PAGE TWENTY-FOUR iH a n rh P lpr €imttng FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1969 0 Avenge Dnfly Net Press Ron IW Tte Week Haded Football Women Voter to Mr. and Mrs. James Porter, The W e a th e r About Town Manchester Amston; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lights Asked dW e 28. U*» /The R ev. James Birdsall, Set Social Event The Manchester registrars William Houle, 65 Bette Circle, Cloudiness increasing thi. af. vicar of St. ’s Ki>iscopaI of voters have mailed no­ Hospital Note.s Vernon; a daughter-to Mr. and temoon and tonight with chance Church in. Wapplng, will con­ Women’s Axixlllary of Man­ tices to approxim ately 1,400 M rs. Donald H ahn, 127 School For Street 15,459 of showers. Tonight’s low 60 to iEuming Irralh 56. ’Tomorrow partly cloudgr, duct a service Sunday at 8:15 chester iMldget and Pony Foot-, persons on the voting lists, V IS m N a HOCB8 St.: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ a.m. on radio station WINF. Inteniiedlate Care Semi- A request for street Ugtits on MmneheMter— A City of ViUate Charm cod wkh highs 66 to TO. ball Association will hold a get- none of whom were at their ald Nicholson, East Hartford. 'Kie program is sponsored by voting addresses of record private, noon-Z p.m ., and 4 p.m. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Elizabeth Dr., a repeat com­ VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 299 the Manchester Council of acquainted session for mothers 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- Jo h n E . G rant, P.O . Box 132, (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) when the* idwnwide canvass plaint of a dretnago problem on MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 (Claastfled Advertfalag oe Page II) Churches and the Manchester of players, wives of coaches and 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. R ockville; EJrlk M. HIU, 36 BINGO PRICE TEN CENTS of voters w as' conducted last Phdpa Rd., and a variety of Clergy Association. interested women Monday at spring. Pediatrics:. Parents allowed Mountain View Rd., South Wind­ any ^pae except noon-2 p.m.; questions relating to axlminlstrw- ORANGE HALL 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. The notices inform them so r; D avid J . M arsh, 82 P a rk Scott Palmer, son of Mr. and otters, ;; p.m.-8 p.m. West Dr., Rockville; John An­ tlve procedures, were the com­ Allen K , 119 M aple St. that their names will be re­ Mrs. Donald Palmer of 16 Tim­ telf tervice: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., derson, 55 Fairfield St ; Phtlip ments heard last night by Direc­ EVERY SAT. NIGHT—7:30 H e ’s i n A g a in , The alxlliary’s purpose is tOy moved from the lists, unless 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Goldwater’s Son ber TraU and a sophomore at they Inform the registrars Lew is, 228 Lydail S t.; M rs. Rob­ tor David Oregord, at a Board Aurora (III.) College, will have raise funds for equipment and Intensive Care and Coronary erta P. ’Tuttle, Westbrook; Mrs. of Dlreotors semi-monthly com­ T h e n O u t A g a in insurance for four midget that they still live in Man­ Care: Immediate family only, the role of Jean in the college chester. Kathryn Andraulajt, East Hart­ ment session. Drama Guild production of team s, one pony team and 32 anytime, limited to five min­ ford; Joseph E, Huebner, 22 The sessions are held on the In Plane Smackup BRIDOBIPORT, Conn. cheerleaders. The organization Included in each letter is utes. Seven-Nation Conference Ionesco’s “Rhinoceros” on Oct. Witidermere Ave., Rockville; first ’Tuesday and third ’Thura- (AP) — An Inmate of the 10 and 12. . functions as an individual unit a return notice form, for the Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- Lois P . G raf, 357 Sm ith St., day of each month. For the past LDB ANGELES (AP) — Rep. Jured, officers said, and damage Correctional Center who es­ of the men’s association, elect­ new Manchester address of 12:40 p.m., and 6:30 p.m .-8 W apping. year, only Odegard and Mayor Barry Gohtwater Jr., IVOalif., to the house was minor, caped lazd Monday, then those who .still live in town. p.m.; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and “Crime, Connecticut Prisons, ing its own officers and having Also, Joseph A.’ Rowe, 1230 Nathan AgosUnelli, and occa­ IN SEASON AT PERO’S and his field deputy were pulled plane crashed blocks turned himself in to ouihori- The forms must be returned 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. and Society,” will be the topic it.'s own by-law.s. and treasury. Hartford ’Tpke., Rockville; sionally Director John Garside, ftom the wreckage of‘his sin- Airport, where ties, escaped in an identical to the registrars’ office by Age Limits: 16 in maternity, TIME TO GAN ^ TIME TO FREEZE of a speech by Xavier J. Yes- The main fund-raising event 'Thomas C. Fry, Pierpdnt Manor, all Republicans, have manned gle-engine plane moments after reported he was m a n n e r this morning: Oct. 27, in order to vote in 12 in other areas, no limit in kinskas Sunday at the 10:30 will be a dance at the State \ N.Y.; Mrs. Muriel J. Parllle, 6 them. It cUpped high tension wires radioing the con- Through a door used by de- the Nov. 4 municipal elec­ self-service. NATIVE: Hale Haven and Elbeita Readies, Onavenabein, Viet Follows Gromyko a.m. service of the Unitarian Armory on Nov. 15. Mrs. Brad­ Birch Hill Dr., Wa.pping; Ber­ Last night’s request for a BWday night and plummeted n"' *>• was low on fuel, Bveiy trucks. tions. McIntosh Amdes, Crabapplea, Skdcle Pears. Universallst Society, 466 Main ley and Mrs. James n a rd K atz, 56 C rosby R d.; W al­ street light on an unUt section NATIVE: Green and Yellow Beans, OauliflowN, Beets, onto a car in the driveway of a Zf.. Aviation Admlnis- He is Lorenzo Canada, 25, The administration reminds suhiirhAn Van Mm— tratlon said. St. Yeshlnskas spent 20 year.s Ray are c

II ■ *»AGE T W (r \ \" MANCHEgTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ^0, 1969 \ N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 ' \ ■ PAGE THREE News for Senior Citizens Agent’s Death Happenings Alitalia Cuts^ 1 m o v I e' a u d ie n c e toe proposed Voyageura Natlpanlon falling an inner tube. ’Tuesday all was tion spending curbs, the chair­ jured crlUcally U t^ F lW y night FAIRWAY, in blue Cries U ’’Play Ball” rTaHy^'l^.^ to”^beUeve™. A.” w al^h U '^rre'^V ’S^aT'^t ^ - -U "L to tow^ coK ?otdtrio” ‘’^ * I*" the Motion Picture Code tricks at notrump, but I couldn't zat'on and development of inec- when their car coUlded JieiBd-aa F ! R ‘'~T custom—* at Fenway Park. So far aU who member, we go in and out and I^ n to c o F rirt^ students. Membership ^ coach fare between of Self-Regulation. resist tiying to collect toe 100 A KQJ6 4 1087 other-driven insane by thirst- struck. man of the House Interior and Lost $457 MilUon (? 84 765 reatiCMial (aciliUea,** Aspinall with atM>ther car on Rt. 6. signed up for this trip are still around pretty 'near every sec accrdtnLlyr^’S J ^ S available at the door to? and Rome from W09 extra points in hearts.” As toe ^ o '‘threw himseU to die at “ On Wednesday. Gulllerme Insular Affairs Committee says said In an Interview. “ The ad- ; “*• \ CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) - to $299, disregarding an interna­ [H Suggested for GENERAL 0 KQ93 O 42 planning to go, and we haven’t tion of the town, 15. reader will see. South apologiz­ he has canceled consideration miniatratlon Isn't willing to go said the two can col- P a t ? ^ at Nevada’s gambling any cancellations as yet. officials said. tional air-fare agreement. audiences. 44 Q53 4bJ 10976 n. - disappeared from sight. One Sunday, Sept. XI ed tor the wrong mistake. i n ? ^ “ ■ ndnute he was there, and toe this year of a proposed new na­ ahead and spend the money. It's llded when one, containing the c«alhds lost a record $487 mil-, Ttie state-controlled airline S Suggested for MATURE SOUTH fairway will be By the way, we’U be leaving t h ^ . T " * ^ e'^h 0^11^^^' tope5^••'onl^mcfi^saS^■^hero South dealer. "®’‘ * *’® gone.” said Ferro, tional parka. about time to quit fooling with two brothers, apparently swerve Hon durliig the 1969 fiscal year, the Senior Center on Thursday days" we pick up tetween M 'to TvldeTe of f ^ T n U ^ ” U i ^ r i ^ i ^ e r ^ a l W '^ ’ s ^ l ' ^ ‘J 'l audiences (parental discre­ Both sides vulnerable. 4 A42 claimed he knew his cora- Rep. Wayne Aspinall, IM3olo., toe people by authorizing "croos the center line into the toe state sayd:' <:? A Q I 10 9 morning at 10 and alter the 40 people. ’The bus, by the way, Emrich 44 was reelonaJ dl Manchester presents Edward ■ ’ ^ effect Nov. 1 if tion advised). Opening lead — King of ‘•'® panlons only by their first said Friday idght he would not more." path of the other. The Nevada Gatntng Commis­ closed oil doy mondoy it Is approved by the Ministry of 10 8 l^m e we expect to stop at the ,« a 42-passenger. rector of "/ the U.S. Bureau of Albee’s » ‘American Dream” s..dl- W RESTRICTED — Persons Spades. O A I the five-day trip which ended on names. hold hesLTings for toe parks both Raymond Walesczyk, 43, of sion riported Thuikday thel Valle s Steak Houae in Newton, our Transport. Approval la regarded + 8 The congreasmem added: Ctoncord Street, Bristol and his w , Friday night setback N arcotics and Danvernmi rected by Maritus L. Elmore as virtually automatic. under 16 not admitted, un­ Declarer won the first trick a ^ a c h here Friday afteinoon. With sharks,circling them, the because of administration cut­ "What we need is closer cot^wr- gross from casino play, prtmari-| with the ace of spades, cashed South West North East brother, 48-year-old ZIgman of ly In Las Vegas, Rieno and Lake] in observcnce of ^ “ l^ ’ktog toTyo^"come ThTro continue to stay Drugs. He held the diplomatic Dlscuaslon U.S. approval will not be nec­ less accompanied by parent .. ^ •*'® heach and I two held hands In an effort to backs and a request by Budget atlon between toe two depart­ M looKmg lor you come inurs q,.j4g popular, and last week’s rank of embassv attache ami toUow the performance, toe top clubs to get rid of a 1 C? Pass 2 «4 Pass Beach Street, were pronounced Tahoe, was $69 million more] essary because Italy and the th o u ^ It stm Cuba,” Fer- stick together, he said. But on Director Robert Mayo for a halt ments of government—and until or adult guardian. 2 O Pass 2 Pass dead at the scene of die crash. than toe lart fiscal year. day morning. wnners were; Alice Shorette, represented the bureau in all of Tolland Agricultural Ctenter, United States currently have no spade, and finessed with the ro told a Miami Herald reporter Thursday Ferro found himself in authorization of funds for I get it. I'm not willing to be the religioiis holiday ThU past Monday was a busy 427; b . H. Upgens, 128; Ami CSto America 3<>, Vernon (take Rt. M ® Persons under 16 not ad- jack of diamonds. 4 All Pass _ front a hospital bed. ^'Someone alone. land acquisition. The operator of the other car, The state’s share was $33.31 air traffic treaty, spokesmen made the legialatlve sc^>e- Edward R. Rohrtiacx, 23, of TOr- one tor us, as ^ong with our perra.,. 124; Kathleen McGuire, A U.S. Embassy spokesman Vernon Circle, about five g^id. ftiitted. This age restriction West won with the queen of shouted to me, and I asked him, "Eduardo got very nervous,” He said toe parks affected are goat." million, derived from taxes and| regular scheduled activities. It ,20; Elizabeth Johnson, liO; said Emrich was clad in bathine down on your right). .pi,_ _ t rington w as taken to Hartford license fees. may be higher in certain diamonds and continued spades. as long as you have a good bid­ w ^ a Russian' He said, he said of his second friend. areas. Check theater or Declarer ruffed the third spade dable major suit you might just No, American,' and I knew T “ He started shouting, ‘water, advertising. and drew three rounds of ais well bid ft. ®^ ®' / water.’ All of a sudden he went trumpe, ending in the dummy. rerro washed ashore clinf^ing crazy and threw himself to die its / Prtrtfad •• e puhl'C tervice Copyright 1900 ■••rol. Ho.^11. Manch.«.r asr.™ t oa Ur .“ r th. by thit nawcoaper ’Then he persevered with toe General Features Corp, to an inner tube—all that was at sea. When I saw my friends a hu 4hon iiniini **ami Monday morning’s KitchenKMchen earlier reports that Emrich was ■'I'lersrltters competing. North Atlantic. diamonds, tr>ring a finesse with at a raft fashioned from disappear, I knew I would hove :ven‘ a f t E T e r o were “ -con d to Fun-Day fullylly clothed ...... Trinity (tovenant Church, AUtaUa____ coupled _ ^ its announce- toe ten this time. Ouiee tubes lashed to wooden to be strong, or I would die boards when toe three men left too.” people already waiting. " attendance, and this past Mexican offIclaU said several Hackmatack St., 7 p.m. piano ^ denunclatlon”ot the It was a bad day tor dia­ Barrymore Charged T ''^ e ^ ‘ ''theV "^U eve in the week we again went over he persons reported seeing him “ d organ recital by the Rev. agreement, saying the assocla- THEATER TIME monds'. Wert won with toe king Santa Cruz del Norte on Sunday, Ferro, listed in serious condl- of diamonds and led another old saying, "the early bird gets -« "'■'“ •k, with 83 persons partlcl- swlmmlng along a nearly de- K- Ejnar Rask. Open to the ti„n has been adjusting fares With Drag Posaegsion tion, said he was an offlce“work- SCHEDULE spade, forcing "declarer to ruff On Monday morning, I had a er in toe Cuba National Institute the worm.” At least they were pailuK- serted ’’mile-long stretch of public. continuously, "thus causing INDIO, Calif. (A P) — Actor again. Now South cashed toe M a ll can of milk. That’s all I of Fisheries who left the island able to get a seat up front. Tho afternoon pinochle tour- beach” Thursday night shortly Monday, Sept. XX g^gat confusion, especiaUy for John Drew Barrymore has been after they warned him of the Community T, N. Main St., the general pubUc ” SATURDAY ace of diamonds, but the nine have eaten since we left,” he nation because of "abuse and By noontime, we were back to nament continues to g;cw an ordered to stand trial in Superi­ danger of swimming In the registration for various class- AUtaUa said its decision didn’t drop. He had to lose a the seat number 33, and by the this past week we had M play- Burnside — Midnight Cow- or Court Oct. 7 on charges of exploitation” by Fidel Castro’s "high waves.” es in yoga, dance crafts, mu- -brings a revolution In airline third diamond trick. Down one. Tiiflt day the raft overturned gfovemment. end of the day we were Just era. 'I’he wdnn.iE are: lOm boy, 7:1B, 9:20. possessing marijuana and bar- 2 Emrich, Vacationing with his tic, etc. for aU age groups. Also fares in the North AtlanUc sec- It was unlucky to lose three ------3,----- Mansfield Drlve-In — Nlght bituates. Six Short of completing the bus ^rant 722; W U b ^ M ^ .e r , wife Frances a? X Elc.^^^ a young a d u ltIro tp open to diamond tricks, but it was also load. Right now we have room 873; Gu« Gull, 666 n-.-.Han -O'. of the Living Dead, 7:30; The trial date was set ’Ihurs- beachfront hotel, had gone for a ages 21-3S meet the first Wed- unnecesBary. South should have for one man, and one woman _teeney, 863; Gladys Schuetz, “ Viiri;each aratout 9 i^^sda^of ihe m^'ih™" Rome“ Vort r^te^^ b^n day. Barrymore, 37, is free on Employe Reshuffling to Give made his contract by a very $1,280 bail. who will be partners with the Bess^oonun, M2, LI cn Bro.i- p.m. ’Thursday. When he did not Williams BuUdlng, St. Mary’s attractlrife steadily increasing cinema I — Midnight Cow- simple and sure-fire line of He was arrested Aug. 4 after man and a ^ m a n already reg- " return several hours later, a Church, Park St., 6:30 to 10 number7(,f“ ngero ,n ISf =*■ “^^30, 7:48, 9:80. play. an auto accident near Palm GOP Flavor to Bureaucracy istered. ^ .o r d . MR, Moll e Me- search was organized. p.m., PINTO, Inc - drug Infor- past few years. He added he ex- Cinema II — Funny Girl, After taking the ace of spades Springs. Police said they found While on the subject of trips, ®'®’ <^roce Baker, 648, q^jg j,g flown to matlon center. . .inquiries kept pected the new rate to attract 2:00, 8:00. and the top clubs, declarer packages of the drugs under a By PEGGY SDHPSON President has been etKxiuraging I menUoned the plan for one Andy “ Handsome” Noske, 618; Washington, D.C., for burial at anonymous. L n y tourlsS. during toe ^ ? e r Ba.rive RaUy. 6:30 p.m. will be followed by Burnside — Midnight Cow- K-Q-g-S; dubs, Q-8-S. DRIVE IN ★ RTS Wednesday, Sept. 24 dinner at 7:30. Music for danc- boy, 2:18, 4:30. 7:00, 9:18. What do you say? One way has been to create (The Office of EcotK>mic Op­ style. It will be open for both ready to get back into action. for their schooling. beginners and advanced per- He tells me he’ll be the pilot Communlity Y, N. Main St., ing will be furnished by toe cinema I — Midnight Cow- Answer: Bid one spade. You additional non-career or Sched­ portunity headquarters shakeup sons. One need not bo an artist, for the baseball trip, and that’s Mrs. Onassls flew on an Registration for various classes Tony O’Bright Orchestra. boy^ 2, 4:30, 7, 10. would jump to 2-NT if the clubs ule C positions, Flemming said. Wednesday came when director Olympic Airways jet airliner or have had any experience In great news. Williams Budding, St. Mary’s Attendance at the reunion is __tt’ ’ tt. and spades were exchanged, but Flemming said 66 such new Donald Rmnsfeld distributed to 2.TIER via Parls.^ It took off several church. Park St., 6:30 to 10 open to anyone who started high o.oq" ^ Funny Girl, 2:00, JiANCHESTi jobs have been created in toe all 1,100 employes a list of about We^now**thrt^'vou'll renllv discussed toe 3-day Dutch minutes ahead of schedule, ap- ^ R i - //>f Health, Ekhxiation and Welfare 900 people who 'will have defi­ w know that you 11 really country Tour and It sounds like nnrentlv' to...... elude elmnrt newe p.nrr PINTO, Inc. — drijpf Irifor- school in" the class of 1934, even Department alone, added to toe nite new assignments. Those not TURNTABLE surprise yourself when you see „ real thing. I showed him the men Ind P h o t o g r a ^ '^ matlon center . . . Inquiries kept H he or she did not graduate Fast Hartford Drive-In — .RIES 6 i «A . BOLTON NOTCH anonymous " ’'^h the class. . Devils Bride, 7:30; Prehistoric 100 presidential appointee slots on toe list were put In a pool to For ipsce-isving itorsqe. Revolvei CAKE COVER SET how well you do. So It’s all ,„d e« of our previous trip and athne te o ^ L d oner Thuraday, Sept. 28 committee has been un- Women, 9:18. Tonight through Toes. already existing in HEW. be used whenever needed, but imoothly on bell beering bsie. Co.«f«,l

* V \ • PAGE FOUR ■ V e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 IRanrhpBirr ing armed force on the territory of an­ PAGE FIVA other, but because any development i|praii) which contributes toward the two-way Seven-Nation Conferen<;e softening of feelings which can eventual­ Pagani-Adams __„FUBLIHHED BY TUB HBRAl.n PIUNTINO CO.. INC ly convert China from the rtge of total On Viet Follows Gromyko 18 Blasell S tm t Miss Nancy Jean Adams of ___ M»ncheiter. Conn. outcast to that of some kind of participa­ THOMAB P. rtlROUSON tietn Page One) MandieMer and Robert Ken­ tion I in world society is very vital and neth Pagan! of Rockville weia WALTER R. FERGUSON Natioos Day, ^Oct^ M. be pro­ J^ibliiben very welcome. i peal was made as pait of hia an­ united In marriage late yester­ ______October 1. 1881 nual report to the aaaembly. It claimed a day of universal IV? ■ day afteriKxm at the Church of Eventa* Except Sunday* There has been a long stalemate per­ came as Rogers and Gromyko cease-fire, in Vietnam, Nigeria, the Assumption. Entered at the Poet Office at prepared for meeUnga next the Middle Blest, along the 8o- laandte te r. Conn., aa Second Claaa Man iod In the relations between mainland The bride is the daughter of viet-Chlnese border and else­ week to dlscuaa arms limita­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. A- of other revolutionary regimes in the ments leading up to the 1987 Sttwart and EYance's Matnice Paul Chetelat was organist and republlcallon of apeclal dM- war" and "ICr. Gromyko’s Schuman was part of the re­ pstcbes oeretn sre also reserved. world today to Justify the ostracism of soloist. Bouquets of areorted speech this morning reveals no peated search for a solution in the ouUlde world. But the underlying white flowers were on the altar. Her^d Printing Company inc.. as- intention to depart from these the Middle Blast conflict. Big The bride was given In mar- E ” es y IlnanclaJ reiponslbUliy for typo- psychological reason for China's per­ attitudes," Elban told the assem­ Four talks on the subject have rtage by her father. She wore fjjp h j^ errora appearing In advertUements bly. H e 'S I^ *" MA»ch«.ter petuation of this bitterness has undoubt­ been in recess over the sum­ a full-length gown of silk or­ Eban proposed that Uhlted mer. edly been the realization that one of ganza, designed with bateau neckUire. Chantilly lace empire ^ p S T ^ w i T s h ^ l c t ^ * '* * Tltnea-Waabln,. the advantages of being in the role of S*l!..»«rvlc* client of N. E. A. Service Inc. bodice and long sleeves, and the outcast is that freedom of action matching lace accenting the ^ * ^ w s special Agency — New York Chi­ cago. Detroit and AsstozL which doesn't even have to pretend to Berets Jog, PDSTO hemline. Her oathedrtU-length veil of silk illusion was edged follow the rules of organised respecta­ OF CmcULA. PINTO, People Intereated with matching lace, and she In Narcotl<» Treatment Or- ble society. If Communist China is be­ Await Trial . carried a bouquet of carmtlons. ganisatton Inc., Is now open Saturday. September^O ginning to have some slight Instinct to (Continued from Page One) Mias Lois ^gerberg of Man­ Monday through Wednesday chester was maid of honor. Her come into the fold—the imperfect fold evonlngs, 6:S0 to 10, In the make every morning. Rheautt, full-length sleeveless gold color bottom floor of the Williams —that has to be considered a develop­ an ash blond, told phofogra- gown was accented with Venise Building of St. Mary's Bpia- Where The Pinch Is Cruel ment on the plus aide. phers, "M y wife is getUng wor­ lace and gold velvet ribbon. She ried about me. She soya I look copal Church on Park St. wore a matching headbow, and There are acme 25,000,000 Americana An ex-addict, a parent of a like I’ve turned gray since all she carried a bouquet of pale now drawing aoclal security payments. this started. CkMildn't you guys drug user, and a professional yellow pompons. counselor are on hand to talk Half of these have no other source of retouch the photos?" Bystanders Their military attorneys have to anyone on an anonymous BiidesmaidB were Miss income. complained that the Army Is not basis. The phone number is McCarthy of Wapping, MUs Suddenly It Is apparent that the po­ Eileen McDermott of Balti­ The benefit these people receive from taking adequate steps to let the 648-2300. litical obituaries on John Lindsay were defendants communicate with more, Md., and Mrs, Kevin Hig­ these payments has been decreasing, in Two Guesses, What^s in It? gins of East Haven. Their peUe recklessly premature, and that the bat­ their families back home. They yellow gowns and headbow* spite of Increase in the actual number tle for the mayoralty has Just begun. Raymond Hennequin, a 27-year veteran of the Town Fire Department, last are unable to place telephone were styled to match the honor of dollars as recently as two years ago. The dlscloeure can only bring discom­ honored by his fellow firefighters and friends at a retirement party calls to relaUves, even at their fort to those liberal Democrats who had Police Log attendant’s, and they carried at the American Legion Home. Hennequin officially retired from the depart­ own expense, because the only What we mean Is, of course, that the cautiously resolved to sit this campaign Flth Sylvian Ofiara at Eastern States bouqueta of bnxuM color pom­ telephone in the barracks 1b one coat of Uvlng has risen faster than the BRUNCH ment last Saturday. Shown presenting Hennequin (on the left) with a travel pons. out and perhaps bestow a ritualistic last- that can’t be used for calls out­ ARRESTS suitc^e, is Assistant Town Fire Chief Raymond Thompson. Hennequin also re­ Peter PaganI of Rockville dollar amount of benefits. minute endorsement of Mario Procaccino side the bcLse although It can re­ when they could no longer be held ac­ ceived a purse of money. Hennequin will use the suitcase and the money when Horry Glordcse, 38, of East servi*d as his brother's best ceive such (»llB. The soundest way to deal with this countable for his "sure" victory. he travels to Hawaii at the end of tho month. (Herald photo by Ofiara) Hartford, charge.1 with In- nuin. Ushers were Herbert Rheault, Crews and Middleton dclland. and Robert OouncU ot Caiurchee ceive calls today. A spokesman The most fanciful recommendaUon to sive hearing tha,t he Is getUng in areas U.S. ’Copters ACUIIIENTS Murphy of Arlington, Maas. Rockville Hlgti School, served of Robert K. Pagiud Uonstrruc- Soviet Missions in Space Fire Calls explained that the six sent tele­ make in such a situation would be to where he had been pronounced beyond By A .H .O . Mrs. Adiuns wore a pale "What's Yours, I Want’’ grams to their families telling .Robert Nurmi, 33, of 79 Broad In the Army. He Is president thwr. Inc. help, the spotlight focuses more intense­ Town firefighters went to the green dress and coat with urge 'that somebody bestride the eco­ By DR. I. M. IJCVITT, of the sun. An advanced solar A certain man fedl among History Club Shot Down them what time to call. St., charged with evading ly on the passive bystanders. Amid the The other day, we looked at then Chief Justice of the state Donwell Q}., 15 Pleasant St., rc.