Welcome to the Saari Residence! 3 Some practical tips for the new residents 4 Saari team 12 Driving instructions to the Saari Residence 13 Buildings and artworks in the Saari manor area 14 Services in the nearby region of the Saari Residence 15 Library 16 Traffic connections 17 Health care services in the nearby region 18 Private health care services 19 Sports facilities 20 Swimming hall and beaches 21 Everyman’s right in and Mietoinen bay 22 Veterinary care 23 Be vigilant about ticks – they are common in this area 24 Remember to recycle! 25 Recycling biowaste ie. Instructions for using the composter 27 In case of power failure 28


We wish to offer you the most rewarding residency period possible during which you can concentrate fully on your work, free of the distractions and stress of everyday life. The residence’s versatile workspaces, historical surroundings and peaceful location near a nature reserve and bird wetlands offer a particularly optimal setting in terms of this objective. 3 Please read carefully this little guide book for those arriving at the Saari Residence, it will contain many answers to your many questions about the Saari Residence and your residency period. Please note that the COVID-19 may cause changes in the residence's activites. We are following and executing the instructions and recommendations of the Finnish authorities; The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and and we will adapt our activies and update the guidelines according the current coronavirus situation and recommendations.

The Saari Team wishes you a pleasant and memorable stay at the Saari Residence!



4 change of address You can redirect your mail to: Vieraat c/o Saaren kartano Saaren rantatie 21 23140 HIETAMÄKI Finland

payment of group residency grant

Kone Foundation grants are paid once a month on the third working day of each month. Group residency grants are paid at the beginning of the month when the residency period starts. The grant is paid based on a payment request submitted by the 10th day of the month preceding the residency period. Please note: we will not accept payment requests in July, so the deadline for August payments is in June. The group residency grant has been awarded for the project proposal and the number of people presented in the application. If the content of the project, the composition of the working group or any other key element changes, the leader must negotiate such changes with the Saari Residence. The awarded sum may differ from the sum applied for because the residency is not necessarily granted for the duration it was applied for, or there may be some other change that affects the sum. Submit a payment request via the online grant service. You can log into the online service with the same credentials you used when drawing up the application. The project leader must submit requests for payment by communities and working groups. The payment is made to one account only, not to accounts of all the workgroup members. The monthly grants of the individual residencies are paid directly to the recipients. The required information in the payment request includes the grantee’s name, bank account number, SWIFT or BIC code, personal ID and address. If the bank account is not an IBAN account, also clearing code / routing number is required. Details on awarded grants and instructions on how to submit a payment request are available from the online service for grants. To proceed to the payment request service, go to the online grant service and enter the identification code for the payment request included in your letter of approval. If you need to contact us, the easiest way is to chat with us on the online grant service. The online grant service: https://koneensaatio.apurahat.net/ Please check with your bank that your bank / credit card can be used in Finland. Check also about the transfer payments. Banks collect payment for the service from the sender as well as from the recipient. Kone Foundation pays the sender's cost. daily schedule

As the time you will spend at the Saari Residence is short, it is important that you plan the use of that time in advance and in detail – this will help you get started when you arrive, with no time wasted. Please also send the work plan and daily schedule to us at [email protected] before the beginning of the residency period.

wishes regarding working in saari 5 In case you have special needs or wishes regarding your residency period (e.g. workspace, contacts), please contact us in advance, so we know if we can help you. If you need special materials during your residency period, please contact us before your arrival, so we can see if we can help you (e.g., find the nearest places where you can get the materials). Please note that the group residency support is intended for living and travel expenses and other costs, including materials.

introduction to our website Please, also provide us with a short introduction to the website about your plans during your residency. You can also send us a picture of you, although We can also take it here. We will use the material in our communications, also social media. The introductions of previous Saari Fellows: https://koneensaatio.fi/en/saari-residence/residenssivier- aat/

insurances Please make sure that your travel insurances are valid during your stay in the Saari Residence. We ask you to send your Certificate of Insurance before you arrive at Saari.

