FIFTEEN CENTS WEEK. NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1850. VOLUME III.—NUMBER 7. Tlie Apollo of tlte Vatican* BUSINESS CARDS. INSURANCE. FANCY GOODS. ami m'iralff 1ot.l in burning language, and intona- j [L?- The New York Herald of the 2d inst. says: L. I.15V V, Note, Stock and Real Estate Broker, No. Translated from Wir.kelmann — expressly for the CitWt. Hun.i lireailiing liarnvmy and me|,M|y. "A day or two since it was discovered by the ac­ . 20 Camp, I door from Common st., N. Orleans. <11 1) JYeiv Orleans •Jlgeney 8PRKVCI I A^HIOVH I OH ISftO. » !Ia»'e, then, ye loven '.f ill. p'nypfV art, to en­ counting clerks in the Cnstom-bonse, that some iV k '>leJII/rON, Fancy und Staple Dry Goods OF THE The statue of Apollo is tlie roost lofty ideal of 1*1. Dealer, It Chartres street. d84 ly joy iIk rich, .l^cpan.1 hkIIdw ion,, ot thi» charm­ good* had been delivered from the public stores MUTUAL PROTECTION IN§URANCJB CO. Published Every Day-(Sunday Excepted)- art among ail the works of antiquity, which have 2 5I M\ \!U> TVM>hN~ràuctùnuer and Commesigp ot INnMivlllff, T<'tiiiesH«'«>. (SI without payment of duties : it wan ascei tamed that A* E It F It E ITCH FA JVC Y GOO I) S. BV CHOCKKTT, FKOHT A CO. ing arlr-,«. The lim«lira», nigh when ihec.iruin i > J1 re/inn t., No. 2t>OM I,.---. W ly THIS Company will Insure on the Mutual Principle, escaped the ravages of time. It soars over all they were delivered under a special order of a dep­ P. SCAN LAN & CO. I 2 lhartres street, resi>ect- will fnll on her delinrailion» Tor the U,t ,.TO, ft ^i. I! i/i'o.'i, H 'hutt sale and lit tail Grocer, No. 1 i • Merchandise, et-, against LOSS or DAMAGE O. fully inform the Jpdies that tliey are receiving i»er steam J UIN W. ( R0( KE1T... J. w. ntpaT....HP—Oi A. KIPD. other statues of the same as far as the Apollo of uty collector. A check (or the dutie« had been S. Ni vv L.j' .c und ,Vo. 8 TcfioupiioulM it. db" J'y 1' IK'f, ;«'id the Cargo«« of Vessels of every description sliips Ohio and Crescent City, an extensive assortment Of will be long ere you will look upon l„r lik? again, drawn by the importers, and handed lo their clerk, iVol?'1 »'K PERILS OF THE SEAS AND RIV­ Ornes No. 03 ST. Char«* HTREET. Ilomer excels over succeeding poets. His size is tMI.Ni 11. KLi/fOTT «k CO..Commission Merchants, French DRESS GOODSand MILLINERY ARTICLES. in the declimng art of Hhaktpeare am!" h'w miglny and the check had been cashed by the bank, but ERS. Ad persons having their property insured in this Insti­ Ladies wishing rich summer Nouveautes, are invited toexam- J 92 Gravier rtraet. nH ly tution are entitled to a full participation in tiie profits, with- elevated above manhood and his posture indicates line." Tlie Tragic Mu e '«-gin« lo pale before the whether the money vamoseH l»ctween the bask and out any liability to loss. ine the stock : tliey will find some choice new articles, received TERMS OF TIIE CRESCENT. WOLFF, Importer of Winr, Brandy', Gin, etc.,anu from Havre,by thesteamshij« Canada and Europa. mh8 7l2p DAII.Y—Fxflten Cents per week, payable u> site carriers, weekly ; e the greatness with which ke is filled. An eternal the Costom-hoase, baa not yet been determined. » '• General Commission Merchant, 2ft Gravier su nli triumph* and «plendor« or Ihe Lyric Drama. bight Dollar» per year— half-yearly and quarterly at tiie «mi Spring, as in happy Elysinm, clothes the enchant­ N. Hobson, M. S. Pilche Jas; MorU.iT, Jr. —In odvnnce. Single copie», ries Csnti...-The office A further investigation is now going on, and tbe C. H VVMOVU, Family Grocer, 71 Camp John Waters, Shepherd, D. Wea To the Jjadies. J W. M. .street. _aI,a«_ J. A. McAlis ing manliness of the perfect year, and plays with result, so far as the outsiders can ascertain, shows W II. Douglass, Ii,, Fashionable Millinery and DreaH Making. TUE " I MHtDO.N .11/aster if Aerr age s, Ht» P. B. West, John Morrow. B. R. McKennie, a softened tenderness on the proud outline of his Tiir SEAT OP HARVARD COLLEGE. — Cam­ that good* have not only been delivered from pub­ ™ * (.iiivici «tn'ci. iyia John II. Ewi A. W. Putnam, P. W. Maxey, bridge carnc near being the seat of government of lic stores without payment of ddties, but that they W. T. Berry, Samuel Seay, A. Morrison, limb«. A \VFri ll«.illiv, Ship Broker, 78 Poydras street. E. S. Hall, Massachusetts, instead of its neighbor Boston, but have Ween withdrawn from warf'hon se without J. B. R'iiowles, E. iliiiman, Go, in thy imagination, into the realm of incor­ ./a. New Orleans. jalti ly J. B. Johnson, Robt. Stewart, for some reason Gov. Winthrop saw fit to remove evea tbe formality of an entry. The fnnds wanted Itlch New and Cheap FALL GOODS. tOII.