-von6hUity and failure to re­ matching acceasDiies luid a nomic beach and bid the inflaUonary DIRECTOR probe might later come within 5 thieves, which stripped him the way Governor Dempsey, yesterday at 3:17 p.m. where (Contln’jed from Page One) Telephone calls between serv­ (xrrsoge of pole yellow sweet­ ilncrc” Ing llkel'hood of a very c'ose elec­ his raiment. Luke 10:30 were cooperating in friendly port a change of address, stem­ waves to retreat. million miles of the sun. whose domain is currently un­ Sets Meetings they found smoke but no fire. icemen In Vietnam and their heart roneH. The bridegroom's tion, they must ponder the prospect that The Pels Planetarium Remaining with the _ fashion on a proposal to alter when paratroopers from the ming from a Hudson St. aaol- There has always been con­ der assault from the Legis­ They reported that the smoke families are quite common and mother wore u deep coral color The only thing we really can do and what they do -or fall to do—will be re­ of The Franklin Instltote of the gtxxl Samaritan, we the Jurisdiction of one of the lOlzrt Airborne Division came clarity is good because they are dent; luid charged with reck­ membered with feei ng. siderable speculation on the lature, himself (xxiducted a was caused by a new part on dress with matching acces- several praotical lesso^ in state courts. For the Year across It Friday, the U.S. Com- placed through a military satel- less driving for striking a utili­ therefore must do In such a situaUon There ha-s, I trust, been no secret about number and nature of the aster­ mild foray Into the realm of the one of the machines. A passer- Hoiies and a oonnigo of light What will be the next move Christian stewardship. I^ is ap­ To make sure the law it re­ mand said. ty pole on E. Center St., near is to Increase the dollar amount of the my own view that both the city and the oids. The nuclear stage would Judicial branch of government, The lirt of meetings for the by, seeing the smoke, called Ute. coral color sw«'ellieart roses. of the Soviets in apace? Are parent that the robber/had no ported out would be constitu­ The discovery raised to about Originally eight Green Berets Mimro, minutes litter. Accord­ nation have a major stake In Lindsay's permit a trip beyond Mars for a with his summoning of chief 1969-70 year for the Columbia firefighters, they said. A reception for 200 was held benefits, In the hope that people forced concept of life as Go^lntended tional, the Judiciary Committee 2,(XX) the number of Vietnamese ing to police, Nunnl the rear ree'ectlon, not because he resembles they readying a surprise for close examination of the aster­ Judges to confer with a citizen Historloal Society has been An M etrical fire at 63 Lyneas were arrested In the case, but at the Elks Carriage Housel H. His conception of steward­ availed Itself of the servlcee of civilians found dead in various of a car driven by Harvey John­ to depend on them can buy as much Superman or his administration Is flaw- Western observers? oid belt. Are they pieces of a e^ablisbed by the Board o.' Di- St. brought town firemen at 4 :X1 charges against two—CWO EM- Rockville. For a motor trip to ship therefore can Wdl be sum­ group about the severity of Jus­ the Chief Justice, who was not locations around Hue since son, 48, of 55 Hudnon St., on living for themselves as in the past. leas but because he plainly symbolizes planet simdered or one which rectors. TliiB Is the first time P-ni. yesterday. „ ^ ward M. Boyle of New York t.'ape Corl, Mrs. Pugiud wore a Many observers are puzzled med up in the woMs: “ What’s tice to be meted out to civil reluctant to help the Committe a complete year’s gatherings At 12:15 a.m. today, town North Vietnamese trTO^ sejlrod Hudson St., backed off from the the queat for decency and rationality. did not coalesce? Answers to City and Sgt. l.C. Alvin L. white dreas imd yellow coat The Johnson AdmlnlstraUon left of­ by the rather static picture of yours, I want.” m did not want disturbance jiHoters and Icxiters. out by writing the bill for it. the old imperial capital in Feb­ iiecltjent and drove away with He has made errors of policy and per­ these questions can be derived have been aet, it was announc- firefighters went to 4 Devon Smith, Jr., of Nafries, Fla.— with black BccessoricB and a Soviet space flight. It le true God and His blessings in Christ. As we pointed out then, the The bill was passed, and pro­ ruary 1968. a flat tire until he ran off the fice with a recommendation that aoclal sonnel, hlB desk Is crowded with unfin­ with the use of nuclear propul­ ed. The Hat will bo Included on Dr., where they extinguished were held In abeyance. corsage of gardenias and yel­ He wanted perishable things. relationship between the sup­ claimed the law of the state, Another estimated 1,000 clvll- road on E, Center St, and hit security benefits be increased by 10 per ished missions, and countless cKIzens they are launching satelUtee sion. 'the town’s cxwnmunlty calendar, another electrical fire. Sources said the two have low Bweckiieart raaos. The Living in a/greedy and grabby posedly separate branches of and then, in one of the first in­ ^have unresolved grievances and an­ with a greater frequency than Elive of the sessions ore on —Eighth e-—" District volunteer fire- ^ onri tnol** bodies ll£LVG HCVCl* ^e®" Inununlty * to testify ' ®tt rtreisW P°'*; tsm ** atn4 A couple will live on Crystal cent. The Nixon Administration, perhaps The United States Is con­ world as we do, how severe government has. In Connecti­ stances in which it was used, a a court date was sept for Oct. 6. xieties. are we and this frequency is Thursday nights, Dec. 4 and % hters went to a residence on . . . for the prosecution. They have 1-ake Rd., Ellbigtun, after Oct. hoping that It could succeed in slowing templating flybys of Jupiter lo ­ are not tl^temptations to covet cut, often been more folksy Judge of the Superior Court But hln aff'rmatlve achievement can increasing. They have achieved Jan. 19, March 6. Oct. 29 and Oxford St. yesterday where they j released from confinement 1. ginning In 1972. However, these our neig^tor's goods and to fol­ than strictly constitutional. dared hold that it was uncon­ took care of a fire in some Within 30 days after the ene- j,ut murrt remain on this post, 15 William Balhonl, 54, of 342 inflaUon down, made an original deci­ be measured by Imagining the Impact of eminent success In their fllghte Dec. S of next year. Others are my was driven out of the city, Mrs. Poganl, a 1964 graduate will be In the vicinity ot the low the/philosophy of the thief! And it is, of course, rather stitutional. Whether or not he food on a stove. The call came miles from Saigon, on a "parole Hackmatack St., mode too wick: sion to limit the Increaiie in benefits to his defeat. It would be construed to Venus, They have also accel­ planet for all too brief a time. on Wednesday, Oct. 29^ aixl the about 1,000 civilian bodies weire of Manchester High Hchool and Even ylf we do not go to the fresh in the news that this last knew it had been written by the In at 5:60 p.m. an Army spokesman a turn going from Hiiitford Rd., a 1969 gmdunte of 8t. Francis Ihrorghout the nation as a new triumph erated their military space pro­ In order to fully capitalize on annual meeting on April 17. found. Then last April and May, 7 per cent. Now President Nixon has limlLtif stealing from our nelgh- session of the Legislature con­ Chief Justice will never be onto I’rospect St. yesterday at Hospital School of Nursing, for the ••'baeWarh" fever and a repudia­ gram. And yet they have not our Investment, we need to place Society presidlent, Albert civilian volunteers exhumed the announced that he will ask Congress to borywhat are our dealings with ducted an unpleasant and un­ known; had he suspected that, The six officers who will stand 3 p.m. and stnick a utility i>ole. Hartford. attended Southern tion of his dedicated aearch for racial shown any sign of a major an orbiter around the planet Gray, has annoimeed that Mrs. bodies o f another 850 men, wom­ G ^ and His possessions? TTie fortunate scouting expedition however, it would probably trial ore accused of slaying Thai Connecticut Slate College, New go back to the 10 per cent raise. cincU'atlon. 'n Washington it would be achievement in space flight. for extended periods. While we Aiihur (Juimby, a new member Rockville en and children prophet Malachi accused the into the area between the two merely have added zest to his , ar.u c.u.u«n ^hach Chuyen, a Vietnamese Haven, stie Is a staff nune at Interpreted as a new mandate for capit­ The consensus Is that they are not contemplating flybys to ofthe executive group, has been Many of the civilian victims „ „ „ (X>MI*Ia4INTS Apparently the Social Security trust /Peoffe in his day of robbing branches. What it tried to do, opinion. ^ m&n who, according (o various Rockville General ilospltal. Mr. ulations to the right-wing coalition. No may be concentrating on Saturn until the "Grand Tour" named to head the library com ­ Hospital Notes were boimd and shot to death. George Morrow of South ftind is in good enough shape to permit / God. Here is what he says: actually, was to take a dlset- The trouble with the opinion Bourcee, wan working aii an Pagiuil. n 1958 graduate of mayor — and few public men —have nuclear engines to significant­ of the solar system scheduled mittee. She will work with Mer­ Others were beaten to death. Windrarr parked his car at the "Will a man rob God? Yet. ye pltne problem on the state's Cir­ of the unruly Superior Court pionage agent for both the allies the pairment of these increased bene­ rpoken out aa early and often aa Lind­ ly boost their launch capability. ton Wolff and Miss Gladys Visiting hours are 12:80 to 8 Still others were buried alive. Brltlsh-Amerlcan Club lark unson^s for 1980, a nuclear rocket caul* have robbed .Me. But ye say, judge was that it was danger­ and the Communist command. say did In challenging the Vietnam war cuit Court bench out into the Tho victims IncliKtod Viet- „ fits without, advancing the schedule of Evidence Is considerable that also provide a Saturn ot “ Wherein have we robbed Rloe. The committee will choose P ' " ’ *" ““ night at 8 and found It was and warn ng of Ita calamitous effect on woodshed for a few private min­ ously sound In its contention ternlty where they are to 4 . ,___ He allegedly was killed June 20 the Soviets are Involved In nu­ When the Grand Tour books of particfllh.r interest to Iiuiiicsenamese priesU, school teachers a______.aj goncgone WTien when ne he was was rnooy i^nody lo to the next Increase in Social Security tax­ all our home-front hopes. Can anyone T h ee?" In tithes and offerings." istrations. But It wound up in a that the law written by the and 6:30 to 8 p.m. clear propulsion. Prof. Leonid the spaoecraft will the the society to be donated to the and farmers. They tod their CSilna ^ S e t ^ h o midnight. A half-hour ation, which Is now scheduled for 1971. rer ouily prelc-d that the leeue Is Ir­ In Philadelphia some years public display of an effort to Chief Justice was umxmstltu- families were executed because the South China Sea. The Miss Taylor Candy Kitchen Sedov, accepted spokesman for solar system and out Saxton B. Little Library as body has not been recovered. later the (sor wns recovered tn Character Reader * Advisor relevant to the city's future? ago a thief broke into the home set standards of conduct and tional. The story at the time Admitted Thursday: Thomas they were considered unsym- Where tfuallly t'nnriy la Mode Fresh Itally It should bo done, but neither the Ad- Soviet space objectives. In Sep­ among the stars to gifts. Johnson. H.I-. by police there. There Ip troub'e and tene'on on many le aji- of a Christian family. On the ethics for a branch of the gov­ was that the Chief Justice had Burns, Kelly Rd., Vernon; John pathotlc to the enemy’s (muse. Advice oa oil ProMsoM tember, 1967. stated hts convic­ other galactic probe, Mr. and Mrs. Gray attended mtnlstraUon nor Congress should then Btreeta, and It will not be banished over- first bedroom dresser was a picture ernment whose root in the Con­ to convene a special Sunday ses­ Foley, Bolton Rd., Vernon; In New York, foreign minis­ OaU tor appt. ’• f 'hiMMc From trier tno Vartrllre tion that nuclear propulsion for ot which is contempl a president's limcheon sponsor­ Two Arrested assume that one of the most heart-rend­ n'ght. But LIndzay's zenaltlv'ty to the in the facing h'm. So he turned it stitution was exactly equal to sion of the Supreme Court, in Eliza O’Leary, Broad Brook; ters from the seven nations that Boy Sooot Troop M9-t79i very large rockets would soon 1970s. "Howeiver. t limited around. Let’s think of CTirlst ed by the Qmnecticut League of cmoUo:»8 of the lower depths, hla en- that of the legislative aiul exec­ his own home, in order to per­ Margie Titus, Bakos Rd., Tol­ have troops fighting on the al­ NORWICH (AP) —Earl A. No. I6S of Bt. Bart's Venratog for ing problems In American life has been be needed. In January, 1968, one payload also will U Historical Societies held at coiirrgfment of enlightened police rule it its value. Icxiking at us when we set aside utive branches. suade his fellow Justices to hold land; Lydia Ashland, South St., lied side were meeting to review Hopkins Sr., 39, of Hartford was solved. It Is the problem of the con­ of the Soviet cosmonAuts pre­ When the nuclear Ic probe an offering for Him. If we do, Waverly Irui, Cheshire. T.ier-c WIU Ooadnet A and his refusal to panic under fire has This raised, at the time, the his own law constitutional for wore, 30 societies represented Rockville; Roper Lawrence, the war and the Pari* peace charged Friday with possession dicted that future Soviet rockets Is developed, ixlmmunications our prayer will be: of narcotics and carrying a tinual and pitiless squeexe. In the living .•pared New York the k 'rj of lorge-acale question of whether the Legis­ the time being, until the legiala- and each presidenl had an op- Meodowood Rd., Tolland; Les- talks. may be powered by nuclear en­ may be available to relay bax'Jt Take my silver and my gold, dangerous weapon and held on PAPER DRIVE ATOM'S mtm BUTTER M UN CH strife that has scarred to many other lature was out to take over the ture could undo the miatake. porturtty to speak briefly on the ^alte. Prospect St., R ^ k - of our older people, between the fixed gines. outermost planets of the sys­ A ortop butter crunch oaotar amoUMaad wtUi m~'ropollsea dur'ng the years ot hla may­ Not a mite would I withhold. Judicial as well as the executive We do not tell this story now activitles of his organization. vUle; Carol Peckham, Buff Cap $60,000 bond. While the Soviets will not re­ tem. / ANOUS creamy milk chocolate and chopped nuts. and usually small Income and the ex­ oralty. Amen. branch, and make Itself the one in any suggestkm that any cur­ Salesmen Complaints Tolland; Jean LaChance, Police said Hopkins had "a veal the nature or details of 1-84 Accident pansion of all living costs. If we do not If he I,*- beaten. It will be almost en­ There Is still another use for By Rev. Ronald A. Erbe undisputed master among con­ rent legislature get one of its Oomp’,aints to the Board of Prospect St., Rockville, ^ d large amount of heroin" In his their work on nuclear rocket Paper should be tied and tirely for the wrong reaeo-s—mo-t of all nuclear propulsion. In 1986 Hal­ Our Savior Lutheran Church stitutional equals. It was an un­ more prominent Circuit Court Selectmen about door-to-door Grant Skewes, Mountain St., possession. In addiUon a woman and cannot avoid Inflation, we have a engines, we do know from our ley's comet will return to the Wapping Claims Life patient who had walked away b'cause he h’ r a'legedly been guilty of fair question; the Legislature Judges to help it write a new salesmen operating in town Rockville. may be dellverod to the trurh n |Solemn obligation to see that these peo­ own research the potential of without permission from Nor­ exce!ntrol this seem and Mrs. Frederick Peck- Ing lot or csUl JUl-BStS or fact, the experimental research A New Jersey man died thU Hopkins when he was arrested, conservative pillars of h's own party. ixmiet at close proximity, or its performance. a sometimes embarrassing tra­ necessary. according to Joseph ham, Buff. Cap Rd., Tolland, 64S-SM8 for pick up. along with the rest of us who are In In this country Is progressing so oven attempt to land on Its nu­ BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — For Let no one believe there will be peace There have never. In any dition of folksiness between Szegda, first selectman. and daughter to Mr. and Mrs. morning In Hartford HospitaLas PoUce said. some poslUon to fend for ourselves. satisfactorily that our first un­ clei^, The nature ot the nu­ the first time in its lOO-year his­ and qu'et If thora to whom he has ex­ tory, Jeauit-nm Canlslua College case, been any very hard and ebranches. The selectmen, with the town Richard O'Leary, Broad Brt»k. the result of a one-^rmlt be June Dyer, Vernon Ave., Rock- Upper Jtontelalr, N -I- ^ It Teiwt a SKIFJACK doubling of orbital payloads, for / These are all missions which ROUTE 4. lOLTON ~ TEL. 449-4332 eloa' from the contest or veering eta- Demske, Cantsius president, an­ have been former legislators, obtained__ 3 from the town clerk ville; Snndra.Sandra Hall.Hall, StnifordStafford pronouncGdpronc^ced dead at 1:10 thla To Cotch o SKIPJACK Canadian diplomats have been hold­ the specific Impulse (the miles, the United States could under­ Yesterdays venly toward Procaccino to retain their nounced Thursday the seven lay and have found It hard to re­ for any solicitation, with a wait- Springs, and Mrs, SeUuko morning. ing talks with represenutlves of Com­ per ^ l o n ) of the nuclear en/ take using nuclear propulsion. DAVFS SIGN COMPANY OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY till 8:00 P.M. cre(*ent'als a ' "loya’l't." Lindsay Is In appointments to the board of sist informal cordialities be­ Ing peri(xl between the appllca- Schack and son, Newmarker According to state police, the Do you lutow what a sklp- glne Is more than twice that jit Certainly the SoaleU could ateo 25 Years Ago Joi-k ts? It's a bohy blur- munist China In Stockholm, the topic fact a m-ajor target of fSe reactionaries trustees. He said he and four tween the two branches. tlons and Issuance of the Rd-- Rockville, accident happened when Pette- ready Also Available For rood RoSelag In bo'h maior part'es. H's fin«st achleve- chemical engines. / undertake them If they posseea- grove's car ran over an object fl*b with a grown-up nppa- being the possible establishment of other priests would remain on One classic story of how George Ashton is appointed permit. OF MANCHESTER Ute, grown-up meaneos and m‘'nt la that he has earnexl their en. One of the slgnifl^am ed nuclear engines. FVom Sput­ in the highway causing him to the board. friendly the two branches can minister of music at South Early School dosing grown-up muM-lm. It slsshn* diplomatic relations between the two nik to Apollo 11, the ta’o coun­ Councilman To Buy lose ntrol of the l, an­ City a V ole Counter water rzrlUng the angler. 'f'tpfrog, and It seems likely grove was traveling In the west TELEPHONE M7-1tt2 ally currently considering such a step. •mr-'-erl n the nation. vehicles to the moon. lUls esti­ more laymen and three Jesuits ed the mortal scene. 10 Years Ago nounced that the town Board of - Frightened bolt floiUitw out that nuclear power will be next FREISNO, Calif. (AP) City bound lane when the accident of water to small Udol Or>e need hatxUy portriy bumb'ing Pro­ mated that the Nerva i nuclear —would be appointed next In this story, the Legislative The Impression gained by the caccino or bland March! as personsd In the game. month. This was a Sunday; The Her­ Ji".! 9 ° “ ^ “ ** getUng a new elec- hapiJ^n^ lb ^ r^ m eten to a rreehs as Ibeoe virtotai chop- stage will increase l^ a r pay- Judiciary Committee and the early closing of school one day ut>nlc machine to count Canadians Is that the Chinese are not ” devils to understand the dimensions of loads by an entire magnitude. ald did not publish. mile from the Forbes 8t. exit. pent fried. In the bays (ndU gulli per- month to permit teachers votes, but it isn't going to coat Mrvrr over thene wildly feed- in any feverish hurry to establish closer this conflict and Ita Implications for the Currently we can I ^ d and sup­ to become Involved in curricu- the taxpayers a cent, Immediate and long-range polltical r tog fish. Angler* *bouid tooh port a man on the fnooh for less lum revdalon studies and In- Councilman P.J. Camaroda for the breoliifig Itob under diplomatic ties with Individual naUons In future. It is fair to m y that the fate of than a day. UsliWa nuclear up­ seiwlce workshops. agreed to pay for Uie $l,'7t» ma- the gull* to lorate the srhoal. the West, but that there has "been some many liberals nl both parties will hinge per stage the Iw ar stay-Ume The town of- Windham is also chine after he failed to get ap- on the recult: the fa'Iout will not exemol could be Increased to 1(X) days. Fischetti f'tstrhtog them to a chore ‘^*sree of shift in t'ommunlst cTilna's at­ plannlng an early closing of Its proval of his motion to use mon- those who thought they were playing It Uutt teoU the aagtor'* aklU. A permanent settlement on sch(x>ls on the third Thursday ey from the council's budget, r ) titude toward membership In the United safe by refusing to identify themsehes These fiah wont to cripple the moon Aeems Inevitable, of each month. In order to - He indicated, however, that Nations. with the uphill fight, or actively oppos­ the bolt before they teed so ing him. eventually, but It will be neces­ ordinate transportation ached- he may solicit donaUons from -) they want on injured hire In the past,, although the Communist sary to proride the Initial ma­ ules, said Kells, the lociU sclux>I other councilmen who voted for that ocU like It* trighteoed Tdiat Gov Rockefeller has been unable terial to start any lunar colony to death. Thta t* where the bloc of nations has repeatedly proposed or unwilling to grasp (he point suggests win close early on‘ Uje same day the machine, on the road to self-sufficiency. as Windham sch(Mls. ATOM BKIP^ACK com es to. Communist China for the original only the degree to which personal TW* light •, ot. popping plug Given the payloads which can The following (lates have been What a taste catch! Chinese membership, Peking Itself has anlmu.a la eondlt'on unquestionably creates the fue* of a wdgeh WE WILL BE mutual In this easel can blind the kiKm*- be landed by the nuclear upper designated as diays for early IF YOU NEED HELP tag frigbtmed hall ftob and been snooty and scornful, taking the view ledgenble But his laim> should help to stages, a moon settlement by closing: Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. esrltes the Muee Into rhoatng that lU membership in the Chinese place clear the rision of Democrats who risual- I960 ts highly probable. 18, Jon. 15, Feb. 19, March 19, Shady Glen's own the rewnrdly lure aa It frna- April 16, May 21, and June 18. Ucnlly tpray* water. When CLOSED should be an automatic thing, not re­ lie themselves aa i.-tntewlde candidates Since the Russians have lost next year the race to the moon, however, On these days dismissals will the plug dice, oe the angler tote the plug rent, the btuce quiring any application by China Itself they may ignore It In the future begin at 12:30 p.m. Whatever falluivs may be \-alldly try frantically ts devour the MONDAY. SEPT. 22nd / Next week, a dental hygienist or any element of bargaining with the aacrilx>d to Undeay’s regime, they ate to concentrate on planetary Fried Clam Platter the floating bait. Tbea aa It Western world for something CTilna re­ not the heart of the matter. New’ York areas. What can they do with from the State Health Depiut- CALL FISH starts to move again one has become a key battleground In the nuclear propulsion? ment will be at the Porter Rockvffl* tn-FI8H bold blue will noli It and the gards as lu rightful legal due. MatirhMlM' 8M-FUU large te;! of national direction and spirit. From our own NASA nuclear School to work with pupils in battle to on. Now the hint that Peking has become Botton ■> M7-17U Sorvod with ^ oMm brown, crisp Desptte all the disclaimers, the hopes of propulsion studies, we know that grades 2 and S. There is no cost slightly more willing to act and behave his opponents rest on the IncKement of for this service, which Includes fronch friot, emd cola slow or to- Right new aad for the neat IN o b s e r v a n c e o f the Saturn 5 booster with t ^ » lew weeks these M-rappy like a candidate comes not only from fear That Is why It will be hard to for- \ nuclear tWrd stage could launch a dental check, cleaning and ap­ bhMNi ore swarming to every get who stwxl tor hldi where during this plication of fluoride. Canadian diplomacy, but from United an adi'an'ced spacecraft to Mars bay nod Udol rtver from long autumn aa a coalition of progrolaiv- or Venus-r-both orbiter and Principal Kell* urges parents WANTED (tod to Long slslond Nations Secretary General 'Thant. Isjh challenges Uh> 01.i Guard machine- landeK The payloads would be to take advantage of this op­ Note: Available at Parkode Store Only Bouad. Tbto table detlracy YOMKIPPLR Mmn to work bb nBlm One hopes these reports and Impres- men and rabid rightists In both major large enough to obtain signifi­ portunity to improve their pon-frledI « r n milU it to rrtep an rart'es. Precisely because of the opposi­ cant results from the planet, (diild’s dental health and ask man, prefer prerktaa ex- outakte and talltag off the alons are accurate, not because mem­ tender an the taslde to tion he faces, a Lindsay rictory would with the possibility of real time that they fill In the form sent perieim in hard coods (JST' I. what enttag to all nbea t. bership in the United Nations—as wit­ •hike up many men In many places. It telecasts relayed to earth. home srtth the children and re­ linea. F o il u i d |MUt>tiiBe would give new life to the concept of ra m e >sta the tan ma4 gel ness the behavior of RussU, the United It Is as difficult to launch a turn It to the school as toon as o p o iin s & year ATOM SKIPJACK at political Indepenkrnce that so many S h ja d if, 'Q lsin , (D a vo f. SiohsA, HARRISON’S STATIONERS solar-approach probe as it Is to possible. No child may meet the tonewtag stare. States^ the Arab states and Israel —is young Americans care about. This is not A p p ly launch a probe to a distant with the hygienist without Any ^guarantee of a propqi- regard for a local skirmish from which seoious men planet. With a nuclear upper 7 - parental pcnnlaaioD. TWO OOmnDOKNT LOCAT10MB 849 MAIN ST. ,. ,, can responsibly abstain — JAMES A / - / ■ ./ / the World organisation's laws ooncem- stage a solar probe could be / BUSH JJ.i ' Bl. « A AAA — O pa Da«y aad thas.: PartaiB* B w th - WBCHSLER IN THE NEW YORK POST MSIFFARMS MANCHESTER sent to within to mUUon mUes Eve St1 M A IN BT. ^ / Cahnnfeto rsrr tapi HARDWARE ( gtada Osrissa. tel. MANCHESTER. C o m . . . y . ' A.

