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Aver^ Dally Net Pwss Ron . For The Week Ended The Weather duly 81, m i Clear and warm tonight; low near 70. Tomorrow sunny, quite 14,890 . warm; high 86 to 90. Outlook for Wednesday . . . continued warm, Mancheater— A City of Village Charm more humid.

VOL: LXXXX, no. 263 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 (Cl—sHfcid Advertising on n ^ e IS) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS New Wave of Riot Tax Hearing Explodes in Belfi^t By OOUN FROST Associated Press Writer Northern Ireland (A P)—^Fresh rioting In Hartford ^ploded m central Belfast today an hour after P*rime mnister Brian Faulkner imposed internment without ^ ^ o n guerrillas of the outlawed • Irish Republican

Draws 200 cludliw foUowlng fights with riot- Ihe whether HARTFORD, Conn. (AP)—A quiet crowd of about TOe ^ c i^ k of nail he was shot by troops or a ci- 200 filed into the Hall of the House today, prepared to h ^ b s , the woosh of gasoline vlllan. speak their minds on the state’s chaotic tax situation. burst of ir a ’ guerrillas hijacked the As the hour ajqiroached for crnckli. n/ ambulance carrying buUdlngs McAdorey’s body and placed the afternoon hearing to begin, the pest leglslaUve session, 9 there was a long line of persons has aroused a storm of protest, TOe A . Catholic I ^ t s Association School. Hundreds of people v^Ung to sign the speakers ^^Ucs contending It digs

Incensed by the Internment or- fUed by the coffin ®"®®^‘ j w j ... . too deeply Into the pocketbooks general strike Brltl^ troops were reported Demsmds abound that some- ,0^^^ and middle bracket and Immediate public demon- to have arrested more than 300 thing be done about the new residents. state Income tax law that has „ ’ ...... s ^ t i< ^ throughout Northern republican and leftist leaders In sparked what some call a tax- Gov. Thomas J. MeskiU has i r r i ^ . house-to-house searches during payer revolt, but agreement on that the tax be repeal- HU nearly at a stand- the 'night, and officials said an altemattve to the Income ®^ fnd replaced with a 7% per 8 ^ . No buses ran, thousands more arrests would follow. levy has proved elusive. ®®"‘ “ ^®® '»’mUd ellml- M workers hid In shuttered Hie prime minister also ban- Hie finance Committee of the 'mte several exempUons in the houses and British troops ned the annual reUglous pa- General Assembly is expected PT®*®* ® !»«•• ®®"t >«'’>’• roamed the streets in search of rades vhlch for the past two Astronauts gather with their brood last night in Worden and Alison Worden, 11, behind her dad; to meet in execuUve session aft- “ ®®“ “ Pr»P«»«l s »lm tly plan, bombers. years have inflamed the com- Texas. Left to right are: David Scott, with son, Jan Irwin, 6; Jim Irwin, 8, looking up as dad, Protestant and Roman Catho- munal passlrais of Protestants er the hearing and either sup- ®' ^ P®*’ ®®*“ ®^®® Douglas, 7, in front; Merrill Worden, 13; Alfred James Irwin, hugs Joy, 11 and Jill, 10. (AP Photo) port one of three proposals to ® ruaix 11c mobs hijacked automobiles and Catholics, The second pnqx»Bl"lBT;Tnul“ and trucks. They formed barrl- Faulkner’s ban on parades be discussed at the hearing or cades behind the overturned ve- meant that the Protestant Ap- draw up a bill of Its own. ' “ P*®:‘«^ hides, threw stones and bombs, prentice Boys of Derry, sched- The committee wUl present lU ^ P®j“ ®® recommendation to either the ® Troops charged behind riot uled to march Thursday In cel- House or Senate, but the legis- 6% per cent sales tax. Bl^lds using rubber buUets. ebration of victory over Roman Astronauts Begin Debriefings lature may amend it. Other suggestions call for 1 men were shot to death Catholics In 1869, would not be Hie current special tax ses keeping the income tax but re- n todays r l ^ . Friends said able to take to the streets. Hie By HOWARD BENEDICTr daughters. It was the first time while in space of “ the genius and were transported to the Lu AP Aerospace Writer slon Of the Ge;*;T;rA;rem b;^ 1 ®«®®t months. the astronauts had been with that created such beautiful ma- -nar Receiving Laboratory. already Involves two official tax »*®skUl’s propos^ these their families since the Fourth chinery, the people who put it Scientists plan to open the propoeals that would replace the ^ ®f' McAdorey, a ^year-old^ IRA celebration of the SPACE CENTER, Hous- first of the boxes in a day or of July weekend. all tt^ether and finally the controversial Income tic with a “ ^®? officer. A British army spokes- (See Page Eight) ton (A P )— Apollo 15’s as- two to begin the years-long ex- A crowd of about 2,600 who people on the ground who higher sales tax and other tax- P*^®® ^ tronauts started a long se- braved a drizzling rain cheered helped us operate it. amination which might provide gg automobile trade-ins, children’s ries of debriefings today and waved banners and flags “ Without these, we could not clues to the origin of the moon, Hie levy on Incomes, which ms8:a«ine subscrip- earth and solar system. to give scientists, engineers while a band in Scottish kilts have done it,” he said, “ and I was passed In the waning hours (gee Page Eight) played “ Fly Me to the Moon.” want to thank you ail from the Included in the collecticm is a and doctors the minute de- a so-caUed “Genesis rock” Mistrial tails of their historic moon Scott told - the assemblage bottom of my heart.” Coast Guard that he saw the full moon from which Scott and Irwin picked journey.. Worden said he saw a lot of up at Spur Crater. They de- the Okinawa Sunday before people there who had been at In the lunar receiving labora- scribed it as crystalline in com- dawn. Cape Kennedy when Apollo 16 Declared In Intercepts tory, geologists are preparing posltion and believe it may “ As I looked at it, I felt a was launched July 26. India and Soviet Union to open the first of the moon date back 4.6 billion years to little homesick,” he said. “ If “ I guess everybody got back the birth of the moon. rock boxes that the astronauts you go some place as beautiful Newton Case Stolen Yacht coUected at Hadley Rllle. before we did,” he joked. “ We Congratulations for the astro- S'ign 20-Year Peace Pact and as fascinating as that and kind of took the long way nauts also came from abroad. David R. Scott, James R. Ir- By BERNAR D. HURWITZ HONOLULU (AP) — A Coast you spend three very intense home. It’s a treat to be back.” Soviet President Nikolai V. NEW DELHI (AP) — India such threat and to take appro- Associated Press Writer Guard cutter armed with ma- win and Alfred M. Worden be- days, you really get attached to Podgomy messttged President and the Soviet Union signed a gan the day early with a four- Arriving with the astronauts priate effective measures to en- OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — chine guns intercepted a mil- It.” Nixon to “ convey con- 20-year treaty of “ peace, hour medical examination. Af- were about 100 pounds of moon sure peace and the security of Black Panther cofounder Huey lionaire’s hijacked yacht about Irwin told the croud, which gratulations and good wishes.” friendship and cooperation” to- ter lunch they shift to technical rocks, sealed in airtight con- their countries.” P. Newton, whose retrial on 300 miles southwest of here to- included several Space Center Pope Paul VI said in a tele- day which in effect put the day and ordered the three sessicois to answer questions tainers. The first 76 pounds Singh told (Parliament: “ Hils charges stemming from the workers, that he thought often came here on an earlier plane gram to the President that he Russians firmly on the side of killing of an Oakland policeman armed men aboard to head about the 12-day voyage that should act as a deterrent to any hopes the moon exploration will the Indians in their potentially powers that may have aggres- has ended with an 11-1 hung back to Honolulu. took Scott and Irwin to the sur- lead to “ progress, peace and face of the moon for 67 hours of explosive dispute with Pakis- sive designs on our territorial Jury, goes before a new Judge The yacht changed course as understamUng among men.” tan. Tuesday to learn if he must directed but the Coast Guard exploration among the moon’s Integrity and sovereignty. It is, President Georges Pompidou Foredgn Minister Swaran stand trial a third time. said there would be no Imme- highest mountains and along a therefore, in essence, a treaty cf France followed the event Singh said the treaty should After six days of deliberation, diate attempt to board it. The deep canyon. Apollo Astronauts Spared of peace against war.” , “ with much interest and emo- provide a “ stabilizing (actor in a Jury of 10 women and two Coast Guard said the hijackers, They are expected to contin- But with tensions between In- tion,” his office announced. He favor of peace” In Asia. “ It is men told Superior C3ourt Judge armed with knives and pistols, ue the debriefings for about dia and Pakistan mounting Three-Week Quarantine sent President Nixon a tele: also, a ^treaty of nonaggres- Harold Hove Sunday that.it. was seized.the .$160,000. yacht Friday three weeks. steadily over the Pakistani gd’am reading: “ I wish to ex- sion,” he told cheering mem- deadlocked. night from Its Honolulu berth By BHL STOCKTON moon rocks returned by Apollo army’s repression of the inde- Following splashdown Satur- press all my congratulations bers of Parliament when he in- First Jurors had sent out a and later set the three-man day, doctors aboard the recov- AP Science Writer 11 in 1969. Samples returned by for the immense success of pendence movement in East note asking they be taken' for crew adrift UO miles at sea. Apollo 12 and 14 also have formed them of the pact signed ery carrier Okinawa ' pro- SPACE CENTER, Houston American science and tech- Pakistan and the flight of 7 mil- dinner, but another note foUow- A freighter picked them up shown biological activity. two hours earlier by him and nounced all three adventurers (A'P) — Because no moon bugs nology and render homage to lion Bast Pakistani refugees to -ed saying; ^‘One of the Jurors the next afternoon—the first A variety of plant species Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei In good condition. — have 'ever - been found, the the valor of the crew of the India, the treaty could set the no longer wishes to deliberate.” word, the Coast Guard said, that have shown a reaction to A. Gromyko. Apollo 15 astronauts are being Apollo 16, whose exploit goes stage for a new confrontation in Some were near tears as the theat the yacht was stolen. An Air Force (2141 transport previous lunar materi^ ivlll be The 12-artlcle treaty does not spared the three-week quar- down in ^ t o r y as a benefit to vdilch Russia would side with Judge dismissed them and di- The yacht, the 73-foot motor- flew the astifenauts from studied. all humanity.” commit either couSEfy to give antine that faced the past moon India and Oommunlst Cliina rected Newton to appear before sail ketch Kamalli, was spotted Hawaii to nearby Ellington Air These include celery, cab- military aid automatically to with Pakistan. the criminal calendar court for Force Base Sunday nlgjit, and explorers. j The Ellington ceremony was the other in the event of an at- by search pleuies Sunday as the bage, brussels sprouts, pepper, the astronauts’ second welcome setting of a new trial date. He But the 176 pounds of rocks Indian officials, in briefings hijackers attempted to hide be- the men rushed into the em- carrot, lettuce, radish, spin- of the day. Eariler they flew by tack by a third nation. Instead, remains free on 860,000 ball. with newsmen, have made hind a squall. Hie plane’s crew brace of their families—a first David R. Scott, James B. Irwin ach, club moss, fern, liverwort helicopter off the recovery ciar- the key ninth article says: There was no im m ^ a te in- clear that they expect the dropped a message ordering for a moon-landing crew. and Alfred M. Worden brought and algae. Tissue cultures of rier USS Okinawa to Hickam “ Each high contracting party dication from prosecutor Don- United States also to back Pa- the boat to return here. The Hie three previous crews had back from the moon face a other plants and seedlings of Air Force Base, Hawaii. undertakes to abstain from pro- ald Whyte whettier the state hijackers were seen to pick up thorough analysis to make cer- viding any assistance to any kistan, an ally with America in to spend three weeks In quar- lime, cotton and com also will They stepped from the heli- will again seek to try the 29- the message but they continued tain there Is no health hazard. third party that engages in the Central Treaty Organization antine, but experts concluded be studied. copter onto a red carpet, and yearold Newton on a charge of on a course toward Tahiti. Hie And they will be probed to and the Southeast Asia Treaty that moonmen bring back no When the space. agency de- three girls wearing brightly col- armed conflict with the other voluntary manslaughter In the much faster cutter overtook the learn more about the unknown party. Organization. harmful germs and elmilnated cided to eliminate the elaborate ored muumuus draped red car- shooting of officer John Frey yacht Just after midnight and factors In moon rocks that “ In the event of either party Pakistan and« Peking have on Oct. 28, 1967. the Isolation for Apollo 16. astronaut quarantine with nation lets around their necks maintained close relations ever began escorting it back to port. seem to kill earthly micro- Apollo 15 because scientists de- being subjected to an attack or Newton was charged with So Scott and Irwin rushed and kissed them on the cheek. since caUna’s 1962 border Rifles reportedly were kept organisms and spur or retard cided it was unnecessary,; a a threat thereof, the hlgji con^ first-degree murder in his first into the aims of their wives Scott told the audience of clashes with India, while the on the yacht, which competed some plant growth. “ preliminary biomedical' eval- tracting parties shall Imhie- trial and was found guilty of and daughters. Worden, who is dose- to 6,(X)0 it was “ really In the recent Transpacific The factors, which still aren’t dlately enter into mutual con- Soviet Union has been close to the lesser charge of voluntary divorced, clutched his two Yacht Race. understood, were discovered In (See Page Ten) (See Page Seven) sultations in order to remove manslcuighter. Hie Jury's ver- Aboard the Coast Guard cut- (See Page Ten) dict In that trial later was ever- ter was the yacht’s owner, mil- turned, however. lionaire E. L. “ Larry!.’ Dcdieny, “ A black woman kept me out who has residences in Los An- of Jail,” said a smiling Newtem, geles and Honolulu. indicating he believed the only The capture ended a pursuit State Firm in Denial black Juror, Ruthie A. Ellis, that began when the three U.S. Planes was the one of the 11-1 vote. crewmen, set adrift in a life The Jury did not indicate raft 140 miles off Hawaii Satur- In Strikes ^Web of Influence^ Seen whether the vote w as,for ac- day afternoon, were picked up quittal or conviction but both unharmed five hours later by Newton and defense attorney the Italian freighter Benavir. Near DMZ In Contract on Generators (See Page Seventeen) (See Page Ten) By GiEORGE ESPER By MIKE SHXNAHAN Failure of the generators, de Associated Press Writer Associated Press Writer signed to power radar units for SAIGON (AP) — American WASHINGTON (AP) — A spotting enemy mortars near fighter-bombers made their congresalonal report says hun- Danang, may have led to Ma- 46th attack of the year inside dreds of electric generators rine casualties, the report said. Israelis Strike in Lebanon: North Vietnam Sunday, and that broke down in combat In Since 1967, the report said, 'B62 bombers attacked enemy Vietnam were sold to the U.S. (Consolidated has been awarded positions one mile south of the government under “ a tangled lour contracts totaling more demilitarized zone, the U.S. web of contractor influence than $27 million to buUd 7,000 Battle Palestinian Guerrillas generators. Ctommai^ announced today. over Marine (2orps personnel.” By THE ASS(N3IATED PRESS Witnesses in Lebancm said The command said the “ pro- Hie report, 'released Sunday Daniel Elmore, a civilian the fighting spread to 16 miles tecUve reaction” strike six by the House Armed Services contracting official lor the Ma- Israeli troops struck Into north of Hebbariye and guer- mUes north of the DMZ was Investigating subcommittee, rine Corps, and a man de- southern Lebanon today and said: “ Hie defective generators scribed as his friend, Daniel rilla ambulances were seen against antiaircraft guns that battled Palestine guerrillas in racing to the fighting . area, a fired on an unarmed reconnato- adversdy affected the Marine Roes, (Consolidated’s Washing- their strongholds. Guertllla' possible indication that casu- sance plane and two fighter- <2orps combat ccqpabllity in ton representative, were named sources in Beirut, the Lebanese alties were severe. bombers escorting it. Vietnam, and may have con- by Investigators as principals capital, said the Israelis opened An increasing number of Hie U.S. planes were not hit. tributed to combat casualties.” In the case. the attack with armored cars guerrillas have moved Ijito The F4 pilots said they were The subcommittee said the Elmore, the report said, got and halftracks four miles inside south Lebanon after their de- unable to assess the damage report, dealing “ for the most his Job when Ross told him of Lebanon. feat by the Jordanian army. their bombs caused because of part, -with petty corruption In an upcoming opening in the The Israeli military com- Few guerrilla attacks from the smoke. low places,” has been turned Pentagon. mand spoke only of small arms Lebanon on Israeli settlements The reccmnaissance plane over to the Justice Department Even aAer tlefects began ap- exchanges and mortar duels. in upper Galilee have been re- presumably -was gathering for possible prosecution. pearing in the generators, El- Tel Aviv reported Infantry units ported in the past two months, photo and electronic in- “ The persons involved might more approved awarding am op- lanced into Lebanon and were however. telligence on North Vietnamese be classified as minor public of- tion for $3.4 mUUon in addition- supported by weapons fire. gun sites, supply points and ficials, yet they effectively con- al generator contracts, the re- In Egypt, President Anwar trolled the spending of millions An Israeli spokesman called Sadat laid down new conditions troop movements. port said. ’ the raid another of a (XMitlnulng Meanwhile, three B62 bomb- of taxpayers’ dollars,” the re- Later, another close friend of before he would slg;n an agree- port said. series of strikes aimed at guer- ment to open the Suez Canal. ers dropped 90 tons of bombs Roes', Jennings MoLain, engi- rilla outposts. on suspected troop concentra- Makers of the generators said neered aj^iroval of a contract He said Israel must agree to Commando sources In Beirut tions nine miles northwest of their products met all govern- to Consolidated for a different withdraw completely from the said the fighting centered Cam Lo and a mUe south''of the ment requirements and blamed type generator despite lower Sinai peninsula within six around the village of Hebba- DMZ. Hie raids were about the problem on untrained Ma- bids submitted by two com- months after It begins its with- rlye, on the western slopes of four mUes north of the much rine mechanics. petitors, the report said. drawal from the east bank of Mt. Hermon. — fought over .Fire Base FuUer, Built by the (Consolidated Die- McLain, at the time director A spokesman for A1 Fatah, the Suez Canal. which was hit with two heavy sel Electric Co. of Old Green- of the 'Marine Corps procure- the largest guerrilla group, said Otherwise, Sadat told the mortar barrages last week. wich, Oonn., the generators ment division, itater dU legal the Palestinians fought the Is- Arab Socialist Union In Cairo Six other !B62s pounded sus- tu m ^ up with missing pistons, work for Ross, the report said. raelis with antitank guns, rock- Sunday, Egypt will go to war to pected troop concentrations and loose screws, frayed wiring imd SubcommittM ihvesUgrators ets and machine guns. Com- liberate all territories occupied weapons positions near the Lao- cracked fuel tanks, according estimated repairs to all the mando sources reported casu- by Israel in the 1967 war. tian border before dawn today. to the report. faulty generators vrould cost alties on both sides. An Israeli “ We have no .^alternative to 'Only small skirmishes were It said within seven months $2.6 iiiim on. after shipment, the first 300 military spokesman listed one victory” over Israel, Sadat told South Vietnamese troops move acrciss a wooden bridge during a sweep against reported from the batUefields. In its statement denying any guerrilla killed and an Israeli units sMit to Vietnam were out soldier wounded. ’ (See Page Ten) the enemy in Cambodia. Soldiers are part of a new. task force. (AP Photo) (See Page Seventeen) of commission. (See Page Eight) /

