11^^^^^^^^^«^^^^^1^^^^^^^^ J?a,2>ez; X>evotecl to tie Interests oi the Ii3depö4cloi>tI People. ! i-:-.-¦-¦-..¦-.-1..--~.:__._;_,_¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦»_ VOLUME III. ORANGEBURG,' SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1875. NUMBER 48. m~~mmmm.~mmm 7, .«..¦._...^...... p.i mm..mm hi r. m.M -_,_ i"r » . X V*¦ '»Ä X1+V

A SCiSNK FOIL. A. STUDY. invito us to this to ball, but you must Peppor wont away with a Bad face, ¦i l'ostago Stamps. sanio. Olhern AND BY. JEAN INOIXnv. a got two, three, four, SAYINGS DOINGS. writo declination." "which haunted Mrs. Mollen for many a bo -- Whlto llio enow over over flvo, and on up to $0,000. Al¬ lay roof, wold. Charlotte burst into tears/ond(for tho day, nnd'Lbttio returned to tho dress¬ Every Uaited States postage.stamp in ; Snails in Paris, which Whlto hung tho moon In tho frosty sky; first timo since their uf3o i« made heroin New The though a salary of a few dollars'is aro.^.b^axed And huddled sheep, that crouched In tho fold, wedding-day, Mr. making operations. York. not in itself of tho will makethem go still more slowly. ou Mollen stalked out of the room oonlrdet was hold tho American importance, holding Wore tho white raiment djropped from high ; without The lilao moire was made and by Bonk of such an A new as tho White But a llltlo antique offico generally is. For in¬ potato,JtoojvTi window, rusticitnd old,' a good-bye kiss. fitted a Note Company from July 1, 1863, until culti¬ Gleaned cheerily red ou tho wanderers nigh. 'superbly. Sister Helen, who had stance, in a little tho Queen (rjeirie 'blanüfic), is being That afternoon camo up a hurried tho some day in 1873, That was for village postmaster in rioh husband, lent tho point laoo flounces is almost always tho owner of the gro¬ vated Franco". In good soil from A pal ritor passed on his way, that night; noto from tho office, as follows: and scarf three; terms of four years oaob. The 'twelve' to are " and Mrs. Parkorson's man¬ cery and the whilo wait¬ n^t^a'aoreB formed, many What a sccuo for a study I" tho painter Bald ; DAiuiiNa Tjotxie :; Please Continental Bank Note at store, villagers, " Fairly gleams that ruby light, send, by servant brought around the satin casket Company ing for tho mail, find it convenient to of which attain "pr rexceed twonty-two it from the bearer, my valiie, with a few that time offering to do it for one-half Ioiclon fringo overhead; of of diamonds early in. the afternoon ; lay in a stock of/provisions, so that tho pounds. Tho flavor is said to bo very rOh, moon, thon art ghostly t Oh! world thou art changes linen and other necessaries,. tho amount required the other com¬ for an absence of or ten on and Lottie Mollen went to Mrs. Bene¬ by poslofiico draws custom. the fine. Planted ^ February or March, it whlto! eight days dict's pany, tho contract was awarded to thorn. Besides, I'll look In tho window all warm and rod." business för the' firm. Inclosed you ball, in the same oarriago with hor postmaster is usually considered a man becomes ripp.in will find a dollarbill for the sister The oilice of the Continental is at the Juiy^ ' fifty paint¬ and sister's husband. of much importance in a small town. I ,TnE the Vendorao Bo ho looked.hut whatovor his eyes might seo er.a debt whiqh to have been cornor of Greenwich and I ; scaffolding.around ought "I/or onoe, I am equal to any mil¬ Liberty know a who is the column is . The monu¬ Ilia pencil told me, hlB lips wcro dumb, attended to before. Tnko a receipt. streets, but as it was desirable to have storekeeper postmas¬ being removed. X might guess, but who would listen to mo I lionaire's wife on the avonuo," ter of a in tho southern of ment has beon'' reconstructed in Be careful of yourself Mhilo I am gone.. thought tho made in a village part every And tho days of tho painter bavo told then? sum, I wish I havo to LSttio, with a thrill of triumph at her postage stamps perfectly New und who twelve particular the''statue. This has Would could runup say action, the fifth of the Jersey, gets only except you know) you must wait till your eoul 1b but1 time1 'presses. If yon aro lonely, heart. fire-proof building, itory dollars a year for time position. But he been ordered. It has been determined free, get ono of your sisters to come and Her entrance made a sensation. She Equitable Life Insurance building, on wouldn't it for three that to in Kornau stay _ times And you two meet in tho world to come. » V. ., /J-.. J /I.,!.