Rabbi’s Message: with Christmas celebrations, we miss Hanukkah Means out on what is uniquely beautiful about Hanukkah. Dedication In Jewish tradition, Hanukkah is actually a minor holiday; it’s become A few years ago, our family spent central mostly because of its proximity Hanukkah in , and it was amaz- to Christmas. But Hanukkah holds a ing. On the first night, we witnessed the special significance and purpose as well. kindling of a giant menorah in front of The word Hanukkah literally means ’s city hall, then went in search Rabbis Glickman and family celebrating “dedication.” And I suggest that we use of a good gluten-free restaurant for din- Hanukkah in Israel these eight nights of Hanukkah to dedi- ner. As we wandered, I thought that as cate, or rededicate, ourselves to learning, wonderful as the menorah-lighting had menorah and candles on every table. exploring, and being inspired by Juda- been, I missed the intimacy of saying the It was the same each night of ism. How? I have a few ideas: blessings and watching our own candles Hanukkah. In hotel lobbies, along the Eight Hebrew Words. Why not learn burn. Maybe tomorrow night, I told streets of Jerusalem, even at the kiosk a new Hebrew word each night of Ha- myself. where we returned our rental car and the nukkah? Google “Hebrew Word of the But there was no need to wait. We airport where we prepared to board our Day,” and you’ll find a variety of websites soon found a place to eat, a place that flight back to the States, were hanuk- ready to teach you how to say everything served gluten-free crepes—and had a kiyot, candles, and matches. In Haifa we from rachamim (mercy) to k’vish (road). ate at a sushi restaurant that didn’t have Or join me in subscribing to “Your Daily IN THIS ISSUE menorahs on the table; when we asked, Dose of Hebrew” (it’s free!) at https:// our waiter apologized and invited us ulpan.com/your-daily-dose-of-hebrew/, President’s Message...... 2 into the kitchen to light candles with the and have a new word or phrase delivered Brotherhood...... 3 chef. When we checked into our to your inbox every evening. hotel in the Galilee, a giant tray of suf- Sisterhood ...... 4 Please continue at top of page 2 Executive Director’s Message...... 5 ganiyot greeted us. Even the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem were aglow with a Appreciation for Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman . . 6 Hanukkah-themed light show. EDITOR’S NOTE Adult Education Update ...... 6 Things are different here. And while REGARDING THE Member Spotlight...... 7 we try to bring a bit of Israel’s Hanukkah CORONAVIRUS Strategic Planning Group Update ...... 8 spirit into our majority-Christian com- Havurah Committee Update ...... 8 munities, it’s difficult. I love Hanukkah All services and events are currently Confirmation Class Goes Online ...... 9 lights, seeing blue-and-white decora- being livestreamed, held via zoom or Opportunities for Young Families ...... 9 tions on the shelves of Target, hearing shown on our Facebook page. Please Photto Gallery from Rabbi Elaine...... 10 that our religious school parents are look for news and updates on the “Empires of Israel” talk...... 10 reading Hanukkah stories, distributing temple website and in our Eblasts. Membership Committee’s New Members. 11 gelt, and playing dreidel in their chil- Shabbat Services will be livestreamed TEE Peace Wall Project...... 12 dren’s classrooms—and of course brows- at: Rabbi Shefrin Renews Contract...... 13 ing the wonderful Hanukkah merchan- www.sarasotatemple.org Joyous Sukkot for TEE Families...... 14-15 dise in the Temple gift shop! But I also Stay healthy and well worry that when we try to “compete” Rabbi’s Message from page 1 cheim stories” or “Etgar Keret stories” 150, then go to www.sefaria.org and to start. If you’re willing to pay a bit, type in the number of the psalm you Eight New Countries. Explore the explore Orly Castel-Bloom and Shani chose. Jewish world from your computer. Boianjiu as well—their stories are There are many other worthwhile Google “Jewish attractions in” and worth it! ways to spend these days of Hanuk- add the name of a city you’ve always Eight Psalms. If you have a Bible kah—performing eight good deeds, wanted to visit—or visit again. You’ll at home, open to the beginning of the connecting with eight people you care be amazed at how many Jewish mu- Book of Psalms—then flip through the about, sending a little tzedakah to seums, synagogues, and historic sites pages at random and read whichever eight organizations. I’d love to hear will come up; enjoy browsing their psalm comes up. When I do this, the your plans! individual websites, or just click on right psalm always seems to find me Wishing you and yours a holiday Images to indulge in a virtual tour. —it fits my mood and provides the of rededication and renewal, and a Eight New Stories. Did you know comfort or inspiration that I need. I season filled with light and miracles, that many classic and modern Jewish bet it will work for you as well! And and Israeli short stories are available if you don’t have a printed Bible at Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman for free online? Google “Sholom Ale- home, pick a number between 1 and

Presidents Message they seek to fulfill their mission and Happy Thanksgiving to all. During vision. In his presentation,” Practi- this season of gratitude and shar- cal Wisdom for Presidents”, he noted ing we need to be thankful for the that much of the work as president liberties and pleasantries we enjoy. should be relational. He went on to On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I say,” that means connecting with wish you and your family both health professional staff, lay leadership and and fulfillment in your days. both board and non-board temple During the recent semi-annual members”. That same message is congregational meeting I spoke of a the focus of Dr. Ron Wolfson’s book recent URJ Seminar I attended for entitled,” Relational Judaism”, that new and president elects. I would like talks about using the power of rela- to share with you two specific pre- tionships to transform the Jewish sentations that are relevant consid- community. In his book he outlines ering the pandemic we continue to twelve principles of relational en- experience. Rabbi Samuel Joseph, gagement that temples and organi- Distinguished Professor of Jewish Barry Gerber zations can employ to attract new Education and Leadership Devel- people and deepen relationships with opment at Hebrew Union College those already in the ranks. Especially in Cincinnati spoke to us on how synagogues can be most excellent as

Temple Emanu-El welcomes WELCOME! the following members:

Bunin, Andrew & Randee & Family Ducoff, Nick & Elizabeth & Family Hakim, Alya & Clement & Family Hoffman, Eric & Morielle Ross, Joe Schapiro, Dr. Howard & Sandra

2 during this pandemic his book has VUCA—Volatility, Uncertainty, the temple board will respond with significant relevance. I feel Temple Complexity and Ambiguity. During clarity and deliberate process. And Emanu-El is doing many of the right this pandemic many of our members finally, any ambiguity in the opera- things to strengthen our connection are facing uncertainties in their lives. tions of the board will be countered with current members and with the I’m confident that you can count on with agility, the ability to communi- Re-Invention Initiative we hope to the temple should you need its help. cate across the organization and to achieve even greater success. As your Our mission and vision will guide move to apply solutions. The temple president, I plan to focus on innova- us to making the right decisions for is here for you. tion, vision, motivation, trust and Temple Emanu-El. Any uncertainty change. will be countered with understand- Barry Gerber A second presentation by Rabbi ing, listening and appropriate ac- President Joseph focused on the acronym, tion. However complex the future is,