at the saari residence The Saari Residence is located in the countryside, in a dispersed settlement. The Saari Residence is an old manor house, and its main building is situated in the middle of a lush, green park, surrounded by fields and a small forest. The fields are cultivated, and the forest is maintained, and some of the areas are being pas- tured during the summertime. The two-acre park is also maintained. Occasionally, the old buildings need to be maintained and renovated, and this – alongside the previously mentioned actions – will enliven the manor’s everyday life. During your residency period, the main building and one of the accommodation buildings will be under ren- ovation. The renovation will cause some disturbance during weekdays. The renovation of the main building is due to problems with the indoor air. arrival Please be in contact in good time about your arrival, [email protected]. You will find the arrival ja departure dates from the Welcome email. Please note that the staff doesn’t live in the manor and the office is open during weekdays from 9 am to 4.00 pm. We can also help you to find the best bus connections to Saari. We can pick you up from the nearest bus stop. You can email us [email protected] or call us +358 2 431 4200. See page 17 for more information about traffic connections. If you come by car, see driving istructions from page 13. Please do not travel if you are sick. We are following and executing the Finnish authorities' instructions and recommendations; The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), and the Finnish Government, and we expect our residents do the same. You can bring some food with you since the local village shop offers only Finnish products (this means e.g. no fruit available). Guide to grocery shopping in Finland: https://www.expat-finland.com/pdf/grocery_shopping_guide.pdf

weather in finland The summer time in Finland is not necessarily warm; please take that into consideration with your garderobe. See about the seasons and climate in Finland: https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/seasons-in-finland. 6

finnish culture If you want to know more about Finnish culture, you can find more info from the links below. A guide to and manners: https://finland.fi/life-society/a-guide-to-finnish-customs- and-manners/ Finnish customs: https://www.infofinland.fi/en/information-about-finland/basic-informationabout- finland/cultures-and-religions-in-finland/finnish-customs Finns and Finnish Culture: https://www.expat-finland.com/living_in_finland/culture.html


There is a shared kitchen in the farmhand’s cottage, all other apartments have their own kitchen, whether full-size, mini or kitchenette and every apartment has their own shower wc. The towels, bedding and linen, toilet paper and dish washing liquid are on behalf of the residence. 1–3 people stay in one apartment, depending on the group's size and the accommodation situation.

PHOTO: OTTO-VILLE VÄÄTÄINEN Please do not remove any utensils, containers, bedding or furniture from the apartments! Please ensure at the end of your residency period that all the items in the apartments are in their places. If there are lacks in the accommodation, eg. tableware or linen, please contact the residency hostess.

internet There is a wired internet connection (optical fibre) in each apartment (Ethernet), including the ethernet cable. Newer computers might need an adaptor for Ethernet, please check that before your arrival. NOTE! 7 We have adapters you can borrow.

There is no wireless network (wlan, wifi) at the Saari Residence.

shared areas The residents share the kitchen and the computer room in the Barn. When using the barn kitchen, residents should consider the artist working in the studio, other kitchen users and clean up after themselves. If other groups are working in residence simultaneously, negotiate the kitch- en use with each other. Please take other residents and Saari staff into consideration in all shared spaces. Everyone has a joint re- sponsibility to make sure that the we do not risk others’ health unnecessarily. In the Barn kitchen » Put the used dishes straight to the dish washer. » Do not do the dishes by hand. » Do not put your food in the kitchen refrigerator.

PHOTO: OTTO-VILLE VÄÄTÄINEN We have marked the toilet residents can use. Please use only the spaces appointed to residents. If needed, we will schedule the use of the shared areas. Please note! All the shared areas should be kept locked. Also, sustainability and environmental impact are taken into account in all of the Saari Residence’s activities as far as possible. Computers and related elec- tronic equipment should be switched off after use. Please close the water tap from the washing machine and dishwasher after use. If you are the last to leave a shared area, please turn off the lights and ensure that the outside door is properly closed and locked after leaving. 8 laudry You can do your laundry in the laundry room in the barn, and you are free to use the detergent available. There is a drying rack in your apartment, or you can leave your clothes in the Barn as well.

equipment The computer (PC) and printer/scanner in the Barn are in common use. Computers and related electronic equipment should be switched off after use. Please shut off the water tap from the washing machine and dishwasher after use. There is one projector and screen that you can borrow for your working. Please ask for them from the staff. We have one tripod: SLIK PRO 400DX) with a Pan and-Tilt Head and video head. Please inform us at [email protected], if there are any problems with the equipment.

first-aid The first-aid kit is in the Barn’s entry. Please remember the emergency number 112. How to make the call: Dial 112. Describe the incident. Give the emergency centre the exact address and municipality. Answer all questions of the emergency response centre. Act according to instructions. Do not hang up before permitted to do so. Keep your line available. Direct the emergency services to the scene. Contact the emergency response centre again if the situation changes.

bicycles We have bicycles that the residents can use. You can obtain a bike by signing for it with Heidi in the Barn. You can store the bike in the sheds near the Farmhand’s cottage (see the map on page 13). PLEASE, DO NOT LOCK THE BICYCLES. The helmets, pump and the key to adjusting the saddle are in the bicycle space near the recycling centre.