- resign put up Napoleon costume, with you. Affectionately, was quite aware of that as she swept *¦ %ns*uu*. u* x>iuuunaj auu vüuui which was the Hero 1b the amount ©very. year. modol adopted by Napo¬ study tho painter wrought; Oiiahenob. through tho brilliantly lighted rooms; street, was rented for that purpose. It is tho of leon III. A utile way off that window glows, Lottie had been! all tho office hero is for tho use of only postmasters largo And the of tho children's feet aro crying and it was no small wonder, for oho was as Tho Mr. prints brought, but now her towns or oities who rcceivo as much as Hauriet MoEwbn Kuibatj. calls such to tho athwart tho morning, eyes glittered, beautiful as a Daniel M. Boyd, tho " Up doorway, buowb, vision, with her goldon government agent, four thousand dollars. Mr. J. J j. as this A Kiss Aud tho moon beams fell liko au A now camo into her face as. James, longufigo i" afterthought, brightness hair, deep blue oyes and and Mr. Charles F. Steol, tho agent tbo will Aud silvers their pathway who now repose. she hurried hither and queenly hoight, the postmaster of this oity, gets a salary Only rosW hoar; thither, putting while the lilao moiro antique and dia¬ andt'jsuporintondent appointed by the .Doar, ,- her And after t lie The facts of six thousand dollars, the largest Only tHo roads will hoo! Cold shows tho world and tho sky round about, up husband's.things. monds set hor off rarely. company. given in rogard to but This Aud warm breaks that had sho looked given, roally small, considering the once.Jjiet'tbia! ruddy light between; messenger gono, down Mr. Bently Benedict lovelod his oyo- tho making of the stamps were obtained amount of Ab, tbo rosoB^ L win, Of tho pabitor's thought I need uot doubt, at the dollar bill in her hand. largo responsibility and work Thoy onvy mo! For liko his his lifo has been fifty glass at hor, as sho passed on, aftor the by your correspondent from Mr. Henry long Bludy ; or which it involves..New York Letter. Ah, llnio his lot was to walk "Eight ten days," she repeated to. usual to her Bowed, Mr, assistant. Two iu a halt-blown long without, " presentation host and hos¬ Boyd's U.crc spray; From tho ouo light apart in a wintry scone. herself, I'll go to the after elevators run to tho of Say, ball, all/, tess. poBij0ngor top A Terrible Alpine Accident. Tina elia-U;o;i lovo'a anadem bo' But I whero tho whlto flakes with Helen and her husband. I'll take that is tho wife of confi¬ tho building, and on leaving them, tho wreath hop.', frcezo no :'^ßo your Tho Journal de Qonovo of a recent A'roeo-Btnvüg morr, this monoy and buy the moire antique. dential clork, eh, Joe ?" said he to his only entranoo to tho postage stamp Por thy brow, and bonoalh I hope- ivhero wiutcr is over aud Grant will wait on me for date contains the following account of A~roso for mo! gone, .the other brother. "A silk gown for a royal rooms is by moans of a door which is X'*or tho cold of tho night that wont beforo I am and as a catastropho on Mont St. Bernard John Paui» 'bii materialization: IIo almost how ho mado hlB thirty-five, Bure; for the laoo that oouldn't have constantly kept locked and guarded by forgets moan; princess/point "A few dava it was rumored in Mother of Moses! * It does sometimes Aud almost forgets how they closed tho door, painter, just as likely as not he's in no cost less than