BINGO Ieuming Irralh
PAGE TWENTY-FOUR iH a n rh P lpr €imttng FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1969 0 Avenge Dnfly Net Press Ron IW Tte Week Haded Football Women Voter to Mr. and Mrs. James Porter, The W e a th e r About Town Manchester Amston; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lights Asked dW e 28. U*» /The R ev. James Birdsall, Set Social Event The Manchester registrars William Houle, 65 Bette Circle, Cloudiness increasing thi. af. vicar of St. Peter’s Ki>iscopaI of voters have mailed no Hospital Note.s Vernon; a daughter-to Mr. and temoon and tonight with chance Church in. Wapplng, will con Women’s Axixlllary of Man tices to approxim ately 1,400 M rs. Donald H ahn, 127 School For Street 15,459 of showers. Tonight’s low 60 to iEuming Irralh 56. ’Tomorrow partly cloudgr, duct a service Sunday at 8:15 chester iMldget and Pony Foot-, persons on the voting lists, V IS m N a HOCB8 St.: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ger a.m. on radio station WINF. Inteniiedlate Care Semi- A request for street Ugtits on MmneheMter— A City of ViUate Charm cod wkh highs 66 to TO. ball Association will hold a get- none of whom were at their ald Nicholson, East Hartford. 'Kie program is sponsored by voting addresses of record private, noon-Z p.m ., and 4 p.m. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Elizabeth Dr., a repeat com VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 299 the Manchester Council of acquainted session for mothers 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- Jo h n E .
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