We have two electric bikes that can be borrowed for longer rides. We will tell you more about this when you arrive. If bicycles need maintenance, please contact the staff.

pets Your dog is warmly welcome to Saari, but this needs to be agreed before your arrival. Unfortunately, we cannot accept cats at the residence. The dog must be able to spend time alone in the apartment, as for allergy reasons, dogs must not be taken to the communal areas, workspaces or other apartments. Dog faeces must be picked up in the park, and male dogs must be prevented from marking their territory in the vicinity of the buildings. Out of doors, the law requires that the dog must always be kept on a lead. “A dog may not be kept unleashed on someone else’s land without the permission of the landowner or the holder of the hunting right.” (Finnish Hunting Act 53 §, 1 .)There may be other people in the area who are afraid of dogs. Please note that there are e.g. snakes (during warmer periods), deer, European hares, foxes and raccoon dogs in the area. During the warmer times, there are many birds nesting in the area. When walking your dog, please note that Saari Residence is located next to a nature reserve and that there are cows and sheep in the nearby fields in the summer. Please also note that the fields are not subject to public access rights, also known as everyman’s rights, and are therefore out of bounds.

sauna, making fire and smoking 9 If you would like to use the sauna, please also ask the other Fellows if they would like to use the sauna. Please ask for advice if you have not heated the sauna before. Please do not make fire anywhere else but sauna’s and barbecue pavilion’s fireplace. The apartments in the farm- hand cottage have fireplaces, but they are not in use (they do not fill the requirements of fire safety). Smoking is forbidden in all indoor areas. If smoking outdoors, please take care to avoid creating any fire hazards. Please make sure the cigarette butts will end up into the ashtrays and other rubbish (including chewing gum which is hazardous to the birds) to the containers reserved to them. Some of the fire alarms in the are electric; please do not touch them (danger of electric shock). Please contact the staff always when the alarms go off, the alarms need to be acknowledged.

cleaning and tidiness The cleaners clean the apartments before and after residency periods but naturally general cleanliness is desirable for everyone’s enjoyment. There are vacuum cleaners in each building. Shared areas are cleaned once a week. Remember to give the cleaners possibility to do their work. Please tidy up also your workspace in the end of you residency period; arrange the space and put things in their right places.

Recylce according the recycling instructions.

PHOTO: OTTO-VILLE VÄÄTÄINEN peace and privacy Please respect the privacy of others, both in the apartment buildings and in the working areas. Please take consideration your neighbours during the night time. Noise and any other disturbing activity must be avoided especially between 10 pm and 8 am.

workspaces The Saari Residence has a dance studio and studios suitable for visual artists. You are appointed a work- 10 space based on your application and the current situation in the residence (possible renovations).

tools and instruments If you need some tools or instruments, please contact Heidi. If your work requires special materials, art products or other special accessories and you need help finding them from Finland, please contact us before your arrival.

visitors and children The group residencies are meant for the workgroup that has applied and awarded the residency grant. During the intensive group residencies, it is not possible to accommodate extra guests or family members. During COVID-19, we are trying to minimize the contacts outside the residence to ensure the safety of everyone. If the group has small, under seven-year-old children and whose care cannot be otherwise arranged, the workgroup can arrange the living arrangements among themselves in the accommodation appointed by the Saari Resi- dence. The workgroup is also responsible for the children's beddings and linen and possible travel beds etc. The children must be agreed by the Saari Residence, and it must be announced at the earliest point possible. The Saari Residence makes the final decision. If there is another workgroup in the residence at the same time, we will also respect their opinion about the

PHOTO: OTTO-VILLE VÄÄTÄINEN presence of the children in the residency.

post office The incoming post will be delivered in the green letterbox on the manor house yard. Your post will come on the box on the left. There is a text "Vieraat" in it. The nearest letter box is opposite the village shop. It is emptied on weekdays at 10 a.m. The nearest post office in Mynämäki, in HaNi-halli, Keskuskatu 35. There are also Parcel Locker in the village shop and K-Su- permarket Mynämäki. 11

cars There is a bigger parking space in the Saaren rantatie after the road to the manor’s yard. The parking space near the sauna is meant for the staff.Do not park the car in the lawn or front of the buildings.

taxi Mynämäen Taksi Oy tel. +358 100 0700, Esa Virtanen tel. +358 400 225 060, Taksi Kimmon Kyyti tel. +358 44 767 3071, Taksiautoilija Jukka Aaltonen puh. +358 50 548 5854. (NOTE: Some of the drivers don’t speak English, but you can ask help from the staff or Finnish speaking Saari Fellow).