ono hundred dollars a a janitor, who always sits inBido to an- ago Sion that a accident had seem to so far not Aud doomed him to work In tho world. . hurry for his monoy, and if ho is, I'll and diamonds that blazo liko Bwcr the bell which is just outside. On frightful hap¬ mb that people, from yard, at a few kilometres from tho in when it writo to Unclo Jesse to lend mo fifty- cömots ! I don't that the right hand side aro tho ofiloo and pened knowing onough to* go, nuns, » oxaotly fancy Groat St. This unfor¬ evon to under a LOTHE BALL IMiESS. dollars. I was always Unclo Jcsso' fa- a and to tho at Bernard. rumor, don't know enough got sort of confidential clerk mysolf I Le! printing room, away left, to bo well founded. trco. Hero, fools sit at tho vorito niooo." mo sco.how much did toll mo the front of tho building, aro tho other tunately, proved tho gaping "Do you think it is best for us to go, you you On tho 19th of at tho break show on tho some And this eager young woman throw him? Fourteen hundrod a rooms used in making tho stamps. November, stagp; why doesn't, Lottio V paid year ?" of a the on hor bonnot and shawl, and hurried Iu steel aro on day, oaravan composed of twelve ono soizo "Böntum" by scruff of Mr. and Mrs. Olarciico Mellon had Mr. Joo Bencdiot looked unoasily at printing, plates used, Italian to on-to "Honto" down to Grant's to buy tho remnant of tho brilliant which 200 aro Two workmeu, returning their tho neck,-and hook by been married scarcely Bioro than a vision. stamps engraved. loft tho St. Pierre and the V year lilac moire antiquo. "I cau't account for said ho men aro kept hard at work, covering country, Bourg top-knot If! they're spirits they'll .not long for tho first " it," tho tavern of whero had melt and and there's no enough gloss Oh, certainly ! cortainly ! Mr. " I Mellen to them with the colored inks and passing Proz, thoy away dissolve, to be worn off hor wedding ring. slowly. always supposed the tho foul harm > done ; and on the Grant was in no hurry at all for the t»o a reliable Bort of a them to a man and who aro passed night, and, dospito if,; contrary, rot long enough to forget the on- fellow, but I girl, equally weather and diflioult stato of tho to bo louts of farm¬ monoy. Ho trould wait Mrs. Mollen's must say I don't liko tho looks of this. busy at printing them with large rolling roads, thoy prove hulking chautod gold shiuo of tho honeymoon ; convenience of time attempted to cross over the mountain ers humbugging in rags and feathers, aud this clear December any length sho I'm afraid wo havo trusted him too far, hand-presses. Threo of these little now, upon choso to mention." are all pass or to reach the refuge, as circum¬ the broadoFa shovel could bo applied tho wife sat ut tho / although tho accounts scorn straight squads employed the timo, morning, young And he unfolded tho rieh skill¬ ten can be into use stances might allow. Tho sky was to no better agricultural purpose than breakfast a fabric, enough. I'll look into them to-morrow." although presses put table, in most becoming it so that the dark and there was a violent snowdrift. the put ling of a .heavy top-dressing of rose-ribbons aud fully holding up light He did look into thorn. in case of necessity. After tho small neglige dovo-col- should strike its rosy sheen to tho best sheets of which tho 200 On reaching tho spot known as tho where it would njako;fitting down un¬ ofod with an note in her "So far thoy nro right," he snid to paper upon tho cashmere, open advantage. " aro nave dried sufli- Montague St. Pierre, half-way between comfortable and standing up only hand, and her blue eyes with possible himself. But it's bottor to bo on the stamps engraved the .and the of to bo of. Bparkling How beautiful it was! Amothysts safe side. A whoso wife dresses ciontly thoy are sent into another room starting point place thing thought dolighted animation. A protty picture clerk, were