Tlie Apollo of tlte Vatican* BUSINESS CARDS. INSURANCE. FANCY GOODS. ami m'iralff 1ot.l in burning language, and intona- j [L?- The New York Herald of the 2d inst. says: L. I.15V V, Note, Stock and Real Estate Broker, No. Translated from Wir.kelmann — expressly for the CitWt. Hun.i lireailiing liarnvmy and me|,M|y. "A day or two since it was discovered by the ac­ . 20 Camp, I door from Common st., N. Orleans. <11 1) JYeiv Orleans •Jlgeney 8PRKVCI I A^HIOVH I OH ISftO. » !Ia»'e, then, ye loven '.f ill. p'nypfV art, to en­ counting clerks in the Cnstom-bonse, that some iV k '>leJII/rON, Fancy und Staple Dry Goods OF THE The statue of Apollo is tlie roost lofty ideal of 1*1. Dealer, It Chartres street. d84 ly joy iIk rich, .l^cpan.1 hkIIdw ion,, ot thi» charm­ good* had been delivered from the public stores MUTUAL PROTECTION IN§URANCJB CO. Published Every Day-(Sunday Excepted)- art among ail the works of antiquity, which have 2 5I M\ \!U> TVM>hN~ràuctùnuer and Commesigp ot INnMivlllff, T<'tiiiesH«'«>. (SI without payment of duties : it wan ascei tamed that A* E It F It E ITCH FA JVC Y GOO I) S. BV CHOCKKTT, FKOHT A CO. ing arlr-,«. The lim«lira», nigh when ihec.iruin i > J1 re/inn t., No. 2t>OM I,.---. W ly THIS Company will Insure on the Mutual Principle, escaped the ravages of time. It soars over all they were delivered under a special order of a dep­ P. SCAN LAN & CO. I 2 lhartres street, resi>ect- will fnll on her delinrailion» Tor the U,t ,.TO, ft ^i. I! i/i'o.'i, H 'hutt sale and lit tail Grocer, No. 1 i • Merchandise, et-, against LOSS or DAMAGE O. fully inform the Jpdies that tliey are receiving i»er steam J UIN W. ( R0( KE1T... J. w. ntpaT....HP—Oi A. KIPD. other statues of the same as far as the Apollo of uty collector. A check (or the dutie« had been S. Ni vv L.j' .c und ,Vo. 8 TcfioupiioulM it. db" J'y 1' IK'f, ;«'id the Cargo«« of Vessels of every description sliips Ohio and Crescent City, an extensive assortment Of will be long ere you will look upon l„r lik? again, drawn by the importers, and handed lo their clerk, iVol?'1 »'K PERILS OF THE SEAS AND RIV­ Ornes No. 03 ST. Char«* HTREET. Ilomer excels over succeeding poets. His size is tMI.Ni 11. KLi/fOTT «k CO..Commission Merchants, French DRESS GOODSand MILLINERY ARTICLES. in the declimng art of Hhaktpeare am!" h'w miglny and the check had been cashed by the bank, but ERS. Ad persons having their property insured in this Insti­ Ladies wishing rich summer Nouveautes, are invited toexam- J 92 Gravier rtraet. nH ly tution are entitled to a full participation in tiie profits, with- elevated above manhood and his posture indicates line." Tlie Tragic Mu e '«-gin« lo pale before the whether the money vamoseH l»ctween the bask and out any liability to loss. ine the stock : tliey will find some choice new articles, received TERMS OF TIIE CRESCENT. WOLFF, Importer of Winr, Brandy', Gin, etc.,anu from Havre,by thesteamshij« Canada and Europa. mh8 7l2p DAII.Y—Fxflten Cents per week, payable u> site carriers, weekly ; e the greatness with which ke is filled. An eternal the Costom-hoase, baa not yet been determined. » '• General Commission Merchant, 2ft Gravier su nli triumph* and «plendor« or Ihe Lyric Drama. bight Dollar» per year— half-yearly and quarterly at tiie «mi Spring, as in happy Elysinm, clothes the enchant­ N. Hobson, M. S. Pilche Jas; MorU.iT, Jr. —In odvnnce. Single copie», ries Csnti...-The office A further investigation is now going on, and tbe C. H VVMOVU, Family Grocer, 71 Camp John Waters, Shepherd, D. Wea To the Jjadies. J W. M. .street. _aI,a«_ J. A. McAlis ing manliness of the perfect year, and plays with result, so far as the outsiders can ascertain, shows W II. Douglass, Ii,, Fashionable Millinery and DreaH Making. TUE " I MHtDO.N .11/aster if Aerr age s, Ht» P. B. West, John Morrow. B. R. McKennie, a softened tenderness on the proud outline of his Tiir SEAT OP HARVARD COLLEGE. — Cam­ that good* have not only been delivered from pub­ ™ * (.iiivici «tn'ci. iyia John II. Ewi A. W. Putnam, P. W. Maxey, bridge carnc near being the seat of government of lic stores without payment of ddties, but that they W. T. Berry, Samuel Seay, A. Morrison, limb«. A \VFri ll«.illiv, Ship Broker, 78 Poydras street. E. S. Hall, , instead of its neighbor , but have Ween withdrawn from warf'hon se without J. B. R'iiowles, E. iliiiman, Go, in thy imagination, into the realm of incor­ ./a. New Orleans. jalti ly J. B. Johnson, Robt. Stewart, for some reason Gov. Winthrop saw fit to remove evea tbe formality of an entry. The fnnds wanted Itlch New and Cheap FALL GOODS. tOII.\ \V. AiMMlKWK <& CO., Commission Mer- A. J. Duncan. W. Prilcbard, poreal beauties, and endeavor to become the creator to the peninsula of Boston, and made that the .«eat to make good the deSeieacies already ascertained, »? ,h als and S',ip Age nts, » I Common st., N. O. jaô A. II. Hicks, T. A. Thomas VS U.S. (i. W. RtiPKR, Ifiû I'oydraa street. b iwen. C.vroiidefct ui.d IU ISarotnic most reap, ctfulljf intüriui the l^.-ii«i Un.t -î.eli u re- DYK IlTISEMENTS—not e*cee<(i(«g twelve lines, in Agate type, of a heavenly nature, and to fill the soul with im­ ot his colonial rt»Je. Perhaps as a remuneration for are supposed toamooat to *6,000 or *10,000. ami is 1 >t Ii«, MIR «.V CO. ( 'o mmission Merchants, No. Mil M. S. Pi , Vice Pr ident. Uiriiist Irom die Nortli, nreporuit to ofltr tlie pnMic a lieuulilul SI for Uie first insertion, and 50 cents tm every aul>se«,nciil toaer- t M. I.i».iis«invt, New (Means. _ null ly inMirtment ol PuliionuMc Faff Bonncta, p-rt..f which ure directfruni ti"ii. Those of rreaur l< n*lh tu proportion. Nonces on the ages which are exalted above mere matter—for *' is loss to Cambridge, at that time called Newton, KT Mr«. Edwin Forrest denies the right of th« C. J. F. WIIAUTON, Secretary. J'srw ; aluo, •pleiidiii P.ilil ons, Flower» and Feather«, Ladies' Cap«, second race, of ten lines in Pearl type, £t each insertion. was determine«! to locate the college at this piace l'iMi T. TAVIiOlt, Importer tf IVmes and Uisdd'-dreai>ea, I,iic«roidered InfnnU' Drehet, id verti cementspulilbhed weekly. semi-we<*kly,tri-weekly or ntontMy there is nothing earthly—nothing which human tribunal !