U.S. on 'Threshold of Revolution' Newark Balloting May Tell State Of
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Averaife Dally Net Preaa Rnn For TTie Work Billed The Weather June 8, 1070 Mofltly cloudy with a chance of ahowora or thundorahowera; 15,903 low 60 to 60. Tomorrow cloudy, oooaaional ahowers; high ahout V Manche$ter— >A City of Village Charm 80. VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 217 (TWEN¥Y-F0UR PAGES—t w o SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1970 (Olaaelfled Advertielng on Page t l ) PRICE TEN CENTS O’ . Arabs Killed Area Youth In Bijr Week Court Expands Rule After Raping Qraduatlons are scheduled tbls week for Bolton High On Draft Exemption U.S. Women School on Tuesday: Howell Cheney Technical School on WASHINGTON (A P )— The Supreme Court today ex By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wednesday; Manches empted from military service all young men who have Palestinian guerrilla leaders ter, Rockville, South Wind said Sunday that two Arabs sor, Coventry, and Rham strong moral or etniml objections to military duty— so were executed for raping two High Schools on Thursday. long as their beliefs deeply held'and are not based American women during last Accounts of the exercises on expediency. wedit's wild fighting In Amman ,wlll be' carried In The Herald InterpreUiig the draft law ae^ between commandos and Jorda on the day following gradua tion that provides for conscien nian army troops. tion. tious objectors. Justice Hugo L. ^ - — Black wrote; "That section ex-' Cong Hold While the situation In Jordan A two-page edition of The .Jm appeared to be cooling, Israeli empts from military service all High School World will ap those whose consciences, warplanes resumed their at pear in Friday's Herald. tacks on Egyptian military posi spurred by deeply held moral, Key Route Anyone who wants to re tions along the Sues.Canal over ethical, or religious beliefs, serve extra copies of the weekend, and Israeli com would give them no rest or Wednesday, Thursday, and mandos staged a raid Into Jor peace if they allowed them In Cambodia dan. Friday papers 1s asked to selves to become a part of an in ^ogll the circulation depart Flanked by two bodyguards strument of w ar." PHNOM PENH, Cambodia ment, 647-9M8. armed with submachine guns, In another decision today, the (A P ) — Enemy troops beat Yaslr Arafat, head of the A1 Fa . .^ourt held that Maryland may back three attacks t < ^ y by tah commandos, told a news n0i.,deny the vote In state and Cambodian and South Vlet- conference, In the Jordanian locaf elections to persons living namese forces trying to regain capital that one rape case had on federal Installations. control of Kompong Speu and Bandits Get The decision applies evldenUy Cambodia’s most vital overland ’66. been brought to his attention. s in He said the guilty Arab was ar to federal enclaves and installs- supply route, ^ms tlons In all states. Associated Press correspond- d oo rested, tried and executed. ’unu Later another A1 Fatah $2,000 In The court division In thfe draft ent John T. Wheeler, reporting •itlsh case was 6 to 3. from outside Kompong Speu, iv»n. spokesman told newsmen that a second Arab had been executed The decision reverses the con- said North Vietnamese and Viet for raping another American Town Stickup victlon and three-year prison cong troops held on to the prov- woman. He added that both torm of Elliott Ashton Welsh II, incial capital despite over- By BILI. COE women had been evacuated a Los Angeles computer engl- whelming odds, AND DOUGLAS BEVINS ~X from Jordan. neer who refused Army Indue- Earlier in the day both South 5 (Herald Reporters) In exercises marked by a rejection o f tradition, biology major, receives diplbipa in odd getup. A t Arafat accused the United many graduating seniors have forsaken the usual Vietnamese and Cambodian States of triggering the fighting Three men, two of them arm left, Drexel University seniors in Philadelphia wear Justices, William O. Douglas, spokesman claimed the city, In Jordan—In which 70 Opersons ed and masked, held up the caps and gowns. A t right, Tom Teitgo, a Stanford masks to protest pollution. (A P Phptofax) William J. Brennan Jr., and about 30 miles southwest pf were killed or wounded—and Howard Johnson Restaurant at Thurgood Marshall joined phnom Penh, had been recap- warned that U.S. Intervention 394 Tolland Tpke. shortly before Black’s opinion. Justice John M. tured would turn the Middle East Into 1 this morning, forced the night H a rl^ supported the result, B „t ,ater reports from the '58. Graduates Told: nore another Vietnam- manager to open a safe, and forming a five-man majority. scene said a Cambodian army tune