Remember to tell us in good time when you are leaving Saari at [email protected].

apartment's and workspace's tidiness Please tidy up your apartment and workspace at the end of your residency period; arrange the space and put things in their right places. You do not have to vacuum etc. but things should be in their right places. If you have a lot of extra materials etc. and you want to leave them at the residence, please contact Heidi.

report Remember to make your residency report within three months of the end of your residency period. The report is submitted using the online grant service. It is the responsibility of the project leader to report on projects. Read more from our website: koneensaatio.fi/en/ > For Saari Residents > Report

mentioning kone foundation and the saari residence

It is considered good practice to thank the grant donor in your academic thesis, publication or similar connection. We ask that you mention the support given by Kone Foundation to your project, for example, on the backside of the publication title, or in the foreword or article footnote. You are free to choose the wording. It can be for example Kone Foundation’s Saari Residence. We also ask that projects for which we have granted funding use the Saari Residence’s logo, for example, in printed products, publications or the project website. You can download the logo in the format and language you need here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8pquc2jykukvptg/AAAyeNEJfp2HDV7gpbSib-7Ha?dl=0.

let's stay in touch We welcome ([email protected]) any news about your work. Remember to join our Saari Alumni News group in Facebook, and like The Saari Residence in Facebook and follow us in Instagram. SAARI TEAM

Please note that you can reach us during workdays from the office or manor area. In case of emergency, you can contact us after office hours either calling us or sending an SMS. We do not read emails during the evenings or weekends


Executive Director Residency Coordinator Community Artist LEENA KELA PIRRE NAUKKARINEN PIA BARTSCH +358 40 732 3628 +358 44 031 4201 +358 40 720 9735 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Directing and managing the Saari Resi- Residency grants, residency application Nurturing the relationship between the dence, contacts to the actors in the field process, communications, press, sxmall residence and local community through of art scale computer support artistic means, contacts with the local community.

Residency Hostess Estate Manager Coordinator of Ecological IIRIS LAHTI HEIDI LAPILA Residency Programme +358 44 350 0236 +358 44 717 4769 JAANA ESKOLA [email protected] [email protected] +358 44 742 0742 Living at Saari and accommodation (e.g. Workspaces in the barn and tools (e.g. [email protected] cleaning, tableware, linen, furniture, appli- supplies, furniture, extra lighting, cords, Developing the ecologically sustainable ances etc.), keys, the shared areas heating), deficiencies and problems in the residency program and activities on a long- buildings, park/ garden/forest, bicycles, term basis by testing and learning. animals.

SAARI RESIDENCE OFFICE | Saaren rantatie 21, FI-23140 Hietamäki | +358 2 431 4200 | [email protected] The Saari Residence's offices are located in the Kitchen wing (apartment 2) and the Barn. We are available Mon–Fri from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS TO THE SAARI RESIDENCE


driving instructions from the highway e8: From the highway Turku–Pori, E8, take the junction Kustavi and follow road 192 in the direction of Kustavi. Drive about 20 km straight and there is a road sign on the right side of the road with the symbol , and text Mietoisten lahti. Drive 700 meters and then turn to left (Saarinen). Drive about 2 km, until there is a big barn in the right side of the road. Just before the barn turn left to Saaren rantatie (sign says Saaren kartano) and the Saari Manor's main build- ing is on the right side of the road. Drive 200 meters to the marked parking area. If you use a navigator and it does not find address Saaren rantatie 21, 23140 Hietamäki, try Saarenrantatie 21 or Saarentie 220 (the address of the barn, see the next page). Welcome! BUILDINGS AND ARTWORKS IN THE SAARI MANOR AREA



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24 SERVICES IN THE NEARBY REGION OF THE SAARI Please check the status and the possible opening hours from the internet.

thai restaurant onzon bangkok village shop in pyhe (PYHEEN PUOTI) Saarentie 428, tel. +358 44 238 8461 Pyhäntie 3, tel.+358 50 537 3585 15 [email protected] www.pyheenkauppa.fi http://www.onzonbangkok.fi/ 2 km away from the residence is a village shop. Groceries, local food and café. All the products are Finnish. Open: Mon–Fri 11–18 Sat–Sun 12–18 Open: Mon–Fri 8–19 Sat–Sun 10–18

SAARI RESIDENCE tavastila gym see page 20

helwin virvoke SELF-SERVICE LIBRARY IN MIETOINEN Kustavintie 2091, tel. +358 45 157 9112 Kirkkotie 124, Mietoinen [email protected] Tel. +358 44 783 7257 (main library) café + bar 2,5 km from Saari Open: Mon–Sun 7–21 Open: Mon–Thur 6–18 Fri 6–23 Sat 10–23 MYNÄMÄKI Sun 12–18 The nearest grocery stores, liquor store and pharmacy etc. are in Mynämäki, about 12 km from the residency. Lunch from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. LIBRARY



library at the barn There is a small library in the Barn. When you borrow a book, please fill in the form, put it in a plastic enclosure and place it where the book was. When you return the book, put it to its own place and remove the form from the enclosure. There are also books are left by the former residents that you can borrow.