«» which Mr. Forrest has appealed to h> 0 /.n/uors, No;. 15 antl 10 Royal street. n!2 Tho « K. , R. H. Fraser, »f rl«)h *'.yle and nmtcnt ; ParfumeriM. Powde»«, a».I n variety «.I tire ciiarirwl & I persqnare for every insertion. IÖ* A liberel 1638. Ever from Jhat time, seven years after the <«eo. W. West, C. Conner. information could afford—no veins and sinews warm terp<*e m her domestic relations ; and also denies I \. II»;\HI». .-îwrr Frfi.cjr Hoods ; all uf which Mrs. U. h.u uke.. steal c^re Su fleeting ttlement of (he town, tlie place was called Cam­ and Appraiser, No. 10 fyiß ly WM. A. JOHNSON, Agent, 98Camp st. or h^r cusuirnors frein the Northern cities, and intend» to s>.U al very and move this body—but a heavenly spirit, pouring ihe legitimacy and truth of the disreputable charges •J . lî.'.nks Ari-nlo. New i • , ol* __ w. <7~" Picayune will please copy. '••w prices. Ladies, plciue call aud examine Lefore purchasing bridge in honor of the college, which was intended E t:\ I II. il \l.lî.C,'»m, elsewhere. Sujireme Conrt. itself like a soft stream, has filled equally the whole to be modelled after that of Cambridge, England. wfcieh have been preferred against her. Her re­ Merchant and Shipping NA8H\ ÏLLK M A HINK, FIltK 1H81BAKCK JCfr- I lid I tunnels cleaned and altered iu good style. Country Or- Ii Igent, No. 03 Comin outline ol his figure. He has followed the Python The college was founded by Mr. John Harvard, of sponse is to be published. And Life and Trust Company. 1er» pnnctually attended to. Mondayy March 11.—Present: Chief Jnatiee ILLI \M !.. < T H111\ ( i. Covimiètston aid For- ttj- 1)leaching and Pressing done for tlie trade...-Dress-uiakinc Gharlestown, who gave for the purpose the munifi­ ).ooo. I .. • I« su^ rior style. „7 Euati», Judges Rost, Slidell and Preston. against whom he first drew his bow, and with ma­ W u'an'm g Merchant, No. 20 Gravier street. au±J iivr.n, ne<; ja.\ Ä. ruiti liK, y.. . rres. jestic stride has overtaken and slain him. From cent sum, for those times,* £800 ; in consideration Lint of Vessels in Fort Met CftearedL lOIflft lOOliK, Commission Merchant. Emigration i of tbu (>)nipai»y for 12 years, have been IIIIV GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, The Court delivered decisions in the following of which the University received the name of the •* and Remittance Office, 2ft Bank Place, N. O. s!2 infined aloae andid ejexclusively to Underwriting. the height of his satisfaction his sublime look ex­ f orrstWi entry minting.esvats^Uwfyr " TW CVSH—t * River, Sea and Fire Risks taken at the lowest ,t ^ cases : donor. Government gave a sum nearly as large to |i \\ Mi Ac Iifv\f)HKHO.\, Wholesale Grocers. No i.romptly adjusted. _ W. B. PARTEE, Ac tends as it were into the infinite, far above the vic­ the college at the same time. The graduates of tiWv#lf.*~ .,*it*i rlr* •••"««»»•Irty(dMÛrsat^ 1» t»«»* 1 Jlöan ! 32Gravier i. New Orlean ».17 d&W J%\ Bradner Smith, Ët'.sTis, C. J.—1. Wood vs. Wall. Appeal Abte b» "ail ^ tlw Nj«. UOIIKWC« ai üm K«ilna4 wlmna»..., <:ij . No. ii Camp street, New Orleans. »entrai C o m m I as I o11 Merchant, Cambridge paid an additional honor to John Har- im t»8n ...... tun on O'Blenis's note lor a fee. The plaintiff defended than •)(>,000 volumes. In the department of Ame- B-fle Kock )lllv\l«0.\, H oust, Sign and Ornamental Painter, cle of art, and I even assume alofty posture in order . Imitator of It »«ils and Marbles, No. 132 Camp O'Blenis ou a charge of murder in the Parish of n History, this library is unequalled in the nr.*«i, opposite Lalayette S pi are. jyl3 ly F und, by Act etf Incorporation, 02OO,OOO. Pointe Coupée, for which the latter gave the note to look at it worthily. My breast appears to heave world. A law school was attached to Harvard Uni­ LMN E SHIRTS. of all the latestPatterns ; I 'nder Shi I Cotton and Woollen Drawers ; Stocks ; Cravats; Ho- sued on, endorsed by the defendants. There was and swell with veneration, like those whom I have versity in 1817. »•«try ; Suspenders; («loves; Trunks; Valises; Car)iet Rags, a mis-trial, the jury not agreeing. The note be­ seen agitated by a spirit of divination, and I feel as There are also medical and divinity schools in­ losepli Menard, etc., etc., for sale al extremely low prices for cash. We so­ came due, and O'Blenis refused to pay it, and the if I was transported back to Delos and the Lycian grafted upon it. From the last school came out the Elliott Robbii Alun. Vanbi\)l>cr, (.'barlea Pride, la 11 a call Irom our Friends and (he Public to examine oui I Vi. • îV, 008H.. Ittorneysand Counsellors at j.nte, Goods and Judgefor themselves, We keepalso BOYS plaintiff, as one of his counsel, withdrew. Defence, candidates to fill the Unitarian pmpits of New Eng­ I A .:h .st. Lharlessirset, New Orleans. oil lVier Marty, Ig. Szymartski. John Hall. Groves—places which Apollo hallowed by his pres­ Wm. LALOIILIN, President. m i YOUTHS' CLOTHING. ,17 3in that he was to remain until the case was entirely land. More recently still, a scientific school has ence. The image then appears to assume life and I % \ liCISSh. TKHKIO. ParishÀnctiêmeir,Genera Dil Y GOODS H Y Til Ii l'A CK A GK. disposed of. Held, that when payment of the fee been added to the college by the gift of one of our * ' '' NO. 61 Ch Jos. NASH, Acti RAWLE, Solicitor... action, like the beauty of Pygmalion. How is it 44 merchant princes," Hon. Abbot Lawrence, who IvIIRISTV. i>OlNotary. •V. it r ad if er Smith, was refused, the counsel was no longer required to AM is now gaining fresh laurels for himself and his Barks. Kgr—Ü-J . Ji -Ï D- anil A. II. C Physi GENERAL COMMISSION M EUCHA NT appear in the case ; and that there was no failure possible to describe and to paint it ? I throw this ri 1 ' *'• iu'l'lVll-ilJ. Ai <•«. The Merchants' ami Planters' Insurance Con of consideration in the note given for the fee. country at the Court of Great Britain. Arajrls—... . to,«3 in amount subscribed in cash and well secured lull NO. 89 GRAVIER STREET. ly sketch which I have given of this statue, at its feet, Im- I5,m? *Mwi Ler«! I.