/ / / Aver^ Dally Net Pwss Ron . For The Week Ended The Weather duly 81, m i Clear and warm tonight; low near 70. Tomorrow sunny, quite 14,890 . warm; high 86 to 90. Outlook for Wednesday . continued warm, Mancheater— A City of Village Charm more humid. VOL: LXXXX, no. 263 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 (Cl—sHfcid Advertising on n ^ e IS) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS New Wave of Riot Tax Hearing Explodes in Belfi^t By OOUN FROST Associated Press Writer Northern Ireland (A P)—^Fresh rioting In Hartford ^ploded m central Belfast today an hour after P*rime mnister Brian Faulkner imposed internment without ^ ^ o n guerrillas of the outlawed • Irish Republican Draws 200 cludliw foUowlng fights with riot- Ihe whether HARTFORD, Conn. (AP)—A quiet crowd of about TOe ^ c i^ k of nail he was shot by troops or a ci- 200 filed into the Hall of the House today, prepared to h ^ b s , the woosh of gasoline vlllan. speak their minds on the state’s chaotic tax situation. burst of ir a ’ guerrillas hijacked the As the hour ajqiroached for crnckli. n/ ambulance carrying buUdlngs McAdorey’s body and placed the afternoon hearing to begin, the pest leglslaUve session, 9 there was a long line of persons has aroused a storm of protest, TOe A . Catholic I ^ t s Association School. Hundreds of people v^Ung to sign the speakers ^^Ucs contending It digs Incensed by the Internment or- fUed by the coffin ®"®®^‘ j w j ... too deeply Into the pocketbooks general strike Brltl^ troops were reported Demsmds abound that some- ,0^^^ and middle bracket and Immediate public demon- to have arrested more than 300 thing be done about the new residents. state Income tax law that has „ ’ .................... s ^ t i< ^ throughout Northern republican and leftist leaders In sparked what some call a tax- Gov. Thomas J. MeskiU has i r r i ^ . house-to-house searches during payer revolt, but agreement on that the tax be repeal- HU nearly at a stand- the 'night, and officials said an altemattve to the Income ®^ fnd replaced with a 7% per 8 ^ . No buses ran, thousands more arrests would follow. levy has proved elusive. ®®"‘ “ ^®® '»’mUd ellml- M workers hid In shuttered Hie prime minister also ban- Hie finance Committee of the 'mte several exempUons in the houses and British troops ned the annual reUglous pa- General Assembly is expected PT®*®* ® !»«•• ®®"t >«'’>’• roamed the streets in search of rades vhlch for the past two Astronauts gather with their brood last night in Worden and Alison Worden, 11, behind her dad; to meet in execuUve session aft- “ ®®“ “ Pr»P«»«l s »lm tly plan, bombers. years have inflamed the com- Texas. Left to right are: David Scott, with son, Jan Irwin, 6; Jim Irwin, 8, looking up as dad, Protestant and Roman Catho- munal passlrais of Protestants er the hearing and either sup- ®' ^ P®*’ ®®*“ ®^®® Douglas, 7, in front; Merrill Worden, 13; Alfred James Irwin, hugs Joy, 11 and Jill, 10. (AP Photo) port one of three proposals to ® ruaix 11c mobs hijacked automobiles and Catholics, The second pnqx»Bl"lBT;Tnul“ and trucks. They formed barrl- Faulkner’s ban on parades be discussed at the hearing or cades behind the overturned ve- meant that the Protestant Ap- draw up a bill of Its own. ' “ P*®:‘«^ hides, threw stones and bombs, prentice Boys of Derry, sched- The committee wUl present lU ^ P®j“ ®® recommendation to either the ® Troops charged behind riot uled to march Thursday In cel- House or Senate, but the legis- 6% per cent sales tax. Bl^lds using rubber buUets. ebration of victory over Roman Astronauts Begin Debriefings lature may amend it. Other suggestions call for 1 men were shot to death Catholics In 1869, would not be Hie current special tax ses keeping the income tax but re- n todays r l ^ . Friends said able to take to the streets. Hie By HOWARD BENEDICTr daughters. It was the first time while in space of “ the genius and were transported to the Lu AP Aerospace Writer slon Of the Ge;*;T;rA;rem b;^ 1 ®«®®t months. the astronauts had been with that created such beautiful ma- -nar Receiving Laboratory. already Involves two official tax »*®skUl’s propos^ these their families since the Fourth chinery, the people who put it Scientists plan to open the propoeals that would replace the ^ ®f' McAdorey, a ^year-old^ IRA celebration of the SPACE CENTER, Hous- first of the boxes in a day or of July weekend. all tt^ether and finally the controversial Income tic with a “ ^®? officer. A British army spokes- (See Page Eight) ton (A P )— Apollo 15’s as- two to begin the years-long ex- A crowd of about 2,600 who people on the ground who higher