Saying that the |;uerrtllas will made off with about $2,000 in Black said Welsh qualified for patrol had tried to make the her irry- "crush all who Stand In our cash after locking him and six the exemption even though he first penetration of the city and iJrrol way,” Arafat In effect also other employes in a large walk- did not base his plea to be was stopped by a curtain of fire Jr. U.S. on ‘Threshold of Revolution’ Jack warned the government of Leb in refrigerator. spared from military duty on a from Communist commsuid Luflh, anon that a proposed crack Virgil Burton, the assisffimt By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ical leadership to this emerging Kennedy spoke to 200 g;radu- with a new set of ideals, nor an. direct belief in a supreme being, troops. down on commandos could lead manager, and the other^-^^ere The president of Howard Uni struggle; we have watched with ates, all business majors, of entirely new system,” he said. > In fact, the justice noted. Officials in Saigon said the to Jordan-style trouble. able minutes later to force a versity, speaking during anoth growing alarm a steady retreat Babson College in Wellesley, “ Rather our hope lies with a Welsh struck the word "reli- town had been retaken Stmday Two hours before a Lebanese hasp on the refrigerator door, er busy day of commencement from the principles on which Mass. At a news conference aft genuine affirmation of the na gious” from the C.O. application night. government ban curtailing guer make their escape and tele ceremonies, has told graduating this nation was founded, and a erward he predicted that stu tion’s historic ideals and more and characterized h.s belieis as "?outh Vietnamese troops are rilla activity along Its border phone police. No one was harm blacks that America has en steady march in the direction of dents next year will "redirect Inteliigent effort to modify and having been formed "by read- In the town,” a spokesman said. with Israel, A1 Fatah rockets ed, police reported. The entire tered the 1970s “ clearly on the repression and oppression,” he their frustrations” ov6r war, influence the system to serve Ing in the fields of history and "It is possible to say that the were tired Sunday at an Israeli holdup took only a matter of threshold of a revoluUon.” said. "Am erica the beautiful poverty and racism into effect those ideals more effectively.” sociology.” enemy has pulled out.” town on the frontier, the Voice minutes, and occurred Just af Elsewhere on the nation’s has been moving toward Ameri ing change in an "orderly way.” Sen. Charles H. Percy, R-Ill., ’The important thing. Black Cambodian officials reported of Palestine radio said in Cairo ter the restaurant doors had campuses Sunday, Sen. Edward ca the hysterical.” At the OCNY ceremonies, addressing the Stanford Univer said, is that Welsh adhered to early today that the city—seized by an estimated 1,000 North today. closed for the night at 12:45. M. Kennedy, D-Mass., urged a "Clearly the nation has en McGovern said the United sity commencement in Califor his beliefs with a strength com Vietnamese and Viet 'Ck>ng <m The report said after the at According to Kenneth group of business institute grad tered the decade of the seven States "has wandered so far nia, said the nation faces a "cri parable to that of traditlon^ly Saturday— had fallen to coun tack, a guerrilla patrol clashed Twombly, the manger, who had uates to "awaken corporations ties—if not already in the throes from its ideals that it has al sis of dissent” and urged an end deeply religious people. EVen terattacking forces. But they with an Israeli unit. received an account of the rob to social needs by agitating for of an internal revolt, clearly on most lost its way.” to the Indochina involvement though his objection to War was The Lebanese government bery from Burton, the gunmen employe representation In the and renunciation of the role of undeniably based in part on his could not say when this was the threshold of a revolution He said there were valuable supposed to have happened. last month decreed that from to were able to gain entrance at decision making process.” whose outcome no one can pre insighte to be gained from crit world policemsin. perception of world politics. day firing across the border and the rear of the building through Sen. George McGovern, D- He said the nation should seek Black said, he I's entitled to be ’The South Vietnamese ar dict,” Cheek added. ics on both the left and right. mored task force of 4,000 men the laying of mines close to it a door normally locked after S.D., told the City College of Howard, the 'Washington, "But I have come to a deepen out issues on which there is con exempt under the draft law.