Davis Jr…an array of talent the likes “Shabbat To Go” program on TEE’s of which have never been seen in home page. This initiative is jointly one show. Thank you Don Malawsky sponsored by Sisterhood and Broth- for your unique program design and erhood. Michael Lauber and team creativity, and to David Steinbach and are continuing to prepare delicious Jesse Bauer for doing their behind- weekly Shabbat dinner meals, hearty the-scenes magic so we could offer and large-portioned, and available for Brotherhood this as a streamed event We hope you only $18. enjoyed it as much as we did in put- Brotherhood’s ‘Interest Groups’ Brotherhood-2020’s inaugural Sun- ting it together. For the gamers in our are sparking interest. Each group lead day morning lecture program, “Birds, congregation, we brought back Bingo has solicited members to determine Barry and Bagels” was a huge success a few weeks ago and are considering what they would like to see from their with over 80 people in attendance. another Trivia Night at the start of individual groups. We anticipate each We were enraptured as Barry Ger- the year. group will have their first planned ber taught us the history of Celery If you attended our “Bach to event this month. Currently, we have Fields, introduced us to the contribu- Bach” concert last season and enjoy three such groups—Investment Club, tions of Bertha Honore Palmer and classical music, you won’t want to Sports and Theatre. For Investment shared photos of the colorful birds miss our next event, “Los Trabas in Club inquiries, please contact Burgess of this region. So much interest was Concert”. On December 12, Brother- Levin at [email protected]. sparked by his presentation that as hood will introduce from the Sarasota Those interested in “Sports”, your soon as it’s safe for group travel, I’m Orchestra the husband and wife team contact is Ken Simon (ksimon7396@ expecting Barry to lead us on a trip to of Betsy Hudson Traba (on flute) and aol.com). If you’re curious about our Celery Fields so we can see first-hand Fernando Traba (bassoon), accom- Theatre Group, contact me at rich- nature’s beauty in our own backyard. panied by Jesse Martins, principal [email protected]. These groups Speaking of nature’s beauty, pianist from the Sarasota Opera. They are open to all Brotherhood members, wasn’t Alvan Morris wonderful as will be performing selections from and Sisterhood-member spouses, but Lou Costello? Those in attendance Beethoven , Saint-Saens, Telemann the initial meeting is free to non- at Brotherhood’s “Your Show of and more. If you haven’t already done members. To become a member, Shows were treated to an entertain- so, you may make your reservation on please go to our temple website, click ing evening of comedy, music and line at https://www.sarasotatemple. on “Brotherhood” under the Commu- circus acts. From Rodney Danger- org then click on ‘EVENTS.’ Tickets nity tab, and complete your applica- field to Don Malawsky…from Itzhak are only $20 per household, with tion. Perlman to Circus Sarasota…from RSVP’s requested by December 11. Alvan Morris to Barbara Streisand… And, if we’re talking value (and Rich Fine from the Marx Brothers to Sammy a delicious meal) check out the Brotherhood President

3 ary 2), My Own Words by Ruth Bader tunity to have some fun with friends or Ginsburg (March 2), Memento Park by to make some new friends. Questions? Mark Sarvas (April 6), America’s Jewish Please email Barbara Peltz at barband- Women by Pamela Nadell (May 4) and [email protected]. Register online The Third Daughter by Talia Carner at www.sarasotatemple.org by Decem- (June 1). The book club meets via Zoom ber 18. Sisterhood on the first Tuesday of every month at Celebrate the Temple’s 65th anni- 1:30. New members are always wel- versary with us as Kim Sheintal nar- come. For more information, email rates a one-hour photo presentation of Karen Androphy at teebookclub@gmail. 65 years of temple history on Tuesday, We hope you all had a wonderful com. January 5, at 7 pm via Zoom. Thanksgiving! Brotherhood and Sisterhood co- Mark your calendar! Hanukkah The Sisterhood Book and Author sponsored Bingo on Sunday, November starts on Thursday, December 10th. The Chats have been a great success. Sister- 15. We all enjoyed a fun and relaxing Sisterhood Gift Shop will be open for hood member Rabbi Aviva Berg inter- evening. Coming up on Thursday, De- holiday purchases on Friday, December viewed Edward Krauss, author of Solo- cember 3, at 1:30 pm, is a Zoom pro- 4 from noon to 2:30, Sunday December mon The Accountant, on October 6 and gram called Women of Valor presented 16 from noon to 3, Wednesday Decem- Jennifer Rosner, author of 50 Shades by Rosalie Leon. Rosalie is a Jewish mu- ber 9 from 3 to 6:30 and Sunday De- of Talmud, on November 10. Aviva is a sic specialist and has been performing cember 13 from 10 to noon. There will warm and thoughtful interviewer, and in the Sarasota area for over 20 years. be a table outside the main sanctuary the authors appeared to be totally at She will be entertaining us with Jewish entrance to purchase candles, chocolate ease during the Zoom interviews, each storytelling, guitar playing and singing. and dreidels. No appointment neces- with about 50 people in attendance. Rosalie’s talk will concern among oth- sary. Whether you need a new menorah, There were lively question and answer ers, Debbie Friedman, Emma Lazarus, or gifts such as jewelry and toys, Alice periods following each interview. The Golda Meir and Barbra Streisand. Cotman is available to help. Contact series concludes with the December Please RSVP by December 2 online at Alice Cotman at [email protected] 1st chat with Jennifer Rosner, author www.sarasotatemple.org. or call 941 359-6451. Surprise your fam- of The Yellow Bird Sings. This novel Game Night, scheduled for Sunday, ily with a new recipe for latkes available is the beautifully written story of the December 20, between 7 and 8:30 pm, in the new Sisterhood cookbook - M’Dor unbreakable bond between mother and is being reimagined for Zoom. We will L’Dor in the Kitchen. Thank you ahead daughter. It is based on stories of Jew- play Blank Slate, Ditto Double Ditto for supporting the Sisterhood Gift Shop. ish children during WWII. Participation and a slightly different form of Family The net proceeds directly benefit the in the book club meetings and events Feud, each for about 20 to 30 minutes. Temple Emanu-El Religious school. is limited to Sisterhood members only. Participants will be randomly placed Happy Hanukah! We return to book club Zoom meet- in breakout rooms in groups of about 6 ings moderated by Sisterhood members to 8 people (or 3 to 4 screens). Unlike Stay well and be happy! starting in the new year. The upcoming trivia, no special knowledge is needed Susan Simon & Susan Meisel book club selections are House on End- to play these games. Each game only Sisterhood Co-Presidents less Waters by Emuna Elon (January 5), requires you to think of answers, but Color Me In by Natasha Diaz (Febru- no answer is wrong! This is an oppor-

Will We See You at Lunch with the Rabbis? Wonderful monthly program currently being held via Zoom Scheduled dates: December 2nd and January 6th at Noon