two was shot with glimmering lines of silver. like a duchess can't and Tho gum lined for this refuge, they joined by monks, Otis O. Hati_, of pan Francisoo, to look for Mrs. Mollen was bo altogether gummed. tho convont servant a upon, very buds of violots in the sunshine. is a mado preceded by and a bank toller, two at a salary tall, velvet cheeked spring straight. I'll discharge him 1" purpose peculiar composition, to tho yparsngo, pretty.a blondo, midsummer sunsets ! Lottio thought So lost his of tho powder of dried potatoes and largo-sized dog, who, according of $2,500. Ho loved Miss Sharon. witli_hor hair shimng.-liko Woidoa «m»» Clareuco.Mellen situation, umu«. the oamo to or all ^eeB"^ne^it»ruT-^iiii^_;h^ asaa ^Aif/g1* vegniamus ,, rnlfl of monastery, meet the Miss Sharon loved him. Mr. Sharon travelers..tlx tilis momouu mu uun ^ - beams, beneath the coquettish little looked at it. which is bettor than any other kind, for "i"" I -T n i i_ hard times looking him gravely in the snow became intense. n breakfast-cap sho wore. send it home at once," sho instance, gum arabio, which cracks the Suddenly vised Otis to wait a pair of years, travel Clarence? of it 'Tray face. frozen water-spout, called veura in tho return "Boat, Why, course, said, laying ^own hor fifty dollar bill, Mr. Benedict told him frankly why. paper badly. This paper is also of a in Europe,! grow worldly-wise, is best! Lulu would her " languago of the mountaineers, whirled and All this Otis did as ho was Sparks give and credit this on my account." "I saw wifo at brother peculiar texture, somewhat similar to marry. ears to cards to Benedict's your my through tho air, and whisking up the He left his situa¬ got Mrs. And then sho ttippod around to the snid ho. " dressed in that used tor bank notes. Aftor having parentally advised. Bentloy's ball," fresh-fallen snow, the travel¬ an ball." dressmaker's. lace been dried, this time on racks, enveloped tion in San Francisco, made exten¬ " moiro antique, costly and diamonds. again ers. Tho first of five I dare say," said Mr. Mellon, dryly. Mrs. Parkerson was at tho dross- which aro fanned steam for column, composed sive tour of Europe, and a short timo I bring no acquisition.I havo no com¬ by power Italian two tho ser¬ "But did you ever read La Fontaine's makor's.a with about an are between workmen, monks, ago rotnrned, tho period of his proba- p.unip, rosy, widow, plaint to make.only, in thrse dnyB of hour, they put and the under a Fables ?" more than sho know how to sheets of and in vant, dog, disappeared tion having elapsed. Ho got back jnst " money orubezzlonient, forgery and defalcation, pasteboard pressed What do you mean, Glare ?" liked of shroud of snow several metres thick in time to read in the newspapers of tho spond. Sho had always young ono has to look out for himsolf. And hydraulic presses, capablo applying without avalanoho fallen "Only that it contains a story coo- Mrs. and now entered with a of two hundred tons. Tho next any having marriage of Miss Sharpn, his betrothed, Mellen, 'straws show which way tho wind weight from the tho seven others of ceruiug an iron pot and a crockery pot, into her *" is to cut tho sheets in half ; eaoh mountain; to T. Q. Newlands, a'young lawyer alaority plaus. blows. thing who wore were strioken down that swam down stream together. Of "A nice to said of when contains a following San Francisco.. It''was also stated for place go, my doar," When Mr. Mellon wont homo ho 'shoot, coarse, cut, cause tbo china mashed." " by the same a short distance from Hall's further edification that Newlands course, pot gots sho. Once lotyoursolf be seen at ono found a clerk in tho with hundred stamps. This is done by a girl "I don't sec what ridiculous lawyer's hall, tho first, A deadly silenco followed. had received in cash for his your of Mrs. Benedict's parties, and your a letter from with a largo pair of shears, cutting by 81,009,000 