Fast Facts from the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990–2019
Fast Facts 1990–2019 National-Level U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory 7% 3% 10% U.S. Greenhouse Gas Greenhouse U.S. Emissions in 2019* Nitrous Oxide (N O) Fluorinated Gases 2 80% Methane (CH4) Carbon Dioxide (CO ) 29% 2 23% 7% 10% 6% 25% Total U.S. Greenhouse Gas Greenhouse Emissions U.S. Total Sector Economic in 2019* by Transportation Electricity Industry Agriculture Commercial Residential 2019 Total Emissions 2018–2019 Change 1990–2019 Change million metric tons of CO equivalent 6,558 2 -1.7% total emissions 1.8% total emissions CO emissions from CO removals by forests 2 2 CO emissions CO emissions fossil fuel combustion: and other lands: -2.2% 2 2.8% 2 CO emissions from fossil CO emissions from fossil 74.1% 12.4% 2 2 of total emissions of total emissions -2.7% fuel combustion 2.6% fuel combustion U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions * Percentages may not add to 100% due to independent rounding and the way the inventory qualifies U.S. territories (not shown) as a separate sector. Emissions from Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry are reported separately and not shown in the figure. To learn more about the inventory, visit, April 2021 or explore the data at EPA 430-F-21-011 U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (MMT CO2 Equivalents) by Gas Gas/Source* 1990 2005 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CO 6,134.5 5,371.8 5,248.0 5,207.8 5,375.5 5,255.8 HFCs, PFCs, SF6, and NF3 Nitrous Oxide 2 5,113.5 8,000 Methane Carbon Dioxide Fossil Fuel Combustion 4,731.5 5,753.5 5,008.3 4,911.5 4,854.5 4,991.4 4,856.7 7,000 Transportation 1,469.1 1,858.6 1,719.2 1,759.9 1,782.4 1,816.6 1,817.2 6,000 Electric Power Sector 1,820.0 2,400.1 1,900.6 1,808.9 1,732.0 1,752.9 1,606.0 Eq.
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