*tie » • irardiHg Merchants, No. 7Ö l'oydru»UeeL oily Jndgement reversed and judgement given for plain­ The names of the presidents of Harvard College, i.ilicîeet lor all conungencies,conw'iaencies, is now prepare upont White piersons and Slave«. »7 Canal Street, comer of St. Charlea St. questration bond, claiming damages for thealledged 1610 ; Rev. Charles Chauucv. I®54. Mr. C. hail f> t!i 1 vi 1 a P2jh3 7 u . '. i the Mutual t ESPECTFULLY inUnates t.. the imïu» of New orie»iis an.i wrongful seizure of cotton. Judgement reversed, For the Crescent. previously been of tlie fir>t church in Seim- Ort laut.«* ....llAt |05l\ II. WHIIB, Original Pinegar Establishment, R vicinity, that their STUCK (IF UOODS is very extensive and Miss Charlotte Cn»liman. »enxuliire I3,|«Y isi * orr»«f ol Lomiuon and Marias street, opposue Charily and plaintill' s petition dismissed. ate; Rev. Le» narJ Hoar, 1672; Rev. Uriah Oake?, btiutMrgb BaUa Ilonua.... 15jn3 "" (17 ly il'ichpfi'in »"«•nd figureds black and colui The nightly array of intelligence and beauty 1675; Rev. , 1632; , MÉnuixt I Vf* Bl-uiCh 31 ,mv Sc-we-t M11 ROST, J.—9. Amesva. The People's Telegraph. Klixab. Betiüey 19,mi which has assembled within the walls of the badly 1) D. 16Sf> ; Rev. , 1701; Hon. 10. ?S£^KW""- CKKSCKftT MUTUAL iVhlRA.M KCOMPA.M Cliliiren's ilobci, Brucks and Frock Bodies, very rich Judgement reversed, and judgement for the plain- tooM Field... »,nrt 8nk,and Cambric Muslin; 10. Campbell vs. Mcllntton. Redhibitory ac­ weeks, attest» the excellence as well as the appre Frin'» dnwii... I'ii-nt J. A. Barelli, P. COL. _ S'Jipod and check MuUius; tion in sale of slave. Verdict and judgement for L™ ke, D. D, 1770; Samuel Langdon, D. I) Lbiut.pi.m PotM David Hadden, John D. Bern, J. W. Stanton, Cub,..eres, Ue Laines, Alpaca Lustre», etc.; ciation of the merits, by the public, of this Nature 1771 ; Rev. , 1781 ; Rev. Samu- i|iwUriutiiip«onl t.oi'2 P tinted CollonsniiH tiin-fmm,, a great varicty ; defendant affirmed. taught artist. The versatility of Miss Cushman is Wehber, D. I) . 1H00 ; Rev. John T. Kirkland, D. Oll»er..... LVs Job».», Lu.ens and Lawns; Catnbril»«!kercldi-f.; 11. Bonrare vs. Granary. Verdict and judge­ Ottawa ...IM Cotton Shitting#, Sheeting* and Towellings; D., 1810; Hon. J.sriaH Quincy, 1829 ; Rev. Edward Oelw ( hapin... fftlta« Eid I \IIOKI»K «V X lilt Eg, « James Kirkham. ment for defendant affirmed with costs. wondrous ; one night impersonating the wife of tlie John E. Hyde, _. . S'utwls Hn.l Pi'nds; Blankeu and Counterpanes; Everett, D I)., 1816; Hon. , the • A a nd Importers of Jim-ana Ci* 's, I*jif Tobacco, f f \'2. Wright vs. Richardson tl al. Suit on a ambitious and usurping Thane—another, the wild Port laad II,«»* IjOIIIS give atten-iort to ti»e«a!eo: upon the MUTUAL PRINCIPLE, fy 17 CHARTRES St. fry, was dedicated in 1831, at which time an appr. .( HT ti**,BPfc.k'», du-cewioni^,Hlave8, etc. ol6tf ment for plaintiff, perpetuating lier injunction These characters, so varied and diverse, requ. I he CrcHcent Mutual InHurauceCompany o New I J D. F. WAYMOUTH.V^-j'S* priate address was delivered by lb- late Mr. J'i««ti< 11 f r IS3Ï _ Orleans. against the payment of her note, on the ground ring iu their delineation and correct enactment, Story. The grounds are most wildami pichirenjue N vVTOi a subscribed and pledged Capital of A ». •. KI I.K1-- A:\ o'. )r ^/Je^irsfn VuUe> SPRING GOODS Latest Styleiay les. that it was not shown affirmatively that it enured powers sodifferent and dramatic excellence so great by nature, and seem to have been formed for a 7 " ' ' 7' *"1 -Agent* for Tajilor's Albany .il cam. 200.000 Doll to her benefit. / wd .V» u ark Cider, Nos. 28, 38 and IO Ol? that they are rarely seen developed and united in quiet rest for the dead. O Stock, consisting of "various qualities of DRAPS de II. Mangel, Tutor, etc., vs. Testier. Judge­ 44 L • • . NewC). emns. m,o ly r IF m ETES, DRILLINGS and MARSEILLES VESTINGS. The grounds were formerly called Sweet Au­ ment reversed, and one for plai11 tiff for 2->. the same artist, are in Miss Cushman blended into i4' IVvii* IAtiFl^:LD* Attorney at Jmw, Henderson, is now prepared to supply his friends and tlie public with burn," and embraced about 100 acres. Cambridge Jo* ph Fi&h FIRE, MARI iD RIVER RISK their Spring and Summer Clothing, 011 the most reasonable SLIDELL, J.—\o. Beard vs. Grimshaxo. Judge­ one harmonious whole. was considerably celebrated in ihe times of the II'I. r to —<î(f>r*e VVin•;field k Co., M. Greenwood U CJo., «t the tariff' rates c. terms — Gentlemen about making purchases are renn esled ment reversed, and injunction dissolved without tiarrow... I« t» Ji I^.iy ChmuLIc- 18411V • V Raw i.i-, New Orleans. nlr> TiiisCompany isestablishe1 urgar«t ll,ru3 I, j , r '^-Cnmm' vested andiu employedemploy*. here,, undi amended in favor of plaintiffs. ntrol of tne Trusten, and hit country, is now occupied, as is well known, by .. 4i7,tuV Margare* nii*e tOan- Raker, J.iink & Co.. , WATCHES AND JEWELRY 17. 