PAGE SEl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19 ^ • \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAN^HESTER^ CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1969 U' PAGE SEVEN Cuba Adopts Singer Suffers Churchmen Rally §T A R GAXElC*tV> North Vietnam Newspaper -Bjr CLAY R. POLLAN- ARIES Collapse On Law Against Your Dotty Adrnty Guido • UIRA MAS. 21 S€rT.23 H C h u r c h e s Business Bodies Blasts Nixon^s U.N, Talk To a Moderate BED C APff 19 According to tho Stan, 'f First Clilirch of Onist, St. Bartholomew’s Chareh Community Baptist Churcii Stage at Fair OCT. 22 TOKYO (AP) — North Viet­ By GEORGE W. CORNELL fAlS-33-48-53 T o develop rpessoge for Sunday,' Sdeotist Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor^... Jin A m e rle ii Bsptist G tard i military actlvltlea and conduct­ stirred sharp criiicism In many Hijacking ly60-77.81-88 21-25-35-51, 2SONE M AN AG E R ALBUQUERQUE. N.M. (AP) nam’s official newspaper today reod words corresponding to rxjmbers 4<7 N. Blaia 8t. Rev. Edward M. LaBose S85 E . OeaUr St. t ed raids to terrorize and masiia- AP Religion Writer white congregations, protesting of your Zodloc birth sign. 56-5866 ' ^TAURUS Aseistaiit Pastor John Lawtem o f Meriden, a — Singer Jimmy Rodgers mum­ called President Nixon’s appeal cre the people" In the past eight the giving of funds that may go MIAMI (AP) — An antl-hijack scotno Bw. Walter H. Lootnia, n e w YORK (AP) - What AM 20 1 Tok« 31 To 61 Stond former manager of Grossman’s for a fair end to the war in Viet­ months. law has gone Into effect In Cuba OCT. 23 10 a.m., Chiurch Service. Sun­ bled "water, give me water" as started out as only an indivl- to a group that issued the I AAAY20 2Be 32 A 62 Sttmu1otin0 Lumber to Manchester, has re­ nam, "a mere piece of decep­ The article blamed the United 3G6 NOV. 21 day School and Nursery. "Mat­ 7:30, 9, 10:16 and 11:30 a.m., 9:18 a.iri.j-Pturefa School for threatening reparations de­ but it will not be enforced 0^19-26-30-42 33 Conditlortt 63 Domp*r cently been named zg 69 And man’s for 13 years as a store He waa nohed to Presbyte­ future’ ’’ when the United States problem,” the article concluded, 10 You're 40 Mark 70 Stick open to the public except <» Rev. Edward 8. Pepin, Pastor 10:30 a.m., Worship Hour. staff, a growing budget and the black communHy—the ^34-37-41-46 manager and, before his pro- rian Hospital by'ambulance and is atm supporting "the warlike "but so long as the U.S. impeii- 11 Todo/s 41 AAoy 71 Judgment II-13-16.55(>nnectlcut and west­ even signing autographs for fel­ government, the paper Nhan It also is increasingly manned . 14 Experxirtures 44Toctlets 74 Outi«< CARRICORN p.nj. Monday through Saturday. Masses at 7, 8. 8:15, 10:30 war. the Vietnamese (Viet the funds to use for black eco- Prim e Minister Fidel Castro JUN€2I dren’s story: "Harness flhat ern Massachusetts. low patients. Dan said. by ministers of the gospel—Ne­ 15 Working 45 And 75 Fingers and 11:45 a.m. Cong I oretnd forces and people ^ JUIY22 16 Could 76 Temper." A nursery la provid­ The hospital said the singer, gro clergymen both of mainly nomlc advancement. and other government officials 46 Slip Editing JAN. 19 A Booton College graduate, Hanoi's Vietnam News Agen­ will carry on their fight fill the 17 Coreful 47 Positive 77 Coopfotiv Second Congregational Church ed during the Worship Service. who underwtnt three brain op­ white and black denominations, Officials also point out that but did not say when it was en- |f\2-17-24-36 18 Could 6-IB-27-8-27-3^ with a maater’a degree from cy, which distributed extracts U.S. aggressors are completely 48 Improve 78 From United Cfanrch of Chrtot St. Bridget Church 7 pjn., Junior and Senior Protestant and Roman Catholic. the actions specifically rejected acted. The radio made no men- lXffl-44-82-83 19 Pleosing 49 Reolize 79Haoft'i 63-72-2-889I8R.. Northeastern University, Law- erations In 1968, was to good from the article to Tokyo, said defeated and bring home all the manifesto’s ' “ 20 Toe 50 Through 80 To SM N. Main St. Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastor Baptist Youth Fellowships will Its church gate-crashing demon- ® inflammatory tlon of President Nixon’s appeal LIO A(}UJUIIUS condition. the commentary on Nixon’s 21 Depressed 51 m W oT 81 Thon Rev. Kenneth J. Frisbie ton has also been trained to Ibelr expeditionary troops " Strattons have ceased, at least and they maintain that to the United Nations Thursday JAN. 20 Rev. Felix BL Davis, meet. Friends said Rodgers has fre­ speech at the U.N. Otneral As­ . . . ------Thursday 22 Proctice 52Co'Worke*s 82 Or Rev. Harry McBrien G r o s s m a n’s management for the time being. the organlzat-on that issued It is for international cooperation to ■ AUG. 22 23A 53 Exercising 83 Abrupt fcb' is BOniater school. quently blacked out since a sembly to New York Thursday 24 Not 54 Keen 84 It taking on a modified nature, un- end airplane hijacking, 1-23-47-61 Rev. Ernest 8. Harris, Center Oongregstional Church mysterious accident to Los An­ was written by "The Commen­ Wooly Weather "FTom the beginning, we 25 Moods 55 Be 85 Dt»ira 4- 7- Masses at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:30 in der black clergy influence u .. l>69-7Ct««4 26 Results 56 Turmoil 86 The 53-54-71 Associate BOniater United CBmrchxof Christ geles to 1967 that left him with a tator," a pseudonym reserved LANCASTER. Pa. (AP) — knew the whole confrontation the church. 9:15, 10:30 arid 12:00 SUPERVISOR Makeup o f the organIzaUon’s k “ Cu- VIRGO 27 Put 57 Some 67 Afternoon Risen U Center\st. fractured skull. usually for a senior party offl- Winter wlU hit suddenly and be tiling would pass in time,” says 28 Sensible $8 Indicated 88Utuol ■ Arthur J. Langdon Jr. of 296B 2-.-membir s te e rln g ^ S ^ e . S°''e™'"ent "Is not Inclined AUG. 23 FtS. 19 10 a.m., Bfbming Worship. in the auditorium. Rev. 43Uford O. But, the friends said, he clal. rough from beginning to end If the Rev. Calvin B. Marshall, re­ 29The 59 Your 69 Meeting Green Rd. has been promoted has been a lt ^ ^ ^ t o XPT. 22 30 Con 60 More 90 Works AAAR.20 Sermon by the Rev. Bfr. Davis, Minister usually recovers wtthtn a short you believe to the forecast at cently elected president of the to traffic staff supervisor to the The article said: "The pqlnt la more representative particular- ‘ ' might be tak- VO-12-31-49 “A Blatter of Choice.” Coffee St. James’ Church Rev. Wintiirop Nell Jr., time and Is ready to perform the wooly bear caterptUar. Black Economic Development Advene ^ N c ’u'^l 3- 5- 9-141 operations staff department of not that the United States shall ly of blLk churchiAe^iri)w Nations which ^57-66-79-85 ^ 22-28-39 hour in Fellowship Hall after Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, BOnlster of Chrlstiaa again. This prognoetlcatlon was Conference. ” At this staae It’s ^ onurcnmen. u remains with folded arms In the The Southern New Etogland Tele- withdraw by some batches round ” ’ Includes eight clergymen the service. Pastor Rodgers was found lying to made Thursday by Herbert B. in the background.’ “ “ face of such acts against Chiba." meaningless numbers of troops several church lay leaders. Rev. Joseph E. Vujs 9:18 and 11 a.m., WoraUp his car Dec. 1, 1967, near a Los Krone a retired Lancaster The organization has cleared to order to ask for reciprocity. ___ , Among them are the R ev J solution of this problem Rev. Thomas Barry Service, The Rev. Mr. SimoMon Angeles freeway. He was bleed­ newsman who spends much ot The point la that the United . J? incorpora- Metz Rollins, a United Pres- '* Possible through sover- Rev. Vincent J. Flynn preaching. Topic: " Whence\tbe ing slightly from the head and hts time studying the fuzzy States must end Us aggression o under New York State law, byterlan, and the Rev. M. L. decisions of the state and "■ Cheerful Heart?" apparenUy had suffeitd a fall, worms. Area Churches in South Vietnam and bring church African Methodist adoption of reciprocal meas- Second / Congregational Church Masses at 6, 7. 8, 9, 10:16 10:18 a.m.. Coffee police said. "The wooly bear is rolling United Congregational Church St. Maurice Church, Bntloo back all U.S. troops without set­ in addition to its Episcopal Zion paitor, both of also will protect the United Church Of Christ and 11:30 a.m. Woodruff Hall. \ Rodgers told newsmen he did again and he Is black from stsm United Church of Christ Rev. Robert W. Cronin, Pastor ting any condlUon” capital. a)> New York, both top officers of C“ba from any viola- Bt 44A, Coventry to stern, blacker than I ever Tolland 6:30 p.m., Youth Fellowriiip,\ not remember the events The iirUcle said Nixon’s UUxK mor” fm rS i«® r Committee .Of' of.‘ions of the law.” Rev. Robert K. Bechtold^ Zion Evangelical Lutheran Woodruff Hall. around his accident, but later saw before," he said. Rev. Doiwld G. MlUer, Masses at 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 announcement of plana to with­ Black Churchmen named to get The • broadcast said the law Church filed an $11 million wrongful In­ Krone said that black teg­ But a prime asset—and the Minister a.m. draw 60,(»0 troops and his U.N. the m ajor church funds. will apply to anyone who hl- 9:30 a.m.. Church School. (Missouri Synod: Calvary Church jury suK against three police­ menta on the caterpillar Indi­ one which made the financial speech are "full of falsehood cate a hard wrtotery period . . . The conunlttee also includes jacks a ship or plane through 11 a.m.. Service of Worship. 9:30 and 11 a.m., VVci.'.iIp Cooper and High Sts. (Assembltot of God) men, the Los Angeles Police De­ pro-spects possible through ac­ 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fellow­ Rockville United Methodist and deceptive maneuvers. Ev­ brown segments Indteate mfld black notables In other fields. violence. Intimidation or con- Cervice and Church School. Rev. Charles W. Knhl, Pastor 647 E. Middle Tpke. Frank Aliquo, center, of 107 Frances Dr., owner of New Haven, and Reno Coma, of Manchester, two partment and the city. He said tion of the predominantly white ship. Church erybody still remembers Nix­ winters. Forman, the original leader, splracy with crew members, 11 a.m., Hig’h School CJlass. Rev. K. L. Gustafson, two dry-cleaning operations in the Hartford area, of Aliquo’s friends, showed up at ojtening cere­ he recollected being shoved by Episcopal Church and leaders of 4:30 p.m.. Deacons and 142 Grove St. on’s promises to tnd the war Knme said of the coming win­ was made director of a fund- It made no mention of a pen- 7 to 8:30 p.m.. Pilgrim Fd- 9 a.m.. Divine Worship. Nurs­ opened his first Manchester Hour Glass Cleaners an officer who stopptd him 33 denominations In the Nation­ Deaconesses. Rev. Willard E. Conklin, monies to help celebrate the occasion. (Herald made during hia electoral can>- ter, "There will be no mercy, tt raising arm. United Black Ap- ally, however, and added: lowship. ery in Parish House. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. Bi­ while driving. al Council of Churches—was the peal. Although black clergymen "The Minister Tuesday, at 459 Hartford Rd. Allen Krevitt, left of photo by Buceivicius) palgn to 1968." will be cold straight through. law specifies that the 10:15 a.m., Sunday School. ble lessons. Nursery through Police said Rodgers had been firm backing of Negro clergy­ consistently defend him public­ TalcottvIUe Congregational TTte article said the United Aixmnd Christnuui either comsr Cuban state. In the exercise of Adult. stopped by an off-duty police­ men. St. Francis of Assisi Assistant Treasurer States and "satellite troops ly, come privately deplore h!s lu sovereignty, reserves the Church 9:30 a.m., (Jhurch School, Emanuel Lutheran Church 10:80 a.m.. Worship. ASSISTANT SECRETARY Sltwertsen and Richard T. Har­ company. Before his promotltm. man but had not been shoved. the wnw shovel supply or lock Their influence, and the confi­ 673 Ellington Rd., nursery thru adults. Dean H. Gates of 14 Ever­ have constantly stepped up their yourself to for a long stay." abra^ve n^lfesto ideology and prerogative to ^ant the right of United Church of Christ Church and Chestnut Sts. 7:30 pjn.. Gospel Service. Donald S. Davis, Second rison.- Both men arc also asso­ Ruddy was assistant brand They said Rodgers fell while dence shown In their assess­ South Windsor 10:46 a.m., Morning Service, green Rd.'has been elected an Rev. Truman O. Ireland, Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Selectman of the town of ^Cov­ ciated with Architect and Build­ manager of Relska Vodka and being quesUontd by the officer ment of the situation by white D T M L l ^ f ’ nast f . H ^hen considered ^Jist' Rev, Gordon B, Wadhams, nursery thru Grade 4. assistant treasurer of the Con­ Dr. Marcfiall, P ^ ^ o f ^toe ,ied to those persons who for po- Rev. Eric J. Gothberg, Concordia Lutheran Church entry, has been elected an as­ er Estimates, also located at 808 McMaster’a Scotch and Canadi­ and was put Into his car "to fellow churchmen, is what pro­ 9:46 a.m , Church School Pastor necticut Bank and Trust Co. Varlck Mc^rtol AME Zion nucal reasons arrive In Pastors 40 Pitkin St. sistant secretary of the Con­ Mato St. an whiskies. sleep It o ff." duced the large-scale potential _ our Classes; Nursery through Adult Rev. Lawrence Bock, Gates is a loan officer at the y church to Brroklyn where the country after seeing It Unitarian Fellowship Rev. Joseph K. Bourret, necticut Bank and Trust Co. to Siewertsen has an associate The policeman. Michael Duf­ funding of an agency that start- nro’n.nlxntUin organization hasHaa its mainmnin office. neces- Discussion Group. Assistant Pastor of Glastonbury 9 and 10:46 a.m.. Divine Wor­ Pastor bank’s Bast Hartford Office. HarUord. In applied science degree from Charles R. Anderson of 67 fy. and two on-duty officers who ed with little but roving dlsrup- safd It ; ^ ; r b ^ ^pr^: 11 a.m.. Public Worship. In 1950, he joined the Man­ Davis, who resides at 14 Che- Westchester Oommuntty (Col­ Hi^no nnri umtvli/ Vwill'erAOAnAA IacI . a .. . _ I • Academy Junior High ship. Nursery for infants. Ser­ Bev. Louis E. Bauer Jr., Oakwcxxl D r , Wapping, and Joined him at the scene—Ranald tions and wordy belligerence led sentatlon of churchmen, Supervised child care. Maises at 8:4-), 7:45, a n t ’ 11 Arthur Langdon Jr. chester Trust C»., which has lege. The broadcast complained of Mato St., Glastonbiirj' mon by Pastor Gothberg, "A Assistant Pastor Bernard R. McHugh of 87 Hatch Wegner and Raymond Whlaner by James Forman. they don't dominate It." 7 p.m. — Men’s Club dinner a.m., and 6 p.m. , since merged into the Cormec- Harrison holds the same de­ ^ Illegal departures from Cuba ______Real Shocker." phono Co. He has his office to Hill Rd.. Vemon. are presently —were later temporarily sus­ "W e ’ve entered Into a new meeting. Illustrated talk c The pro­ of Latin Ameri- tor. ’The Christian Reformed company to 1965 to Meriden as erly by not booking Rodgers aft­ c s program development," Dr. ed on Its program proposals, to- Unitea Congregational Church assignment to the Credit De­ Both men have worked on oa. Messiah Evangelical Lutheran picnic at Wickham Park. a staff assistant. He was dis- gram operates on the (Tase er stopping hla car. Marshall, 37, said to on Inter- eluding a Southern land bonk to Church, South Windsor at 8:16. Tolland partment at CBT’s Mato Office ettlmaUng contracts for the Mfe¥l€l MINr.BfGM Church Jehovah’s Witnesses trtot dial traffic supervisor to Method of instruction. Involving The police department and view. "Real progress is being underwrite cooperative farms, .7:16 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship Rev. Donald G. BUUer, New Britain Courthouse. the Us participants to a selected Wisconsin Synod South United Methodist Church Kingdom Hall Manchester at the ttoie of his the officers later filed a $13.6 made. We’re taking on definite black Industrial, printing and at the Rudolf Roggenkcunp Minister Berlin Junior High School, Miui- cross section of various Con­ 296 Buckland Rd., Wapping Bev. J. Blanley Shaw, D. D., 726 N. Bfaln St. recent promotion. He Is a grad­ million slander suit against structure, with eome staff, communications trading fadll- Health Care home. Chester Memorial Hospital and necticut) buslnrsaes. The 16- Bey. Karl R. Gurgel, Pastor Pastor uate of tho University of Hart­ Rodgers, i|aylng hts sccount of many volunteers and with field tics, a black skills research cen- 9:30 a.m., Worship Service. the Speech Building at the Uni­ week course meets for 4H hours Rev. Carl W. Saunders, 9:30 a.m., Public Bible dto- ford. the Incident exposed the depart­ Inqulrics and research studJea ter and other projects, Wapping Community Church versity of OtamecUcut every two weeks. -Study Planned 10 a.m., Sunday School. Associate Pastor course "M ake Your Flight to ment to hatred and contempt. going on." Besides the potential large Congregational Sacred Heart Church Rev. Harold W. Richardson, 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Bev. Gary 8. Cornell, Safety.” Neither suit has come to trial. The commitment of church church funds, the organization k e y BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) Rt. SO, Vernon 8U PE BVI80B BRIEFS Bllnlster Associate Pastor 10:30 a.m.. Group discussion Creighton Shoor of Shoor money, $200,000 by the Episco- already has received about —The Nixon administration has Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor Emhart' Corporation has an­ E dward' H. Qletmey, P-resl- Rev Jlralr M. Sogomlai^ St. John’s Episcopal Church ------of the Sept. 1 W atchtover Mag- Jewelers, 917 Mato St. and palions and $500,000 as a start $2',000 from individual congre- called tor a study to determine Bev. Richard Bernier, nounced the appointment of dent of the W. Q. Qlenney Co., Associate Minister Main and HlUside Ave., Vernon 9 a.m., Sunday Adult Discus- azine article "Faith and Deter- William Malkenaon of Michaels by National Council leaders, has gatlons and church groups. Assistant Pastor Robert P. Dyson of-Wapping to Is serving on the committee if a national health service for Bev. Robert H. Wellne)T, Rector oion'Group meeting at Susan- minatlon Needed to Please Jewelers, 968 Mato St., are both Supervisor —Engineering Serv­ which Is planning the Connec­ FREE all age gnjups Is feasible, the 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship Joseph Beiotti, Lay Reader nah Wesley Hall. Teacher Jehovah.” serving on the Connecticut Re­ Masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 and ices. ticut Public Expenditure’ Ooun- tail Jewelers Association com­ chairman of the Presidential Service. Sermon by the Rev. Training Session — Part HI. DaiYERY! 11:45 a.m. Dyson will be responsible for cll'a dinner meeting for Oct, 8 mittee which Is planning that S -A-L-E Survey Shows Curates Feel Mr. Richardson, "Human? Dl- 8 a.m., Holy Communion. Demonstration Class. 9 and The Preabyterlan Church task Force on Medicare said to­ at the Hartford Hilton. day. vdne?” taiurch School. 10 a.m.. Family Worship Serv­ 10:45 a.m., Mbmtog Worship. 43 Spruce St. dlrectli^ the experimental group’s annual convention for ARTHUR DRUG MON., SEPT. 22 thru SAT., SEPT. 27 8t. Bernard’s Church ice, classes, baby-adtUt^. facilities and coordinating ad­ Sept. 28 at the Plaza Park Waller J. McNemey of Chica­ Infant-Toddler Nursery. Bev. George W. Smith, Unready to Become Pastors St. George’s Episcopal Church Rockville ministrative functions of the Carl M. Carlson of 108 Sum­ Hotel to New Haven. go said Secretary of Health, Ed­ 10:46 a.m.. Infant Nursery Minister Rt. 44A, Bolton Bev. George F.X. Reilly, TalcottvIUe Congregational available at Susannah Wesley company’s CJentral Research mit St., has Just completed a STAINLISS NEW HAVEN, Conn, (A P )— duties received no proles ilonal ucation and Welfare Robert H. Donald S. Davta two-week course to manage­ Rev. Robert W. IhloM, Vicar Pastor Oiurch Hall with a registered nurse 9:18 ajm., Sunday School and Development Engineering A survey of Roman Catholic training for their work. Finch requested the study last Rev, William Schmeider ment with Nationwide Insur­ Friday. (United Church of (Christ) and another adult in at- Classes for i l ages. group. ney Lane, Joined C BT’a Tax De­ STIRL pijests to the Hartford archdio­ / The survey, authorized In 7 a.m., Ecumenical men’s Bev. Anthony Mitchell Bev. Truman O. Ireland, ance at their home office to "W e’ll bo looking Into the tendance. • 10:30 a.m., Worship Service. A mechanical engiineering partment to 1966. In 1967 he was April 1968 by then Archbishop breakfast. Columbus, Ohio. Carlson Is a cese indicates that assistants of­ Pastor 7:30 p.m.. Senior High Metho­ H ie Rev. M r. Smith preatto- graduate of the University of transferred to the Pension Trust OPEN Henry J. O’Brien, also suggest­ problems of long-term financing soles representative with tho 8 a.m.. Holy Ctommunlon. Maaees at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30, dist Youth Fellowship. tog. Topic: "P ra y e r — Is It Hartford, he la currently study­ AQUARIUM ten feel unprepared to assume ed that curates would like to of health services to the coun- Department, and la now to company. (Trial Liturgy.) 11:46 a.m. 10 a.m.. Public Worship. O.K. to ask?" ing for a master’s degree to the duties of pastors. spend more time to community :ry." M cNem ey sold. charge of the pension operations h aui ...... 10:16 am., Registra- WESTOWN Assistant pastors, also known St, M ary’s Episcopal Church 7 p jn ., EJventog Service. business administration. division of Pension Trust at the SPECTACULAR activities. St. Matthew's Church ' Dean Gates Munson’s Candy Kitchen, as curates, usually are required ‘ “ on ‘n the lounge for church St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Church and Park Sts. Group discussions on Legi­ bank’s Main Office on Constitu­ ALL DAY PHARMACY After they become pastors Include the possibility of gchool Tolland Andover Rd., Rt. 6, Bolton, Is Jo spend a minimum of 2 years there Is a "dramatic drop," ac- "xifodlng Medicare to all age Sand HlU Rd., South Windsor Bev. George F. Nostrand, timate Prayer. NEW AUTO SHOP to 1964. He waa transferred to tion Plaza. 10 Gallon T n k ...... 4 jgg 10:16 a.m.. Morning Prayer, Rev. J. Clifford Curtin, Pastor celebrating its 24th (umlversary. preparing for a pastorate, notes cording to the survey, in their B*’"'*!’®- McNemey replied: "Of Rev. James A. Birdsall, Rector East Hartford In 1966. Nursery, Church School. Rov. Robert Talmadge, A new automobile repair shop Davis began his banking a study of Connecticut priests Vicar Bev. Stephen Price Church of Christ A 1950 graduate of Manches­ 15 Gfdlon Tank ...... : . . . . . • S 4 N I sense of Intellectual competence. ‘^Bc«. yes, of course.” 6:30 p.m.. High school youth (^specializing In front end align­ career to 1938 at the Windham John E. Ruddy of 63 Leland by a Yale University team of Assistant Pastor Rev. Timothy Carberry Lyd»U and Vemon Sts. SUNDAY But as time passes, they show M cNem ey said the study group. Pizza supper and plan­ ment has opened at 244 Broad ter High Sch(X)l, Gates fias al­ County National Bank, which Is Dr. has been named brand administrative sclenttsts. 8 and 10 a.m.. Fam ily Serv­ Eugene Brewer, Mlnlstor 20 Gfdlon High ...... y ^ -.