poor Peppor. tho seven last victims buried a as old fables havo to do with mo." in is sottled at once. I " Ho wrote : hand to that of machin¬ Suddenly beautiful bride. Hall got position position sooioty being preforrod in tho snow succeeded in "A great deal, my love ! Mr. Bene¬ of so is God knows which method would too emerging clerk in a Chicago hardware store, but havo cards mysolf ; but, course, "My wifo dead. ery, destroy from beneath the whito surface. dict is a rich banker. I am only confi¬ soon after death I whether it is fault or not. Had are to two They he is not happy..Chicago Times, my poor brother's^ your many stamps. Thoy passed were and returned to their dential clerk, in his brother's omploy. to as saved, thoy A Cincinnati who his coulcl'nt go out. And you'ro go in you paid tho money you owed, I "might other squads, who in many opera after made youth, parts Mr. Bonoiliet has a thousand dollars, lilao moire dear? I'll havo sent her to hor native air. tions the sheets between tho starting-place having every hair iu tho middle, mado a slight mis¬ "antique, oh, my west, porforato endeavor to rescno their comrades from probably, whero I havo one. Our spheres toll you what.I want you to look , It would at least havo been a chance of Btamps. Next they are pressed onco take at a theater in that city the other lio apart. Is it best, then, for us to and I'll lend diamonds !" life for But sho is and and then and and tho grave in which thoy are probably In order to obtain a" clearer you my her. gone now, more, packed labeled, at this moment of £»t ill alive night. oompoto with them in airy one respoot?" Lottie's cheeks Unshed ns I have to that if tho bill is not in anotuer room, prepara¬ writing of a high note by a singer, exultantly only say packed away One of theso men succeeded the perception "Because wo attend a ball at their Parkersou's dia¬ shall ex- to iu for dis¬ by ho reached in his boat-tail and sho thought of Mrs. 8ottled at onco, I reaort to the tory being put mail-bags forco of instinct and tho of des pocket house, wo needn't necessarily competo its If a energy forth what* he was an mond necklace, with glittering pond- tromeafc measures." patching to fulfill orders. single in tho ico bronght thought with them," pouted the young wife, be¬ and tho braoelota studded with This wns tho first Mr. Mellon knew is or in pair breaking through piled but what'proved to bo a re¬ ant, stamp torn, any way mutilated, above him. It was tho monk Contnt opera-glass, ginning to pull at the fringo of her to of tho soli¬ dollar bill not tho whole sheet of one hundred is vised of Deringer. People gems, say nothing great that tho fifty had boou from Sembrauohor. Ho his compilation breakfast napkin. "Of course, if thoy taires, liko drops of dow that hung from applied to its rightful destination. burned. About five hundred thousand dragged in his immediate vicinity were surprised invite it is to .* bleeding limbs about a mile and a half us, only natural suppose her ear-rings. I hopo you arc contented now, Lot- are burned every week from this cause. and somewhat frightened to see him us " from the grave where ho had beon that they want to come," Oh, Mrs. Parkerson !" sho ex¬ ho as ho went stairs to tho For tho years not a siuglo elovnto tho ordnance to his eyes and " tic," sttid, up past twenty buried for several hours, and roaohed I presume, my dear, we aro invited claimed breath lei "how can .I ever room whoro his wifo on tho sheet has been snob care is taken gase down into his dark *ly, lay sobbing lost, the first hut called tho . and steadfastly out of compliment to Mr. Benedict's " hospital,' dark caverns of death. It was upon thank you." sofa. Yon have ruined mo J" in counting them. During tho process situated close to the Velan. It iB -there brother, who is kind enough to think " Look ns as can. And Lottio know- at last how denr a of the eheotsare counted first thought to,be o cool