Oakland Institute Apostolate at Saint Margaret Mary Catholic Church 1219 Excelsior Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610 SUNDAY, MARCH 25 THROUGH SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 2018 PALM SUNDAY Msgr. Michael Schmitz, Vicar General and Delegate for the United States Canon Matthew Talarico, Provincial Superior Rev. Canon Olivier Meney, (510) 604-0391
[email protected] Abbé Kevin: (510) 502-9321 For the reception of the Sacraments, contact Canon Meney To contact the office, (510) 482-2053 or
[email protected] http://www.institute-christ-king.org (American Website) www.facebook.com/ICRSSCalifornia SACRED TRIDUUM SCHEDULE We celebrate the Institution of the Priesthood and of Holy Thursday the Mass. For once and for all Our Lord Jesus Christ offers His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. He offers March 29 Himself at the Last Supper as the oblation of the Sacrifice to be achieved on the Cross in a bloody manner, which same Sacrifice is continued at each Mass. - Tenebrae at 9:00 am Altar is stripped down. The Blessed Sacrament is - Mass at 5:00 removed to another location: the Altar of repose. - Adoration until 11:00 pm We are invited to watch with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Good Friday, This Liturgy underlines the Passion of Jesus Christ. March 30 It is formed of four parts: I. The Readings from the Prophets that announced the Passion and the Gospel of St. John II. The Great Intercession or prayers for the Church - Tenebrae at 9:00 am III. The Veneration of the Cross with its unveiling: Adoremus Crucis, and the Lamentations “O my - Liturgy of the Passion at People, What did I do to you?” 5:00 pm IV.The Mass of Pre-sanctified) Holy Saturday Ceremony starts with the blessing of the fire, symbol of the Creation and resurrection.