-S lleSG slims of regaining self-esteem, would be^n next week and ning session. Rev. Ronald Haldeman St. so studied at tht American In­ now the Danielson Office of the manager for Heubleln Full- •”rherc Is Uttle opportunity to Mocses at 7, 8:30, 10:30 and ice. Baby-sitting provided. All Medicinal Servicea Avaliable reaching a high point to self- would probably take two to Front End Dynamics, Inc. Is stitute of Banking and the Uni­ ConncctlciU Bank and Trust Co. Strength Cocktails to the Spir­ gradually acquire skills to ad­ 11:45 a.m. 9 a.m., Bible Classes. 20 Gfdlon Ijcam ...... • ...... S I S 4 N I evaluation after 30 years to the three mixnths. Vernon United Methodist 7:30 a.m., Holy Communion. operated by two Glastcmbury versity of Hartford. He served After World War II duty, he be­ its and Wines Division ot that 455 HARTFORD RD. 643-5230 ministration before one has sole priesthood. McNemey, president of the Wesleyan United Methodist ’Ihe Feast of St. Matthew, Apos­ 10 a.m.. Worship.^ Sermon: in the U.S. Arm y froth 1952 to Church Unitarian Meeting House people. Mrs. SOndra Ginnls, a came an accountant and did of­ 29 Gfdkm Tank ...... GIGJNI responsibility for a parish,” tho Church tle and Evangelist. God’s Antidote F or Sin.” 1954, and Is currently a team Blue Cross Associations, was to Rt. SO 60 Bloomfleld Ave., Hartford housewife and former teactoer fice management work to the study report Staten, "and It Is Key Bl.:cayne for a health Insur­ Crystal Lake Rd., Ellington 9 a.m-. Holly Commi'nlon. 6 p.m.. Worship. Sermon: captain for the 1969 East Hart­ 65 Gfdlon TWik ...... Rov. Charlea Becher, Pastor Rev. Nathaniel D. Lsuirtat in East Hartford, is the presi­ Hartford area. easy to understand why so many ance meeting. Rev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor •’The Winds Of God” —A Youth Tension, Destroyer of Self- ford Heart Fund Campaign. new pastors feel overwhelmed Mamie VisilM dent of the corporation. ’Die He Is also chairman of Cov­ 9:30 a.m.. Worship Service Folk-Mass. Church School, Crib Bo®s®sslon.” mechanical part of the business Gates, who Is the son of Mr. at first ’ ’ 10:30 a.m., Worship Service, entry's Advisory Insurance and child care. Sermon by the 9:46 a.m., Sunday School Class and Nursery CJare. and Mrs. Herman D. Gates of Yale scientists Douglas T. Hall Her Hoiiietown Nursery and Worship C3iurch Is handled by John Tromza, a Committee, former chairman of pastor. Church school, nurs­ Classes for all ages. 9:50 a.m., Sunday Morning Church of Jesus Christ of Highland St., is married to the TKc amt Benjiimtn Schneider con­ He Gets Name in Print School. former employe of Strong’s the Republican Town Com- GIANT FISH SALE ery. kindergarten, Grades 1 11 a.m., Worship Servicer Nur­ Otrffee House, with Rick Gowen, Latter-day Salnto (Mormon) Alignment Service to East Hart­ former Lise Trudeau. They ducted the study durto't the past BONNIE, Iowa (AP) — Ma­ mltee, and past treasurer of With Court Order and 2. sery. Alison Kuehl and Ruth Utting; HllUtown Rd. and Woodside St. have two children. year, Interviewtog 888 priests of mie Elsenhower Is visiting the Vernon Assembly of God Church ford. the Nathan Hale Ancient Flfea • ZebnM 10:30 a.m.. Church school edl 0p.m., Wesleyan Youth. for young people and adults Paul E. Nuttall, BUhop town where she was bom. WASHINGTON (AP — Jo- Northeast School and Drums. A graduate of KlI- the Hartford archdiocese. Of 6:30 p.m.. Fast and Prayer. (Grade 10 and older). • MoUleo The widow of former Presi­ iieph A Yablonskl fliMlly got his Intersection of Rta. SO and 31 Itogly High S working In (3on- out of the house to a plastic bag Officer In Charge runway of a pageant as aerodynamics of her own trim, MYNAH BIRDS tion that the accounts of would leave to time to keep ap­ School. Nursery care la avall- Rev. Richard E. Bertram, gress for a new mine health and Inadvertently released them. He 8 p.m.. Young Adults meet at structure than those of The air­ 36-46*’ wide. 100'^ Percale Cotton in Jesiu' life ore inaccurate has pointments at Gettysburg Sept. ablp. Pastor well as those of the many air­ safety law. tossed the bundle Into a cotton t'le parsonage. Suntfay, 8 a.m., Prayer craft being insured, itie can ■olids and prints. If cut from bolts moved numerous scholars to 6. ports she visits, says she en­ 5:00 p.m., . Junior Pilgrim Breakfast. y d s . search for more trustworthy By contrast, the Journal print­ 9 a.m., Sunday School. field and fled down the rosuL tered her exciting career throw a little turbuleiioe to Oi- 49c yd. 4 * 1 , 0 0 Fellowship. Trinity Oonvenont Church records.',pne recently lost his ed a letter from Boyle to Q>n- L. W. Saners, an employe of 9:30 a m., Sunday School "through tho back door.” pid's flight path by menConing O n ly $ 1 ^ 9 . 9 5 7:00 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim F el­ 10:30 a.m., The Service. life to an abortive quest for gress demanding a strong safe­ the local veterans hoopltal, fi­ 362 Hackmatack St. laasses for all ages). "I was working part-time for her engagement to a young the historical Jesus. H ie 18th, even If it Is | lowship. Rev. Norman E. Swenaen, 10:45 a.m., Hoiinesa Meeting ty law and a statement deplor­ Our Savicr Lutheran Church nally dislodged the rest of the an aviation underwriUng firm to physicist back in Michigan. Saturday, may be w - Minister (nursery provided). None should object to his­ ing the deaths of 78 cool.mlnert 339 Graham Road, Wapping nest wXh Insect spray. my home town of Ann Arbor, " I hope to get married early I luoky. Gness Its’ liiat way I I'nlon Congregatlooal Church 6:15 p.m., Open A ir Meeting. KILTCLOTH torical methods in examining entombed in a mine explosion Rev. Ronald A. Erbe, Minister Padget, 60, who has been Mich., while attending the Uni­ next year. " she said, "but I'd iwtth me, when I hod myl Rockville 9:30 a.m., Sunday 6:30 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. Biblical documents. But to near Farmington, W. Va. Boyle blind for 17 years, said the yel­ school. versity of Michigan." she said. like to continue my preeent ca­ A cousin o f Kettlectoth. 15” wide lAone Thunderer Whisttel Rev. Paid J. Bowman. Minister Classes for all ages, automatically regard the was at Monnlngton when work low Jackets had been flying Into Numery ? p m.. Salvation Meeting. "At the same time I was taking blend of Fortrel and cotton with lloet from my high eohooll Rev. I.ymaa D. Reed, 8:30 a.m.. Werahip Service. for infants. reer for some time after that, A.K.C. RGgisMfGd PUPPIES Gospel's supernatural ele­ was started to reopen the mine the bedroom at night and sting­ flying lesBons." I looker. Not very vakiable,| Asaociote Minister •nus is an exciting and rapidly Natural Teocture. Perma press finish. ment as prlma facie evidence [but It bekwged to my DadI to recover the bodies. ing him and his wUa while they 10:46 a.m.. Morning Worahlp. United Pentecostal Church After she was graduated with YD. of their uiKlependabilUy First Congregational Church expanding business and I'm in Reg. $1.79 yd. (1st SNoH. Wonw d «i 111 tin Worid MW LStayhel slept The Rev. Mr. Swensen preach­ 187 Woodbridge 8t. a degree to economics, "M y 1.22 Of Vemon no hurry to leave it.” smacks o f unscholarly bias. me responalble p o rm tl 10:46 a.m.. Worship Service. ing. Sermon Ulle: "The Lord u Robert Baker. Pastor PfihlfMM. MinicMm Sdma r, Cochar If there U documentation Rev. John A. Looey, company decided to establish an or frlcsid eonld peraDodel Sermon topic: '”raklng the My Shepherd” Nursery for One o f the more exciting Samuel W. FraakUn H I that Jesus did not perform Hint” ’The Rev. Mr. Bowman Minister underwriting office to the East DACRON and COTTON M, Scot^. CWknaiHia. on I Uttle Noodnlk with tlwtl SA V E BIG pre-rchool children. 10 a.m., Sunday School. fringe benefits of Barbara’s the ^)eclflc miracles at­ oew braoB whtotfe to i«-l preaching. Rev. Betoy F. Reed, Radio Today and feit that, with ray back­ unique career was her compa­ receiving a BA degree to Ehig- $i tributed to him. or if there ON ONCE-A-YEAR 6 p.m.. Youth Singing group 11 a.m.. Worship Service. I turn H to Manchester! Minister Of Christian Educatlcn ground to both economics and ny’s sponsorship of a flight Itoh. Is credible evidence that his will practice. 7:30 p.m., EvangellaUc Serv- ■ High or to P. B. PUkHMy,! SALE OF TRAILERS— I'nlted Methodist Churrh 1:00 Jo* Hager flying, they’d tiy nae In the Job team in the 1969 Annual Powder Following gradmtlon, Frank­ BROADCLOTH WE HAVE THE RARE and BEAUTIFUL biographers were given to 3:00 Dtck McOonougli 7 p.m.. Piano and Organ Con­ ice. North Bkn St No| Rt. 44A, Bolton 9:25 and 10:66 a.m.. Church as an ’experiment’.’’ Puff Derby early to July—and lin joined the company to the In all new colors 15' wide Wend exaggeration or delusion, IqtMstloiia CAMPERS and S:00 Ken ariffln cert by K. EJnar Rask, former then a serious question of Rev. Hugh A GIlUO. ochool. t :00 New*. Mim Ofi The "experiment" has been her role as co-pilot to Mrs. John Income agreement department perma preu Cotton and Dacron. Reg. "GREAT PYRENEES” TRAILERS w lc a —oia p a «o r of the church. Cbtfee Church of the Nazarene ° their reliability has been 9:30 and 11 a.m., Mcming an unquahfled aucoen. m 1969. In 1964. he was named YD. 1:00 Matin** hour sriU follow with Social « 6 M ain X Hammond of Millville. N.J. 99c yd. 6 9 * ^ raised. Neither of these- con­ 9:30 a.m.. Church School reg- Warship, tjie Rev Mr.' Lacey 4:00 Bartford HlgMtgtits "One of my problems now." income analyst, and three years Tndlor W orld launchea an Group 3 to charge. "W e didn’t win." * e said, ditions exists. la'jatlon. 7:00 News Rev. WUlUm A. TayWr. Pnstbr Barbara said, "is to find a per­ later assistant manager. out-of-4hla-world •ummer'a I reaching. Child care is avall- 7:30 OaMlght "but we came to 40th out of 92 .A end sale o f camp and travel 9:30 and 11 a.m., Worahlp nb'e at both services. w n r —!**• manent replacement so I can He Is the organizer and dl- "Sot King's For Human 'pride balks at ac- ' 1:00 VCom va Verraoat Unitarion Ualvetsaliil Society 9:30 am .. Church School. entries and we re pretty proud \ «*Pttog what is beyond the GOOD ILACK tmllero—Orbit, Trodowlnds, Service. 'The Rev. John K. Post, 6 p.m., Junlor\ Pilgrim Fe'- return to Ann Arbor." rretor of (^nectlcut Mutual's PIHWAU CORDUROY \ 3:30 BoMoa va Detroit of Manrbeoter Oasses for all age gniupe. of that. Thirty-aeven teams '...v 51c arena of present experience. and Yukon-Dolto. Prices District superintendent, guest 'cw-Tshlp. 5:00 We*kead BdlUon For a couple of

t*AGE EIGHT __ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, -1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 / -f ' A. BUG6S BUNNY PAGE N IN E OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE T MU. BUSINESS SURE HAS MAKE PIOCED UP SINCE 1 SET WOULPATTl HGCAAn-/HE THAT SCALE T WEIGH ' rr B e yan l^e p rr o u t TEN POUNDS I'M BUILOIH6 A SPeOAL SfMFVER I TO A^AJCE ROOAA barbecue unit, BOMS' I P H G FOR T>V$F BANANA _ AfMAVy/ ^ Z CAN STAf INSIPE U S E P H t e g T R e e w e s Aatvtr to FrartoM fntlt WHEN THE WEAcrUEfi HTTCHEN &f30W/lN'/ 6etS COLP ANP s T o v e r Animats OPCRATE IT BY , WITH HIS cxrrpooR :x PEAAOTE OONTjaoLf RUeSANP INPOOC t i l ACBOSS DOWN * Teees,HB h a s t h e AfO ST C O N P U S E P 1 Gaucho’s 1 Ursine missile USINESS SERV ICES l^IRECTORY : IM T O ^ / weapon SLargedog ZEpodial 9 Rodent 3 Singing voice 12 Shield bearing 4 Lines for s U Solitarjr driving horses CAR LEASING CAMPING 14 Samuel’s 5 Mohammed’s H IGH GRADE teacher (Bib.) son-in-law A L L E Y OOP 15 Those sl^ed 6 Disadvantages (comb, form) 45 Juvenility EQUIPMENT \ BY V. T. HAMLIN in Latin 7Against 26 Zodiac sign Tente, Cots, Sleeping Bags, 17 Fastening 46 Genus of On 1 or 2 PRINTING e o o o U J C K , OCXXA, 8 Birds’ homes 28 More loyal maplea Air Msttreeses, Stoves, W E'LL KEEP 1ABS ON V 1? " n a J g .T l S YOU/ B U T O O P device 9 Reimburse­ 30 Measure of Job and Commercial 47 Feminine Lanterns ALLEY'S C O M P m O N \ SSEMS STO>5jSE...WMAr HAS J 18 Matchless ment type YEAR PUN NMaNAlItU Printing T H R O U G H ■ ^ HAPPOJEP to make HIM CHANGEf 19 Localize 10 Dismounted 31 Winter vehicle appellation VIEVV-SCRI 21 Glut 48 Interpret MANCHESTER 11 Fork prong 33 Molar, for (dial) First In Blsacbeater. New Prompt and Etflrirnt 23 Pigpen 16 Closer instance SURPLUS SALES CO . Printing of AU Kinds 24 Moccasin SOPlastie ears, full maintenance, fully 20-New York city 35 Natural tots Ingredient I 6S N. M AIN ST. 27 Pause 22 Field- Insured to reduce your prob­ f#.) 40 Uppermost SlDispatdi^ at Dqiot S^Btore 24 Harbor part 52 Italian ciw lems snd wrarles. For full Community Press kw>- 2S Martian 43 Painful spots SSSnooze Information, call Open Daily to 9:00 P.BL 254 Broad St., Rear L M N S = 34 Put on new J. F A R R — 843-7111 S^on^ew.AlfOPpilcu. wainscoting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t t Telephone 643-5727 38 Formal 10 II- Paul Dodgu Pontiac 12 account f 13 U INC. 37 Custom IS ^ B ^ ( S ^ . ) 15 i? 878 MAIN STREET CUSTOM MADE OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIABfS 39 Kind of MANCHESTER DICK’S pudding I t I t io Phono 649-S881 CANVAS AWNINGS 41 Small ^ild 9-20 21 22 2 " We Urge Tou To Support SHELL MY FOLK* rSAYE M E LOOKTHROUSH FOR SURE.' TLL LOOK 42 Possessive MEMORIAL GO. THAT OIOTIONARY OW A DICTIOWARY H ie Luts Junior Museum THE DESK FDR MY TMRouoH rrau pronoun 24 25 2S 2 7 28 29 s T t>j s^fruRPAYf SCHOOL pyty*, AM 44Pre^tiator's 31 Opposite East Cemetery SERVICE ___ DAVY JONES BIRTHOAV-TAKEA HE’S OOTTA AT IT ON SATURDAYS, victim 32 33 34 36 658 CENTER STREET BY L E F T and M cW ILLIAM S LpOK THRDLLSH rr BE KIDDIMG.' MAYBE-BUT COME W h i l e y o u ’r e 46 Moors, as a Quolity Memoriab 3LMPAY, 34 Try Parkade C lea n er* WAITIWS/ 1 lOMORE diip 37 2 '■ r C 1 WONPER WHY P E R C Y ^ » '•* r ' MECHANIC ON DUTY YOU'VE NEVER H O W 'S IT I'LL h a v e h im a n d th e rr COMPLETELY.' 49 Wake from Over 30 Years’ Experience ' POESN'T LIKE MISS DORIE. *'‘ '' 3S “ Service is our business," Now is a good time to take , BEEN WRONG GOING WITH PORPOISE READY TO DO YOOR sleep 18 40 iT WATKINS-WEST AT ALL HOURS 'x. , SHE'S SUCH A NICE PERSON ' APOUT A HUMAN ORSON, DORIE says Martin LiUtsky, owner of your clothing to the Parkade PIRTY WORK SOON, MIKE 53 Dove’s caU 42 43 FUNERAL Call 649-5807 Siartere, Ueoeratom, &EING ...UNTIL ■-"f 54 Guarantees 45 the Parkade Cleaners at 402 W. Cteoners so that everything wWlu j Carboreton, NOW, PERCY,' anew M ♦7 45 40 SO SERVICE , A. A IM E m , Prop. Middle Tpke. Mr. Libttsky gives look like now for the holiday ■ T ' r 56 Stray 61 BZ Domestic - Foreign Caro SEE US FOR: Harrison St., Manchester personal service to each of his season ahead. As a matter of 648-7008 Aluminum RoU Up S3 54 56 customers, and no doubt this Is fact, your ■ clothee will retain 58 Canvas shelter ORMAND J. WEST Gifts for All Occasions Awnings .59 Operated M 57 s r Director the reason that so many people their shape and new appearance a Door Canopleo are taking their clothes here. 60 Percolate 59 through regular and careful Bray's Jewelry Store, 737 clnl girl, you will find fine qual­ • Storm Doors slowly 50 iT The Parkade Cleaners is right 80 142 E. CENTER ST. cleaning done at the Parkade Matn St., has been serving the ity diamonds here for your in­ MANCHESTER a Combination Windows 61 Detest next to the Liggett Drug Store Manchester’s Oldest STEVENSON’S caeanoTB, which means you do people of Manchester and vi- spection. You can buy with »is- Manobestor Awnlag Oo. C (Nawtpapat iatarpriu Asia.) at the Parkade and there Is al­ not have to have too extetulve-a cintty for a great many years; h With Finest Facilities sumnee, and you know you are Its WEST CENTER ST. BUM ways plenty of parking space. wardrobe in fact, H Is one of Manohes getting a One diamond If you Talephona 849-8MI Hi4y/ye ESSO The business was started about Oh yes. for the courteay of S a o ^ ojcL ten's oldert Jewetry stores puri-hsise It at Bray'a EstablUhrd 1948 0 -2 0 ten years ago and Mr. Libit- their customers they are offer­ ■JW.. 1 jy Ueneg *ee«we lr*dka*a, 405 MAIN ST. Francis E. Bray wa-i the orig- Ixxiking for a frulonuU ring? sky bought it about 2% years ing free storage on winter CHOICE VARIETY CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER TE L. 649-5533 Inal owner of the store and in Try Bra'y'a Jewelry Store, iuid ago. With a vast background of cloUns, no limit. 1950 William Bray Joined him. if they do not sloc-k Just what A A Upholstery WAYOUT experience In dry cleaning, he and on April 1, 196H tViUlam you want, they will be happy to Qualify BY KEN MUSE * Tuna-Ups and I V I Shop FREE feels that by doing all the work Pray became the owner of the get It (Or you. PRE-UPIIOIJnSRINO right on the premises he can The store is open 7:30 a.m. to Seafood * Engina Cloaning 6 p.m., Monday, Tuesday and , Cho-.Milng w<»• that very sp.- glfu, at Bray's. Seth Thomas SUpcovera and Dropertos < ^ m O O O / y if you will take some clothing MAKE OUT ------clocks makie a very welcome Made la Ontor here to be cleaned you wlB see fionipleta Selecttoa at SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL ★ PARKADE ★ gift, and you might be Intierost Reuben Plen’s for yourself Just what a dif­ e l In looking ut their fine dis­ Materials CLEANERS UniUdRotKlUi. ference this personal attention play of sterling on cryMtol. Mr. FREE ESTIMATES i'M LETTINe irSRCW and know-how can make. Bniy will b«> ha|»py to gift wrap Texaco Sfafion Ixiwer I.evel of Uk Parkade 'ibUR WSTACHe, mLlTCCVBRSSt/MMlH. (Next to LIggett’s) 649-6324 It is handled with care, it is your selrs'tlon for you, luxl you 381 Main Stroaf Mon. a Tue*. 9-6, Sat. 9-6 NEEPS IRlMMINe/ o Suede Cleaning 388 BURNSIDE AVE. will fln«l many ami varied gifts o Slipcovers o Drapes cleaned thoroughly but gently, EAST HARTFORD and comes back looking n ew - that art* sure to itlease In li wide a Alterations 0 Repairs variety at prlees. PhoM 643*9149 o All Work Done Here 289-6333 soft and supple. If you should o One Day Service ne«d emergency cleaning, ask If you ar«< looking for a rroUv Hydnunatki Tranamtosloa Power and Hand Tools GLASS a COLD FDR STORAGE for oneday service and it wUl good watch, wtoj) In at Bmy's Rapolrlng CLEANING, GLAZING Painting and Decorating Jewelry 8to>re and kmk over o For Autu WlndOUelda Tools be taken care of. All Work GMarmateod o For Htom Fronto and BUZZ SAWYER their fine st'lectlon of well BY ROY CRANE LOW, LOW PRICES Garden and Land Tools Many establishments do not Texaco Lubriraiion Service all sliM of windows care to bother cleaning neck­ known watches Mr. Bmy car a For Table Tops r 60IM0 AWAY ? DON'T KNOW. I'VE RUN Baby, Household, Party Wo Give Green Stamps BUT, MIKE, DARLING, I LOVE 'lOU'/' A and Banquet Supplies ties. but Mr. Libltsky Heels his ties Ix>ngtne, Butova. WUtnnuer WHERE, wKE? THRU YOUR MONEY... I BELIEVE IN YOU. ALL ISN'T /COSMETIC invaUd Needs and Camvi*lle Wutchea, any one OPEN 8 A.,M. to 6 P.M. I'VE BEEN A DISGRACE customers should be aUe to LOST. DOMT YOU REMEMBER /SALESMAN.' have cleaning service on i»ck- of which wouiil make a wonder­ SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON TO YOU ...I'M A NO- THE JOB ED CDOLY OFFERED / DO YOU THINK GOOP BUM... Osfrinsky irtloB as well as on other gar­ ful gift. Not only Uuil. but you ■' YESTERPAYP 1 ID STOOP TO know you art* purt'hoaing a TOURAINE LAROCHELLE and A ROTTER.'. THAT? NO, SO '1UE SKRBT ?buce\ DEALER IN WASTE YOUR ments. So when you take your CANTm read----- My - LIPS ’ clothing down there, Include wat«-h that will give you beauty, WHITE GLASS CO. I'M COMPLETE acciirmy and Gerbils clothes to Parkade Cleaners. wtirk Is guarantetol. of course <3* SCRAP METAL Mixed Breed Puppies Zippers that ore Jammed, teeth Mont of us tenea>i« BY LANK LEONARD Main St. Manchester Ask for It, knowing that the Center St. Not only do they of- cost in n modemti* ixie, aiul it same care and attention that holes, there Is scarcely h car Oomer of Blaaell lltreet IT'S ALL ' w h y DON'T you you'D F (er quick and courteous service, whows front end does not need w‘ll mean >tair watch will last rina qiaUlly PAUL DODGE marks their regular servloc Open I to 8 Dally, hut OVER! J A N E yOUR SON BETTER plus expert mechanical work, realignment. Front end work longt*r P AND I WANT TO YOU LITA HAS AND ao BACK will be yours on one-day serv­ ’'Never On taOMtoy." , TELL you ANOTHER JHAVESA. TELL yOUR STEVE CANYON but they also offer road service Is a specialty of this Shell Berv- Ki*slme THEN POUfCE CARS DRIVE UP BESIDE draperies, etc. cleaned before of absolute satisfaction at this Ing, snd to save money on un- •"YlY From Browoer* Welnitne! HIS AUTO PARKED BELOW-ANP THE *TEVE and el CHARRIBO reach THE Caltoctlon Wmtod thing (Uat m*eds rersilrs In this KwOr the holidays and what better Shell Station for Dick Qrinavich due wear on tires, It would be PlMme 649-6108 ANARCHIST REVERSES HIS PATH.. DAILY RENTAL W«*t» NylRf T»d CufTMif the owner, guarantees all ports wise to have the front end I'ne. take It to Bmy’s Jewelry place could you take them than B R m HTORE NdM, Ctfrfoct Ut used and all the work. aligned on your car. ‘■'ere for exfr*ft refstlr servlee SERVICE to Parkade Cleaners? All work o Expert Watch Repairing A little over 3VI years ago. Find that your car Is dlffl- I’crh-ipt you have an old fash Is done on the premises, and o Fine Heierllon of Ulfto COmiECTICIlT VALLEY the station was opened by Mr. cult to start these cold mom- Icned ring whose siHling dotw you wlH appreciate how nicely For All Oecoolona DON WILLIS $7 7 e Giinavlch, who has a limited Ings? Perhaps your battery Is not enhance the iM-mily of the o Longtae, Rulova, a day * * a mile they are cleaned and pressed, CflW CD. "r'iSr* repairer's license. One reason going and If so. why not re- time Ytni can have this re- Wlltnaner and Oanavdle « CMtor S«r..t. MwKkwtor ready to use. oit>uH«r H small sum and BUT ONLY THE A43-*2fB why you know the work Will be place It with a nigged hesvy- Watches GARAGE Another service offered at etilov wearing U again 7B7 Main Ht„ .Manrhesler OAS YOU NEED Sm * AAAnto—I Ttara done as It should Is the fact duty Shell battery. A 8 h e I I 18 Main Ht., Tel. 649-4531 D*av M THOM, mt * Parkade Cleaners Is laundry that Mr. Grinavich attended an Battery will Insure your car HptdH wtiU’h Imials are car Phone e4f-66l7 MONDAY CLOMD service. You can also get one- automotive trade school and starting Immediately, rl"H ntvirs. LUCA’S in business, thus he Is right up set high enough to keep your Front End Alignnfinnt Hearty Drink Should ytoJ not flrvl a rtone WATCH WHERE V tx A « CASTING, \ KORRAL SELF-SERVICE CALCUiTA, IniLa (A P ) — to the minute on all phases of battery at full charge. It will SUPPLIES CHILD LAUNDRAMAT that suits your ehrAcr. this eon WILL YOU A4R. ABERNATHYy ^ Tea is good (or the heart says mechanical repairs. Work on all soon run down. This is partlcu- DAY CARE CENTER Dry Chwnlng and Ihlloilng easily b<- orderefl. but mead Gannrol Rnpolr Werli the latest issue o( Tea,World, a makea of cars is done In this larly true for thos<- people Hourly o Daily • Weekly Also; Reweaving and custom station, foreign as well as do- whose main.driving Is "stop and (ln«l Juig what Uiey want PLUS WINTHROP made suits, pants and coats. magazine published by the Tea BY DICK CAVALU Responsible Care for 2, 8, meatic cars. If your car U In g o " Let one of the mechanica Atx k Fair prices, too! Board. An article said "un­ MACHINE SHOP 4. 6-yr. olds from 7 a.m. to need ot a tune-up. take It to, at Dick's Shell Service check CHIFTB IS WINTWBOP.' ] 6 p.m. Monday thm Sat­ a fii Jill ti Ik known constituents" In tea DuPONTS <«AU-1 TOO LATH.' . TAk.O«iMC Dick’s Shell Serylce snd be cer- this out for you. — — SERVICE SO THERE b a r k in s t d CHIPS urday. check the hardening o( the coro­ LApMCtn aqjBvca Uln of satisfaction. DIck’a Shell Service w«a the i IS»SIR-I'M B e L £ T IN , WANTS TD/Wfn Hot Lunches Served nary artery which leads to heart TERRIEiy When you are at Dlck'a Shell recipient of the City Beautiflea ’r WIN7X0CR B E L £ T “ 9 Delmont SL, Manchester attacks. The magazine said this Stop Ge SORRY ABOUT Service you may notice that h* Hon Achievement Award from Hook AtiRt-ra (J iiirrh IN... 649-5531 176-178 might explain why there is such Prop: "Kudy’’ Oupuat IT. Is a member of lOO. and wher- the r'hamber of Commerce, snd MACXIN, Ua lA I’ l Dpeet MANCHESTER Spruce Street, a low Incidence of heart disease ever you see the lOO Shield this was a source of grattflcs- among the Chinese, whose fond­ by a new book abrjul Its racial 27.5 .Main Street Dilve-la ParidBg displayed, you are aaaured of lion Ho Mr Grinavich conduct, the Tattnall Bqvaxre AUTO PARTS ness for tea la legend. the finest in workmanship, that Every time you have a chaa- Ba|>tlat Church here ha« con- '/ H) H i f )A(. ' Phone: 649-6977 GERRI'S you will be paying pricea that als lube Job done at D I c k ' a ■ e|ed It* no >Aint with, the Bap- /PRISCILLA’S POP are conalatent With good work. Shell Service you also receive Fnalurlng a conipleta Hoe a t BY AL VERMEER U»t book store In Atlanta. Ex­ OPEN V and that these charge! will be a free aafety Inspection This plained the pastor, the Rev Hy- Pnidua'ta (dll* M I'LL BE <3LAD Dry Ckoning Cantor ROBIN reasonable ones. The station la Is really a plus for you at no fiooeral Aulomottve T H E N I ran M Wlihln*