1Zd ward s vs. McPall. A partner not named, to say that she is much better in her delineations .Slouifli fc KlUiin, John L. Blocker, Mobile, Ala. not-ent to other cities for investment. the poet Longfellow. The. Washington Elm at the • •i»^n3) Mar*«aeiP1 fidelity a:id dispatch. JOB- The Trustees, aware of the vital necessity of a well secured All Jewelry articles rei>aircd at moderate prices, mil iirm. Judgement reversed, and one given for Chase," on Thursday night last, to prove her apti­ earlier preached, is a matter of interest 10 the I'lM.ot all kind«, done to order, wtih promptness Rcsi tnd pledged FUND, reliable in cases of loss, and ample un- plaintiff for amount of the note sued 011. •tranger. Cambridge is properly divided into ihn e i ltL WATCHES AND JEWELRY. I6.m .| SewYorkraiknlö.tnV l tF" SASH-DOORS and 'owa funiToP' ca,ainiLy'-a"snre 11,8 Pq1,'»c tliat they have tude to embody comedy parts. The flexibility and S^MSINMISM 1S.IU« [slilN1 )S made toor.ler. ; fy23 6md&W L* A. TYLER, Camp street, otiers for sale at tiie 18. Elizabeth Hoover, etc., vs. Matherr B. Sel­ divisions—Cambridge, Cambridgeport, and East U sweetness of her voice are perhaps not so great as ' ' TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, Li. most reasonable prices, fine Hunting and Open f-q lers. Verdict and judgement for defendant affirmed Cambridge, or Lechmere Point, which last in one Henry Delany.. I KW IS tL illLL, Attorneys at lJiw?Hendmm,LRnsi faced Levers, Duplex, Anchor and Cylinder with costs. Mrs. Mowatt, but she nevertheless thrills you with seat of the courts of the connty of Middlesex. Cam­ Ontario 13.II.-2 I Pancbita .. Hope and 8«san. tPjnS VYATCHES, in gold and Silver Cases; Watch r A i* 11waid A m3j Patrick Henry. .11 J J A County, Texas will practise in the Supreme aud District 19. Ross vs. Savoy. Judgement for piaintilT af­ bridge entire has 16 churches, several banks and J. ft. Hman LPT t.ourtjfol the State, and will attend to the purchase and sale Ciiains of most beautifnh patterns; Watch and Belt®»!®» the music of her language and poetry of action. Owgoo ...n.ini ; I'tlioBia ll.m'i ii. P. liradlurd.. LPT Lauds, and the location ol' Certificates, in any part of th* ihe aswuretl. and that this Coinpany prévenu unusual guaran- Hooks Buckles and Pins, etc.; Gold Pens and Pencils, etc. firmed. insurance offices, a newspaper, a celebrated obser­ vlrtenn» 6,m3! Pollock I9,bj3 IJane KlltaLelh.. LPT -ees for prompt and liberal s A beautiful assortmen: of Diamond Ear Rings, etc.: Tor- " More Anon," in his communication which np vatory and powerful telescope, a hnnch railroad, Onitiiitbu ...... 4^uli8aridi l.oai iMillMI« LPT > täte.__ j>12 ly *21). Ogden Cain. Judgement for plaintiff Oscar I.M« BarTnac.. funds-••-—Jtaii of the Institution are i onoise, Gamet, Enamelled and a variety of Sets in Boxes; peared in the Delta on Monday last, treats Miss Miry Catherine LPT ( ''"porters of Havana Produce, Sugar, i Southern and Domestic institution. Silver and Silver Plated Ware, fine Cutlery, Fancy Goods, affirmed. which has just heen o|iened to old Cambridge OMV«IM '•,iiiä|8e.4land .. V • tfee and /.>brs. Cups, Pitchers. Trays, Plated Castors, Tea-Setts, Miss Cushman's conception. He must complain a city in 1816, and is now rapidly Increasing in DRAB BEAVKR, MEN'S PAL« LA*R i i .'entrai oone. Also—Sashes, Doors, Blinds, etc., witr. The Court adjourned until 2 o'clock to-morrow. BOYS' PALM LE_LEAF, wiiicli I'lantcr* and others can be supplied. au if timiu Candlesticks, Cms, rich Fancy Goods, Lubin's fine Per­ of the great bard himself, who has so mal used and wealth nnd population, and may be destined eie fumery—togetlier with a great variety of oilier articles too long to come under the wing of Boston, and make mgk CLOTH CAPS. I MO. C. TA > LOH «V CO. Dealers in Co fee, Gun- numerous to mention. Abo-SPECTACLES, with Gold, INDIAN MURDERS.—We take the folljwing ar­ slandered our common humanity in his portrayal of GLAZED CAPS. ' *> iff Buir-!, Rice, and IV estern Product, No. 7SM«?a- Silver, Shell or Sieel bowed frames, and Glasses of every a part of thy great metropolis of New England wholesale, at reeWWtwOäwuw, Jg| kind—Eye-Protector», etc., etc., constantly on hand, and ticle from the Houston (Texas) Telegraph of the the monstrous woman, that she appears to h Boston Mail. nilRllRIDGF. St[. CO"8.1 *t~\'sa at-M CmtanhoM!P. ntted to «nit the eye at short notice. nl5 7th inst. : more like a raving Pythoness than a4,cunning, cal­ t t?" Mit. W. C. FITR is our anthorizc in the dim and musty legends and traditiona of past Three doors from Cahal . •* . Watchef, Chronometers and Nautical In.siru- I LEX WATCHES (for Ladies and Gentlemen' partment at Washington calling lor more troops to threatened to haunt his judges, protesting his inno­ "lents accurately adjusted. Philosophical and Elec- wear,) of the most approved makersof London, Lb strengthen the stations along the line of the Rio ages, for a prototype of Lady Macbeth; the present cence. I .Ii desires rwjiecttblly to införm the pnbfic * ' nd repaired. erpooJ and Geneva, consisting of Heavy Hunting and Open a . that tbejrcau alwajn find at his MUSIC STORE, a Grande and between the Trinity and Nueces. He age haü produced several, whose crimes are as de­ choice and large assortment of PIAJVO FORTES. altered t » ly race Goltl and Silver Watches, fine Second or Timing OSF'The mail from the South, on «he way to Bos­ Watches, of Englidi manufacture. has ascertained that the prairie tribes of Texas have testable and who were prompted to their committal accommodating terms. Beautifully Chased aud Engraved Watches for Ladies, of been so hostile that the communication with El ton, on the 2d inst. was robbed of all the letters for p Fort et« inaile by the oki and cele- uie latest fa-dii hy lesser motives—the acquisition of sordid gold numacturera, 1 j| A SACRA- lEcm Paso is almost entirely cutoff, and small parties of that city. The door of the car is said to have been tone, and tiuished beauu..