pretty you myi manufacturing the monk was found the next impression, favorably of your humble servant." said Mrs. na- sho had for her ono of cloven timos. young suicide, but when " dear," Parkerson, good prico paid night deliberately planned And it would bo rude not to " morning nearly insensible, after having very turedly. That's tho way to thank at Mrs. Beuediet's ball. There aro 30,000 postofilces through¬ ho quietly put it back in his pocket triumph boon twenty-seven hours nlono, without into g">." mo !" . out tho and use in tho and brought tho real artiole requi¬ FehB Three Thousand Years Old. country, thoy food or assistauco of his "I don't think regrets would bo tho course of ouo any kind, by sition tho horror melted from boforo Miss Mouslcy, dressmaker, and year 700,000,000 postage brother monks of tho convent who had taken in bad part, Charlotte Besides, Mrs. Mellon wero in consultation In tho courso .of lato in A week or two since their eyes, and it became apparent that deep explorations stamps. 01,000,- como to look aftor tho victims of tho what Jmvo you to wear that would com¬ as to whether tho front of tho dress the ancient ruins of Geu. Au- 000 finished and unfinished it was n mistake after all. A fpw Egypt, 87,000,000 How had becomo aware only pare with tho toilets of Mrs. Bontloy should be out a la or with an found in¬ accident. they hairs whose beat on tho larboard Pompadour, dorson, Euglish traveler, stamps were put into tho safes. The of the had lay Benedict's fashionable friends ?" tho next when tho latter closed in a boaido a mum¬ catastrophe? ThodogTuco sido of the man's fkull had by corsage, day, sarcophagus Now York post-ofHcd alone nses 120,- succeeded in scratching through the young "That's just what I was going to was summoned down stairs. There my, a few peas, which ho preserved a somewhat over one-sixth some means gotten on the starboard " dry 000,000 year, found his back to tho con¬ speak about," said Mrs. Mellen. I stood Mr. the in tho on his return to Great snow and way side henco tho aberration of Popper, painter, carofully and, of tho wholo uumbor usod, or equal to vont. At tho of this noblo ani¬ ; slight really did need a new silk dress. That hall. Britain, planted in tho rich soil of the tho amount other sight mind. " rcqnirod 4by 0,000 with his biuisod aud poa-groon affair is actually beginning to Bogging your pardon, ma'am, for island of Gnerusoy. The. seods germin¬ offices. Four times a tho different mal, blooding Bisnop CiiAiucE's : year tho monks no had any rosy probabilities look shabby, and tho black silk 1 had interrupting you," said ho, humbly ated, and soon two littlo plants send an older for the num¬ body, longer ..Tho sail that no man can appeared, post-oflioes doubt as to tho fato of thoir two broth- ppeakor when wo wore married is positively old- doflling his cap ; "but wir. Mellon told from which, at matxtrity, sufficient peas ber of to have occa¬ of tho he lives in. Tho gen¬ fashioned this stamps they expect roil, and started at onco to seek for judge ago by time." mo you would lot mo havo tho money woro gathered to plant quite a largo sion to use tho threo eration of to was drifting with tho " It is thirteen during coming thorn. A flask of to the day only months, Lottio." on my littlo account!" tract of ground in tho following sooson. months. Of if run out spirits applied world. It was an nge of "But fashions alter course, they mouth of tho only survivor of this progresBivo eo, Clarence, you Lottio crimsonod. S'jrno of tho plants thus raised havo during that time, they aro at liberty to transition, nnd, tho spoaker hoped, from know. Now thoro's a lilac moire nn- " soono, which is hero narrated from his I am very sorry, Mr. Pepper," said attained a height of over six foot, and send for moro. The office here in Now a lowor to a higher plane. It was prob- at Grant's.tho lovlieBt shado " own description, rostorod him to life