LIBRARY IN MYNÄMÄKI SELF-SERVICE LIBRARY IN MIETOINEN Keskuskatu 13, 23100 Mynämäki Kirkkotie 124, Mietoinen Tel. +358 2 437 6624 Tel. +358 44 783 7257 (main library) Open: Open: Mon–Wed 12–19 Mon–Sun 7–21 Thu 12–20 Library is self-service library. Library card opens the Fri 11–16 door with a PIN-code. Sat 10–14 In order to get a library card from the library of My- Libary is open in holiday eves 11–16. nämäki, you need your passport or EU-identifation card (with a photo) and both your home and the You can search books and make reservations online, Saari Residence’s address. when you have a library card: https://vaski.finna. fi/?lng=en-gb. TRAFFIC CONNECTIONS

Residents are responsible for making their own travel arrangements to the Saari. We encourage our residents to take their time travelling to Saari (slow travel), if possible, using train, bus or boat instead of an airplane. If you need to fly to Finland, we recommend that you will take the flight to and then a bus to near Saari. The easiest way to travel to Saari is to use a bus. You can find bus timetables from the Matkahuolto 17 webpage. Insert point of departure (from) and point of arrival: Lauttanpää, Kustavintie (Mynämäki). All buses to Uusikaupunki and Kustavi stop next to the Pyheen Village Shop (indicated as Lauttanpää on the Matkahuolto timetable), which is approximately two kilometres from the Saari Residence. You do not need to purchase the ticket in advance. The buses have free WI-FI connection.

BUS TIMETABLES IN THE INTERNET Please check the timetables from here: www.matkahuolto.fi/en/

PLEASE CHECK THE TIMETABLES ALWAYS FROM THE INTERNET! The nearest bus stop is next to the village shop of Pyhe (Pyheen Puoti). The name of the bus stop in the timetables is Lauttanpää. When you use the search in the internet, put e.g. from Turku to Lauttanpää, Kustavintie, Mynämäki and vise versa. The last bus from Turku leaves after 7 p.m. Please note that the pandemic may effect timetables.


health care centre mynämäki dentist Kuivelantie 10, 23100 Mynämäki Mynämäki Health Center Tel. +358 2 447 7600 Kuivelantie 10, 23100 Mynämäki 18 Tel. +358 2 447 7700 doctor’s appointment Doctor’s appointments on appointment Mon–Fri from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon–Tue from 8 am to 3 pm Fri from 8 am to 2 pm Appointment tel. +358 2 447 7600 Urgent cases from 8 to 10 a.m., other appointment emergency calls after 10 a.m. Mon–Fri from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Emergencies are taken care during the week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Mynämäki or nearby regions. Emer- urgent cases after 4 pm gency dental care on evenings, weekends and holi- days is Turku, tyks, T-hospital. In case of urgent cases after 4 p.m. and at the night time, midweek holidays or eves (from 10 p.m. to 8 In case of emergency, call on the same day, on week- a.m.) emergency is in Turku, TYKS, T-hospital, ad- days from 3.30 to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays, Sundays dress Savitehtaankatu 1. and midweek holidays from 9 to 11 a.m. Call +358 2 3131 564. At other times you can get advice and Call health care’s information number before you guidance for the treatment from T-hospital emer- leave to the emergency: +358 2 313 88003. gency telephone counseling +358 2 313 8800.

in case of emergency, dial 112.


PULSSI MEDICAL CENTRE MEDICAL CENTRE MEHILÄINEN TURKU Humalistonkatu 9–11, 20100 Turku Aurakatu 9/Kauppiaskatu 8, 20100 Turku Phone (switch) +358 2 261 61 Appointment +358 2 41400 switch +358 2 414 0111 19 Appointment tel. +358 2 261 6300 Fax +358 2 414 0360 Appointment MEHILÄINEN RAISIO Mon–Fri 8–20 Raisiontori 1 a, 21200 Raisio Sat–Sun 9–20 Appointment +358 (0)2 41400 switch +358 (0)2 414 0111 Fax +358 (0)2 414 0360 https://ajanvaraus-beta.terveystalo.com/en/ https://www.mehilainen.fi/en