4 justed job responsibilities all while do- Executive Director’s ing it with a smile and a can-do attitude! Message Thank you, Bonnie, Dee, Jesse, Sabrina, Lynne, and Judy for For my article this month, I am high- everything! Our religious school lighting some wonderful parts of teachers and assistants have also Temple Emanu-El. done an amazing job! Do you ever stop and think about how Know we are here for you! The chal- fantastic the Temple Times is? It is a lenges from Covid have been plentiful reading pleasure full of vibrant pictures, and all of us have been affected in some engaging articles, exciting events and manner. Last April, a Covid Fund was wonderful business advertisements. established to help members and staff (Many of the businesses are owned by encountering financial struggles due to temple members.) The Temple Times Covid. We have funds available to has truly become one of our special help. This is not a time to be shy or traditions. I receive numerous compli- try to manage alone. These dollars ments from members and potential are here to help you so reach out members about how nice the publi- now! You can also receive assis- Christine Elliott cation is and how happy they are to tance more than once! Call Sherrie receive it. It is something members look at 941-993-3014 or email me- Chris- forward to. a year.” and the Do Good Now! project [email protected] to get started. The bulletin does not magically was created from that inspiration. Dr. Information is confidential! happen; it requires a lot of hard work Tanice Knopp graciously agreed to lead Please check the Covid Informa- and the Bulletin Committee makes this this new endeavor. Do Good Now! is a tion tab on the website for up to date happen. Editor, Alan Zuckerman, has resource for temple members to learn information on the temple’s procedures been leading the committee for 10 years. about ways they can volunteer at temple and plans for Covid as well as Covid Temple members Mary Alterman, Ellen and in the community. A current list of resources. Lenk, Herbert Lenk, Howie Goldberg, opportunities is included in the weekly Joan Levenson and Sharlya Gold are all Tuesday email and on the Good Works Most sincerely, part of the committee and Dr. Eleanor page under the Community Tab on our Wachs recently joined as co-editor. website. Thank you, Tanice, for Christine Elliott Sending a huge THANK YOU to our jumping in and making this hap- Executive Director Bulletin Committee! Job well done! pen! The Bulletin Committee is do- We are so fortunate! For the past ing more of their work digitally and is eight months, temple looking for additional help. If you are staff have been work- interested in learning more, please send ing incredibly hard an email to [email protected] and to shift and respond [email protected]. to the changes from Have you heard about one of our Covid. Every team new initiatives? Rabbi Glickman said member has learned in his Yizkor sermon, “We can’t waste new skills and ad-

5 Appreciation for edge of this temple, her understanding Rabbi Elaine Rose of how to work most effectively with Rabbis Glickman and Shefrin, and her Glickman passion for ensuring that every aspect of the temple continue despite Covid made The Temple Emanu-El Board of Trust- her the obvious, best choice—and she ees wants to extend a warm thank you has been wonderful!” and note of appreciation to Rabbi Elaine Rabbi Elaine has been a dynamo Rose Glickman for her increased sup- at temple since she arrived fourteen port over the past seven months. Rabbi years ago. We know Rabbi Elaine as an Elaine has graciously agreed to extend inspirational and charismatic rabbini- her expanded involvement in temple cal leader, extraordinary marketer, wise activities for another six months. author, kind listener and friend to all. Ken Marsh, immediate past presi- Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman We are blessed beyond measure to have dent, shared “Back in the spring, a few her with us, supporting us and helping weeks into the pandemic, it became to lead us throughout these challeng- obvious that Rabbis Glickman and of temple members just as needs were ing times. President, Barry Gerber, Shefrin would soon be completely worn increasing—was not an option. So, the said “Having Rabbi Elaine assist both out if they were not provided with some Board of Trustees was delighted that Rabbi Glickman and Rabbi Shefrin with assistance. The demands on their time Rabbi Elaine was available to take on a rabbinical duties during this pandemic was overwhelming, and they could few rabbinic duties, in addition to the makes the temple that much stronger.” not even think about taking a day off. many hours each week she was already Todah Rabah, Reducing their duties—to the detriment volunteering. Rabbi Elaine’s knowl- Rabbi Elaine!

Adult Education Update duction leads to pandemics. DATE: tech industry past, present and future Upcoming Courses & Events Tuesday, December 8, 10:30 am with from his personal perspective. Stephen Hiller MD DATE: February 11, 7:00 PM The following programs will be present- Imagination as Resistance Hebrew Conversation for Be- ed via ZOOM. Please register online on during the Holocaust: Dr. Racelle ginners: Instructor Evie Shen-Tal has the TEE website. Weiman will present astonishing ac- students communicating with her and MARK YOUR CALENDARS: counts of creative acts of resistance with each other about everyday topics. Sunday Movie Discus- and survival through the use of a secret Knowledge of written Hebrew is not sions: Join our Jewish-themed weapon, imagination. She personally required. FEE: 8 one hour classes $50 m o v i e d i s c u s s i o n s S u n d a y s a t 4 : 0 0 p m met and researched these inspiring for members, $60 for non-members. “My Italian Secret”, available on Ama- people who impacted the course of Thursdays, Time 9:15 am zon Prime DATE: 12/6/2020 human history, science and theology. Advanced Hebrew Conversa- “Shalom Bollywood”, available on Ama- Dr. Racelle Weiman is an international tion: Students with some background zon Prime DATE: 12/13/2020 scholar in the field of Interreligious in speaking, reading, and writing He- “Dreaming of a Jewish Christ- Dialogue, Post Holocaust Theology, brew build on their knowledge through mas” available on iTunes DATE: Genocide Prevention and Minority engaging classroom interactions with 12/20/2020 Studies. DATE: International Holo- instructor Evie Shen-Tal and class- “Remember Me”, available on Amazon caust Remembrance Day, Wednesday, mates. 8 one hour classes. FEE: $50 Prime DATE: 12/27/2020 January 27, 2021, 10:30 am for members, $60 for non-members. Just for the Health of It Up- Israeli Innovation: The TEE Tuesdays, Time 9:15 am. date: Current research findings on the Israel Committee and TEE Adult Educa- If you would like more information, benefits of a whole foods plant-based tion are pleased to co-sponsor speaker please contact Co-Chairs Ellen Zipin, or lifestyle for our health and the health Alex Parness- an Israeli engineer and Dr. Janet Hiller at Adultedtee@gmail. of our planet will be presented and international technology and innovation com discussed. Dr. Hiller will also discuss expert. He will share his experience and research on how our means of food pro- observations regarding the Israeli high- 6 Learning Center, Daddy Daughter Dance Committee and dozens more. Not much of a traveler, she and Jon MEMBERMEMBER created a life focused on their work and their families. Kim has written a book, The Jews of Sarasota-Manatee, which SPOTLIGHTSPOTLIGHT has led to her making multiple appear- ances as a speaker as well as the leader Kim Sheintal and speaker for the Jewish Genealogical Society of Southwest Florida. She had When attending Temple services, it been very involved in ORT, the Sister Cit- would be hard to miss Kim Sheintal giv- ies, and creating yearbooks for a number ing out member badges, signing guests of Sarasota public schools who had none. in, ensuring special dinners were fully Kim, currently Co-Chair of the staffed with volunteers to make each Membership Committee, has shared guest feel special, and most importantly Kim Sheintal her distinct capabilities with any com- for many events, creating unique center mittee needing her assistance. And if pieces for each table. If you attended our centerpieces are required, that’s the Meet and Greets as a new member, Kim As a child, and ultimately leading to outlet she needs for creative urges! For was there often, happy to circulate and her founding the Jewish Genealogical us, Kim’s focus and determination has speak with everyone, before running out Society of Southwest Florida, Kim tried grown through the years and has been an the door to pick up her grandson from to figure out how her family members incredible addition to our Temple and to religious school. At services, you don’t were related and building the family tree each member of our Temple family. She know that Kim is sitting in the back after became a lifelong passion which contin- has never met a stranger and will find everyone has been seated. She is quietly ues to this day. She has actually traced common grounds with almost everyone found everywhere. her family back to the 1600s. she meets. Her presence has given us a Kim was raised in Skokie, Illinois. When Kim married Jon, who she chance to see a person who does what Raised as a Reform Jew, she was a Bat met in college, they moved to Sarasota needs to be done without fanfare, rarely Mitzvah, a Confirmand and later a mem- with his parents, followed later by hers. accepting praise, simply because she ber of Hillel. Her parents worked in her They both volunteered at local groups believes “if someone needs me, I like to grandfather’s drug store full-time, which and she and Jon chaired the first Sara- be busy and I’ll do it…I can’t say no.” No did not leave them much opportunity to sota Junior Miss America pageant as recognition is required and she praises be active in the community. they created a new life in a new city. everyone who helps her. Rarely does she So where did the volunteer ethic They had friends and family and found think about the time it will take, or the come from?? It came from a need to their new beginning wonderful. In 1983, ingenuity required developing the strat- always be busy, always wanting to create they joined TEE where they had attended egy needed. It just gets done. something new and being determined services since 1971 with his parents. What she hopes to accomplish going to solve and complete any project. Her When her children, Mara and Liana forward is to document our Temple’s his- curiosity, very similar to her father’s, was were in pre-school and religious school, tory and the changes she has witnessed. to create something original and finish she began volunteering and has never Thank God Kim is Jewish and always felt it….no matter what. It was everything stopped. She actually met every Rabbi her commitment to our faith and fell in from doing pencil drawings of every TEE has ever had. When Kim wondered love with Jon. Thank God Jon’s parents relative, to having a bowling ball at the why she was chosen for the Spotlight, I moved to Sarasota in 1971 where they age of 9 because she loved the game so only had to look at an abbreviated list joined TEE. Putting a spotlight on Kim much (she still uses it having redrilled of her contributions to the: TEE Board is our opportunity to reveal to her how the holes twice), to making maze and as VP, Membership Chair, Benderson valuable she is to us, individually, and to puzzles books for younger sister, Lizzie, Family Hall Dedication Chair, Sisterhood our congregation as a whole. to making the clothes herself for her and Temple Honoree Events, Dedication cutout dolls. From her dad, she inherited 2000 Committee, 45th and 60th Galas, Interviewed by Phyllis Dreyfuss, a sense of order, list making and keep- Sisterhood Intra-Temple Tea, Summer Board Trustee ing track of everyone and everything. Wine and Cheese Havdalah Series, Early November 5th, 2020

