April 2018 Tavern Club + 2011

Monday, April 2 Gallery Opening Monday Night Dinner

Thursday, April 5 MeistUrsingers

Wednesday, April 11 Arts Round Table Lunch

Thursday, April 12 Special Event Dinner: Carma Hinton,

Monday, April 16 Club Closed – Patriots’ Gallery Opening Monday April 2, 5:30-7:00 Day Peter Haines – Sculptures

Wednesday, April 18 “I'll be showing small bronze sculptures, made for the hand as well as for the eye. The work ranges from pure History Lunch : abstraction to stylized animals (some bears), and architecture. My artistic ancestors include stone axes and ancient Patricia O’Toole ethnographic objects; to name a few: Cycladic, Shang Dynasty, Olmec, African. More recent influences are Henry

Thursday, April 19 Moore, Brancusi, and Noguchi.” Peter Haines (maybe) MeistUrsingers

Monday, April 23 Monday Night Dinner Arts Round Table Lunch Wednesday April 11, Noon

Tuesday, April 24 Poetry Lunch The Arts Roundtable will welcome the sculptor Meredith Bergmann. Meredith has made both private and public works, including the Women’s Memorial on Commonwealth Ave. Mall Wednesday, April 25 (between Fairfield and Gloucester Streets). The bronze and marble memorial represents three Book Club Lunch remarkable women with Boston connections: Abigail Adams, the famous First Lady who was a strong advocate of women’s rights, Phillis Wheatley, a colonial slave and the first published Thursday, April 25 African-American poet, and Lucy Stone, an abolitionist and suffragist who was one of the first (maybe) MeistUrsingers American women to earn a college degree. Among Bergmann’s many other works are the

Thursday, April 26 September 11th Memorial at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, a large bronze Special Event Dinner: bas-relief commemorating the labor movement for the State House, and a MeistUrsingers Concert memorial sculpture in progress of Franklin D. Roosevelt for installation on Roosevelt Island in New York City. Come celebrate the 15th anniversary of the unveiling of the Boston Women’s Monday, April 30 Memorial with its creator. Guests welcome. Monday Night Dinner

Special Event, Carma Hinton, Thursday April 12 Dinner Committee on Elections

Ed Tarlov, Chair Katharine Boden Mark Green Rob Loomis Polly Drinkwater Jock Herron James Houghton Nick Clark Rusty Tunnard Elaine Woo

Do you have a candidate for membership? http://www.taverncl ub.org/gallimaufry/p We are pleased to welcome Carma Hinton, Robinson Professor of Visual Culture and Chinese Studies at roposing-a-candidate- George Mason University, who is both an art historian and a filmmaker. Born and raised in China, with for-membership Chinese as her first language and culture, Carma has devoted her life to documenting and teaching about China. Together with her husband, Richard Gordon, Carma produced and directed 13 documentary films about China. These films explore a wide range of topics, from traditional culture, the arts, medicine, and Guests village life (Stilt Dancers, Small Happiness, All Under Heaven, and To Taste 100 Herbs) to major historical events, Guests are warmly such as the protests at Square in 1989 (The Gate of Heavenly Peace) and the upheavals of the Cultural welcomed at lunches Revolution during the1960s (Morning Sun). and special events, You may remember that Carma spoke to Taverners on the occasion of the opening of Yin Yu Tang, the and Monday Night Qing dynasty Chinese house she helped bring to the in Salem. Others will recall her dinners with grandmother Carmalita, founder of in Vermont, or her father William Hinton, Secretary’s agriculturalist and author of Fanshen and Shenfan. Guests welcome. Reserve early. permission. Cocktails 6pm, Dinner 7pm.

Access the Tavern Club website, go to: History Lunch with Patricia O’Toole, Wednesday April 18, 12:15 http://www.taverncl Patricia O’Toole on her new biography, The Moralist: Woodrow Wilson and the World He Made. ub.org, 1.Click on “Register” (top right) even if you’ve already registered. 1. Register if you have not yet done so. 2. If you have registered, “An elegantly and wittily written, deeply nuanced, and finely argued scroll to the biography. . . An essential contribution to presidential history.”—Booklist, starred review very bottom of the A penetrating biography of one of the most high-minded, consequential, and controversial US Registration presidents, Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924). Patricia O’Toole, author of acclaimed biographies of Theodore page, and Roosevelt, When Trumpets Call: Theodore Roosevelt after the White House (2005) and Henry Adams, The Five of Hearts: An Intimate Portrait of Henry Adams and His Friends, writes a cautionary tale about the perils of moral click on the vanity and American overreach in foreign affairs. Many of O’Toole’s revelations break fresh ground, tiny little including the unreliability of Wilson adviser Edward M. House as a source. A bonus derives from the obvious “Log In” relevance of the Wilson presidency to 21st-century politics. The ways in which Wilson expanded presidential box. powers bring to mind presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump. Guests most 3. That’s all! welcome!

Club members are Poetry Lunch, Tuesday April 24, 12:15 reminded that unless otherwise noted, appropriate lunch and dinner dress is coat and tie for men and business attire for women.

