92Nd Annual Commencement North Carolina State University at Raleigh
92nd Annual Commencement North Carolina State University at Raleigh Saturday, May 16 Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-One Degrees Awarded 1980-81 CORRECTED COPY DEGREES CONFERRED A corrected issue of undergraduate and graduate degrees including degrees awarded June 25, 1980, August 6, 1980, and December 16, 1980. Musical Program EXERCISES OF GRADUATION May 16, 1981 COMMENCEMENT BAND CONCERT: 8:45 AM. William Neal Reynolds Coliseum Egmont Overture Beethoven Chester Schuman TheSinfonians ......................... Williams America the Beautiful Ward-Dragon PROCESSIONAL: 9:15 A.M. March Processional Grundman RECESSIONAL: University Grand March ................................................... Goldman NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT BAND Donald B. Adcock, Conductor The Alma Mater Words by: Music by: ALVIN M. FOUNTAIN, ’23 BONNIE F. NORRIS, JR., ’23 Where the winds of Dixie softly blow o'er the fields of Caroline, There stands ever cherished N. C. State, as thy honored shrine. So lift your voices; Loudly sing from hill to oceanside! Our hearts ever hold you, N. C. State, in the folds of our love and pride. Exercises of Graduation William Neal Reynolds Coliseum Joab L. Thomas, Chancellor Presiding May 16, 1981 PROCESSIONAL, 9:15 am. Donald B. Adcock Conductor, North Carolina State University Commencement Band theTheProcessionalAudience is requested to remain seated during INVOCATION DougFox Methodist Chaplain, North Carolina State University ADDRESS Dr. Frank Rhodes President, Cornell University CONFERRING OF DEGREES .......................... ChancellorJoab L. Thomas Candidates for baccalaureate degrees presented by presentedDeans of Schools.by DeanCandidatesof the Graduatefor advancedSchool degrees ADDRESS TO FELLOW GRADUATES ........................... Terri D. Lambert Class of1981 ANNOUNCEMENT OF GOODWIFE GOODHUSBAND DIPLOMAS ................................ Kirby Harriss Jones ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUTSTANDING Salatatorian TEACHER AWARDS ......................................
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