sales tax and other tax- P*^®® ^ tronauts started a long se- braved a drizzling rain cheered helped us operate it. amination which might provide gg automobile trade-ins, children’s ries of debriefings today and waved banners and flags “ Without these, we could not clues to the origin of the moon, Hie levy on Incomes, which ms8:a«ine subscrip- earth and solar system. to give scientists, engineers while a band in Scottish kilts have done it,” he said, “ and I was passed In the waning hours (gee Page Eight) played “ Fly Me to the Moon.” want to thank you ail from the Included in the collecticm is a and doctors the minute de- a so-caUed “Genesis rock” Mistrial tails of their historic moon Scott told - the assemblage bottom of my heart.” Coast Guard that he saw the full moon from which Scott and Irwin picked journey.. Worden said he saw a lot of up at Spur Crater. They de- the Okinawa Sunday before people there who had been at In the lunar receiving labora- scribed it as crystalline in com- dawn. Cape Kennedy when Apollo 16 Declared In Intercepts tory, geologists are preparing posltion and believe it may “ As I looked at it, I felt a was launched July 26. India and Soviet Union to open the first of the moon date back 4.6 billion years to little homesick,” he said. “ If “ I guess everybody got back the birth of the moon. rock boxes that the astronauts you go some place as beautiful Newton Case Stolen Yacht coUected at Hadley Rllle. before we did,” he joked. “ We Congratulations for the astro- S'ign 20-Year Peace Pact and as fascinating as that and kind of took the long way nauts also came from abroad. David R. Scott, James R. Ir- By BERNAR D. HURWITZ HONOLULU (AP) — A Coast you spend three very intense home. It’s a treat to be back.” Soviet President Nikolai V. NEW DELHI (AP) — India such threat and to take appro- Associated Press Writer Guard cutter armed with ma- win and Alfred M. Worden be- days, you really get attached to Podgomy messttged President and the Soviet Union signed a gan the day early with a four- Arriving with the astronauts priate effective measures to en- OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — chine guns intercepted a mil- It.” Nixon to “ convey con- 20-year treaty of “ peace, hour medical examination. Af- were about 100 pounds of moon sure peace and the security of Black Panther cofounder Huey lionaire’s hijacked yacht about Irwin told the croud, which gratulations and good wishes.” friendship and cooperation” to- ter lunch they shift to technical rocks, sealed in airtight con- their countries.” P. Newton, whose retrial on 300 miles southwest of here to- included several Space Center Pope Paul VI said in a tele- day which in effect put the day and ordered the three sessicois to answer questions tainers. The first 76 pounds Singh told (Parliament: “ Hils charges stemming from the workers, that he thought often came here on an earlier plane gram to the President that he Russians firmly on the side of killing of an Oakland policeman armed men aboard to head about the 12-day voyage that should act as a deterrent to any hopes the moon exploration will the Indians in their potentially powers that may have aggres- has ended with an 11-1 hung back to Honolulu. took Scott and Irwin to the sur- lead to “ progress, peace and face of the moon for 67 hours of explosive dispute with Pakis- sive designs on our territorial Jury, goes before a new Judge The yacht changed course as understamUng among men.” tan. Tuesday to learn if he must directed but the Coast Guard exploration among the moon’s Integrity and sovereignty. It is, President Georges Pompidou Foredgn Minister Swaran stand trial a third time. said there would be no Imme- highest mountains and along a therefore, in essence, a treaty cf France followed the event Singh said the treaty should After six days of deliberation, diate attempt to board it. The deep canyon. Apollo Astronauts Spared of peace against war.” , “ with much interest and emo- provide a “ stabilizing (actor in a Jury of 10 women and two Coast Guard said the hijackers, They are expected to contin- But with tensions between In- tion,” his office announced. He favor of peace” In Asia. “ It is men told Superior C3ourt Judge armed with knives and pistols, ue the debriefings for about dia and Pakistan mounting Three-Week Quarantine sent President Nixon a tele: also, a ^treaty of nonaggres- Harold Hove Sunday that.it. was seized.the .$160,000. yacht Friday three weeks. steadily over the Pakistani gd’am reading: “ I wish to ex- sion,” he told cheering mem- deadlocked.
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