• l>IRECTORY. J . TETFORD. 581 Pat rott Roberl, jobbing gardener Skerrett Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer · Tyson George, grocer Pilley John Milson, farmer, Tealby vale Smith Charles Henry, farmer (lettei"S 'l'yson John H. miller (water) Raynard Herbert, farmer through North Willingham) Walker George, beer retailer Reading Room (J. D. Swanwick, sec) Smith Henry, farmer (letters through Watson Frederick, market gardener Searby John B. boot maker North Willingham) Wright Louis, cottager Shepherd Sargent, 'Poulterer Twigg Charles, farmer Wright Waiter, farmer TEMPLE BRUER (on the Heath) with TEMPLE HIGH GRANGE. TB IS was formerly extra-parochial, but was constituted vaulted and grained and surrounded by an aroading, a parish March 7• 1879, under the Act I and 2 Vict. c. with a piscina on the south side : the bases of the eight xo6, and is 4 miles sDuth-east from Navenby and east pillars of the circular church still exist at some depth from Leadenham station on the and Lincoln below the soil, a little to the west of the tower, and branch of the Great Northern ,railway, 5~ south-by-west were laid bare in 1'833· by Dr. Oliver: the diamet9I" of from Digby station on the Spalding and Doncaster the chuFch was 52 feet, and it was united by some other section of the Great Northern and Great Eastern joint structure to the remaining tower; the whole ground in railway, 6 north-west from , and 10 south-by­ the vicinity abounds with evidences of the extent 6f the east from Lincoln, in the division of the original buildings, and there is also a :remarkably fine county, parts of Kesteven, Flaxwell wapentake, Sleaford well, 9 feet in diameter, and never known to be dry: union and county court district, rural deanery of Longo­ stone coffins and other :remain!! have at various times boby and archdeaconry and . The been exhumed. In 1541, King Henry VIII. when on church of 1St. John the Baptist is a small edifice of stone his way towards the north, for the purpose of holding a in the Early English .style, from designs by Mr. James conference with his nephew, the young King of Sootland, Fowler, architect, of Louth, erected in 1873, at the oost paid a visit here to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, of the Right Hon. H. Chaplin P.C., M.P. and consists of who had held the Commandery buildings since the sup­ chancel, nave, porch, vestry and a wooden bell-cote with pression of the House in 1538. The Earl of Londes­ spirelet, containing one bell: there are sittings for 120 borough K. C. V. 0. is lord of the manor and the prin­ persons. The register dates from the y!)ar 1872. The cipal landowner. The land is mostly arable and heat.h. living is a vicarage, net yearly value £2o7, including So The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and man­ acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Londesborough, golds. The parish contains 3,785 acres; rateable value, and held since 1899 by the Rev. Thomas Moore Sheehan £2,169; population in 1901, I 55· Assoc.K.C.L. who resides at Wellingore. On Temple Parish Cl~rk, John Law. Bruer farm. am t.he remains of an ~xtensive esta~lish- 1 ment, formerly a preceptory belongmg t{) the Kmghts 1 Letters through LinCDln arrive a.t 8 a.m. Navenhy, 4 Tem~lars, founded by Lady de Caux befo:e 11 74 ;. a I miles, & Wellingore, 3 miles distant, are the neareAt mass1ve square tower and a few vaults st1ll remam: money order & telegraph offices the tower is: Early English, and was erected probably about the middle of the 13th century; it is of three Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1873 & stDreys and 51 feet in height, with a. newel· staircase at enlarged in April, xgo8, for 130 children, at a cost of the north-west angle leading to the upper chambers £3oo, defrayed by t,he Earl of Londesborough; aver- and the roof; the basement, used as a chapel, is age attendance, 27; Miss Florence Annie Hogarth,mist Morley Henrietta (Mrs.), farmer '!'ebb Henry, farm foreman to Mr. COMMERCIAL. Powell George, farmer James Cartwright Godson Frank, farmer Watson William H. farmer • TETFORD is a parish and large village, 7 miles yearly, towards te-aching poor children of and north-east fuoom IHorncastle terminal station on a bran<:h