Congressional Record—Senate S2783
March 16, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S2783 RECOGNIZING AND HONORING JOE Mayor Guiliani arranged a parade from consider ourselves extremely lucky for DIMAGGIO the Battery to City Hall. Joe was in knowing such a man, particularly in Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I ask the lead car; I was to follow. As we this age of pampered sports heroes, unanimous consent that the Senate waited to get started, I went up to him, when ego and self-importance often proceed to the immediate consider- introduced myself and told of having overshadow what is occurring on the ation of S. Res. 63, introduced earlier watched him at the Stadium these field. Even I, who resented DiMaggio today by Senators MOYNIHAN, LOTT, many years ago. ``But I have to tell for displacing my hero Gehrig, have and others. you,'' I added, ``Lou Gehrig was my come to realize that there will never be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without hero.'' another like Joseph Paul DiMaggio. objection, it is so ordered. The clerk ``He was my hero, too,'' said Joe. I ask unanimous consent that the Well, Joe, too, was a hero to many will report. March 9, 1999, New York Times edi- people. Few have embodied the Amer- The bill clerk read as follows:. torial and George F. Will's op-ed in the ican dream or created a more enduring Washington Post on Joe DiMaggio be A resolution (S. Res. 63) recognizing and legend than ``Joltin'' Joe DiMaggio. honoring Joe DiMaggio. printed in the RECORD. And fewer have carried themselves, There being no objection, the mate- The Senate proceeded to consider the both on and off the field, with the pride rial was ordered to be printed in the resolution.
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