^ u I)">1 I. Nit) is I r \ , CaIiLIFOrnia, are Dealer •< Ladies' Gu Is it then a thing to be wondered that a44 cunning • ' Heady Made. Clothing, Prot IA1, are ueatersAjcaiers Gentlemen's . emigrants and traders are compelled to travel the and Mahogany, will» iron frames, made in the n*u« nd every article Ofllce, No. 38 Cmnp atreel. left unlocked. *u>table for Miners. Laibes and Gentlemen's Finger Rings, of Diamonds, long and tedious route by the west bank of the calculating, reasoning, strong-minded woman,' tial and workmanlike manner. AWo, Uie jsstly celebrated Between Gravier and Common sts. Fortç*, which for sweetness of tone have -, Merchants in this city and New Orleai #ill oblige Rio Grande and through the Eagle Pass to reach with a vicious organization of the brain, (4i More AXTKD-By the advertiser, a SITUATION pt been equalled. They are iH.enltarly suited to the ooautry, p l'y caüM*!; the attention oftbeir tuii-ratiu« friendi The permanent fund is to be invested as per charter for the Ladies and Gentlemen'sBreastpins, new styles; Gold Pens tienefit ot the policy holders, in bonds and mortgages on with Gold aud Silver Holders ; Gold Pencils; Gold and Sil- El Paso or Bexar. Even the rouie from Bexar to W MOOK-KSÏTKR, or OcT-rooit ITLKHK in « I'mni » 0>e vEoliaii dues not require tuning foe hou-e. Mobile, January IS. 1851.». Anoi^" forgot to add,) should, for the dazzling pos- woo House, liavlux resided njalfcj yean in this Strife, ami •n- u«,- M -nent torms "» 3m BRADFORD & SAUNDERS. unincambered real estate valued at double theamount loaned Thimbles ; new patterns of Eacrings ; Lockcio; tutis; Eagle Paas is infected with hostile savages, and thereon, and in Stocksof tlie Stale, aud of the United States Sleeve and (dollar Buttoi . of a crown, conceive, incite and persuade had con -idtjrable ex|»erteiice 111 either of tlie above capacilie*, a I M« tbr sale a IIH\DM:H 8.VIITll, several persons have been murdered west of the and posses«»«; ihe liest raoOtounendation«. isdesirous of"obtain ment, l'his Government. FINE SILVERWARE-Cc listing of Table, Tea , Des- lier husband 10 murder his good king, a near kin gives peculiar firmness and brif- N* i * ' ''"i"I' -, 80 1" 'K VvAKR.ST,lK?.T» 's Commission«!to tak< This Company being organized, not for the benefit ol >«rt. Mustard and Salt Spooim; Table aud Dessert Forks; Medina. The whole Indian country is on lire, and !"f',nxi,T'. .,e,e,,l|'i?y,nent. 1' °'further iuforination addre hancy to the treble, add- tbed ' - • * ' ^ A.^ ledKementsol Dpei'HÏn RÏ:,'v'iiF 'R'ITöde uon, conducted upon the most seonre and solid principles,and tlei . Colorado of the West. The Camunches, Apaches, very words of the play— and Child. An nnfaniisfied room preferred. Best of refer- l'iansa and Pauinus. .made in Paris. For power and sweet- I .. \N .('(IMNBCTKMIT, Nl5w YORK, NK1V.IHH ne>a ol loi», tliey stand preominenL attorning for a small annual sum, paid during life, a large S|>ectacle Cases ; Spectacle Glasses to suit Lipatis, Towaccani^, Pawnees, Kioways, Kutaws, eiices Rtven. Athlresw, vviili real name and local ion, in a I.VANIA. OUI", MICUlijAN, WIS I handsome legacy to widows and children arte 44 Come, come, yon spirits loteuj D.H. at tbhtollice will receive immediate utten- Tbe Dolce Campant Attachment, J. Pleyel & Co.*s Paria Arapahoes and several smaller tribes seem 1 lanox, «.-til liwtruiuents from all die best manufactories, V. ".I.INUIW, MISSOURI KKN. All policy hotdet SUSPENDER RUCKLES—Gold and Silver Suspender to have That tend on mortal thoughts, unse.x me here Mihi1 ' ' ' !\> ; TKX.YHSsfcB. NO. CAROLINA, SOUTH continue the iusnn ...... Ruckles. Fine Silver-plated Castors, Candlesticks, etc., etc. And till me, Irom tlie crown to tho toe, fop full constantly receiving, and for sale on liberal terms. i the whole combined all their strength to resist the progress of SluCO>i).UAND PIANOS forcaJe, from $00 (0 tdOO ,\R ".INA. ALABAMA, MISSlSSIl'I'l knd FLO. IIf the profits of the company, without any i MARREE MANTEL CLOCKS, new style; require no Of direst cruelty ! Make thick my blood. Wa!WTKD-A SITUATION hr a yoâng RI"A. oSBm i the lives of deb o _ Glrvw Shade. the white man in his course to the Pacific. Blood Slop up the-access und parage to remorse ; atw».uoany a lady to t'aliforida. The best of referent each, and taken in part payment for new Pianos. rompt settlement in case of death. A married woman can has been shed, and it is an unerring trait of the red That no compunctious votings of nature Aduws M.* at th» ados. nih7 7t* PIANOS Repaired, Tuned, Rented and Appraised. CATIICAKT'S MELODEON. —Tliis 'beautiful toee.1 s öi'iV bsni«ïiï»'JJÎ:Vo.Ti! i8JûiVMM«N8T.TîStwMi lect insurance on the lifeof her husband, for the sole benefit man that it must be avenged ; and we may look in Shake my tell purpose, nor keep peace Iietweeu I \v.\vrkp-f0f FRANCIS Bl- nd use of herself aud children, free from the claims of cred- The effect, and it ! Come to my woman's breasts OUI riM-Instrument, for VillageChurches, l^odges, Semiading • » i "aronde'ei and Baronne st.s., Dialers m :M \ R. #S vain for peace until these powerful tribes are hum­ M..ufi i* ft 1 i V* Cavan. Parish of Anali, Town of t antes, and tlie privat« practice of Orgnmsts, possesses a ! VNTHI-l'IBrliS anil KN.UIBI.I.BIlflXJ) And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, Mujlahdiotigh . Ireland; wbSS last beanl from was at liar- jhn flagan, Joseph Walker, John S. Allison, fully bled. We air» rejoiced that Gen. Brooke has be­ V\ herever ui your sightless «ubsfaiices per s rerry, y a.; aayinformal ion mldiv^.1 the office of sweet and powerful toi», M portable weighing pounds), '•I. A 1Kb, MONU.MBNTS, TOMBS, T<)MB\ßii|I«i/ » ou wait on nature^ mischief." to antl offered al $5U #>ach. si,Allh, «RAVI? STONKi,mal MAfeBLKincWSK eter Conrey, Jr., Maunsel Wbite, Wm. E. Leverich, article is warranted as fine as any offered for sale in the city, come convinced that the only true policy of the his paper will be thankfully received, t «r Virginia oben J. Ward, Samuel Stewart, Edward Si.arrow, and at considerable reduction of tormer prices The strictest plsaseeooy — Francis Riley left MullaloTiouch abouttwenlr- Or«lers for Guitars, Violins, Viofoecellos. Clnriiwts. Again, in the same act, when Mucbclh falters "rings, and Musical Merchandise of I I'I.AST BR OF PARIS, Roma,.