y'. ,4 ?-i J \ I

manc h b;ster eveisung her ald, Manchester , conn., Monday, august 9,1971 pag e three MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 fA G fl'tW O Hearing Called Tolla nd T V Ton igh t Cheuey A rt nHOVIERAnNGB S h e in w o lfl o n B rid g e In CL&P Dispute Litter War See Saturday’s TV Week FOR RAREfftB AND Science Curriculu m Plans T o B eSh o w u BOSTON (A P ) — A hearing I t AR. GAXEIC^'IV) tATEST DISASTER for Complete Listings. lonriM -BYCLAY.R.PQU.AN- Summer YOUNQPEOPIE PABtTNER’S FADI/T no r th hEis been scheduled for Aug. 24 A R IIS Your Daily JLctivHy Guitto L IIR A Escalates ^ J 10 6 5 9) MAR. 21 PRe eR^PcS^S^t ef RIe reRRge 14 fe RvfMis T o B e A ired on Wedne^sday At Lib rary for tee Natioiud Labor ReUir *» According la lha Stars, perenlsebeetiReeiiNeftMiy if By ALFRED SHEINWOU) 0 J73 6:M <2> P a rry Mo««a Theaters WB4 WMt (0). To develop message for Tuesday, ‘o ' SSf t evRStb eeeSeet ^4r Rp RteiP cRRMPpe* 0 109 85 2 . to gruMpn! cfe'48^73 61-67-70 ^ ♦ 3 planned sequential science cur- club m ay contact Mrs. Lasher. (44) MeHale’ s Nary works of tee lEde Russell Che- everyone, trim toddlers of your Zodiac birth sign. IAU RSa AMITTEO endish Club In New York a few 5:M omigaa’* bload Nowi — Weather oaO ney, a Manchester native, will teat a striking union has en- 1 Kty 31 A n 61 T o o SCORPIO The entire resident company also an Eutthor who ctmipiled a SsHrtl M Is in t riculum for aU grades Kteder- An. 20 Britldi Columbia's war on Ut- weeks ago, within eui hour nine 4l 873 Seventy WEirranty deeds for be held next month te MEUiches- gaged te unfEdr lEihor pnmtlces. 2You 32 Through 62 Proposition ^ actors plus muricians Join “Th^ Qre^ C^e^ans ♦ AQ2 gitften through 12, w ill b e a ire d 6;H Bappeohif <0> 1 ^ M A Y 2 0 3 Fin* 33 Opportunist 63 A people tdd me about Harry 9 Q 10 4 ter under tee aponaoirshlp of the The heEirteg win be te Water- Norif'; ter, with beer and soft drink . , ^ Talk About Comedy,” based on 0? 6 2 property trEuisfers were record- iiOa (24-12) News — Weather fairway priced from fN5A*57-«M9 4Todoy't 34 M odtmize>.. 64 Aro -Kl ML MIS RBMinn O K7643 at Wednesday night’s meeting MEmchestor HlstorlcEd Society bury. Conn. 35 Grasp 12-15-18-32/?^ containers as casualUes, plans **' ^ fast-steppingr satirical musl- interview^ with the world’s Fldtbein’s latqst catsstroidie. 0 None ed te tee town clerk’s office last Sportc ly71-77-79-8l 5 Evtnts 65 Fault Pwetel ftiW w IsiiiilM (U ) CoaOld Camera 6 Day 36 Fomily 66 Co-workers 36^8BA-MV& •■Pldiy,” as he is affectionately 4, QJ 1097542* A8 of tee Board of Education. week. Euid W M ton L ib n u y . In a notice by tee NLRB; Lo- GEMINI to esta te to Include automo- ^ "view which wlU ring down funniest performers, and \riio (29) T# TeU the Truth (G> 7 Could 37 Core 67 Much SAGITTARIUS SOUTH High School science toEuiher (49) n Sooeet 8 ^ ^(JhrisUe F. McCormick, vice cal 420 of the InternationEd 8 1s 36 Or bile hulks'and possibly hquor cu rta in ^ the Nutmeg B«m- nB ^arty c « ^ t e comic ar- Deeds filed were Roger and 68 May NOV. known by practically all the • :St (l> Newi wUh rater Cram- president of the historical soci- Brotherhood of ElectricEd 9 To 39 Speciol 69 Be mer Playhouse seas Storrowton chUdren's theatre C? AK985 survey of current science offer- Euid Thelma Gates, property on (6) News with jr.K. Smith M d -30-37 11 Steady 41 Don't 71 Closer UnRif 17 rt^vifM MctRpMyiiR been an outstanding expert Horry Booseaer (0) committee. ing working employes of (X ftP liaJ M «fl 44-47-53-58/0 "We are taking a look at the gensen Theatre. Joan tittle- features two - performances Parent er AM t SavdlM 0 AQJ ings on a gTEide by grade basis Old Post Rd. ^^52-59-80-86 12 You 42 Unexpected 72 Friend since the early days of contract (U> Dick Voa Dyhe CSieney (1881-1946), was tee from perform ing t ^ lr duties. 13 Those 43 Any 73 Indicated 72-78B3B9V-89^ liquor bottle situation and I «oii. What a Lovely ThunKUiy of "A Hsqipy Time,” * K6 Eind give his recommendations Werner O. Kunzil, Jr. to Don- (2249) NBC News (O) CANCER 14 Poce M May 74 Opening bridge; and he didn’t erun his youngest son of Knight D. and The company oontends that CAPRICORN think It may be feasible to do \ynr^» opens tomorrow night at starrliig Bob axid Susan of the South West North East for a coordinated science pro- Edd W. and ShEiron H. Fish, 9 iU (99) Kewe (O) ^ JUNE 21 ISM oy 45 Overburden 75 A ^ itio n s DEC. 22 A < reputation by underbidding. 7:99 ( I ) Marie Ednah Dow Cheney. He became union members have blocked 16Be 46 Concepts 76 Deperxients som eth!^ about It,” says Ken- g.^g’ ,.uns through Satui> “SesEune Street” television M WE WOU 12 MMimt 3 * Pass Pstss gram. property 1- - 9-34 18 Goin 48 Adjustments 78 Or 2- 7-16-201 ETshey’s dlEwsters are his part- (22-19) News — Weather oad er of New England lEmdscapes pUnts and have threatened 8 minister. scenes at the fighting front and Orath and Loretta Long All Pass tag tee peut year over tee scl- _ __ SpeHe (C) &^45-60-75 19 Suited 49EmphosIs 79 You 25-63-65 \ ner’s fault rather tlisui Ms own. Richmond to Jo)m P. Mitchell, and seascapes. A' number of Ms F u n d D rive “bodily harm” to some employ- 20 Generous 50 Promising 80 Respond Checka indicate that more home evoke" the" foibles of atago, combine songs and au- ^e curriculum, and tee lack pr^rf""o„ or^t HluT (49) ABC Newe « ) AQUARIUS The most recent CEwe Is typical. 7:29 .^^M) From A Blrd^ :i^e works were of tee eirea arexmd LEO 21 W h o 51 Yo u rse lf 81 Th ink than 80 per cent of the liquor ^ England the contrast ^ence partlclpaUon games of science instructimi te tee ele- ' ed' a t a C L ft P plEmt In Water- 'f'3 JULY 22 22 For 52 For 82 And JAN.-20 South deEder. as a motor, but It will Eldwi Euid MEudne J. Thibod- Ogimquit and Kittery, MEitee, Maurice Miller of Vernon luis bury. 23 There's consumed In British Columbia (during the shows to be held at mentery grEides. (M9) ItePe Itoke a Deal (C) 53 Tension 83 Loved fit. It between the reality of the O re^ Both sides vulnerable. steerl huge ship to safety. eau to Richard D. EUid Judith where he spent the later years been appointed chairman for ,AUG. 22 24 Develop 54 Distont 84 Busir>tss is bottled In the province. 11 a .m . EUid 2 p .m . At MeEidowbrook only two (19) Marie Dome War and the sentimentEdity Opening lead — Queen of Daily Qaeptlon M. Vlgnmult, property on Rt. 74. 9:99 (2249) NBC Comedy Theater of Ms life. :Ae annuEd fund drive of tee 16-27-33-35 25To 55 With 85 Or 4- 5-10-24/<^f "I think there may well be an Opening tonight at the Ivory- clEutses hEid an EustuEil science “Pushorer” Fred MocMurroy, ^>'43-50-62 26 Be 56 On 86 Warmly 31-42-74 vriilch surrounds It. Clubs. Partner open* with one heart, John J. and Anne C. McNulty The exhibit wUl be held te tee Nathan Hale Branch American 27 An 57 Objectives 87 Visits oiworuinlty tor recycling here,” , . ______ton Playhouse Is AlEm Jones In progTEun bote using tee experi- Kim Norok. _ VIRGO PISCES hVS, ”butat^e moment An ^ tc«tem ^ ^ West led the queen of clubs, player bids two to WllIlEun L. and HeuwI M. 6:29 (49) Jt.W as a. Teiy.jOeed V91T O' WMton Ubrary Auditorium Red Ooss. The appointment 28 Trips 58 With 88 Channels ”Meui of liELMtancha.” Per- mentEil inquiry approEush (o (I) This b Tsar Life 29 Achieves 59 You 89 One* III. If THEATER TIME and East won with the ace. East fou hold: Spades, J-10- Sleeves, property on Old Sttd- Sept, 20 — Oct. 2 Emd w ill be was made by Fred Wlnkley, 30 Really we’re Just In the ejcploratory ^ dealing yd tormances of the award-wln- science. Second grade teEicher Quest; Ray May, 60 Ideas 90 Pert ^0 retumed his eight of clubs to Hegjrts, J-7-S; piamonds, ford Rd. 9:99 (2) llaybeiTTBFD (G) Bw/' sin. 22 MAR. 20' 8tage.” . niuslcal currenUy playing SCHEDULE Mrs. dEdre Sorrano Eind kteder- open to tee public daily from 2-5 chsdrman of the branch. the Wng, and West signaled by ig^g. . ; uihIm, S. . (2 »4 9 > M 9 T to (C) [^39-49-56 3- 6-17-19/v- Kecycllng liquor bottles marriage and divorce Is the mw 5 8 gEirten instructor M rs. Doris Richard A. and SEmdra M. (C) EUid 7-9 p.m. Miller, a locEd builder and de- ^Adverse Neutral 22-28S5B7V&I New York Eire tonight (649) Movto [>66-76-82-90 Wl» would be a furtner blow to the offering at the Triangle The- BYlday at 8:48 dropping the jEUJk. This uimeces-, you say? Thompson to Edwin A. EUid 9:29 (9) Doris Day Show (C) Oteer committee members veloper, is a member of tee p.m. Burnside — ” Klute” 7:16. Siam08 attended a special uni- (18) Gaoa. Bepart (C) province’s glass manufacturers, atre in (Farmington ru n n ^ Saturday Ed 6 and 9:30 p.m. _ , sarily high play Indicated that Paso. You would------(Jhristtee M. IMcke, property on Eure Miss HEuel Lutz, corre- Elks, MEisons, American Le- Cinema I— B u rn er ^ 42 . host’s side strength was In the partner had opened with versity program lEut summer 19:99 ( I ) The CBS Nowosa (C) CUSHINO ACADEMY wnose prouuctlon luis, fEdlen Hiursday through Saturday this Ameiricaii Shakespeare EUid w o r k e d with tee other W)))*® CSrcle. (U ) Boilfaril Tolk-Ia (C)(r spondlng secretary cf tee hto glon. Chamber of Commerce 11:99 (244249-49) News — Wsother since the Litter Act became ef- week EUid next. ’’Lovers and pgguval Theatre i Wsl>er of the two side suits. spade or one diamond, but Mesdowbrook teachers to start E- "*<1 Carolyn V. CSlf- torical society, coordinator; and Vernon BoEud o f Realtors. ASHBUKNHAM . MASSACHUSETTS in Stratford 3:00, 7:00, 9:00; Short 2:30, There were actuEilly three is simply too weEik to oad SpoHs (C) lecUve July 1, 1970. Other Strangers” was first pro- eontlnues through Sept. 6 with a fledgling science program at M John G. and kOldred L. U:28 (i) Mas Frem DJT.G.I,.!!. pEist presidents Willlsun E. He is Edso a member of tee Ver- 01430 6:30, 8 :^ gide suits, but South set to ywk partner when you have on- The act, proviaes for a man- duced In New York In 1968 and summer repertory presenta- the schexd. Jackie, property rive-In — ^ the rest of the to almost 2 bUllon bushels in knowledge between tee students 7:99 Jeree Gbea Geeks and Unloh. Cushing boys and girls have gone on to higher education in colleges throughout the when they reach tee Mgfli school United CongregatlcoEd Chunte. "Lobster” ”Blg Jake” 1^:10; ”A Boy trfeks. Flshbein took only three fiscal 1970 after hltUng a low of To Be Explained ‘^ 'te e ‘"fliS ^ m ^ ^ * ^ e P "'” Saturday matinee; and ”Wvea,” level science clEisses, according A voter reglstratlan seaslan 6:99 W erid F ie u (G) world. In the first six montM « jne . ^ written o-turdav nlsht at 8-30Named CharUe Brown” 8:30. tricks______at______Ms contmet of three 1.7 bUUon In fiscal 1969. 9:99 B eolitlee (G) year more than eight n ^ » b ^ w a id Khoblock. One sUent tec ^kespeare to educators. will be held tomorrow night “The Triumph of Christy” — HARTFORD (AP) — A mem- Class size at Cushing averages twelve students. The school calendar is organized on Meadows Drive-In — “Evel notrump doubled. DocumenUuy on Irish Eiuthor Berlin Subway Grows A few weeks back I wrote a latest opus. Personally, I hope E»ft drink ceuis were turned In ' “taikiea” were ore- j j ^ A similar study Is being made from 6 until 8 at the Town Hall ber of Gov. ThomEUS J. Mesklll’s a trimester plan. Senior Seminars, of which there are over sixty trimester-length options, .2. tor recycling, accounting tor al- fUm and two t^les^ were pro- Q,eatre, guided tours without nauev^.Knievel” 0 8:30:.0... ”W .. eu: Between ”I never opened my mouth,” and painter, victim ot serebml column in which I pointed out it is In Latin. of tee mathematics program by for Edl quEdifled residents of tee who has use of only one staff was Ewheduled to attend a WEST BERLIN — Twenty- moot & teSrt of all such cans charge are provided between supplement standard full-year college preparatory courses. The seminar program, which InXjl between the MassaUCUMS SdlD and the%X&6 zslOtsV c» Llll A\e wA cull • j _ m aw a ® ^ 2 i t eix t —— AvVXNorth ua complained later to any- Raymond Kalbar, whose report town 18 or .over who have lived conference te WEishlngton today two miles of track are being that operas were stiU being writ- ///.v/CiNEMA 19:99 B ven lat a t Fepe (G) includes some tenth and eleventh graders, provides student opportunities for in-depth opera there wUl be a concert by sold In British Columbia during ^ * P "*- GuWes, members of B lu e «lto ^ body who would Ust«i. ’’Before is expected to be te tee hands here Ed l e a s t six months. Thofm Eind Tuesday to discuss details Eulded to W est B erlin ’ s 48 n llles ten EUid produced, not only in i/e ™w a i,»u,erv oy jne period. ^ the Stratford Shakespeare GuUd, My ’^e” 8:30; “Diary of A I knew It, we were out 1,700 the National Symphony Orches of Superintendent of Schools Dr. reglstetteg may enrcdl te a po- of funda going to the 60 states of ERibway. About 694,000 peo- study of specific academic areas. There are academic honor societies for both boys Later this ysEW two mobile Including the iiow classic songs ggg^rf visitors through Uie M euI Housewife” 10:16. points. I wcwider what Fishes Europe but eUso in this country; tra of Waahin^^ton on S^>t. 9. ______» - Kcimete MacKenzle before litical party te time to pEtrtlcl- Fossil Site under the new Emergency Em- ple now use tee subway system and girls. Just not v ery often at the Met. Antal Domti will conduct, but careaiBrn Exhibit,Sbchlbit. as putting into Ms coffee these pate te party caucauses Eind pri- dally. Wednesday night’s meeting. CANON CITY, Colo. (A P) — ployment Act. A full complement of athletic opportunities — recreational, individual, and inter- One thing that inevitebly so far I have received no Intel- equipment will begin deEdlng “Baubles, Bangles aiM B e^ , through the Eirt gallery days!” marles. (Xher business to be handled ______^j| The Royal Gorge, a narrow 1,- The governor sidd Stteirday brings out a new opera la the ligence concerning his choice of with dlscEurded EUitomoblle hulks opened a 17-month New Tork featuring a pEdntlng of Henry 5 B li n d F o lk Flriibelns’ second bid of three TTie Board of Finance scholastic teams in major sports — contributes to the school program. Extracurricular, at tee meeting will include a tee state Is expected to Vedblve program. Certain things he at the rate ‘of 606,000 a yesu-. run and a rtand In London dur- lyrfng as Richard H I wMch notrump indicated a hand that meet' tom orrow'nl^t^ 7 :80 In »»■*«>» <1«®P c^ ed by Urn programs include films, studio art, field trips, choir, modern (Jance, aviation courses, opening of a new opera house, discussion of tee data processing as much as $28 million under and true to trsidltion there w ill does well, so this program Is For the most part the service Ing a newspaper stirke. soon will be lent to the National Conquer Fuji was Just albout worth an opening tee Town Hall. Among tee Itoqis Arkansas R iver through soUd W ANTED system used by tee schools te tee 1972-73 program. literary publications, and numerous other clubs and activities. be a new opera at the formal somewhEit of a gamble. It will will be free. TMs has brought Sunday at Oakdale, fam ^ Gallery In WEishlngton, D.C. bid of two notrump. Why had he to be discussed is tee formation iBsnlto Just west of this Rocky such Eireas eis attendEUice tEdtteg The school is nondenominational and serves students of all races, creeds, and opening___ of the John F. Kenney be given in the Center’s Concert protests from the soft drink In- trumpeter Al Hirt will be on jjg fjjjgj week at the Good-TOKYO .(AP) — Tliree blind opened with one heart instead? of a SEilEuy Study Committee to Mountain town of 6,000, has Ooan, Late Model Centei^for the Performing Arte, Hall, wbereEis other .things are austry. An Industry spokesman stage at 8 p.m. speed Opera House In E ewI Haul- men and two blind women have Probably because he had a five- and report card prepamatlon at review tee SEdaries paid the provided scientists one of tee C offee Less Im portant nationalities. tee middleIdme and Mgh schools. next month, in WEudtlngtea. The slated for the Opera House. says: ” We feel It Is unfair that The final presentation of the jg Q,g Gershwin brothers cUmbedII V j to the top ^ of IS 14,623-foot S9R foot card heart suit. Suspecting this, ^ Mghway department woihers ridiest accessible fossli areas RIO DE JANEIRO — Coffee, USED C A RS On Saturday evening. Sept, the soft drink cxHisumer should Oakdale CSilndren’s Theatre «Qjrf cj-azy,” which will com- The first genend staff meet- opera will be “ Beatrix Cend' and tee need tor a town garage, te tee world. wM(di brought Brazil about 70 h For further information, you are cordially invited to call the following local-area residents with ‘^rfornTE^^Te's "sltertiy ^t- Fuji with the help of a Instead of citing his sl- ing of tee new school year will T< » Prices Paid by the South JLmericaa composer H. the American BEillet TheEder be sEMdled with the cost of re- w ill be staged Thursday at 11 pigfg The (Jemetery Association will Besides a wrealte of crusta- per cent of Its export Income For AH Maltes! Cushing affiliations; Alberta GlnEurtera, will offer a new producUon of cycling their contEilners wMle a.m featurbig the WCBS-TV Seeing Eye GermEtn shepherd. lence els a virtue. be held Sept. 7 at 10 a.m. te tee meet tomorrow night at 7:80 te ceans Euid marine life, the 10 yeEurs ago, is now respimslble If North had bid four hearts. Mr. and Mrs. John.F. Sommers (Current Parents) Or write or telephone; Glnastera bnrf ali^eady had a “ The River” with music by free services eliminate such Prlnce Street Players In Tomorrow XUIUUI^UW throughUUVUKB* Saturday —at xxuiuxBlind people have climbed------. , , Tolland High School cafeteria. tee Town HeiU. granite walls have also yieldedfor only about 33 per cent. Bi- Tel. 875-9379 Robert D. Klarsch burdens from other consumers.” CARTER CHEVROLfr couple off penui produced In tMs Duke Ellington. I expect this “PlnoccMo.’ . . ^ . ^8:30 p.m. at the Eugene O’Neill Japan’s most famous mountain Pl^beln woi^ have 8^ School Starts ------tee remEdns of gigantic dteo-come from manufEictured goods, Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Bidwall (Trustee and Past Parents) Director of Admissions country by the New York City will probably be the most pop- WeUknown nightclub and Theater Center, 306 with other Mkers, but the five “ • two. A rudder ten t School w ill begin Sept. 8 with MiuudiMter Evening Herald saurs that lumbered through netu'ly nothing then, has CO., INC. Tel. 742-6613 _ Box C, Ashburnham, Mass. 01430 Opera, but In view of the fact “ tar of the various offerings television performer Dlaham Q^gat {Neck Rd., Waterford, were believed the first to do It ------^------— full day sessions scheduled, Tollfuid correspondent Bette tee Eu:ea millions of years ago reached 18 per cent of export 1229 BKdn S t Mrs. Edward Glenney (Alumnus '46) Tel. (617) 827-5911 that he is not a cdOaen of the during the formal dedication. Jethro Mulls Cai^ wUl aPPe^ Marshall Dodge of “Bert and I” with a guldd dog. They took rather than tee tradWomd half Quatale, telephone 875-2845. when it wels Just a mEuah. sales. Phone 649*5238 Tel. 649-4438 UB. It seems a bit strange tbal general, the program for Hi qi— . uuitJLii records, will present a -’Down nine hours Sunday to reach the S. A . M . PRESENTS day sessions used te previous a new work by him got the nod four evenings seems to Future Without East amlle-ln.” Dodge, a New summit, about twice the usual yeEoa. have been welt thought out. We for the opening of so ImportEUit f^ e s E x ^ S ^ P^k England storyteUer who has time tor other cUmbers. Membership Drive start with religious music, Remington Arms a national arts center as the Partner, Homer T in ’"nie t>ee” likened to a “twentieth About 300,000 persons climb 3 Plays In Search of an Audience The Tolland Junior Women’s Rescuers Find Mute,, 13^ Kennedy. Bernstein’s ”Meuw;” then we century Artemus Ward,” Is Mt. Fuji annuaUy, most of (8 ONB-AC?r PLAYS), C3ub hEus launched a drive to at- Dividends Set Peraonaily, I don’t CEure much go to a oonventlonELl symphony EVANSTON, ni. (AP) — A tract new members between tee concert; next we have a brand CeutMI who starred In the fascinated, by Americon dtelects them in July Eind August, the for his style; It is angular and stunned Kenneth Burns, mando- televtet’cn series ’’Julia,” has and.win present such stories as cUmbing season. "THE W ELCOMING"— Mary Fournier Bill ages cf 18 and 40. BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Tile Lost Five Days in Wilds *tAw rwkAM onH Mnallv an ava* Dutteg a recently held tefonni- difficult to sing, and is only board of directors of Reming- "A PERFECT ANALYSIS" al coffee hour honoring eight TRUOKEB, <3allf. (A P) — A Joy as tee rescue crew bounded ton Arm s Q>., tec., luuj de- (xit of the 6,800-foot>«levatlan GIVEN BY A PARROT - TENNESSEE WILUAM8 now members. Membership retarded 13-yeEir-dld boy Is re- as being Chairman Mrs. Lance Lasher ctared a quEuleriy dividend of covering from his ordCEil of EU-ea near So(ia Springs with penters who are diligently as- X,., X . c e lv e d eui Emmy nomination Maine “EMJcent” he used on Ms sembling woriu in the atcnal form ing arts. "T.V."— Jean-Claude Van Itallie nOfit-iaiiy kicked o ff the drive. $1 .12V4 per ahfune on preferred WEuiderteg five days te the tee boy on a stretcher. “It was greEit,” she said. Idiom. It te a rare thing for one Eigaln follow ing Among tee projects under- Stotyc Euid EUI In terim dividend wilds ot tee Sierra Nevada -partner Henry D; Hhynes. taken by the servlce-oriwrtod -bEUjk - countiYr-uiiELble. _to __call_.^133iey cam e r u n n ^ o v e r those cf thesp opera hDUM-openera to ot 20 cents per sliare on com- amount to Euiything, but of Condors Escape ”I am Just ducked,” Bums club ste(t9 Its formation in 1966 tor help. hills like teey' wwB flat.” S ie " BAILEY AUDITORIIJM and DEUia’s stepCateer, Don course Verdi’s “ Alda” te one ssdd Sunday. ” It’s like 40 years are idd to ctesses for the per- mon stock. DEUia C oop er w as found Sun- MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL Bowman of Ihole, CTallf., had very qotable eKcepUan. New Fire Peril of my life are gone. I don’t ceptually handicapped, annual iBote dividends were nuule day, lying baref(Mted te a dry been camped te the aisa, Eild- On the other hand, think back have EUiy Idea what I Eun going AUO. IS ft 14 8 P.M. DONAWON $1.99 hearing and vision screenings for payable on Sept. 16 to stock- stream bed amid Mp-Mgh Connecticut Linked teg searchers as they combed a couple of yeara to ’’Anthony FILLMORE, Calif. (AP) — A to do now.” preschoolers, donatlan of - a holders of record Aug. 17 te brush, m mUes from where he T tee lake-dotted terrain. EUid Cleopatra” _with wMch the fEist-moving brush fire burned Haynes, 61, who was Homer, BcholEursMp to a grad u ate o f T o l- Friday’s Eu:ti(». vanished Tuesday. new Met was opened to great ^ ^ guf,■ the' guitar" playeY," dled"'Satuf- land FDgfa School and formatlori The company adso Einnounced PlEuier County Sheriff’s Lt. Thirty men set out Sunday morning Eifter noises were fEUifared. The M et gave It sonle , , ^ i day cf a heart attack hours be- of the ToUand HlatoriCEd Society. sales for tee six months ended Jerry Raplsarda, crdteator of performanefes during the sec toward a mountain fore a scheduled EqipeEtrance at Also, te« start of a program June 20 of $66.9 million, com- tee Intensive search, said Dana heard Saturday night souteeEist ond yeEU" (to get back produc- sanctuEuy where the last Cau- the GreElt Midwest FMr, in HARTFORD AP — The As- state, will complete the North- of montely ' scheduled story pared with $70.1 million for tee WELS found by volunteer Ben of tee , summer cEunp that Deuia tion costs) but the opera is now fornia condors Eure fighting Crete, HI. soclated Press in ConnecUcut east regional hub, t ^ fourth to hours at tee TOlland Public Li- sEime period te 1970. Johnson of F a ir Oaks, who led tiEid wEuidered away from. Searchers had held little hope aa deEul eu the htetoricEd chEU'- Eigalnst extinction. He and Burns begEui their 40- 1 be established by the world s biury for cMldren between tee Net Income for tee period inmates from nesuTiy Iron Mine began use of a complex, mod- newsservice. acters from ^ r i i It took Its But the U.S. Forest Service yeEir team career In 1982 as ages of three to six; beautifica- was $6.01 million, including a OonservEitlon Camp down a of finding tee boy and divers nsune, and that Is very dead in- brought in reserves, and a youngsters playing background em communications system jEiegional hubs previously tion of Crandall’s Paik and Tol- nonrecurring gate ot $446,000, rocky gorge to tee boy. tiEid probed nearby lakes think- ing he might have drowned. deed. force of 600 firefighters tiEtlted music for a rEuUo station In Sunday to expand coverEige and were establUdied in Atlanta tor land Green, a drug education compared with $0.28 million for RapisEoda sidd DEina, who Dana had been seen lEist heEid- QinEistera wlH get a very the blaze Sunday. KnoocvUle, Tenn. They went cn gpgg^ deUvery of news In the the SoutheEuit, CMcago for the prognun and fteanctel and vol- thp first six months te 1970. has tee body of a lO-yesur-dld ed down a roEUl leading to wide coversige from the liuisi- The unexplained 100-acre fire to record more than 80 albums Upper Midwest EUid K euiseis unteer aid to Mansfield State Net tac(>me on common stock and tee mentellty of a 6-yeEu:- Upper Lake OaEKEide. cal press, since the annual con- in the Los Padres NaUonal For- and make numerous night club • ..fin,™ o City for the Great Pteins. Blm- Training School. WEIS reported at 60 cents per dld, can utter only quiet, When found, Dana was con- ventlon of the Music Critics As- began Saturday during a and television ajpearances. The new operauon uuuz regtonEd hubs are to be es- The club’s soctel life includes share including six cents from grciEUiteg sounds. scious and “ looked very happy soclatlon te taking■------place------te j,eat speU teat has raised tee Their Mts included renxUtions computerized regional product- in other areas of the apeakera on timely Issues at club tee. nonrecurring gate, com- At .Tsteoe Forest Hospital te to see us, ” a searcher :^ d . The Washlngtmt at tee same time, jjjpg danger in mountains and of “The Battle of Kuka- lon-trEuismlsslon center in the nation during the next yet|r. meetings, bowling, leagues and pared with 83 cents per share TTUckee, officlEds said the boy boy was not sunburTied and hEid and critics from Edl over the areas te Southern Cali- monga,” ’‘Daddy Sang^^Bass,’ servloe’s Boston bureau. The JtP’s new H artfort Bu- for tee same period last year. was te good splritis but suffer- CEmyon a bridge group. apparently stayed out ot brlj^t U.S. as well els CanEida EUid and “Let Me Go, ^jg ^ “hub” bureau for New reEui te located at 196 Trumbull A fompany spokesmEin attrib- ing from peneumonla, exposure fornia. AnnuEil events include a M en’s sunshine teat raised tem pera- Mexico will be te attendEUice. Besides tee 600 men, heavy England. Street, across from the Hart- Night for members and their uted tee decline te sales to low- and dehydration, and would be Among teem will hospitalized at least three days. tures to the high 80s Eind low equipment and a dozen air- husbands as w ell as tee spring er military Etmmunltlon vol- truly. ^cted ^ S t ^ “ tone^^ ser- m conJuncUon with the re- ford avlc Center now under Dana’s mother wept tears of 90s dally. tankers helped control tee dinner dance. The opera Is not, however tee blaze. No structures were rices for Haynes Wednesday In n Z K ''2 4 6 4 )S ® form al opener for tee center. It his hometown of Lansing. has moved Its statewide editing number la 2 4 ^ 6 . burned and .no injuries were re- comes on. tee evening of Sept. ^^r v^T^ethlng bureau from New Haven to The New Haven Bureau re- 10 but te e C en ter w ill be fo r - ported. other guys Just took for g r ^ Hartford. O peratl^ in tee new mains te tee New Haven ^ ^ s , A NO-NONSENSE THR1LLE9 mally opened. Sept. 8 with a An estimated 60 condors are ed ” ^ n is sEdd. “We never Hartford B u r^ began Sunday, ter and JoumM-Courier buUd- Mass by Leonard Bernstein. As bi the 64.000-acre Sespe Condor had any real high spots or low A fuU-tlme A P bureau te Hart- tag, and Its telephone JANE FONDA IS BRILLIANT I NO W O PEN !! you know, I am not an admirer Sanctuary, 46 miles north of spots In our cEireer.” font also w ill be maintained. 642-0826, is unchanged. The of Mr. Bernstein’s conducting, Angeles. The bird, wMch Burns sEiid he preferred night 'The regional center—a prod- Capitol Bureau’s telephone ~ T h t H > w Y o ri(9 T but despite tee fact that he is bas a 10-foot wingspan, once club performing te tee North uct of several years of Intensive number is 606-3848. Jewish, I teink he may come up rsuiged widely over tee West, because ’’that’s where we Ed- study, technicEd planning Euid The Associated Press serves with a satisfactory Catholic but only one M ite has been ways got our biggest recep- experimental effort — Is de- 17 dally newspapers and 30 ra- 6E0RBE HAMILTON Mass. ^ recorded te each of tee last tion.” signed to provide superior edit- dlo and television stations In fabulous once-a-year event I once heard him do a perfor- three years te the sanctuary, The two men were booked In ing of news copy Euid to free Connecticut. SUE LYON. hlute mance of Bac.. j “ St. Matthew A forest service spokesman 36 towns from tee BEihamEts to more newsmen te home state ------JonefoMlo _____ 'V REYN O LD’S Passion,” Euij 1 ? brought a sEdd there were no injuries to AlEiska during August and Sep- offices for origteEd reporting EmL .J A .A .A .U with qualityy variety and value really intense rehgious feeling the birds. tember. Bums said, but he w ill and writing. At tee same time G h astly E r ro r OOiraiv # UMIVIIQIIO to tee performance. I subse------not perform at EUiy of teem. use of tee computer to trEuis- quently heard a report by video ”I won’t keep one of those mlt news makes It possible for H in ted in Note BURNSIDE CULTURED PEARLS dates,” he said. ” I refuse. I AP wires to deliver more words COLOR AT 7:16-8:80 5S0 DUSKSici Lvi f tiT n;nir' T TSfS. End StreetJust don’t wEuit to now. within a given period of time. DALLAS (AP) — A 6-year-old SUN. 2:80-4:40-7:90-8:90 FREE PARKI NG 528 -3333 ”I suppose I’ll find something Instead of being tied to desks poy found tee knife-hEicked TEXACO “a v.«, I « ■ Choose to suit your skin tone and YOUR BUDGET. sincerely religious beliefs. Con- BJizabete, and three cMl- Art Trelease Eidmlts he didn’t ans Tron sequently, I teink he can prob- dren, Tracy, Kenneth and Tren- When a writer te one of tee clues te tee murder of Carolyn BEORBE HAMILTON PLUS If you are thinking of giving or owning beautiful ably write a sincere piece of re- Connecticut bureEius finishes a Montgomery, 28. SUE LYON Ken Rejmol(Js Jr. ligious music. The code has a provision tor ______story, he iriaces Ms copy Into a Police said tee note of apolo- intrinsic-value pearls, this is the time for you to act! Pew composers today at- cstaMlditeg ai'Y street ELS Mgh-speed fEu:simile trEuos- was apparently left by tee Ken Reynolds (form eriy o f Ken's & so on mltter, wMch delivers the story kjuer. rn m l tempt a whole Mass. "Glorias” P*®^y streM on tee request of WE GIVE CHOOSE FROM EUid "Credoe” seem to be about majority of tee people 1 v- Eerie Oil Slick to a central bcuik of operators c6i.dK Center Stre e t) cordially .invHes hb many tee size of work the modern *” 8f In Boston who WMivert tee copy K ph e v e h AIR-C<.lf40tTI0KED ' last or tee daredavllal 100 different 6-to-lO millimeter strands composer essays, in this field. Tht residents of Ortiz Street Hits Lake Huron into paper tape EUid transmit It iD IR W jS ii ^T9L They friends to visit him a t hb new locatione In view of tee Roman Catholic circulEtted a petition: into tee computer. state ____...... 3 different qualities in uniform or graduated sizes play PORT HURON, Mich. (AP) MONCHI STI O C i N I I R Church now having mEusses in wanted it designated a The computer, a Digital I BI4B ' /JfATBI I -X *-X * *-X-Mtjkl GREEN Ken's many years o f automotive street so their cMldren could -An oil slick mysteriously ap- I Carrie snodgress | choker, matinee or opera lengths English in tels country, I shall PDP8, Euitomatlcally Justifies muL.} ^43 UHH ipcEtred on southern Lake Huron At 1:00 - 8:00 ■1:00 - 9:00 ■ROM'S i).’^YS Mdli I S lELUOTT play there safely. lines, hyphenates words EUid •r' ro BISSIU htJiDf.l I *1’ WISI STAMPS! is your guarantee o f com plete sotis- be interested to see if Mr. Bern- sign'Sunday morning Euid Just as M'.'N ' ' tsin iHii; f. Ilf T AT BlUl HlllS AVINUl GOULD pAff d l a r ^ stein luis chosen that lEUigUEkge So a large triangular transmits tee story on tee prop- For? me Ortiz mysteriously dlsappeEired diir- .)M(I SATURDAY Non sum te S UI or tee original Latin for his now sits at tee head of er wire to newspai>erB. WHOLE R9|6l9rty must te $W S 3 says. teg tee day. (With AU OMh SftlM) foeKon! Street. ’’Play Street” It WORLD leNTmePARKOPCN.il My /hoim!Iwlf»| the By early today, a spokesmEin The process Is different te tee tVBfWMPWwtnMMnmunruiii . lAflTfi ’M I • —^ And says Trelease, only TO I S COLOR Guard 9th caae of news copy for broEid- ITW O -Fim ACAMOAO coLoa. CONVENIENT PAYMENTS INVITED cars of residents and mailmen for /3oast ENJOY! Euid e m e r g e n c y reM cter“ ‘^e h;adiI^^t;rs” i;raeV eIa2fd‘^ ^ ^ ^ Hanrlj^fitpr tee slick WEIS “ pretty w ell dls- Hartford prepare T h ^ copy ■igkt now allowed on Ortiz Street. MMW M s m W H U 2 P4M> W M l W E DO G EN ERA L AUTO M OTIVE REPAIRIN G sipated” and posed no further electronic c a te t^ ray IHHIeftiMMlMZaCMia threat to tee shoreline. At one tube-CRT-and transmit It direct- WALT Sew Cosmos OHbited time, tee slick, apparently ly tetq tee Bost^ computer for maule up of crude or heavy fuel relay to tee radio and television DI8NI I H ie Published Dally Except Sundays AILCARTOON JENNIFER O'NEILL AndefSOl and Holidays at 18 BIssell Street, MOSC»W (AP) — The Soviet ou_ measured 1% miles long. staUons. SI.00 Featuring A Full Line of Qualify ™W^Pr