\ , ^ FOGARTY BROS^ INC. M In M pMn «tta ... HdiM irt* a »v »».i v/ao , 46 WEST CENTER STRSH 3l9BRdADST. PHONE 649-4539 I SILVER LANl EXTENSION ir -I

A' i /A X

\ i i , ■ ' • ^ PAGE TEN ^N C H E S T E R EVENING HERALD. B lA N C H E S ^ CONN- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19«9 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 PAGE ELEVEN THI ■ S'** ^ --'v-- . ' 7 - ■' Motereyete^— RuiMIng— Sports Viewing Rkyctes 11 Centrocring 14 SATUBDAT ' Herald Angle Giants Regain Lead BICYCLES—New and used. Re­ ADDITIONS, remodellag, ga- TM (SO). Major League CLASSIFIED Colts-Rams pairs on all makes. Open dally B aseball ragr. rec rtems, bathrooms S:S0 ( 8) Wide World o< 9-5:30. Manchester Cycle Shop, tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ EARL YOS7 Sports 182 West Middle Tpke., 649- ment work, cellar floors, pa­ ADVERTISING 2098. tios. roofing. Call Leon aea- Sports Editor 4:00 ( 8) NCAA Foofladl: Yale Beats Southern Thanks to Veterans Texas vs. Califor­ In Feature .-V •ynskl. Builder. 649-4291. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 1968 hnDNIGHT Blue Triumph. NEW YORK (AP)—vTwo with a flve-hltter. Maya, who rookie Mike Corklna In the first n ia NEW HAVEN (AP)—Yale de­ NEW YORK (AP)—All tKe ingredients will be there 14" hl-risers, and megaphones, of the lodest of the Giants singled in the first inning o« Innli* with a four-run burst and feated Southern Connecticut 42-8 8 AJd. to 4:30 PJd. CEMENT WORK — No job too ‘From the Home of the First Place Mets’ ^ - ~ ------8CN D A T —the Baltimore Colts and Los Angeles Rams, Johnny very low mileage. First $850 small, sidewalks preferred. o»teen, 19-14, only to see added three in the second and u Friday In a preseason fcxitball SHEA STADIUM, New York—“From the home of newest of 1:00 ( S.) NFL: Giants vs. Unitas and Deacon Jones—for one of those key, late takes it. Call 649-9712 before 2. Call 742-9791. the first place New York Mets, Welcome,” was the Astros did their best to “‘****- B oyer Vikings scrim m age. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. season games. Don Martin scored twice for ^ t i n g echoed over the public addr^e eyetem as the U i a S S f S a t S ( 8) Tale FootbaU The

y \ PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ItfANCHESTER. CONN,. SATURDAY. SEPTRMRF’P 5>n io«q MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTER, OONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 ■ ...... I _ \ * PAGE TUIR'IEEN Business Opportunity 28 Help Wanted— Help W anted— Hdp WoBMd Mote 36 Haip Wairt^J-Mo*.# 36 Help Wcpif d THERE IITGHTA BE A LAW 8T SHORTEN «nd WHIPPL^, SHELiL—Modem 3-bay service Fem ale 35 ______Femd’e 35 Help W «.t«l-M al. 34 H.lp W oM «l-4ld, t t Hdp W .i.ttd-M ol. 36 H.lp W cM d-M ol. 36 MECHANIC tor pin setter ma- Apoftinonti ITat* Out of Town station located at Merrow and chines. Must have some me- YOUNG MAN. per»%n..hi.p ______Mo!e_ _or______Femdlt 37 HYGIENIST for. Saturdays, EXPEjRIENCED mechanic JIG BORE Operators — first, Tonomonts 63 For Root 66 Rhodes Roads, Tolland. Paid' CILERK-TYPIST, general office wanted for general repair SHIPPING — receiving clerk, chanical experience. For ability. Boys and ’ Prep WANTED experienced men or VT e n L u ^ L t y c a m e oow m With a and dental secretary psirt- TRUCK MECHANIC second and third shift. Lathe EXPERIENCED amesite rak­ A mp who did said bar bupdies training:, financing:. Insurance, work for small office. In'’ur- garage. Profit sharing plan Westinghouse Appliance Sales idghts only. Apply in person, clothing department, fun-Ume. women to drive i-h/w,) bu, STOMACH ULCER^ VJMO PIP THE LITTLE CENTRALLY^ located 3-room TORNON — NOW Ume. Write Box “F " Manches­ operators, second shift. Verti­ er, laborer, experienced dump and Service Oo., East H€urt- BLAME e , iciO'D MEVER SUSPECT i retirement and hospitalization trlal distributor. Frirge bene­ li’OR PRIVATE FLEET available to f qualified man. cal turret lathe operators, sec­ Vernon Lanes, Route 83, Ver- salary. Call Mr. Shapiro, Hours 7-9 and 2-4, $2.75 per WOMAN BLAME -2 apartment,■ '“ *“■*heat, water, one- "You owe It to yourseU to see ter Herald. truck driver. G c ^ pay. Call ford. Hours 8\;15 - 5. Call Mr. car g a ra ^ . Available Oct. 1st. plans. Many dealers earning fits. Parking suppl'ed. South- See Mr. Sloan, Sloan Garage, ond shift. Call LeMl GOrpora- 875-1274 anytime. non. 6^2128, Casual VUlage Shops! hous. After 6 p.m. call 644- one of these lovely apartments *12,000, $18,000, $20,000 and ATTENTION housewives— Sell end of Hartford. Hours 8 - 5 Permanent position open for Route 83, Vernon. Uon, I 643-2362. ' Kennedy, 289-7931. An equal op------Manchester. lata. H.A. Frink, Wapptng. $125. per month. Call 644-6682 situated in a sraall/Bportment more a year. Get the facts through December. Excellent p.m. Salary based on ex­ WANTED — Part-time service portimity employer. (or appointment. ^ complex located In an attrac­ heavy duty truck mechanic. SERVICEMAN -full-time, PUNCH press operators, hiU or Write PO Box 306, East Hart- commissions, no collecting, no perience. Part or full-time A first class mechanic is re­ station attendant, for morn­ EXPERIENCED tive residential area.” Brand for or call collect 289-’n21, days. Call 527-1876 for appoint­ MAN WANTED to work In lum­ nights. Eixperienced oil burner part-time. No experience re- deliveries, no investment. Call quired with the ability to ings. Apply In person only to ber yard, must have driver’s evenings Mr. Belles 633-6230. ment. Mr. Sloan, Sloan Garage OIL BURNER and heating man, excellent qulred. Apply in person. Gayle om) featuring heat, hot or write, ‘'Santa’s Parties, overhaul and repair trucks. license. Davis A Bradford salary, working comBUons and Mfg. Co., Inc., 1068-C Tol- dishwasher, disposal, Redwtxx] toys and gifts, party plan, now Deisel expierience helpful Route 83, Vernon. water, refrigerator, range, NURSING Homes — Publicly WOMAN wanted for baby­ Lumber Co., 200 Tolland St., SERVICEMAN security. Blue Cross, CMS, land St., East Hartford. deck. Available November 1st. hood, ^garbage disposal, maa- held corporation will buy for Inc.,” Avon, Conn., 06001, tele­ sitting In my home from 7:30- and should be familiar East Hartfoid. major medical, uniforms a n d -----— ------$205. 646-3963. phone l-673-3455„. also boohing with automotive Instru­ ter TV antenna, telephone out­ cash or stock. Leonard RIcco, 5:30. Call 643-9041 after 7 p.m. TWO WAREHOUSEMEN Good pay. Good working ouManding profit sharing atad WANTED — Demonstrators for lets. curtairi'\rod8. window Realtor, c-o George Brown, parties. ments. Company offers ex­ MECHANIC — for fleet work, pension plana. Call 563-0131 for toys. High commission; MALE HELP WANTED conditions. Paid vacations. POUR ROOMS for rent. Call shades and (ull^bath with 3380 Main St., Stratford, Oonn., PART-TIME female help need­ cellent wages, and work­ to work on second shift 3;30 six -day week. Must be avail­ appointment collecting, no delivery. WOMAN to care for active ed. Apply C-J Grinder Shop, ing conditions, free benefit p.m.-12 p.m. for order fill­ able for out of town work. For Paid Imlidays. Phone 649- 643-7758 after 4 p.m. vanity. Washers and 'th T sn In 06497. 1166 for appointment or stop Pick your own Wt. 742-7672. basement (coin-operatedKand semi-invalid dally, some eve­ 273 Broad St., Manchester. program, including health ing and material handling. Ma n NEEDED to do office ______appointment call 643-2378, 649- in. storage area. Plenty nings and weekends. No house­ and accident insurance, ( IMMEDIATELY ) Paid medical plan, work 4215. cleaning in the Manchester ORGAN player needed for corn- Private Instructions 32 keeping. Must have own trans­ MANICURIST wanted, full or life insurance and pension uniforms supplied, paid va­ area, nights. (3ood wages, paid mercial b ^ d . Must have port- rUrnlslMd parking. For an appointment^ portation to South Windsor. part-time. Call Magic Mirror plan. Immediate Interview cation plan and bonus plan hoUdays and benefits. Call 627- “*>le organ and able to read Aportnwiits 63-A •****' THE WHITING . ______ment building please call 872- NEW CLASSES —Art Instruc­ Call between 9-5, 646-4523, af­ Beauty Salon, 643-2449. and placement. available. Apply to Mr. Mur- 3171 or apply at Rudder Win­ music. Cali After 4 p.m., 649- tions by Ruth grants. Small ter 7 p.m., 644-0453 tha between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CORPORATION dow Cleaning Co., 157 Charter 6749. THREE-ROOM apartment In 0529 weekdays for an appoint­ classes (composition and de­ OFFICE HELP^^part T tTmei MEN WITH AN ELECTRICAL AND MECHAN­ 529-8861. Oak Ave., Hartford. private home, recently paint­ ment. Rental $136 downstairs, sign stressed). Call 649-5435. hours flexible, some typing FIRST NATIONAL 254 BROAD STREET SALESHELP wantied tor pet ed, pleasant, convenient, quiet $145 upstairs (Including car­ Call 'Vista Mfg., 649-7200. s t o r e s INC. ICAL BACKGROUND TO RUN AND OPERATE PETER A. FRASSE MANCHESTER FULL-TIME or part-time, man shop. Experience necessary. V location, .working adults. 643- peting.) Oct. 1st. occupancy. BE ONE with store experience, hours Salary commensurate with ex- '' 2880. ^ Adults. No pets. Schools and Classes 33 PAR[IK\ AN AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION LINE. 1060 Silas Dean Highway, OFFICE position open in South & OAKLAND can be arranged. Plaza De­ perience. Afternoon and eve­ ATTTRACTTVE three - room SEVEN-ROOM duplex, three Wethersfield ELEXjTRICIAN — Journey­ partment Store, 706 East Coventry. Please call 742-6641. AVENUES nings. Apply Pet Department furnished apartment. Utilities large bedrooms, two baths, ap­ MEN EARN OF THE man, top wages, with benefits. Middle Tpke., next to Popular Manager, King's Department EAST HARTFORD,AR1_ Call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Included. Parking. 649-7743. pliances, laundry and storage TOP PAY WOMAN for waitress work, MECHANIC—^PtUl or part-time. Market. No telephone calls Store, Manchester. area In basement, TV antenna, CONl^ik, ★ GOOD HOURLY RATE Roberts Electric Co., 644-2421. please. See Mrs. Balbler. $4.50 and up per hour. Train FINAST 11 ;30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Apply In Inquire In pefson, HoUday on quiet street In Rockville. person, Jane Alden Restau­ Lanes, 39 Spencer St., Man­ Businoss Locations ^ Ckmvenient to schools, church, now, to operate bulldozers, Several excellent opportu­ ★ 2nd and 3rd SHIFT BONUS chester. backhoes, loaders and rant, Tri-CIty Plaza, Vernon. Elderly Persons For Ront 64 shopping center and bus line. nities have developed In our Yearly lease, $200 monthly. scrapers In booming mpan- 649-8747. room, twobedroom newly re­ No Experience Necessary weekends, minimum age 18 ity. Group Insurance, profit MANAGER ibnship for two young chil­ LESS than one-year old GE young, five-room, first floor SMALL STORE near lOO per decorated apartment. Stove, 11 / Help Wanted— Full or part-time mornings, years. Minnechaug Golf sharing petaion plan and dren—two hours each daily, TOBACCX) cloth (or sale, suit­ refrigerator, OE automatic apartment. TTiree bedrooms, cent Mtin Street location. Ap- refrigerator Included. Parking, CLERKS $2.50 per hour. Course Apply Mr. Jones at LEt N iS SHOW YOU A LITTLE BIT ABOUT other fringe benefits. Apply Good Starting Salary Plm No experience necessiu'^. Monday through Friday. able for lawns, bushes, trees washer, apartment-sized gas all wall to waU carpet- ply Marlow's. 887 Main Street cellar storage. $125 monthly. Female 35 Bakery office and cash de­ Maintenance Building on the at; Dept. Overide. Benefits Include transporta­ and grass. 872-6587, Route 30, stove. All In perfect condition. ing, .stove, screened porch, ------Call 649-2871. ba.sement, enclosed rear yard. "'AREHOIISE space on Ihirnell SALESWOMAN— Bookkeeper— partment; Must be able to course after 4 p.m. SOMETI^I^G DIFFERENT IN PRODUCTION Paid Vacations t Holiday. tion, one hot meal dally. Rockville. Call 646-4882. GRANTLAND NURSERY MANCHESTER MODES, Insurance and Call 643-1984 between 6 :30-8:30 p.Tn^ Workmen’s Compensation In $225 monthly. Referenees. Se- Plat-c, next 'to —~-CBT nleo Ideal SUBURBAN for rrot, Hebros). If you like dealing with peoplts use either comptometer or THREE rooms of furniture, 4 (or many retail businesses. new 4-rooni apartments, car­ calculator. UPHOLSTERER part-time, TECHNOLdGY. YOU MAY FIND THE JOB YOU INC. Retirement Benefita case of Injury, paid sick curlty required. Mr. Frechette, and have an aptitude for fig­ 643-0669 leave, eleven paid holidays OLD PLAYER piano rolls. Call months old. Moving, must sell Keith Real Estate, 649-1922 or peting, refrigerator and range. ures, you will enjoy this di­ morning and afternoons. Call 11 M Frechette. Realtor. 647- Accounts Payable: Mast Watkins Bros., 643-5171. HAVE BEEN^LOOKING FOR. PINE STREET. A Career Opportoniigr and annual vacation as well 643-0128 after 6 p.m. by end of month. Maple living ‘•903 646-4126. Available October 1st. $165 In­ versified, better than average ^as a complete physical ex­ . room set and rug, kitchen set cluding heat and hot watsr. position. Knowledge of sewing have good arithmetic back­ LATHE Operators —Bxperienc- BRIDGEPORT Operators— fix­ BABY CARRIAGE, EnglUh VERNON — Brand new office ground. W. T. GRANT 00. ed in aircraft experimental perienced in airersdt experi­ amination when accepted in­ Marmet, coach-car bed, dark and 4 chairs: walnut bedroom 646 0883, 640-3871. helpful but not necessary. You BUS BOYS and dishwashers, to prq^am and anually set with 2 drejuers. 649-4075. space available at SO La- will be trained. All employe PARKADE work and large diameter turn- mental work. Top pay (or top green, chrome spoke wheels. Payette Square Rent Includes \ evenings or weekends. Apply Ingni. Top pay for top person­ personnel. Full benefits. Ap­ ■thereafter. Requirements in­ Like new. 046-4587. benefits. Apply In person to COMPTOMETER CAREER in person or call 649-1154. Bo­ clude reasonably good 84" COLONIAL sofa, custom OCT. 15TH heat, alr-cwn Main St Abtm dnalres small unfurntshsd Day. Days or nights, full or tions, convenient free park­ Stafford Springs, Connecticiit Andover. Ask (or Mr. Paulin. 644-8006. FOR CHRISTMAS — Pine cone FUU^SIZE electric stove, very Uful, beautiful. tNUl. dance of free jxirklng Will be Bolton. Coverdry part-time. Experience not No Experience Necessary ing and above average bene­ Men who are wiOing to learn polishing wreaths, made to-prder. $5 and good condition, $60. China (ximpleted December 1st. M7-194I. necessary. Apply In person fits, Apply; aiT work on turbine blades and vanes. up. Call 643-1218. closet, ook, good condition, $25. only. • Elxcelleint Paid Training Program, Tel. 684-2707 Variety of office suites from WANTED 3-room hewted Above average hourly rates, fringe benefits and MALE ASSEMBLERS SituaMons Wantod— Two double bed frames with 649-6661 649-2179 500 square feet to 3,000 square o Guaranteed Weekly Salary. profit sharing plan. Apply at springs. $15 each. Coll 649-7581. a|Mirtment by alngle lady. 649- FIRST NATIONAL An Equal Opportunity Employer And F«ma7a 38 feet. Call Warren E. Howland, 1031 STORES, INC. • Oommlasions with Semi-annual Bonus. Gardoil ruriH— u s e d couch and chairs, two RealtoivdUailOa HOWARD JOHNSON Red-Lee Metal Finishing Go^ Inc. WILL baby-sit In my licensed MINISTER and wife daoire fur­ PARK & OAKLAND AVE8. BRAZING OPERATORS home located on the East Hart- Dairy Products 50 maple chairs, end tables, vanl- MANCTIESTER —. Two small 394 Tolland Tpke. • Blue Cross, Blue Shield With Major Medical. ------ty, household paint. Good con- WE HAVE tananta waiting for nished apartment In Manchea- EAST HARTFORD, CONN. 69 WOODLAND ST.—MANCHESTER ford-Mancheatcr line. 668-5405. office spaces for rent, electric tor, October 1st through De­ • Life Insurance. For Aircraft parts. WASHED canning tomatoes, diuon. Call 646-2479. your apartment or houae. Call heat, alr-condittoned. Call 643- while they last, $1.29. Bucicland ------Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 649- 9001. cember, Call 646-1371. • Company Paid Profit Sharing. E. A. PATTEN CO. Farms Vegetable Stand, corner GARAGE SALE —Friday Eve- 4536 PART- FULL-TIME days, for MAJOR steel eompany needs Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 nlng, all day Saturday. 348 • Retirement Plan. 303 WETHERELL ST. of Tolland Tpke. and Adams MAIN ST., corner office, I child care, aides, companions mature woman for secretarial SHEET Metal Workers—Exper­ MECHANIC fuU-Ume, top pay GROOMING all breeds. Har St. Summit St., Manchester. IXIOKINO for an apartment? room! and lavatory. Hoiioe A ButiiMts Propurty to elderly and convalescents. work In Last Hartford. Private ienced In aircraft fabrication. MANCHESTER, CONN. for right man. Experienced mony H1H. H.C. Chase. Hebros OWNER moving — refrigera­ Have many to choose i r o m. Hale Bldg Call 643 2867 For S d u 70 Top poy. Must have own traiu- parking, full benefits, salary For personal Interview call Bernard Quinn at Piemo’s Motor . Top pay for top personnel. Full only. Apply in person, Russell's Liberal benyflts, first shift, Rd.. Bolton 643-5427 TOMATOES pick In own con­ $145. up. Paul W. Dougan Real­ portation and be over .21. Call commensurate with experi­ Inn, 646-2300 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.. Septmeber 22 benefits. Apply Rolo Machine Texaco, 318 Adams or 849- WANTED IMMEDIATELY presently working 50-hour week. tainers. Also (or sale, egg­ tor. washer, metal cabinets, tor. 649-4636. Wa r e h o u s e sp

H o u s m For Scrio 72 MANCHES-'j-jsk EVENING HERALD. MANGHiasriSK. (X)NN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 H o«m « For Solo 72 H o w m For Solo 72 Housos For Solo^72 Houses For Sole 72 PAGE nprEEN BOWERS School, 6-room Colo­ Out of Town O u t o f Town BERRfS WORLD CUSTOM - BUILT, 3-bedroom Out of Town CLASSIFIED nial with 3 bedrooms and pos­ THREE FAMILY—Kitchens and MANCHESTER — Two-story MANCHESTER e ^ room Garri­ .For Solo Out of Town brick-^ nt Ranch. Aluminum 75 For So l* 75' Vernon sible fourth. Country-sized bathrooms recently moderniz­ home, two baths, 4-0 bedrooms, son Ootonial, double garage, IH ^For So l* 75 For So l* 75 CRPA Report combinations, fireplace, waU kitchen with dining area, IH ed. Central location. Deep lot. central location. Newer fur­ baths, flreplaced living room, to waU carpet in living room HEBRON _ 8H-room Ranch ~ SULLIVAN Ave., So. Windsor. ------!______baths, attached garage. Mid Excellent Income property. nace. Lot of house for $20,BIX). formal diidng room, t e c room, ADVERTISING and dining room. Downstairs- on heavily wooded tot fuU feunUy. In- Ideal for home and offlde, 6- VERNON - Manchester Line, School Menu 20’s. Wolverton Agency, Real­ $33,900. PhUbrick Agency, Hayes Agency, 646-0131. . convenient location. $81,900. family room plus hobby room, basement, rear porch manv Ranch, walk-out base- Pour bedroom Raised Ranch, (XASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS tors, 649-2813. Realtors, 640-8347. Call Warren B. Howland, Real­ New Neighborhoods $26,9(X>, 643-9613. Principles extraa Included in the ^ i "lent with S-room profeaslonal double garage. bulIt-lns, rec TEN-ROOM honse near Man­ tor, 643-1108. N e x t W e e k ^ 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. MANCHESTER — South Hind. chester center, | one full and only. ^rice. Fine realdentl^ ^ “ > =■«». Hayes Immaculate like new Califor­ MANCHESTER ^ two half batlia. Ideal for large T.77J. Crockett. Realtor, stsl 1 : ^ ^ “ ^ m p to t'e T ’f w MANCHESTER — Best condi­ 649-2813. East Elementary School: Mon­ Proposed for Region nia styled Ranch home on the family or conversion to COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. tion, 2-famlly 4-4, with fire­ one extraordinarily lovely GLASTONBURY day, sloppy Joes, green beans; most attractive acre plus lot WAIT! multiple dwelling, 2-car ga­ By BETTE QUATRALE tion accounting for 28'per cent. 4:30 P.M. BEFORE PimUCATIOK IN TOWN places In each apartment, low home, beautifully situated on Tuesday, beef ravioli, peas; we’ve ever seen. Priced in the rage with 2 rooms on second VERNON — Seven-room -Rais- Planning to buy in the low maintenance and rent-free liv­ wooded acre In flne residential Ranch,Kanch, one-third down as- ly designed forforeraciousliirinv gracious Hiring. Wednesday; cheeseburgers,cheesebungers. po- . *'**^“ 1 addlUonal 25 per cent o t Deadline for Saturday and Monday Is 4:30 Frldai high 20’s. Hayes Agency, 646- story. $24,900. PhUbrick Agen­ ^ Ranh loaded with extras, area. For appointment caU sumes 514 per cent mortgage, offers spaciou/*^lvlna ro^ ®***P®' plckles; ’Ihursday. ^ 8 * " ^ the crea- the costs go for local taxes. 0131. 30’s? BE SURE you see this Here’a a good sized 7-room ing, $24,900. Wolverton Agency, ratchen built-lns, carpeting, cy, Realtors, 6464200. S’ zanne Shorts, 646-3233, J. Immediate occupancy, rec with u n u ^ l fireplace formal >"«»t loaf, mashed potolo, stew- u ^ ° * J * y * balance Is divided, with new four-bedroom Colonial. Colonial that will accommo­ Realtors, 649-2813. beautiful rec room, two-car ga­ TOUR COOPERATION WDX Watson Beach & Co. Realtors, room, double garage, $23,900. dining room large eat-ln kltch* *** tomatoes; Friday, fish puffs 500 to 1.200 hous- five per cent earmarked for re- MANCHESTER — Six - room Wooded m acre tot. 2% date your family and your rage. redwood pool, more. W BE APPRECIATED D IA L 643-2711 ST. JAMES’ PARISH, Man­ pocketbook. ’Iliia home haa $19,900 RANCH. Five rooms, MLS 278-5950. Hayes Agency 646-0131. ^mlly ^om 2t4 tathi ?! French fries, mixed vegetables. ^ ^ constructed pairs and 16 oer cent tor Colonial overlooking Center baths, stove, dishwa:Aer, ^ B a rco m b , Real Estate. 