Review of CCA Studies in SW China LI Bo1, Yang Fangyi, Mu Suo, Zhang Zhongyun, Sun Shan, Shen Xiaoli, Lu Zhi FANG, Zhendong 2003 A Monk is feeding the White-eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon, National Appendix II Protected, IUCN Near Threatened), at the Zhuojie Monastery, Sichuan PR China 1 Li Bo can be reached by email:
[email protected] i 0(ecuti1e Summary Case 11 ,ibetan lady and Xhia'e'ba sacred mountain in Cuochi Village. By Lu Bin, 2008. ,his study on community conser1ed areas in the SW China Biodi1ersity 3otspot is timely. China has been continuously e(periencing ambitious economic de1elopment or the last twenty years, while the en1ironment and natural resources ha1e seen e1ident trends o rapid deterioration. ,he risks o worsening status o biodi1ersity and ecological sa ety, ood security, are haunting the county as ne1er be ore. Conse7uently, the go1ernment determination to re1erse the trends, mani ested by the establishment o nature reser1es, has witnessed a sharp rise in the last decade, particularly in the Western region o China - o1er 85: o the national total size o the protected area is in the western region which is nearly 80: o national total land mass and home to ma.ority o ethnic groups in China. ,he rapid growth o protected area is achie1ed by replicating the e(periences o the PAs management system in the 0astern or coastal region to the Western region. Since the turn the this century, two other ma.or polices, one on establishing small protected areas seemingly similar to that o CCAs and the other on the collecti1e orest property re orm, ha1e also been replicating e(periences rom 0astern and coastal region to the Western pro1inces.