QUEENSLAND PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2007-2008 CONTENTS QPAC vision, mission and values 3 Transmittal letter 5 Chairman’s report 7 Performance summary 8 Future direction 11 Strategic goals Create 12 Participation 17 Leadership 20 Service 22 Resources 24 Corporate governance 27 Board of trustees 29 The year in review 33 Financial statements 39 Feedback 68 The annual report is an account of the fi nancial and non- fi nancial performance of the Queensland Performing Arts Trust (known as QPAC) during the 2007-2008 fi nancial year. This report can also be accessed by the public through the QPAC website at qpac.com.au. QPAC is committed to open and accountable governance and welcomes feedback on this report. Please email any comments or suggestions to
[email protected] or complete and return the feedback form at the back of this report. Boat, KITE Arts Education Program at QPAC. Photographer Justine Walpole. Cover: The Love of the Nightingale. Photographer James Rogers. 1 THE BEST IN LIVE PERFORMANCE The Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) is a vital component of the state’s dynamic cultural sector, fostering an environment of innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and learning. Through the presentation of a high quality and innovative program of performing arts, QPAC connects audiences, artists, communities and industry. Operating under a unique curatorial framework, QPAC has dual functions as a performing arts centre of international standing and an entrepreneurial producer of high quality performing arts product. The Centre’s program consists of entrepreneurial ventures, commercial hires and a curated, non-commercial program across art forms that incorporates specifi c initiatives for children and young people.