SPORTS CENTER HANI-HALLI Urheilutie 6, 23100 Mynämäki Keskuskatu 35, 23100 Mynämäki Tel. +358 2 430 7427 Tel. +358 44 222 2400 20 [email protected] Running track, playing field etc. Open Cafe /reception Mon 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. GYM IN TAVASTILA Tue–Thu 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Fri 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. Mynämäentie 777 Sat–Sun closed 23120 Mietoinen Gym (with a keycard) There is a small gym in Tavastila school’s area. You Mon–Fri 5 a.m. – 10 p.m. can buy a card from the swimming hall in Mynämäki. Sat–Sun 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. The card costs 70 €/ year. HaNi-Halli is a sport centre at Mynämäki centre. It has 2 gyms and full floorball court. Also, it is offers group fitness classes. It is also the local post office. www.hani-halli.fi


SWIMMING HALL KIVIJÄRVI Virastotie 1, 23100 Mynämäki Tekovahantie 11, Mynämäki tel. +358 45 131 7777 » public beach Open » public sauna 21 » place to grill sausages Mon 2 p.m. –9 p.m. » open from 15 May to 15 September Tue 6 a.m. – 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. –9 p.m Wed 2 p.m. –9 p.m SAARENRANTA Fri 6 a.m. – 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. –9 p.m Sat closed There is a beach called Saarenranta near the Saari Residence.

Prices: BOAT Adults 3,50 € Saari Residence’s boat Lovisa is located (in Adults’ 10 x serial ticket 30,00 € summertime) in the Saarenranta beach, please ask Pensioners, students 3,00 € Heidi or Iiris about the berth number. 10 x serial tickets 25,00 € Children aged 4–15 2,50 € The key to the boat and the life jackets are in the Barn. Under 4 years old children free of charge Closed in July.


EVERYMAN’S RIGHT IN BRIEF The everyman's rights applies to anyone living or staying in Finland and there is no need to obtain a permit or permission to enjoy. 22 EVERYONE MAY: » walk, ski or cycle freely in the countryside, except in gardens, in the immediate vicinity of people’s homes, and in fields and plantations which could easily be damaged » stay or set up camp temporarily in the countryside, a reasonable distance from homes » pick wild berries, mushrooms and flowers, as long as they are not protected species » fish with a rod and line » row, sail or use a motorboat on waterways, with certain restrictions; swim or wash in inland waters and the sea » walk, ski and fish on frozen lakes, rivers and the sea. YOU MAY NOT: » disturb other people or damage property » disturb breeding birds, or their nests or young or disturb game animals » cut down or damage living trees, or collect wood, moss or lichen on other people’s property » light open fires on other people’s property, except in an emergency » disturb the privacy of people’s homes, by camping too near them, or making too much noise, for example » leave litter or drive motor vehicles off road without the landowner’s permission » fish or hunt without the relevant permits.

» Everyone is basically entitled to walk, ski, cycle or ride freely in natural areas, as long as this causes no damage or no more than minor harm to property or nature. This right does not cover private yards. » There is no public right of way through fields and other cultivated areas during the growing season, to prevent damage. The use of maintained outdoor recreation routes and ski trails is based on everyman’s right. » Birds and other animals must not be disturbed during the breeding season. » Right of way and temporary stay based on everyman’s right may only be limited by official prohibition enforced by public authorities. Such authorities include Metsähallitus, who supervises the nature conservation area by the sea. Nature reserves are the most strictly protected areas. Possible restrictions on public access in nature conservation areas are indicated with signs. » Dog walking is allowed on other people’s land if the dog is kept on a lead and all dogs more than five months old must be kept on a lead or in the immediate vicinity of the handler between 1 March and 19 August, which is the time when game animals are raising their young. » Dogs may not be unleashed on fitness trails, and must be kept away from public beaches, children’s playgrounds, market squares, sports fields and maintained ski tracks.

Read more about the everyman's right: https://www.nationalparks.fi/everymansright VETERINARY CARE

VETERINARIAN PAULIINA RAIKUNEN Virastotie 1, 23100 Mynämäki Call for appointment from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Tel. +358 2 430 7265, + 358 500 325 946 23

VETS ON CALL AFTER OFFICE HOURS Week nights Mon - Thu from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. Weekends Fri - Mon from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. Tel. +358 600 12 444, Evidensia Vettori, Purokatu 3, 21200 Raisio Call before leaving.