tiquo you she, nervously ; but you must call havo been loaded with blossoms of York is supplied differently. Twico a ablo that there would bo greater luxury and a on ac¬ for abrief for a fow iniuuteslater ever Baw, positive bargain, again next month !" exquisite odor, and of a delioato roso month an order is sent for about space, in tho i car future for tho raco than was 500,000 ho was a corpse. His colleague and count of there being only twenty-two "Mr. Mellen said you'd pay mo with¬ tint. Tho peculiar featuro of tho of various denominations. Threo cent over boforo known, and tho hours of yards in. tho pattern. I can get it for out delay, ma'am." is the which is small other six companions, buried beuoath with tho growth stem, stomps aro, of cjurso, in much greater the havo not been found. labor would bo dooreased ap¬ eighty -fivo dollars, and sister Helen t'l oan'tholp what Mr. Mellen said," near tho root, but increases in size as demand than thoso of other veura, yot of steam Man will to any This ia tho most terriblo accident" which plication machinery. lend me her point laco flounces exclaimed Lottio. "I haven't the it ancouds, roquiriug a support to value. Iu nuswer to tho would bo freed from ail servile labor; ordors on Mont St. Bernard siuce trim it with, and." hionoy. That's enough !" suotniu it Tho instead has happened not be cor¬ upright. pods, the stampB aro mado and sent to tho 1810." sooiety would necessarily ".Eighty-livo dollar*!, Lottie! And "Buh ma'am, I was assured I should of bciug distributed around all por¬ the offices, and there counted im¬ year rupt because it becamo rich ; the saints for a moiro dress ? Do it without I as antique you have any mistake. need it tions ol tho stem, in the ordinary mediately iu tho presence of a Ia* i3 to introduce into were not all poor by any menus, and that that is almost one- contomplatod know, my dear, ma'am, to send my sick wife out west plant, aro grouped about tho upper witness. An blank re¬ the Freuoh a ma- leisure did not of indo¬ tenth of ?" accompanying assembly "voting necessity imply my year's salary to her mother's, and." extremity. ceipt is filled up and sent to the third ohiuo." An eleotrio apparatus is to be lence. There were great thinkers to¬ " One must look " decent, once in a I havo no timo to stand hero talking Tho vegetable, it is said, to assistant at installed on tho desk of each member as well as in former tho while." bolong.i postmaster Washington, ; day times, only any lougor," said Lottie, mortified, tlie ordinary gnrdcu variety; but from who hns of this brauoh of tho there nro to bo two knobs liko tlioso of diflcronco that wc-ro now lie shook his head chargo being thoy firavoly. nshamod, yet still oni'oavoring to pur- its presenting the very distiuotivo dif- post-offioo department. Tho pay of the eleotrio bells.ono for tho yeas, tho rhoro numerous than ever, and conse¬ Lottio. I am "No, sorry to scorn suftdo horsolf that tho man had faronoea above noted, it seems worthy majori y of postmasters is not any other for the nays. Tho votes will be quently lc5s noticed. As scionco roso hard or but this is so by unkind, wild an no business to bo no persistent. "J of olo.so botanical examination. The means extravagont. 'I ho holder of that registered instantaneously on a frame iu its grandeur men would reoogoizo tho idea that I can only conclude that yon will lot you havo tho sum as 'soon n.«t pettti nru of remarkably fine ox- in receives the work behind tho tho Ood who creatod the, aud a not flavor, position Guthrie, Ind., president, opposite otcrnnl, havo thought sufficiently about it possible. In the meantime you-must I celling in delicacy thoso of tho choicest Bmall of and nnrao* of tho sot down iu of true reverence would be thus Benedict is salary SI por annum, raombors, spirit yoursolf. Mrs. vory kind wait I" I known varioties. 1 ihero nro many others who got tho alphabotiool order. implanted."