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 " ^— ------;------| Coventry Bolton Business Mirror > "M esIsS B C u ts Building Cost Three Compete On Tax Talks Taggart-Oppert Andersoii'Allisoin Need Seen for Economists Anderson-Opalach 1 British Guests’ Return Flight HAIR’IlFOiRD (AP) — An alter- For First Place HAIR/TFORD (A P )—Television ed design for vocational educa- Tn S n fth flll P in v station WTIC has announced It To Imas^ine Future and Act Hartford, formerly o* Mwches- * * ***'*"*• y n Ti 1 ill 1111 Cheshire Correctional CenterThe race for first place In the “ v* coverage today of public By JOHN OUNNIFT decade, 42 per cent tot the next ter, became the bride oC Ste- seph Patrick Anderson of St. * should result In savings totaling George, Vt„ tocdc place Satur- men’s Slow Pitch AP Buslnees Analyst year. phen E. Andeiaan of Westbrook ^^r ^ months of prepar- to Now York, so that once It Another invitation was then *481,408, says Gov. Tliomas J. In the Hall of the House at the day morning in a garden cere- What Is the value of such In- Saturday noon at the Cathedral auon anda^cipatlon, it harUy reached New Tork, there waa a issued and accepted, and as Meridll. League tightened last week State Capitol. NEW YORK (AR) — ’’Only mony at the home of the bride’s the government economists fail ftwmation? Some analysts dis- of St. Joseph In Hartford. poeeible that the third considerable delay for repairs. Ixxxklngs were made on the oth- ’The- alternate design will when the SpoUers defeated the Tile station Is to broadcast count it altogether, claiming The bride ia a daujdtter of parents. ’Ihe bride is the daughter of 0 round in the Ooventiy-tx>Ooven- AU the British were housed in er side cf the Atlantic, some drop the estimated cost of the Rupp Riders 7 to 4. This creat- the hearings from 4:80 p.m. to ^ realize that the fourth quar- that events change quickly Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Opalacb 'd ^program has come to an end, a New Yotk hoM FYlday night, changes were evident In the pro- improvementz from *4.1 mll- ed a three-way tie for first 6:30 p.m., from 9 p.m. to 11 ** already here,” said a no these days and so also do the of Hartford. The bridegroom la Mr. and Mrs. William B. Allison table" pessimist the other day of Brandy St. The bridegroom is but following the long Ust of de- Freeman reported to Knight, gram. ’There was much less em- Uon to $8.6 miUlon, MeskiU said place with the SpoUers, Rupp P ™- P ™- “" “ 1 minds of both buslnessmeh and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry lays experienced by tiie British however, that once the flight ptiasls placed on c<»mection Sunday. after a presidential spokesman consumers. E. Anderson of Wakefield, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riders and Bombers aU hav- hearings end, a station W. Anderson of St. George. ylaitan en route home, they, at did leave. It was a beautiful with Caludon Castle School The new are e)q>ect- ing a six and three wln-loee spokesman said. expressed hopes for an econom- They are especially critical Maas. The Rev. Theodore Goetz of leaet, are probably roUeved to one, clear, sunny and smooth there, and far more adiAto ed to be put up for bids In late ic upturn this year. the father Into the future the The Rev. Peter Daigan of the see the trip come to an end. aU the way, providing some signed up for the trip to Ameri- fau. ro(»ra. {T West Spi^insReld, Mass., per- Slach ot the three teams will ’’Anything they do now In survey goes. No business ex- Cathedral of 8t. Joseph per- The mitire three-week stay by smaU compensation for the ca than had In 1966. formed the double-ring cere- play Its last game this week. Washington can't improve the cept perhaps a utility, makes formed the marriage cere- some 120 vtsiton here went, earUer aggravations. A committee wlU be formed Public Records final three months,” he said hard and fast spending plans 10 mony. The bride was given in money. Playoffs wlU begin ne>ti Mon- Warranty Deeds Given In marriage by her as have the two previous ex- Other than this somewhat here now to determine the ar- Manchester Area day with all six teams in the "They should have been worry- years ahead of time, they say. marriage by her father. changes. Just beauUfuUy, up im- frustrating grand finale, the en- rangemente tor the 1978 vlMt. Joseph W. n and Sally S. ing about the fall last spring.” Events change quickly and, Miss Avsunarie Opalach of father, the bride wore a shan- league participaUng. Format Clarke and Robert D. and Celia tung peasant style gown til departure time on Friday ^ Ooventry-toOoventry pro- International Friendship will be a double elimination The statement may be de- they add, so do opinions and at- Hartford, sister of the bride, when a series of anti-cUmaxes tXBxa continues to be a success- The concept of the exchange Work Training K. Bell, property on Scott Dr., titudes. was m i^ of honor. Brides- trimmed with old fashioned tournament, whereby a team is bated, but the lesson can’t be occurred, some of which were venture,' and appears to be Iron) tiie start was to form conveyance tax $40.70. Ignored: The future for econo- But over the shorter terms—a maids were Miss Constance An- lace. Her ballerina-length veil Survey Planned eUmlnated when it loses two quit Claim Deed of silk Illusion' was arrange Just learned here yesterday. undergoing an expansion as a ’’friendship” between the sis- gamM. Schedules for the games mists, businessmen, politicians year or so at most—a large derson of Wakefield, Mass., sis- Busea taUng the viaitan to addition of Oov- oWes,. to be accompUshed by Theodore Kostner; Arthur Anl- ter of the bridegroom ,and Mrs. from a headpiece of shasta dai- ’Ihe coordinators for the work WlU be published later this and consumers te often now number of politicians, business- New York for the return filgfat R-I- to the roster of ex- housing the visitors In private sansel; and Walston S. Brown rather than tomorrow. They men, economists, stock market Daniel Rooney of Naugatuck. slea, and she carried a bouquet experience programs in the Ty>l- week. to Theodore Kostner; Randcdph of assorted garden flowers. home on Friday left seven hours Ooventrys. homes and. allowing Individual Women’s SottiMdl must imagine the future and traders and others place a P'«« to dtocuss this poesl- viUe Area Chamber of Oom- mained undefeated, beating concerned with politics and attitudes, they say. fashioned with scooped neckline guests feieweU ftnniiy at 8 p jn P****!^' which waa weU received English, as the case nOght be. Trade Name spending (xcupy themselves at There seems to be some evi- Richard VandeiVe^ of Fraidi- iviiiav by aU. PeculiarRecuUar HttleUtile misunderstand- *ncrce loto aeu«determine what po- Coventry 6 to 6 In a game Lauren E. and Marian J. Un, Mass. and long sleeves. She wore training stations pitched by Betty Hussey. __ __ least 60 per cent of the time dence that this Is 80. Surveyors shasta daisies In her hair, and that ^1 ^ Id be weU *®r the exchange be- toK» inevitably have arisen from tontial swk U Burnett doing business as Carol with a readlty they can only can produce charts that show a i^ter a rec^ition at the Hotel Fan in 1982, when S i s of ^ exp«de«ce., of course. that area. TWs eighth straight victory vending Co at 19 B rainard Sonesta, Hartford, the couple carried a basket filled wltt as- Imagine or forecast or hope for, descending consumer c<*i- nnrt i' - Coventry, Elngland visited here Take the case of the teen-age "Hie work experience pro- featured four hits Place. fidence line followed months left on a-Wedding trip to Nan- sorted garden flowers. ^ -Chedule, at 1 !toLu^6Wh ^“7- boy who told his hostess thatX Kr«ns provide supervised work by ^le f “P or In rare cases, manufacture. Mark Fumans of Wllbraham, Leo H. MichelscHi of Brook- Pollsters probe the minds of (ater by falling retail sales. tucket.-^ey will live In West- «. sar^debration. IlTwLTd un- >oved baked potatos, whereupon **i business or industry, tor ^ M a^Jo Nlchota, Dd I ^ , Mass., served as best man. line, Mass., President; William consumers hoping to find out And certainly It Is true that a bn^ where Mr. Anderson is But that was not the case aft- j^ot dans began to ma- prompUy p ^ i^ the pot7 P^X. during the school day. The DiMe Daggert and Betty Hus- Leeder of Framingham, Mass., ^ployed at the Lee Co. Ushers were Karl C. Anderson er all, and the British weren’t what ordinary buyers will be pessimistic businessman of St. George, Vt., brother of terlailie for an actual vialt, how- toes In the oven. When served profiTarii® are designed prlmarl- »®y* vice-president; Paul Kwasnlk of doing six mOTths from now In doesn’t spOTd heavily on ex- Mrs. Anderson, an elemen- airitxvne until 11;S0 a.m. Satui> ever, and In 1968. 107 British American baked potato, the ty tor students who do not plan FootbaU AuxUlary Newton, Mass., treasurer; and the bridegroom; and Robert W. * . . . . m . ma s —AWa I m .... a * i. mm k... order to guide businessmen In pansion. tary teacher In East Hartford day. After landing In Manches- visitors, 90 of them students at young man aimouncefi that ‘‘this to continue their educatiim be- Joan Laius, president ^ Newton A. Lane of Newton, nmwtinir” th»ir school system, is a graduate of AUison of , 111., brother ter, England, ttiey finally ar- «awr», w Ol Uiem Biuuenw w Woman’s Auxiliary of the secretarv- doliur busl Pf“J®®‘tog their inventories and To an extent therefore the of the bride. Caludon Castle School, a com- inn t a Dozea potato at all. in- ^ ______,___ uwh.n ____ _ secretary, ooing ousi- capacity and hiring pol-surveys are self-fulfilling. If a St. Josei^ College, West Hart- rived back in their native Ooven- otiiwwi ui U K ,----- o------given for this experience.- Midget FV^ball Association, Spree at 631 Broad St. \ Mrs. Allison wore a pink prehensive boys’ school in the vestigatioii revealed that in En Icy. businessman or consumer s ford. Her husband Is a graduate \ try at 10:80 p.m. Saturday night, English Coventry arrived tor Fland a “ baked” potato U ime Studento are released from ^ tee organization is Marriage Ucensee print dress topped with a As most people know, con- thinks the next year will be a of Worcester (Mass.) IPoIytedi- Connecticut time (five hmirs th ^ three-weekvistt. that is baked with tee skin off, «"^ y o«lef to be <^>tog to ^ d new members to ^eo Paul Veillette of Concord, nlc Institute. sleeveless pink coat. The bride- »T., J ,r, ^ Burners aren't optimistic: Ear- p(x>r one his submquent actions \ groom’s mother wore a light later English time). ^n Invitation fOT^Jonnecticut not on. tee Job ^y 1 p.m. They spend “>6 next few Rutledge year they appeared to may actually produce the result blue knit dress designed with a Meekanioal Diffloolttes to make a return visit was is- Potato chips are ’’crisps” and toree to tour hours each after- ot'' Fitchburg, - - Mass. have been coming out of foreseen. According to local Coventry-to- sued at that time, and in 1969, chips are french fries. Beets *“>on in a realistic training sit- The primary purpose of tee William James iPreston of 352 their lace bodice. Both head white or- gloom. Then most of the sur- That Is why cOTcem now chids. Coventry chairman David 171 Coventry, Ckxinecticut reel- are beet-root, zucchini squudi la nation tor viiich the emi^oyer Oak St. and Madelyn Claire veys, Including one made by being expressed about InfiatlOT, After a reception at the home Knight, who spoke to his Engksh dento (as weU as some from vegetable marrow, e m P ^ n to pay tee student at D'Amato of 119 Keeney St. interest rates and Jobs suggests guest Allan Freeman via tele- area towns) took off for another flakes are Just ftekes. least tee minimum wage, or auxiliary also hopes to offw tee government, turned down. of the bride’s parents, the cou- Robert Allen Juliano of 190 Confidence, it was said, was de- that the state of tee eiKmomy ple left on a motor trip to Cape phone yesterday, the plane had tivee weeks. Out of tlmt total Another aspect of the i»x>gram nnore If the student develops Interest reUtive New Bolton Rd. and Marcia teriorating. may become the biggest Issue encountered mecihani<»l dUflcnil- number, some 120 were high Is that, by now, many hosts and to skill and value to tee employ- «) f If . company or union poll- Although tee gpi^p Is primar- St. Burian^MoBB photo byes at the end of tee visit dictate a higher level (rf UJ comprised of mothers of correct, tee economy is mOTths 14. Mitteael Charles McCole of away from regaining Its vigor. MRS. STEPHEN E. ANDERSON are not quite as emotional as P®’X- midget footeall pla.yers, aiU Sayville, N.Y. and Kathleen Mrs. Anderson, a graduate of they were three years ago. The employer is expected to women In tiie community are ______Lees well known is tee survey JoBe photo Colby College, WatervlUe, Elizabeth Kusmlk of Bolton, of businessmen’s cixifidence RANGE AND carried and presented to each MRS. GARY JOHN TAGGART Maine, has been a teadier of Vatican Admits Priests Some Amerl(»n8 have even re- cooperate with the school In welcome to Jrtn, she said, James’ Church, marked that they have friends helping to correct and improve The auxiliary will meet to- ^ ^ . conducted by the National FUEL OIL mother after Uie ceremony. retarded children under the Fracchla pho|o Broce Edward McCUbrey of chamber of Commerce. It Friends and relatives of the right in the state of Cbnnecticut toe performance of students and morrow evening at 8 p.m. at Storrs and - Dale Jo Mac Leon GASOLINE Oeorglaime Oppert and Gary millta Parrish, both Dothan. Massachusetts Department of Quit in Celibacy Stand shows businessmen are slightly bride who participated were; MRS. JOSEPH PATRICK ANDERSON that they don’t see as often as to accept tee responslbUlty of to dlsci^ ...... of 34 Hoffman...... Rd., ^Aug. 14, John ’Taggart, both of Dunedin, The .iunlor bridesmaid was Mental Health. Her husband is more optimistic about tee econ- Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, parents; a graduate. of Champlain Col- they have seen their Britirii trying to develop tl)e students as tlvlties for tee (»ming f ^ l ^ Emanuel Lutheran Church, Fla., were married Saturday Cindy Oppert of Dothan, another MILAN. Italy (AP) — The priesthood is deidlning. Thus, omy over tee next year than Luton - Pollard Miss Barbara Pollard of Glas- lege, Burlington, Vt., and has friends. ' productive employes. Four times Any^e whou would like Rudolph Frank Arteofer m of BANTLY OIL afternoon at the First United sister of the bride. Their out- first published Vatican study on toe ratio of one priest for every In many cases, too, during during tee year tee employer to asslM vrite ^ programs but gj_ Judith Paula chey were three months ago. tcmbury, sister; Eugene D’Agos- served for two years with the And tor what It’s worth, they COMPANY, INC. tino of New Haven and lllaa Methodist Church of Dunedin. fits were styled to match the g Navy. He is now a mom- priestly defections confirms \ 417 hi*i96r'*™^ his 1971 visit as In 1968, local will ^be asked to evaluate tee uMble to attend tom<>riw s Germaine of 126 D. Rachel Tile bride is a daughter of honor attendant’s, and each "Ooventrians” met other local student meeting may contact Ato. Emanuel Lutheran are much more optimistic Joan Floro of West Long Beach, ber of the Naval Reserves and that a growing number At tee present rates. tee about the next 10 years than 331 M ain Street Mr. and lb s. G. L. Oppert Jr. carried a single long-stemmed residents for tee first time as a In turn, tee student Is expect- Dal**^®* h erh ^ e ot N^® A™® the 9,982 members polled ex- Rockville 875-3274 Mr. and Mrs. Luton Jr., par- Taggart of Dunedin, formerly ^and^ Marley of Dunedin, a reason. . L’Awenlre said tee defections ^ surrounding “® to ^ ^ ^ Preaeed optimism for the next tee visit. maintain satisfactory grades' In ents; IXTlllam Luton of Boonton, Lorins photo of Manchester, and the late Vtr. cousin of the bride, was flower ___ "are much fewer than certain N. J., brother; Huntington Jones Taggart. jj^r gown of sky blue chlf- But a CateoUc newspaper fig^ures now In clrculatiOT.” But Other o ^ tle s occur as _weU. school and a saO stac^ lev^ of Nor- also of Boonton and Mrs. Sue Engaged Tiie Rev. Alfred E. ’Tracey fon over taffete was also fash- which printed tee resulto 6f 'tee I^ali^ laUi U woikd be a mU- perfoonance on tee Job. wlch “and “ Carol J. Bauza ot Liz- of Dunedin performed the dou- loned with an ivory lace empire study, L’Awenlre of MUan, ar- take to consider the detections ^ rtuntty to see Forms have be