7 Strategic Planning few months, the SPG has settled upon when we return. Group Update these six initiatives: Please know that the absence of • Organizational Development other initiatives does not mean they are Since June 2019, a dedicated cadre of and Leadership—including the estab- of no significance—just that they are temple members has been involved in lishment of the Governance committee less urgent than these six, and there is the development and eventual imple- which is already up and running; only so much we can undertake at any mentation of strategic initiative that will • Membership—especially targeted one time. ensure that Temple Emanu-El reduces to increasing the engagement of temple Finally, there is a seventh initia- external threats and takes advantage of members under 55 years of age, for tive called Long-Range Challenges opportunities. Strategic Planning Group which a task force is making great prog- and Risks that will now emerge as [SPG] members include: Christine El- ress; other membership issues will also SPG’s primary focus. That is, to what liott, Rachael Feldman, Barry Gerber, be addressed; extent will large forces begin to impact Howard Kilman, Burgess Levin, Randy • Finances—ensuring the adequacy our temple community in the next few Mallitz, Ken Marsh (Chair), and Joni of financial reports and producing long years, and what should we do soon to Steinberg. Rabbi Glickman and Rabbi range financial plans; meet them. Such forces include (a) the Shefrin serve as ex officio members, • Safety and Security—including emergence of non-dues funding mod- while Michelle Pearson, Michael Rich- guaranteeing that our excellent policy els, (b) decreasing levels of affiliation, ker, Gary Rosenbaum, and Alan Silver- and procedures continue and that we especially among younger Jews, and glat also participated actively in much of collaborate effectively with Federation’s (c) the place of Reform Judaism in the our earlier work. new safety director; wider Jewish spectrum, among other Previous articles have described our • Our Schools—including regular and challenges. numerous research sources and pre- Covid-related decisions for the SSELC Meanwhile, SPG will collaborate liminary findings. Since then, the Board and TEERS; and, with all elements of the temple to of Trustees has adopted the Group’s • Re-Invention—already under way guarantee that everyone can have a role recommendations revising the temple’s with an emphasis on having all temple in implementing these terrific goals. Mission and adding both a Vision State- operations and committees reflect on Please contact Ken Marsh if you have ment and a set of Values; those items what Covid-related modifications will questions or suggestions regarding our may be found on the temple website continue after the pandemic and to what Strategic Planning Group. under the “About Us” tab. Over the past pre-Covid ways of work will continue

group but living near each other, gives If you have any thoughts of turning Havurah Committee easy opportunities for outdoor meetings your new friendships into a Havurah, Article when it is safe. contact me anytime and we’ll have a What is a Havurah? It is a small chat and I would be happy to help you For those of you who have been to the group of people (usually, 8-14) with com- form a new circle to meet a common Zip Code Events, and enjoyed them, mon interests who celebrate birthdays, interest. there is a way to form even closer re- anniversaries, and other events together. lationships with your new friends and The Havurah may be interested in mov- Ruth Goldman neighbors. Neighborhoods lead the way ies, theater, concerts, having Shabbat Co-Chair in creating Havurot. In today’s world, dinners together before Shabbat Ser- Havurah Committee we have learned that closeness with vices. Most of the members of a Havurah [email protected] each other, especially neighbors, can think of it as their Sarasota-Bradenton 941-343-0604 help if we find ourselves isolated. Zoom family or partners in learning or fellow meetings might help us at least form the bird lovers. The possibilities are endless.

Schedule of Services Pending the Covid-19 status, services will be held virtually. Please check our website, www.sarasotatemple.org, and Live streamed or via Zoom weekly emails for details.

8 Confirmation Goes topics chosen by the teens themselves. them was the Orthodox practice of kapparot, Online “Our topic for session two on October 18 waving a live chicken over one’s head prior was ‘Seven Things about Judaism We Don’t to Yom Kippur to transfer one’s sins onto the Even a pandemic can’t stop Temple Emanu- Tell Kids,’” Rabbi Glickman reported. “We chicken,” he added. “We watched videos of El’s wonderful Confirmation class! Our post- covered the first three topics in this session, this being done in Brooklyn and Israel, and B’nai Mitzvah learning program for eighth including how the Bible depicts God both the kids were wide-eyed.” through tenth graders is meeting monthly via male and female, and that one of the com- For more information about Confirma- Zoom, with Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman, mandments in the Torah compels us to stone tion class and the spring Confirmation cer- Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin, and special a rebellious child. emony for tenth and eleventh graders, please guests teaching on fascinating and relevant “Still, the topic that most surprised call 371-2788.