FOUND ANIMALS The animals found in Mynämäki municipal area are taken care by Pieneläinhoitola Päivin karvaturrit. You can call about found animal or ask if your dog has ran away. Pieneläinhoitola Päivin karvaturrit Päivi Ruokokoski Komerintie 23 23100 Mynämäki Tel. +358 44 209 9660


REMOVE TICKS FROM YOUR SKIN IMMEDIATELY! Tick bites can transmit two different types of disease: lyme disease (a bacterial illness) and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE; a viral infectious disease). The best form of protection against both is to prevent tick 24 bites by wearing boots and long pants. Every fourth tick in Finnish nature carries Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria which cause lyme disease. Ticks can generally be found in moist undergrowth where they can easily attach themselves to the legs of passing people. Once onboard, the skin’s heat guides the blind arachnid to its blood meal. It’s best to take precautions to prevent possible infection. If an area is known to have plenty of ticks, it’s best to wear rubber boots and long pants for protection. Also, it’s a good idea to thoroughly check the skin for ticks after spending time in areas with tall grass. Dogs and cats should be kept from people’s beds during the summer. Animal fur can easily accumulate ticks, which may then make their way across the sheets to feast on humans sleeping in the same bed. Pharmacies provide various methods of protection against ticks for animals: a tick collar or an easy-to-use liquid solution will prevent ticks from attaching themselves to animals’ fur. Even if you have been bitten by a tick, the risk of being infected with lyme disease is relatively small. The tick must be attached to a human’s skin for several hours before any disease it carries may be transmitted. Due to the risk of infection, the tick must be removed from the skin as soon as possible. Ticks should be removed with a rotating motion. The easiest way to remove a small tick is to use tick tweezers designed specifically for the job. A large, engorged tick is usually big enough to be easily twisted off by hand. The tick tweezers you will find from the first aid cabinet in the barn.

SNAKES There are also snakes in the manor area: grass snakes and common European vipers (Vipera Berus). Please wear suitanle shoes while walking in grass areas and woods. In case of a snake bite, there is first aid tablets for a snake bite (sold in pharmacies under the name Kyypakkaus) in the barn's first aid cabin. Keep the puncture area immobile.

Please be careful when walking in the manor area. Wear suitable shoes!

Snake bit require medical assistance and if a common European viper bites a child or a bite is suspected, seek medical assistance immediately! http://www.hus.fi/en/medical-care/Children_and_adolescents/ When_a_Child_Falls_Ill/Bites_and_stings/Pages/default.aspx REMEMBER TO RECYCLE!

We sort the waste in the Saari Residence as ecologically as possible. When you sort your household waste into the correct containers, we can deliver them to be recycled. The sorted waste generates, for example, raw materials for industry and soil and district heating and electricit. Different types of waste, such as biowaste, glass, small metal items, cardboard, plastic packages and paper, should be sorted into their separate containers. If you have any questions regarding recycling, do not hesitate to ask! 25 we sort the waste accordingly: » Mixed waste » Carton » Biowaste (see detailed instrutions from page 22) » Electric waste, WEEE » Plastic packaging waste » Returnable bottles and jars » Glass » Broken dishes » Metals » Batteries » Paper » mixed waste Mixed waste includes miscellaneous waste. Hazardous waste and all materials that can be reused as raw materials have already been separated from it. Plastic products, such as broken sledges, toys, watering cans and kitchen utensils are sorted into the mixed waste container. Sor​t into mixed waste: » plastic products other than packages; e.g. broken sledges and toys, watering cans and kitchen utensils » hygiene products such as disposable diapers, tampons and sanitary towels » worn out textiles and shoes » leather, faux leather and rubber » drinking glasses and heat tolerant glass dishes » mirrors, pieces of broken window glass » porcelain and ceramics » vacuum cleaner bags » incandescent light bulbs and halogen light bulbs and fuses » cooking oil, in a tightly closed bottle » ash and cigarette stumps.