«.' Ily. laac Johnson, Geo. Strawbridge. Henry S. Buckner. a attention always paid lo Repairing fine Clocks, Watches and Government is to conquer the Indiana at once, or tive or thirty years ago and came 10 ihe United States. Kb P CONREY, Jr. President Board of Trustees. Jewelry, which we guarantee lo perform, or no charge tcill every kind wdl lie oromptivW^i|mé|' executed at* reikvnafde prices. veBMBNT, I'liMnliK II AIR.« nunl, A KTKR to overawe them with such a display of military the doing of the bloody deed— brother John is at presentent Decidingresiditij ia' the city of New ( irleans, llniid.^MUMilietl wiih Brash InstrumenUi and Band Music. li-li. IViwi.olaami Pittsl.urg l-'IRB-IIRIUK. ^ be made. nJ9 tim _ hear ftoni mm. fyä) tf Josefih W. Stanton, J. Morgan Hall M. M. Cohen, force that they will see the utter impossibility of .. . . , V 1 have given suck, and know IIAKt'S, douille aud single action, 011 hand and myV to IL \\ l.ib.H, Hoot anil Shoe Dealer, John L. Lewis, Sydney L Johnston,Pre«toii W. Farrar, resistance." slow tender lis so love the babe that milks me: 1WFt)IIM\T10r% WAi\TCl>~Öf tlie HSSO»TWÏ» '»»"tt the tame of purchasers. OF, «7^1 foRNKR op Wm. M. Goodrich, Joshua Baldwin, William IL White.! I would, while it was smiling in my face. M. difloharged a veawl at Post 27. about the 1 2tli of Qp- MUS It .—The largest catalogue ia tlteSouth. The stock ndrlrtsts.YFsi J Camp' «V* Duplantier sts. John L. Sailarans, Geo. W. SmitSmith,h Thon n M,.i'.i.i. CHOLERA.—The following is from the Telegraph Have plucked my nipple from Iiis boneless gum«. ïojnî.ltr&iSîiH ürarman who received TWO BOX KS » aaacccmulation of over twenty yea«, in it are many old - A I\A" XT MAN DISE from Tt tterton's Warehouse, on the and beautiful pieces out of orint. (New Store, ) "ahrin Tate,, R. H. Tliorn, _. r of the same date : Ami da-hetl the brains out, had 1 sosworn as you ï'T'k'n Ha 0 this. 14th November, marked K. & II., Ai'OVSTA, CA.; they NEW MUSIC received by every arrival from the North, S II O IÎ ST O R E, Cornelius Fellowes, Joseph Lallaude, John B. Leefe. He will leave for San Francisco aliout tlie middle ot'JI i hand t ery thing in his line—including Jenner C( " We regret to learn that the Cholera has again having been delivered by mistake. Any iuforination given and by the Foreigu sleamshu«. Spanish Songs, Dances. April ne.x(, and will attend to tlie erection of the same if Do these givings out denote uothing more than » ®».tfie undersigned, by any perron who may have received VVaiues, kc.—a regnlar supnjy. Original Mesc published of Cadie i Root JOHN HAOAN, President of the Company. made its appearance at Indianolannd Port Lavaca. "V"" Ul '''e lowest «;isn l'riccs. Ashare of ptibll JOSEPH LAU.ANPK, Vice President. require«!. A portion of the money can be made payable in mill Boxes, Will b« thjUiktuUy it**»v*d and lilterally rewarded every week at the Store^Nauve Commwitions solkited. Sau Francisco. Ê3T Ordere left with ('. W. MURRAY. strong-minded, cunning woman, or rather, is site Cd-JR) R. M. HARRISON Ür CO.. 14 Ci patronage ut respectfully solicited. ao7 ly A. J. WicppERnrRN, M. I). I Medical Board of A gentleman who hits lately arrived from the West by ï> I Magannc streets, (vviiere plans can be seen) will informs us that a number of the residents of those not a monster in human shape, who, to gain her rl'°v Ku'}-XV''*}* AXI> »H II hi:HK - \ i i . >w> THOMAS HUNT,M. D, J Consultation. with prompt ntiei 1' St. Charles stree., — beaccmn s Kit/.. Dealers in all kinds of I.v IL G. HUAKTT, Actuary....E. L. GOOLD, Attorney. PtheC rcial Excha towns have fallen victims to the disease. Several purposes, stops not at the commission of any deed Private Family, wln-re mill lm -»Tf ,vu,tr. ."«»arjieis or chiidien. Terms moderate. ind Yellow Pine, Maliogany,MaJio.a,^-, BlackIllach Walnut, Oak] RicitARn BEIN, M. D., No. 271 Magazine street, Medical German emigrants also have died on their way from nd Bain« Examiner. Office hours, for blacks, 7'j toß'a A. M.; do for however atrocious I Addrew B. " at this oflh». j-JO , , ,W : the coast to the colony." ml i''Vre B^ick" . ! 320 KaZm.«,«,.» whites, Ü to 3 P. M., at Ins residence, tie will examine white 44 # BAtin—401x1 new lf>â bushel Canny'Bags. In s -VN» (JLA^WABK. C* .. . Had he not rencmbled & AMULL E. MOORE. Ä7 Cam* Street. ST I;A VI SAW-MILh, N ATCHICZ, MI applicants at the office of tlie Company daily, from lJ'j to 2 My fallier as he slept, 1 had douo V* x * "lore ami tor sale by Orders for all kinds ol"Cypress Lumber, dein 0 clock p. M. He will not examine any one at bis dwelling {XT' Governor Trumbull, of Connecticut, in a fcas CEO tï. TAYLOR It CO. 7S Macaxine«t. «AT) importa awl has constantly for sale, at reas the Mississippi Riv, beiu Nateln; . ... si:or without a permit, which can be hail on application at tiieoffice ki.ulsol CARl'KNTERINC WORK »net JOljßlMGJ This in thyrttily compunctious visiting of pity, ot fc'W ble prices, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, a I • yd 3m W 01 the Company. la «lonp. 211 ST. CHAKLKS street, ne»r Julia. proclamation recommending the 29ih of March as / ^Ob^AC BRANDY— Hennewy. Martel, Otanl. God. * ' - , r , WM- A- MILLER. faltering, which she exhibits previous to the killing anf, and other brands, pale and dark, very old anil fiSp" This Company is prepared to entertain applications • Irders from the ( -ountry Promptly attended to a day of public fasting and prayer throughout the •ulienor, for sale 111 bond, by INGIKNGPH ( KOCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE S .Life Insurance, and issue Policies on all sound and healthy of »louWedt, LASSWARE, TaU. Cutlery, m«KU»« Duncan. 