Reservations Call 617-338- 9682 or email manager@tavernclub .org Tony Fay AS Tavern Poetry Lunch delights in a return visit from our esteemed friend David Ferry, whose much- EARLY AS heralded translation of Virgil’s Aeneid was published in the fall to rejoicing. David will read from POSSIBLE to and discuss the Aeneid, as he did two Februaries ago; and he'll probably entertain us with a few of reserve for all his own poems, and other translations, too. His Bewilderment: New Poems and Translations won the lunches, dinners, National Book Award in 2012, and a slew of other major honors have come his way for earlier special events. poems and translations (Virgil's Georgics and Eclogues, Horace's odes, and even the Epic of Gilgamesh): in 2011, he was awarded the Ruth Lilly Prize for lifetime achievement from the Poetry Foundation. Spouses He is the Sophie Chantal Hart Professor (emeritus) of English at and still teaches Spouses of Taverners around town. Guests are welcome but the table will be bursting at the seams if previous lunches are (and their guests) are an indication--both with David and also Sallie Spence's Virgil lunch in October. welcome for lunch at the Club on any day with or without member spouse. Book Club Lunch, Wednesday, April 25, Noon

We will discuss The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis and Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Both books deal with the work of two Israeli psychologists, one of whom (Kahneman) won the Nobel Prize--in Economics! Their studies of our decision-making show how seemingly irrelevant factors shape choice. For example, judges grant parole more often after morning coffee, lunch, or afternoon tea. The results of recent experience may unduly influence our decisions. Much of what we believe to be rational and logical may not be. Guests welcome - Reserve with Tony Fay.

MeistUrsingers April 5, and MAYBE April 19 and 25 with Jim. Afternoon rehearsal with Tom April 26, before Cconcert. MeistUrsingers are reminded to sign up with Tony Fay if they can stay for lunch.

The Committee on Elections will not be meeting in April. Next Meeting May 21.

Special Event, MeistUrsingers Concert, Thursday April 26 Parking at Night for Tavern Club Events:

If you park in the Boston Common Garage, you can ask Tony Fay for The MeistUrsingers have the pleasure and the honor to present their inimitable stylings in a a parking ticket program, not too long, of works by Taverners and non-Taverners, including Randall Thompson, John Dowland, James Terry, and Tony Hutchins. At dinner we will have the pleasure of which you use at hearing Taverner Mike Scott on piano as we all seek to drown out his performance by singing the car park exit Gershwin’s greatest tunes. Taverners and their guests are cordially invited. instead of the Note: Concert Before dinner. Cocktails 6pm, Concert 6:30pm, followed by Dinner and ticket you Singalong. obtained on entry; it will cost $5.50 In case you missed it … which will be billed to your account. Musical Retrospective, March 8 Numbers of Taverners moved, sang, and enacted songs by Hatches Senior and Junior and by Brad Trafford, all from 1939 to 1983. If the lyrics were occasionally obscure and our figures less than neat, there was love in it and the great pleasure of discovering and rediscovering terrific music. The audience was forgiving and appreciative. All thanks to Jim Terry and Elaine Woo, the impresarios and accompanists.

Narrenabend, March 29 Thought You Was Dead, penned by Watson Reid, and brilliantly directed by Peter Rand, brought a 1920 west Texas saloon to the Tavern stage. The four-man band, three guitars (George Perkins, Watson Reid, Chris Whitlock) and a cello (Andy Calkins) filled the hall with country western songs, all arranged and composed by Watson Reid, who also wrote the lyrics. The tale of jilted lovers and outlaws kicked off when Bougie (JoAnne Dickinson) returned in grand burlesque fashion to the cowboy town Pas-de-Place after an absence—when she was thought to be dead. Her desire, in a French accent, was to reclaim her lover, Hawker (Albert LaFarge), who by now was inconveniently married to Tris (Mary Scott). Jake Danuls (Peter Randolph) the saloon keeper served eggs in beer—real eggs—but couldn’t stop the inevitable gunfight in his establishment. The telephone operator, Maude (Abbie Trafford), comically delayed the news from getting to Sheriff Tracer (Jane Manopoli). To add drama to the drama, a spectacularly costumed Deus-Ex-Mexica (David Scudder) used his divine powers to transform three cows into cowgirls (Sandy Righter, Kate Dahmen, Sallie Spence McGregor) thereby providing polka dancing partners for the cowboys (Ben Cox, James Houghton, Brian Rosborough). All was resolved in forgiveness and joy, as the bullets were found to be blanks, and no-one really was hurt. The costumes (Martha Eddison) and the sets (Warren Ross, Peter Haines) lended visual form to the music. Sounds of lighting and gunfire (David Chanler) were enhanced with excellent lighting effects (Gabrielle Wolohojian, David Lawrence). Prompting was invisible (Jane Shaw) but effective (!) and the curtain (Polly Drinkwater) pulled without snags! The final polka dance (choreography by Elaine Woo) ended the production with the audience joining the clapping and foot stomping. And of course the poster (Kate Dahmen) will memorialize the event.

Deborah Warren Poet

Joseph Hammer Ex naval officer, Opera aficionado

Nancy Maull, Secretary