644- chester. Two-famUy, 6-0, 84x three good sized bedrooms, three bedrooms, new kitchen r ro w n u ___J car garage. In preferred high dessert, milk, bread and but- _}'«rioua parts of the region, utilities Park. 1% baths, two-car two-car garage. $33,800. BOL’TON Lake Waterfront______VERNON, 8 room Ranch on a 140 lot. Owner must leave for a large living room, wUh a cabinets. BeautlfuUy landscap­ ter served with all meals These new communities would Among the recommendations garage, large rooms. Immedi­ Califcrnla style home, 3- bed- - high and dry treed lot, huge Continued From Preceding Poge one-floor convenience, hence, family room-Mtdien oom- ed lot. A better buy by PhU­ queline-Roberta Agency, ^ Maple Street School: Monday, ^ contained, with schooU of the rep consumers 646-3339 room with fireplace, dining Walton W. Grant Agency, 643- IRa NCHESTEHI —Your furni­ prime land. Near community MANCHESTER —Center—Pos­ tempted to throw my club!" huge treed lot. Hutchins Agen­ al. on wooded H acre. Two- ASSOCIATES view. Includes fronl to-h"ck Tuesday, chicken noodle soup presentaUves Thiuwdny night. Special effort.s must be made room, modem kitchen with 1183. ture will all fit in. Older home college site and new Route 6. cy, Realtors, 649-8324. ^ garage two fireplaces, two R (^^J W Uvlng room, formal dining or vegetarian vegetable, salami cites high financing rosU and by all housing market Instltu- sible office and residence com­ bullt-ins, den, large family but what' wall space 1 What $21,800. PhUbrick Agency, Post Rd. Plaxa bination. Six-room Colonial, 2- UNUSUAL FIND MANCHESTE3R — Near bus, windows! What woman baths, one full bath. L^w ^ ^ ^ room. eat-ln kitchen, fireplace, mamlorln oranges; Wednesilay. Inefficient InUldlng meUiods tlons, but especially by builders room, plus finished rec room ADAMS St., six-room older Realtors, 646-4200. 30’s, for quick sale. Hayes BARROWS and WALLACTE Co. Route 30, Vernon car garage. 'Bus line. $24,900. Ten-room older but gra­ Houses For So l* 72 Houses For Seri* 72 school, shopping! Sbe room wouldn’t want this. Modem spacious family rooip on beef In gravy, mashed potatoes, coupled with rapidly Inflating and real estate Interosu ” to In basement. Second floor has home In exceptional condition. Agency, 646-0131. Manchester Parkade, Hayes Agency, 646-0131. cious Colonial with 3 baths, stone front Cape. Breezeway, kitchen. Come see it, meas­ COVENTRY — acre lot, wood­ ground level with sliding glass pei«. plheapple lldblU; Thurs- land costs ns prime faz'tom for accurately InvesUgule and un 4 bedrooms. On one acre Huge family room down. New Manchester 649-5306 643-9574 872-4165 fireplace, carpeting and wooded lot with 2-car attached garage, paneled fireplaced-liv- ure it, buy it. Keith Agency, ed, convenient, desdreable doors, m baths, one car base- day. hamburg on a roU, potato the pricing of new hoiuilng out deratnnd consumer preferences MANCHESTER 20,000 MANCHESTER — 5% room ex­ %22,SOO — NEW Raised Ranch, heat, new wiring. Sensibly • esscAb CA JQU/ : Ul» ------basement. Two-story ga- ing room, oversized kitchen, 646-4126, 649-1922. neighborhood. Needs some fill. Member NISARC Computerized ment garage In fine residential chips, vegetable sticks, geloUn of the re.u h of the p.x-ketbooks and desires In iHnislti ” the Z square foot masonary Indus­ garage. Adjoining land may be pandable Cape. Fireplace, fin­ 3 bedrooms, garage, 150x200’ priced at $21,5(XI. Immediate come property. Neat two-fam- WILLING’TON - 6-room Cape. Service, area. $31,000. Jacquellne-Rob- dessert; Friday, tomato soup or of miuty residents of he region port said rage-bam with loft. Large acquired. $38,900. PhUbrick partial recreation room, shad­ $2,800 742-7118. iiy. - , full cellar, carport and * bedrooms, large 2-car garage trial building, 1V4 acres, cen­ ished basement, garage, patio, treed lot. Hutchins Agency occupancy. T. J. Crockett, 4 4 erts Agency. 646-3339. clam chowder, tuna or peanut The need for providing addl- Houslnz AUowanera church-type structure beau­ Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. ed lot. Warren E. Howland, $23,900. Call with horse and pony s t a lls .______„nn«i tral location, all utilities. aluminum siding, cyclone fenc­ Itealtors, 649-8824. Realtor, 643-1877. Realtors, 643-1108. MANCHESTER butter sandwiches, cheese tional housing for all levels of CRPA calls ..n the state to tifully windowed. Exotic ed amply shrubbed yard. Walk­ 6651^^*"*^ Hanson, Agency, 742- Situated on IH acres. Only BOLTON — Custom bullt~nlne- ''^HRNON—NutmCgger hall en- wedges, applesauce cake. Income Many possibilities. Including woods used In construction. MANCHESTER — Large new­ WE HAVE LAND commercial use. Hayes Agen­ ing /Usance to Parkade. By RANCH — 6 rooms, prime loca­ WATT! $26,900. T*. J. Crockett^ Rcial* room Raised Ranch Three or trance, 'iJ'ftnt'e. Ots-room6W*room Ranch.Rjim*h Built-Rniit. NortheastNnHhfbnet School: * Monday.iifArwinv gtVeased 'hv' t'Rl’ A Maff^mem* illli!^t'a,* program to provide These buildings are struc­ er Colonial. Beautifully treed Manchester — approximate­ _ by t R1 A Maff mem- direct housing altowances to or cy, 646-0131. owner, call 643-5495. tion, garage, immaculate con­ ...... *^®'8279. four bedrooms, large living ‘’«ramlc bath-vanity, wail spagi\ettl with-hamburg and k,-. r>«nni. tn n » vi— . turally sound but In need of lot. Three bedrooms, 1% baths, BRAND - NEW LISTING “ “ c^^ester Planning to buy in the low ly 4 acres wiU jdeld 5 AA fireplace. ^Excellent condition. dition, city irtllltles. Built in 30’s. BE SURE you see this MANCHESTER — Near Main minor cosmetic work. Seven MANCHESTER — Mother, your building lots. Richard Mar­ room. th r e e -b e d r ^ r^ lo S "^ ' N O R ^ i T ^ ^ l r T - ^ New Six'- w a U e d " " d W n T ^ / ‘’; r ‘Jrd l.tolvtduals who c,!To'i‘ \lt‘^ $26,900. Meyer Agency, Real­ 1964, $26,900. PhUbrick Agency, new Raised Ranch. Fire­ Garage, fireplace, acre land' ™om Raised R:mch. 1% baths, fireplace, family ____ ^ ^• • • •r • raport withWIUI theIIIP aaslstance of the modest housU* wlUv.ut St., business location, 1,200 acres of gentle sloping land kids can walk to everything Offered by original owner. tin School area. $40,000. tor, 643-0609. Realtors, 646-4200. JACQUELINE- place, built-in stove and Excellent c o it io n . Onto l « built-lns. dlshwa;her. fire! style « kitchen, with buUt-inabuUt-lna and garage, fence. gardensgardens, mashed potato, buttered car- ^RPAi-r p a Health,M.*nith Education and««$ supplements ... square feet, brick-block bu'ld- with long road frontage. from this 3-bedroom home with Colonial style home, lovingly privacy. Many extnu.. Mid rots. chotxdHte cake with wldle and I-and U.e «upplm rnts. ROBERTS AGENCY oven, two-car garage. % ’ToUand—Garnet Ridge area. 900. GoodchUd-Bartlett place. Acre treed lot. Only glass sliding door, large fln ing, good sized lot. $20,000. Call Many possibilities for the family room. Church, -schools, MANCHESTER — Over 78 list­ maintained. 'Three rooms on Rcal- 20’«. Owner. 876-1180. Icing; Wednesday, beef and and safeguards MANCHESTER acre wooded tot. $29,990. Several building lots, priced tors, 289-0939. 528-3498. $2't.900. Ished rec room with huge stone Warren E. Howland, Realtor, developer, large family or shopping, bus all near by. Call ings from $10,800 up. If you each floor, 1% baths, Rusco 646-3339 Hayes Agency, 648- business man. Call for de­ WHO SAID . . . from $3,300 to $6,800. TVe- 0131. fireplace, three full baths, 643-1108. 646-0191 to Inspect this older are looking for a good house (ated) storms and screens, tails todjiy. mendous views of surround­ TOLLAND —ExqulsUe 3-bed- separate ‘.lied laundry room, VERNON -.^ e r a dream "a^'h ^'^riT ri^u X n kU te^ ^ ^ r You couldn't find a six- comfortable home. Flano call the Mitten Realty, Real­ plastered walls, steam oil FOUR-BEDROOM RAY HOLCOMBE, VERNON two-car garage. Many extra house, VA and ETIA flmuulng frankfurU 1^^ rolls coleslaw IvHuielkilds. able to earn and heat, good basement, at- ing area. Pick yours today. room Raised Ranch with aU room Colonial for less than Agency. tors, 643-6930. They won’t last. features'! $42,500. U * R Realty available for this clean four- potato chips applesauce Fri! ,*■*' '" “ ‘ninin adequate Incomes and Investment Property itached garage. Delightful Custom bum home offers REALTORS built-ins, fireplace, 2-car ga­ 4 BEDROOMS . . . ja c q u e "l i n e - $25,000? Here Is one for WIU fit the needs of a large Co.. Inc., 643-2692. R. D. Mur­ bedroom Cape. Country f.ah r " ]:r e ““: backyard with terrace, fire­ spacious living room with rage, in choice area. Accessi­ For Sale 70-A just $22,500 with a twenty- MANCHESTER MANCHESTER 8-unlt Income 644-1285 famUy. Big living room with dock, Realtor. kitchen, wall to wall carpet. butter«l peas. gelaUn aM lop- X . n t Uiemsel.^,. ROBERTS AGENCY place, apfde trees and pri­ cathedral celling and bed- PERITAGE HOUSE ble to parkway. Low, low 30’s. three foot living room and TWO FAMILY DUPLEX property with garages, clean 646-2482 Jacqueltne-Roberts Agency, fireplace, separate dining landscaped lot. two-cur ga- uinr Bread and btitter nnd milk ***ltft” *\. . ^ d l s m l a j e s public INVESTMENT package — ’Two also a bedroom that size. 6 rooms on each side, close and well cared for, excellent vacy. Convenient to schools, cony, paneled flreplaced fea­ rage, walk to school. Coll to- are served with all meals This breaks ilown to a need housing us a solution lo the ture wall, over-sized dining 646-3339 room. 214 baths, city water 2-famlly homes, 8 rooms each Don’t miss out. call Mr. to bus, and shopping. Owm- investment. Mid 40’s. Wolver­ shopping and bus. Occu­ VERNON day. Only $21,900. Colli A Wag- Vernon t’enter Mldtlle School housing needs of the mfton. room with cheery corner LARGE L Ranch. Seven rooms, and sewer. Built-in oven, apartmnet with garages, coun­ 'TWO-FAMILY flats — Masonry Bogdan. er's apartment ready for ton Agency, Realtors 649-2813. pancy at closing. Low 20’s. windows, eat-in kitchen with fireplace, built-ins, 1% baths, ANDOVER — Seven-room Split range, disposal and dish­ ner Realty, 875-3306, 643-9088. Monday, cheeseburger, pot^ “"h TJ*' ‘’'“'I ‘u 'he try sized lots, 12 years old. construction. East Center St. Immediate occupancy. Lot Land For Rent 73-A REALLY LOVELY!! ------chins carrot and celerv s l ^ s ^ * **“ *' **"'®*' segregation referred to bum-ins, 3 baths, large flre­ huge recreation room, gfarage, Level on 1?4 wooded acres washer. Garage—plus much May be purchased separately. location. $29,900. PhUbrick us show you how income TOU-AND -$18,900. Varart pm^pp,. cake; Tu««toy. B & W Walton W. Grant Agency placed family room with trees. $27,900. Hutchins Agen­ NORTH COVENTRY—One acre overlooking lake. 1% baths, more! Mid 30's. J. Flor­ Three-bedroom Ranch. Re­ • ■ ptiiT-ivppie cHRc, luemHiy, soeiis Wolverton Agency, Realtors, Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. from tenant will make your five-room house on corner lot. --- meat...... Imlls, sauce, grated T?,* region’s needs run _i— about . S eon d priority Items recom- CAPE walk-out door, 2-car garage, cy, Realtors, 649-5824. plus on town road. Halfway be­ laundry room, garage, storm ence, 649-5306. cently painted and immacu­ 649-2818. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. monthly payments very LtlUan Grant, Realtor The best buy In the area. T. cheese wax beam Italian same level as those through- uie report can lor laundry room plus base­ tween Hartford and University windows, dry wells and much late throughout. Big country MANCHESTER- Quaint Cape, Manchester Parkade small. Priced at $27,800. Large living room, dining J. Crockett, Realtor, ToUand bread and butter, brownies; 'he nation. Jones contended. e used tifully maintained by original active family who require Custom built, new oversized EIGHT-ROOM COLONIAL $23,900. young family. 10 . W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4838. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. closed rear porch, patio, per c w grinders, salami, toma- He cited statlstlca showing 90 " also calls on the idate and for this older 2-famlIy home owner. Three bedrooms, iti privacy and spaciousness. 8-room Colonial. First-floor Resort Property EAST HARTFORD, all brick 4- down to qualified buyer. T.J Manchester Parkade, nice treed lot. Features 4 double bedrooms, toes, lettuce cheese: potato P®*" ®*n' the region’s black 'o®“ ' government to make the situated on over 8,200 square $18,500 — SEVEN -ROO^ housi- tile bath.s, flreplaced front to Manchester 649-8306 Agrarian rights to approxi­ family room with stone fire­ For Sole 74 fomUy. 4 rooms each apart­ Oockett, Realtor, Tolland of­ kitchen with buUt-ins and C. B. GOVANG Chl|»i, cookies; Friday, tuns Puerto Rican raaldenU live property lax "more just oikI et- feet of land, abuting on acre lot. Aluminum aiding, back living room, formal mately 8 acres possible. place, large living room, ment, built-lns, Including alr- fice, 876-6279. $28,900 — NEW Custom 8-bed­ custom cabinets, huge din­ nesa zone. More land avail­ storms and screens, garage. dining room, eat-ln kitchen, 25’ MANCHESTER — New on PHILBRICK AGENCY, Ideal for horses and fun formal dining room and BOLTON LAKE!—Year ’round condltloners, 6 years old, ex- ASSOCIATES fish catserole, tuxldles, slice of *n selected neighborhood’s of fh’trnt." room Raised Ranch. Alumi­ ing room, flreplaced living Adequate siiurces ot nrvanue able. Possible apartment Immediate occupancy. Bel Air paneled rec room with bar, market. Immaculate modem $40,900.. family styled kitchen with 4V4 room home. Oil hot water ceUent security builder. Wol­ eheeoe, buttered green beans, Hart/ord, double the muiil>eT ot REALTORS num siding, double garage, 1% room, first floor tamUy Post Rd. Plaza to years ago. niisrt be provided lor local Jurls- site. Low 20’s. Real Estate, Vincent A. 2-car garage. Call Suzanne Colonial. Central location, built-ins, four lairge bed­ heat, 150’ of lalie frontage with verton Agency Realtor, 646- bread and butter, asaorted fruit. 646-4200. color baths, avacado built-lns, room, 2 ^ baths, 2-car ga­ Route 30. Vernon CHARMING RANCH Overt segregation Is rarely dictions that provide housing rs. BogginI, Realtor, 643-9332. Shorts, 646-3233. J. Wat.son rooms, 2Vi baths, two-car trees and privacy. Enclosed 2813. Milk served wlUi each meal. baths, 2-car garage, recrea­ natural trim, large wooded lot. rage. Minutes from Hart­ Beach & Co., Realtors. JACQUELINE- garage. Aluminum and stone porch. Immaculate condition. -- 643-9574 t'xmsists of three double bed­ Skinner Rond School: Mon­ practised today, Jones added. *“'•’<1 services, according to HERITAGE HOUSE tion room, screened rear Meyer Agency, Realtor, 648- ford. Immediate occupancy. 872-4165 MANCHESTER — Investment porch. Front-to-back living 0600. ROBERTS AGENCY siding. One acre treed lot. Hurry! Hayes Agency, 646 0131. VERNON — Neat 6 - room rooms, eat-ln kitchen with day, citemeburger on roU. but­ But ho was critical of rsal CRJ'A. and govemmontal LOVELY almost new. Garrison Don’t delay. High 30’s. 646-2482 property of 8 nnlts, 2 buildings SPACIOUS brick Cape, three room with fireplace. Bel Air Executlvo location. $44,000. Ranch with formal dining Member of NWARC Computer- custom cabinets, birge for- tered green beans; 'Tueaday, estate practices which fall lo ra»|»)nslbllHles must be resllgn- on one lot, paved parking large bedrooms, formal dining Colonial home, large kitchen, AMSTON Lake—Watervlew and room, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, Serrvice. rhal dining room, flreplaced macaroni and frankfurter. rench these (leople. many of *** better provide servtees. Real Estate, Vincent A. Bog- wooded lots. $10 down, budget HERITAGE HOUSE area. Reasonably priced for room, fireplace, family room, gini. Realtor, 643-9332. built-in dishwasher, disposal, TWO-FAMILY, 8-8, 2 seperate basement garage. A terrific Uvlng room, enhiimed by green salad, bread and butter. whom could affoixi to move hort>ooda«dgt>horhood scale prn-pro- floor. Nice kllehen, three 616-1200. One block off Main St. Only $21,900. Keith Agency, fireplace and wall to wall car­ XJVENTRY — TOLLAND line. Agency, 646-3339. pay for mortgage. Two-car ga­ nint''' 3.bedr<»m L-Ranch. IXMible Vernon Elementary Bchool; *vlll ‘‘ ffset the types of housing g’’**’'* o t dsvrlopmem and Im- bedrooms, flreplaced -living rage, near center. 649-4966, 646- 648-4126,* 649-1922. peting, finished family room. Eight-room colonial on one- FOR THE discriminating buy­ ping. Only $16,900. Hayes p'OllR-bedriMim Ranch, garage, MORTGAGE HERITAGE HOUSE Agency. 646-0181. gfjnge, 1(4 iicrr wtK*le• ptnvlded provsmont. room and full basement with 2292. Asking only $29,800. H. M. acre jdus plot, 2-car ga­ er, we have Just listed a cen­ largo lot, full cellar. Can you PHILBRICK AGENCY, 646-2482 MANCHES’TER — Four - bed­ ftopportone built-lns, tuitural mashed ixiUto, butteredM The average age Ofof headsneaos of ------'’•commendod ——..,.,.,,,.. %. o.Is lovthe heat. Very clean. Ixjw 20's. Frechette, Realtors, 647-9993. rage and workshop, horse ter chimney, authentic (Co­ ADMISSION trim,t 1*4 ewa laseeatwo fireplaces,---- — i ______private... _ * 0 MANCHESTER — Vernon lop this for $19,900. Mitten REALTORS Three-bedroom Ranch. ’Two- room, 2-story home. Includes COVENTRY — Four-room rots, applesauce Tueaday. bouaeholda will drop from age crasUo" a reglonat housing / Wolverton Agency, Realtors. barn, pond, 3 working fire­ lonial Cape nestled In the hills $24,500. Meyer Agem'y. RenJ Line — Immaculate '6'/j-room Realty, Realtors, 643-8930. car garage, two full baths, formal dining room, family MANCHESTER — New Ranch. 100x110’ treed lot. Oil boof In gravy, biitterodrod rtc«,rtcio, 50 In 1970 Izito ngtingn'se 36 inm I9M0,19sb, ’department ...... —- eslabhahed »oa m a 649-2813. 646-4200 MANCHESTER — Immaculate places, large modern kitchen of Glastonbury in a pic­ OF ELECTORS tors. 643-0600. Raised Ranch featuring largo two fireplaces, large treed room on first level, large liv­ Ing. Garrison Ctolonial, large heat, new furnace, full Insula- green beans, cole slaw, spice CRI'A predicU. despite a large ' “ "ctlon of the Ragtunal Council CAMBRIDGE St. (with It’S 5H room Cape with front-to- and bath. A dream home for turesque setting in a prestige Notice is hereby given that MANCHESTER Older 8H-room kltcheii-dlnhig area with birch lot. Reduced to $26,000. ing room, 2 baths, one garage, living room, with fireplace, Mon. Lake privHeges. Only — cake; Wetinewiay. sausage In IniTofufe In the number of elder Elected UmclaU. All towns arching maples). AUractlve bock living room, full dormer, the colonial enthusiast. An­ neighborhood. For appoint the Board of Admission of Elec- $12,500. Keith Agency, 646-4126, home, 3 bedrooms, IH baths, cabinets and built-in range, delightful frultwood paneled formal dining room, den, large _ we •“ “ ®®- " " “ hed poUto, whole ly housshi.UU WfMild have a“ local ho«Mlt« older home. 6 rooms on one MANCHESTER, In a central 1V4 batha, garage, deep lot. thony. G. Fiano, 648-0191. P.S. menf call PhUbrick Agency, tors for the Town of Coventij 649-1922. one half block from Main St., fireplace, tti baths, large heat­ KEITH REAL ESTATE kitchen plus full basement on kitchen, three bedrooms, at­ Six more acres available. P O rm t F o r S o le 7 o kornel <-firn. Usued aaJnd, alli-. The greateet Increase In fam­ authority with aclive programs floor. Pleasant living room, • irca with bus practically at Low 20’s. Wolverton Agency, 646-4200. will be in session in the Town large yard, $17,000. Call Sy- ed family room. garage. large country lot. $29,800. Jac- tached garage, aluminum sid­ ed peaches; Thursday, ham My alia will Ite bouaeholda of of housing aasSatance. spacious dining room, den, the door. Neat four room house Realtors, 649-2813. Hall, on September 27th, 1969 zanne Shorts, 046-3233. J. Wat­ I-arge, well landscaped lot. 649-1922 646-4126 quellne-Roberts Agency, 648- ing. Located East Center St, MANHFIEIJ) Conn. Two miles *" ™**' P”'*do chips, ss Uirse and four people, but those C I^ A further calle on non­ kitchen, 2 bedrooms. Full base­ completely renovated. New 3339. from 9:00 a.m.-l :00 p.m. for the son Beach Co., Realtors, 278- Asking only $28,500. II, M. COMMERCIAL zoned, 214 $26,900. Frank Mott, 643-5658. SOUTH WINDSOR to‘ - UCONN,------Campus, '• 6-room, sorted vegetable sticks, pickles, containing one or two persona profit and limited dividend our- ment 44x28, shaded front heating system, tiled bath, A Darling Dress purpose of admitting oil persons 8060. Frechette, ReaUors, 647-9093, acres, farm house, out build­ Wild Stallion twoiAory Colonial, over 200 Ice cream bars; Friday, vege- will account for 40 par cent id po/aUuns lo assiaiio a greater porch. Roof has deep over­ modern kitchen (stove and re­ CUSTOM 8-room tri-level on who are found to be qualified to Immaculate 514 room ings, busy highway. $37,- FOUR-room Ranch, rec room, years old. (needs restoration I, table soup, crackers, ham salad '*>• total number •diare ut housing production lor ^ PARKADE Area Six-room ^IVE ROOM Ranch, with 3 bixl- hang. Oarage, trees, shrubs. frigerator stay), basement. MANCHESTER — Spacious wooded acre lot, 2 baths, first- be electors of the Town of (Cov­ Ranch, 8 bedrooms, living 900. Hutchins Agency, Real­ treed lot. Nice starter home, room with wall to wall car­ two acres, breathtaking views. or peanut butter sandwlchls. Housshold Incomss, or- "rssi OHxlerala Income ^ Cape featuring Hi baths, ga- rooms, large kitchen with din- Convenient location, near bus. Combination windows. Selling cu.stom 8-room Cape. Garages. floor family room, 2-car ga­ entry. tors, 649-8324. tor retired couple. Braithwaite peting, kitchen and dinette Asking $15,000,. Thirty-six more cheese sticks, fruited Jello. IMtrriuuilng power' will rise ftjT f«"i«holds. rage. Won't last long at $17,- injr area, 2-car garage, 100 x I. W 20’s. Lillian Grant, Real­ for $16,900. T.J. Crockett. Real­ Four-large bedrooms, fire rage, privacy, top location. The qualifications are as fol­ 0 Agency, 049-4663. area. bulH-lns, tiled baths, acres avaUsble. Historic Milk, breoe-.r swluaisetadds esa w a ss^ M U il IMare W» sign — of housing------ZS development w - - w e^ g eaeew , Is tors, 647-9993. (on Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. 643-1183. cd den, formal dining room 0131. ty-one years of ave, must be «a cation is just one of the many MANCHESTER — Two-famUy feature" screened porch and acres. 300’ frontage, privacy expected to deersaae by 30,000 "infogly nee^dsrslloo given to regtonai FRENCH ROAD condition throughout. Many spacious family room. Finish­ bedrooms, garage, large lot. MANCHESTER 4-bedroom Split Service. Robert D. Murdock. Realtor (R d i^joL ^AmA. ^pw dnuLniA features such as an oversized ed rec room In the basement, $18,900. PhUbrick Agency, Level, with 3 ceramic batlm Dated at (Coventry, Connecti­ iiujNO YOim HOME’ For T is ‘ “L T* “"'* “** Cape—8 rooms. 2 unfinished, lot, aluminum siding, two-car 2^ baths, 3 fireplaces, bullt- Realtors, 646-4200. Uvlng room has cathedral cell­ cut. this 17th day of September prompt courteou. «.rvlre that ^ m ‘ ______fireplace In living room, fin­ garage, new gas heating unit, ing. bay window and wail to 1969. SOUTH WINDSOB-Btrch Hill. geU remilts. C all Ixmls Dlmock ^ Ina, 2-car garage, large well- SDC-room Colonial. 1% batha, ished ree room In basement, big roomy basement, etc. On­ wall carpeting. Grade level Margaret E. Jacobson, Belsed Ranch, modern kitch­ Realty. 