\ \V. AiMMlKWK <& CO., Commission Mer- A. J. Duncan. W. Prilcbard, poreal beauties, and endeavor to become the creator to the peninsula of Boston, and made that the .«eat to make good the deSeieacies already ascertained, »? ,h als and S',ip Age nts, » I Common st., N. O. jaô A. II. Hicks, T. A. Thomas VS U.S. (i. W. RtiPKR, Ifiû I'oydraa street. b iwen. C.vroiidefct ui.d IU ISarotnic most reap, ctfulljf intüriui the l^.-ii«i Un.t -î.eli u re- DYK IlTISEMENTS—not e*cee<(i(«g twelve lines, in Agate type, of a heavenly nature, and to fill the soul with im­ ot his colonial rt»Je. Perhaps as a remuneration for are supposed toamooat to *6,000 or *10,000. ami is 1 >t Ii«, MIR «.V CO. ( 'o mmission Merchants, No. Mil M. S. Pi , Vice Pr ident. Uiriiist Irom die Nortli, nreporuit to ofltr tlie pnMic a lieuulilul SI for Uie first insertion, and 50 cents tm every aul>se«,nciil toaer- t M. I.i».iis«invt, New (Means. _ null ly inMirtment ol PuliionuMc Faff Bonncta, p-rt..f which ure directfruni ti"ii. Those of rreaur l< n*lh tu proportion. Nonces on the ages which are exalted above mere matter—for *' is loss to Cambridge, at that time called Newton, KT Mr«. Edwin Forrest denies the right of th« C. J. F. WIIAUTON, Secretary. J'srw ; aluo, •pleiidiii P.ilil ons, Flower» and Feather«, Ladies' Cap«, second race, of ten lines in Pearl type, £t each insertion. was determine«! to locate the college at this piace l'iMi T. TAVIiOlt, Importer tf IVmes and Uisdd'-dreai>ea, I,iic«<Jrtpm aud (Julian; Erni>roidered InfnnU' Drehet, id verti cementspulilbhed weekly. semi-we<*kly,tri-weekly or ntontMy there is nothing earthly—nothing which human tribunal !«» which Mr. Forrest has appealed to h> 0 /.n/uors, No;. 15 antl 10 Royal street. n!2 Tho « K. , R. H. Fraser, »f rl«)h *'.yle and nmtcnt ; ParfumeriM. Powde»«, a».I n variety «.I tire ciiarirwl & I persqnare for every insertion. IÖ* A liberel 1638. Ever from Jhat time, seven years after the <«eo. W. West, C. Conner. information could afford—no veins and sinews warm terp<*e m her domestic relations ; and also denies I \. II»;\HI». .-îwrr Frfi.cjr Hoods ; all uf which Mrs. U. h.u uke.. steal c^re Su fleeting ttlement of (he town, tlie place was called Cam­ and Appraiser, No. 10 fyiß ly WM. A. JOHNSON, Agent, 98Camp st. or h^r cusuirnors frein the Northern cities, and intend» to s>.U al very and move this body—but a heavenly spirit, pouring ihe legitimacy and truth of the disreputable charges •J . lî.'.nks Ari-nlo. New i • , ol* __ w. <7~" Picayune will please copy. '••w prices. Ladies, plciue call aud examine Lefore purchasing bridge in honor of the college, which was intended E t:\ I II. il \l.lî.C,'»m, elsewhere. Sujireme Conrt. itself like a soft stream, has filled equally the whole to be modelled after that of Cambridge, England. wfcieh have been preferred against her. Her re­ Merchant and Shipping NA8H\ ÏLLK M A HINK, FIltK 1H81BAKCK JCfr- I lid I tunnels cleaned and altered iu good style. Country Or- Ii Igent, No. 03 Comin outline ol his figure. He has followed the Python The college was founded by Mr. John Harvard, of sponse is to be published. And Life and Trust Company. 1er» pnnctually attended to. Mondayy March 11.—Present: Chief Jnatiee ILLI \M !.. < T H111\ ( i. Covimiètston aid For- ttj- 1)leaching and Pressing done for tlie trade...-Dress-uiakinc Gharlestown, who gave for the purpose the munifi­ ).ooo. I .. • I« su^ rior style. „7 Euati», Judges Rost, Slidell and Preston. against whom he first drew his bow, and with ma­ W u'an'm g Merchant, No. 20 Gravier street. au±J iivr.n, ne<; ja.\ Ä. ruiti liK, y.. rres. jestic stride has overtaken and slain him. From cent sum, for those times,* £800 ; in consideration Lint of Vessels in Fort Met CftearedL lOIflft lOOliK, Commission Merchant. Emigration i of tbu (>)nipai»y for 12 years, have been IIIIV GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, The Court delivered decisions in the following of which the University received the name of the •* and Remittance Office, 2ft Bank Place, N.
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