has binding lessons to give us, open iia n r l? p 0 tp r towmrd the chance that wc might, some Reviving F Debriefings lEtrpnini; Ifprald day, do something really right for u change. Begin For PUBlilSBBD BY THB HEniAlJ> P R D m N O CO., INC. The real point alxMit Mr. Bums' mles **V JFK M«HT 1 13 BUsell Street COMPLETE M anchester Conn. is that maybe they never did work. The Astronauts wsuramimith* THOMAS F. I^ROUSON (Ooottnued from Page 6) WALTER R. FERGUSON real question is not that of what may PuMlshem J fUn Co.', Boston, 1670.) Here the (Oonttnoed from Page One) Founded October 1. 1881 " have gone wrong with them, but that of *"1' .V INSURANCE proposition is that SSseidMiwer what we have ever done that was right good to be back. The most im- Published Every Evcnlns Except Sundays was a lot wiser oiul shrewder ff.. pressive tMng tMs morning was ivnd Holidays. Entered at tho Fost.omce_at enough and good enough to make rales Manchester, Conn., oa Second Class Mall '• '•-‘.••I than people took Um to be dur- the blue water and the green Matter and laws out of. Mils of earth.” SERVICE ing the days he wan living in , y SUBSCRIPTION RATES ^ Worden said, "I ’m so proud It would be catastrophic if them were the White Ifouse. ‘Hie Wills view ’ f Payable In Advance 1 to be an American I can hardly One Year ...... 139.00 of the much loved President has Six Months ...... 19.60 nef some kind of revolution brewing. contain myself." now been taken up by historian Three M onths...... 9.76 There is no proposal of any future mie Irwin said their reception in One Month ...... 3.36 William L. OINeil in his new W-^ V. •( Hawaii was much more friend- REAL Xa t,:MtjE R O F or law which could be more preposter- book "Coming Apart: An In- W mT ' ly than that received by the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS formal History of America in The Assocated Piess Is exclusively en- ous or far-fetched or Irresponsible than captain of the first Endeavour ESTATE titled to the use of republloatlon of all the actual i^ o rd of what we have done, the 1060s’’ (Quadrangle Books, n exploration sMp. ' EMdeavour news dispatches credited to It or not other- CSilcago, 1971.) wise credited In this paper and also the up to 1971 A.D., with our world. was the name of the Apollo 16 local news publiehed here. As O’Neil sees it, in a repub- command sMp, named after the All rlxhts' of republlcatlon of special dis- lic where the people are Mng, it patches norein ore also reserved. vessel that took BrlUA Capt. behooves a wise President to James Cook on a scientific ex- Tho Herald Printing Comixuiy Inc., os- play the fool and the jester in umos no financial reeponslblllty for typo- Unkind To Critics pediUon to the Pacific in the graphical orrors appearing in advertbe- the court of the populace: 18th Century. ments and _pthor reding nmtter In The "Eisenhower was very dif- Manchester Evening Herersld. There suddenly burst into the news, Cook, the first European to ferent from what he seemed. visit the Hawaiian Islands, per- Subscriber to Los Angeles Times-Washlng- the other day, a brilliant ex^rim ent in . He was a man of drive, Intelli- ton Post Nows Service. ished at the hands the na- Pull service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. the business of press relations. between gence, ambitlatt, and ruthless- tives. ROBERT J . S Mi m. K Publishers Representatives — Mathews, nesB . . . These remarkable Shannon and Cullbn Inc., Special A ^ n c y government and public. Tile newest Endeavour was qualities of mind and will were — New York. Chicago, Detroit and Boston. The Nixon Admlnistratoin suddenly al- brought aboard the Okinawa a mmSMIMS SINGE 1914 disguised by a boyish grin and MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULA- lowed the publication, in impressive de- few hours after splashdown Sat- TIONS. homely face, still more by what urday. Tile heat sMeid on the tail, of the situation concerning our d A can 'only liave been deliberate blunt end of the cone-shaped 649-5241 Display advertising closing houns strategems. For Monday:onday — i p.m. raday. operations in the battleground nation of craft was scorched from the 4,- 963 STRIET, MANCHESTER For Tuesday -— 1 p.m. Saturday. "Arthur Larson, one of his (Grouad Fleer Next le HeaM & HqlcT For Wednesday — l p.m. Monday. Laos. 000 degrees generated during Blor Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday speechwrlters, says that though the blazing passage through the _Ftor Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. The publication didn’t really tell wise Elsenhower was famous for earth’s athosphere, but other- Classified deadline 4:30 p.m. day b^ having said he never read the fore publication 4:80 p.m. Friday tor readers of the news something they Mdse officials said it was in Saturday and Monday publication. Joanne Slossberg, a SAM member, reads a palm in ing and a wine-bottle vase add atmosphere. An- papers, he, in fact, did so care- good shape. didn’t already surmise or guess. But it fully. He rarely picked up west- Monday, August 9 her gjTisy parlor in “Dyneumatics,” an inflated other tablecloth serves as a door. Joanne, gowned Experts sUll had no ex- did admit that w l ^ everybody had- erns but let everyone think structure, in Center Park Saturday. A Persian rug, in a bright print, wore rings on all her fingers and planation for why one of the WE MAINTAIN OUR iO W EST nilOES them Ms favorite reaMng mat- suspected was indeed fact. The CIA was an embroidered tablecloth, posters on fortune-tell- bracelets on both wrists and arms. sMp’s three main parachutes ter. Though capable of compos- collapsed as Endeavor floated Did The Old Rules Ever Work? in command there; it was directing a ing a good speech himself — toward the ocean. Tlie craft Mt thoae he wrote for Gen. Mac- Day In...Day Oaf... The other day, lamenting the fact that sizeable army there; it was spending so the water a little faster nd Arthur before the war were not even extended tmemployment has in- many millions a year there; further- harder than it would have with much admired — he insisted Balloon Building Attracts Crowd three normal chutes, officials more, it wasn’t making out too well, for that Ms own writers do bad fluenced the inflationary climb of prices said, but it was designed to op- it seemed to be the enemy who was gain- ones. He scrupulously edited out M PRESCRIPTIONS and wages, Arthur F. Bums, chairman Walking, mnning and crawl- erate with only two parachutes ing ground in L,aos, almost at will. the phrases they Hked the best of the Federal Reserve Board, and our . . . Ms press conferences, no- «'’en having a palm read, and the coUapsed chute caused . . reauhing in meaningful no problem. What were now the results of this pub- l'ho(oKru|>lu-blematlc. Certainly, nounced on a loud speaker tha for Inter-Cultural Commu- which was somehow reliable and satis- Considering subsequent mie say of New York shows a start- it’s desirable that a chief of To Dress For Driving been, in fact, the recipient of icle by Ralph L. Stavlns which by any Mandards, Kennedy will was glad so many nications by the John F. Kenne- violations and missed loan pay- ling outcome in Indiana: Sen. st.Tte or .1 President of factory. contradicts those who aay that if never be as well thought of as enjoyed ‘*DyneumaUcs but It dy Center for the Performing In the Australian state of New South very special government treat- ments, he expressed surprise Edmund Muskle of Maine sev- tho United States should know The more valid assumpUen is that all he had lived, Vietnam would he was In the years Immediate- would close for the evening Arts. Wales, effective Aug. 1, the buckling of ment tecause of political pres- that an $86,000 loan was granted eral percentage points ahead of about. He was not decisive. . . the laws whose lack of governance and sure. Sen. Birch Bayh of Indiana. Ho did not have Incisiveness and never have happened. “ Ken- ly after murder. He tmly was a They turned off the fans and She currently holds two cul- seat belts is compulsory for everybody os late as 1967. Sen. Russell B. Long of That not only exhibits the im- he was really out of his depth nedy's policy tonvard Vietnam frosen - dessert politician, one rolled up the stmeture. ture poets in 'HUnoiB. AT THE PARKADE WEST MliDUB IPN ^ authority we now deplore, or note in Actually, the $85,000 loan was As a dancer she appeared in except milk and bifad truck drivers en- Louisiana, chairman of the Sen- pressive popularity of Muskle in where he was. I hate to say this, was to accelerate the weur while whose picture on the boot looked "DyneumatlcB’’ will he re- professionally clinical fashion, never did rejected by the SBA on March major cities of the world be- gaged in deliveries, drivers who are ate Finance Committee who almost any state but points up because I know it’s going to be denying that he was doing it.- much better than he tasted. paired by the Leggltts. It wm 29, 1967. But after a telephone tween 1686 and I960. E\)r sev- work in the first place. fought the Administration's loan the wisdom of his chief political misunderstood, but his reputa- His policy was toi prosecute a But if the actual historical built for Bummer Activities In over 70 years of age, passengers who call from Long’s office a few private war," writes Stavlns, Kennedy was more of a waur- Manchester, (SAM), sponsors of eral years she had her own The professional economists probably guarantee to save the Lockheed days later, the SBA reversed it- organizer, Jock English, in pro- tion is greater because of the Read Herald Advertisements are under six years of age, and pregnant who bases his conclusions not ring marauder it is still hard to the fair. It will be used at company. Aircraft Corp... brought up Bob self. posing that Muskic challenge tragedy of his death than it John Leggitt, left, and fiis twin, Janies, run through a “ Dyneumatics” tunnel. "found tli^fr' law in" the 1929 depressiion, only on the Pentagon Papers, believe that Ike couldn’t have hrture SAM events, women who have a doctor’s certificate and Jake’s Steak House in With such political clout. Bob Bayh in his home state’s Demo- which was no demonstmtlon of society's but on White House and State tmiught us much closer to a Tlie Leggltts, Julie AnnuUl They designed and built the structure for SAM. (Herald photos by Pinto) excusing them because of the posslUUty, Baton Rouge, La., during Sen- and Jake have been able to cratic primary instead of duck- success in dealing with its economic ate debate on the Lockheed ing it. A Thought for Today Department documents, as well peaceful epodi than he did. Yet and Roger DlTarando built the wMch the seat belt advocates deny, that thumb their noses at govern- community, Mrs. Koelsch ex- participating farmers to date in- loan. Moreover, as word of the Und- Sponsored by tive Manchester as on interviews with many of there must be something in structure and supervised it at problems. ment regpilations. SBA Investi- what Wills and O’Neil say. If Uie fair. Each carried scissors Tolland County plained elude: Establishment of per- there might be injury to the child they Long and Sen. William Prox- say poll has circulated through Council of Churches the officials involved. Our moral laws operated only under gators found that the Staples the man had been the idiot that to cut the walls if any problem ___ ^ . ' . manent vegetative cover, Im- are carrying. mire of Wisconsin, who Joined Indiana Democratic circles, it "One hundred days after he brothers, owning expensive some people stlU take him for, developed. They repaired minor REAP cost share payments ppove^ient of established vege- the cloak of a -stiff puritanical code or debate to shed a few tears for has not helpqd Bayh’s problem An old story tells of a woman was elected President, he order- are designed to encourage farm- drainage for soil Violators who are caught without their homes in Baton Rouge, doubled he wouldn’t have been able to breaks in the walls with tape, the cassock of the confessional. Bob and Jake’s, tried to depict of ccmvhicing home-state sup- who lost an only son. She was, ed agents to be sent into North REAP Pay era to carry out enduring con- gi,(,aion control, planting of for- belts buckled will be subject to fines. their salaries (to $30,000 each) feed himself. Tliey wore sMrts sUk-screened the restaurant os an example porters that he really is a cred- of course, grlef-strlcken; she al- Vietnam. . . Teams trained by servatlon and polluUon-abate- trees and woodland improve- Our society had normal mles only by while not repaying what they ible candidate tor President. the special forces were to be Yet you wonder about Mstorl- with the circular "Dyneumattes” With one prospect we agree. By the of small business discriminated owe the government. At the most lost her mind. She asked ment practices that they could ^^ent. the process of ignoring its en-cysted ab- A Footnote: Bayh was irked used for sabotage and light cal Judgments, even those of symbol and answer^ questions Is Due Soon time it gets so that the weairing cf seat against by the Republican ad- same time, the restaurant’s ex- her friends for medicine to re- not, or would not, carry out ' ______by the recent trip to California harassment inside North Viet- nearest history. To what extent about their project, normalities. ministration. Inadvertently, how- penses soared with heavy enter- lieve her agony. ’There was ______, Tolland Jaunty f ^ e r s who without cost s h ^ assist^ce. p r e d ic t s E p id e m ic belts, shoulder-harnesses, back-padding, by his senior Hoosier colleague, none. nam. . . Kennedy adopted a CIA- are they arrived at to serve The Leggltts made the name, Our education fortified itself more by ever, they exposed a clsisslc tainment costs. Including bands the needs of the living rather “DyneumaUcs,” from the words have reported completion o* ap- REAP cost s h ^ s earned by dallas (AP) — IDr. Hal J. and head helmets has been made com- case of how much political pres- Sen. Vaned Hartke. Many Cali- At lust she went to a Wise sponsored program to recruit Its exclusions than by its Inclusions. and floor shows. By midsummer fornia Democrats got the idea South Vietnamese personnel for than to reveal the tmth of the dynamic and pneumatics. It has Dewlett, Dallas director of pub- pulsory, there will Indeed be much less sure influences government loan 1971, the Staples were delinquent Man who said he could cure dead? It may he-we just have two pyramids connected wlOi a under the 19U Rural jtovlron- through June_ . 30, _ amounted to Uc health, predicts tMs city will We aik^ted the strategy for winning from that trip that Hartke con- tho purpose of ‘forming an un- loss of Ufe in highway accidents One policy, flithermore, it showed on 15 installments totalling $41,- her. He told her to bring him wa okia. «mv n imnri word tub6 two entrance tubes over niental Assistance Proppam some $5,500. Some 130 farmers epidemic of He ** wars from wars no one had ever won. bad management rewarded by siders himself a darkhorse pros- a few grains of mustard seed; derwater demolition team to five'feet h l^ two longer but («® A P ) will soon be receiving are paxticlpating in this year's ^ 3^^ winter. reason .possibly among others, will be 005.15. pect for President. Deeply operate in strategic maritime about some recent President. government subsidy is not limit- but the sefed must come from It’s retting harder and hard- narrower tubes that end with their cost share payments, ac- program with 36 of them hav- <»nie same virulent strain of The laws of geopolitics could not have As recently as April 27, Long’s noyed, Bayh passed word to areas of North Vietnam.’ ’’ that people will find the process of get- ed to Lockheed-sized giants. a home in which no one had • to do that as the President large fans that inflate and vent- cording to Mrs. Mary Koelsch, ing reported compleUon of at ajqieared in Hong been more unreliable and perverse in re- veteran top aide, Robert Hartke that one Presidential er ting into costume so burdensome and In his unsuccessful fight lost a child, a husband, a par- It was Kennedy, Stavins tells a room-size tube coimty executive director. least one approved practice by ^ong in 1968 then girdled the Hunter, telephoned SBA to urge candidate from Indiana in 1972 us, who created the 303 Commit- worse and worse. It will Uate It and _ ------...... sult if we had deliberately set out to con- against the Lockheed loan. Long ent, or a dear friend. t ^ e some ingenuity with Nix- used Saturday as a gypsy par- The payment^ represent the June 30. gjobg ^ th disastrous results bothersome they won’t be taking to the more delay in repayment by the ought to be sufficient. tee, so named after the room coct follies for the use of national power. declared: "If you’re going to Her search was fmiUess; on, but how vrill they ever man- lor. federal government’s share of Mrs. Koelsh said her office has broken out in tiiat city Staples brothers. But SBA’s in the Executive Office Building highways if they can possibly avoid H. help Lockheed, you ought to do there was no such home. And It « e with Agnew? What mental it was cooler Inside “ Dyneu- the cost of carrying out ap- will issue drafts to farmers who again,” Dewlett reported. "And What we have had enshrined in the patience was mnning out, and, where a group of the highest was them that she realized the contortions thdt’s going to take! matics” Saturday than it was proved soil, waiter woodland and have reported completion of nothing can stop it from something for Bob and Jake’s on July 8, it finally turned the level war jocks met and ap- status of laws or mles have been nothing restaurant in Baton Rouge, La." Ciirreiil (Quotes selfishnc.ss of her grief. In sor- Imagine trying to put a good in the rest of the park. Tliose wildlife conservation measures their projects. She ^ urged spreading as it did before.” c.ise over to the Justice Depart- row, we are the problem until proved such things as Operation more fundamental than our own con- With Proxmlre cheering him on, "If ever there was a fair trial on ^ Agnew gem, ut- who wanted strong breezes and pollution abatement prac- those who have completed ap- The 1968 outbreak Mt thou- Again The Court Says No ment. we accept reality and surren- Farmhand. Under Operation face on tills Agnew stmetion of what has happened, not nec- an arm-waving Long ImDlored: That did not end the political in this community, this trial tered as he toured Baltimore crawled through the tubes lead- tices. Farmers i>articipaUng in proved practices, but have not sands in Dallas in that year der the selfishness that keeps l^prmhand South Vietnamese the program bear the remainder reported completion, to do so as and in 1969. Nearly 6,(X)0 per- As might have been expected, the "Why can’t I get some help for pressure. State Sen. Jamar Ad- was it.’’—Judge Israel Augus- after the ’68 riots; “ I can’t un- ing toward the fans. The cur- essarily worked, but merely happened, us in our gloom. were airlifted into the North to of the cost of such practices soon as possible. sons died of the disease in the state’s law calling for one-year residen- Bob and Jake?” cock, president pro tern of the tine, the only Negro on the derstand it. I can’t understand rents of air In the pyramids cr resulted, in some p ^ t situation or Certainly, our grief is pain- commit sabotage. wMch often benefit the entire Practices completed by the United States. cy tor welfare recipients has been de- The tmth is that Bob and Louisiana Senate and a candi- Criminal District Court bench ful; but wc had best be grate- Kennedy had another bunch It. i never did think that Martin made it possible to bouiice bal- chain of events. clared uncmistitutional by a three-judge Jake Staples, friends and politi- date for gooremor, immediately in Louisiana, after a jury of 10 ful for the years of shared also meeting in Room 403, Spe- Luther King was a good Amerl- loons on hands. Most of the bal- We hold the past rigid, while we draw federal court panel. An earlier Connect- cal supporters of Long, have contacted SBA In Bob and Jake’s blacks and two whites acquitted warmth and joy. cial Group Counter-Insurgency. can, anyhow.” ' loons eventually floated out the icut welfare residency law was also de- been granted three loans by the behalf. Then came Long’s haran------entrances. certain predicates and assumptions from 12 Black Panthers of charges of Submitted by: To match Operation Farmhand, clared unconstitutional in 1967 and there Small Business Administration gue on the Senate floor, prompt attempting to murder New Or- Msgr. Edward J.. Reardon these guys came up with Opera- SAM members planned the It and then take these predicates and as- was IMtlc reastoi to believe that the lat- (SBA) totalling $363,700. What’s Ing John E. Connally, Secretary leans policemen. St. James’ Church tion Ranchhand, which ebvlous- fair as a fun event for "kids of sumptions, label them laws and rules, ter law would stand upon constitutional ly was the code name for the Lockheed Aid all ages” and "Dyneumatics” grounds. and seek to apply them to the future. first big American defoliation helped acMeve this goal. Tod- \\/c^A^v,V 4V D - funeral home Tile fear of Connecticut legislators effort. All of this, and )ihuch, dlers, graflo school students, This is why we are disappointed when was, of course, that the residency law much more, brings Stavlns to Bill Signed teenagers, young adults and our mag^ficent advances in the speed passe<^ by New York state, now also in F i s c h e t t i write that, “ had John F., Ken- grandparents enjoyed the air lisiablishtd 1 87 4 Three generations o f service and facility of communlcatlixi seem to litigation, would spark a large exodus of nedy lived, he would not have By Nixon stmeture. welfare recipients across the Connect- pulled out of Southeast Asia. He At 6 a.m. Saturday SAM mem- Cri ) Laaw*aCN o r AHi ai ea, l ac . produce less comprehension and under- icut border. would more likely have taken WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres- bers began to set up for the 142 East Center Street standing, when the economy can’t even Again the decision was based on the any steps necessary to avoid an ident Nixon signed today a Mil fair, wMch also featured a pea- Manchester, Gnin. 06040 produce a reliable kind of depression, Constitution's 14th amendment guaran- Ignominious defeat at the hands that ipermlts financially pinched nut roll, a watermelon-eating Rram the p eop le w ho merfee som ething MiicrfU ii . I teeing citizens the right to travel freely Viet Cong” . contest, sack races and a bub- when the melting pot explodes, when Lockheed Aircraft Corp. to bor- (2 0 3 ) 649-7196 from one state to another. In th^r deci- Well, JFK’s reputation,', has row from private sources $260 ble gum blowing contest, The Himoi does not conform to a Walt Ros- sion the judges said: been coming apart for severali' mllUon in government-guaran- fair was coordinated by Eric som ething Mg# low’s estimate of the correlation between "The attempt to throw up state fences years now. What’s more sur- teed loans. Geer, a SAM member. to bar movement of people grows from prising is the salvaging ' of The administration - backed Prizes were donated by the modem air^ power and human endur- From the people who ^ave E.g., automatic transmission. an understandable fear of mnaway ex- Dwight Eisenhower’s. The res- measure was first passed July Hartford Rd. Dairy Queen, ance and will, or when increased guaran- penditures of relief. But it flies squarely cue job may have been started 30 by the House, 192 to 189. The Grand Union, Stop and Shop. yo u 18,000,000 c a rs w ith And there's plenty of room tees of democracy In the political pro- in the face of the Constitution; which es*; by Garry Wills in his book "Nix- Senate followed suit Aug. 2 but First National Stores, Popular 36,000,OCX), doors, 1 car with 4 for luggage. tablishcd the ideal of one nation and IS, m 'R F'U m R ARRFST'' tral Bluegrass area. The usual AUTHOmZCO loose from the assumption that the past -MIDDLETOWN PRESS uddltitmol appropriallons for the “ It will assure continued pro- OCAUR method is to steal a load when TALOOTTVILLE projects, after public hearing. duction at Lockheed and save the track is left unattended. jobs.” I MANCHESTER EVENING' HERALD, MANCHESTER', CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 P^GE NINE PAGE EIGirr MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN:, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 Coventry; John J. Welch, 37 Mra. Elizabeth R. Chase, High town; Mrs. Rita D. Lajoie, ,Maln St, East Hartford, with a Vernon Manchester ' Spruce St.;' William P. Horwi, Manor Park, Rockville; Ward 2106 ElUngton Rd., Sotoh Wind- Latoyers Name 'Maas oi requiem at Bleued Correction East Hartford: Albert E. Pal- W. Holmes, Ludwig Rd., RFT> sor; Norman N. LaFountato, Directors To Go Back Peace-Keeping Effort in Cyprus mer, 640 Parker St. 2, Rockville; Mrs. Esther L. East Hampton. New President Sacrament Church, Eaat Hart- Last ^day’s Herald Hospital Notes ford, at B:80. Burial will be In Alro Mra. Richard N. Shea Jensen, 613 Main St.; Mrs. Also, Mra. Donald Schwarm story about a Mjancbester Registration VISniNG HOURS ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)- — Mt. St. Benedict Ometery, To Last Week’s Business and son, WilUmantic; Mra. Grace E. Augur, Sun City Cen- Jr. and son, Glastonbury; Mrs. James Cobb, a Washington, Lawrence L. (Cap) WUllama RinnmflAlil girl named runner-up. to the Intermedlato Care Semi- Richard Cohen and son, 64B ter, Fla. Gayle Kllbom and swi, 17 Car- Hie Board of Directors when by the directors in July, calls Miss Connecticut-World con- Only U.N. Post in World Today D.C., lawyer, has succeeded Lawrence L. (uap) Williams, PHends may caU at the fu- Dates Posted private, noon 2 p.m., and 4 Downey Dr.; Mra. WUlam F. Also, Cindy L. Backus, 602 olyn Ur., Hebron; Mrs. Robert 74, of 29 Bank St. died sudden- neral home tonlaht from 7 to 9 “ meets tomorrow night will per cent pay Increase test Incorrectly spelled her * „ * tt. has work- Island. The Canadians, for In- p.m. • 8 ^m .; private rooms, voboril and son, Merrow Rd., Graham Rd., South Windsor; Gamoche and daughter, Wtod- Judge Ed Bell of Detroit as nem nome totugnt m m T to »...... ahd Increased life Insurancename. Miss Priscilla Kltt- president of the predominantly ly this momlngf a t his home. The family suggests that any have a long list of Items to con- |,eneflts. 8 y WILLIAM Tuohy ^ rh ^ re H o re or stance, currontly patrol the cap- 10 a.m. • 2 p.m., and 4 p.m. • 8 -jy,iiand: Mra. Joseph Gultoo Frank V. Pullto, 671 Hartford ham. Mr. WiUiams was bom Nov. redge, daughter of Mrs. (C) 1971, The Ixw Angeles H m es TJw P®“ ® .. itjj ot Nicosia, and their head- For Schools black National Bar Association. memorial contrlbutlatis may be gj^^r In spite of the fact that It The Board of Education has *'*5?'A. A-. a. A- .. A Hartford; Mrs. Rd.; Dwight D. Chenette, 140 ------21, 1896 In Tolland, son of Jud- Francis Kittredge of 40 Nor- NIOOaiA, Qyprus-The Wl, ^ r s has been ’’Maple Leal The offices ot the town’s ele- Cobb assumed the post Satur- made to fte ^ e t l ^ met for three hours last week, ashed for a second hearing ' E. Maple St.; Clifford Davis, East Hartford; Mra. Bonnie 1662 and later insisted that they items of busines was the pre- the velvet weaving department never reached last week Includ- cut. ned by Greek and -^rklrt ^ ^ « ^ c S a n ’ brig- about pay or asrignment. been previously registered. at Cheney Brothers. He was an 9^? Atanche^r, died ^ s - of an extensltHi of Spruce S t In- Care: Immediate fantoy only, gj^ff^rd Springs; Mrs. Irene M. Buoy, 187 Ferguson Rd.; John all be of one color. So to this sentation to Bell of the C. ^ ^ , Qypriot troops on either side of ^ deputy British, Canadians and The offices of the Middle any time, limited to five min- carpenter, Enfield. J. Lappen, 66 Baldwin Rd.; day they are unadorned, their FYancls Stradford Award the **•“ Army veteran of Worid War I ^ *5*' , 1) Omslderatlon of allowing garter Oak Park. The ^ ^ Impromptu barricades. _____ brigade Irish are profesrional addters School and the high school have utes. organization's highest honor. and a member of the American P**®* after a long illness. She ^ town’s garbage contractor to P°®*^ would pass through ^ T{ld~b'f~ITI0' _ ^ been open all summer for the Albo, Arnold C. Smith, Storrs; Laurie C. Pietravalle, Middle- bulls painted black. The U.N. soldier heard the incidents from from crack regiments who some- Maternity: Fathers, II a.m. ■ Legion, the Army and Navy WM the wld^ of Max Squire. th* the existing entrance to the ilC W A lO U n g registration of new students. All 12:46 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. ■ 8 Club and Manchester Barracks, Other wrvlvors are a son, sharp click of an ammunition explains Capt times tend to deride the most- children entering kindergarten ^four W »«age and the c^dera- ^ fencing amund magailne being slaimed Into a ^ r»o«nHiftn ly reservlat, longhaired, casual p.m.; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., World War I Veterans. He al- brother, a sister, to the fall must be screened be- and 6:30 p.m. -8 p.m... so was an honorary member of grandchildren, tlon of a proposed elght-tay a ^ olobe HoUow Pool. There have Explodes In submachine gun In the Greek Scandinavians, referring to them fore Btartihg school. outpost. The soldier walked over gj, “tailored hippie soldiers.” Age limits: 16 In maternity, Hose and Ladder Oo. 1 of the Funeral services were this been complalnte from residents Dr. Raymond Ranudell, su- and suggested poUtely that the Greek mUltary Then, too, the Scandinavians to other areas, nb limit In Town Fire Department. aftenioon at the CongregaUon iT S ire l y e ^ ^ Belfast perintendent of schools, reports self-service. He is survived by a brother, Ahavath Achim, Colchester, buUets be romoved. In accord- Important dls- are better paid than the others, that all staff positions have now contract. c) $3,000 for the installation ______ance with the armistice ground turn and particularly the Irish, and this The emergency entrance on Raymond Williams of East 3Burial was In Congregation (Conttoned from Page One) been filled. This Includes the po- Armory St. is the only hoepital Hartford; two sisters, Mrs. Hei> Ahavath Achim Cemetery, Ool- “bu^rs and the relocatimi ».a.j S^mTup to a ’Turidrii enclave can lead to resentment when it sition ot librarian at the l^h entrance open from 11 p.m. to bert McCann of Manchester and cheater. . ®* “• esc^ on the com- siege of Londonderry toudied que Greek soldier compUed. In the hands of his enemies. comes to spending money on Nl- school. Memorial Week will be ob- ^ vehicles at the town munlty buUdlng In the north off the present ctaOn of riots A few days oarUer, It was a 7 a.m. All other outside doors Mrs. Eva Elliott of Vero Beach, wm oe oo- ^ - • But a Quick reaction by the cosia’s bar .girls, FTO Cbslrman are locked during the night Fla.; and several nieces end served at the home of her son, ®*^; „ , two years ago. At least 59 per- Turkish soldier who had sUpp^ commander got the Still, the frlcUou have rtayed Mr. and Mra. Anthony Choma .,200 for lighting the shift. nephews. Jerom e Squire, rsi«wf«iii m «i *'"if ...... "1 dls- at a minimum. Morale is high; Jr., co-presldenta of the Vemon 2) consideration Of a possible Midget’ F^baU Field archar' »««» “ave died as a result. atoSar^T ^ “^es^tatoS thJTp'Slenting duty on cypnis Is desired and Flineral services wlU be Wed- Rd., CMchester Elementary School FTO have Patients Today: 223 nesday at 11 a.m. at the Wat- -nie Weinstein Mortuarv ^ Unofficl^^ reports s^d those i,y ^ u.N. soWer...... Troips what could have been a serious the peace-keeping mission re- appointed their committee chair- kins FMheral Home, 142 E. Cen- Hartfmd was in necting the L and M Water Co. e) $1,000 for engineering serv- captured today Included the en- mains a chaUenge fOr professton- men for the coming schoM year. ADMITTED SATURDAY: Pe- ter St The Rev. Joseph Bour- rangements cna*ge of ar- ^hlch serves the Redwood ices In conjunction with school tire executive council of the The Greeks want to cut the Areas of Responsibility al soldiers. Chairmen are: Mrs. Robert dro C. Bravo, East Hartford; ret, pastor of Concordia Luther- F’arms area with the town’s wa- building plans. Civil Rights Association of Sometimes both Greek and Mra. ElizaheUi R. Oiase, High ter system. Hirks’ throats,” explained a A key to the success of the Pierce, program ; Mra. FYank Enast an Church, will officiate. Burial 6) the proposed transfer of $6,- Northern Ireland, all but one Manor Park, Rockville; John E. James Deskus „ 8) consideration of reducing 000 from the Contingency Ac- leader of the Leftist People’s Canadian trooper,” ^ force Is ito flexlblUty m^ Rogers, pubUclty; Mrs. John will be to the Veterans Section James Deskus, 66, Aylward, room mothers coordi- Farrell, 63 FYances Dr.; James of East Cemetery.. r “*® *®*^ rate to 85 per count, to Unemployment Com- Democracy, the student ^m p I"'*".WUty and good c o m m u n l^ o i^ Magal^ 200 F’amham Rd., togton, father (k Mra.[re. Vivian gent of the water bUl, effective pensation Paymmits. that launch Bernadette E^- ***3^ '»®“' Patrols are made by foot, by but m M Amwlcan diplomat nator; Mra. Richard Weekes, ihemberaMp; Mra. Dennis South m ndsor. ss r^'"ss.si.-s Cohen, hoepltality; Mrs. George Also, Mra. Tina Martin, 49 p.m. Yamarlk, ways and means; Mra. Laurel St.; Mrs. iLena L. MU- I KMineth Moritz, calendar. ler, 201 Regan Rd., RockvUle; James J. Martino of 60 Hospital, Now- ,5, ^ „ tqproved, the vember refere^^m on the pro- success of tiie U.N. peace-kee]^ area of responsibility on the with total ImpartlaUty. Also: Mr. and Mra. George Walter J. Hugford, East Hamp- James J. Martino, 43, Yamarlk, dance; Nelson White ton; Robert T. Steullef, RFD 4, 9 Broad SL died yesterd«^w at fimerni waj> thiA purdiase could not be made un- posed purchase of the Manches- *?o *”* ®*®*^ ^ Cyprus, the troubl------ILfAi !![®f thls mom- Eighth UtillUos District ter Water Co. pensions on this. Wthto 12 ^ jaiand m the Eostem Medl- t rtl . and Frank Rogers, PTO OoimcU Dunn Rd., Coventry; Bruce A. Manchester Memorial Hoqdtal tag from " the H ^ M ^ F to ie ^ *®“ **** ®****** UtillUos District ter Water Co. representatives; Mra. John Ajd- VTlson, 26-Risley Rd., Vernen. after a long illness. He was the' Home 400 Main St with a agreesa g r^ to consoUdate its sewer 8) accepting the uu> resignationmaigntuMja wof l . «r. »hA ____. ------’ — COTe Of I OtS InipreSSeS M on d a y. T u esd a y O n ly! husband of Mra. Helen J. Burd- m -a .. of requiem at St Jamei? faculties with the town’s. The George P. Churilla as an alter- arrested oration of Ito kind to the world ward, teacher’s reception and ADMITTED ’YEOTEIRDAY; Robert Potter, basketball game. Robert F. Beechtoor, East Hart- sel Martino. Church Burial waa In Mt Ht I’starendum question which the nato on the Planning and Zoning ™®"' . v 1. . today. Mr. Martino was bom Aug. Benedict Cemetery Bloom aKirovod Includes this Commission and appointing are to Ite kept ^ ^ ^ trouble to the Visitor to North Korea Triple Races ford; Laurra J. Amenta, East The first to a series of three Hartford; Mrs. Barbara A. Ed- 16. 1927 to Newington and h2d stipulation. someone to fUl his tei^wW^ m pollOcaUy dl)jjded Island of Editor’s Note—The writer, a won the war against the Japa- (AP photo) Hved to the Hartford area be- other survlvora are his wUe reconsideration of a pro- expires to November, 1972. oiey w«i qyprug_^th 620,000 Greek read races will be held Thurs- wards, Bolton Center Rd., Bol- TsYrMAh FlUptoo reporter, has just re- nese and that he fought the Ko- day night under the iqxxisorshlp ton; VfilUam Fenstamacher, 20 fore coming to Mancherter six a son, two other brothers, an- P®®®<^ contract agreement be- 9) the appointment of some- t I ai, t Cypriots and Bearrack Rider TTM fo™®d home from a visit to rean War with only mtolm^. of the Vemon Recreation De- Hartford Rd.; Stephen Geoige, years ago. Ho was employed at other sister, and two KrandchU- •.ATAAu UU3 Boardxwtuu ofw Educationjliuucauon one tohi rejj^ereplace Mrs.jwre. AmeUaAmelia Pi^me Minister Jack Lynch eynfjofjj— gig U.N.u.xii. lorcesforces move „^ __ whirW ..i.w h««i Amer>a -ma a hAin helo fmmfrom hiattie PPeoDle'sa/w.ia ’a PAmiitrReou^ Youngster in Los Angeles solves problem of trans- the National Steel Fabrication dren. and ***“the “—'—‘Manchester School Ad- Schaffera.._ T ^ e Clttoens— Advl-... ®* *® ®< “*® Sckly and quietly to defuse ^ Sc of SSuT ^ partment 249 Henry St., Mra. Grace Gees, SIRLOIN Held each year, the race ex- porting his oversized teddy bear around town. 26 U ttle S t Oo., Newington, and was an mtolstratore Association. The sory Committee. Mrs. Schaffer ® ^ n t i a U y ex^lslve situations. ^ i L c ^ Artlclee printed about any- proposal, already turned down recently resigned. Northern Ireland border for the case of soldiers fo^ ™e Associated tends over a three mile course Also, Voldemara Gravlejs, 172 Army veteran of World War n. thing Include healthy doees of Survlvocs, besides his wife, — ------the dependents of Internees. placing ammo cUps to wea- _____ to the Henry Park area. The Horton St.; Kenneth Griffin, praise for'the i»emier. starting point will be at the In- RFD 1, FYench Rd., Bolton; are 3 sons, Ernest Martino, Tax Hearing Although totemment bore the u „. troops try to RENEmiCTO 8 DAVID It appeared from ■what ■we Andover Daniel Martino and Ronald tersection of South St. and R t Heniy J. Grzejka, Old Poet Rd., Glass Ctrilection m ^ ®°*^® *“® •1^®“!“ ®® >®^- M ANII^ (AP) ■ - Three saw that he has earned at leart Martino, aU of Bristol; 2 daugh- Rec Plans ment. Lynch said It waa de- ggj level—before Incidents can 36. Tolland; Nicholas Lata Jr., East Starting today a glass col- niAAAhiA A,rtrtA„AA A* Ai , ”■■'------tWiigs ImpTess a visitor to some of the 'worship. We saw ters, Mra. ^ v ia Cralg of He- In Hartford p or^le ertdence oftoe poUtical |>e escalated along the green North Korea: The weU-cared- no youngsters shining shoes <»• The other two races will be Steele Speaks to Estonians Hartford. STEAKS lection center will be < ^ n toen abd Mrs. Joan Demont polity of the policies pur- une, the. demarcation original- children, the adoration of begging to Pyongyang or Won- held on Aug. 19 and Sept. 2. Also, Mlchart R. Loubier, of Monroe; 3. brothers, Peter at the entrance to the town Field Day ly drawn by a British officer premier Kim n-sung and mas- san-^or any adult beggars, for Potota will be awarded to the The annual outing of area remember that many 'of these Warehouse Point; Pamela A. Martino of Manchester, John Draws 200 landfill from 8 a.m. to 5 finishers A firtd day scheduled for ™® target of the with a green grease pencU on give constmeUon. that matter. ana the results of the otouds was the scene people fled their native land Moffat, 223 Blue Ridge Dr.; John Martino of Newington an d p.m., Mcmday through F ri- three races will be tabulated. trying to escape the oncoming MorreU, Enfield; Maureen M. FVank Martino of New Haven; (Conttoned from Page One) day, until September. There Thursday for children up to age P™®®"* o^ration,” said Fhulk- a map, separating Greek from These tbings overshadowed Apartment houses Me built Trophies wUl be awarded to the ®* Impromptu arri'val by hel- Rysgj3j,3_ O’DonneU, 201 Regan Rd., Ver- will be separate bins for IS will climax the town’s anm RepubUcan Turii, Christian from Muslim, everything else during my 20- with modem prefabrication 4 sisters, Mrs. Carmela Ander- tions, nonprofessional services, ' Army. They are the present and west frwn east. day stay. It covered Pyong- techniques. Pictures of Pyong- top ninnera on the baaiB ot their icopter of Congressman Robert and Games, Too non; Edward M. Orcutt, RFD 2,! son ^ Vernon, Mrs. Rose Ur- cigarettes, pubUc-utiUty bills clear, brown and green mer recreation program, which threat” Outetendtog Job yang, Wonsan, Sin Chun and yang taken around 1958 show scores to the three events. Steele yesteiday. In a lighter note, the mem- Wales Rd., Andover; D ^las J. | banskf of 'Hartford, Mra. FTran- Ann domestic fuel, glass. N. Y. ends Friday. ”We are, quUe simply, at more than sevm years, “earby areas and industrial nothing but rubWe. Today it Is The races are open to real- outing was the last to a *)®™ ot the mixed Elstonian Raymond, East Hartford, ces RousseUe of Holyoke, Mass., MeskUl’s proposal also con- Glass collected will be sold The field day, to be h ^ at ***® terrorists and to a q ,^ peace-keeping mis- sites. a city of wide boulevards and dents of Vernon, rpolland and _a-iaa of about 20 annual affairs choirs, famous throughout the Also, Elaine M. Ricard, Will- j and Mrs. JuUa Masso of Now tains these taxes to addition to for recycling and the profits Ellington. There wUl also be an ^ ^hich have been fo*" teelr choral work, sang mantle; Mra. Isabelle F. Spen- the West Side playground start- ®* many sacrifices j^g been deployed on Cy-- Everywhere we met children riiady parks, austere but not Cut Jei^y; and 13 grandchUdren. the 7^ pej. cent sales tax: A 4 will go to the Case Mt. Fhnd. held to Andover since the Con- ®®"K®’ many to the Estonian cer, 66 HoU S^C^l^ J. ^n- The funeral will be tomorrow cent Increase to the cigsuette The collection center 'will tog at 10 a m wlU have a “ ''® *®a?® "^® “ ^® *" ® pnis, IrenlcaUy caUed the ”Is- to multicolored traditional poverty-stricken. Factories and A®ii i iH nectlcut Estonian Society ac-‘®S|y®- , ^ at 8:30 a.m. f i^ the W. P. tax, a 50 cent per gaUon to- be manned by BUI Coleman ^ e ty of events chUdren h'"* understanding of Aplm^te,” and nearly ‘teesses or blue and white ®teel plai^ fl^ e d by Ameri- AU runners wUl be at the ui-oj a narcel of land tor lust There was also a presentation Anna M. Vichl, 360 Main St.; | ^f^ W ^ V - a . ®veryone i^ s that the force Young Pioneer uniforms with ^ bombs 17 yei« a ^ ^ ®™“ « fo fo*®®. "hfo- and John Tomosko. ’They are starting line at 6 p.m. to regds- ^ . j ™ ' AttMuled ^ bv ®* acrobatic feats of akUl by a Joel Viklademoros, East Hart- [ S' corporated bustoeas tax on proL among several young pele ter, the race wlU start at 6:16. rvmniwiipiit group of female gymnasts under ford; Valerie A. Webster, 12] A employed by the town with ’Ihey Uve to ubiquitous apart- ever, Ar t ’l l f e s s l o n a l s equal to $5 per $1,000 and seemto place finishers to tg^m measure” and talked of ®“ ®’ ^ ment buildings, and throughout Stores have few imported Swimming Lessons ^ tl^e direction ot Mra. Keretl Mark arcle, RockvUle. ' funds appropriated by the The Henry Park pool wUl re- Ltoaah of ToUand. BIRTHS SATURDAY: A ^ oi gross income, a c^muter our travels we saw others un- goods or luxury Items, Friends may caU a t the fu- jax, and pubUc-servlce tax to- Board of Directors for Sum- ®^ ®'^®'“- demanding that Parliament re- *®^®® open tomorrow with svrimmtog Por the chUdren, there was daughter to MY. and Mrs. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. Boys and glris up to age five turn from its summer recess ®®®*® ®®^** ®®®“Y der construction. Adequate provisions appear F o r T h a t S a v o r y F l a v o r 1 lb pkg creases of 2 per cent for tele- mer Activities to Manches- ^ “ *® w ater baUoon Charles VlUard, 246 Woodlawn 59' will« Ofb_«M«avl compete to a tire race, or James ■rviiiAphAAV.^«*SO®4S€fct*, theWAC taIva. tovclve Greeceal>1 and ^ Turkey — Everywhere, too, we ran into te *“ ve been made, however. Finost Sliced Bacon phone companies and 1 per cent ter (SAM). SAM has a job a 30-yard dadi. __ thlid and fi^ seri» to be back 8 ^ ) ’ te® tosstog contest and other games^ circle; a daughter to Mr. and Ernest L. Bengston 8r. rite leader to charge of Home k pictures, books, ixietere, ban- tor the necessities of rice, veg- for electric companies. bank and sponsors, cultural, ChUdren ages six to eight ^ a Turidsh Qypriots. “'l^ ^ to rb ^ ^ to th e fil- tS :^ff^n ^y f^ X 7 rto Mrs. Ronald I^harakl, 136 Dem- Ernest Lemiard Bengston Sr., educational and recreational ners, pamphlets, muteums and tables, coal and housing, In additimi, MeskiU’s package wUl participate to a sack race, meeting among Prime Mnlater ^«> **‘® ^.N. other signs of the man who has Rice is sold In predetermined N u t r i t i o u s 81, of 37 Ridgewood St., hua- a .a , events. ter process It was necessary to between mothers and daughfora, ^ M ^ ^ n o d z ^ i ? M ^ E ^ r lb band of Mrs. E. Gertrude Boc- ® '^ *°r ® P®7®®*i >^®’ ®>^ Faulkner and have."ot a s ly le the Democratic quantities at .1)6 won per kUo- close the pool last week. New many f ^ Rhode Island p la ^ V ^ J L u S S t o ^ l ^ d ^ ' 49' kus Bengston, died this mom- boort ^ * P«r Boys aged nine to eleven can Lynch. ®**®* “ anger and have suffer- peopig-g Republic, Premier Rram, a Uttlc more than one filters were tostaUed late Fri- and Massachusetts. bachelora and married U tog at Manchester Memorial ®®"*^ ®*‘ “ P®*’ ®®"‘ ®* “>® *«<*' try running bases, throwing a >nie weekend violence to Bel- ®^ casualties. But they have ^ 1^. cent per pound. Coai is cheap. day and the work waa comiUet- Steele spoke briefly, stating ?!7*'** Brooks Jr., East Hart- D A K Hospital. ®™* program and 100 per cent Ocoma Kaman Calls basebaU for accu^y, or a 50- ,fggt began with the slaving of "P ®®*”® Woody fights fRig secrets of his over- Housing rental amounts to ed Saturday. that he felt a dose IMp ^th ^ *®^ vpwnmMiAY • a son Fried Chicken 2 X 1 .4 9 Canned Bacon Im ported L' n^esc Mr. Bengston was bom May ®” *hort-term gains with a $2,- yard darii. Glris of the same the driver of a deUverv trm:k **®tween Greek and Turkish whelming presence obviously ®t>out 2 per cent of a famUy’s Democrat Session the peoples of the captive nations certain BIRTHS YESTERDAY. A son 24, 1890 to Portland, Conn., son exemption on gross, age can either run the 50-yard Hiornton when his vo- ^ r l o i s . are the educational system and tocome. A husband and wife The IDenfocraUc TowM Com- of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Th- Da„ Alexander Aibel of ^® B®”“ ^ Smith, of John and Annette Bengston, *Hie governor’s proposal to- For Easing dash, the six-potato race, or ^ . backfired liutslde umiv '” *® ™ccessful United Na- treatmwit of the chUdren. At ®o™ about 200 won a month U mlttee will meet tonight at 8 and as a member of the House ^ ^ r e d toT to' *’®'®y ’ and had Uved to Manchester for eludes a new tuition of $850 at throw a softbaU for distance. ^ Sentries ai»arentiv^^ “°"® operation to Cyprus has nurseries the youngsters are both work. o’clock to the First Federal Foreign Affairs Committee, waa * ®XriM and DISCHARGED SATURDAY: over 60 years. He and his ■wife *h® University of Connecticut, Tax Burdens F ot boys aged 12 and 13 there oiiloVArt convinced many observers that taught about the revolutionary Clothing U quite expensive. A Bank BuUdtog, Park Place, to directly concerned to the affaire concluded toe f o i^ pro- ^® ' observed their 56th wedding an- increases to $800 at state WlU be a 60-yard dash, running . «red^n fuAiiiT^ ^ ®®“*^ f^^y a slmUar role to exploits of Comrade Kim and wool suit coste about 180 won. endorse candidates for toe com- of these and other such nations. .j. . - _am„_t™ *^Tia *. Coventry; Mrs. Nancy Schultz, niversary on June 30. Before he colleges and $200 at communi- By SfHi B. COHEN bases, or a throw for ® the Sinai Peninsula — toterpos- those of his father and mother. Medical expenses are prac- tog November e l e ^ . ®*®®‘® **>® f *^® r e ^ d S t i S gaZJS' that f retlred about 15 years ago, he technical colleges, and (Herald Reporter) accuracy. Glris to this age k ,,ii,uo 1..4 au ®d between the Egyptians and his brother, Ms grandfather, ticaUy nU because factory or Obamber Bessiou many dlfficultiea involved to ex- .___ . ia»+aii„Maa » aaa, Anne L. Whiting, 12 Lydall St.; was employed as a salesman lax on self-insured firms, "nnmiAAHA<„i f Al. *f™**P ®®” compete to the 60- ^ aiiokiiir rt**^** I®^lls, as aa neceasarv necessary pre-ore- and and his his great-grandfather. gpreat-grandfather. office foots the Mils. Uve ■work- G TTie Board of Direotora of toe' presstog more than a concern E. ^ i h ho VaMinii Felix E. Lewis, 39 Turnbull Rd.; for the F^lller Battery Oo. of Senate leaders are supporting Oonnecticut must ccaitrol the yard dash, softball throw for soldiers sUghtly during rioting umtoarv to — — ------^ — „ ------„ -----A JOf ,A n#ji-A crtofA __A lA Ji-A____ ' .-...-A.,. thnf fnllrairArt ia. Pnatoary to HI an eventual settle- Tots of 5 and 6 point to Mang- er gets annual vacations at RockviUe Area Chamber of for toe people of these countries ®m^on i ^ s mq DMxeroau m . Turney, FJast Hart- Hartford. He attended Center a proposal based on a 6^ per ®®®‘.®1 "f*® K®'^®™"*®"* ** distance, or klckbaU Wok. roiiowed Saturday night to ment of the Middle East con- yongdae. Premier Kim’s birth- government resorts and does Commerce ■wUl meet tomorrow and that relatively few con- ™®j , ®’ ford; Candace R. D’Amato, 119 Congregational Church. cent sales tax that would no ™“st begin at Mice to ease the CSiUdren may participate to P*'ot^ against Tliorntan’s place, and to Bongwhari, where not worry about price fluctua- noon at toe Country Squire greasmen are actively working completed and u^^smee a aep- j^geney St.; Mary E. Brown, 166 Survlvors, besides his wife, longer exempt fuU auto trade- burden It has placed on only one event Punch and Ice o®^- 3 oco-man U N. peace- he spent his chUdhood. It 4s tions because there are none, Restaurant, Rt. 83, BUtogton. in these areas, although aU are ^^^® *h h HUlstown Rd.; Mrs. Marion A. are two aons, the Rev. Ernest Ins, nonprofessional servlcea oustoess and Industry,” was the cream wW be served. soldier klUed Sunday keepw force first sent to Cy- to a Christian chUd’s The North Korean wxwnan The main topic to be discuss- deeply concerned over the fate *mance this project t h ^ wno Beelzebub Rd., South L. Bengston, minister of the (except barbers and beauti- to®ss6go delivered today to the Buses wUl take chUdren to “ 6^*’ ® private to the Green . . education about Jesus Christ wears either Korea’s traditional had not as yet sent to their con- ‘ ' RAPrtmoni ana Aha ’ —a ta. a.,...---- luitional dToss oT a blouse with ed wUl be procedures adi^ted of these peoples. Windsor. VSTnehester Center (CMm.) Con- clans) and the portions of the teRtelature’s Finance Commit- and from their local play- Howards Regiment, was the fn--a nnimdiArB tnHav nvia Bethlehem. due to toe consoUdatiem of toe He said he understood toe tribution should do so as quick- Loretta A. Mbn- gregationalOPv^froHrtMol Church, ■ andon/1 John T/lltn «wnc*gas, electric, water and 10inside-^0.1.9- tfififo® bV tllA tee rVMTIA/»flAIttOotmecticut RliolvittaaBusiness grounds to the MfieldoaIoI day. lltll 'Britisll SOldl6r ntlf^ 29ttl - - - * '* “ The chUdren are cared for skirt three inches below the Uhited maintains town’s post offices. The CSiam- great pressures these people poaslble. . - , a talvo, 62 Cooper Hill St.; Mrs. Bengston, assistant postmaster state telephone calls over $10. Industry Association, a In case of rain Thursday, the persen kiUed this year to the ^ a n ^ aloM^*^toe A rabJtora^ ^'^te a zeal that could be an ex- knee. Unlike the mainland Chl- her office has been receiving were under and toe heavy stress Anson pointed out that toe iMd q _ Swartz, RFD 2, Bol- of the Manchester (Post Office; Their plan also contains a 6 FKiup with 3,000 member com- field day wUl be held Friday. communal vlMence. border aito “In Kashmir be ®“"P*® *®*' professional educa- neee, the Koreans have not'i.lm- , a sister, Mrs. Andrew Pyne Sr. per cent tax on capital gains panl®* which employ more than complatota about delays to re- on “Russification” of these purehased by toe Estonian Mjarijane Kelley, 20 Robert ------. tween ’the Pakistanis and Indl- *®” ‘^ ® '‘ ®°*““ rtee. Ev- posed pants and riilrta on their cei'vtog mall. Mall deposited at coimtrite. Steele noted that “one group was a parcel of raw, un- wiifred Holland, of Portland; and four grandchU- and dividends, retroactive to mlUlon Connecticut men _ . A,. _ nriK hill ihaif a<.a aaaao.M.a. axk_ ®T ®Wld is givcH s frcc cihica- womcn. dren and several nieces and jan. 1, w ith up to a $2,000 ex- “ i*! women, toe Rockville i^ce has to go to of toe few links of communlca- developed acreage, which now, Kelly" Rd., Vemon; Egyptian Glass Bead servers oolv^ **®*^ ^ ® summer camp un- There are no private care, toe Vemon office for processing tlon we have remaining with due to toe efforts of toe mem- (irmen M. Jutras, 200 nephews. emption for persons under 66 The message was deUvered Stock------Market nvwiTArv 1 J A 1. “Ta i-ho-i.'.. •.' ‘*®*’ professional supervision, and cities lack ad ^ u o te public Ftoieral services wlU be Wed- and up to $6,000 for those 66 or CJharles H. Kaman president before being distributed to toe these people” are radio broad- bers, boasts electricity, toilet g j’. Stanley Bur- NEW YORK (AP) — CMicem .?*** '^® '*'®*’* fo*** **® 8^®** a. free transportation. Most people live addresses even though they are casts such as Radio FYee Fhi- facilities, a well with runntog . . ^ «»_ „ Center St. nesday at a time to be announc- oyer. of - the —Kaman Corporation - who ewiogiaui nave louna giaasS'’®®® in *“ iNauons ®"‘®‘^omciai, ’ .'^®we set of clothes eve^every season, near work or schools. ed. Burial will be to East Cem- Is senior vice president of the ®**®"^ ***® ®®onomy and dollar Egypt that may have been try to interpose ourselves be- FYom the Ume a cMld is three to RockvUle. rtqie and Voice of America. In water, bleacher seats, a small ’ ■■ rf-ui la a Bradley etery. ------toe recent Congressional pro- building to use mainly as a • , 'iiiomas a ! Friends may call at the Advertisement—' grams of austerity, when funds kitchen and storage room, fire- „ _ soutli Holmes -I^eral Home, 400 Tn/Iuence’ St. Joseph’s Church RockvUle for these items were either to places, and considerable clear- a __L. ipvaivn P L e ^ l 616 Mato St., tomorrow from 7 to bearing the mark of Amenhotep ®s®*> other through Finns or taken to the morning by Ms Mammoth Outdoor Bazaar. All be cut or deleted, Steele said he ing and landscaping. Plans for ^ ' Kooiom. ers propose the tuitlMis, self-to- PohUc hearing today at 1 p.m. Trading was very slow. week. Rides, Booths, Refresh- worked diUgently to see that toe the future include besides toe ’''®®“ oouth 9. surance tax and increase' i,i to the HaU of the House mi a The n ^ Dow ^ e s average foom 1646 to 1626 ,^®^s- they may have second mother or father-boOr usuaUy . . .. ____ ».J_J.______...... u fy UlOUgnta. iiwwlr__ on/1 ml/vIsAyf itw nA Ak..a ^^A ments. FREE admission. appn^riation was granted court mrtitloned, damming up "Y’ pubUc-servlce taxes proposed variety of tax proposals. of 30 industrials was off 4.82 at ■work—and picked up at the end Seen fn Arnold J. Relnarte of the day. which allowed toe broadcasts to a stream how running through AVAiAATAu o AvauAOAA^ A^AA- Mcsklll, plus a 6 ccnt lioost Less Mony, Not H m « 846.79. Also, Mrs. Laurie Oordy, 48 Arnold J. Retoartz of Lyn- He is fed and clothed at the continue. the property and providing a Linden St.; 'Robert A. King, w^*"*^lif *foimer^ ^ ^m- *" cigarette tax, a 2 cent hUce Kaman warned that new taxes Among Issues traded on the nursery and made to take naps. Contracts Sardine Stuffer Steele exhibited toe manner swimming area. Chester, died July 30 to lyn- *" ^“ oltoe tax, a new bank tax on CMmecUcut business and to- New York Stock Exchange, de- Berrigan Put in Segregation Every ailment is treated and which has gained him toe favor r Hie picnic grounds are used ^^Rd^' wood after a long »!"<»«■» The representing a rollback from 70 dustry will bring to less money, dines ran ahead of advances the child la trained to work (Oonttoueb from Page One) of many people. He was com- „ot imly for toe annual affair, “ Y \^ t RIFD 3, funeral was Aug. 3 with burial ®®^^ to 60 per cent of to- not more. by about 6 to 6. Snips for Title ,», ^ vi h a with . his peer group—those wrongdoing, ConsMldated said, r a pletely at ease, shaking hands, sajj Anson. It’s to usemoat ' ______J ______to the NaUonal Cemetery, terest exempted from the cor- “We are at thfe point of dl- FTrst-nour volume of 2,030,000 t or Distribution of Leaflets ROCKLAND, Malne'(AP) — remembering names and fwes. weekends by. family groups. Portland, Ore. poretlon tax, and shortening of minishtog returns,” he warned, shares on the Big Board was R “All generator seta were buUt DANBURY (AP) — The Rev. Pentagon papers over to the ” " to the nurs^ peer giwp TOvemment imeHficB«""<» Nine years of work and prac- ®P®>'® with nearly everyone ------Mr. Relnartz was bom to ®8tate-tax payment from 14 to 8 “Additional taxes will force the lowest since last Aug. 17^ New York Times, might be tee rudiments of education 1® government specifications tlce paid off for Mrs. Patricia there, som e^es discussing Manchester Evening Herald LieOEn DRUG Germany and lived to Man- roontha. companies out of business or when 1,660,000 shares changed was put to ad- read, he said. ®* •'everence toward Kim and under government super- Havener of Friendship, Maine, world condition, other times Andover correspondent, Anna chester for many years beJM-e Proposals that would retain out of Connecticut. If taxes hands. mtalstr^ve_MgregaUon to fed- Sunday when she stuffed 90 mors personal everyday prfahia, Tel. 742-8S47. P A RK A D E going_ to______California. _ tee tocome tax______call for a revi- force companies______out______of business Brokers_ attributed the to- ®”)1 prison Monday for passing “They are being served regu- ****^'|,f„i oi ^ i, vision.” O PEN Survivors are three sisters, slon at the tax rate to contain or out of the state, jobs will con- activity to Investor worries ®®* l®s^®te urging prlson^^ to lar meals, just like everyone narents tenehM said the subcommittee cans with snipped sardines to ® „J®®“ -. , _ ™ a . ------ten minutes to become toe ^® »®«, ««® 1:00 A .M . to 10 P.M . Mrs. Marguerite Elsa Jones, 10 one per cent steps for each ttoue to decline.” about the continuing European ^ refuriig ” ****^ '’“®*® 'Tt^n comes middle *sH®^ fo ask any Cot^Hd^d World Champion Sardine Pack- “It Is at times Uke thew Mrs. Martha Louise Powell and $6,000 of adjusted gross tocome Kaman said employers to, monetarvmonetary nroblemnproblems invnivinirInvolving including himself and hla rafustog to eat.” school, followed by polytechnic ®*®®*ill'’® to testify. ’Ihe firm that one knows this could only Age Breaks Mrs. Louise Martha FYaser, all up to $46,000, a , similar rate Connecticut object specifically the U.S. economy to general. fo®**J~** nim«ii ana s He refused to name the him- g^uege, a high technical school all the CMitracts were To win toe event, she had to **® A rnica.” Election Tie of Southern California; and nu- schedule stopping at 9 per cent to four proposals wMch have They also noted that tills is a “^teer, uie Kev. uame r- ger strikers or to cMifirm re- ^ university, depending on "obtained under advertised defeat the first worid champion People to C b ^ e merous nieces and nephews. instead of 10 per cent and a 10 been receiving public atten- slow time of the year for the t -M’oA.A.a. . Aha teat one was Ted GUck, student’s aptitudes and on competitive sealed-bid proce- Sardine Packer, Mra. Rita , Chairman of ye^rday’s af- ROME (AP) — Communist HAND (» A IT S by 9 ------per cent piggyback tax retro- tlon: m^ket anyway. Pedt^ ' ^^io^lSsUtute ‘*>® recommendrtlons of hla pc durea. un.iiiav -n/takian/T Thill tolT wos Jiuisn ArUcc of Man- Mrs. Hector LaOace active to Jan. 1. “1. They object to any to- For most of the key Issues ,r>i,iii„ oarHMn tuuuimI out *^****^P Berrlgan who were to- Htlcal unit. “it i« venerallv known that vear’s^ champion 24, has cheater, who arranged toe pro- Maria Lisa Rodano may have Mrs. Blanche Tessier LaGace Another tocome tax plan crease to the corporation to- pHce changes were fractional. At a children’s palace to the the government iL h ^ prob- worked nine years’packing sar- gramming and scheduled toe felt some feminine satisfaction EL-GER-MAY a! wouW levy a 2% in>r cent tax on come tax, already one of the ^ S ^ e * ^ ^ t o ^ l n “‘toe^‘^ ' dines and she is prwnUy em- various events. Special program to being younger than her oppo- at her home, ^ e was theMK7 wifewuv ^ossgross income.income, Yetxei anotheranouier pro- highestmgnesv inm theuie nation.nauou. ^ -ofA housinir unit __ ___ nioved bv toe Port ayde Pack- speaker tor toe affair was Gas- nent to the election tor preal- Gomes to Manchester of Hector A. LaGace, formerly poses a piggyback tax r(uigtog “2. They object to the exten- ®teel was off % at 22%; and ^ gy-port of the , ^s****®*" tee Berrlgans was notably music and stage pre, sonnet to the field.” It w»«<< p^TO oy uie XTU J. ^ Randyee of WilUmantic, a dent of Rome Province. But It 79 E . OBNTBB STBEET of Mancherter. from 16 per cent to 17 per cent, sionslon orof uiethe siaiestate sales tax to U.S. y Steel™-- wasa-... down %to27%. D._H«ans ond other “noUtlcal •“'’olved into thothe hnnaanhunger strike, atnii,a sentations. .aaA„Aia_. taIt vhas----- aa.— huge audlf ™ “We were involved in no im- Die event now to Its second former high school principal to cost her toe job today, Mrs. LaGace waa born to Can- The curaent tocome Zc law, utility bills. mixed wtih Chesa- w M .^ed 'S g WUkea said, and both remain- torium, smaU audltoriiSns aJ vear is soonsored by toe Maine ‘‘‘a native land, and now a con- The provincial councU gave D ealers for ada, and had Uved to East Hart- pggsed July 1, carries the fol- “3. They object also to the {f®^® * °l**® "P %*® to^eekend and Motiier ®** *” “'® F®"®«d prison popu- toys, alMetic equipment ahd Sucte’’^ ^ Retting the n.,^ „ and Shore Fish- tractor to toe area. Randvee 13 votes to Miss Rodano and D U N C A N CER A M ICS ford for 26 years. She was sec- lowing rate schedule: proposal to apply the state ®« % at 36; ig„„gd Monday at the pris- *®^®"' musical tostnimente. Of course ^ 8a«. mvolvliur cries and toe Maine Sardine reflected briefly on toe history toe same number to C2iristlan reitary to the administrator of Up to $1,000, a 1 per cent sales tax to non-prafesslMial ?J7***^ RaUways, up ®t Sunday's vlgU outside the there are rooms for the study pimnna ii. .o>na.rt ia t.a7^ A^.aaii It Ifl the hlrti Dodnt of tee Estenians here to Con- Democrat Francesco Maggi. FREE CLASSES to Ceriunlcs the Hartford 'YWCA and a mem- services. SHtoL day of toeM Ui^ual necUcut. The law says that to case^ a and Leather Goods tax. P ’ ' ’ ^ 39; Benn ®^‘^®"‘ nentrni ^ “‘®’ Hntvn ®** ^ li fa Danieluamei Berriean tiemgan waa not noi to- m- cotocld^____ ^ with the trana- t of hankbank infareafinterest navnianfapayments **P,^. ^26/6. general orison DODufaUoii Of soHd food to support of the Mao Tse-tung Is to China, but tee name of a vice the hard foughtcontest ®*®® ®* American accomplish- The CSiristlan Democrats, The Associated Press 60-atock ^ ^ ® ” P”®®" P®P"*s ®“ ®* Berrlgans. he has to reach only the 14 mil- P«*sldent of Dewey Electronics A^' ^ tomorrow gent^M a m ^ t’o7e''r Vs'ooo'. which are allowable as a de- In 1970 Uw CTiiteiiento used ments to toe paat year. He ac- foreseeing toe deadlock, had at 8:30 a.m. at he Benjamin J. —$6,001-$12,000, $170 plus 6 duction on the corporation to- av^e vvM ^ 1.6 to 303.7 at Daniel Monday morning, six more Hon Koreans north ot the 88th ® <*®fo"so contractor. „,oii oaf^ines nacktox eight to ctalmed the fantastic successes withdrawn a candidate who Callahan F^meral Home, 1602 W...V waa. AAV vva.v.uaava. ...o fo

A PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 PAGfi tE N only when it becomes com - Imperial Measurements mercially advaittageoua. n • -m . 1 -a • • > Flight iiiiMiuiua manuals Boiinnuijr generally ubb use Pact Signed Drug Center Astronauts SAAt CoUects GIhm , Israelis^ Ifeing Abandoned by British ONE OF THE STOP & SHOP COMPANIES Two SAM representatives talned for altltudea, flight lev- Hie Drug Advisory Center wiy be on duty from 10 a.m. By DONALD M. MONKXIU. By Russia In Jesse Lee House at 48 Are Spared Guerrillas Some m ajor auto assemblies, els and vertical speeds, to 3 p.m. Monday thru Fri- Asooelatod Preoa Witter engines and ccmiXete vehicles mat scnqile, by t o way,'Is Hartford Rd., is observing day, at the entrance to the mmi-pncind the following schedule: , f.nNnnM being produced to metric pretty small—equal to l-24th of And India Quarantine town sanitary landfill off Ol- In Battle LONDON (AP) - The British design, and most major manu- an imperial ounce. The metric Monday through Satiuday, cott St. to collect glasis for are losing their scruples, and it facturers expect to produce at people reckon It at 64.76891 mll- (ComUimed tram Pace One) 10 a .m . to 10 p .m . (Continued from Page One) recycling. Profits from the (Conttnned from Page One) A telei^one backup ser- has nothing to do with moral- reast one new model derigned lig r^ s. collection will go to the Case m yo itv basically ta metric by 1978 or ------... for money - saving meals! ^ India and it*'.maln aui^Uer of vice Is available Monday nation” program was outlined the central committee of the Mt. Fund. ' eariler. Shop arms. through Saturday from 6 for Apollo 16 samples. John Tomaso and William ASU, Bgypt’s only political par-, ’Iho scruide Is a unit of mea- „ ^ ^ SUPERMARKETS Mini-pricing* is the dedication\on „ ^ Members of to Chemical In- Few Conflicts Relations between India and p.m. to 8 a.m. "Botanical Investigations Coleman, both juniors at ty- the part of Stop & Shop peo] For drug advisory Infor- Bast Catholic High Schott, He emjrfiasised his willing- sure, on t o way out along with dustries Association deal In to bring you high quality i the United States are rapidly have definitely shown that lu- POPUlflA drams, grains, ounces, pounds, metric terms with each other In Divided Dues mation, call: 647-0222. will be collecting and sorting ness to reopen the Sues to in- nar materials are capable of products in pleasant sur deteriorating also because ot the glass at the landSU. ternational navigation but only hundredweights, pecks, quarts inside Britain. They plan to go SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Jacob roundings . . . and low continued U.S. arms shipments enhancing plant growth respons- According to John Har- as a first step toward an over- and bushels. metric for nonmembers in Brit- 3 ^ Thnser was asked during a This is part of t o movement ain and abroad by Jan. 1, 1978. confirmation hearing whether prices to keep your to Pakistan. Durinc a meeting es,” the document- outlining kins, assistant town mana- all Middle Bast settlement. to ad sign for some time, and engines ^neral,'"sald he ))aid t o other ’Ihe new Sovlet-Indlan treaty vehicle and failure to change face, said Dr. Gerald Taylor, a A 16-year-old Caribou, Matoe brave American like Dr. BUs- lometer. Veterans hom® from for both civil tnd military jplan- $4 earlier this year,' however, fipparaiUy was worked out In address, yesterday morning at Manned Spacecraft Center set- driver was arrested on six dlf- bei*%^V"coiM «v. saves you ■ Vietnam know what a kilome- es are metric, civil aircraft de- because t o ACLU had helped highly secret negotiations con- W. Middle Tpke. and Homestead entlst. ferent counts Saturday after he f ^ Amerieiin ter Is—about two-thirds of a signers say they will change him draft a Mil during t o Ore- eluded before Gromyko’s arriv- St. Court date Aug. 80. "We discovered that an ex- Involved In a two-car cw:- pnucy in the Mideast ” Saiiat mile. al Sunday on what had ------tract of core material from cldent on Windsor Ave., Rock- ^ heiieveo tha,-a' ovo more... f The imperial measurements peared to be a hastily arranged Apollo 11 was toxic to micro- ______cret documents on the Middle being abandoned by Britain are ^t occasioned by the threat Hartford, charged with failure organisms, “nie surface mate- ^Danny Harisgrove, was „ , ^ to carry Ucense and faUure to rfai on Apollo 11 was not,” he ch a fe d with driving under the ta some cases t o same as U.S. of war between India and Par measures, in othfr cases not. A Uatan. carry registration, yesterday hm Influence of Uquor, evading re- P®P®™ available to the evening at Main and Center Oould the toode agent be sponatblllty, operating while his Daniel Ellsberg. foot is 12 Inches, In both coun- In the eighth article of the 1,- tries but to imperial gallon 600-word p€u:t, both nations un- SU. Court date Aug, 28. gome miracle substance that Bce^e U under suspension, op- ® In resuming ON THE I used in Britain and Canada is Stop&Shop dertake not to "enter into or ------would become a powerful new ®««Wn8 an unregistered motor w® Mgntlng with Israel Is sUr- Mlchael L. Jackson, 29, medicine? v^cle, misuse of registration uruest among its troops, about a fifth larger than t o participate In any mlltlary al- ot Coventry, charged with r^rat- gt all,” 'Hiylor said. plates and breach of peace. according to a report In the U.S. gallon. In Britain, gasoUne liance directed against the oth- ing a motor vehicle wWleimder up to ba some com- Vernon Police said Harts- Beirut newspaper Al Kifah. Hie eventually will be sold In Utera Silver Dust1 J. er party.’’ They also agree "to All the Influence of Uquor, and faU- mon thing we know that is tox- grove left flie scene after he al- Paper said many Egyptians are ITEMS YOU I rather then gallons. This is al- abstain from any aggression legedly struck another car. heglrailng to make jokes about Blue Detergent againsr me ouier parry ana ro mlcro-wgantoms. Some ready t o way It’s done ta Bu- Active Detergent 1 against the other party and to While ^ the poUce station, po- Sadat’s repeated threats of ixqite. the use of ItsterTltory something. It’s Just a lice said Hartsgrove caused a raids into Israel, Britain is doing t o shift to to? the commls,d<)ii^ any^ ^ ” of scuffle and that resulted In the In ’Tel Aviv, Israel’s LIKE MOST!! metric gradually, and there is ?kg“ 7Ce sr tSe 1 which m ig^ Lasilo Ssarim, 60, of 266 Scott xpoUo 16 rocks wlU be their el- Peace charge being bassador to Washington, Yit- SPECIAU good MONDAY A TUESDAY ONLY, AUG. 9*10,1971 _ no present IntenUon to do away ***V***^i. ^ D*-” charged with making m - on poUo virus and bacteria P»^ed against him. shak Rabin, cauUoned the with t o pint measure for beer Similarly, the 10th article necessary noise with a motor mwooiated with pneumonia. Ef- ""In Ueu of - posting----- a $1,900 Uhited 8tates against over- and milk. Cold Water All Rinso 1 bars both natlona from entering vehicle, yesterday afternoon on ^ solutions on Hart^ve was taken to stoMUng its rede as mediator in The metric system would use ‘into any obllgatton, secret ast Guard ju r ie s were reported and at the airport before departing The government’s Metrica- scientific and technologtcal co- ing at Main and Center Sts. damage to the cars was minor, for his poet. "The United StatM tion Bbard is (xmfident Britain Final Touch Fluffy All Court date Aug. 80. everatton between them. One Intercepts poUce ^d. is trying to find a bridge be- wlU be substantially a metric article pledges them to “ pro- J^ph Novotasky, 66 of Glas- tween the positions ^ both Fabric Softener Laundry Detergent Ronald F. ’Trombley, 27, of country by lb76, or 10 years af- mote further development of tonbuiy, w u n ested Saturday mo b, and our hope Is that she 876 Hartford Rd., ch a r^ with ter t o nation began going met-, ties and contacts between tiiem Stolen Yacht Md charged vrith totoxlcaaon. will succeed to cmivlpcing I-qt, l-oz -IQ * passing In a no passing sone, rtc. in the fields of science, art, Ut- He was r e le ^ on to promise ggypt to fit her position to the bottle de passing in an intersection, and (*-^ontlinied from P a g e One) To date some segments of in- e r a t u r e , education, public l®gttlmate needs of Israel.” dustry are comi>letely metric health, press, radio, M evlsloa, failure to change address on the registration, Saturday night at ’The crewmen—^otan Freitas, A I s r a e U C a b i n e t a n - and other sections as far from cinema, tourism and qports.” Main and Ilaynes St. Court date Frank Power and Robert erickP*J.*^j**‘ Rd. nounced that Rabin would re- it as ever. Lux In another article, the two was arrested and nialn at Metrication has hardly hit t o 28. Waschkeit fadd the Coast charged with Intoxication and V^* ^ been Liquid Dove countries pledge “ to continue ordinary shopper as yet. Liquid Detergent their efforts to i»«serve and to ACCIDENTS Guard that the three hijackers breach of peace Sm toy at 8:46 ^ jh ’ the government recently Many packages list weights strengthen. _ peace in Asia and A summons chancing him ^ to set sail » **e afle^y created because of a series of radio in, c h a rg in g or volumes In both imperial little 85^ throughout the w^d to halt d «S ^ d ta- »««*• dealing aboard at Its tervlews In which he sounded and m etric measures, but Sf. 57* low P’’«=®4 op TfV Stop » to a™ rara and to achlw toodcatlon was iss^ to Jeffrey berth Friday night. to c?rcto b*®” P®“bnlstlc about U.S. goods specifically metric won’t tome this week- general and comiriete dls- „ n «vi« m nt flnrth Windsor. A long-range patnd plane Circuit toward Israel than to become really nottceable In armamen^ In clu d ^ as i ^ t of a n S t o t ^ y apott®d t o KamalU Saturday ®®P*' ^ . superiors. It was expected that stores untfl next year. No dra- We reserve the right to limit quantities c^ an d convmtlo^, ^ r s^j^day morning about 2 a.m., night just as It tried to duck “ he would be racaUed^ to matic changeover will come as Surf Wisk efto^ve Intematlonal control.” m ^ ^ h to car left t o road on behind a squall line, t o Coast Plac®, Rockville, was picked up minister. in February when to British ’The treaty is to be extended North Main St. Court date Aug. Guards aid. A message was by Vernon p^ce yetorday ^ ggourlty forces said switched to decimid currency Laundry Detergent Liquid Detergent Mon.f T ubs. automaUcaUy for successive 23. dropped to It ordertag to hi- ^e X^ptool to ^ of a mur- from to ir rid pounds, shillings flve-year periods after t o In------jackers to heave to and reverse In Groton as being AWOL from ^ ^ Arab In to Madiazi ref- Special for Monday^ Maghasl and pence. 49-oz 32-oz QQ* & Wed. only! Itlal 20 yean luless either a siunnums charging him their course. ‘The plane’s crew the MAriite -O o^. ____ pkg / Z ” bottle 0 3 ’’ ugee camp south of Gcuea City, There’s no word of any butch- Tuesday & Wednesday only! country wants to terminate it .^th fallowing too closely was said it mw t o niessage rtoiey SOUTH WINDSOR was the 84th such- mtuder er, firiimonger, or confectioner Iqr giving 12 months notice be- iisued to Stephen P. Winekur, ed ^ to diip didn’t sto. 'The Vfllliam Scanlon, 21, of Bast mer- selling by t o Utogram—2.2 fore It U due to expire. . 32, of 199 Homestead St., after Coast Guard said the hljacken Hartford was arrested by South pounds. But you can buy cktti ’The treaty wlU come Into a cirfllsion Saturday afternoon were on a course to ’Tahiti. Wlndsw Saturd^ night Arabs and Israelis In Gerber at quite a few places by t o Spry Shortening Green Beans \ • 1 ' i' / force within one month, "sub- at 1:46 on B. Middle ’Tpke., near Air Force and Coast Guard ®nd charged with operating im- , . -tHn- Yellow ~ Squash ject to ratification,” presum- Vernon St., between bis car'and planes kept the vessel under one driven by Lorette P. Ruch- constant surveillance. ’Though a«b country. insky of WUlimantlc., who was ruiming without lights, It was Pdllcqj^ said Scanlon was ob- 0 / 6 59* now available at this and take advantage of m mesenting to treaty to treated at MaiuJiester eMmori- kept in sight by flares dropped served- driving in an erratic Some High Spots signed first for t o foreign mar- this great value on yel ket and second imr t o domestic low price. Enjoy the parllam ^ toMh sought to re- Hospital. Court date for Wine- by to planes. m ai^ on Sand Hill Rd Souto BUENA VISTA, Colo. (AP) delicate f la v o r of low or green squash. consumer, totain must trade mo»nny liMrSsIcn^ lb® c«tt®r Pobit Corwin Wlndw. He was reload m hte —Nestled in a valley close to jthese tender greei So flavorful and eco with other notions to survive, " beans now. nomical; 10 0 % good lb tered ^ ’s tndit^mfd poUcy ^ T , m«i® to tatercepU^ As It ^ where the Continental Dl^vide Nabisco Nabisco eating. cf twimUjptment. ^ ~ ^ suimnotis charging him prooched, the yacht’s running Court, E ^ t Hartford, Aug. 28. reaches its highest point in and predictions are that 60 per 'at~ Btranatfaens our ocdlcv (X failure to yield the right of lights were on and It came to a Mark Hassett, 19, of 86 WUUow North America, this town took cent of warid trade will be In Oreo Creme Sandwich Nutter Butter tor ^t a private driveway was stop. It tom ed around and St., South Windsor, was charged jjg name from Spanldi explor- metric terms within 20 years. Peanut Butter Sandwich ju -i Herbert Leining Sr., started back toward Honolulu a with failure to drive right after grs who called it "Beautiful Actually, elements of metric raan ezira^ ^ en aaiea ™ << Durham, after a ci^Uslon diort time later. he allegedly struck a parked car view” when toy traversed to system have been taught In t o 1 51* 49* --irrli I. Il l * ' rt, H. Sebmlay monilng at 11:80 on Doheny, of Honolulu and Los on Woodland Dr. area seeking passes through schools here for generations, FROZEN FOODS AT MINI-PRICES! Brood St., between his car an Angeles, had been navigator PoUce said Hassett said he the Rockies, alongside t o Imperial system. po^ of aoaaymn^ ^ motorcycle driven by Barry aboard to KamaUl when It had drof^d a cigarette in his withinWithin a few miles there are As ta t o United States, elec- t h m C k ifC m i pviiipiinpiHiiiifiiuiiiiiiiiw fn______itox stt'wigutgned„ ,__ and. will Pleasant of Waj^iiiig. Court gafled last month In the 12-day car. ’The parked car belonged le peaks topping 14,000 feet, tricity is billed In kilowatts—al- Sunshine Sunshine braoTO an effeettra inttniment date for Leining is Aug. 80. ’Transpacific Yacht Race from to Richard C. Meyer, 61' Wood- several of them dominating the reiady metric so no change Is A large variety of delicious frozen foods that you farflie mtegaarObig of our na------ggn Pedro, Calif., to Honolulu land Dr. Hassett is scheduled to town as they rise on Its out- needed. 1 Sprinkles Butter Flavor Cookies and your family are sure to enjoy. ”**** totereto u wdl as an a written warning for follow- under the flag of the Los Angel- appear In Circuit Court, Bast skirts a mile and a quarter The Atomic Energy Author- *^******®®* ***!***' malnte, tag too closely was issued to Yacht Club. Hartford, Aug. 28. above the valley floor, GRADE *A' ity, Britain’s clvU atomic power 16 oz nance of unfvcrsal peace and Leo M. Kenney of East Hart- vessel had been tied up body, has been using metrk: 1 3 6 ^ ^ SS 34* loaves sreurity and in land. Conn., after a collision \yalkiki’s Ala Kal yacht bar- measurements since 1969. So t o undoBs ta to Saturday afternoon al 1:67 on pirated. Doheny’s m >4 has the pharmaceutical in- Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Tolland ’Tpke. near ’Taylor S*., gajd it had been provl- dustry. between his car and one driven 3 cruise of the Ha- CHICKENS Schuler's Potato Chips The glass Industry began stop & Shop by Gerald T. Martin of New iC wailan Islands. manufacturing flat glass to Pineapple Pie Freshly Baked Britain metric ecale Jan. 1, 1969, but Schuler's Potato Frills Suspect Sought lA^auLest You’ll be proud to serve this quality pie. found that most customers kept 6V4-OZ 1 lb, 3 oz pkg A written warning for driving ordertag the old way. It could 12 oz In Attempted after drinking was Issued to ‘Reason To Hope’ box 39^ SPLIT OR bo next year before the switch pkg Burdett F. Webb Jr., of 166 is fully accepted. Kidnap>Rape Walker St. after a ccdlision In Berlin Talks Platn Another anag arose In t o Daisy Donuts or Sugar 1 1 ‘/z oz the freezer. NEW HAVEN (AP) - Four ______BONN, Germany (AP) — CUT-UP aluminum Industry, vdiich pub- Three Diamonds pkgs lished details of its plans In Baked to perfection for you by Stop & Shop. men have been arrested and a car and one drivenJqt Charles Fwrelgn Minister Walter Scheel lb. 1969. It went over to metric In Solid White Tuna fifth was being sought Monday Zlmowakl of WipdsOTLoCks. beUeves success ta four-power QUARTERS mtd-1970, but two m ajor con- stop & 11 oz $T Greene County Cavateiii 3 r 4 , ta connection with what police ~ ne^tlons on Berlin Is now In ceirns complained this was go- Maple Walnut Cake Shop 2 pkgs • \ » ^ On E. Middle ’Tpke. near K. sight. Jug too fast for cotiBumers. I,called a Upnap-rape attempt. center St., yesterday afternoon In an article published today Stop & 6*/2 oz The steel industry, much of It Yum Yum Snow Balls Shop pkg A young man called New at 4:60, a collision Involved cars ta to government’s press and lb. nationalized, plans that all Taste 0’ Sea Fish Steaks r 39° Quarter Loin Pork C h o p s 78° 11 50 Haven poUce early Sunday driven by David W. Marsh of 87 information buUetln, Scheel products will be sold metric by Stop & Vi oz c morning and said he had been Starkweather St. and Barbara wrote: "Considerable progress Three Diamonds Chocolate Chip Cookies Shop pkg ^ # April, 1972. Reinforcing 'bare mugged and tied to a tree ta s. McGUl ot Fresh Meadow, has been made In these nego- and vrire mesh for the cotirtruc- Strawberry Shortcake ^9 9 Bast Rock Park by five men Calif. Chuck Steaks 77: Solid Light Tuna New York. tlatlons. tlan Industry went metric more who forced his girl friend Into a Mini’priced Health & Beauty Aids! ------"With all due caution, we can than a year ago. One result: It '/> gal car and fled. Police Chief COMPLAINTS already say at this stage that became poealble to cut the Blaglo DiUeto said. Hendries ice Miik On Saturday night the left there is reason to hope for a range of alzee 28 per cesnt- Two men and the girt were front window was smashed on a successful close (to the talks)." Paper and paperboard mak- Right Guard iscSTJco 89‘ Quick Thaw later discovered near swamps car parked at 169 HlUiard St. ’The article appeared after re- CANTALOUPES ers otrv* were ‘ able to reduce Birds Eye STRAWBERRIES on the New Haven-West Haven ------ports last week that the four the variety of their sizes town line, police said. On Friday night, someime victors of World War II, the through metrtoatloii. Office fur- Saran Wrap Sanitary Napkins 59* 20 01 The girl was unharmed, Dl- broke Into the Gas Town Ser- united States, the Soviet union, Initure manufacturers are mak- Morton Appie Pie pkgr Ueto said. The two men eluded vice Station on Tolland ’Tpke., Britain and France, are to ilng filing cabinets to accomm^ 10 0 Foot Roll officers, but were picked up lat- through a window, and stole the make an all-out effort to reach ' date new sizes of paper, lo” "oz er, he id. Cashmere Bouquet 69° change from a cigarette ma- an agreement at the next ses- flees still can um old cabinets, ArreAed Sunday and held in chine. sion of ambassadorial talks on factv * lieu of $26,000 bond each were the divided city, starting ’Tues- PEACHES Juicy 1 9 Tbe lumber trade is now 67 Values to save you money! Save on your favorite Dairy Foods! Francisco M. Rivera, 38; Juan Sometime Friday nig^t, day. practically aU metric. R. Lozano, 23; Carlos AvlUa, someone broke the lower por- An official survey riiows t l^ Frosted 24; and Miguel Lozano, 20. All tion of the front glass door at NATIVE CUCUMBERS 3