1». H. FKLL dt CO.—81 COMMON st., New Orleans, ' V\ bite persons andnd Negroes, at thethe TablTable of Rates established f 1A LIF01L\ IA HOL SLS. — The undersigned is now Stale, among other excellent things for which the 8AM'L WOLFF. M Gravier «t. Ware, Castors, Lumps, Japan Trays, Tahle and Tea Importers and Dealers, IVho/esale and Retail. bv the Board, which are less than the 44 l CK WHKAT—1W packages, quartert and eightlix, Spoates, sic. eu t#" Goods packed so as » Inch are jess than tho rates charged by the MrtrfSSSucün • elegant PORTABLE FRAME j^L Divine assistance is implored, adds the following: More Anon " might as well take exception .v tosq^part of the t oanlry. _ New \ ork and London offices, and witlioutwit their restrictions HOUSES, suitable tor California. Any number oI'4v.rf\ B landnig and for saleby * ' CTlT l.amt», Plated and Britannia Castors, Can-Cf*} 44 ' Also sent to taty 1 \y, Ädlesticks, TableCutlery, Japanned Waiters,etc.®!*/» Portable Houses, of such dimensions as may be reqni- JlÜSL That he will confirm arid render indissoluble our the asides of an actor, as to tlie noise, lie says, Miss SAM'L WOLFF, K Gravier sL red, can be furnished at the shortest, notice, on reasonable ICK—16 ca«ks new, !<>r »ale hy Goods will lie ofiereLE, S6 Buk Plao»' fylSlir .u.U.» ...... oil LEFORE has the honor to announce to the pub- us of some other mode than the human voice, by bv tlieir patent machinery, which enables them to claim aX- necessary to effect Insurance ad at the office ot tlie ja3I In lelct st., dusively for Uieir Saws tha advautages derived from the asa B > K.MOVA L—A. C. WÏT.BUR & CO., Im i be fotiud every day from 9 to12 o'clock. V. lie of New Orleans that he will open 0118 ATI TR- which the dramatis persona can convey to their IV their Orrn K 1 of these machines, whieh aie highl y important, as the Saw« from No. 19 Bank Place, to 7 ft Pin Travelling Privileges are allowed. DAY, 2d March, at 103 St. Charles st. opposite the ta Theatre, an extensive CONFECTIONERY »nd J*L audience their thoughts and intentions, not de­ mh9 JOHN TOOLE, » BMIJW thereby made perfectly true and regular ia thinka—. at t ' ' , suit.tu.e •is. ooanurig nouses 1 :k or thin at any p«t, thus suenfthenuig Circular Saws by |3KMOVAL-1)R. R. h. WVNNK. Piw'gtnan PASTRY STORE. signed by the author to be heard by the different , will be hiredred on reasonable terms, by applyi The mont minute attention and care will be liestowed upon gradually increasing them in thickness from tlie cattin« edge • V Accoucheur, has removed to No. 130 CAHO.NDK i i to No. 130 CAHO.NDKLKT HYDE & OGLEt«Bl?,12i o)(li tiie Confectionery of his manufacture ; skilful workmen from characters, then will his exception be just, aud to their centre. The truth aud uniformity of their surface fylH 6m JWegro Clothing;. renders few set in tbe saw teeth necessary, and on this account \\7^ ' nY,te the atten^on of Planters and Dealers to the rpoil III11K OK SALK—A very active and intelligent the liest houses of Paris are attached to Iiis establishment. asides disused. •»•.7 I > i:.MO\ v ~ f K PRICK, who wasn-ivntly r l V. Lefore will neglect limbing to give witisfaction to all |>er- less power is iwiMired to dhve the saws: besides, tliey will mat BV luirnt out t\r rS.»\vvthe TENNESSEE MANUFACTUR- ft. N EG R(I FELLOW, accustotred toattending in a store, PALM OlL—30 oasks, for saleby need so Iremuent sliarpening—be less liable to br.»!«.! No. 57 Camp street, has taken an office at INI* COMI ANY, smtablo for negroclotJiing, now on sale !ï i1 "îf.1 rale «arrfairs driver, will lie hired or sold. Apply at 80US who honor hun with their patronage. fytS! 3m The somnambulist scene in tlie fifth act was and also pnxluee saving in timber. No. 78 Mag, treet. where he has an extensive assort- thw «ifhce. or at l^i ( 'aroudelel sire.-l. ja|7 ,«.i.7 W. HAYMA* & HOLDEN, ni-nt of IjRAFT " • TORAIX hvä^OTPow5rilÄ.,cSl?,bIa,c,i i'EBANON JEANS, FLORIDA, CUBA, KKN- LINSEYS, OSNARIIRt.S, etc., all of which will lie riHGCVIA CAW LI. COAL—FROM THE PEY- given by Miss Cushman with an elaborate finish, Wo. SB Mmiin.mut ml Ii b'i™^ Tl 'CK V i-tomer. fyW OAKDIYG IIOÎSK FOH SALK — The 1>IttlàlIT V ARÀiltlH-N9 M Bnchl VinUi. • found superior to any goods of the kind ever manufactured. ff> f'u miturc an d Fixtures of a ROARI>-ff^V an artiattc uhastmtess, aud a truthfulness to nature I > L>IO\ 1'L—' "'^.«•'I'leiiee of the lire, the Orrn it of The Osnabnrgs made til the best materials, are in all respects B IWG HOUSE, with batI» room and all other eonve- ifl&lli f 1 0 _Äün.i.däiW as a N.» <«*. m\ ulvXI> ,ï'^ & M. INSURANCE superior to the Lowells, and e.inal to the liest Georgia or Ala­ which has never lieen equaled by any actress who «h C'TSt-m nBWEY°8? t ÏAEii CTÏÏSvî? «'' ' V u 111 of uiences attached ; with a fine run of business—having SR-ilL offered tor sale by the load or in Jots to,suit purchasers. This .» ' "'e '1'TNA INSURANCE COM- bama. All the wool used in the manufacturing of the Jeans, at present »O Boarders. For sale on reasonable terms, the coal can lie seen at the boats, foot of St. Joseph street, at has ever undertaken, in this city, this most difficult GftL\ERAL AUKMCY AT NRW ORIJK\j*H. ftî0 Gravier street, North Linseys, etc., is of the native fleece and liest uuality ; not an proprietor_ being desirous of retiring from tiie business. For il Magazine streets. ounce of Mexican wool, or other substitute tor wool, being tlie principal Hotels, Merchants Readme Room, and our character. used about tlie establishment. further inlbrmation apply at this office. fy7 Office, and tiie Office of the Crescenl. For further particu­ <:»»' JturVTtlt>L^SBIîïï.kPlJ.