649-9623 .125 MAIN STREET landscaped yard. Priced In garage, treed lot. large kitch­ (tonway •• is chargedVi4ier||«4 wunwith UMthe •••• «»eU of name horns VWTMrWUpownership (Oto FROJICTOR LAMFS aluminum siding, garage, ly $29,000. Move In tomorrow. family room, kitchen with en with bullt-ina formal din­ the upper 40’s. U *R Realty en with plenty of cabineta. Ruth E. Benoit, ALIw CASH for your property ked up mo­ Ososkl, died early this mom- grandpii'ente are Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Starkweather, 33 Otis menta after the accident and celved a BA, cum laude, from dents from a wider nucleus than Members of the commission Stratton offered an amend­ C^eotlcut College in June. Manchester There are also who attended last night are Stan at an out-of-town hospital. ment to eliminate $2 miUiO' re­ St., Mlanchcstor. He has a sister. Janet, 2. saw the DC4 veer sharply to the Mrs. Ososkl was bom April • * * • • right. ^ l^reaentativea from the Teen Zatkowskl and James Marino, quested for drawing plans for of botany. Center, lOH, Depot Coffee Assumption Junior High; Carl 11, 1885 in Poland and hod ‘.h-; project nn 'j to appi' > -tn Tuttle, Gordon Oliver, son cf Bruce A. and Jeaninc Gau- "It seemed to stall out and dreau Tuttle, 178*^ Center St., Manchester. He was bom Sept. In the summer of 1967, she House and Manchester Com- 0»*er and Eric Stanamon, Man- Uved in MaiKhester for 66 Infitcod $100,000 for an eng'neer- headed for the ground with Its years. She was a member of 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ right wlngtip down,’’ he said. was a research assistant In munlty Cfollege cheater High School; Jim Ka- ng study to pee If on n ents are Mr. and Mm. Joseph Oaudreau, 40 Gienwood St., St. John’s Polish National Cath­ place is feasible. But he loot, ecology to Dr. William Nier- niean said he wanted renre- Cheney Tech; Jlml Jut- olic Church. Manchester. His patemAI grandmother la Mrs. Edna Tuttle, ing. pr^e^,-botany etOcn- ,eS es“ f^L m S y 92-59, on a non-record vote, 131 Mather St., Manchester. Survivors include two sons, Therrc is considenuble opposi- necUcut CoUege. In the sum- groups, school dropouts and “ “" ‘" l Chester Ososkl of Manchester Jews Mark of 19M, she worked as a workers, but toat there ‘lon to the ex’'nn.«'on pro* <•' 'n Simmons, David Scott, son of Michael and Marjorie and William Oaoski of Tolland, the Senate, which must still act service odde with Head was a problem In localtng them. ™ ^ Wedell Simmons, RFD 2, Sugar HUl Rd., Tolland. He wae bom Start In Conway, N.H. He said he couldn’t just pick ^ t h l Martta and a ^ two grandchildren, and a great­ on the request. Three y c ’iv» ngo Sept. 18 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ grandchild. Yom Kippur toe street since he the House also approved funds parents are Mr. and Mrs. R. Wedell, Downers Grove, 111. His sponaiblllty for the school loon wanted those who would bo ^^m Depot Coffee The funeral will be Monday to start the protect hut the Son- paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, Bast Yom Kippur, or Day of Atone­ House. "te knocked them out. department, guided Inetruction, truly intereBted in putting a lot at 8:16 a.m. from Holmes Fu­ Hartford. Ho has two brothers, James, 6, and Mickey, 3. ment, will be observed by Jews and the preparation of diora- of work Into the commlBsion. Also, Nancy Doherty and neral Home, 400 Main St., with At that time It vr\r underotood all over the world beginning to­ Bruce Waird, St. Bridget a Mass of requiem at St. John's ’.he project would be plgeon- morrow at sundown and cm' mew S c)kx>1; Mark Mocicalis Polish National Catholic Ceme­ eased. nal grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rooney, Winches­ Services will bo held at Tem­ .n UKl David Jolmson, Bonnet But a sudden request from ple Beth Sholom tomorrow at /Draft Move mission posts or serve on an tery. ter, Mass. Her pcitemal grandparents are Mr. and t/tra. (3Uf- auxiliary commission. Junior High; Gary Aronson, McCormack a few weeks ago 7 p.m. (Kol NIdre) and through­ lOH president; Kathl Knapp, Frlende may call at the fu­ ford Ulm, M oreith, N.H. Her maternal great-grandmother is “Findr several Negroes, Chi­ oroduced the legislation. Mrs. Anne Rooney, Center Harbor, N.H. out the day on Monday The Manchester Community Col­ neral home tomorrow from 7 to No ^Cure-All’ nese or Hl.'dus," said Digan. "I 6 p.rh. A prayer seiwice will be *•!*** Memorial Service (Ylzkor) will lege; and Susan Digan, Bennet be held on Monday at 6:16 p.m. (Continued from Page One) want to see them in here.’’ Junior High. held tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Bush, Denise Lea, daughter of Oliver and Alma Louder- Advisor Richard Provost, as- funeral home. Manchester mllk Bush, 42 Bamforth Rd., Vernon. She was bom Sept. 10 at The day’s services will end with Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are the blowing of the Shorfar Senate Republican Leader Hugh sistant c(X)rdinator of youth Hospital Note? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loudermllk, Oklahoma City, Okla. Her pa­ (ram ’s hom) at 7:80 p.m. Scott of Pennsylvania, who said services, added lUs own empha- Vernon ternal grandmother Is Mrs. Katy Bush, Oklahoma City, Okla. Yom Kippur Is the holiest day ngreeslonal approval of the sis to Dtgan’s point when he ‘Stone Age’ Tribe She has a brother, Wendell; and four sdsters, Patricia, Brenda, In the Jewish calendar. It Is a President’s proposals "would said that the (x>mmlssion “was Suit Settled VlBlTINa HOURS Susan and Diane. fast day on which the Jew ab­ accomplish draft reform In a not necessarily to be restricted Found Living Intomiedlate Cora Semi­ stains from food and drink tor much more clear and effective to school-oriented Ideas.” For $90,000 In private, noon-t p.m., and 4 p.m. Kobak, Eliiabeth Ann, daughter of Stanley and Wiestawu 28 hours, from sunset on Sun­ way than an executive order.’’ Mayor Nathan Agostlnelll ar- In Jungle 8 p.m.; private rooma, 10 a.m.- Kopera Kobak, 6 Cherry St., Rockville. She was bom Sept. 8 at day until one hour after sun­ Scott said Nixon "has moved rived shorlly after the meeting 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. set on Monday. ’Hius freed of to revamp as much of the began to deliver hls own words Kerensky Death Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. present machine as he can ad- of welcome. (Continued from Pago One) Pedlatrica: Parenta allowed Marian Kopera, Poland. Her paternal grandHather is Joseph physical concerns, the worship­ mlnlstratlvely ^without relying “There are many people that A stipulated judgment^ ^ , of was in the .Stone Age. any time except noon-2 p.m.; Kobak, 109 Prospect St., Rockville. She has a sister, Virginia. per Is able to concentrate on the othera, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. spiritual aspects of life and on the DemocraUc leadership of mink the Youth Commission was reangregatlon ex­ mish resulted luul the murines are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koslba, Uxbridge, Moss. "I think toe key word in driver of toe other car, Leonard 12 In other areas, no limit in presses Its corporate sins recommendations Is sincerity,’’ Roy of Palmer, Mass, opened lire killing s'x n;iKves. self-senioe. again^ God and against man, All but six of the hoatages -a Jackopsic, Paul Michael, son of Paul and Marion Fetko he said. "It’s very easy to The suit claimed that Roy Jackopsic, So. River Rd., Tolland. He was bom Sept. 6 at the lah, recalling the sac- 30 Years man, woman and four chlk’rcn The odmlnlstratlQn reminds rifli rites in the anedent Tem­ jump on a bandwagon." was negligent, was driving at —were then released. Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents ore Mr. Ihree candidates were noml- an excessive speed, failed to visitors that with construction and Mrs. Joseph Fetko, High Manor Park, RockvtUe. Hi# pa- ple ■'rusalem; the Martyro- under way, parking apace Is log: calling the death of ten Of Hiccups nated for toe chairmanship and keep his car under control and tomol grandfather Is John Jackopsic, So. River Rd., Tolland. were asked to prepare brief allowed his car to drift across Umltad. Visitors are asked to He has a sister, Patda. Sag vho were martyred for (Continued from Page On(() VernorP hear wHh the liospital while the their faith at the hands of the speeches for the next meeUng the center line Into toe path of X Broome said in an interview toought the Youth Mrs. Kerensky’s car. parking problem exists. Komlnikl, Scott Michael, son of Steven and Seuidra De- Romans In the second century; Basement Room penu Komlnskl, Orcutvllle Rd.. RFD 1, Stafford Springs. He and the Ylzkor (memorial) ser­ "It't^worse than pain, really,” Judgment, read was bom Sept. C at RockvlUe General Hoopltal. His maternal vice at which the departed Patlonta Today: 238 members of each worshipper’s ‘'®you re afraid to move—even to ^-ve"Zecetees“toe'*Z:SnZ oimmei (jiaire, also awarded Damaged by Fire ADMITTED YESTERDAY: grandmother Is Mrs. Depeau, Stafford Springs. His paternal grandparents are Reuben Komlnskl, Moneon, Mass., and Mrs. family lare nemoriallzed. burp. You’re always scared ®®*^® “ ®®' ®“*‘ ^ “ >® Kewnsky*® A fire In a bueipent heavily Anne Aronson, (Coventry; Mrs. Beulah Deodato, Somers. He has a brother, Steven Jr. The Day of Atonement will they’ll come back ’’ ® ^ „ (toUdren who were injured In damaged a rec room In a two- Gladys Beauller, East Hart­ culminate a period of "Ten For Broome they always do. Z ‘®f KnaK> the car c r a ^ They are Wendy, ford; Mrs. Rebecca Bellveau, Days of Repentance" which be­ “That wouldn’t be so bad except y -.i?!!' ®’ J®«Pey. 3. family apartment house at 63 Dzat Jr., Raymond John, son of Raymond Sr. and Caro­ lege, Eric Sinnamon of Man- Loveland Hill Rd. this morning. 14D Progress Ave., Rockville; lyn SloUi Dznt, Kingsbury Ave. Ext., Tolland. He was bom gan with the New Y efr on Sat­ for the fact that the bouts often Frank Bramantl, East Hart­ urday, Sept. 14. The theme of come back within a week.” he ^®®‘®*- S'*®®*- Kathl Fire damage, mainly from Sept. 4 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grondpar- Martin of the Depot Coffee heat and smoke, was estimated ford; Paul Clavelte, 10 8. Haw­ ontu are Mr. .and Mrs. Rudolph Hlota, 83 Village St.. Rockville. the entire pericxl is the quest Mancheater Area at $6,000 by Chief William John­ thorne St.; Mrs. Lilia Oon- His patentil gnuidporent are Mr. and Mm. Stephen Dzat. Tem­ for life. Its moral qualities, the "Sometiimea there will be a son of the rural district fire de­ treros, 96 Lenox St.; Mrs. Sally ple City, Calif. He has a sister, Jd life and then sometimes I can go for ™ were very conservatively Is under investigation. Mrs. Katherine Keefe, 614 the constant need of self- several months without toem.” ’'•'Ith many of the boys ftinuldo, Mary, daughter of Jerry and Mary SuUlvan Rl- Broome's latest attack ended '^L'’‘*'iug suits and sporting short Held in Crash The apartment house Is own­ Foster St., Wapping; Mrs. Ethel naldo, 38 Hillside St., Manchester. She was bom Sept. IS at improvement, a condition which ed by Norman CThase of Elling­ Knapp, Haslet, N.J.; H. Fred can be brought about through a few days ago. He said he lost haircuts. Only one of the 11 boys Ronajd__ Ferguson, 17, of 40 Mancheot-jr Memorial Hoapltal. Her paternal grandmother Is 10 pounds. "It may seem funny °a toe commlsilon had side- Brent Dr Vprn^* ton. The rec room belonged to Machte, 480 N. Main St.; Mm. Mrs. Manrret Pollegreno. 67 Main St., Manchester. She has repentance, prayer and' deeds was arrested Francis McIntosh. Victoria Maroget, Bast Hart­ throe brothers, Vincent, 20, Mark, 1 1 , and Wayne. 7; and a sis­ of loving kindness. when It’s aU over, but when w u lairns, “Itoough both aduK ad- last nlglit and c h ^ ^ * ^ Z to The fire alarm was turned In ford; Janet Mitchell, 119 Sum- ter, Sharon, 17. have the hiccups like I have vlsers pld. failurp tn HiHvp ____ • at 8:16 a.m. hier St.; Albert Patch, And­ toem, lb’s not so hmny,” he "We’to.^probably be labelled ing pesoonslbllitv*^ The Rockville district (Ire de­ over; Mrs. Dorothy Pollnsky, 80 (ioldwater \ said Ferguson partment uaslsted at the scene. Jarvis Rd.; Mrs. Eva Post, 99 He said he and doctors do not\l°wn, said Mias Knapp. She )ieadln» ■west on Rt izrl Main 81,; Mrs, Beverly Reed, know what starts them. Xoggested that they schedule w 0/ 8^ 388 Oakland St.; Mm. Sally Ambassador-napping Added In Crash Broome said he has tried V*'® y^u^h forums and that at fZ w e. struck siv elo lZ ^ DofI S| mnsors Woods, 960 Main St,, South 'Continued from Pare Onei many remedies suggested to tlV “P®" themselves up to rails and drove H eZSZ^ Windsor; Mm. Carolyn Zagora. To List of Games People Play him. but toe hiccups "always cofcory Ide^ rested a short Ume later in Fashion Show 39 South St., Rockville. was a loud flash—a crackling come back. Sinnamon formed a member- Venwn (('ontlimpd Inxii Pate One) noise. H® said he developed ^ ^hip^om m lttw to InveMigoto Ferguson U scheduled to ap- St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A "I pushed their heads down worst case of hiccups when he on wli^t criteria they were all p^^r in Rockville Orcuit OcaS son to 'Mr. and Mm. John C. Burke KIbrIck oughtn't to rr ven C. Burke Elbrick. They ters of Isabella, will sponsor a \/nnt to steal him ag.iln an and said to them, ‘Watch your was In the Army In 1940. ehisen. and lOH President Gary on Octl4 ^ fashion show Tuesday at « p.m. Longo, Glastonbury; a daugh­ be so ethnocentric and snobbish. eyes,’ and then toe plane glowed "The doctor tried everything. Aronson Arorwon said, "I want to see other area police activity: ter to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie a m om back 16 more. If this at Willie's Steak House. A humble man finds he can . ( done cbten enoug.i ani. like It was electrified." Finally, he said there was noth- the dropoyts. They’re toe ones VERNON Fashions from the Carriage Lewandowskl, 34 Carolyn Dr., Blnko said he was unawsire at Ing else to do bub operate,” says fiat are to have most of Ridiard Laraon 25 of 40 Mt Hebron; a son to Mr, and Mrs. loam from the most backward I ncugh political prisoners are House Boutique will be present­ of people. DUn't mcxlem medi­ emancipated, he may teeom first that Ooldwater was toe pi­ Broome. "He brought out the the gripes.\and those are the vpZ x ^ ed by Its profess.onaT models. Francis LeBlnnc, 128 Eldridge lot. Gold'water, he said, lutnded biggest syringe I've ever seen, ones we ,wa\it to hear irom." eariv*^his St.; a son to Mr. and Mm, Rob­ cine get the miracle drug Alkn- known us the Abraham Lincoln Refreshments will be served'af­ Seltzer from the Amazonian In- cf Brazil. This is a d stlnction him the keys to toe rear m- It must have been a foot long.” Some of V areas recom- charged • ^ with speeding on “ Rt. “ ter the show. ert Bahler, 240 Beelsebub Rd., partment and asked him to "get South Windsor. ( ian. who use It on their spear you get only if you liberate 10.- 30. He is to appear In Rockville Tickets may be purchased at tl)).s when they hunt the orange- LOO :nartyrs, but with It comes the briefcase out^” ^ Circuit Cfourt 12 on Oct. 7. the door or obtained by contact­ D18t:HARQED YESTER­ ((sUamod blah, that Internation­ • prize, an agreement by the As he did, Blnko said,.fire de­ MCC Enrollment at ^299^ ing, Mi-s. Fran Sessions, chair-, DAY : Rachel M^aerve. 82 al which has ruined the so- ■government of Braxtl to buy the partment trucks arrived. man of the event; Mrs. Harry Amott Rd.L Mrs. I-aura Ulrar- c al life of even highly develop­ I attleship New Jersey, to be Ooldwater says he leaned Ids Feeney. Mrs. Irene Bergtn, dln, 147 Brookfield St.; Mm. ed countries? raid (or by t billion square (eel love of flying from hts father. Groivth Ahead of Fonecast Mrs. Horry Magnuson, Mrs. Susan Volslne, Kelly Rd.. Vor- T.ic naMws of Brazil are so cf raUural gas or on equlvaletM He was elected earlier this LOOK FOR US Edward Faber, Mrs. Joseph ngn; Mm. Nancy Robichaux, • mple an.l (:iendly they'\e fjr- n Tiount of gyano. year, filling the seat vacated The 2,299 students enrolled at college -budget. The facilities Falkowskl, or Mrs. Michael Haxurdville; Mrs. Eunice Loy- when Rep. Ed Reinecke, R-Cal- Manchester Community College can serve a maximum of 1,000 Russell. xlm, Merrow Rd.. Coventry; If., reslgt^ to become Califor­ tots fall are an increase of more full-time students, he said, but IN nia’s lieutenant governor. than 500 over the number ad­ when MCX? moved In 1987 into Mrs. Leocudla Schaller, Box (Sept 23 issue) Mt. Ur., Vernon; Murk Whlt- Dr. Eddy To Quit Practice mitted in the same 1968 period. the temporary plant, 1,531 stu­ Trial Proljes foi-il. 277 Highland St.; Michael The growth Is also two years dents were enrolled. Slowlk, Lebanon; Tammy And Join Insurance Firm About Town and 124 students ahead of the Classes are scheduled in toe Keene, .Minor Rd.. Rockville; enrollment projected in toe ten- 10 - classroom Hartford Rd. LUMBER INC. Kenneth Irish, 88 Durant St.; The VFW Auxiliary will enter­ year plan released by toe Re­ building from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Chicago Riot Dr, John R. Eddy Is leaving Both docterr g.ive the i.inio tain its Gold Star mothers Tues­ gional Council and college staff .Mrs. Alberta Larson, Mount fie rigors of prli-ate practice Approximately two-thirds of toe (Continued from Page One) Vernon Dr., Rockville; Mrs. general reasons for ohandon- day night at the Post Home. In May 1968. sections meet after 4 p.m. at Your headquaricfs for (or toe 8-tO'4 routine c.' an on- Dinner will be served at 6. Last September, 1.811 students Agnes Paloile, Broad Brook; I erwrlter at the Connecticut mg private practice. Both »mnt Manchester High Sclioof. lection begins Wednesday. At­ Mrs. Florence Pelletier. 170 to have more free time to Those planning to attend the registered. The ten-year plan, Despite student population torneys have said the trial could .Mutual Life In urance Oo event are reminded to contact which tentatively charted col­ Hilliard St.; Mrs. Simone • pend with their families. growth, the administration )uis last two months. Dr. Eddy who opened hls Mrs. Kenneth AselUne of 784 lege growth for 1967-77. pre­ Doyon. Glen Rd.. Tolland: Mrs, As Dr. Eddy said early this reduced class section sizes. This A series of announcements ■ lactlce In Manc‘'e.'ter In E. Middle Tpke. or Mrs. John dicted that 2.175 students would Ruth Nielson. Overbrook Dr,. tugu.'i of 1957, will lake up morning while making ic::nds has been achieved by Increas­ and Incidents connected with Vince. 227 McKee St. be enrolled by 1971. ing the faculty to m full-time the trial have come during the Vernon; .Mm. .Margaret Barry, n -\v po tlon with f-e H ut- 11 the corridors of Manchester 115 I’arker St.; Donald Snuy. -Memorial Hospital, "private According to official figures and part-time members, and past two weeks ford Insurance firm on Novem- ' Lutz Junior .Museum will be released yesterday \by Uoyd \ 116 High St., Rockville; Wesley p.'actice is unpredictable; it opening 71 new class secthxis \ ;'jf 3. D;. Eddy't job will In­ open to toe public Sunday from Holt, registrar. 1.416 full-time Frost, 82 Chambers St.; Mrs. clude evaluating applicants for likes up your whole life." tor 321 students. 2 to 5 p.m. Charles Spaeth, vice aiKl 883 paK-Ume students (zre English, required of all ma­ Alice Teel^, 187 E.\Center 8t.; II e Insurance policies, he said Dr. Eddy is a native of Bur- president of the museum will attending as matriculated or triculated students, )ias had as Personal Notices Mrs. Elizabeth U a I I p o. Dr. E Idy is toe second >I:in- 1 ngton. VI. He received hls Meadows Convgtsscent Home; serve as host. Storekeepers will special students. He forecasts many as 35 In claaaea of other Chester physician who has left b.nchclor's degree from the Unl- be Miss Janet Sisco and Mlsa Mm. Sharon Crawford, Willl- an M(X; enrollmeiU next fall of years. Dr. Robert Richanlaon privite practice for a quieter vers.ty of Vermont CbDege of Elizabeth Sweetnam from 2.600. Hts past predlctkns have In Memoriam mantic; Scott McAndrew, 210 life recently. Dr. William D. Jr., department chairman, re­ Medicine in 1963. He served his Cadett Girl Scout Troop 10. been very clpse to subsequent ports toe maximum la SI this Oak St., Wapping: John Malo­ ‘'■.red annouiKWd In Julv that in'ernshlp at Beverly iMass.i In twine memory of our tiunbsiid. ney, 166 Wells St.; William Mat­ registration figures. fall. George'C3iristenscn. health father, grandfather and great giand- he wouhl give up hls 17-year- M.-spItal. and completed a Center Congregational Church Holt added that since the (ather, WUtlam Bralnard, who thews, 171 N. Elm St.; Mrs. o'd Manchester prict'ce to take services rdlnator, says that passed away one year ago today. three-year residency In In- Youth Group am hold a car Hartford Rd. campus opened, anatomy and physiology clasaea Stop In and Sept. aO. 1968. Monita Hebert und daughter, 24 a job as one of tour physicians Icnal medicine at Waterbury wash Sunday from 2 to 8 p.m. student enrollment has consis­ Wife, children, giand- Orchard St.; Mrs. Angela have been cut from 46 to 36. chUdren and great-grand- -/Sm ith college In North- General Hoapit.-il, Waterbury, in back of the Municipal Build­ tently been 100 full-tiroe students s o o o u r dizplay Sanderson and son, Bolton. DaU processing classes have ohtldrea h.impton, Mass. Oxin. ing. m(3re than provided for by the been reduced from 38 to SO. JO deal IS, de- 1 jury, ncy in tnd the respect 1 good le d to IRattrJ^jotrr day o f SEPT. 20 thru SEPT. 26 e room EsritteB itralb jf r Ijit O t V S i;he- on NBC-TV'a "Bracken's thing like that)|/lhe Year star In that early, popuku- ser- M, \idio World." Elisabeth Allen plays of the Big Movle^ame Coming lea?) and Chad Everett ("The C offee the head of a movie talent to TV (1984 mta Ooeby, Dakotas” ). school on “Bracken's World.” Mickey Rooney, Carolyn Jones, Some actors never learn. and Her former series required her David Niven, (diaries Boyer) They do series after aeries and Bridget to say, "Away we go.” She was and The ^ ea r of the Show That er and the original away we go-er on get rich. Uke Lcalle Nieieen at AlmoM/Dldn’t SOtam Up (1966, irtholo- "The Jackie Gleason Show." "The Bold Ones." formerly In [ockalla "Th^Tammy Orlmee ffliow," several Disney epiaodes caUed/ The other half of "The De­ Bennet fotpr perform ances). "The Swamp Foot." a one-tlmS fenders team," Robert Reed, ronson, lere are 23 performers back resident of "Peyton Phuie" la bcu:k iriaying a man with Knapp, >r a second try at a television a member of "Tho New thre sons who marries a ir Col- series. Some of them are Joe Campanella went smarter and wiser, lik e Monte woman with three daughters on Bennet a doctor in "The Doct<^ and Marldiam, formerly of "The ABC-TV'e "The Brady Bunch ” And he thought he had prob­ the Nurses" to the hetid of a Second Hundred Years" and detective agency In now on ABC-TVs "Mr. Deeds lems on hia firat series. « "Room 222," on ABC-TV, co- to a law yer In "T h e I I O n es." Goes to Town.” What did he John Fors^he Is st^ a "bache­ learn from his first series? M an Michael OonatanUne os a lor father" Mimt jU m Ms firs t "Who to fight with." he says high school prlndpel. Prerviaus- saries, wlUi “The iohn Forsyths 1 with firmness. “I wasted a lot ly ho was w dyapeptlc photo- Show" hU second) on CBS-TV’s of time arguing with the wrong grapbor on "Hoy Lsndlcvd.” "To Roma W ltyLova." He plays In people the first time.” Dsiiise Nlchoiaa has gens from a profeesoi to Rome with Ms Others, Uke E. G Mar- tho occasional rote of Robert thnsB daugMers, one a teen­ ath riiall, chose a schedule that Hooks' wife on N.T.PJ>." to ager. Oh/]M, ha's that TV has him work a month, get oounselor on Room 222. int o f staple; a few weeks off, work an­ The Lennon SMbers, who 1 U.6. other month and be finiehed. formeriy mode the Wslk-ln ring, Ralph Bellamy on ABC-TV's rd yes- E. G.'s schedule la possible now have their own ABC-TV "Tho Sutvlvora,'' Is part of teto- Mrs. Queen Elizabeth during a ^ n e from "Boyal Family,'*! because he is part of "The show with th e cumbersome but vlaian Matory with his firat sar­ starry ttUe of "Jimmy Durante ies, ^Man Against Crime," ae«i ITemon. a view of the British pibnarchy on and off duty. It| Bold Ones, an NBC-TV aeries presents the Lennon Slatora Uva/from New York. Hla second vas 27, which oomprlaea three sep­ will be televised Sunday 7:80-9 p.m. on CBS. H our." wite "The ElevenUi Hour," In B In a arate caite In three unre­ lated about doctors, BUI Blxby te no longer In- which he replaced WendeU 83. serlSs lawyers and protectors. The vMved with "M y Favorlts Mar­ Ooroy. It