Prized Shot So x B l o w C h a n ces ’ Weekend for Houk Canada W o m en Swi m m ers Scoring golTz most prised Vikings Pass Rush ■hot, a hole-ln-one, lU ke Slbrinas got that honor yeo- terday when he aced the par XONIORT’S . thr^e 147-yord fifth bole. Recalls Old Days T o G ain on O rioles Congo vs. AlUed 0:10 Robert- Using a six Iron, Slbrlnsz qo tnrned In the teat as Bked T Much for Pats son, second place p lay ^ . T u r n B ac k U.S. Challenge By THE A8800IATBD PRESS over the same four days. with only one out, but Rico Pot- Army A Navy vs. American Homans, Bob Oenovesl and NEW YORK (AP) — It swing for John BlUls, another BOSTON (AP) . The Boas Johnson watched. . ex- sulke blocked Charlie Gogdak’a rtghty. Thus Instead of picking up rocelli grounded out and Drive, 6:10 Nebo, makeup, CALI, Ckilombia (AP)— The versatile Miss Cliff, With Indiana University In boxing, the USA tonight MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. they’re smart-7they’re was the kind of weekend National League Boston Red Sox, aftSr softly to Norm’s vs. Wyman Oil 7:80 perlenced.” 46-yard field goal try. The next Why Alpu? Why not a left- some much needed ground in Oeorge Scott fhed The United States, already ready has grabbed three gold NCAA title powerhouse aces can better its bag of three (AP)—John Mazur, coach that had Manager Ralph New time, the Pats were inside the banded batter? Why not Ron East Dlvlalon blowins: a colden opportun- the American League Blast rig^it to end the inning. Nebo, makeup. mightily humiliated in medals - Sunday night adding the ^ Bomea to c » - gold medals at Winnipeg odto B a i l l l l a i l d F n C F of the New Ens:land Patri- The foursome got to Houk remembering the old t4.,. __race, then Red Sox lust kept LoUch was in control there- Lantern House vs. Gw m ans England quarterbacks only 60, Gogolak tried a 89-yarder. Blomberg, the slugging young W L Pot. CW itv to nick iin flrround on then Red Sox Just kept txilich was men's baskethnll are beino th» centrate on the National AAU four finalists, aU in four of the ots, had a lot of things to Linebacker WaUy Ifilgenbeig days, as in| the good old outfielder, who is hitting an ex- Pittsburgh TO 40 . 6 0 0 — „ ... ii. , pac®, remaining OH games be- after, blanking Boston until the jjio Keeney. n«,, individual medley there stiU was a reverwU flyo heavier weight classes, once—Page slamming Mike Baltimore over the week- hind’ Ahith when Scott’s single, Pixsa vs. Telephooe, 6:10 Fit*- Tennis Winners frown about even before blocked it. days. citing .846. St. Louis 68 01 .008 6% scu ttled tf ^ a y m _^® ther title to the top medaUlons she of the men’s form chart Sunday included heavyweight Taliaferro for an U-yard loss. "I figure they would walk cUcago 63 n .040 7 end, sought to snap a ’the team that did make up Duane Joeeptason’s single and a gerald, makeup. Of U ncle S an^s erstw h ile proviousiy won to the 200 todi- night. ^ NaJT the National Football But the pressure resulted to The Vikings, using Gory It was a three*out-of-four kind 07 06 .000 H H three-game losing streak ground,, of course, was Detroit, double by Phil Oagllano pro- Oreen Manor w . warn i. Winners of a one-day Men’s Taliaferro completing only five Cuoszo at quarterback to the of weekend agalnat the Baltl- Blomberg to set up a double New York m vm cible s p o r^ , w om en S Vldual medley and by anchor- Wortd record holder Brian master from Bcwlus, Minn., doubles tennis tournament at League preseason opener play," said Houk. " I didn’t Philadelphia against the Minnesota Vik- of 17 passes. first half and Lee to the second, ^ more Orioles, as In the first B uS to d irtatheftaaleot thd^ Detroit bats Billiards CILiw, vs. 8:40 swimming, m il.- the waning Canada’s winning 400 med- Job of Stanford finished third to Ughtheavywelght Ray RusAeU, BUington Ridge Country Club took a|17-0 lead into the fourth want to waste him that way. I jgontreal ley relay team. the 200-meter breaststroke, won -Marinestaff sergeant from Cln- yesterday were Les BaUm and ings.-; When Heisman Trophy win- * {dace Baltimore Qrloles, and it thought they’d jdtch to Alou be- place continued beating the tattoo pttigerald, playoffs, six Pan American Games. ner Jim Plunkett made his New period. made Houk and the Yankees the Detroit Tigers. they had begun Iteturday Although the USA had a And the powerful Canadian by the University of Washing- clnnatl, middleweight Jerry Adolf Frier, After Minnesota’s defense cause they had a right-hander a immpiaeo .076 make it one today. England debut with 11 minutes ran to from two feel quite warm inside. 66 00 Jim Lonborg (6-4) was the Left-hander Mickey LoUch against Boston pitching! Starter SHJi CITY whopping total of 78 gold med- high schooler, who also won a hm’s Rick Oolella in PanAm otis, an Air Force sergeant Results: First round: Sandy carried the Vikings to a 17-10 in there. That way I still have Annies m 08 .086 0 L. victory Sunday before a crowd left to the game, the Vikings al- yards to the first period, Fred Hie final victory was a 3-1 Blomberg to use then." Boston pitching selection in the author of Sunday’s Dot- Luis TIant was the first victim, W.. als entering the final week, Its sliver medal to last night’s 100- record time of 2:27.1. from Bremerton, Warii., and Plepler-Seymour Kaplan def. 60 08 .006 8 24 2 of 31,813 at the University of ready led 17-7. ’The lone Patriot Cox kicked a 28-yi^ field goeil thriller Sunday wmi with a run Houl(’s gamble worked. Baltl- afternoon contest, adiile Detroit victory, scattering nine hits giving up seven hits and five Billiards feminine aquatic contingent has meter butterfly, has a crack at Another surprise was com- welterweight Larry Carilses, Len ^ ^ e r -- Jw Go^eb, 1^ touchdown of the afternoon to the second and Dave Oaborn in the bottom of the ninth in- 07 07 .000 0 manager BUly Martin named and staying in control all the runs in Just three innings as he Green Manor 21 6 yielded gold medals to six of another'gold swimming on Can- paratively unheralded Charies Tanawa Terrace, .NC., another K ^ la n -J« ShlM def. Minnesota, Mazur could only more Manager Barle Waver de- ___ 64 68 .462 18H Les Chin 16 10 shake his head when talking came on Clarence Scott's 23- stepped to from the one in the ning. When Roy White scam- cided to .pitch to Alou, and he (6-7) as his mound ,^ay as he won his 18th game of went down to his ai}cth loss Moriarty’s eight events, ail to Canada and ada’s 400-meter free style re- ogmpbeU of Princeton with a Marine sergeant. Baccus, yard interception return of a third period. pered across home plate, he IlnoH a /UUlvanw tO AFlBgO43 70 .800 36% choice. •' the season against eight losses, without a victory. BUI LA®, Cal Walnut 13 IS mainly to blonde Lealie Cliff, lay team Tuesday. .T>A.nAm record . aao-meier o..Ks.t<. Kaam*^ji Baum-Frler, bye. about the pass rush his quarter- lined a tiwo-strlke. delivery 16 backs faced. pass. Scott intercepted his second was greeted by a mob of his center scoring White. Sunday’s Results ’The I M Sox <^ned their MeanwhUe the Tigers un- Kootice, Ken Brett and Sparky Tedford’B .. 11 remarkable 16-year-old mer- *nie USA’s'women Bwinunjei^ backstroke triumnto in* 2*OT1 fAam riin<4iAii » ffoiH medal BaumiPried def. Atlanta 0, New Yorie 0 16 16 "They’re a going bunch," Plunkett completed his first pass off Lee late to the game to teammates Jumping up and "Maybe," the aging Alou current home wl*li a vie- leaaed a 18-hit barrage led by Lyle all ftSlowed him on the Acadia set up Gogolak’s 27-yard field 8n Diego 8, Houston 3 tory over the Tigers last ’Ihurs- 1111 e Horton’s three-run mound, with Koonce surrender- 7 19 Mazur praised Minnesota’s Patriot pass and ended with down and acting as if they had said, ‘"rhey didn’t Imow that w DeOormler’s By way of comparison, the ^ gold m e ^ t o f c t e ^ a j ^ Germany’s f ^ V seventh^dght victory ' goal. Los Angeles 4, St. Louis 2 d ^ night, but haven’t been homer, AureUo Rodrigues’ two- ing the other three Detroit ^mrtsman 4 22 front four which consists of two completions for 10 yards. won a World Series. I’ve been hitting the ball good U.S. lost only two of 16 worn- IO m eter to^rtlyWu^ by j ^ g g ^JJth^t1l®teS aT thT uS A J Kaplan^Shlnn. 10-2. New England got into Min- Cuozzo completed nine of 23 "It was exciting," exclaimed lately.” San BYancisco 4^, CUcago 3' able to do anything against shot, A1 KaUne’s two-run runs. en 8 events, to the last PanAm 14-year-old Deaim Deardruff of _ .. , ,, j . . . . j mda and Jim Marsh- FEUPB alou them since. Young Joe Cole- phtch doidUe and three hits Rodriguez’ homer after a INiDY LEAGUE all and tackles and nesota territory only once to posses for 90 yards while Lee winning pitcher Steve Kline Maybe they dldnt’ know that 8 at Winnipeg to 1967 and was an Ctoctonatl but Uncle Sam’s Yesterday 8 Stars hit on five of U for 74 yards. in his locker, Alou has a sticker Cincinnati 6, Montreal 8 man shut Boston out with a each___ by - Bill Fteeham and Ed single _ by_ Freehan put the. ’Tl- W. L. all time loser of only qine masculine forces uncorked Pan- f Colomtola. 7-6 Alan Page. "They’re big. the first half, and Karl Kas- who tossed a five-hitter, "beat- 12 2 PITOHINO — PhU Niekro, ing them three-out-of-four that series for us, real good that says "you got a lot to Philadelphia 8-0, Pittsburgh four-hitter BMday night, then Brinkman. gers in front 2-1 in the second Latem 'House events since the quadremiial Am record-breaking triumphs • Braves, allowed four hits — all give." He’s given plenty with 61 2-4 **** Drtrolt bats caught fire etitian tory skein snapped at three cubs, blasted three two-nm Wins $3,000 Tuesday’s Games The losses were especially Yastrzemski, sent home the run Dick McAuUfie and Kallne sin- Mota’s 3 11 after the USA swept all five E c u ador’s Jorge Delgado ended Sunday with Km Patera, Sunday by defending champlmi homers as Chicago split a dou- three pennants and two world tl- hitter Felipe Alou after White R n ^ S w o b o ^ tough for the Red Sox to take and set up a potential big in- gled In the sixth and Horton B.A. Club 2 12 Ues In the last five years. They had beat out a bunt and moved ® Chicago at Pittsburgdi, nl^ht prevlous PanAm crowns, there caused Latin deliritun by win- a 220-pound Minneapolis rigger, .Brasil, 64-60. That put Brazil in- hleheader with San Francisco, Atlanta at St. Louis, night since the division-leading Orioles ning when centerfielder Jim cradled his 19th homer into the was nothing oblique about IBss ning the 200-meter butterfly for sweeping four golds in a new to a first-place tie with the U-SA lo si^ the opener 4-2 to 11 In- In Atlanta «. W u> « MW Ued by Boston 63 49 .60S 0% Senators who takes credit for the adieme. Women wearing Jets’ star quarterback, had the cartilage removed from 11 2 Joanne Oamer, the U.S. Wom- Detroit 61 61 .646 7% hot paata were given n free paaa to Snnday’a game between Norm’s his left knee Sunday morning and with it went his an’s Open champion who fired New Yort 68 67 .604 12 the Senatora and the ClevMand Indiana. But they pnahed the Dick’s 11 8 a brilliant eight-under-par 66 to National League Roundup BEST 16 WINF 9 6 chance “to show everybody I’m the No. 1 quarterback Washington 46 66 .414 22 crowd to 18,888. Safanday the final round of the 820,000 24)4 Alberti^s 9 6 in football” . . . at least for a while. Cleveland 46 69 .896 Jnst more fuel "for men’a sexual fantaalea,’’ countered' Class A — Dick Cronin 61-686, “This isn’t a career ending Lady Pepsi Open. West Divlaloa women’s liberation pickets outside the ballpurk. Tliey charged mock 7 7 Delivery Tom Prior 68-687, Ray Gordon 9 injury," said Dr. James Nlch- confident Al Woodall can get Mrs. Corner, whoee round Niekro’s ‘Goo - Goo’ Oakland 71 42 .628 — the contest to idck the prettiest, fattest and oldeat bot-paata Wyman’s 4 was one of the lowest ever on 64-7-67; B—Ed Wadas 70-12-86, Lineman 8 11 olas, the Jets’ team physician fljg j^b done." Kansas City 66 64 .609 18)4 wearers, and the meat nnoanal and most formlUting hot pants Dick Berger 72-18-69, Nell the Ladles Professional Golf egicago 66 69 .482 16)4 waa “treating women asobjeota.’’ Lenox 1 18 and the man who has operated :*the greatest athlete I’ve ever Association tour, finished some Conklin 73-14-69, Jim Bomayko three other times on the deli- coached.” Uie Crimsem Tide California 64 62 .466 18)4 Deqdte the crowd, Washington lost the game, 6-8. Or, as 74-16-69, John Dyment 72-1889; 40 minutes before Miss Blalock Just Too Elusive for Mets Minnesota 61 61 .466 19)4 the Washington Foot headlined It, "Indlaaa Catch Nats Look- DUSTY LEAGUE cate Namath knees. met defeat only three times drilled an iron to within 18 feet eW ack Moffatt 72-1686, Dan W. L. "He’ll probatdy be back in during Namath’s three years at Milwaukee 48 64 .429 22)4 ing Wrong Way." Moline 76-1887; Low gross— of the cup cn the final hole. NEW YORK (A Sunday’s Results Pero’s 14 0 uniform to , play by the middle Alabama, vdiere he com plete Her first shot rolled three nf ed three in raising his record for the final out Dick Cronin 72; Blind bogey — Congo 11 8 of Noveml^r, but then there is 64 per cent of his passes as a Sewell, formerly In the second game. Bob John- Neiw York 2, BaJUmore 1 Don Edwards 107. feet below the cup as Mrs. Cor- to 12-S. Kansas City 7, MUwaukee 2 ' W oodW orth N am ed Allied 9 6 the question of his timing. He’ll senior. Pittsburgh Pirates, popu- 'Ihe only Met to son scattered eight hits for his PROVIDENCE, R.I. AP — PBO SWEEPS ner watched while standing on Detroit 8, Boston 2 Methodist 8 6 let us know if he can set up and Namath and the Jets as- a golf cart near the gre«a. Mias larized the “eephus” pitch, myamying "goo-goo" pitch was first Nattonal League diutout George N. "Woody” Wood- Low gross — Woody O ark 78, CBAT 6 8 drop back," said NUdMlas after, tounded the gridiron world to Steve Hamilton of the San Duffy Dyer, who tapped a single and Gene Alley belted a s<*> Cleveland 6, Washington 2 worth, a former New London, Blalock then sank the ahet that Erwin Kennedy 78; low net — .Multi 6 9 he performed the OLminute op- 1968 when they upeet ti»e Balti- (AP pnoto) earned her the $S.0ff of the U.S. slams ball past Brazil White, vdio hobbled the boU. ways densely lined with trees, w e y — Ed McLaughlin 108. games in an American L«glon defender Eymart Zech in Pan-Am volleyball action Sunday in Pan-Am Games. Pro Player. Mrs. earner’s last-day charge r ^ r t o i r this season. rapping two-run singles, ning scoring Rose, who had sin- Oakland at Boston, 2, day, has been basebaU coach and First - Fred Meurant, Al PRO SWEEPS BasebaU Ttournameitt Sunday Lion linebacker Mike Luccl pick- Niamatii owns three Bcudi- Sunday, he used both to their _ ^aron now has hit safely in 16 gled. John Bateman and Bon night athletic director at the prep ed it up and scampered 29 gjg^g jjj nightspots, but not the was incredible. She began the school the last two years. Kemp, Nelson Skinner, Hal Low gross - Ted Plodzlk 74. ^ day eight shots down, but bird- fuU effecUvenees, hurling the consecutive games. Hunt homered tor Montreal. Fields 68-10—68; Second—Tony Ray Bvelhoch 76; Low net— dered eight of the youtu to got yards for a touchdown that York a tv that To Future As Player Braves to a 68 victory over the * * • Secret Agents Reported Everywhere started Detroit on the road to gauged an imbroglio two years ieuled four of theuiG iirwfirst nv©five holes. /D. Lembo. Ralph TartagUa 74-16— Gordon Smith 76-987, Ed Shaw halrcuU or shave. BROOKLINE, Mass. (AP) — Australia’s Ken Rose- narrxrwly mtaslng an eagle New York Mets, the team that cUBS - GIANTS — Sports Dial 1 (Buddy) 59. gtan M ^ow ski, TVmi SchU- 80-11-69, NbU Conklin 88-14-69. C91ff Meade, the tournament ..a 28-24 victory------, ------after ------Namath ago^ with NFTHiFL,j Oommlssloner had bombarded Atlanta pitch- ciilcago’B BUly Williams leading harness racing driver at Harvey Sirota CLUB ciulMPIONSHIP director, hupected the playen had guided New York to a 14-0 pgjg RoaeUg. wall, the U.S. Pro Tennis champion for the third time three on No. 2 wheii her ^ f ^ ing for 20 runs and 21 bite Sat- smashed three two-run homers, ’TOmOHT t i ^ 68-9-69; Stan Qeda, John Rich- End of 86-holes-8tan HUinsU on the Orlando Post 19 and St. lead. ^ Rozelle ordered Namath to three months shy of his 37th birthday, is looking ahead urday night. including two in the nightcap. 8:36 FootboU: Giants vs.. this ^rlng, U a 88-year-old na- Podolny, Herb Byk 149, Woody Clark 160, Erwin Petersburg Post 14 teams as C loa k - and - D agger ven ts Namath tried to bring lAiccl ggjj j,jg {nterest to an East Side to the future—as a player. birdies,' tying an Elsewhere in the National Glenn Beckert had sevai Oilers, WTiC. tive of Lucan, Ont. 76-17—69’; fifth — Ttom Joyce, Kennedy 161, Tim McNamara they stood at attention for the down, but missed and DetrtHt Bachelors EH because of un- ■Til eosUy play for another tournament as I used to be.” l PGa record for 18 holes set Lnague, San Francisco and atrbats raising his By 1™ ! ASSOCIATED PRESS Itoebacker Paul Nuumeff feU on desirable customers who fre"rL three or four years," Roeewall ,,jjg murdered me,” said the Mickey Wright to 1964. Her Chicago iqiUt a doubleheader, the |,atting average to a league AMERICAN LEAGUE John WhoUey, Ray PaloseJ, Jim i61, Keith Matte 161. pregame ceremonies. G 1 n B b u r g 74-14—60; Roger LADIES DIVISION He told Orlando Coach BUI top of him. .-,1 quented------the— place. Namath “ ------SundayT"’’ after---- o reclaiming toon 30-year-old Drysdale, who had only ^ bogey ' came at ■ No.— 8 Giants winning the opener 4-2 ,^mng sot s in the Cubs’ spUt BATTriNG 300 at baU — OU- "No way I could* let him go,’.’ retire from foot- the title hfe won first to 1963, seeded tWrd, three notch- where she missed a five-footer in il innings and the Cube tak- Giants. va, JBnn., .870; Mercer, N.Y., Red Sox ISth Victim Mountain, BUI Peck, Ron Jones, ’Rumday Seagraves that two of his play- Su rro u n d Pa n - A m G a 1 Jake Honnon 73-18—60; P at In- SWEEPSTAK|SS era needed haircuts but agreed Namathnam&ui luuusaid icu later«l am in the Jet baU rather rainer thM inan bend uena to^the w uic com- wiu- surrendered to ’64 and came gj,ead of Rosewail. "I after blasting out of a trap, AU ing the nightcap 88; PhUn- olanU ended a six-game .S38. week-end with the mysterious Who was Gomez, anyway? dressing room, referring to his niiSBloner’s demand, but later delphla and Pittsburgh also dl- streak, winning the open- RUNS BATTED IN — KUle domenico, Jim Wood, Jack mnpa a — Low g;roes — Jan to let the game go on since the CALI, Colombia (AP)— to ’®®- wasn’t tired. He just beat me.” of her birdies came on putts of Goldberg, Ed Deane 72-12—60; £,ecnard 94; Low net — C>ra barbenhe^ were closed Sun- death of a man named Do- The press release only said be futUe effort to stop Luccl. ’T yielded and divested himself Rosewail, known as **Mus- Refusing to concede much to five feet or less, vlded a twinbUl, the Phils cap- ^ Chris Sprier’s two-run brew, Minn., 74; Bando, Oak., Who was the senorita in mingo Gomez, veteran Cuban was the father of eight and had guess crazier things have hap- tj,e club. The franchises turing the first game 3-2 and ^nd Gaylord 71; Murcer, N.Y., 71. Kickers — Lou Becker, H ouy Anderson 96-18-78; B—Low gross day. cles” because of his 142 pounds Roaewall has won five "I don’t think it’s really hit Mickey Lolich Excited Karliner, Jack Channin, Joe _Tina Mlkolowsl^ 106; Low After the game, which St. Pe- building 3 at the Pan- trainer who plummeted to his been with the Cuban team five pened. I guess it dhows I’m not jjg operates are to Boston, Tus. on a 5-foot-6 frame, employed tournaments this year, to- me yet that I rfio* a 68,” she losing ttie second 48; Clncln- flye-Wt pitching. TTUPLES — Carew, lOnn., 7; years. a defensive back." , calooea, Ala., and Fort Lauder nati downed Montreal 6-8; Los homers, in- Patek, K.C., 6; F. Alou, N.Y., Coel, Don Ross, Dan Madda- net—Mary Lou Plerrp 104-24-60; tersbuig won 6-1, Meade ap-. American Village who yell- death from the roof of the Oi- Ms speed, fantastic ed to .8666. NATIONAL LEAGUE ^ left hander of weU," he said. "ActuaUy it „ _ jack Tu-AM«airin 89-4-36 Sunday the opening of scho(U. The Ckibans reportedly have caught fleeing the main exit mater, strengthening the wrist walker came in first to the but otoy f®"?® 1 ^ ’ ^ * * * BATTING 800 at b a t s - Beck- r>etrvre broke brolto a l-l - - _ . . ^__ ^ Louis Cardinals udiich lifted ^ a relaUvely Becker, BUI W arm lngton------— ------"Don’t do It!" “Don’t do It!” Tile Cubans say the united At the moment tiie body hit one of Fidel Castro’s secret Sarro. Pud Noble won the 38-lap Noble waa never pressed, but Chub Feeney because v ------Willie while teammateieanUniM.«S CMM BIH •.rwsaa., Scully veteran right-hander allowed four consecutive mig es Washington Senators’ baseball "That was tough," he re- kept pitching until the game ..caui. ho, hoi.— Namathr ^ a th lMleft t the Detroit game. g«me. . . ^.p gj^gjj tonlg^tta—$-u* and _ggjg impressive 6-1 record. Faith-Dean Palozei 46-14-82: ■______*0 hit it if you let it R ecord Crow ds at Lo ngwood only four hits — all singles — two out to the nmtn ac ® . team may move from the na- called Sunday. "I was going for was suspended to the 13th, but Faith-Dean PalozeJ 46-14-32; The oitch is somewhat aim- k-o .-aa « L~~ " Na^^, the flve-y^ ve • gtgndlngs could change. The Moriarty chucker Pete Sala is !• raiHY aota i o struck out seven, including Tom- for two runs. Joe Hoemer struck y^j^.g capital to Dallas-Fort No. 20 on the last day of the was not involved to the decision second flight — gross — Devra- iinr tn Rip S I - ^®**?*** an who feu on Namath. saia, orioles play Volkswagen Tues- gij^flj i^ bjr x with a 1.88 mark ------Worth at the end of this season, season and I lost to Baltimore when Detrtrft finally won to 16 Mike Baum 63; second—Doris- ^o re recently the folly "It was a f*®*"®- * day night and wind up their g ^ ijgg compUed a 6-8 record, f o r d in g to The Washington 2-1 to 10 innings." the next night. Mike Beller 63; net-Joyce-Pete floater of former New York N l ^ u s ^ T ^ ' stondard mean to hurt him, I dim t par- campaign ggj^pjjgn HiursdayThursday against batting deportmenldepartment, BRAKE . a Last year was an off-season "There’ve been five games PasterMck 69-20-39. Yankee pitcher Steve Hamilton, pitch however m L t ^ f ^ B u t F u t u re F a r fro m R osy ticulturly aim for his knees. I Moriarty’s. The Jets battle Gerich of Volkswagen con- R E GISTR ATIO N The Post quoted an unnamed for Mickey as he slipped to a aJtogether to which I lost the FATHER-DAUGHTER now with the San Francisco Gl- Tame i ^ r f l l i n S w v ^ and didn’t even realize it uras him that problems between the tour- Morlarty’s Tuesday nlg^t at Mt. ynues to pace the circuit with a owner of another club as saying 14-19 record, but this year lead to the ninth," he said. 18 Holes g^ts. w ^ e d toiv " “ “ BROOKLINE, Mass. World Oiamplonabip of Teiuila untilaui afterluuii he ire got s«*v up." Nebo and Volkswagen on ^ average foUowed by team- JOB Senators’ owner Bob Short "Is looms as his biggest ever. With "That would be 23 wins now. I First flight—groes—Roy-Jean n ie pitch reaches a peak of The virtorv mnvAA the came along in 1968, providing ing pros and the ILTF would he Luccl commented that Nam- q^jursday. AU remaining games B^b Lavlgne with a .377 3 0 ,0 0 0 MILE G U A R A N TE E Manchester Midget Football making, it hard for us to deny nearly two months still to go he think back, and I kick myself, Conyers 87; second—Ed-Sherry some 10-12 feet and approaches Braves to wltton eirtrt ^ A « r f (AP)—The 44th U.S. Pro top pro talent. resolved before that time. atfa <*«ara« “was tKtVWVlniFthrowing MlAthe bAllboll sr .SK Longwood and WCT have a “We would prefer to reach an Start ax o.40. average. 1. REPLACE 6RAKELIHINQ01I ALL 4 W H E EU him permission to move the appears a cinch to go well over but not for things I did. In Dlckman 90; net - Cllff-Andy the plate at a snail’s pace. Ai- Uie falteriiur 8m ^^^^^01 Tennis Championships against us as weU as anybody - Over in the Westeni Division, Rich Rlordan of the Silk contract for return of the tour- amicable agreement," Hunt I’ye seen throw .the ball in a 2. ARC LININOS FOR FERFECT CONTACT 6 NTH IH IIM 6 team. He has caught us in a the 20-victory mark, he’s duel- some ofthose games I’d throw Pasternack 97-26-71; second moet everywie watching feels ants in the NL West drew record crowds to the said. "However, we wiU contin- the New Britain Falcons hold Townera, has ajq>eared at the W ED N ESD AY — TH U R S D A Y — F RID AY power play." The Post said tog with Oakland’s Vida Blue the same pitch to t% same spot flight—gross — Mark-Judy Kra- like grabbing a bat and taking Hank Aaron and w«Uv Miiian nament for a ntoth consecutive long time." 3. TURH A TR U 6RAKE DRUMS Longwood Cricket Club ue our pro tour, even if banned the edge over Herb’s ^)ort plate 71 times and sports a .347 A im P ECTALLCVLIN O EJlS Short told his colleagues at an for the league strikeout lead,J(galn. I Just kick toyself be- vlU 102; second—Nelson-Ntmcy a healthy cut at it. auoDlled the orfenan f«- KiAkm year in 1971. However, Long------Namath had connectea connected m ixi ^hg contenders are average. He has 25 hits in 71 A U G U ST 11 — 12 — 13 wood is a long-time member of sit Wimbledon, Forest HiUs and -0. REPACK WHEEL lEARINOS American League owners’ meet- and he should easily set, new cause they got away.’V - Skinner 110 net—Ray-Judy Bel- "I’ve .... used...... it about.... 20 times.. Aaron I't' had a two-run “®® single « and this year, but things could seven of IS aerials tor lie busy during the week, but showings, and tops the league ing last week in Chicago that he personal highs in most cate- Despite those tou^ near- the UjS. Lawn Tennis Associa- other places. It vdll mean play- L INiPECT IR A K E HOSES ler 103-27-76. this season and have about a double as he stretched his hit- become sticky for the re- ing more tournaments in North yards and one touchdown prior ahowdown between the two in RBI’s with 11. 6 to 8 P.M. has no prospect of paying |8.8 gories. misses, however, Mickey is ze- ti sinks, metal wall cabinets, hut iO IF YOU OBT YOUR KICKS OUT OF 45^!ra^veraiel W iT 5F Information ing. Reasonable. Call 646-6286 pleasant surroundings, good Manchester area. Call 643-6691, 49 South African era aharoened-reoaired Elec- gladly given. Bathroom water furnace. 643-2465, 643- THAT KIND OF N O N SEN SE, 1961 MERCEDEIS BENZ 200, remodeling, heaUng systems anytime. working conditions. Call be- 3-6 p.m. oiUy. TMISIK THe TOO ENJOY—ENJOY.' province RT THE HERALD will not trie hedge clippers, small gar- ___ «> * ' ______"V______1442. A GOOD AI_IB1 good running condition, $400. worked on. water pump work, tween the hours of 2-5 p.m., 647- VOU'LL WATER MURKY IS P A R T O P A 51 Bustle Fdiaclose the identity of den tools, scissot's. Pick up 47 46 faucet packings, 649-2871. 1691. GET 'EM MIGHT FISHERMAN'S. 52 Flow slowly any advertiser using box Call 643-2571. and delivery. Shaipall, 643- irvPFRlFNCED cabinet mak- ^ carpeU look dull and dreary. -2? BE TOO 55 Singing voice aiaiaai aaaa Schools a nd Glosses 33 EXPERIENCED caomel max remove the spots as they ap- JIPMENT/ 8T letters. Readers answer-(^ 6306 anytim e. CASHIER -T- fuU-tlme for cash HIGH. 54 Beverage w So 1967 PONTIAC Lemans convert- GRANT’S Plumbing Service — er, call 643-6467. pear with Blue Lustre. Rent I ing blind box ads who' and carry lumberyard. Many 55 Fills with S“ ST I desire to pirotect their electric shampooer $1. 'Ute reverence E" 1“!’ TWO handymen want a variety company benefits. For inter- TV SERVICE man. Connecticut _J identity can follow this Uon, 868-6690. Semi-Driver Training Sherwin-Williams Co. 56 Bird’s ----- sr B" ST of jobs by day or hour. We view call Mr, McIntyre, 649- license, excellent pay, bene- soup _ procedure: ^ clean yards, attics and cellars. 0136. Grossm an Lu m ber Co. fits, full-time. 649-3689. IT'S terrific the way we’re 57 Consume food Reasonably. Call 643-6306. We are currently offering Enclose your reply to Trucks - Tractors M illin e ry, felling Blue Lustre for clean- (NIWSPAPIS INTISPIKI ASSN.) tractor trailer training through HOUSEWIVES — Your own FIELD Service representative. 'the box in an envelope — ing inigs and upholstery. Rent ouvucoo Ulc 1969 FORD Bronco 4-wheel REWEAVING of burns, DreSSmoklng ______19 the facilities of the following business_ offering______Vanda ______Beau- construction Industry, travel address to the ClasMfied electric shampooer $1. Olcott Manager, Manchesteif | drive, excellent condition. $2,- holes, z^pers rep^red. W - Presses, suits, wedding ty Counselor's) personal cos- required. New York, New Eng- truck lines. Variety Store. Evening Herald, together f SOO. Phone 872-6664. measure, gowna. and veils, allJ , custom metics service In your spare land states, salary, expenses, ______all size Venetian blinds. Keys with a memo listing the made. Some alteirations, Rea- TRUCK LINE DISTRIBUTION time. No experience neces- general benefits, company ------made vviille you wait. Tape re- companies you do NOT sonable prices. 649-1133. SYSTEMS, INC. sary. Average earnings $3 an car. Write Box E, Manchester AcCOSSOriCt 44 CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER want to aee your letter.( HALF-TON 1967 Dodge pick-up corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 ' E X P R E S S P A R C E L hour. Call 876-7357, 876-6484. H e r a l d . ------t> t»n M MU. Uc, TM. I t . UA Ft, OW. O"'^ Your letter will be de-' truck, 876-7446 between 2-7 p.m. Main St„ 6 4 0 - 6 2 2 1 . ------OERICH*8 Marine Service, an- latroyed if the advertiser DELIVERIES, INC. SECRETARY - Typing 66 . ^ ~ thortzed Evinrude outboard INTERNA'nONAL Scout 1964, MAN with pick-up truck wants “ ia one you've mentioned. 2 Q SKYLINE DELIVERIES, INC. w.p.m., 100 shorthand. Plenty “ Cip wwOniCO “ motor sales and service. Also 6UMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN It not it will be handled, half-cab, 4-wheel drive, good light work mowing, weeding, Trucking — Storage cf i^one work, plush office, M o Ib O T FeiDOle 37 boating acceaaorles. 1082 Tol- , in the usual manner. conditlke. Buckiand, Coon. offer. Call after 6 p.m., 289- rubbish,ruDDian, ashes, asnea, leaves, vi^pod, wyou, -,7 —' - - — ------, , 7 caucaU zuo-zzo-aiiu,203-226-8710, or writew nie ooiorv » i9o nlna WANTED short order cooks, 643-2363. WH»WiA.h>.TJAR«>.!U.»*B 2838. etc. Reasonable, experienced. tnick^ and package de- school Safety Division, United evenings, mornings and week- SOU C M ' T 60B66 m o aU lb.t™ »6..0p,™ .A.lfor "r w .urrouAdU*., and stove moving, specialty, l^ke., Newington, Conn. 06111 St., Manchester, 646-3441. 1968, 16' CHRYSILER fiberglass mis IS.... Lo st a n d Found Dave, 876-6369. good working conditions. Call boat with 106 h.p. outboard mo- Tra ile rs - Folding chairs for rent, 649- (Suburb of Hartford). Training 0752. originates in Indianapolis, PILGRIM MILLS, 99 Loomis between 2-6, 647-1691. tor and trailer. Hardly used, '— \r SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL FOUND — The best place to M mKIIa Hnmrr Pt. has openings for women to — excellent condition. A firm chooee home decorations and n o m e » 6 -A I2GHT trucking, wUl clean at- ______- — Indiana. work full-time in our measur- _ $2,800. Call after 6 p.m., 649- gifts la Your Gift GaUery at 1907 12x60, NEW MOON, 5 tics, basements. Call 643-6415. P a inring - P a p ering 21 Ing and marking departments. BltUaflOnS wVOnrea 8764. Watkins, 965 Main St. Your rooms located at lake must be ,H>naini ______=______^______Apply Miss Coburn. 646-1414. Fem ale 38 home town friendly world of moved by fall. 876-1666 or 742- b . H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, RCA, Whirlpool, Kenmore jiv. « ouiu>, 1 i.i_ «««__ j m ______1. ------T,------SPECIAL 16’ Wellcraft boat, gifts. Telephone, 643-6171. gesg. . rotes’ Interior and exterior painting. H elp WanieCWPeilMlie 49 ERASE the ravages of time. BABYSITTING — toddlers or ig. wellcraft boat with Idaytag. Reasonable lutes. , ^ ______Look 6, 10 possibly 16 years older, part or full-time. Rea- trtdler and 86 h.p. Johnson. LGfiT — Passbook No. 107672 1970 SKAMPER, sleeps 8, buUt- Owner of _ Pike______Coin______Wash____ and paper hanging. Thirty years OFFICE______manager for 3-girl younger. Demoiutrate the ex- sotuible rates. Cedi 643-7078. Also come in and aee the Savlngs Bank of Manchester, in stove, ice box and sink, 2 Dry Cleaning, 276 West Middle e j^ rie n ce , four generations, general lnsui*ance office. Must elusive El-eh-a Fashion Lift, at Wellcraft boats, 16’ to 24’. Ma- Application made for payment, tables seating 8, aw ning, 110 Turnpike, next to Stop and fhave experience In general In- Fountain of Youth parties. For BABYSITTING, bookkeeping, Shop. 643-4913, 647-1719. 643*7361. suisnce policy rating amd writ- rine supplies and accessories, , ^ a n d 12 volt ho * deiti needs ride to Vernon. Call Dogs - Birds - P ets 41 Paul’s TV Marine, 386 Main MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RtfKIEWAY Inc., 643-6169, 872-0647, eve- „ „ „ answer 643-6362. 649-2865 646-6787. nings. AKC registered Welmarener St., East Hartford. 668-9320. Business Se nde es 13 puppies, shots and worming. Open 9-9. I'M BAB / - 9 r r n N © BY DICK CAVALLl __ „ . RICHARD E. MARTIN. F u l l ______HOUSE MO’THER I didn't WINTHROP Reasonable. Call after 5 p.m., THINK F=OR! LFRig^PS, professional painting service, SEWING Machine operators, pouy, WHAT^ GOI VESfl a„te_____ wn__ Em , Em U 4 YOUR Business Janitor — We 649-4176. YOU'D AUramODlie* ror aaie t everything, apartments, erng and rebates Call anyi Interior-exterior. pa^ Ume. evenings. Call 643- The Oak Hill School for the 14’ S/IILFISH, exceUent condi- ON HERE^A’NYWAY? UH-OH... HERE 6 0 W H A T? H E U K E S T D F A T K ID © O N T H E H E A D . time for free estimate. 876- mates, fully Insured. 646-4411. 2264.______Blind in Hartford has an tion. 643-0437. AAIND... OOMSS NEEID CAR? Credit very bad? offices, restaurants, houses opening for a woman to care MR. BELLOW.' Bankrupt, repossession? Hon- and dog houses. Rugs sham- CEILING specialist expert SEWING machine operator, ex- KITTENS, free. 649-9236 for small children. Appli- d. -J, *^£p; eatest Douglasxjvunia a accepts lowest— r— p o o e ^ w ln d ^ MTTWTvtN w cxTHTH * __ workmanshlp. One celling or perienced only. Apply Cobar T cants must be willing to live G a rd e n - F a rm - down, smallest payments, any- ®Srfng ad^l- y®"*- ’ ’ where. Not small loan finance Free estimates. Call 644-2874. Reasonable rates ter.’ 643-2264. in. Prior experience with WHITE toy poodle, female, Qj,||y Products 50 Tv.MO'iaa M n . ------ti’ons, rcc rooms, porches and painted, handicapped children help- AKC, puppy, 10 months o l d , ______com ply plan. Douglas Mo- yqUNG married men roofing. No job too small. Call Call 649-6993. MATURE woman wanted as ful. Position will be open In shots and housebroken, excel- bucKLAND Farms, fruits and tors, 346 Main.______gjj,au repair jobs and 949.3144. OONFSd- companion for elderly lady llv- September. To apply caU lent with children. Reasonable, vegetables picked fresh daUy. RiPOavAY THUNDERBIRD, 1967, 2 tops, painting, also cellar cleai^g 24 Ing in Manchester, no heavy 242-2274 between 9 a.m. and Call 876-6903 after 6. Open 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Mi liS 'IiM CAM .E»TRY FlOOt ______Corner Tolland Tpke., and ;^//L housework, no laundry. Live In 3 p.m. m liP H ilil p.n^649-8716. 2692, 646-2047.______imd C^l ^’^"OOR SANDING, and refln- ^eek, off second week. Adams St. ______additions and garages.ishing (specializing In older ^ork alternate weeks, own ______KITTENS — CaU 649-3073. 1967 CAMARO, 4-speed. V8 en- SHARPENING Service — Saws, ^om Corbitt. 643-0088. BLUEBERRIES, pick your OQI ’ J h ------• , vnteoH nxea shears skates, ______noors).floors). Inin anuand uuuuucoutside paint- room anaand pieasanipleasant surrouna-surround- DENTAL receptionist — luufull BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE ------own, for appointment csJl rotary’ blades. Quick service. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re- ing, etc. No job tw small. John ,ngg write Box D, Manchester time for specialty office AKC registered cocker spaniel, Richard Klbbe, 800 Burnham Z ^ NIA, lac, TJd. teg. UA Fet, Off. Manchester. 646-1700.______Capitol Equipment Co., 38 modeling speclaUst. Additions, VerfalUe, 649-6760.______Herald. ______Please submit resume to ‘ Re OH, h o ; YOITVE OH,PEAR.' ITS HARPER] YES, HOW DO YOU 0 -S ______Capitol Equipment _ _ male, Toves children. Reason- gj south Windsor. 628-7191 FWOPtING BACK THAN KEEP THIS THING 1966 OLDSMOBILE F 88. cus- ^aln St., Manchester. Hours rec rooms, dormers, porches ___ ------:— ceotionlst” , P.O. Box 442, Glas A R t YOU BEEN TO O NICE CLERK — Immediate opening toiUjury. able. 646-2998. ______SURE YOU DON'T TO US ALKEAPV, DRIFTING DOWN. FROM GOINS'BOUND tom station wagon, can be seen ja ily 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:30-9. cabinets, formica, bullt-lns, D u m lc _ MULCH hay for gardens. a n d ‘ ROUND.^ CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAI^ENCE W A NT M E T O MR. SA W YE R, at The Crockett Agency, 244 Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7968 ------SraTk s’ - M ortg a g e s 27 PART-TD«E secret^Jo w^ ^^ ["SiSoJX'S’ ex; iJ^.! PADDLE YOU BACK iiR 5 . CONWAY Main St., 643-1677. FROM THEIR BACK FILE5, THE LONG BRANCH \ ______TOP QUALITY loam and fill LEON CIESZYNSKI builder — * figure «— aptitude * and some typ- -- in— Manchester------office of export- ceue „ '» dUooritlons. Call 1-666- TO ELK F O R D? WE'LL Wt I0ENTIFIE5 _ J g j r /5 eiSANTIC CIRCU5 J Vernon. HAVE NO TH E U E TTE R - 1960 MGA 1600, bronze yellow, for sSe also excavating, bull new homes custom buUt, re- EASIER Paj^ent “ ortga^® ing. Excellent ben^ts Md company. Intertrade Scientific GIGNEK "POKEY"' !^re ’^eela! Wrelll tiros. En- uozlng. grading, and drainage modeling, additions. roc J^y T ______LTROUBtE. AG A WAR BUDDY O F JAKROW'5... r . r A H a a . F . r s . i e 45 H t e a . K . i d G . « b j i j (^ O P g Y ^ WHO BECAME A CIRCU5 CLOWNi 7888. residential. Fully fee C^l nw tamedlate serv- WAITRESS with some expert- leam the latest makeup tricks snRF,F.NF.n loam, sand, gravel, GOOD LatuUppe Brothers, 872-4866. de^al or commercial. CaU [®® ^ ^ ^ “ ^ce Co., ence, hours 11-6, Tuesday - ^ m a k e new friends by be- "jessed gravel, stone. ««• r i d d a n c e / 1966 DODGE Coronet, low mile 742-94T7. 640-4^3-. 243-1416. 653-7162. Saturday. Vic*s Pizza. 649-3700. infr an Avon Representative. Also bulldozer and backhoe tor sale. Call 646-817B. WE'RE RIO age, good condition. Consum - - — . . . field s. ------OF t h o s e : w ’a renort check rated. Call PAINTING, exterior. Interior, MASONRY work aU types stone . 'r woman to train aa SEWING Machine - Singer excellent Work. Fully Insured, and concrote, no job too small, MORTCAGBS - teL ^ „ Q^fflng, Andover. cabl- l>kA r^ CACKLING n o DOUBT NITWITS. THAT'5 THE ONE ______Froe eatimates. Call Ron De- over 20 years experience. Free ’"“^gages --interini ^ ci^ ^ ,^ i Tm^ondn" ~ ______net. darns, mends, embrol- 8-9 HE WORKS F O R- BUT GOODNESS, 1966 PLYMOUin Roadrunner. 649-0472. wTO”lf^ 2 ^ * ^ setrt^^X ^ D. Real Estate Friday. C^l collect 1-413-733- Help W anted-M ale 36 ALUMINUM sheets used as ders, monograms.^ etc.^ Ori^- 368, 4-speed Hurst, $1,095 Call printing plates, .009 thick, 23x nally over $300, Special, HOW DO YOU STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, ° Assoc., 643-6129. 7820. ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN LOCATE A 876-8628. 36'', 25 cents each or 5 for $1. $51.00 cash or terms. Call 623- fireplaces, flagstone terraces. CIR CUS? , 16 PROPERTY owners — conaoU- 543.2711, 0200. Dealer. WELL,rLL T E a ...TH' WAY I RGURE AW, NOW, YOU WOUUJNT 1967 AUSTTN-HEALY Sprite, concrete repairs, both In- RoOfing - alOlng CLERK MACHINIST YDU, SHORTY., rr.THIS t a FELLA'S DO THAT TO A I 42,000 miles, original owner, gj^jg outside raUlngs, land- date your bUls Into one month- ^ N N A K S P US WOULDJUH? BY MILTON CANIFF Able to set-up and opeirate IN V m U E S FOR A STEVE CANTON a toolroom lathe and O.D. LO N G TIM E / II' grinder In small factory. GEE, BITS/, YOU MAKE ME $696. Call 872 8276. ___...... m__„ _ a.ii-ioQa MORTGAGB3S, loans, flist, sec- ihursday 7 p.m, to 8:30 a.m. WELL, POTEET STAYED A T' KNOWING LITTLE ” r YOU'RE BLUSHING. T RELAX ,TI6Er 7 TIMBERLAND Tree Service— 646-1399. Day shift. Good wages, ov- ASSEMBLERS B o n e s a n d SOUND UK£ ^ m e s o r t o f MAUMEE A LONG T l M E - AIR FORCE ANNIE — o l e y ! y o u u - n e v e r I'M NOT FOOL ond, third. AU kinds. Realty ctompany ofteis excellient ertime, compeuiy paid pen- AN ACCOMPLICE, WRIDNG A B OUT y o u ... THERE MUST HAVE AAAKE A GOOD PILOT ENOUGH TD ^^Srt^’ *°^buUt'*^^°e’n ^ ! T*^d*^*X'^°job^t^blg riatewlde. Credit rating unnec- ^^T^d w or^ c - - ______waxing offices and buslneMes. cleaiWd"cleaned and and repaired. 30 quWuflcations and act on the Dralnlields, Stump Removal, < ----- THiS W AY CHEVROLET 1967 Impala, 2- Complete Janitorial Mrvlces. years experience. Free esti- appUcationa of any reaideAt a n m Land Clearing, CeUars. s GOOD WORKINO CONDITIONS • NO TRAVEUNO TO HARTFORD door hardtiy, V8, automatic Free eatimates. Fully Insured, mates. CaU Howley, 643-6861. eligible to apply for admission. ' _____ P' ______Our men know of this ad. i'll transmission, power steering, Suburban Floor (Maintenance Dated at Coventry, Connect!- CASH at once. Sfiare or f u n- George H. Griffing, Inc. clean, low mUeage, $1,196. 649- Service. 649-9229.______Hcatllig and PhlHlbing 17 August time. Deixionstrate name brand ANDOVER 74S-78M W rir a : BUR N ER D E P A R TM E N T 6290, 646-4018. TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — 1971. toys and gifts. Highest profits! P .O . Box 1126 1068 PONTIAC Tem pest 6, atan- Trees cut, building lots clear- SAM WATSON Plumbing and Juliette E. Bradley, No Investment — no collecting M a n e h e ster, C o n n . 0 6 040 di^transm l*Ionr exceUent ed. trees topped. Got a tree Heating, Bathroom remodel- Margaret E. Jacobson, — no delivery. Can collect 1 must seU, $900. 649- problem? WeU 'Irorth phone lAg and repairs. Free esti- EUzabeth R. Rychling, c«uu»VH, 742-8262. mates. CaU 649-3808. Board for Admissions S, Read Herald Ads IMS. L 'X