- W^Ä^^^TE-£ W. CHAMBERS,). lars rcHpf-eting it. apply to liMtly U Mew ' Irleuus, Lit »«I, „ x , | . s. „ J. 'I. VVHBBI.BR, iA«e"'». C.y; Planiere visiting this city are invited to call and e\a. ROCKRYAJliD LIOLOK STOKE FOH SALE. In the part of Meg Mcrrilies, made so effective by C%î SKKD—Tbis invaluable Remedy for Diarrhoea and w tt 2 h mine these goods for themselves and thoseordering are request­ G A BARGAIJY— The GROCERY ANI> Lioi on MORTIMER TURNER & CO. Coal Merchants, ^ Complaint* of the Bo web. jast received from Mexico, »T'P S«.UENKRAL 'TOI! AUK—1 ii •" Stn™ the bulk of 10.UOO fr» -'I Camp street. Miss Cushman, she cotnes within the scope of the Ï*CJN r . He wi!i attend tuutk uluiy to tbe purchase, ^ barrels in the sjif ed to callthe attention of their merchants to thisadvertisement STORE, situated on tiie corner of Thai,a ami Hercules URB PR(101'" WARB. II oi'HB The manufacturers, confiding in the meritsof their goods, ask streets having a full and complete Stock on hand, with«* Delta's stricture as being an attitudinizer. Her »ies and exchange of Wild Lands, Plautaiious, Ilouwse and - Warahwuiv, lituated on JV«c i 1 OTICE TO SI G Alt PLARfTBRfl—Wrtmjrkiamd ShÏÏL™ foi them only " " - ?. . r*1'Yr, R?s a-' Aepo^tenww», etc., with an exodtaj A thia city or in any t«art ef the United /.t ree street, beticeen Gainnie and Suzrtti run of uustom, is otlered for sale low. Apply ou the i remiV N Cast Iron SUGAR PAJVS. of assorted siSS, startling ai^tude« are the only merit of the drama ; 1, J® WARRANTS \VA!*fB».-l«) and •) U L »tales, also to the adjustment of claims aud accounts from 1 lln from to 82 inches ALSO—Two Vertical CATTLE MU Acrm wanted. Apply to J. O. BERRY, S S L" » JOHN MIJI.HBRN. CtyiB 18tj THOM ASLINDON. «my part of the world ; the collection of debts ; taking depo- fyl3 lm SUGAR MILLS—Roller.<—3Hx22 and 8Kx24 inches, witb it would certainly be insupportable loan intelligent sitions, and authenticating deeds and other document*. g NTORABK s roil \<:r A COFFEE HOUSE FOR S-VI.K. Coupling for Wooden Shafts and e\tra Wheels, for sale by •i, rjRLEANS WAREHOUSES, Mage"," street, j i PAPER WAREHOUSE, audience, were it not for the humor of De Bar as SU ThoMe wishinc b«a services are requested b) be partieakr in m TUE ENTIRE INTEREST in the COFFE-HOtJSE dti 8uid& W J. Y. Die EG A N V 47 „ giving definite instructions that will aot as mtseadesriood ; y ubuve .liUiti, and n{«h, streu, bnKm Julia and SHELDON ii POTTER, late 72 Camp stieet, hive P«*( HAMiK ON \KU VORK—Bills at five to St. Joseph.-The .ul,«;,ib«r brn b.v. to i„rotm his friends I» removed since (lie fire to l>H Camp street, where they J. No. l!ll Jr.houyitonlas street, near the corner 01*1IJM-1Ü cases 11 re. for sale by Dandie Dmrnont, and the great ductility of frame (la.9 rirltt, for ml. by and these wishing real estate to be purchased, mM at ei- of Julia street, known as the " >Ic, »innifh' and JAS S. SIIAW, Drureit*, •16 JOHN i(. ELLIOTT i & CO.. 9* Gravier <4. changed, should give accuratedescription» of the prepsrty. and the public that he has had 'double flooring " with all are now opening a new assortment of Paper of every deserip. Draymen'M Helri'at," together witli the Hot sr. If!!! and physical power she exhibits in this performance. " i, laid in a portion of his principal tion, received by ship Si. Charles aud steamship Ohio. Their d5 d&Wtf_ ; Veranda Corner. Uoi.D FrRNiTl'RK Iielougiug to the same. The Mi lfl WlKW-eto« is hf. hhda. aad cases; Madeira, Sherry Warehouse, expressly coffee, making old en toiuers can now be supplied with Paper free from ail ARL_. Let then all honor due be rendered 10 tlds match­ - e.|ual iu point of salety Ironi dainai e d business, is in a good location for a v V and Purl, in quarter and eighth casks, of very superior ï - 'I no stain oi daniHpe by tlip late fire, at tlieir original i lieap prices. Boarding Hon •" siuic,, tu«tor orne sale 1tj by •«". >"• oriAVV, DratTKU ver)-bestvery best Warehouse in tlie city. His price for*störäre~wiil Among their assortment can be found a superior variety of • lullj furnishedJbj the t less artist, who loses her individuality, and identi­ quahrjr, lor sale by do dfcVfrtf , Veranda Cor BARBLIJ ft CO. fil Oommon« »t No. SO Gravier street. lie the sameas last won. vÎ7.: de. bag per montb. Ilehaa LETTER PAPER, PACKET AND COMMERCIAL I Tchonpi:o fies herself, as it were, with her characters, causing also room for the storageoi every description of Merehaudim» POST, WRITING and BOOK PAPER, Printing. Enve­ i^NÖLISH C \!%\EL COAL-60 tons of the âbov* N It. Tlie HonaeU oflereti lor sale 1 pHjASTtR-200 bbls. Croton: SOD do. Newark} BOO do. ..P". ^t.lga-H.Tiiig lottf acqnainted with Doctor tjiy the bulk ol jfc'.UOU barrels, which wul ulways be taken at lope anil Wrapping Paper of every description; Playing Ë-é splendid < oai, cargo of the Rniudi ship Elm* Keith, now you, by nice strikes of art» to forget the actor and i Wothen poo n 's. tor nale by owi 1 iiavtaa two noflêe-houaaa. • dHI if discharging. For Mile 111 bulk or divided to suit parties. W oodsot. « w., I take DIMSIUT m te ll:.'.'.|,'l n'..l' I;i|.'.Jl..V'l'|('l vtö iVk I "ISH HLPUtl V«.- S\ll*.U,MO\ " •Ol SPENCER Fll'.lill. WPoydra« it. follow and feel her emoilttt* of pleaaur*, p«int or public * worthy ol i^inftlence (!»his »... irwfastry, ac« 1 Bern bowl*and integrity. I. A. (Spptwaw. 50 U. v-1 y llwRtihî HQRljNp L I 14 LfA \ M\HBUi-.lW Martdy Hläte. Marbli passion, to loathe the guiiti feHtaeii »Vid r«tt>uriw pictwd, Ui ft pi juy in m vibt'tf* ui tinvH»* iu h#un «Mf.» ^hV^OpIPteV) mi I. *,W- mi'fn w> U • bsMifttf- ^ •' ^ ft» a. »awCHÜi». **lili !•* ;>•*•!*« intu Ia «liilwrfciF " î .!1