(Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-09-28

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-09-28 Inside Report -:Cou/dn'f Se Setter Our Spo.... Editor, Harrl.tt Hlnclmon, live. complete dotoil., with comments tr.m Coech . • T..................... dMr .... Jerry Bum., on today'. lowa·Washlntton Stoto -Iwt,...fw ....... :r.......... ... football lame. For the latest In sperts, tum owan. .... ....... w. " .. 1:. p.& kicW to PO .. 4. An editorial comments on today'. ail tIMe. lamo. Soo pago 2. Seroing the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit" Established in 1868 LO, CeoI.a Per Copy Iowa City, Iowa -~. Sept ......... • a fever' rl 5 an \ ~Ul Band",Highlanders ,];0 ,Ad,d Sparkle at r odoy's Game CIf!, Campus . 50,000 Fans Expected Police Ready To View 1:30 Kickoff For Traffic lim ing w of preparation. "football fever"' eDgul& Join Highway Patrol SUI' campus today as th Iowa H wkey open their 75th n of footh 11 f tiviti at 1:30 p.m. against the Washing­ To Keep Congestion t n tat Univ r fty Cougan in Iowa tadIum. Down in SUI Area lor th n 50,000 f n ro xpccted to witD Coach Jerry Out-oF-town football fans Burlll' third year opener with the Hawn. Drum Major CarolyD ~, A4. won't be the only extra people This an rnoon', w ther wUl be Man r. CarryinC the bltoo on the roads today. netly for loolb 11 - lnvltinl fair which w a lilt to tbe IP'OUP from Inc! t mperatu/'CI In the low· Aberdeen, Sc:oUand. dty COUJlCB, ApprOximately 24 city police er 10'. &he wDl be followed by 74 laMIa will be on duty in downtown Iowa TODAY'S 1961 FALL d III who have been tr.ined ill the .. City when the 10:30 to 2 p.m. also be the Hawh' third meelin, claI techniQ\II 01 a drum and b.aC· with Wa blnaton ate. Iowa de- pipe band. The Il'GUP Includes football traffic jam is expected. e1cbt r aled th Cou,an in 19S3, 54-lZ. d.n~n. as plpera and JO drum· Over half of the Corce will remain and In 1 57. 20-13. merl, who play 14 anareI. four on duty until 7 p.m. 'II nd d 1 tenor drumJ and two bill drumI . .Both low '0 . a enae BUT SUI'S "football fever" II not Twenty·four campus police will Will be up Cor C'fIUco! examlnallon restricted to the campus _ aU of help guard key intersecUons down· thl aft rnoon. Iowa City hal been preparln, for town. In addition. 20 Pershing BurtIJ ha, voiced hll confidence Loday', crowdl. In the Hawn deCen • expected to MOIl area motell. Inc1udinf OM Riflemen and 16 parking lot men be .trOIli r than in recent years. wb eb hu 10 willi, report 110 va­ will help direct traffic inside the He will be relyinc on IIronC men can parking lot areas near the sta­ like lin becken Wally BlI,enberc Severo! rett.auronta are oflerinc dium. Intersections between Cedar and Uke ReUly. tackle Bob ZIol· extra features. Yocom', Reltau­ kow kl and John nand, end d rant RIChway I and 111 Well. Is Rapids and Iowa City will be pa­ feMiv bac Bob h rman. Bobby 0[( rin, a ,pedal Soturda)' IlOOtI trolled by 75 highway patrolmen. Gri r, and Paul Krauae. buffet. Chief of police Emmett Evans CUff Wild r', punUnc and Jay TIl CarOURI Reataurant. Hip, warns that Iowa Cltlans should Robert" place klc wlll.lJo be 011 way 5 and 218 Weal. I in Ualln, a , display. feature of llv mUlle: tolIlcbt. not attempt to drive to the game. Up for th Ir te I aden of The banquet I'OOIJII of the restau· Emphasizing the fact that park­ They're Cooperating To Show You a Good Time Today th Hawk's offense wUl be junlor rant wUl be opened to the pubUc: ing is a "premium problem" at qUirt rback Fred Riddle, and and will occommoda 450 to soe lOP hom 0 fa Quarterback Gan per'IOIII lnItud or the uauallllO to · games. Evans said. "We're expect· Paul Krause Wally Hilgenberg Barbara Burry Fred Doderer Lt. Oscar Graham Snook, an Iowa City Blah School %50. ing about 60,000 for the game. and Hawkeye Co-Capta/n Hawkeye CO·Captaln Pom·Pom Clrl IOlfO City Mayor 01 the Unit; r '11y Pollee .tar two )lears O. Another _tlnl place, 'J1Ie Lark I think they all drive cars." wdInC Hawkeye plrlt from the Restaurant. and Lountt. TIHID. wil1 The largest parking area avail· stands wUl be SUI', newly-orcan· bqln aervinc dlrmer ot 4 p.m. 01 !zed checrln, bloct. \.he sur March- football ..eetendI. able to the public Is the lot op· Ing Band, and Iowa', Scottish JII&b. The Union food ""Ie:. lIN or· erated by the I club located 110rth landers. dered 100 exIra ...n to aerYI II and west of the football practice FREDRICK Ebb" director oCtile the Gold F th Room of the field. Drivers are asked to use the Valachi Tells Where band. and WiUl m Adamtoll, HiJI!