In-Person and Virtual Jewish Opportunities for Young Families

As Temple Emanu-El continues to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, we are proud and happy to offer a mix of in-person and virtual opportunities for our youngest Jewish and interfaith families to stay connected with Temple Emanu-El, with their Judaism, and with each other. For more information about any of these activities, or to suggest your own ideas, please contact Rabbi Elaine. We look forward to sharing these opportunities—and to being back together in person full-time when it is safe! Drive-In Tot Shabbat! We are excited to host monthly in-person socially-distanced The Berman family enjoyed our first Drive-In Tot Shabbat, which has become a signature Tot Shabbats, where we can safely and joyfully Temple Emanu-El program for young families celebrate Shabbat and holidays with goody bags; songs, blessings, movement, and stories; out the details and to reserve your spot! installment of Bedtime Blessings—a weekly and outdoor playtime. Another article in the Joining the Big Kids! Director of story, the bedtime Shema, and a virtual Temple Times shares details about our Sukkot Education Sabrina Silverberg, MARE, has tucking-in—ended just before Thanksgiving, Tot Shabbat from October, and we also held a graciously invited our Tot Shabbat families these special moments are available anytime wonderful Thanksgiving-themed Tot Shab- to participate in Temple Emanu-El Religious on our Facebook page. We are grateful to our bat last month. This month’s Tot Shabbat will School’s (TEERS) special programs. In ad- rabbis, Morah Sabrina, and special guests celebrate Hanukkah as well as Shabbat. Please dition to Family Shabbat Services via Zoom including Heather Labinger, Lynne Pewter- register to join us on Saturday, December 19, on the first Friday of every month at 6 p.m., baugh, and Megan Meese for hosting such at 10 a.m. for all the fun! TEERS sponsors in-person educational, sweet and meaningful Bedtime Blessings! Boker Tov Playground Time! Our social, or community service gatherings and Shabbat ShaZOOM! Our wonderful playground is open for Boker Tov Playground family learning opportunities about once a Parent & Me facilitator Evie Shen-Tal is back Time from 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Monday morn- month at the Temple. This is a great way to with a monthly virtual event to get our little ings! This is a special opportunity for our enjoy more safe and meaningful Jewish activ- ones ready for Shabbat! Join Evie and young tots—with older siblings up to age 6—and care- ity—and also to get our younger kids ready families for songs, fingerplays, blessings, givers to enjoy outdoor playtime, songs, and and excited for religious school once they surprises, and Shabbat fun on Fridays, De- gathering in a small, safe way and according to enter kindergarten! cember 4 and January 15, at 9:30 a.m. Please CDC guidelines. Please register or call to find Bedtime Blessings! Although the fall register for the Zoom link and plan to join us!

9 In this fabulous glimpse into Rabbi Shefrin’s home, Shayna Shefrin, Rabbi Mimi Weisel, and Paul Hamburg provide The entire congregation kvelled as Bat Mitzvah Mia Amdur—with the prayerful atmosphere. her proud parents Justine and Adam—chanted Torah during ser- vices on Friday evening, October 23

As we continue to keep each other safe with livestreamed services and virtual Photo Gallery gatherings, we are grateful and happy that the warmth, spirit, and good humor Special Moments of our Temple Emanu-El family re- mains strong! Here are a few special from the Temple photos from the past month of services, Livestream taken by Roberta Berson and Frank Rabbis Brenner and Elaine Glickman led Tucciarone and Rabbi Michael Shefrin. a Halloween-inspired havdalah on October Enjoy—and if you have some photos 31, complete with a jack-o’lantern, Jewish to share, please send them to Rabbi ghost story, and spooky lighting Elaine!

Israel Committee and a happy, friendly presence at Onegs and other Temple events, he is now a Presents “The Empires junior at Rice University who studies of Israel” with Moses mathematical economic analysis, statis- tics, and emerging markets. He has cre- Glickman ated curricula about ancient history and modern Israel for Congregation Emanu-El Our Israel Committee is proud to pres- in Houston, Texas; directed and staffed a ent “The Empires of Israel” on Sunday, trip to Israel for student leaders; repre- December 6, at 7 p.m via Zoom. sented Rice University at the Maccabee “The Empires of Israel” promises Academy, Friends of the IDF, and AIPAC; to be a fascinating exploration of three Moses Glickman completed the Sinai Scholars program, millennia of history—surveying the and served on the board of Houston Hil- many empires that governed over the We are especially excited that our lel. We look forward to learning from Mo- land of Israel, from the Assyrians to the teacher for “The Empires of Israel” will be ses, and to doing a little kvelling as well! Ottomans. We will study, learn, and ask Moses Glickman, the oldest son of Rab- All are warmly welcome to this about each empire: What was their ori- bis Brenner and Elaine Glickman! While special evening. Please register at sara- gin? What was their historical impact? longtime members of Temple Emanu-El sotatemple.org to reserve your spot and And, of course, were they good for the may remember Moses as a boy of six, an receive the Zoom link, or call 379-1997 for Jews? enthusiastic volunteer in the gift shop, more information.

10 Fourteen Devices were present at the New Member Meet and Greet in October.

Membership Committee Welcomes New Members The Temple Emanu-El Member- Adrienne and Philip Hutt, who Fran Braverman, Dan Aminoff, ship Committee hosts New Mem- joined Temple Emanu-El one Cindy Aminoff, Rita Familant, ber Meet and Greets at least twice year ago, came to the Meet and Robert Familant, Philip Hutt, each year to give new members Greet to suggest starting a New Adrienne Hutt, Neil Schlossberg, the opportunity to socialize with Member Social Zoom for the Class Susan Schlossberg, Rabbi Michael Rabbi Brenner Glickman, Rabbi of 2020. Pictured in the screen Shefrin, Lee Vickman, and Arlene Michael Shefrin and other new shot are Rabbi Brenner Glickman, Bobrow. Membership Committee members. President Barry Gerber Leslie Podolsky, Kim Sheintal, Co-Chairs, Leslie Podolsky and led the New Member Meet and Roberta Berson, Frank Tuc- Kim Sheintal, are happy to see Greet on October 7. Never before ciarone, Judith Koziol, Ike Koziol, people continually joining Temple has a group of new members been Barry Gerber, Jack Braverman, Emanu-El during the pandemic. given a name, but Barry Gerber gave this group a name. Barry calls them the “Class of 2020”. These new members joined from Our membership extends deepest sympathy to Daryl Bayer, Rabbi April 15 through October 1, 2020. This group joined when the Susan Marks & Bruce Black, Rabbi Michael Shefrin, Priya Weiman, temple was not even having in- Rabbi Mimi Weisel, and their families on the death of a loved one so house services or in-house events. precious and dear. This group was eager to join and Our membership mourns the loss of Jan Coleman, Shirley Gordon get involved. These members will and Annie Lowenthal. never forget what Temple Emanu- May God’s strength and our support bring comfort to one and all. El life was like when they joined. 11 have all of the religious school children write TEE Peace Wall a message on the back of his/her tile. These Project tiles will then be sent back to Israel and glued to the peace wall. They will be grouped in a Going to Israel in the summer of 2019 with Temple Emanu-El section. Pictures will be Temple Emanu-El “Returnees,” was an taken so the children can see their tiles on the extraordinary experience. One of the many wall and locate their section within the larger highlights, was visiting Netiv Ha “Path to Peace” project. This is Part One of Asara and participating in the “Path to our vision. We hope to complete this by the Peace” project. Netiv HaAsara is located in conclusion of the school year. the northwest , bordering the Gaza Part Two is to create a Temple Emanu-El Strip. Walls have been erected to protect the “Path to Peace” wall in our religious school. community from missile bombings. There This will bring the project closer to home is constant fear. Living with shelters, alarms and generate a more personal connection and missiles, a resident of Netiv HaAsara between Israel and our students. Each stu- and a professional artist, Tsameret, felt a dent will create his/her own ceramic tile with need to beautify, project hope and unity, designs and appropriate messages. An overall while engaging the community in an artistic design will be created, and each student will project. What better way to bring the people glue his/her creation to the design. We hope together? “Path to Peace” is a mosaic by to complete this project by the conclusion of thousands of people who place tiles on the the school year 2022. The ownership of this border wall between Israel and the Gaza project for the children will be everlasting. strip.This unique project allows visitors to We would like to thank Sabrina Silver- take an active part in the peace process. berg, TEE Director of Education, for her Each person in our group chose a ce- continuing guidance, and also Barbara Peltz, ramic tile decorated with hearts, peace doves, our Sisterhood Representative, for her spirit flowers or words. We wrote a personal mes- and experience. sage on the back of the tile, and then glued each tile to the wall. The intensity of this generosity of sponsors Dr. Jane and Stephen Helene Davis & Paula Hayden, experience cannot be measured. Goldner, we are going to make this happen. Co-Chairs of the “Peace Wall Project” We immediately felt the need to bring Tiles have already been purchased from the TEE Israel Committee this project home. Through the kindness and artist in Israel and sent to us. Our goal is to