PLASTIC Plastic package means a plastic container, wrap, bag, etc. used for packaging the product to be sold. Packag- es also refer to the plastic bags used for carrying the purchases home. Rinse or wipe clean empty packages, if necessary. It is clean enough if there is no odour nuisance. Remove caps and lids. This will facilitate the further processing of packages. Dispose of other plastic products, such as broken toys, watering cans and kitchen utensils in the mixed waste container. You may put all empty plastic packages, despite the labelling, into the collection container for plastic packages, except PVC containing plastic packages (03) and packag- es containing residues of hazardous substances, such as motor oil canisters. Sort ​​​into plastic packaging waste: » Empty plastic packages for food stuff, such as yoghurt containers, butter tubs or packages for cold cuts, cheese and convenience food. » Empty plastic detergent, shampoo and soap bottles. » Plastic carriers, bags and wrappings. » Empty plastic bottles, canisters and jars, preferably flattened; caps and lids detached. GLASS Sort into glass waste containers ​coloured and clear glass bottles and jars. Rinse dirty glass bottles and jars with a splash of cold water. Remove caps and lids. Labels, bottle collars or oth- er fixed parts do not need to be removed. Clear​ and coloured glass are placed into the one and same container. The other types of glass (drinking glasses, heat-resistant glasses (oven pans, coffee pans), crystal glass, porcelain and ceramics, window glass, mirror glass, opal glass (is used in some cosmetics packages, for example or lamps) should be sorted into mixed waste, as they are not suitable for the same recycling process as bottles and jars. 26 METALS Small metal items mostly refer to metal packages. Larger metal objects should be counted as scrap met- als. Flush the metal packages that had food in them with cold water in order to remove the traces of food. Sort into the metal waste containers: » food and beverage cans » ​aluminium foil and tins » metal lids and caps » metal casings of tea lights » empty and dry paint cans » empty aerosol cans (which do not slush or hiss) » small metal items that can fit into the container.

paper Recycled paper consists of paper coming in through the mailbox and paper used for writing and printing. All materials must be clean and dry. Sort into paper waste containers: » newspapers and magazines » adverts, brochures, postcards » envelopes (also those with windows) » phone books and product catalogues » paperback books » hardcover books, if the covers are removed » copy paper and printed paper » sketch books and notepads » white paper bags » Staples and paperclips do not need to be removed.

carton Waste carton includes paper, carton and cardboard packages. Rinse liquid packages and other packages containing food remains. Let them drip dry. Flatten the packages and pack them inside each other. Remove plastic corks and sort them into plastic packaging waste. Staples or packing tapes do not need to be removed. Sort into carton waste containers: » carton packages for liquids, such as milk and juice cartons (also with aluminium lining) » carton packages, such as cereal and cookie packs » paper packets, such as bread and flour bags » paper bags » wrapping papers, such as the wrapping of copy paper » egg cartons » shells of toilet paper and kitchen towel rolls » ​​corrugated cardboard and kraft paper. RECYCLING BIOWASTE IE. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE COMPOSTER

At the Saari Residence, we compost our biowaste to turn it into soil. Using the composter differs from how you may be used to processing biowaste at home so in order for it to work properly, please read and follow 27 these instructions carefully, or recycle your biowaste with other combustible waste. Please note that the smaller the size of the biowaste, the easier it is for micro-organisms to turn it into soil. USING THE COMPOSTER » Empty the biodegradable bag into the composter and put the bag into the combustible waste bin. » Emptying the biodegradable bag is important as the bags decompose slower than the actual organic waste does; the biowaste will rot in the bag instead of decomposing if it isn’t emptied first. » Cover the waste with compost bulking material, which can be found in lidded tubs next to the composters. Use approximately half the amount of waste you are putting in. Using the bulking material allows air to circulate in the compost mass and ensures odourless and efficient composting.

THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CAN BE COMPOSTED: » all biowaste, e.g. » fruit and vegetable peels (preferably chopped into smaller pieces), no whole fruits » food waste (including meat and fish). Please note: large bones decompose slowly so we recommend putting them in with other combustible waste » coffee grounds and tea leaves incl. their filter papers. » tea bags should preferably be teared open. » small amounts of soft and moist paper towels » egg cartons, only when shredded into small pieces » crushed egg shells » natural fibres in very small pieces » garden waste in small amounts, e.g. flower stems chopped into smaller pieces DO NOT COMPOST: » ANYTHING PLASTIC!!! » large bones, large fruit seeds (e.g. avocado or peach pits) » vacuum bags » stationary paper, colour printed advertisements » chewing gum » cigarette stubs or cigarette ash » non-biodegradable waste, such as plastic, glass and rubber » leather » poisoneous substances, such as disinfectants, paints, solvents, gasoline » large amounts of paper towels » ash or lime.


Power outages may occur due to larger storms, pre-scheduled repair work by the electricity provider or technical problems. Power failures caused by technical issues or pre-scheduled repair work (of which we will inform residents as soon as we learn of the details) usually last for only a few hours but outages caused by storms may even last for days. 28 Power outages may also cause water supply failures in which case the toilets, for example, won’t work. There are two outhouses located at one end of the recycling point that can be used in these instances.

» In case of a power failure, each apartment is stocked with both a flashlight (please remember to return it to its place when you leave!) as well as a candle and matches. » Please inform the staff of any power failures (contact information on page 12) and we will look into the reason for the outage. We will also provide further instructions, if necessary. » Although some of the apartments have fireplaces, they are not in working condition and should under no circumstances be lit!