TebfDrrl, w.hose parents do not "farm" a tenement ol oi the Great Northern railway, and 9 west from. .Alford above £4 y-early. By truM deeds from t1hf) Oharity station on the East Lincolnshire section of the Great COIIllili~;;ioners, dated 1875 and 1892, the endowmenb Northern railway, 9 north-we;;t from and ro is nDw dhiefiy applied to the repairs of the schoolmaster's south from Louth, in the South Lindsey division of the houS"e, £3 being given to the .Sunday sohool. In the county, Hill hundred, parts of Lindsey, petty parish a.re traces of extensive enca.mpments. Oapt. Sir tlessional division, union and county oourt district, Hill Montague Aubrey Rowley Cholmeley hart J .P. of No. r rural dMnery, Stow archdeaconry and Lincoln East'()n Park, is lord of the manor. Frank Sooman diocese. The church O>f St. Mary is a building of stone, Dymoke esq. of Sorivelsby, J. C. Gray esq. and James chiefly of the Decorated and Perpendicular periods, with Tapham esq. are the prinCipal landowners. The soil is some Early English remains and modern work, and chalk and clay ; sub.soil, sand, clay and limestone. The consists of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch chief crops are barley and {)a:ts. The area is x,'Br7 and a western tower with four pinnacles containing a acre-s; rateable value, £2,371 ; population in xgor, 38 r. clock and 3 bells : the south aisle and both arcades are Sexton, George Odling. Decorated: the north aisle was rebuilt in r826: in the south aisle is a piscina. and a crocketed ogee arch: Post, M. 0. & T. Offioe.-Frederick Waiter Trevor, sub­ the porch :retains a stoup : on the south wall is a memo­ postmaster. Letters arrive from Hlornca.SttJe at 8.55 rial surmounted by a breastplate and helmet of la.rge a.m.; dispatched at 2.30 p.m. week days only size, to Captain Edward Dymoke, the Hon. tJhe King's Wall Letter Box, South street, cleared at 10.40 a.m. & Champion, who died 12 Sept. rj'(io: in the churchyard 3.30 p.m. week days only stands part of the base of a. cross : there u.re 250 sit­ County Police, William Jdhnson, sergeant tings. 'l'he register dates from 1584. The living is a. Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r82r & en­ rectory, net yearly value £rso, with residence, in the larged in 1897 &; 1899, for 140 children; average at­ gift of Sir Hugh .A. H. Oholmeley hart. and held sinoo tendance, 73; .Arthur Ricfuard Heselwood, master 1903 by t1he Rev. William Wood M_A. of St. JOhn's College, Cambridge. Here are Primitive and Wesleyan Carriers to HDrncastle.---G-eorge Freeston & George Methodist chapels. In 1714, Edward Riahardson gave Staves, sat. ; to Louth, George Freeston & George a cottage and about 7 acres of land, now valued at £12 Staves, wed Gray James Campbcll, Tetford house Frecston John, carpenter Maughan John William, tailor Hart Miss, The Villa Goulsbra Charles, farmer, Brook house Maughan Waiter Cooper, cycle dealer Holland Miss, Shrubbery cottage Gray James Campbell L.R.C.P., Motley Arth . .Alex. farmer, Glebe frm Odlin William, Ivy cottage L.R.C.S. & L.M.Edin. surgeon & Odlin Phinehas, farmer Wood Rev. William M . .A (rector), medical officer & public vaccinator, Robinson Ascougb, farn1er The Rectory 'l'etford district, Horncastle union &; Sanderson Thomas & .Arthur. farmers clerk to Parish Council, Tetford ho Sellars James, cottage farmer COMMERCIAL. • Green William, cottage farmer Shadford James, Dales, bricklayer Bell William, beer retailer Harrison Charlotte (Mrs.), Royal Oak Simons & Son, farmers, Wood. farm Blades Samuel, baker P.H Simons Charles, farmer, Hurt house Brooks William, grocer Harrison Maria. (Mrs.), farmer Staves George, carrier Cwnplin William, bricklayer Johnson Jemima & Charlotte(Misses), Trevor Frederick Waiter, ~rocer Clough George, farmer grocers Trolove Richard, farmer, Mansion fm Duckitt Arthur, blacksmith Kemp Joseph, grocer Vickers Alfred, boot maker Dunk in .Arthur, blacksrni th Lamming George, painter Waters Job, market gardener Fanthorpe Frank, farmer Lancaster George, market gardener Whiting Edward, farmer, Tetford hill Fanthnrpe Geo. threshing machn. ownr Maltby James, White Hart P.H Wright Searle Samuel, farmer ; & at Freeston George, carrier Maughan Albe:rt Edward, horse deulr Greet ham