Thank You for Saving On behalf of the Philanthropy Commit- our Temple member, CEO Howard Tevlowitz, Our High Holidays tee and all of us at Temple Emanu-El, I am for a grant helping to support the production honored and grateful to acknowledge the 12 of our beautiful livestreamed High Holiday and Our Year! Love, congregants who generously responded to services. With these donations, and with the Philanthropy the call: Helane & Dr. Bruce Abramowitz, the generosity of 34 additional congregants, Barbara & Don Bernstein, Barbara & Barry who kindly donated anywhere from $100 Committee Gerber, Rabbis Elaine & Brenner Glickman, to $5,000, Temple Emanu-El has been able Paula Hayden, Bette & Arn Hoffman, Dee & to recover 80% of our anticipated shortfall. In September, Rabbi Glickman shared his Arnold Kaplan, Dr. Martin Max, Joan Blum These wonderful benefactors have helped to concern with our Temple Emanu-El family and Michael Richker, Dr. Joni Steinberg, Save Our High Holidays and Our Year. that the temple would suffer a significant loss and Michele & Frank Wieckowski. Even Your continued generosity and love for of income during this year of pandemic. Our though they are not congregants, Rebecca & Temple Emanu-El are heartfelt and appreci- leaders anticipated an alarming shortfall of Scott Barancik also honored the memory of ated. $200,000. A call for help went out in hopes their parents Margery & Chuck Barancik by Thank you. that 10 individuals would contribute $10,000 participating. each to help Save Our High Holidays and Our We also offer special thanks to the Jew- Michael Richker Year. ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, led by Philanthropy Chairperson 12 Rabbi Shefrin Renews Partnership with Temple Emanu-El

Temple Emanu-El’s Board of Trust- ees is thrilled to announce that the partnership between our wonder- ful congregation and our wonderful Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin has been extended! Rabbi Shefrin and Temple Presi- dent Barry Gerber recently signed a new six-year contract. Coming just leadership, and plain ole fun for a few months after the signing of a our congregation, staff, and Jewish new eight-year contract by Senior community! He brings enthusiasm, been forged with Temple Emanu-El, Rabbi Brenner Glickman, this news warmth, and dedication in his role as and with our beloved Senior Rabbi ensures that our both of our beloved Associate Rabbi. Brenner Glickman, and the relation- rabbis will continue to serve Temple “I am so happy our Dynamic Duo ships that have been built will con- Emanu-El for many years. will continue leading TEE for many tinue to develop and deepen.” “Since his hiring in 2016, Rabbi years to come!” she concluded. Rabbi Glickman shares this Shefrin has enjoyed significant Rabbi Shefrin is just as happy. “It excitement. “I am pinching myself milestones with the Tot Shabbat, is an absolute honor to have my con- to make sure I am not dreaming,” Religious School, and Adult Educa- tract extended and commit to con- he said. “This is just such wonderful tion programs,” Barry stated. “The tinuing to serve Temple Emanu-El news. Rabbi Shefrin would be won- temple owes overwhelming gratitude through 2026!” he exclaimed. “Since derful wherever he served, but he is to Rabbi Shefrin for his unselfish we arrived here four years ago, this truly at his best at Temple Emanu- loyalty to the temple and our mem- community has been like family to El. We have a connection together, bers. me, Shayna, Jacob, Rabbi Mimi, and the two of us, all of us, that is bigger “Rabbi Shefrin, along with Paul. In this current time of uncer- than the sum of its parts. We are Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman, tainty in the world, knowing I will be building something special. works to bring creative and interest- working alongside the outstanding “We are so blessed to have Rabbi ing programs to temple members,” staff and phenomenal lay leadership Shefrin as our rabbi,” he said, “and he added. “What a team—and in fact, of our temple brings a sense of secu- doubly blessed now that he will be I feel like the temple has won the rity and renewed purpose. staying long term.” World Series. We now have the two “It is with a smile that I look Concluded Rabbi Shefrin, “My best rabbis any temple could ever forward to our doing mitzvot and mission of serving God and the Jew- ask for!” continued growth and learning in ish people is reinvigorated at this Executive Director Christine this community. There is so much moment. We will be together in the Elliott echoed Barry’s enthusiasm. excitement within me to continue difficult moments and the glorious “The extension of Rabbi Shefrin’s to connect with our young members ones. I have immense gratitude to contract is truly a gift to us all,” she —the future of the Jewish people,” the Board of Trustees and member- stated. “Rabbi Shefrin provides in- he added. “For me, this contract af- ship of Temple Emanu-El. credible rabbinical guidance, strong firms that the sacred bond that has “What a blessing.”

13 A Unique and Joyous Sukkot for Temple Emanu-El Families and Children

Sukkot is traditionally celebrated by closely gathering with the community in a sukkah. This year, the covid pandemic made these intimate gatherings impossible. TEERS student Emma Zoller gets ready But Temple Emanu-El staff, families, for the scavenger hunt and children showed creativity, innova- tion, and dedication to make the holiday festive, meaningful, fun, and safe. The centerpiece of Temple Emanu- El’s Sukkot observance was a drive- through sukkah. Temple Emanu-El Re- ligious School (TEERS) and Tot Shabbat families came together to decorate the drive-through sukkah and offer a color- ful, welcoming opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of spending time in a sukkah even for those who could not interact with others outside their “bubble.” Temple Emanu-El families also Sloane Roberts waved her flag in the Tot participated in Sukkot gatherings that Shabbat Simchat Torah parade employed mask and social distanc- ing requirements to assure everyone’s health and safety. On Sunday, Octo- ber 4, Director of Education Sabrina Silverberg, MARE, led a huge and enthusiastic group of (masked and socially-distanced) children and parents in crafts, timed visits to the sukkah— and even custom-created the “Mystery Sukkot Wilderness Scavenger Hunt” for families to learn about and celebrate the holiday. And preschoolers gathered with their families on Saturday, October 10, to join Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin for a Drive-In Sukkot Tot Shabbat that included Sukkot crafts, snacks, and toys as well as songs, dance, and a socially- distant festive Simchat Torah parade. “We are so proud of our Temple Emanu-El young families for making Sukkot the joyous holiday it is intended difficult days was so affirming. It made to be, while staying safe,” Rabbi Elaine us proud to be Jews and to be carrying Rose Glickman stated. “Seeing children on Jewish traditions m’dor lador, from smiling and celebrating during these generation to generation.” 14 Brad and Ada Johnson prepared suk- kah decorations as part of the special morning