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCtifiSfER, CONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN H o uses F o r So le 72 H o u s m F o r Sa te 72 H o uses F o r So le 72 H o i w s F o r So le 72 ^ H o uses F o r S o | r ^ 72 H o iises F o r Sole 72 O u t o f Tow n A p art m e n ts - H a ts - Mistrial Shipbuilders Political Bosses Battle 81-88 HOMESTEAD ST., duplex, MANCHEI — Just Usted MANCHESTER — New Usting. F o r Sole 75 Tene m ents 63 BERI I Y’ S WORLD MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom RANCH in dMlrabte a i ^ exceUent condition, 2-car 4-4, 2 Double garage, Porter St. area, very large 6- b OLTON-VERNON Une. Lake- Grab 2 Yards MANCHESTER — S rooms Cape, dining room, 2 baths. Large paneled den with bjtot- rage, lot 100x126. Marion E. exceUen^ condition. $28,600. Offered by the flrbplace, garage. Owner wlU ins, screened porch, carpeting, Roberteon, Realtor, 6434968. room Ranch, one ot Manches- .front property. Three-bedroom Declared In Bloodlessly Over Taxes CLASSIFIED (secMid floor) In newer 3-fam> Heritage House, 646-2482. consider reasonable offer. Hel- 2 air-conditioners, m s ^ « - ter’s finest locations. Many ex- home, 1% baths. Must seU. On the Clyde Uy home. Carpeting and stove, $27,900 — EIGHT-ROOM C olo- tras. living room with, fire- Asking $26,000, wUl consider HARTFORD (AP)—Some peo- fingerprints on It.' Therefore he en D. Cole, Realtor, 648-6666, traa. OaU owner, 648-1753, 648- ITER — Immaculate Newton Case GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) — Immediate occupancy. Adults, nial, in-law quarters. Alumi> place, formal dining room, 2 any offer. Belflore Agency, 647- pie have begun calling it ’’the arranged to have enough Re- Dlck Lemieux 640-07M. 0984. ____ '6-room Ranch plus 12x17’ fam- battle of bosses,” a weekly publican support given to It to only. $190. Shut Hartford Real PHILBRICK num siding, new heating Uy room. Three large bed- full baths, finished famUy 1413. Workers eturggUng to save ADVERTISING MANCHESTSat $24,600. Cen- room with fireplace, garage, (Comtlnued from Page One) exchange of press releases by get it passed,” said the BaUey BsUte, 068-5840. MANCHESTER — OsntiaJ^r lo- tern. Off East Center St.^ rooms, flreplaced living room, ___ their Jobs with the virtually CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS cated spacious 4-bedroom old- trally located 7-room Cepe, ga- Hutchins Agency, ^em tors, attached garage. Private yard. park-Uke yard with patio. A TOVYJNTBl^rwm Cape, 2 toll cSiarlee Garry expreased belief bankrupt Ujm^r Clyde Ship- Democratic Chairman release MANCHESTER — One - bed- er Cdonlal, 1% baths, fire- rage, nicely phrubbed and 649-6824. must to see. Frechette Real- baths, oversized garage. Stone ^ n .i conviction. u. ii.< . ^ '*°***' **• BaUey and his Re- ’’Unfortunately for him, and 8 AM. to 4:30 PJM. room. garden apartment. Car- 20s. Wolverton Agency, Re- AGENCY place, large pork-Uke yard. treed lot. Quick occupancy, altors, 649-2818. tors, 647-9993. fireplace. Approximately''’' half “ This allows that with at ™**®*** consortium voted to- pubUcan counterpart, J. Brian his master plan, the deciding peting, all ai^Uances, heat, Only $25,900. Hayes Agency, Bel Air Real Estate, 64S-08S2. ICANGHESTHSL ^ lliree-fa m i- acre. $18,900. Pasek Realtors, one Mack person on the occupy two more of the Gaffney. votes on the income tax were . and parking. |170. Immediate ly house, laige rooms, new MANCHESTER at 106 FOOT 7H-room custom tuttci#Tzi naa^^TAn289-7475, .7.10742-8243. means I can get a' company’s four shipyards. The skirmish for this week- cast by GOP Chairman Brian COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 646-0181. MANCHESTER — Near hospi- 4:M P3I. DAT BKFOBB PCBUCATION occupancy. Highland Oak Vll- C014TEniF(»URY L Shaped ilage, 643-51T7. Evenings 647- tal, Immaculate 6H-room Cape, DeodlliM for Botnrday and Mondi^ la 4:80 p.m. Friday Ranch. Redwood and Birch eat- MANCHESTER Spacious 7- 9921. Ideal for medical office, terior, on wooded lot, VA acres 'room home, aluminum siding, new roof, double garage, large nurses, FTVE-ROOMB, 2 betbxmms, with a view. B7ve bedrooms, 2 tact with their rhetortoal BaUey said, treed lot. Low 80s, Hayes Air Real Estate, 84S-0SS2. MANCHESTER Ished lower level. Only $34,900. quitted. slons, Just as workers on the TOT7B OOOPEBATION WIU. HIAI 1 second floor, $185. a ' month. fireplaces, famUy room, den, 2- ^ MANCHESTERNew listing Hayes Agency, 646-0181. "This shows that racism per- Clydebank did 10 days ago. swords. his release, Gaffney ac- BE APPBEdATED I I Agency, 846-0181. in center of town location. AU live practicaUy rent free. New References and security de- car garage. $69,900. MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom — Huge 10-room brick Ranch, ------!------meates through the courts and Only the fourth division, the Gaffney talked about sabo- cused BaUey of "deUberately 8-room apartments for mini- baths, 2 bedrooms. Only $26,- posit. Call before 4 p.m. 648- aluminum sided Oolonlsl, fire- exclusive area, Uve In one of ANDOVER — Lakefitmt 110’, there is no question that a Govan yards,’' is not yet threat- tage being done on Gov. Thom- sabotaging responsible efforts to ranch — Lees than one-year MANCHESTER, like new, ex- mum .maintenance. New heat- 900. Call now. W olcott R e^ ty , place, large enoloeed heated Manchester’s finest locations. Colonial, formal dining room. Black Panther i>arty member, ened by a work-in. as J. MeskUl’s plans to quickly pay oft the $261 mUUon state 1797. Includ- Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. ’Three fireplaces, 4 baths, first- $81,900. Frechette Realtore, room, den, kitchen ^ th buUt- tag lake. Mtist be. seen, don’t cannot get a fair trial,” G a'^ 2 and other luxury liners, went tion of blame for the new state "The behavior of the Demo- H ousehold G o o d s 51 W o n te d - T o B«y ed, $160. per month. Phllbrlck ing refrigerator and freezer, Ranch. City sewers, city waeher and dryer, new waU-to floor laundry room, 6-zons 647-0998. water; full basement. Hutchins ins, 2 full baths, 2-car garage, just drive by. High 40s. 742- said. into receivership last month Income tax and found that It cratic legislators last week Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. NOTICE large screened In patio, ex- tqo2. In Ne'wton’s first trial, one when Britain’s Conservative must fall on the RepubUcan made it obvious that they were CLEAN, used refrigerators,____ rv.,i —______waU carpeting throughout most heating and inuch more. Must SECLUDED acre lot, trees, Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. ranges, automatic washers WANTED — ^ e t piano. Call rniwER one-bedroom apart- ot the house, TV antenna, cue- see. A real opportunity. Hayes tremely large landscaped Negro,„ . a _ bank______loan______officer who___ _ government refused to lend governor. under orders from Boos BaUey lush 8-room Colonial, carpet- PUBLIC HEARING MANCHESTER — $20,500. Im- wlth guarantees. See them at 649-8095. ments from $155 per month tom white storms and screens, Agency, 646-0181. yard. CaU today. FYechptte GLASTONBURY— New Usting. '«)ras elected foreman, was on more mcney. The government Bailey said Mesklll claims to to let this huge deficit go un- ing, flret-floor family room, ADDITIONAL maculate 6-room Ranch, wall- B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 and two-bedroom apartments fireplace equipment, lawn, and Realtors. 647-0993. Manchester line. Executive uje Jury whiER Rd. 6-room Colo- —. ______Dougan Realtor, 649-4685. 6 snd 4 DUPliEiX BOARD OF DIRECTORS Uving room and a formal din- Newton went to prison on a 2- Unes, plans which will cost with top legislative Republi- substantially,” said Gaffney’s GRACIOUS antique colonial In Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. nial with breezeWay, famUy SEWING m a c ^ e SingerStn^^r lauqj] double room for work- ; Has an assumable mortgage raisBH) Ranch, 8 bedrooms, 2 TOWN OF Ing room with waU-to-waU car- i5.year manslaughter sentence about 6,000 men their Jobs. cans. release. exceUent condition, 8 fireplaces, and located near Center room, two-car oversized ga- peting, master bedioom with stayed there 22 mpliances, etc. Week- . . . _ . "Now, take care of your new knapsack. You'll n e ^ it, cut, wlU hold a PubUc Hear- the large revenue It would pro- sponsible thing and start pay- nlture, ^>pliances, etc. Weefc privUeges if desired. Ref- NEW 4-room apartment, In- and 8 baths, stone walls, ga- Dave Douten for mwe Infa MANCHESTER — 8-room over- pmCEN — Porter St. area, 6- Und home. Owner. 648-6096. foyer, large cloeets, 2-car ga- gtructed—had not been told that expected to depend on how duce but he did not want his ing it off,” Gaffney said. days, and evenings, IS MM required. 649-7276. eludes stove and refrigerator,^hen you're older, for going around the country from rage, large bams and out huUd- ing in the Auditorium of Wad- demonstration to demonstration!" 6494806 sized expanded Cape. Two year old aluminum sided cus- tog®, exclusive area near the unconsclousneaa was a defense much money Scottish trade St., Manchester or call 643------hotwater, carpeting, $185. Ings. A view from every win- baths, four bedrooms, famUy deU School, 163 Broad Street, MANCHESTER — 40-48 Maple golf (xiurse. Situated on an homicide and manslsLughter. unionists can raise to pay the tom built, 8-room Garrison. heroin users among the 224,000 8841 anytim. e. LARGE furnished room for Wolverton Agency, 649-2818. dow. $48,000. l room, lovely suburban lot. Oa- Manchester, Connecticut, Tues- St., large 2-famUy, 6-6, excel- acre 1^. ^ y in both trials Newton denied rfUpyard workers. • • B (S W • day, August 17, 1971 at 8 Family room with beamed U.S. troops in Vietnam vary, BARROWS AND WALLACE CO. rage. $39,900. Hayes Agency, lent investment, $36,600. T.J. (diette Realtors, 647-9993. shewting EYey. He claimed he About 800,000 Scottish trade SEWING machines 1971 puA DELUXE one-bedroom apart- W a n te d To Ren t 68 7-ROOM COLONIAL, formal o’clock p.m. to consider and ceiling and built-in bar, dream U.S. Planes but the figure most often men- B usin e n L o c o lie n dining room, modem country Manchester Pariude 8464181. Crockett, Realtor, 875-6279. was unarmed when the officer unionists are to be asked next button ^claim ed 1 ^ ------ment, waU-to-wall carpeting act upon the foUowing; kitchen with barbecue, etc. tioned is 10 to 16 per cent, M anch^; 7669 after 6 p.m . Ask ' for Sec. 26, Chapter V of the Town MANCHE53TER — SIx-famUy . * ohnv.rt/.i. I®®. Louis Dimock Real- „sed EYev’s own weanon to fire or sale 461 Main St., next to MANCHESTER 4-bedroom SpUt room, garage, gorgeous view, If you have been planning ~ and a two-family. Fine condi- (diester. Ask for Mr. PWlbrick, 64B-882S usea rroysown weapon to rire gram. nnie official weekly sum- foce they leave the c(Nmtry. and seU. 643-6946. Kathy. level, 8 baths, 2 flreplacu, 2- Charter, at an election, namely post office. Excellent business $82,900. Hutchins A gency, R e- and saving lot your dream tion throughout, a good tovewt- PWlbrick Agency, 646-4200. R®aitorB. 649-9BZ3.______two shots after his own weapon PZC Schedules mary said the total dropped an------—— FIVE ROOMS, private pod. location with building. Call car attached garage, huge 80x16 home we Invite you to ta- a. an appropriation not to ex- Jammed REFRIGERATOR — apart ky____ altors, 649-6824. other 1,900 men by last Thurs- . _ , Working girl to gas barbMue, heat, aU ap- 646-2426, 9-5. rec room, sundeck off master qjiect our 7-room Contempo- ceed $2,700,000 for the construc- ment. vERNON -B olton Lake lot $4.: The reason for the violent re- Meeting Tonight ment sise, likel^e new,new,^^m^ $re. 30” apartment—«Hth with "sammamn e; puLices_i,i------liicliided 649-0868, In vestm en t Pro p erty bedroom, weU treed and land- tion ot a northeast elementary available. Owner has other in- South Windsor day to a total of 224,400. This H i r i n g P r a C t iC C S BUSH HILL Rd. — 4-bedroom rary Raised Ranch in beau- 200. Vernon high acenlc lot. $6,- action, Whyte told Jurors, was tadudes 177,800 Army, 86,200 ® gas stove, $86. Alun^um c ^ - 643-8720 between 8-6 p.m. 648-6266. scaped lot with flagshmed patio B(diool substantially in accord- terests. 60s. Wolverton Agen- 900. Tolland acre, $4,000. Cov Mnatton screen doors, $10. ______F o r So le 70-A Garrison Colonial, large wood- tiful Rockledge. Here U a cy, Realtors, 649-2813. that Newton was in the last day The. Andover Planning and Air Force, 10,300 Navy, 600 Ma- and barbecue. Preferred neigh- ed lot, fireplace, large Utch- heme loaded with the finest ance wUh a plan prepared by entry half-acre $3,600. Hayes Softball Playoffs pf a In New Haven each. 648-2465 evenings or 648- pt j h h ISHED room, gentleman FOUR-ROOM .apartment in 4- HOUSOS FOT ReUf 65 NEW 16 unit garden apartment felony probation and 21oning Oommlssl® wlH rec^tulate the year’s ac- was rocked by erosions for penK^el syriem, more tium f® „ a.m . to 8 p.m . ’Three rooms GARDEN APARTMENT WaU-to-wall carpeting through- MANCHESTER — New listing, MANCHESTER — 6%-room room, kitchen, electric range the acquisition ^ preferred neighbor- baths, waU-to-waU carpeting wlimeiirf the best two outhlms^ was shot tivlties, a report of which will ^ ^ * y®" O®’ condition, conv^eto l^at^- Char- f^g^^^ng ^-to-waU carpet, out, 8 baths, large rec room, 6-room Ranch, garage, seclud- for in the Keeney Street area, $40. 649-0730. ter Oak St. 648-8868. Ranch avaUable September C50MPLEX and hood, dlriiwasher, dispos- artesian weU, storms and ^ =«HAa win h« dctslmat- *wlce. Heanes denied on the pe prepared for Incluricm In the “ We do not know whether or that hiring, practices are In ef- shades, range, refrigerator, opening onto patio, with pool. ed on one-acre treed lot. Ask- substantially In accordance hood. Convenient to every- 9U O* ulTee senes win oe UOoiJSiitt 6U«4. . . _____z nn# it wna tArmrlmn ** onlrt a for one-year lease. Security, al, 8 bedrooms, 2 toU baths, screens, on % acre lot. Own- stand that he shot Frey. annual" town report. was terrorism,” said a feet discriminatory. disposal and alr-condltioner. Large treed lot, 180x216’ with a ing $24,900. Frecfaette Real- with a plan prepared by the thing. Immaculate. Bel Air ed champion. references, heat included, Young 24-unit aU brick gar- loads of closets. Austin A. ers, Asking $28,700. 649-9686. Tlie mistrial was the second Williams 'will ni«> present to Cambodian colonel In- Blarl I. Williams,head of a Generous Closets, basement view. tors, 647-999$. Board of Education and the Real Estate, 643-9382. W o n to d - T o Buy 58 $800. m onthly. H ayes A gency, den apartment complex for CSiambers, Realtw, MLS, 648------*------; wn Sunday afternoon a mlUtary months ago to look into the WANTED — twin beds or bed __ laundiy faculties. Parking for income. Substwtial cash re- gether with the expenses con- 4-r(x>m house on big wooded Girl's Softbaa key Tenem onts 6 3 kitchen and Uving room, with 2-famlly, 6 spacious, nicely ar- bedroom Ranch. Three acres. said with box spring and mattress, '***'*“ "^ ‘‘ **------two cars per apartment. Heatlarge 8-room home, pleasant, quired. Interest free second nected with and incidental to fireplace, den, 4 bedrooms, ranged rooms In each apart- MelTtor‘Torees**;;“prni;s '^®“« a c^ k er^ L‘%Vu?a^ ^ .r ^S^aivund City HaU” would very good condition, reason- ^ e HAVE customers waiting and hot water included. $176 convenient location, large mortg^e avaUable. Car- READY BEFORE said construction. large lot. $26,900. ment Andersen windows, sep- SiS W. D(igan, Realto^^9i °^®” ‘‘t ' j ' declared ZZ ihargea Items which the comm^^ felt 8«n^ ^ "'*®**** able. 649-0082. for the rental of your apart- 649-9404 lawn, working adult or work- riage Realty, 646-1110. 2. The determlnaticxi of the SCHOOL STARTS 4636. ag^tTeS^ffi^™*®®®*' by ft JUdfiTC ssa ^ew should be Included—kw—~ In— the------zon- e the *ta?»«‘*«,^..WllUainri ^ ing couple. 643-2880. EM8T CENTER ST. Large 10- arate heating systems, loively manner in which said appropri- Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. will be meeting HOUSEHOLD loU — Antiques, DELUXE 2 - bedroom apart- tree diadsd yard, choice cen- -Haven, Conn., in May after tag regulations. Ono deals with between Cambodian para- committee room Ckdonlal may be used for ations and additions to said Wednesday. bric-a-brac, locks, frames, “ te „enment. t, waU-to-wall carpetingcarpeting. COVENTRY — Secluded part- COVENTRY tral location. Priced to sell. TWO-FAMILY, Manchester. , spending 21 months In prison the granting of temporary per- P®“ ®® ‘^®*- “ Wednesday, ^ l^ e rm La n d F o r Sole 71 home or offices, large lot with budgets are to be financed and Karen DelMastro was the win- glassware. We buy estates per month. Peterman Agency, appUances, 2 air- ly furnished one - bedroom Louis Dlmock Realty, 649-9828. G(x>d condition, fine locati<»i, 2 'xviueii —- — —i- ^ f_ioi mlts for certain uses with sue- restaurant bUl. announcement to make then.’ posslbiUty of acquiring more Priced at $19,900 for Im- raised, whether by taxation, by GLASTONBURY VUlage Peddler, Auctioneer, MAIN ST. — 6 rooms, fam- conditioners, full basement, house, lake privUeges. AvaU- 36-UNIT ^ »rtm en t site for mediate action. ’Hiree bed- furnaces, $33,900. Call 643-8696 ntag pitcher and aided hereelf h^d ^ ch ai^d wlth S flc time Umits at the d li^ - 'H>® q u e ^ of the land. borrowing, by transfer of avail- with a perfect night at bat. ^ e tion of the zoning commission; toride a sewing m a c ^ tag practices ^ 420 Lake St., Bolton, 649-3247. jjy ^ adults, security, $160. a washer-dryer hook-up, vanity able immediately. CaU 742- sale, water and sewer, $1,500 rooms. 2-car garage, 14x21 after 6 p.m. wiui a. irc.icv-v .MS-V ------virinaninv anil nldinv and abet- “ On Ot m e zoning (Ximmission; ------" - e r -'” - - - - - ••— per unit. Terms to qualified ROCKLSUXIB—Dynamic 9-room able funds, or otherwise, or by 9-ROOM COLONIAL Ann Blozawski, Cathy Janowicz, ^ ^ p accessory topair shop In a crowded Chi- raised at the beglnntag of toe WANTED - antique tomltuT ;: month. 646-2426, 9-6. type bath, glass sUdlng doo™ 6651. living room. 100x160 treed Mftry ‘BiiiAti Gk)bblo murder iii tne torture*lull* .... tirao hiHHAn inaifiA vaov* u/han t>iA f*itv*tt VANTED — antique tormture, __;------;— ------patio. $220 per month. buUder - buyer. Carriage Real- Raised Ranch, 6 bedrooms, 2H a combination of such methods; MANCHESTER — Courtland St. use of buUdings. *‘®** quarter, -was hidden inside year when, the city’s Oommis- baths, large famUy room, ca- lot. BOLTON glass, pewter, oil paintings or m ANCHES’TER — Deluxe two- Ropert D Murdock, :Realtor, ty, 646-1110|. It’s time we sold this! Mal|e and six-room Cape. Rec room, fire- Spacious custom built hotoe on Barcomb also chipped ^^^lU m -nia in Member PhUip Joranson wlU ® wooden cheat as a seat rion on Equal OppottonltiM Is- other antique items. Any quan- -bedroom duplex. 1% baths, „-oo O u t o f Tovfn thedral celling Uving and dining 3. Such other matters r e la t ^ place, enclosed porcdi, oversiz- He returned to CiaUfornia In J rinW. and was set off when a curious sued a 60-page report that oc- >= u a . e r n o . . . . ______an offer. PUBUC NOTICE wixxled 1.7 acres, (m Mtane- Uty. ’The Harrison’s, 648-8709 lUAltoU basement, carpets, —r ap- - I I I F o r Ren t 66 COVENTRY — 40 acres, avaU- room, modem kitchen. A ver- to the foregoing as may prop- ed garage. Aluminum riding chaug Mt. Only one year old, tom er^ to f toe ^ ^ cy ^ ® tags re g ^ i^ “^ ^ i^ le“^e^a^ ®Wld opened toe chest. cused New Haven of de facto 165 Oakland Street. able with long frontage, wood- satile home in an exceUent lo- The PubUc Hearing sched- Fidler was toe losing pitcher. ^r Probation hiring on a 1^ ^ t^ ^ ot M t^orists w^ res^ble dlwrlmtaa^ In hU^ pUonces and heat Included. NOR’THWOOD Apartments — KEITH REAL ESTATE erly be considered at said and combinations. Prlbed Immaculate conditi<», 4 bed- $236 mwithly. Paul W. Dougan, One and two-bedroom apart- HEBRON — WaU S t, 2 - bed- ed, private mortgage avaU- cati(»i. 2-car garage. uled by the Bolton Zoning Hearing. rig^t. Westride Realty, 649- Team 1 garnered their first 8*“ violation. He also Is ^ campgrounds. At wes- tor today’s explosion. It would ’Die report also said the city a rooms, family room with large Realtor, 649-4636. ments, central alr-conditlon- room apartments, heat, hot able. Carriage Realty, 646-1110. 646-4126 649-1922 Board of Appeals fw July 29, NOTE: The plans and reports 4342. wta of theL ason by defeating ePfa¥>« a ^ -y e a r c^tem pt- arT^Tl^^ulrei^l^ts be theflTst «*ch (Utack ta toe ^ . Service Oommlsrion ^ ------—------;------tag, carpeting, balcony, car-water, carpeting, appliances, We NEED LISTINGS 1971 a t 8:00 P .M . a t the Town fireplace, 2^ baths, office or Team 3 17-7 Winning pitcher sentence meted out at regulations cov- Cambodian capital ta more been generaUy uncooperative MANCHESTBR^28 acres with to which reference Is herein MANCHEiSTEiR — Deluxe one- p oiia , plus other luxury fea* chUdren welcome. AvaUable NOW! ‘Thinkinfir of SeU- MANCHESTER — New Usting, HaU in Bolton to hear the ap- made may be examined at the REDWOOD FARMS — Im- sewing room, 2-car garage. WCwol^^^recorded'the Chicago riot conspir^y frhS‘a.^3.3md material than two m«^. On J^ 1, where the ^ frontage for two buUdlng lots. maculate. 2-year old, 6-room WOttdLAIIO bedroom apartment on Main Fiam $226. J. D. Real immediately. $190 monthly. ing your property?” Call preferred west side location. peal of CUfford A. Treat for office of the Town Clerk, Mu- Low 60s. CaU ovmer 643-8766. eight strikeouts Amy .Oherg trial ta which charges agatast ^aa been gathered to faclUtate bomba damaged ^ o huMtags questions a ^ t minority gro«v Evenings, 872-4424, days, 1-668- Cape, with 2-car attached ga- St. $167 per month including Qgtate Associates, 648-6129. 646-0682, 649-2871. Immaculate 6%-room Ansaldl permission to divide a R-8 nicipal' Building, during busi- knockedoutflvehltstacludtagaW m were-dismissed. writing surii regulations and ta- attached..-..-a *-*- to the U.S. Embassy, _ -employment. appliances, air - cmidltioning ------4477. TODAY! rage, 3 bedrooms, 1% baths. NANOR Bbyyiiciiik<^Pi ^ - a# ' ' __ buUt ranch. 2-car garage, well Zone Lot situated on the east- ness hours. homerun and Carol Bishop wal- cluS toem ta^town’s zon- Targeta for z,"^® and carpets. Paul W. Dougan, LARGE 4-room apartment, first Kockvllle landscaped. Huny! Hayes erly side of Vernon Road at full dormer, % acre lot. Many COVENTRY — Immaculate 6- . .. tag r^ations bi iHmom Penh have been toe Mayor Bartholomew Gulda to ^ floor,__ ___ range_ and m all11 utiUties 94188-1^0 lin- m_ Dated at Manchester, Connec- APARTMENTS Realtor, 649-4636. Agency, 6464181. Bolton Lake Into two under- j„„„. R »«h Acr. lot Tiffntonis U.S Embassy bulldtaga, the adopt an action program for ______eluded. Spacious yard, conve- CAREN APTS. H o uses F o r Sole 72 ticut, this 6th day of August sized loU HAS BEEN POST- ______trees. Oversized double garage. Schubert, First Lady aub „ And.™, HOMIESTEAD ST. MANCHBS’TER — Newer two- nient location and parking. WARANOKE RD. —4-bedroom CUSTOM BEAUTY — Brand 1971. 3V4, 4% room apartments. PHILBRICK PONED — and wlU be held Donald D. Wells, OLOKR home, living’ room, din- 24x32 with 100 amp. service, Duclos, and Paula ': will ' hold Its annual outing at OFF W. MIDIMJS TPKE. bedroom duplex. $186 monthly Available September 1st. secu- home. In fine residential area. new 8-bedroom, two-bath Rais- dence, and a ciw ded cinema work force. Instead—two MANCHESTER __ «___ a __ 8 J ___ la /’VaII AAA- AvaUable now. Including ap- AUGUST 12, 1971. Secretary tag room, kitchen and family P'HA approved^ Aswmajrie jjekiunes and the losing pitcher the home of Mrs. Ruth Hutchin- including heat and appUances. rlty deposit required. Cal! 646- Tremendous location and ed Ranch with aluminiun sid- Plans Trip ta which more than a score of months later—Gulda amuxinced pUances, waU-to-waU carpet- BOLTON ZONING Board ot Directors room. TTiree bedrooms, bath, mortgage, $112.80 monthly. On- Sandy Duclos. son of Lake Rd. on Wednesday 1, 2 and 3-bedroom luxury Paul W. Dougan, Realtw, 649- 0023 after 6. ing, heat, hot water, swim- priced to seU. Drive by, signs ing, work saver kitchen and moviegoers were kUled by gre- the appointment of WUUoms’ BOARD OF APPEALS Town of Manchester, Garage. Lot 100x126’ Marion E. ly $21,900. Pasek Realtors, Team 6 picked up a forfeit apartments. Features waU-to- 4636. ming pool, storage and park- on property. T. J. Crockett, form al dining room located on WASHINGTON (AP) — Mrs. at 11 a.m. nodes hurled from the balcony, group to conduct a study. WU- ___ FIVE-ROOM duplex, garage, 3 AGENCY - John Roberta, Chairman Coimecticut Robertson, Realtor, 643-6963. MLS, 288-7476, 74^8243. Richard M. Nixon wUl make a The invitation U extended to waU carpeting, vanity tile ing. From $160. CaU Su- Realtor, 648-1677. Indian Drive. Open tor Inflec- win from Team 6. ------Hams is a black lawyer who is baths, buUt-in oven, range, DELUXE 2 ------bedroom apart- blocks from Main—- St...... Available...... tion Sunday 1-4 p.m. BvMilngs Morris SUverstein, Service Notes five-state, three-day trip next all members and their children. perintendant, 876-1686, 278- BOLTON — Air-conditioned 4 &AXQON (AP) — The U.S. also head of toe local NAAOP. dishwasher, refrigerator and ment. AvaUable now. ^00 per sept., 1st, $166. monthly, secu- 64. Starkweather Oonatruc- Secretary Army lit. Col, Daniel A. Leone week to fe a potluck meal with each ing Vietnam for 14-day Ibaves Now Williams says too NA- Furnish e d out basement. Walk-out onto W O U LD Y O U LIK E T O SEE A mand and Staff College at Ft. the trip today. member asked to bring either a in the United States. tional Civil Service League has Handy to shopping, schools, SIX-ROOM Duplex, no pets, in- 872-0369, 7;80-9;80 p.m . 6 3 - A a delightful secluded rear 646-4200 Bolton Leavenworth, Kansas. She wlU be promoting toe course or a dessert. Hie Army said the program propoeed terms for a contract bus and religious faculties. quire 69 Birch St. Aporfiiieiits VERNON — 8 rooms, newly re- yard with 100 ar^rvltae Model apaitmriit c^ien for BEAUTIFUL BOLTON Lt. Col. Leone Is employed as President’s ’’Legacy of Paries” Games and prizes and re- would begin next Sunday andunder wdilch It would conduct a EAST HAR’TFORD — Singles decorated, stove, refrigerator, trees. Situated to 'one of director of •roluntaer service program In Vligtala, Michigan, freshmenta for toe children will wouliT affect about 4,000 sol- comprehensive study of the inspection weekday’s 1-7 p.m. Manchester’s most desir- <m, 2-car ------At each atop, Mrs. Nixon WlU Monday 0 to 8 pm town gram. KeUey has r^wrtadly been BuUt by ROCKVILLE — Attractive 3% lovely private grounds. Fea- able Immediately. $200. Mr. bus, churches, schools, and LIST your home with uAW (» have buyers w a l^ for C fiM . garage, carpeting, over an Sgt. Edward J. Haggerty, son participate in ceremonies j ©fflee build- Spokesmen said toe Army negotiating without success lor V ILL A G E A P TS. rooms, appliances, heat, tures flreplaced - Uving room, Cwiiam, J. D. Real Estate As- a to-be-buUt shipping cen- Ranches, Odonlals, other styled acre of land AND A LARGE of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. presenting certifleatea of trans- m_. - *0 9 n m tax collector at plans to expand the program to funding from outside sources U & R H ousing C o rp . adults, no pets, security. 649- Jalousied-sim room, attached also have buyers for 24-4 family apartment dweUtags, com- M A N C H ESTER sociates, 648-6129. ABOVE-GROUND POOL. Haggerty of 718 Griffin Rd. was fer to local officials for toe aj ^’a.^ ©m’ce buUdliw 7 80 to Include teats for GIs going on Ike toe New Haven Foundation 4824. garage, and inground pod. mercial, raw land, approved buUdlng lota. ALL OF THIS FOR ONLY Ono and two bedrooms. THREE - ROOM furnished Three Bedroom C A P E . $26,900. Wolverton Agency recently graduated from the park land and will make a tour - „ » aelectman at toe seven-day rest and recreation and toe Model a tles Program. URGENTLY needed — 2-famUy buUdlng lots. Contact Mr. te(dudcia S n g course for U.S. cf the areas involved. leave, to Bangkok, Formosa, Mayor Gulda said last week Rentals by Immediate occupancy. apartment, heat, private bath. BOLTON LAKE — clean and Loculs of closets. A dream Realtor, 649-2818. ’$28,900. Robert D. Near schools, churches Apply Marlow’s Inc. 887 Main neat 2 bedroom house with a Kit. 28 ft. Uv. Rm. 2- Frechette. Top prices. Ray Strattman, 643-7887 Air Force tS o n e exchange The trip starts Monday. Aug. a n d ^ S ig C^mmls- Hong Kong. Sydney or Hono- that toe city’s ^ Board ^F7- Murdock fenced In yard, lake privi- Car gar. Other extras. MANCHESTEIR area — 9-room repairmen.renalrmen. He tooktotik the course (XMrse 16. ^ nearby McLean, Va.. miu. nan« co^dered toe r^u^ta and shopping center, on St. CAI4- — George Poplk, A1 Martin, Ray Nelson, Dan Realo, Ted Goodohild, 646-4348 230 acres of federal ®*®“ “ “*® <*nce ouua^. under toe expanded urt- a dosed door session, but didn’t Realtor 648-2692 bus line. CsU anytime leges, adiltta only, $166. pw Here’s one you can’t afford custom buUt Garrison Colo- Henn Frechette. at Sheppa^ AETI, Teocaa. where Tuesday: 8 p.m. Al-Anon * 648-9661 r OCKVILLB, 8-room tom lkhed month plus security. AvaU- nial. Large famUy type rooms. GOODCHILD-BARTLETT eirt Has-mrtv who learned to property owned by toe Depart- ivesa^: b p.m. Ai-anwi program, GIs going -»waa dance theirUMJIa ICOiVCleave and CU4U will W be sent to a SPECIAL SALE! D. Cde, Realtor, 648-6666, ture. Terrific 'value at only In Malaysia space. Pyramid BuUdlng, 887 Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. U ..i.. —---.A to “ center,” toe ly-equipped. Last minute can- Dick Lemieux, 649-9787. $26,000. T. J. CYockett, R e- the otate of California for at toe Red Bam featuring Tbe treatment E. Center St. Available Aug. 1. recreational use. llils acreage Coalition; 7fl0 p.m. duplicate Army said ta a statement KUCHING, Malaysia (AP) — IHURSDiAY OiNLY, AUG. UTH — 6 to 9 PJd. ceUatlon makes the last 2 altors, 643-1677. 8icked up ta the campcd$ta toot NOTICE GIANT’S NECK Heights — 4- Locks, Route 76. TOLLAND — Colonial, built . TWs has been gradually ex- was launched Sunday, fltwy HELMETS c I S . 1 ■v w room cottage, 2 baths, .2 bed- 1427 ______releasing federal lands that areGolden History DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS, 7-15 366 cirica 1820, 9 rooms, 3-car ga- TVT • f C 1 - riow being put to toe best panded. EarUer this month, were being tatuTogated for ta- rooms, sleeps 7, sundeck, Hurry with your requirements, we will build to rage, 10 acres, 4 outbuildings. tests were ordered on all sol- formaUixi on guerrilla move- TOWN OF COVENTRY fourth street from beach, $110. J^OU CC 01 o ftl6 use by the government. CXINTRAL UlTY, Ck)lo. (AP) suit Use white for this basic, Ruffles and sunflower $66,000. T . J. CYockett, R eal- A history richer tluui gold diers who apply to extend their ments. Notice Is hereby given that weekly. Aug. 28-Sept. 11 avaU- The following used equip- Nixon himself has particl' the Democratic Caucus for sew-simple style in pocket make this .‘show- tor, 876-6279. tB offe^ tor saie’ iw pated ta some transfer ceremo- has kept this tiny mountain 12-month tours of duty in Viet- More than troops and ir BUNGI able. Mrs. Carter, 742-8142. Ckmunercial — Industrial, various other locations sleeveless version; then off apron’ perfect for 225 squat* Candidates for the Town Coun- COVENTRY — 7-room custom realed bid on August 30, i m *^®® "®®l.l^f ® ®®*'‘“ *Y aftaf “ e*"- ^ *®*'®*‘ **®' ® OCc make a second in a print wearing in or out of the Clemente home ta (kdlfoinla the flow of precious metals cause of reports that many sei^ mUet of Sarawak State ^fqr cU, Board d Education, Zon- available on land lease or build-to-siilt basis. with long sleeves and kitchen. No. 366 has tis- built Ranch. Two fireplaces, at 11:00 a.m and ta toe New York-New Jer- stopped from Its mines. Each vlcemen have choben to remain guerrillas they blamed for mui> OD ing Board of Appeals, and bottom ruffle. No. 1427 sue . . . medium size; full extra large rooms. Garage. Pumping__ __ anda3 auxiliary cuiu ui uio lYow A VA *«va- ntAnDca irom iLS muics. mu o mu CORDS sey area of Breezy Point, Long summer ’’the Richest Square in ta Vietnam becaauebecasue of their ad-ad< ders and other atrocities. The Board of Tax Review, that the W o n te d T o R e n t 68 Immediate occupancy — Manchester, 26 Olcott St., w it h PHOTO-GUIDE IS in directions. Double lot. Excellent area. pumping equipment—West Island and Ft. Hancock, N.J. MUe d Ckinnectlcut esty UB. maricet for inedible f®*' ® visit, the town laid a gggnx tor testing and detoxlflca- A 'police spokesman said the Chairman GARAGE wanted Immediately. 726 BURNSIDE AVE., EAST HARTFORD - 289-7476 283 E. CENTER STREET Yankn’t Pimln and ten ether 646-4678 742-8248 Send $1.00 for the NEW d iilie i of Pattam plecei; dlrec- fiixirs, 15 minutes from Man- Robert B. Weiss, taUow grease, but 1970 Imports, pavement of solta sUver bricks tion of American forces ta Viet- curfew would ba retaxed for 6S4 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER Democratic Vlctaity Thompson Rd., Man- 7424744 643-4112 71 Fall and Winter Ba- tlena. 0100-S5t. Incladas peat- chester. $13,600. Meyer, Real- General Manager at 446 mUlion pounds, were toe for him to step '