SATURDAY JO PROGRAM Educational MONDAY JO PROGRAM M ornine TUESDAY PROGRAM U :W (t) The MeiUwee (C> •;IS (3) Fettlesat daaeUsa B (C> <() See Sprsjr (S4S> dehaay Cash Shew (C> 1:88 <8> Glri Talk <0> (8) Tnih er ( (C) 1:88 (1) Obi Talk <4S> CeaSiepie neprlhig 18;M (3) Maaalx B (C) TV <88) Film 08) Mayte (O) BFD t — Framk AtweeS isnfiniv soes to aid of kid­ (88) At Haau with KWF (O) (S3) At Baate wMfc Kitty (M-tt) UeSerdos (C> napped police officer aiul finds (88) Diraroe Canrt (O) (C) (U> Hevia {WEDH, Clumnel 24 ) (8 ^ ) Dream Haase (18) Dlvarea Osart <0) (884848) Me 7:81 (884848) 81y Waald aad Wei- (Monday — Friday) (848) vDrMua Bmaa (0) (M) Kofelv’e Aeaeal 1:88 (8) As the WerM Tans _____to It (C > Snaito aad Fbatare (C> trapped bulldlns where one 1:18 (8) As Ike WatM Tama 748 (884848) I Draaas af J a a ^ false move could brlns de­ (8»«M 8) Yon’ro Patting ^183848) Yaa’te Patttag 1:M (I) Year Cemmuity (0> struction. Premiere (048) Mad 8 a ^ SuBtey. ScFtember 81 (G) 8:88 (184848) D&ble B a y a M Skippjr (0> (8) IAto la a Laagh-la <0 ) I (8) TWwa Crier Skew (C) •'The Key" William Holden, rm 1 ;I8 Day* ef Oar Uraa 8:13 (848) The New Peeple (O I (8) Mameata af CamtoH aad unarmed seasoins tus, assign­ (848) Newlywed Game Maws » i^ 4 8 > ef Oar L l ^ 8:88 (8) Bed Shehen Hear (C) Inflelte Heritaas Season Premiere disabled by enemy action dur- (1) OaUlag Ugkt (O (884348) JaUa (C) liramlchl Salmop” with kis WW II is siven key which Convenotlon with Earl War­ (88-83-88) A e Daetars (0) Seaaoo Premiere I (8> Tear CTammaallj (C> (88434irTkntoctan Oadabout Oaddla. ren R (848) D a ^ Oame (C> (884841) Deb Bepe Oemedy (88) CaaraltaHea (C) (348) Mevie he knows he must pass on to (848) Datkw Qaae (C> "Something Chlled The im­ llW Maraiag HeflecHaai (C) (88-8348) Aaeiher Warld ) News (C) (1) He SaM; 8ke 8aH (G> mortal” « n "Sundownert” '60, Deborah death, so that another fluting Concord Summer FesUval (O) With gueata; Steve Allen. Shel­ (884148) Aaatkar WeiM (C) 18:88 NE Tn»kaa*e (848) Ocaaral Hospital ( 0 > ley Berman, Red Buttons, Sid S(t) lb . Oeaber (C) 8:88 (184348) Movlos Kerr, Robert Mltchutn, Peter soldier may find respite and (848) Oeaeial Ifesyllal (O) ... Ustinov. (O peace. Tbe Falher R (I) Oenaer Pyle —USMO (0) Caeaar. Jolmny Caraon, Jack (883848) Today Shaw (C> • "Tabnik" Rock Hudson aad Film (38) Film Monday, September 38 (384348) Match Oame (C) nard, Pat Paulsen, Nipsey 8:88 (8) Hap Klehatdi Shaw (O) (888848) Matck OaM( (M) MeUale’s Nanr (8) Mike Doaglaa Skew Ruasell. Soupy Sain, PhU (I) The Movie Game (C) handful of Allied eoldlers 11:38 IS) Speclacalar (C) (8) Mike Deaglaa' 4;N («-M> NCAA Football (O) above when he tries to clean 1884348) Newa "Wild fat the Cbuntry" Elvis (88) Leave It te Beaver 848 (3) Tfce Oeveraer aad 4J. up waterfmoL Richard Egan, PeMed fer Aettmi (O 4:83 (884848) Neire (C> (tov. W, Driakwater. wtdovrar Texas vs. Calif. French Chef 4:i8 (I) Haael Presley, Mope Lange, Tuesday 8:13 (8) Hackleherry Heaad -Shew 4:88 (8) Basel (O) 4iM (t) Maa from U.N.O.L.B. Walter Matthau, Jan String. (18) P.D.Q. Weld, Gary la ckwuud. Reba- 8:18 (8) Lacy Shew (C) chief executive of small mld- "Forty Guns" '67. Barbara Flaming Souffle (11) P.D.Q. wrstern stale finds seneratlon 5:M (M> Sklpp* (O) 8:88 NET Jenraal (O (38) My Sttie 8 U r ^ . bUttation of gifted rural boy (8) Dear Jalla Meade (C) (88) Ify Little Mania • iM (1) Aahnal Wsrid (C) S^sryck. Barry Sullivan, ( » ) Mike Deaglaa S h ^ from delinquency to fresh (18) Film gap between hlmaelf end his Gene Barry. Still a Brother: Inaide the (0) (88) Mike Deaglaa A aw ( 0 > J.J. oui also dla* The mystery and charm of Negro Middle daaa . (38 ^) Fllaleteaee (0) j^romlse as aa aMrirIng writer (18) Newa (0) (8848) Pllateteaea annual misratlon of Alaskan (38) Tsalght Show (C) 3:88 (3) Perry Maaea (48) JetTa Ceille (O) covers jdi, poaaesses charm Jim Nabors stars in (4$) News — Weather aad 8:88 Lereata aad Film taken on by woman pay- 3:18 (8) Perry Mesea to function aa hto firat lady. fur seals Is featured, In Time of War (IS) Wamper Hiiaa Flip Wilson stars in his chlatrlst and aodal worker. 18:88 (1) Mevie (18) BemMr Kisai indd) a.B. Collese Bowl “The Jim Nabors Sports (88) FBm (184348) It Takes Two (C) Robert Younf ii tlM Premiere. (U> Della Beeee (C) (88) Big PMare (C) 18:88 4 ) Coaa. — What’s AhaadT Season Premiere H o u r," which pre­ 11:43 (33) Waaderfal World of (88) Maaaters own special program I (8) Decie Day Skew (C) J5L (88) Maaelere star of ABC’s “Marcus diM (I) Westker — Sports and Isuirel aad Hardy . _ (48) O Ukaa’s lalaad Seaaoo Premiere (48) Mavle <348) Mareas Wsihy. i T d . Hal Stanton, host Monday 10-11 p.m. on 18:H (184348) Nam (C) (48) Olllm ’a IilaBj , Premiere News mieres Thursday 6-9 Taeaday, September 88 3:83 (48) W e aA v I (8) Catel Barnett S (C) 8:88 (88) WMAer Welby, M.D.,” premier­ (18) News < ») WUd Klasdom Ylwboy alter Dark « ■ > « the Stars (C) NBC. Seaaoo Premiere Gues 18:18 (384348) CmmmtnUm (C> 8:88 (8) StaasB tka Stare (C> (M) deb Baak (C) p.m. on CBS. Hugh Hefner and guests. Bill (IS) Underdag ing Tuesday 10-11 18:88 (8) News Sesatol (C) 1 Mlateregei Neighbeilwad Jim Nahora. P««««UW Season Premiere (33) SpotUghl — StnrrlBg Tom P ek lv Ravioli 8:18 (84) Weather Sparta < n ^ ) Baattey - Brtakley Ra- Winters. (O (C) 8:88 ("-4) Weatker — Dlek Vaa Dyha (M) Haatley-Brtakley Beport (A4d> Istwreaee Welk Shew doaes (c) Rawi (48) OaFealag Oaarmet 11:88 (8) Mere Orinto Shew (O) I Faeaa aa Sweden (C) ( 0 ) P « i (0> (IS) Hews Newa (C) (88) Baelal Baearito to AtU (834348) TaatoM Shew Jaton (»-M > News — Weatker — •;M (I) Hssaa’s Horses B <0> (48) News Royal Collector •:4S (99) Loeal Newt I (8 4 W 8 4 8 ) Newa —Waather 13:88 (8) Twelve O’Cleek BepeH (U ) My FWvarita MaHtaa Sports aad Featare (C) (3S-3Mt) Movies (48) News BeadHaes — U8AF 8S5 S t "5^22;.?“ (884348) Jeeaardy (O) (1848) HaaHay - Briaktoy I av Uaraaa 8:88 Seaada fer a Sammer Night 7:99 ^ After Diaaer Vevle (88) Bat Maeteraaa PH* < (348) Jsay Blabsp Bhrev (C) 7:14 (8) daekle Oleasoa Show "A Oounteas From Hons teUglpas Flfan aad Slga OH **LoogMt Hundred Miles" '67. (848) BewitehrttcM (81) H lg ^ k le (38) Late Show Thelontua Moidc Quartet 13:33 (3) News (C> (O) 1:88 (81 NawaudWmIkar — Me- "The Honeymooners" R (O Kons" Marlon Brando and 8:88 The RUe of Spriag (C) Sj SffilSJ-Nayy Priest aids an American sol­ (88) Sea Heat (88) McRA’i Navy 748 meat af MsdHaUaa aad Slga Aady WinUuns Show Sophia Loren, srlth Marsaret "To the Ehids of- the Earth" (48) News ) (S> Memr O tm a Brnr (0) 13:83 (8) Searoh tor Temerrew (C) 18:88 Jaaa M ey dier, a nurse and group of (184848) Eye Oaeca (C) (48) Nesrs "Maya" '88. Son of Amerieaa Oft New youth-orlented musicab Rutherford, E^dney Chaplin Dick Powell. U.8. Treasury George Brunia (48) BawUde diUaren to flee from advano- (884848) TaidgM Shew Jeha- (48) KawfcMe huntar arrtvea to India and variety prosram starrlns Andy and Tippl Hedren. Russian it in pursuit of luuootlca (8) Newa arith Walter Orem (848) That Olri (C) (8) Newa —Mem eats ef Ceas- 18:88 The Creative Feraea (C) tng Japanese. Doug McClure. war Oaraan (C) U:33 (883348) Newa (C) > (8) Newa wttk Walter dlacovera hto father has last Williams with sucst stars. Pe- emlsree countess attempts to pursues two suspects llt- Leonard Cohen kite (o> Katberme Ross, Ricardo Moo- (848) Jaey Bishsp Shew (C) kite (0) his nerve, aint Walker, Jay (88) News aad toga Off tula Clark. Don Ho, the Kd- set from Hens Kons to U.B. S ly around the world. (8) Newa with Frank Bay- talban, (O ) (8) News aJBd Weather — Hs- (S' Newa wttk FVaak North. 8a]ld Kahn. (O (88) News Read toss — USAF wln Hawkins Slnsers and on New York bound ship by 1:88 (8) OldUer Theatre aaids (O) Dlek Taa Dyke POTt unteas from 7:a« Uar Maa la the Middle B Hong Kong," Him directed by 8:88 Newa la Ferapeettve (C) WEDNESDAY JO PROGRAM Charlie Oiaplln with Marion 8:88 NET Feattval The Eternal Tramp Both sets feature a big 19" Brando and Sophia Loren, 0- U) OIrl laoi (C) la plagued by a mystartous 18:88 The Bite ef Spriag B (C) 11:15 p.m. on NBC (848) Dream Haase (C) ailment. Pramlara. diagonally measured screen, (81) At Heme with Kitty (G) SUNDAY JO PROGRAM SUNDAY: "Sword or Plow­ (138348) Kraft Maaie Ball (88) DIveree Gsarl (G) built-in UHP and VHP anten­ Host Eddy Arnold with guests share?,’’ Interview with IsraeU (1) As the Werld Taras (G) Bobby Genlry, Phil llairu aiul ‘ Charlie Chan in Honolulu" ^ makes service a snap. 3:88 Jaaa ADey R p.m. cm CBS. . .’’Meet the (8 ^ ) Newlywed Oame dralhs of brides of Ihrva <8) llavey and OoHalh 8:89 <49) Uappealag *99 3:18 Newa la Ferapectlve B (C> Model MY73GY (1) Gaidlaf Ugkt soldiers killed In separate war 8:88 (8> Awake <0) 4:99 (89-88-89) AFL (C> 8:18 Lereata aad Film B Stalin’s daughter, la guest, 1- (884848) ThTOeelers anions In Vietnam. (88) Oral RobeHa <0) NiT .leia ve. Denver Bhpocoe Model MY74W with Walnut 1:30 p.m. on NBC. . .’’Royal (348) Dattag Gam (1318481 . .. Tkea Cams 8:46 Hlble fHory at Denver, BfMMaa (8) World Aronnd Ue (O) (8) Wacaleet Mlp la Anny trim cabinet. Fam ily," backstage look at the ll3»S8) AmJSn Werld Michael Parka aa Bronson <8) Kailh for Today K Troop Program produced by Dept > Mlaterogere’ Nelghberheed on CBS. . .‘‘The Con<»rd Sum­ (18-1348) Vaa Deal k y (G) (II) News 8:16 (4«> Hacred HeaH of rieaith Education and wel­ I What’a New mer Festival,” Jazz festival (348) Oae Ufa to Live (G) 11:88 (33884848) Nswa — Westksr fare deals with cancer con­ (I) Baager Stattsa (G) 9:88 <8> Unlverulty of Mlehlffaa ) Joyce Chen Cooka B with Stan Kertton and others, 8 aad Snerto (C) <8) The C'hrMlophen <0) trol. I Sonada tor a Sammer Night B (134348) Msteh Qaau (C) (18) Mrele <80) Tale» of WelU Fargo 6:99 (8) Ganimeke B (0) p.m. on C?hannel 24. . ."Our (8) Mika Deaglas Shew (G) (18) Baa Hast (8) Movie I The Creative Feraea B (C> <49) Thl9 le the Ufe I Baak Beat (C) M Y74W Man Flint," spy Him with (18) Tempe 18 (C) 11:88 (II Mare OrWto BlMw (Gl 9:46 <81 Hacred Heart "Cocideahell Heroes" Jose Richette (48) Osrh Bhadews (8348.181 Tealghl Shaw Jska- 19:99 <8> Lamp onto Mjr Feel Ferrer. Irevor Howard. Dur­ 8:18 NKT I^hoaae James Oobum, 9-11 p.m. on (18) Fsshlsas la Sewlag (C) ay Cars as (C) ing WW 11 group of volunteers <8) IMalogne • Chalice of Halvatloa <0) are trained secretly for over 18:88 NET FeaUval (8) Haael (C) 1:88 (II Newa aad Weslkar — Me- (89) LIfewalch 8 a year. Their mlMlon is to MONDAY: "Music Scene,” (18) F.D.Q. meas s( MedMaUaa aad S in blow up giant battleship in an "Waiting ORnfe"-*^ with BeaUes, Janls Joplin and (88) By Little Margie Off ^ I t ) <49) Faith for Today enemy-nekl iPrench port. (II) Deaglas Shew (C) II) Nears — Msmeato ef Coas- 19:89 <8> Look lip aad Live 9:99 (8) The 81st Ceatary others, 7:30-8:15 p.m. on (88 ^) rttolslaaes (C) tori sad Ualdepesto <8) Hpeolal fer Yom Kipper (49) 18 0*Cleek High and Sperta (C) ABC. . . ."Rowan and Martin's (1) Psrry Hasaa (8S) News aad Slga Oft "Sound Distant Thunder" 11:13(48)I Movie (48) News Headikies — USAF <89) dacrlfloe of the Mm o Laugh-In," Michael Caine is a <49> ('hrUlimhera 9:89 (8) kfoorama (C> "Cry Danger" James Daly stars in Mellgleas FSm aad Slga Oft 11:99 Camera Three rey, Audrey Totter. Wandei^ WUliams Is a guest 10-11 p.m. Debbie c:949> Wild Kingdom Land of Ike Gloats (C) Caraaa ( o Thursday 10-11 p.m. (82) News — Weatker aad U:48 (M) Newi Headllaea — USAF 277 K tO A D S'raE E T — PH O NE 649-1124 Union," study of the struggle, trott^ out. Including Uie one RENTAL CENTER Sports (C) Bellglm F9m aad Sign' Mr 10-10:30 p.m. on CBS. where the golfer aaka for "my (U l Ksmpvr Beam (49) 1 Spy 1:88 (3) Newa — Mameata of Cem- (88) Dtoevvvriag Asmriea ^"^irtom p WEDNESDAY: "Net Fe^- driver" and the caddy goes run­ <8) Comments and Peeple <0) 7:89 (8) Royal FamOy (C) fart aad Onidepeata (88) Haaslmv < ») Froatlere ofFaltk (C) Depicting puDllc and private (8) Newa aad weather — Mo­ val: The Eternal Trosnp,” doc­ ning to find a chauffeur. (48) UlSUM ’a Islam lives of Que Blocraphy chl.dren. PrJices Chai-ee. (88) Newa and Sign Oft with excerpts from his Hlms, either. The governor chose to (U ) Uadentog AND AndreWi Edward and Piincese (18) OUUgwCs Herbert Hoover 9 p.m. on Channel 24 . . . "A reveal his plana to run for the <»49) Oleeeverjr Anne, goes behind scenes at IT DOES Make a Difference Where You Save! (481 TrMk er ( <88) Big PIctare for 'The Jewa of SUeace" ,v//r/ LOAN 5% Dividend paid (Sl News wtth Fraah Bey- <49) College Football *99 (8-49) Tbe F.B.I., BUI Ceeby Skew (C) aelds (C) Work or Pie’ from day o f depoalt. great comfort in the tamillar." IIS) IMek Vaa Dyke REM (8) Way 0«t (C) W e<^ AUen Special (C> New Shows OPEN SEVEN d ah' V i Guests: Candice Bergen, the . (881 Naw Martoaaa <89) Dawn Bible' Aaowera 4 ttmea yeariy. Miss Reynolds' half hour ought (88-881 Haatley - Brtoktey Be- 6U-4S11 REUABLB BXPEBT <88) V of Mast. Football <0 6(h DlmfSisldn. BUly Graham. (CoattnMed trawn P age One HIghllghta of U Maae>Malne (294849> Bonaasa <89) Cona. Weekend (C) Even an explosive track of Season Premiere — PasscI RetrlRemtian and 18:4s (89) Kefeky*e HpelUag Bee (8-49) Mevie side" and "The Tammy Grimes BIgkIigkU (C> "Our Man Flint" recorded laughter la included in Quis Show. Air CondlttoBliiK Show,” which means a lot of (18) Baatlay - Briakley Ra­ 1:99 <8> Tbe NFL Teday (C) 19:99 (8) MIsslea: Impeeslble (C> this package, probably in the REPAIR BERVICE Minnesota vs. New York in bold experiment with man’s people have never seen him. pe** (C) ! TYPEWRITERS ' (8949J9) Meet Ike Frees (C) mind the Force blanks out certain knowledge that a few (tl Trath er Caasegaaaam (G> (9) Yale Fbetkall Preview (C> memorv of an ftiemv amnt Then there's Andy Williams (I8> Bavls GURANTEEO then sets out to make him viewera might have forgotten 1834348) News —Waathar — 6484733 (49) Ceaveroatteaa wHk . . . MANCHESTER about to embsirk on his second aad Faatoras (C) 1:99 (8948^) Amerteaa FootbaO think he Is someone else. R and a half show. His first was just when one Is supposed k> Leavra (C) (884849) Tbe BeM Ones .7:* Isa CamphaS OaadWms 479 B. Middle TonipUce a summer replacement, so that laueh. «Bear SERVICE Houston OUera va. Buffalo "A Game of Chance" Burt Saaaea Premlafa Maachealer BlUo at BuffieUo Ives, Joeeph CampaneUa and -OLDSMOBILE only counts as a half. His first How In the worid dW ’’Julia" .* r .3 e r <9-49> laeaea aad Aaawete

SAIGON (A Vietnamese t P A G E F O U R MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 down five Air copters, inclu during an infa today on the THURSDAY JU PROGRAM Que Son Valli Da Nang. IsM (S) OM Talk <0 ) (8t> Haaller ■ Briaklej At Borne wttk Kiltgr (C) (8) Tratk or Ceaaeqaeaeea (0) not known imn Diireree Coart ( 0 > (U> Merle (S-M) Dream Heaoe Newt — Weatker badly the three c 1:M (8) Ar tke Werld Tarae (C) Sparta aad Featare damaged. Yoa’re Pattiac Me. 7:8t (8> Familjr ABaIr Oa (C> Seaaon Premiere A fleet of hedi( (8^> Let'i Make a Deal (C) (8*-28-S8) Ireaaide (C> I:N (8) l«ire la a Maax Spleadored Raymond Burr. Gueat: Vera American infantrj Tklag (C) HileiIlea. 196th Brigade In : Daya of Oar Urea (A48) Ghaat aad Mrt. M ab (8.48) Newlgwed Game (C) 8;N (8) Jim Nabora Bear miles south of I <8> Galdiar Ltekt (C) Premiere. Guesta: Andy Grif­ men immediately (^ 2 8 ^ > Tke Doclara (C> fith. Julie Budd. with North Vietn (8-M) Datinr Game (8) Be Said, Ske _ ____ SaU (8) Movie The U.S. Oomn (8-M) General Boapital (C> "The Guna of Navarone” Part I (8) Gamer Pyle— USHG lied commando team's WW n wounded, but it (8) Baager SMIm (C) raid on German-held lalaad in Match Game (C) Aegeegi Sea during storm *h«> whether smy of (8) Mike Doagiaa Skim (C> wrecks their frail fishing ves­ were In the he (18) Tempo 18" 8:80 ( » ) Mike LDoOglaa______Show (C) (88-22-80) Dragnet 1078 (C> The fighting o (88A8) Fllatateaea (0) 18:08 (88-22-88) Deaa Martta miles eeist of Hlej Si88 (8) Perry Maaon Show (O (18) Romper Boom Julie Sommars in CBS’ GuOsts: David Janssen, BDce gee lesettlement (M) Tbia la the Life Sommer, Charles Nelson Reil­ has been threatei (88) Mttaatera “ The Governor and ly and Don Rice m . (40) GUIIgaa’a lalaad (8-48) It Takes a Thief month by two re| 6:25 J.J.,” starting Thurs- (18) Newa (48) Weather (8-8-82-88-48) Newt —Weather North Vietnamese 5:M Start (C) (Jay 9 :30-10 p.m. In two weeks of 1 ( 18) lloderdog aad ^ r t a (C) (18) Movie in the area last m (80) U8 Navy FUm (28) The Detectivea SSIIgaa^ lalaad (8) M en Griffin Show (O) Command report< #a!i> •V®'' l^<>“»«saeacea (8) Newa with Fraak Rc^- (28.2848) Tonight Show Jol 8:88 (M> Weather — Sporta aad Joha- cans and up to 1,0 IvCWt tfAlk Molds ■jr CarsoM <0) (18) Dick Vaa Dyke (o-dd) doer BIsIm p Show (O namese killed. (18) My Favorite Martiaa (88) Caaadiaa Travel Film ) (S) News aad Weather —'Xo- ’The other two / I W Blghway Patrol (88 ^) Baatley - Brinkley Re­ meat of Meditettoa aad S in (88) Bighllgkia (O) port (C) Off copters idiot dot (88) McBide’a Navy 8:45 (88) Local Newt (8) News — Xomeats of Coin* stroyed and raise* (48) Newa 7:88 (8> Geaar'a Werld (C> fort aad Slfaposts (48) BawhUe "Gardens of Dove" Cesar <2t) Blpcord Idol o f millionB w)k> watch 11 :M (8) Friday SpectacMlar terrorists raided otf-Broadway theater, movies > (5) Oaldlar Llakt (C) him on the dally soap opera, (8^88-58) ThoDMlsre (C) ’’Brothers Kanunosov** *68. camps in Quang I and television, Bua is hoping to (8-48) DaUaa Game (C) Russian soldier. ini lane^ "Love of Life," Oene Bua Is jealous is chai^d w _ early Saturday a branch out Mto concert toum. A * !!i 8ke Said (C) wtth hlms^f a lover of life—eepeclal- (88-88-88) Aaelber World (C) murder when his father la persons, inclu^g brief singing spot on the serial (0-48) OoBoral BoapBal (C) found dead. Yul B ry i^ r. bers of the flamily ly now ttiat he la launchinj^ a brought such response from I (S> Oomer Fyle — V8MC (0) Maria Schell. Claire Bloom. new career as a recordhtg ar- (» 8 8 M ) Yea Doa’I say (C> ’’House of Women” ’62. Shir­ policeman. fans that the story line was (8-48) Oao Life lo Live (C) — ley Kniffht. Andrew Duann. Eleven other dv tM . > (t> Baafor Statioa (C) Ooostance Ford. changed to give him more fre­ (88-8848) Match Game (26-82.M) Toaicht Show tiam en were woun " I love being 24," declares the Premier Thoatre ■ ■cwm.i opera. "I'U love being 80 and I ’ll ' (1) Basel (C> ”Hls Girl. Friday’* Oary surprised Americ on tables In a restaurant. (18) r.D.Q. love being 00. Bach age brlnga .Grant ana Rosalmd" Rusoelf. men who had jusi " I ’ve always been interested (4#) News HeadHses — CSAF Its own tWng." |g2&e*i52^iL“ l i U (G> Belldoao Film aad S i n ' OM foxholes Sunday r In singing," he said, crossing Fliatiitoaes (C) ( (Jf> Wows aad Slga OM ridgeline 92 mUes Bua (whose nfune rhymes 5:4 ' IS) Ferrj Masoa his long legs (md chewing ear­ •I (5) a News v a r n m 8 sadM « WeatherT Y O M B O r ^ — JBO M»-- Da Nang and bias! with vlew-a) recenUy cut his (18) Boraper Boom Gia Scala in the film m m t ol MedMaUea aad S lo nestly on a stick of giun. " I was (26) Thoatra 36 heavy mortair and fin* album on the MOM Herit­ (M) MBBslert a boy soprano soloist In St ,P1- “ The Guns o f Navar Eleven Amerlcai age label. Also called "Love of (46) OIUlaaB** IslaBd deUs Catholic Church In Queens, 6:26 (M) WealLor rone” Thursday and and 10 others w Life," the record features a 6:26 N.y., for five years. My voice <»>, »ko SUn (8) Deatk Valley Day. (C) meter, but no bar feired to play outdoors with bis (48) Bawhide taste. Beautiful Swedtm Immigriuit strung. friends, ^ f o r e he was out of <*•> ^ k w «y Patrol baUu at harsh life on DckMa W Nows wHh Walter Croo: CALL IN ORDER A division spo high school he had organixed his prairie. (C) (88) Baatley - Brtakley Be- Pl(d( Up 10 Mlnutea latter first reports indici own group, "Gene Bua and the port (C) m eter had not bee ELECTRONICS Cardinals," In which he played ;•> TJy*'.®*’ C«»«aaeBeoe (C) (18) Movie He said moat of t piano and sang. Later he of the w o n t things for an ac­ (X54#-4a) News — Weather — DECI’S DRIVE-IN LABORATORIES worked at odd jobs to pay for tor." «rle aad Featare* 462 CENTER ST.—643-2000 were caused by tl 7:1 I (i) Get Smart 46 mortar ahelte. lessons in acting, for which he Bua feels that the caliber of Premiere After the shelUni has an enthusiastic regard. aoap opera acting is quite good, (884848) Htoh Ckaporral 277 BROAD (5-48) Lot’I’s_____ u k e a Deal copter and A ir F< "Acting Is much like seU-anal- taking into (xinsideraUon the 8:81 (8) Qead Gays raked the suspecte ysls,” explained Bua, casually abort rehearsal time. The cast Permlere .SHOP and (848) Brady Baach (C) namese positions. dressed in ivhlte pants, white rehearses with script from 2 to 6 Premiere SAVE Scattered flghtln( sllp-on canvas shoes and a shiny p.m., they study their Unee at 8:18 (8) Becaa’s Berees (C) F.M. AND AJI. Premiere WHERE ed elsewhere a croi purple shirt. " I t ’s a matter of nlg;'it and at 8 the next morning (88.‘t2-S8> Name of tke Game relaxing and finding which side are back at work In the rehears­ Robert Stack as editor Dan YOU SEE nam. FarreU whose kivesUgatton In- Ecuty today, U.f GAN of yourself Hta this particular al hall. At 9 they go on camera t o corruption------— in music . busi- THIS character. When someone says and run through the ehow until n eas ee _____ leads__ him into strange patrol boats and tension-filleduion-fUled world_____ of_ f__ ^ . SIGN from the 1st Dlvis a person is a natural actor what 12'20 to get camera angles and rock s ^ e r Jesse Boine. STEREO they mean is that he <»n relax aolve light problema. From Guests: Keenan Wynn, Sol ed about 30 em better than the next guy. Ehren Mlneo, Sharon FaireU, Mi­ PLEN’S TEXACO erosaing the Saig 12:20 to 12:50 the show ia taped. chael Anderson Jr., Normmi U It’s a scene that calls for me 381 M AIN ST. RADIOS "Then it Marts aU over again I ^ and Ramblyn. (C) ( i M P a g e l to be nervous, first I relax, then at 2 if I'm on the next daya ^M^r.DaedsGeeamTmm TV-Badio Solea and Service the actor has to take on the ahow,” he laughingly com­ t:8S (8) Movie OORMAN BROS. nerves. Physical tensioii is one ■ ^ e Oim* of Navarone” Part 770 M AIN ST. plained. n ’61 (O Running hia fingera tbougtat- fuUy through hia dark hale SPfCIAL! KITCHEN CARPET. WALL-TO-WAU which he weara alighUy long RVlUkEB BACKED OARPBTINO |Kn per sq. yd. Installed " m t to prove anything, but be- Don WIIJJS Genogn RESIDENTIAL — COBOOBBCIAL OARPETTNa cauae it JuM happena that I look SPEOIAUSTS IN terrible in ahort hair,” Bua at- WHEEL AUONMENT AND V. /U ( L DAIGLE CARPET COVERING. INC. temptwl to explain the populari­ BEAEE SEBVICE A 11 r. N s* fc M ' !• SPENCER COURT •— WP-na — EAST HABTFOED ty of the long-running aerial, ■nHi OB4EBAL AUTO 'kEPAlE which he Joined In June IMT. 646-dStl— IS M AIN 8 1 . MAN4 BB