequently deflected into dead ball territory, award is two bases.

4) If all runners including the batter-runner have advanced at least one base when the infielder makes the wild throw, award shall be from base in possession at time of THROW

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11 INTERFERENCE- Is an act which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinders or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play. (Usually by the offensive team)

a) BATTER'S interference- See BATTER paragraphs n, 0, p, and q and RUNNER paragraph n.

b) RUNNERʼS interference- See RUNNER paragraphs k, I, m, nand o.

c) COACHES/TEAM interference- See RUNNER paragraphs q, r, sand t.

d) UMPIRE'S interference occurs when the umpire-

1) Hinders, impedes or prevents a catcher's throw attempting to PREVENT a . (Ball is dead).

2) ]s touched by a fair ball in fair territory before passing a fielder other than the pitcher. (Ball is dead).

e) SPECTATOR interference occurs when while the ball is alive the spectator-

1) Reaches out off the stands and interferes with a fielder attempting to make a play on the ball. (Ball is dead).

2) Reaches out of the stands or goes on the playing field and touches the live ball. (Ball is dead).

OBSTRUCTION- Is the act of a fielder who impedes the progress of any runner while:

a) NOT in possession of the ball

b) Making a FAKE tag

c) Not in the act of fielding a batted ball

Note 1) When the batter-runner is obstructed before he touches first base OR a play is being made on the obstructed runner. (Ball is dead).

2) When NO play is being made on an obstructed runner. (Delayed dead ball)

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