A New Way to Rejoice with the Torah

Although the coronavirus pandemic made it impossible for our Temple Emanu-El family to celebrate Simchat Torah with the traditional singing, dancing, and unrolling an entire Torah around the sanctuary, still we managed to rejoice in the holiday! Whether tak- ing a “tour” through the most famous Jeremy and Molly Hertzfeld enjoyed the Simchat Torah service together. passages of the Torah scroll with Rabbi Brenner Glickman, joining the rabbis in dancing at home as music director of Torah and exulted as we read the last Cynthia Roberts-Greene played a selec- verses of Deuteronomy—then immedi- tion of songs from our annual cycle of Andy Hertzfeld held his own Torah scroll ately began with the opening verses of holidays or reciting the blessings before during the livestreamed Simchat Torah Genesis. We look forward to another and after the Torah readings as a con- service year of celebrating, learning, and rejoic- gregation, we thanked God for the gift ing with the Torah!

Words We Use times called “grazing” or “noshing”— our conversations “Looking forward During Covid: “B’tavon”; and we say to our family members, to seeing you.” In Hebrew we can say, “B’TAVON”. “L’HITRAOT.” And/or we say “Be well”. “L’Hitraot”; “Zei Gezunt” In addition, we miss seeing friends In Yiddish this translates into ‘ZEI and loved ones. We talk on the phone, GEZUNT.” During these difficult times of CO- have zoom calls, use face time and for VID-19, we sometimes sublimate the the most part defer getting together in Toby Halpern, frustrations of being confined to our person. Past President and homes with additional eating—some- We sometimes say at the end of Member, Israel Committee

15 DECEMBER 7 Arthur Zipin 24 Stanton James Goldman ANNIVERSARIES 8 Colin Geffre 24 Benjamin Livshutz 3 David & Donna Koffman 8 David Lafferman 24 Hilary Yunis 5 Dr. Elliott & Judy Sauertieg 8 Riley Spingler 25 Rachael Feldman 8 Dave & Stacie Lowell 8 Judith Wertheimer 25 Raina Kurnov 9 Rabbi Jonathan & Marty Katz 8 Dr. Jonathan Yunis 25 Theodore Schwabach 12 Dr. Ira & Josie Shoulson 9 Michael Levitan 26 Dr. Fred Bloom 13 Gloria & Bill Weed 10 Dr. William Haiby 26 Noah Kindred 15 Dr. Michael & Denise Shereff 10 Susan J. Katz 26 Tess Koncick 16 Pam & Dr. Richard Brown 10 Sondra Kuskin 27 Emily Hoffberger 17 Dr. Marc & Ronni Loundy 10 Carole Ulin 27 Sydney Hoffberger 19 Albert & Meredith Ernst 10 Kaia Yturralde 27 Julianna Maggard 20 Jordan & Rookie Shifrin 10 Sophie Yturralde 28 Barbara Arch 21 Gordon & Ronna Baum 11 David Abolafia 29 Dr. Robert Jay Heller 21 Jules & Carol B. Green 11 Samantha Greenfield 29 Emma Shoulson 22 George & Felice Hedge 11 Bonnie Ross 30 Mia Amdur 23 Donald & Barbara Bernstein 12 Gabriel Yamada 30 Rabbi Aviva Berg 23 Paula & David Kaufman 13 Fran Braverman 30 Haley Jekonski 23 Michael & Judith Sylvan 13 Nancy Shapiro 30 Kim Schlosberg 24 Judith & Dr. Isaac Koziol 14 Chris Detwiler 30 Emily Stroud 24 Dr. Arthur & Julie Kupersmith 14 Leo Glickman 30 Rebecca Zion 25 Robert & Rita Familant 14 Deanne Kaplan 31 Cameron Grabisch 25 Andrew & Karen Hertzfeld 15 Mila Joseph Benderson 31 Elena Herman 26 Randall & Lori Benderson 15 Janis Gold 31 Katerina Herman 26 Dr. Bart & Joan Levenson 15 Mark Lowell 31 Alexandra Jefferson 26 Charlotte & Alan Miller 15 Danielle Rudd 31 Tammy Kaufman Jefferson 27 Dr. Martin & Dana Kline 15 Jayme Rudd 31 Neil Marcus 28 Steven & Gail Ludmerer 16 Rabbi H. Hirsch Cohen 31 Samantha Wagner 28 Dr. Rebekah & Daniel Weber 16 Aiden Pearson 30 Dr. Winston & Elizabeth Barzell 16 Sally Steele 30 Richard Bergman & Rebecca Schwartz 17 David Berkeley 30 Dr. Fane Sigal & Leah Verier-Dunn 17 Adam Caldwell 31 Michael Bernstein & Sarah Skebba 17 Ruth Feldman 31 Fred & Gail Snyder 17 Bob Meisel 17 Jeff Rudd 18 Benjamin Klein 18 Michael Svirsky 19 Shoshana Charlotte Benderson DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 19 Stanley Krawetz 1 Gianna Pastore 19 Linda Lichtman 1 Dr. Elliott A. Sauertieg 19 Philip Lieberman 2 Noah Goldberg 19 Josie Liederman 2 Joan Halpern 19 Sharon G. Miles 3 David Finkelstein 19 Jacob Zeke Shefrin 3 Dr. Deborah S. Hamm 20 Dr. Janet Hiller 3 Sheila Kasdan 20 Phyllis Loewengart 3 Sloane Ivy Roberts 20 Larissa Trope Mayer 4 Seth Berman 20 Douglas Popp 4 Jacob Carnes 20 Eitan Max Seldin-Schneider 4 Rita Familant 20 Rebekah Steinbach 5 Noah Hofing 20 Rebekah Steinbach 5 Donald Malawsky 22 Dr. Alan Wertheimer 5 Robert Miles 22 Jerrold Wexler 6 Jay Forgotson 23 Andrew Cohen 6 Richard Gross 23 Cantor Murray Simon 6 Megan Meese 6 Reina Spiegelman 6 Dr. Joni Steinberg 7 Laila Benderson 7 Jack Gary Feldstein 7 Emma Katz 7 Violet Navas 7 Wendy Lisabeth Starr 7 Sharon Weiss 7 Stanley Zinnamon