· Union. Approximate1y 80 J)OIIIIdI of Newton Road and Number 6 en­ lander', dJrector. have put two rlllI of beef npeded Ie be trance. (The old Finkbine GoU w n of practice Into today'. ball- IIClrved to the buJlil'Y footba1l Club entrance). time and pre- am performan crowd. Seven or debt extra stu- Durlnl today', fil'8t half-tlme dentt will be mplO)'ed to Cadlitale There is 11 $1 charge for parking performance of 1963. the Hawke),e faster service. Approximately 401 in Lhe lots around the stadium and Bosses Are Powerful Band will present a tribute to extra sandwiches will be UJed Ia the I club lot. According to cam· Pre ident Vlrail M. Hancher, who the car terla loday. pus and city police chiefs. the will retIre at the close of the cur· Several fraternlUli and IOI'OritItI best bet for the motorist is to park Gangster Doesn't Bat Eye rent school year. Elgar', "Pomp are planoln, post ,ame actJvltIeI. in a free lot on the East side of Newlyweds and Circumstance" will accompany SORORITI.S p I ann I n I opeo the river and walk to the game. the band', entry and downfleld bou s Include: Alpha Cbl OmeP. Due to the expected congestion Before Senate Committee march. and will be followed by tbe Alpha Xl Delta. Delta. Delta. Del. around the stadium area, Woolf Mirror Life theme from "The Defenderl." ta, Delta Zeta, and Kappa Kappa Avenue will be closed to through WASHINGTON (AP) - Gravel-voiced gangster Jo 'eph played while member. Corm the Gamma. traffic during the morning and aCt- Valachi told investigating nator Friday of the underworld "Scalcs or Justice." Fraternities boldinl open bouIeI It will be open only to cars J'ungle where syndicate bosses wield the power of life and death Next the band wUl present "Gau- are: Acacia, Alpha Tlu <>me,a, uSinger~oon. the reserved lot to the North ... For Research deamus Igilur." troditional student Delta Upsilon. Phi Gamma Delta. or the paid lot to the South. It will - even inSide prison walls. IOn,. as players form th "Lamp Phi Kappa Slima. CbU. &uppers WASHINGTON l.4'I - The govern· be re-opened Collowing the game The stocky convict never batted vese, the boss of Valachi's "fam- of Knowledge." Closing the show. for members end date. are plODDed after the crowd has dispersed. an eyelash when he told of the By" in Cosa Nostra. ment project lo watch the be­ the musiclana will execute a by Sicma PI IIId Phi Rbo Sicma Melrose Court will be one·way death assignments he once carried ONCE, Valachi testified . Cosa havior of newlyweds through one· marching routine featuring a med- Wives Club. preceeding and following the game. out for Cos~ N~stra - the under- Nostra was run by a "boss of all way mirrors has nothing to do with ley with an internaUono! theme: For atudentt who want to ~Je. Interstate 80 and Highway 6 West world organization he served for 30 bosses." But now. he said. a com· sex and in no way involves an in· .~ "Around the World In 80 Day .... brate a victory after tile came. h II years mission heads the crime syndicate. "Colonel So ey." "Song 0( IndIa," the Union Board Is IPOIIIICIIiJII a are expected to be the most eav y "I.' t t d kill f th " vasion of privacy of the home. the and "Unlted Nations H)IIll.D." post-lame daDce, "Klc:k-olf traveled roads today. JU~ g? ou an . or em, But Genovese has a string of Cap- Vala.chi said. three "families ." with 450 to 500 researchers insisted Friday. Ebh. and hi' aulstant. Tom era" from 7:15 to 11:&5 p.m. 111 the But 17 months ago. Valachi told men taking orders from him. This was the scientists' response Davis. are aided In meetil\ll their River Room 01 !be Union. Mlllle: the Senate InvestigaUons subeom- Valachi said. to criticism Thursday by Rep. WU· demanding schedule in preparlni wUl be provided bJ the YCIUIII U.S. Needs the (all shows by seven graduate Men. • mittee. the syndicate turned on ''In other words. they eliminate lIam G. Bray (ft-Ind.) who told drill·masters. A Rock Wand special train from him as an informer, and marked the boss of all bosses and Vito the House about the project and Prior to Ibe game, tile Hlgb. the Trl-CiUes Is due at the ltadIum Policy Creed: him for death in a federal prison .
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