little, if any, public reaction to McFaddln of Bess Eaton Donuts, Addict Treatm ent Budget it or nscognltlon of i t ” Camp Kennedy Rt. 83, Vernon. 24 hr. Swvie* He said that the highest pro- Candy (six large cartons)- portion Of admissions at state re- In Final Week from Harold Oee of 116 Vernon ‘Safe^’ Says Com missioner habilitation centers are alco- St. holics. "Women alcoholics, are Of 1971 Season A surprise visitor to the camp 17.9 COD Connecticut Mental Health ed addict we know about In the increasing greatly,” he said. last week was State Re'p. Don- Manchester’s Camp Kennedy Commlsaloner Bm est Shepherd state Is nine,’’ he said. "’Traffic accidents traced to al- ald Oenovesi ot Manchester’s FUEL Shepherd cauUoned parents does not think the {governor’s coholism also are increasing today entered the sixth and fin- 18th Assembly District. He said, not to look for spectacular re- greatly.” al week of its 1971 seaaloii—a " I had heard so many good propoeala for an ll.S per cent sults In the state’s rdiablUtatlon .Our department . (Miental session which Ounp Director things about the caiAp that I cut In state spendlnjr will effect program, ‘"niey expect positive Health) has a ma.ior health and Just had to see for myself. I the state’s dru{r addict rehabil- results in up to six months," he social problem facing ua in al- Harry F. Smith describes as "the best ever.” On Friday af- wasn’t disappointed. All those OIL “ itation progranri. said. "We consider two to four cohoUsm,” he concluded. good reports were true.” Appearing yesterday on years the period needed to as- ternoon, the camp for retarded jjrnC’B "Pace the State’’ pro- sess the degree of success in children will conclude its eighth 24-HOUfl NOTICE FOR DEUVERY gram, Shepherd, a Bolton resi- refaablUtating a drug addict” consecutive year of operation. dent, said he Is recommending Drug Education About Tow n amltii, who has been camp Summer School M-HOUR BURNER SERVlOE

that none of the cuts in his de- Asked about the importance Manchester Chapter, SPEB- director every year but one partment occur In drug money, of educating people to the dan^ since the camp opened In 19M, Ends Thursday SQSA, will rehearse tonight at M3-1SS3 COOPERATIVE OIL C a ‘"That’s how I interpret the In- gers of drugs, he repUed, VEdu- the KolC Home. The rehearsal disclaimed all but the barest tent of the appropriations bill catlcn is only one o( six or credit for its success. "Tbose Classes for over 400 loctd stu- 315 Rroad Sf., McmchMttr is open to all men wishing to dents enrolled in the Manchester and the governor’s message,’’ seven elements In the state pro- sing four-part harmony. teen-age counselors never cease he said. gram. .1 don’t want to minimise to amaze me,” he said. "Tbelr Summer School- program will Shepherd has been an admin- Its Importance. I must empha- enthusiasm, their sincerity and end Tbursday, when report The .worship and music com- Organist istrator of mental health for size, however, that our problem dedication—those a r e ^ e things cards will be issued. mittee of Emanuel Lutheran more than 22 years. Before is to find out what to do about Eldon B. Coykendall Jr. of SB wliidi have made the^camp Parents of children who at- Church will meet tonight at being named commlsaloner last a total society that is hung up successful.” tended the elementary school '7 :S0 Ih the church reception Fulton Rd. has been ai^ointod spring by Gov. ’Thomas MesklU, on drug use.” Smith gave credit also to the classes are encouraged to confer room. organist and choirmaster of St. wltlKteacheris Thursday between he was acting commissioner for He said that'' volunteer drug malty organisations and Individ- Mary’s Episcopal Church. He 8.and^l:30 a.m., however, pro- a year and a half. He had been advisory councils and agencies,, uals who have donated time, gress reports also will be sent director of the Alcohol and Drug "even though they stumble all Mancheirter WATES will meet will assume the poet on Sept 26. m

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PLENTY OF HOT WEATHER-STILL AHEAD! changer, twin dynamic Free extra right speakers. Heavy, rugged Watch hand glove. 1 gg ^ ^ case. Our Reg. 10.99 SAVE from 50% to 75% 1/2 G a l . Janilor-in-a-Drum 1 Calendar, sweep sec- In d ustrial strength Our on NAM E BRAND SPORTSW EAR! 1 ond hand, luminous clea n er for ti les, Reg^ I dial, elapsed time in- 1.79 HOT PANTS — HOT PANT SETS — BATHING SUITS dicator. stove, etc. 7.871 3-PIECE OUTFITS — SLEEVELESS BLOUSES

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Mon., Tuee., Wed. 1* to Bd9

SA L E: M O N. thru W ED. 1145 Tolland Tpke. Thurs. 19 t o 9 e Fri., 8*1:. 19 t o 9 Men. thru Fri. 9:30 a.m. te 9:30 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. te 9:30 p.m. Manchester,