16 Sukkot by Carole & Howie Friedman by Bill & Gloria Weed CONTRIBUTIONS Temple Emanu-El by John & Lisa Deutsch F. Richard Schwabach, beloved father by Theodore Schwabach The Yizkor service by Norman Shear Adult Education Fund Fred Speier, beloved father by Karla Reens In Appreciation of: In Honor of: Gertrude Abramson, beloved mother Bruce Black’s memoir writing class Barbara Arch, in memory of Marty by Barbara Allen by Janet Hiller Arch & thank you for giving Marty the Gil Baram, beloved brother by Uzi Baram Covid Relief Fund artistic dog a new home by Michael Richker Jack Blum, beloved father-in-law & Joan Blum by Elaine Blum In Appreciation of: Rabbi Elaine’s birthday by Debbie Yonker Jacob Cohn, beloved brother Barry Gerber for educating us on the Renee Gold by Bill & Gloria Weed by Sol & Barbara Cohn natural world by Ruth Kay Goldman Jacob L. Barowsky, beloved father Rabbi Shefrin for helping me with In Memory of: by Edith Eskenasy special blessings by Ruth Kay Goldman Betsy Gertz, beloved of Barry Gertz & Jeffrey Raymond, beloved son-in-law Family by Ed & Marlene Greene, Rita & Barry Mazer by Marvin Cohen Endowment Fund Phyllis Diamond, our beloved friend Kenneth Sandbank, beloved brother In Appreciation of: by Olivia Beck by Sally & Jay Steele Christine, Jesse, Marian & Liz for the Kitty Eisenberg, beloved mother by Joel & Sherrie Eisenberg amazing holiday services by Barbara & Refuah Shleimah: Barry Gerber Andy Hertzfeld, who directed us to Leon Beroth, beloved father by Steven & Leslie Chase Our Yom Kippur candle lighting holiday livestream services by Barbara & Barry Gerber by Jay S. Drotman Memorial Fund Lila Brainin, beloved mother by Andrea Lieberman Michele Wieckowski by Louise & Stan Levinson Lillian Cahn, beloved mother In Honor of: by Joyce C. Smolkin by Diane Chechik-Temple Renee Gold by Louise & Stan Levinson Renee Gold Lloyd Rosenbaum, beloved father by Jan Rosenbaum Yahrzeit In Memory of: Yahrzeit In Memory of: Louis Patkin, beloved father Franklyn Thomas, beloved father Adelaide “Sissie” Kotkins, beloved by Dr. & Mrs. Alan Shuman by Barbara & Barry Gerber aunt by Kathy Rance Louis Stoller, beloved father by Alice Burd Larry Panaia, beloved father Barbara Morris, beloved late wife Lowell Sennett, beloved father by Betty Perlmutter by Alvan Morris by Laura Abrams Beverly Krenitz, beloved mother Margaret Crane, beloved mother Fine Family Camping Fund by Ronni & Marc Loundy by Fred Crane In Honor of: Brandyl Shuman, beloved mother Michael Rosenbaum, beloved brother Hank Goldsby’s special birthday by Dr. Alan M. Shuman by Jan Rosenbaum by Anonymous Celia Issenberg Parker, beloved Oscar Heit, beloved uncle by Matthew Heit mother by Roberta Berson & Frank Tucciarone Pamela Meisel by Bob Meisel General Fund David B. Blum, beloved husband Rabbi Moses Sasso, beloved father In Appreciation of: by Joan Blum by Joy Finnimore Holiday & Friday service David Max Whitehorn, beloved Rhea Sirkin, beloved mother by Terry & Sam Roth great-uncle by Rochelle Harned by Sherrie & Joel Eisenberg Holiday services by Lauren, Howie, Ithan & David Stone, beloved father Robert Burd, beloved husband Marc Ash; Greta & Mel Green; Susan Eckert; Gloria by Barbara Lifsec by Alice Burd Levine; Maxine & Robert Greenberg; Marilyn & Larry Dr. Michael Liftman by Alvin H. Liftman Rosalind Familant, beloved mother Kessler; Roslyn Perler Edith Noosbond, beloved mother by Robert Familiant Lovely services that are free on the by Debbie Yonker Sharma Breverman, beloved mother web by Tim & Susy Childers Elaine Baverman, beloved mother by Bettianne & Hal Marcus Rabbi Glickman & Rabbi Shefrin for by Rochelle Harned Steven Grossman, beloved brother holiday services by Allan & Barbara Gardner Ettie Gold, beloved great aunt by Elaine Blum

17 Stuart A. Beloff, beloved husband My beloved husband Robert’s first Goldberg; Linda Weiss; Debbie Yonker; Sharlya Gold; by Fae Beloff yahrzeit by Cielo Myers Barbara & Barry Gerber Victor Goldberg, beloved husband by Esther Goldberg In Memory of: In Memory of: William Stadler, beloved husband Annie Lowenthal, beloved mother of Tushar Parikh, beloved father of Priya by Diane Stadler Debby & Joel Neiterman & Family Weiman by Helane & Bruce Abramowitz by Rhonda & Bernie Abramowitz; Dorothy Kipness; Prayer Book Fund Anonymous Yahrzeit In Memory of: In Memory of: Barbara Fleisher, beloved sister of Betty Seidel, beloved mother Barbara Fleisher, beloved sister of Linda Weiss by Betty & Fred Crane by Barry & Leslye Seidel Linda Weiss by Mona Salomon Jan Coleman, beloved wife of Larry Elaine P. Schwartzman, beloved Coleman by Genie & Les Aberson mother by Emmet Schwartzman Rabbi Glickman’s Discretionary Pearl Goodman by Bob & Terri Tyson Hillard Aberson, beloved father Fund by Les & Genie Aberson In Appreciation of: Rabbi Elaine Glickman’s Discre- Steven Suchanec, beloved father Rabbi Brenner Glickman tionary Fund by Barry & Leslye Seidel by Esther Goldberg; Jason Toale; Jan Neitlich; Debbie In Memory of: Yonker Religious School Fund Tushar Parikh, beloved father of Priya Rabbis Brenner & Elaine Glickman In Appreciation of: Weiman by Helane & Bruce Abramowitz by Linda Weiss; Barbara & Barry Gerber Lina Joffe’s fluid dance class by Alice Cotman In Honor of: Rabbi Shefrin’s Discretionary Gwenn Heyman’s daughter, Jordan’s Fund marriage to Aaron by Genie & Les Aberson In Appreciation of Rabbi Michael Shefrin by Jason Toale; Esther

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Moses Glickman is the son of Rabbis Brenner and Elaine Glickman, grew up at Temple Emanu-El, and is now a junior at Rice University. In addition to studying mathematical economic analysis, statistics, and emerging markets, he has created curricula about ancient history and modern Israel for Congregation Emanu-El in Houston, Texas. He directed and staffed a trip to Israel for student leaders, represented Rice University at the Maccabee Academy, Friends of the IDF, and AIPAC, completed the Sinai Scholars program, and served on the board of Houston Hillel. We look forward to learning from Moses, and to doing a little kvelling as well.

25 26 27 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Temple Emanu-El TIME VALUE US POSTAGE 151 McIntosh Road Please Deliver Sarasota, FL 34232 by Dec 1 PAID Office 941-371-2788 MANASOTA, FL Maintenance 941-371-2805 PERMIT #63 Religious School 941-378-5567 Pre School 941-377-8074 www.sarasotatemple.org Rabbi ...... Brenner Glickman Associate Rabbi ...... Michael Shefrin President ...... Barry Gerber Immediate Past President ...... Ken Marsh Brotherhood President ...... Rich Fine Sisterhood Co-Presidents ...... Susan Simon and SusanMeisel Executive Director ...... Christine Elliott Religious School Education Director ...... Sabrina Silverberg Susan Schwaid Early Learning Center Director ...... Elaine Sharrock Choir Director/Organist ...... Cynthia Roberts-Greene Times Editor ...... Alan Zuckerman Times Co-Editor ...... Dr. Eleanor Wachs Times Editorial Staff ...... Mary Alterman, Ellen Lenk, Herbert Lenk, Howie Goldberg, Joan Levenson, Sharlya Gold

Log into your Amazon account through smile.amazon.com and select Temple Emanu-El as your chosen charity. Current contributions—$589.13 (as of Aug 2020)